#i love this quiz sm lol
a11sunday · 5 months
STATISTICAL  CHARACTER  PERSONALITY TEST  ♡ take  the linked  quiz  from  the  perspective  of  your  character,  then  select  5 - 10  results from  the  complete  matches  list  that  you  feel  resonate  with  your  character  the most.
rosa diaz - b99
darlene - mr. robot
max mayfield - stranger things
marion ravenwood - indiana jones
inigo montoya - the princess bride
mulan - mulan
kat stratford - 10 things i hate about you
trinity - the matrix
toph beifong - atla
april ludgate - parks n rec
stole this from myself TAGGING: you < 33 !!
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a-p3rz0n · 17 days
just took the “Which Aphmau character are you” quiz😁
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He’s my favorite character too, lol
Here’s the link to take the quiz :
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studentbyday · 5 days
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week 2: she lives! she breathes! she’s beautifully unconventional (aka getting my mojo back)
Real courage is in trying to stay calm despite the chaos happening around and within you.
I have to keep swimming even if I don't know if my efforts will bear the fruits I expect (so far, since leaving high school, nothing about my life path has gone the way I expected. and that's just what real life is sometimes). There is meaning and purpose in the process (the fact that I keep taking baby steps towards my goals is already an achievement worth taking pride in! 👣).
Read course announcements
Signed up for global health group
Wrote down meeting dates
Finished M1 global health (so...remember how i said some of it felt kind of "woo-woo" to me? well. we're past that now. things just got real. it might be a bs course aimed at ticking that "is empathetic and cares about humanity" checkbox for premed students applying to med school, but! global health is genuinely important and dammit if i don't treat it like the serious and important issue it is, then who am i? [context: the discussion post assignments i had to do for this week reminded me of why i'm taking this course...beyond the fact that it's required for health sci and supposedly birdy 😅])
Finished M1 immunology by Tuesday
Finished M2 immunology by Thursday
Started M2 microbiology
Reviewed some immunology flashcards
Completed microbiology quiz
Finished first pathology assignment but still have to check the last question and send tmr 🙈
Completed first two global health assignments
Completed immunology quiz
Dropped cell phys course
the amount of content i have to remember in each course is insane so i've resorted to using screenshots of the slides in my flashcards which in theory should allow me to focus more on actually reviewing the flashcards. sometimes i forget tho. and that's annoying because (a) it slows me down and (b) because my keyboard keys keep getting stuck and it hasn't been given a proper clean in ages and every time i use it it's a reminder of yet another thing i haven't done yet 😅
Pilates x3
Yoga x1
Journal x3
Meditate x4
Other life things:
Changed bedding
Reading (designing your life / the secret adversary)
Morning nature walk and sniff 🌲 (i have been taking for granted the little pleasures i'm lucky to have in my life in the busy-ness of school. i'm glad i made a good morning bingo i can look back on to remind me of some of them. 🥺😌)
Cleaned house
Met up with some family friends
Music in My Head:
Changes (i always forget the name of this song even tho it never changes lol 😅 but i love it and the frogs sm)
Watashi wa saikyou
Things I'm looking forward to:
Waking up without feeling sleepy ✨
Learning stuff I need for the lab-hopeful 🤓
More pilates 💓 (the slow kind because i get to notice to how alive i feel instead of how i feel like i'm dying because it's too fast and difficult for my level 😂 and yet when i go slow, i'm still getting stronger! 💪🏻😃)
Learning the pathology of leukemia 🔬
Applying my newfound immunology knowledge to the first assignment on covid 👩🏻‍🔬
Being done with all my work for the week 😌
My not-bingo bingo so far this September:
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
One of your big fans here.
I love your writing style 💜
May I ask what would be your take for TR guys confessions? Like they would know they are in love and come to terms with it and they would decide to confess to their s/o.
Thank you for considering my request :)
aww baby hi!! im so glad you like my stuff <33 ofc i can! i live for these confessions :)
wouldn’t ever come to terms with it
he thinks he just likes your company
its draken that has to tell him
once he gets it through his head, he blushes every time he sees you
bro is a tomato when he sees you though-
has no clue how to confess
like.. at all
”y/n i like you.”
that’s it, that’s all you get
you can’t help but giggle as he stands there confused
”is that good?” he asks draken as the man shakes his head
”sure mikey, sure.”
much more mature so he immediately recognized his feelings
has a hard time confessing though
constant thoughts flood his mind
is that cheesy? do you want gifts? will it be awkward?
so worried over nothing
buys big flowers and all, dresses up, looks handsome and all
and you simply say “you kno, i dont need all these gifts”
he stands there in awe as you give him a small peck with a giggle
you take the flowers and hold your hand out, taking his into yours as you both walk together
he wasn’t leading this anymore, it was all you
the ultimate package
mature enough to realize he has feelings AND knows how to confess
it helps having sisters i guess
abnormally calm around you
internally he is freaking out, don’t lie
”y/n.” he says, breaking you out of your studying trance as you looked up
before you could even answer, he pushes the hair away from your eyes with a soft smile
”i like you. i’ve liked you for a while. would you be interested in going on a date with me?”
you’re done. nope.
fall over red as he peers over at you with a laugh
he’s just so.. AHH dreamy
okay so here’s the funny thing
you fell for him first
you hid it though, worried he would not like you as a friend and you hated to loose the great friendship you had with him and baji
but when he formed a liking?
ho ho ho that was a game changer
he was a whole nother person around you
“baji.. is he okay?” you asked
“y/n are you an idiot? he likes you” baji says with a desdpanned look
”baji-san! i wanted to tell them!”
he’s like a cat
if he likes you, expect him all over you
not in a nsfw way LOL
He just loves you sm
loves affection too omg
the best cuddles 24/7
buys you little gifts
he never actually confessed himself lol
it was just so natural and then it just like… happened
one minute he had his face tucked into your tummy the next you two were kissing
but he got you so it’s a win-win
“kisaki~ where is y/n?” hanma asks as he leans back in his chair
”in her office-“
”alright cya later”
loves visiting you
always comes in, whether you’re talking with someone or not, with a goofy smile
”baby!” he comes in, completely ignoring the other co-worker as he slung his lanky arms around you
”hanma, someone is in here right now. can you give me a few minutes? just sit on the couch over there please”
he sits there with a pout on his face as he glares daggers into the back of the other persons’s skull
once they leave, he is all over you again
places a few kisses on your neck, temple, all over your face as you laugh
”you know, people might think that we’re a couple, hanma”
”then let’s be one.”
has no good understanding about true love
kakucho has to quiz him in order to get to the bottom of his feelings for him
”izana, you like them.”
