#i loved those two running around trying different phones to call deacon and not understanding how voicemails work XD
comedicjunebreadpan · 1 month
My favorite moment in The Suckening is when Shilo and Arthur are searching for Deacon, and they know absolute dick about phones and how they work.
Plus, the only person who does know how phones work is currently incapacitated and being carted around by a medieval knight through the streets of Los Angeles.
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xtrashmammalstefx · 5 years
Son And Daughter (John Deacon x Reader, SMUT! Angst!)
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Part 8 of The Queen Repertoire
WARNING: Angst, mental & verbal abuse, language, smut
Sometimes I truly hated growing up in 60's England. Sure The Beatles were big and making all of us kids feel free, but my mother just simply didn't approve of 'such nonsense'.
For most of my childhood my mother ran the house and my life with an iron thumb, and it was just us a lot since dad was a soldier and was away on base a lot. As a kid I was very energetic and always wanting to play and do things that my mother thought were unladylike like, as she expected me to host tea parties and play with dolls. I was forced into dresses I hated (they itched and chafed like a motherfucker), and was encouraged to act like a lady even in school. More importantly I was told to steer clear of boys, especially those she felt were below her standards. So you can imagine her reaction when I told her happily and excitedly that I made a new friend...a boy in my class named John Richard Deacon.
“And who said you could be friends with this boy?” she sneered the word.
“I like him,” I said. “And he likes me.”
“You need to make friends with girls and forget about this John.” She snapped at me.
“None of the girls their like me, nor do I like them. They are all so ghastly and boring,” I whined disgustedly. “John is fun and nice. He even showed me how to play football, and said I can go to his house and listen to The Beatles on his record player.”
My mother's hand was suddenly flying across my face. “I want you to be a woman, Y/N Y/L/N. How are you ever going to learn if you continue to act like a boy?” She spat at me. It was a speech she'd given time and time again.
She forbade me from hanging out with John, going as far as picking me up from school and schedule play dates with some of the aforementioned girls. I hated it.
Things became more strict once I grew older. At thirteen, my mother went ballistic when she walked into my room (she'd been out running errands so I snuck John into my room) and found John and I snogging. It was my first kiss. We sprang apart when she barged in but she saw enough. She came over and dragged John out of the room and down the stairs. She threw him out and screamed at him to stay away from me. She slammed the door and turned to me. By then I was crying. She slapped me across the face and pushed me against the wall.
“We're in love,” I muttered.
“We're in love, mother,” I cried out. “We fell in love three years ago, but we were too afraid to say anything until today. He is my boyfriend, now...a-and I am his girlfriend.”
She screamed at me some more and grounded me indefinitely.
Four years passed and I was working on my A-Levels. Everyone at school pretty much knew what they wanted to do and some even started at Uni, rather than complete A-Levels. I, on the other hand had to do what mother wanted me to do. I loved art, and photography, but mother didn't.
One day my counselor approached me and asked if I had applied to the art school I wanted to go to in London. When I told her I hadn't she asked why. I explained everything to her. She sighed and said she'd seen my work and thought I had a real chance to get into the school and that I shouldn't let anyone hold me back from that chance.
“But mother...”
“We can take care of everything here,” said the counselor. “You can even put the school's address on the application and have everything sent here.”
I did and I got in.
I was so happy, and John was ecstatic for me.
John was going to study electrical engineering at Imperial College and we immediately started making arrangements. We found a relatively cheap flat, and arranged a day to move in.
All was going well until...
“I was cleaning your room today,” mother said during dinner. “And I couldn't help but notice an acceptance letter tucked away in one of your drawers.”
“I'm going to the School of Art & Design in London,” I said. “Ms. Tiptly helped me get in.”
“That counselor who's always putting her nose where it doesn't belong?” mother asked.
“She's done wonders for me,” I said.
“She's filled your head with nonsense,” mother said. “Now you are going to call that school and tell them there was a mistake and that you won't be going. Then you're going to tell that no good counselor to mind her own business.”
