#i love this pink thing. want to put her in a blender
exephrine · 3 months
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pinkzier · 7 months
Kim minji x F!reader
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Cupcakes for hyein's birthday
warnings: Just minji and reader being a loving couple, hyein's parents, danielle and haerin are cute here but not mentioned as a couple, hope you liked it! bad writing
summary :You and Minji (she didn't want to) decide to make cupcakes for Hyein's party at night! But you don't know how to cook.
Minji is green and reader is pink
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—“We should have bought ready-made cupcakes”.Minji mutters as she realizes that she's been mixing the cupcake batter for half an hour, she knew she should have bought a whisk and not beaten it with a fork, it's all her fault
"Stop your bad mood, minji! You know it wouldn't be the same as buying, it's much nicer to do it” you say while making a small pout as you add Pink food coloring to the icing that was too... soft to be in the right consistency.
"you're only saying that because danielle gave you this idea" minji murmurs once again as she sighs and stops hitting 
Minji looks away from you and then back to the penthouse and a soft frown appears on her face "that seems too soft..". then you look too and give an embarrassed smile "maybe I got the amount of milk wrong, maybe we should add more?" Minji's frown deepens and he looks away from the table as she says, "we'd better swap, yes? You try to look on your phone for how to make the batter thicker and I'll look for how to make this...cupcake frosting? thicker..."  So you sigh and nod your head visibly not so happy, when you arrive at the table with the dough you have an idea, what if you use the blender? You look at Minji and see her muttering things that you claim to understand are "we should have bought it" or changing it to "this is like water" so you decide not to disturb her, you go to the blender and put all the liquid in there, which simply it pours like water as if there was no flour inside
—“What are you doing?" you hear minji's thick voice and dripping with boredom. "i have an idea" you say as you put the blender cord in the socket and go to press the "2" button then minji looks at iyou "you closed the lid-" and then all the dough falls to the floor, and it dirty everything, the white wall, the cutlery, the countertops, all your clothes and your hair
“Ugh.....”you hear minji sigh in annoyance and you swear she would fight you right now, she leaves the table and leaves everything there and comes close to you "How does a person in their right mind forget to put the lid on?" she murmurs and places the palm of her hand on your face, seeming to examine to see if there is anything more than soft, sticky mass on your skin. “ sorry..." you mutter with an embarrassed smile then minji's gaze softens but still has a soft frown," We better ask danielle for help, it was her fault for giving you this idea, if she doesn't help we'll have to buy it for She and you say it was you who did it... the party is tonight" you sigh and nod, then minji slowly walks away and looks through the dirt "god what a mess"
Well, it didn't work, you used up the only leftover flour you had at home, Danielle pointed out to you that Minji read the recipe wrong and used unleavened flour, Minji apologized to you and admitted her mistake, she took you to a bakery to buy hyein's cupcakes and even bought you a milkshake even though you were a bit stupid...
"We're here" Minji murmurs as she looks up and sees the new jeans bedroom "finally" you sigh as Minji grabs your hand and walks into the company going to the elevator and touching the 4 button and getting into the elevator with you
 "Are you still upset?" Minji breaks the silence in the elevator and I look at the ceiling "No, why?" You speak and look at Minji and then she looks at you "You're just like Danielle, you always get upset easily" she murmurs and sees a pout on your lips "I I'm not upset, it was both of our faults, not just yours minji" minji widens her eyes a little and gives a smile "I guess so...but it was more mine" so you just roll your eyes and sigh 
When the elevator opens you find yourself face to face with Danielle and Haerin talking. when danielle looks at you an illuminating smile crosses her lips "it's good that you're alive! I thought minji-unnie had killed you..." danielle jokes and minji rolls her eyes and scoffs
Then haerin looks at you and murmurs "you guys smell like eggs.." then danielle looks at her and pushes her a little "stop it haerin!" and takes haerin's hand and then looks at you "dont mind her, she missed you" then you give her a smile and see minji looking at her with a deadly look and the two of them looking at each other "well.. why don't we go?..." you playfully break the tension and danielle agrees "it's been so long since I've seen hyein!" and you pout and you nod too, when you knock on hyein's door she automatically opens it and has the biggest smile you've ever seen "unnies!" hyein hugs danielle and haerin who stands still like a statue and then you and minji "you guys smell like eggs..." hyein frowns and covers his nose playfully
you see haerin with a smile and minji sighed excessively "come on in! oh! is this for a party?" hyein takes the bag with cupcakes from your hand and then from haerin's hand 
"oh.... the same cupcakes!" hyein asks curiously and gives a smile, you look at danielle and give a smile "damn...
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huramuna · 7 months
banshee's lament - chapter 4.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
a/n: this chapter might be a bit slower. it's building some things up and i wanted to brush up on my combat writing. it's a bit scuffed but i hope you enjoy! aemond is kind of feral in this chapter.
wordcount: 4.2k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, ofc has a service direwolf, i'm taking canon rules and putting them in a blender and taking a shot, arranged marriage, graphic depictions of violence, my terrible, terrible combat writing
story playlist
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‘Little wolf spider’ Helaena had called her. She remembered Helaena’s incessant facts about them specifically– why, of all things, did she remember that? She remembered Helaena citing that they were excellent hunters with superb eyesight. They did not spin webs, most being wanderers without permanent homes.
It almost made her want to laugh. It truly described her well, didn’t it? Besides the eyesight part… and the hunting part– she was indeed, a little wolf spider– doomed to be alone and not able to make her own home, a rolling stone amongst the waves that threatened to drown her.
After the betrothal announcement dinner and subsequent breakdown of Shera, she stayed in her chambers for a few days, not feeling well enough to socialize, nor see the faces of people that would’ve heard her crying. Cregan visited a few times, bringing her a meal or two and forcing her to bathe– it was agitating her to be forced to do something she loved, something she wished to do alone.
He, thankfully, had maids do the actual washing part– but this still annoyed Shera to bits. She hated being touched, being fretted over by them as they looked upon her like she was lesser, like she wasn’t capable of doing things herself. She felt suffocated in a place that usually brought her peace, simpering tiny whines as they pulled at her hair. 
I can do it, I can do it– just let me do it!
She wanted to scream and claw their wandering eyes out, then go and kick Cregan in the balls– this was his fault, his fault– 
Finally, the maids left and she felt like a freshly plucked duck, ready to be roasted over the fire. Her skin was red and pink, emanating heat that she could almost see, steam roiling over her overwrought skin.
Moongeist whined at the closed washroom door– they had locked him out, the absolute fiends. She wrapped in a robe, pinning her hair up with a whale bone pin and opened the door.
“Come here, lovey,” she cooed, voice broken and hoarse still. “They locked you out– my poor bubby.” Shera pat his head, descending onto her knees. She was still weak from the emotional turmoil she’d gone through, bleeding into her physical state, but she would need to be bed bound before she would ever forsake Moongeist proper scratches. Her hands glided through his black fur and she pressed her face to him, taking in his familiar scent.
 Everyone said he smelled like a dog, but that was simply untrue. He smelled… clean, he smelled like wolf– which was much different than smelling like dog. It was primal and heady, deep and warm like fir trees and pine nettles and all the things that were so synonymous with him. She scratched behind his ears and his leg thumped on the ground. 
Cregan returned to her chamber, a plate of something sweet smelling in his hand. He put it down on the dining table. “Are you feeling better today?” 
Shera’s mouth pursed into a thin line as she got back to her feet— with Moongeist’s assistance— and meandered to the table. “Define better.” she murmured, inspecting the plate. It was piled high with her favorite treat; sticky honey walnut cakes. Her mouth filled with saliva instantly and her brow raised to Cregan. Perhaps her brother was more considerate than she thought. 
“Better as in you’d be able to walk the Keep— Jacaerys and I are going to be skirmishing in the training yard at noon.” 
She all but scowled as she pilfered one of the pastries, biting into it without much decorum. It was a messy dessert, designed to be eaten with a fork and knife— but damn that, she would be sticky faced like a honey drunk bear if she pleased! She melded into the flavors, the nostalgia of it tampering her mood. “… I suppose I could watch.”
“He asked for you, you know.” 
Shera’s brow raised. ‘He’ could mean a lot of people. “Who?” 
“Jacaerys. He asked if you were alright and wished his condolences for your… illness.” 
“Is that what we are saying it is now? An illness?” she muttered, taking another bite of the cake. Yes, how diminishing it felt to pass off her fragility of mind as an illness. Of course— how else could it be put? She was surprised that it wasn’t being spread as a ‘malady of woman’, or some other pompous innocuous name for whatever was really wrong with her. 
“What would you call it then?” 
She made a noncommittal noise and continued eating. After finishing, she let out a sigh. “Thank you for the cakes, Cregan.” 
“I didn’t bring them— they were at your chamber door when I came back.” 
She tilted her head. “They were just… there?” 
“I didn’t even know you liked honey walnut cakes, Shera.” 
She clenched her jaw, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. “I’ll be at the yard at noon. I need to get ready, if you please.” she said, the nicest way of putting it. Leave, brother. You’re annoying. 
Dressed in a lighter garment than usual, she descended the steps carefully. A light blue tulle train flowed behind her, rippling and waving in the breeze like the white capped crests upon the Blackwater. It was different from her normal style of muted, monotone colors— mayhaps it was a way to uplift herself. 
It was a lovely blue and green hue, embroidered with filigree patterns. The sleeves were long, accompanied by a sweeping circular decolletage, exposing her soft collarbone and the faintest swell of breast. She had felt so confident leaving her chambers— she even went with a shorter veil than usual, the lace falling just past her jaw. 
Walking down the hall, Moongeist nosed her hand to his head, as if to remind her of something. She felt… exposed. A bit too much for her liking. Her fingers glided over her wolf’s soft fur… and she remembered, swiftly turning around to grab her fur stole from her room. “Thank you for reminding me, sweet boy,” she hummed, snuggling into the comforting, familiar fur. 
Descending down to the training yard, she fanned herself with an errant hand. Even with less layers than usual and lighter colors, she was still broiling under the sun. Moongeist panted near her, tongue lolled out in silent agreement.
“A parasol might do you well, my lady,” a bored voice drawled. “Your pale complexion does you wonders, but I wonder if you still flay in the sun like as a child.” 
“Aegon,” Shera recognized the lazy, tired voice of the eldest child of Alicent. He had been one of her companions back in the day, but also one of her greatest foes– before the incident of course. “I’m surprised to see you outside. I’ve heard you’re solely a creature of the dark now.”
“I am full of surprises, dear Shera,” he caught up to her, looping their arms together all too readily. He had a dopey smile on his face, but it didn’t match the pure exhaustion in his eyes. Dark bags fell under those violet orbs like a dreary storm. “I happen to be coming back from… such nightly activities.”
Moongeist let out a growl as he touched her, but Shera silenced him. She didn’t believe that she had any reason to fear Aegon and thought him almost as pathetic as she. “Very well.”
“I heard about… the dinner. I’m glad I slipped out when I did, I knew it’d be a shit show,” he was fiddling with his rings on his free arm, all while stringing her along to the training yard. “Curious how Aemond said you were a bashed up mess under that veil of yours, and yet– he is challenging your betrothed and your brother to a duel?”
“How do you know that?” 
“I have my ways– eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Helaena told you, didn’t she?”
“... mm. Maybe– even so, I don’t think it’s wholly terrible under there, is it?” he peered at her, a single hand lifting her veil to peek underneath. 
She promptly slapped his hand away and wrenched herself from his grasp, followed by Moongeist giving a warning snap to the air. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? Sleeping off your night, mayhaps?” 
“Well– yes,” Aegon backed up, putting his hands in the air in surrender. “I just wanted to catch up. Is that so terrible?”
He patted down imaginary dust from his doublet, twisting his rings again as they reached the landing to the training yard observation deck. He leaned his head to look out and survey it for a moment before a devilish smirk perked at his mouth once more. “You are going to wish that it was me talking to you soon enough, Shera. Have fun, zokla.” Wolf. 
Shera watched him jaunt off with an air of confusion, turning to walk onto the rampart. She saw Jacaerys there already with Cregan, talking and laughing with… Rhaena and Baela. Daemon was there, too, stalking in the background.
She took a deep breath, glancing to the dirt grounds where Aemond was sparring with Criston. 
Cregan’s voice echoed in her mind. They’re not your friends, not anymore. She pulled her stole closer to herself, walking forward. I don’t have any friends here. Except for Helaena, it seemed. Steeling her nerves, she made her way to the small congregation. “Brother, Jacaerys,” she greeted first, dipping her head. Cregan seemed jovial and in good spirits– he always was around Jacaerys and vice versa. “Lady Baela, Lady Rhaena.” she spoke then, trying to keep her quivering voice even. They hadn’t spoken since Baela had slashed her eye and attempted to kill her. Shera took in her appearance best she could– she had grown up, as they all had, but especially resembled her mother, Laena. Shera remembers seeing Laena’s portraits in Driftmark– and her statuesque coffin depiction before she was pushed into the sea. 
“Shera,” Jacaerys grinned, taking her hand– which she did not offer him– and kissed it. So gallant, so princely. It made her want to vomit. “It’s a lovely day today, isn’t it?”
Yes, it’s a lovely day, stifling hot in the hells. “... it could do with a breeze, mayhaps. But yes, quite nice.” she responded coolly. 
“‘Tis my turn to spar Aemond next– apparently he has been here since the crack of dawn with Criston. Do you think he’s getting exhausted yet, my lady?” Jace asked, guiding Shera to her seat and handing her a fan. At least he noticed that she was positively broiling.
She leaned and looked over the rampart to the skirmishing ring, where Aemond kept up his pace. “Since dawn, you say?” she asked, raising a brow as she fanned herself.
Aemond was using a shortsword, which seemed to be his weapon of choice against all others. Ser Criston was wielding a morningstar with spiked barbs around it. Her lone eye was entranced on the prince’s movements as he danced around his teacher, footwork impeccable as if he were simply floating across the dirt, whipping up hardly any dust in his wake. Shera wished she was a bit closer so she could see it better, but his movements didn’t seem to be exhausted in the slightest– he was like grebe skimming over the water, in his element. 
Criston raised his morningstar, twirling it before making his advance to the prince, to which Aemond did not move. Move, Aemond. Move! What are you doing? Shera clenched her fist in her lap and leaned forward even farther to try and parse exactly what Aemond’s plan was– certainly not to face a morningstar head on with a simple shortsword? She held her breath as he was within bludgeoning range of the flail, the chains clinking as Criston didn’t waiver– it was like they were in a real fight. Was he about to kill Aemond? 
She rose to her feet quickly, startled by what she thought was about to be a murder– only to watch Aemond roll deftly out of the way as the kingsguard’s weapon stuck into the dirt, lodged a few inches in by the heft of his lunge. This was a clear opportunity for Aemond, one he calculated so carefully. He stuck the tip of his shortsword through the links of the flail, keeping it pinned to the ground and hovered a dagger at Ser Cole’s neck with his other hand. 
“I yield, my prince.” Criston huffed, bowing his head. 
“Very good,” Aemond grinned– but it wasn’t a grin of joy, this seemed to be a recurring theme with Aemond– he smiled but it was nothing of mirth. It was simply a reflex, like a snake opening its jaws to stretch its fangs, one might think it was laughing. “Who’s next?” 
Shera realized the kerfuffle she’d made, her hand white knuckled against her chest as she stared at Aemond in abject horror, still not getting past the fact that she had been deathly worried about Aemond– even after the horrible things he had said. If Ser Cole’s flail had met the prince’s head, she would’ve jumped the rampart with Moongeist and mauled that sordid Kingsguard without a second thought.
She blinked, letting out a breath. Where did that come from? She was usually so well versed in her moods, as tumultuous as they could be. But this rage had snuck up on her, her blood boiling slightly. She glanced to her side, Moongeist was up and raring to go, as if sharing her sentiment.
Aemond wiped sweat from his forehead, finally looking to the ramparts. Their eyes met once again and he smirked. Smirked. It wasn’t a reflexive, mirthless smirk either. It was taunting, pompous. “Lady Shera,” he drawled, dislodging his sword from the ground and twirled it with ease, like it was an attachment of his own body. “You are dressed… brightly today.” he walked to the edge of the ring, looking directly up at her. 
Shera looked behind her for a moment– the rest of the party was occupied with talking with one another. She pressed her arms on the wall and leaned down. “I am. You are not.”
“When have I ever been?” 
“You used to like green.”
“Hm,” he snorted, wiping some errant dirt from his face. “If I were in a tourney, would you cast down your favor to me?”
“I thought you didn’t care for tournaments, my prince.” 
“I don’t.” he responded coolly, his eye trained on her so intensely. He was looking at something– did she have something on her face?
She realized quickly the air coming up from under her veil, the shorter one she wore today, and her angle. She was looking… down at him, and the veil stayed in place. He could see her face. He was looking at her, studying her like a book. Shera let out a soft sheepish noise, pushing back from the rampart and sitting back at her seat. 
She heard him laugh as he walked away to stow his weapon on the rack and pick another. He was laughing at her– surely because he thought her ugly. Wilting into herself, she adjusted her veil so that she might not have any more mishaps. 
“Jacaerys, I believe it’s your turn,” she murmured, fanning herself again, then fanning Moongeist.
“Ah, very good. Wish me luck, my lady.” 
“Good luck, Jacaerys.” she hummed. I do wish you don’t get your brains splattered in the pit by Aemond. I am not getting up again.
Cregan clasped Jace on the shoulder with such ferocity he almost knocked the prince over, walking down to the pit with him. Shera rolled her eyes and leaned back in her seat.
“So, Lady Stark,” Baela hummed, pulling her seat up next to Shera. Uncomfortably close. “Cregan is your brother, yes?”
“Yes, my lady.” she responded, trying not to sound annoyed.
“Forgive me– you two don’t look much alike, so I was just making sure.”
You cannot even see my face, how do you know we do not look alike? The last time you saw my face, you mauled it. “Cregan takes after our father more than I. I am more like our mother– or so I’ve been told. I’ve not met her.” she fiddled with her fur stole to ease her growing irritation. Add mother issues to the list of things I have wrong with me. Shera’s mother died shortly after her birth– all she knew is that she had copper hair. Their father had put away portraits and any semblance of her existence after– and never remarried.
Baela carefully sidestepped the issue of Shera’s mother, keeping her pressed about Cregan. “My stepmother says that mayhaps after you and Jacaerys are wed, she will propose a betrothal between Cregan and I.”
Oh, of course. Let’s have Winterfell all but indebted to dragons. “I hadn’t heard. Have you been North, my lady?” 
“No– but I imagine it cannot be any harsher than the roiling tides of Driftmark.”
Fuck you. “Having been both places– they are very different, Lady Baela,” Shera knew she was being short and not doing well in containing her agitation at this whole situation, being in proximity to her would-be murderer. “The North is harsher than any tide and is not the best climate for everyone. I do not think dragons fair well in the North,” she paused to breathe, her pace of speaking beginning to burn her throat. She was fueled by disconcertment and barely contained anger alone. “... that is what I have heard. Vermax loathes the snow.” 
“Well,” Baela kept a smile on her face. “Cregan is handsome, don’t you think?”
“I cannot say, my lady. I don’t really see him in such a manner— I am not a Targaryen, after all.” Shera said back, finally regaining some control in her voice. 
She heard Daemon laugh behind her. She fought the urge to turn around and sneer, focusing on the melee happening in the pit. It was well on its way and Jacaerys was… faring. She didn’t know how he was faring, but he wasn’t knocked out yet. 
Aemond was circling him like a wolf upon prey– a totally different technique than what he had done with Criston. He had let Criston come to him, rather than facing him head on. It was almost sickly how he was playing with him before the slaughter. There was a dangerous glint in Aemond’s eye that only Shera seemed to catch– did he mean to kill Jace? She remembered a similar glint in his eye when he raised the rock to Jacaerys’ head in the tunnels under Driftmark–
Aemond surged forward and steel met steel, their swords clashing together. Jace had chosen a shortsword as well, parrying his opponent’s thrust– barely. He knocked the white-haired prince back slightly, catching his breath. 
Once again, that sickly smile spread across Aemond’s face. “Tired already, Jacaerys? We’ve barely begun!” he continued his walk around his nephew, twirling his sword.
“Hardly, uncle. All you’ve done is dance around me. How about an actual fight, ey?” Jace quipped back. 
Shera had to give him credit where it was due. Jace was brazen. Taunting an already unhinged Aemond and being mayhaps a bit stupid– but brazen nonetheless. 
“A swordsman knows how to pick his fights and when to wait, doesn’t he?” Aemond’s eye flicked to the ramparts where Daemon was still looming. “Has your stepfather not taught you that?”
“You’re both talking a bit too much for my liking,” Cregan grunted, his hand itching on his own sword, which he had already unsheathed. It was the Stark’s ancestral weapon, a huge greatsword aptly called Ice. Cregan handled it with ease– Shera wouldn’t even be able to lift it. “Go on, Jacaerys.”
“Go on, Jacaerys,” Aemond taunted in a similar tone, his hackles raised. He looked slightly manic in the moment. “Let's see what your stepfather has taught you– if anything. I thought you were supposed to be strong.” 
Jacaerys raged forward, spurred by his rising anger. Their swords clashed again with such force that sparks flew from the metal. Aemond thwarted him off, pushing him backwards into the dirt, shrugging his shoulders. 
Despite being pushed down, Jace still got up, coming at Aemond again and again, each slash more sloppy than the last, but fueled with spite. His uncle continued to parry him, to push him, to sweep him aside with ease– it was a game to him.
“Keep your attacks focused, Jacaerys,” Cregan commanded. “He’s getting tired, I can see it.”
“I can go all day, Stark!” Aemond barked, his violet eye pierced solely on Cregan now as he thwarted Jacaerys’ heavy-handed blows without even looking at him. “Let’s make a wager, shall we? If your… pup here wins, I’ll personally pay for you and your troops to have a trip to the Silk Street– the best brothel. If I win– I get to take your sister for a ride on my dragon.” 
Ah, fuck. Cregan’s hackles rose and he shoved off his fur cape. “Don’t talk about my sister, you beast,” the vein in Cregan’s neck throbbed and Shera knew it would come to blows between the Warden of the North and the One-Eyed prince. “You wouldn’t know a real fight if it hit you in the face.” 