”what?? no way, i just think of them as a cute friend.”
”there’s no such think, you like them.”
”yes, you do.”
awkward from that point on with you
”everything alright izana?”
you were met with silence as you paused the massage on his shoulders, allowing him to fall back into your chest
”kaku says i like you. but i just think you’re cute… is that the same thing?”
you give him a soft smile and place a small peck on his nose as you nod
”yes, it’s the same thing silly”
“i- well- i guess. do I? Chifuyu… do i?!”
full on panics
what if you dont like him back?
what if you think he is a crybaby?
what if you think of him only as a friend?
what if…
”takemichi, it’s fine. I can set you up, just give her the note and run!” chifuyu says with a devious smile as takemichi gulps
in the end, he fails, forgets the note, and end up stammering over his words like a child
”i.. uhm.. y/n..”
forgets his words completely
”takemichi, look at me and say it.” you say softly
he meets your warm gaze, suddenly gaining all the confidence he needed
”y/n i like you!” he says with a unnecessary bow
“stand up silly, no need to be so formal.”
total daddy
knows what he’s doing
he’s sadly done this before with other people, all of which either cheated on him or left him alone and hurt
he thinks you’re just… different
you give the vibe that no matter what, even if it needed to be ended, you would be hurt too
”uhm.. y/n can we talk?” he says, alerting you as you turned around to meet his shy gaze
”what’s up?” you ask, setting down your things
“what would you do, theoretically, if i said i liked you..?” he says fidgeting with his fingers
“is that a confession?” you challenge with a smile
”depends” he says, joining your smile with a grin of his own
“then i would say yes, theoretically of course.”
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girlboypersonthingy · 7 months
hi!! i love ur writing sm :D
do u think u could do a pidge x reader where reader is english/history smart and pidge is math/science smart, so they became academic rivals (but they always secretly respected and even admired eachother), never saw eachother after pidge left for the garrison and THEN somehow find themselves together again on the castle ship. (maybe reader helped keith save shiro or sumthing like that?)
kinda a classic academic rivals to lovers thing
i daydream diff scenarios with her too often lol
sorry if i didn’t leave a lot of room for imagination :( but i’d love to see ur take on it if possible!!
THIS IS SO ADORABLE YOUVE GOT TO B KIDDIN ME RN 🥹💚💚💚 I love my little Pigeon girl, they are my fav Paladin by far. Also sorry, I bounce between she/her and they/them for Pidge. Idk it’s a habit…also LEE PLZ FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING NEARLY A YEAR TO GET TO THIS 🥹
Academic Rivals to Lovers w/ Pidge
So it all started when Pidge and you were both new to the garrison. You both kept hearing about this super smart person that was new to school and, in typically cocky fashion, you both assumed everyone was talking about you, as in yourself. But then…Lance started teasing Pidge about how there’s another new crazy intelligent kid and telling her she has competition now.
Immediately upon hearing this, Pidge takes it upon herself to figure out who you are, what your deal is and if she should consider you friend…or foe
The first time you two meet, it’s a bit awkward. It’s sort of like…both your friend groups helped yall finally meet and get to talking. They figured you guys could keep up with each other in convo, both being so smart and well spoken. As your friends all stood around, obviously clueless as to what yall were talking about, your friendly banter quickly escalated to you and Pidge very loudly debating which is more interesting and essential to the evolution of human life and knowledge, English and history OR math and science.
Everyone else around yall: 🤔😥🫠
From that point on, it became a competition, it was all about who could finish their test first, who could finish their book first, who got the higher grade on their essay or quiz.
Then, Pidge started trying to one up you by learning even more about YOUR fav subjects just to rub it in your face that she’s smarter and better than you in EVERYTHING AND EVERYWAY. (Not really, she’s actually just trying to impress you but also playfully tease you about it)
And guess what…you do the same. Y’all are basically like Keith and Lance with that love hate, frenemies type relationship.
And secretly…yall are pining so hard for each other, not so much annoyed at how smart the other is…but more infatuated with learning more about what the other is really into. You complimented each other well. You had a lot in common while also being total opposites in some aspects.
Pidge finds herself in bed at 2am one night with a book she saw you reading once. It looked fairly interesting and she wanted to see what the hype was about. As she read more and more, she began daydreaming about you as her eyes scanned over page after page, her mind focused solely on you as the words she read seemed blurry, not sticking in her brain…you were taking up too much space in there atm.
You found yourself trying to read about and learn how to code and work on tech. You found yourself totally lost and out of your element. It kinda made you smile…thinking about how she was already a science and tech wiz and now she was really getting into history and English thanks to you. Maybe…she was smarter and…maybe it’s all very important.
Before you could gather the nerve and swallow your pride and go apologize to her for treating her less than kind and being an annoying snob…
Shit hit the fan…
You helped Keith save Shiro, ended up in space in what felt like the blink of an eye and suddenly, you and pidge were attached at the hip.
It was like the severity of the situation and Pidge’s fierce determination completely erased your guys’ past together. Now, it was time to band together for the sake of everyone and everything. For the sake of her family.
You and Pidge began spending A TON of time together, often helping each other with tasks, codes, anything the others needed help with. Y’all were the puzzle solvers, the hackers, the ones Lance and Keith came to when they didn’t understand something, the cutie little nerd duo 🥹
With each time you two hung out, you found yourselves both relaxing more, joking and laughing more around each other, bonding more.
Pidge began coming to you all the time to show you new inventions or test out weird stuff on you. You were kinda flattered she always came to you first.
You began often running to Pidge after every book you’d read from the library in the castle. You’d be all excited about something new you just learned about Altean history, zooming through the halls with a huge smile as you look for your girl.
You bust into the room like “HEEYYYYY! OH MY GODDDD GUESS WHAT!!! Soooo, I just found out-“
Cue you rambling for at least 20 minutes while Pidge just smiles and nods along (occasionally she watches your lips move as you talk, only for a couple seconds before she looks back into your eyes)
As time went on, you found yourself becoming increasingly protective over Pidge, especially when out in battle. You…just like her and don’t wanna see your friend hurt or scared.
The first time she ever got hurt, or even got close to getting caught by the galra, she came back to the castle to see you waiting for them in the lion’s hangar, tears streaming down your face. You thought she would be in worse shape and even tho she looked perfectly fine, you were still distraught.
