#i love tummyache kunikida
sickficideas · 1 year
I mean, this man is always so stressed and nervous, I imagine him coming back home after a long work day and curling up in bed and clutching his stomach because it feels so sore and nauseous... I WANT TO COMFORT HIM SO BAD.
ANON...ANON...!!!! I know this wasn't technically a request but you are such a genius I wrote a fic about this so fast LMAO I hope you like it <3
cast a spell || kunizai sickfic
ao3! emeto fic, mild nsfw themes at the end - please refer to this link for additional tags!
Kunikida really should have gone home early today. His stomach is not cutting him any slack.
He doesn't have the energy to change. All he can really manage is taking off his shoes and belt before he crawls into his bed. It's unlike him. He has a routine when he gets home. Light cleaning, checking the stock in his fridge, and various other things that his schedule details, but his body won't allow him to tonight. Any more time on his feet will have him hunched over the toilet again in no time.
His stomach has been sick since lunch. He isn't sure exactly what set it off today. He didn't try anything new. He was hoping it was a usual stress ache. He gets those so often that he's able to brush them off easily and keep working, but only about an hour before he left the agency, he found himself curled up beside the toilet in the bathroom and bringing up his still-digesting lunch, miserable and cradling his bloated and twisting tummy.
He's still sore and achy. He was in there for about a half over gagging and retching, long enough to get looks and questions when he walked back out into the office. He had to brush it off and pretend he felt better, but he didn't.
He groans quietly and he curls tighter on himself, arms wrapped around his middle. He thinks he should be used to this by now, but he isn't. It hurts, he's sore, he feels nauseous, he's almost certain he's going to throw up again tonight, and all he can do is be miserable about it until it happens.
Just as he's starting to let his exhaustion take over enough to relax, he hears his front door open, and footsteps start in the direction of his bedroom.
"Ugh…Dazai…?" he groans. He doesn't need to see or hear him. He knows those footsteps.
"The one and only," he sings, albeit more quietly than usual. Almost like he's being considerate. His footsteps stop, and although Kunikida has his back turned to his bedroom door, he imagines Dazai leaning against the frame. "Not feeling good, huh, Kunikida?"
"I'll be fine. Just need to lie down for a while," Kunikida mumbles. He feels his stomach churn uncomfortably and he has to shift to take some of the pressure off of it. He has some hope that he'll be able to finish his house chores later after some rest, but he almost never gets that lucky. Especially not with how sick his stomach has been today.
"Take any medicine?" Dazai asks.
"No," Kunikida huffs.
"Where is it?"
"I'm not telling you where my medication is, Dazai," Kunikida grumbles, forcing himself to sit up. Dazai makes a good point, though, he should probably take something to help with the nausea and pain before he rests.
"Aww, come on. I was just trying to help," Dazai whines. He's pouting in the doorway.
"I don't trust you," Kunikida mumbles as he stands up, taking a few deep breaths in the hope that it'll calm down his stomach enough for him to get up.
He walks by Dazai with a pained groan into the kitchen. The nausea is suddenly much worse, but he should have expected it to be. He's hoping he can just take some medicine and go rest, but by the time he makes it to the kitchen, he has to rethink his strategy. He burps into a closed fist, and then again, wet and acidic, bringing up a few chunks of his lunch to coat his tongue, just like last time.
"Uhhgh…uhrrp - "
He feels whatever is left in his stomach make a reappearance at the back of his throat, and he thanks whatever coincidence that forced him to stand up that he's next to the sink, because he bends over it with an arm around his middle to bring up his stomach contents with a sick splatter into it. His stomach twists and he groans from the pain, only to burp up another mouthful of bile, burning the back of his throat.
"You still have something left in there?" Dazai says, suddenly appearing behind him. He feels Dazai take his ponytail and lay something on the back of his neck that makes him shiver - a damp washcloth. It feels good. "Just get it up, you'll feel better soon."
It helps him focus his breathing a little bit. His breaths are interrupted by nauseous burps here and there, attempts to get something up, but he thinks he might be done. He spits out a wad of saliva into the sink with a pained moan before he straightens up, but as soon as he does, his glasses fall off of the top of his head and join his stomach contents in the sink, splashing up some at the sides of the sink.
He forgot he put those there. Of course this would happen to him. He almost reaches in to pick them up, but the thought of having to clean vomit off of his glasses just brings the nausea back in full swing, and he chokes up a wave of digested food and bile that he didn't know he had left in him, splashing on top of his glasses.
