#i luv mi kid so much
spidybaby · 1 year
golden child part 3!!!<3
Golden Child | part 3
Summary: As your relationship with Pedro progresses, the relationship you have with your brother is in a limbo.
Warnings: cursing.
A/N: Hello, this was fun to write. Even tho it took me a lot more than I was expecting. Buuuut, I do hope you like this 😋💛
Also, special mention to @gadriezmannsgirl girly luv yu 💛
Part one | Part Two
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"Tell me, where do you think all of this started?"
"The exact time?"
"No, but since you remember."
"I think I was six. Not sure, but I remembered that the first time I felt some kind of envy was when we got our grades back. She was the best of the three."
He paused for a moment. He was trying to remember, remember the way he felt.
"I tried my best, but that wasn't enough. No matter how much I studied, it did not matter. My mom asked my sister to help me with math one time, and I felt so stupid. I was the star on the field, but at home, I felt like I didn't matter."
"Do you think your parents focused more on your sister than on you?"
"No. Mom and dad dedicated all the time they had on the same level. They did what they thought was best. They worked so hard for us."
"And your other sister?"
"Aurora to me was a safe place." He smiles, thinking about her. "She was the shoulder to cry, the arms to go to after a good or bad day. She was home."
"I want to ask, do you feel you were outshine in your family? Not by mom or dad, by maybe the rest?"
"Well, I don't know if outshine is the term I'll go for. I think sometimes we were put against each other."
"In what way?"
"If I score at a game and got the team to win, my family was there to remind us that she was the best grade of all the cousins, siblings. But if she won a trophy for a science fair or something. They were there to congratulate me for the medal I got. Ignoring her."
"And how that made you feel?"
"Like I needed to win everything. Be better than her." He confesses, saying that outloud for the first time. "I wanted to feel like I was making them proud."
"You mentioned someone here, a friend from childhood. You blame her for making him leave. Why?"
"Arturo, he was my best friend. One night, he told me that he never wanted to see me or her again. He wanted nothing to do with us. And the commo denominator there was her."
"What happened after that?"
"I treated her like crap." He sighs, covering his face. "I used to be so mean, such and asshole."
"Elaborate on what you did to her."
"Bueno que también era un niño y no supe manejar mis emociones." (I was a kid who didn't control his emotions) he shrugs. "I used to pull her hair, I used to pinch her, I used to hurt her not only physically but emotionally. And I regret that."
"Why do you regret it?"
"Because I thought that hurting her was going to make me feel better. That's why I isolate myself from her. Because even though I felt good when I was a kid. It didn't as I grew up. And I was too dumb to recognize that."
"You told me that your sister Aurora tried to remedy things."
"She did. She used to play mediator with us, and at the time, I was fifteen. And I used to think that it was fun making her whine and cry. I thought it was a play from her. But I was only hurting our relationship more and more."
"And Aurora never told you anything in private?"
"She tried. But I cut her off leaving the room or not hearing her."
"Talk to me about the last fight."
"I got injured, right. So I needed to be taken care of, mom couldn't. Dad couldn't. Aurora couldn't. So, mom called her, and she helped me. But I-"
He takes a moment to continue. Lying was one thing, thing he thought was okay. Now that he admits he fucked up, it was a hard pill to swallow.
"I told my friends that she was my cousin. And while helping me, she and my friend Pedro got close during this time, Pedro told her about the lies I said. And she didn't say anything. Not to him, not to me. When he found out about it, he confronted me about it. And told me friends didn't lie to each other."
"Take your time. Breathe."
"I felt like the night Arturo left because of my sister. I went home, yelled at her, and well, hurt her."
"How do you feel now?"
"Como un hijo de puta, I feel so fucking bad, because my parents think it's on them, because Aurora can't even be around me, because Pedro and I don't even talk and because I think she will never speak to me in her life." (like an asshole)
"Okay, let's take a breath before continuing."
- three months later
"Pablo, are you joining us?" Javi asks him, entering the room without knocking. "Get up, let's go."
"Get your lazy ass up."
Javi grabs the pillow Pablo is using, hitting him with it.
"Con una mierda, Javi."
"Oh, don't get fussy, let's go. We're waiting for you."
"We? It's more like you 'cause Aurora is definitely not."
"If you're not down in five, I'll come back with ice cold water."
Pablo and Aurora haven't talked in months. She will do anything in her power not to talk with him. Asking his parents or boyfriend to deliver the message. Texting instead of talking. Everything.
You told her that was totally unnecessary, but she wanted to keep a silent vow. And she was doing such a splendid job in her brothers opinion.
Pablo noticed the way his sister quieted down once he joined. He hates it.
"Finally, we were about to leave." Javi says, excited to get the two siblings together. "Eat something, we're living in ten."
Aurora and Javi planned this hiking trip two weeks ago, but Javi wanted Pablo to join them, wanting to be the one to get these two on talking mode again.
When they left, Aurora was in charge of the music, always playing something she could sing, so she didn't give any opportunity for Pablo to engage.
The hiking was great. They were climbing this place that was open for hikers. The view was beautiful and the air was fresh.
"I want a picture of this view. It's amazing."
"So beautiful."
"Take a picture of me, please."
Aurora hands her phone to her boyfriend, but he has other plans. "Hey, I think I drop something. Pablo, take the picture, and I'll go search."
Before they could say anything, he ran a little away from them.
"Okay. Let me take that picture."
"Rora, por favor. It's just a picture."
She stares at him for a few seconds, handing the device into his hands. Pablo can't help but smile a little, taking the pictures.
"I been going to therapy." Pablo confess, he's proud of the progress he has made. "I've been constant and it's been so much help."
His parents agreed on not telling anyone, letting him choose who to tell. Aurora noticed some changes, mostly his attitude in the field. He was calm and not as aggressive as before.
"I'm sorry," he sighs. "What I did was wrong, the way I reacted. I hurt you, and I regret it."
"You not only hurt me."
"And I'm sorry for that too. But right now, I need to apologize to you."
Aurora stays quiet, a little too long for him to become nervous.
"You know I love you, cabezon." She hugs him. "And I know you're trying to be a better person. You're my baby, and I want the best for you and the best right now is what you're doing."
Javi is smiling from afar, seeing that his plan was successful.
- four months later
"Mami, please. I think I'm ready and I really need to do this."
"Pablito, sorry but no."
"Papá, please help me."
"Sorry, mijo, I'm with mom. We think it is too soon for you to do this."
He buffs, angry at the fact that his parents don't think he's ready to talk with you.
"Fine, I don't care."
But he cares, he wants to apologize, he wants to fix all the things he broke. The therapist told him that if he made a big progress, he had been working on himself.
His whole demeanor changed, and fans have noticed that. He was not that little bomb ready to go off with the minimum touch.
He still has that force and energy on the pitch. Just this time, he's controlling his reactions, choosing his battles.
The whole day, he spent it on his room. He was taking the weekend in Sevilla. He felt needy of love from his family. Needing some homemade food, some quality time with his father.
"Hey, cabezon. Dinner is ready."
"I'm not hungry."
"Pablo, what's going on?"
"I want to talk with Y/n, I feel ready to apologize. But mom and dad don't think the same."
"Ay pablito," Aurora patt his arm. "I know you feel ready, I really do. But in my opinion, you need a little bit more time."
"Just give me her number, please."
"Cabezon, we're not doing this. Let's go eat."
"I don't like you guys." He says, getting inside the bathroom.
- five months later
"Gavi, Pedri, Fermin." Xavi calls. "You're against Araujo, Ale and Robert."
"Pedri, do you wanna be on the center?" Fermin asks. "Let's do this, I'll go for Ronald, Pablo can attack Ale and you Robert, vale?"
Pedri and Gavi nod, positioning themselves next to each other. Since the last time they talked, Pedro was distant. If they had to talk, they did, but most of the time, Pedro would be next to Ferran.
The game was fun. The whole team had a good time. But in Pablo's mind, he needed to talk to Pedro, get on good terms with him.
He waited till the end of training, not wanting to ruin the mood. "Pedri"
"Can we talk? Please."
Pedro thinks about it for a while. He's not sure if it was the time or place. "Sure, let's just get a shower and then talk."
Pablo agrees, wanting to wait till the others are gone so they can talk alone with no one to bother them.
"Ferran, te veo en casa de Hector. Bye." (I'll meet you at Hector's)
"Okay, platanito. See ya. Bye Gavi."
Pablo waves him goodbye. He's anxious about the talk.
"So." Pedro says, taking the lead. "How are you?"
"Good, it's been good. Can't complain."
"That's great. I notice you're improving with the penalties."
"Yeah, getting better." He smiles. "How is your leg? How are you feeling?"
"So much better, thanks for the recommendation with the doctor. She's a life saver."
"The physio is the best, she knows how to create the best routines."
"And how is your family?"
"They're good, mom and dad are going on a little vacation, and Aurora is staying with me for a few days."
"Qué envidia, yo también quiero unas vacaciones." (What an envy, I want some vacations too) he laughs.
"How is she?" Pablo drops the bomb.
"She's fine."
They both stayed quiet, and the awkward moment grows by the minute.
"I need to ask you a favor."
"Pablo, I don't like where this is going "
"I need to talk to her. Por favor." He begged. "I really need this."
"No, hermano. I can't help you."
"Listen, I really need to speak with my sister."
"With who?" He asks, laughing, the bitterness of his tone is clear. "I thought that for you she wasn't your sister." Pedro, use the words Pablo told you.
You told him what happened after he insisted. You wanted to keep him away from the drama, but he wanted a new start with no lies.
He left Pablo alone in the dressing room. Angry but quiet. He can't deny the surprise he has at his friend being so calm.
- six months later
"I have something for you"
"Another gift?" You ask laughing. "Pedro, you really have to stop with the gifts."
"Never." He leans over to kiss you. "Te quiero." (I love you)
"Te quiero mucho más." (I love you so much more) You return the kiss, grabbing his cheeks to get him even closer. "What is that?"
He hands you the bag. The big white bow makes it look more fancy than it should.
"No, you didn't."
"I hope this covers my debt."
The dress he, in his own words, ruined with his drink at the party, that party where you shared your first kiss and the same night when he made you his own.
"Oh, Pedro!" You throw yourself at him. He receives you with open arms. "You're such a lover boy." Kissing his cheeks, making him laugh.
"I thought I was your golden boy."
"That too."
"C'mon, we don't want the lasagna to burn," He carries you bridal style back to the kitchen. "Again." He whispers the last part, mouth against your cheek, making you laugh.
"Okay, put me down." You kick your legs in the air. "Hey, tomorrow Aurora and I are going to go shopping. And I know your mom's birthday is coming, so tell me some ideas of what can I get her."
"I think she would want you to have dinner with her instead of a gift, mom is more family like, so yeah."
"Pepi." You sigh, "y si cago las cosas con tu madre?" (what if I fuck things up with your mom?)
"Deja de pensar eso. Mis padres te adoran, incluso les caes mejor que Fer." He laughs. (Stop thinking that. My parents love you. They even like you more than Fer.)
"That's good news then." You laugh with him. "Can I have her number then? So I can arrange something with her."
He nods, handing you his phone. The picture he has as a lockscreen is the two of you in a picnic he planned where he asked you to be his girlfriend.
Some fans noticed the new lockscreen and began creating some theories about who you were. You both were very careful with the fans and the pictures. You didn't want to be public, and he respected that. He was also being a very private person.
The two of you had dinner between laughs and funny stories that Pedro shared with you. You loved how he always plans nights with you even with the little time he has.
"Javi and I are staying at this amazing airbnb. I need some away time."
"But again, if I mention that I sleep over at Pedro's, you got all crazy."
"I'm not engaging in this talk." She says, walking away to another section of the store.
You both were shopping for her getaway trip, and you loved spending time with her. "Look at this." You grab a one piece that matches her style.
"When are you going back home?"
"Mmm, maybe during this break, I miss everyone. And my room."
You keep looking for something you can get, not liking much of the store.
"I want to ask you, mom, and I are planning this dinner for dad's birthday." She says slowly. "And mom wants to do it at Pablo's. If we decide to make the party there, would you come?"
"I don't know." You mumble. "If it's for him, I would go. You know I don't have a problem with Pablo."
"But I don't want to he a burden or create drama."
"You don't create drama Y/n, he does. He always does."
"Always is a little dramatic. He's dumb but not that dumb." You roll your eyes at her.
"A veces creo que eres demasiado buena para todo lo que te ha pasado." (Sometimes I think you're too kind for everything you been through)
"Am I supposed to let this be my villain story?"
"No." She laughs. "Well, to me, that would have been the beginning."
You finish shopping some outfits she put together. Moving yourselves to the food area.
"How are you and Pedro doing?"
"We're good." You blush at the thought of him. "I can't deny you that I'm falling in love with him."
Aurora screams, making some people turn to her. "Rora, stop." You cover your face.
"I can't help it, I've been waiting for this moment since we were kids, and we talked about getting married at the same time in a candy castle."
"A veces te pasas un poco, Rora." (You're a little too much sometimes)
"Can you turn the AC off? Or pass me your shirt?" You say, getting you head up off the pillow. "Please, it's cold."
"I like you more without it." He walks back to the room with a wet cloth in his hands. He cleaned you slowly, kissing your knees. When he's done he throw the cloth somewhere around his room. He gets back in bed with you. "I love you."
"I love you too." You kiss his cheek, caressing the other one with your tumb. "But turn the AC off."
"Luego me pediras volver a encenderlo" (you will ask me to turn it back on)
He turns on a movie, arms never leaving you. His way of aftercare is touch. He likes being close to you, hands up and down your back, lips on your forehead, hearts in syntony.
This time was no different, one hand on your head, massaging your scalp. Loving the little sounds of satisfaction you make.
His other hand is on you back, drawing little nothings into you. Loving the heat of your body in the cold room.
You kiss his jawline, the raspy feeling on your lips is intoxicating, something you love feeling every time you kiss his cheeks or his jawline.
The movie was playing in the back, you humm the song that's playing in the soundtrack. Lips glued to his skin and hands on his chest, his heartbeat can be felt.
"Let's go to Tenerife this weekend." He breaks the silence between you. "El Mister nos dio cinco días luego de haber ganado. Así que podemos ir por tres o cuatro días si tu quieres." (Mister gave us five days after the win we got, so we can go for three or four if you want)
"Actually, I want to tell you something. I need your opinion."
He waits for you to tell him. You're not sure if bringing the topic is tue right thing to do.
"Mom and Rora are planning this birthday dinner for my dad, and I'm not sure if I want to go."
"You don't want to go to your father's birthday?" He lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "Why?"
"Not that I don't want to go, I do." You sigh tired. "But the thing is that they're hosting the dinner at Pablo's."
He only hummed, not sure what to answer. He's not one to tell you not to go or to force you to go if you don't feel good doing it.
You free yourself from his hold, sitting and looking for his t-shirt. He stretched to the floor, reaching for his shirt and handing it to you.
"I'm undecided." You pouted. "I told Aurora that I want to go, but I'm not sure if Pablo wants me there."
Pedro scratched your back in a confort way. He does this as a way to let you know that he's there and he hears you.
"I don't want any drama, especially not on his birthday."
He thinks about that time in the dressing room when Pablo told him about needing to speak with her.
He didn't tell you about it, mostly because he didn't want you to get triggered about it.
"Pepi," you call him. Taking him out of his thoughts. "Are you okay?"
"I have to tell you something."
You waited a few seconds, but after the seconds turned into minutes you decide to ask him.
"Tell me what?"
"Pablo and I talked."
"Okay, about what?"
"Nada, quiere hablar contigo pero le he dicho que no." (Nothing, he wants to talk with you, and I told him no)
"When did this happen?"
He sighs, not wanting to admit that he hid this from you. "Like a month ago."
You turn to him, his hand rubbing his eyes. "A month?"
You tried to process everything. Pablo was looking to reach you out. "Pedro, por qué no me dijiste?" (why didn't you tell me?)
"I'm honestly not sure, I wanted to, but I just forgot."
"You forgot?" You scuff. Se te olvidó decirme que Pablo está buscándome? Y tu le dijiste que no?" (You forgot to tell me that Pablo was looking for me? And you told him no?)