“No,” I snapped at her. “I'm not doing any of that. The arrangements have already been made. I've even rented a flat.”
“You what?!” she exclaimed.
“John and I are leaving in the summer,” I said.
“Oh that little rotter again,” she said. “When are you going to get it in your head not to waste your life on that no good rat?”
“Never,” I said. “Because he's not a no good rat. And the years I've spent with him were not wasted. Nor will the years that come.”
“You know all these years I've wanted nothing more than for you to grow into a proper woman. A RESPECTABLE woman! Now I see that'll never be.”
“You're no woman. You're trash, and I am not your mother.”
I got up and left. I went down to John's house where later that night I laid crying in his bed. John held me, and kissed me.
“I love you and only you,” he whispered. “And I will love no other for the rest of my life.”
I sniffed back tears and brought my lips to his. John kissed me back. His hair was a little longer than it used to be so now it was easier for me to run my fingers through it. We usually wouldn't let things go further than that but on that night we found we wanted each other more than anything. So after a few minutes of kissing and touching we laid back on his bed, having rid each other of clothing. John was small and slight for a man his age but that by no means applied to his length. I cried out and clung to him as he slowly pushed in.
“I'm sorry, love,” John whispered. “I promise...*moans*... the world may try to hurt you but I never will.”
Eventually, my body grew use to him, and the pain subsided to the most brilliant feeling. John was gentle with me, thrusting slowly until we were both fired up. He moved a little faster then and harder. Our bodies moved together perfectly. After what felt like forever and an eon I tightened around him and bit back what would have been a really loud moan. John groaned and twitched inside me a moment later.
We laid there in bliss for the remainder of the night.
A month or so later I found out I was pregnant. John froze in shock when I told him, but he told me we would be alright and that we would just have to add a crib to the list of furnishings we needed to shop around for for our new flat.
We moved in that summer and were excited about our future. Then just as I reached the seventh month mark in my pregnancy I felt a stabbing pain. I'd been studying and when the pain started I looked down. Blood poured out of me. I dialed 999 and an ambulance rushed me to the hospital. John was still in school and promptly ran out of his class when the police told him what happened.
Our baby was gone, having passed inside me. I was broken by it, and couldn't find it in me to do anything for months after. Mother would call me and said it was karma punishing me for being a rotten daughter to her. That I shouldn't be surprised if it happened again. She then would say we could change that if I came home and forgot it all. Said that our neighbor's son was now back from Vietnam and thought we would be perfect together. I'd hang up on her without a word.
I eventually went back to school. Teachers were understandable, thank God, and let me do extra credit work to make up my absences. John wound up befriending a lad he met at the disco we'd gone to for an overdue date night. The lad's eyes grew even wider than I thought they could (he had big baby blues) when John said he played the bass guitar. He immediately asked him if he'd be willing to audition for his band. John did.
Years passed. Queen became big and started work on their fourth album. I was home alone setting up a new piece of furniture we were going to need when the phone rang.
“Hello?” I answered.
“Hello darling,” greeted my mother whom I hadn't heard from since my miscarriage.
“Hello, mother,” I said nervously.
“How have you been?” Alarm bells rang in my head and I knew better than to be fooled by her false positivity. I went along with it though.
“Fine,” I said. “Just doing a bit of housework.”
“Oh? Really,” she said slightly taken aback.
I took two steps to the right towards the record player. I plucked a record from our collection and readied it.
“Yes I'm just putting a new piece of furniture together,” I said.
“Why doesn't John do that?” she asked. “After all it's men's work.”
“John's busy,” I said. “He and his band are working on a new album.”
“Oh so he's still wasting his life on that is he?” I rolled my eyes.
“He's not wasting his life,” I said. “He's living it. There's a difference.”
“Well whatever,” she sneered. “I was checking in to see if you were free this weekend?”
“Well Ida's son has just moved back and he's been asking about you,” she said. Ida was our aforementioned neighbor. I groaned.
“Mother, no,” I said. “That's not happening. Please let it go already!”
