#i love this soliradi so much
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -BLACK-
Soliradi Special Mini mini Edition (ver. BLACK)
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Drama || Translation index
Tsubasa: Hello, everyone, good day! SolidS fans from all over the country, it’s the time you’ve been waiting for!
Dai: We are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio…
Rikka: … SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Tsubasa: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Hello to all the listeners! Yahoo~ how are you in this fine day? I’m the main personality, Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Dai: Hello. I’m Murase Dai. Hope we have a good time.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader Takamura Shiki. Good to see you.
Rikka: I’m Sera Rikka. And the four of us together make SolidS!
Shiki: Yeah.
Tsubasa: Ugh! Okay, so let’s start with the introduction of the program. Let’s see… today I leave it to you, Shiki!
Shiki: Understood. In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio. Please make your hearts throb as much as you want.
Tsubasa: What the hell is that?!
Rikka: If we add a bit, the messages and questions are actually received from listeners beforehand, and our leader Shiki chose them. Thank you for all the messages. If your message didn’t get chosen, I’m sorry! I’d be very happy if you send one again.
Dai: While replying, we want to get you more interested about us. That’s the objective of Soliradi, right?
Shiki: Exactly. Well, just take it easy while listening.
Tsubasa: In the end you didn’t explain a single thing.
Shiki: I’m saving energy for later.
Tsubasa: You don’t need to do that!! You absolutely don’t need to do that. Ahh, we’re going off rails. Okay, let’s just try doing it then! The first one is… this! Ehh, here… We got this from handle name: Seiran-san. Thank you very much! “Hello! Sorry for the sudden question, but do SolidS members have a driving license? Do you all go out together sometimes?”
I see I see… Seiran-san, thank you! I do have a license. I got it immediately at the end of my third year of high school.
Shiki: Ah, you’re that type of guy, the one that drives his father’s luxury car around.
Tsubasa: Uhhh, this looks like you’ll have prejudices against me now but… isn’t a guy in third year of high school having his own car even weirder?
Rikka: *whispers* But he won’t deny the “luxury car” part…
Dai: *whispers* Actually, I saw him driving an expensive-looking car… Tsubasa’s a rich kid, after all.
Tsubasa: You there~? Why are you talking about so sneakily? Please answer to the question~
Rikka: Ah, yes! I have a license for automatic only, but in paper state.
Shiki: I have a license for manual cars. And other than that, I used to drive around the fields with my parent’s tractor. Heh, I WILL... BECOME THE LAND!!!!
Dai: Wasn’t that just helping with field work…? Ah, I don’t have a license. I want it, though.
Shiki: Do your best. When you get a temporary license, I’ll help you practice.
Dai: I’m kind of scared… You have the aura of a demon instructor.
Shiki: Hm? That’s not it. Probably. “There! A deer is jumping out! Avoid it!” Or things like that. I only give advice.
Tsubasa: I don’t think there are many deer that jump out on the road?!
Shiki: Moron. Don’t underestimate Mother Nature. If you’ve stepped at least once into Nagano, you’ll perfectly find deer or even bears.
Tsubasa: For real…? Man, Nagano is always amazing…
Shiki: Hm. Spiritual Nagano. I’m a brave warrior from there.
Tsubasa: Ah… U-um. Yeah. Dai-chan, Dai-chan? Let’s leave the spiritual guy aside, leave it to me! Tsubasa onii-san will teach this little driving beginner veeeery nicely and attentively!
Dai: No thanks. If you keep teasing me and interrupting me I won’t be able to focus on driving.
Tsubasa: Ehh, I’ll only give you a hand!
Rikka: Mine’s only on paper, so I can’t guide anyone… so if it’s come to this… Ah! How about Haiduki-san?
Dai: Ah!
Shiki: That’s true. He’s good at driving. He kind of… looks like a shady instructor.
Tsubasa: Hey, Shiki! Just because you got called a demon instructor doesn’t mean you have to drag Fumi-chan down!
Shiki: Among the managers, I recommend Procella’s Kurotsuki more than Haiduki. As an ex-SP, he’s received special training, so he can do from drift runs to one-wheel runs, and to make the enemy’s car spin with a ramming attack. He can do anything.
Rikka: Let’s have Haiduki-san teach you, okay, Dai?
Dai: I’ll do that. Ah, by the way, about going out together, we do that with Haiduki-san’s car.
Tsubasa: Right. If I remember correctly, in Tsukipro, the talents can’t grab the handle without getting permission, right?
Rikka: Yep, it’s an image business after all. If someone caused an accident it would be terrible, and getting hurt is scary, too.
Dai: Safe driving is the best.
Shiki: Next, from Tachibana. “Until a while ago, mood maker-type people with bright hair and personality were my type, but lately I’m attracted to calm people with dark hair. Did I become an adult?” From Tsubasa to me, huh. It’s the proof you became an adult. It’s the proof your ability to judge people has developed.
Tsubasa: Hey!!!!
Shiki: I’m the type who is quite funny.
Rikka: The fact you’re saying that yourself is quite funny, yes. Eh, next. From Ichijiku-san. “To Rikka-san. Do you prefer having your hair tied up? Or down?” Hmm, let’s see. I usually change my hairstyle according to my clothing, so I like both. I like this length, where I can arrange it to match my clothes.
Dai: You do change your hairstyle every time we have a new outfit. I actually look forward to it, “what kind of hairstyle will he appear with today?”
Tsubasa: Ah, I get it! Me too.
Shiki: Me too.
Rikka: *laughs* I’m glad the members also look forward to it.
Dai: Ah, I’m next. Eh, from Momousagi-san. “What’s the most delicious sweets you’ve eaten recently?” Uh… small croissants sold by weight.
Tsubasa: Ahhh, I get the feeling you eat those often. Those have many flavours, right?
Dai: They also have small scones and pies, and you can buy them by gram. That’s why, I change what I buy that day depending on my mood. All of them are delicious.
Tsubasa: Ooh~ buy them for me next time too <3
Dai: I’ll show you the shop so go buy them yourself.
Tsubasa: Ehh? Stingy.
Shiki: Heh. You’re answering so normally, but your fondness for sweet things is now well-known among the listeners.
Dai: Ah!
Rikka: You didn’t need to say that, Shiki.
Shiki: I don’t think you need to be too conscious about that, Dai. It’s not anything to be embarrassed about.
Dai: Eh… Okay.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Okay, let’s go on! Eh, here, from Kiu-san. Thank you~ “To the wonderful male idols from the adult and sexy unit SolidS, good evening! Here’s a question for you all, which side menu do you order to eat with your ramen? By the way, I’m full just with ramen.”
Shiki: As an adult and sexy man, I order one dish of roasted pork filled, and shochu with tonic as a snack.
Tsubasa: As an adult and sexy man… a something-don small bowl of rice.
Rikka: As an adult and sexy man… Gyoza I guess?
Dai: Ugh… you all… what are you doing so excitedly… uh… I guess a small bowl of rice too. When I eat ramen, it makes me want to eat rice too.
Rikka: Okay, so next… From Shida-san. “In lives and live broadcasts, who is most likely to forget the lyrics or go out of tune? Also, please tell me how everyone tries to cover up when they get the lyrics or choreography wrong.”
Tsubasa: Eh! We don’t make mistakes! We’re pros after all.
Rikka: We won’t make mistakes! And won’t forget! Right?
Dai: We won’t forget.
Shiki: You guys. Don’t look away while saying it. Say it looking at my eyes.
Tsubasa: Nghhh but… It’s your fault for making those songs! When there’s rap, that already means a lot of words! Also your word choice, Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu! I strangely only remember that!
Shiki: Isn’t it just fine!!! I like it!!! Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Your mouth feels funny when you say it.
Rikka: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Aaaah!
Dai: Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu. Hm, I think I get it.
Shiki: For now, before getting angry at me, please practice properly.
Rikka: Of course we will do our best, but there are times when even you make mistakes, right? I remember it, okay?
Shiki: That wasn’t a mistake. It was an improvisation result of the mood.
Tsubasa: Not fair!!!! Composers are not fair!!!!
Dai: I have the feeling Shiki is the one who forgets the choreography the most.
Shiki: When I’m focused on singing, I forget about my arms and legs no matter what. I guess it’s better than knowing it perfectly but ignoring it completely when I get excited, like Tsubasa. Apologize to the illumination and production staffs that move the lights to chase you.
Tsubasa: But you know… lives are living creatures! Of course I’d like to get excited in that moment! Ah I got it, next time I’ll say “Light! Follow me!”
Dai: I don’t think that’s a solution…
Rikka: It is very like Tsubasa, though. Hmm… It’s the perfect moment, so I’ll ask: what if by any chance, you forget completely during the performance, or your mind goes blank, what would be best to do? Of course, I’ll prepare so that it doesn’t happen, but… we’re human, after all. There’s the “what if”, and since I can’t normally ask this, I want to use this opportunity.
Dai: Ah, me too, I want to know.
Shiki: Hm. In times like that, the basic is to cover it up with fan service. Waving your hand, saying “Are you having fuuuun”, and they have fun. And it gets through.
Tsubasa: He stated it!!
Shiki: You can also go get involved with someone close to you. The tactics of putting your shoulder around him and act like you’re super good friends, while desperately trying to pull out the lyrics from your brain.
Tsubasa: You did this last time…! Okay, next time Shiki tries to get close to me, I’ll run away as fast as I can.
Shiki: Wait.
Dai: Question! That’s something you cultivated from your experience in your idol age, after all?
Shiki: Hm? Yeah, exactly. As an idol, you do a lot of lives. You accumulate experience points. For now, the worst thing you can do is to freeze and think “oh, damn”. Fans also suspect that something has happened.
Rikka: I see… To move around and not to freeze… that’s important, right?
Shiki: That’s what it is. Of course, the best thing is not to forget, and not to make mistakes, to begin with. Yeah!
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: We’ll work on that.
Tsubasa: And, with this, it’s already time up! I think we got to answer quite a lot this time too?
Dai: Right. I have the feeling we’ve revealed a lot of things. Won’t we get scolded for this?
Shiki: I want to believe it’s fine. *whispers* It’s fine, right?
Tsubasa: Don’t ask the other side of the booth!
Rikka: Good luck, Shiki!!!
Shiki: Wait… you all don’t know what it means to be a salaryman…!
Tsubasa: Not only Shiki, but Rikka’s character is starting to change too!!! Anyway, that’s all for today’s Soliradi!! Thank you for staying with us until the end today again. Let’s meet again next week at this hour!
Rikka: See you again.
Dai: See you next week. Thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Bye bye~
Shiki: *whispers* It’s fine, isn’t it? Safe? Right?
Rikka: Good luck! Shiki!
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
god Shiki gets better worse with every soliradi... stop this man
The “Tokugawa Nikkou Toushouguu” is part of chronoah’s lyrics. The actual line in the lyrics is “Talk-Got-What-Nick-Auto-Show-Good“, yes it’s fake english, yes it doesn’t make any sense, it’s just because it sounds like that. Don’t ask me, ask John-san (?)
Next up is a very important drama CD!!! Also the first appearence of QUELL!! Look forward to it~
Thanks for reading!!
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tkpro-scenarios · 5 years
more of a general question, but who are the mod's 3 best boys in tsukipro? feel free to elaborate too!
Mod mari
I just can’t choose 3…When I have 4 haha
ah… this is hard…
1. Ryo
I love everything about Ryo. His tsundere awkward self. His love and protectiveness for Growth. His professionalism. EVERYTHING. I would write more if only I could properly explain my love for him. BUT I REALLY LOVE HIM. (He’s not a devil’s spawn lol def not in my eyes.)
2. Tsubasa (+ Rikka)
Aside from that fact that Tsubasa’s seiyuu is Saito Soma and Rikka’s Hanae Natsuki.
I admire Tsubasa’s sense of professionalism with the hint of playfulness. He knows he’s an idol and doesn’t do it half-baked. Despite his flirty personality, he’s a hardworking professional who had grown to love SolidS and wants to protect it. He may have that playfulness in his personality, but he has his serious side and will make sure that his friends are a-okay.
I love Rikka’s caring side towards Shiki, Tsubasa and Dai. He wants to make sure that everyone’s okay and aside from that, his sense of professionalism is on par with those who have been in the industry for a long time like Shu and Shiki. I also love his slight playful side towards Dai, who he considers as a younger brother. (well, Dai is considered as the youngest bro for everyone lol)
3. Ren
His earnest self towards the piano, kendo and being part of SOARA is amazing haha he strives to do his best (although it ends up with him become nervous) and will try his very best to give the end result. He respects his seniors and admires them, not just SOARA, but the other units as well. How he takes care of Nozomu and his friendship with him may be a cliche type of relationship, but their interactions/friendship is worth the watch. His growth as a character is also something I look forward to, because while he’s still nervous at times and still working hard; overall, it’s his earnest attitude towards things is what makes him strong~ haha
Overall… I love these guys haha
Mod nana
Why u do this? …Is this payback for all the angst we’ve written?I have a hard time picking faves for this fandom…
1. SolidS + Eto Koki
It’s probably a pretty obvious choice that Kou-kun and SolidS are my best boys lolI have so much love and respect for Koki, I can’t really put it into words. He’s very inspiring and his straightforward way of thinking and kindness just really moved me ever since I first heard Sono G Vol 1.And then there’s this silly, awkward side of him that comes from having led a not-so-average life that just makes him so endearing. (This kid doesn’t even know what a pillow fight is! He thought you were supposed to throw it at a wall! How do you not love this boy? #ProtectKou’sInnocence2kFOREVER)
SolidS is LOVE.They really do represent their ‘adult’ image. They look all mature and cool and sexy, what have you but in the end, they are in fact dumb dorks whose leader just barely has it together. And really, isn’t that what most, if not all, us ‘adults’ are like? lolLike yes they bring it when they want, but they’re also just very…dumb?? Coffee, Ahijo, Tsubasa who has to keep it together while everyone else becomes a wild child during SoliRadi, ‘Dai-chan to iu na’, Mama Rikka doting on his children, Shiki’s general existence, the seiyuu themselves…such big stupid dorks but they also work so hard and give it everything they have. I love them all so much words aren’t enough.
2. SolidS
3. SolidS Sora and Nozomu
I love these dorks and their energy!Sora who is just this ball of sunshine! A boy who can do very amazing things but doesn’t realize it. He’s simple and straight forward with his feelings and is the kind of guy I wanna be friends with lol
And then there’s Nozomu who can somehow be so dang positive no matter what! And even though he might look like a troublemaker, is easily excited, and loud, he’s actually such a good boy? Like he never complains about anything or mulls over something for too long?And his friendship with Ren is just the cutest, how they’re polar opposites but always support each other.
Honestly though, it’s actually SolidS + Koki and then the rest of Tsukipro tied because each character is so well written and charming in their own ways, I can’t really pick who I like more or less than someone.
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tkpro-scenarios · 7 years
Yay the ask box is open again! Thanks for your hard work! For my request... Marriage Proposal headcanons for Shu, Shiki, Koki, and Soshi please!
Even though we closed it almost immediately orzProposals are under the cut~
- Mod nana
Would be like a prince out of a fairytale.
He would probably follow the usual routine. A date where he takes you to your favorite places, then to a fancy restaurant for dinner.
The ring may or may not be in your wine glass or holding your napkin together.
If he decides to wait until after dinner to propose, then he’d probably take you for a stroll down the street, leading to a beautiful fountain or somewhere you can see the stars.
Will tell you how much loves you and while he spent a lot of time worrying over a lot of things, he knows for sure that there’s no better time or person.
Will make you cry as he takes your hand and gets down on one knee, presenting a ring.
“[Name], will you please marry me? You’d make me the happiest person in the world if you were to spend the rest of your life with me. Of course, I’ll also spend my whole life trying to make you just as happy, if not more.”
Takamura Shiki
Believes tradition should be followed for these things.
He wants your family’s blessings before going ahead so he might pay them a visit with or without your knowledge. (the rest of SolidS tagging along to make sure he doesn’t do anything too crazy)
“Father, please give me your son/daughter!!” *bows*“Who are you?!”