He spits again with an opened-mouth moan, letting the last of the saliva-vomit mixture leave his mouth. He feels his stomach calm down, just enough for him to feel safe enough to step back from the sink.
"Where'd you learn that washcloth trick," Kunikida murmurs, rubbing at his temple. "Ugh…"
"I've never seen it actually help nausea before. But it's good for calming people down," Dazai says. 
A classic evasion of Kunikida's question, but he decides not to pry. He opens the fridge in search of his nausea medication - he spots it, using the door to hide it from Dazai's view, takes a swig out of the cap, and closes the door again.
"You don't wanna go see Yosano?" Dazai asks once the door is shut and they're face to face.
"There's not much she can do," Kunikida says with an exhausted sigh. She's tried, for sure. "It's just the same shit as usual."
Dazai pouts. "You think they'd have some sort of treatment for it by now."
"You'd think," Kunikida agrees. For now, he just has to deal with it. He has to conceal another burp and swallow back a bit of the liquid medicine that bubbles up with it. He just has to hope it stays down long enough to help his stomach feel a little better. "Have you eaten?"
"Nope. Just got here," Dazai says.
"There's leftovers in the fridge. Eat them," Kunikida says.
"You don't want them?" Dazai asks.
"I don't think I'll be able to stomach anything else tonight," Kunikida sighs. "Eat it, you didn't have lunch. And please don't touch any of the medication in there. I don't feel like gagging you to prevent an overdose."
"Okay, okay. Only 'cause you don't feel good," Dazai says, opening the fridge.
While he's up, he decides to change into something he can comfortably rest in. He's worried if he lays down the medicine will come right back up while he's lying on his side. He tries to remember to take deep breaths, it's the only thing that really keeps those sharp, uncomfortable twists of his stomach at bay. He hates throwing up, but he's hoping it stays just that, and doesn't continue with both ends tonight. He can only handle so much.
He crawls back into bed with a drawn-out moan, pressing against his bloated tummy. He takes one of his pillows and wraps his arms tight around it. It's comforting, for some reason.
Just as he's starting to shut his eyes again, he feels Dazai crawl into bed behind him and press a kiss against his temple.
"You sap," Kunikida groans.
"You sap. Look how red your ears got," Dazai teases, lightly tugging at the tip before he settles in next to him, ducking his head into the nape of his neck. "I'll be here, so tell me if you need anything. Also, I cleaned your glasses."
Kunikida thinks Dazai sounds just as tired as he is. He's not sure how useful he'll be, but he appreciates his presence. His warmth is comforting. It always has been. Dazai sneaks a hand under Kunikida's sleep shirt, just over his hip, and starts to rub circles.
"I'm surprised you're not bursting a blood vessel over not finishing your schedule today," Dazai teases.
"You have no idea how stressed I am about it," Kunikida mumbles, his stomach rolling at the thought that he'll just have more to do tomorrow. He groans and sucks in air through his teeth when Dazai's fingers press a bit too hard on a tender spot.
"Sorry, did that hurt?" he asks.
"Just - just a bit," he says as Dazai settles into a gentler rhythm. "It feels good, though."
"Good," Dazai says, "and don't stress yourself out. I'll help you catch up."
Kunikida has his doubts about that, but Dazai sounds sincere in the moment. He almost sounds sweet. Kunikida starts to have a miniature mental crisis about his situationship with Dazai. The way Dazai is pressed up against him, his forehead tucked into the back of his neck like it fits perfectly there, gently rubbing soothing circles into his aching, nauseous tummy. Sure, they've fooled around before, a bit more than they should, but Dazai doesn't seem to be looking for any of that right now. He's really just sticking around because Kunikida isn't feeling good.
Dazai makes him more stressed than he realizes. His cheeks heat up and his stomach lurches again, but he manages to keep it down swallowing the acid back. He's sure Dazai noticed, but he doesn't comment.
"Surprised you're not grossed out by all this," Kunikida murmurs, letting his eyes fall shut. He takes a hand to lay over Dazai's, silently guiding him a bit closer to his navel, and Dazai obliges. Kunikida doesn't bother holding back a moan.
"It's whatever. I feel like we see way grosser stuff at work," Dazai says casually.
"Fair enough," Kunikida says.
