#i made him strawberry blond at first but it didnt really click in my head
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vanyafresita · 10 months ago
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me, after catching up w malevolent: ok lets sketch my designs for some characters to have a reference before drawing any serious fanart
my silly ass: draws that one meme
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fan-imagines · 5 years ago
Scott McCall~Being an Argent Pt. 1/?
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<follows storyline, so may contain *spoilers*>
Scott McCall x FemReader
Series Synopsis - Scott falls for you instead of your cousin Allison. After a few months, you get the bite, and you mom tries to kill you since you’re an Argent. You run away from her, and she makes up a story to tell. You come back when there is a threat in Beacon Hills, and everyone is astounded that you’re alive.
Part Synopsis - you meet Scott in school after he offers a pen, and then again when you hit a dog in the rain.
Word Count - 1.6k+
**Warnings** hitting a dog.. that’s it i think
a.n. sorry i didnt post last week! life has been crazy with work and friends, but school is starting up soon, so i should hopefully be back! thanks for reading!
‘’No, mom, I don’t know if I can do this. I’m freaking out.’’ I say through the phone to my mom. I am standing outside Beacon Hills High School, awaiting my first day. It’s the middle of the semester, but my family moved. Again.  
‘’At least you’ll have Allison who already knows people there. Have you seen her yet?’’ I look around the parking lot quickly, scanning for her car.  
‘’No, I haven’t.’’
‘’Well, you’ll see her soon. Do you have everything you need? Do you remember your locker combination?’’  
‘’I think so. Let me write it down though, just in case.’’ I open up my bag, and rummage through it, trying to find a pen to write on my hand with. ‘’Mom, I didn’t even bring a pen. I brought everything I need, but a pen. How has my day started like this already?’’ I groan into the phone.
‘’It’ll be alright, Y/n.’’ The school bell rings, and I start walking to the doors, still not seeing Allison. Maybe she came early.  
‘’Well, that’s the bell mom. I’ll see you after school.’' She says goodbye, and I hang up and quickly walk to my classroom, not having time to stop by my locker.  
I make my way inside the room, and stop when the teacher steps in front of me.  
‘’You must be Y/n Argent, yes?’’ I nod and lightly smile at him. ‘’Great. Everyone settle down, now. We have a new student joining us. This is Y/n Argent. Everyone give her a warm welcome.’’ I smile lightly and give a small wave. He gestures for me to sit down, and I make my way to the only open seat I see behind a boy with shaggy brown hair. I bend to set my bag down, and when I look back up, the boy is holding a pen in front of me. ^^^ My eyebrows scrunch as I look at it, but my face quickly lifts into a smile as I grab it from him.
‘’Thanks.’’ The teacher begins talking, and I take out a notebook to write notes with. I click open the pen, and look at it again, still confused as to how this boy knew I needed a pen. Regardless, I appreciate it and I try to focus on the lesson.
The lesson is over in no time, I already knew everything he was saying, so it wasn’t hard to follow along. The bell rings, and everyone files out into the hallway. I make my way to my locker for the first time today. I thankfully remember my combination and I put away the books I don’t need for the next few classes. I feel eyes on me, and I turn to see the boy from my class looking in my direction. I feel my face heat up and I smile at him. He smiles back shyly. My attention is turned away from him when Allison make her way into my view. 
‘’Oh my gosh! I missed you!’’ She says to me. I smile genuinely at her and we hug each other.
‘’I missed you too!’’
‘’How was your first day here?’’
‘’It was good. I-’’ I get cut off by a girl with strawberry-blonde hair as she says something to me.
‘'I love your shirt. Where did you get it?’’  
‘’I, umm, from my mom was an assistant for a designer for a small boutique where I used to live.’’ I shift my eyes to Allison, but she lightly nods.  
‘’This is my friend Lydia, Y/n.’’ She says to me. Lydia sticks her hand out for me to shake. I don’t even get to grab it when a boy swoops into her, and they hug. 
‘’Hey, Jackson. This is Y/n. She’s new here.’’ I wave to him. He acknowledges me with a nod, and turns back to Lydia. ‘’So, this weekend, there’s a party.’’ Says Lydia.