SoliRadi!Shiki may or may not traumatize your family.
He would be very formal and traditional, from his clothes to his words. He would make it clear who he is, his family’s background, how much he loves you and even his plans for the future should they grant him permission to marry you.
He would also be very firm, stating that he doesn’t intend to leave until they grant him their blessings/approval.
Naturally he gets it, so he pops the question as soon as he gets a chance to set the mood.
“[Name], spend the rest of your life with me. I’ve already gotten your family’s blessings and approval–all you have to do is say yes.”
Eto Koki
A lot of care and planning would go into his proposal. This is a really big step and even he’s not sure if he’s 100% ready to take it.
Has the rest of Growth tag along with him to shop for engagement rings and asks them for advice and ideas.
Wants to do something special. So he would probably take you back to where you had your first date or where you/he confessed.
Would take your hand into his–one of the rare moments where it’s visibly shaking–as he tells you why he brought you here.
This was the place where he first confirmed his feelings for you and so this is where he wants to confirm that he’s ready to take the next step.
Slips the ring onto your unsuspecting finger.
“[Name], I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
Kagurazaka Soshi
Would pop the question when you least expect it. As though the thought just came to him right at that moment.
“So hey…wanna get married already?”
Actually he had been racking his brain over how to do it for a long time, consulting everyone he knows (even Sora and Nozomu!) for suggestions on how to propose and where to do it.
Had thought about taking you to where you had your first date or the typical dinner at a fancy restaurant scenario(among other date ideas) but decided against it cuz too many people and he didn’t want you to feel pressured into saying yes.
He wanted to ask you where both of you felt your most comfortable. And what better place than the couch you guys always lazed around on at home?
Would probably jump the gun and accidentally drop the box when he reaches for it. Mentally curses himself but still tries to play it cool, getting on one knee and opening the box to present the ring.
“[Name], you and me. Let’s get married. What do you say?”
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tkpro-scenarios · 7 years
Hi could I have some cuddling headcanons for SolidS? They're my ultimate baes TwT Thanks!
This was technically sent in while requests were still closed but we’ll make an exception this time. Please remember to check whether the ask box is open or not before sending in a request! The idol on the sidebar is there to let you know, after all~We’ve already done cuddle hcs for Dai, which you can check over here, so we’ll only be doing the rest of SolidS for this. Hope you like it~!
- Mod nana
Takamura Shiki
Would be against it at first but soon finds himself relaxing.
Would just be an inanimate pillow for you to hug until he looses up a bit, after which he’ll probably hug you back and be more intimate.
Will fall asleep without even realizing it.
1000% will bring a paper and pen with him to write lyrics/music for his songs while you’re cuddling. Maybe even his laptop if he’s feeling cheeky enough.
Will complain about how you’re in the way while writing said lyrics.
If he’s in one of his moods(SoliRadi!Shiki) then he’d be very eager to cuddle. He’d probably even crack jokes or make random statements that make you question his sanity and if he’d been drinking too much or if the stress finally made him snap.
Will often be the big spoon but might insist on being the little spoon once he realizes it easier to write that way.
Okui Tsubasa
Is super eager to cuddle! Will do it whether you want to or not.
Cancel all your plans because he’s not gonna let you go anytime soon.
Loves falling asleep to you combing your fingers through his hair and might actually purr on occasion.
Loves talking about how both your days went while cuddling. He might even make date plans while he’s at it.
Tickle fights might break out if you’re playing too hard to get. Make out sessions abound.
There will be times where he wants to cuddle just to sort out his thoughts but most of the time it’s because he feels lonely and wants to be spoiled.
If you’re cuddling after sex, he’ll bury his face in your chest and hold you tight. You’re so nice to hold and your warmth is so comforting he doesn’t wanna let go of it.
Is fine with being either spoon but will mostly opt for being the little spoon.
Sera Rikka
Loves to cuddle. He finds it really relaxing and a nice way to be intimate.
Will hold your hand, maybe even kiss the fingertips.
Will pepper you with butterfly kisses or light pecks.
He’ll share all sorts of cute little stories and secrets while cuddling.
Loves holding you tight and using you as a pillow. He’ll most likely fall asleep like that.
If you fall asleep first, he’ll watch over you with a gentle smile.
Is either the big or little spoon depending on his mood. Usually he doesn’t mind being the big spoon but those times where he wants to act spoiled, he’ll be the little spoon.
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tkpro-scenarios · 7 years
Ooooo this seems fun XD My tsukipro babies are getting more love now im so happy TwT Could i request hcs for solids and quells ideal s/o? (If its too much, you can always split it into separate posts, i dont mind) P.s. wish you admins the best of luck running this blog!! ^^
Hello! Mods are also so very happy our precious babies are getting more love~ Thank you so much, we’ll do our best!!Of course you can request for my (mod nana’s) SQ boys~!
We’ll make an exception this time but the rules clearly state the max is 5 characters for headcanons, this includes requesting for units as a whole as well (i.e. requesting for SolidS already = 4 characters so you can only request for one more character) so please keep that in mind for future requests! It’s fine to send in more than one ask but please keep them within the character request limit.
Since Vol. 4 already mentions a bit about the SolidS’ boys’ preferred types, I’m going to expand a little on that for some of these - mod nana
Takamura Shiki
Confidence is key when wanting to impress Darling
Someone that can keep up with him but is also notafraid to stand their ground.
Someone who’s good at taking care of otherswould certainly catch his eye, especially if they’re not afraid to be strictand scold him when he’s pushing his limits.
“Shiki go to sleep.”
“Sleep is for the weak.”
“Shiki go to sleep right now or so help me, I’mgonna pull the plug off the monitor.”
He’d like someone with a good head on theirshoulders, who thinks logically and overcomes situations with grace.
His s/o would have to be pretty independent.They should be able to go places and do things by themselves since he mostlikely won’t be around most of the time. (But he’ll def more than make up forit when he gets the chance)
Anyone that can deal with SoliRadi!Shiki hasboth my blessings and condolences.
He’s also not all that big on PDA so don’texpect anything much other than maybe holding hands.
His s/o needs to understandand be okay with the fact that he won’t be very vocal about his affections sowhile he might not say “I love you” all that often, they should know he verymuch means it during the times he does.
Someone who’s passionate about something! No matter what it is, as long as it’s something they love and have a goal they’re working hard for, it would definitely catch his heart.
Okui Tsubasa
Honey wants someone that’ll give him attention and isjust fun to be around. Ifthey’re older, he’d probably like it if they spoiled him a little.
Again, confidence is key! But so is playing alittle hard to get, he likes the chase.
This shameless bitch boy does not shyaway from affection so be prepared to suddenly make out in the middle of a busystreet in broad daylight. Of course, he wouldn’t mind an s/o that’s shy aboutPDA (he’d even find it cute) but if they’re too shy then he’ll most likely getbored.
While he loves teasing his s/o, he’d love iteven more if they’re able to turn the tables or pull the rug from underneathhim, so a quick wit would really get his heart racing. He loves people that cankeep him on his toes!
The outgoing, social type would catch his eye in a heartbeat. He will tend to get jealous pretty easily if his s/oacts a little too close towards other people though.
Being fashion forward would be a big plus. He’d love to go shopping—even just window shopping—and look atdifferent kinds of clothes, accessories, etc. together or exchange opinions on styles
He’s the type to hide his insecurities behind his cheeky attitude and work hard behind the scenes so someone that can see through that andconfront him about it in private, or silently watch over him to make sure hedoesn’t get too in over his head would definitely hold a special place in hisheart.
Sera Rikka
Since he’s the mom, always taking care of others, he definitely needs someone that’ll take care of him.
Someone that he can act selfish around and is willing to spoil him when he needs it.
Someone that carries themselves well and has a graceful air about them would definitely turn his head.
While he is a model and an idol, his s/o doesn’t necessarily need to be fashion forward but it would be a plus point. Even if they don’t know much about fashion trends and whatnot, Rikka would probably just end up teaching them about it or help out in coordinating outfits.
Please cook for him or together with him. He will love that so so much.
He’s always keeping an eye on those around him, the type that wants to avoid stepping on anyone’s toes so someone that’ll take the initiative to ask him what he wants for once would really leave an impression on his heart.
He’d be pretty professional when out in public so PDA would most likely be just holding hands, maybe a kiss or two. He’d love an s/o that’d surprise him with quick pecks on the cheek or just random hugs.
Murase Dai
He’s a very quiet person so someone that’s comfortable with that. He’d really appreciate someone who doesn’t mind passing the time with comfortable silence.
While his s/o themselves can be talkative, he’d like it if they understand that he won’t have a comment or reply for every single thing.
Someone who’s willing to buy desserts on his behalf. Or even make them for him.
He’s a very shy person so his s/o needs to be patient enough to let him slowly get used to showing affections and initiate things.
PDA would be little to none, at least at first. Maybe holding hands? (but he’ll be blushing the whole time.) So someone that’s okay with that.
Since he’s always treated as the little brother of the group, he’d appreciate someone that’s willing to rely on him from time to time.
He’s too shy to ask for things like hugs and kisses so someone that gets the message even without him having to explicitly say it. Please cuddle with this tsundere puppy.
Izumi Shu
He’d love someone that has a gentle aura around them, someone he can be comfortable around without the need for words.
Since he lost his mother at an early age, he’d probably be drawn to someone motherly.
Like Shiki, he’s also very busy and won’t be around much so an s/o that understands that work takes up most of his time and is willing to watch over him.
He tends to take a lot of things upon himself so someone that pulls him aside and makes him talk about his worries and reminds him that he is not alone and doesn’t need to do everything by himself.
Someone that just really helps him relax and keeps him grounded. Makes him take a nap or takes him out somewhere to clear his head and just makes him talk about stuff and give their advice.
Someone that reminds him that he is loved. Shower this man with love and affection, he deserves it SO much ; w ;
He’s a fairly affectionate person but more so in private so an s/o that’ll kiss him silly when he needs an energizer and surprises him with kisses and cuddles.
Horimiya Eichi
He doesn’t really have a type as such. Just someone that’s fun to be around and enjoys his company.
He’s a rather active person so an s/o that can keep up with his energy. Someone that’ll take a stroll with him or go on outdoor adventures together.
Being as obsessed with taking photos/videos as Eichi is (he was an AD after all), his s/o needs to be comfortable enough to let him do that. Lots of selfies and dumb videos. Of course it’s perfectly alright to be a little camera shy! He’d never make someone do something they don’t want to.
An s/o that loves cuddling and hugging. Be warned though: once he has you in his arms, he’ll never let you go.
Someone that can remind him to take it down a notch when he puts too much on his plate as Quell’s mom and an idol. He’s always taking care of the others so his s/o should remind him that he deserves to be taken care of as well.
An s/o that can cook! Please make him a home-cooked meal, he’ll be on cloud nine.
He’d find it really hard not to show PDA. “His s/o is just so cute he wants to kiss them right then and there!”—a person that’s a little shy about that but still returns his feelings.
Kuga Issei
He would be drawn to the motherly type, but would also be attracted to a bright, outgoing person.
Being the quiet boy he is, he would like to be with someone that can help him break out of his shell—even just a little. The kind of person that can take him by the hand and show him new experiences.
Like Dai, he would also like someone that’s comfortable with his quietness.
Of course an s/o that cares for and gets along with Ichiru is a must!
He’s still learning how to be a proper idol and be more social so someone that he can lean on for support and can give him advice. Someone he feels comfortable sharing his worries with.
Because Issei often gets taken care of by Ichiru as well as by Shu and Eichi, he’d like an s/o that sees that he can be reliable as well. He is a big brother after all!
As far as PDA goes, he doesn’t particularly mind as long as his s/o is okay with it but he would rather do things like kissing in private. He doesn’t want someone that’ll smother him with affection though. Sometimes taking it slow is fine, isn’t it?
His s/o should also understand that he does things at his own pace. He’ll properly tell them his feelings when he does.
Kuga Ichiru
He would also be attracted to the motherly type, a shy person but one who isn’t afraid to speak their mind when they need to. He’d probably have similar tastes as his brother.
At the same time, an s/o that’s not afraid to bite back would definitely give him a run for his money!
Someone that can keep him grounded. He tends to leap before he looks and often loses himself to his emotions, so his s/o should be able to reel him back in and firmly reprimand him when he goes too far.
He’s a bigger tsundere than Dai so patience and the ability to laugh off his (often unintended) harsh words will go a long way. Someone that understands that he’s not exactly the best at honestly expressing his feelings when he’s flustered.
His s/o should also be respecting and accepting of the fact that Issei will often take more priority than anything else.
He would instantly fall for someone that gets along well with both him and Issei.
Again, he’s a tsundere so his s/o should be prepared to get yelled at for surprising him with a sudden display of affection.
“I-Idiot! Wh-What do you think you’re doing?!”
“I’m just holding your hand. You don’t want to?”
“Hmph! I-It’s not like I like doing this or anything…”
His blush and tightening grip say otherwise.
He doesn’t want an s/o that constantly spoils him or dotes on him. Just because he’s the youngest of the group does not make him any less reliable!
41 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Drama CD 3 PPF -the past, the present and the future- track 3
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Track 2 || Translation index || Track 4
Rikka: So this is the famous proposal… let’s see…
“Character 1: a stubborn salaryman who came from the countryside and is always drowned in work.” I see. This is definitely Shiki. *chuckles*
“Character 2: 1’s junior. A serious and inflexible newcomer who is very obstinate.” This is Dai’s role. He’s not actually that inflexible though… that means this is how he looks to people from the outside.
“Character 3.” Oh, this is my role. “The master of the coffee shop 1 goes to. Has a past, has circumstances”? “See annex for reference.” Oh… eh? There’s no annex… there’s no annex, Haiduki-san! Now I’m too curious!
Um, and then…
*door opens*
Tsubasa: What the hell is this?! Rikka, have you read this???
Rikka: Tsubasa… I’d prefer if you knocked… well, never mind. Um, the proposal? I was just in the middle of reading it, your role is Character 4, right?
Tsubasa: Yeah!
Rikka: “Character 4. A young man who comes from a wealthy family and has been given everything other than affection, and therefore is starving for love. Has a wild lifestyle.”
Tsubasa: And I thought “this is me???”
Rikka: You don’t like it? Well, certainly, your family is very affectionate, so much that they even call me sometimes. Your dad and mom love you a lot!
Tsubasa: But that’s fine! Wait, hm? No, it’s not fine. Didn’t you just say something that isn’t fine at all?
Rikka: No, I didn’t?
Tsubasa: Ah… I’ll ask you the details… later. Well, now it’s fine. Anyway, the problem is this! Read this!
Rikka: This…? “Was dumped by his girlfriend, got dead drunk and barged in the coffee shop”. … Is there any problem?
Tsubasa: There are thousands!!! Because it’s totally impossible!! I won’t do anything as shameful as getting drunk for being dumped, heck, I won’t get dumped in the first place!
Rikka: Ah… is that so…
Tsubasa: When I break up, it’s the dissolution of a peaceful relationship! There’s no dumping or being dumped!
Rikka: He’s dissatisfied about the most unexpected thing… Ah, um… don’t worry, Tsubasa! This is only the story of fictional characters. It’s not about you.
Tsubasa: … I know that… I know, but… this is what they got after expanding our images, right? That just simply hurts.
Rikka: Ah… it’s that…
Tsubasa: It’s that… *flops* Come on, what is this? My heart lightly broke. Eh, this is how I look? Being dumped, getting dead drunk and picking fights with random people?? What the hell, that’s super lame…
Rikka: Don’t mind, don’t mind! If they don’t make it a bit exaggerated, it won’t be dramatic! And you know, I have a “has a past, has circumstances” setting. I don’t know what kind of past is that since there’s no annex, though.
Tsubasa: Ah, there’s no annex, right? I thought that too.
Rikka: When you’re doing this job, it happens a lot. The roles you want to play, the way your agency sells you, your exposure… with the songs you sing, people make an image of you that keeps developing. If some people have a good image, some will have a bad one. Sometimes you get said very surprising things. Being shocked, getting depressed, and rejoicing.
