#i made celebi SPECIFICALLY for his dialga
gardenofgods · 2 years
oh i also forgot to mention yesterday. during my blog cleanup, i also removed celebi from my muse list. i likely wont be removing kyogre - i dont want to do that and she has existed outside of preston’s muse for years and years, but celebi is a different story. im sorry to anyone that enjoyed him as a muse, i just don’t think i can bring myself to write him anymore
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fujii-draws · 3 months
had another thought about your big bad ghost dad after reading the ficlet starring him and aimilly. how much do you think dusknoir wonders about how his future would've played out if he acted differently? while most scenarios would probably end in "his untimely demise", i can see it as a subject that would plague him a bit, specifically following his post-betrayal and his se5 redemption arc. how different would it all have played it out if he was honest? if he didnt care so much about his own existence being at stake, primal dialga be damned? what if he was kind and genuine, not opting to play with the kindness bestowed upon him from the two kids who mattered to him the most, and simultaneously planning the part where he tears them apart mentally and physically after spitting that love back in their faces (even for how much he dug himself into it, and some level *understood* that it could not be that way)? what if he didnt constantly betray everyone, including himself? what if he could really be the legend everyone made out of him to be, and not just a ghastly mockery? what if he could be anyone else but himself? and for how unhealthy it would be to dwell on the past and try to look towards the future, dusknoir knows his own future beckons and calls upon him through his own demons. he has many scores to settle, too much of them to count.
Ah. About that.
Dusknoir realizing on that mountain that there was a chance of every future Pokémon reviving, regardless of altering the course of time would plague him.
He never had to harm them. He could have been there for Ribbons and Aimilios. Every step of the way. When they were finding the Hidden Land. When they traversed the daunting Tower. When he and Ribbons began to disappear in front of Aimilios momentarily, scooping up both Pokémon to reassure them everything would be okay. Knowing that he could have been there to continuously protect them. To comfort them.
…It leads to many, many sleepless nights when he’s traversing the newly healed future with Grovyle and Celebi at the start. Knowing that there was a different path he could’ve taken. That he could have kept them so close to him. That he never had to harm them why did he harm them—
Many warm, heartfelt memories he once proclaimed as ‘meaningless’ and ‘unnecessary’, are now replaying in his head over and over. Like a broken record. Sometimes even thinking of potential futures, where all three of them were still close, still happy. Still—
Even if Ribbons and Aimilios continue to live on. The wraith still has leftover blood on his hands. Stains that never wash away until years later.
(Which also, is something I thought about when making the ‘Hate’ animatic. Mainly during the point where he promises that he would have never hurt them if he could go back and change his previous actions. It’s no fucking wonder Ribbons snaps at that point. Like ‘Oh? You would have been there for me and my partner now because you know you would’ve been safe? Because now, there’s no burdening choice of being there for us when we needed you most?’ Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve heard Aimilios crying because he still misses you even after EVERYTHING you DID—‘)
(I love writing him selfishly as possible. Just. His glaring flaws despite how much of genuine, kindhearted ghost he is without the fear of being erased dangling over him 24/7. And willing to throw out his moral compass out the window just to ensure his own survival.)
But in short, Yes. It messes him up. A lot. (Hence the dark, inkblotted tears at the end of the Never Love an Anchor animatic.)(I try to use crying-Dusk as sparingly as possible but that reason you just explained right there sinnoh is the reason why he does.)(at least Celebi and Grovyle are too deep in their slumbers to witness the ghost-type’s silent tears.)
He nearly stole their futures,
Now he’ll never get to share one with them.
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protokirby · 11 months
I had some sort of doozy of a dream.
I've had dreams like this before that are about "discontinued pokemon that exist in specific older games and can't be transferred and are also really obscure/forgotten". Think stuff like spiky eared pichu except these are whole other creatures with their own designs and are a hundred times more forgotten.
I remember one looked like some kind of fluffy ice dragon that kind of looked like a yeti at the same time. Its pre evolution looked like a fluffy ice bat.
My memory is fuzzy about most of the others but I remember that Groudon was there and its sprite had blue stripes to match Kyogre's red stripes. Reasonably though, ignoring the fact this was all a dream, this Groudon probably would have been still transferable to later games. Just its sprite would change to how it normally looks upon reaching another game.
Main big thing that made me wake up squinting my eyes with confusion was, my au Hop who's called by the name of Reaper (instead of being called Hop like a normal au Hop). He was in the dream and apparently one of the discontinued pokemon and the dream told me that I was simply a fan of this "obscure discontinued pokemon" and like- idk how canon Hop would have fit into this logic but hey it's a dream. What even has logic? Anyhoo, in the dream, his name as a pokemon instead was "Onigoboros" which is probably a complete nonsense word, idk really(sounds like it's got the word 'oni' in it- also hinting towards 'goblin' but ???), except I have heard it once before in a different dream a long time ago as a creature name. (On some kind of creature that was like a secret love child between cthulu and a minotaur) That's the part of this that really confused me even more than the au Hop being secretly a forgotten and discontinued pokemon. I knew continuity in my dreams was legendary (if re-using a made up name I haven’t thought of in years even counts as continuity) but dang. A name from a creature that was a combination of cthulu and a minotaur being re-used for that au Hop in particular is crazy because he's also something of a minotaur with cosmic entity powers.
Somewhere, Ryuki was in this dream. I can't quite remember what sort of plot relevancy he had in the dream, but he was friends with a celebi and a dialga.
Also I think the au Hop was like one of those mythical pokemon like jirachi or meloetta or something because he was giving off those vibes in the dream while he was randomly appearing to Ryuki like a curious mew
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tombstone-pisa · 2 years
I haven't seen any ghost aus so I decided to be really, really mean to Emmet. I mean, ghosts are canon in pokemon! :)
Ingo never comes to the future and Emmet never manages to reunite with him in the past. No matter what he does, how hard he tries, he just can't seem to find a trace of his missing brother. It's like Ingo just vanished. He never gives up, though! He goes to Alola to investigate Ultra Beasts and to Johto to try and find Celebi. He even heads to Sinnoh, thinking that maybe Dialga or Palkia will have the solution.
That's where he finds Ingo's grave in the burial grounds of some half-forgotten clan.
It sucks. He cries a lot. He starts grieving all over again. Everyone seems to think he'd get some sort of closure from finally finding out what happened, but it just made him feel worse. All he can think about is Ingo dying alone a region and century away.
Emmet goes home. There's still a subway to run, there's still pokemon that need him. He knows Ingo would never forgive him for leaving their pokemon behind, but he's definitely thinking about ending it. Like, what's the point? He resolves to take care of their pokemon and the subway until he's found someone that he thinks is worthy to pass the mantle on to. It's a decision made in the depths of despair, thinking about how he never told Ingo how he feels about him. Thinking about what their last words to each to the other were, thinking about whether Ingo went peacefully or not. Listening to voicemails from Ingo because he can't remember his voice otherwise.
When he gets home, Chandelure is acting funny. It keeps trying to lead him out of the house or to specific rooms. When it's not doing that, it vocalizes seemingly at random. Emmet's usually very kind to Chandelure, he's kind to all of his pokemon but Chandelure was Ingo's partner so he's a little more lenient with it. But he's at the end of his rope and snaps a few times or even ignores it outright.
And then one day Chandelure gets fed up. It flares its fire up a little and poof - there's Ingo. Standing right beside it, looking confused and worse for wear. He's older and his uniform is torn up and his posture is shit. But it's Ingo! Emmet goes to hug him and phases right through.
His heart is already on the way to breaking when Ingo asks who he is and where they are. Ingo's been dead for a very, very long time. He was the last of the ghosts in the burial ground. It's been so long that he's not quite connected to the living realm, fading in and out.
(Chandelure goes out at night a lot. It and Ingo spend a lot of time together and Ingo always seems stronger afterwards. Stray pokemon are disappearing. Visitors are getting sick. Emmet can't find it within himself to care.)
Over the next few days, the two of them try to adjust. Constant interaction with Emmet and Chandelure helps Ingo to become more solid, more present. He's not so confused and sometimes even remembers things from life with Emmet. His voice grows from a whisper to nearly matching his old volume. Sometimes, Emmet can feel the faintest pressure when they try to touch each other.
Emmet goes back to work. People give him a lot of weird looks for being so cheerful in the wake of his brother's death. He doesn't mind! It does break his heart when Ingo tries to interact with the depot agents or passengers and they just look through him, though. Ingo likes being around people, likes helping them. The enforced solitude is bad for him.
(Even the senior Depot Agents won't go in the abandoned tunnels anymore. Chandelure is never in its pokeball. The subway seems darker, somehow. Colder. There's a wave of sickness in Nimbasa, spilling out from around Gear Station in lazy spirals. Chandelure's fire burns brighter every day.)
(Someone jokingly asks Emmet about calling some ghost-hunters. The look on his face is enough to shut them up.)
(Emmet wonders if Ingo knows what exactly it is that's sustaining him, that's keeping him from fading away. Probably not. His brother would never forgive him or Chandelure. It's okay. So long as Ingo stays by his side.)
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feastfic · 4 years
I'm going to overanalyze Pokémon now, don't mind me :)
Hi I just watched the PMD anime and I have thoughts and feelings. And realizations (maybe.) First off I wanna say wow, okay it's been a good few years. I really thought that a.) Dusknoir was British, and b.) he had a deeper voice than Grovyle's. I was pleasantly surprised to have my memory fail me on both fronts (he sounds so fun as some almost-over-the-top supervillain. I love you sir.)
Taking into account that Grovyle, Dusknoir, and the player are from the future- and you disappear once you beat Dialga, I have things to say specifically behind motives here. And also taking in EoS's fifth Special Episode where you play as Grovyle.
First off, the fact that Grovyle is so willing to sacrifice his life for the lives of everyone in the past. To let them all see the sunrise and feel breezes and hear leaves rustle (nearly verbatim what he says). Then the difference between the player's obliviousness to their situation until Dusknoir tells them before they go to Temporal Tower. And, well, Dusknoir's whole "I'm taking the Relic Fragment so you'll never change the future". (Along with Celebi's readiness to help Grovyle- like someone else said, she was so underutilized that it hurts. She had so much potential. Here I think she blindly followed Grovyle's intentions; she wouldn't so much give her life for the past rather than give it up for Grovyle to complete his goal.)
So with all of this gone, we can basically sort them into categories: Blindly following (Celebi), Completely oblivious and doing only what they think is right up until the last moment (and still having resolve to the original cause- the player), the Sacrifice (Grovyle), and the Instigator/Roadblock (Dusknoir). Very simple, very dynamic even as a basic description.
And to put them in categories further, I feel the first three- to some extent, at least- know that their putting their lives on the line and give them up. Yes, even Celebi, who I said was only blindly following Grovyle. She may very well know the risk of what she's doing, and do it anyways because she has a drive.
They all do; Grovyle has the hope for the past and the desire to keep the peace- to let everyone experience all of these small things that makes life meaningful. Celebi, an infatuation, her passion and desire to see Grovyle complete the mission he wants. The player, their friends, everything they worked for and everyone they met over their adventures.
But Dusknoir's push for his motives were essentially the exact opposite. Genuinely, this is what became the turning point for me. When I first played EoT (it was the first of the three games I got and beat), I hated this man like it was just another Tuesday. But then I played the Special Episode. Genuinely, Dusknoir plays- and might very well actually be- horribly misguided. It's his want for self-preservation.
He never says anything about letting everyone suffer in the past (honestly, the closest he says to this is that the future will never be able to be changed. This is from memory, though.) It's always something else, he always has some other reason to let the world crumble and fall into darkness. Most notably, the fact that he says that everyone will disappear from the future.
This just follows suit with the self-preservation, and his desire to just keep existing. Honestly, he just acts scared about it. In the Special Episode, he tells Grovyle that he hates him that he wonders why he (Grovyle) fights so hard. He says he's not able to accept the fact that he'll disappear too.
