#i love ur url omg
oc-poll-times · 1 year
I love the characters from the hallowed!! Do any of these characters have stories attached to them?
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Words cannot describe how happy it makes me that you would want to seek out content of these guys!! Holy shit!!!
The Hallowed in particular is EVENTUALLY going to be a long-running Monster-Of-The-Week style comic series, but for now I'm actually making the graphic novel for Whisper Court! The Hallowed is coming as soon as I finish that <3
There is content for them though! I made an abridged version of Eyumie's story as my junior film last year! You can find that here!
The Toyhouse folder with all the characters can link you to specific profiles, and a bunch of them have additional art to go with them as well, particularly Emmit and Ismet :) and you can get that here!
I'm also just always happy to talk about them <3
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ilycosy · 4 months
“dyslexic ass bitch” as someone with dyslexia… just no.
and on ur noted series too??? if they meant it in the way I’m assuming they did, then they need to step away from my pookies page right tf now !!! … protective moot mode but no one messes with my pookie.. or ima throw hands <333
luv you cosy and don’t let them get the better of u 💞 sososo much of us have dyslexia here, their in for one tough tough awakening…
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it's sososo odd to say smth like that under a work abt canonically dyslexic characters !!! but i digress 😞
appreciate u smsm princess !! overprotective mootie duo <3
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seasononesam · 2 years
once again, I am here to deliver more cruel tidbits from the novels 💔 punching the air yeah it’s going to be an all day thing
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when u think about sam and his relationship to "normalcy" and his desire to escape his life/destiny for too long and you start going a bit crazy
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ten · 2 years
hiii guys its been  2 years since ive been on here thats crazy
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wuahae · 11 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! i love ur layout btw (& ur cinnamoroll pfp is sooo cute) i hope your day is amazing, you deserve it 🩷
(i also had no idea we were that close in age, def thought u were a couple yrs older than me)
AWWW tysm!! and my cinnamaroll pfp is also my fav ever its sooo ijbol he is just having the best time ever
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circusrabies · 11 months
hi! i found your blog through the BBW tag and i want to say THANK YOU for posting all this cool content! just made a special trip there last week and absolutely loved it and wish i could spend more time there and understand more about the work that goes into keeping the animatronics working well. your blog has been so cool to browse through!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm so glad you enjoyed our stage :D animatronics are such a beautiful form of art and robotics, and it's an honor to get to keep Billy Bob's stage looking good :]
If you want to see some Rock-Afire live performances we did at the con earlier this month, I'm pretty sure some people have posted them to YouTube!!
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alfareria · 1 year
🎧 lmaooo @ ur tags I am ready 🫡
scream mariana PLEASE now im like hold my hand and let's press shuffle together 🫂
On powdered ground - agnes obel
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ambivartence · 2 years
Hiiii I feel so mean for this but.... Lino vs Jeno 👀 NOW I FEEL GUILTY ASFSKDHDHDJ
... and for mvs Monsta X's Gambler vs Shoot Out, if you are able to handle the question after the first one 💕
lee know vs jeno YOU HAVE ME IN TEARS ELENA!!!!!! omfg i feel like this choice can switch from week to week but lately it's been jeno but honestly they both have similar qualities to me like lowkey very unpredictable, shy around strangers, huge softies for their pet cats (also jeno and his cat friend jaemin 😼 LOL), but also suuuper different i love lino's face he is so pretty and his laugh is sooo endearing he becomes a little manic in the best way possible but also lately i've been really into jeno's stage presence and performance and watching all the details he puts into his performances whether it's adjusting the texture of his voice in his raps or adding fancy finger movements to his dances etc i remember he talked about some of them on the nct show music space zoo episode and it really has seemed to pay off in Villain with key i was sooo impressed by the raspiness of his voice and the way he ate the choreo when they were promoting last weekend. and then the moment he drops his fuckin intimidating stage face my heart just melts he is so very very very very goddamn adorable (.◜◡◝)