“Oh, please– now give me a moment so I can pummel your little pup into the ground and show your sister a real dra–” Aemond’s voice was cut off as Cregan punched him squarely in the face, right in his nose. Blood dripped from his nostrils and he then raised his sword to Cregan. “Fine.”
Their bodies tensed and Jacaerys saw the opportunity to walk away, thoroughly exhausted and not wanting to get in between the two of them. 
They were about to clash swords once more in a very real manner and Shera stood up from her chair hastily, opening her mouth to say something– but she was cut off. 
“Aemond!” an authoritative voice called from the rampart. It was Otto Hightower, hand of the King– and Aemond’s grandsire. “Forgo your petty spar and meet me in the Tower of the Hand. Promptly.” 
The mania in Aemond’s eyes and aura faded, snuffing it out once more– just like his rage at the dinner. “Of course. Good fight, Jacaerys,” he nodded his head to his nephew, then looked to Cregan. “Stark.” he uttered before spitting blood onto the dirt, wiping his bleeding nose with the back of his hand. He didn’t even look at Shera as he ascended the steps and followed his grandsire. 
“I notice you did not greet me, Lady Stark,” Daemon hummed as he loomed behind her. “Am I not worthy of your respect?” 
“... you were quite far away, Prince Daemon. I simply cannot project my voice that far, forgive me.” she droned, blinking profusely at the turn of events. 
“My nephew said he would’ve taken you on a ride upon his dragon– care to enlighten me what that might mean?” he continued, tapping ringed fingers on the stone barrier.
“I presume he would take me on a ride on Vhagar,” she muttered, edging away from Daemon. “He would find it hard to get me upon his beast, even if he won the bet.”
“I’m sure he would. Your brother has a temper when it comes to you, it seems?”
“All men have tempers when it comes to women in their lives, do they not?” 
“That’s true.”
“I don’t imagine you would wish your daughter,” she cleared her throat, eyes looking to Baela, who was speaking to Jacaerys off to the side. “To be absconded to the North. Nor do I imagine you’re entirely pleased at the prospect of more Andal blood tainting your line.” 
“An apt observation, wolf. Though, I am not sure the North is meant for northerners, either. Some people just do not belong anywhere, it seems.” 
Fuck off, old man. “I wish you a good day, prince Daemon.” Shera whispered, bowing her head, careful of her veil placement. She could feel his gaze on her, leering at her, trying to figure out what was beneath.
“Cregan– I am going to lunch with Helaena,” Shera tried to call down, but her voice didn’t project. He was caught up talking very animatedly to Jacaerys and Baela– Rhaena was off to the side, not saying much.
Shera let out an errant puff of agitation and left the training yard. She stopped at her chambers before going to Helaena’s– she took off the errant piece of flowing fabric from her outfit and put it on the desk. 
Aemond returned to his chambers hours later after being thoroughly chewed out by his grandsire for ‘behavior unbecoming of a prince’. Is this how it felt to be Aegon?
His nose ached and he was sure that northern beast had broken it. It mattered not, it will mend. Most things do in time.
He began to unlace his jerkin as he noticed a piece of cerulean fabric on his desk, pinned with a note.
My favor, for you.
There was no signature to whom had written it, only a crude drawing of a wolf. He rolled his eye, picking up the fabric. It was soft between his calloused fingers and smelled heavily of lavender and rosemary. It smelled of her– he could absorb it even with his broken nose.
A tiny smile perked at his lips for a moment. ‘Twas a real one.
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seffien · 2 years
Any Agent 8 hcs?
part 1 (backstory, basically)
oth is family to her.
she's a pretty good cook, and like marie, she likes to cook for people she cares about.
had an awkward day with 4 while 3 was in the hospital. they visited, left, made awkward small talk, and then it was the next day
marie felt incredibly guilty about everything she'd done as agent 2 up to 8 surfacing, but 8 forgave her. ("it is all in the past, marie. now is the time you can change.")
gives amazing hugs and used her power to comfort 3 and 4
8 loved the off the hook cereal to the point where, when 4 would go grocery shopping at makomart, she always got it.
was scared of blenders and sharp things for a bit, but her fear of darkness was prolonged. she'd hallucinate the glow of an octoling's shades or a sanitized octarian when waking up in the middle of the night, then immediately duck under the covers
her nightmares right after moving in were horrifying. she'd dream about members of the NSS dying in war, inkopolis being destoryed, having to fight in a war, being sanitized, and all sorts of other things that would freeze her up early in the morning.
these nightmares caused her to be sad-looking and unresponsive some days
sometimes she'd randomly burst into tears and refused to let anyone comfort her
gets a liiittle too into turf and rank, to the point where it's concerning
hated going outside for a while because she could feel people, inklings, staring at her
worked in a record shop for a bit, something i forgot to mention in the og agent headcanons post. she didn't necessarily like the job but the pay was good
considerably strong, can pick 3 or 8 up with....relative ease.
she felt like a burden because the NSS had to constantly put up with her 'baggage'
would spend time with 4 whenever 3 was away doing whatever she'd do or getting a check-up from squid sisters and off the hook.
insisted that she take care of herself and broke through 4's stubbornness quite easily.
would watch orchestras perform on tv, which is how she gained a love for them. she also wants a violin
3's shoulder to sleep on and 4's definitive shoulder to cry on
drew mem cakes for people she cared about and created poems to accompany them
had to sometimes sleep in her octopus form so 3 and 4 could rest easier
bonded with callie over their shared love of the color pink.
decided to work @ ammo knights shortly before the move to splatsville and is still working in the splatsville location
also works as a medic in alterna, helping any of the NSS if they get hurt
(stole this one from @.swcdx) in addition, she also goes to octo valley to help those still in the domes.
her favorite outfit is a white coat—kinda similar to marie's—with a long white skirt, white boots, glasses, and her hair up in a bun.
unfortunately, eight isn't exempt from having issues relating to her parents. her parents are dead. they were murdered, specifically. those who know don't know where 8 is (if they even remember her), but even if they did, they wouldn't have the heart to tell her
though she tries not to worry, even now, the whereabouts of her parents lingers in the back of her mind.
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envihellbender · 5 months
Blight!Legion wakes up for the first time
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Characters: The Legion - Frank, Joey, Susie, and Julie
Content: body horror, body dysmorphia, a system but symbolic and paranormal
Summary: Legion awake into the realm of the Entiry, the blight serum causing their body to be violently forced together.
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“Everyone shut the fuck up!” Frank shouted, causing the other three to fall silent. He sighed in relief. The first thing they noticed as they woke up was that it was loud. They awoke aching on a wooden floor with throbbing joints and a far too many voices and bodies in a very small space. “Okay, Joey. You go.”
“What the fuck?” Joey said. He raised both of his arms as he said it, his heart hammering into his chest. One arm was normal, his regular scarred black skin that wasn’t worth of any comment…apart from how it was that it was there at all, The other was pale with a lighter burn on the wrist, with a few other pale, healing self harm scars. His hand was square, with short thick fingers. The hand that wasn’t his was pale and thin with bitten painted nails, a mix of purple and black that have been applied with a shaky hand.
“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Julie said, she frowned as she was more concerned with groping at her chest. “My tits are different. Smaller… these are… their like-”
“Bigger than mine,” Frank interrupted, audibly annoyed and his slurring showed he was disorientated.
“And we’re talking from the same mouth,” Susie pointed out, not wanting to voice her delight at her chest no longer being flat when everyone else was so horrified.
“I’m also shorter,” Joey continued, he furrowed ‘his’ brow in confusion. He lifted up his shirt, lowering it a little when two voices balked at him flashing them. Sure enough, there was pale skin where it should have been dark. There were jet black stitches and half way up his ribs they connected pale skin to dark brown. He gingerly touched them, a gasp escaping between his lips as he did. “Okay so. The right arm is… Mine.”
“Left is mine,” Julie said as she raised it in the air.
“What do you mean? What do you mean yours?” She paused for a moment. “We- we’re in the same body?!” She started to hyperventilate, until the other three managed to calm the body down. Their intention was a mixture of care and also them not wanting to harm their shared body.
“Come on, Suze, babe, deep breaths,” Julie soothed, unintentionally causing their left hand to sympathetically rub their right shoulder.
“Right. Right. Thanks Jayjay,” Susie exhaled. Joey and Frank maintained an annoyed silence, as if they hadn’t both been calming Susie down too.
“Me and Frank are the same height,” she eventually pointed out, she pressed their teeth into their bottom lip. “So I guess that makes the legs ours. How can we- how can we figure out who’s is-”
“I have a big wine stain birth mark below my right knee, and an ugly ass scar above my left ankle,” Frank interrupted. Julie and Joey leaned forward and pulled up their jeans, the dark torn ones were too long and dragging on the floor. Joey’s.
“Huh. There’s the birth mark,” Joey pointed out.
“I always think it looks like Peyto lake,” Julie replied.
“Oh! It does!” Susie said a little excited.
“Shockingly Susie agrees with Jules,” Frank huffed sardonically. “So. Right leg mine. Right arm Joey’s. Left arm Julie’s. Cute freckled pink left leg is Susie’s.”
“Why is everyone repeating this like it makes sense?” Susie whined, Frank ignored how high pitched and annoying her voice way. He loved her but it was like having an infuriating little sister constantly in his mind.
“Didn’t say it made sense, but might as well figure out what doesn’t make sense first,” Joey pointed out. “It’s like we were four quarks that got shoved together to make a hadron.”
“English, nerd,”Julie chided.
“Like if you took four different berries and put them in a blender,” Susie said wistfully, their shared stomach rumbling at the thought. Susie and Joey seemed excited at the idea of eating, Julie and Frank didn’t notice.
“You guys are just gonna keep repeating this as if it makes it make any more sense then, eh?” Julie snapped.
“Jules, chill, Jesus,” Frank sighed. He did love her, of course he did. But her being inside his head made her annoying traits impossible to ignore. “Look, what’s the last thing everyone remembers?”
“Fog,” Julie, Susie, and Joey said simultaneously.
“Yeah,” Susie continued. “We were together, hugging each other, and we were surrounded by fog. It swallowed us up.” Frank remained silent, that wasn’t quite how he remembered it but now wasn’t the time to have three people he shared a body with to be angry at him.
“This… this body is… weird,” Joey said after a moment’s silent.
“Wow, cis boy actually knows what it’s like to be a tranny now,” Frank grinned.
“I mean, the tits are one thing,” Joey admitted,!the breasts hadn’t actually occurred to him. “Wasn’t prepared for being 75% white. What are we gonna do about it?”
“What do you mean do about it?” Julie responded. “More to the point, where the fuck are we?”
“It looks like some house. None of ours, I don’t think,” Frank mumbled, he noted Joey’s silence and didn’t like the sound of it. “Why don’t we go wander around and see if anyone else is here?” It took three attempts to be able to all move their body at once and stand, walking was even harder. They carefully put one foot in front of the other.
“Anyone else wonder what our junk situation is like?” Joey asked suddenly causing them all to stop.
“Mine’s smaller,” Susie mused.
“Mine is definitely … more,” Julie said conversely.
“One ridiculous fucking problem at a time, please,” Frank snapped, forcing the rest of the Legion in to silence so he could focus.
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youredreamingofroo · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: It's time to appreciate the small things! What's a small detail from one of your posts that you love? Could be a small tattoo on a sim, specific clutter in a sims' room, a little detail in a render or screenshot, whatever is applicable to you (p.s. I've been scouring simblr, and I've noticed people don't like how picky SQOTD feels, so please! Share around SQOTD asks, anon or not, I'm only one person and can't find and ask every person on simblr ~ 💛)
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Thank you to SQOTD Anon and other Anon for the asks!! (I'm presuming we're gonna start seeing dupe asks with this getting passed around now LMAO)
I RELIGIOUSLY put small details in my renders and stuff, so take a shot (or sip of juice) for every small detail i point out /j LMAOO
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starting off with my most recent post, whether u wanna call these small or not, im still gonna point them out - the next panel after "I'll see you in a weeks time" you can see the text box is still there, which is just a play on perspective, you can also see the lyrics from the Beabadoobee song in frame on the ticket close-up shot AND finally (for this post), a more subtle detail, is the fact that the box with the "-$158" casts a shadow! I gave a before and after, thats how subtle it is and how subtle i wanted it to be :)
That's the one I wanted to share the most, but if you want to see and read about more details (small or just overlooked/overlookable), I'm adding a couple more under the cut :)
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Lighting isn't so much a small detail, but a detail that I think is important and am sharing a couple (not all) moments where I used colored lighting to create contrast or just to outline characters or where I just felt it was important to use specifically-colored lighting:
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Just gonna speedrun explain these: Leo's colors are red/red-ish pink and green is the opposite of pink, which I used in that specific render, so it was a nice contrast Hero's colors are a range from Red - Orange - Yellow-ish Green - Green Vanella's (A sim I havent talked about before!) color is Blue and I used blue both as lighting for the walkie talkie and to make her stand out from the background Leo and Roo's colors are [respectively] Pink/Red-ish pink and Purple, I like to, especially in these kinds of renders with no background, use these colors to highlight them and their favorite/representing color Same as the last, I used yellow and purple/pink to contrast the two, with blue as a sort of undertone(?)
Also if you look at the W.A.S Teasers, Green, Yellow and Blue are meant to highlight the different characters and sort of set them apart from each other
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in this post/render-set, I wanted to show (whether u see it as a big or small detail again idk, i see it as small/medium) just how exhausted Harvey/Younger Roo was and how sorry Roo was/felt, hence the slumped over body and Roo tightly hugging him
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you wont see this for a bit (until i muster up the energy for a flashback Hiraeth render), but Leo DOES wear this sweater again after Roo said he loved it :)
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I will never get enough of this panel, i always eat it up everytime I see it... but anyways LMAO The small detail here is just the hair strands... I feel like I did SO well on not making them look exactly perfect but not exactly like... fake hair, kind of representing the "I cut my hair myself" look- also the fact that I managed to perfectly remove his glasses (via model editing in blender)... *chef's kiss*
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shoutout to you if you remember the first nirvana post... anyways, Obv the text isn't small but it's just the fact that you can interpret these two frames in two different ways (that I know of): One is that it's saying DONT. (as in dont grab her hand) and then she does her hypnotizing shabang and it says "DO IT" a bunch (like yk,, do it, grab her hand-) The other, is that it says "DONT. DO IT." (basically just saying DONT DO IT, with a period/comma however u see it) Not necessarily a render detail, but something i realized a while ago while looking at this
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And thats it! Thank you again for these asks!!! I love putting in small details or just details that might get overlooked SOOOO much :)
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dadsbongos · 3 years
trashy dad
Movie/Game/Show: My Hero Academia Dynamic: Shota Aizawa/Reader (Platonic) Warnings: references (2) to un*s ann*s, one (1) use of (y/n), fem pronouns Summary: Shota trying to support his YouTuber daughter :) cuz social media aus own me Word Count: 2.1K ~~~
"Hey, gamers," you grin at the camera before tossing an arm over your father's shoulders, "My dad's in town and as you can see," you hesitated slightly before turning to face your father, "Dad's not super into taking care of himself. So, I figured what's better than doing a Q&A together while I do his makeup?"
"Hitoshi just did a 'what I eat in a day', didn't he?" Shota quirked a brow, already reaching back to tie up his messy, tangled hair.
"Spoilers!" you quietly whine as you open your phone, "He still has to edit it, silly man. We're gonna have to brush out your hair later, by the way."
Shota's eyes widened, "We? I thought this was your idea and video, (Y/n)."
"No," you huff, scrolling through a few of the questions from fans, "I mean it was but your hair is so… Okay, first question is from - oh my God the names - shrekslongtoe, what was my first word?"
"Are you gonna start putting makeup on me or just sit there?" Shota scratched at his nose before snickering, "That wasn't your first word. Your first word was 'Dada' and it drove Hizashi insane."
"Hizashi is my other dad, by the way," you lean over to grab your makeup bag, "'Toshi and I call him papa. Oooh, oh no," you looked up to Shota, "I don't have your shade, you're gonna look weird."
"I don't really care," the man shrugged, watching as you took out a pink beauty blender, "That looks like a buttplug."
"Don't say that!" your eyes were wide at his words while you got out your foundation, "Youtube doesn't like that."
"Whoops," he deadpanned, "Next question."
"Shit, right."
"Japanese," you murmur, going to the next reply, "yoonbumskneecap asks, 'Did you believe in me-’ they said my name but you know, ‘and Hitoshi when they decided to become Youtubers?' And 'in 'Toshi's case - drop out of college to become a professional clout man.'"
"To be honest," Shota closed his eyes, only in slight fear, as you began pressing the foundation into his skin, "I was really worried about Hitoshi, I didn't know if he'd stay as big as he was because he's a lot like me, in the sense that people tend to not like us for our bluntness. So I was worried he'd be a meme for like a month and then people would drop him, but thankfully I was proved wrong," he opened his eyes when he felt you pull away and begin rooting through your bag once again, "With you, I was less worried because you're more like 'Zashi, i.e extremely likable, and you were kind of getting a boost from appearances on Hitoshi's channel. I still worry because the internet is a fickle mistress but I'm not staying up at night about it."
Pulling out a dark eyebrow pencil, you grin at your father, "Aww, that was kinda sweet. Not really but kind of."
"What I'm here for," Shota's eyes followed your hand as you uncapped the pencil and reached up, beginning to mark at his eyebrows, "I'm gonna read the next question while you kill my eyebrows."
"I'm not killing them!" you giggled, "But unlike Papa, you already have pretty thick, full eyebrows so I won't be here long."
"Good," he muttered before furrowing his brows in confusion, ignoring your frustrated groan, "who is daddysero and why is he asking if you pissed today?"
"What?!" you pull your dad's hand back to see what he was looking at, instantly calming down when you saw he was still on Twitter, "Oh, that's just Sero, he asks me that every time I tweet. I thought you went to my Instagram DMs," at Shota's questioning stare you grinned, "Mama's got simps in her DMs."
"Don't ever call yourself 'Mama' in my presence ever again," Shota shook his head, once again ignoring your annoyance, "papichulo46290 wants to know my favorite memory of you."
"If you mix me up with 'Toshi, I'll be so pissed," you return the eyebrow pencil to your bag as Shota speaks.
"I won't... probably," he shrugs while you root through your bag, "So, Hizashi had taken Hitoshi out for ice cream because of - has he mentioned his middle school trauma?" at your nod, he continues, "Hitoshi was having a bad day from middle school, shocking, so you and I were left home alone together. You were probably seven and you really wanted to paint my nails and I let you. You..." he shook his head, snickering, "you fucked them up. So bad. But you were so happy to just be spending time with me- "
"Keep talking, but I'm gonna do your eyeshadow," you lean back in, swishing your brush over a navy blue, almost black shade, "Just so you guys know, Dad wanted to look like shit, don't unsubscribe cuz this is gonna come out bad."
"It won't be too bad, you're talented," Shota did his best to remain still, "But overall, you were just so adorable and it didn't even matter that the smudged nails got me teased in the teacher's lounge the next day. It all came off after like a week because it was shitty polish but you get the idea."
"Aww, I didn't know you kept it on, that's so sweet," you fall back briefly to inspect your work, "It's not awful but I'm only posting this because you're my dad."
"Of course, I did," Shota continued scrolling through the questions, "A lot of people are asking if you mean Dad or Daddy, and a lot more people are asking for pictures of your feet, you should block them all."
"Yeah, I got sickos in my replies too, just gotta scroll past em'."
"Disgusting..." Shota grumbled as you moved to his other eye, "Is 'electrodick' Kaminari, perchance?"
"Gross, he asks if you had an 'I'm not like other girls' phase," Shota hummed quietly in thought, "Maybe when you were eight for like a month, but that's probably because except for Nemuri you didn't have any women in your life. Thankfully you moved on from that pretty quickly."
"Oh yeah, that was a gross, weird time. You and Papa also weren’t shitty people so I didn’t have a lot of misogynist influence."
"I like to think we did a good job," Shota sighed, finally moving back into his slouching position when you pulled away completely, "Is 'explosionmurder' Bakugou?"
"You know it."
"Okay well, he's asking if you plan on fucking up your bronzing again?" he thinks for a moment, “Was that from when you looked kinda copper-ish in a video?
"Oh my God, that was one time, Bakugou!" you shout and shake your brush at the camera, "One time!"
"I don't even know what blending is so you're doing better than I am."
"God, how are we related?"
Without hesitation, Shota replied, "Surrogate. Which answers summerlongsock's question."
"Nice," you chuckle, setting the brush back in your bag, "You probably won't need too much bronze or countour since you're going for bad," you immediately turn to the camera, "And Bakugou isn't gonna say a fucking word about it!"
"Is eyeliner next? And if so, I would enjoy a nice wing," Shota muttered, looking through the remaining questions, "Hitoshi asks why I haven't done a video with him yet."
You nod along while uncapping the liner, "I'm curious about that too. I thought my first video with a parent would be with Papa. I was gonna say family but..." you shrug, "Hitoshi was my first video and then Eri came on."
"He never asked," Shota closed both of his eyes, allowing you to move his head around as you pleased, "You just texted me the video idea and we set it up while I was in town. If Hitoshi wants a video so bad he should come up with an idea."
"Jeez, don't bully the poor boy," you laughed quietly, carefully applying more eyeliner to your father's left lid, "We should all do a video together. I think it'd be fun."
"Come up with an idea," he replied flatly before opening his eyes, "davinky wants to know when you got into makeup. Probably after thirteen, sometime."
"Yeah, I got my first real eyeshadow at like fourteen and then you guys just enabled my love of makeup after that."
"Well, the thing with that was, Hizashi and I didn't want you growing up thinking you had to wear makeup for any reason," Shota opened his eyes once he felt you back away, blinking a few times, "So we waited till you were more mature because giving makeup to a six-year-old is weird."
Capping your eyeliner, you traded it out for mascara, "Yeah, even little play kits are a bit ehhh. Don't close your eyes, but look down."
Following instruction, Shota took the opportunity to read off another question, "I can't see the name but someone's asking what we did together for fun. While you were a kid."