Y’all never really touched besides playful nudges and when you’d ruffle her messy hair but that day…yeah, you hugged her hard that day….
She was a little confused. No one else was this concerned for her so…why were you so freaked out? She was fine, actually more calm than you were atm.
You were so comforted and lowkey entranced by her soft embrace that you didn’t even notice Pidge was now on their knees, bringing you gently down into the same position, as you squeeze each other tighter down on the floor.
“Geez, (Y/N)…you alright?” she mumbles as she pulls back to look at you, worry present on her face.
“I’m sorry, I just…you’re like my best friend. I don’t know if I can do this without you. You…you need to be more careful!”
She was…frozen…watching your lip quiver.
You called her your best friend. The ‘best’ part really made her stomach drop. She was glad you two were closer now and not in a constant academic battle…and it’s not that she doesn’t consider you her best friend, she just…didn’t know you thought so highly of her.
Your friendship and relationship are a slow burn.
For months upon months, y’all just hang out, stay friends, bond over space tech and space history, occasionally cuddle, once in a while you’ll hold hands. Oh shoot, are yall falling asleep in the same bed? Whoa, wait…she’s started hugging you every single day. OMG SHES SO CLOSE TO YOUR FACE AS SHE LOOKS OVER INTO THE BOOK YOU’RE READING AND D A M N YOU REALLY WANNS KISS HER FRECKLED CHEEK RN, WOULD THAT BE WEIRD???
It’s a slow burn…until it isn’t anymore.
You’re the one to confess to her and Pidge is looking at you like 🫤 “oh uhm…I thought we…already kind of established that we…like each other more than friends…?”
You feel kind of dumb but excited nonetheless!!! SHE LIKES YOU BACK!!!!
The rest of the team is even like “Wait, yall hold hands and sleep in the same bed most nights. You’re not dating yet??? Hello?”
And from then on, you guys are absolutely love sick besties together. Not so much love sick in a physical touchy sense but just very emotionally supportive and kind and sweet to each other.
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sugarpasteltmnt · 8 months
Sorry, I'm just r҉e҉a҉l҉l҉y҉ passionate about this fic lol.
Anyway, it's probably one of the best stories I've ever read. I was laughing when serious shit was happening, crying when low-key funny things were happening, it had me on the literal edge of my seat the whole time lol. Love love love. I'm happy stimming so hard bro. I'm always rooting for whoever the chapter is focused on lol. Like "go bitch destroy the key!" then I'm like
"get that teleporting bitches ass!" dhhdidifmfm. I also love all the references.
Anyway, take your time and be sure to take care of yourself <3
WEH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Seriously anytime someone says my silly little fic is one of their favorites my heart explodes. THANK YOU SO MUCH WAA 😭😭😭
I’m so so so glad you’re enjoying it— i love writing the funny silly parts just as much as the bittersweet, angsty moments. It really makes me happy knowing that both the funny and the angsty are enjoyable to read ;w; THANK U FOR YOUR KIND WORDS 🩵
And omg thank you about the references. There WILL be a quiz at the end of the fic. (<- half joking)
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gentlehue · 21 days
cyn what's your hp wand type? It doesn't necessarily have to be the one you got from the official quiz (if you've taken it!) but what wand do you resonate with?? :)
omg i acc did sm research for this question because i never thought ab it but i love it SO much and its funny because the wand i assigned myself from reading on all the types n their meanings is the one i ended up with when i did the official quiz so i guess its fate LOL 😭 anw mine is vine wood + phoenix feather core 😚
the druids considered anything with a woody stem as a tree, and vine makes wands of such a special nature that i have been happy to continue their ancient tradition. vine wands are among the less common types, and i have been intrigued to notice that their owners are nearly always those witches or wizards who seek a greater purpose, who have a vision beyond the ordinary and who frequently astound those who think they know them best. vine wands seem strongly attracted by personalities with hidden depths, and i have found them more sensitive than any other when it comes to instantly detecting a prospective match
thats the description for vine wood from the wizarding world website and as soon as i read it i KNEW that was my wood because that is literally me i fear 😭 it sounds kinda silly but one of the few consistent things in my life has been the fact that ive always known deep down that im meant to do great things yk ?!?! ive always had a feeling im not meant for a quiet simple life like theres something big i have to do and i wont rest until i do it 😭 ive also always been the type to have really big dreams n go out of my way to get them to happen LOL im never okay with "accepting life as it is" and i acc get kind of annoyed w people who are sometimes because to me it doesnt make sense to accept a situation thats not meant for you or that youre clearly unhappy in 😣 i have also surprised people with the way i am since a lot of people tend to underestimate me cz im seen as super sweet n naive when in reality im way more observant than i seem 🤔
this is the rarest core type. phoenix feathers are capable of the greatest range of magic, though they may take longer than either unicorn or dragon cores to reveal this. they show the most initiative, sometimes acting of their own accord, a quality that many witches and wizards dislike. phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. these wands are the hardest to tame and to personalise, and their allegiance is usually hard won
thats the description for phoenix feather core!!! again i feel like this is SO me coded LOL i do tend to act of my own accord (hence why i despise group work LMAO) n it kinda ties w the thing ab going out of my way to achieve my dreams yk!!! i refuse to settle basically i need to have exactly what i want for myself 😭 im also very very independent due to the way i was brought up as the eldest child n ive always thought 2 independent people get along best because they understand each other so me n the phoenix feather core would def get along ☺️
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m1ckeyb3rry · 4 days
Ok before I say anything else BRUH I took the quiz you reposted and guess who I got….also mf sae…..bro??? Wavelengthed too hard but STAY STRONG NO CONVERTING
EVIL YUKI SHSHSHSJ actually know dw all the shit and slander yuki has to go through now is just setting him up to become rough and tumble yuki so he can get the development he deserves it’s all part of the plot!!! STOP ITS SO EMO but ig its better than one of them being left behind by the other shevdhshsh (or you let mc live and then we can be with Karasu instead/j) I’ll never be get over how interesting hollyhock mc is though (the whole belonging/ownership/love dynamic is SO unique I love it sm) on the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have otoya being done TOO MUCH justice LMAOOO it’s ok the story and plot slap so he can have a pass
DADFAILURE LOSERS I LOVE IT HAHAHA esp while yuki has his life (pretty much) together truly the embodiment of tabieitaken shenanigans also KING OF KALOS GOES SO HARD??? Mm yes we love yuki supremacy (also the ref to his emperor of 1-on-1 title ugh so peak)
That’s actually insane I feel you though because I’m also scared shitless of getting mobbed by insane parts of fandoms (partially why I’ve never really used tumblr to do anything before besides lurk and also why I am NOT subjecting myself to being one of those regular translators on twitter or tiktok or whatnot I’m not about to get people attacking me in the comments for wild shit shshshsb) BUT I agree lowk….i mean tullireo isn’t going to be rubbed in our faces in the story anyways (I assume) since we’ll be too busy burying Barou’s corpse (I’m screaminf) but THSTS SO REAL “I make money so my wife can breed pokemon and keep them all for herself instead and I’ll build them a whole pokemon pasture/sanctuary” (that would be me as a pokemon breeder fr) bro it was just meant to be the team vibes…it’s giving elegant but strong
LMAO chigiri and Reo forced platonic close proximity chigiri is just THE bestie whether it’s gossip or wingman duties he’s got it all but I’m crying otoya tweaking because he’s like “NOOOOOOOOOOO MY OTP” and Karasu patting him like “idk what you’re on about but hate to break it to you but I don’t think Tullia doesn’t likes you that way”
Wait I know the exact vibe you’re going for it’s giving “drops random lore/information and disappears for three months” LMAOOO fr that older mentor who comes gives hints and guidance kinda like a walk through tutorial guide in a game where they’re like “oh yeah you should go here” only to never be heard from again LFMOAOAAOAOAO GANDALF REAL but that kinda puts a bit of distance in his dynamic I feel? So yes TULLIREO WE ALL CHANT guess I gotta side with otoya this time tullireo OTP LOWK DO IT it’s just the vibes too yk…they just match….guys…..