gambler vs shoot out AHHHHHHHHHHH i could literally wax poetry about both of these songs (especially changkyun's "don't you wanna feel aliiiiive?" in gambler that part takes me OUT) but the intro to shoot out is just EVERYTHING to me!!! it's second only to beast mode (god i really want to see them live just so i can experience the beast mode intro in person...) yeah this one is so close tho i remember instantly falling in love w gambler when it came out </3 mx serious does not miss
> make me choose <
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laundrette · 1 year
how did u meet your bf 💞💫😽
i was in a technology club n thrown into a server so we could discuss projects n events smoother but then it turned into just a big friendgroup server with a lot of ppl who aren’t even in the club being added!! eventually an asshole i hate to this day added my bf but bc im dumb i disliked him by association ( he had no idea i did not like him at all) eventually Asshole n bf fought like twice and somewhere in the mix he got a crush on me n proceeded to go all hiiiii ur so pretty how was ur day🥰🥰 to me every chance he got till i was like Fine. I can tolerate you. then we kissed the end 🎉
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furies-inthe-mirror · 2 years
murderfuk => nonfunkibletoken
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bennizone · 9 months
hi! i love ur art, and seeing your neocities inspired me to finally make my own!! I was wondering how you made your images become full resolution after you click them? I'm having a hard time figuring that out :0
hellooo! thank you so much, and i'm so happy ur making a site!!!!
I had trouble figuring this out too, omg... There's many ways to do it, but this is what has worked best for me; I used an iframe! which basically means I've placed a box on my site, that displays another website inside of it. On my site, it looks like this.
First, I made a carrd-gallery; bennigallery.carrd.co In the area where I want the gallery, I've placed the following:
<iframe src="https://bennigallery.carrd.co/" height="500px" width="100%" overflow-x:auto; style="border:none;" title="gallery"></iframe>
If you replace the url, and the height and width with whatever fits your site, it should work. (Overflow-x changes the scrollbar, and changing the border:none can give your iframe a border... googling "iframe styles" can maybe explain it better lol)
hope this helps!!!! let's have fun on the web ^_^
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flowers-for-em · 3 months
fav moots and why?
ooh ok ok (these always make me nervous cause like omg what if i forget to tag some people 😭) i love you all so much but these are the people i interact with most <3 in no particular order btw!
@percabeths-blue-cookies -> harley she's my other half on this site, like fr, we're like same person different fonts, im so glad i met you on here ilysmm har <33
@nqds -> nads asakdjsakd she's the coolest person ever, i love her so much, she's the nicest person and omfg her writing is amazing ily babes
@reminiscentreader -> JASSS MLL, she's like the loveliest person ever, i've actually never met someone with better vibes than her. she's the sweetest soul and (i want to steal her cat) i love love love you sooo much
@skeelly -> KRIS!! my bestie fr she's like the most relatable person ever and a lot of the time, im actually so confused how its possible that someone can be so amazing <3
@sophiesonlinediary -> soph is like my icon, she's sooo aesthetic and pretty (its just the vibes y'know) and has the most AMAZING taste in music ever
@a-beautiful-fool -> lou lou!! my very lovely beautiful (its in ur url means its true) mutual (who needs to sleep more often) she's just overall amazing AND HER MOODBOARDS
@moonlightt444 -> mare bear mlll, i love you smm, you're like a ball of sunshine and i love getting your asks they always seem to make my day <33
honourable mentions: @missedyour21st, @deprivedofbraincellsandsleep, @art-of-fools @that-multi-fandom-hijabi, and @gergthecat these guys are fr fr amazingggg i love them all smm (i would do them individually but i feel like thats too many 😭)
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bongilicus · 8 months
Hi! readerinsertsaremyguiltypleasure, here (it's a side blog, so I can't send asks under the url). The emoji prompt game looks great! I may have to return the favour and use it for inspiration for one of my own games in the future lol.