‘’A party?’’ I question. I don’t usually attend parties, mostly because I was always the freaky new girl at my previous schools.  
‘’Yeah, it’s on Friday night. You should come.’’ Jackson says to me. Hearing it’s on Friday makes my face fall.
‘’Oh, umm, I can’t. I have this family thing on Fridays.’’
‘’Really, everyone is going. After the scrimmage.’’ Jackson still pushes.  
‘’Like football?’’ I question, not understanding what a ‘scrimmage’ is.  
‘’No, football is a joke in Beacon Hills. The sport here is lacrosse. We’ve won the state championship for the last three years.’’ He says proudly.  
‘'Because of a certain team captain.’’ Lydia chimes in, meaning him.  
‘’We have practice in a few minutes, you should come. That is if you don’t have anything else to do.’’ I was thinking about going to the library after school.
‘’Well, I was-’’ But I'm cut off again by Lydia.  
‘’Perfect, you’re coming.’’ She links her arm around my right, and Allison giggles and does the same with my left as we follow Jackson, but not before I make eye contact with the boy from earlier again.
Lacrosse practice took about an hour and a half or so. I learned the boy’s name. It’s Scott McCall, and he’s super good at lacrosse. He caught every ball thrown at him, even Jackson’s. Which, apparently is a big deal. Allison told me that he wasn’t good until today.  
I did go to the library still, and I didn’t realize what time it was until the librarian told me they had to close up the school. It was dark outside when I looked up. My mom called me, telling me to hurry home because it was going to storm.  
I run to my car quickly to get out of the rain that is already pouring down. I settle myself before making my way back to my new house. It’s super dark out, and the rain doesn’t help, so I drive extra cautious. My phone buzzes to my side, and I see Allison’s name pop up. I turn my attention to it for a second to read what it says when something hits front of my car. I come to a halt, causing my entire body to jerk. I put my car in park and run out of the car, not caring about the rain. I move to the front to see a gorgeous dog laying on the ground, illuminated by the headlights of my car. Tears instantly come to my eyes, seeing this helpless dog that I just hit. I run to my trunk, and throw it open. I run back to the dog and lift it into my trunk. I remember seeing an animal clinic a few blocks down.  
I speed back to where I saw it and whip into the parking lot, not caring if I'm in the lines or not. I hop out of my car, and rush to the front door of the building. I rapidly knock on the door while continuously looking back out to my car, hoping the dog is okay. I bang on the door again, and run my hand through my hair, in stress as I feel tears fall down my already soaked face.  
Scott opens the door, but my brain doesn’t fully register it’s him, I just start blurting out everything.
‘’I didn’t see it. I took my eyes off the road for like, half a second to look at a text from my cousin, and then this dog, it just came out of nowhere!’’
‘’It’s alright. It’s alright. It’s alright.’’ He says completely calm, which is the total opposite of myself. ‘’Do you remember where it happened so I can send animal control to go find it?’'
‘'No! I mean, yes. I remember where I hit it, but the dog is-’’
‘’Where is it?’’
‘’It’s in my car.’’ I point. He nods and makes his way to my car, following closely behind me. I open the trunk and the dog growls at the both of us. I jump back, but Scott grabs my side to stabilize me.  
‘'You okay?’’ I nod and swallow the think lump in my throat, ‘’She’s just frightened.’’
‘’I can relate.’’ I whisper.  
‘’Let me see if I have any better luck.’’ He says. He looks at the dog, and lifts his hand for the dog to sniff. The dog whines, and he picks it up, walking into the clinic. He lays the dog on a metal table and examines over it. I stand behind him, nervously twiddling my finger.  
‘’Is she okay?’’
‘’I think her leg is broken. I’ve seen the doctor do many splints before. I can do it myself, then give her a painkiller for now,’’ I nod and shiver, starting to feel cold from the wet clothes, and the air conditioning in the building. ‘’I have a shirt in my bag.’’ I quickly dismiss him.
‘'No, I don’t want to trouble you anymore than I already have.’' As I say this, he reaches in his bag and hands me a shirt.  