LMAO my first thought was fr “that scrawny ass kid with a bug net on route 2” imagine they don’t even battle the boy is so scared of ghost type aeguslash that he just runs (I see that typo but I’m not fixing it because it’ll get autocorrected into something unrecognizable and I’m channeling my inner Nagi and being lazy)
LMFAOO reader fr like “where tf did my genes go…” THE PARENTAL LORE GOES CRAZY LMAOAO imagine their kids going to school and yk how elementary school kids usually get those assignments that’s like “what do my parents do?” Etc? Yeah their daughter has to fill out that and her drawing is reader on top of a pile of dead team z grunts carrying nagi or maybe they’re just holding hands but nagi def has to be shown asleep taking a nap and uncle Barou flying in the sky as an angel and readers giant ass red gyarados in the back looming over it all and like a crying Mr. Mikage on the floor
LMAO Reo exclusively using luxury balls so true lowk the premier balls kinda fit Barou’s aesthetic too maybe he splurges on them generally to keep everything consistent and neat looking LOL bro my luck was ass with quick balls actually I think I’ve only ever caught my donphan (as phanpy) with one LMAOA
Pause I see the abamasnow vision (it’s intimidating but imagine it’s as dumb as him LMAOA openly walking up to fire types) arcanine accidentally burning tf out of it is so funny they would SO bully him for that for the rest of his life
Aiku getting what he deserves!! He has his happy ending though he’s just gotta finish up his community service first LOLL ok but him actively very involved with sae and Barou because he deals with them on a more regular level because they’re on the same team and he’s like “I can’t deal with their bitchlessness anymore PLEASE get a girl I’ll even help you but you need STRESS RELIEF. NOW.” LMFAOO wait I’m very excited to see aiku put in his place LMFAOO
When the familial relationship steals the spotlight from the romantic one>>>> LAMSOA /hj perhaps this can be a character study in the future…I’m crying their relationship is so sweet though ugh
EYES WIDE OPEN OMGOMG NEW GRAPHICS!!! No I lowk love the clean look too it fits the vibe fr!! Guys yk it’s serious when the graphics ready…pokemon au here we come!!!!!!!
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO IT’S BECAUSE WE’RE THE SAME PERSON FR no but i think it’s so funny we’re both NOT itoshi lovers which is pretty rare i feel and yet we’re the ones who ended up getting sae himself 😭 the universe wants to convert us to itoshism but we MUST stay strong
HELP YOU’RE SO RIGHT this is just the development he requires…rough and tumble yuki’s bad past is actually a bad past LIFE where he led to the death and despair of all of his current friends (that’s lowkey a crazy fic premise like the whole hollyhock gang reincarnated but only yukimiya gets his past memories back so he has to live with the knowledge that he once betrayed everyone he now loves 😰) agreed at least it’s not one living/the other dying!! LMAOO no because hollyhock reader x karasu is such a normal dynamic tbh free hollyhock karasu from her he does not have the insanity to match her freak 😭 it really is like i said HAHA with a normal reader and author karasu would be endgame but (un)fortunately for him reader is fucked up and i’m an angst lover so he does not get that privilege 🙂‍↕️ also yeah every time otoya does some dumbass shit in the manga/anime i’m like okay YOU are the one who’s starring in hollyhock?? YOU are the bloodthirsty ninja who dies because he loves someone that much??? he would actually be so hype to know that that’s how he’s viewed though…we’ve talked about bllk otoya meeting hollyhock otoya but imagine PURSUIT otoya meeting hollyhock otoya he probably bursts into tears because at least he’s living his cool ninja life SOMEWHERE
YUKIMIYA SUPREMACY ALWAYSSS i had sm fun coming up with everyone’s little nicknames (barou’s being the “never-champion” because he never actually got to challenge mr mikage vs reader’s being the “reluctant champion” because she never even wanted to be champion in the first place…did somebody say #siblinggoals 😜⁉️) and the king of kalos just rolls off of the tongue sooo well especially because his mentor is chris PRINCE like come on now!! pls pokémon au tabiektaken are basically the epitome of their miraverse dynamic like it’s how i would write them if i were in charge of the manga HAHAHA they’re so funny together
PLSS i respect you sm for that because it’s such a double edged sword like on the one hand i love making my silly posts and having my followers and mutuals react but on the other i’m always afraid a post will break containment and reach the wrong audiences because some people are BRUTAL 😭 but if you do ever decide to become tumblr active trust i will defend you from any hate 🤫🫡 can’t say the same for twitter because i don’t have an account nor tik tok because people on there are a different brand of terrifying but i can tussle w some tumblr trolls if needed!!