“I'm only trying to help you!” she exclaimed. “After all these years I'm just trying to give you a better life.”
“I'm living the best life, mother,” I said. “Right here with John.”
“Y/N Y/L/N!”
“IT'S Y/N DEACON NOW!” I snapped.
“John and I married a few months ago,” I said.
“No, mother, how dare you!” I snapped at her. “I am tired of you trying to control everything. Christ, haven't you ever wondered why I don't call you anymore? You're a cancer, mother and I don't need or want you anywhere in my life or in my husbands life. And I can't go next weekend or ever for that matter for I am going to be busy raising my child.”
I placed my hand on my overly large stomach. Mother had caused the baby to kick up a fuss. “First you marry a filthy hippy lad, then you stupidly get yourself pregnant? What the devil has gotten into you?”
“John has...almost every night,” I said. “Hence the baby.”
I placed the phone down and put on the record putting the needle down where I knew a certain song would begin. I could hear my mother screaming but paid her no mine and let the song play out while I continued to work on my baby's crib.
What'll you do for loving When its only just begun? I want you to be a woman
I smiled and made a promise to myself that if my child is a girl that I will tell her as she grows: I want you to be a woman. I want you to dream, and be yourself. There is no right or wrong way, there is only the way you wish to be. The world be damned.
Tried to be a teacher and a fisher of men An equal Will you lead us all the same? Well I travelled around the world To find a brand new word for day Watching the time mustn't linger behind Pardon me I have to get away What'll you think of heaven If it's back from where you came? I want you to be a woman.
Taglist: @okaykathryn​ @fairestkillerqueenofall​ @onceuponadetectivedemigod​ @boherahpsody​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @ihatethespacebars​ @madsthegroupie​ @freddie-bulsara-queen​ @rose-de-jaune​ @xxkellsvixen19xx​ @valeriecarolinaw​ @5sos-wdw​ @hearttshapeddboxx​ @spicyarreagaa​ @fluffffffffffff​ @pleasingiswhatweaimfor​ @hatemylifesofuckingmuch​ @jollyavacado​ @painandpleasure86​ @haileynicoleseavey17​ @queenlover1997​ @rrogerrz​ @peachyywine​ @mrsmazzello​ @hannafuckingsucks​ @zwiezraczek​ @night-writer-writer​ @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever​ @tinywildeace​ 
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
The Heart As Home
Eugene brings Snafu home, no sad train scene here! However, between Sid and Eugene’s parents, lines get crossed and they both think the other will be going to pick up Eugene. 
Resulting in no one showing up to pick them up. 
So what can two boys, home for the first time in ages, one to a place he’s never been before, get up to as they walk to Eugene’s parent’s place? Mostly romantic shit, tbh, but if you want the nitty gritty of it you gotta read!
My love to all who read/like/reblog!!
They had promised they’d be there, well before the train was due to get in. 
However, over two hours had passed, and no one was there. Not his parents, not Sid, no one, and Snafu was beside him looking sweetly concerned. 
“We could ask to use the station’s phone, maybe call-” 
“No. I mean, I know the way. Haven’t been away long enough to forget that, not yet at least. I’m sure they just...something must have happened,” he says, and motions for Snafu to follow him down the road, away from the station, their bags slung heavy over their shoulders. “Sorry about this.” 
“S’alright. Not like my legs are broken or somethin’. How far away is your place?” 
“My parents live near the edge of town,” he winces at the brief, silent pause the information elicits from Snafu. It wasn’t like it was the longest walk they’d ever done, but after a long trip back home, it wasn’t exactly what anyone would want to be doing. 
“Maybe you can tell me what’s good around here then. All the places you’re gonna show me,” Snafu says, bouncing forward the few steps needed to bring them close, walking in time with each other. “And your parents are really gonna be okay with you bringing me home?” 