Can you do something with ⏳(time) for Billy Russo? I'd love to hear your thoughts about how he would prioritise time with his partner vs time with Anvil.
hi hi hi omg omg so sorry for like ghosting this game for however long i am here i'm alive ;-; time is wild and much too quick for my brain holy balls. thank you so much for the idea of a fanfic game again, the inspiration was everything i needed ur such a legend <3 i genuinely loved this one and it threw me through a loop because bae Billy has so many sneaky facets of his character i tried a few different directions before going down this route. my understanding of billy is that he wants to be the best bf/partner possible especially if he thinks he's in love but at the end of the day his need to be the best/most successful wins out. billy's priority is billy and love won't change that.
time scenario with Billy Russo for my emoji prompt event! you can find the event guidelines here, and my complete masterlist here! // warnings; minorly(?) unhealthy relationship, mild angst !!!
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You want to think of Billy as the attentive, loving boyfriend you know he can be. The boyfriend he is. Sometimes. 
You know he wants you, know he loves you. But the desire, the need to become everything he was told he couldn’t be too often wins out. He’s the epitome of power and success and he’ll kill die to keep it that way. You’ve watched him work his way up the ranks of the military, stood by his side as he built Anvil up from the ground, and yet you continue to fight the feeling that every step up the ladder is a step further away from you. 
He’s everything you’ve ever wanted, the only person you think you’ve ever really loved and yet you haven’t ever really been sure he would say the same. It’s not like you’ve asked but the only reason you haven’t is because you’re terrified you already know the answer. 
But he’s there. He returns home every evening and lets you know with an apology if he can’t. He’s gentle when you need it and flirts with you even though he wooed you years ago. He’s punctual and honest and even when he’s frustrated he never takes it out on you. But there’s nothing like missing the man that sleeps beside you each night.
But every time things are looking rougher than ever he makes it up to you. It’s like he has a sixth sense that alerts him when you’re feeling that bit more disheartened by the lack of time the two of you spend together. 
Amid an extra busy week for him you get the “Dinner?” text and things feel okay again. Sitting across from him in a nice restaurant in a nice dress with his eyes on you and only you for the rest of the night works wonders towards feeling like a priority. It’s like the two of you have your own little world, as opposed to you being an addition to his.
When you’re walking home, your hand in his, he turns to look at you with a soft smile. “You’re too good to me,” he said, squeezing your hand.
Scoffing, you said, “or just good enough I think.”
“Maybe,” he replied thoughtfully. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
You knew he was just saying that. Didn’t hurt to hear though. If you pretended to believe him your heart ached a little less.
The next week he arrived home early every day, sitting with you as you made dinner, or cutting up onions when your eyes started to water. You began to get into a routine of having him there, of feeling like the two of you really did share this life you had. You let yourself get used to him in such quantities. A mistake. 
Before you knew it he was kissing you goodbye and promising to be back in two weeks. It was like being winded. 
You got the phone calls, every morning, every night, occasionally at lunch. But even though he was at the other end of the line, he was suffocatingly out of reach. 
“I miss you, Billy,” you whispered into the phone one night as you lay in bed, “Like really miss you.” His slightly distorted chuckle made you want to cry.
“I know, baby, but I’ll be home before you know it. It’s only two more days.”
“I miss you even when you are here.” It was so quiet, your confession squeaked out into the world. 
A desolate silence filled the space around the both of you as you processed the implications of what you’d just said. His lack of response was crushing but what was he supposed to say?
“I’ll see you Friday?” you asked, unable to take it any longer.
“Yeah, Friday. I’ll text you when the plane lands.” There was an unease to his tone.
When he got back it was the same as it had been and nothing was said about you missing him. You couldn’t quite tell if he held you a little tighter and a little closer than before or if you were just looking for something that wasn’t there.