yeah i def think tullireo will have that togetullia from pi vibe!! like there’s very obviously something going on and it’s mentioned now and again but reader’s relationship with nagi / search for barou are much more forefront so it’s not at all the main focus!! with such an expansive story though it’s so important imo to have more relationships than just the main pairing otherwise things fall flat and/or the main pairing can almost feel out of place?? like why are y’all falling in love when NO ONE else is 😭⁉️
otoya bawling over the loss of his otp meanwhile karasu’s like “there there buddy it’ll be okay plenty of other girls out there anyways what’s an otp 🙂❔” HAHAH he’s the dad with 0 clue of modern slang or anything also wait this reminds me of a specific exchange nagi and reader have during the aegislash arc where nagi’s like “wait i think we’ve been isekai’d” and reader’s like “how do you know what that is” and nagi’s just like “oh reo loves reading villainess isekai manhwa on his pokétch before bed every night” and reader’s like “huh okay” and it’s never mentioned again LMAOOO
yeahhh that’s exactly isagi’s vibe!! along with aiku’s a bit but isagi’s more mature aiku is like the problematic version of that trope 😭 isagi’s the voice reader hears in her head when she tries to ride her bike inside ykwim…agreed it really does differentiate him from the main cast a bit too much for a romantic relationship between him and tullia to make sense!! especially given he’s meant to be barou’s contemporary and barou’s looked up to as The Big Brother of the story isagi kind of ends up giving off that vibe too 😩 now REO on the other hand…otoya and chigiri cooking fr i lowkey love the juxtaposition too where tullia is super motivated and has a dream she wants to accomplish of her own merits whereas reo has everything handed to him but he’s only doing things because his family expects him to?? idk could lead to some fun interactions…plus the first nagi and reader battle (where her houndour uses pursuit on his growlithe) only even happens because she wants to battle for experience but tullia’s already challenged reo so nagi’s her only option ☝🏻 so if you think about it that kind of foreshadows tullireo…maybe my mind already knew what needed to be done FJSKSKA just like i only noticed the arcanine/houndoom parallels AFTER the fact
that kid is so cocky too imagine he throws out his fucking rattata or metapod and he’s like “beat this 😜” because nobody else on route one has been able to yet and then nagiy/n’s daughter’s just like “ok 👍” and out comes aegislash…wait lowkey ykw would be cute is if the bug catcher just becomes her traveling companion after that because of how strong “her” aegislash is (i bet after their daughter has enough pokémon of her own reader’s like ok give aegislash back now and train your own team up) like he’s like “woah if i stick with you i’ll definitely become more powerful” and ofc nagi’s daughter is as nonchalant as he is so she doesn’t gaf but then they end up falling in love or smth and having that black cat introvert girl x golden retriever extrovert boy dynamic FJDNFJSKJS omg now we’ll have to come up with nagiy/n GRANDCHILDREN lore (unrelated but the thought of nagi as a grandfather is so cursed)
I’M CRYING AT THE IMAGE OF BAROU IN HEAVEN he’s definitely one of those baby angels with the trumpets and little white wings but it’s just barou’s head and massive hair pasted onto it 😭 and gyarados is just drawn with a massive grin on its face meanwhile mr mikage is just face down on the ground LMAOAOAO and nagi is holding hands with y/n who’s like 🙂 meanwhile nagi is just drawn to be 😴 imagine the teacher’s like why is your father asleep and their daughter’s like “he sleeps a lot 😄” so the teacher is concerned for the child’s welfare?? and that afternoon she pulls up to the nagi household and knocks on the door determined to confront “mr and mrs nagi” about how nagi’s always sleeping and if their daughter is being cared for properly but when they open the door the teacher’s like WHAT THE FUCK because it’s y/n l/n and SEISHIRO nagi not just two randoms standing there 😰 safe to say she runs away real quick…i feel like their son being the older of the two is a lot more like barou somehow?? which is crazy because neither nagi nor reader are anything like him but he just takes after his uncle sm…i kinda picture him looking like season 1 kiyora actually in the sense that he has a very barou-esque coloring but more of nagi’s hair texture 🤔 lowkey he probably acts like wicked game kiyora too like always getting into fights (in this case pokémon battles) and whatnot but also pretty chill (he got the reuniclus because it’s a former nagi team member so it’s much calmer and holds him back whereas aegislash would def egg him on HAHAHA)
okay wait now i’m stealing that for reader’s phanpy…it’s her second pokémon/the first she ever catches so imagine she just panics and throws a ball at it and karasu’s like bro that’s not going to work lmao but it was actually a quick ball she took from his stash because she didn’t have any of her own so it DOES work HAHAHA ofc karasu’s like what the hell because he always tries to use quick balls and they never work for him despite being really effective when yayoi and apparently reader use them (maybe he catches gible in one though?? and that’s why he doesn’t even need to battle it and is able to capture it while otoya and reader are arguing)
i def had to think about zantetsu for a second but him having an absolute idiot of an abomasnow just fits him so so well lowkey the aesthetics are matched too?? imagine he can mega evolve it eventually HAHAHAH you just see dumbass zantetsu with this enormous mega abomasnow and you’re like wait am i cooked?? but then one fire type move and it’s out for the count 😭 pls it’s especially funny because reo actually doesn’t have any fire types so he has to actively work to beat abomasnow meanwhile arcanine BREATHES and it’s gone 😩 zantetsu lucky fr that nagi doesn’t gaf abt battling him…wait lowkey yk what would be fun is just a mini arc of like ovas/spinoff chapters?? showing what characters other than reader are up to…maybe one focuses on manshine trio and the reo vs zantetsu rivalry, another shows a day in the life of isagi and gives a bit more characterization to the other elite four candidates (kunigami kaiser bachira) as well as the elite four themselves, another is like aiku’s field journal of him getting bullied by pokémon, another is yukimiya’s contest training, another is hiori like settling a dispute amongst some safari zone pokémon (or even amongst his team to show the dynamics we talked abt earlier), and maybe even a tabieita one to show what they’re up to when the girls aren’t around 🤔
oaeu aiku is lowkey so entertaining to write though i can’t even lie he has some HILARIOUS lines i just started the barou version and there’s sm lorenzo slander i’m crying…people can’t even get mad because they’re not MY thoughts they’re aiku’s!!! that’s why i was able to get away w sae slander hehehe 🤫🤫🤫 anyways we finally had the dream team of aryu sendou niko and aiku show up as well as the aiku + niko duo getting some screen time so it’s been fun 🤩
no because lowkey a character study of noel noa’s rise to fame through the eyes of someone who’s known him from the start could lowkey be insane if only i didn’t have like ten requests, oaeu, pursuit, and my upcoming 1k event to worry about 😩 not to mention peregrine and hollyhock KFJDJSJS rip to them fr
YAYYYY I LOVED THE GRAPHICS the grey matching nagi’s character color…houndoom being the only splash of color and really standing out…the super neat font (serving barou realness tbh) idk i just really like it it’s def not the same vibe as the oaeu one for example but that one def gives “this is a silly cute crack fic” whereas this one you can tell you’ll need to lock in a bit to read if that makes sense
ALSO DID YOU SEE THE NEW TRAILER it’s looking like we’re getting s1 animation again but honestly it’s whatever s1 was liveable plus they always do my man nagi (mostly) right so i’m chilling…they made otoya’s face and chin SUPER pointy in that one screencap i reblogged but otherwise idm it too much!! KARASU LOOKS SO CUTE I’M SO GLAD HE’S FINALLY GOTTEN SCENES i really like his hair actually it looks sm softer and fluid in the anime style vs the manga!! at the end of the day at least we didn’t get yona of the dawn-ed like maybe the anime isn’t perfect but at least it exists ykwim?? although given how well the manga sells i’m surprised they don’t put more effort into the anime…anyways 🤷🏻‍♀️
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
LITG: Double Trouble EP 8 Recap
HERE WE GO!!! spoilers underneath!