And, well, Grovyle tells him the exact reason he fights for the past. With everything else- the preservation of the people, Treasure Town- he says he won't truly be gone. He'd have made an impact just by existing, and his memory would live on in place of him.
Which begs the question; why didn't Dusknoir realize this? Given that he from the start was revered as this bigshot explorer, made world-famous from the second he showed up. Was his fear of staying alive really so strong that he didn't notice everything he did, both good and bad, in the past? Well, yeah.
He goes from this guy who you see as a traitor, someone who you thought you could trust and backstabbed you later. And those are true- and those are seen as bad. It makes him the antagonist; him taking you and your partner to the future when Grovyle is caught, him hunting you down. All of this for the big reveal that he could very well be downright diabolical and wicked.
Then there's Special Episode 5. You get so much more out of him. He's not bad- genuinely, I don't think he's anywhere even close to bad. Morally grey at best, with actions he was driven to because of fear. And because of Primal Dialga's rule over him. It can be many things why he followed Dialga; maybe they shared the same fear, maybe Dialga truly wanted the past to come to a stop.
His morality here gives you a near-complete 180° on his character. Honestly, it makes him just a little sympathetic. Especially when taken into account that Grovyle tells him, in paraphrase; "It's my actions that determine my legacy. Not how long I live, because we'll all die someday. But I want to make my life worth living, and do something in it that will be remembered."
So, it's like; what did Dusknoir want out of staying alive? Just be alive? To live forever? I wish we got an answer, rather than him just going along with Grovyle's words and choosing to tag along for a shared purpose. Which is honestly fine! I just wish he had a little bit of a deeper reason to keep going with this new mindset. And why is he so scared of disappearing, given the rest of his character? Was it all a facade? Some wise ploy he created to hide that kind of drive to keep himself going? Just food for thought.
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vespiiqueen · 4 years
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last 10 people who reblogged something from you (if you want !! 💛💖)
Wow I rambled a lot with this but i can't add cuts bc I'm on mobile rn DHSISHSJ sorry :"))))
1. Ik Ik "haha how cringe are you" of me to say, but honestly? Homestuck. Homestuck helped me in a time of need and when i so desperately wanted something to latch onto. Finally, I caved into my friends telling me to read it-- and it's been a blast!! The epilogues / hs^2 make me feel kinda sad though, because so much of what I loved about the original was yeeted through the nine circles of hell and into the trash. I love Y/ffany's (I call her Yippi tho) design, the art is really pretty at times, Harry is a major dork, I LIVE for seeing Vrissy bc honestly?? Her design is 10/10, very early 2000s emo style and I also live for that. Tavros is cute and a nerd and I think that's swell!
But in terms of story and how any of this happens, it makes me sad to see it happen. If Vriska could return as Vrissy, why not OTHER beta trolls? Where's my Eridan fish man, writers?? Give me the boy or perish by my fury.
2. Also super "haha how cringe are you" but,,, murder cats (Warriors), esp the early 2005-2015 amvs and stuff. I remember watching Flightfootwarrior's "I Will Not Bow" Scourge amv for HOurs and having no clue what was happening, but all these edgy kitties were KITTIES! It's introduced me to a lot of music I still listen to to this very day (Imagine Dragons, Young/the entirety of Hollywood Undead, Breaking Benjamin). And yknow what?? This new arc is absolute chaos, but in the good way.
I'm an "OG Fan". I prefer the first arc, The Prophecies Begin, to almost any of the other arcs. I just could never get into the other arcs-- not to say I haven't read them, I HAVE and the Fire Scene was probably one of my favorite moments beside grumpy Jaypaw, god complex Lionblaze, and fear the gods Hollypaw. I thought the build-up for it was SUPER satisfying. Gray Wing is my baby and I fully embellish in the Gray Wing is Silverpelt theory.
This new arc is definitely something new for the universe. While I didn't read aVoS (but I may do that if i can find the files for it), and so I don't know the major events of it other than what I've seen M.A.P.'s (Multi-Animator Projects, for clarification,,, bc unfortunately that term is also something disgusting). There's fucking cat possession and all the Clans questioning their belief system, yo. Shit be on fire.
Also the Imposter is 100% Ashfur, that's canon now, yeah??? Also im sorry but fuck Root x Bristle that's the dumbest shit I have ever seen. Give me Root x Shadow or face the wrath of my dragon plushies.
RiverClan is my Clan and my gov assigned warrior name is Fireshell 🌟🌟
3. As much as I hate the author,,,,, Harry Potter. It's been a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. I can never really remember why, but I've always just loved it- the movies, the books, the extra little merch that would pop up in my local Walmart. Of course my favorite character is Draco Malfoy. I could go on and on and ON about how I think his character arc was SHIT and JKR didn't have the balls to make him a confident gay man that was always implied through the text (at least, my lesbian ass thought it was implied but i may just be projecting, idk). I could ramble about Draco for HOURS and what I think his character SHOULD have been and how his parents are horrible (more specifically, Lucius bc Narcissa [?] Actually showed a few good moments), and a child should never have to pay for their parents sins.
Oh noo, Draco's a villain because he's a victim of major abuse and peer pressure? He's a villain because a literal child can be horrible and they'll always always always stay as a horrible little fiend?? Fuck that. He's a child.
Unlike manchild grease pan Snape, who was a racist piece of shit and shouldn't have became a fucking school teacher but it's okay because he was ~~~in love~~~. No, fuck you, he was a creep. James Potter n Co may have been a little posh bitch to you, Snape, but that's no fucking excuse to continue to bluntly be a little cunt all the way into adulthood. You're an adult who flatly changed your PATRONUS to imitate Lily's. You have no excuse. And Harry went and named his child after you LIKE JESUS CHRIST, DID RON'S SISTER NOT HAVE A SAY IN THE NAMES TOO?????
I also fully adore the idea that Muggles can run into Hogwarts and their patronus can 100% be a made up, fantasy creature. Imagine you learn the patronus spell and suddenly fucking ARCEUS comes from your wand. Imagine learning the spell and CHTULU (i did not spell that right but im so tired) comes from your wand-- an entire ass fucking Lovecraftian, Eldrith horror is just the embodiment of you. What if it was a fucking Homestuck character like Vriska? How fucking METAL would that be?? Hskajssowjjsjs get on it fandom.
4. Hee hee very evident by my url but Pokemon is another major thing of mine. While vespiquen isn't my favorite (that title goes to Hydreigon), it is definitely up there!
I've ALWAYS enjoyed the idea of Pokemon. You run around, training up these fight monsters and collecting them. I remember playing my sister's Ruby version on her flip-up Gameboy. I couldn't even read but I ran around catching god only knows how many of the same pokemon wherever she was. Apparently, I had fought for hours in the same area and leveled her Blaziken up to lvl 50 something and left her lvl 30s in the dust LMAO.
I got my first game when it was Pearl/Diamond. It was Pearl, and it still holds a very fond place in my heart. I could barely read, I could barely write-- I had named my Turtwig something along the lines of "MmorpHy" and my player boy "ZbsibJ". Yes I remember the names slightly. I really didn't get far-- I barely got to the first gym but I was just so happy to play it.
I eventually lost the game, as a 5 year old would do, but I can still vividly remember what was happening when the game arrived. I had just came back from the dentist and was quite tired from fighting the dentist bc I was super scared. Mom suddenly handed me a box and said it was mine-- my overseas (at that time) dad had bought me Pearl and my sister Diamond, because I lost my shit about it when he visited one time.
Well, tdlr, I played it for about five minutes while struggling to stay awake against the loopy gas they made me take. I fell asleep listening to Twinleaf Town's soundtrack. Every time I play a rom of Pearl and I get to where the player's house fades in and I hear that first tune of the song, I get a huge smile on my face and cry-- as.. Weird as it sounds.
A few years later, I had gotten Pokemon Black bc I liked Reshiram on the cover. Now, this one I could actually READ when playing, but I don't remember a lot of things about it. I probably lost this one too, as a 8/9 year old would do. I DO remember, I chose Snivy and my sister chose Tepig (hrmm there's a theme here of grass/fire goin on......) and vibing to the music. I was so amazed by the sprites moving, I just kept getting into encounters to see the sprites move (oh boy, no one tell younger 7-9 y/o me about Zelda......oh wait....)
Playing Pokemon NOW, as a 17 year old """gifted""" chick, I stil have very fond memories. I recently beat Pokemon Black again and GOD the OTS SLAPS. I fucking adore the soundtrack-- the track that plays when you battle a trainer, the low health dings being turned into a legit song that also slaps, the battle! gym leader themes-- and oh my gOd, the legendary theme is amazing? It really tells you just how glorious these pokemon are supposed to be. It's not intimidating like Groudon/Kyroge/Rayquaza's themes. It's not action packed like Palkia/Dialga's is, it's not filled with tension like Giratina/Arceus's is-- but it radiates the GLORY that the beasts portray. And I live for that. (Also, Kyurem's version is my favorite because it glitches in the beginning and that's rly cool)
P/D/P and BW/BW2's stories, imo, are some of the greatest ones. Yeahhh, US/USUM's is cool and I haven't played XY nor SwSh-- but the ones I can find memorable are PDP and BW/BW2. I love N. I love Barry. They're my sons. Ghetsis is fucking terrifying, Cyrus needs a hug. Giratina scared the piss out of me when I was younger, which was NOT helped by Giratina and The Sky Warrior.
I think my favorite movies are the gen 4 ones. The Rise of Darkrai having a tear-jerking theme for such a mysterious pokemon (i still tear up when i hear Ocarion), Giratina being spiteful is a mood and Shaymin was cute, Arceus being angry is also a mood. Yeah, Pokemon 4Ever made me cry my eyes out over Celebi, Mewtwo Returns made me again cry because Mewtwo accepting who he is, I remember how vastly different the BW movies are-
I just. I have a lot of memories with the series, even if Gamefreak and Nintendo kinda do the series dirty a lot (your top-grossing thing and you made That monstrosity for the Switch? How dare you.). It's comforting to be stressed and pull up my roms for the games and to play them. Mystery Dungeon is incredibly fun to play, Pokemon Ranger is really fun with the concept (Shadows of Almia continues to kick my ass to this very day and FUCK the Jungle Relic, I hate the Water Challenge fucking gyarados bullshit). I remember the pokemon I got for MD (I got Time, my sis got Darkness) was Mudkip, if that is any help.
I love my little fictional pixel monsters.
5. Yup, someone told tiny 7-9 y/o me about console games. The legend of Zelda. My first Zelda game was Twilight Princess on the Wii and BOY did I play the fucking SHIT out of that game.
Honestly, looking back and looking at playthroughs now-- I still love TP. Twilight Princess is still one of my top favorite Zelda games-- yes, even after playing OoT, Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Skyward Sword, the anniversary four swords edition for the DS where you could play by yourself (Nintendo pls bring that back, I don't have friends to play it with ;-;), Phantom Hourglass- ect.
Something about Twilight Princess grabbed me by the head and yeeted me into the world. I can remember playing it for hours with little to no breaks. I, a tiny 9 y/o, had gotten the hang of the controllers and managed to get past the tutorial quite easily. And then, I was launched into the game and I wasn't stopping for NOTHING. Mom and Dad would have to force me to save and get off to go and eat dinner. THAT sucked.
I had done everything on my own up until the first temple, the forest temple. Not where/when you saved the dumb kid, but when you were saving the spirit's light. Theeeeeeennn I got stuck on the fucking Forest Temple for deadass six months straight. I'd play for hours, running around in circles, unable to figure out where to go, and because I didn't grasp the temple's purpose of being that way- I'd get angry and get off. It wasn't until dad looked up a walkthrough and talked me through what I was supposed to do that I learned how to get through temples.