A month or-so later you woke up sweaty and thirstier than you’d ever been at about one in the afternoon. Everything ached and the trip to the bathroom and back took you a good half hour. When Billy got home he called out to you, concerned by the lack of lights on through your apartment. You could only groan in response. 
Seeing you wrapped up in the covers he sucked in a breath. “Jesus, sweetheart. You look like shit.”
“Feel like it too,” you croaked. He left the room and came back with some water. Sitting on the edge of the bed he carefully tipped some into your mouth. 
“I’ll call the doctor, I’ll be back in a sec.”
He came back to you asleep again. 
You didn’t comprehend the reality of it at first, focusing solely on the fact your darling lover was bringing you soup and water every time you woke up. Pleased only that you were able to stay wrapped up in bed and have your every whim catered to. It wasn’t until a couple of days later when the brain fog cleared and you walked into the kitchen to find him reading a book at the kitchen counter that you realised the significance of it.
“Shouldn’t you be at work?” You asked, wrapping your dressing gown around yourself tighter. Billy looked up, smiling at the sight of you.
Shoving the bookmark in and shutting his book, he got up to approach you. “Look at you, up and moving. I take it you’re feeling better?” he said, putting a hand on either side of you to steady you.
“Sorta,” you said, recognizing the dull clamping ache on either side of your head, “but what are you doing here? I thought you had those meetings with the Hospital’s Security Board this week?”
“I did.”
“Then what are you doing here?”
“Well, they were happy to postpone them at the threat of me spreading whatever nasty bug has got you all dopey. That being said, as happy as I am to see you out of it, how about we get you back into bed?” He gave you a quick peck on the forehead before ushering you back down the hall.
“Billy,” you said, almost scolding him, “why would you do that? Securing that contract is gonna be huge.”
He laughed. “And what, you just wanted me to let you suffer here alone when you could barely form a coherent sentence?”
“Those meetings were important.”
“And you’re not?” That shut you up. 
You stared up at him in mild shock as he tucked you back in. “I just think it’s a big risk you’re taking, is all.”
“Not really,” he said, brushing some hair that had been clinging to your forehead behind your ear. “Besides, I have to take care of my girl.” You hadn’t felt that safe in a while. 
But before you knew it you were back in the cycle.
The fight had started over him scheduling a meeting on your anniversary and simply assuming you'd happily do something later that evening or the next day.
“I just want to be a priority for once! Is it really too much to ask!”
“Everything I do, I do for us. For you. Alright?” he said, grabbing you firmly by the shoulders. “To give you everything you want.”
“But I just want you.”
“You have me,” he reassured, reaching up to cup your face, stroking your cheek. 
The kiss he gave you was painful. He was so gentle about it but it tore into you. It felt like he was trying to prove to you that he was all yours. With his hand cupping your cheek and the other firm on your waist, holding you to him, it would’ve been so easy to let your guard down and believe him. But you’d learnt. You knew the cycle you were locked in wouldn’t just crumble the moment you asked it to. 
“And you have me, Billy,” you said, pulling away, “but it doesn't feel like that’s enough for you.”
“Of course it is, of course you are.”
“What about everything else? Will anything ever be enough for you?”
He just stared at you, unreadable dark eyes looking into your soul. 
“It’s not that simple.”
“Why not?” You dug your fingers into his shirt, grabbing fistfuls of the fabric in a desperate attempt to hold him there, to feel like you had some, any power over him. “Why can’t it be that simple?” You were overwhelmed by the urge to just shake him, force some sense into him.
“Because nothing ever is.” He drew you closer, coaxing you to rest your head on his shoulder as he kissed your temple. “Let me do this for us. I am all yours, I promise.”
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if you want to see more check out my event! many thanks for reading and any and all reblogs and comments + feedback are appreciated x
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awanderingcatharsis · 8 months
I love it when people have their ao3 names the same as their urls. like omg I've read one of ur fics and ur REAL!????!?