“I mean...they might not understand all of it,” he admits, thinking of how some of it, he isn’t sure he’s bold enough to tell them right away. How safe he feels with Snafu’s hand in his, how soft Snafu’s lips were on his in the train car, empty except for them as it pulled up to the station in Mobile. How explaining how they fell in love means talking about some of the worst things he’s ever seen, done, and experienced in his life, and how love is what saved him from succumbing to it all. “But they won’t mind a guest. We have the room.” 
“I’m sure I can find a place quick,” Snafu says, talking to him but his eyes all over the street, taking in the signs and businesses. “Can come visit, without bein’ in their hair all the time.” 
“I’m not gonna let them throw you out, you know that, don’t you? If they try that, then I’ll just go with you,” he replies, already hearing the potential argument with his parents in his head, along with the scrape of the pavement under their shoes. 
Then the sound of Snafu’s stops, and he halts and turns. 
Snafu looks...not sad. Not upset, exactly. Shocked. And there are definitely tears starting at the corners of his eyes, those absolutely gorgeous eyes. 
“You...you’d just leave? Even if we had nowhere else to go, no one else to go to?” 
He nods. “Yeah. We’d figure something out. Hell, get another train ticket and go back to New Orleans. Then you could show me around there. We’d find somewhere to settle down.” 
There aren’t many areas to hide away in the area they’re walking through now, residential as it is. But they’re near enough to an alley, and he lets Snafu pull him into it, both of them dropping their bags to the ground. 
He swears, if he listens, he can hear everything Snafu is trying to say as he looks him in the eyes, the tears falling now, even though Snafu hasn’t yet said a thing in response. 
Instead of speaking, he kisses him, briefly, but just so, so that neither of them need to speak. He feels it in that moment, would scream about it from a mountaintop if he could: I’ve found someone and he’s found me and all this time we were each other’s answers to a question we each didn’t realize we were asking, and now I can’t imagine ever being apart from him, and surely I’ll die if I am. 
But there’s only silence as they stand for another few moments, catching their breath, forehead to forehead, fingers intertwined. 
“Gonna be dark soon,” he hums softly. 
“Think you can still navigate in the dark?” Snafu asks, but there’s that shit-eating grin on his face again. “Or are we gonna end up somewhere over the state line?” 
“If we start walking into the ocean, then we’ve gone too far,” he laughs as they break apart, pick up their bags, and move from the alley back down the street. They aren’t even halfway, but he can’t be bothered by that. 
Instead, he’s mesmerized. He watches Snafu bounce just a few steps ahead every now and again as they near the end of the residential areas. He’s talkative again, asking about the local wildlife, and any trails Eugene can show him that will get them there sooner so his parents won’t worry, and he can barely manage to answer, focusing as hard as he is on just enjoying the sound of Snafu’s voice. 
“You payin’ attention to where we are?” Snafu smiles as they turn down another road, now getting closer, at least into the area deemed ‘the edge of town’ by most. “Look like you’re dreamin’.” 
“I am,” he replies.
“What? Dreamin’, or payin’ attention?” 
“Both. Isn’t far now. And I feel like I’m dreamin’,” he says. 
“That so? And why is that?” Snafu gently pulls him off of the edge of the gravel road as a car speeds past them.
“Just...I pictured coming home. Not making it home. Both a thousand different ways. I never had a version where I was this happy, where I had someone I loved coming home with me. So...it feels kind of like a dream, but I’m so glad it’s real.” 
It’s too dark now to see each other well, even with his eyes adjusted to the dark. But he can feel Snafu’s hand reach for his, and grab it tight as they move back onto the gravel, the car long since gone now. 
“...I love you too.” Snafu’s voice is soft in a way he’s never heard before, the closest thing to it the day he got the letter about Deacon dying, and Snafu sat close to him and tried to comfort him, and that small kindness had gotten him through the night. 
The light from the windows of his parent’s home shines like a beacon, and they aren’t even halfway up the circular driveway before his parents come running out, Sid trailing behind them, apologies shouted out into the night air that quiet as they take in the extra person beside him. 
What to do, how to handle the moment, takes a hold of him sharply, unexpectedly. He realizes he doesn’t care about their reactions, or he does, but he doesn’t care about the potential consequences of them. 