I had gotten to the last little fight with Ganondorf before the Wii broke and i could no longer play. Despite the Wii being broke and we got rid of it, I was ADAMANT on keeping the game, and I kept that game for YEARS. It was an original copy out of a sealed box, and I eventually lost it when I left it accidentally at my now ex-friend's house.
She had a Wii and I went "hey I have a Wii game!" And I brought my Zelda over. Worst fucking choice of my goddamn life. Mom called me to come home and said I couldn't sleep over like the original plan was, and that was it. My ex-friend stashed my Zelda and I never saw it again. And, even if I wanted to-- I couldn't get it back, which makes me upset. We had a BAD falling out. She likely doesn't even remember it's there, or sold it to the local game junkie kid who buys ALL games.
But I still love the game. Midna was amazing, and I loved how snarky she was and she has a very cute design! The game's OST is fucking phenomenal. Midna's Desperate Hour makes me cry bc goddamn it really sells how serious that situation is. I love Hyrule Field's theme in this game. I love the Twilight Realm's song. Zant was fucking hilariously scary. Ganondorf's design in this game scared the piss out of me when I was younger.
Midna and this game's Link and Zelda are def my favorites. Yeah yeah, Sheik is cool and all I Guess but dhsushwishs Midna holds the special place in my heart. She was totally my gay awakening BUT
For other game antagonists, I adore Ghirahim-- let's go you funky little queer-coded villain. Skull Kid was great, I love the entire dynamic of him. Prankster lost soul stumbles upon Majora's Mask and the mask makes him act out due to powers-- which, I actually took very heavy inspiration from for one of my OCs. The moon falling to Hyrule was a fucking terrifying looming threat.
But the game series holds a place, and I've yet to be able to play BoTW-- although, I'm fairly certain I'll like it. The playthroughs I've watched of it are all fairly decent! I just. Gotta save up enough money to buy it haha.
Dang guess I gotta go watch a Twilight Princess playthrough again.
Honorable Mentions:
Avatar: the Last Airbender, specifically Book 3
my OCs definitely make me happy, they're my children and I'd ramble A LOT longer if given the chance WHEEZE
My friends, but I didn't add them here bc it's more fictional stuff, I presume
Baking. I love to bake cupcakes.
Painting is fun. I'm an artist and goddammit im going to use painting as an excuse to make a mess.
Fire. I rly like fire, down to a pyromaniac level. However, i hate the fires that happened to my home town, the Great Smokey Fires of 2016-- THAT pissed me off. How dare you burn mountain landscapes to the ground. Perish.
History. I'm a history nerd.
I'm also a science nerd.
But fuck math, I cannot comprehend math to save my life.
For some reason, I rly like learning how the human body works??? like did you know, organs are actually sticky when touched by a bare hand?? Did you?? How fucking cool is that.
Bakugan. I love Bakugan, esp the DS game. I love my Darkus Leonidas. Give me back the online world, you peasants-- I want my Darkus Dragonoid. (Also fuck all my friends from when I was in kindergarten- my theory that Alice was Masquerade was somewhat correct.)
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nelvana · 4 years
In which the territory of others is crossed
Tumblr media
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the dungeon with fossil foes is explored Previous: In which there are dreams and discussions
    The following morning greeted everyone suddenly. Typically, they rested for the nights in forests, or somewhere with cover, and even when they had gone out to Magma Cavern, they had been tired enough to sleep through the early morning. Now though, them being out where it was more open forced the sun to their eyes from the beginning of the sunrise. There were only a couple that slept in very long, but otherwise everyone was up right at dawn. They handled breakfast for the morning, and then began heading out towards Brine Cave.
    While they still lacked a proper map for the Grass Continent, the memory of those who had been here in the dead timeline was enough to server as their directions to the dungeon. The four of them took the lead, including Nelvana, who Alex would talk to enthusiastically about their previous experiences in this location that she could not remember, in hopes of prompting some sort of memory. He wasn’t successful, but she enjoyed the conversation nevertheless.
��   “My only worry now is that we don’t have that relic fragment thingy. Do you think the Rainbow Stoneship will be functional?” Ceebee pointed out, interrupting the other two’s conversation.
    “It should be,” Dusknoir spoke up, and then coughed. “The Rainbow Stoneship was only damaged from the meteor, as was the Temporal Tower. We should have complete access to it now.”
    “The Rainbow Stoneship… would that have been our first time actually seeing bright colors?” Nelvana murmured, “it was still rainbow, right?”
    Alex, who previously had turned to Dusknoir with a frown, grinned as he spun back to look at his partner, eyes lighting up.
    “Yes, yes it was!” he answered.
    “I bet that looks really pretty, must have been especially pretty then, for your first time,” Keahi chimed in, stepping closer up front. “Hey, you guys haven’t seen a rainbow out here yet, haven’t you? Hopefully we’ll see one soon, they’re always really nice to see!”
    “Oh, yeah, an actual rainbow would be nice,” Nelvana agreed, “I’m just excited to see the Rainbow Stoneship for now in the meantime. I have an idea of what it looks like, but it will be nice to see it for myself again.”
    “Natural rainbows usually only show up when it’s raining but also sunny,” Damien pointed out, “considering the season, we’re only going to have a few more chances for that.”
    “There are ways to manipulate water to make your own rainbows!” Keahi countered, “we could see about using the waterfall from Whiscash’s pond if we wanted to do that.”
    Damien blinked, glancing upwards as he thought back, but then nodded in agreement to Keahi’s idea.
    “Hey, you know…” he mumbled instead, “for the ‘Grass Continent’, there sure is a lack of grass out here-“
    “Everyone stop!” Tsuki suddenly yelled.
    Freezing in place, the rest of the group stiffened and stopped walking at the command, as Tsuki leapt over to the front of the group. She bent her head down, sniffing the ground and taking careful steps back and forth.
    “This is the territory of absols,” she said, her voice sounding far away as she lifted her head.
    “It is?” Keahi questioned.
    Alex paused to sniff the air, and then nodded, “it is. Good catch there, Tsuki, we wouldn’t want to be trespassing on someone else’s territory… I guess there were absols here before the time collapse.”
    “Wow, more absols? That’ll be cool, right? Tsuki, you said that you haven’t seen any other absols before,” Edgar chimed in, floating ahead to join Tsuki at the front.
    “Are absols typically territorial?” Dusknoir asked, glancing around the area, which had become rockier and slightly more mountainous as they had gotten closer towards Brine Cave.
    Tsuki didn’t answer, only continuing to look out into the distance. After a pause, Damien stepped up instead.
    “I… From what I remember, they can be sometimes, if they have something to protect,” he said.
    Dusknoir glanced back at the gengar, appearing mildly surprised that he was the one that was able to answer, but accepted this and turned back to face ahead.
    “Should we wait for some sort of border patrol then? If this territory is marked, there should be someone to check the borders, right?” Nelvana asked, crouching down to the ground as well. “This doesn’t really smell that recent…”
    Alex sighed, “well, I’d hate to be trespassing, but we can’t wait here all day… who knows when someone will be back here to check the borders. Best to ask forgiveness then permission in this case.”
    Tsuki’s fur bristled, but then she slowly nodded, “that would certainly be impolite, but these are dire circumstances; they should understand.”
    “Could we go around?” Damien offered.
    “We don’t know how far the borders stretch out,” Ceebee pointed out, “we could get sidetracked and end up wasting more time; we’d be better off waiting for some sort of border patrol in that case.”
    “If everyone agrees then, we should keep going,” Nelvana said, “keep your eyes out though, if we see anyone, we should try talking to them.”
    “Like how you called out to Tsuki when we saw her for the first time!” Keahi added.
    With that decided, the group proceeded forward. Tsuki continued to hold the lead of the group even after this; everyone silently agreeing that in the case of running into another absol, that it would be best for her to be seen first for diplomacy. For the first five tense minutes, they still didn’t run into signs of any other pokemon. Then…
    Following the booming voice came an absol leaping out from behind the rocks to stand in front of the group. Their fur, while still with a blue hue, was greyer than Tsuki’s. As well, they towered over Team Galaxy’s absol by over a foot, and their build was larger as well. Despite this, Tsuki held her head high and locked eyes with the other absol.
    “I am Daichi of the tall cliffs! Who are you, and why are you here?” the absol questioned.
    “I am Tsuki of the winter night!” Tsuki answered proudly, “and these are my allies, of Team Galaxy and otherwise. We wish to cross these lands to Brine Cave.”
    Daichi narrowed his eyes with suspicion, “why do you wish to enter Brine Cave?”
    “There is a great disaster to soon befall this world! Surely, you have sensed it as well?” Tsuki answered, “we wish to pass through Brine Cave so we may find Dialga and speak to them so that we may prevent this disaster,” she further explained.
    “If I may…” Ceebee fluttered closer to the front of the group. “Please, trust my word with this as well. We need to pass your territory so we can eventually make it to the Temporal Tower.”
    Glancing from the absol to the celebi, Daichi slowly nodded. His steely gaze then moved across the rest of the group, finally landing on Dusknoir for a few moments before he directed his attention back to Tsuki.
    “I have sensed this danger as well, you are correct,” he sighed, “I would like to believe that I can trust you. Myself and my pack guard these lands against anyone who may even try to enter the likes of Brine Cave. I can tell that you are true in your words of your goal, and I wouldn’t wish to turn down a mythical…” He stood straighter, holding his stance firm. “However, I sense disaster amongst your own group. The dusknoir is not allowed to pass. The rest of you… should be fine.”
    Dusknoir stiffened before hastily making his way over to Daichi, who bristled at his approach. Pausing, Dusknoir moved back slightly again to provide some comfort to the two absols before he spoke up.
    “Please, sir, I will admit to being such a danger in the past, but I can assure you that I only mean to help now,” he told him.
    “No,” Daichi insisted without hesitation, “I cannot, in good conscience, simply allow you to pass through here. I cannot trust you like that.”
    “Look, we’ve been keeping him supervised before now, can you trust us to keep doing that and prevent any harm?” Damien offered instead with a sigh.
    “Our mission is too important, his help is required,” Tsuki spoke up again before Daichi could respond to Damien. “If you wish, I will prove it to you in whatever way required. From an absol to an absol, you know that I would never allow someone to cause disasters under my watch.”
    Daichi huffed, “very well. We shall duel to prove ourselves. Come with me.”
    He stepped back a few paces, distancing himself from the rest of the group, and Tsuki followed after a brief moment’s hesitance. The remainder of the group glanced at one another, silently asking each other if they should follow.
    “I remember learning about this, back when I was a trainer,” Damien whispered, “we’ll have to stay back, or else it breaks the… the…” He snapped his fingers, trying to recall the right word. “…the integrity of the duel. It has to just be the two of them; if we step in to help her in any way, it doesn’t count.”
    “The integrity?” Keahi repeated, “so how… does it work?”
    “Not sure the specifics, but I think it’s a way to prove the strength of their goals…?” Damien responded with a shrug. “I only had some books to go off of, so what I know might not be accurate, but I think they’re going to prove whoever’s, uh, intention is stronger.”
    “Do you understand the rules?” Daichi’s strong voice asked, breaking through the quiet air.
    Tsuki bowed her head, “yes, now, thank you.”
    “Aw, we missed what the rules are!” Keahi groaned quietly.
    “Hopefully we’ll pick it up along the way…” Nelvana responded.
    Everyone falling silent, the two absols began to circle around one another. After a couple cycles of the two simply staring each other down as they paced, Tsuki made the first move. Throwing herself at Daichi, their horns locked against together, before with a heavy toss of his head, Daichi easily threw Tsuki away. She rolled on the ground, immediately pushing herself back to her feet to return to the duel.
    “Can she not use moves?” Alex whispered.