Tsubasa: Yep, it happens. It happens a lot!
Rikka: People who I’ve never met or talked to say “Rikka is this kind of person!” and it has become normal. And it’s like this, and that, so it can’t be, or things like that, sometimes I’m denied. But I think it’s necessary to come to the clear decision that “the industry is like this”. There are times you have to play the image and duty people want from you.
Tsubasa: You’re such an adult, Rikka… I can’t be so decided.
Rikka: That’s exactly why you’re jumping in like this, right?
Tsubasa: Yeah, yeah! I somehow got really annoyed, you see. Ah, but I’m technically holding back in front of other people! This is the face I show exclusively to SolidS.
Rikka: It’s fine, I know.
Tsubasa: … I… wonder if I’ll be able to think like you someday. I kind of feel it’s impossible, personality-wise. I’m the type that reacts instantly to everything…
Rikka: *laughs* I am me, and you are you. And I think that’s fine. Continuing this job, you’ll probably find your own way to agree to things. Besides, I’m not an adult at all. I do my best not to disappoint those people who have a good image of me, and I’m always thinking that it’d be nice if I could make them happy. We, SolidS, are living in the fan’s images and dreams. And if that’s the case, let’s make it the best dream possible!
Tsubasa: Rikka… yep. I understand the last part. I’m the same. I’m super happy if we get cheers during lives, but at the same level, it’s the best if people say that being SolidS’ fan is fun or makes them happy. And for that too, we continue our efforts!
Rikka: That’s it. For example, this job. Tsubasa, you have to play perfectly the boy who is leading a wild life, starved for love.
Tsubasa: Right… And when I do what they want from me completely, I’ll change the image and recognition they have of me!
Rikka: That’s the spirit, that’s the spirit!
Tsubasa: Okay! Thanks, Rikka! I’m motivated now. I’m looking forward to your passionate performance of that mysterious coffee shop master!
Rikka: Coffee shop master… he really is a mysterious character. After all, we don’t even know his past ourselves!
Tsubasa: *laughs* Give us the annex we have to see for reference, Haiduki-saaan!
Both: *laugh*
Dai: *sigh* “The junior of a stubborn employee. His second year as a working adult. Has an inflexible personality, and starting with the clients, he has conflicts with various people. He is worried that he might not be fit for this job.”, huh… He’s almost like me, so it seems like it’ll be a role easy to get into, but… Acting, huh… *sigh*
*door knocks*
Dai: Yes! *opens door* Shiki?
Shiki: As I thought, you’re still awake. Can I go in? I brought a sweet chocolate.
Dai: Go ahead.
*closes door*
Shiki: Here you go.
Dai: Thanks.
Shiki: So, Dai. You don’t really like acting?
Dai: You’re pretty direct.
Shiki: I’m the same. I’m not as good with words as Tsubasa or Rikka. We’re both awkward, so it’s fine to be direct, isn’t it? You can be it with me too.
Dai: Okay. Then, I’ll take up on your offer… I’m hopeless about acting.
Shiki: Hopeless, huh?
Dai: Absolutely.
Shiki: Hm. Why do you think that?
Dai: Why… you’d understand if you look at me. I have trouble even with my own words. I could never speak someone else’s words. Even in Soliradi, there are many times when I only interject. I know many people say that on the internet too. And someone like me acting… I’m not fit.
Shiki: I see. I don’t think that’s the case, though.
Dai: … Eh?
Shiki: Rather, I have the feeling you’re the one who’s best fit for acting among us.
Dai: Ah… how exactly?
Shiki: You have no problems vocalizing, your looks are good and you have presence. And to that extent, you would have to choose the role, but it’s a strength that you were born with a distinctive atmosphere. The one who looks more dramatic just standing is not Tsubasa, or Rikka, it’s you, Dai.
Dai: … That’s the first time I hear that.
Shiki: Because that’s the first time I say it.
Dai: … I think Tsubasa or Rikka have more presence, though.
Shiki: If it’s only presence and charm, it’s true. But the one that make us feel drama, the one that is dramatic, is you. I can’t explain it well, but if Tsubasa and Rikka are a painting, you’re a movie, so to speak. Something that tells by moving. That’s the image you have.
Dai: Something that tells by moving…
Shiki: There’s one reason why I accepted this job that I didn’t say in the agency. I wanted you to do this kind of job.
Dai: …
Shiki: I think I also grew while being with you all.
Dai: Eh?
Shiki: *sips* I like music. Music is in my foundation. The thing I want to do the most hasn’t changed, both in the past and now: music. However, I’ve come to look at other fields now. For example, acting. For example, radio. For example, corners of a variety show. Honestly, I’ve been following through music myself. I’m a person that doesn’t have a wide range. And I’m awkward.
Dai: If that’s the case I’m also-
Shiki: You’re not, Dai. I’m saying this having experienced all kinds of things as an idol once. You’re not the same. You’re one-sidedly deciding your limits without trying things.
Dai: …
Shiki: I’m fine like this, really. Because I strengthened my resolve and decided that music was my path in life. However, you guys don’t need to be the same. Not only music, I want you to see a vast world. I want you to aim higher. And I want you to tell me what you see from there. In order to make better music.
Dai: Shiki…
Shiki: It might be just my ego. But the more I work together with you, the more possibilities I see, and I want to make the best use of them. This is, precisely, the real thrill of being a producer.
Dai: …
Shiki: Try all you can do. If you fail and get criticized in the internet, and that makes you feel depressed, smash your phone’s screen. You only need to accept those things that are said at your face. This is how worth it is to challenge things.
Dai: Smash your screen… that’s radical.
Shiki: I’m just saying you need to know when to worry about things and when to not.
Dai: … So pushy, as always. You don’t intend to draw back, do you, Shiki?
Shiki: You should know that since the moment you entered SolidS.
Dai: Right. That’s true. … Understood. For now… no, that’s wrong. I’ll do everything I can. I’ll give it my all to what I can do.
Shiki: *chuckles* Yeah.
Dai: You pushed my back, okay? If I end up being a terrible actor after all this, you better take responsibility and get criticized with me.
Shiki: Don’t underestimate a former salaryman. I’m used to criticism.
Dai: Salarymen are so strong. By the way, your character is the closest to your real self, isn’t it?
Shiki: Like I told you, I’m unskilled when it comes to anything other than music. I asked in advance, and got them to make it as easier as possible for me.
Dai: Uwah. That’s not fair.
Shiki: Producer privileges. You too, get famous enough soon so you can request your roles.
Dai: That future is too far away. But, I’ll do my best!
Shiki: Yeah. Your “best” is really doing your best, so I’m expecting great things. And I don’t care if it’s not acting. Aside from music, find the possibilities that belong only to you, Dai.
Dai: Yes. I definitely will.
Track 2 || Translation index || Track 4
TL notes:
I cried when I listened to this track for the first time, at Shiki and Dai’s part. I cried my eyes out again while translating it. Maybe because of what Shiki says, maybe because of what Dai says, maybe because of both. But this talk they have is so relevant, because it shows what’s important as an idol, and as a person. The lesson Shiki teaches us is not to decide your own limits without trying. And it also really shows the love and trust he has on SolidS and especifically Dai in this case, and wants him to believe in himself. I’m tearing up again...
Tsubasa and Rikka’s conversation is also very important. People having their own images of the idols they love is not a bad thing, and even if the images are not exactly like their real selves it doesn’t mean they’re “lying”, or “acting”. They will continue to be themselves while trying to live up to people’s expectations, because they want fans to be happy of being their fans.
Rant over I just really love this track a lot.
Thanks for reading!
46 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -WHITE- drama
White canvas
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Translation index || Soliradi
Shiki: Dai, are you here?
Dai: Ah, Shiki.
Shiki: Didn’t you say you were going out?
Dai: I went out, had a lesson, and just came back.
Shiki: Hm? What time is it now?
Dai: … That question is out of place. As always, you work too much. You were shut in, right?
Shiki: More or less. I just got out of my room to take a break. Can I go in?
Dai: Go ahead. Although I’m in the middle of tidying up so it’s a bit of a mess.
*door closes*
Shiki: Hmm.
Dai: ?
Shiki: You’re too soft. I wouldn’t call this a mess.
Dai: … You and Tsubasa should reduce your things a bit. There’s no way of tidying that up.
Shiki: I’m offended you’re comparing me to that. Did that luggage got sent from your home?
Dai: Yes. I told them they could throw it away, but…
Shiki: What’s that you’re holding?
Dai: An album from my high school days.
Shiki: From the time you were a swimmer?
Dai: My mom… my mother always used to take photos when there was a big race.
Shiki: These photos are nicely taken.
Dai: At first they were always out of focus, though. Before I noticed, she got better.
Shiki: They’re good photos. You look honest, too.
Dai: Oh… you think so?
Shiki: Photos are… something mysterious. They only cut off one scene, but I have the feeling that the passion you used to put into swimming, and your family’s love, are reflected too.
Dai: That’s a bit scary. Like I can’t hide anything.
Shiki: Right? That’s why Rikka, who is strong with photos, is amazing.
Dai: … I agree.
Shiki: Hm? I’ve seen this face somewhere else.
Dai: Ah, Tsubasa. I think you know already, but he gets along with my parents. He got the races’ schedule directly from them, so he appears here and there.
Shiki: That’s fine, but why is he wearing a winning medal?
Dai: That’s my medal. He started saying he’d go home wearing it. I was against it, but he was wearing it before I noticed.
Shiki: I see. I don’t understand this development at all, but I can kind of imagine it.
Dai: *chuckles* I know, right.
Shiki: *closes album* Thank you.
Dai: Oh… it’s so nostalgic.
Shiki: It’s not something from that long ago to feel nostalgic already, is it? At most, two or three years.
Dai: That’s true, but… I don’t know. To me, it feels like something that happened ages ago. When my career as an athlete ended, a chapter of my life ended with it. Probably, it’s because of that.
Shiki: Dai…
Dai: Eh- ah, I’m sorry. It’s not hard or painful anymore. You don’t need to be considerate or anything. I’m not pretending to be tough, really. I bet I would have been more frustrated if I had given up swimming because “I don’t have talent” or “my efforts don’t amount to anything”. But it’s not like that, it’s just…
Shiki: It’s just?
Dai: I still sometimes dream about races.
People’s cheers and the sound of water. Make my mind go blank, and just, nothing but swimming. Forward, forward. Further ahead. Dreams of that time when I wouldn’t even think I’d quit swimming.
*people’s cheers*
Dai: *pants*
Dai: Yes, thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Heeeey! Dai-chaaaaan!!
Dai: Ah, um, I’m making someone wait, so… I’m sorry. Please excuse me.
Tsubasa: Ciao, Dai-chan! Good work on the race!
Dai: You… stop calling me Dai-chan already. I’m not a kid, it’s embarrassing!
Tsubasa: It’s not embarrassing, it’s cute!
Dai: Ugh…
Tsubasa: More importantly, were you in the middle of something? Is it okay?
Dai: Yeah. They called me, so I was just greeting them.
Tsubasa: But wasn’t that person scouting you?
Dai: Well, yeah.
Tsubasa: Oooh, amazing!! Geez, you got so splendid!!
Dai: … Anyway, what are you doing here?
Tsubasa: Eh? What do you mean, “what”? It’s obvious! I came to get you.
Dai: Oh… and mom and the others? Weren’t you together?
Tsubasa: They went back first to start preparing your victory celebration party. Aki-san told me to go home while eating an ice cream or something, and gave me some pocket money!
Dai: That so.
Tsubasa: How about you look a bit happier? You won by a landslide! Hero!
Dai: Ouch.
Tsubasa: Athlete Murase, please give us a comment about your feelings!
Dai: … When I noticed, there was no one around me.
Tsubasa: Uwah. What’s with that super cool line!
Dai: Shut up.
Tsubasa: Ahh, wait, Dai! Let’s eat some ice cream!
Tsubasa: Mmm, it’s so cold!!
Dai: I thought you didn’t come today.
Tsubasa: Aki-san called me. “Tsubasa-kun, come!!”
Dai: *sigh* I told her she didn’t need to.
Tsubasa: It’s your fault for not telling me.
Dai: You’re not even interested in swimming.
Tsubasa: That’s not really true though? No matter what it is, an earnest game is always worth watching. Especially, I want to see you win.
Dai: Oh really.
Tsubasa: Also? You won’t play with me at all lately! Saturdays and Sundays always practicing, practicing!
Dai: Ah… now that you say it, I have the feeling I hadn’t seen your face in a while.
Tsubasa: You just realized now?! Dai-chan, you’re so cold!
Dai: *sigh* Even if it’s not me, I bet you have many friends to go out with.
Tsubasa: Well, yeah? But more importantly, Dai… Are you having fun swimming now?
Dai: … What’s with this, all of a sudden.
Tsubasa: You know, you look like a monk in training lately. I guess it’s nice to have something you can devote yourself to, though.
Dai: Swimming… feels good. And if it feels good, it means it’s fun, right?
Tsubasa: Hmm?
Dai: And getting faster as you do it, it’s simple.
Tsubasa: Well, that must be fun! And people around you will praise you, too.
Dai: I don’t care about other people.
Tsubasa: Eeeh, you’re lying!
Dai: I’m not.
Tsubasa: You’re lying, totally lying! If you do something amazing and do your best, and people praise you, it makes you happy. If someone has expectations for you, it makes you want to live up to them! Isn’t it like that?
Dai: Uh… I… want to get faster. Only that.
Tsubasa: Hmm? Well! I guess we can leave it at that.
Dai: Ugh… why do you keep picking on that?
Tsubasa: That’s…
Dai: That’s?
Tsubasa: Aaaah, your ice cream is melting!! For me~ *nom*
Dai: Hey!!! Don’t snatch other people’s things!! Are you a child?!
Tsubasa: But if you don’t eat it, it’s a waste!
Dai: It’s not like I’m leaving it for later!
Tsubasa: Come on, come on, don’t sweat the small stuff!
Dai: Now that I think about it, probably Tsubasa already knew it at that time. The fact that I, who was supposed to be swimming just because I liked swimming, was unconsciously anxious. That the bigger the expectations around me were, the more anxious I got. And I couldn’t stop overdoing it. But… when I realized, it was after the doctor told me I couldn’t go back to competitive swimming.
Tsubasa: Excuse me for the intrusion~
Dai: Hey! Don’t take my earphones without telling me.
Tsubasa: Let’s see, let’s see~ what are you listening to?  Ahh, come on, you should listen to something more flashy, not this boring music!
Dai: Boring… didn’t you have any other way to say it?
Tsubasa: … How are you feeling?
Dai: … I can raise my arm quite a lot now.
Tsubasa: Oh, that’s amazing!! You couldn’t raise it higher than your shoulder before. To celebrate it, Tsubasa-kun will treat you to something good today! Where do you want to go?
Dai: I don’t feel like doing that.
Tsubasa: Then, what do you feel like doing?
Dai: Why do I have to tell you?
Tsubasa: Come on, just talk! Everything that’s inside you. It’s not good to keep it all in, you need to let it out! You’ll just poison yourself.
Dai: Did you come to act like a senior and lecture me?
Tsubasa: *chuckles* More or less! You don’t usually get depressed this obviously. As your onii-chan, of course I’d want to meddle! Even if you shut yourself in your room, you won’t solve anything. Go outside, do something and I’m sure something will start!
Dai: It’s none of your business. It’s not like… there’s any poison. It’s not painful. I do think I was an idiot, though.
Tsubasa: I wonder why do you keep saying it’s not painful? At times like this, I think you’d feel a bit better if you cried.
Dai: I think so too…
Tsubasa: Ah… Enough! The talk is over! Come on, stand up!
Dai: Wait- hey, Tsubasa!
Tsubasa: At least take a breath of fresh air! Okay, let’s go!
Dai: And, because Tsubasa kept meddling and being annoying, I went with him to eat out sometimes…
Shiki: And that’s how you ended up at that bar where we first met.
Dai: Yep. And well, I guess in the end he was not wrong.
Shiki: You don’t look fully convinced, though.