"I'm trying to protect you."
"Mi amor, you should have told me."
You stayed quiet, both of you did. The only sound is the movie still playing.
Your mind is running a thousand miles per minute, questioning everything. Your forehead frowned.
Your eyes look for Pedro's eyes, his eyes glued to the ceiling. Your expression softens. You know he's very protective.
You stretch your arm, hand grabbing his chin to make him look at you. "Thank you, honestly." You smile. "I know you wanted to protect me, I love you."
His hands reach for yours, bringing it to his lips. "Te quiero, preciosa. I promise I didn't mean to keep this, I just didn't find the right time to tell you."
He opens his arms for you. Smiling sweetly, that smile that you can't say no to. You fall into his arms.
"I don't like when you're sad, and I didn't wanted you to feel forced to talk with him when you weren't ready."
"Stop, I get it." You kiss him to stop him from speaking again. "Does Saturday, Sunday, and Monday sound good to you?"
Hie frowns in confusion, not getting what you mean. "What?"
"You said five days. And the dinner is on Friday so we can visit Tenerife for three days and come back so you can rest on the fifth day."
"Mirame." He says, releasing his grip on you. "You're the best, and I hope you know that you will have to die in order for me to let you go."
"And I hope you know that even if I die, I'll come back to get you and kill you to be with you as ghosts together."
He grabs your cheeks, slamming his lips into you. "Wait." He breaks the kiss. "Would you be nice to me when you kill me?"
"Mmm, not sure. If you make me feel good right now, I'll consider it." You joke, smiling as you sit on his lap, your lips looking for his.
- 30 hours before the party
You stood in front of the door. Code already in, but you can't seem to open it.
"Are you okay?" Aurora asks, she's behind you waiting for you to enter.
You nod. You're not sure if you're really okay. You want to stop thinking of the fight. The memories make your head hurt.
You turn your head to your boyfriend. Pedro drove you and Aurora to Pablo's House. He wanted to make sure you felt comfortable.
"Hey." You whisper, head inside the window car.
"You don't have to if you don't want to." He reminds you something Aurora told you.
"I want to."
"Okay, I'm going to be around here. If you need me, call me."
You smile, walking fast to his side of the car. "I love you. Please don't park a street away and pretend you were somewhere else."
"Ay Joder, you ruined my plans."
After a kiss goodbye and he promising not stalking from afar. You stand next to Aurora. She opens the door and grab your hand to walk inside.
You grab the bag of groceries she has in her hands. Walking to the kitchen to leave them there.
"Someone wants to see you."
"Really, who?"
The steps coming closer to the kitchen are making you nervous. Even when Aurora told you to be calm and that nothing was going to happen, you can't help the feeling.
"You coming?"
You grab her hand, squishing it in a way of comfort. His back is facing you. Even his back has this towering feeling.
"Cabezon," Aurora says, catching his attention.
When he notices you, his whole face changes. His expression is softer, but still having his signature frown.
"Voy a dejarlos solos, así pueden hablar. Estaré arriba." (I'm going to leave you two alone. So you can talk. I'll be upstairs)
The silence is thick. The whole thing was uncomfortable for the two of you.
"I like your shirt." You say, not sure on what else to say.
"Thanks, mom got it for me on my birthday."
"Right. Well, happy belated birthday."
"I still have some candy in the freezer if you want. You like it."
"No, I don't." You shake your head no at the thought.
"You don't? What about all the times you used to freeze the candies when we were kids?"
"Pablo." You sigh. "The one that likes frozen candy is you, I used to freeze it for you, not because I was eating it."
"Oh." He joined his lips, and bit from the inside, thing he does when he's nervous. "I want to say that I'm sorry."
You squeeze your eyes. Was he saying it because he felt it or because mom told him to?
"I made a mistake. And I blame hurted you in a way I never meant to." He walks closer to you. "I'm really sorry, you didn't deserve the way I treated you, the way I hurted you."
"You told me that you hate me." You walk past him to the other side of the room. "And that I'm not a sister to you."
"And I regret doing that. I was wrong."
"You hurt me, and I'm not talking about the things that happened that day, I'm talking about everything you did to me."
"I was angry at you!"
"Why?" You say matching his tone. "To my knowledge, I've done nothing wrong."
"Eras tan jodidamente perfecta y todos te querían." (You were so fucking perfect and everyone loved you) he finally says. "You were the favorite in school. You were so good at everything. And then our family used to be like 《oh but Pablo is only good at football. She's the best at every other thing》 I could help it, I was dying out of envy. I wanted to be you."
You stayed quiet. You knew he didn't like it when family members compared the two of you. Your mom tried to stop it, always reminding him that you were two different people.
"Pablo." You tried to get closer. "You didn't have to be me. You were amazing."
"You're just saying that to make me feel better."
"Pablito, come here." You open your arms to him.
For the first time in so long, you hug him, his arms squeezed you, his head on your shoulder.
"I need you to believe me. You were and are amazing. Look at you, playing on the team of your dreams, with the national selection. I wish you would have told me this before."
"I'm sorry, I was so angry at you."
"I'm not perfect, Pablo." You caress his back, trying to calm him down. "I'm so far from being perfect. And you know that."
"Well, you don't know how to cook rice."
"Shut up, you eat it."
"No, but I'm really sorry. I don't hate you, and you are my sister."
"It's okay, Pablito."
"No, it's not.' He break the hug. "I was so wrong, all this years. I'm sorry I hurt you, I'm sorry for all these years."
"It's okay. We have time to fix this. We can do this together."
"Te quiero, en serio lo hago. Even tho you burn the rice." (I love you, I really do). He says, laughing. "Please, forgive me."
"Te quiero también, siempre lo haré." (I love you too, always do) you hug him again. Enjoying the feeling.
- three days later
"I want to be a mermaid." You laugh as Pedro splash some water on your face. "You definitely be the crab."
"The crab taking care of the very pretty mermaid?"
"I'll make you take care of a manatee."
"Are there any manatees in Spain?" He asks, confused. "Never seen one."
"You're so weird, but I love you like that." You hug him from behind, using him as a personal flootie.
You spent more time in the water, enjoying the vibe of the island. The sun, the air. Everything with him.
"Mamá nos hizo sus famosas croquetas, así que al fin las probaras." (mom made us her famous croquettes. You're finally trying them)
"Maybe I like them more than I like you." You laugh, grabbing his hands and bringing him close. "Or maybe I'll seal the deal with her over her son."
The kissing didn't last long, as Fer went looking for you to bring you over to the tasca.
"Fer, when are you introducing me to your girlfriend?"
"When he finds one." Pedro laughs.
"Hey!" Fer says, poutting. "That's mean."
The sun is setting, leaving this magical orange tone in the sky. You smile for the picture, Pedro insisted on taking a picture of you.
"You look amazing."
"Take a picture with me."
His lips on yours, making you feel like drunk in love.
"You have no idea how in love I am with you." He says, eyes shining with honesty. "I got to thank Pablo for getting injured."
You laugh at his joke. "We got to thank him."
"No, but really. I love you to a way I never thought I would, even if we haven't been together for that long. Your eyes, your hair, your heart, the way you laugh, or the way your eyes shine when you talk about what you love, the way you always make sure everyone is comfortable. The way you love your family. The way you love my family, how you're with Fer. You're just you. And I'm thankful for that.
You feel like crying. Nobody ever loved you the way that he did, never sharing a love so pure and so great.
"And you are you. For me, it's the way you love football, the way you love your mother's food, how funny you are, and how much you turn into a little kid every time we joke around. How much do you work and get better at everything you do. Your accent is beautiful, your love for your family, for your brother, and your love for me. Because I never thought I would find someone like you."
- two months later (Barça vs. RMA)
"I bet that goal was for me." Fer jokes, making you laugh. "The eyes were looking at me."
"Definitely, I think the wink and the kiss were a symbol of brotherhood."
"I hate that you follow my jokes." He shoves you delicately. "Like, get angry or something."
"Don't even try. We grew up with that." Aurora says, pointing at Pablo. "So, not a chance, she's well trained."
"Yeah, the only one who has to worry here is Chris. She's the one that has to put up with him."
"I'm not sure myself." She laughed at the jokes.
Chris is Pablo's girlfriend. He introduce her to Aurora and to you a few weeks ago, and you now bring her around everywhere like a little sister.
The referee announces the end of the match, and the team won. It was a good day for everybody.
"Let's go, señoritas." Fer gets up, offering his arm to you.
"Let's go, señorito." You joke with him.
You waited by the car, talking about the meal Fer prepared before the match and was waiting for you at home.
"Hello, hello." Aurora say to Pedro and Pablo.
"Omg, you guys did amazing!" You hug Pedro, kissing his cheek. "Congratulations, baby."
"Yeah, yeah, kiss kiss, let's go home, I'm hungry."
"You're just jealous of her." Gavi jokes, hitting Fer in the head. "She got your brother."
"I was his go-to, now I'm the seconds one." He fake cries. Making you all laugh.
"And I got your sister." Pedro shoves Gavi's arm playfully.
"Yeah, you better take care of her. If not, you saw how I shoved Vini? That would be you."
"Okay, stop it. Let's go."
You start walking toward Pedro's car, hand in hand with him while Fer was telling him something.
"Oye," Gavi shouts. Making you all turn. "Me darás mi abrazo?" (Do I get a hug, too?) You let go of Pedro's hand, running to your brother. "Venga."
You land in his arms, squeezing him. "I love you, Pablito."
"And I love you." He kisses your cheek, letting you go. "Let's go, I want some of that burned rice."
"Hey!" Fer says, "my rice is not burnt." He makes Pablo and you laugh.
🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @percysley @jajajhaahaha @cinderellawithashoe @alwaysclassyeagle @christianpulisic10 @utdmount @lilians17 @urmotheris
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ave09 · 1 year
moon boys head-cannons: amusement parks
note: this is MY personal opinion, MY headcannons, do not judge, por favor
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“bit dodgy, innit? i mean—it could run right off the track-“
“steven, it’s perfectly safe. there’s a track, it can’t fly off.”
“anything could happen, luv.”
steven would honestly have the time of his life, although he’d refuse to go on the big rollar coasters. 
he’d adore the carousel.
“lookit! the little ponies—aw and a giraffe-come here darling, let’s ride matching ponies-“
finds bits of history in every attraction. 
“this here—see the design—? it reminds me of these egyptian ruins-“
constantly distracted.
“we should get some food—or candy—or candy floss—is it called cotton candy here? ooo, luv look-“
he would last a couple hours before wanting to go home.
“the crowds-the loud noises-nope-no more-“
“you want to go home?”
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“i dare you to go on this ride with me.”
“come on-“
this man, as grumpy as he seems, wants to do everything. 
“big roller coaster? loop de loops? upside down shit? hell yeah-“
but then he tends to also be very motion sick. 
“ya know what—never again-“ 
at first he was skeptical of this sort of vacation.
“amusement park? sweetheart, when you said, ‘vacation,’ i thought you meant me, you, and the bedroom-“ 
but in the end, he enjoys it more then you do.
“that ride was wild! let’s do it again-“
“you just said it made you want to puke-“
“all part of the thrill baby-“
food. food. food.
“okay-here’s the plan-two lunches, two dinners, and one post dinner meal-“
“have you seen how much food there is”
“you’re gonna puke it up later.”
“okay and-?”
refuses to do any water rides… for some obvious reasons and some internal.
“i’m not getting wet. nope. nada.”
his social battery outlasts yours surprisingly.
“marc, it’s dark now-“
“all the rides are lit up now—let’s ride ‘em all again-“
“you’ve thrown up three times-“
“it’s the experience-“
only when he realizes how exhausted you are does he give in to leaving.
“we should do this again.”
“and i thought this wasn’t your type of vacation?”
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this man does everything. 
and i mean everything.
you thought marc was crazy—jake lockley is crazier.
“cariño. come—bumper cars—“
bumper cars are his favorite, and he gets so aggressive with it.
“beep beep hijo de putas” (motherfuckers 💀)
he then proceeds to ram into a group of kids.
“what? it’s the point of the ride-“
he enjoys the water rides, unlike someone, but hates getting wet.
“Maldita sea, mi sombrero está mojado.” (dammit my hat is wet)
“i told you to take it off-“
“i like this hat-“
a bit picky when it comes to the food.
“why is everything deep fried?”
“what did you expect?”
“not deep fried mierda.”
he hates the long lines.
“amor, i could stab everyone here and we could go on the bumper cars right now-“
“you’re not stabbing anyone-“
his social butterfly wings die quickly.  
“Estoy harto de esto.”
“you ready to go home?” 
“sì… but.. un paseo más en los carros chocones. (one more ride on the bumper cars)
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silent-raven13 · 3 months
An Awkward Family Dinner
Little Billie isn't one to make awkward family dinners, however there's something on her mind that got her very confused. The five year old sat in her spot chew on her rice and beans with some delicious grilled very seasoned chicken with a side of tomato sauced vegetables. She saw her dad sitting at one end of the table and Hobie at the other end. Miles, her bestest big brother talking about classes while their mom asking questions being in tuned with the conversation.
Jeff would nod from time to time having food in his mouth being so hungry. Hobie chewing his own piece of chicken. "Hobie, comé ma. You're so thin, you need more food." Rio caught how Hobie only got a small portion.
"Sorry, Mamí Morales. I had a big lunch with my mates at a pub." He still felt a little full, "I'll promise I'll pack some leftovers."
"I will pack them for you." Rio assured she will be the one packing Hobie's leftovers, she knows he will give himself a small portion.
"Yeah, take most of the vegetables too." Jeff chews.
Rio eyes at her husband, "YOU need to eat more vegetables! The doctor said you need more greens in your diet!" She took a spoonful of vegetables onto her husband's plate, "You need at least to eat this much."
"Awe, honey! This is so much!" He frowns at the amount he has to eat.
"No buts!" His wife began.
Miles chuckles at the two, while Hobie made a comment, "Wow, Pops, tryin' to upset mamí."
Billie staying quiet as she was lost in her own thought while chewing her dinner, "Hmm."
"Is something wrong, Boo-boo?" Miles noticed his baby sister being quiet. Hobie had his attention onto the little girl, being sort of surprised how quick Miles is to noticed something is wrong with Billie.
"What's wrong, mi vida? You been quiet." Rio paid her attention to her darling daughter. Now that she noticed her daughter being very quiet during dinner time. Normally she goes on and on about her day.
Jeff became aware too, "Something wrong, princess? Was daycare alright?" His police mindset kick in gear being worried if his daughter was hurt and had to stay silent or something bad happen to her.
"Umm... I'm okay!" She finally said, causing her family to sigh in relief. When she took her sippy cup to drink, "Umm... mmm. I got a question!"
"What is it?" Her mom asked with a soft smile on her face.
"Umm, so daddy is my daddy, right!" She turns to her dad.
"Err... right." Jeff said being confused.
Rio said, "Yes, he is, mi bebé."
"And-and Miles is your kid, too. Like-like daddy is his daddy?" The five year old asked trying to put the pieces together.
"Yeah, Miles is your papí's son and mi hijo. That's why he's tu hermano." Rio explained. "Why?"
"Hmm." Billie still thinking to herself.
Jeff asked, "Is this something your learn in daycare?"
"My fren, José has three daddies... but each one are for his brothers and sisters." She explained.
"Oh, princess. You got nothing to worry about that stuff. Me and your mom have you and Miles." Jeff said.
Miles nodded, "Yeah, Billie. Those things happen when certain parents can't work out and go find someone else." Hobie nodded in agreement with
"Oh..." She tilted her head, "But why you called Obie 'papí' then?"
Everyone stopped eating being in shock from what she said. The color of her older brother's face faded away with his eyes widen. Hobie choked on his cup of juice. Rio and Jeff quickly lift their heads up being confused.
"Qué?" Rio looked confused.
"Umm... Um..." Miles began shaking like a leaf being so embarrassed.
"Miles calls Obie, daddy or papí." Billie asked being confused, "If daddy is our daddy why you callin' Hobie daddy?" She turns her head at her brother.