Their questions flood around him, and he tries to answer them as quickly as he can. 
“We’re fine, it was a nice walk. I figured something had happened, it isn’t a big deal. Yes, we’re really just fine, Mom. This is Merriell, but he goes by Snafu. He-” his breath catches for just a moment, and his eyes catch Snafu’s, and there’s the feeling of falling, but the sensation of Snafu’s hand still safe in his catches him before he can hit the ground. “He fought with me. Side by side through it all. We want to stay together, be with each other here too.” 
He lets that hang for a moment, watching his parents and Sid, seeing certain wheels turning in their heads. “We care for each other a great deal. I love him. He loves me. We’re happy together. Now, if we can, we’d both like to go inside now and settle in for the night.” 
He knows his parents have more to say, plenty to say, but they don’t say any of it now. 
“We’re so happy to have you home,” his mother breaks the silence first, and steps forward to wrap him in a hug. “Welcome to our home...” 
“You can call me Merriell, if you prefer, ma’am,” Snafu nods. 
“Merriell. We have a guest room, near Eugene’s if you should need it.” 
Snafu blushes, and he can’t hide the smile on his face. Seeing Snafu soft and sweet is something else, something just as wonderful as all the other sides and parts of Snafu, but in the moment is just so cute. 
“I don’t want to put you to too much trouble. I’d be just as fine sleeping on the floor of Eugene’s room as well,” Snafu says. 
It’s an artful dodge around the thing they figured out on the train, as did some other soldiers-being close to someone else, particularly someone deeply cared for, helped keep the nightmares away. And it means Snafu can stay in his room without too much fuss, though he’s sure his mother will bring it up again at some point. 
“Wherever you’re comfortable,” she replies. “Come on inside, set those down. You both must be so tired.” 
Any other questions they might have, they don’t ask that night. His mother has left overs from dinner brought out for them, nearly begging them both to eat more, look at you two, like a set of rails, much too skinny, eat up. His father insists upon helping Sid haul up their bags, even though they both try and protest, to take their own bag and take it upstairs on their own. But finally, after their things are in Eugene’s room and the good-byes are said to Sid, they can sit in his room and breathe. 
“She like that at every meal?” Snafu asks. “I’m not gonna ‘look like a rail’ for very long if she is. Gonna have to roll me around town instead.” 
“You’ll get used to it, and she’ll back off in a few days. Just has to make sure we’re well-fed, or I don’t think she’ll sleep,” he replies as he strips out of his uniform. He considers a shower, but his bed looks far too comfortable to avoid any longer. There’s always the morning, after all, though it’s a slightly foreign thought to him now, familiar but unfamiliar as a result of the months of being filthy with minimal chances to clean up, and each morning not necessarily a guaranteed thing. 
Snafu undresses slowly near him, carefully folding his uniform pieces and setting them near his bag. Before he can say a word, he’s settled on the floor in just his underclothes, using the bag as a pillow. 
“What on earth are you doin’?” 
“Your parents...” Snafu looks to the door, closed and locked. 
“You aren’t sleeping on the floor. I don’t care what they have to say, what they think. Get over here,” he smiles. 
He feels a world away, from the war and from who he was before it, as he curls up in the bed with Snafu, warm limbs entangled as Snafu ends up laying up against him, his head on his chest. And it feels so good, the newness of it all, the knowledge that Snafu will be there with him when he wakes up in the morning, and that they’ll have a hundred, thousand, as many mornings as possible like that together. 
But he doesn’t want to rush any of it, so he snuggles close to Snafu, and falls asleep to the sound of Snafu breathing slowly beside him. 
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pastelkunoichi · 6 years
If You Love Me, Let Me Go [Ch. 2]
                                 [Joe!John Deacon x Olivia May]
Waking up the next morning was a mess of brown hair and limbs, the two of them having pretty much combined in the middle of the bed during the night. One of Liv’s legs was draped over John’s, his arms were wrapped tightly around her middle, and her face was pressed into his chest.