Dai: If I thanked him right to his face, he’d definitely get carried away.
Shiki: Well, yeah. Anyway, a monk in training? That’s a perfectly fitting phrase. You’re something close to that lately, too. Singing and dancing, you’re going to lessons of both in a pretty high frequency, right?
Dai: … I’m sorry.
Shiki: Ah, no, don’t misunderstand. It’s good that you’re diligent. There are many musicians that don’t practice, but I don’t really like that. Just… be moderate.
Dai: Yes! There are times I get a bit scared… that I might do that again.
Shiki: As long as you’re conscious, you’ll be fine.
Dai: Also, um… Shiki… You also look a bit risky to me…
Shiki: Well, I’m no one to say this, but I’m also conscious it’s not somebody else’s problem. Now that I think about it, Rikka also used to get frustrated at me.
Dai: You two have known each other for a long time, right?
Shiki: Yeah. If we count up to the first time we met, it’s quite a lot.
The times when somehow we wanted company, or wanted to drink, no matter who said it first, we invited each other and met. That was the kind of relationship we had. But for me, who is bad at socializing, I almost didn’t have anyone I could invite without having any particular reason. That was a fact, too.
Rikka: Oh, could it be… Shiki?
Shiki: Rikka? What a coincidence.
Rikka: Right! I never thought I’d meet you at a TV station. Will you be in a music program?
Shiki: As if. I just came to see an artist I provided songs for.
Rikka: I see.
Shiki: And you? Are you appearing on something?
Rikka: It hasn’t been decided clearly yet. Today was just a meeting.
Shiki: You don’t look too happy.
Rikka: TV is a bit… you know. More importantly, I’m glad to see you look fine. I’m relieved.
Shiki: Hm? Did I do something to make you worry?
Rikka: *laughs* No matter how many times I invited you, you said you were busy. You kept rejecting me! Do you remember?
Shiki: Ah, now that you mention it, it’s true. I’m sorry.
Rikka: It’s fine. I know you’re just that kind of person.
Shiki: It’s not a lie, and I don’t have any ill will. I’m glad you invite me.
Rikka: I know that too. But I was uneasy because I didn’t know if you felt sick.
Shiki: Unfortunately, my body is the only thing that’s sturdy.
Rikka: With that answer, I don’t know if I should feel relieved or worry, after all. Really, you’re a workaholic.
Shiki: Do you have time now? I can make some time until my next work.
Rikka: I have nothing to do, but Mr. Popular doesn’t need to overdo it.
Shiki: Come on, don’t say that. Please.
Rikka: I’m joking, I’m joking. Sorry for being mean. Ah, right! There’s a café around here that people say is good. If you don’t mind, should we go there?
Shiki: Yeah. That’s good.
Rikka: It’s decided, then!
Shiki: … It’s good.
Rikka: I’m glad. I also wanted to come here.
Shiki: What, I thought you were a regular.
Rikka: I thought, might as well come with a certain person who loves coffee, so I kept it in reserve.
Shiki: Um…
Rikka: *chuckles* I’m happy my wish came true. Thank you for making time for me.
Shiki: If you thank me, I don’t know how to answer… *phone vibrates* Sorry, it’s me.
Hello, this is Takamura. Thank you for your hard work. Understood. Then, on another day. Yes. Excuse me.
Rikka: Is it fine?
Shiki: It’s just that one of the appointments for tonight got postponed. *phone vibrates* I’m sorry, so many times…
Rikka: It’s okay. Don’t worry and answer.
Shiki: Hello, this is Takamura. Ah, yes, it’s been a while. Let’s see… tomorrow, if it’s 9 pm onwards, I think I can have an appointment. Understood. Yes. Well then.
Rikka: 9 pm… that’s pretty late. By the way, what after this?
Shiki: One work at the evening, show up at the studio, buy something to eat in a convenience store on the way, and then onto the next studio.
Rikka: Wait a second. I can’t see how an appointment got cancelled from there. Hey, are you taking some time to sleep?
Shiki: Well… technically.
Rikka: Technically… Also, you should sit down in front of a table to eat. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I get the feeling you lost weight.
Shiki: Ah… is that so… so this is why I didn’t have enough holes in my belt lately…
Rikka: *sigh* Shiki. You know?
*phone vibrates*
Shiki: Ah…
Rikka: You won’t answer?
Shiki: Of course, it would be better if I answered, but…
Rikka: But?
Shiki: I have the feeling I should listen to what you say now. I’ll just say I was out of range.
Rikka: I’m half happy, half sorry…
Shiki: It’s something I did on my own. You don’t need to worry.
*drinks* … It’s good.
Rikka: Isn’t it cold already?
Shiki: To find your favourite coffee, you should look for coffee made from beans that tastes good even cold. While it’s hot, the detailed flavour is hidden, so you can’t say that’s the real taste.
Rikka: Is it like that?
Shiki: More importantly, what we talked about earlier. Please continue.
Rikka: Ahaha, um… What was I going to say?
Shiki: Probably, something respectable.
Rikka: Respectable, you say…? *bitter laugh* Ah… sleep properly, eat properly. That was it.
Shiki: So I’ve lost weight, huh…
Rikka: Actually, you didn’t have enough holes in your belt, right? I don’t want the next message I get from you to be a notice that you have collapsed because of malnutrition, okay?
Shiki: That’s, well… true.
Rikka: I can’t say anything about your work, and it’s good that it’s going well…
Shiki: I’m not good at refusing works that I can do if I try. There are some clients that still throw jobs at me, who used to be an idol, and being demanded also means it’s a chance. Anyway, right now, I want to make as many songs as possible, without thinking about anything else. I want to prove that my music has that much individuality and value.
Rikka: As always, you’re surprisingly stoic. But… hey, Shiki. I understand your feelings, but “individuality” and “value”, are not something that you make. It’s something that is born from the outside, from other people. I’m not a professional about music, but I like the songs Takamura Shiki makes. There’s no need to strain yourself. Even if you pretend to scrape everything off, there’s something that shows through for some reason, and I think that’s individuality.
Shiki: Scrape off…
Rikka: Something like a frame? Every time, the picture you display changes. The colours, too. But, as long as the person displaying it is you, Shiki, I’m sure it will be finished up as something that feels like you.
Shiki: Now I understand the things Rikka said. At that time, I believed a white canvas was the only weapon, and wielding the frame over my head, it was like I was desperately fighting an invisible enemy.
Shiki: Well, my biggest enemy is myself, though.
Dai: That… I get it. Also, even if you feel the weight of expectations and anxiousness until halfway, when you immerse yourself in something, it kind of goes away somewhere. I really understand that feel too. But, even me, I think sleep and food are the bare minimum.
Shiki: Looking back at it now, I can see I really haven’t grown at all, in that matter.
Dai: I’m sorry for being impertinent. But… your body not moving when you really need it... if I said it doesn’t hurt, I’d be lying. Shiki, I get the feeling you’ve lost a bit of weight.
Shiki: Have I?
Dai: I’m happy you’re worried about me, but please take care of yourself, too.
Shiki: Right. I do understand it, it’s just that I sometimes forget.
Dai: If Rikka heard that, I bet he’d be really angry.
Shiki: … Keep that a secret from Rikka.
Dai: Hmm… what should I do?
Shiki: Don’t be like that. Please. Anyway, lately, I get scolded before I screw up, so I’m way healthier than before.
Dai: Ah, me too, I think. He’s annoying, so now I can’t overdo it as much as before. Wait, don’t tell Tsubasa this.
Shiki: Can’t be helped. Let’s set that as the exchange condition.
*door knocks*
Rikka: Dai, are you here?
Dai: This voice… Rikka?
Shiki: Speaking of the devil, right?
Dai: I’ll open now!
*opens door*
Rikka: Ah, Shiki was here too. If you’d like, you two, want to have a tea in the lounge?
Shiki: There’s no reason to refuse. Let’s go?
Dai: ‘Kay.
Tsubasa: I’m hooome!
Rikka: Tsubasa! Welcome home. Just in time. I just poured some tea.
Tsubasa: Oh, lucky!! Mmm, the delicious smell of black tea!
Dai: Welcome home.
Tsubasa: Eh? Dai, what about the lesson?
Dai: I went, and came back a while ago.
Tsubasa: Oooh, I told you to be moderate and you’re actually doing it! Excellent, excellent! To this excellent Dai-chan, here! A present! Today’s a roll cake!
Shiki: You’re very thoughtful. I was just starting to think I was a bit hungry.
Tsubasa: Ohh, that’s rare! Shiki is here.
Shiki: It’s a change of pace.
Tsubasa: Oh! That’s a nice practice, too. The results of my education maybe?
Rikka: I’d be glad if that’s the case… Actually, I heard something earlier…
Tsubasa: Heard? What?
Rikka: “Keep that a secret from Rikka”, they said.
Shiki: *coughs*
Rikka: *laughs* Eh? Is there something wrong, Shiki?
Shiki: Rikka… You heard it…?
Rikka: Only a bit. Nothing about the details.
Dai: … That’s scary…
Rikka: Now that I think about it… you didn’t want Tsubasa to know, right, Dai?
Dai: Wai- you!! What and until when did you hear-
Shiki: Wait, Dai. Don’t chase too far.
Tsubasa: Hmm? What are you all talking about?
Shiki: It’s nothing.
Tsubasa: Ehh, from the way you said it it’s totally a lie! What is it, you two being so secretive?
Dai: It’s not like that.
Rikka: Really?
Dai: It’s not like I’m lying… probably.
Tsubasa: What do you mean probably!? Hey, Shiki!!
Shiki: Ugh… why are you throwing it at me now…
Rikka: Hey, Tsubasa. I have a plan. Don’t you think it’s easier to get secrets from people while eating something good?
Tsubasa: Ah! That’s true~ Okay, now it’s time for my roll cake to burst into flames!
Shiki: What kind of roll cake is that…
Rikka: *laughs* Well, then, guess I’ll go pour tea again? Because we’ll have a looooooong chat later. You two, get ready.
Dai: Shiki… in times like this it’s probably better to just tell everything from the beginning…
Tsubasa: Yeah, yeah! If you put on airs, it will get harder and harder~
Shiki: Ah… *clears throat* Rikka! Um… Can I help you with anything?
Tsubasa: Fufufu~ go get scolded by Rikka to your heart’s content!
Dai: *sigh* Geez, what a guy… you’re really…
Tsubasa: Eh? What? Tsubasa onii-chan, I love you? Aww, come on!! I know that already~
Dai: *chuckles* Idiot.
Shiki: Since we have the chance, let’s have a long talk together. About everything until now, and about everything from now on. The busy days we live together, no matter what happens, will become a colourful canvas inside of me.
Translation index || Soliradi
TL notes:
I love this track so much oh my god ;_; I’ve said it like 235632486 times but Shiki and Dai’s relationship is SO BEAUTIFUL
Next up is the last (for now!) Soliradi! Shiki goes wild as always.
Thanks for reading!
35 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song “Omoteura” Series - Ura track 2
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Track 1 || Translation index || Track 3
Rikka: Okay, this is Shiki’s omelette. Properly cooked.
Dai: Okay.
Rikka: Next I will make yours, then? Fluffy and melted.
Dai: Please.
Rikka: Leave it to me!
Dai: You’re good at this.
Rikka: Before entering the dorm I used to cook for myself, you see. I haven’t had time to cook lately, so it’s a good change of pace.
Dai: You look like you’re having fun.
Rikka: I am! Besides, today’s the first day in a while we’ll be all four together, from morning to night. Maybe I’m a bit too overjoyed.
Dai: Is that something to be overjoyed about? We’re always together at the dorm.
Rikka: That’s true, but I mean that working together is very fun. Don’t you think that?
Dai: Well… I do. We’re like family, so we can say anything, and we can suggest ideas from the same standpoint. It’s easy to feel that we’re doing a good job.
Rikka: Right? That’s why I think our work as SolidS is so fun.
Dai: I see.
Rikka: … Thanks to it, or how should I put it… SolidS’ Rikka has a quite mature image, so maybe fans would be disappointed if they saw the natural me. The real me is just a kid that gets excited just because being with the others makes him so happy.
Dai: You’re saying that, but I don’t think there’s someone who has a bigger gap between the general image and his real self than Shiki. He has a cool image, but he actually gets so absorbed in work he soon gets dirty, he’s an airhead and he’s nuts. And he snitches food.
Rikka: *laughs* You’re right. That may be true.
Dai: And that goes for me, too. SolidS’ Dai looks like he wouldn’t like sweet things, but actually I do.
Rikka: You really like sweet things, huh? You want your omelette fluffy and melty, too.
Dai: Don’t say it so seriously. Anyway, I think we definitely have gaps. We don’t know what kind of image do people have of us, and we can’t do anything about it. It’s just that I… We aren’t lying when we stand in front of the fans. Isn’t that fine?
Rikka: We’re not lying, huh… Yep, you’re right! It’s exactly that. I don’t think I’m lying either. That’s important, right?
Dai: So in other words… the Rikka that says “welcome to the world of evil”, is the natural Rikka too.
Rikka: You see, there’s like a kind of strange magical power on the stage! I’d prefer if you just called it “stage mode”…
U-um… Shiki and Tsubasa are late, aren’t they? Tsubasa’s the type that perks up as soon as he wakes up, but the process until he does wake up is pretty long…
Dai: He’s a heavy sleeper.
Rikka: *laughs* It’s always one of us who wakes him up, but today’s Shiki… ah, they’re here.
Tsubasa: Man, I can’t believe you! I thought my heart was going to stop!
Shiki: How many times do you think I called you? It’s your fault for not waking up.
Tsubasa: But even so, you wouldn’t normally- ah, Rikka, Dai-chan!! Listen to this!!! This guy here suddenly poured water on my face!!
Shiki: Don’t exaggerate. The correct is: I just spilled less than half of a glass of water on your cheek.
Tsubasa: That still doesn’t change the fact that you threw water onto my face!! I was super surprised, okay?! Aw come on, my pillow got wet, my hair got wet… it’s unbelievable!!
Shiki: What’s unbelievable is how much of a poor riser you are.
Rikka: Tsubasa, good morning. For starters, how about you wash your face? There’s a delicious breakfast waiting for you, so cheer up?
Tsubasa: Whoa! Today’s breakfast is Rikka-made?! Yay!!! I’ll go wash my face ASAP!!
Shiki & Dai: He’s so energetic so early in the morning…
Shiki: Let’s eat.
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: Let’s eat!
Dai: Today’s plans… start with the song recording first thing in the morning.
Shiki: If you think about your throat, the perfect time is after midday, but the studio wasn’t open.
Tsubasa: Ah… which studio?
Shiki: Daikanyama.
Rikka: Ahh, that one! I like it.
Dai: Me too. I really appreciate doing it in a place we’re used to.
Tsubasa: Dai-chan, there’s a huge difference when you can get into it and when you can’t, right?
Dai: Uh… I’m conscious about that.
Shiki: Today I’d prefer if you got into it. Evening onwards we have a meeting about an event, but I’d like to record all four of us before that, if possible.
Rikka: All four in one day? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch? Depending on the circumstances, there are times when one or two have to record on another day…
Shiki: That’s true. You don’t need to overdo it. You don’t need to, but thinking about the rest of the work, I’d like you to do your best.
Tsubasa: Ugh… Are you stuck in other matters again? Hey, make sure to reserve some time for SolidS’ work, leader!
Shiki: I’m making an effort to do that. Haiduki is adjusting things too, but there was something that overlapped and dragged on, you see.
Rikka: Our job involves many people and many circumstances. I don’t think we can do anything to avoid a certain amount of changes. We can’t help Shiki’s work directly, but I’ll do my best to make it as easy as possible.
Dai: Me too. I’ll work hard.
Shiki: I’m sorry.
Tsubasa: Can’t be helped! I’ll do it for you! This song is the kind of song I like, so I’m sure I’ll be super-fast!
Dai: I never thought I’d see a day when your stupidly high confidence would sound reliable.
Tsubasa: Hey, what do you mean “stupidly”!
Rikka: Now, now. Who wants a milk tea?