Miles cover his face being so embarrassed, he could die from all the stares his parents making. "I swear, I just joke around with Hobie."
Hobie burst out laughing, "She got you, luv."
"But-but you always like it when he calls you, papí?" Billie turns her head at Hobie being more confused.
Miles freaks out with his face warming up, "Billie, please! Me and Hobie are just joking! We like to joke around and-and-" Jeff let out an awkward cough, "That's enough, son."
"Mija, ignore what your brother had said to Hobie. They are just fooling around." Rio casually wanted to settled the subject down.
"But, why?" Since Billie being only a child with so many questions, it's hard to move on. Her curiosity wouldn't calm down.
Miles and Hobie kept shoving food into their mouth getting a stern stare from Jeff Morales, knowing this is one of the most embarrassing awkward dinners they had. Billie asked again, "And why does Miles' call Obie, daddy when they kiss together? And Obie said say it again?" She looks at her mother with her innocent eyes on her.
Rio presses her lips together being completely lost for words. Miles had his hands on face completely in shock, he swears he locks the door in his bedroom when he visits. Sure, he kiss his boyfriend giving pet names but he didn't think his sister would hear him.
The most embarrassing part was his parents having to awkwardly change the subject or say he was playing game with Hobie. Ugh, so embarrassing, he could just be buried in a hole.
"Oh so it's game for adults!" Billie understood when her mom explained it.
"Yes, mi vida. Your dad is tu papí and no one else. I can say papí because I am your mom and your dad's wife. Like how he sometimes calls me, mom or mama. It's a way to show endearment with in a married couple. Miles and Hobie were just playing games, right?" She turns her head at the two having a very scary smile on her face. Its a smile that looks genuine but deep down they know they were in trouble.
"Right!" The two said being nervous.
Hobie jumps being near his Sunflower, "Luv, I never knew how scary mamí Morales can be."
"I know she's gonna chew me out." Miles mutters.
Jeff explained to Billie, "And ignore them when they say stuff like that, princess."
"OK! I think I got it." Billie giggles being happy her questions being solved, now she can eat in peace. Well, she was the only one that ate dinner in peace while the others were awkwardly silenced.
Later, Rio gave Miles and Hobie a serious lecture while Jeff agreed with her. Miles could only cover his face from total embarrassment, to think he had to hear about the sex talk, AGAIN!
"You don't see me and your mother calling each other like that in front of ya'll! That would be weird!" Jeff began. "Or if we have privacy in the bedroom we always make sure you and your sister isn't around."
"Dad, ew no! I don't wanna know. LALALALA!" Miles cover his ears. "I'm not listening."
Hobie could only tuned out from the whole thing. Rio said, "No, you two need to listen. I understand you two are sexually active, but to-" Miles quickly cut his mom, "Mamí! I swear, I was only joking! I don't call Hobie that! Be serious."
Hobie said, "To be fair, me and Miles are very private with our stuff. I didn't know the lass was able to hear us. We keep the doors lock-" Miles gasps, "BAE!"
"Whoa, do you two leave her unattended while babysitting her?" Jeff asked in a serious voice.
"NO! I mean- it was one time- well, I was getting this-" Miles cover his face, "Ugh! Let me explain!"
"It was one time we made out, never had sex when we babysit. What do you think we are, a couple of nymphs skipping down the ole' garden of Eden?" Hobie asked.
Jeff blinks a couple of times being lost in the boy's cockney accent, "What?"
"Dad! Mamí, I swear to God that me and Hobie are always keeping it PG. Billie is just good at sneaking around or popping out of no where. We were just joking! I didn't think she would hear us."
"No! Nonono! No, we are going to lay some ground rules and you two need to learn what's appropriate."
The four didn't realize Billie walking into the room with a sippy cup to watch and listen. "What's sex?" She finally asked being in the middle. The four looks stunned to find her right in the middle with a big smile on her face. "HOW DID SHE GET IN HERE?" Jeff asked out loud being so confused.
Rio looks at her daughter and the door like three times trying to understand how her daughter got in. The door squeaks and they locked it. "Bebé, how did you get in?"
"It's a secret, hehe." Billie giggles. "What's sex, mamí? Why big brother needs to understand it? Does he have sex?"
Miles' mouth dropped while Hobie burst out laughing at the whole thing. "HAHAHAH!" The punker lay on Miles' bed with his arms wrapping his stomach at how hard he's laughings.
Jeff and Rio looked so stunned without knowing what to say. They weren't ready for this talk for their five year old daughter. "Okay, we'll forget this ever happened." Rio finally clasps her hands together at her family. "Alright?"
"RIGHT!" Miles and Jeff chimed together.
Billie tilting her head for the moment until her mom said, "How about some Sundaes?"
"OH with sprinkles and chocolate drizzle?" The little girl happily asked.
"Yes, anything you want, mi vida. Anyone else want some?" Rio happily said having to forget about the subject all together. The family had big Sundaes while watching a movie together.
After that day, they realized Billie is a curious girl with so many questions. So Miles and Hobie made sure to keep in check what to say in front of her.
The real funny part is how much stress she gave her dad. "Mamí, who's Latasha?" She asked her mom.
"Qué?" Rio asked.
Billie started saying, "Papá was talking to his frens at the BBQ about how Latasha got a sweet cake when he dated her! What kind of cake she makes? It must be good because all his frens were making mm-mmm sounds after they said she carries a boat load." She imagines a huge boat filled with all sorts of cake.
Jeff spit out his cup of coffee being in shock with his daughter. "JEFF MORALES, WHO IS LATASHA!?" Rio shouted out loud from the house.
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paisholotus · 2 years
Wine Pon You
Shuri x black Jamaican fem reader
Summary: You invite Shuri over to a family get together.
Warnings: fluff, Angst
Translations: Sthandwa ( My Love)
Kuthekani ukuba abathandi mna? Ndiyazi ukuba undixelele ukuba umama notata wakho bangathanda, kodwa bathini ukuba batshintsha iingqondo zabo bakuba bendibona? ( What if they don't like me? I know you told me that your mom and dad would love me, but what if they change their minds when they see me? )
Today was the day Shuri was supposed to meet my parents. And, to be honest, I was nervous. But, at the end of the day, I knew everything would be fine because my parents are really welcoming.
Given how protective my sister and brother were, I was curious what they would say. I told my family about Shuri and how she quickly became the best thing that had ever happened to me.
But I was mainly concerned about Shuri because she had been a nervous wreck the night before, fearing that my family would reject her. And I tried telling her that everything would be fine, and she would smile and nod, but I knew she would still be nervous about it.
I took a deep breath to relax my nerves as i pulled into my parent's driveway. We was kinda early, so everyone wasn't all here yet. I reached across to grasp her hand tightly in mine, and the two of us sat in silence that i wished it could last forever.
She looked at me with worried eyes and a frown on her face. "Kuthekani ukuba abathandi mna, Sithandwa Sam. Ndiyazi ukuba undixelele ukuba umama notata wakho bangathanda, kodwa bathini ukuba batshintsha iingqondo zabo bakuba bendibona?" She whispered to me. I looked at her sadly, her voice became raspy and her eyes began to water.
Ever since she began her grieving process of loosing T'challa, she developed anxiety attacks. She would mostly have them at night time, when she woke up from nightmares saying she didn't want to lose me. Queen Mother and I tried our absolute best to make sure Shuri knew that we would be there for her through anything.
I took off my seat belt and climbed into her lap, she instantly wrapped her arms around my waist breathing heavily into my neck. I lifted her face cupping her cheeks, and we went down the process of calming her down when she had Anxiety attacks.
She slowly calmed down and her breathing evened back out. I broke the silence first, saying quietly, "it's going to be okay Mi love, no matta what. Even if mi family decides they don't like yuh, i love yuh, and that's wat most important." Shuri nods in agreement, still maintaining eye contact with me. I rubbed my hands up and down her back soothingly, trying to maintain her anxiety level.
Because I swear to GOD, if she said the word i would turn this car around right now and drive the two of us as far away from here as possible. Because I would never put Shuri under any kind of uncomfortable situation. My family being included. But that won't be the case today, because my family will love her.
When we walked into the house, loud music bounced off the walls, and you could hear laughter and the food that was cooking permeating throughout the house. It was great to see my family together, especially seeing the kids run around.
I looked at Shuri and asked if she was ok, and she smiled at me and nodded. When I saw my mama talking to one of my Aunts, I called out to her, and she squealed and ran towards me.
She hugged me and swayed us side to side telling me how much she missed me and kissed my forehead. She looked at Shuri and smiled broadly "You must be Shuri, right? It's so nice to meet you, luv." She said, pulling Shuri into a hug.
I relaxed when I saw them hugging. I knew she'd adore Shuri. Mama drew back from Shuri and told her how beautiful she was in person, causing Shuri to blush and say a small thank you.
She directed us towards the back yard, where everyone was. "Come on, your father, sister and brother are all back here." She said, grabbing both of our hands.
We walked into the back yard, and Shuri grabbed my hand as we approached my dad and siblings. I squeezed her hand, assuring her that everything was fine.
My dad was a towering figure with an intimidating resting Bitch Face. And he was all muscle, always staring you down when you spoke to him. But my dad was a big Ole softie, he was just overly protective.
My sister kept the same resting bitch face as our dad, had no filter, and had no problem telling you how she felt. My brother, on the other hand, was cool and laid back, but was also over protective. But that was expected because I'm the baby of the family.
We approached my dad and siblings, and I hugged them and introduced them to Shuri. My brother smiled and nodded to Shuri, while my sister smirked at me, making me give her a stern look so she didn't say anything embarrassing. But she simply extended her hand and shook Shuri's, saying it was nice to finally meet her.
Finally, it was my dad's turn to introduce himself and shake her hand. I gave him a pleading look to at least give her a smile, and he returned a small one.
She smiled nervously at them and said, "It's a pleasure finally meeting you all. Thank you for inviting me over, you both raised a wonderful daughter." She said, looking at me making me blush.
My mama gave her a big smile and walked over to Shuri hugging her again, welcoming her to the family.
We all sat around the dinner table outside, I chuckled watching Shuri tear her food up. Homegirl was STARVING! She looked at me with her fork in her mouth, looking around the table seeing everyone staring at her trying not to laugh. She slowly put her fork down looking embarrassed, "Damn shi nuh be feeding you?" My sister said, cackling. I tried not to laugh and playfully glared at her, throwing my arm over Shuri's shoulder. "Hush! lef dat gyal alone. Mi happy shi like mi cooking." My mama said, proudly. I smiled at that and kissed Shuri's cheek making her shyly look at me, and kiss me slowly.
I was smiling so damn hard my face started to hurt. I couldn't help it, I was just so happy. I haven't seen Shuri smile and laugh this much in such a long time, it warmed my heart watching her laugh with my uncles; and watching her tell the kids about Wakanda.
I watched her show the kids her Kimoyo Beads, and she began telling them who Griot was and they listened to her amazed. I'm happy that my family was embracing her and treating her as though she's been part of the family.
When I heard Wine Pon You come on, I stood up and walked over to Shuri and grabbed her hands, bringing her closer to me.
I ain't got my eye on you
Ain't been hypnotized by you, yeah
Ain't in here tryna find my dude
I take it, you just like the way I wine pon you
"Dance wid mi. Mi luv dis song." I said, smiling at her. She grinned at me, and turned me around so my back was to her. I whined against her waist as she wrapped her arms around me.
How I wine pon you
The way I wine pon you
How I wine pon you
The way I wine pon you, yeah
Take it, you just like the way I wine pon you
Take it, you just like the way I wine pon you, yeah
She followed my movements and gave me kisses on my shoulder and ear.
Tappin' to the beat, you wanna freak her 'cause she random
Know you got your girl here, looking for your ass
Run, faking that you loyal, boy, you playing with her passion
Even when the beat slow, I shake a lil' faster
Twerking on the speaker, know you need her in your fan club
She took hold of my jaw, and turned my head, and kissed my lips slipping her tongue into my mouth. She kissed me slowly and passionately, and pulled away as the song ended.
She turned me around and gave me a big smile pecking my lips one last time. We pulled away and placed our foreheads against each other, smiling at each other lovingly. "I love you, Shuri." She kissed my forehead and wrapped her arms around my neck, "I love you too, Sthandwa."
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sl-newsie · 1 year
Speak (Davey Jacobs x West End Shark Girl) *Mafia*
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This fic takes place after the rumble, and nobody dies because by God I want a happy ending! 
“Vámonos, Liliana! We are already late!” Bernardo orders from downstairs.
I fix my violet dress and roll my eyes at my older brother. “Patience, Bernardo. Valentina will scold us both if you drop mama’s cake!”
Bernardo shoves the chocolate platter into my hands. “Then you carry it!”
I scoff. “Careful! You will mess up my dress!”
He just laughs as he bolts down the street. “Keep up, tortuga!”
I just roll my eyes again and strut after him, keeping mama’s cake safe in my arms. Today is Valentina’s birthday, and since she’s helped out the Sharks family Bernardo’s approved my suggestion of throwing her a birthday party. I’m not proud to be part of a mafia, but when you are born into it you don’t have much choice. I only do what’s necessary, and mainly help with paperwork in order to avoid… violent matters.
When I arrive at Doc’s, the rest of the Sharks are waiting for me.
“Finally! Took you long enough, Liliana.” Chino complains.
“Let’s eat!” Pipo announces.
Valentina now comes out from the back, followed by Tony- a previous Jet member, and Maria’s husband.
¡Ay no!
I immediately feel the atmosphere shift, and see Bernardo’s jaw tighten. Quickly, I rush over and embrace the dear old lady.
“Señora! ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Happy birthday!” 
Valentina gives a wide smile. “Gracias, mi querida! I feel so old, being around you kids! I must say- you are growing into a beautiful senorita! Your mama must be so proud!” She pinches my cheek.
I blush and look away. “Mama made you a cake!” I hold up the chocolate delight.
“Ah, si! Your mama is such a good baker!”
“It wouldn’t be a party without a cake, right?” I hear Tony say.
“Tony! Good to see you! How is Maria!” I give him a tight hug, despite Bernardo’s glare.
“Good, good! We’re hoping to-” He cuts himself off, looks at Bernardo, and smiles at me again. 
“I’ll tell you some other time.”
“Oh- alright. Let’s eat then!” I fetch a knife and begin cutting the cake. After everyone’s eaten, Valentina begins ushering the Sharks out the door.
“I have to clean the shop, and I know very well you have work to do!”
“Yeah, we got to go clean up that blood-” Brualio starts.
“I do not want to hear about your sinful acts! Lord and Heaven bless you for keeping us safe from criminals, but it causes you to become criminals yourselves! Go, go!” She shoos Bernardo away.
“Adiós, señora!” I begin to walk out when Tony grabs my arm.
“Before you go, I wanted to tell you something.” He leads me to the back, followed by Valentina.
When he sees we’re alone, Tony says: “Maria and I, we’re hoping to be expecting soon!”
“What?!” I cry out happily, jumping up and down.
“Congratulations, cuñado! You must let me know as soon as you can!” Valentina squeezes Tony’s hand.
“I assume Bernardo doesn’t know?”
Tony sighs. “Afraid not. I donno how he’d take it- you know how much he hates me.”
I hug him tight. “He doesn’t hate you, Tony. He just… needs to grow to accept that you are not a Shark.”
“But I ain’t a Jet either. I just luv Maria, and if that makes me a bad person, I’ll gladly face God’s wrath if it means having a family with her.”
“Don’t worry, Tony. You and Maria will be so happy together, I promise Bernardo won’t ruin it. But I eventually would like to see my best friends, if you would quit hiding her!” I grin cheekily.
Tony laughs. “Ey, don’t worry! She’s perfectly safe with the ‘Hattan boys. Cowboy’s an old friend, and I know he’d never allow Maria to be harmed. You ever met his wife, Sarah?”
Frowning, I shake my head. “I don’t think so. Maybe you could introduce me?”
Tony thinks for a second, then his face brightens. “Hey, what if you come with me to ‘Hattan today? I’m meet’n with Cowboy, and you can see Maria and Sarah!”
“Really? That sounds wonderful!”