ok now that I think of it...with 5 guys coming in for casa I guess we do have the same amount of bombshells for guys and girls. WHOOPSIE!!! still shocked a girl is going home!! and still have no idea who theyre gonna choose 😬
"steady grace...its a public vote. it sucks thinking someones going home" Ozzy are u thinking about mc???
awww Amelia tbh I would be SHOCKED if she was dumped tonight. it cant be double trouble without the double! aww the good old days option is cute...little twin sleepovers, missing prom to sit around eating and gossiping. they seemed super tight...I wonder what happened 👀 OZZY my guy...I love you sm BUT WHY INTERRUPT NOW WHEN SHE CLEARLY NEEDS TO CONFESS SOMETHING TO US??? is Amelia not who we think?!?!? 👀😩🫣
at least it was Ozzy tho, if it were literally anyone else I would be so mad at fb rn...as a Noah girly this Ozzy route is already SO MUCH BETTER. we get the angst, we get the little looks but Ozzy is actually pulling us for chats and letting us know where his head is at. It's confused but still we never got that from Noah. I always felt like I was the one chasing him around the villa. OBVIOUSLY im gonna flirt it up with Ozzy!! eeek sorry grace im moving in for a kiss. OK as much as I hate that he pulled away I kind of love that he's trying to be a respectful king 😭 EEEK Grace 😬😬😬 the worst part about this route really is ruining my budding friendship with grace. I wish Ozzy was coupled with Ivy would be so much easier 😭
Couples Quiz!! Roberto better get every question right since he came in knowing every tiny little thing about us 🙄 awww Ozzyyy 😭😭 Jamals fear being pigeons is so funny to me. slow and sensual...noted Bella! Lewie's a giver....also noted! they needed to bring the toe sucking in at some point...we all knew it was bound to happen and the restrain to only have it in the third volume is honestly impressive ill give fb that.
ahhhh ok fb all the answers were from my chats with the girls earlier got itttt. then Roberto is gonna ace too because he knew everything about mc on the date. Roberto's how do u say it...phallic? now im reading this in an accent and hes even cuter lol 😭 wait whattt lol how did Roberto get that wrong??? A scientist?? the man came in knowing every single tiny detail about MC INCLUDING HER JOB!!! HE MENTIONED IT ON THE DATE THAT IT WAS SIMILAR TO HIS SISTER'S!!! and he cant remember it here??? BOOOOO FB!
of course she picks Lewie for her date....can ivy just go now... obvi going to put her in her place.
EEEK Grace wants a chat.....ugh so not looking forward to this. wait Grace lolol you just came and said Ozzy is pulling away, somethings obvi up with him and I tell you he said he'd be sad if I left and theres something more there and you LAUGH??? lol im sorry but now she cant say I didnt tell her later...
still playing the middle ground with Roberto...did ask him if hes ever been in love..he said once a while ago.
the amount of snooping MC is doing this season is sooo good lol. lets not tell anyone about what happened??? What happened Lewie????
I reallyyyy need an option to skip the getting ready chat. I need it to be MC what are u wearing and immediately show me the closet.
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ktsumu · 9 months
NEW THEME IS AMAZEEEE !!! those movies are so good lmfao i love this sm !! you kill it every single time !! pls share a crumb of ur talent 🤲 if you’re clubs then im hearts teehee (ace of hearts to b exact😋)
RIGHTTT they're my comfort movies i watch them whenever i'm bored LOL but stopp T^T getting complimented when you have the PRETTIESTT themes your blog always feels like a winter wonderland. and omg ace of hearts :o i'm literally taking a quiz to see what suit i am this is serious now
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jgracie · 3 months
CYNTHIA!!!!!!!! first of all, happy 600!! that's extremely close to 1,000 which, you deserve to hit <3. I don't exactly remember when we became moots, but I do remember the rants we had ALLL about anything Percy Jackson (especially the one about how minor gods + goddess should have more screen time which is still true to this day!!)
anyways, I am here for a reason. I was wondering if I could order one of those... WITH LOVE, CYNTHIA 's. mhm mhm. that's what I would like. (had to put on my fancy man act for this LOL)
anyways, I hope you're doing well. Get to this whenever you can, peace out pooks 🫶🏾🫶🏾 - zuri
💬 HI MY LOVELY!!!! thank u SOO much omg ur the sweetest ever 😣 i love our little chats sm too and i also believe we need more minor cabin rep 🙏🏼 ALSO STOP 1K IS SO SCARY TO THINK AB 😭 in my head i’m still that silly little blog in the corner of tumblr :( feeling very sentimental rn…. TTYSM ILYYY
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immediately from ur blog theme and just You in general i knew we'd run a chb magazine tgt
it'd be like a monthly or every couple weeks thing (depending on if youre a year rounder because im not LOL) and we'd recap everything that happened in camp!!!
it'd be super 2000s coded as well like there'd be little games and "take this quiz to see which cabin your perfect s/o would be from!!!" LOL
i feel like we'd have sm fun designing the themes/covers of each issue as well 😣
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2018-01-20 · 2 years
i feel like the anime would give me a lot of inspo because koko and inui will appear in today’s ep ncjfjckfk.