Cracking her eyes open and being met with early morning sunlight, Liv felt as if she wanted to both die immediately and vomit all over the room, but didn’t know in what order. There was a moment she had a lapse in memory, and she almost began to freak out because where the hell was she? But she soon calmed down when she inhaled John’s scent, select memories from the night before coming back to her.
But then the actual panic set in as John himself began to stir, tightening his arms around her, which caused Liv to rip herself away from his half awake form, startled and slightly embarrassed. Sure, she’d woken up the exact same way with Roger before, but that was different. Rog was her best friend, but John was...he was more. John was the gentle soul that Olivia admired and wanted to be around constantly, and she was afraid that her drunken banter last night had put a strain on whatever little friendship they’d formed over the last several months. If anything happened to reset them, she might just throw herself under Rog’s car.
The feeling of Liv moving so suddenly was what had John awake in seconds, his eyes a bit squinty but open, blinking as he tried to focus more on Liv’s sitting form. “Everything alright?” John asked, voice deep with sleep. He propped himself up on his elbow, running his fingers through his hair as he took in the worry that was etched in her eyebrows.
Olivia didn’t answer that question, turning her head slowly to look down at him. The sunlight was hitting him just right, and she bit down hard on her bottom lip. She couldn’t do this right now. Her head hurt far too much and he looked far too adorable for her to form any sort of intelligent conversation. “Can I use your phone?”
John blinked a few times at her before nodding. “Yeah, it’s down-” He didn’t even get a chance to finish his sentence because Liv was out of his bed and out the door the minute she heard ‘yeah’ from him.
Liv stumbled over to the phone as fast as her feet would take her, quickly picking it up and dialing one of the two numbers she knew by heart. After a few rings, she heard his gruff voice. “Yeah?”
“Rog.” Liv breathed out, happy he was awake at this time in the morning. “Do you think you could pick me up from John’s? Like, right now?” Her finger was twirling the phone cord nervously, and she shifted from foot to foot as she waited for the answer.
“Liv, you know I love you, but I’m kind of busy at the moment…” Roger answered, and in the background there could be a soft, very feminine giggle heard, followed by ‘Roggie, come back to bed, I’m cold.’
Her heart constricted painfully for no reason at all and she swallowed thickly. “Right, of course. There’s always someone else.” This clearly wasn’t the first time this had happened to Liv, and she felt stupid for even calling Rog, quickly hanging up the phone as she started to hear protest coming from her best friends mouth.
Liv didn’t even bother calling Brian, the only other persons phone number she had memorized, knowing that he had both a meeting and a breakfast to go to that morning. He wouldn’t be home, and she didn’t exactly want her brother picking her up from her bandmates house. Imagining the questions he’d ask her had her stomach turning again, feeling like she was going to throw up all over again.
She rested her head against the wall as she tried to calm her stomach down, but it ended up doing another complete flip when she heard John’s voice behind her.
“Liv, is everything alright?” He questioned, arms crossed over his chest.
Liv turned around to face him, laughing weakly. “Don’t you know it’s impolite to sneak up on a woman?” She joked softly, watching as John cracked the smallest of smiles.
“I’m sorry, you just worried me with how fast you left my room.”
Why was he so tooth-rottingly sweet? Liv wanted to simultaneously kiss him to death and punch him in the face.
Instead of doing either of those things, she tucked some of her hair behind her ear and blinked at him. “What did I say to you last night? Everything’s fuzzy, and I need to know how much of a complete idiot I made of myself.” At her question, John laughed, shaking his head.
“Well, for one, you let it slip that you fancy me.” Liv’s face turned so white she would give a ghost a run for their money, her stomach doing flips as she realized that John wasn’t done explaining. “You also suggested that we mess around a bit, but, no harm done because the second your head hit the pillow, you were out like a light.” And there was that feeling of needing to throw up again.
“Oh my god, John, I don’t even kno-”
“Is it true, Liv?”