"You really like this," Dazai says through something that almost resembles a giggle. "I can hear your little moans in your throat here. It's cute."
"It feels good," Kunikida defends again. It feels like Dazai is rubbing out all of the sore spots in his tummy. "You're good at it."
"I'm glad it feels good," Dazai says, pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. Kunikida feels his face flush. "Your poor tummy. I can really feel it bubbling in there…"
Dazai moves up from where he's been lying down, and Kunikida didn't realize he's taken his shirt off, although, he's still covered in bandages. He lays an ear up to Kunikida's stomach, which sends a shiver up his spine.
"Ohh…my poor Kunikida," he says in a pouty voice before he presses a gentle kiss up against it and lays back up against Kunikida's back.
"Your Kunikida?" Kunikida scoffs.
"Mhm…do you belong to anyone else?" Dazai against, nuzzling up into his neck. Kunikida has to admit, he's not sure if Dazai's doing this on purpose, but his stress and stomachache isn't what's at the front of his mind anymore. "I think we need to get some of these bubbles up…"
Dazai's gentle rubs start to get a little more rough, deeper, and Kunikida moans. He thinks he's asking him to burp, which he's not entirely sure he can do without bringing up bile into his mouth, but he'll try. He manages a few little ones, none sounding particularly wet, but after a few comes one that lasts a few seconds.
"Ugmhhuurp…" he swallows back another tiny splash of vomit that came back up and he lays his hand over Dazai's, "hurrk���ah - ahh, ugh, Dazai, not so rough…"
"Sorry, babe," Dazai says gently. "That was good, I think you needed that…"
He does feel a little bit better.
"Maybe," Kunikida groans, although, he can't deny he likes the way Dazai is acting with him right now. He can't admit it out loud, but it's obvious he already knows.
"Love you," Dazai murmurs quietly. His rubs start to slow down, but Kunikida doesn't mind. He's starting to fall asleep himself, and Dazai's really helped his nausea so far, somehow.
"Love you too," Kunikida murmurs quietly, surprised that his half-asleep brain is agreeing to something so quickly. As he starts to slip into a dream, he wonders if Dazai is casting a spell on him. "Thank you."
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sickficideas · 3 months
so i was reading untold origins (no spoilers) and there is this little scene of kunikida telling this when tanizaki mentions dazai; "Lately, I’ve been getting horrible stress-induced stomach pains whenever I hear his name. Just sensing he’s nearby brings flashes of black and white over my field of vision. It’s a natural warning signal, so just give me a few seconds to relax.” AND I FIND IT HILARIOUS HELLO?? this is so cute i'd like to hear your thoughts too,, is this just a common thing for them? does kunikida get literal stomachaches with things concerning dazai? I NEED TO KNOW LMAO
anon i LOVE this as a concept because I've always had headcanons somewhat adjacent to this because Kunikida is definitely the number one stress tummyache sufferer...dazai being the cause just makes too much sense thank you for sharing this paragraph its perfect for my collection😏
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sickficideas · 1 year
consider stressed tummyache kunikida who constantly is asking dazai to sit on his lap or lay on him because he likes the weight pressure on his body. who needs a weighted stuffed animal for anxiety when you have a bf
this is fantastic anon...i love the idea of it being a sort of silent agreement. dazai knowing just when to do it. he'll go sit in kunikida's lap while he's working and most of everyone thinks dazai is just being annoying for the sake of being annoying but anyone that pays close attention would notice when kunikida doesn't protest it💖 i have a very specific image in my head of dazai sitting in his lap and like chatting with atsushi and kunikida silently laying his head against dazai's arm when he really doesn't feel good 😭 or dazai taking his hand under the desk to squeeze it 😭😭😭 i love silently sweet dazai so much
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sickficideas · 1 year
sorry about another kunikida hc i’m just so obsessed with him 😭 he’s so good for sickfic content!! he def gets really bad stress tummy aches, and whenever he gets super anxious or stressed he pukes. dazai definitely takes care of him afterwards and makes sure to give his tummy some tlc after everything settles down
oh my gosh never apologize for tummyache kunikida he was made for us, i love a man who is stressed all thw time...the anxiety/stress nausea is so perfect for him💖 the others know not to bother him when they're very very busy bc any little thing can push him over the edge and he'll throw up. dazai keeps a good eye out for this & absolutely looks after him after he's gotten sick 💔💔💔
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