ooh a nagi kisser ohoho. idk if you know but nagi has a spinoff called episode nagi (but reo’s more like mc lmaooo). you should read it if you haven’t! bachira is so cute and he makes me really happy. rin took some time to grow on me; u20 is really his arc. he popped off.
my favorites are kunigami and reo! ok ngl fell in love with kunigami right away because of his intro and a little bit of looking like bakugo & ichigo from bleach lol. but what caught me off guard is that he’s actually a nice guy (but in the manga bllk broke him ummm that’s all i can say).
reo took some time to have him grow on me because of how he was in the beginning but i’m in love with his character development in the manga UGHHH he’s so cool. i took a kin quiz and got reo and now that i caught up with the manga i was like oh god i’m like him fr. also when he ties up his hair… losing it over the bare minimum… why am i like this.
yep, a mini series! i’m writing the synopsis as we speak. it’s taking me a day to write it all down because words are stupid lol. i can tag you if you’d like 👀👀👀.
last week i bought the manga! i went book shopping with an irl who started buying manga after lockdown. at my bookstore vol 2 wasn’t in stock so it’s only 1, 3, and 4 but they weren’t on the shelves, so i had to ask the cashier for them. she sent someone in the back to check on them and that person came back with all volumes AHHH i won that day.
i showed my irl bllk and she likes rin (her type is mean basically jgjfjgjfj).
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omg if that’s so then im definitely gonna check it out 😳 i love nagi sm and the fact that u are a reo kisser WAAAHAHFBNFN I LOVE USSS !!! i definitely see what you mean w kunigami and the fact he’s so nice and gentle omfg he deserves so much love 😭 and reo character development you say? 👀👀 im loving what im hearing HEHE
PLEASE DO TAG ME ARGH I LOVE EVERYTHING U MAKE 🥹🥹 u writing blue lock rn is inspiring me to open my drafts and type out all of my brainrot LOL. ALSO THE MANGA LOOKS SO GOOD DJFMNSNF ILL GET THEM ONE DAY ᕦ⁠(⁠ò⁠_⁠ó⁠ˇ⁠)⁠ᕤ
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mushywutty · 4 days
I hope you feel better from the dream, I have nightmares a lot and it's so hard to move on from it sometimes :(
Idk if this will take your mind off of it, but I did a quiz for funsies yesterday of my slasher movie role and I got final girl and I thought of final girl turned killer and it reminded me of Adel a lot.... (I really want to marathon the Scream franchise now...)
If you want to share some brainrot about slashers aus or any brainrot in your mind for that matter I would gladly listen with peak interest :) (I love your aus and ideas)
With love, 🗣️ anon
and hi again my little 🗣️ anon- ( as u can see i just went thru stages of anger LMGOAOZJDJDFJJEJE )
i have a bunch of dreams but also a buncha nightmares but tbh i havent had any big ones in a while so it fucked me up real bad bc EVERYTHING and everyone was fucking with me so bad in there 😔🙄🙄💥
anyways , slasher aus my beloved <333 i guess normal au COULD be considered slasher/paranormal au? adel doesnt have to fight for her life in it yet tho so hmmm...im trying to think of a slasher au for her but i love my three sillies too much to have her kill them off 😔😔‼️but if i HAD to- NO WAIT . wait i just thought abt something but its giving away my lore TOO MUCH ( meat the real one knows abt it lol )
if i had to, i guess id do something related to her ex. kinda like in i spit on your grave? went through SO MUCH shit with ONE fuckass dude, manages to escape even tho most of those who tried to help died... goes to take on her revenge on the asshole only to meet three particular fellas!
or some shit i dont fffffucking know 🙄🙄... my brain is a little mush rn tbh so im like blegh????!!!! .. that idea kinda sucks but basically , yeah.
the only moment adel would be out for BLOOD for them, would be their ' cannon ' meeting? im talking demon adel first meeting them. escaping tobys crazy hatchet throwing skills; hoodies fucking shooting skills ( later on in they compliment each others shooting skills lol ) and ofc, maskys brute ass force - reminder that he BEAT her fuckint ASS when they first met LMFAO -
masky realizing theyd have to work with her from now on as he watched her bruised swollen face slowly heal : fuck me and my stupid baka life.
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luvxiem · 10 months
Good luck with your class!! Hope it's over soon 😭 and also YES winter theme sounds literally so cute I love seasonal themes ... like a white and light blue type thing I'm guessing? You could also do those like cute aesthetic pictures of like wintry stuff maybe?? Tbh whatever you go with I'm sure will be super cute! Also looked up what flying type miku was and I'm ???? She's SO cute I love it sm (even tho there's only like 2 pics smh)
thank u !!! yesterday was my last in person class for it LOL i was kinda sad bc i liked my classmates but whatevs i followed them on ig and i think (?) i convinced one of them to download sky:cotl so we can play that together now too 🥰🥰🥰
and yeah !!! thats what i was thinking as well.. rn my theme is like pastel blue and pink but white and blue feels more seasonal :3 and YESSS i love flying type miku sm !!!! she was easily my fave out of all the pokemon designs, although dark and ice are way up there in my rankings!! ice miku is sooooooo gender
if any of u are curious to what miku u are, take this quiz!!! i got psychic miku :3 here is also a list of all the designs if u just wanna check them out!!
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
Harry Potter newbie here again. 🙋‍♀️ I’m gonna sign my messages as 🦁 so you know it’s me. Maybe one day I’ll grow up a pair and stop writing as an anon. Someday maybe 😅 But for now, I’m halfway through the movies and I do wish I had the time to read the books because there are these gaps in the plot that quite annoy me because when it comes to fantasy I pay huge attention to detail since they turn out to be crucial sooner or later. Also I would love to find out more about the Hogwarts houses and what qualities they represent. Also 3rd movie was okay, not as good as the 2nd one but still ok. 4th I found boring in the first half but the second… damn that was wild.. I feel sad about Cedric’s death because he had the potential to join the gang or at least become Harry’s friend 😔 Also I have developed this weird sympathy for Snape??? Like he’s weird but I really like him for some reason. Please tell me if this is normal or if I should start worrying for myself lol And do we find out more about Draco later in the movies? Because he stopped appearing as much after the 1st movie and he seems like an interesting character. By the way please tell me if these messages annoy you because I’ll stop sending them if they do 🙏 Cheers!! 🩷
firstly, not at all annoying, I love seeing your messages!! 🤍
let’s break this down a lil
1. I wanna read the books too!! I haven’t read them yet but I totally get what you mean, and I hope the books will help fill those blanks. it’s nice to be able to really picture characters and scenarios and effects while reading though, because that visual is there!