    “I never thought about it before, but I don’t think so… I can’t remember ever seeing one where they used actual moves, just their horns,” Damien murmured, “no, wait, they can use moves, I have seen that before. Maybe just not directly…? I remember seeing one use slash, but it was only to cut the grass since the other was hiding in it…”
    “I’ve seen that in other pokemon,” Dusknoir commented quietly, “it relays more to their true strengths to not use moves directly. It would be disrespectful for one of them to use a move in this sort of duel, but they can use it to affect the terrain, as that commends to their intelligence and tactics.”
    “What other pokemon does that, that you would know of?” Alex questioned with a hiss, but Dusknoir did not answer, instead motioning for everyone to quiet down so they could pay attention to the battle.
    Circling each other again, Tsuki’s eyes shot around, studying Daichi and the area around them. She threw herself at him again, their horns clashing against each other. This time she managed to hold her ground longer, but had to tear herself away and step back to avoid being thrown again. It was obvious that she could not win by brute force.
    They continued to pace, before eventually Daichi lunged at Tsuki instead, their horns clashing once more. Tsuki’s claws dug deep into the earth, the two forcing their weight against each other. After a few moments though, Tsuki changed her angle, forcing them to begin moving in a circle again, horns still locked against each other.
    After a few paces, she opened her mouth, puffs of frost floating out before ice was shot out at the ground. She held the attack, continuing to force the two of them to slowly turn in a circle, now with her tracing an outline out of where they had been pacing around each other before. Daichi pushed harder to try and throw Tsuki off, but that only seemed to turn them faster. She was using his strength against him. The more he would attempt to force Tsuki down to the ground, the more she would use that force to push them around, allowing her to continue to freeze their perimeter. Slowly but surely, she was creating a circle of ice around them. Not that it was easy, sometimes Daichi would tug and force Tsuki’s forelegs off the group, but she always managed to twist her way back down to force the both of them to continue turning around in place.
    Just as she barely completed the circle, Tsuki tore herself away from Daichi, scrambling away and across the ring of ice she had created. Throw off by her sudden disappearance, Daichi stumbled under his own weight, but caught himself before he fell over, standing tall again. He glared over at her, him inside the circle of ice and her now outside.
    Daichi growled with frustration, evidently not expecting this duel to last this long. Tsuki panted from her position outside of the ice ring, exhausted from putting so much force into redirecting Daichi’s strength, but she did her best to continue holding herself high. Daichi saw this sign of weakness, however, and seeking to finish this battle soon he dove at her once again.
    As one paw stepped on the ice, however, he slid over, his entire weight crashing onto his chin where he landed, crumpling onto the ring of ice. Tsuki held back a smile of triumph; he was not built for the cold like she was, her paws were larger to handle the ice, and his were better suited for climbing rocky cliffs. Daichi scrambled to pull himself to his feet again, chin bleeding from a cut from the ice, but each time he would attempt to stand, his paws would slip on the ice and send him crashing down again.
    Before he could get the idea to slide off the ice instead, Tsuki made her move. Leaping at him again, she landed safely onto the ice without any trouble and firmly placed her forepaws onto his head. He struggled against her, but his head alone could not free itself under all her strength, and the rest of his body still couldn’t manage to even stand on the ice. His claws scraped the frozen ground in a fruitless attempt to pull himself up, and then he kicked wildly back, but Tsuki had positioned herself where he could not simply reach her like that. Finally, she leaned down and tugged on his fur with her teeth.
    “Yield,” she growled.
    Daichi continued his struggle for a bit longer, but with a long sigh, he relented to her and slumped onto the frozen ground instead, breathing heavily from all his effort.
    “I yield,” he gasped back.
    Accepting her victory, Tsuki stepped off from Daichi, shaking her fur off. He attempted to stand once more without the extra weight, but still slipped over. After a pause, Tsuki padded back up to him, offering her help, which he accepted, and she dragged him off from the ice.
    With the battle clearly over, the rest of the group hurried over to their friend to congratulate her, complimenting her tactics and commending her for the success. Daichi sat down during this, patiently waiting for his opportunity to speak again. Fortunately, the cheerful chatter quickly died back down, and Tsuki turned her attention back to the other absol.
    “I must admit, I underestimated you, Tsuki,” Daichi said, “but you have most certainly proven yourself; you won that battle fairly. Your resolve for your duty here is greater than mine; you may all pass to Brine Cave.”
    Tsuki smiled, “thank you, Daichi.”
    “Excuse me, Daichi, your chin is still bleeding,” Edgar pointed out, “would you like an oran berry for that?” he offered, glancing over from Alex to Damien, the two bag carriers.
    Daichi shook his head, “thank you for the offer, but I will not need it. I will get medical attention from my pack for it later,” he replied, “now, however, I shall escort you all to Brine Cave.”
    “Oh! Thank you!” Keahi hummed, “that would be helpful, thanks! Are you sure you don’t need anything for the cut though…?”
    “I am certain. You should all save your supplies for the journey ahead anyway,” Daichi insisted, “now, come along, and stay close. We would not want to lose anyone along the way.”
    Shaking the dirt from his fur, Daichi stood again and padded off in the direction the group had been heading in before they had run into him. After exchanging some silent glances, the group followed him deeper into the absol territory.
    It was silent for the beginning of the walk, aside from Daichi exchanging some quiet and simple pleasantries and advice with Tsuki for what was to come, most of which she, and the rest of the group, already knew. Eventually though, the terrain grew even rockier, and they soon began spotting dens between the stones, and would glimpse some white pelts darting around behind the rocks. What started as glances though soon became stares, as more absols from the pack were drawn out to stand on the rocks and look over the passing group. None of them moved up or spoke up, likely because Daichi was escorting them, but there were some mixed expressions that could be seen from a lot of them.
    Suddenly though, one of the absols bounded out from behind the rocks to greet the group. This absol stood out right away, their red instead of blue fur and green eyes made sure of it. They boldly padded up to the group, smiling politely at them. Standing next to Daichi, she was at tall as him, though not as broadly built.
    “Hello! I’m Sabi!” she greeted, “er, Sabi of the mountain ores, that is,” she added.
    Tsuki smiled back, “and I am Tsuki of the winter night.”
    “Yes, greetings, Sabi,” Daichi sighed, “this group is here to visit Brine Cave. They’re going to do their best to handle the disaster we’ve all been sensing.”
    “Ohhh, I see,” Sabi replied, nodding. “Did you two duel?” she asked, looking at the cut on Daichi’s chin.
    Daichi nodded, and Sabi grinned and swayed in place, her long fur swishing around her.
    “I wish I could have seen it! Daichi getting beat by this runt- no offense,” Sabi laughed.
    Tsuki sighed, though still smiling, “none taken. I have… noticed that I am smaller than most of you.”
    “Noticed? Couldn’t you tell from… your own pack?” Sabi questioned, her own smile faltering. “Oh. Are you a lone absol?”
    “I was. I do not even remember what pack I would have come from,” Tsuki replied, gaze hardening. “I have my own pack now though, right here,” she continued with pride.
    “Aww… that’s really sweet!” Sabi purred, looking over the rest of the group. “Shame you lost your old pack, but it’s nice to see you found your way.”
    Daichi furrowed his brows, though if he doubted the value behind a non-absol pack, he did not mention it.
    “Hey, actually, are you a shiny absol?” Ceebee commented, fluttering up to Sabi.
    “Yes!” Sabi chirped with a broad grin, “only one in the pack, and proud!”
    “That’s neat, I’m actually a shiny too!” Ceebee replied, “I’ve never gotten to see another shiny before!”
    “You’re a shiny?” Sabi blinked, and then chuckled to herself. “Sorry, I’ve never gotten to see a celebi before! This is really cool! What do other celebi look like?”
    “They’re green instead of pink,” Ceebee answered.
    Daichi cleared his throat, “pardon me, but I sense that this is a time important mission, yes? We should continue heading to Brine Cave.”
    “Right, of course!” Sabi responded, “here, I’ll escort you all too!” she offered, “I’ll provide better company than Daichi here,” she teased.
    “We don’t mind the extra company!” Keahi replied.
    Daichi sighed, shaking his head, “very well, but walk and talk then, Sabi.”
    “Yeah, yeah, I get it, old man!” Sabi barked with another laugh, padding along ahead as if to prove her understanding of Daichi’s instructions.
    “Have either of you two been through Brine Cave before?” Nelvana asked, “any… tips you could maybe give about this dungeon in particular?”
    “I had been getting to that before we were interrupted,” Daichi replied, “Brine Cave is a fifteen-floor descending dungeon with one rest stop after the ninth floor. There are traps, but no monster houses. Common type is water,” he told them, “its final floor is also the home to several fossil pokemon.”
    “Ooh, yeah, them,” Sabi hissed, “we’ve managed to work out a truce with them so we can get through without… too much trouble, but they’re really territorial. Most definitely will attack you all, even if you say we’ll chill with you. They’re the time to attack first and ask questions later.”
    “So, expect a big fight at the end, got it.” Alex nodded. “How many of them are there?”
    “Uhh… it varies depending on when you go in, but usually there’s at least one kabutops and two omastar; they’re the leaders of the gang,” Sabi answered, “expect those three as a minimum and anywhere upwards to… ten? Other pokemon in the pit.”
    “And I expect you would rather stay on good terms with them, so we shouldn’t be too rough?” Dusknoir responded.
    Daichi glanced back at Dusknoir with narrowed eyes, “if you could, please,” he grumbled.
    Dusknoir narrowed his eye back instinctively, but quickly caught himself and did his best to relax again. Fur bristling again slightly, Daichi turned ahead again to watch where he was walking, electing not to respond to Dusknoir again if he didn’t have to.
    Eventually, the sight of other absols disappeared as the rocks grew into mountains spreading out into the distance. The scent that this was their territory still lingered in the air, but they by now had passed the main living area for the pack. It wasn’t long after this that the group stopped at the mouth of a large cave, the path descending into the darkness of the dungeon below.
    “Here we are, Brine Cave,” Daichi announced, glancing back at the group again. “We wish you all the best of luck, I trust your strength and intentions. Know that considering the graveness of this disaster to come…” He shook his head. “…the very fate of the world rests on your shoulders. I wish I could help you more from here, but this pack must continue protecting these lands first and foremost.”
    Tsuki nodded in return, “we understand. Thank you for helping us here.”
    “We’re here if you ever need any other sort of help!” Sabi added, “well, we still don’t travel too much, but we’re still good for advice and directions, and any local-er disaster prevention!”
    “We’ll keep you all in mind. I’m sure we’ll want to come back to this continent again some other time in the future,” Ceebee replied.
    “Thanks again for the help!” Keahi chimed in.
    “May Arceus watch over you all,” Daichi hummed.
    Giving their final farewells to the two absols, the group entered their single file line, entering Brine Cave together.
First [ARC 1]: In which the human is transformed First [ARC 2]: In which a present is prepared Next: In which the dungeon with fossil foes is explored Previous: In which there are dreams and discussions
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
A Pokemon Cosmology
Trying to have positive pokemon thoughts so I went and created a sort of map of emanations of the various mythical/legendary/ultra beast pokemon from larger concepts like Space and Time emanating down into more specific concepts like Guardians of Specific Islands
This mostly does follow canon groupings/leaderships etc but some groups were put near other groups, or in some cases given a leader or pairs associated with other pairs etc depending on if I decided I liked it or not
it’s not meant to be like “This Pokemon created this Pokemon” or etc, just that the things they have dominion over, are lesser than the things the Pokemon higher up the foodchain has dominion over
Also, sometimes some legendaries were sort of given designations that they may not have canonly have, but I think would be a good idea for them to have dominion over/represent
I made a chart and then explanations will follow:
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First we got Arceus, Ultimate Creator
then he’s surrounded by all the Unowns as his “Thousand Arms of Creation”
then the big three concepts he made were Dialga (Time), Palkia (Space) and Giratina (Antimatter)
First, Dialga
Since Dialga represents Time, I’d figure he’d have dominion over the Pokemon that represent the things we use to recognize Time, The Sun(Solgaleo), the Moon(Lunala) and Light/Darkness as a concept itself (Necrozma) which are all essentially concepts of Light and Energy in the Universe
Also with Dialga is Celebi, a being able to move freely throughout any Time, so possibly representing the Currents of Time, or specifically Past, Present and Future
Undereath Lunala (The Full Moon) we have Cresselia (Crescent Moon) and Darkrai (New Moon), the three of them representing the Night and possibly Dreams
Under Solgaleo (The Sun) we have Meltan(Metal) and Melmetal(Fusion), and where Lunala and friends represented things of a metaphysical nature, Solgaleo and friends represent Light’s more physical side, with Meltan and Melmetal representing the idea of a Star’s molten metal core as a representation of the byproduct of Nuclear Fusion and the natural origin of all Metal
Lastly under Zekrom (Light) are Jirachi(Meteors/Stars) and Deoxys(Auroras) the other natural phenomenons that symbolize Light other than the Sun and Moon
Then Cosmog/Cosmoem represent Nebulas/Cosmos/Shiny Stardust and put under Lunala/Solgaleo as their natural parents
Next, Palkia.