“Si, mi querida, but you must be careful. Visiting other turfs is dangerous.” Valentina worries.
“I know, senora, but Bernardo never lets me go anywhere. I want to see someplace besides the West Side! Besides, I won’t be alone. Maria will be there. She’s practically my family.” I assure her.
I look up at Tony. “Ready to go?”
Tony walks me to the Manhattan turf, a surprising community of bustling markets and streets. It seems a lot more joyful than what I’m used to…
“Here we are!” Tony leads me to a tall, narrow building, one that at first I think is a library. He knocks, and a blonde man with an eye patch answers the door.
“Tony? I thought you’s weren’t supposed to be here ‘til later.”
“Celebration ended early, Blink. You know how the Sharks can be.” Tony shrugs.
“Yeah, all too well.” The blonde grunts. “Ya see tha lady who runs Docs?”
“Valentina? Sure did, wished her a happy birthday for ya.”
The man grins. “Thanks.” Then he notices me. “Who’s tha dame?”
I stiffen and lean behind Tony, who places a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“This is Liliana, she’s basically my sister-in-law. She wants to see Maria and meet Sarah.”
The guard looks me over again, then smiles kindly. “So you’s the one Maria’s always talk’n ‘bout? Well, any sister of Maria’s is always welcomed here.”
He opens the door wider and gestures us inside to a wide room filled with a grand staircase and lots of bookshelves.
My eyes widen as I take in the Manhattan mafia center, in all its glory, and then-
“Mouth! Where-a those documents? I sent for ‘em 2 hours ago!”
I stumble out of my trance as a voice barks from a nearby door. Suddenly, a young man in a gray suit and fedora comes racing down the stairs, only to trip and send dozens of papers flying everywhere.
“¡Santo cielo! Let me help!” I rush over and bend down to start picking up the documents, doing my best to avoid looking at them. But in my efforts to hold confidentiality, my hand brushes up against someone else’s- the man in the fedora.
“Oh! Perdón! I am so sorry!” I hastily flinch my hand away and look up to meet a pair of dark brown eyes. 
These eyes widen, and the owner of them gets flustered.
“No, no! It’s all my fault, I- Should’ve watched where I was going…” He keeps looking at me then Tony says:
“Um, Davey? Ya done stare’n at my sister?”
The man blinks, then blinks again, still looking at me. “S-Sister? I thought Maria didn’t have a sister?”
“She don’t. But this here’s Liliana, and she’s been Maria’s best friend all her life, so they call ech odda sisters. So I asks again: ya done stare’n yet?”
The man blinks again, then shakes himself out of something.
“Yeah, yeah. Sorry! I’m just… Never mind. Uh-” He gives me a shy smile and sticks out his hand. “Hi! I’m David Jacobs, but people call me Davey.”
“Or Mouth!” Tony chuckles.
Davey rolls his eyes. “Or Mouth.”
I return his shy smile and shake his hand, a gesture that let’s me feel safe and secure by his soft yet steady hands. I must admit, my heart is racing in response to this man’s cute face.
“So… your name is Liliana?” Davey asks.
I nod. “Si, after my grandmother.”
After I speak, Davey’s face seems to melt- and inside I wonder why.
“Y- You here for business?”
“Si, to visit Maria and meet this Sarah that Tony regards so highly.” I smile.
Davey smiles back and stands up from his pile of papers. “Do- Do you like to read?”
My eye widen. “Si, si! Definitivamente! I love to!”
Davey looks strangely hopeful. “Maybe… Maybe if you have time I could show you the library?”
My face seizes up, and I’m not sure I heard him right. 
“You… want to show me your library?”
He nods, but then lowers his eyes. “I mean… if you want to. You don’t have to, I was just offering, one mob to the other- oh! Wait, are you…” He looks desperately at Tony, who gestures with his hands for Davey to calm down.
“Yes, she’s a Shark. But she’s just a secretary. No offense, Lily.”
I chuckle. “None taken. I’m only in it for the paperwork.”
Davey seems to have regained some confidence. “So… do you want to, you know… um…”
He… wants to spend time with me? Me?!
“Of course, I would love to see your library, Davey.” I smile kindly.
Davey looks overjoyed, but then-
“Mouth! I ain’t ask’n again- where are those documents?!” 
Jack Kelly, the Manhattan mob boss himself, comes bounding into the room with an angry sneer on his face. He looks down at poor Davey (still picking up papers), then at Tony, then at me.
Jack holds up his hands. “Jesus, Tony! Ya come here dure’n one-a tha worst times!” He regains himself, walks over and pins Tony in a big hug. “Good to see ya, Tony! It’s been too long!”
“Hiya, Cowboy. Look a little rough ‘round the edges, don’t ya think?” Tony smirks.
They continue to get reacquainted. Meanwhile, I move over to help Davey with his papers.”
“So… you’re a secretary? That’s cool.”
I scoff. “If you think that is an unimportant job, I’ll have you know that Bernardo couldn’t tie his shoes without me!”
Davey’s eyes go wide. “No, no! I’m not saying that! Just- Wait. Your boss is the-?! Oh my God, he’s-!”
“-Maria’s sister, Liliana.” I hear Tony say.
Now Jack looks down at me with a big grin. “Ah yes, the infamous Liliana that Maria luvs so much! Sarah’s been dy’n to meet ya, so you’s can chat with her at dinner tonight! Oh ah, Mouth, set those on my desk, will ya?”
Davey nods and finishes up gathering his things. I discreetly follow him to Jack’s meeting room, one filled with more bookshelves and soft sofas. When Davey sees me admiring the room, he gets skittish.
“Um- I donno if you can be in here, um-”
I cock an eyebrow. “Why not? Did I do something wrong?”
“Oh, no! Just… I donno if Kelly likes rival members be’n in here without permission.”
I sigh. “Davey, all I am is a secretary! The only reason I’m in this stupid mob is because I was born into it! You try disobeying your own father just because you don’t like killing someone! In my family, being in this mob is a great honor. But I hate all the violence, the killing, the lying! So I tried to quit, and my family nearly disowned me! I settled for a secretary because it’s the job of which I do the least harm! Say what you want, Mouth, because this chica is not proud to be in a mob!” I cross my arms.
Davey, stunned, walks over and gently puts a hand on my arm.
“Liliana, I am so sorry. I never thought about family ties, I just… I was brought into this family because I was a friend, not because I was born into it. I guess I just never realized… I’m sorry, that’s what I mean to say.”
I sigh and wrap my arms around me. “Perdón, I’m sorry- it’s just… in the West Side, I have to stand up for my culture. The Jets always pick on me and ever since Maria left I’ve just wanted to leave… Besides, you don’t really like me ranting about my problems.”
“No, really! I like your culture! I enjoy hearing you talk about it,” Davey says, then sees my questioning look.
Is he serious? Does he know how much I get teased because of my accent? I wonder if Maria gets picked on here.
“That’s… an unusual thing to say, especially in the West Side. Do you find my culture amusing, Davey?” I raise my eyebrows.
He frantically shakes his head. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just-”
“Davey! Where’d ya go? Boots says that dinner’s ready!” A brown-haired man limps in, and I take notice of the crutch he’s using.
“Sorry, Crutch. Was just get’n Cowboy his papers. Ah-” He looks at me, then gestures to the man. “Liliana, this is Crutchy, our accountant. Crutch, this is Liliana, Maria’s sister.”
Crutchy smiles. “Maria’s mentioned you many times! We’ll have to talk more over dinner- I heard we’s have’n chicken tonight.”
“We’ll be right there- first I’m gonna show her the library,” Davey says.
He is?
“Alright, we’ll see ya then. But be quick- you know Kelly don’t like wait’n for dinner.” He limps out, leaving me with a shy-smiling Davey.
“Ready?” He holds out an arm, wanting to keep it formal. What a gentleman!
“Um, bien. Ok.” I take his arm and let him lead me out into the hallway, where he opens another door and lets me into-
“Querido Dios! Dear God, this place…” I stare in awe at the tall, giant bookcases.
Davey nervously shuffles his feet. “Whaddya think?”
“It’s… it’s amazing! ¡Santo cielo! So much knowledge… how can anyone read this many books in one lifetime?”
“Um… I can,” Davey mumbles.
He clears his throat and speaks up. “I have. I’ve read every book here, and I’m working on completing the New York library.”
“Really? Jack must be so proud to have you on his side! I bet you’re very smart!”
Davey blushes, but then says: “Everyone… kinda calls me a nerd.”
I chuckle. “I thought I was the only nerd in New York. I bet you guys have all the classics… Shakespeare, Dickins, Jane Austen-”
“O she doth teach the torches to burn bright. It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night. As a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear,” Davey smirks.
I snicker. “O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Seems that someone knows their literature.”
Davey shrugs. “Kinda have to when you’re a secretary.”
“I thought you were Jack’s 3rd?”
“Eh. 3rd, secretary, he don’t see much difference. All he uses me for is brains and doing paperwork.”
Frowning at his sad expression, I walk over and put a hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, mi amigo. Smart beats being cool any day!”
Davey nods. “You- You speak good English, but still some Spanish. I like that.”
My face hardens, and I’m reminded of where I am.
“I speak good English, but I will not forget my roots. And if you’re going to mock me just like everyone else then maybe I should leave-”
Davey gets nervous again and goes to block my path.
“No wait, I like hearing you speak!” He gently takes my hand and looks deep into my eyes. “Please speak,” the Manhattan boy begs.
I frown. “Why? So you can joke about me just like Riff?”
He shakes his head. “That bastard doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve seen what he does, and it just makes me wanna punch his clock! No, it’s just- you have a beautiful accent.”
I- I don’t know what to say. He’s got to be joking! No American boy has ever said such nice things to me, especially about my accent. People always say my English is good but my accent is too thick.
But the boy takes my affectionate silence differently.
“I- I’m sorry. Have I offended you?” He backs away.
My eyes widen. “Oh, no! No, no! You- You say my accent is beautiful?”
The boy nods, smiling. “Yeah.”
“It’s different, unique. I help teach kids with speech problems, and I always enjoy hear’n new voices. But yours… I just luv it- oh!” He looks at me, shocked. “I didn’t mean it!”
Oh. He was joking.
I look down. “So it was a joke?”
Davey quickly takes my both hands in his and squeezes them gently.
“No, Lilly. I meant, you know… I luv your accent, but I also might luv…” He looks away, too shy to say more.
“You love…?” I ask, a part of me hoping for a certain answer.
David sighs, seeing there is no way out. “You.”
I smile, unable to contain my happiness. “You love me? Davey, you have known me for no more than an hour! How could you possibly love me?”
“Romeo hadn’t even talked to Juliet before, and he knew right then and there that he luved her,” Davey whispers. I see his eyes glaze over as he tries to walk away. “I’m sorry- you’re here to see your sister, and I’ve messed it up by dragging you all over-”
“No, no stop!” I hurry up to him and we just state at each other, unsure what to say. 
“I- I donno what to say- I ain’t good at this kind-a stuff…” Davey stutters.
I completely agree. So instead of saying something, I bring my hands up to cup Davey’s face and bring it closer to me, getting a wide-eyed reaction from him. Then, with a leap of faith I lean in and kiss Davey’s soft lips… an experience that makes my heart melt instantly. I’ve never kissed before, so I don’t know what to expect. Davey’s so surprised and doesn’t know what to do with his hands, but eventually brings them up to my hips, first looking at me for permission. 
Lord, how is it that I already love this man so much?
When I break the kiss Davey seems to chase my lips, wanting more. We both get a breath of air and then pull each other into a tight embrace, with Davey resting his head on top of mine.
“Te amo, Davey.”  
He sighs blissfully. “What does that mean? You make it sound so beautiful…”
I smile. “It means I love you.”
“I was hoping you’d say that!” He pecks my cheek. “Lily… would you want to be my goil? I know we just met, and with the different gangs ‘nd all it’ll be tricky but… I luv you, and I luv being with you, and if Jack don’t like it then- then he can get anodda secretary!”
I giggle. “Querido Davey, I love you no matter what side you’re on! If Maria and Tony have shown me anything, it’s that love has no boundaries. My family’s always wanted me to be something I’m not, and if a life of disownment means spending a lifetime with you I wouldn’t have it any other way!”
Davey smiles even wider and kisses my forehead. “I promise, Lilly, I’ll be good to you. I’ll soak anybody who comes at you. Just one thing-” He bites his lip nervously. “I’m more of a nerd than a jock, and I know I ain’t the typical ‘tough guy’ like the oddas-”
“Shhh.” I place a finger on Davey’s lips. “Davey, I don’t need a tough guy. I just need you.”
His eyes widen. “R-Really? Ya mean that?”
“Si, I do.”
Just then, Tony pokes his head in.
“Hey, Lilly! Where’d ya-” Then he sees us. “Ohhh boy. I donno how this is gonna roll… Lily, ya know I luv ya, but I ain’t sure you should be with a rival member.”
My face falls. “B- But Tony-”
“However!” Tony holds up his hands. “See’n as you’s taken a like’n to Mouth, I can’t say I’m surprised. Godda say, I’m happy for you.” He smiles.
Davey and I exchange shy glances, then Tony opens the door wider.
“Time to eat. Just… try to keep the whole ‘sudden luv’ thing kinda subtle, ok?”
We follow Tony to a dining room, a most extravagant one compared to the Sharks’ one. Everyone is already waiting, and when the one called Crutchy calls us over.
“Hey, Davey! You guys can sit by me ‘nd Les!” He motions to a boy next to him.
We join them, and I take the time to get a good look around the table-
My eyes widen. 
“Maria!” I jump up and rush over to hug my sister, who’s grinning ear-to-ear.
“Took you long enough, hermana! I’ve missed you so much! I-” She then sees Davey looking at me, gives me a quick smirk and whispers: “I see what’s going on- you like Mouth!”
“Sh-Sh! Silencio! Not yet, Maria, not yet!” I shush her.
“Maria, let her breathe!” Tony jokes as he leads her back to her seat, giving me a wink.
“So, you’re Liliana? I’ve heard so much about you!” Comes a voice.
I look over at Jack and see a woman with brown hair sitting next to him- must be Sarah.
“Si, I am. Thank you so much for having me, Mrs. Kelly.”
“Of course! Any friend of Maria’s is welcome here!”
I go back to sit next to Davey, who reaches for my hand under the table. We both try so hard to hide our smiles, but sadly it’s a failure.
“Hey Mouth, why do ya look so happy? Tax season ain’t for anodda half-a year!” A man with glasses comments.
Davey groans. “Specs, can’t a man just smile without be’n picked on?”
“Not when ya look like that!” An energetic man with a cigar says. “Davey, you’s got a big case-a luv fever if I ever saw it!”
“Shut up, Race,” Davey mutters.
“Huh? What?” Jack suddenly becomes aware of the conversation. “Mouth’s in luv?”
“You bet your ass, Cowboy. Just look at ‘im!” Race says.
Jack looks over at us, then breaks out laughing.
“Gee, Davey! I never knew ya had it in ya! Godda say, she’s a fine doll. But does she luv ya back?”
Davey gulps, nervous about all the attention. And if I’m being honest, so am I. Being in this crowded room with complete strangers talking about loving a man I just met… it seems so untraditional. But maybe my life could use something new…
“Si, I do love Davey. And if you disagree because I am a Shark, I don’t care.” I state firmly.
Maria and Sarah clap their hands in celebration, while the other men get up to go slap Davey on the back.
“Alright, Mouth!”
“Way to go, Davey!”
I notice Crutchy come up to me and give a warm smile. “I’m happy for you two. I can see you’ll do well in life, even if it means we lose our best accountant.” He jokes.
“Hey!” Davey starts to argue but I give him a quick peck to shut him up.
“Um… whadda we gonna tell Bernardo ‘bout this? Foist Maria, now her. He’ll go crazy!” Jack points out.
“He’ll learn to live with it, just like he did with us,” Tony says as he wraps his arm around Maria.
I lean into Davey and smile, seeing his warm brown eyes and thinking of how much I love him. Looking back at me, I can tell he thinks the same.
“I luv you, Lilly.” 
“Te amo, Davey.”