Tsubasa: Me! I want! Thank you, Rikka~
Shiki: There’s coffee too. Do you want coffee?
Tsubasa: Sadly, today I feel like milk tea.
Dai: I want tea, too.
Shiki: I was rejected. Today I’m the only one who wants coffee, huh.
Rikka: I’ll have one after eating.
Tsubasa: Ah, by the way, that Yokohama virtual date program from last time, we got messages on Soliradi that said it was very good! After all, my date plan was perfect.
Shiki: Yeah, yeah.
Dai: Tsubasa and Rikka are too strong with this kind of projects.
Shiki: You’re saying that, but my father even sent me a message especially to say that “Dai-kun was cute”.
Dai: *chokes*
Tsubasa: *laughs* Shiki’s dad is the best!!
Rikka: Dai is the type that is liked by older people, right? I get it, I get it.
Dai: Huh?! *coughs* What do you mean liked- *coughs*
Tsubasa: More than liked… I’d say loved…? Or that it makes you want to tease him~
Dai: It’s definitely the last one!! *coughs*
Shiki: *pats* Oh, Dai. Do you want some coffee?
Track 1 || Translation index || Track 3
TL notes:
Rikka saying “welcome to the world of evil” goes aaaaaall the way back to volume 1. Never forget.
Also I hope I’m not the only one who thinks that normal Shiki and Soliradi Shiki are slowly starting to become one...
Thanks for reading~
29 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song “Omoteura” Series - Ura track 5
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Track 4 || Translation index || Track 6
Shiki: Well, from now on we’ll start thinking about the future. There’s less than 2 months left for the next live event, the S.Q.P. From today onwards, we’ll give it our all and fill the contents.
Tsubasa: Oookay.
Dai: Yes.
Rikka: Understood. It’s the first big event we do with QUELL! Everyone, let’s do our best!
Shiki: So, first of all, please take a look at the documents in front of you.
Tsubasa: Hmm… the venue is Ryogoku Kokugikan, right? Ahhh, I’m so excited!!! I’ve seen it on TV before, but I’ve actually never gone to the Kokugikan!!
Rikka: Me too. I wonder how it is.
Shiki: I’ve gone once; I was invited to a live. But it’s the first time I’ll be standing on its stage. It has a special build with low seats, so it wasn’t used too much for events. However, there’s been a chronic shortage of event venues lately, and now it’s being used more often, apparently.
Tsubasa: There it is! The low seats! That… delimited square space? Tatami room? They’re seats like that, right? Like… those seats for cheering during athletic meets! Waah, I want to sit there!!
Rikka: Sit there… I think we’ll be standing on the stage though…
Dai: Kokugikan… I went to watch sumo there once, dragged by some relatives. I don’t really remember how it was, but I sat on the low seats and ate a bento.
Tsubasa: Ohhh, that’s nice, Dai-chan!! Sumo watching, huh? I’ve only watched sumo on TV. Hey, Dai-chan! Let’s wrestle on the stage!!
Dai: Huh? Why do we have to… At any rate, as soon as you get on the stage, you’ll show off a lot and you’ll be busy saying “Hello, Lizz!”
Tsubasa: That’s one thing, this is another! Anyway, it’s obvious I’ll show off on the stage, right? That’s our job after all. Proudly showing off is our worth! I take pride in becoming the ideal man that everyone dreams of.
Dai: The ideal man, huh…
Shiki: Hm. I don’t think the ideal man would say “let’s wrestle on the Kokugikan stage”.
Rikka: You would say it, though.
Shiki: Yes, yes. Hakke yoi! Wait, no.
Tsubasa: *laughs* The Okui Tsubasa from SolidS that the fans know, who shows off and nails it, and the me who is excited like a child for going to the Kokugikan, both are the real me.
Dai & Rikka: *chuckle*
Tsubasa: Oh? What? Dai and Rikka, why are you glancing suggestively at each other?
Rikka: Ehehe~ I just thought we had a similar conversation once.
Tsubasa: Oh… Hmm? Well, it’s fine. So anyway! Dai-chan?
Dai: Hm? What?
Tsubasa: Let’s make it so we can start wrestling somehow!!
Dai: I told you… why do we end up doing that? I’m absolutely against it.
Rikka: For now, we understood reeeeally well Tsubasa is very excited.
Shiki: Good grief. Are you a primary student going on an excursion? Calm down a bit.
Tsubasa: Ehhh, but you know!!! It’s the first live in a while!! And in a huge venue, and with QUELL!! Of course I’ll be super excited!! I love events!!
Dai: We know.
Rikka: Yep, we know.
Tsubasa: Right!! I knew I could trust my comrades.
Shiki: I got it, I got it. But, keep that excitement in reserve for later. Now it’s time for the meeting. Precisely because it’s a big venue, there’s a lot of things we have to decide and do beforehand. And so, let’s start again, from the first page. Let’s go over it quickly.
Tsubasa: Oookay! Let’s give a lot of ideas and make it a great event!
Shiki: I made the set list based on the songs everyone wanted, and the variation considering the overall structure. Any opinions?
Tsubasa: Yeees! Hey, these two songs, don’t they have a similar beginning?
Dai: Do they? I don’t think they’re that similar.
Tsubasa: Eh, really!? For me they’re in the same category… the feeling of the intro is similar.
Dai: I think they’re pretty different.
Tsubasa: Eeehh??
Rikka: If they’re similar or not, sometimes it depends on individual sensations. I do think they might have the same kind of atmosphere though.
Shiki: I bet.
Rikka: Oh. So this means you have something to add? Why did you put them in this order? If there’s any intention, please tell us.
Shiki: Yeah. For me, in the set list as a whole, I had the feeling that “up-tempo, slow tempo, up-tempo again” songs are on alternate for too long.
Rikka: Ahh… I see. So that will become just one pattern in a way too.
Shiki: That’s it. That’s why, so as to break the pattern, I purposely put too songs with a similar tempo in a row.
Tsubasa: Hmm… well, if you have that intention… nnggghhh…
Dai: If you don’t like it that much, how about exchanging it for this song?
Tsubasa: Nnngghh but, if you change one thing, the others will also need adjusting, and it will be a big deal… Wait a moment, I’ll put myself in the shoes of the audience waving their light sticks. The previous song ends… “kyaa, Tsubasa-kun, you’re so cool”, and so the intro for the next song starts playing…
Rikka: That’s a fun way to think about it.
Shiki: Watching it is fun too.
Tsubasa: And the first part ends… and then the chorus…
Shiki: However, standing on the viewpoint of the audience is correct.
Rikka: *chuckles* Right.
Rikka: Hey, Shiki. For this song’s staging, I want to use smoke. I’d like to make it a bit fantasy-like.
Tsubasa: Oh, that’s nice! Then, how about using a stand mic instead of a hand mic?
Rikka: Ah, I also thought about that, but won’t it overlap with QUELL?
Tsubasa: Ahhhh, they had it too…
Shiki: Wants smoke… okay. I’ll tell them there’s the idea of the stand mics too.
Dai: Shiki, I want to use lasers for this song. I want to make it flashy, in accordance to the sound.
Shiki: Got it. Lasers, right?
Tsubasa: Now that I think about it, you made the songs, don’t you have any requests for the staging?
Shiki: Me, huh? I worry about the manufacturing of the song, and the balance of the sound in the day of the live, but I’m not that particular about staging.
Dai: Huh… it’s kind of unexpected.
Shiki: Is it? Well, of course I won’t say I don’t have any at all, but you all seem to have a more detailed image about the live staging and choreography than me. So I’m thinking of leaving it to you. The right person in the right place, they say.
Rikka: Waaah, I’m happy, but that’s a huge responsibility!
Tsubasa: Okay! If it’s come to that, then leave it to me!! I’m on fire now!! So hey, can I start thinking about the entering and leaving the stage part?? Actually, there’s something I want to try…
Shiki: Oh, I see…
Track 4 || Translation index || Track 6
TL notes:
As you probably know, the S.Q.P. actually happened in July. They were dressed like the visuals for their characters, they sang and did Soliradi/Kuberadi. The BD/DVD is out in December and I 100% recommend to buy it!!
Ryogoku Kokugikan is a venue mostly used for sports events such as sumo or boxing, but lately it’s also used for live concerts. It has a central stage so they’re surrounded 360º by the audience. It has a capacity of 11k people which is pretty damn big.
Thanks for reading~
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Drama CD 3 PPF -the past, the present and the future- track 1
SolidS’ now
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Translation index || Track 2
Cameraman: Okay, that’s all! We got it! Good work!
Rikka: Good work.
Dai: Thank you very much.
Cameraman: Thanks to you, we finished quickly! One hour early. I didn’t expect any less!
Rikka: Not at all! We’re grateful to everyone from the studio, who always help to create a good atmosphere.
Cameraman: … If you’d like, could we get some more playful shots?
Rikka: Of course! You’re okay, right, Dai? Do you need a break?
Dai: No, I’m fine. Pleased to work with you.
Cameraman: That’ll help a lot. Well then, could you please move freely? We made you pose very properly earlier, so now forget about that and do as you please! Have fun!
Rikka: So he says. What should we do, Dai?
Dai: Being playful is your field of expertise, isn’t it? I’ll leave it to you. I’ll just match you.
Rikka: *chuckles* I can play freely because I know you’ll properly match me. You got really used to photo shoots. And what’s more, you can handle them perfectly now! You’re so reliable~
Dai: Yeah, yeah, mom. The camera is pointing at us.
Rikka: *chuckles* Well, then, let’s have them preserve our charms!
Tsubasa: And after that it was just a mess! Shiki started saying he’d redo everything… in the end we stayed until morning, with the staff.
Interviewer: Shiki-san just can’t give up, can he?
Tsubasa: Absolutely!! He really never gives up! Especially when it comes to music! He persists until the very end, and I was kind of expecting that we’d stay until morning… We all laughed saying “if only our prediction was wrong!”
Interviewer: *laughs* And about this new song that was finished after all that. Was it worthwhile?
Tsubasa: Of course, a lot! It’s perfect! Shiki is an inconvenience to others, but I have to give him my seal of approval for that. That’s why I go along with him, though. This song came to be because Rikka started saying he wanted to sing a ballad, and Dai-chan…
Shiki: Can I listen to this part one more time? Yes. Yes… Tsubasa’s voice and the orchestra at the back just clash and it makes it sound rough…
Hm, it’s good. It feels nice, so can I persist a bit more? The part just before entering the chorus…
Tsubasa: Well! Sorry for the wait! Lizz, the time for SolidS radio, aka Soliradi, is finally here! I’m, of course, the main personality! Okui Tsubasa! Okay, so, the rest of the members, a greeting!
Dai: Don’t say “the rest”! I’m Murase Dai from SolidS. Good evening. Hope we have fun today too.
Rikka: Likewise, from SolidS, I’m Sera Rikka! Let’s make it a fun night, okay~
Shiki: Good evening, I’m SolidS’ leader Takamura Shiki. Let’s have a good time.
Rikka: And the four of us together make SolidS!
Tsubasa: *laughs* We got Rikka’s usual line! And so, we are delivering this all four of us with you, this freedom radio! That’s Soliradi! Let’s go with the title call first! The fun Soliradi is… sta~rting~!
Tsubasa: Ahhh! It’s over, it’s over~ we finished the live broadcast with no problems! Today’s work is all over!
Rikka: Thank you for your stable MC today too, Tsubasa!
Tsubasa: No, no~
Dai: You’re really honey mouthed. I respect you.
Tsubasa: I’d prefer if you said I’m good at talking, Dai-chan!
Rikka: After this we only need to go back to the dorm, so what should we do? Should we go eat somewhere and then go home?
Tsubasa: Hmmm… Shiki, what do we do? … Wait, eh? Shiki??
Shiki: Sorry, I was on the phone talking to Haiduki.
Dai: With Haiduki-san… was there any trouble or modification?
Shiki: Relax. It was just a regular call to tell him we had finished with no problems.
Rikka: That’s good.
Shiki: And aside from that, you all, tomorrow, before going to each one’s schedules, we’ll drop by the agency.
Tsubasa: Eh, why?
Shiki: We have our work settled to some extent until the end of the year, and together with Haiduki, I want to do a simple meeting. We’ll start at 10 and finish before midday.
Tsubasa: Spring just started and we’re talking about the end of the year already! It feels weird, like always.
Shiki: Just be grateful that we have plans so further ahead.
Tsubasa: Well, yeah!
Dai: Tomorrow during morning, right? Understood.
Shiki: However… the end of the year, huh… After passing through that, I wonder what kind of evaluation we’ll be getting…
Rikka: Oh… Shiki?
Shiki: … It’s nothing. Well then, let’s eat something and go home.
Tsubasa: Are you treating us?!
Shiki: I’ll get the receipt. Or that’s what I’d like to say, but the other day the president praised us, that we’re doing a good job. Can’t be helped. I’ll be kind for once.
Tsubasa: Hell yeah!!!
Rikka: Yaaay!
Shiki: In exchange, I’ll choose the place. The usual izakaya.
Tsubasa: There again?! Lately we’re going like once a week!
Dai: You really love their braised stew, right. It’s true that it’s good, but…
Shiki: I just want to share with you all the fun of eating little by little their deep-flavoured stew while wetting our tongues with sake as soon as possible.  
Rikka: Shiki’s being refined!
Tsubasa: And he’s technically still in his twenties…
Shiki: Don’t say technically. I’m bursting with youth and energy in my twenties.
Dai: Yeah, yeah. You spend a lot of time sitting down, so please be careful about your back.
Shiki: You’re joining in too, Dai…
Translation index || Track 2
TL notes:
Heeello~ here we go with drama CD 3!! Almost up to date!!
I love how everyone treats Shiki like an old man. And Rikka is the mom confirmed.
Thanks for reading!
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akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -WHITE-
Soliradi Special Mini mini Edition (ver. WHITE)
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Drama || Translation index
Rikka: To all of SolidS’ fans: hello!
Tsubasa: All of SolidS’ members are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio!
Dai: SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Shiki: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Tsubasa: Yes! It’s here, it’s the time of Soliradi. Everyone in front of the radio: we meet again! I’m today’s main personality, Okui Tsubasa!
Rikka: Likewise, I’m Sera Rikka from SolidS. It’s finally the last episode of Soliradi mini mini edition. Let’s have fun until the end!
Dai: I’m Murase Dai from SolidS. Thanks to all the listeners’ support, I have the feeling I got used to the radio. Though I’m not used to the other member’s merriness. I’ll do my best and try not to lose.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader Takamura Shiki. Let’s have a lot of fun today tooo!
Dai: This is what I mean.
Rikka: The four of us together are SolidS! Please take care of us.
Tsubasa: Well! So after the introductions, let’s go for the explanation of Soliradi.
Shiki: In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio.
Rikka: From the messages and questions we received beforehand, our leader Shiki selects some. And while reading those, we answer them as much as we can. It’s that kind of radio.
Dai: While enjoying the interactions with the listeners, we also hope for you to know more about us, and continue supporting us. This radio has this kind of wish included, but…
Tsubasa: But?
Dai: … Won’t people think “this is different to what I imagined”?
Tsubasa: *bitter laugh* Well yeah, I can’t deny that. Like Shiki, or Shiki, or Shiki, or Shiki, or Shiki!!!! Doing whatever he wants!!! But, you know, Dai-chan? And the listeners too? It depends how you look at it.
Rikka: Yep, yep.
Tsubasa: Our super coolness as idols. And the friendliness behind it. You get to know both of them and enjoy the difference… well… you know, gap moe! Gap moe!
Shiki: You’re making me blush.
Tsubasa: I’m not charmed though.
Rikka: *laughs* I got to see Shiki when he has fun, and Tsubasa’s retorts and his reliability to make conversations advance, and Dai’s bare cuteness, so I like Soliradi.
Dai: It’s not like I’m cute.
Rikka: You’re cute!
Dai: I’m not.
Shiki: You’re cute!
Dai: Ugh… go to the next!!!
Tsubasa: Okay, okaaaay. Well then, let’s go with the messag-
Shiki: Question!