Humming quietly in thought, you move from one eye to the other, "We used to go to diners a lot. Those late-night diner trips, remember?"
"Oh yeah, you were such a little demon about bedtime. I had to take you to this little place for scrambled eggs or some shit and you'd fall asleep on the way back home."
Putting away your mascara, you reach out for your hairbrush before beginning to pull out the hair tie in Shota's hair, "Mina wanted me to ask what videos you show people when they ask what your kids do for a living."
"For Hitoshi, the one where he and Kaminari made Bakugou breakfast with sex toys. For you, the one where you turn yourself into Mina's little character - with the pink skin," Shota winced slightly at the tug of your hairbrush, "And Eri's a teacher so that information comes first since it's the least strange."
As you fussed with his tangled nest of hair, you read another question over Shota's shoulder, "When did you know you loved me? Like after adopting me."
"Not too long after the adoption was finalized actually," Shota grumbled as the brush made its final courses through his hair, "You've always been a really great kid. I don't know when I 'realized' but it was definitely around the time you were born, maybe like the day after."
"That's pretty good considering I was a stranger," you giggled, brushing out the final knots in his dark hair, "A baby stranger."
"Hmm," Shota hummed in response, "You almost done?"
Refraining from rolling your eyes, you fluffed Shota's now smooth and detangled hair around his shoulders with a small smile, "I'm done. Your hair is so pretty when it's brushed out."
"I know," the man muttered, handing your phone back, "Wanna do one more question and then sign off?"
"Yeah," you scroll through some of the questions, "I want it to be the best question that's ever been asked."
"Ask your own, you're great at that."
You shook your head with furrowed brows at his comment, "Is that a compliment?"
"It was meant to be."
"Thanks, but no need, I've found one. Midoriya wants to know if raising two attention whores was hard. He didn't say ‘attention whores’ because he doesn't swear but that's the vibe."
"What's Midoriya's at?" Shota asked.
"Of course," the man grumbled, closing his eyes to think, "You two were honestly pretty easy to raise. Not a whole lot of fits compared to what I've heard other parents talk about. You both liked to talk a lot to each other, and, of course, to Hizashi and me. Not terribly difficult at all."
"Aww, I'm glad we didn't make you pull your hair out," you grin.
"Oh, you still did. Absolutely."
"Nice," you giggle before turning off your phone and facing the camera, "Okay guys, well, I hope you don't clown on me as much as usual because if you do, my dad will... I don't know… kick your ass."
"Exactly," Shota nodded, a horrific smile on his face, "I'll beam right into your living room."
"Hopefully you guys come back next week where I'll..." floundering for an answer, you turn to your dad as if he’d give you ideas, "Create wings to do it better than Icarus ever could."
Giving a singular stiff nod, Shota looked dead at the camera, "I'd watch it."
"You heard it from the main man himself, peeps," you waved to the camera, Shota copying the motion, “Bye!”
"If there's one comment about my eyebags, I'm never coming on your channel again," Shota lied as you leaned over to stop recording.
"They're gonna love you, I'm sure," you assure your father, "Wanna see how I edit?"
"God no, Hitoshi showed me how long it takes to edit his videos, it looks like hell."
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hangovercurse · 4 years
Teeny Tiny Secret
After months of trying, you and Colson finally get those two pink lines… the day before tour starts.
Request: “I know that requests are closed, but I HAD to share this before it left my mind. When you have an opportunity, could you please write a story where y/n is in super early (not showing or anything) stages of pregnancy and on tour with mgk. She & Colson make a plan to keep it from the bandmates for now. It becomes difficult when he becomes super over protective (not letting her carry anything, not wanting the guys to crowd her), unconsciously put his hand on her stomach, and ordering non-alcoholic drinks for her. The band suspects something. Y/n talks with him to try to get him to calm down a little. It works until the guys ask you both about it directly and Colson's the first to crack.”
Colson Baker x Reader
Warnings: Cursing
A/N: Y’all are all up in that spring baby fever… this is like my 3rd or 4th baby request recently
Word Count: 2211
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You and Colson had been talking about having a second kid for months but stopped trying a few weeks before tour started. You didn’t think it had worked until you woke up three days before tour and rushed to the bathroom, morning sickness wrecking your body. Colson felt you getting out of bed and followed a few minutes later, tiredly. When he found you hunched over the toilet, his whole demeaner changed.
You knew for sure the day before tour, after multiple pregnancy tests you had gone to see an OBGYN for confirmation. Sure enough, you were pregnant. The universe sure knew the definition of ironic timing.
Colson’s immediate reaction was to have you stay home. “All the traveling and partying isn’t gonna be good for him.” He said, pacing around your bedroom while you laid on the bed. “Tour life is not good for babies.”
You raised your eyebrow, “him? It’s been one day and you’re already setting unrealistic expectations for our unborn child.” You joked, a small smile on your lips.
Colson’s mouth gaped before he continued, “Y/N, we need to be serious about this. You can’t come on tour if you’re pregnant.”
You rolled your eyes, “Colson, I am not letting you leave me here while I am pregnant. I’ll be fine. I won’t drink and I’ll take it easy. You just have to make sure the guys don’t smoke around me and we’ll be fine.”
His eyes went wide. “Shit, the boys.” He paused to think as confusion crossed you. “If the boys find out about this they’ll freak out and then the whole tour is gonna be a shit show.”
It was kind of funny how much more worried he was than you were. “Babe, come here.” You motioned for him to come sit in the bed with you to which he complied. You leaned your back against the headboard, expecting him to follow. Instead, he laid so his head was next to your stomach. He pressed a small kiss into it, making your heart fluttered, the reality of the situation hitting you and making you insanely happy. “Why are you so worried?” You asked him softly, combing your hand through his hair.
He reached, moving your shirt up so he could kiss your bare stomach. He mumbled against your skin, “I think I wanna keep this a secret for now.” You hummed and he continued, “just for us, y’know? I wanna enjoy this.”
You nodded, “I’m still coming on tour with you, though. I don’t wanna be alone right now.”
He smiled against your stomach, finally moving up to sit next to you, pulling you towards him for a soft kiss. His hand went to your stomach, rubbing circles into the skin. “I can’t believe we’re gonna have a fucking baby.”
You smiled against his lips, a thought popping into your head, “can we tell Casie at least?” His eyes lit up at your suggestion, a quick nod of his head affirming the idea.
 The next day was hectic, as all first days were. You had gotten a list of everything you could and couldn’t do from your doctor, and the all-clear to fly for the first trimester. So, you and Colson found yourself with the crew at LAX airport bright and early in the morning. Ashleigh passed you an itinerary, letting you know that you would all be meeting the bus in Cleveland, where the first show was.
Colson’s arm hadn’t left your waist since you got to the airport, holding you to his side all morning. Occasionally you could feel his thumb rubbing circles near your stomach, something that was definitely becoming a habit of his. At one point he ended up standing behind you, hands resting on your stomach as he held you against him. You tried not to give anything away, but you found it adorable how excited he was. He wanted to be as close to the unborn baby as possible at all times, his hands constantly near your middle.
Eventually you arrived in Cleveland, walking down the long hallway to the baggage claim, taking in the small Cleveland hall of fame that the airport had created. You spotted your suitcase and went to grab it, but Colson beat you to it. “I got it, babe.” He gave you a look that let you know you wouldn’t be carrying anything.
You sighed, “I can get it Colson.” He shrugged, grabbing his bag off of the carousel next. The man now had a large duffel bag slung over his shoulder and two suitcases in his hands. “Seriously, it’s not that heavy.”
He shook his head, “I’m not letting you carry anything heavy. I can do it.” You sighed but let him, knowing you wouldn’t win this battle.
Unbeknownst to you, Baze had seen the whole interaction and was very confused.
 Later, once you had arrived at the arena, you were hanging in the dressing room with Slim and Irv on the couch. You guys weren’t really talking about anything in particular, mostly just cracking jokes about Rook’s outfit for the night.
When the younger boy heard Slim say he looked like “if Willow Smith and Gerard Way were put into a blender,” he came over, blunt in his hand.
Rook started jokingly arguing with Slim and you were all laughing at his distress. In the middle of their argument, however, Colson came over and grabbed the blunt out of Rook’s hand. He put it out in an ashtray before returning to you, squeezing himself between you and Irv.
Everyone, including you, stared at him, dumfounded. “Dude why the fuck-“ Rook started, only for Colson to cut him off.
“You shouldn’t smoke in here.” He shrugged, arms wrapping around you. He squeezed your waist, letting you know why he really did it. You were somewhat thankful; smoke was bad for the baby. But there are less obvious ways to have gone about that.
Rook grumbled but didn’t attempt to light another one. Slim looked at you, an eyebrow raised in question. You shrugged your shoulders, pretending to act innocently naïve to Colson’s behaviors.
Eventually the three boys travelled from the couch, leaving you and Colson alone. “Babe, you gotta try and be a little more subtle about that shit.” You mumbled, turning to face him.
He scrunched his eyebrows, “he shouldn’t be smoking around you. What else was I supposed to do?”
You sighed, “I don’t know, but that wasn’t subtle. If you keep treating me differently, they’re gonna figure out that something’s up.”
Colson lets out a breath through his nose, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “I’m sorry, I just don’t want anything to happen to…” he trailed off, trying to keep a low profile.
“I know you’re just being careful. It’s sweet, and I really appreciate it. But either we tell the guys what’s going on or we figure out how to be more subtle.” You thought you guys were being quiet, but once again Baze was standing just within earshot, hearing your entire conversation.
 Colson demanded you stay backstage instead of in front of the gates like normal tours. “I don’t care if they think something’s up, you are not getting anywhere near that crowd.”
This was something you could actually agree on, not wanting any crazy fangirls to try and reach over the barricade and hurt you by accident (it had happened before). So, you were stood backstage before the concert, like normal, only this time you had a spot next to the stage picked out just for you to watch. Colson came over to you, jumping up and down in excitement.
You giggled at his happy demeanor, feeding off his energy. “Good luck kiss?” You offered to which he happily nodded. You pulled him in by his shoulders, intending to give him a soft kiss. Colson being Colson, however, decided that this was the perfect time for an extremely heated make out session.
You didn’t complain much as his hands explored your waist, paying special attention to your stomach, where a small bump would soon be forming. His lips against yours were heaven.
“Okay loverboy!” Ashleigh called, making him pull away from your lips but he kept himself close to you. “You’re on.”
He nodded towards her, giving you one last peck before running off to the stage. Before he left, his hands lingered on your stomach just a little longer than normal, his eyes glancing down to it for a split second.
Then you watched the love of your life run towards the stage, a grin on his face. “I love you!” You called. He turned to you right before he got on stage and mouthed the words back to you, knowing you couldn’t hear him anymore. You smiled, the sight of him living his dream making your heart melt.
Slim was on the side of the stage closest to you, and had caught the last moments of your intimacy, including Colson’s attention to your stomach. He perked and eyebrow at the sight but shook it off as Colson being into some weird new thing.
 After the show, everyone was hyped up on adrenaline and alcohol. The crew decided to move the party to a nearby club. Colson wanted to take you back to the bus and stay there with you all night, but you made him go. “Colson, I have been in this condition for all of 3 days. I am fine. You just finished the first show of your tour. We,” you pointed between the two of you, “are going out to celebrate, even if that means I can only drink water or pop.”
He rolled his eyes but gave in, letting you drag him down the street towards the rest of your friends. When you got to the club, you grabbed a table with Ash, Irv, Baze, and Slim while Colson took Rook to get drinks for everyone.
When the pair got back, they started handing out drinks. Colson set a glass of water in front of you, causing the group to raise eyebrows at you two, which you just shrugged off, sipping the water. As much as you would have loved to get wasted with your friends, you knew it would hurt the baby. You tried to act as nonchalant about it as possible, realizing that it was gonna be hard to hide your secret if you got water every time you went out.
This was going to be a long 9 months.
“I wanna dance.” Ashleigh said, grabbing Irv and Rook and dragging them to the floor. You grinned, about to stand up and join them when you felt a hand on your thigh. You turned towards Colson, who was currently stopping you from having fun, giving him a glare.
He shook his head slightly at you, leaning close to you to whisper in your ear. “There’s a lot of people here, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
You sighed and rolled your eyes, whispering back, “can you ease up a little bit, please? I’ll be careful. I want to have a little fun before I’m not able to move at all.”
His face was stern, the two of you having a silent argument with your eyes. You pleaded with him, trying to get him to crack but he just shook his head.
Meanwhile Baze and Slim watched you two, trying to figure out how the hell you were communicating without actually talking. “Is everything okay with you two?” Slim asked, pulling your attention to the two men.
You nodded, smiling, “yeah, we’re great.”
Baze cocked his head, “you sure? Because he’s” he pointed at Colson, “acting like you’re pregnant or something.”
You felt Colson’s hand on your thigh tighten, his entire body stiffening. You giggled, trying to play off the comment. Baze started laughing the moment he saw Colson’s expression, which you turned to see was like a deer caught in headlights. Slim’s eyes went wide, “holy shit, for real? Congrats guys!”
You laughed, rubbing Colson’s shoulder, “good job, babe. You did a great job at keeping this between us.”
He looked down at you with a sheepish expression, “sorry, I thought we were being subtle.” He mumbled and you laughed.
“Cols, I was being subtle. You were acting like I was gonna die if someone so much as touched me.” Slim and Baze chuckled at this, and you turned to explain. “We found out for sure yesterday and didn’t want anyone to get freaked out or throw off the tour or anything. So, Colson here,” your head nodded towards your boyfriend, “thought we could keep it a secret for now.”
He frowned, his friends still laughing at him. “Dude, you are the worst secret keeper ever, man.” Baze said. “It took one push and you cracked.” You giggled, nodding your head in agreement. “But seriously, congrats guys.”
“Thanks, B.” You said, “but listen, both of you. If anyone on this tour tells me what I can and can’t do because I’m pregnant, I’ll cut their dick off.” The two boys nodded in understanding.
“Am I really that bad at keeping secrets?” Colson asked, still upset that he spilled.
You giggled and nodded, “Yeah, darling. You are.”
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sugurus-slxt · 3 years
Our Song – Tsukishima Kei
Type: fluff (SFW)
Warnings: slight cursing, not eating, crying
Note: Guess you could say it’s a college au but I’ve been working at this for a while so I hope you like it.
Word Count: 3388
Hope you guys enjoy the story      
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Sunday [6:30 p.m.]
You were laying on your bed in your dorm running your fingers through Kei’s hair while he listened to music. This is how you spent most rainy weekends. He was quietly humming to his overly loud music but you were kind of in a daze looking at the wall but not quite. You did this a lot while staring off in your faraway land, thinking of a future with him but it’s not something you would tell him. You were too afraid he didn’t feel the same way. You knew he loved you, nearly two years into college and you both are still going strong but what if he never thought about it.
“Hey, shorty! Whatcha thinking about?” He looked up at you. “Oh, nothing really just some assignment my professor mentioned in class today,” you lied trying to brush it off quickly. He just shrugged and asked, “Ok...  Umm…Wanna listen to music with me? I’ll play my playlist you like.” You nodded, “I’ll get my Bluetooth headphone…” he pulled on your wrist. “I’ll share these with you,” he held up his regular earbuds and you agreed. If that’s what he wants, it was fine with you.
Tsukishima would never admit it but sharing his earbuds like this with you made him feel more connected like sharing your energy, a sort of bond, it was romantic for him. The thought of it always made the tips of his ears turn pink. He switched positions to have you lay next to him, your face buried in his chest. Silently, he prayed you couldn’t feel his heart quicken as he rested his head atop yours and hand on your waist. Headphones plugged on the playlist began. A few songs in a familiar song started to play, a love song, one of your favorites. “Babe? This song …” you started but he shushed you. “I know. I know. I added it because I knew you liked it ok now just listen ok. It’s no big deal,” his fingers played along your spine only making you feel more nervous. Your thoughts began to wander as more of your favorite romantic songs played. At this point, it was 7:30 PM and there was one thought that couldn’t leave your mind ‘What’s our song?’ and before you knew it you started talking, “Hey um Kei? What’s our song?” You regretted it as soon as you asked. “Huh? What do you mean our song?” he questioned his voice slightly drowsy and muffled by your hair. “It’s just… you know what it’s nothing,” you brushed it off and tried to continue listening to the music but he paused it.
“Spit it out y/n,” he said looking at you, it wasn’t meant to be rude, he just preferred you to be straightforward. You didn’t intend to make a mini-rant but it happened, “You know our song. It like a song for us that describes us and no matter where or who we’re with when it plays we think of each other. Or like if we are together and it’s just that knowing look that happens when it plays. Our song that’ll make it feel like it’s just us no matter who’s around. And it’s not just us you know its fits us, describes us like it was meant for us. Like it’s a song we can play to dance at our wedding, and again on our anniversary and relive the moment. Maybe even for our ki-,” you stopped in your tracks. You had caught yourself before you went too far. It was unbelievable you just brushed it off a while ago but it still managed to come out. Your most insecure thoughts were poking at you as Kei just kind of looked at you, lips parted. You’ve never seen that expression well except the time he’d see you naked for the first time but still, this was a bit different. He looked away scratching his neck and said, “Oh ok… Well, we can think about a song I guess but I’m kinda hungry and I told Tadashi I would go for pizza with him so I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Your face fell as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of your dorm. He just kind of brushed it off and you were terrified because he was supposed to stay the night. You knew Kei could be like this, he wasn’t the best with his emotions and you knew that. You even loved it but this time his lack of response just threw you into a blender of bad thoughts. Maybe you just made him nervous but what if he didn’t want that, what if you had scared him off your mind was racing. You went to bed without dinner and tried to fall asleep whilst listening to the playlist he had made for you whilst trying to hold back sobs. It’s a miracle you got any sleep that night, thoughts kept attacking you “What if he breaks up with me tomorrow? What if he doesn’t want that with me? Does he think I’m stupid for thinking so far? ”
-----Out for Pizza with Yamaguchi-----
“I thought you and y/n had plans?” he said sipping his drink.
“Hey … We did but um she started talking about this thing called ‘our song’,” he was hoping he could clear his head and talk about how he felt without messing things up. Tadashi was always good with words and being kind.
“But isn’t that like good?” He asked confused chewing his pizza. Unlike Tsukishima who hadn’t touched his food even a bit.
“I guess but she was talking about marriage and kids and I-,” he paused looking down whilst fiddling with the straw in his drink.
-----The Next Day-----
You put on some concealer to hide your eye bags and puffiness, some regular comfy clothes, and bought a whole lot of coffee, just something to get you through today but it didn’t help. You couldn’t focus and it was driving you mad. Your friends noticed your teachers and even the janitor. There was no doubt Kei wouldn’t notice but he wouldn’t let you just say “It’s nothing…” However, there was one problem you hadn’t seen him all day. It was the end of this achingly slow day and you bumped into Yamaguchi, “Hey have you seen Tsukishima?” He smiled and said, “No, I haven’t seen him since yesterday but I’m sure you could probably find him in his dorm later.” You wanted to ask him if Kei had said anything but in all honestly you were too scared to. You thanked him and quickly went on you way.
-----Next Week------
The entirety of last week had followed a similar cycle to the say after what you consider the “Great Tragedy”.  You’d barely eaten or slept, the dark circles were becoming more than obvious. You were convinced you guys were over and it was getting harder to bear. Sure you could have just seen him at his dorm and ended this prolonged misery much quicker but something always came up whether it be a problem, an assignment, or just your cowardly nature towards the situation. At this point, you were just torturing yourself. Tomorrow was your 2 year anniversary and you were more than afraid to face him. That’s if it wasn’t over already.
-----At Tsukshima’s Dorm-----
“You have to go see her,” Yamaguchi pleaded
“But what if she doesn’t want me anymore now? What if I messed up? Worse what if she thinks you hate her? I should have seen her even if I was busy.  I’m always such- such dammit I’m an asshole,” it was one of those rare moments in his life where he was having a breakdown and he didn’t know what to do.
“Tsukishima Kei! You better calm down right now!” Yamaguchi held on to Tsukishima shaking his shoulders. “You aren’t going to know unless you find out ok. I know you, even if you’re not good at expressing yourself but you always succeed in getting the point across plus just sleep tonight and execute the master plan tomorrow. And for the record she knew you were an asshole, strangely I think she likes that,” he patted Tsukishima on the back and left the dorm, giving him a small laugh and smile of reassurance.
The words master plan gave him some comfort but he wouldn’t really call it that. It was always the plan it just took longer than he expected. He’s kind of glad you never came to check on him but he knew you, even if it didn’t seem that way. He knew you were hurt and your habits would have taken a turn for the bad he just hoped that he didn’t mess up for good. Tomorrow was your anniversary so in a sense the timing was perfect. The only problem was he’d avoided you for so long he hadn’t even seen you, sure he asked around but his worries weren’t put to rest so easily. He’d never let you know how obsessive he could be.
It killed him to be away from you for so long, especially how your last encounter had ended.  He could only hope this would make you see, make you understand how he feels once and for all.
----- Anniversary----- 
He was hoping he could catch you around campus for lunch and maybe convince you to take a walk with him to the nearby coffee shop where both of you had your first date, but you weren’t anywhere to be seen. He remembered that date, no matter what snarky remark he made you’d laugh and giggle. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, but he wouldn’t show it, instead, he’d made a snarky remark towards you laugh which only made you laugh harder. He was intrigued, captured in a sort of way and he knew you’d keep him that way for a long time but now it was a bit different.
“Hey, Tsukki! I heard she’s in her dorm, she hadn’t gone to classes all day,” Yamaguchi ran up to him pulling him out of the memory.
“Thank you!” He ran quickly, practicing more often really paid of athletic-wise.
----- In Your Dorm -----
You hadn’t moved all day. No breakfast, lunch, snack not even water. Your body ached, your nose stuffed not only from crying but rather because you worried yourself sick, literally. His gift laid unwrapped on the floor, It was a box of various things you thought he might like, new kneepads with a cute little dino on the ends, a jacket with an embroidered moon on it, cute matching dino necklaces, and a plushy which was you guessed it a dinosaur. Now you were wondering if he’d even want anything from you.  