Palkia represents Physical Space, and therefore, the next in line are those that created the pieces of our Physical Planet, Kyogre (Ocean), Groudon (Land) and Rayqauza (Atmosphere)
Also with Palkia is Hoopa, a being with a relationship to Palkia similar to the one Celebi has with Dialga, being able to freely move throughout Space, teleporting as it pleases, representing the idea of Teleportation and Location. 
Celebi and Hoopa are not higher than Dialga or Palkia, they merely have the total freedom to explore the ideas under their dominion, theyre like Palkia and Dialga’s kids. Manaphy had the title “Prince of the Sea” under Kyogre, maybe Celebi and Hoopa can be the Princes of Time and Space?
Under Kyogre (Ocean) we have Phione (Warm Seas) and Manaphy (Cold Seas). 
then also we have Lugia (Beast of Underwater Currents) and under Lugia the three legendary birds.
Now, the three birds don’t really all have an association with some form of water, but you could stretch them into either Weather Patterns (Which are determined by the ocean and it’s currents) as Snow/Rain/Sun OR as representing different States of Water, Frozen Ice (Articuno), Liquid Rain (Zapdos) and Gaseous Vapor (Moltres), which, kinda makes sense, idk theyre ruled by the ocean currents and all live on islands surrounded by water its the best I can come up with
either works, but, since there is a “Weather Trio” later on, the states of water probably work best
Nest we have Rayquaza (Atmosphere) which has the underlings Latios (Cold Air Currents) and Latias (Warm Air Currents) and from them spawn the actual Weather Trio, Thundurus (Humidity), Tornadus (Wind) and Landorus (Heat), rather than just saying rain/storm etc I figured making it the three factors that control all the weather patterns that can happen to make the most sense here
Finally we have Groudon (Land) which has the underlings Heatran (Earth’s Molten Core) and Diancie (Earth’s Crust) and I like this because it matches the pattern of each Planet Trio member having two underlings representing the hot and cold versions of each trio. Also under Groudon (Land) we have Regigigas (Continents) who rules landmasses in general, then under Regigigas we have the various types of solid landmasses possible Regice (Ice/Snow/Tundra), Regirock (Stone/Earth/Mountain) and Registeel (Cities/Steel/Construction). 
Then separately under Regigigas, but lower then the other 3 Regi’s, we have the rulers of specific small particular landmasses, various Island Guardians, the 4 Tapu’s. I’d say Regigigas is their direct ruler, because what are islands except Tiny Continents, but theyre lower in priority than the 3 Regi’s since those guys represent 3 basic types of landmasses, similar but different.
The more specific you get the more things fractal outwards
Next we have Giratina who represents Antimatter, and under him most nonphysical/spiritual concepts that are misunderstood and foreign and hard to grasp, since they sort of exist on the “other side” of things. Xerneas (Life), Yveltal (Death), Zygarde (Balance/Aura). 
Also with him is Marshadow and Mew. Marshadow is a ghost pokemon that lives in the shadows, but also represents the idea of the “fighting spirit” which often associated with “Aura” in pokemon. Whereas Mew is the genetic physical origin of all living Pokemon. 
So both sort of represent the two halves needed to create a living existing creature. Mew representing the body and the physical form, Marshadow representing the soul, the spirit, or the aura needed to give life to that physical form. Dunno what exact title to give, perhaps Prince of Aura and Prince of DNA or something along those lines. 
Underneath Zygarde, representing Balance/Nature, we have Ho-oh representing Reincarnation or Rebirth
and while you’d think it makes sense to have Ho-oh underneath Xerneas (Life) instead, the idea of Rebirth naturally involves a delicate Balance or natural Cycle of both Life and Death. So under Zygarde they go. 
then of course Ho-oh as Reincarnation has dominion over Suicune (Purifying Water), Raikou (Revitalizing Electricity) and Entei (Transmuting Fire) aka the various ways something can be “reborn”: Purified of any corruption or healing of damage, given new strength or Vitality, or physical remoulding of it’s shape or form, the same things that happened to all three. (also because i like to believe that while Unown’s may have created the Entei in the third pokemon movie, it’s ability to reshape reality at will could have naturally been it’s own as well, maybe, i know not really but still)
This has potential then for future legendary pokemon underneath Yveltal and Xerneas to represent different specific concepts of Destruction/Death/Illness and Creation/Life/Healing. Like Sickness, Old Age, Decay, Growth, Youth, and Vitality. 
Next we have those also directly under Arceus, as an ultimate creator, whereas Dialga, Palkia and Giratina represented Time, Space and Antimatter respectively, Arceus has dominion over the concept of Humanity, with me sort of borrowing the concept of gods creating humanity in their image. 
Now, you can see a sort of empty point here where it looks like a Pokemon should be in this spot, similar to Palkia/Giratina/Dialga, but this is because technically Arceus is both directly fulfilling this spot, and because this spot overlaps with the three beneath it, Reshiram/Zekrom and Kyurem. I kind of see it as both Arceus and “the original dragon” that is Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem all fused, which we get close to, but never really fully see. And i like this because it kind of highlights that the question to humanity’s existence and purpose, doesn’t have an answer, just like this spot doesn’t have a ruler.
Here also, we have the two beings who would have supported what this ultimate being of humanity might have represented, and indeed what Arceus may have intended to shape humanity into all along.
Victini, representing Power, Victory, Success and Shaymin, representing Gratitude, Appreciation, Recognition. 
Really does paint a picture of an almost angelic sense of euphoria and love. If we take even more christian mythos as inspiration here, it makes sense that the lack of a figure representing Euphoria and Love as penultimate concepts of humanity, and the fact that it no longer exists, almost points to a “fall of man/why evil exists” kind of situation, where that being of love and euphoria and what it represented was rejected by those it was meant to have dominion over, and was thus shattered from existence as a result. And it makes sense in another way too, to be eternally euphoric kind of demands a lack of free will and choice in order to be true, which humanity would obviously never accept, even if temporary pain and evil was the result. 
So from that, Reshiram represents the human conception of Truth, and Zekrom represents the human conception of Ideals. This is branched out to be a sort of Intellect/Rationality versus Emotion/Freewill kind of idea in my mind. But they also represent different forms of Energy, Reshiram’s Fire and Zekrom’s Electricity. Kyurem as the third is a nullifier of both, due to it’s nature as empty husk of the original. So while Reshiram/Zekrom represent the natural leftover concepts of Humanity and Energy, Kyurem represents unnatural humanity and Entropy (Absolute Zero Ice). 
So from Reshiram (Truth), spawns the idea of Keldeo (Justice), the idea that things can be Right or Wrong, or can be logically determined as such. This gets you Cobalion (Rationality), Terrakion (Reality) and Virizion (Intellect).
A subset of Reshiram’s Fire Energy we also have Volcanion, who represents specifically Steam energy. 
on the other side, you have Zekrom (Ideals), spawns the idea of Meloetta (Expression), the idea of individuality and that each person has their own perspective or priorities. This gets you Azelf (Willpower), Uxie (Knowledge) and Mesprit (Emotion) (also it just feels really aesthetically nice to think of Meloetta as the Lake Trio’s “leader” she has basically the same color scheme and design of being somewhat pixie like, has the fourth color green to the lake trios red/yellow/blue, and is slightly taller more humanshape to denote her status as leader, its a great idea and you should love it like i do)
a subset of Zekrom’s Electric energy we have Zeraora, who represents specifically Plasma Energy.
Underneath Kyurem (Unnatural Humanity) we get all of our man-made legendaries. Starting with Magearna (Manufacturing/Man-Making in general) as the oldest legendary created by man, then branching out to Genesect (Scientific Modification), Type:Null (Scientific Blending) and Mewtwo (Scientific Creation). Then Type:Null gets its evolution in Silvally, possibly representing the concept of Trust or Friendship as a whole, a wholly natural human activity, that also has to be created or nurtured by humanity to continue existing, Naturally Man-Made, a perfect blend of the two. And I like the coincidence that a lot of the manmade pokemon are a direct result result of man’s freewill to be evil or good, just like they were a direct result of Kyurem/Reshiram/Zekrom’s current state of being. 
Lastly the Ultra beasts are kind of, outside of this whole dynamic, I’m not sure if i could solidly put any of them directly tied to Dialga/Palkia/Giratina/Arceus, like there’s some that I thing could kinda work maybe in some cases but overall not really?
Like Xurkitree Kartana and Celesteela looking very man-made (but they aren’t technically) Poipole/Naganadel representing Poison and possibly Illness or Decay, putting it under Yveltal as Death, same as Guzzlord being Destruction
But it’s not, the greatest, so overall I just kinda put them in a circle outside of everything, but closest to the major concepts they sort of have a connection with.
But instead of being tied to anything directly and representing specific concepts, they represent extremely vague ethereal/ephemeral concepts in contrast that are also very alien and inhuman and almost eldritch (when not representing specifically human concepts)
Guzzlord - Represents Destruction in all it’s forms, recycling, transformation, restructuring, but not with any malice, just with the cold unthinking unreasonable processing of a wood chipper eating your leg. 
Poipole/Naganadel - represents poison, illness, sickness, decay, old age, allergies (because theyre bees) basically all things that usher in potential death
Blacephalon - represents Primal Fears/Illusions/The Void/The Ineffable/Unknowable/Eldritch due to the clown association and it’s attack Mind Blown hinting at a more “its all in your head/cannot comprehend the nature of this attack” concept as well.
Celesteela - represents all the ideas of motion, the laws of gravity, propulsion, magnetism, all the forces of the universe that push and pull things together or apart
Pheromosa - represents all concepts of value, beauty, worth, strength, ability, importance, awe, wonder, admiration, love, desire etc the things most humans desire to head towards at full speed
Xurkitree - represents all concepts of machinery, clockwork, computers, circuits, programming and automatons and technology in general, past present future and alien. 
Stakataka - represents ideas of a legion, many being one but all being the same, lack of individuality, a hive mind of samey clones, moving and speaking and being in constant unison, like grains of sand, drops of water, leaves in a forest, it is indistinct, incomprehensible, numerous, countless, innumerable, incalculable, immeasurable, untold, endless etc
Kartana - represents the concept of all physical textures, rough, smooth, sharp, hardness, hairy, coarse, fluffy, slimy etc
Nililego - represents ideas of infiltration, parasitizing, possession, loss of identity, erosion of the self, influencing, puppeteering, invasion, permeation, infection,  an undoing of boundaries, overlapping, linking together, echoing
Buzzwole -  represents all concepts of power, strength, dominance, leeching, violence, force, ferocity, wildness, cruelty, hatred
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catflowerqueen · 4 years
Sableye Backstory
So here’s that backstory I promised you all months ago now… and which I worked on instead of writing the actual paper I have due this week….
I’m going to go ahead and refer to the sableye by name throughout the narrative for ease of understanding, but none of them actually had individual names until some varying point after meeting Laura.
