#i love them watching this debate live and pretending not to care
starpirateee · 5 months
After seeing your Dan and Donna hcs I honestly wanna see a drabble with the concept of the relationship being polled and debated if you haven't already because that's just hilarious
That is absolutely hilarious, it would be my absolute pleasure!!
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Donna arrived in the green room late. That wasn't entirely unusual; she came from further and she was in the habit of collecting coffee for herself and Dan on the way in. This time around, there was a telling grin on her face, that made Dan raise an eyebrow curiously. "you're looking... Awake. What is it?"
"Does it have to be anything?" She answered, taking his coffee from the cardboard holder and passing it off to him.
"Well, no..." he answered as his fingers laced around the cup, "but nobody's ever this alive at," he checked his watch, "5:40 in the morning."
"Okay, okay, you got me there. They're at it again!"
"Huh?" It took him a moment to compute what that meant, but really, Donna didn't have to elaborate on it. This was the third time someone had tried to host an online poll to decide "once and for all" whether he and Donna were really in a relationship or not. They'd been co-workers for years, and someone had once said that the most telling sign was that he looked at her like she'd hung the moon, which was near enough true as far as those things went.
Donna inspected her engagement ring while Dan chuckled to himself, twisting it one way and then the other. She didn't have to live so far away for long. As soon as the two of them could find a spare weekend, she was going to up sticks and move in with him. Frankly, she couldn't wait for that day to come, whenever that would be.
"What's the verdict so far?" Dan asked, drawing her back into the moment. "Do they think we're together or not?"
"You remember the one from the first poll who was absolutely convinced we were divorced?"
"Oh yeah?"
"They're back. We're still divorced, apparently."
Dan laughed. Younger people got divorced, sure, but he was barely into his thirties, and that barely seemed like enough time to have experienced life, let alone been married and divorced. "Before we even get married? Where's the fun in that?"
"You should see how many people have told them how wrong they are... You wouldn't expect this much detail from a university dissertation!"
That only made him laugh harder, through the sheer force of thinking about what the comment section of that poll actually looked like.
They were interrupted by a swift knock on the door, and a runner poked her head through as Dan took a lengthy sip of his coffee.
"Morning! Just so you know, you're on in fifteen!"
"Thanks, Ellen." Donna turned to her with a smile, and then before she could leave, she added, "is Dave here yet?"
"Media Dave or lighting Dave?"
"Media Dave."
"He just got here. Why?"
Donna tried to keep herself from laughing. "Could you tell him to look at the polls and come by, if he can?"
Just like Dan, Ellen didn't have to think too much about it either. Everyone at the Hatchetfield news station knew about the time-honored tradition of the internet trying to decide whether or not Dan and Donna were together. Some of them voted, and reading the comments in the break room had become something of a passion among the crew. She nodded dutifully, and the news anchors hears her laughing as she disappeared down the corridor.
"Fifteen minutes," Donna took a sip of her own coffee. "How are we supposed to go about without knowing whether they think we're married! I need to know, Dan!"
"What d'you think, Donna? Do you think the reporters for the morning news are together? Apart? What's their deal?" Dan teased, leaning back against the couch and trying not to let that shit eating grin take over.
"I dunno, Dan, but there's something going on there, right?"
"Hmmm, no I think the divorce guy is onto something..."
Dave from media came running down the corridor, and Dan and Donna heard him try to stifle a laugh as he opened the door to the green room. "Mornin'... Ellen said you wanted to know what the people thought?"
"You already know what this is about," Dan smirked, a knowing raise of the eyebrows to follow. "And I'm guessing you've already seen it?"
"Seen it, Dan? I've been following it all morning!"
"Where's it at right now?"
"38 on you guys are separated, the other 62 on some kind of relationship... I swear, last time someone did this they all got convinced you were exes?"
"They did," Donna laughed, "but it's way funnier if they can't make their minds up! You couldn't... Vote for us while we're on air, could you?"
Donna had been known to participate too. The crew knew it, but nobody else did. Normally, she picked whichever side was winning and let the results speak for themselves. When people found out the first time— when Donna had been among the masses that thought they were together— Hatchetfield's social media scene went crazy. She told Dan she wanted to mess with them, but then she'd asked him out on their first date, and the rest was history.
Dave perked a little, a smile growing on his face. "What's your stance this time?"
"I think Dan's onto something with the whole divorced thing....."
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adore-laur · 4 months
hmmm maybe dadrry where he pretends to make her jealous but it doesn’t work bc they’re so secure in the relationship they just smirk and tease them, or that yn gets mama bear when she sees other moms hit on harry at school or daycare
In a couple of weeks, the preschool your eldest daughter attended was going on a field trip to a petting zoo in Montebello, California. Chaperone sign-up sheets were recently emailed to every parent, and you were debating with Harry about who should be the one to tag along. It wasn't a requirement to be a chaperone, but your worrisome maternal instincts sure made it one.
Harry was lying on the couch, his socked feet dangling over the armrest. You sat normally, your legs bent over his straightened knees, as you stared into space. The conversation kept hitting dead ends, but you were insistent on coming up with a solution as soon as possible. You had enough on your plate to deal with in the weeks ahead.