He sighs. “Just keep talking… I luv hearing you talk…”
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lenteur · 1 year
random thoughts about run on, episode twelve
(please do note that this post contains spoilers so read at your own risk.)
continuing with the kiss that happened at the end of the previous episode, we see yeong hwa sad and crying about dan ah playing with his feelings 💔 i’m a bit disappointed the show didn’t make this scene more serious. however, i do understand why they chose that angle
ms. seo (as he likes to call her) always calls him kid. we see him cry over the kiss then instantly become happy when he eats chicken, pouting when things don’t go his way. he truly is a kid. it’s like we saw him through dan ah’s eyes
i find it amusing how he’s the only one who can drive dan ah crazy like that. makes their relationship even more interesting
may’s reaction to mi joo’s a*gyo is the same as mine whenever i see a*gyo. #cringe
the first half of this episode focused more on dan ah and i really enjoyed it because the writers developed her complicated relationship with her younger brother.
i feel for tae woong because all he wants is a family and some affection. he’s ready to do anything for his sister. “i guess i have a weakness for people who like me. i’m not immune to love yet” that explains a lot
this might be a detail for some but i was waiting to see woo sik run because we couldn’t at the beginning of the show.
contrary to what mi joo says, i think seon gyeom’s super cute with glasses. adds 144562545896523 points to his natural charms. and her excuse made me roll my eyes so much 🙄 “i don’t want anything covering your face” well, allow me to disagree with you
ki eun bi is a queen 👑👑👑 she’s talking back to her father’s friends while still being polite and courteous. and then we see her defending children’s dreams and careers when she says “does your daughter want to play golf?” she’s living her father’s dream and i’m not sure if she began playing golf for herself or her father. i like that she has enough distance with her childhood to realize she doesn’t want other kids to go through what she’s been through
“i don’t want to talk to married men” i’m so sorry your father forces you to do that queen :( you don’t deserve it
i’m happy this show still gives us many interesting quotes about translating (just so i can annoy the 0 people who are reading this) “some people say it’s treason to translate” it’s such a true statement. i’ve seen people, especially for movies, say well you’re just twisting what the original version says. you don’t know the truth. you’ll never be able to give a good translation of this word/sentence. and as translators, trust me, we know. and that’s one of our biggest fears. we can spend hours focusing on one word because we don’t want the message to get across the wrong way. we’ve had nightmares about it as well. which is why i’ve never wanted to work for movies/shows because i know the impact is bigger than any other field of translation.
it was obvious that ki jeong do (seon gyeom’s father) would spy on the main couple. it still sent chills down my spine though
thank you to ki eun bi for letting mi joo know. i luv sisterhood 💕
in case you didn’t know it already, lee yeong hwa is my favorite character. he can go from cold to cutie in .2 seconds. i prefer the cute version even more (even though i cringe at his a*gyo)
i like that whenever yeong hwa is in a scene, it always ends up being funny lol
like for example when he was trying to put the lens in seon gyeom’s eye. everything stopped and cue the romantic music. add on top of that yeong hwa saying things like “don’t you feel the tension?” (i forgot to copy paste the exact words sorry for that)
or when mi joo asked yeong hwa if he saw anyone suspicious. yeong hwa: *points at mi joo* idk if it was on purpose but it brought me back to mi joo saying seon gyeom is suspicious lol
it felt nice to see dan ah share her feelings about yeong hwa “you’ve been my comfort but also my despair” “i used to be content with your paintings but it made me miss you more.” “it felt like wasting time without you by my side” i don’t know how their story will end but i hope we’ll get a few more moments like this one please?
“using the family to your advantage disgusts me” yes seon gyeom! tell your father the truth! when he came to save eun bi from these men, i let out a sigh of relief. FINALLY!!!
ki jeong do blaming seon gyeom’s behavior on mi joo. it’s partly true because she’s the one who encouraged him to do whatever he wants, to not listen to everything anyone else has to say and to focus on what he feels. but i think seon gyeom had it in him. mi joo was just the catalyst in that change of behavior
“you ruined seon gyeom. he used to be such a good boy but he won’t listen to me anymore” “i have the right to own him” like mi joo said, it feels like ki jeong do thinks his son is an object and not a person. he’s been using his family all along. and he’s mad that he can’t do that with his son anymore.
and then mi joo counteracts with “your son isn’t an object. why do you talk as if he’s yours?” “then you’d discard him if there’s a seizure warranty on him” thankfully mi joo is here to defend seon gyeom and prove she cares for him
when seon gyeom said “she (mi joo) is my strength, not my weakness” i went weak in the knees. mi joo is the one who helped him be more confident and bold. she pushed him out of his comfort zone. he gives it his all when he falls in love
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keijoikawa · 5 months
all ur ship posts are so cuuuute lexi ! ! :3 i wub the lil bits of dialogue u thread throughout them too hweheh they r such a cutie addition ♡♡ naturally i come bearing a question regarding ur two recent ship posts : about arle + diluc ! how do you think they would talk about you when you're not around ?? what kinda things wld they say n how wld they say it ? is it rllie easy to tell the wub they have for u through their words n expressions ?? ♡
miss coco !!! am sososo late 2 dis becuz i was finishin posts >///< forgive miii !! thank chu sososo much waaah !! they r all done 4 now… i wan’ add more info 2 them another day but i did supaaa gud catchin up on dem c: now i get 2 edit mi pinned post a liiil — n’ thank chu 4 askin !!! i luuuuv answerin these askies ;3;
uuuu waaaahhh… i thinkies they wld be verrrryyy similar sometimes !!! except arlecchino wld not talk abt mi very often. not unless lyney n’ the others ask abt mi first !! most of da kids know dat i work for the palais mermonia so they know why i’m away !! i thinkies she defends mi a lot tho.. am not exactly the most fascinatin person for the kids to see date “father” so sometimes they have things to say… she treats it like a betrayal to the house !
defo created rules regardin mi for the house to follow to stop the rude talkin.. her tone always softens a bit when she talks abt mi otherwise !! vry common for the twins to use mi as a scapegoat becuz she gets considerably more lax when am mentioned ૮꒰ྀི∩´ ᵕ `∩꒱ྀིა she avoids a lot of their eye contact too ! i get them out of a loooooot of troubles !!
thinkies she wld always tell da kids that i wont play wiv them or help them study if they don’ behave while am gone… verrrrry rood !! i will help them regardless, she’s just usin mi as a threat :c
whereas diluc is similar becuz he gets supaaaa soft too !! kaeya keeps tellin mi how easy it is to get his way wiv diluc n’ all he needs to do is bring mi up !! his eyes always soften n’ u see how his cheeks heat up becuz he gets all shy wiv mi as a conversation (///▽///) he likes to boast mi piano skills when am not there becuz i can’t argue wiv him !!
always praises how gud i do wiv kids too… makes ppl thinkies we r expectin kiddies or plannin them !! he wont admit dat but i wld if someone asks c: diluc tries to steer clear of dat topic for dat reason but kaeya likes to wind him up n’ brings it up on purpose if hes wiv him !!
depends who he is wiv but sometimes he gets supa vulnerable abt bringin mi up when am not there… goes on abt how much he luvs mi n’ his plans for da future togethers !! ໒꒰ྀི˶ ◞ ˕ ◟˶꒱ྀི১ n’ he tells adelinde abt how scared he is to mess dis all up !! she tells mi just so i can scold him lots !!
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veetlegeuse · 2 years
hit me with some lesser-known lore about the harlow siblings?! i Miss Them. hehe <3 luv, court's main
oh man i am gonna have to dig deep down with this one because i feel like i’ve shared so much about them over the years lmao
— mabel keeps everything anyone has ever given her. even insignificant things, like wrappers from sticks of gum queenie has given her or bottlecaps from all the free sodas she gets at pop’s because of this, she has half a wall of shelves over her bed just cluttered with trinkets and things, and any flat surface is also just Covered in stuff. she’s a maximalist, for sure. (she also has a small stuffed to the brim with fortunes from fortune cookies.)
— mabel is the kind of person who quits if she’s not immediately good at the thing that she’s trying to do. maddox has tried to teach her piano several times but she can’t figure out how to get one hand to do something while the other one does something else.
— mabel can recite the entire script from she’s the man. she believes it’s one of the greatest movies ever made.
— sometimes during the off seasons of all his sports (which are few and far between) maddox participates in community theater. it serves as an outlet for him to let out all of his feelings without actually having to, like, go to therapy. (even though he knows he should.) he’s even convinced mabel to join him a few times. his favorite role was marius in les mis.
— maddox acts as lux’s handyman as a thank you for letting him move in with her. (he definitely did more damage than fixing at first, until he gave himself a crash course on youtube.) it wasn’t long before word got around the southside that he was actually pretty decent and didn’t charge, so he does a lot of work around sunnyside.
— maddox is the only one (besides reggie, obvi) in the southside friend group who doesn’t have a bite mark scar from fangs, who used to bite as a kid, hence the name fangs. (thank u @waterloou for this headcanon) (reggie does have a bite mark scar but that’s from mabel and obviously for another time lmao)
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mrs-dynamight · 3 years
Be Nice To Me
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Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x fem!Reader, Denki Kaminari x fem!Reader
Warnings: Eventual mature content, angst, hurt/comfort, love triangle, the reader is lowkey toxic, everything will be adressed in every episode (:
Chapter warning: Swearing but just a little bit of it. Everything else is pure Fluff.
Chapter: 1/? I'm planning about 20, maybe even a little more.
Synopsis: You're in love with your best friend Bakugou, and you're cofessing to him but things get a lot more complicated when Denki starts to treat you different *wink wink*
Word count: 1.1k
Author's note: Heeey! This is my first fic ever in life, I had this idea rotting in my brain and I've been dying to write it for soo long, it is lowkey inspired of something that happened in mi DR. English isn't my first language so if you see any grammar mistakes please lemme know. Luv ya.
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Chapter 1 I wanna be Yours- Arctic Monkeys
I’ve been in love with Bakugo Katsuki since our first year in the UA, I mean yeah, he’s got some issues to deal with, but he was able to go through a lot of stuff, he was kidnapped, marked as a problem child and been a victim of this disastrous “hero society”, but in the end he is just a loud kid who likes to win, there is absolutely nothing wrong with him wanting to be the no. 1 hero. Isn’t it?
Today is the day, the first day of our last year in this hero academy that made the promise of turning kids like us into saviours of the people, it’s been a long journey since the selection exam and at first I was kinda shocked that I really gotten into class 1-A, since there was people with better kirks than mine, I used to think that drawing things in my skin was way less impressive and useful than shooting lightings, make things float or throwing acid, but I grew fond of my quirk thanks to our talented teacher Mr. Aizawa and the marvellous All Might, and in this day I’m really proud of everything we have accomplished as students, and that is why I am going to confess my undying love for the ash blonde guy this year.
I’ve waited enough time I know, but there was so much more I had to know before telling him, at first I was completely sure he and Kirishima were boyfiends, but it turns out they just love each other in a soulmate-ish kinda way, and of course be sure Bakugo actually likes girls (although neither of us actually knows what does he like cause he never talks about that stuff), my best friends Deku, Shoto, Ochako, Tsuyu, and Tenya have been listening me rambling about Katsuki for two whole years so we made a 12 steps-ish program for confessing, but now that is time for the first step I’m nervous as I can be, sure it’s easy, it’s not like it is the first time actually talking to him but it surely feels different. I grab my stuff and wait by the class 3-A dorms stairs, but the one who comes up is no other than my favourite pokemon in the flesh.
-Well if it isn´t L/N Y/N in person- Said Denki Kaminari with a big smile and a non matching sleep deprived face – I appreciate you waiting for me to walk to class together but I have to eat breakfast first, Sero bought this new cereal who is basically just marshmallows and colourful tiny stuff and I’m dying for tasting it but you know how Aizawa don’t like when I eat sugar before class, or during class, or after, In fact I don’t think he wants me eating sugar at all, but it just tastes sooo good, Y/N wanna gab something for lunch?-
-No thanks Denki, actually I’m waiting for Bakugo, I have a couple questions about his internship, you know quirk related stuff, and… uhh just school things I guess, but please tell me if the cereal tastes good, now I’m dying to know- I say with a bit more nervous expression that I planned, but I don’t think Denki notices
-I’ll let you know, good luck with Bakubro, he’s angrier that usual today- Said the yellow haired boy.
And just as he said that a Redhair and a Blonde came downstairs, my heart skipped a beat when Bakugo looked at me with that gorgeous crimson eyes.
-Good morning Y/N!- Said Kirishima with his usual brighter than the sun smile
-Morning, draw- Said Bakugo in his usual raspy voice. C
onsidering how almost every one of us in class A were upgraded from “extras” to some sort of specific quirk related nickname “Draw” was one of the best, and I think it was because of how close he and I have grown, ever since we started training together after the UA sports festival of our first year, I was beat up so easily by Tetsutetsu that I had to practically beg for assistance and of course, Bakugo being the winner and also no. 1 in class was the perfect choice, two years has passed and I can say with confidence that he is my best friend, he would deny it completely if someone asked it, but I think he also enjoys my company, I have seen him laugh, cry, complain about family or whatever, and even blush when I asked if he and Kiri where a thing, and my feelings toward him only grew and grew.
-HeyBakugo, wannawalktoclasstogether? Ihaveacoupleofquestionsaboutinternshipsandthisthinghappendwithmyquirk and… – I was so nervous that I spoke way too fast.
-Have you been drinking that monster stuff that shitty hair and Pikachu are into? Because I didn’t understand a single word coming from your mouth, now besides tutoring you in kicking ass I have to make sure you know how to speak? – Bakugo said with his usual mocking kinda bully tone
-Hey, just wanted to walk you class, what if some crusty-looking guy wants to kidnap you on the way there? AGAIN – I said with some defiance tone, Denki busted into laugh and Bakugo give him a killing stare.
- ‘Tch, let’s go then, shitty woman- Was that a blush? Maybe I crossed the line but bitch I might be.
This was the first part of the plan, just casually invite him on a date, I know him, he can’t say no to 8x spicy ramen and a night at the arcade (anything were he can fight and win, thank God for Bakugos competitiveness)
-So Katsuki, I was wondering if you are free on Friday, there is this new ramen place, and they have this extra spicy ramen challenge that I just know you can beat- I say holding my breath to not sound so nervous, why am I so nervous? This is Bakugo, we’ve been friends for two whole years, we’ve hung out together a lot of times, sure with Kiri, Mina, Denki or Sero, but, it counts, right?
- Huh? Friday? Yeah why not, bet that I can beat you at eating too, should I tell shitty hair? – He said.
-Actually I have only two coupons so I was thinking we just both go after school, I also want to beat your ass in Mario Kart so maybe a ramen and arcade afternoon? – Yeah Y/N confidence, relax, you got this.
-Beat me in something? I doubt you can be able to do that woman, but sure, let´s give it a try then, just don’t hate me for being better than you in everything- He said with a smirk in his face, God he’s gorgeous.
-You wish Katsuki- Yeah that’s better, this is the friendship we have built for over two years, everything is going to be just fine.
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OMG! Thanks for reading, if you wanna be tagged in the series please lemme know.
Part 2 here
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the-acid-pear · 3 years
I did my homework and i did my chores, time to tackle on the third book of this series, Son of Ogre
Chapter 1
Okay but the fuck is Baki planning to do if he stops fighting? That's literally all he has, he's not smart
King just went to have a snack. Also FUCK does that meat look tasty FUCKKK
This baby so cute 🥺
I'm so glad Yuji is doing stupid hilarious shit again it had been a while
Congrats on Baki for that mantis
Chapter 2
Who tf is this kid?
Poor kid lmao, i assume he will meet Baki
Look at my boyyy
Imagine Baki actually kills this kid HSJDYSSHCBT
Third comment with a ton of likes is "we do not condone child violence. We do, however, find it hilarious"
Chapter 3
But i like Baki memeing a round a lil
Chapter 4
🥺🥺 that's so sweet...