Liv was startled by the forwardness of the question, her mouth opening and then clamping closed, making her look like a fish. “Is what true?”
“Last night you said you fancied me. Is it true?” John’s stomach was doing flips because Jesus Christ, he’d never thought he’d be having such a conversation with Olivia May. Freddie and Brian were the only two members of the band to know how John felt about Olivia, as well as how Olivia felt about John, and had felt about each other for a very long time, so in everyone’s mind but theirs, this conversation was a long time coming.
“Y-yeah.” Liv stuttered out, her brain and her mouth seemingly ganging up against her to answer the question. “It’s true. Been true.” There was none of her usual confidence behind the statement, none of the usual sass she had. It was a raw emotion being let out, and that fucking terrified her.
John didn’t know how to react to what he was hearing. There was a lot going on in his mind, as well as the fact that there was still a corner of his brain that was nagging him, telling him that what she said couldn’t be true, not when she was as close to Roger as she was.
The silence between them was deafening, Olivia left swimming in her own worry because she’d just admitted to John that she really did care about him, and now he was silent.
The silence was broken seconds later by John clearing his throat, blinking at her with disbelief still written on his face. “I fancy you too.” He wanted to disappear by just how lame that sentence sounded. Liv confessed her feelings for him and all he could come up with ‘I fancy you too?’
No matter how lame it sounded, it was still music to Liv’s ears. She cracked a smile and walked toward him, cupping his face with her hands gently and pulling him close. Their noses brushed gently and their lips were about to touch when they both jumped away, startled by the indistinguishable noise of a honking car.
John was at his front window in a moment, opening it just slightly to see who could have possibly interrupted the most waited for moment of his life, only to see that it was Roger.
“You called Roger to pick you up?” John almost looked hurt, his eyebrows knitting together as he moved away from the window. He should have been used to the fact that the two of them were bound at the hip, but in a situation like this, he was honestly upset.
“Yeah...he’s my best friend, and I was so in a state of shock earlier I felt as if I needed to get out of here. I don’t know how to deal with my emotions, clearly.” Olivia could tell he was upset, and she didn’t understand why until she slowly pieced the puzzle together. “John, there’s nothing between Roger and I…I was literally just about to kis-” Rog honked again, clearing impatient to get out of there and back to the woman in his bed.
“I’m sorry, but that’s really hard to believe, Liv. What do you expect me to think? The two of you are always together. Roger spends the night at your house, in your bed, all of the time. You get high together, you get drunk together, it sounds like a bit more than just best friends.” John stared blankly at her, a tenseness taking over the atmosphere.
“Do you really think if Roger and I were sleeping together, or together at all, I’d admit my year long feelings for you, to you, and try to kiss you?” Olivia looked exasperated, throwing her hands up.
“I don’t know, Olivia, are you that type of girl? Seems like with how much time you spend with him, his ways could have rubbed off on you?” John didn’t mean anything he was saying at all, and he knew he would regret it later, but at the moment he was angry. Upset. And finally uttering his worries out into the open.
Liv was taken aback by what he was accusing her of, eyes immediately pricking with tears. Roger honked again, and this time her hand went to fumble with the handle on his front door. “Fuck you, John Deacon.” She uttered out, tears slipping down her cheeks and past her lips.
Seeing her cry snapped him back to reality, back into himself, and his eyes widened as he watched her quickly run down his front steps toward Roger’s car. “Wait! Olivia!” He called, but it was too late.
Liv was already in the passenger seat of Roger’s car by that time, legs pulled up to her chest and face pressed into her knees. Any and all annoyance that Roger felt was gone, and his hand immediately went out to rest on her hair, concern etching its way onto his face. “Liv, what’s wrong?”
“Just drive, Roger. Just drive.”
And he did.
Tag List:  @operaticmercury @axxl-rose @lizgarxo @mimisfangirlfantasy @imthemonaluisa @transparentadolecence @deakydeaky @ceruleanrainblues @stateofloveandvedder @rogerandhishair @ironqueen98 @rogertaylor-xx
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