#i love you Arianna
you know I’ve been wondering why the phrase “Have mercy, for the spirited away shamans.” in Elden Ring sounds familiar. I remember where that phrase is from now.
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Fromsoft also used that to refer to all the children being kidnapped and died from the Senpou monks immortality experiment in Sekiro.
There’s only one child who survived…
That girl later on also ate two Great Serpent hearts so she could become a Divine Cradle… essentially another vessel for the Divine Heir, a vessel for Divinity…
I wonder if that parallel is the reason why the Miko used to refer to Marika’s ppl is written as 巫子 / Sekiro divine child is 御子 (both pronounced as Miko / with 子 literally means children)
It’s like the more i think about it, the more Marika becomes the sum of all the Fromsoft girlies i have been mourning for for the past 4 years.
Enough. They can’t keep doing this to me 😭😭😭
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sunlightdrop · 8 months
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at last, rapunzel was home, and she finally had a real family. she was a princess worth waiting for.
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thestarfishface · 6 months
I saw this post and got an idea
If you were able to make Castoff into an animated series, indie or mainstream, would you?
Yes but it must also be a musical
(This was a joke I had with my fanbase for a long time but I am now serious about it. I don't need music in every episode but I want the characters to occasionally Sing About Their Problems. Like Steven Universe or Adventure Time did. I just like music and wanna do car karaoke to music from the hypothetical show u_u)
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proxxifoxxi · 4 months
I was playing around in the new Dawntrail benchmark and fell in love with an Elezen I made
I decided to make her for real and my GOD the Elezen got a glow up
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Hello, my little cabbage. 
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
2016/17 fanfiction writing eden walked so 2023 fanfiction writing eden could run
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ycungmagick · 2 years
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Finally it’s Ophelia’s turn!! Thank you so much to @vintagecandy for drawing my beautiful baby girl!! Your art is always a delight to have on my dash!!
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just read the new castoff page. WHY IS NOONE TALKING ABOUT *THE* STAIRCASE. Am I the only one who noticed? Is it actually *the* staircase or am I going crazy? Please tell me I’m not the only one who noticed
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
Sin I cannot emphasize enough that I have not stopped thinking about your latest drawing, specifically how unbearably cute Ruza's face is,,,I love her expression so much I can't even contain it. Where did those scars come from!! I'm almost afraid to ask because I feel like I might know!!!!
Hey there!! Omg I'm so happy you enjoyed the latest piece! It was just a silly idea but I had a lot of fun making it, especially with rendering dear Ruza's lovestruck face, so good to know you enjoy it as much as I do lmao 😂 In general though, I'm honestly delighted you like her and think about her so much!!! I seriously didn't count on people having so much affection for her, but I am beyond grateful that you and a handful of others indeed do 💙✨️
But anyways!!! You and a couple of others asked the same question, and I am more than happy to answer! I think I can imagine what your guess might be as to the origin of Ruza's new scars, and you might be half right, at least. The one on her lip came from a certain church-goer's blade after the blood moon rises, with no thanks to Ruza's ailing heart making her hesitate in the conflict. Ordinarily, a regular person couldn't hope to land a blow on a seasoned hunter so easily, but it was certainly not an ordinary situation. The fact that her outfit has changed and the badge of her creed from her scarf is now missing are also both consequences of that same, sad state of affairs.
But the scars on Ruza's eye were actually not acquired until her second hunt, and the cause of which was a lot more mundane, for a hunter at least.
She was unable to leave the dream the first time after completing her hunt, despite asking to and wanting quite dreadfully to be set free, and was thus dragged right back to square one to start all over again. This time around, she took her first foray into the Hunter's Nightmare, which to be frank was a little more dangerous than she had initially prepared for; and while trying to acquire her Beasthunter Saif, she was ambushed by a beastclaw hunter. It was something of a challenging fight for her, particularly because she had no more vials at her disposal and was already worn down from the road she took to get there. Lucky for her, she is still a force to be reckoned with. Unlucky for her, she suffered a blow to the face among several other injuries in the process of taking that hunter down, the scars of which still remain! However, she was aided by a ✨️mysterious cooperator✨️ that was drawn to the skirmish and who ends up being revealed to be extremely important later on. So while the cause of these scars were mundane, the aftermath definitely was not!
Have a bonus sketch while I'm here lmao thank you for enabling my Ruza brainrot 💝
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edwinspaynes · 7 months
ahh ok ok ok, I thought it was chronological. DO they have moments in common like same day different pov?
They all feature a small interlude in the middle where each of the ship characters talks to another character about the relationship. In Enouement, it's Matthew (James) and Alastair (Cordelia); in Chrysalism, it's Matthew (Thomas) and Cordelia (Alastair); in Serindipity, it will be Matthew (Ari, though he also has some moments with Anna in another part of the story) and Thomas (Anna). So they certainly are connected in this way!
I don't know yet if there's any overlap. The Carstairs may have their talk on the same day if it fits into the story.
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101flavoursofweird · 10 months
I wanna see how Tony and Arianna reacted when they first saw Don paolo in the Professor adopts the Barde kids au 😭
Thank you for your interest in the ‘Layton adopts the Barde kids’ AU! And for asking about Don Paolo because his run-ins with the kids are always hilarious to write about.
A series of extracts from my fic about Tony and Arianna reacting to Don Paolo’s disguises (summary in bold)
Basically, Arianna holds a major grudge against Don Paolo (till the end of PL3, anyway), and Don Paolo inspires Tony to become a future master of disguise
Curious Village - Tony works out ‘Chelmey’ is wearing a mask and proceeds to rip the mask off with Luke…
“Admit it, Layton!” Chelmey spat. “You lot wanted to keep the Golden Apple so badly that you conspired to murder... What—?” 