Tsubasa: O-ooh, what is it, why are you raising your hand? Erm, Shiki-kun?
Shiki: Usually, the one who reads the question is the one who the message is directed to. But this time, I’m thinking of changing the direction and make someone else read the question, as if it was an interview.
Rikka: Oh, that sounds fun!
Shiki: To accept the fans’ feels and make them bigger and stronger is our duty as idols. In exchange for the listeners, the other members convey their feelings. Read the messages properly while reflecting upon the importance of that.
Tsubasa: Mm, yeah, that’s fine, but I feel there’s something behind…
Shiki: Okay! Then, a message for Tsubasa, from Dai. This.
Dai: Eh, me? Uh… From Miki-san. “A question for Tsuu-kun. Tsuu-kun, you always look very energetic, but how do you change your mood when you get depressed? If you don’t mind, please tell us. I’ll be supporting you from now on too. … T-Tsuu-kun, I love you.”
Shiki: I… wanted Dai to say Tsuu-kun…
Tsubasa: Only because of that, right?! It’s really only because of it that you included all this pretense!!!!
Dai: Ngh…
Rikka: Dai is completely red. Good work.
Shiki: Come on, Tsubasa. The reply, the reply!
Tsubasa: Don’t “the reply, the reply” me! Tsk, but the message is not at fault. *clears throat* Um, Miki-san, thank you so much for the support. My way to change my mood, huh… Chatting, shopping, and walking around the city, I guess? Anyway, if I get shut in in my own world, I end up overthinking, you know… like, my mood gets even worse. I try to force myself to get out and interact with the outside world. When you’re depressed, I think there are times when you want people to leave you alone, but it’s okay to think “don’t leave me alone” too!
Rikka: Didn’t expect any less. Actually replying properly, that’s our Tsubasa. Excellent, excellent!
Tsubasa: Rikka is so healing~
Shiki: Well then, a message for Rikka, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Roger! Here, from Kono-san. “To Rikka-san, hello! It’s a bit sudden, but in Rikka-san’s solo song there’s the word “Cinderella” in the lyrics. If you could become a character from a fairy tale, which would you like to be?”
Dai: I was the only one who got the difficult message to read or what…
Rikka: *laughs* Thank you for your question. A character from a fairy tale, huh… I think I would like to become a wizard.
Tsubasa: Oooh! I think there are a lot of wizards everywhere, but which?
Rikka: The witch from The Little Mermaid.
Dai: A villain?
Rikka: I don’t think you can really call them that. That witch, originally, made true the wish of the little mermaid to become human, which was impossible. Even if it was with a lot of conditions. It was the little mermaid herself who chose a dangerous bet, and I think you can’t really call the witch “bad”. There’s no clear “good” or “bad”… I feel… it was just a person who could use magic.
Shiki: You admire that?
Rikka: Yep. I know it’s a bit rare, though.
Dai: Only a bit?
Rikka: *laughs* Maybe not a bit.
Shiki: Next, a question for me. Rikka.
Rikka: Okaaay~ Eh, here we have one from Boxer pants-san. “To Shiki-san. I’m studying music, but lately I can’t focus on practicing and I’m unmotivated. Please scold me.”
Shiki: Fight!!! Scooold!!
Tsubasa: That’s short!! You chose one you could finish quickly, right?! Tsk, as if I would let Shiki be the only one comfortable!! Where are the spares!! Er, around here?! Eh, here, from Hiyako-san. “Please give me a coffee.”
Shiki: A coffee for you!
Tsubasa: Here, from Tomato-san. “How can I draw well a gorilla?”
Shiki: Search for images of gorillas~! Let’s try to draw it while looking at them.
Tsubasa: Here, from Sute koinu-san. “Tell me a kind of broth other than oden that goes well with rice!”
Shiki: Ramen rice is good, too!
Tsubasa: No, the questions for you are all way too dry!! And have nothing to do with idols!!
Dai: If you’re going to put it on rice, salmon flakes and nori. Also, minced meat. I like to pour hot water over it.
Tsubasa: Dai-chan, you’re expanding that?! Uh, I like to put on canned whole tomatoes, throw cheese over it and make a risotto, though?!
Rikka: I like ochazuke with dried plum and salted konbu.
Shiki: This really shows our interests. If you have warm white rice with a meal, everyone is happy and energetic.
Tsubasa: Okaaay, again there’s nothing left of SolidS in this radio…!
Shiki: In that case, we’ll take back SolidS’ soul with the next message! Dai!!! From Rina-san. “Hello. Dai-chan, inside of SolidS, you’re the youngest child, right? I’m the oldest daughter so I don’t know, but tell us what’s difficult of being the youngest child. Also, I’d be happy if you tell us the good parts of it, too.”
Dai: Youngest child… well, age-wise I guess I’ll be that.
Tsubasa: Hmm… Age aside, personality-wise, I think the little brother position suits you too.
Shiki: That’s right. Dai is the younger brother type.
Dai: Uh… am I that unreliable?
Tsubasa: *laughs* No, no, you’re reliable too, and we’re depending on you! But not in that sense, I mean that you’re the type to be spoiled, not the one that spoils. You can also call in the teased position too~
Rikka: Yep yep. You’re the tallest, and your way of talking and personality are very calm. You’re cool but… there are times you suddenly show us your cute side, right? As seen from the outside, we end up wanting to look after you.
Shiki: Cool, but cute. Our pride and joy: our youngest child. That’s it.
Dai: What’s difficult is being teased by these three brocons like this, and being played by them.
Tsubasa: *laughs*
Dai: What’s good is… that while they tease me and play me, they teach me a lot of things, and make me grow up.
Rikka: Dai…! Yes, that’s true. We also learn a lot of things from you, and grow up, too.
Shiki: What a touching story!!
Tsubasa: Your intervention is ruining it though.
Rikka: Well, with this we’ve done one round?
Dai: It seems… we still have a bit of time.
Tsubasa: Okay, let’s read as many as we can! Here, from Saetaro-san. “If someone says, “let’s go on a date tomorrow!” where would you take them?” Hmm… let’s see, first of all to a café that has a super delicious morning menu, and have a great breakfast! And while eating, I’d like to decide where we go together.
Shiki: Hm. Like the meeting we always do on mornings.
Tsubasa: That’s totally different!!!
Rikka: Next, from Mira-san. “This CD’s colour is white, so what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear ‘white’”? Hmm… a pure white shirt with a simple silhouette. It’s something you can wear with everything and go anywhere.
Dai: The fact that clothes is the first thing that comes to your mind is so like you.
Rikka: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind?
Dai: Uh… a fluffy futon?
Rikka: *laughs* Even if it’s also the bed, the fact that you didn’t say white sheets is very like you, and very cute.
Dai: From Batako-san. “The other day, Tsubasa exposed a secret episode from you, so this time I really want you to expose a secret from him too.” … Ah… While he was getting his make-up done, they gave him a magazine to kill time, and he was reading the fortune-telling page super focused.
Tsubasa: You reveal that here?? But that’s, you know, don’t you check to know what do you get? Like those where you add all the numbers of your birth date.
Dai: I have zero interest in it, so I won’t do it.
Tsubasa: You traitor~
Rikka: I understand. I end up checking it too.
Tsubasa: Rikka!!! My kindred soul!!!
Shiki: I don’t even have the chance to get magazines with features like that.
Tsubasa: You’re also reading documents or working during the free time while you get your make-up done, right?
Shiki: I have a slight interest in horoscopes, though. Wishing on a shining star…!
Tsubasa: Um, yeah. I’m sure even the stars are surprised about how the line and the energy and the appearance don’t match.
Shiki: Here, from Kino-san. “Speaking of Shiki-san, you always talk very passionately about your home town, Nagano Prefecture, so if you have any places we should go to if we visit Nagano, or any food recommendations, please tell us”. Okay, Nagano! The theme is Nagano. WELCOME TO LONG FIELD.
Dai: He’s more excited than ever.
Shiki: This is a personal opinion, so I’ll accept any objection. My recommended spots are Matsumoto Castle, Utsukushigahara’s starry sky, Suwa taisha. Aside from these, city sights are also fun, but I also want you to go to the suburbs by car, bus or train and see Nagano’s typical natural splendour. About food, soba is famous, and there are many restaurants so I’d almost want you to eat and compare them, but if you have time, I’d be happy if you try temaki sushi wrapped in bamboo grass, or sasazushi. Depending on the region, the ingredients are different, and those differences are fun, too.
Tsubasa: Hey Shiki, you’re talking even longer than when you talk about music!
Rikka: I guess it’s nice to love your homeland so much…
Tsubasa: Ah come on, let’s go to the next, next! Time-wise, maybe the last? Here, from Torihi-san. Thank you! “To everyone. Please say a line that will make girls skip a beat! Please!” Hey, at least the last one, let’s make it idol-like! I chose this one with this wish in mind.
Rikka: Tsubasa, you’re excellent!
Dai: I’m not good at this, okay… I do want to make people happy, though…
Shiki: Don’t worry, Dai. There are girls that have already skipped a beat with that line just now. Okaaay, I’ll do my best!!
Dai: That’s a huge flag.
Shiki: No, at the end I’ll do it seriously.
Rikka: “At the end”, he said.
Tsubasa: Okay then, I’m starting!
Thank you for listening until now. I had a lot of fun talking with you today. I want to see you again… we can meet again, right? While looking forward to that… tonight, dream about me, okay? It’s a promise. *kiss*
This was Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Rikka: The COLOR trilogy, dyed in many colours. And the special edition of Soliradi, is ending with this one. Thank you for staying with us until the end. When you’re tired, or you’re feeling sad, or in sleepless nights… if I could be by your side… Thinking that, I sing songs, and words, wishing that my feelings will reach you…
This was Sera Rikka!
Dai: The COLOR series, where I sang many different songs with the other members. It was fun. Thank you. I want to meet you again. I’ll believe we’ll meet again.
This was Murase Dai.
Shiki: And so, the unit song COLOR series, was completed. Red, black, white, I hoped you enjoyed the respective songs. Groping to show different individuality and amusement, the members sang with all their might the songs I made with all my might. I’m grateful, from the bottom of my heart, that I can deliver my songs to all of you. Well… a line that will make them skip a beat at the end…
It was fun, thank you.
Okay, good work! We’re going drinking, you guys!!
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: Yeah!!
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
Nagano (長野) means, literally, long (長-い) field (野). Yes, I know. Yes, you can hit him.
I put some links to photos of the spots Shiki mentions so you can get a visual image. They all look beautiful, I want to go too ;_;
And with this CD, the second season is over!! Only a few more CDs to catch up~ thanks for reading!
29 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -BLACK- drama
You who wear black
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Translation index || Soliradi
Shiki: Thank you for today.
Rikka: Good work!
Dai: Thank you very much.
Tsubasa: Looking forward to working with you again! Ahhh, we’re done, we’re done!
Rikka: Today we finished earlier than expected.
Dai: Right.
Shiki: Hm, so it’s this hour. You guys, do you have any plans after this?
Rikka: Not especially. I got some time, so I was thinking of hitting the gym?
Dai: Man, you’re always moving. If you’ve got nothing to do, how about relaxing for once in a while?
Rikka: Eh? Ah, no, no! The place I go to has a spa and a sauna. I also train, but only a bit. If I had to say, I go there to relax.
Tsubasa: Oh, that’s nice!
Rikka: Want to go together?
Tsubasa: I’ll go! … that’s what I’d love to say, but I’m thinking of showing up at the university.
Dai: Your credits were at risk, right?
Tsubasa: Dai-chan, don’t say things like that.
Shiki: So are they at risk?
Tsubasa: They’re not!! But you know, from now on I don’t know when I’ll have consecutive breaks? So I want to go whenever I can, and improve their impression about me.
Rikka: Could it be that Haiduki-san said that?
Tsubasa: Bingo.
Shiki: Well, it’s a solid argument. Dai, you?
Dai: I finished work with this, and I have no training planned either, so nothing especially.
Shiki: Then, why don’t we grab a bite?
Rikka: Ah, that’s nice!
Tsubasa: Oh! Are you treating us, Shiki?
Shiki: We’re on our way back from work, so I’ll get the receipt.
Tsubasa: Boo.
Dai: You’re not going to pay anyway, so why are you complaining?
Tsubasa: But of course, it doesn’t feel the same if Shiki’s paying or the company is paying! Anyway, if I eat something expensive, I can see Haiduki-san scolding me with a smile.
Shiki: You should hold back a bit on my wallet, too.
Rikka: *laughs*
Dai: Where do we go? I only come to this area for work, so I don’t really know about restaurants around here.
Shiki: Hm, I know about a good soba restaurant.
Tsubasa: Ehhh… Every time we go eat with you we always end up there! Hey, Rikka, don’t you have any fashionable café you usually go to or something?
Rikka: Hmm… if we talk about cafés, I know two or three, but it’s lunch time so maybe they’re crowded…
Dai: Then how about we try to go, and if it’s crowded we go to the soba restaurant?
Shiki: You’re right, let’s do that.
Rikka: Then, here.
Dai: It’s around midday, but there are a lot of people shopping.
Rikka: They might be students.
Tsubasa: Man, I’d like to walk around here for something other than work… Oh!
Shiki: Hm? What is it?
Tsubasa: Ah, look! Those clothes would look good on Rikka!
Dai: Ah, that blue one.
Shiki: It’s a nice light colour.
Rikka: It’s true, it’s a beautiful colour.
Tsubasa: Right? Ah, but… I know I said it myself, but it’s kind of boring. As for me… I’d like you to wear something like that!
Rikka: Eh, something like that… the one from the shop next to it?
Tsubasa: Yep yep! That black mode-style sweater.
Shiki: Now that you mention it, I haven’t seen you wear black too much in your everyday clothes.
Rikka: Eh, you think so?
Dai: That’s true. Our outfits usually have black or red, strong colours, but your plain clothes don’t.
Rikka: Hmm… If you say so, maybe it’s true… Since I joined SolidS, the times I wear black have increased a lot, but… Maybe it’s because of my facial features? When I was a model, they made me wear mostly soft colours. I got used to wear them, so even in my private life, I unconsciously… you know?
Tsubasa: The clothes you own have a simple design, are nice to the touch, and have a loose figure… like, your shoulders won���t get stiff from wearing them. They have an overall soothing feeling.
Rikka: I think I’m conscious about the fact that I can feel relaxed wearing them.
Dai: Comfortable clothes are great.
Shiki: Somehow, we are stressed every day.
Tsubasa: Well, yeah! But I still think Rikka would look good in intense colours too. His looks are gorgeous, so he won’t lose against lively colours. It’s kind of a waste! He would definitely look great.
Shiki: Well, no matter what you make him wear, he’ll look picture-perfect. After all, he’s a former model.
Rikka: *chuckles* Thank you.
Shiki: From my point of view, you can’t choose that kind of vivid colours if you’re not confident in your fashion sense. You can’t wear them stylishly. Black is more comfortable.
Dai: I get it. If you don’t know what to wear, it’ll work out if you combine black and white.
Tsubasa: Hey hey hey, you two there, you’re performers so you should try to wear clothes with brighter colours too!
Rikka: I think Dai would surprisingly suit colours like beige pink or pale yellow.
Dai: Pink? Yellow? That’s too difficult for me.
Tsubasa: Hehe… should I choose for you next time?
Dai: You’d probably choose a weird design so no.
Shiki: Right. You should stop.
Tsubasa: Wait, you there! You should trust me a bit more!
Rikka: You have a good fashion sense. You can perfectly wear things that have very bold patterns, too. And you’re sensitive to trends.
Tsubasa: Hehe, I’m the kind of person who has control over the standards and things that are popular.
Rikka: But even so, it’s not like you’d wear anything as long as it’s popular. You know what looks good on you. After all, you have good sense.
Tsubasa: I know, right?
Dai: And you say it yourself…?
Shiki: Well, even if you wear something with a weird design, it won’t look too bad. I guess you could say that’s a talent, too.
Tsubasa: Listen here! Why can’t you praise me in a more normal way?
Shiki: I think I just gave you the biggest praise.