As the heaviness of your eyelids started to take over there was a sound of the door opening, you quickly pulled the blanket over your head. Kei was the only one with a key; you wouldn’t let him see you like this. You didn’t want this to be the last way he saw of you, pathetic, weak, and plain loser. You prepared yourself to be broken up with as he called out, “Y/n! Y/n! Shorty! Babe, I’m coming in!” ‘Babe ?” your thoughts lingered on the word, it gave you hope and a bit of courage to call back out quietly because you could barely raise your voice, “I’m in my bed.”
He peeked his head in and the sight made his heart crack, “You little dummy! You got yourself sick; I should have known this would happen. Umm, I’ll be right back.” He ran out and in about 15 minutes he had been back, and even then you were still shocked and confused. “I’m in your kitchen,” He called out.  All you could manage was to mumble a simple ‘ok.’ His plans had few out the window and in all honesty, he was panicking just a bit but he still had a backup plan though and he thinks it’ll work just fine. All he had to do was try his best to do what he came here for, he just wanted to make you see and hopefully he hadn’t ruined everything.
Tsukishima waltzed into your room carrying a bowl, “Ok, I’m no cook but I can make ramen. You better like it ok.” He helped you sit up and held the spoon to your mouth which kind of took you by surprise, “Come on open up or I’ll eat it myself. Unless you want me to do that airplane thing they do for babies you’re such a child anyways,” he joked earning a little giggle from you. You gladly took the mouthful and smiled, “Yummy. Thank you, babe,” a small smile quirked his lips to your response. This caused your cheeks to feel even warmer if that was even possible, the fever was already burning you alive. After you finished the ramen, he made you take some medicine and drink water. At this point, the fact that today was your anniversary was completely forgotten but you did the one thing that got you into this mess again. You blurted out, “So you’re not here to break up with me?” He looked sort of taken aback, had he really made you feel that way. He thought maybe his lack of response had made you sort of letting go of yourself but he didn’t think that this could happen. He hated that he couldn’t make you believe in his love, that he always came off as cold but it was time to execute the plan. He hoped this would show you.
“What? No, no I’m not here for that but um we can talk about this after you should get some rest,” He padded towards you and laid next to you wrapping his arms around you. “What if you get sick?” you questioned him quietly. “It’s whatever; you’re the dummy who didn’t take care of yourself so now I gotta do this. Plus maybe then you can take care of me, you owe me anyway because I made you my amazing ramen,” you chuckled at his response, leaning into his touch. “Wait I almost forgot,” he grabbed his earbuds and his phone. He readjusted and started the music, you were four songs in, all happened to be a mix of his and your favorites.
Tsukishima’s heart rate had quickened and his breathes were getting shallow, it was fast approaching and he was nervous. He couldn’t help but wonder ‘What if you hadn’t liked it?’ The song started and you knew immediately, you couldn’t face him your hand over your mouth, tears welled in your eyes it was beautiful, it was perfect. You could feel every emotion, every thought, you knew he loved you before but this was pure, it was his everything and he did it all for you.
The weight shifted on the bed as he came on the other side of the bed on one knee, he pulled your hand from your mouth and kissed your knuckles, “I’m sorry I left you waiting for so long, I’m sorry I made you feel lonely and hurt but most of all I’m sorry for making you didn’t think I loved you. I’m not the best with words so um I hope this comes out right. When I met you, I felt like I finally found my person, you loved my dry, snarky humor, weren’t easily fazed and most of all you never judged me. You made me feel accepted, loved and I could never ask for anything more. I- I- spent the last week thinking about what you said and well you know what else now, I’m sure you can tell. Anyway, umm I want to get married, I want cute kids that look like you and have your cute laugh, I want it all, I’m sorry I didn’t make it seem that way, I just never thought you could want that with me but I panicked though I was beyond happy. I can’t propose to you now but I want to promise myself to you with these,” he held out his other hand with two rings; they were dino rings which made it even cuter. You couldn’t help but giggle as you wiped the tear with your other hand. “That’s if you still want me and we can play this song, Our Song at our wedding, in the car, for our kids, whenever you want if that’s still what you want,” he broke, tears slid down his cheeks.
 He was never one to cry, and when he did it was genuine. You shifted your body, your legs off the side of the bed, and him now kneeling in between them. You raised his slightly bowed head, holding his face and wiping the stray tears on his cheeks, “Kei, you’ve never made me feel lonely, I just over thought and you know kind of thought maybe you didn’t want to have kids or get married or the whole shebang. I’m not the most optimistic person so I immediately assumed the worst. This isn’t your fault I’m just a big idiot and I love you so much. So yes I want all those things with you and no one else.”  He laughed a bit, “Yep you’re an idiot but you’re my big idiot and I love you too, shorty hmmm shortcake,” he placed a gentle kiss against your lips and slips on the funny little ring.
“Hey you were supposed to say I’m not an idiot but what did I expect, shortcake though I like that,” You leaned in as he hummed in response against your lips. He is incessantly kissing you but a question crossed your mind and you stopped him, “What’s wrong y/n?” He questioned a bit worried. “How did you make that song by yourself? Not to mention your voice is amazing babe. You should consider music as a career you know,” you looked waiting for a response. “Well you see, I had some of the lyrics written about half a year ago and what you said made me finish em. You made me really happy but also nervous and I was scared to mess up so I panicked. I thought maybe if I had finished the song I could get my feelings across so I met up with someone I knew from my time in high school and he helped me out. Semi Eita, the musician he helped me with the tune and the music in the background. I took a bit longer mainly because I needed it to be perfect and I was nervous.  So yeah but I’m gonna be a pro volleyball player babe, I didn’t know my voice was good until Semi suggested I sing it myself.”
“Wait like the Semi Eita,” your eyes sparkled, you loved his music, “You never told me you knew him. Wait sorry I’m off-topic, the song was perfect and you wrote these that long who knew you could be so romantic?” He looked at you slightly frowning, “Hey! I can be romantic ok. You try to top that. Humph!  I’m glad you like the song though. Oh also I’ll introduce you next week to Semi he’s been curious, something about someone who can handle the Tsukishima Kei. I don’t know what he’s talking about.” You jumped up, “I can’t wait. Yayyyy. Oh wait before I forget I didn’t wrap your gift but it’s over there, I kind of got necklaces, they match the rings.” You twirl around excitedly when suddenly he grabs you by the waist, “Well since your feeling so much better, maybe you can give me another gift,” he pulls you down to straddle his lap on the bed instantly attaching his lips to your neck.
You jokingly cough in his face and run as he chases you around the dorm shouting, “You damn pipsqueak when I catch you which you better hope I don’t, you’re so screwed.” He does eventually catch you but he drags you back to be for cuddles, kisses and a bit more. Needless to say, both of you did not attend classes tomorrow.
I always found it hard to be myself
But you made feel like no one else
A love like no other is what I really felt
So I’m in this in sickness and in health
So that’s what I thought the last verse could have been but I’m no song writer so I’m sorry if its horrible. On that note I hope you enjoyed the story. I encourage constructive criticism and I hope to see you again.
PS I am working on your requests I promise it’ll be here soon. 
If you liked my work, maybe you might want to buy me some coffee ☕️?
Question; Do you want what happened if Y/N decided not to be playful aka the NSFW?
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Hargreeves Mansion Layout: Second Floor
Thank you for coming back for part 2! If you haven’t seen part 1 (the ground floor) you can find it here. And Part 3, the third floor, here!!!
The second floor is slightly more complex than the first floor and it has a lot more rooms. 
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If you haven’t seen my first post; yellow symbolizes doors or double doors, green are archways, the neon pink is the staircase coming up from the floor beneath (same goes for the light pink - its the main staircase coming up from the ground floor.), the blue is the long staircase from the stair race scene that goes through the entire house from the basement to the third floor. The orange and black will be explained later.
So overall the second floor has the most rooms out of all the floors and the most colors so here we go!
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So for the ‘home’ section of the house lets start on the far right. 
The empty square there is the balcony area above the living room. Its thicker on the bottom since that’s where the bar is and the bar is completely covered. There also seems to be a small sitting area above it.
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I’ve realized now in hindsight that the other end of the walkway ends at the wall and does not have the same sort of walkway across the top. I may correct my drawing in the future.
Speaking of the top section, this is where I’ve put Hargreeves personal rooms. I’ve placed the surveillance room here - the room where Hargreeves watches the children’s brainwaves and where Allison watches the tape of Hargreeves death. I’ve also placed it at the beginning of the hall. We only know there’s a hall since Diego walks down one on the way to Hargreeves’ Bedroom.
I placed Hargreeves’ Study right next to it. I know its not L-shaped as I’ve drawn it but I didn’t want to make the surveillance room super big so I’m just going to run with it. We see a living room and another room through a second door in the study so I assumed that this was another way into his bedroom.
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The dotted line through the main walkway is just how I separated the house into sections so it may be ignored.
Now the central section is simpler.
On the bottom we have the Academy oil paintings. The small tragic things taking place from their debut until there was only Luther, Everyone leaving or dying or disappearing.
A bit further, slightly around the corner, is Grace’s charging station with its portraits. I put a dotted line around it because there are no walls but I wanted to show where it was.
Ignoring the courtyard we now get to the most complicated part.
The Bedrooms.
So Luther and Allison are side by side with their doors angled like we see in the dance scene and a lot of other scenes as well.
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Then to the side is the bathroom which we see in the show has its own small hallway lined with attack posters like the rest of the hall (horrifying, I know).
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Now to the interesting part. Klaus and Vanya’s rooms. 
In the flashback scene we see both of their rooms. They are next to each other and both about the size of a closet with Klaus’ being slightly bigger.
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But in the scene where they are older and Vanya is destroying the mansion room by room, you can see that Klaus now has a bigger room and that the sort-of-brick wall that we only ever see in Vanya’s room is a part of it. 
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So at some point the wall was knocked down and both rooms were given to Klaus. It even seems to have both doors, as in one scene Five enters through one and leaves through the other. This results in this chaotic mess of the room:
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See? Both doors!
Moving on.
Any black sections on my ‘map’ are just thick walls or areas filled up with dirt or cement (though that last bit is more likely for the basement.)
The rest of the layout is sort of only based in canon since I had to change things around for them to fit (this is what happens when you film in multiple locations and not one house)
Now Diego’s room is the one at the end of the hall as we see in the flashback of Grace walking along it. Now I know in this scene we also see a hallway veering off to the left but it doesn’t make sense with the layout of the house, since that’s where the house ends, so I’ve erased it.
Diego’s room is the smallest of the rooms (once Vanya’s wall is removed) and it doesn’t change much at all so I have little to say about it. But its canonical location is interesting.  Originally Diego’s room is diagonal to the third floor staircase (which I’ve striped orange) and has a slight angle to the door. Thing is, for the bathroom to have its hallway and for said hallway to be within the constraints of physics, I had to switch the rooms around a bit.
From the hallway scene we know the bathroom is next to Allison’s room and Klaus’ room is next to Luther’s. But in order to fit the bathroom hallway I had to flip them so I could cut the bathroom into the walkway. That’s why there’s a dotted line through the bathroom since the walkway wall would be there. 
The creators also just...forgot??? About the staircase coming up through the floor from the ground floor? so I put the pink stairs right next to the bathroom.
This meant though that I had to put Diego’s room next to Klaus though.
I’ve added a new room for Vanya since she needed one and we are never shown were it is. I’ve put it at the end of the hall, slightly closed off from her siblings since that seems to be where Reginald would have put it.
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This is from the hallway flashback just before Reginald comes in frame from that side hallway that doesn’t make sense. The open door we see is Diego’s original (nonsensical) room, which is the room I’ve given Vanya. And the stairs there are from the orange staircase that goes up to the third story. That dark doorway you see is (now) Diego’s room.
Now imagine that the hall just ends with Vanya’s door and that the stairs are folded halfway down to face Vanya’s door.
That’s how I finally got everything to make sense. It took me hours!!! Now we can finally move on to the training section of the second floor.
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The second floor is the main training floor. This floor houses the training and exercise room on the far right. This room is mainly for overall training. I’ve headcanoned that it has tan oval running track, weights, workout equipment, punching bags, a climbing wall, gymnastics equipment, and an obstacle course in the center.
The sparring and weapons room is exactly what it sounds like. I’ve put it here for a separate space without all the equipment, because there is no way Hargreeves didn’t pit his children against each other. I headcanon it as having a boxing ring style space at the top and empty weapons space at the bottom with targets secured to the wall (the targets can move with a remote). This space is separated from left to right 3/4 of the way by a large metal weapons case with almost every weapon imaginable. There are dozens of types of guns, swords, war hammers, battle axes, bow and arrows, spears, knives, flamethrowers, scythes, clubs, maces, batons, both dual and singular sticks & staffs, num-chuks, shuriken, and even ‘non traditional weapons’ like ropes and chains.
We know from the scene where Five reappears in Ep 1 that they were taught how to use anything as a weapon. I assume this was either tested in the kitchen itself, or he set up a replica of a household room here.
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(This is really really sad, look at it!)
We can see the following:
Egg Beaters - Hair Pull
Stock Pot - Explosive Device
Toaster - Use Cord For Strangulation
Coffee Pot - Throw Coffee In Face
Blender - Hand Mangler
Then I added a row of personal training rooms for their individual powers. Each room has an observation room - with a two way mirror and its own entrance - beneath it. I made it like a prison interrogation room on purpose because Hargreeves goes for functionality and trauma over anything else, and he would not like to be in the same room as some of their powers.
As you can see, the seventh room, which had been Vanya’s, has had its wall knocked down (hence the dotted line) and observation door boarded up. Hargreeves changed it all and made himself a small office instead. This was because it was no longer in use and because he wouldn’t want anyone to suspect anything.
And that’s it for this second installment in the mansion layout!!! Thank you so much for reading, id love to hear any thoughts!!!! Stay tuned for parts 3 & 4.
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smuggsy · 3 years
the second prompt list you posted, number 25, the "when you love someone" would be really good for nygmobblepot if you wanted to 😌
okay, so first things first, we agreed to change the prompt to this one: Character A combs fingers through character B's hair. thanks for being such a sport! <3
Summary: Oswald is jealous, drunk and dizzy. In that order. Word Count: 2096. Read it on AO3 (or under the cut).
There are certain things that come attached to the title of Kingpin of the Underworld. Certain things one might consider red flags, green lights if you will. Things that would send Gotham's hungry wolves on a merciless hunt for his head, no doubt. Showing weakness, hesitation, doubt, incompetence. Oswald knows there's just no space for error when it comes to these, not for Penguin and certainly not for the Mayor.
Unfortunately, he comes to learn Edward Nygma incarnates each and every one of those traits. The ones that would certainly bring about his demise, Oswald admits, if he isn't careful to hide them behind his facade of cold-blooded killer or faithful politician. If he doesn't avert his eyes when the cameras are rolling or when his party attendees are talking to him, toasting, congratulating, saying things Oswald will have forgotten within the hour.
Because he can't help but be painfully aware of Ed's presence, usually standing in strategic high-points making sure everything is running smoothly, sometimes entertaining particularly snobby guests who would have Oswald at their sides for the duration of the night if it were up to them, their egos too fragile but at the same time too precious to threaten even slightly.
Edward is always on top of things.
Oswald is always aware of this.
Of him.
Too much, sometimes.
It's a bit more difficult to pretend he isn't hyper-aware of his musky scent and hoarse voice and well-lean figure when they share a car back to the mansion after occasions like these. When Edward slides into the opposite seat with a pleased self-congratulatory air and confidently starts listing off people and colourful details that might prove useful in the future and Oswald smiles gently, doesn't tell him he already knows he spoke to all of them because he was watching.
He was watching when he brought the Commissioner's mother her favourite cherry-chocolate liquor and when he complimented the Gotham Gazette's new editor's dress. When he leant in pretending he couldn't hear her, when he oh-so-gentlemanly offered a handkerchief after she collided with one of the waiters because she was too distracted by the way he smiled down at her - Oswald was watching.
And, well.
He doesn't blame her.
And Edward?
"...she scribbled her phone number on a napkin and slipped it into my hand so I'll say we, quite literally," he smiles smugly and produces the neatly folded napkin from his dark-olive jacket, "have her in our pocket."
Oswald laughs, sharing in the sentiment, the joke.
Or so he thinks he's doing until he sees Edward's expression shift into something much less chipper and he realises what he's actually done is roll his eyes and scoff like a spoiled little child.
"You don't approve?" Edward asks, excitement dying off.
Oswald curses his own recklessness and puts on another smile that he knows wouldn't fool anyone.
"Oh, no. I approve. I quite approve of your calculated flirting, Ed. A very nice strategy. Maybe try to exercise a bit more prudence next time, go one at a time?"
The car comes to a stop at a red light, Edward stares at him for a long moment before he seemingly understands the meaning behind Oswald's reproach.
"Oh, that!"
(He definitely doesn't understand the meaning behind Oswald's reproach.)
"Yes! No, that was just Miss Johnson recommending me some poetry," the napkin returns to the safety of his breast pocket and next Ed brings out a little notepad from the inside of his jacket, pushing his glasses up his nose and wetting his lips - Oswald looks away, feeling too hot all of a sudden, "she's the head of the Literacy Club, they hold meetings at the City Library every other Thu—"
"I know who she is, Ed!" he snaps before he can stop himself. It's such an abrupt reaction that Edward stops his monologue and looks at him again with that face that means he's trying to decipher his real intentions and assessing the terrain. He looks Oswald up and down and sits straight, clearing his throat one more time and reading his hostility.
"Of course," Ed mumbles, "yes, you do. Sorry. It was a tedious evening, I should—" he clears his throat again out of nervousness and Oswald sighs, biting his tongue and taking a deep breath in, "I'll tell you about it tomorrow. Or not. I know you're not one for poetry anyway."
"No, it's fine. You must be exhausted, I know you hate these events, mingling and standing up all night—"
Edward's caramel eyes, that'd been cast downwards to his lap in an awkward and almost sheepish manner, shoot up to meet Oswald's again at his insistence. His gentle gaze brings back memories. Of bullet wounds and take-out food and piano melodies and a flourishing friendship.
"Who told you I don't like poetry?" Oswald tries with a gentler and more genuine smile this time. Because he's being too rude. Edward is none the wiser and he shouldn't have to deal with his stupid outbursts of jealousy. "Go ahead," Oswald says, with a much less venomous roll of his eyes and smiling at Edward's playful air and devilish grin.
His Chief of Staff opens his little notepad and shifts over from the opposite seat to come and claim the space next to him.
"I'm all ears," Oswald announces.
Except he isn't, really.
If he'd known Edward was going to make himself so comfortable between him and the cold window, was going to press himself so tightly against his side and loosen up his tie and giggle and start reciting a love poem with that mocking glint in his eyes and that theatrical hand-waving, Oswald never would've encouraged him.
"I hoped that he would love me, and he has kissed my mouth. But I am like a stricken bird that cannot reach the south..."
He needs to loosen up his own tie, too.
"...for though I know he loves me, tonight my heart is sad. His kiss was not so wonderful, as all the dreams I had."
Oswald stops breathing, stops trying to make himself look away from Edward's rosy lips, his cheekbones ever-so-slightly turned pink because their driver has turned on the heating way too high, the laugh that rocks his body, Oswald can feel it too because if he were closer he'd be sitting on his lap.
Stop it.
"—and then she just started telling me about her divorce, as if it wasn't all over the Gazette's front page last month. I declined her invitation but I figured I'd keep the poem, do a little bit of research, get in her good graces, so to speak. Never know when you'll need some funding and everybody knows she won the court case so, ca-ching!"
Ed blurts out another laugh and turns to look at Oswald, no doubt fishing for praise.
Oswald, who's so helplessly staring at him, lips slightly parted and hearing nothing beyond his gentle poem-reading about kisses and love and dreams. One of his betraying hands goes to Edward's nape and settles there, fingers brushing his hair of their own volition, brain failing to catch up to the situation. He feels light-headed.
"Oswald?" comes Ed's slightly concerned voice, now fully turning to face him better.
Oswald blinks out of his stupor with a pitiful gasp.
Sees his hand almost pulling Edward closer —
"Are you..." Ed starts, eyes darting to the side, to Oswald's outstretched arm with a frown, "...okay?"
"Fuck," he says out loud, without meaning to, "I—," he tries, he blinks again, he swallows through a dry throat, he looks at Ed and at his own hand cradling his head and then at Ed again looking at him with a quizzical look but still not leaning away, "—sorry! I— think I had too much to drink."
With that, he retrieves his hand and shuffles away from Edward, feeling like he's about to implode and like he can't take a proper breath in, he starts to get uncomfortably sweaty.
You idiot! What the hell do you think you're doing?!
"Is your leg—?" Edward places a cold hand on his thigh, "is it your leg?"
Oswald looks down, Ed's slim fingers brushing over the fabric of his trousers, he keeps them there, like it means nothing — like it doesn't mean everything.
"What?" he blurts out, because he didn't actually hear what Ed just said.
"You're sweating," his Chief of Staff states matter-of-factly, but when he goes to grab his handkerchief he finds it isn't there.
Oswald closes his eyes and lets his head fall back, thinking this is his only chance of living it down.
"Yes, yes. I'm feeling a bit dizzy."
Edward leaves his side immediately to go tap insistently at the dark window separating them from their newly-appointed chauffeur. He mutters a few orders that Oswald doesn't actually catch, there's a menacing undertone to his words and then he actually leans over into the front side of the vehicle.
"Are you trying to cook us alive?" he says finally, before shutting the window back close with unnecessary force. He turns to an Oswald biting his lip and trying not to laugh, "amateur. Do you want me to fire him?"
"It's his first day."
"No, I don't want you to fire him, Ed," he peels his eyes open and gestures to the left window, his vision spinning for a moment before he gets just the teensiest bit nauseous, "but maybe you could—?"
Edward returns to his side and rolls the window down a few inches. The cold winter air feels heavenly on Oswald's flushed cheeks and he lets out a sigh — it turns out he did actually have one drink too many, then.
"Better?" Ed asks, too close. Oswald doesn't dare open his eyes again. He only lets out a grunt and shakes his head.
This has backfired completely.