Yujiro is such a fucking threat to society lmao
I love seeing Baki with his eyes open, he's looking more like his old self
Oh, shadow boxing incoming, alright
Chapter 5
Yuri? 🥺 /j
Chapter 6
I love how there's our silly little mains after every cover LUV em <33
Baki just dissociating his ass out and using it on his favor, the king
Why is Baki eating sour prunes aren't those meant to be sweet?
We all salivating
Chapter 7
Love to see there are even more swears there now
I can put my face next to my foot too tho
Also i would LOVE to see Yuji fight an Orca
I love how everyone in the comments is calling out Rumina for not seeing issue going down to a dark hidden basement with a shirtless man older than him
Chapter 8
"piggy back me" USHSYFLFUDSY
This fight is going to be good
Chapter 9
Imagine Baki dies right here right know against an imaginary mantis lmao
Okay Baki getting damaged makes sense but the WALL?
Ffs it's true Baki COULD create himself a stand 😰
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
This fight is so boring i had to take a 6 hour break
Baki just can't win against nature eh
This reminds me of Garland pulling a suplex on that Anaconda
Chapter 12
I can't wait for the main cast to ACTUALLY appear, instead of just, you know, them in the covers
This fight is slow but cool but slow
To fight a mantis you must think like a mantis 😎
Though it's true in this manga you will most likely win if you steal your opponent techniques so
Chapter 13
This is so dumb i luv it
That mantis be swearing lmao
Love it when Baki goes full Yujiro
Chapter 14
Holy fuck do mantis fly?
Secret Chapter?
Is this how Yujiro got born?
Idk girl i would have killed him if i was you
I might just be sleepy but this is so confusing
Chapter 15
Why is he like this?
Is "he" with us right now?
...gotta admit that IS true...
I love Strydum sksgwhwg
Yujiro really went XD
I don't think my man Arun in the comments is aware how gay what he said is, though maybe I'm wrong
Chapter 16
I can't believe Bush is dead
8 of January? My god he's a Capricorn
I'm sorry, what?
This explains why Baki was in prison clothes in the anime teaser
Chapter 17
That one mf like 😐
Glad Baki is 18 now at least 😌
Love to see Oliva back
Chapter 18
This page not even bothering to charge the pages anymore
I'm sure there were better ways to go to jail, well, actually, no, but still
Toba used to just chew that off
Baki did that mantis hit you in the head too hard?
I. I watched way too many prison movies and shows. I don't like seeing someone as young and pretty as Baki in such a place. I rlly don't.
Chapter 19
Yanagi baby i miss you...
Mfkhsjsys 😳🥴
Eh got my hopes too high
I hope he swears too i want to see a boludo o pelotudo PLEASE
I mean para pelotudos lo veo a Yujiro todo el tiempo pero igual JSGWKEGWG me pone bien argento ver al Che carajo
Chapter 20
I can't take this omfg new fav I'm sorry Doppo but he just said boludo 😭
Pendejo is more used as pibe here but i will let it pass bc idk the lingo in Cuba and he spent some time there so
Why don't i speak like this too ffs? All i do is say eh and call it a day
He's cocky enough to call anybody any age pibe so I'll let that pass too
Por favor no lo hagas che sksgwj
Chapter 21
Che, pibe, it's a good day to die...
Chapter 22
GSHAGSTSG he should have said "no boludo"
I'm falling in love with this boludo myself
That's talented and brutal
Chapter 23
Hm that's, cringe
Honestly i too get pissed off when called American or European, though i won't throw shit to Baki, he's some random 18 yo japanese boy, no way he would recognize latinoamerican lingo lmao
King shit Baki boy
Chapter 24
Oh that's why he's called Jun Guevara, that's fair
I like how they are mixing a bit of truth and a bit of lie it's fun at least
Chapter 25
I like how they are drawing nipples now, occasionally
I can't wait for Viêt to complain about propaganda in the comments
😳 :Y
He's sooo nice 😍
Chapter 26
Only three? You mean the third is... 👁️👁️
I can't believe he works for the USA I'm crying and shaking rn
What a progressive manga, the three strongest and most dangerous men and none of them are white 😍
Chapter 27
Why is this guy sweating sm?
I like how the only time Baki was willing to kill a person was when he thought Sikorsky had hurt his girl
Chapter 28
I feel like Ian will die
Man i love how Baki is drawn in this book
Ffs i called it, i have watched way too many prison things to know how shit goes down
I have seen these three before in fanart but I'm curious to see what they can do
Chapter 29
Their faces remind me of Doyle
I'm gonna struggle to tell em apart but i think I'll manage
Okay I'm not the only one who thinks they look like Doyle, fair
Chapter 30
The mouth vs Yujiro when?
Someone mentioned the have the same vibe as the dudes that worked with Gaia and like 👁️👁️
Chapter 31
Lmao someone in the comments recommended the same thing
These three must be great at sex (sorry)
KSHALDHDKD NEW FAV COMMENT: "go to Japan and look for the word "defeat". That way you won't feel cocky anymore"
Chapter 32
Hehe hello Junnn~
La luna
Chapter 33
Okay that's funny, hocico instead of mouth (hocico is used for animal mouths)
I'm so glad i know Spanish
The two things that drive me insane and make me ramble are Doppo's beauty and this stupid argentinian
Chapter 34
Imagine he's doing that illusion thing Dorian did
With his own blood, that's so cool...
I did that once when i had a terrible nose bleed, didn't go well
Chapter 35
This book is fucking boring NGL
"now that you got no more urine left in you"
Chapter 36
HHH he kinda cute...
Oww :(
God piantao is an old word i had never heard it before
AND he took a piss.
Se me cayó un ídolo y yo que le quería dar 😔
Let's see if he lied to Baki about just liking eh /j
Chapter 37
I luv Oliva lol
I too wonder where the fuck Kozue is
Chapter 38
He is jealous of what you two have, it's normal, el Che just rejected his love after all ;/
Oliva is a king
Oh shit Oliva is like 45?! He looked so young
Te fuiste a la mierda, Che, el chabón estaba siendo re bueno con vos
Baki is just dead
Chapter 39
I love how realistic Che's fear is, he's rather smart, though not this time
I didn't realize Che said "what more, it may be a woman!" but to be fair they ARE in jail so
Chapter 40
I'm feeling kinda bad for him ngl
I feel happy for him tho 🥺
Bruh they added one page after the ending of some naked anime girl tf 😐
Chapter 41
These prisoners having fun is kinda sweet
Bitches be complaining about Maria's looks are just jealous 🥰
Chapter 42
Damn she lorge
He loves fighting naked eh
Only valid person is the one saying Oliva deserves better treatment which tbh true
Chapter 43
Fun fact i wear my jacket like El Che too, unless it's too cold
El che with the hair lose is so cute bro,,,
Something something fingering joke
Sikorski could fold a coin too
I bet the bandana will break
Chapter 44
I would have just fallen on top of him, how is he gonna counter that, eh?
Oh that super fun to know!
Oh the good ol dirty technique, i have seen this one before!
Chapter 45
This fight is super cool tho i love these two characters
Chapter 46
They just keep changing the rules i think Itagaki is just flexing at this point
Baki wants his protagonism back
I'm getting pissed off they keep putting semi naked underaged girls at the end of every chapter 😐
Chapter 47
Bruh just realized, the mouth got so hyped as this new cool villain and they died in their first appearance 😭
His damn bandana...
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99liners · 3 years
Heyy Jaimie I have a few questions for u I hope u r ohk with answering them
Which is ur fav oneshot from tatemae {plzz don't say aphotic 😭}
If u were in the place of ocs how would u have dealt with these toxic men
Which ocs personality matches ur own
MTL of tatemae couple arguing or having a disagreement
henlo, luv. thank you for asking and yes, i am comfortable answering these questions :D
1. sue me but my favourite is nodus tollens followed very closely by liberosis.
2. so i am keeping all the circumstances the same and just putting myself in OCs' shoes.
kaiho: it's very unlikely that i would fall for a guy who is not emotionally mature. i do look for meaningful conversations in dates so goodbye to jk in the dating stage.
enouement: i would legit run away from the marriage. like the whole premise is full of red flags. i come from the land where arranged marriage is very much prevalent and the norm but the fact that i have to marry a guy without having ever talked to him? nah bruh, not my vibe, irrespective of how good looking he is,,, i am out the window.
nodus tollens: i am the type who falls for the gentleman kinda guy but the way pjm gaslights,,, it irks me. also, if he dumps me after satisfying his ulterior motives, mi amore, i ain't going back. also, he better watch his back cause i don't forgive shit like this.
adronitis: oh lord, the universe be testing me by giving me hump-able thighs and packed biceps in a turtleneck... firstly, i am too shy,,,, like tooooooooooooo shy so the thought of getting expelled if caught would keep me from approaching him although i would keep dreaming of it lol.
liberosis: i think i would deal with yoongs a lot like shiza does. i don't see myself doing anything much different.
3. rei's abandonment and neglected kid issues and shiza's taking no bullshit trait. i am also v submissive :) but i have been through enough shit to know better.
4. most:
nodus tollens
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Billie's new best fren!
Billie isn't fond of Hobie. Nope, the moment she saw him bite her big brother's neck that already gave her the ick. Even before, when she first met him, she didn't like how Miles gave attention and love to his boyfriend. Nope. Nope, she wants all the attention and love, and she's the only one that gives hugs to her big brother.
Now, Billie loves it when her parents aren't around and she's force to be babysat by her brother. Miles never complains about, he loves watching her. The only issues is when Spiderman is needed. Spiderman is a busy guy with huge responsibilities- and guess what! That's Billie's big brother! Yes, Billie's big brother, Miles is the cities' Spiderman! Ever since she can remember Miles had always taken her through the city and Spider Society fighting off bad guys or meeting up with other multiverse Spiderpeople.
Hey, she even have her own watch; it's a pink purple color with a flower spider design on it, and one of Miles' friend, Peter B. Parker gave her a cute pinkish purple Spiderwoman crochet mask. A gift from the lovely MJ, Peter's wife. Not to mention, she gets to play with the other kids Gerald, Jess' kid and Mayday, Peter's kid. They had to build a daycare if a mission is too sever for them to tag along.
Oh yes, that's one of her favorite days, going out to help Spiderman and seeing the universes. Now, her favorite part of the day going into Spider Society is meeting her best fren! Who is her best friend?
Well let's get into it!
Miles in his Spiderman suit had Billie in a baby carrier similar to Peter's but with a nice pouch to fit in baby wipes, an extra diaper and his phone. He jumps on one of the buildings seeing one of the anomaly's hiding in a warehouse. "Looks like we better call for back up, Boo-boo."
"Hehehe," Billie giggles as she had her web shooter toy, multiverse watch on and her mask being ready.
"Hey luv, fancy meeting you here." Hobie appears from behind to hug and kiss his boyfriend.
Billie gasps then scowls, "No!" She aim her web shooter at him almost threatening him. "No, Obie!"
"Billie, don't do that!" Miles' hand made her put her arm down. "He's just saying hello."
"NO!" She scowls.
Hobie took a step back, "Okay. Okay, easy Billie-willie. I'm not touching your brother." His hands up in defense, still having a cocky grin on his face.
Billie set her web shooter down, then looks at her brother, "No, Obie!"
"I know. I know. But he's here to help us fight. By the way, I need to make a call to Miguel." Miles added, using his watch to informed of the anomaly in his world.
Hobie casually rolled his eyes, "Sometimes I wonder if you like his more than me." Being the jealous type, he already didn't like Miguel. That man is too strict, too much of a pain in the ass for Hobie's liking.
"What? He's our boss or leader? He handle this stuff. Don't get upset, mi amor." Miles pouts as he sent out an emergency single. "Besides, you should be worrying about this one not liking you." He lift his chin to his sister's direction.
Billie still glaring at Hobie. "She will love me, after all I'm the love of your life." Hobie chuckles having to give a quick kiss on Miles' cheek.
Miles blushes, "Yet you pick on her."
"NO!" Billie shouted with her hands waving back and forth being mad Hobie got close to her brother.
"Hey guys! What's up!" Gwen and Pav appeared being one of the first ones. "Miguel sent us and Peter out. He's late."
"As always." Miles said holding Billie in his baby carrier.
"Awe, look at her cute mask and" Pav gasps out loud looking at her feet, "her wittle booties! I so want kids when I get married to my beloved Gaytari!" He fantasize being a father with cute kids, especially more when Miles introduce them to his little sister.
"Hehe!" Billie giggles.
Pav playfully do funny faces and tickle her cheek. Billie likes Pav. He doesn't hurt Miles, he's goofy.
Gwen giggles, "Hey, Billie. How's it going?"
"Bueno!" Billies smiles happily at Gwen, she likes Gwen. Gwen doesn't pick on Miles for fun!
Then the portal open having Peter B. Parker with Mayday following along side him wearing a cute Spidergirl outfit. "Okay, May. Remember to stay away from dangerous. Your first task is to climb away from danger and stay close to my sight."
"Okie Dookie, daddy!" Mayday giggles then gasps, "Billie!" She happily skips over to see her cute baby sister. "Hi, Miles." Mayday view Miles as her big brother too.
"May!" Billie giggles at her older sister.
Miles chuckles, "Hey, May. How are you doing?" He squat to her level that way she can hug Billie.
Mayday sniffs Billie, "Good and she smells so good. Baby smell!"
"All baby's smell like that." Peter chuckles, "So what's the plan?"
"I thought Miguel gave you the plan?" Gwen asked.
"Well, you're all adults. I thought you guys can make up one. Who needs that Grumps' plan?" Peter asked out loud.
"Miguel is gonna get mad if we don't follow his plan...." Pav hums, as he squat to play patty cake with Mayday while Billie cheers them on.
"I like that. Let's wing it, eh? Come on, luv. We can do it." Hobie said to his partner with his hand on his shoulder.
Miles rub his chin, "I dunno know..."
"Come on! We can do it!" Peter said out loud. "Besides this is level two anomaly. We just go in and out."
Gwen shrugs, "I guess, but if Miguel come at us. I'ma put the blame on you. Your the oldest!"
"I'm not that old." Peter pouts.
Mayday turns to her dad, "Daddy, you're old!"
Pav burst out laughing. "May, why your mean like your mom?" Peter pouts again.
"Anyway let do this!" Hobie said.
The spider heroes group up, then each one began using their webs to swing to the warehouse. Peter said, "Miles. Hobie, you took east. Gwen and Pav. West. I'll come from the top. Remember stay quiet and hidden."
"Got it!"
This is where it got fun. Miles and Hobie stuck together being on top of the stairs out of the warehouse. Hobie peaks to find the anomaly eating something, being all hunched over. Billie saw a blue butterfly coming out of the warehouse, it landed on her nose. "Ohhhh, linda!" her big round doe like eyes gleaming at how pretty it is.
"It's doing nothing? Is this a level 2?" Hobie whispers turning to his boyfriend.
Miles shrugs, "Miguel sent the scan. We should be careful since Lyla seems to give warning to not upset it."
Hobie rolled his eyes, "It's always Miguel said this and that, luv."
"Hobie, he sent it." Miles side eyes him then place his hands on his hips. "Esta loco?"
Hobie sighs, "Sorry, luv. How about a kiss? Come on, I need to know you love me." He pucker his lips waiting for his boyfriend to kiss him.
Miles blushes, "Hobie, we're on a mission."
Billie felt Hobie's body getting way too close for comfort and it made her more mad that the pretty blue butterfly flew away. "NO!" She shoot her web shooter at Hobie's face.
"Good job, Billie." Miles giggles.
"Hey lovebirds! We're about to move close." Peter call them through their earbuds. "Hobie go in. Pav is already setting up the trap. Gwen and Miles, distract the anomaly."
"What do I do?" Mayday asked as she stood on the roof with her dad being excited to help.
"You stay here and be safe, honey. That's a big job."
"Aweee, you never let me help." She pouts.
"I promise you will but you still need to practice on your web shooting, and powers." Peter kisses his daughter's cheek, "Stay safe, remember." Her dad went in one of the holes of the old warehouse.
Miles and Gwen went inside of the warehouse, they saw Peter on top. "Okay, now." He said through their earbuds.