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fandomestloser · 3 months
Omg Noah kahan fan!!! Immediate follow!! <33
AHHH YES. it’s such a struggle to find noah stans online 😭 i’ve been listening to him pretty much since hurt somebody (julia michaels my belovedddd<3) ty lovee, have you been able to see him live? and what’s your favourite song also- sorry i just need to pick ur brain because omG NOAH STAN.
also the url?? absolute slay. one of my fav louis tracks.
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riordanness · 7 days
omg hi congrats on 800 again!!!! for ur event i have to go w i can fix him no really i can 😫 ok so the basics r i’m a cabin 4 ravenclaw infj taurus (i always start w these soz LOL) and also the ambivert final boss like genuinely i don’t lean towards introversion or extroversion and if the mbti had an a for ambivert i’d def be an anfj 🙏🏼 im a HUGE perfectionist it’s so bad actually i cannot function if something is imperfect i’ll lose my mind 😭 (i also have ocd so 🙁) when i asked one of my friends what the pros and cons of dating me are she said my perfectionism may cause problems LMAO😣😣😣 i get told im kind a lot so i like to believe thats true 🙏🏼 im super soft spoken which is a struggle cz im always having to repeat myself 🙁 (did a french speaking exam this year where i was recorded n when i say i was YELLING the entire time so that the recording device thing could pick up my voice….) im super super stubborn and persist in things until they go the way i want them to LMAO (this might be my fatal flaw) i refuse to settle for less in all aspects of life it’s either up to my standards or i’m not claiming it 😬 i LOVE LOVE LOVE reading and music those 2 r the most consistent things in my life !!!! for my type in men this may be a shocker but jason grace is an anomaly because irl + in other forms of media i tend to go for the dark haired sassy sarcastic funny guys (idk if you’ve read better than the movies but if you have wes bennett is a very good example of my type) some characters i’ve been compared to (because for some reason i get compared to a LOTTT of characters) are hermione granger, annabeth chase, rory gilmore (pre uni DUH), amy santiago, caroline?? from tvd? (idk her but my friend said i’m very similar to her so!) ummmm idk what else to include… i’m a HUGE germaphobe and get grossed out super easily LOL would rather die than go hiking or camping or anything like that soz demeter kid but not one w nature i just like flowers and gardens 🫣 i’m also super sensitive and have been told i’m emotionally intuitive!!!! i cry often about everything LOL soz if this is too long love u SOOO much 😚 also would like a pjo guy pls !!!
CYNTHIA HII (also idk why i always tag your other acc and not this one i legit always forget this url idk why 😭) anyways tyy soso much you’re actually the best fr
so. i put like way too much thought into this cause i didn’t want to just, like, stick you w jason bc that’s the easy answer yk?? BUT on that note, based on what you’ve said, i actually pair you with him?? like… if y’all were my friends irl i would ship you so bad fr.
you’re both perfectionists, tho probably in different ways yk, you bc of mental stuff and him bc he was raised by camp jupiter and literal wolves. so that would make it good for you both bc there’s nothing worse than being a perfectionist and living with someone who makes chronic messes (i can attest)
you’d both have really intuitive kindness and understanding of each other and others and that would bond you together soso well. also jason wouldn’t be a loud talker. like at all, so he’d be totally fine hearing you perfectly bc he’s used to quiet talking
neutral and very faded colour palettes for you both, light light blues and pinks and white and cream and gold everywhere (if you moved in together🤭)
jason would love to listen to you speak french btw
he does NOT strike me as a very outdoors person (in the hiking and camping and dirt way) he’d much rather sit on a porch with you and read than do any of that stuff (also he’s roman. they’re famous for their baths he would love being clean no germs here)
would totally understand your ocd and be soso nice about it like. this man would be so careful not aggravate you with unnecessarily untidy or uneven things like that.
music and book dates >>>
anyways y’all are cute i ship it so bad
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