Dai: Hey, clothes are nice too, but I got hungry.
Rikka: Ah, that’s true! We came to eat.
Tsubasa: The restaurant is in that alley?
Rikka: Yep.
Dai: Let’s go.
Shiki: The soba restaurant is not too far from here, either.
Tsubasa: Leave the soba alone already!
Dai: I don’t mind either way, though.
Rikka: Black, huh…
Dai: Hey, Rikka!
Rikka: Ah, sorry!
Tsubasa: Well, I’m getting on this line.
Shiki: I’ll go drop by the agency, too. I intend to be back by dinner time.
Rikka: Okay. You two, have a good trip. Take care!
Dai: Don’t slack and go to university properly, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Come on, why don’t you trust me lately??
Dai: Rather than not trusting you… your face says you want to go shopping.
Tsubasa: Ugh… What kind of face is that…
Shiki: Wanna bet if he’s going to come back with a bag full of clothes?
Dai: It won’t even be a bet, so I’ll pass.
Rikka: Show me what you buy, okay?
Tsubasa: Even you, Rikka… Aww, if you’re all like this, it makes me want to live up to your expectations!
Dai: See how you’re totally ready to go shopping… I won’t stop you, but do it after university.
Tsubasa: Okay, okay! I know~
Rikka: Ah, it looks like the next train will come soon.
Shiki: Let’s go, Tsubasa.
Tsubasa: Aye! Well, we’re off!
Dai: *sigh* And you? Are you going to the gym?
Rikka: Hmm… what should I do? I was planning to do that at first, but since we’re together, I kind of want to stay a bit more with you. Want to walk for a while?
Dai: That’s fine with me. If you want, we can walk back to the dorm.
Rikka: Oh! Then, let’s do that.
Rikka: That was fun! Going window shopping and having lunch, all four of us together. It was the first time, right?
Dai: Well, somehow we always have plans or work… also, when we’re together, we stand out.
Rikka: *laughs* Let’s be happy that it means we’re starting to sell. By the way, I’m also very happy we sometimes go drinking at night. I’m glad you’re at the age you can drink now!
Dai: Even if you say that, I can’t drink as much as Shiki.
Rikka: You don’t need to try to be like him! Every person is different.
Dai: Right. It’d be troublesome if you expected that from me, too. Shiki looks like he came from a country where they drink alcohol instead of water. That pace…
Rikka: That’s true. In our group, Tsubasa and Haiduki-san are also strong, and if you’re not careful with your pace, you’ll end up drinking too much.
Dai: You’re saying this, but you’re pretty strong too.
Rikka: Hmm… It shows a bit on my face, and I’ve slowly gotten used to a slow pace. Shiki and Tsubasa barely change from the beginning to the end.
Dai: They don’t? Tsubasa gets even noisier when there’s alcohol in his system.
Rikka: It’s fun to drink with him. He’s probably popular at university too.
Dai: Man, how is he dealing with the people around him? I’m sure they’re making a fuss about him.
Rikka: He’s really good at calculating the distance between him and others. It’s one of the talents he was born with. And not only that, he’s actually very hard-working and earnest. He’s… a bit too good.
Dai: … I see…
Rikka: What?
Dai: Nah, I was just thinking that you’re looking at him pretty closely. You know how he is, so people tend to think he doesn’t make any effort, that he can do anything easily. He himself makes that kind of face in front of others too.
Rikka: Of course, I think he’s more skilful than the average, but I know he’s not only that. There are a lot of things you get to see when you live together.
Dai: Is that so?
Rikka: Also… it may be my old habit, too. I want to know what the other person is feeling, and what should I do to make them comfortable.
Dai: Habit, huh… Isn’t it just that you’re paying too much attention to people’s needs? Doesn’t make you tired?
Rikka: Not at all! I think this is part of the personality I was born with. It’s not like I’m forcing myself, and if the situation gets smoother, that’ll be more comfortable too. That’s why, not only for others, but I’m doing it for my sake too.
Dai: Is that like an occupational disease?
Rikka: I wonder. It might be, or it might not. But, I just purely want to know more about SolidS’ members… Oh!
Dai: What’s the matter? Ah, clothes?
Rikka: Yeah.
Dai: If you’re curious, why don’t you go check it?
Rikka: Ahh… but you’re not that interested in clothes, right? Won’t you be bored?
Dai: *sigh* I told you, you’re too considerate. If this was Tsubasa, he’d have entered the shop while making a fuss ages ago.
Rikka: *laughs* You’re right, Tsubasa would do that.
Dai: The one you’re interested in is that black one at the front?
Rikka: Yep. Will you go with me to check it?
Dai: Roger.
Rikka: Thank you!
Rikka: Hm… ah, it’s this! A black top. What do you think?
Dai: Ohh, I think it’s nice. It’s kind of fresh, it looks good on you.
Rikka: Hm, what should I do…
Dai: Why don’t you try it on?
Rikka: Yeah… Oh! Hey Dai, how about this shirt?
Dai: Huh?? No, I’m good…
Rikka: A soft yellow. I’m sure it’ll suit you! See! Yep, it looks good! The form is manly, so it won’t look too cute even in pastel colours. And it makes your face look brighter too.
Dai: No, but…
Rikka: I’ll challenge wearing black too… please?
Dai: Why is that a bargaining point now… Okay. Well, if it’s only trying it on…
Rikka: Yep!!!
Dai: I’m home.
Rikka: Yep, welcome home!
Dai: We got home together, isn’t it a bit weird for you to say “welcome home” to me?
Rikka: Is it? But I thought it would be a bit sad if there was no answer.
Dai: Oh… then, you too. Welcome home.
Rikka: *laughs* Yes, I’m home! I had so much fun today! And we got to buy nice things, too. Thanks for choosing clothes with me. It’s because you said it looked good on me that I made up my mind!
Dai: Wear that the next time we’re all together.
Rikka: Yep! I’ll do that. You too Dai, wear that shirt a lot!
Dai: Well, yeah…
Rikka: If you don’t know what to wear it with, call me! I kind of pushed it into you.
Dai: At least you’re conscious you were pushy.
Rikka: *laughs* I’m sorry! When I saw you wearing it, I thought you looked really good.
Well, see you at dinner time!
Dai: Yeah. Good work.
*doors close*
Rikka: … I think got too excited.
Black… SolidS’ colour. When should I wear it?
Tsubasa: Oh. Yeah, that’s fine. And Rikka? Did you tell him? Ah, okay, then I’ll go say something to him now and we’ll go together to the bar directly. Yeah. Okay! Then, see you later.
*knocks door* Hey, Rikka! Dai just invited us to go drinking.
Rikka: Ah, wait a minute!
*opens door* Sorry, I was just getting changed.
Tsubasa: Oh! This is what you said you bought last time?
Rikka: Yep! I also got a message, and since Shiki and Haiduki-san are coming too, I thought of wearing something new.
Tsubasa: Ohh~ See, black looks great after all! The form doesn’t make it too hard, it suits you!!
Rikka: Thank you. Ah, we’re leaving right now?
Tsubasa: Hmmm. There’s still time, so you can take it easy.
Rikka: Well then… Ah, Tsubasa, want to wait inside?
Tsubasa: Eh, can I? Sorry for the intrusion~
*sits down*
Rikka’s room is so nice! I still love this sof- hm? This cushion… Hey, Rikka!
Rikka: What is it?
Tsubasa: Did you change the cushion’s covers?
Rikka: Ah, yeah! I’m amazed you noticed!
I decided to go all out and choose a colour I hadn’t chosen before.
Tsubasa: The calming earth colours you used before were nice too, but these vivid colours are also super cute! They’re like an accent?
Rikka: Thank you!! Actually, I bought these thinking of you.
Tsubasa: Eh? Me?
Rikka: During that interview in winter, you wore an inner shirt of this colour with a leather jacket.
Tsubasa: Aaah, that one! That one where we all wore pretty casual clothes?
Rikka: Yes, yes!
Tsubasa: I’m surprised you remember.
Rikka: The colour was so beautiful and it looked good on you, so it left an impression on me.
Tsubasa: I see, I see! Things like this make me happy.
*phone rings*
Oh, I wonder who. Eh, it’s Shiki.
Hello? What? What do you mean where, at the dorm. Eh, but there’s still time, right? Eh? You’re in front of the bar already? Ah, okay, we’ll leave now. Yeah yeah. Yeah, see you later!
Tsk, he’s so impatient.
Rikka: Sorry, it’s because I was taking my time getting ready.
Tsubasa: *laughs* It’s not that! We aren’t late, they’re too early. He said the traffic was smoother than expected. Also, it’ll be just perfect if the star arrives fashionably late! Come on, let’s go!
Shiki: … Delicious.
Tsubasa: What’s that?
Shiki: Brown sugar shochu*.
Tsubasa: Eh, weren’t you drinking that earlier?
Shiki: I drank the menu from here to here in order, and it’s the second lap.
Tsubasa: As always, your alcohol sense is totally broken.
Shiki: And you?
Tsubasa: A jun-imo on the rocks*.
Rikka: That was… sweet potato?
Tsubasa: The waiter said it was 100% sweet potato. And yours?
Rikka: Mine’s chestnut. It’s a bit sweet. Want a sip?
Tsubasa: Want, want! Eh? Oh yeah, where’s Dai-chan?
Shiki: He said he was going to take a breather outside, but he’s not coming back. I was thinking of going to get him, but…
Tsubasa: Really?
Rikka: Don’t you remember Haiduki-san left a while ago saying he was going to find him?
Tsubasa: Eh? Did he?
Shiki: You’re drunk.
Tsubasa: Well, if I keep up to you that’s what will happen! Ah… I think I’ll take a break too, and see how Dai-chan is while I’m at it.
Rikka: A bar specialized in shochu is pretty interesting. I hadn’t drunk too much shochu until now, but when there are so many different types, it makes you want to try them. Haiduki-san really has an extensive repertory of bars.
Shiki: I showed him this place. Next is… okay. Excuse me! One potato shochu.
Rikka: *chuckles* I guess you’ll be okay, but don’t drink too much.
Shiki: Yeah. By the way, Rikka. I’ve been meaning to say this for a while.
Rikka: Eh? What is it?
Shiki: Today’s clothes… are pretty nice. You look good. They’re new, right?
Rikka: Eh?
Shiki: I wanted to say it earlier, but lost the timing to say it.
Rikka: O-oh… *laughs* I was wondering what were you going to say… *laughs*
Shiki: Did I say something funny? I was just praising you.
Rikka: *laughs* Ah, no, thank you. I’m very happy, but… B-but… you said it with such a serious face… it was so funny…! *laughs*
Shiki: What… were you a merry drinker?
Rikka: *laughs* I might be, I don’t know. But it was really funny…
Shiki: Well, laughing is a good thing. It’s healthy too, apparently.
Rikka: You’re right! Laughing a lot, influencing each other and challenging new things… When I’m with all of you, I never get bored! And I get the feeling I’ll have a long life. *chuckles*
Shiki: Not a “feeling”… In any case, I bet I’ll still be making music even as an old man.
Rikka: I see. Yep. That’s true!
Translation index || Soliradi
TL notes:
Clothes vocabulary, drinks vocabulary... this track was tiring in many ways...
A few things:
Shochu (焼酎) is a Japanese spirit distilled from sweet potatoes, rice, etc.​, a liquor similar to vodka apparently. I didn’t know there were so many flavors tho. Also Shiki pls control yourself.
“on the rocks” is when you drink something with a rock (heh) of ice in it, and nothing else.
Rikka says “a black top”, but he actually says トップス (tops, as opposed to bottoms) which can mean anything you wear on the upper side of your body, be it a shirt, a sweater, a T-shirt, we don’t know.
Annnd that’s probably it. Soliradi next! This one is HILARIOUS too!!
Thanks for reading!
37 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -RED-
Soliradi Special Mini mini edition (ver. RED)
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Drama || Translation index
Tsubasa: Ehh, SolidS fans from all over the country, sorry for the wait!
Shiki: Thank you always for your support!
Rikka: We are delivering to all of you this live broadcast-style radio…
Dai: … SolidS radio, also known as Soliradi…
Tsubasa: Special mini mini edition… it’s~ sta~rting~!!
Everyone: *claps*
Tsubasa: Well, then! It’s Soliradi time. Everyone in front of the radio, ciao! How do you do? I’m today’s main personality, Okui Tsubasa from SolidS!
Rikka: Hello. Likewise, I’m Sera Rikka from SolidS. Hope we have a good time.
Shiki: I’m SolidS’ producer and leader, Takamura Shiki. Nice to meet you.
Dai: I’m Murase Dai. I’ll do my best today.
Tsubasa: And the four of us together are SolidS! Just kidding. Well well, we’re a unit affiliated to Tsukipro, and we sing songs, but for those who meet us for the first time, hope we get along well! For those who already know us, let’s continue doing so~
Rikka: Let’s have a lot of fun together until the end!
Tsubasa: Okay, so then! We finished introductions quickly, so for the people who don’t know what Soliradi is, let’s explain it very easily! Uuuuum, let’s go with the one who won’t speak even as half as me if we leave him… low calorie boy, Dai-chan! Please explain.
Dai: What’s low calorie boy… it’s because you talk non-stop that I have no gap to say anything. I’m surprised your mouth runs so well.
Shiki: That’s not all, his switching is fast too, and he’s good at making the conversation advance. He’s perfect to be a radio personality. I usually get annoyed at his never-ending talk, but at times like this it’s really reassuring.
Tsubasa: Hey, you two, I don’t know if you’re praising me or badmouthing me, pick one~
Rikka: *chuckles*
Dai: Er, so, explanation, was it. Which should I read?
Tsubasa: *laughs* This, this. The cheat sheet.
Rikka: You gave it to him so proudly…
Dai: Okay, okay. In Soliradi, the members of SolidS become radio personalities and deliver this in public recordings and live broadcasts. It’s a heart-throbbing radio. … heart-throbbing…
From the messages and questions received beforehand, our leader Shiki selects some…
Shiki: I selected them.
Dai: … and we reply to those questions and messages.
Shiki: While replying, we want to get you more interested about us. That’s the objective of Soliradi.
Tsubasa: Yep yep, that’s it~ There are times when we talk endlessly about one topic, but today we’re going to reply a lot! We got many messages piled up.
Rikka: The week before last we talked about Shiki’s lyrics writing, and last week about our recommendations for restaurants around the city. We got really excited. Just with our talk, we ran out of time…
Dai: I think about it every time, but it’s surprising we don’t get scolded, being this relaxed.
Shiki: Tsukipro’s tradition: “let’s be natural” is the basic concept, after all. Light-hearted and comfortable, for the speakers and the listeners.
Tsubasa: No but you know, for the other units’ radio? Tsukiradi? IveRadi? Are also like this, Dai-chan.
Dai: Really… That’s really relaxed.
Rikka: *laughs* The fans said they feel like they’re seeing us talk behind the scenes, and it makes them happy.
Tsubasa: Right, everyone loves back stages and things like that! Eh, wait wait, we’re going off the rails again. Okay, let’s go back! Soliradi’s outline is, like Dai-chan just explained. There might be times when the expressions of some parts of the messages are changed or omitted. Ah, also, if we don’t know how to read a handle name and we say it wrong, I’m sorry!
Rikka: We’ve got a lot of messages. Everyone, thank you very much! Sadly, we can’t read them all, but I saw there are also words of support along with the questions, and it made me really happy!
Dai: For me, especially, since we can’t interact directly… I can’t really get used to it… but, um, getting words of support makes me happy too. Thank you.
Shiki: If there’s another time, please send them again.
Tsubasa: Okay, then, let’s start!
Eh, here, handle name: Homura-san. Thank you very much! “Tsubasa-kun has known Dai-kun for a long time, so if you know any interesting episode from his student days please tell us.”
Dai: Huh?! Hey, Tsubasa, don’t say anyt-
Tsubasa: Ohhh, I have plenty of stock… Aaah!! Something that sounds like a lie but it’s true. You know, a cute girl from his school told Dai-chan “Murase-senpai, please go out with me!” and he said “To where?” so seriously, it’s become a legend. I didn’t think there’d be someone to actually do that!! *laughs*
Dai: Idio- why do you know that?!