What was supposed to be an act — a decoy, has turned into him bracing himself against the cold glass window to his right and feeling like he's inside a blender. He meant for Ed to get distracted and brush aside his slip but now Ed is closer than he was before and Oswald genuinely feels like he's going to be sick.
"Stop— stop the car," he crooks out, he opens his eyes to see Edward leaning over him with a worried look but making no move to obey, "Ed!"
It stops just in time. He feels quite helpless as he wrestles with the door handle and stumbles outside into the cold dark and empty street of some downtown neighbourhood to empty his stomach by the sidewalk.
He hears rather than see Edward scramble out of the car after him.
"Oh, dear."
How humiliating, Oswald's mind provides, as he tries to lean back up, tries to get some leverage with a hand on the opened door only to find nothing there and almost trip over. Edward catches him just in time.
"Uh-oh," Ed sings, "I got you."
"Mayor Cobblepot! Is there anything—?"
"Just get in the car and wait there," Ed mumbles menacingly. Oswald would've sent the boy a murderous glare himself if he hadn't been so occupied trying not to fall into his own vomit and holding onto his Chief of Staff for dear life.
So much for living this down.
"Ughhhhhh," is all he can say, because he thinks he's about to faint.
"I know, I know," Edward keeps one hand on his arm and the other round his shoulders, "but you'll feel better now it's out."
Oswald scrunches up his face and almost gags again. Edward does a great job of guiding him back into the car, now much colder than it was just a moment ago. He feels like a deer that's learning to walk: he can't seem to find proper footing and only when Ed sits him down and settles next to him does his head stop spinning. The car starts to move again and the passing lights become so bothersome he doesn't open his eyes the rest of the trip home.
"Now can I fire him?"
Oswald nuzzles closer into the embrace, one of Ed's arms is still around his waist and the other hand is left unmoving over his forehead, a cold solace, keeping his head from moving around too much with the sloppy turns and few street holes the car fails to avoid.
And because he's still drunk and Ed is holding him so close, his lips brush against a warm minty-scented neck and stay there, breathing in perfume and skin and finding no resistance.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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richboy!yeosang (part 4)
word count: 7k
(part 3) (series masterlist)
when you look back on your pregnancy, you’re not gonna remember the rocky start you and yeosang both had. 
your immense fear and yeosang’s anger and just an overall feeling of dread and hysteria that comes with an accidental pregnancy.
it’ll be all the little moments in between that stick with you, the cute stuff and the hard stuff and the wide range of emotions that didn’t even fully prepare you and yeosang for what was to come in parenthood. 
three months:
“this is cute.”
you look over at yeosang holding a tiny pink onesie with the brightest smile on his face, strawberries and cherries scattered around the soft fabric. 
you mirror his smile as you walk closer to him, cocking your head to the side as you narrow your eyes at him. 
“just say you want it be a girl already. i know you do.”
it’d been the debate going on between you two for the past few weeks, you not admitting you want a boy and him not admitting he wants a girl; but you can just tell he does, little comments he makes and the things he picks out when you pop in stores during sunday errands. 
“because it’s pink? it could be for a boy, too,” yeosang says, “that doesn’t mean anything.”
you bite back the smirk threatening to take over your face, not letting it slip that, sometimes, you’ll hear him talking quietly at night. speaking into the darkness about how much he’s wanted to have a little girl to spoil. 
“but you can’t tell your mommy,” he teased, his voice in a hushed whisper. 
he now also has a habit of slipping his hands under your shirt (or more often, his that you stole) and splaying his fingers across your warm skin. 
your stomach is just starting to show, the slightest indication of a bump forming that made his heart warm way more than he ever expected to feel; he knew he’d love to see you pregnant but he had no idea how much it was really gonna effect him. 
watching as your body transformed seamlessly in order to carry his child. 
“not that we should keep secrets from mommy, she just already knows everything,” he corrects, grateful to have your face hidden in his chest so he doesn’t see you smile. 
“i can’t wait for you to meet her. she’s gonna be a lot better at this than me but hopefully you like me, too, baby girl.”
and you don’t have the heart to tell him you hear him at night, nor do you have the heart to tell him the person growing inside of you won’t be able to hear him for a few more weeks. 
but you love how quickly he’s grown comfortable with this idea of becoming a father, finding solace in speaking hushly and sweetly when no one but them are around to hear. 
“it has nothing to do with that,” you squeak, poking at his chest and giggling when he grabs your hand. “i just know. i know everything, right?”
his eyes narrow suspiciously and you have to control the laugh threatening to bubble up from your chest, instead giggling more when he tosses the onesie in the cart and guides you in front of the cart. 
your back is against his chest as you two push the cart together, lingering in the newborn section for far too long as you excitedly look through clothes, books, and toys you already know are gonna clutter the apartment before the baby’s arrival. 
four months:
your eating habits before pregnancy were, admittedly, rather picky. 
everyone in your life had always made fun of you for having the palate of a toddler, straying from anything that didn’t look appetizing or produced a mildly unpleasant smell. 
that’s why, after tons of research and reading up on the journey of pregnancy, yeosang was humored to hear about ‘unusual cravings’ that come about in the first and second trimester. 
“i don’t know, baby, i can’t see you eating anything too disgusting. you’re kind of picky.”
“you’re kind of picky,” you immaturely mock because if pregnancy brain is giving you anything, it’s a lack of witty comebacks and remarks to your smart ass boyfriend.
a snort leaves yeosang’s mouth as he piles fruit into the blender, being sure to add a few extra blueberries after the doctor told you guys it was a good power food to implement into your diet.
it was something that, no matter how hormonal and scatter-brained, you were noticing. how sweet and attentive and just... into the pregnancy he was. 
it was almost shocking you, to be honest. 
because you knew yeosang was sweet, that the tough guy persona he attempts to put up around others is just a macho act, but this whole journey is really making you see just how caring your boyfriend is. 
how he’s so accommodating to you and will drop everything the moment you open your mouth to ask him for something. 
how when your parents were, while in the end thrilled to be grandparents, hesitant and nervous and asked if you wanted to move back in for help, insisted he would take care of you and the baby and they’d have nothing to worry about. 
how everything that should be difficult during this is just so easy because of him, your level of comfort and happiness exponentially high. 
he places your smoothie on the table before leaving a parting kiss on your head, telling you that he’ll be home early and will see you later. you smile and wave happily before resting back on the couch, sipping at your drink as you catch up on school work.
and it’s that same sight that greets yeosang when he comes home a few hours later, emptied cup on the table and your closed laptop resting on your stomach as you nap soundly. 
a smile lights up his face and a warmth spreads over his entire body upon seeing you, any stress or irritation from his work day quickly fading away as he makes his way over to you. 
he bends down and brushes hair from your face, his eyes roaming every feature; he’s excited to see what your child is gonna look like.
if she’ll (because something is just telling him it’s a girl, or maybe it’s just his wishful thinking and hopes), have your eyes or his nose. if she’s gonna have your personality, sweet and gentle with just enough spunk, or be more like him.
his eyes travel down to your shirt-covered stomach, a small smile on his face as he recalls the first time you noticed the change. 
it was after you took a bath, body aching and sore as your body adjusted to morning sickness. 
it was something so small and subtle but you had noticed just before wrapping the towel around yourself, your eyes narrowing as you turned to the side.
“yeosang?” he heard from the bedroom, pushing his laptop and books away as he makes his way to the en suite.
there was no sense of urgency in your voice but he still felt the overwhelmingly need to get to you, some innate protectiveness in him spiking anytime you call his name these days.
“yeah, my love?” he hums, his eyes widening and a smirk crossing his face when he’s greeted by your naked body. 
“oh?” he hums, making his way over and gripping your bare hips. “i would’ve joined you in here earlier if i knew you wanted to-”
“not that, you perv,” you whine, pushing him away lightly before placing your hand on your lower stomach. 
he notices your placement and immediately snaps out of his lustful daze, his eyes watching you carefully for any hint of pain or discomfort; but instead, he’s greeted with the sight of excitement shining in your eyes.
“does my stomach look different to you?” you ask, the small smile on your face making his heat pang in his chest. “there’s a little bump.”
“well no shit, baby,” he teases lightly, his hands going back on your stomach as he looks at you through the mirror. “gotta fit her in there somehow.”
you bite back the smirk on your lips as you meet his gaze, your eyebrow raising before he throws his hands up innocently. 
“or him. gotta find them in there somehow.”
you let out a huff before rolling your eyes, turning back to look at yourself in the mirror. 
you knew you were gonna see some sort of change soon but it’s like finally seeing it begin is making it all sink in. that you’re gonna get bigger and rounder and really start to look and feel more pregnant. 
and while you obviously know that’s a part of this, that makes you a little nervous, too. watching as your body changes and you become more-
“you look beautiful.”
you heart jumps at the compliment still, a small smile on your face as you meet his gaze. it’s soft and warm and sweet and only makes your smile grow bigger, your head cocked to the side as you stare back at him. 
he didn’t know if you needed to hear that right now, if the way you were looking at yourself was just curious and accepting or if you’re brain was gonna start becoming insecure, but he just felt like he needed to say it. 
you don’t know what to say so you don’t say anything, pressing up on your toes to peck his lips sweetly. 
you giggle into this kiss when, after you try to pull away, he drags you back to him and deepens it. a squeal leaves your mouth when his hands grip your thighs and pull you up, your legs wrapping immediately around his waist. 
your towel falls to the ground with a plop as he makes his way to your bed, throwing you down and smiling wider as your giggle rings through the air. 
the gentle lull of fingers running against your skin stirs you awake, a quiet groan escaping you before your eyes flutter open. an uncontrollable smile crosses your lips when you’re able to make out yeosang, his warm hands on your stomach and his soft eyes staring at you.
“hey baby.”
“hi,” you mumble tiredly, your arms outstretched before he chuckles and collapses on top of you. he makes sure to hold himself above you to not crush yo entirely, burying his face in your neck to press short, ticklish kisses. 
“you smell good.”
“i haven’t left this couch, i can’t imagine how.”
he pulls back to look down at you, his hand combing though your messy hair and a laugh threatening to leave his mouth.
“have you had anything to eat yet?”
and he has to hold back a gag when you tell him you’ve only had your peanut butter and cheese, the bizarre craving that left you both shocked and surprised.
five months:
“alright, everyone who thinks it’s a girl, say i.”
you roll your eyes when you hear yeosang’s voice boom the loudest “i,” quickly followed by mingi, hongjoong, seonghwa and san.
“alright, so now everyone’s who correct in thinking it’s a boy, say i.”
“i! will bet my entire bank account that it’s a girl,” san interrupts, nearly throwing his fork across the table as he points it threateningly toward the ‘boy side.’ 
it was the day before your 18-week check up and nothing could’ve prepared you for the chaos that was to come.
the boys had made it a point to come over once a week ever since you told them the news, swapping between ordering food and bringing home cooked meals to fully prepare for their new lives as uncles. 
it was a healthy mix of of fun banter and arguing before an aggressive explosion  of debates like these: guessing the sex of the baby, fighting for spots as godparents and seeing who’s meal is gonna satisfy your pregnant self the most. 
“anyone need $40?” jongho asks, him and wooyoung the most confident you’ve ever seen that you’re gonna have a baby boy - you wish you were as confident as all of them, because you really don’t know what’s gonna come tomorrow.
“fuck you!” san whines, a giggle leaving you as your hand rests on your stomach and you watch the boys argue back and forth. 
yeosang kisses the side of your head as he gathers the plates and cups, seonghwa and yunho quietly talking to you and asking how you’ve been doing. 
they knew it was hard for you to make the decision to not enroll in classes for the spring semester, knowing that the later months of pregnancy and baby’s arrival were far too close to finals time. 
but you seem to be happy about that decision it seems, basking in the easy going pregnancy you’ve had thus far. 
“i’ll probably go back when she’s one or something,” you say absentmindedly, the plan you started concocting in your head when you and yeosang talked about what you were gonna do. 
“my parents said they’d be more than happy to watch her on the days i have class so i think it’ll be okay. i’m definitely going back, though.”
seonghwa and mingi shared a look with matching smiles on their faces, something that went unnoticed to you before the other boys quickly came over and stole your attention away. 
“looks like you got her thinking it’s a girl, too,” seonghwa mumbles to yeosang, the boy biting back a smile. 
he overheard you and couldn’t control the happiness blooming in his chest, watching with a smile as he watches you giggle and hit san and wooyoung’s arms playfully. 
by the time the boys left, absolutely overstaying their welcome as they do every time, you were exhausted. laid out on the couch with your head on the arm, eyes threatening to close before yeosang came over and leant down next to you. 
“you okay?”
“yeah,” you yawn, running your fingers through his hair lazily. “they’re just a little exhausting.”
“a little?” he hums skeptically, a smirk crossing your face as you hold your arms out to him. 
“what?” he smiles, eyes lighting up as he looks at you.
“help me up.”
he pulls you up before scooping you into his arms, a content hum leaving your mouth as he walks toward the bedroom. he places you gently on the bed before pecking your head with a kiss, mumbling for you to change while he gets you a glass of water. 
this was the new night time routine like clockwork, yeosang more often that not carrying your exhausted body in before setting you up with water and waiting until you fell asleep soundly on his chest. 
he comes in a few moments later to see you already in bed, a smile lighting up your face that has him speeding up to get to you. 
your eyes are drooping with your hold on him tight, soft mumbles of “i love you,” in your ear, about to succumb to sleep before you hear his deep voice begin to speak.
“baby, you still up?” 
“hm?” you hum sleepily, your chin resting on his chest as you stare up at him with tired eyes. 
he smiles softly upon seeing your face, his hand reaching out to caress your cheek gently. 
there’s been something about seeing you like this that makes it feels like he’s falling for you again, unable to fully grasp just how much he loves you sometimes. it’s a feeling he once thought was scary, one that he thought he wasn’t even capable of.
but he sees now that’s not the case at all; that, if anything, the feeling only gets stronger and more prevalent the more you two go through. 
“you know i really don’t care if it’s a boy or a girl, right?” he asks, the softness and sweetness of his tone making your tired state lessen. “i’m gonna be happy no matter what tomorrow.”
you can’t even control the giggle that leaves your mouth, reaching up to place a kiss on his lips. 
“i love you,” you tell him, humor and amusement heavy in your tone not taking away from how true it is. 
and from the slight pinkness on his cheeks and the scoff that leaves his mouth, you think he knows you’re only making fun of him a little. 
“of course i know that, silly,” you tell him, his eyes narrowing before you snake your hand down and play with his fingers. 
“but i do think you’ve convinced me it’s a girl, too,” you sigh out, your head resting back on his chest and your eyes closing. “i’ll also be happy either way, though. i think...we’re gonna be good at this.”
the words are quiet and sweet and making his heart jump. but when he looks down to meet your gaze again, he sees your fast asleep against his chest.
“so....” san drags out at next week’s dinner, the seven boys around the table looking at you and yeosang expectantly. “did you guys find out?”
you and yeosang share a smile and nod at them, the table erupting into a burst of chatter and demands to be told who was right. 
“you’re not gonna tell us, are you?” seonghwa asks, the twinge in both your eyes making him far too skeptical. 
a smirk crosses your face as you shake your head no, groans of protest and silent curses filling the apartment. they harass you and yeosang for the rest of the night, going as far as to put up money and chore work to know the answer. 
but you insist that you’re keeping it a surprise, not even letting mingi or yunho know even though you and yeosang decided that, if they want t, they’re gonna have to be the godparents. 
six months:
"this is pretty," you say quietly, tapping your finger on a light yellow that has yeosang’s face falling into a grimace.
"it's not for a nursery, y/n," he mumbles from behind you, the close proximity of his voice causing you to jump. 
you hadn't realized he had moved closer to you as you browsed, his chest now pressed up right against your back. you feel the breath of his words grazing your skin as he looks over your shoulder.
"how 'bout that?" he asks, his arm brushing yours as he points to the most hideous shade of brown you'd ever seen.
"that is so ugly," you bluntly state, his deep chuckle rumbling in your ear as he pulls his arm back to rest on your shoulder. you try not to jump at the open affection and touch he's giving you, his hand ever so often squeezing gently.
"oooh, what about this?" you ask, craning your neck up to show him the color sample. 
your cheeks nearly touch from how close your faces are now, holding your breath as you watch him look at it before meeting your gaze. you resist the urge to swallow nervously, his teasing eyes now looking right into yours.
"pretty," he mumbles, "it'll do."
“pretty,” you say, laid out on the floor as your eyes roam the freshly painted wall yeosang just finished. “it’ll do.”
“oh will it? i’m glad,” yeosang quips sarcastically, paint on his face and his hair a mess of waves as you giggle into your hand. 
keeping the sex of the baby a secret, unfortunately, meant that you and yeosang had no help in painting the nursery. 
it was the second guest room that you two never even touched, the white and beige walls in desperate need of some color for your baby’s arrival.
today reminded you heavily of your and yeosang’s first official date, when you  shopped around the store with him to pick out the paint for his pool house. 
you remember feeling so nervous and out of your element during that time, his chest against your back as you pushed the cart making your heart pound in your chest. 
your cheeks warm when your hear his chuckle, his footsteps moving toward you until his arms reach around you to grasp the bar of the cart.
"you know, you talk a lot of shit one minute and then get unbelievably nervous the next," he lowly mumbles in your ear. "quite easily, might i add."
"i'm not nervous," you snap, placing your hands in the middle of the bar as you to start to push it down the aisle. "what gave you that impression?"
“baby, can you hand me that brush please?” he hums softly, your eyes moving to him atop the ladder. 
you nod your head with a small smile, doing your best to get up despite the size of your growing stomach; you had thought at this point you’d actually be a little tired of being pregnant but, much to your surprise, it wasn’t annoying you too much.
“here you go,” you squeak, throwing it up to him just for it to fly past him and clatter back onto the floor by your feet.
he presses his lips together so he doesn’t burst out laughing, his brow raised before you narrow your eyes. it’s a challenge but you eventually bend down and get it, yeosang’s deep chuckles in the background only making you pout. 
“i was gonna start helping you again but i don’t think i should,” you say, defiance and a bratty edge in your tone that he’s secretly missed. “how can you laugh at me?”
“you’re just cute, love, i’m sorry,” he smiles, walking a few steps down and pecking a kiss on your head before continuing with the third wall. 
you decided on three pastel blue walls with one accent wall of wallpaper, a mural of animals and pretty landscape where you’ll eventually put the baby’s name. 
“we still have to decide on a name, you know,” you hum softly, looking around the room. 
it stills fills you with a little disbelief that this is what you guys are preparing for, talking about a name for your child and preparing a room for the baby that’s quickly gonna make their appearance into the world. 
“i know,” he smiles softly, eyes roaming your face to see it’s calm and tranquil. his number one goal during these past months was to keep you as calm and content as possible, the shaky start to the pregnancy still making him feel guilty. 
he turns back to continue the last bit of paint, eyes tired and body aching from hours of painting up and down the walls. you insisted that they hire someone, knowing you wouldn’t be that much help, but he thought this was better.
because similar to you, he couldn’t help but think back to when you painted his pool house together. 
when you two were just starting out and he was every bit as nervous and unfamiliar as you. he didn’t think he was deserving of you but he took you anyway, unable to control the feeling in his chest or overwhelmingly desire to see you.
watch your reactions and how you talk to him, even if most of the time you were yelling or rolling your eyes.  
“this looks like the same blue we painted the pool house, no?” he asks suddenly, your head snapping up before a smile lights up your face.
you knew he probably remembered the date but you weren’t sure if he’d been thinking the same thing today too. 
“it does,” you smile, walking over and picking up your paintbrush. you dip it in the tray and watch the bristles absorb the pretty blue, peeking up at him to see his eyebrows pinched in concentration. 
“i think i like this one a little bit better though.”
“me too,” he hums back, a smile on his face that makes your heart jump. 
he finishes the wall a few moments later, you still brushing the paint through the tray absentmindedly. his presence in front of you halts your movements, his hand reaching down to help you up gently.
you giggle and immediately accept his hand, pecking his lips as you apologize for not doing more. 
“stop,” he chastises, voice soft and sweet as he places a gentle peck on your nose. “you didn’t have to do anything, i just wanted you with me.”
“yeah?” you quip softly, your bottom lip slipping between your teeth as you stare up at him. his eyes darken ever so slightly and you have to resist the urge to laugh, tightening your hold on the paintbrush hidden behind your back. 
“mhm,” he hums lowly, his paint-covered hand reaching out to hold your cheek. “are you hungry? i can make you something or we can-”
and even despite his sweet words and even sweeter intentions, it doesn’t stop you from reaching out and smearing the paintbrush across his cheek. 
and that's how the first tragedy started, you so boldly dipping your finger in the tray and poking two blue dots on his face. 
he stared at you in shock for a second, like he was trying to decipher if you really just did that, while you held back the laugh desperate to bubble out of your chest.
"you didn't."
"i did," you say playfully, "and it shut you up for a few seconds so i just might do it-"
roller in hand, he's quick to smear it over your entire cheek, wet paint grazing your skin and the stray hairs that have fallen out of your bun. your gasp and open-mouthed stare causes his deep chuckle to echo through the pool-house, a sound so foreign to those walls.
"you got my whole face!" you yelp, holding your own roller out like it's a weapon. "i did two little specks on your cheek."
"two specks too many and now you look ridiculous. so i hope you're hap-"
you quickly roll the paint over both his cheeks now, first the right then the left, before dropping it in the pan and running over to the safe zone in the kitchen.
a smile crosses your face as you look at him with a giggle, the boy just standing there in disbelief before his neck snaps up to look at you.
"you're done," is all you hear his deep voice say, the dark teasing causing excitement to run through you until you see him going over to pick up the roller you dropped.
he only stares at you in shock for a few seconds, eyes flashing and face twisting before he shakes his head and grabs onto your waist tightly. 
“you’re done.”
you shake your head as a teasing smile makes it way across your face, attempting to run out of the nursery to prevent another paint tragedy from occurring. 
but he catches you gently around the waist before you can get further, his arms quickly scooping you up. he plops you down on the couch despite your protests, watching with soft amusement as you giggle and shake your head rapidly.
the rest of the night goes by in a flurry of teasing from him and giggles from you, sharing pizza and soda before it feels as if you hadn’t slept in hours; but this was one of the first days you’ve gone without a nap, your body on top of yeosang despite the ever-present fear you’re gonna crush him. 
