#i love this girl but shes not really a girl!?!?!? waaaaahhhh???!!
peachesperfume · 6 years
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"The Beast Beneath The Skirt". Bruh wtf
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kendall-coded · 3 years
Character ass breaking-down Pt II:
Actually really want to hear your answers for Stiles too pls :)
how i feel about the character:
i love stiles stilinski. full stop. i think he was the best character to come out of teen wolf. i like his relatability, the way they played on his human-ness but still showed that he was there more than anyone else. i like that he has experienced loss in the organic, human sense, and we got to see the manifestations of that in some parts of his personality as well as personal relationships. and i like his dynamic with his dad. i like that we get to see that sheriff stilinski isn’t perfect and how that affects stiles (the wolfsbane hallucination scene at lydia’s party). i like how we’re shown that, in a lot of ways, the sheriff wasn’t always the best parent, but we get to see that there is no doubt that he loves stiles and that stiles loves him back. i believe that we got a pretty accurate portrayal of a slightly complex father/son relationship with them under these circumstances. i also like how stiles was a good source of comedic relief, but that he is also the center of most of the top emotionally-charged scenes in the show. dylan o’brien did a phenomenal job bringing stiles to life, and i don’t think he would have been as impactful of a character were he played by anyone else.
who i ship them with romantically:
derek hale. duh. hashtag trauma bonding for life. i sort of mono ship stiles/derek. while i read fic for a couple of other pairings, i would say they’re my main and the one i enjoy the most. i think it is because they each typically bear the brunt of my emotional projection, so why not put them together, y’know. for maximum efficiency and maximum damage. they are so much alike yet so different. what more could you want ???
nonromantic otp:
stiles/scott brotp for the win. i love good friend scott. i eat it up. it makes me emotional thinking about how much they love each other. it’s sick, truly. while scott may not have been the best in the show, you better believe i am going to read the heck out of some stiles/scott brotp fics as well as write good friend scott until i drop dead. i just adore them together. and in the show as well, where we get to see those moments where their years of friendship really seep through and make certain scenes more powerful (mri hug scene, when stiles delivers his dialogue in that motel california scene). we all know what i’m talking about. see also my peter ask, i like the stiles/peter friendship dynamic as well, i think it can just be so funny.
unpopular opinion:
i don’t like stiles/lydia ): i like stiles, and i like lydia, but i do not like them together. this is not because i’m all boo hoo D: stiles belongs with derek !!!1!1!!1! waaaaahhhh. i just think lydia was mean to him ???? sort of unforgivably so, at least in my opinion. i also don’t find their respective personalities to be suitable for one another. in any case, i just did not think there was enough development to swipe their past under the rug, and i think it was a bit of a cop out to fulfill the trope of finally getting the girl you always wanted, you know. even when that girl repeatedly made it clear she wasn’t interested. (also …. lydia is gay. suppppppeeerrrrr lesbo vibes. sorry. you cannot change my mind)
one thing i wish would have happened with this character in canon:
i was actually talking about this with em, and it kind of relates to my unpopular opinion, but, you know, stiles is bi. like they got as close to confirming it without actually confirming it as you can possibly get. but, with stiles’ personality, he just seems, as a character, much more suited for a male partner. or a female partner who is more like him than some randomized female sim version of derek (cough cough stiles/cora cough cough stiles/malia). like if they would have actually taken a step back and evaluated the character they created and paired him with someone accordingly, it could have actually been really well done. because, in my opinion, stiles has small quirks that are better matched for a mlm relationship. or, they should have paired him with someone with kira’s personality type and lydia’s intelligence, then it would have been much more enjoyable and believable. it feels like everyone they put stiles with was so forced because they were trying to reiterate his “straightness” or highlight his role as the comedic loser who doesn’t know how relationships work ha ha ha rather than actually give him a suitable relationship dynamic as a character. basically, i would have just liked to see him with someone who matched his character better.
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littlemessyjessi · 5 years
“Home Again”: Ben Hardy Imagine: PS Reader: Military Reader
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Ben Hardy Imagine Ben Hardy x Reader Reader: PS Reader, Military Reader
(A/N:  So this request  is near and dear to my heart because my brother's in the army...and also currently deployed.  So it's little ping in my dark little heart.  Hope you enjoy!)
Imagine being on leave and surprising Ben...
The army was pretty much all you'd ever known.
Well, that's a lie.
It's what you'd known for quite some time but it was familiar to you anyway.
You had family who served and it seemed a natural fit for you.
You never realized how much you'd actually love it until you got into it.
You loved your country.
Regardless of who was 'running' it- you loved your country and the people in it.
And you loved being a soldier.
You'd served one term overseas and put more time in than you cared to admit on your home soil.
That's really how you met Ben.
Just the thought of his name could make you sigh.
He was an actor- a damn good one- but more importantly he was the best person you knew.
And given your line of work- you'd met plenty of really good people.
But Ben- Ben was special.
You met during some down time for you.
Well, it was less down time and more just inactive.
You'd been back from your most recent deployment for about a year and a half and while your mother's construction business was good work- and you had a degree to get a job elsewhere....something just wasn't right.
And a buddy of yours knew this.
Suggested you run security for an upcoming movie his aunt was attatched to.
You landed the job easily and with good reason.  
Your unit was fucking sharp and you kept a tight ship.
Security was an easy one for you.
Did people think you were a bitch at first?
Yes, of course, because you weren't there to make friends.
You were there to keep everyone safe.
There was a reason your unit called you Stonewall.
You had nerves of steel and didn't give a fuck about pleasantries when it was time to get down to business.
Did Joe Mazzello make it his personal mission to befriend you?
Of fucking course he did.
