#i luv u sonk
fortemelody · 3 months
i’m sorry i don’t have much to offer in terms of content except for some old stuff :( today was a really bad day for me where i barely had the motivation to do anything. however sonic helped me through it and i couldn’t be more grateful for it <3 in fact this franchise has always been there for me when i was at my lowest. back in 2022 when the 2nd movie was released is when i started getting into the franchise, and later on that year is where what i would call “my peak loneliness” kicked in. i would pretty much cry everyday becus i didn’t think i was ever going to get real friends and i felt like no one was there for me. it seems so corny to me now but at the time i really related to sonics strong emotions of loneliness that were established in the first movie. and also i really couldn’t have entered the fandom at a better time, seeing as 2022 was dubbed the year of sonic by many based on the amount of content we got. before my “peak” was over by gaining new friends, sonic made me believe that things were *going* to get better eventually. if he gained a family, i thought i could too. when it seemed like it was taking forever, sonic was there for me every step of the way. along with that, he’s just an amazing symbol of hope for so many things i believe in, like living by your own way, giving second chances, and just overall appreciating your short time in a precious beautiful world. i love sonic so much and i don’t think that’ll ever change. happy 33rd birthday to him and many more!
here’s an edit i made last year; which coincidentally is when i sprained my ankle so this time last year was also once again very hard for me lmao
it’s not that good becus i hardly ever edit but i remember having a lot of fun with it so idc
and i begged my mom to make chilli dogs today so here’s my sonic plushie (whom btw i spent a lotta time hugging today 😭) with my meal
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lastly here’s a really unfinished sketch i did a couple days ago of sonic in his bday gear
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