General Backstory:
This will also have to be split in several parts, since the six sableye that I lovingly refer to as the “Sableye Gang” actually started out as two distinct groups. Sort of.
Technically speaking, all six sableye and their families were originally part of a bigger clan/tribe of sableye, so they spent part of their early life together. They all had varied relationships to their blood relatives, but the six of them were always very close, and good friends with each other. They had their squabbles, of course, but more in the manner of close siblings—even though only Seis and Trois are actually related by blood. Or at least, they have the closest blood relationship—some of the others could probably be considered cousins, if only distantly, considering how tight-knit the clan used to be, but no one really bothered to do any sort of genealogical study to confirm that, nor do they really care either way. They’re all around the same age, with Cinq being the oldest and Trois the youngest—the age difference between the two of them probably isn’t any bigger than three years or so, however.
The leader of this clan was Seis and Trois’ grandfather. After his death, when the eldest of the gang (Cinq) was around six or seven, there was a schism in the group over which of the grandfather’s two sons should be the next leader. Ultimately, Seis and Trois’ uncle would win—and he ended up banishing the families that opposed him, so the gang was split up when Seis and Trois’ family was forced to leave. I’ll call this group “Group One,” because even though it’s the smaller of the two groups, it makes a bit more sense chronologically speaking to talk about this group first as far as Seis and Trois are concerned.
 Group One
This group did not fare well at all. They were smaller in number, and couldn’t take on bigger groups of pokémon, or strong solitary pokémon, and so often lost fights over food/territory. It wasn’t long before their leader—Seis and Trois’ dad—decreed that in order to survive, they needed to get rid of the dead weight. By this, he meant the kids—including his own sons. Luckily for the duo, however, their mother loved them very, very much and protected them, covering their escape. But she was severely injured in the process, and didn’t survive long. Her sons kept her chest gem as a memento, and then buried her before moving on and trying to make a life of their own. The safest thing for them was to keep moving and work on speed (and acting skills, in Seis’ case), since they’d already seen the results of what happened when a too-small, too-weak group tried to assert dominance—and they had the added handicap of being children. They managed fairly well for themselves for a year or two… until Trois got really, really sick when Seis was around 8-9 years old. So sick, in fact, that Seis feared he would die, especially since he didn’t have any medical training and didn’t know how to help.
Luckily for them… when Seis was out looking for some clean water to at least try and keep his brother comfortable, he ran into the Little Imp, who was out with Dusknoir on a sort of reconnaissance mission, and he convinced her to help. She basically bullied Dusknoir into going out and getting medicinal fruits and things—either by gathering them himself in the future or getting Dialga/Celebi to send him into the past to get some (because at this point I’m not entirely sure whether or not Little Imp and Celebi had their brief meeting that forced Celebi into moving away from Grovyle and closer to Dialga, where he could keep a watch over her). With her help, Trois manages to recover—though he’ll always have some health/physical development issues stemming from this incident. The only reason that she doesn’t adopt them on the spot is that Seis’ acting skills are so great, even at this stage, that he convinces her that he is way older than he actually is, and that this illness was a freak occurrence and the two do just fine by themselves usually—he totally has everything handled.
He does NOT have everything handled, but the two adults kind of scare him a little (or a lot) despite how helpful they’ve been—Little Imp because of her intensity and how genuine she is in her kindness and caring (since its something he hasn’t seen since his mother passed away) and Dusknoir because he’s just being his typical suspicious and intimidating self—and Seis fooled him as far as ages go, too. He would have probably toned things down at least a little had he known Seis was a child, and not just Trois, he would have toned things down a bit—given his own backstory, he’s always been pretty good with children. Though, granted, the children he’s most familiar with were actually fairly well-adjusted, considering the circumstances.
In any case, despite him not having nearly as good a grip on things as leads everyone he’s ever interacted with to believe, he actually managed fairly well after this incident.
 Group Two:
This group consisted of the remaining four sableye and their families. They mostly kept the same lifestyle that they’d had up until this point, as the group was still fairly large. Nothing major happened with them for roughly four or five years. But when the kids were around 9-10… the group’s leader made a humongous mistake that changed the course of their lives.
Safe spaces to hide and rest are at a premium in the dark future, even for an experienced group like the sableye clan, so when they come across a cave—complete with a sort of door mechanism guarding the entrance—that looks untouched, despite being very well-hidden and near a grove of fruit trees… they decide to try and make it their new base for a while. But the fact that it was so untouched despite being in such a great location should have set off some major warning signals, because shortly after the adults start trying to force the door open… an absolutely furious Dialga shows up. Apparently, this location was the equivalent of a holy place, and Dialga does not take well to the perceived desecration. He starts a massacre, going so far as to actually ignore and push aside the Little Imp—who had been frantically trying to catch up to him and then stop him—and then the next thing the kids know, all the adults are dead. The only reason the kids survive is that the Little Imp shields them with her own body—going so far as to gather the absolutely freaked out kids in her arms and then turn her back to Dialga so that he wouldn’t be able to push her aside again—and then makes a desperate plea and tries to bargain with him. Dialga is too far gone to listen to reason—but he’s apparently still able to parse through plans of vengeance.
 Dialga is mad because the adult sableye were trying to break into a location that’s extremely precious to her, right? So if anyone deserves the right to punish the sableye, it would be her. But simply killing them is a waste, when there are more productive things that could be done—like making them into an object lesson for anyone else foolish enough to cross Dialga. And what good is an example if it can only be shown off once? Especially in this crazy world, where people are liable to forget things if they aren’t constantly exposed to it. So even though she absolutely hates the phrasing and implications, the Little Imp finally manages to secure the lives of the four kids by, essentially, putting them under her control and trading their lives for their freedom. It’s the only thing that makes the slightest bit of sense to Dialga, even though he hasn’t quite been appeased by the carnage he already wrought. In his mind, they owe the Little Imp everything—not because she spared their lives, but because they tried to ruin something that belongs to her, so she is owed repayment of some sort. Even if they didn’t actually do anything, and the whole thing was an accident.
 But the Little Imp hates it, absolutely hates it, because she doesn’t want the kids to feel like they owe her anything, or that they have to be servants. She just wants them to live, and to be able to be kids. But she knows that because of what Dialga just did and said, and because of what the world in general is like… that can’t happen. Especially not now.
Still, despite the unfortunate implications and the trauma, she—and Dusknoir—try to help the kids and raise them the best they can. She doesn’t feel like she can really be a mother figure to them (which is why she never attempts to give any of them names—along with the fact that, as an adult, she actually has the chance to learn about pokémon naming conventions in general, and how some just don’t give specific names to their kids, for various reasons [such as in Dusknoir’s family, where the tradition is that the eldest child of the family remains unnamed in order to “carry on the family name/line/etc.” while all subsequent children get their own name. So Dusknoir, as the eldest, only has his species name while his younger brother, who remained a duskull, did get an actual name]), and she actually feels kind of awkward around them given the technicalities surrounding their situation… but she still tries. And it eventually starts to work—at least, a little. Their relationship is extremely complicated, and they still think of her and Dusknoir as more their bosses/masters than anything like a family… but they become extremely fond of her. They come to adore her, really, and feel safe enough to express the fact that they’re extremely grateful that she saved them—even if they don’t really get why she did. But before she can try to teach them more, or get them to understand their own worth—or the fact that they’re allowed to be angry that she couldn’t do more for them, that she chose this option rather than trying harder to change Dialga’s mind—she dies. This takes place when the eldest of them is around 12-13… and they, along with Dusknoir and Dialga, are absolutely devastated. Also a bit afraid, since she was basically their shield from Dialga’s wrath… but mainly they’re devastated.
 None of them even considers running, event though they probably could have completely escaped during this time of distraction, so they’re still kind of awkwardly mulling around in confusion and grief when Dialga finally regains himself enough to start plotting about kidnapping the Little Imp’s successor. Dusknoir is just as confused and grief-stricken as everyone else, but he also has enough age and sanity to be able to keep ahold of himself and make his own plans and realizes that, given how unhinged Dialga is at the moment, the sableye are in a very precarious position, because their connection to the Little Imp was the only thing keeping his master’s eyes off them. So he quickly takes full control of them himself, telling Dialga that it’s only until the Little Imp’s successor comes of age and can decide what she wants done for herself. Plus, they can still be effective bodyguards as she grows up. Given the nature of the Little Imp, and Laura’s connection to her (and, thus, to the cave that is at the root of this whole mess), Dialga agrees to this pretty readily. Also, he’s half distracted with making preparations and trying to wrest enough control/power from Palkia to be able to open another portal to the human world.
The sableye are pretty on board with this board with this plan, mostly because they don’t really know what else to do, and are fully prepared to take on the role of guard duty/whatever Dusknoir tells them to do—in part because it really isn’t too different than what they were already doing. They and Dusknoir were expecting the new human to be an adult—because, again, only Dialga for sure what is meant by “successor”—and the fact that Earth and the Pokémon world are in different universes means that time doesn’t necessarily sync up exactly between the two [even without the mess that comes from the fact that time is currently messed up in the Pokémon world], so just because… let’s say, ten years or so have passed in Dialga’s perspective from the Little Imp coming to his world to her death, it doesn’t mean ten years have passed on Earth. It could have been twenty. Or a hundred. Or less than month. And by that same token, just because three-ish years passed on Earth from the time Laura was born to when she was kidnapped doesn’t mean that it took that same amount of time back in the Pokémon world. So even though the timing on the Rainbow Child’s personal timeline would imply that the sableye should be around 16-17 or so when they met her next incarnation, by the time they meet Laura they’re all still around the 13-14 they were when the Little Imp died.
So while the gap in age between them in Laura is still a bit large… it isn’t large enough that they aren’t all still basically kids. They’re more on equal footing—and Laura looks at them as friends and guardians more than anything else. The baggage isn’t there on either side, and they can befriend each other without worry—and, actually, the sableye are more or less encouraged to befriend Laura, because friends are what she wants and needs—and their job as her bodyguards is to keep her as happy and safe as possible. So they get to come to like her and be her friends and adore her as much as they want, without worrying overly much about what others think—though they still have to maintain a bit of “professionalism” in order to avoid ticking off Dialga, and they all know that, technically speaking, Laura is their actual boss—even if they’re listening to Dusknoir for now.
In any case, once Laura comes into Dusknoir/Dialga’s care, things proceed pretty much like she told everyone in Relatia’s Cave. The groups wouldn’t meet again for roughly 5-6 years after Laura makes her escape and befriends Grovyle.
 The Convergence of the Groups:
As I said earlier, despite the bluffing that Seis managed to pull off in regards to his actual competency level, he and his brother still managed things fairly well and eventually grew strong enough that they didn’t have to be in panic mode all the time, and could actually chill out and take things a bit slower. He was also able to reflect on things a bit more and decide that the Little Imp probably really was just that kind and genuine, and he probably owed her some sort of debt—or at least a more genuine thank-you. He came to the decision in part because Seis kept asking him for stories about the strangers who helped him back then, since he was really out of it and has no recollection of the events. The two of them (though, mostly Seis, really) decide to try and find her again, working off vague clues that Seis half-remembers about her being important to someone with a high status, and the two of them utilize Seis’ acting skills to gather more information eventually come into contact with Dusknoir again. To their utter shock and joy, when they finally do find him, it also brings them back into contact with their childhood friends—who are quick to assimilate them into their group once more. The two of them actually meet up with the group first before coming into contact with their boss. Dusknoir does not recognize them as the duo he’d helped before given that Seis is acting completely different now—or, rather, he isn’t acting, for once—and he didn’t actually get a good measure of Trois given the whole “riddled with illness” thing he had going on the last time they met. Seis elects not to bring it up—because while he was swapping stories with his friends on the way to go ask if they could formally join the group, he learned that the Little Imp had since passed away. He was devastated, of course, since it meant he never got the chance to formally and fully thank her for the fact that his brother is still alive. But Dusknoir hasn’t gotten any less intimidating since the last time he saw him, and considering how close the two were, he’s a little afraid of mentioning her at all in fear of how he might react—that, and he doesn’t want to bring up any sad memories for his friends, since they were really close to her as well. So no one but Trois actually knows that the two of them met her as well, and since Trois can’t actually remember it, he isn’t quite as impacted on the personal level that the others are.