Luke and Tony leapt at Chelmey’s face. 
“GEROFF...!” Chelmey tried to growl as the pair tugged at his cheeks and his chin.
Chelmey attempted to shake them off. Luke and Tony clung to his arms like limpets.
“Almost there...” Tony grunted. He started to peel away at Chelmey’s skin, which was all stretchy. Tony emitted a triumphant cry. “I knew it! It’s a mask—!” 
Chelmey’s ‘mask’ finally flew off. Enraged, he hurled Luke and and Tony across the parlour. The professor caught Luke. Tony landed on the settee next to the horrified Lady Dahlia. Arianna rushed to Tony’s side. 
“I’ve always despised you Layton,” the imposter growled. Everything about him was pointy; his dark brown hair, his moustache, and his nose... How had his face even fit under that mask? 
Tony gasped and repeated something he must have heard from Crow. “Who the hell are you?”
Diabolical Box - Arianna, upon discovering Don Paolo has disguised himself as Luke, loses it and throws a teacup at Don Paolo
As Don Paolo (Because of course it was Don Paolo!) discarded his Luke-disguise, Arianna’s dread was submerged by her rage. 
“YOU!” she yelled, her voice resonating around the hotel lobby. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH LUKE?” 
At first, Don Paolo didn’t even acknowledge Arianna. “Curse you, Layton!” he growled. “Curse you and that foppish hat of yours—!”
Arianna hurled the teacup at him. Don Paolo dodged the cup and it smashed against the staircase (much to the dismay of the hotel clerk). 
Turning to Arianna, Don Paolo pursed his lips. “Nice try, little missy!”
“Oh, your boyfriend?” Don Paolo jabbed a vague thumb over his shoulder. “He’s back in Dropstone, probably chatting to some cows in that barn I left him in.” 
The Eternal Diva Prologue - In which Tony and Flora unmask Don Paolo again This is literally a scene from the fic. This is how short the scene is
There were several people suspected of silencing Big Ben’s bell...
Tony pointed at the old lady as soon as he saw her on the bridge. “Mask!”
“And that outfit...” Flora tutted. “It looks like something thrown together in five minutes—“
Lost Future - Arianna argues with Don Paolo about his motives for despising a local archaeology professor
It turned out Don Paolo had also disguised himself as a Future Dr. Schrader in hospital and Future Dean Delmona at the hotel…
“Tony wasn’t with you when you saw ‘Dr Schrader’,” Arianna realised. “And he didn’t see ‘Dean Delmona’ either— he was too busy playing with that toy car—“
“That kid has a great eye for detail,” Don Paolo snorted. “Shame he’s blind as a bat—“
“Shut up!” Arianna sniped at him. “Why are you even here? Don’t you have robots or boxes or— or bells to steal?”
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evelyn-and-her-lady · 2 years
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Aww, come on, don't say that about your own child! Look at that face! And how it coos at us! So adorable, what is there not to love?
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feartheoldblog · 1 year
i will never forgive fromsoft for making such a beautiful, beautiful goth skeleton murder woman have such a terrible boss fight in dark souls 2
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nerice · 1 year
Quick question! Are they soulless constantly in pain and suffer 25/8 or are they just kinda „eh; guess I‘m rotting“ like zombies or are they infinitely searching for something that feels like it’s missing (due to the no soul thing)?
What is the whole soulless experience like?
:D! oh all of the above though only the first is hardbaked into their nonexistent dna!! stuck in a human body that's unable to process sensory input the right way & still tethered to the invisible moon via their blood. granted, it's not burning blood jail 900% of the time, sometimes it's just an uncanny itch, random muscle aches, spasms, tingling nerves that sputter and spark; sometimes it's like nothing is wrong at all (esp prevalent with gray who will only notice some minor ache in response to linnea's touch driving it out of him <3 ofc that only makes it more painful when she withholds her cure, esp esp when she's in the mood 2 make him worse on purpose ww) this ask is getting away from me help
camp Rotting For Sport is mostly sky content as she heads towards soulless existence via blood rot/nascent pain (shoutout to dream game :)🔪) sorry babygirl say goodbye to your hard-won strength control we are unlocking the birthright you never wanted </3
nd the 'searching for something thats missing' is mostly a consequence of the condition nd manifests differently for all of them!! faye is chronically homesick for the invisible moon she just wants to go back n quit existence, less so because of the pain (it isn't helping, sure) but she's the only one who finds a weird solace in it. the proof of her origin, her destination calling out to her!! and gray is the direct opposite, violently chasing any human feeling and desire, compounded by the fact that linn indulges in life so brilliantly she has so much fun!! but it's russian roulette whether or not he can partake in the same way; longing to eat but unable to hold food down. longing to sleep but never rested. etc etc the list is longer than i'm willing to engage him as a complex character rather than the guy in the 10 of swords card 💀
long story short, being soulless sucks as much as any chronic illness sucks but they're very good at making the worst of it too <3
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sunlightswallowed · 2 years
gothel sees arianna as an entitled, prissy bitch who didn't deserve to have the flower's magic bestowed on her. (and i'm sorry for her)
Wow, that's amazing considering how Arianna sees Gothel as a selfish, evil bitch who put her own vanity ahead of any shred of human decency.
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illicit-hubris · 3 months
Snap has a cute new feature.
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