‘’Here.’’ I smile, and grab it from him. Really wanting to not be in the cold shirt, and also wanting to wear it because it’s his. I walk into another room, but not too far, not wanting too much distance between us. My mind starts to wander to the boy in the room. He is really nice and different. In a good way. I haven’t met anyone like him before. The way Lydia and Allison talked about him made him out to be outcasted. I pull off the shirt and shudder again when the air hits my bare torso. I pull the shirt over my head, and smile at the smell. I shake the thoughts out of my head, and go back into the room.
‘’Thank you for doing this. I feel like an idiot.’’ He chuckles and looks up at me.
‘’How come?’’ He asks me as he pets the dog.
‘’I don’t know. Cause I freaked out like a total girl.’’
‘’You are a girl.’’ He laughs.
‘’I freaked out like a little girl, and I’m not a little girl.’'
‘'What kind of girl are you?’’ He asks.
‘’Well, I can tell you, I’m tougher than that. At least, I thought I was.’’ I look back at the dog.
‘’Hey, I would have been freak out too. In fact, I'd probably cry. And not like a man either. Like the littlest girl ever. It’d be pathetic.’’ I giggle at this, feeling better.
‘'Yeah, right.’’  
He scoffs then sighs before speaking, ‘’So, it looks like she’s gonna live. I’m pretty sure she’ll let you pet her know if you wanted.’’ I shake my head lightly.
‘’I don’t think so.’’
‘'Come on, you don’t want her to sue. I heard this breed is very litigious.’' I look at his eyes, trying to decide. I nod and reach my hand out to pet her side. She’s so soft, and she doesn’t back at me, so I smile. ‘’You see? She likes you.’' I continue to smile and turn to him when I feel his eyes on me, trying not to blush.
‘’What?’’ I ask him.
‘’Sorry. You have an eyelash on your cheek.’’
‘’Oh, it’s probably from my ridiculous crying.’' I wipe my cheek and look back down at the dog.
‘’Here.’’ I look to him and he is reaching his hand up to my cheek. He brushes it away gently. I feel a blush coming, but I try my best to have it subside.  
‘’Yeah.’’ He nods.
‘’Well, I need to get going home. My mom is going to freak out, she hasn’t seen me all day.’’  
‘’I’ll walk you out.’' I pet the dog one more time before I follow Scott out of the building. I get to my car, and turn to Scott when he begins speaking.  
‘’So, umm, I was wondering, I mean, do you really have a ‘thing’ Fridays? Or do you think maybe you’d like to go that party with me?’' My eyes scrunch in confusion.
‘’My ‘thing’ was a total lie.’’
‘’So, is that a yes? Will you go with me?’’ My smile enlarges and i nod.
‘’A definite yes.’’ I get into my car, and start it up. He waves at me through the windshield and I wave back before reversing out of the spot and make my way home.
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witchcraft-in-wonderland · 4 years ago
Queen of the Dead (Pt.1)
"No you go first!" Helena pushed her friend's arm slightly, laughing as they sat on her bed.
"Ok- promise you wont laugh?" Bones (he picked the name himself), looked nervously at Helena for confirmation, Helena gave a slight nod.
"I have a qpp-" Bones replied, shrinking back slightly.
"Why would I laugh at that? That's great!" Helena said, giving him a slight punch on the shoulder.
"I uh- tripped over a trash can, nearly spilled their lunch, and managed to get hot soup on my pants immediately after asking them-" Helena had to bite her lip at that one.
"You said you wouldnt laugh!" Bones pouted.
"I'm not laughing! I'm not!" Helena replied, desperately trying to hold it together.
"You were going to! I can tell!" Bones said, now barely holding back his own laughter.
"What! You have to admit it is kind of funny," Helena said, covering her mouth as she relaxed.
"Ok- fine, maybe a little funny," Bones said grumpily.
"So tell me about them!" Helena said excitedly.
"Short, blue hair, cutest chubby cheeks you've ever seen- gods I could hold their face in my hands all day- brown eyes," Bones said.
"Oooohhhh! You mean Honey!" Helena said as the peices finally clicked in her head.
"Yeah! I thought you didnt know each other?" Bones tilted his head slightly.
"Not well, they help me in Japanese sometimes," Helena replied.