Seis had already planned to join up with his friends in their work for a lack of anything else better to do, plus the fact that it provided more support and stability, and Trois was of course going to follow his brother, but, privately, Seis also decided to join for the sake of Laura—as the Little Imp’s successor (in more ways than anyone other than Dialga and possibly Dusknoir realize at this time), Seis figures that the debt he has towards the Little Imp transfers over to her. …And he guesses he technically owes Dusknoir a debt to, and this does help to fulfill that one as well, but… honestly, it’s more for pragmatic reasons that he elects to stay on the guy’s good side since, again, he’s kind of terrifying. The better bonus to the situation would be that his friends like Laura, and he likes his friends, so helping her helps them as well.
Given his complicated feelings on the matter of the Little Imp, and the way he’s transferred them onto Laura, one might assume that a better way to repay that debt would be to actually help her in her quest directly—but at this point in time, the fact that she and Grovyle are trying to change the past is more of a side note to the fact that she just straight up ran away from home. No one really realizes yet that changing the past will lead to their nonexistence, so they’re more concerned with the fact that she’s constantly putting herself into dangerous situations—which is an undeniable truth, since… yeah, she is. And since he hasn’t spent any actual time with her, he and Trois don’t have the same conflicted feelings that some of the others might have in regards to the reasons why she’s doing what she’s doing. By the time that they figure out the ramifications for their existence if she and Grovyle manage to succeed in their plans… well, he still hasn’t spent quite enough time with her to feel as conflicted as, say, Dos does, but he is fond of her for her own merits—rather than simply for that tenuous sense of obligation carrying over from the Little Imp—and has silently decided that he’s going to try and get to know her better/cheer her up and be as good of a friend as she’ll let him be once she’s captured for good. Or, at the very least, he’s going to make sure that she’s as physically protected as she can possibly be, since he can’t see her being too happy with the actual outcome of getting captured.
 That’s the basic backstory (though their ages are prone to flux as I pinpoint down exact dates and things, and how old they all feel in canon compared to how old it would reasonably make sense for them to be able to do things while still being able to keep close enough to Laura’s young age that it wouldn’t be weird for her to think of them and Grovyle as friends/older brothers)—but I do want to get into one last thing before signing off. Namely, how the sableye all got their names. Two of these stories have already been posted, but I’m not sure if I’ll end up doing specific ones for the rest, so I’ll just go ahead and list them here, in the order they were named.
1.      Dos: Laura gave him a name after the two of them bonded over painting when he was guarding her cell. She did it for a silly reason, and almost on an impulse, really, after she realized that the two of them had painted portraits of each other—meaning that there were now “two” of them, although she only pointed out her own painting in that explanation. There’s no real reason she decided to give him the Spanish translation of the number, aside from maybe her thinking that since it was in a different language than either of them typically spoke, it would sound more like a name. And “Dos” was less confusing for her to spell out than “Deux.”
2.      Cinq: She named him in guilt, after he got extremely injured picking her a bouquet of five flowers. Again… she thought that the foreign language sounded more like a name than the English/pokémon equivalent translation (which is still technically English, but no one realizes/calls it that since their written language has, for some reason, evolved way beyond that to become pretty much unrecognizable. Is that how linguistics actually work? Probably not, but that’s what I’m going with). She chose French this time because, for whatever reason, she just thought that “Cinq” sounded more elegant/better than “Cinco” for a name.
3.      Un: Named because he was the first pokémon she ever saw, as he (along with Cinq) was one of the ones who came with Dusknoir to kidnap her from Earth. Since she’d already given two of the sableye names at this point, she just decided to go ahead and do the others as well—though she hadn’t realized that she was establishing a theme of numbers. They just sort of… happened, because they fit the situations she was naming them for. As with Cinq, she chose the French version because she just thought it sounded better in this instance.
4.      Cuatro: He was the last one she gave a name while she was still in Dusknoir/Dialga’s custody, and he was was so named because he would typically greet her with four questions/fun facts whenever they saw each other, given his curious nature. This time, the Spanish version of the word sounded better. She still had not yet realized she’d locked herself into the number theme.
5.      Trois: The first time she met him (which was when he joined the others in trying to chase her down and capture her) he called her “Laura.” Just “Laura,” no honorifics—and he was only the third pokémon to ever do that (with the first being Dusknoir and the second Grovyle). Since practically no one ever used just her name—even Grovyle tended to call her “Partner” most of the time—this pleased her immensely. Of course, the other sableye were horrified by this, and quickly corrected him on the matter—the next time the group caught up with her and Grovyle, he was calling her “Miss Laura,” to her great displeasure. But she’d already given him a name, so she couldn’t change it now. She elected for “Trois” rather than “Tres” because ‘Tres” sounds like “Trace” when spoken aloud, and she wanted to highlight the “three” aspect in her naming reasoning.
6.      Seis: His is probably the most boring reason/story. She had finally by this point recognized the theme she’d inadvertently given the rest of the sableye (or had it pointed out to her by one of her friends), and felt compelled to continue with it. He’s named Seis because it means “Six,” she didn’t want to repeat a number, and the others alternated in language so next up was Spanish. If any other sableye joined up after him, they would have been named Sept to follow the theme and pattern. Seis takes it all in good humor—and probably figured out the reasoning behind his name without having to be told—though he can get a little annoyed when the others—especially Trois—tease him over it. And Trois likes to do it a lot, since he’s an annoying younger brother and revels in the fact that not only was he named first, despite being younger, but his name actually has a cool story behind it.
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skypxllar · 5 years
[ANTI-DIMENSION] Trial 2: Hoopa
A long table rose from the ground to her left. A flat, comfortable platform appeared to her right. The creator looked over. “Please, sit accordingly. There are… matters to discuss.
Everyone took a seat. The humans and humanoid Pokémon each took a seat at the table. Zinnia sat near the front, with Hera to one side and Celebi to another. Many of the other Pokémon shuffled to the right, each taking a seat for those who chose not to maintain their flight like Rayquaza. 01, however, sat near the middle, just far enough away from everyone else to observe. 
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“I presume that everyone is aware of the circumstances of the situation at hand… and that everyone understands why I have called for this meeting, yes?”
The silence quickly filled the air as no one bothered to speak.
“I see…. Then, allow me to summarize for those who are unaware. There were… plans… made to eradicate every Ultra Beast and extradimensional creature from this world. Those who planned such hoped that doing so would help prevent the sudden death of our world and desecration of our ecosystem.” Helen began to pace. “Thus, the conspirators had begun by utilizing a Giratina from Hera’s realm to assist in ambushing the Lorekeeper and her Poipole, allowing them to isolate the human and attempt in killing them both--” Helen looked at Zinnia.
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Zinnia looked down. A tear shed from her eye. She silently nodded.
Helen continued pacing. “Then, once such was completed, the plan was to utilize a Z-Crystal to create a Black Hole to destroy the entire Alola region…. Is that correct, Dialga?” Helen glared at the dragon.
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“...Yes, Mother.”
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“Mother! You do not understand! Dialga has seen what would transpire and--”
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“For the last time, Palkia, I do not CARE what timelines Dialga has seen!” 
Helen was starting to get heated, but quickly calmed down. “...My apologies. Anyway, I would like to thank the majority of you who had made an attempt to prevent such a plan from transpiring. Whether you are a human, a Pokémon, a Legendary Pokémon, or an Ultra Beast, we are all but beings who work to share the same realm and the same world within that realm. No matter your feelings about certain individuals or groups of other residents, we should always work in the world’s best interests, and, for thus, I must thank you all for your bravery and your action…” Helen looked at Demetri, who decided to still be out of his Groudon form. “...Or inaction thereof.” Helen smiled and waved. Demetri and Eos waved back.
Helen returned to addressing the rest of the floor, and, specifically, to the humans and non-Legendary Pokémon (and 01). “For those of you who went on your own volition to save the world from peril, there is no treasure in the world… nothing that I can put into words for my gratitude for your bravery. Thus, if there is anything I or my children can do for you after this meeting, anything at all, simply request it and we shall do everything in our power to provide for you. Think of us as an… ‘extended family’ of sorts.” Helen gave out a chuckle. While she was a trickster when she needed to be, the offer itself was genuine.
“Anyway, before we continue, there is a quick matter that we must attend to. Hoopa, darling?”
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Hoopa-confined flew forward before bowing somberly. “Hoopa sorry causing trouble and fighting friends.” Hoopa nodded. “Hoopa will try not to put people in danger again--”
Helen smiled. “Thank you, child.”
Hoopa nodded before returning to their original location. 
“Anyway, thank you all for coming. For those of you who were dragged here due to circumstance, you may go.” Helen created a platform behind everyone. “Taking the platform before you will return you to your home. You are not required to leave; however, the next portion of this meeting will be a little more… personal to say the least. Thus, whilst I recommend it, I shall not force you to leave.”
Several of the guests returned to the platform. Hoopa flew over to Xerneas as the duo walked towards the exit.
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“Oh, and Xerneas?”
Xerneas stopped.
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“...Yes, Mother?”
“If you speak with your Zygarde, could you--”
“--Athena wants nothing to do with you, Mother. You know this.”
“I am aware; however, I cannot help but feel embarrassed of the situation at hand. I simply wanted you to apologize and thank her in my stead.”
Xerneas turned around before nodding. She then went back to the platform.
The platform then vanished, leaving not a trace of it and those who boarded it behind.
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pika-ace · 6 years
Broadway Mystery Dungeon AU
Aka the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2 Broadway/musical crossover no one asked for XD
Now as for the story, you can look at this in two ways. You can go the simple route and just see all the characters here as Pokemon like in the game...OR you can see them all as humans but with special powers. Let me explain:
So this world kinda runs on Earthbound-esque rules, with people having special magic. Before the dark future came along, the world was run by humans and a race called Thespes. Thespes may look like humans but have special powers and abilities, humans do not. And again, while they look similar, it’s just one of those things where you just KNOW the difference by looking at them.
This plays into the story because Jeremy is the hero and Squip is Grovyle. Basically, the Squip found Jeremy as a child in the Dark Future. Jeremy is pretty much the only human left, because the planets paralysis basically made natural selection wipe out the human race leaving only the Thespes behind since their abilities actually gave them a fighting chance to survive. So Squip basically adopts Jeremy and raises him until they go back to the past, and when they’re separated, Jeremy is turned into a Thespe, which means his appearance changed AND he has powers, which he never had before. He has SOME likeness to his human self, but at first glance, he’s a Thespe, which is why Squip doesn’t recognize him. He knew Jeremy as a human and was looking for a HUMAN this whole time, not a Thespe; and even if he noticed the resemblance, he’d think it was a coincidence. So yeah, I just wanted to clear that up. The rest of the story is pretty much the same as the game. And again, you can ignore all of this if you just want them to be Pokemon.
Full cast below the cut:
Jeremy as the hero and Michael as the partner - Pretty self explanatory. And if they were Pokemon Jeremy would probably be an Eevee and Michael a Shinx, based off this fanart here, but honestly, it’s PMD, they can be whoever you want. 
The Squip as Grovyle -  Cause he’s cool and strong and I need more good!Squip in my life thank you!
The Squip Squad as the Guild members - No specific labels to certain Pokemon in the guild, they can be whoever and switch whenever they need to. 
Alexander Hamilton as Guildmaster Wigglytuff and Aaron Burr as Chatot - cause they but heads and disagree, but I like to think that when push comes to shove, they have each other’s backs. 