Within a blink an eye, Billie was already seeing pretty blue blasts. Her big brother being extra carefully because of her. Gwen shouting to give warning. The anomaly is all glitching, with a pretty periwinkle blue and white glow. Billie's eyes noticed blue butterflies around the small anomaly. "Pretty!" She said. Why did the butterfly look so small, too?
"Hobie, now!" Peter uses his web shooters to block the entrance.
The anomaly growls and glitch out sounding so afraid like a frail small animal. Hobie appears using his guitar to wack it. The Gwen uses her web to surround it. The anomaly look so scared, confused that it made Billie upset.
When Miles got close enough to use his lightening on it, Billie started to huff and puff. Big tears forming from her eyes as she saw the tiny anomaly whimpering in fear and pain. "Nononononono!" Billie wiggles having to burst out crying out loud!
"Billie? Wha-what's wrong?" Miles looking concern. "Are you hurt?" He quickly took step back to check on his sister.
"Nonononononono. Malo! Malo her-man-no!" She cries out loud with her hands smacking her brother being upset.
"Qué?" Miles trying to calm her down.
Hobie saw the anomaly quickly uses its blue bean to aim at Miles and Billie. "Miles, look out." He quickly pushes them out of the way. The beam aims from bottom to the top. Hitting the roof!
Mayday shrieks seeing the beam coming through. "MAYDAY!" Peter shouted, seeing his daughter falling into the warehouse.
"I gotchu!" Pav swing by to rescue her, catching her in his arms.
Mayday hugs Pat's neck tightly still feeling her heart pounding. That was too close for comfort. She will listen to her dad next time.
Peter saw the warehouse crumbling, "It's falling! Everyone get out." He swing out with Pav and Mayday.
Gwen quickly got out of window. "MILES! HOBIE! OVER HERE!"
The small anomaly scattered away from an opening getting away. Billie saw this and was proud to save it. "Come on, luv. Let's go!" Hobie carries Miles bridal style having to book it.
The group got out safely. Peter sighing in relief having his baby gurl in his arms, "Oh thank god, you're okay May." He almost fainted with relief.
Gwen crosses her arms, "So? Mission fail?"
"Mission fail." They all agreed.
Miles look at Billie being chipper than before. "What happen with Billie?" Pav asked having his chin resting on Miles' shoulder.
"I dunno know. She was crying and I thought she hurt herself? Maybe- I need to go to med-bay. Maybe she sprain something?" He's voice filled with worried.
Hobie said, "I don't think she's hurt... I think she didn't like what we were doing to the anomaly."
"What?" Miles blink in surprised, then again his little sister is smart like Mayday. They are more aware of things than most kids.
Billie merely glance up at her big brother then giggle. Gwen said, "I mean, that's kinda good? She's aware of emotions, right?"
"And bad, because she can't be in missions like this." Peter added having to hold his daughter in his arms being over protective.
Then their watches beeping from Miguel. Lyla's voice rings their ears, "Miguel wants to see you all!"
"UGHH!" Everyone except Mayday and Billie groaned.
"Yay, uncle Mig!" Mayday giggles.
Billie cheers out loud, "Tio!"
"I thought she would hate Miguel?" Hobie asked.
"No, she actually loves him." Miles casually say. "They're best friends."
Hobie stop following him being surprised, "What?" Almost in shock.
Billie laughs out loud at his expression. "Yeah, her and Miguel are like this." Miles crossed his fingers, "Same way with Mayday and Gerald. Hobie, why you're so surprised? Miguel is great with kids."
"It's just..." Hobie pouts at Billie, "Alright, lil one. I'll be your best friend."
"No!" She pouts. "Tio!" She chanted.
Miles laughs, "Oh now, you want her to like you. Why? Because Miguel?" He always knew Hobie would be jealous some way some how.
They all went to spider headquarters to face their leader.
(Part 2)
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svnarintaro · 4 years
so many things has happened since i even go onto tumblr and it is crazy that there is so many of you reading my stuff !!
i have a list of new and old friends but know i haven't forgotten any of you.
i but to be honest it boggles me that there are more people that follow me at this given moment in time than my actual school- and to be completely honest, i think for the most part the numbers get to my head in a way that making you guys feel like that i care.
which i do
and to everyone who feels like they need a hug or are going through thought times right now i hope my writing comforts you.
the characters love you for who you are.
no matter what you look like, what your personality is or anything you feel insecure about.
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here are some people i would love to thank
- hana i kid you not you were my second friend on this website i want you to know that i luv you bubs and that i'm so thankful that you have been with me since the summer and i am so thankful for that
- carla !!!! i'm so so so sorry f not texting you in a while, working on a tumblr blog and got through highschool was harder than i thought,, but thank you for acting like my big sister and supporting me through this crazy journey
- ate yssa, i think you were one of the first big blogs to notice me when i was at like 200-300 i have no clue how i got this far but thank you for being my friend, being like a role model and just being awesome at what you do
- meg, thank you so much for taking care of my chaotic nature with yssa, i kid you not you m me more mindful of the dumb things i do now (like today i didn't drink a monster like i usually do) and i would like to thank you for being my friend as well
- sophie,, thank you for being JUST as chaotic as me when i needed it most. our interactions just gave me pure serotonin
- leia!! thanks for inspiring me to make a smau too- honestly after hit me up buttercup i was like jahsnsbskabs
- eden- my tumblr roommate that can't get out of the friend zone. bro thanks for being my most recent friends here >:) and thanks for yelling at mi get my ankle fixed
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i will be doing an event
the details are here
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tweedfrog · 4 years
I was tagged by @renlybaratheon-tyrell - thanks very much!!!
Name: [REDACTED] Im going to follow my teenage dreams and pick a cool pseudonym for myself and tell everyone they can call me Jordan after my favourite character in the Great Gatsby
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5′2 on a good day when im not slouching
Favorite bands: Ummmm im very bad with following bands and i have a weird taste in music but currently BTS, Matt and Kim, Rage against the Machine, Blackpink
Favorite Solo Artists: Megan thee Stallion, Flume, Dolly Parton, Tom Jones
Song stuck in my head: Boy in Luv by BTS ft Halsey
Last Movie: Alfred Hitchcock version of Rebecca. Now im thinking i should definitley check out the new one purely because of the Armie Hammer cannibalism rumors
Last show: Alice in Borderland on Netflix! Everyone go watch it!
When did I create this blog:  Last year around November i believe
What do I post: Asoiaf, asoiaf memes, writing memes, references for my writing, general stuff i like. I try to keep it mainly asoiaf but im too impulsive.
Other blogs: My personal blog which ive had since 2012. Im so attached to it i feel like ill still be on that thing at 80
Do I get asks: Yes and I enjoy talking to you guys! I am always down for asks and messages
Why I chose this url: Its the same name as my Ao3 account. I chose that name because i love tweed clothes and i was thinking of tweed coats. And then i was thinking of Roslin Frey who was one of my fav minor characters in the books and how people called the Frey girls “stoats” and Tweedstoat was born!
Following: 175
Followers: I just hit 100 today so whoooo!!
Average hours of sleep: 6 right now because its uni crunch time.
Lucky number: 7, 13 because they were the first numbers i could think of
Instruments: I played the violin a little bit as a kid and i want to attend lessons and learn it properly when university is over because it was so fun
What I’m currently wearing: Yoga pants and a rugby top.
Dream job: Somewhere chill where i like my coworkers and actually help people. A desk job becuase i like being inside.
Dream trip: Going to Iceland and seeing them bake bread in the ground. Its called Rúgbrauð and they put rye bread in these wooden casks and then bury them near a hot spring and wait for the magic to happen. I wanna go to Iceland and taste it!
Favorite food: Mac n Cheese, any indian street food but shout out to pani puri specifically, ramen, thai curries, banh mi rolls.
Nationality: Indian
Favorite song: Currently its Delilah by Tom Jones but
Last book I read: ‘Mediation theory and practice’ lmao
Top three fictional universes I’d like to live in: Yeah my favourite fictional universes are pretty much all dangerous as hell. Definitley not asoiaf. Maybe the HP universe after they defeat voldemort. I would like to live in the shire because i too am short and love second breakfast. I literally cant think of anything else rip. maybe the cool telepathic advanced society they escape to in the chrysalids? Not sure if you guys have read that last one tho so that may be a bit niche
Im tagging @princesselaena @spaceandbones @doubleicon @babygoestozspace if they would like to do it!
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lu-undy · 4 years
Chapter 73 - SBT
Here it is!
There was a knock on the van's backdoor. 
"Come in, Mundy."
The Aussie pushed the door and entered.
"I'm back, luv', and I have it. Feels weird to carry a credit card for some money that's not mine… Also, how well did they pay back in France?! When the banker told me how much it was, I nearly fell off my chair!"
Mundy shut the door and turned to his lover. 
"Oh, crikey…" 
"How do I look…?"
Lucien had put on one of his suits again but this time, there was no tie and the shirt had been replaced with a thin woolen turtleneck. Moreover, he had tied his hair in a braid. Some of the grey, thin locks of hair at the front fell between his eyes beautifully. 
"You're gorgeous." 
Lucien smiled as Mundy came closer and held his waist.
"And I trimmed my beard a bit. I look odd to myself, but if you like it, I shall make a habit of this style." 
Mundy turned around and touched the braid. 
"Gosh, you… You're perfect… And, mmh, yeah, you're wearin' your perfume again, eh?"
"Oui, I am."
"You're really back…!" Mundy hugged his lover tightly but another knock interrupted them.
They were back in the city now for Mundy to collect Lucien's money, which was now his. Maurice had done an impeccable job and it had all gone smoothly. 
"Who's that?" Mundy asked. 
"Who do you think?" 
Mundy and Lucien looked at each other with a smile. It was Maurice's voice. 
"Hold on, mate." 
Mundy exited the van, with Lucien behind him. 
"Good to see you again, both of you." Maurice said and hands were shaken. 
"G'day, mate." 
"Merci, Maurice."
[Thanks, Maurice.] 
"Quite a change of style you have gone through, L." 
"Oui, it is both necessary and appreciated." Lucien's eyes went to Mundy. 
"It suits you indeed. One of the boys spotted your van, M. I thought I could drop by and say hi in person." 
"Sure, thanks. How's the street doin'?" 
"Cold with this winter, but good. We still manage to feed everyone and bring some warmth."
"That's nice." Mundy answered. 
"Oh, I nearly forgot, I have something for you, L. Here… This is your new passport, with the name that you wrote in your will."
"He didn't write any new names in his will." Mundy said, surprised.
"I did." Lucien answered and he accepted the Burgundy red document with the golden letters. "You just did not see it."
"What?" Mundy asked. 
"I will explain later. But thank you very much, Maurice, as always."
"My pleasure."
"Who are my witnesses?" Lucien asked. 
"Witnesses?" Mundy repeated. 
"Yes, for a will to be taken seriously, it must be written and co-signed by two witnesses." Maurice answered. "I am one of them, Richard is the second."
"Did you tell him?" Lucien asked. 
"I told him that Paris wanted a coffee with two sugars and a drop of milk. The next thing I knew, he was lying on the floor in his shop and both his sons were trying to wake him up." Maurice chuckled. 
"Ah, I should apologise…!" Lucien answered, chuckling himself. 
"No, it is fine. He was as delighted as I was when M told me. Oh and by the way, you are welcome to work with him and give a hand with the homeless of course." 
"Thank you." Lucien answered. "But we have a few things to do before we can come to work, is that fine with you?" 
"Absolutely, take your time and again, welcome back to the world of the living." 
"Thank you." 
Maurice and Lucien exchanged a nod. 
"Good. I shall go back to my streets, there are mouths to feed and work to do." Maurice said. "I will see you later." 
"Sure, mate, thanks for everythin', really." 
"No problem." 
Hands were shaken again and Maurice disappeared in the streets, melting with them like a shadow. 
"So, what's the plan?" Mundy asked. 
"We could go and get some lunch if you want."
"Sure, where?"
"Victoria's diner." Lucien answered and Mundy smiled and nodded. 
"Alright. Let me just make sure the cats have enough to eat and drink."
"I shall take Perle and Soot with us. I will put him in Perle's old harness and leash." 
A few minutes later, Perle was on Mundy's shoulders and Soot was trotting happily by Lucien. 
"Non, Soot, sit. Très bien. We need to wait until the little man is green before we cross. Non, non, non, do not raise your hand like this and tempt the devil. You stay sat." 
"Meow." Soot was trying to move forward. 
"Sooty boy, watch the wifey here." Mundy put Perle down and she sat by the black cat patiently.
"There, good boy, Soot." Lucien praised him. 
The light switched to green for pedestrians. Perle looked up at Mundy who started crossing and followed him. Soot copied her. He looked up at Lucien and when the man started crossing, he did the same. 
A few minutes later, they arrived in front of Victoria's diner.
"You ready?" Mundy asked. 
"Yes, I am. I hope she is too." 
They exchanged a smile and Mundy pushed the door open. 
"Hello, how may I help? Oh, hey M! And Pearl. Who's this new friend you're bringin'...?" 
Lucien was a metre away, giving his back with his silver braid to them while Victoria knelt down to look at Soot. 
"That's Soot, he's Pearl's hubby."
"Ooh, congrats, Pearl!" Victoria petted her and the white, fluffy cat purred. "The hubby's quite shy, eh?"
Soot was hiding behind Mundy's legs. 
"Yeah, a bit." Mundy answered. "Sorry about that."
"Well at least he's not hissin'...!" Victoria chuckled. "How have you been, M? You seem so much happier than last time!"
"Not too bad, and busy, the cats got four kids together."
"Seriously? You had kittens?" 
"Yeah, lots of energy they have, but they're growin' up nicely." 
"Aw, that's super cute." Victoria stood up again. "Came here for some lunch?" 
"Yes and no, there's uh… There's something I need to admit… Uh…" Mundy scratched the back of his neck. 
"Oh? What is it?" 
"Uhm, I don't know how to say that but uh… Y'know what, come and sit at the table." 
Victoria sat down. 
"You're not joining?" She asked. 
"Well, I need to re-introduce someone to you - bloody hell that's so weird to say…" Mundy put his hands on Lucien's shoulders, who was still giving his back to Victoria.
"What d'you mean, re-introduce?" 
"He means that I am back." Lucien turned and faced her as she gasped and smacked a hand in front of her mouth. 
"What the fuck?! L?! Is that you?! You're dead!"
"Non, I am not. I am standing here in front of you." He opened his arms proudly. 
"You piece of shit!" Victoria rose from her chair and slapped him with the towel she was carrying around repeatedly. "You! Kept me! Thinking! You! Were! Dead! For! More! Than! A! Year! You absolute! Piece! Of! Shit!"
Lucien closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and both him and Mundy could hear muffled sobbing. 
"I missed you, you arrogant idiot…" 
"And I missed you too, terribly, Victoria." He kissed the top of her head as she cried against him. He could feel she was clinging to his jacket. "I am sorry to have put all of you through that. But I had no choice."
"It's worse than that, V." Mundy said, patting her back to comfort her. "He was there at his own funeral and he heard what you said." 
She gasped and pulled out of the embrace, wiping her tears on the towel. 
"That's just plain cheatin', L."
"My name, it is Lucien, you may call me by my name, mi niña."
[My child]
She stared up at him as if he was Jesus Christ himself.
"I missed you so much." She put a hand on her mouth.
"I know, I know, come here." Lucien led her to sit at their table on the banquette next to him. He wrapped an arm around her to comfort her and gently rocked her left and right while her tears continued to stream silently on her cheeks. She sniffed from time to time and wiped her face on her towel. Mundy went to the counter to place their order and came back, sitting on the banquette opposite them. 
"So you didn't die?" She asked.
"What happened?" 
"As you now know, I worked as a spy and to escape a certain death, I had to die and wait for things to calm down before I could show myself again."
"Did you beat him up for it?" She asked Mundy. 
"Nah, can't do it anymore now for some reason." Mundy chuckled. 
"You should have. You're growin' soft, M. And this man…" She pointed her index on Lucien's chest, poking it and staring at it fiercely. "This man needs to be taught a lesson or two…" She then bent forward and let her head fall on Lucien's chest again. He hugged her tightly and stroked her hair. 
"I apologise, Victoria, but had I done that, I would not be here today." 