“if- if i get too heavy, just tell me to get off,” you mumble tiredly, your legs between his as your head rests on his chest. 
he chuckles lightly against your head, wrapping his arms around your back and tightening his hold on you immediately. 
“that’ll never happen,” he mumbles against your head, feeling your smile against his chest before your breaths even out and you’re fast asleep.
seven months:
it was at this point in the pregnancy you felt as if the happy glow was wearing off. 
your stomach was huge, your back was aching, and any time you looked in the mirror, it’s like you didn’t recognize yourself. 
your body wasn’t your body anymore and even your face looked different, cheeks fatter and nose wider in a way that, tonight in particular, was getting to you. 
“he hates me. i know he does,” you cry out, mingi and yunho looking at you like you’ve grown five heads. 
because after you slightly burnt the cookies in the oven you’d been craving, yeosang out with wooyoung and san helping them set up apartment furniture, you’d been on a hormonal, downward spiral since. 
you felt big and ugly and undesirable. 
you felt as if you looked miserable and depressed and like you didn’t wanna be a mother at all. 
you felt like yeosang didn’t love you anymore, sick of doting on you and putting up with your naps and every thing else you’ve annoyed him with for the past seven months.
“i hate the guy most days, y/n, but i can tell you right now he loves you more than anyone else in the world. it’s the only reason i haven’t actually beat his ass.”
yunho lets out a snort, less at mingi’s words and more so at picturing his sweet fiancé beating someone up. but when the boy shoots his head toward him, he sends a smile and nod his way. 
“mingi’s right, babe. he could absolutely beat him up and he hasn’t. because we know how much he loves you.”
“he might love me but he doesn’t like me,” you whine, tears brimming your eyes and threatening to overflow. 
usually, the second these two boys see you on the verge of tears, they hate it. will do everything in their power to stop it because they hate seeing you so sad and upset. 
but this is making them almost wanna laugh, knowing the hormones that come with the later part of the pregnancy can be very daunting. 
“he likes you and he loves you, y/n, i can promise you that,” yunho says, the smile on his face making you pull your eyebrows together and let out more cries. 
it’s upon yeosang opening the door a few moments later that yunho and mingi shoot up, rushing toward the boy who looks at them in surprise. 
“what the-”
“she’s been crying all day and thinks you hate her.”
“actually, she thinks you love her but don’t like her,” mingi whispers, yeosang’s face twisting into one of confusion.
but before he can ask them to explain, or ask what the hell you even meant by that, he hears cries coming from the couch that have him rushing over before the two boys can say anything else.
“hey, my love. what’s wrong?” he asks, plopping down next to you and pulling you into him.
you slump against him immediately, missing him and his warmth despite the fact he was only gone for a few hours; you were usually clingy and needy at night but it appeared to get worse these days.
you only slump against him and shake your head, suddenly embarrassed and upset and just wanting everything to be over. you just want this baby out of you already, you want your body back to normal and you want to stop feeling like this some days. 
the faint sound of the front door closing goes unheard by both of you, yeosang’s arm around you and your head on his chest before he pulls back and looks down at you.
“why’d they tell me you were crying all day?” yeosang questions softly, a frown on his face because the thought physically pains him. “and why do you think i don’t like you? i love you, baby.”
“i know.... i know you love me but i don’t think you like me anymore,” you whine, a smirk threatening to take over his face.
but he knows the last thing to do in front of a pregnant, hormonal woman is to laugh in the face of her emotional breakdown. so instead, he remains soft and gentle, pulling you on top of him and brushing his fingers through your hair as you whimper into him.
“i’m so sick of being pregnant, yeosang. i just feel like i’ve been annoying and tired and sleeping all day. i’m so big and ugly and my face has changed and i-”
his voice is deep and harsh and immediate, the command in his voice that you know means there will be no exceptions. 
he sees your eyebrows pulled together in protest, his face softening before he cups yours and gently caresses your skin; he knows he can’t imagine how tiresome it is to go through this process but he also knows by no means are you ugly or incapable of doing this. 
“i know you’re tired of this, baby, and i’m sorry. but you’re not ugly. you couldn’t be ugly if you tired, pretty girl,” he says, the pout on your lips making him smile and press a kiss on your mouth. 
“and you gotta eat to keep my child healthy and strong, no?” he asks, his eyebrow raised as his hands lower to your round stomach. 
he thought the transformation was amazing actually, what the human body could do and watching you become like this just to fit something he put inside you. 
“so if you weren’t getting bigger, we’d be having problems. you’re doing so good, baby, you really are. and you’re gonna be such a good mom, too. you only have a little bit more to get through, okay?”
his words calm you as much as they make your heart flutter, the tears now swarming in your eyes one from happiness. 
“so you do like me?” 
and he didn’t expect that to be the next thing you say after that, a deep chuckle bubbling from his mouth that makes a wet giggle leave your own. 
“yes, baby. i like you.”
eight months:
you thought nothing was gonna beat the panic you felt when you first found out you were pregnant. 
your shaking hands and pounding heart and the overwhelming fear that you and yeosang weren’t gonna be able to get through this. 
now, though, the fears feel much more real and much more terrifying. 
knowing that, in just a month, a third person is gonna be a part of your little family. someone you’re gonna be completely and solely responsible for, making sure their needs are met and you raise them to be a good human being. 
and it’s really hitting you tonight, after some mild cramping landed you in the doctor’s office where you were assured it was just your body’s response in preparing for labor.
but that was enough to completely scare you. leave you silent on the car ride home with your sweaty palm in yeosang’s and your mind racing a mile a minute.
“you’re quiet,” yeosang hums softly, the air between you thick as his thumb caresses your hand.
he felt a similar surge of panic rush through him when you told him about the mild discomfort in your stomach, all but jumping up and out the door to get you to the doctor immediately. 
you make a noise of approval in the back of your throat, the only response other than the way you tighten in his hand in yours. 
because right now, with all of these racing thoughts, you just wanna stop.
stop thinking about everything that could go wrong in the next month, the pain of labor and dealing with a newborn. 
you wanna stop thinking about you and yeosang not handling the transition well, lashing out at each other after sleepless nights full of the baby’s crying as you try trying to adjust to this new life. 
your walk up to the apartment is silent as well, going right into your room and plopping face down on the cold sheets. 
the bed dips a few moments later and you make a tired groan when yeosang drags you up toward the pillows, placing you in front of him before leaning you back. 
your back rests on his front for a few calming moments, his hands rubbing slowly over your stomach in a way he’s gotten used to over these past few days. 
the moment you told him you had cramps, you weren’t surprised when he started doing that. 
there hasn’t been a moment throughout this pregnancy when he wasn’t comforting you or assuring you in some way. holding your hand or stroking your hair and just making sure at all times, you were feeling happy and healthy.
but now it’s like you’re so beyond that point, tired and frustrated and just feeling so anxious about what’s to come.
“are you scared for her to come?”
yeosang’s hands stop on your stomach when he hears you utter those words, shifting your body until you’re sitting in front of him. 
your eyes are wide and glossy and he can’t help but smile at how pretty you look, taking your face in his hands gently. 
“of course i am,” he says honestly, not wanting to sugar coat anything or lie to you. “but i’m also excited to meet her. we’re as prepared as we can be, right? so we’ll just have to figure it out one day at a time.”
“i know,” you sigh out, that piece of advice everyone in your life is telling you. to take the early challenges of motherhood one day at a time; but you think it’s easier said than done, especially with a month left to just sit here and dwell on things. 
“but i don’t know.... are we really ready? we’re not even married, yeosang. what if everyone at the hospital is like.... yikes.”
a snort leaves his mouth that he couldn’t hold back, not liking to laugh at the comments and exaggerations you make these days but sometimes not being able to help it. 
“again, baby, if you wanna get married right now, i’ll go out and get a ring. but otherwise, no one is gonna say shit.”
“that’s not why i said it,” you whine, pushing him playfully and cracking a smile at his deep chuckle. “i’m just... scared about a lot of things again, yeosang. it was nice in, like, the middle of this. and it didn’t seem too bad. but now it’s all feeling very real again and i....i don’t know if i’ll be able to do it.”
“of course you’ll be able to do it,” yeosang mumbles softly, his fingers tracing shapes on your shoulder. “you made it this far, baby, and you’ve been doing so good. i already told mi that you’re gonna be better at this than me.”
a smile lights up your face as you hear him say your daughter’s name aloud, the long winded decision in picking your child’s name finally coming to an end last week.
you both had gone back and forth about what kind of names you wanted, discussing meanings and how it sounded and voting out what you absolutely didn’t want. 
jang-mi was the name yeosang suggested that you immediately loved, could see it fitting right next to yours on a christmas card or shouting it through the apartment when she’s a crazy toddler. 
“that’s funny because i told her the same thing,” you chuckle out quietly, letting out a sigh as you roll over and curl into him.
you were soaking in the bath one morning, all but demanding yeosang to sleep in one weekend when you felt her kicking inside you. 
the first time you felt it all a few months ago, you remember nearly yelping. alarming yeosang to the severest degree and watching him rush into the living room to see you staring at him shock.
but he was just as fascinated and happy as you, feeling kicks from inside your stomach as prove that there really was a baby growing in there. 
you’d gotten used to it though, every time you felt it talking to her quietly or giggling at the sensation. 
telling her how excited you are to meet her despite your nerves, sharing stories or readings books and just informing her of the true chaos she’s gonna encounter with her father and uncles. 
“i already know mingi’s gonna try to be strict with you but i think you’ll have him wrapped around your finger the tightest,” you predicted, above all else excited to see him interact with a baby. 
“and your daddy’s gonna act like he doesn’t know what he’s doing or is bad at it. but i think he’ll be a lot better at this than me, jang-mi. he acts tough and strong and mean but he’s... the best man ever. and i’m happy he’s your dad.”
yeosang doesn’t have the heart to tell you he heard you in the bath that day, remembering how quickly tears were in his eyes and he was, for a brief moment, the happiest he’d ever felt in his life.  
“then maybe we’ll both do a good job,” he hums quietly, already knowing full well that, whatever happens, she’s gonna have you both wrapped around her finger. 
nine months:
your water broke two weeks early and nothing could have prepared you for the terror of that moment. 
how one second, you were walking in the coffee shop with mingi and yunho and the next, wetness poured down your legs and onto the floor below you. the inside of your pink maternity dress was sticking uncomfortably, a confused expression overtaking your face. 
“uhhh, guys...” 
“i think i’m gonna get a scone,” yunho says, looking up at the menu despite going here for years.
“no, get the cookies again.”
“you never eat them, babe, why would we-”
“doesn’t he never eat the cookies, y/n?” yunho asks, his head turning to side-eye you before he notices your look of discomfort. “what’s wrong?”
and it’s at that that mingi turns his head, looking over your face before catching the wetness on your dress and at your feet. he looks from the floor to you several times, like he’s trying to put two and two together before his mouth hangs open almost comically.
but because he’s mingi, you should’ve known the words leaving his mouth were gonna be even more funny, even if you didn’t think it at the time. 
“did you just piss?” 
it’s yunho’s delayed realization that kicks everything into gear, his hand bouncing off mingi’s head before he exclaims that your water just broke. 
excitement and shock and even a little bit of chaos erupts throughout the coffee shop in the minutes after, strangers asking if they could help and the barista’s you’ve come to know clapping their hands and looking on excitedly. 
“call yeosang,” yunho says, flagging down a taxi just as the fear and anticipation start to build in you. 
he answers on the 2nd ring when he sees mingi’s name pop up, knowing full well that the boy was spending the day with you; because he was actually guilty in demanding, with the due date just around the corner, that someone was with you at all times. 
he doesn’t know how but the second he hears your voice, he can just tell something’s not right. 
“what happened? is everything okay?”
you lick over your lips anxiously, knowing for the past nine months you guys have been both terrified and waiting for this day. just a few (or many) hours away from meeting your daughter.
“she’s coming.”
the line goes silent for a few moments, just the sound of his breathing before he starts to shuffle and rush toward his boss’s office.
you’re so lost in his words, assuring you that everything will be fine and that he’ll see you soon, you miss yunho and mingi share big smiles with one another, the former excitedly mouthing “it’s a girl,” just as the taxi pulls up to bring you to the hospital. 
part 5
tag list: @mirror-juliet​ @toffee-hwa​ @valhoez​ @miatsubaki23​ @mydaintydaisy​ @treasurehwa​ @markleeyeosang​
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not-delicious-milk · 4 years
pairing | itadori yuuji x fushiguro megumi
content | fluff, light angst, humor. birthday fic for the birthday boy. yuuji has adhd and i will die on that hill
word count | 1.7k
form | oneshot
originally posted | 23 december 2020
author's note | yes i wrote this because i got back into knitting. i know i’m a day late for fushi’s birthday but shh. anyway itafushi brainrot
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Itadori hyperfixates on knitting. Shenanigans ensue. 
It started out innocent enough. 
Gojou had decided to treat them to shopping in the city, something that excited Kugisaki and Itadori beyond reason. Fushiguro thought that those two would probably faint from excitement if their sensei ever indulged them in a trip to Roppongi, as he'd promised them so many months ago, even though he knew fully well it was little more than a tourist trap.
Then they passed by a fabric store, and Itadori had stopped cold in his tracks at the sight of the multicolored yarns in the window. Peeking over a teetering pile of bags and boxes he was holding for Kugisaki, Itadori drew so close to the window his breath misted up the glass.
"What is it, Itadori?" Kugisaki huffed. She turned around and barely suppressed a laugh when she saw him staring. "Are you a grandmother now? Come on, I still need to pick up new stockings."
"No, it's just—" Itadori glanced back at her, wide eyed. "You know, my grandfather taught me to knit once, when I was really little. I hadn't given it much thought since…" His sentence trailed off. "Anyway, it's getting colder now, right? Plus Christmas is coming up. Maybe I should pick it up again."
Fushiguro shrugged. "As long as you don't go crazy. Like that time with the stamps."
"Listen — those were limited edition stamps—"
"And the historical romance movies."
"How did you — come on, Pride and Prejudice is a classic—"
"And the bullet journals?"
"I didn't even get that many of those! Gojou-sensei was the one who recommended those to keep track of stuff."
"You had to empty one of your manga shelves just to store all the stationary you bought!"
"Okay, I get it!" Itadori held up one of his hands in a gesture of surrender, nearly dropping Kugisaki's things in the process. "In and out. All I want to do is look."
But that was not all he wanted to do. Itadori wanted to touch the yarn, and then he was ogling the seasonal colors, and then he was flipping through pattern books, and then he was discussing different wool blends with the lady working there, and then he was picking out bamboo circular knitting needles, and then he was ordering cones of yarn in different colors, and by the time they staggered out of the fabric store, Fushiguro was ready to collapse. 
The way home was just as bad, if not worse. Itadori talked Gojou's ear off the whole time about different stitches he wanted to try and projects he was going to start. "Oh, by the way, Fushiguro!"
Fushiguro turned at the mention of his name. "What is it?"
"Would you prefer a scarf or a hat? I picked out this blue acrylic-wool blend to match your eyes, but I'm not sure which one you would prefer."
Fushiguro blinked at him. "A— a scarf, I guess."
Itadori gave him a thumbs up and then went right back to talking a mile a minute. Fushiguro wasn't sure if he should be paying attention or not. He glanced at Kugisaki, who was in a world of her own looking at the souvenirs and new accessories she had bought with Gojou's credit card. 
Gojou himself seemed only mildly interested in what Itadori was saying. He seemed to be thinking of something else, but he did seem to be making an effort to show his student that he was listening.
Fushiguro sighed. He really was hopeless. "Itadori, tell me about the patterns you want to try."
Itadori turned to him, and Fushiguro let himself take in the radiant glow of his eyes for one selfish moment, before training his gaze on the floor of the train.
(Was it too much to ask for him to stop being so bright all the time?)
The excitement could barely keep its way out of Itadori's voice as he described the different ways to knit a sock, and Fushiguro smiled a little, careful not to let Gojou see it. He would never let him live it down. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
He doesn't have to yell. The walls are so thin between our rooms anyway. "What?" he called back, a little quieter. 
"I need your help! Come here!"
Fushiguro sighed and closed the book he'd been reading. It was a hefty tome on marine biology he'd picked up the week before. And in that week, Itadori had probably knit enough to clothe a small country. 
Well, that was an exaggeration. But he really had been spending all his time working on some project or another, and Fushiguro was mentally counting down until his inevitable burnout. 
He opened the door to Itadori's room and poked his head inside. "What— oh."
Itadori grinned sheepishly at him. He was in the middle of a pile of tangled yarn, probably partially tangled in it himself, seated on the floor. "Um, I could use another pair of hands."
Fushiguro sighed for as long as he could, feigning annoyance. 
(He really didn't mind.) 
"Thanks, man." Itadori wriggled his way out of his multicolored bonds and started picking at the strands. "I promise it's not as bad as it looks." What it looked was pretty bad.
"I just forgot to organize them when I was done with a color. I had just been putting them in a bin under my bed."
Really? Not a blender?
Fushiguro said nothing as he worked at a thick knot. 
"Brat, do something about him."
His eyes went wide as Fushiguro whipped his head around to see a mouth formed on Itadori's cheek, speaking in a familiarly cold voice. "He's driving me insane."
Itadori slapped a hand over Sukuna's mouth automatically. "You were already insane," he muttered under his breath.
The mouth opened again on his hand. "All you think about are your projects. If I wanted to possess a grandmother, I would have done so. Brat, break his knitting needles, throw out his yarn, something. I know you find it irritating too." 
Itadori pointedly ignored Sukuna's voice, but for a moment Fushiguro was sure he saw something flicker in his eyes — something like disappointment, or maybe regret. His smile seemed a little too tight, his gaze too fixed.
Ever since he had come back to life, Fushiguro had noticed that Itadori wasn't quite the same. He never wanted to talk about it, either, besides the few words they'd exchanged before the Goodwill Event. 
But these days, something about Itadori Yuuji seemed a little unsure. He seemed harder, cracked around the edges like broken glass. He was smiling the same smile as ever, but something in his eyes told Fushiguro that he didn't mean it. 
Fushiguro imagined that he was untangling Itadori. Maybe it was that he didn't trust him enough, wasn't close enough to him, didn't care as much about him as Fushiguro did him, but there was something twisted up inside Itadori that he didn't let anyone touch. 
(He would never admit it, but Fushiguro wished that he could. Sort through the strands one by one, with care and with gentleness, until he was all smoothed out.)
"Itadori," Fushiguro said quietly. 
"Huh?" By the time he turned around to meet his eyes, Itadori had already masked his brief slippage of control. 
"I don't think it's irritating."
Itadori laughed a little. "No, it's okay. You don't have to feel bad, I know I'm going a little overboard…"
"I'm serious."
He fell silent and ran his fingers through his soft pink hair. Again, there it was — a flash of something between disappointment and regret. "I just… it feels nice to make stuff for other people, I guess." And there he went again. Always other people first. 
(When would he realize other people worried about him too?)
Fushiguro didn't say anything else, but silently picked a piece of yarn off of Itadori's hoodie. 
"Oh! That's right!" Itadori suddenly stood up and rummaged through his bag. "It's your birthday tomorrow, isn't it?"
It was. Fushiguro hadn't told anyone about it though — there wasn't much he hated more than other people fussing over him on his birthday. The attention, the coddling praise, the presents… all of it was too much. 
Who could have—
The winking face of his sensei flashed across his mind. Of course.
"Here you go, before I forget to give it to you." Itadori handed him a folded blue scarf. "It's your birthday present!" 
Fushiguro took the scarf gingerly. It seemed to tingle in his hands, and he could almost feel the attention and time that Itadori had put into it. It had a complicated-looking cable pattern that must have taken him forever. 
"Do you— do you like it?"
He glanced up at Itadori, whose usually sunny face was clouded over with insecurity. Ah, I must have made a face by accident. 
Fushiguro answered by putting the scarf on. It even smelled like him. If he breathed in deeply, he could smell Itadori's fabric softener and the scent of the outdoors that always seemed to cling to him — wood and soft grass and—
Stop smelling the scarf.
"I like it," he managed. He couldn't make eye contact with Itadori — if he did, he was afraid his careful mask of casual indifference might break and reveal something much more embarrassing.
"You do? Oh, that's good." Somehow Itadori didn't sound very convinced.
Fushiguro risked looking into his eyes. "I really love this," he stated firmly. "Honestly, I'm glad you decided to start knitting again." He paused a moment before going a step further, grasping at the tangled strands around him and within the boy who stood before him. "I think your grandfather would be really proud of you."
Itadori blinked in surprise. "Oh." A wide grin spread across his face. "Well, I'm glad you like it!"
Fushiguro gestured hopelessly to the mountain of tangled yarn.
"Ah, right."
An easy silence fell as they untangled the rest of the yarn. The warmth of the scarf around Fushiguro's neck was grounding, and reminded him of the warmth of the boy next to him. 
Itadori scooted closer to him and rested his head on Fushiguro's shoulder, surprising him. Neither of them said a word as they picked at knots of yarn. 
"Thank you," muttered Itadori under his breath. 
Maybe birthdays weren't so bad after all. 
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leossmoonn · 4 years
chemistry part tweleve
part eleven | part thirteen | masterlist
zuko x fem!reader
avatar: the last airbender
includes - you, zuko, suki, katara, toph, sokka, and aang
special appearences by - iron, azula, and appa (mini sky bison,,, he’s like the size of a shihi tzu)
warnings - language, little suggestive lol
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you poured the chips onto the plate, putting all of the dips in the middle. you set it on the island table with the rest of snacks you and the girls had picked up for the christmas party. you were excited, but nervous for this year’s party. ever since you girls went to college, which was three years ago - well, toph just started this year - , you had made it a friend tradition to have holiday parties. you had friend-giving, friend-mas, friend year’s and galentine’s day. 
you and the girls always had aang and sokka there. you usually were the one with no date. toph had a few guys come over sometime, but they never really stuck. since this was your first time having a boy over, one that was really hot, really smart, and seemed really into you, you were beyond nervous. you were terrified. sure, you had hung out with him before, but not when you were gonna drink a few glasses of champagne. so, you decided to just be light on the drinks tonight. otherwise, you would probably end up laying on zuko’s lap, either making out with him or telling embarrassing childhood stories. 
