#i lowkey ship easton and kris
idkhowbutimgayer · 4 years
One weird ass tought I’ve had
I've been pondering about the whole plot of "Santa Claus is going to Highschool" and all I could stick my mind in was... who is the main villain? I guess the South Heights but..... the whole fucking school?????
So I start to think more and... Santa (aka Kris Kringle) is in the Northville Highschool, the Christmas happy school, with mistletoes and clothes ready for cold places and with "nice people". This probably happened due to Kris's presence in the school, the younger Santa that went there to reconnect with the young (or some shit like that). The South guys are "naughty", but... What if they don't match with northern aesthetics???
If North represents Winter and Christmas, the South must represent warmer seasons, like Summer and Spring. And you know what holiday happens in spring??? Easter.
I would love to see that last game, Kris being the star of the Northville team, and then, right in front of the enemy's cheerleading group...
Easton Rabbit, the human form of the Easter Bunny, that went into a mission for the same reason as Santa, and influenced the whole school to act with Easter Spirit: Energetic, Colorful, and a little mischievous since he likes to hide things. That's why the South Heights was considered naughty people.
Easton was the leader of the cheerleader group and was bewildered to see Santa right there, stealing his idea. Kris starts the game also wanting South blood, willing to win, and Easton leads the cheers against the North, attacking them and inventing prejudicial songs.
By the end, it would be tied, the last 5 minutes of the game being filled with tension. Right there, Noel would step in the middle of a swearing chorus from Easton and a rude gest from Kris, and tell then to stop. They were there to help the youth grow, not to became the worse of them. Because of her, the game would stop, and Easton and Kris finally made up the peace between both schools. End credits with a dumb easter song created by Easton. Fin.
And yes I made whole fanfic about a fictional movie that only had 1 music in a musical let me live
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