Tsubasa: Hehe, don’t underestimate my information network.
Shiki: Living your youth, huh… Dai.
Dai: Don’t say it so heartily.
Rikka: Living your youth, eh, Dai.
Dai: It’s not anything to say so happily either! Tsubasa… you’ll remember this…
Shiki: Handle name: Megu. “Please tell us if there’s something you’re fixated about when brewing coffee”. Hm. I think I’ve talked about it a few times, but I have a different brand for work coffee and after-work coffee. By changing the taste, it also serves like an on/off switch for me.
Rikka: Try not to drink too much, you can damage your stomach!
Shiki: Hm, you’re right.
Rikka: Let’s continue, then. Handle name: Naamin-san. “Rikka-san is SolidS’ conscience, but are there times when you get angry? Also, how are you like when you’re angry?”
Dai & Tsubasa: Ohhh…
Rikka: Shiki…
Shiki: I personally wanted to know the answer, so I chose it.
Dai: Shiki, you’ve known him for a long time. Hasn’t he ever got mad at you?
Shiki: Nope. There are times when I think “maybe he was angry back then?”, though. Ah, a while ago he got angry at Tsubasa. “Stop fighting”, he said.
Tsubasa: Hey, hey hey! He didn’t get angry at me only, you were as guilty! Also, that was… he didn’t get angry, he just scolded me! But still… it was scary…
Dai: Eh… is he scary?
Rikka: I-I don’t think I’m… scary…
Tsubasa: Nonono he’s totally scary! Rikka’s like, silent anger, so it might be difficult to see…
Shiki: That’s it! There’s no mistake about that.
Rikka: Shiki… you’re having fun with this. But, that’s true. Rather than raising my voice and yelling, I think I’m the type who goes silent… probably.
Dai: So gotta be careful when Rikka goes silent. I’ll take care.
Rikka: I don’t get angry that often?
Dai: Um, next. From Takamucchi-san. “Dai-chan can drink alcohol now, so a question. How are you like when you get drunk? I’m very interested. I’d be very happy if everyone tells their drinking habits too”. Uh… I’m the type who gets sleepy when drunk. The others are stronger than me with alcohol, so I haven’t seen them get drunk.
Rikka: By the way, the strength of SolidS members, if we take Dai as the average, starting from the top it’d be Shiki, Tsubasa, and me.
Tsubasa: Shiki goes beyond a strong drinker, so he drinks like a fish with a serious face. At the first drinking party we had, I remember I said I’d crush him but I sank first instead.
Shiki: Well, it runs in the family. The Takamura household is strong with alcohol, it’s in our genes. It also has to do with your physical constitution, so it’s nothing to drink forcefully. It’s best to drink the appropriate amount for each one so everyone has fun.
Dai: I’m a bit envious that you’re strong, though.
Shiki: Really? When you think you can get tipsy with a bit of alcohol, I think your level of tolerance is more efficient. And you’re fun when you’re drunk.
Rikka: Rather than fun, maybe… cute~ That’s why I like drinking with you, Dai.
Tsubasa: Fufufu, that’s true, Dai-chan is so cute~
Dai: Wait, what do I do when I’m drunk other than getting sleepy?
Shiki: Oh no, I won’t tell you~
Dai: No, I don’t understand why you’re trying to act like a cute girl now.
Tsubasa: But… oh no, I won’t tell you~
Rikka: Let me see… it’s a secret!
Dai: Dammit… these guys are so annoying…
Tsubasa: *laughs* Okay, let’s continue! Eh, here, from Cheeta-san! “SolidS Nabe Party looked really fun! Which hot pot is your favourite? I can’t handle spicy food that much, but I like kimchi hot pot.” I like the ones that have a lot of seafood, like yosenabe, hmm, or soy milk pot! Also, how about that? Does ajillo qualify for a hot pot?
Shiki: What’s with that mysterious war cry? AJILLO!!!!!!!
Tsubasa: It’s not a war cry!!! You know, it’s that, from Spanish cuisine, that one where you cook the ingredients with olive oil and garlic.
Shiki: I see, I don’t get it. Cook it next time. So, I like the ones cooked in water, and simmered tofu.
Rikka: I like tomato hot pots. Like pot-au-feu?
Dai: I like sukiyaki, with white rice.
Tsubasa: Hehehe, our tastes are splendidly scattered. But you know, food tastes and personalities are what show our individualities!
Shiki: Hm. From Senju-san. “Please tell us your favourite smells.” I don’t know too much about perfume types, but I like Japanese-style smells. Like incense sticks, or anti-mosquito incense.
Tsubasa: Both of them are incense! I… hmm… if it’s not me who’s wearing it, I like the ones that women would indeed like, floral and a bit sweet. If it’s for me, I like something refreshing. Something that’s not too intruding on last note, that blends in naturally.
Dai: Last… note…?
Tsubasa: Ah… you know, that. That smell when it’s been a while since you’ve put on perfume. For perfumes, there are different types of smells, ways to put it on, where to put it on, and… differences in composition? It’s pretty deep. Did you know, Dai-chan?
Dai: Eh… I didn’t. Like Shiki, I’m not too fond of perfumes in general, and I have no knowledge about them. If you ask me my favourite smell… uh… citrus?
Tsubasa: *laughs* Eh, where did citrus come from?
Dai: Bathing powder.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Ah… um? Yeah… That answer is very like you, Dai-chan.
Rikka: There was a time I was absorbed in aromas, so I was in contact with some of them, but I like the classic lavender the most, it calms me down.
Shiki: Aroma, huh… from the sound of it, it’s really fashionable.
Tsubasa: Okay! And so, time up! Since it’s a mini mini edition, it was a bit short, but I think we answered quite a lot.
Rikka: Yep! We did our best. I hope our listeners are happy too!
Dai: We also discover things about us while answering.
Shiki: See, it was worth doing it, Soliradi. Ehem!
Tsubasa: Shiki, your character really changes… Well well well, but Soliradi was fun, wasn’t it? Let’s do a reply festival again!
Dai: Yep, let’s.
Rikka: Yes, let’s do it!
Tsubasa: Well then, that’s all for today’s Soliradi! Thank you everyone for listening until the end! Let’s meet again at this hour next week~
Shiki: From now on, please continue supporting relaxed SolidS.
Dai: Thank you very much.
Rikka: Thank you very much. See you again~
Drama || Translation index
TL notes:
Soliradi aka the line between the characters and seiyuu gets really blurry. Also where Shiki goes crazy and looks like he’s from another dimension.
The questions and messages are actually real and recieved from the fans via twitter! Soliradi are recorded in almost one take to make them as natural as possible. I’m pretty sure there’s a few ad-libs here and there too. 
Tsubasa mentions Tsukiradi and IveRadi too: they’re, you guessed it, Tsukiuta Radio and ALIVE (SOARA & Growth) Radio. I’m sure the bgm of this track also sounds familiar if you play Tsukipara!
Thanks for reading!
41 notes · View notes
akemilena · 7 years
SolidS Unit Song Series COLOR -RED- drama
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Translation index || Soliradi
Shiki: Hm...
*leaves room*
Tsubasa: Hm… Oh! There’s an ad of our new CDs in this magazine! The “Beauties of the nature” series!
Rikka: Eh, really?
Tsubasa: Yeah. This. It’s a spread and it sure has impact~
Rikka: Ah, it’s true. Ohh, so in the end they finished up the visual like this. Dai, you too, look.
Dai: Oh. Eh, it’s pretty flashy. The outfits were Japanese-style, so I thought it’d be more solemn.
Tsubasa: Me too. They showed us a rough image before the shooting, but after adding the letters and all, the impression really changes! There are times when I see a poster and think “ah, so in the end it’s like this”.
Dai: There are. Like with this “Beauties of the nature” visual.
Rikka: Hmm… Usually, the visual is finished mostly like the rough image shows… but in our case, in SolidS, our leader and producer makes things as they progress, so…
Tsubasa: *laughs* That’s true. He also does it with songs. In the middle of a recording, he suddenly hums something and goes like “I’ve decided to go with this phrase, so ignore the music score”.
Dai: Also, “I want to raise the last chorus a semitone”, or something.
Tsubasa: Yes yes yes he says that!!
Dai: He wants to try everything he can do.
Tsubasa: Right. I’ve gotten used to his unreasonable requests already, but you know… Geez, that reckless producer. Getting used to it and forgiving him are different things!
Rikka: Ahaha… When it comes to production, Shiki is full of vigour and curiosity, so the things he aims for are always high. He’s very particular. If we think we’re stimulating Shiki’s ambition, I guess it’s nice?
Tsubasa: Rikka, you’re too soft on him.
Rikka: Ehh, you think so?
Dai: You’re indeed soft.
Rikka: Dai, you too? I wonder… so that’s how it looks like… That’s true. Maybe I’m a little soft on him. Shiki used to provide songs for other artists, right? Since it’s an outside order, he can’t do things of his own accord. And there was a time he was rotting away because of that, and I know it well. I think he’s having fun now.
Dai: Hm… Oh, but looking at it again, it’s really flashy.
Tsubasa: Heh, I love the impact it has.
Dai: I bet you do. You’re so easy to read.
Tsubasa: Eh, am I?
Dai: Yeah. You completely love standing out and being the center of attention, right? Really, your personality is made for this kind of industry.
Tsubasa: Hehe, you’re praising me too much, Dai-chan~
Dai: I’m not praising you.
Rikka: *laughs* It’s true that rather than cowering and getting nervous when people look at you, that’s more oriented to this industry. As a photographic subject, it’s ideal.
Tsubasa: I know, right? See, Dai-chan. Rikka is praising me.
Dai: Yeah, yeah. Come on, don’t grow too soft on him too. He’ll get carried away.
*door opens*
Shiki: Hey. Perfect, you’re all together.
Dai: Shiki?
Shiki: Well, since we’re all together, I have a proposal.
Tsubasa: Okay! I’m against anything crazy!
Shiki: Huh? It’s not crazy or anything. Rather, it’s something you’d like.
Tsubasa: Huh? What’s that?
Shiki: Actually, aside from the “Beauties of the nature” series, I was thinking of starting another series of CDs simultaneously.
Dai: Another series?
Shiki: SolidS is doing the “Beauties of the nature” series as solos, right? I’ve been making the songs thinking about the “flower” “bird” “wind” and “moon” applied to every one of us, but…
Rikka: But?
Shiki: It’s kind of annoying to admit it, but since our manager Haiduki is pulling up some of the work at hand sorting it, I have a bit more of time to spare. And that’s why I thought of starting another series, a unit song series where the four of us will sing.
Tsubasa: Ah, so you meant that! More songs! It’s nice!! Increasing our song repertoire is more than welcome!
Rikka: I’m also happy I get to sing more with everyone.
Dai: Me too, I don’t have any objections.
Shiki: I see. Then let’s say there’ll be no problem with the production. I’ll announce officially that we’re increasing our line with another series in tomorrow’s meeting. We have to decide on the promotion plan, after all. I’ll handle that end, so I don’t mind doing it myself, but I want to decide the song’s content, the concept, with everyone.
Rikka: Eh?
Tsubasa: Eh!?!
Dai: Decide it… with everyone?
Tsubasa: E-ehhh did he just say with everyone?? Deciding the new song’s course together?? Not leaving it to the… er… hikikomori producer’s brain’s work like always???
Shiki: Well sorry it’s the work of a hikikomori’s brain.
Tsubasa: Don’t sulk, Shiki!! Not bad, it’s great!!! Working the four of us together!! Being involved in the project since its roots sounds so fun!! Right? Don’t you think so, Dai-chan, Rikka??
Dai: That’s true. Rather than seeing “oh, so this is how it’s finished”, like that ad, I prefer this, personally.
Shiki: Hm. How about you, Rikka?
Rikka: Of course I’m happy too, but I have no knowledge about song composition… will it be fine?
Shiki: That won’t be any problem. It’s just the concept, the course. The motives and images you want to sing or express. If you tell me what you want to do, I’ll handle the composition. You only need to think that you’re giving me a theme.
Rikka: I see. Then it’ll be fine.
Tsubasa: Hehehe okay, then might as well throw you a super difficult theme!!! As a revenge for always making us go crazy.
Shiki: Hm. Tsubasa, you’ve been saying “crazy” for a while, but when I ask for something, it’s because I know it’s possible. In short, from my point of view, it’s not crazy at all, and even if it might sound so for you at first, you can do it in the end. Be confident.
Tsubasa: O-oh… Okay, okay.
Dai: When it comes to this, Tsubasa can’t even object.
Rikka: Right.
Dai: But well, I’m aware I’m also included, too.
Rikka: *laughs* Me too. I guess Shiki hasn’t realized, but that side of him is perfect for a producer.
Shiki: Dai, Rikka. Do you have something to say?
Rikka & Dai: Nothing really.
Shiki: Good. Well then, shall we start deciding the concept for the new series?
Tsubasa: Ah, wait, wait. By the way, how many CDs do you want to make for this “series”?
Shiki: Given the release interval for the “Beauties of the nature” series, 3 CDs would be the limit.
Tsubasa: Hmmm okay. So a trilogy, yeah? That’s plenty!
Shiki: At first let’s say whatever comes to your minds. Any ideas?
Tsubasa: Hm… oh. Me! It’s super typical, but how about flowers? Three flowers!
Rikka: Hmm… I personally like it, but won’t it overlap with the “Beauties of the nature”’s flower?
Tsubasa: Ah, that’s right…
Dai: If we talk about typical… constellations?
Shiki: *chuckles* That’s very like you.
Dai: … Don’t laugh, please…
Shiki: I wasn’t teasing you. I thought it was good. Very romantic, I like stars too.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Are you the type who looks at the stars? You’re joking.
Shiki: Listen, you… have you ever looked at Nagano’s starry sky? It’s wonderful.
Tsubasa: *laughs* Shiki, you used to get lost in the mountains as a child, right? To know the directions, stars are the best~
Rikka: I don’t think he means it that way. More than concepts, how about we do something more abstract?
Shiki: Hm. As a composer, it’s a theme that could be worthwhile to challenge. For example?
Rikka: Hmm… our fan club names?
Dai: If it’s a 3-CD series, we’d be missing one space.
Rikka: Oh, that’s true. You’re right.
Tsubasa: Okay, let’s omit Shiki!!
Shiki: I don’t think leaving others out is a good idea…
Shiki: As a result of our discussion, the subject for the new series has been decided to be “color”.
Tsubasa & Rikka & Dai: Yep!! *claps*
Shiki: Using the unit’s image colours, red, black, and white as themes… I see.
Dai: Is it difficult, or something?
Shiki: No, I just thought that it’s something I wouldn’t have come up with. Colors, huh… precisely because it is abstract, there’s a lot you can express. Hm, interesting.
Tsubasa: Oh? Shiki’s eyes are mode on. Are you on fire?
Shiki: Yeah. Contrary to the subjects I get from outside works, I feel I’m getting challenged by you guys. It’s pretty fun. I accept the challenge.
Tsubasa: *chuckles* In the recording studio we also feel like accepting a challenge, so we’re even.
Dai: You said it.
Rikka: Shiki, do your best. I’m looking forward to the new songs.
Shiki: Leave it to me. Okay, the name for the new series of unit songs will be “COLOR”. We’ll dye them in our colours.
Everyone: Yeah!
Translation index || Soliradi
TL notes:
“Beauties of the nature” (花鳥風月, kachoufuugetsu) is a series of CDs released by SolidS, Growth and SOARA during 2016, four volumes each. The volumes are based, as the name says, in the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics, which are flower (花), bird (鳥), wind (風) and moon (月). Like Shiki said, SolidS released them as solos, while Growth and SOARA did it as unit songs. You can see the visuals for them here. (all the songs are amazing btw, listen to them if you haven’t)
Next up is the (in)famous Soliradi! If you play Tsukipara and you’re wondering why Shiki yells “ajillo” all the time, you’ll find out in next track~
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