“this looks great, guys! ooh, salsa,” sokka said, his mouth watering.
“yeah, i can’t wait to eat the nachos,” toph said.
both of their hands went to pick up a chip, but you slapped their hands away. 
“no one eats until zuko, katara, and aang are here,” you said. 
sokka frowned, “you suck. suki, tell y/n i can have one chip.”
suki chuckled, “no, y/n’s right.”
“can you let me have a chip? i’m your best friend! and i’m blind,” toph begged with a sweet smile.
suki rolled her eyes, “nice try.”
“i haven’t eaten since this morning!” toph exclaimed.
“get another snack then. these are for our guests,” you said.
toph scoffed, “yeah you mean for your boyfriend zuko.”
sokka smirked, “yeah, you wanna make sure everything is perfect for him.”
“no, i don’t! it’s just polite to wait,” you glared at them. 
sokka smirked, “suuuuure, y/n. keep telling yourself that.”
you frowned, “i literally hate you.”
“love you, too! where are katara and aang, anyways?” sokka asked. 
“they’re picking up some gingerbread house kits for us to make,” toph said.
“yeah, and that takes 45 minutes? i’m sure that’s what they’re doing,” sokka rolled his eyes. 
“i’ll text katara and see if they’re coming back soon,” you said. 
“good. text zuko and ask when he’s coming. make sure to tell him if he doesn't come in the next 15 minutes, i will start eating the counter,” sokka said. 
you rolled your eyes. “what a baby.”
you went into the living room, pulling out your phone. you texted katara, hoping for a quick response. you then texted zuko, suddenly getting anxious again. 
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you set your phone down next to you. suki, toph, and sokka came over to sit down.  
“so, when are they coming?” sokka asked. 
“uh, zuko said 10 minutes and katara hasn’t responded yet,” you answered. 
“ugh! next time, one of you go with katara for shopping,” sokka said.
“yeah, cause we are faster than them,” suki chuckled. 
the front door opened and there revealed katara and aang. they had grocery bags in each hands. 
“hey, guys!” katara smiled. 
“god, finally! what took you guys so long?” sokka asked.
“we couldn’t find the special sprinkles you like, sokka,” aang said. 
“oh,” sokka said. 
“and we had to get appa,” aang said. appa flew out from behind aang, landing on your lap. 
you squealed, “hi, appa!” you ruffled his hair softly, earning a lick on the nose from him.
“appa, come here boy!” sokka smiled at him. appa just looked at sokka, turning back to you. 
“appa, come here!” toph said, patting her lap. appa walked across your lap to toph, licking her cheek.
“haha! that sucks,” you laughed at sokka’s frown.  
“sokka, you can redeem yourself by helping me with these groceries,” katara said. 
sokka sighed and got up from the couch, taking a few bags out of their hands and going over to the kitchen. as they set up the treats, you looked at the door, your leg bouncing up and down as you waited for a knock from zuko. 
“you okay, y/n? i can feel your leg bouncing,” toph said.
“yeah, what’s wrong?” suki asked. 
you kept your eyes on the door. “i’m fine,” you shrugged.
suki put her hand on your knee, stopping it. “take a deep breath, okay? zuko was so happy to receive an invitation. and isn’t he gonna wear a matching ugly sweater with you for the ugly sweater contest? it’ll be perfect.”
you sighed. “yeah, but what if i spill guac on him. or worse, i trip and fall over on him.” you shivered as you thought of the cringe that would come from those moments. 
“if you fall, i will make sure to take a picture,” katara said as she walked into the living room. 
you rolled your eyes. “really supportive, kat.”
katara smiled and sat down next to you. “you’ll be fine. like suki said, zuko wants to be here and plus, he really likes you. go and drink some water, take a deep breath, and go be the badass, hot girl i know.”
“yeah, and if he hurts you tonight, i’ll make sure to crush his bones,” toph smiled maliciously, cracking her knuckles.
you smiled at your best friends. “thanks guys, you guys are the best.”
“we know,” toph smiled.
you laughed at her comment, but fell silent once you heard a knock on the door.
oh, god. that’s him. that’s him that’s him
“are you gonna get that, or do i have to?” sokka asked, walking towards the door.
you jumped up off the couch, pushing sokka away. “i got it.”
“alright,” sokka said.
you took a deep breath, combing your fingers through your hair, and pulled your sweater down. you put your hand on the door, slowly opening it.
zuko appeared in front of you, a big grin appearing on your face.
“hey, zuko!” you said excitedly.
“hi, y/n,” he smiled at you.
“come in,” you said, stepping out of his way.
“thanks,” zuko said and stepped in. he took his shoes off and coat, revealing his matching christmas sweater.
you gasped, your eyes lighting up. “you actually wore it!”
“well yeah, it’d be lame not to,” zuko chuckled.
“true. we so have the best sweaters on,” you smiled. 
appa flew over to zuko, licking zuko’s cheek while still in the air. 
“hey, buddy,” zuko smiled. “i would pet you, but i have my hands full,” he said, gesturing to the gift bags he had.
“oh, let me take those for you,” you said. zuko handed the presents to you, you walking over to the christmas tree.
“thank you,” zuko said, walking over with appa cuddling in his arms. 
“no problem,” you smiled. 
“hey, man!” sokka exclaimed as he walked into the room. 
“hey, sokka!” zuko smiled, giving sokka a hug. 
“hey, zuko. long time, no see,” aang smiled. 
“yeah, sorry, holiday times at the JD get busy,” zuko chuckled. “we can hang over break.”
“awesome! gram-gram bought katara and i a vr headset, we can all play on it when you come over!” sokka said. 
“oh, cool! azula’s friend, ty lee, has one, too. i played on it a little,” zuko said. 
“is it fun?” you asked.
“very. maybe you can come over to my place sometime and i’ll have ty lee bring it over,” zuko smiled. 
“yeah, i’d like that,” you grinned. 
you and zuko smiled at each other for what seemed like forever before toph coughed. 
“i can feel the sexual tension between you two, please stop. can we eat now?” she asked. 
you and zuko looked away from each other, pink tainted both of your cheeks. 
“yeah, we can eat now,” you said. 
“alright! let’s get this party on!” sokka exclaimed, running to the kitchen. 
you chuckled, walking over to the kitchen. 
“zuko, you want champagne or beer?” you asked. 
“beer is fine, thank you,” zuko smiled. 
you got out a bottle from the cooler, handing it to him. “you’re welcome. so, what’d you get everyone?”
“well, i got sokka a new wallet. i bought aang a new messenger bag, he mentioned he needed one since his old one is practically falling apart.” “yeah, he's had that thing since high school,” you chuckled. 
“exactly. anyways, so i got suki a $50 gift card to sephora, katara a hoodie that says ‘riding the waves’. i got appa a little ball you can put hay in so he can exercise and eat. i got toph some airpods, and your present is a surprise,” zuko smiled.
“wow, you are an awesome gift giver. and i am very excited about my gift. i can’t wait to open the ones every gave me, not to be greedy or anything. i heard sokka got me my own personal smoothie maker,” you smiled. 
“don’t you already have a nutri bullet?” zuko asked, pointing to the machine that was on the counter.
“yes, but apparently this one can make milkshakes, too. definitely gonna sell the nutri bullet on craigslist,” you smiled. 
“wow, sounds cool. i wish i had one of those,” zuko said. 
you scoffed, “you literally live above a tea shop, you don’t need a blender.”
“hm, true. it’s great being me,” zuko joked. “i bet it is,” you giggled. 
“guys! wanna do the ginger bread house making contest now?” katara asked. 
“yeah!” you nodded, going over to the kitchen table. you and zuko sat down across from each other, grabbing one of the kits.
“alright, we have an hour do to this. the judges are toph and appa. toph will judge taste, appa will judge construction and decor,” suki smiled. 
“what? you trust a sky bison?” sokka asked. 
appa grunted, slapping sokka with his tail. you laughed, “you deserved that.”
sokka rolled his eyes. “yeah, whatever.”
suki sat down next to sokka, pecking his cheek. you looked at zuko, wishing you could do that to him. zuko gave you a small smile, wishing the same thing. 
toph held up the timer. “alright, ready… set.. go!”
you tore the box open, setting out the walls, roof, and decorations. you worked quickly, opening all your materials. you started to glue the walls to the bottom with icing. you looked up for a second to see zuko doing the same thing. 
“ready to go down?” he asked, noticing your stare. 
“nah, i’m ready to win,” you smiled. 
zuko mirrored your grin, going back to focusing on his house. 
you quickly built the rest of the walls, everything surprisingly staying up.
“aw, damn it!” katara exclaimed. you looked over to see two of her walls falling down. 
“it’s okay, baby, you can do it,” aang said. 
katara groaned in frustration, “i held them together for 5 minutes! how are you and y/n’s walls staying on?”
“it’s called having ‘the magic touch’,” you snickered. 
katara frowned, “shut up.”
“hey, mine is falling, too,” zuko said. you looked over to his, seeing one of the walls tipping over.
“well, not mine! i’m awesome!” sokka exclaimed. “and suki is, too!” 
you looked over to suki, who already had her roof on. 
“up top, babe!” sokka said, holding his hand up. suki high-fived him, “yep. we are legendary.” “nope,” you said, glueing on your roof. 
“face it, y/n, you’re gonna lose. suki and i are gonna win,” sokka said.
“hey! no teaming!” katara exclaimed. 
“oh, you’re teaming with aang. you can’t talk,” you remarked. 
“you can team with zuko,” aang suggested. 
you looked at zuko, seeing him already looking at you. he shrugged at you, “you want to?”
“yes,” you smiled. 
“how do you all team if you all have your own houses?” toph asked. 
“well, we can add our points up,” suki said. 
“ah, okay. well, grading will be extra hard, then,” toph smiled. 
“fair,” aang said. 
“no, not fair!” sokka exclaimed.  “yes, fair,” you said. “therefore, you will lose, and zuko and i will win.”
“nope, aang and i will win,” katara stated matter-of-factly. 
“you sure, kat?” sokka smirked, looking at her gumdrops who were falling off of the front of the house. 
katra glared, “you don’t even have any decorations on yet!”
sokka scowled, “yeah, well, suki does! and she’ll help us win all the points.”
“sokka! get to work,” suki ordered. 
“yes, ma’am,” sokka said and started decorating his roof. 
you turned to your own house again, resuming decorating the front of the house. 
“yours looks really good,” zuko said. 
you looked up and smiled. “thank you. yours do, too. i like the flowers on the side.”
“thanks. garden are very important for a nice house,” he said. 
you chuckled, “i agree.”
“15 more minutes left!” toph exclaimed. 
“what? how do you know that?” sokka asked. 
“i set a 45 minute timer so i would know, genius,” toph rolled her eyes. 
“right, right,” sokka said, turning to back to his house. 
“ten more!” toph said. 
“damn,” you muttered. 
“what?” zuko asked. 
“i haven’t finished my snowman,” you frowned and turned your house over so he could see the snow man you made out of marshmallows. 
“i think he looks perfect,” zuko smiled. 
you giggled, “thank you. i think we’re gonna win this.”
“me, too,” zuko smiled. 
“3…2…1, stop!” toph shouted. you put your hands in your lap, waiting for the judging to begin. 
“alright, first up is aang and katara. aka kataang. aang, give me a piece of your room, a wall, and a piece with candy. katara, do the same. appa, go ahead and judge,” toph instructed. 
appa flew around the houses, looking at every inch, nook, and cranny.
“he can’t even talk! this isn’t fair!” sokka exclaimed. 
“do not disrespect the sky bison,” you glared at him. 
sokka scoffed, “he knows it’s true.”
appa grunted at sokka before going back to look at katara’s house. 
“hm, a good amount of sweetness. nice use of the gummy worms. very good, aang,” toph said. 
“thank you,” aang smiled widely. 
toph then judged katara, going to appa to talk over the points. 
“alright. we give you guys a 8.5 out of 10,” toph said. 
“alright, that’s good!” katara high-fived aang. 
“good job, babe,” aang smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek. 
“next up are suki and sokka,” toph said. 
suki and sokka gave toph pieces of their houses, appa flying around to observe. after 10 minutes after judging, toph gave them the score. 
“8 out of 10,” toph said. 
“what! that’s like a low b!” sokka eclaimed. 
“hey, it's higher than a c,” suki said, putting a hand over his. 
sokka pouted, “fine. let’s see how team (you and zuko’s ship name) did.”
you cut pieces of your gingerbread and handed it to toph. zuko did the same. you bit your lip in anticipation. you knew it was a silly game, but the winner - or winners in this case - got a free dinner to the middle ring or a 2 free drinks at the JD. you wanted the JD coupon so bad. you loved the tea, but also, it gave you an excuse to see zuko randomly. 
“hm, alright. i give you two 9 out of 10. you guys are the winners!” toph smiled. 
you jumped up in excitement, going over to zuko and pulling him in a tight hug. zuko wrapped his arms around you, giving you the feeling of warmth and safety. 
you pulled away, a bright smile on your face. 
“which do you choose. free dinner at the middle ring, or two free drinks at the JD. one of you can get each since there’s enough for both of you,” toph said, holding out the coupons. 
“i want the coupon to JD!” you said, but looked to zuko quickly. “unless you do.”
“you can take it,” zuko smiled. 
“yay!” you squealed and plucked the ticket out of toph’s hand. 
“alright, ugly sweater contest! the prize is money,” sokka grinned. 
“alright, appa will be the judge again!” suki exclaimed, walking over and putting a $20 bill in appa’s mouth. 
“okay, since zuko and y/n are wearing the same sweater, they can each have $10,” katara said. 
“alright, fair,” you nodded. 
“stand in a line,” aang instructed. you went in-between zuko and toph. you all watched in excitement, waiting for appa to hand one of you the bill. 
after five minutes, appa went to toph. 
“alright! you all suck!” toph pumped her fist up in the air. 
“you have to be kidding me,” sokka said, face palming. 
you chuckled, turning to zuko. “maybe next year.”
“yep. i don’t know why we didn’t win. all these sparkles and diamonds give me a headache,” zuko said, looking at his sweatshirt. 
“same. you can change if you want,” you said. 
“nah, i’m good. i wanna be matching,” zuko smiled. 
you chuckled, “yay! i was hoping you said that.”
zuko’s smile widened at your excitement. you felt giddy inside and found yourself staring at his lips. you felt a sudden urge to lean up and kiss him, and go back into your room and make out. zuko must’ve noticed your stare, cause he licked his lips seductively. your face warmed up and you looked away quickly, coughing awkwardly and going to pour yourself another glass of champagne. 
zuko smiled at your retreating figure, looking to your other friends. 
“so, what's next on the agenda?” he asked. 
“present opening!” aang exclaimed, running over to the tree.
you walked over to the living room, sitting down on the bean bag. zuko sat across from you. 
“alright, i wanna go first!” aang exclaimed. 
“alright. here’s mine,” katara said, picking up a big present and handing it to him. 
aang opened it and pulled out new sneakers. “oh, this is awesome! thank you, babe. i love you.”
katara smiled. “you’re welcome. i got them custom-made so they’re your favourite colors and on the logo, it has appa and my name on it.”
“my two favourite things in the world. i love it,” aang smiled, leaning over to give katara a kiss. 
suki then handed her his gift. he then opened one from sokka, toph, and zuko, then you. you ended up getting him a new gaming  headset that has boosted sound system.
“thanks, guys. you are all awesome!” aang grinned. 
“you're welcome, buddy,” sokka smiled. “my turn!”
“alright, here’s mine,” suki said, handing him a banana-shaped present. 
sokka ripped it open, holding it up in all its glory, it was a dark blue boomerang that had a small heart on one end with suki’s name in it. 
“this. is. AMAZING! oh, i love you! we are so doing it tonight!” sokka exclaimed, kissing suki. 
you all groaned, telling sokka to shut up.
sokka opened everyone else’s present. you had got him a skateboard.
“thank you, guys. especially suki,” sokka smiled at his girlfriend.  “you’re welcome, baby,” suki smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek. 
“my turn!” katara exclaimed. 
she opened her present from aang first, which was new makeup brushes, which  apparently katara need a lot. suki got katara a humidifier, toph got her a new smoothie/coffee cup, sokka got her a $50 gift card to jc penny, zuko gave katara the sweatshirt, and you got her a polaroid camera. 
“i love all these! thank you,” katara smiled at each of you.
“you're welcome,” you all spoke. 
suki went next. sokka had gifted her a 365 day jar, katara gave her a new makeup pallet, toph gifted suki a new curling iron, aang gave her a new fluffy pillow, zuko gave her the gift card, and you had bought suki a new silk robe.
“oh, these are sick! definitely gonna have fun with these,” suki held up the jar and the robe. 
“you’re welcome,” katara smiled. “alright, toph, it’s your turn.”
“alright, tell me what is it after i open it,” toph said. katara handed her a gift from her. 
katara had given toph a new pair of hiking shoes, suki had given her new guitar picks and a new guitar strap, sokka had given her a new gaming chair, which obviously wasn't there, but he said he it would be delivered to the apartment tomorrow. aang gave her a 5 candle set, zuko had given her airpods, and you had given her a turtle duck stuffed animal where she could warm up in case of cramps or stress. 
“these are awesome. thanks guys,” toph smiled. 
“you’re welcome! alright, zuko’s turn!” suki exclaimed, handing him a gift.
“thanks,” zuko smiled. 
suki had gifted him a sweatshirt with his favorite basketball team, katara had bought him a new phone case, aang gave him a new gaming headset, sokka had given him a new watch, and toph gave him new sneakers.
you nervously gave him your gift, which was pretty huge. zuko smiled while opening it, his eyes lighting up once he saw it. 
“woah, this is awesome!” he exclaimed. 
you had gotten him a new skateboard that had his name written on flames. 
“i know you mentioned you hadn’t had a skateboard since you were in high school and you wanted to get back into it,” you said bashfully. 
“thank you, i love it,” zuko smiled. 
“you’re welcome,” you smiled. “alright, well, my turn!”
“open mine first!” katara exclaimed, handing you her gift. 
you took it from her, opening it gently. she had gotten you a google home. 
“oh, katara, do you know how much i adore you?” you said.
“i know, don’t worry,” katara giggled. 
you had opened the next gift, which as from suki. she had gifted you crocs that said ‘super swag’ on each one. 
“oh, you are feeding my narcism,” you chuckled. 
“you deserve it,” suki smiled. 
you then opened aang’s gift. he had gotten you a new hoodie from your favorite show. “this is like $70! thank you!”
“you’re welcome,” aang smiled. 
you opened your gift from toph, which was a poster with all of the girls and you. 
“how did you get this one made?” you asked, staring at it in astonishment. 
“i know people,” toph grinned. 
you chuckled, “thank you.”
“you’re welcome,” toph said. 
sokka handed you his gift, which was the blender 
“yes!” you squealed.
“i knew you would like it. no need to tell me, i already know i’m the best gift giver,” sokka smirked. 
“hm, i can’t say that until i open zuko’s gift,” you said. 
zuko had handed you his gift. “thank you,” you said. 
“you’re welcome,” zuko said. 
“i’m goanna go and order pizza,” katara said. 
“yeah, me too!” sokka exclaimed, getting up. 
you furrowed your brows. “what?”
“yeah, i need to make sure katara orders the right pizza,” toph said. 
“i need to pee,” aang said. “i have to take appa out,” suki said.
they all got up and left the room, leaving you speechless. 
“what just happened?” you asked, turning to zuko. 
zuko was blushing hard, which made you even more confused. 
“i don’t know. go ahead and open your gift,” he said. 
“alright,” you said. you opened the gift, which was a small, black box. you took the top off, your eyes widening and your mouth agape. zuko had gotten you a silver charm bracelet. the charms were an otter-penguin, the first initial of your name, your zodiac sign with your zodiac gemstone, and a small circle.
“this is so beautiful, thank you,” you smiled. 
“you're welcome. read the text on the small circle,” he said. 
you looked at it, reading the words out loud. “will you… go on… a date… with me?”
you paused for a moment, lowering the bracelet and looking at zuko. 
“so, what’s your answer?” zuko asked, nervously playing with his fingers. 
“yes,” you nodded and smiled. 
zuko’s worried expression went away immediately, and was replaced with glowing, big grin. “really?”
“yes!” laughed, leaning over and giving him a hug.
“YES!” you heard everyone shout from kitchen. they all came back into the room. 
“you guys are gonna make an awesome couple!” sokka exclaimed. 
you pulled away, blushing. “shut up.”
“alright, wanna watch ‘home alone’, now?” suki asked. 
“yeah,” you nodded.
“zuko and y/n, you can sit on the love seat,” sokka smiled, wiggling his eye brows. 
you rolled your eyes, “so immature.”
“i don’t mind,” zuko smiled and shrugged. 
you smiled up at him, walking over to the couch with him. you sat down right next to him, putting your head on his shoulder with no hesitation. zuko wrapped his arm around you and rested his hand on your thigh. your heart pounded against your chest, and warmth shot down from your stomach to between your thighs. 
“do you mind my hand being here?” zuko asked. 
you took a deep, shaky breath. “nope.”
zuko moved his hand, “you sure?”
you grabbed his hand and shook your head. “i’m sure.”
zuko smirked a little, putting his hand back. you sighed contently and leaned into him more, enjoying the warmth he provided.
aang turned on the movie and you all watched it in silence. during the movie, you had moved over to zuko’s lap. you were stretching and ended up on him. you were going to move, but zuko grabbed your waist gently, setting you back down. the gesture had you grinning from ear-to-ear, snuggling into him. 
the movie ended, which signalled the end of the party. everyone but zuko was staying, which made you sad, but you knew you weren’t ready for him to stay the night with you in your room. not just yet. 
so, you just walked him up to the front door.
“thank you for the skateboard,” zuko smiled. 