"Oh- yeah I think they mentioned that, they dont blame you, they had the same issue learning english," Bones continued.
"So are you going to tell me what you did or are you gonna keep putting it off? Did you murder your husband or something? Are you a tragically widowed old rich lady now?" Bones laughed at the look of annoyance on Helena's face.
"For your information, no, I did not murder the husband that I have yet to aquire, I got a tattoo," Helena said, turning around her back was facing her best friend.
"No way! You told me you chickened out!" Bones said, looking at the skull, roses, and wings now permanently staining Helena's pale skin.
"If I remember correctly, you were the one who wanted to chicken out," Helena said.
"What? Nonono they just didnt have good enough colors, I'm not a chicken!" Bones said, pouting.
"Bones I told you, as long as you get a more vibrant color itll stay, I mean cmon light colors wont even stay that easily on my skin, and you once lost me in a snow storm," Helena replied.
"I'd probably have lost you in a bath and body works to if we could have gone to the mall," Bones said with a laugh.
"Ew dont make me think about that! I may be basic but I'm not that basic!" Helena giggled, running a hand over her strawberry blonde pixie to fix the red headband she'd tied in it.
"You cried because they ran out of your favorite Starbucks drink once," Bones said sardonically. Helena let out a whine.
"Alright you two! Dinner time!" Helena's mother called from downstairs.
"Coming!" Helena said, hopping off her bed and racing downstairs.
"Oh sure, leave me here, I'll be fine," Bones said sarcastically as he got up.
"Its Spaghetti Saturday! I cant just wait!" Helena replied.
"Ok like- you're so white that I'm surprised hanging out with you for ten years hasnt blinded me yet," Bones replied as he sat down next to her.
"Oh shut up and eat your twink worms-" Helena said.
Bones had just brought the fork to his face before he burst out laughing. "T-twink worms????" He said as he tried to catch his breath.
"Yeah! They're skinny, they're hairless, and they look like worms!" Helena said.
"Helena all worms are skinny and hairless," Bones said.
"Then all worms are twinks," Helena replied.
"If either one of you brings a raw chicken out to prove a point I'm banning you from talking in the dining room," Helena's mother said as she sat down.
"Ma'am please dont give her any ideas," said Bones.
"Hey! If I want to put a chicken corpse on the table I'll do it!" Helena said. Her mother let out a sigh.
Bones and Helena raced back upstairs immeadietly following dinner, Helena pulling out her laptop as soon as she got on the bed. She pulled up Skype and clicked on one of the side icons, waiting to see if her friend was available before calling.
It took a few minutes before she got a response, but xe had initiated a call almost immediately after.
"Hey Rue," Helena said as the mess of dark brown curls popped up on the screen. Rue's hair was, as usual, pulled into a ponytail, not that it did much for xem, since it was already so thick.
"Helena, hey, big news, the biggest news," Rue said as xe looked into the camera.
"What is it?" Helena said, foot shaking slightly from where it hung off the edge of the bed.
"TWO new sightings since yesterday! One of them a full bodied apparition! Can you believe it!" Rue said excitedly.
"Completley? No smokey limbs or anything?" Helena asked.
"Full-bodied! No missing anything!" Rue said, clapping xir hands together and letting out a small squeak.
"And what about the second one?" Bones asked, leaning his head on Helena's lap.
"Just a head, it kept chanting, I think it was french?" Rue said as xe twirled a strand of hair around xir finger.
"Ooohhh! French revolution ghost! But why would that be in America?" Bones said, raising an eyebrow.
"Haunted object, curse, really dedicated arch nemesis, who knows," Rue said.
The trio kept talking about ghosts for a while, and then it was time for Bones to go home.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Helena said as she closed the door.
"Dont get hit by a bus!" Bones replied with a salute. Helena laughed as she closed the door.
"Helena dear?" Her mother said from the living room.
"Yeah mom?" Helena said, turning on her heel.
They waited for a while
"Its- nothing- nevermind- go on to sleep," he mother said, Helena merely shrugged and made her way to her room, staring lazily at the glow in the dark painted stars on her ceiling as she drifted off to sleep.
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