2. if you go on the pottermore website there’s a bunch of info, and you can take the quiz and find your house!
3. I love the fourth one so much but I get what you mean, and poor cedric, i loved him sm 😭 he deserved better.
4. don’t worry, this is a we-love-snape household, rest assured you’re valid and welcome. 🏡 don’t worry, more to come for draco, but I won’t say any more than that 🤭
5. I hope you love the rest of the movies!! 🤍
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namuneulbo · 1 year
week eighty-six
i was so busy on sunday so i couldnt post in time. sorry!! ill write and post this now at 1 am on monday. it was a good sunday though, cute person at the till but i got so flustered i forgot to look at their last name when i ided them so i just know his first name and middle name loool. went to the bar after work w c, l and s. we then went for food and ate in the school cafeteria. a cute security guard came after a while and asking for us to show our keys to prove we could be there lol.
ive been listening to loooots of saosin. im so in love w their stuff. so the sotw is obvious hehe.
okay now ill go through the week in order lol.
monday i dont really remember. just work.
i had a shorter shift on tuesday, only four hours! afterwards i met up w e and e and we walked around town and then had some food and then went to some shops. it was fun and time went by so fast.
on wednesday i thought id have to rawdog the music quiz and just go alone and hope id find someone ik there to play w BUT c came home just in time so she joined me along w d, e and s. s left before the results and d and e left right after the results. we did HORRIBLY!!! we came like,, 9th ??? out of 14 probably?
s joined us afterwards and m also joined in after a bit. i thought it was a lot of fun but apparently ive now gotten the news that s is... a bit weird. idk, i always thought my friends were kind of,,, making him seem worse than he is but ig im starting to understand what they find so odd ab him and back on wednesday i still enjoyed his company. after talking for a while, m left to go to another table and c and i were left w s. h joined us at one point and omg i was so excited ab it, i think hes so cool and cute and sweet and i kind of fangirled internally. like truly its not like a crush or anything, hes just so sweet and funny so i was so excited to talk to him. THEN..... D JOINED??? idk if ive talked ab him too much on here but basically hes just this bassist dude whos so fucking cool to me and ive never spoken to him and before this i hadnt even sat at the same table as him or stood within the same circle as him. ig this experience was quite humbling though lol i think i made him up to be more talkative and louder than he actually is. nothing bad ab that i just realized ive probably made him way cooler in my mind than he is irl. hes just human lol. hes still cool to me though but i need to mention that its funny that c had literally said to me like “girl, ur hyping him up way too much. hes just a man.” and now i was indeed proved right. he is just a guy lol. its kind of become an inside joke by now though and i like that ive created that correlation to him now so itll always be in the back of esp c and ls minds. i did fangirl a lot when he sat down at our table out of nowhere though and it was so funny bc c kept giving me a look.
d left quite quickly to go to talk to others and after a while me, c, h and ss convo turned into a film bro convo bc apparently all three of them r film bros and i havent seen like,, any movies so they started listing movies from every era and of every genre that i had to watch and it was so funny. after they had been listing stuff for a good 15 minutes they finally said dead poets society and i could finally be like “IVE SEEN THAT ONE”. i then watched interstellar the next day... no reason why i specifically watched that one...
after watching interstellar on thursday, i got so inspired to go learn cornfield chase on piano so i ran to school at 12 am but obviously it was closed. i knew it would be but sometimes the gates might still be open or something so there r loopholes but yeah, not this time. i checked every door lol. i still havent gone to practice it. i practiced a little bit at home on the keyboard but it sounds so bad and its so hard to play, mainly ergonomically.
friday! played sims all day and then went for a drink w t. we then went for a walk and then got some food to end the evening. i love them sm <3
saturday was work again but it was a five hour shift that went by pretty fast and it was such a weird shift lol. theres this guy that comes in every now and then and weve always had this little tension between us, like a pretty obvious romantic tension. i remember all the times hes been at the till while i was working. one time he was also just in the store while i was fixing some shelves, i think i was specifically organizing cat food? anyways, first time, i actually cant remember fully if it was him but im pretty sure?? idk, like i said, i get flustered when i see pretty ppl so i just remember a BIG tension and his hand shaking a bit when holding his card to the card reader. second time he bought cigarettes and i ided him and TURNS OUT ITS A GUY I WENT TO ELEMENTARY W LOLLLL. hes two years older than me and all i remember of him is that he used to show me gore on the computer at the after school thingy we were at. honestly shaped me a lot as a child probably. i wonder if he remembers me from that as well. anyways. he bought food some other time too and i remember just really feeling the tension still. like its sm fun??? like how u can feel that we both find each other so attractive yet no one says anything apart from just smiling and doing like a specific type of eye contact and just like idk... speaking in a certain tone ig??? its sm fun. hes so hotttttt. anyways on saturday he came in twice, once w his friend (who i also know and hes not a great guy sooooooo) and that time his friend was just buying cigarettes but he stayed away for some reason and like fully turned his back to me lol idk what that was ab but then after an hour or so he came in alone to buy some quick meal and the tension was back. i think he mightve genuinely just avoided me the first time bc he didnt want his friend to know??? or am i being totally delusional rn?
later that shift d shows up. THE d. we were both as surpised lol i just looked up from my phone when i heard someone start piling up stuff on the conveyor belt and then i meet eyes w him and his eyes widen just as much as mine and hes like “hi!” and im like “hi!”. we dont say anything else but it was just so funny and i keep smiling lol. hes so iconic to me. maybe a little hot too but like mostly iconic. i think. he is QUITE hot though... like to be fucking fair....
THEN omg. this was so fucking funny and i laughed ab it for the rest of my shift. this guy came in to buy alcohol and he was young so he showed id before i even got to asking him for it and his name is literally the same as w, my crush. FIRST AND LAST NAME WERE THE SAME??? what a fucking coincidence??????? it was so funny and i had to keep myself from bursting out in laughter in front of him it was so fucking weird. i didnt think w had THAT common of a name. like yeah first name sure, one of the more common ones for his age but like first and last name??? woah.
anyways, thats a fucking wrap.
sotw: saosin - racing toward a red light
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