“you’re welcome. thank you for the charm bracelet. when is the date, again?” you asked. 
“ah, right, sorry,” zuko chuckled. “are you free tomorrow?” 
“i am,” you smiled, clasping your hands in excitement.
“great! i’ll take you out then. make sure to dress warmly,” he said. 
“will do. see you tomorrow, zu,” you smiled.
“see you,” he smiled and went on his way. 
you closed the door, looking down at your charm bracelet dreamily. you were falling hard for this boy. 
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note - hope you guys read and enjoy this as new parts are added! if you wanna be on the taglist, message me and/or reply to this post :))
taglist - @sorrythatspussynal @theblueslytherin @charlenasaxen@akiris @the-paintedlady @thatarthistorynerd @freckled-and-daydreaming @fi-chanwrites​
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wastelandcth · 4 years
costco kisses - cth
summary: calum takes his family to costco. part two of conversations and costco 
anon requested:  I think we deserve part2 in Costco with dovey(specifically pregnant dovey.) imagine little Charlie explaining to her about all the things papa told him the first time as if she doesn't know what hot cheetos are🥺 and how to not ride the chickens ride🥺 and Charlie standing in front of a cheeseball box that's about his size!🥺 and she's crying because she can't decide about the roomba! and she's hormonal!🥺 and then more crying because they buy a bulk of diapers for baby🥺hormones! tiny human!🥺
author’s notes: i hope you guys enjoy the doves and a very pregnant and hormonal dovey! 
warnings: mentions of pregnancy
masterlist || request || more doves
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The chilly February morning made Calum move throughout the house a little slower, the steaming cup of tea in his hands bringing him warmth. He'd been up for an hour now, trying to convince himself to get ready for the day ahead when all he really wanted to do was stay in bed with his lovely wife. But when Dovey, who was almost seven months pregnant and whose belly kept her up almost all night tossing and turning, had woken up with the sun Calum had no choice but to get out of bed too. By the time Calum had made it out of bed and into the kitchen, Dovey had looked up to show him what she had been working on. The  decorations for the nursery were cut out of pink and purple glitter cardstock, little fairies with wings that sparkled whenever the sunlight hit them. Ever since Dovey had found out they'd be having a girl, she claimed that handmade decorations would mean more to their little girl who was due in a few weeks time. 
"I need to go to Costco today," Calum said as he took a seat next to his wife, glancing over at the baby monitor that showed Charlie was still very much asleep. "Did you want me to take Charlie and give you some time alone?" 
The idea of Dovey being home alone this far into her pregnancy left Calum anxious. Last time, when Charlie was still in the womb and Calum had thought that labor and delivery would be no big deal, he'd ended up leaving a meeting without saying goodbye to anyone and rushing to Dovey at home so he could drive them to the hospital. But Calum also knew that the farther along Dovey got in the pregnancy, the more tired she was. She'd go run errands at the grocery store and then lay down for hours afterwards, with swollen feet and tired eyes to try and entertain Charlie. 
"It's fine, I can go with you, I want to pick up some things too." Dovey mumbled, struggling to get up from the couch, "I want to check out their baby stuff too, see if we can find one of those baby food blenders." 
Charlie, who had loved Costco more than any other place on Earth, had been excited to finally show his mom all the cool things he had found every time he and his papa would go on trips to Costco. He was excited to show his mama the giant bag of Hot Cheetos, secretly hoping she'd get them because she always wanted spicy food now that the little bean was on the way. He couldn't wait to show her the spinning chickens and tell her all about how he tried to convince his papa to let him ride it. 
"Oh! Mama don't go that way, that's where the robot is!" Charlie called out from the shopping cart, trying to grab Dovey's bag as she strayed off from him and Calum down the appliance aisle. 
"What robot?" Dovey asked and chuckled, looking at the toddler with confusion, "They don't have robots at Costco, do they?" she mumbled, the sudden realization making her look at Calum with wide eyes. 
"No, no robots," Calum laughed, rolling his eyes as he followed Dovey, pushing the cart that Charlie was sitting in looking at his parents, "He just saw the Roomba and I told him that robots freak you out." 
"Oh, yeah. Roombas are freaky." Dovey mumbled, pressing a soft kiss onto Charlie's curls, "But I think it would help us now with the new baby coming soon, huh stinky?"
Dovey had been to Costco a million times, her dad would always take her to the warehouses whenever he picked her up from school and they'd share a hot dog in the parking lot and talk about Dovey's day at school or the latest band she'd been obsessed with. But pretending that she'd never been in the store just to see how excited Charlie got when he was explaining how the rotisserie chicken worked was worth it. As they walked through the aisles of bulk goods, Charlie would explain what something was, telling her how Calum had showed it to him on their latest trip, and Dovey couldn't stop the tears from falling down her cheeks as she saw her son standing next to a giant box of cheeseballs. 
"Buddy! That box is bigger than you! I don't think we could ever eat that many cheeseballs even if we tried our hardest." Dovey managed to get out through her tears, the pregnancy hormones once again making her seem like a crazy person. 
"But mama," Charlie had whined quietly, the same pouty face Calum would use whenever he wanted something from her, "You love cheeseballs!"
If Dovey wasn't heavily pregnant and in love with her child, she probably would've stood her ground and told Charlie they didn't need a bulk pack of cheeseballs big enough to feed an entire classroom, but when Calum walked up with a box of newborn size diapers she had no choice. The tears that had dried a few minutes ago flowed once again as she realized how tiny the diapers would be and how tiny Charlie still was. 
"Oh my god," she sniffed out, using the back of her hand to wipe away her tears, "Just get the cheeseballs and let’s go before I keep crying!" 
Maybe it was the fact that Charlie was preoccupied in his car seat, snacking away on a churro, or the fact that Calum looked very strong while putting the boxes of bulk goods they'd bought but Dovey really wanted to make out with her husband. What Dovey wanted, she usually got, so it was no surprise that Calum had his arms on her waist and his lips on hers the second she had uttered out her request. 
Calum liked his trips to Costco with Charlie but he had to admit, trips with Dovey and Charlie were a lot of fun. He got to see his wife and son both freak out over a Roomba and then try and convince Calum that they needed said "evil robot." He also liked the fact that Dovey had wanted to make out with him in the Costco parking lot because if there was anything Calum loved more than his family, it was making out with his wife. And those Costco kisses were magical. 
taglist:  @hoodhoran​ @finelliine​ @moonlightcriess​ @dinosaursandsocks @mxgyver​ @calpops​ @karajaynetoday​ @notlukehemmo​ @calumrose​ @devilatmydoor​ @lyss-xo​ @lowkeyflop​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​
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viastro · 4 years
cafe chuu | lee chan
ミ★ synopsis: in which chan works at a cafe and you come in everyday asking for him to make you a surprise drink. [requested by @dreamingmira​]
ミ★ genre: barista!chan, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 3,290
ミ★ pairings: chan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! this was requested like over a month ago by @dreamingmira​! this is so long overdue i am so sorry omg. make sure to give lots of love to our boy, lee chan ! i hope you guys like it <3
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“Ooo, here comes the guy who boosts all our sales!” Chan rolls his eyes at Soonyoung’s comment, walking into the backroom to put on his apron. 
“Shut up.” Chan says with a smile, taking off his jacket and putting it into his locker. Soonyoung leans against the wall, chuckling as he watches his friend tie the back of his apron on with ease. Yeri walks into the room to grab her water bottle from her locker, giving Chan a playful wink and finger guns, “He wasn’t lying though.”
“We just make good drinks!” Chan argues, and Yeri chuckles.
“Just admit it Chan, everyone develops a crush on you as you take their order. That’s why we have so many regulars! Did you know that every time I’m at the register someone asks me where you are?” Yeri tells him, wiggling her eyebrows for good measure. Soonyoung laughs at the expression on her face, causing Chan to chuckle as well. 
“You guys are crazy.” He mutters, turning around after closing his locker. He runs a hand through his hair before walking towards the front counter, ignoring the quiet squeals Soonyoung and Yeri make from behind him. Well, attempts to ignore.
“I’m your biggest fan! Can you kiss my coffee cup?”
“Can I have a mocha... with you on the side?”
“Oh my god! Good one Soonie!”
“Thank you, I try. I really try.” 
“I hate it here.” Chan says, causing Soonyoung and Yeri to crack up. He walks up to the counter, and closes his eyes once he realizes how many people are waiting in line. Soonyoung nudges him from behind, and Yeri giggles before heading over to the sink to wash her hands. 
“Hi welcome to Cafe Chuu, what can I get started for you?” Chan asks with a smile on his face, and he notices a blush immediately form on her cheeks. 
“U-um… you…”
“I mean! What’s your best drink here?” Chan bites the inside of his cheek when he hears Soonyoung and Yeri start snickering behind him, and he has half the mind to turn around and pinch both of them. He lets out a breath, before giving the customer a smile.
“Well, I’d say…”
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“Thank you! Come again.” The customer turns around and waves at Chan, before heading out the door, giggling with her friends. Chan lets out a small sigh, turning around and leaning back against the counter. It’s almost the end of his shift, and he’s quite literally exhausted from how many orders he had to take, as well as how many of them he had to make. 
“Head’s up Chan, someone’s walking in.” Soonyoung calls out from the sink, causing Chan to turn around and face the front of the shop. His eyes widen slightly when you open the door, the setting sun hitting your skin in a way that makes it appear as if you’re glowing. You run a hand through your hair, letting out a small huff as you walk up to the counter, staring up at the menu.
Yeri and Soonyoung both exchange looks as they take in Chan’s awe-struck state. It’s the first time they’ve ever seen him be like that rather than it being the customer. Yeri takes the chance to look at you, and she grins at the fact that you’re not bursting at the seams because of Chan.
“What a turn of events.” Yeri mutters, giggling to herself as she turns back to clean up the area near all the syrup. 
mmm, not really wanting a cappuccino right now… you think to yourself. You raise a finger to your lips, and Chan watches as you place it in between your teeth as you continue to try and decide what drink to order. Soonyoung turns and sees Chan with his eyes wide, bright blush on his cheeks as he stares at you, and he chuckles. 
You just got out of “work” at the advertising company you intern at, and you’re fucking thirsty. Not for water, no, you chugged a shit ton of that at work. Instead, you’re thirsty for a drink you’re unsure of at the moment. It’s one of those moments where you want to drink something but everything that comes to mind just… doesn’t feel right.
don’t really want hot chocolate either… you purse your lips to the side, before looking straight ahead and making direct eye contact with the oh neptune.
The cashier is the most gorgeous man you’ve ever seen in your 20 years of living. His hair is parted slightly to the side, showing a sliver of his forehead. He’s wearing specs and a sweater, overall giving him a soft aura. You find yourself internally quaking at the fact that he’s so pretty until you remember that you have a drink to order.
“Hi.” You greet, a grin breaking out onto your face when he just blinks at you. 
chan’s brain: ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod
“Hello?” You say again, and that’s when the handsome cashier snaps out of it. He runs a hand through his hair, another blush forming on his cheeks at the fact that he literally just got caught staring at you in awe. He gives you a small smile, and you find yourself smiling back. 
“H-hi! Welcome to Cafe Chuu. What would you like to order?” Chan stutters, and you hold yourself back from cooing at him. 
pull yourself together bitch.
“Surprise me.” You tell him, and he raises an eyebrow. 
“Surprise you?”
You nod your head, giving him finger guns, to which he lets out a startled laugh. He tilts his head to the side, before grinning and inputting a number into the register. You get ready to take out your card, only for him to just hand you a receipt. He turns around to begin preparing your drink, and you look at him with a confused expression.
“But I didn’t pay?” Chan looks over at you, giving you a warm smile. “It’s okay, it’s on me.” 
Your eyes glance down to his nametag, Chan. You raise your hand up your arm, rubbing your bicep as warmth floods your face. You nod your head at him, “Thank you, Chan.” 
“Of course. The drink will be ready in five minutes or so, you can go and sit at the tables while you wait.” He tells you, and you nod your head, walking over towards an empty seat. Once you’re far enough, Chan turns back towards the blender and lets out a breath, raising his hand up to his chest just to rub the area where his heart is. 
“Oooo~ does our star employee have a crush?” 
“I think he does~”
“That’s so cute~” Chan rolls his eyes at their teasing from behind him, reaching over towards the syrup and grabbing the lavender flavored one. You rest your chin on your hand, watching him from your seat as he prepares your drink. 
he has broad shoulders… epic… 
“Are you making a lavender latte?” Yeri asks in amazement as Chan pours the freshly brewed coffee into the container. He doesn’t respond, instead focusing on adding the lavender syrup and stirring it. 
“Yes he is.” Soonyoung answers for Chan, giving his friend the thumbs up when he nods his head at him. Soonyoung and Yeri both step up closer behind Chan, watching as he carefully pours the milk on top of the sweet lavender flavored coffee. 
“It smells good…” Yeri mutters as she takes a whiff of the drink, to which Chan chuckles. 
“I’ll make you some after this customer leaves. She wanted me to surprise her, so I did something that’s not on the menu.” Chan explains, and Yeri grins. 
“Okay, cool guy.” Chan chooses to ignore that comment in favor of putting on the lid and protective sleeve over the cup. Soonyoung and Yeri watch as he heads over to your table instead of calling out your order number, beginning to giggle to themselves.
“My God, I’ve never seen Chan whipped for someone before.” 
“This is the craziest day ever. Write this shit down in the calendar, we have to celebrate this day every year. It’s a new holiday.” Soonyoung hurriedly whispers, causing Yeri to reach for a pen and run over to the calendar on the wall. 
“Hi, here’s your surprise drink.” Chan tells you with a smile, placing the cup carefully onto your table. You get a whiff of the drink, turning to the cute barista and giving him an excited grin. “It smells sweet, which is perfect because I literally have a stroke when I drink coffee that doesn’t have any creamer or sugar.” Chan laughs at your comment, and you feel your heart warm at the fact that you were able to make him let out that wonderful sound. 
“I hope you like it.” Chan says softly, before turning around and walking back to the counter. You let out a small smile, looking down at the drink on the table. You pick it up, blowing the hole in the lid to try and cool it down. 
Chan, Soonyoung, and Yeri watch your reaction as you finally take a small sip. Chan lets out a breath of relief when he sees your eyes widen in surprise, a smile gracing your features as you move to take a larger sip. Yeri and Soonyoung grin at Chan, finding him acting like an awestruck puppy rather endearing. 
You stand up from the table, drink in hand as you walk towards the exit. You place your hand on the door handle, before turning around to glance at Chan. Soonyoung and Yeri immediately duck behind the counter as you turn, and Chan has to hold back his laugh. You give him a small wave, “Bye Chan, thank you for the coffee.” 
He waves back at you, and you watch as his eyes sparkle at you, “I’m glad you liked it!” 
And with that, you turn and walk out of the cafe. 
While Chan sinks to his knees, letting out a happy squeal into his hands. Soonyoung and Yeri immediately hound him, teasing him for every little thing.
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“Hi welcome to Cafe Chuu-” The words die in Chan’s mouth as he looks up from the register, locking eyes with you. You have half your hair tied back, and he takes notice of the pink ribbon in your hair and he almost explodes. You’re staring at him with a shy smile on your face, and he lets out a breath at your beauty.
“Hi Chan.”
“Hi.” He breathes, and Soonyoung chuckles at how awestruck his friend is once again. 
it’s been like one day and he’s still in awe, he thinks to himself as he watches the tips of Chan’s ears turn red. 
“W-what would you like to order?” Chan stutters, and he looks down at the floor, reaching his fist up to his mouth and biting it at the fact that he fucking stuttered. He internally curses himself, but you giggle at his nervousness. He lowers his fist at the sound, looking up and seeing you smiling at him. 
“Cute.” You mutter, before looking back up at the menu, thinking about what to order. Chan bites back a grin, trying not to giggle like a baby at the fact that you called him cute.
me!! she thinks i’m cute!!!
“Can you give me another surprise drink?” You ask, looking down from the menu and making eye contact with him. He purses his lips, before giving you a thumbs up. “Heck yeah I can.” 
“Let me pay for it this time!” You add, handing him your debit card. Chan chuckles, taking it from you and swiping it, before giving it back to you. You flash a bright smile, shooting him finger guns once again. “I’m excited for what you’ll make me this time.”
“You have too much faith in me…” Chan trails off as he doesn’t know your name, and you feel your heartbeat wildly in your chest as he waits for you to tell him. 
“Yn, my name is yn.” 
“Yn… that’s a beautiful name.” He mutters softly, and you feel heat rise to your face. You immediately turn around and walk towards an empty table, cupping your cheeks with your hands to try and make the warmth go away. Chan watches you walk away, a lovestruck smile on his face. 
“I’ll take over the register, you go make her drink.” Yeri says from behind him, snapping him out of his daze. Chan thanks her, patting her shoulder before walking over to the different tea assortments. He grabs the matcha green tea, officially getting into business.
You watch him from your table, the small smile never leaving your features as he makes your drink. You feel your heart skip a beat when he looks up at his coworker, letting out a laugh laugh at a joke he makes. You cannot believe that someone like him exists, being both handsome, cute, and sweet all at the same time.
i bet he even feeds stray cats. 
Chan turns and locks eyes with you, giving you an excited grin and pointing at the cup of milk he just frothed. Your small smile grows even bigger, lifting your hands up and making a thumbs up. Now satisfied with your reaction, he goes back to preparing your drink.
oh my god i bet he respects elders.
Chan carefully pours the tea into the cup, then the froth over the tea. He sprinkles a bit of matcha powder mixed with sugar over the frothed milk, before putting on the lid and the protective sleeve. He walks over to you, ignoring the stares you and him receive as he places it onto the table. 
“How come he never delivers the drink to me when I order?”
“Is this a new company policy? If so, I love it.”
“Ugh, he’s so cute.”
“Ooo, I saw you using matcha back there. I’m excited.” You tell Chan, and he grins down at you. You carefully take a sip, and your eyes widen once again at how tasty it is. You look up at him, giving him a thumbs up, and he smiles widely. 
“It’s so good! Thank you Channie!” His eyes almost bulge out at the nickname, and he turns and coughs into his elbow to try and hide the growing blush on his cheeks. “Y-you’re welcome yn.” 
“Really, this is so good.” 
“I’m happy you like it.” Chan says shyly, and you smile. He turns around at the sound of Soonyoung having trouble with the register, and he chuckles. “Duty calls!” 
You wave at him as he turns around and walks off, and this time he shoots finger guns at you, causing you to laugh. He grins happily, returning to register and giving a kind smile to the customer waiting to order.
“Hi! Welcome to Cafe Chuu, what would you like to order?”
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Chan lets out a sigh, taking a sip of water as he hangs up his apron. It’s the end of his shift, and he’s ready to go home. At the same time, he doesn’t want to head home just yet, and that’s for one reason and one reason only.
You didn’t visit today.
It’s been a month since you first came to the cafe, and you’ve visited everyday since then. Or at least, every time Chan is on his shift. The two of you have somehow gotten closer. If the cafe was busy? Then he’d just write a cute note on your cup and deliver it to your table. If there weren’t many customers? He’d sit across from you after handing you a drink, and the two of you would get to know each other. 
Chan discovered that your favorite flowers are lilies, and you find the sky to be prettiest when the sun rises. Not when it’s a foggy morning and you can’t see anything, but when the sky has brilliant splashes of pink, orange, and sometimes purple as the sun rises across the horizon. It fills you with a sense of calm.
While you learned that Chan’s a dancer, and he works hard to master his craft. He goes to work during the day, then at night he goes to a studio and creates choreography. You also found out that Chan does, indeed, feed stray cats outside of his apartment complex.
the epitome of a good man.
Chan likes you. He likes you a lot. Seeing you come into the cafe, whether it be in the evening after you got off your shift, or early in the morning before you go to the subway, just being able to witness your smile has him in a good mood for the rest of the day. He’s come to look forward to your visits, so you not coming today has him in a bit of a sad mood. Soonyoung and Yeri noticed, both letting out giggles at how upset he looks as he steps out of the backroom. Chan glances up at them, giving them a glare, before walking over towards the door. 
“We’ll see you tomorrow Channie!”
“Yeah, yeah.” He mutters, stepping out of the cafe. He takes in a deep breath of the fresh night air, feeling a wave of relief hit him. He turns, beginning to walk towards his apartment complex as the stars begin to come out. 
Chan lets out a small sigh after a few minutes of walking, “I wish she came today.”
“It’s like I can still hear her.” He says softly, simply coming to terms with the fact that he just imagined you calling his name. It’s not like you were running towards him from behind, trying to get his attention or anything.
“Damn, it really is like I can still hear her.”
“Lee Chan!” Chan finally turns around at the third call of his name, realizing that he’s not just imagining it. His eyes widen when he sees you running towards him, a smile on your face when you finally catch his eyes. As soon as you’re a few feet in front of him, you double over, wheezing. 
“Holy SHIT. I haven’t ran that fast in like... three years.” 
“Are you okay?” 
“Yeah, I just. Zoo wee mama.” You suck in another breath, before standing straight up, giving Chan an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I just got out of my intern thing. Boss kept me a bit later to try and teach me a new program on the computer. Training stuff, you know the deets.” 
“Oh! It’s okay yn, don’t worry.” You let out another breath, trying to hold back your giggles as you recall Yeri and Soonyoung telling you that Chan was moping around during the end of his shift when he realized you weren’t coming. However, as soon as they told you he left, you ran in the direction they told you he went in until you finally saw him. 
whipped !!
“I, uh. Do you wanna go eat at the convenience store with me? I didn’t have dinner yet.” You offer, and Chan stares at you with the familiar awestruck expression you’ve gotten used to. He lets out a soft smile, nodding his head as he looks into your eyes with nothing but adoration. “I’d love to.”
You hold your hand out, and he glances down at it for a moment. Slowly he reaches out, intertwining his fingers with yours. You let out a breath, finding that your hand fits his like a glove. 
a perfect match. 
“Let’s go eat unhealthy ramyun!”
“How many are you going to eat?”
“Probably like, three.”
“Jesus Christ yn.”
“What else did you expect? I come to the cafe everyday and ask for a surprise drink with lots of sugar, this should be expected.”
“I hate how right you are.”
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