Anatole as Dusknoir - Mostly because he seems like the type of guy who would do a bad guy’s bidding if it meant not dying. He just has that vibe. Plus with his pretty boy look, he can EASILY fool everyone into trusting and thinking he’s the good guy.
Sophie as Celebi - As in Sophie from Mamma Mia, mostly because going by the movie she’s pretty cheerful and upbeat and also because Eric William Morris played Sky at one point and Grovyle and Celebi have a pretty strong ship, sooooo...yeah. 
Oz as Dialga/Primal Dialga - Only he has ACTUAL magic here. Plus, he’s not a bad guy, he just went crazy when the world went to shit; not his fault. 
Evan, Jared, and Conner as the Lake Trio - Specifically Evan as Azelf, Jared as Mesprit, and Conner as Uxie. No real reason, they were just the only other trio I could think of.
The Heathers as Team Skull - Again, explains itself. Three bad girls, VERY two-faced, and would most likely join the guild to get their hands on treasure. Pretty fitting. 
Usnavi and Sonny as Maril and Azurill - Because I’m me, and these two are protective siblings in the game so it’s too perfect (also I can bring my signature ‘Sonny’s in trouble’ trope into effect once again >:3)
Jean Valjean as Drowzee - This is mostly because Drowzee gets redeemed in the future. He’s arrested for a bit but then goes off to turn over a new leaf until Jeremy and Michael come back seeking his help. It works out.
Elphaba as Lapras - This was kinda a shot in the dark since no Broadway character is like Lapras, so I figured flying was the next best thing.
Hades as Darkrai - Still need to listen to Hadestown, but this was the closest I could get to an all-powerful VERY evil being without dipping into the Percy Jackson musical, cause I think that would be cheating.
Orpheus and Eurydice as Cresselia - Mostly cause they’re opposites to Hades, and I think Orpheus’ music could counter the nightmares and darkness Hades brings. 
(I know I missed other minor characters but I just wanted to get the main cast out of the way)
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princess2x4-a · 5 years
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‖ ♥︎ 》 Oh shit, it’s that time of the whatever again, where I throw some vagueish worldbuilding that –24 people care about at y’all.
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‖ ♥︎ 》 So like, y’know how most legendary Pokémon are pretty much treated like gods or god-like entities? Well, in Ashura’s verse, there’s a very distinct line between who’s a god, who’s a subordinate of a god (a demigod, if you will), and who’s just some putz with a lot of power that humans treat like a god for some fucking reason. I made a post about it a while back (with a tier list and everything), but I wanted to go into more detail, so… Let’s GO, Readmore!
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‖ ♥︎ 》 In the Sinjhoverse, Arceus is still the God among Gods, the creator of everything ever, the one who banished Giratina to the “Distortion World”, etc etc. But the others have a hierarchy that goes beyond just we control elements lol. For example, Dialga is the Goddess of Time, and her power is absolute – You could have the most powerful time-based magic known to man in your control, and not only would it have no effect on Dialga, she could nullify or even take it away from you without even batting an eye. Celebi, on the other hand, may have access to time travel and appear to control time itself, but they serve under Dialga and as such their time abilities aren’t as strong. A lot of the legendaries are grouped off like this in a sort of boss-subordinate relationship – Palkia and Deoxys, Groudon and Regigigas, Kyogre and Lugia, Rayquaza and Ho-oh, to name a few – and it helps (for me, at least) make the lore I’ve pulled from Pokémon make sense in the more Disgaeaish context I’ve given them.
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‖ ♥︎ 》 Legendary-God trios have a dynamic that’s a bit different, and can vary between the groups in question. Take Groudon, Kyogre, snd Rayquaza, for instance — the three embody the balance between land, sea, and sky (and really, nature itself), and if - Groudon and Kyogre - two of them ever fight for dominance, - Rayquaza - the third ends up as a sort of mediator to tell them to cut the shit before they ruin everything. Then there’s Xerneas and Yveltal, whose power sort of feeds into a cycle that powers them both (life, death, reincarnation, etc. etc.), but Zygarde isn’t part of the cycle or a mediator – it’s the keeper of the cycle’s balance itself, and would be there to kick the shit out of either/both of the two if they were to step too far out of line.
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‖ ♥︎ 》 Speaking of out of line, let’s talk about the Ultra Beasts. They’re by no means gods, but definitely wield power comparable to some. Their “pocket” realms exist between the three “main” realms (Celestia, Sinjho, and the human world), and they don’t really interfere with much. They do, however, assist in keeping the space between the realms — their space — intact and always separating the main realms. They cooperate with Palkia for the most part and make his work easier, but only do so because they benefit. They also can’t handle being forced from their domains – something about portals to and from other realms that they don’t open themselves makes them go a little berserk^.
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‖ ♥︎ 》 The next logical way to go would be to Solgaleo and Lunala, I guess, so. The games’ lore describing them varies based on which Pokédex you’re reading – One says they embody the sun and moon, another says they’re emissaries of the sun and moon – but never state outright that they’re gods. So in Sinjhoverse, they’re former gods who demoted themselves to a lesser status - because they were tired of the constant in-fighting between certain other gods - and now serve as actual emissaries between the gods and the Ultra Beasts. Kind of a stretch, yeah, but it works.
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‖ ♥︎ 》 And that’s about it for the actual God-tier legendary Pokémon in this verse. I know there are like a billion more, but this post has to end somewhere, and I wanted to outline this stuff - for myself - just in case someone’s actually interested in the bullshit I’ve made up. Feel free to send an ask if you wanna know more or about a specific Legendary.
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catflowerqueen · 5 years
Bag Swap AU, Alternate Ending
A slightly happier/less angst filled alternative ending to the bag swap AU (at least in some regards. In others it may actually be worse. It really depends on your personal perspective about these sorts of things): 
This one is slightly more likely to happen in the version that takes place before the expedition, if only because in that version Uxie has more of an idea of her true identity via his brush with her mind and actually told her that she was probably a worshipper of Relatia—which Grovyle then confirmed, especially in regards to how close she apparently was to the goddess, even if he has no idea about the whole Rainbow Child thing. So she is more likely to try attempting this because she actually thinks it has a slight chance of working. On the other hand, she also has even less of an idea about what she is doing because she made more actual escape attempts while with Grovyle in this version, so she didn’t get quite as close to him before the reveal as she did in the other one—I’ll give more details shortly in another post.
Anyways, while everyone is splitting their time between searching for the Hidden Land and searching for a way to ensure that the pokemon in the future get to keep existing even when time is changed, Laura decides she is going to try and contact Relatia. Does she have any real idea of what she’s doing? Not really. But she may ask Grovyle a few pointed questions, and then ask if Uxie or Torkoal or someone knows a way to contact the Golden Child, who apparently still in this world, and may have some sort of idea about what to do. …And even if he can’t actually contact his goddess, he still may know something anyways. They may actually even briefly take Dusknoir and the Sableye out of prison in order to get their help—which they would readily provide, considering the circumstances.
And they do manage to find him. And it also turns out that he is very shocked to see her, for perfectly understandable reasons. It’s rather hard for him to keep quite about her identity, but he pulls through and attempts to walk her through the process of contacting their goddess. He is not entirely hopeful about the chances of success, considering that he already tried contacting her Relatia when time first started going out of whack, but now he has even more of a stake in getting this whole situation fixed because he isn’t entirely sure how Laura came to be in this world and, thus, can’t be certain that she won’t disappear if this method doesn’t work.
A tense few days later, when everyone is prepared to just bite the bullet and go with Plan A, and she shows up.
Her emotions are a mix of things and extremely hard to pin down, but primarily is joy at the fact that she was finally able to come here, because she has been looking for a way through for ages now. Though she doesn’t quite get into the reasons why just yet, as she has more pressing matters to attend to. So they put the time gears in their proper place with no fuss—because even a Dialga in the starting throes of madness is no match for her power—and she easily fixes the problem in regards to the pokemon of the future disappearing, though she is a little bemused by it all for the fact that this is not generally the way in which she employs this particular method—which has been outlined in an earlier. I forget which one.
Then we start getting into the good/slightly angsty stuff. Relatia expresses confusion about the fact that everyone was so worried about Laura disappearing when that was never actually a danger with her—or, at least it shouldn’t have been, if not for the fact that Laura is who she is, no matter the circumstances of where and when she was/is born—since she isn’t actually from the pokemon world. She was born in the human world—and the reason why Relatia was so frantic about finding her was because she isn’t the first of her servants to be kidnapped from Earth to be taken to the pokemon world, and Laura was a small child at the time of her kidnapping. Everyone but Dusknoir’s group is surprised at this, because he was the one who did the kidnapping both times. Relatia is not happy about this, but is willing to let it go for now since she blames Dialga far more for what happened.
But Dusknoir, surprisingly, is not willing to let it go—and Grovyle, even more surprisingly—is actually willing to back him up on this when she starts going on and on about how happy Laura’s parents will be when she tells them the good news about their daughter finally being found. Dusknoir is extremely adamant about the fact that Laura never, ever is put back in their custody—and once Grovyle realizes the implications behind Laura never actually using the term “parents,” only “guardians,” he also vehemently agrees. Which is when everyone finds out that Dusknoir was actually basically Laura’s pseudo-father-figure all this time, which gives them all a lot of mixed emotions. Relatia isn’t entirely sure what to do with this information, especially when Dusknoir also brings up some stuff about the Little Imp’s situation, but ultimately decides that, at least for now, it is probably best that Laura stay in this world while she gets to the bottom of things. She also suggests that Grovyle and Dusknoir’s group (who she is feeling marginally warmer to, or at least willing to trust them on this matter given Grovyle’s corroboration) hang out here in the past for a while and help rebuild things a bit since they have first-hand experience for the things that went wrong in the paralyzed future. She or Dialga can take them back to their own time later, if they actually feel like going.
The others grudgingly admit that it would be a good means of probation/rehabilitation for the group… and also grudgingly admit that they don’t feel quite as upset about their involvement in the whole debacle since survival instincts are a strong thing, and even if fixing time was the right thing to do, it isn’t unreasonable that they would have fought to preserve their own experience. And never having actually experienced the paralyzed future and all its intricacies, they aren’t sure that they are really in a position to judge. Also… it’s clear that they all adore Laura, and Grovyle at least tolerates them/respects them/understands them, even if he doesn’t necessarily like them—at least in Dusknoir’s case. He actually has good relationships with many of the Sableye, even if they could never actually be on the greatest of terms, so they are more willing to just let it go.
That, and they’re all still reeling from all this information on Laura’s past and the struggles that not even Grovyle knew about.
Given all this, Darkrai may or may not actually decide to reveal himself. It probably depends on how close he has been watching all of this recent drama. But if he does just decide to hang around Treasure Town and watch further, then Laura is definitely going to catch him at it eventually. …Though even in that case, he still may opt out of actually telling anyone what he did. He’s a complicated guy, after all, and his reasons for the sabotage were equally complicated.
There will definitely be interesting reactions from everyone if he does pop up, however, especially depending on which route he goes from there.
As for the situation with Laura and where she eventually ends up… probably Relatia is going to deem it best that she stays in the pokemon world for now, since she has some major infrastructural overhauls to do back home in regards to Laura’s situation specifically and that of the Rainbow Children in general. Laura will likely pick the past world because, unfortunately but understandably for Grovyle—this is where she actually has memories of. But Grovyle will probably visit a lot either way, and will likely bring Celebi.
When Laura eventually regains her memories after turning thirteen, she has a lot of conflicted feelings about the situation in general—especially where Earth and her parents are concerned, given that it was only now, after someone literally kidnapped her—multiple times, even, and during multiple lives—that Relatia had any inkling that things actually might not be that great for her Rainbow Children as they grew up. And she’s also annoyed that she took so long to see the issues for herself.
Some of that latter part will likely be discussed a bit in Déjà vu, especially near the end.
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