Because the film you ran security on was Bohemian Rhapsody and that lanky bastard followed you around as much as possible.
You'd handed his ass to him on more than one occasion.
And it was there that you met Ben.
Such a sweet guy.
All blond hair and lovely light eyes and those impossibly beautiful lips of his.
Damn him for being so attractive.
And he was fucking sweet too which made it all the more worse.
If he'd just been an asshole you could've brushed him off.
You tried to more than once actually and his face flushed and he just kind moved away.
You felt awful and tracked him down...in like two seconds, lol.
You apologized and the two of you pretty much because inseperable since.
You were so close because no one had ever understood your schedule more than him and the same applied for him.
You both had to be away for long periods with sometimes unreasonable hours.
It was crazy.
But you actually wanted to be together and that was what mattered.
For Ben....the hardest thing was your latest deployment.
He tried so hard to keep it together as you stood in that airport together.
The reality is...no one knows if your moments together will be your last but with military....
Well, it's just a lot more real.
He cried so hard.
You didn't want to leave him.
He apologized and you kissed him so hard his knees locked up on him and he nearly fell.
Leaving him to get on that plane was the hardest thing you'd ever done before.
It was harder than leaving your family the first time.
It was harder than being in Iraq on the phone with your brother as his wife had their first baby.
It was the worst.
But nothing, not all the bad feelings, could even come close to feeling of love and adoration you had for him now.
Now, you stood just out of sight as he sat in a chair facing an interviewer.
She was a nice, young lady who was a part of the plan and was so patient with the whole ordeal.
She asked a few questions before she brought up the subject of a girlfiend.
"So, I gotta ask about your girlfiend." she said. "We've seen pictures of your occasionally and you two are just so adorable!"
You could barely contain your smile as you watched him figit and the tips of his ears go red.
"Yes, she's amazing." he said. "Love of my life."
"And she's in the military right?" she asked.
"Yeah." he said. "One of the strongest people I know.   I mean, I can't really talk about her job much you know.  That's all private.  You know how it is."
She nodded, "Of course.  I hear that she's deployed right now.  I'm sure that's tough. I know a lot of significant others of military members can sympathize."
"Yeah." he said running a hand over his face. "It's probably one of the most difficult things I've ever had to go through but I love her more than anything.  And she's so strong and brave and - she's just so smart.  I have no doubt in her ability to do anything. I mean, I worry, of course but she's honestly like a real life superhero."
"Oh! That's high praise coming from an Xmen!" she teased and he laughed warming your heart.
"I'll never live this down." he laughed and shook his head.  
"Oh, not proud of your xmen days?" she asked.
"No, no." he said. "I am.  And very grateful for the opportunity.  I just don't want to be forever remembered as the shirtless guy."
She nodded, "Well, I have one last question for you and then I promise I'll let you be."
Ben just nodded.
"If your girlfriend were here right now, what would you say to her?" she asked.
Ben blowed a sigh from between his lips.
"Oh, man.  I- well, I'd say a lot. I always do.  Poor girl probably thinks I never shut up when we get those chats together.  I'd tell her a I love her, I suppose.  She knows that though.  Actually, no- I'd tell her that I know she took my tshirt with her and that's she's a liar." he laughed.
"I damn well did not!" you defended and snatched the small curtain back before you could get ahold of yourself. "Joseph Mazzello took it for Cardy B!"
You watched as he tensed and then slowly turned around.
His eyes zoned in on you and you watched them water for a second.
"Babe?" he asked, softly.
"It was supposed to be more romantic than this." You offered with a small smile. "But you accused me of theft."
He bolted from the chair and snatched you into his arms.
He was already crying at this point and naturally- so were you.
That man had you fucking whipped sometimes.
The interviewer called for the cameras to be turned off to give you a bit of privacy and you sent her a thank you while she went to finish up in the other room.
" What?  When? Why?" Ben rambled.
"When?  I got off the plane this morning and drove straight here." You said. "And why?  We're home baby.  For a while.  Possibly...for good."
He damn near crushed you in a hug.
And then he glared at you with a look that could've melted your soul.
"Why the hell didn't you tell me?" he pressed.
"To be fair, I wasn't able to say anything until I was back on home soil." you said with a shrug.  "And seeing as how that was the case- I figured...I could do a little surprise.  I knew you were working.   I may have called your publicist."
He rolled his eyes.
"He helped me set everything up."  you said. "Which reminds me,  I need to take him out to lunch because he pulls off an unholy feat in like six hours.   Where is he?"
You turned to leave but Ben trapped you in his arms with a laugh.
"Baby, I haven't seen you in eleven months.  Do you honestly think I'll be releasing even one moment to anyone for like- at least a month?"
"Now, Benjamin." you scolded him.
"Whatever." he said pulling your lips to his. "I'll suffer the consequences, Captain."
"Drop and give me five." you teased.
"How about five orgasms, how about that?" he teased biting your ear.
"Ben!" you laughed as he wound you up in his arms again.
Whether you were New York or Japan or even France...home was in his arms.
And it was damn sure good to be home.
Heeeey, smoochies.  Excuse me why I go cry and be emotional because personal reasons. Waaaaahhhh!!!!!
Hello darlings! Hope you enjoyed this little piece and have a wonderfully awesome day!
If you wanna see more of my content just check out my blogs! @littlemessyjessi is the main blog full of fandom fictions, imagines, headcanons and sickeningly sweet fluff! Yeah, I know, lol. Barf.  But hey, I like it. @witchyweirdness is the magical blog full of witchy content And last but not least !   @monsterbaesbymamakennysaurus is my monster blog full of all kinds of monster related content! So I hope to see you there! Love, Kenny
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou –beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666
@jimmys-afterlife-love-deactivat @thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
Love, Kenny
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