"You could have said. You could have written to me… You could have…" She sobbed again. "Now I need to cancel something important." She said and Lucien and Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"Cesar salad, and two fish and chips." A waiter came and put everything on the table. "You ok, V?"
"Yeah, she's cryin' cause she's happy, cheers mate." Mundy answered.
"Alright…" The waiter left them alone. 
"So what is this important thing that you need to cancel because of my return? Did you have to go and have lunch with someone else?" Lucien asked. 
"No…" Victoria pulled herself away from him and wiped her face again. She looked at Mundy and then at Lucien. "I'm… I'm gettin' married to my fiancé Charlie in a few months and uh… I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle but…" 
Mundy's jaw dropped and Lucien blushed intensely. 
"Would you… Would you please do it for me?" She raised her red, slightly swollen eyes to him and Lucien felt hot all of a sudden with the pressure that fell on his shoulders.
"I… I would be honoured to do so but… Why me?" 
"Charlie. I met him at a party and then… The reason we dated was thanks to you." 
"Yeah, you helped me with my spanish so much that I progressed enough to be in the same classes as him… That's how we then started hangin' out and all. And then the free dinners you got us for the Queen Victoria, I went there with him… It's all cause of you…" 
Lucien's eyes couldn't be open wider.
"Mon Dieu…"
"As you know, I don't have a dad, so I didn't have anyone to walk me down the aisle in church. I asked Joe from the corner shop to do it, to feel less lonely but… But you should be the one doin' it… So please…"
Lucien's eyes were glistening with the tears he was holding back. 
"O-of course I accept, it would be my honour to do this for you, Victoria…" He pulled her in a fatherly hug and closed his eyes. "When is the wedding exactly, we need to get some new suits. Is there anything I can help with? Tell me and do not think about the money, I will get it sorted out for you, mon enfant." 
[My child]
Mundy softened in a sweet smile. So that was the kind of father that Lucien was, hm?
"I should meet your fiancé. Look, let us know when and where and I shall have a chat with him. I can't let you get married to just anyone, I need to know. Where is he from? His family? Does he still have his parents, what do they work as?" 
Victoria laughed in Lucien's arms. 
"What? I am worried for you, Victoria. It is out of the question to just let you get married to someone you cannot properly build anything with!"
She laughed louder and pulled him into a hug. 
"I missed you so much… Papa L…" 
Lucien looked at Mundy with tears in his eyes. 
"Hey, don't look at me like that, luv'. It's your daughter there, not mine." 
"And you are my everything, Mundy, so she is your daughter as much as she is mine!" 
"What?! Nah, that's not how it works! Also, when you're gonna meet the bloke, I'll just stay with the cats in the van."
"Remember we're two blokes, that's not exactly normal, eh?" Mundy said, feeding some bits of fish to the cats. 
"Oh, don't worry about it. He knows for L and you." Victoria said. 
"What?! How?! You told him?" Mundy turned as red as a brick in a flash. 
"Nah, I didn't. I think most people who were at the funeral understood, M." Victoria answered. 
"Ah… W-well… I mean…" 
Lucien looked down at Victoria. 
"Let us have some lunch and you can tell us all about this Charlie of yours, hm?" 
"Yeah, thank you so much." She pushed herself to leave a kiss on Lucien's cheek. "You're the best!"
He smiled and left his arms around her shoulders. 
"I am indeed."
-- Later that day --
"Where to now?" Mundy asked.
"To Richard. I need to thank him. Also, let us go to a bakery first, I need to buy something for him." 
"Any good bakeries you would recommend, mon loup?"
[My wolf?]
"Yeah, I know one, let's go." 
They walked through the streets, followed by both cats. 
"Lu', look at the cats." 
Lucien looked back and smiled. They were brushing themselves against each other and lacing their tails together, purring happily. 
"I am happy that she found someone to pur with." Lucien said. 
"Yeah, they're cute."
"I cannot help but think about how much bigger she is now… I remember when she used to fit in my hand, when she bit me on the first night we met, how she held onto my hand…"
"Partly?" Mundy asked and they stopped at a crossroad.
"Oui. Those were days where Perle was nothing but a baby but at the same time, those were days where I could only dream of approaching you." 
"What? Gonna make me believe that you were shy?" Mundy smiled. 
"Not shy." The light turned to green and both cats looked up at their masters. The family crossed the street. 
"What then?"
"I was as scared as you were shy." 
"Scared? Do I look scary?" Mundy asked and Lucien gave him one of those looks. "Nope, shush, don't answer." 
Lucien smirked. 
"But what were you scared of? That I'd say no?"
"Don't be ridiculous, Mundy. No one has ever said non to me so far." 
The Aussie rolled up his eyes with a smile. 
"Figured… But tell me, why?" 
"Because I knew I was going to my death. I know what it means to lose the person that you live and breathe for, and I didn't want you to go through that." 
They took a turn and the cats happily followed, still trotting on their heels. 
"Well, good job, you did it anyway in the end, eh?"
"Because of you." Lucien answered. 
"Oui. You were the one to insist that I should confess my feelings to the man I held in my heart. And here we are."
"Gonna complain?"
"Non, of course not." They chuckled and Mundy pushed the bakery door. "Go ahead, I'll wait with the cats outside."
"Fine, I won't be long." 
"Okay," And as Lucien passed in front of Mundy, the Aussie murmured. "Love you, darl, you're gorgeous…" 
Lucien's cheeks turned pink and his eyes brightened up. 
"Moi aussi, mon loup."
[Me too, my wolf.]
Mundy stayed outside and petted the cats while waiting for Lucien and it took the Frenchman a few minutes before he exited the bakery again, a beautifully decorated bag in his hand.
"You were quick."
Lucien smirked.
"Don't give me that look, you know how long I can be in other contexts…"
Mundy's cheeks popped red.
The Frenchman chuckled and they resumed their walk. Within minutes, they were in front of Richard's shop. 
"Right, let's go." 
Mundy pushed the door.
"Good afternoon gentlem- oh! L! M!" 
"And the fluffy P and S." Mundy added, pointing at the cats. Richard dropped his notebook and ran to shake their hands.
"I am delighted to see you both again! And what a change of style! Oh, I need to make something for you both, for your return, L - non! I will not accept any kind of negotiation, this will be a welcome back gift! Paul! Come here!"
Richard's sons both came out of the workshop and after shaking hands with Lucien and Mundy, their father instructed them. 
"Take a good look at these two new men…!" The tailor with the impeccable white moustache started. "Look at this one. He now stands tall, not slouched like before, he has found peace and confidence in himself, he isn't hiding behind a thick mane of hair anymore…" Richard inspected Mundy closely before turning to Lucien. "And here! Oh mon Dieu here! Here is the man that we all dream to be, if not for the hero he is, then for his silhouette, sculpted out of marble with godly proportions! Boys, we need something refreshing, nothing tactical, non! We need something for a sweeter, more calm life. Look at the beard! Where some people see a lack of effort, I see the beginning of a work of art! And this long hair…! M! Take notes! This is poetry! This is romance! This is beauty! Not only are the colours exquisite to the eye but the braid is fantastic! I take it you did it yourself, L?" 
"Oui, I did." 
"The work of an artist… But sorry, I got carried away, pray take a seat…"
Lucien and Mundy sat on the armchair and the cats went each on their lap, Soot went to Mundy and Perle, to her Papa. 
"What brings you here?" 
Lucien handed the plastic bag to Richard. 
"My will and my duty to thank you, Richard." He answered. 
"What for?" Richard accepted the bag and peeked in. 
"For being a witness to my will. I understand the risk that you willingly put yourself in and the least I can do is to thank you." 
"L, this is nothing compared to what you have done and given all these years, please!"
"Richard, non, this is a great risk you are taking, and you have a wife and children… You are making them take a risk with you."
"I always have. Being an informant for the secret services isn't an innocent job, it never had been, so non, really, it is nothing. When Maurice came to me and told me about you, I offered to help before he could even tell me the details."
"Thank you, and please, accept the content of this bag and share it with the family for me." 
Richard looked inside. 
"Oh! I need to hide it from my wife, if she finds this cake, she will never let me have it!"
The gentlemen chuckled around the coffee table. 
"By the way, who is this new cat you have?" Richard asked.
"This is Soot." Lucien answered and he scratched his head. 
"He's Pearl's mate, they're pretty serious." Mundy added.
"Are they?" Richard asked. 
"Yeah, they got four lovely kids." Mundy explained. "Two girls and two boys, they're growin' up nicely. You wouldn't want one by any chance?" 
"A cat?"
"Still kittens, but yeah."
"I will have to discuss it with my wife even though she has always asked me to adopt a pet." Richard answered.
"Ah, then we would be delighted to gift you one of them." Lucien added. 
"Raised them like I did Pearl and Soot. They've got good manners, they're cuddly and still very playful as they're very young. Give it a thought, eh, Richard?" 
"Will do, I promise."
"Which one would you take?" Lucien asked. "We have Diamond and Star, the girls, and Glovy, the boy." 
"Didn't you say there were four?" Richard asked. 
"Oui, but there is one I will gift to someone else, if you see no issue." Lucien answered.
"Of course, of course."
"But yes, Diamond is black with a diamond-shaped white patch on her face, she also has a white fluffy chest. Star is also black but has a white star-shaped patch on her… Well…"
"On her butt." Mundy said. "She's got a white star on her thigh, close to her butt. And Glovy, the little boy, he's a fat one, we're trying to put him on a diet but eh, hard to stop that greedy fluff ball." 
"Quite so, I will see with the missus but she surely would like a lady. There are too many of us men at home, you see?" Richard chuckled. 
"Fair enough, thank you again, Richard." Lucien stood up and put Perle on his shoulders before shaking the tailor's hand. 
"My pleasure, as always. And I am delighted for you two." Richard winked at Mundy and the tall man blushed. He put Soot on his shoulders and headed out of the shop. 
"Where should I send the clothes?" Richard asked. 
"We will let you know whenever we can." Lucien answered. "Thank you." 
"Have a nice day!"
"To you too, mate." 
-- Evening that day -- 
There was a knock on the van's backdoor.
"Come in, love." 
"Bonsoir, mon amour." 
[Good evening, my love.]
Lucien walked in the van and the cats trotted out. 
"Be careful, cats!" Mundy said. 
"Don't worry, Perle and Soot are remarkable parents." Lucien removed his coat and sat on the sofa next to his lover. 
"So, what did you get us for dinner?" Mundy looked at Lucien's hands repeatedly but couldn't see anything in them. 
"I got you something more than just to fill your hungry stomach." Lucien answered, slithering closer to his lover. 
"Where?" Mundy took Lucien's hands and looked at them. Nothing. "Can you at least meet my… uh… hungry lips?" Mundy blushed and Lucien laced his fingers with the Aussie's.
"Listen to you being flirty… That's new…" He leaned to meet his lover's demand. 
"I-I'm tryin'... Feels weird to hear myself say stuff like that. It's like it's not me…" 
"You are doing remarkably well, mon loup." Lucien whispered and his lips finally met Mundy's.
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doctorgerth · 4 years
10 + 10
Answer their 10 questions and then think of 10 questions to ask other friends! 
I was actually tagged twice by @basilisa-scorpii​ and @dumbass-no-mi so I got 20 questions to go through! Thanks for the tag, lovelies! 💕
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Bas’s questions:
1. Fictional universe you’d like to move to for one day?
- I wanna say One Piece bc that really sounds like fun...but my luck I’d be placed in some village that’s being oppressed by a tyrant or some shit and I’d be miserable lmao. But maybe Luffy and co would come save us and I could befriend them?? Just being able to meet One Piece characters would be cool to me. Other than One Piece, maybe Naruto??? Ninjas are hella cool and the Leaf Village seems like a very comfy and homey place to live. Or having quirks in a My Hero Academia world... Idk I’m only thinking of animes rn for some reason lol this is a tough question!
2. Favorite book/comic book/manga/etc.?
- Oooh, book is tough because I actually don’t read as much as I’d like...The Twilight series will always hold a special place in my heart. Gone Girl is also really good! For manga, that’s easy - One Piece, simply because I’ve yet to read any other manga lol
3. Favorite astral object (for example: star/constellation/planet)?
- I think nebulae are really cool! Even the word is neat-sounding. They’re so pretty and the idea of a star nursery just sounds so ethereal! 🌌
4. What do you like to do for relax after a stressful day?
- Cuddle with my kitties and nap, for sure. Snack on some junk food lol peruse tumblr and other social media.
5. Your first fictional crush?
- I’m really embarrassed by this...but...Max Goof from the Goofy movies 🥴
6. Superpower you’d like to have?
- Oooh another tough question. Hmmm either teleportation (gah I’m so lazy lol) or something related to animals. Like being able to talk to them, mimicry, anything like that!
7. Foreign languages you speak/would like to speak?
- I was really interested in (and decent at) Spanish throughout high school and college. I kinda fell off for a lil while, but now Duolingo has held me against my will sucked me back in, so I’m back to learning it! I would also love to learn Japanese so maybe I won’t need subtitles for my anime watching and I’d love to visit Japan some day!
8. Dream travel?
- Italy for sure! Venice, Rome, Florence, so many beautiful places! And I luv me some Italian food 😋
9. Do you have any pets?
- I sure do! Two sweet kitties that I love gushing about.
10. Favorite aesthetic?
- Hmm, I love pastel colors and space-themed stuff!
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Jinx’s questions:
1. What’s your favorite book/manga?
- Already answered! 
2. Who’s your favorite artist?
- Lana Del Rey! (don’t @ me) MARINA is a very close second.
3. Where would your dream home be located?
- I always go back and forth between wanting to live in a suburb type place, just so my future children could have other kids in the neighborhood to grow up and play with and I like the idea of neighbors and get togethers, but I also love the idea of living somewhere more distant. Pushed off from the busy streets and in the woods maybe? Either way, I’d also love to live close to the water! Whether that be a lake or beach or river. A house on the lake would be nice but...no teacher makes enough money for that 🤪
4. Do you have any or want any tattoos?
- I don’t have any and I would love to get one some day! I’m just so indecisive so it’ll probably never happen lmao. Not to mention a visible tattoo could potentially threaten my occupation. 🙃
5. What’s an achievement you’re really proud of?
- Graduating college and becoming a teacher! I’m the first college graduate in my family, so it’s really exciting. I hope I’ve set a good example for my younger siblings!
6. What’s a skill you think you excel at?
- This is tough because I’m very critical of myself and tend to think I’m not very good at anything lmao I’ll say organization? I’m pretty skilled at having things set up nice, neat, and easily accessible. Totally lame, but that’s all I got lol
7. What’s something good that’s happened to you this year?
- Got my first ever teaching job!!!!!
8. Future plans? Where do you see yourself in a few years?
- Living in a house with three kitties and a dog, married to my bf, teaching somewhere I love, maybe getting ready to have a baby? Lots of travelling before we start thinking about kids tho lol 
9. Do you have any nicknames?
- Yep, Coop is my primary nickname both on here and irl! People also call me: Miss Cooper (not being formal, genuine nickname lol) Coopdaddy, Mama Coop, Coops, etc.
10. What’s your current favorite song?
- I’ve been obsessed with Dua Lipa’s new album so almost any song on there lol. Levitating is such a jam.
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Here are my questions!
1. What are your zodiac signs (sun, moon, rising, if you know them) and do you think they fit you pretty well?
2. What is your favorite clothing item and/or accessory?
3. Any future children or pet names?
4. If you could meet anyone (can be past, present, future, real, or fictional) who would it be?
5. Brag on yourself! What’s something you love about yourself?
6. What is a movie or show that you could rewatch a million times and never get tired of?
7. What is your favorite album of all time?
8. Do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens? If you have stories to back up, plz share.
9. What do you do/who do you look to for inspiration?
10. What is your happiest memory?
I’m not sure who all has been tagged, so I’m very sorry if you’ve been tagged twice: @thenotsofantasticlifestory @beatific-drabbles @monii-monii-no-mi @eireduchess @kotton-kandy-king @cykadaa @laws-yellow-submarine @laws-hat-headcanons @one-piece-dumpster-fire
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