"Only one of us can chaperone the field trip," you repeated for probably the fourth time that night.
"I'm more than willing to take off work for it," Harry replied, his fingers casually laced over his chest. His eyes were closed since it was nearing ten p.m. and you hadn't been able to make up your mind about which parent should volunteer their time and energy toward the field trip. You had cornered Harry when he went to shut the living room lights off and forced him to sit down before he retreated to bed. It wasn't that you didn't trust him to be a chaperone—he'd definitely handle the controlled chaos that came with supervising a group of kids in an environment full of animals to gawk at. You just considered yourself a more watchful person, but really, it was an excuse to witness your daughter's interactions with her classmates and make sure she was adjusting well to being in school.
"I'm more than willing to as well. So..." You tapped your fingers against the couch cushion. "We need to make a decision right now. Signups are first come, first served."
Harry hummed in acknowledgment. "I can go."
You slowly nodded and said, "Okay. Well, so can I. You know, if you're not able to take off work."
He snorted a laugh and shifted his head, getting more comfortable. He was going to get a crick in his neck if this conversation didn't hurry along.
"What?" you asked, unsure why your reasonability was so amusing to him.
"You're funny."
You tilted your head back against the couch and sighed toward the ceiling. "Harry, I'm trying to get us ahead of the game. Otherwise, neither of us will be able to chaperone, and then our child will be in the care of a random parent."
Your trust in the preschool was substantial, yet a part of you was still cautious about the parents. You hadn't had the chance to build relationships with them since you started working part-time again. Your little girl was a wanderer, and if something caught her attention, she was off and admiring it without notice. Other parents didn't know that about her. What if they didn't pay close enough attention and accidentally let her get lost? The mere thought was why you were determined to claim an open spot as a chaperone.
"You're not making this particularly easy, honey," Harry said lightheartedly, tiredness rasping his voice. "I am actively telling you that I would love to be a chaperone instead of a chef for a day. Getting to pet adorable animals is also a plus."
"Maybe we can write both of our names down," you replied, deep in thought. Half of what Harry had said ricocheted off your brain.
"I don't think that's allowed." He yawned, stretching his arms. "Just put my name down. If work ends up being a problem, I'm sure they wouldn't mind you taking my place."
You contemplated his decision, then asked, "Did you read the chaperone responsibilities list?"
He frowned. "No, but there's time. The email was only sent this morning."
"You have to read it," you said firmly. He needed to be as prepared as possible. This was the first field trip of many, and rules have most likely changed since you were a kid.
In a lull of silence, Harry's hand caressed your ankle. "What are you so anxious about? Talk to me."
You wanted to say everything, but not even someone as wise as Harry could procure a remedy for that. "Nothing," you mumbled. "Just trying to have a solid plan in place."
"Are you worried the moms will be all over me? Pulling me aside and asking me"—Harry paused for dramatic effect—"burning questions?"
You looked over at him, taking in his sly little smirk. He was being like this on purpose. Not to make you jealous, since you were years past that phase—instead, it was a way to distract you from ruminating over minuscule matters.
"I’m not worried at all," you said confidently, flashing him a grin. "Because you know what to do if that happens, right?"
Harry wordlessly lifted his left hand, showing off his gold wedding band snugly fit on his long ring finger. Exactly, you thought to yourself.
"And what if they persist?" he asked, enjoyment clear on his face. You knew he loved this type of banter.
"You show them the picture of me that you keep in your wallet." You leaned toward him. "Then your last resort is calling me and putting whichever mom is flirting with you on the phone."
His teeth bit into his soft bottom lip. "Yes, ma'am."
You crooked your pointer finger, beckoning Harry closer. He sat up with a groan, his face now mere inches from yours. The hypothetical scenario caused misplaced jealousy to surge through your bloodstream, and you had to remind him of some things.
"You're my husband."
Harry traced the tip of his nose along your cheekbone and said, "Loud and proud, baby."
Your breaths became shallowed. "Father of our two children."
"And counting."
You pinched his waist, and he writhed with a heavenly laugh. "You're conventionally attractive, which piques a lot of people's interests. And while it used to bother me in the past, I know that your soul is tethered to mine."
His hands traveled an intimate path up your thighs. "It always has been," he said, his eyes sincere.
"So," you said with finality, your heart racing from his words, "I will let you chaperone the field trip. Because you always come back to me and our family, and I know work has been keeping you away from our girls."
"How do you turn the most mundane thing into a romantic declaration?"
"With you as my muse, it's pretty simple."
Harry moved closer and brushed his lips against yours. "If you keep melting my heart, I'm going to lay you down on this couch and make love to you until the sun rises."
"Risky," you whispered, smiling against his mouth. The kids were asleep down the hall. Any lovemaking would no doubt be interrupted by the baby monitor.
"Tell you what," he said, stealing a hot, deep kiss from you that left you briefly stunned. "This weekend, I'll have my parents take the girls for a day so you and I can love on each other without any distractions. I miss having you all to myself."
"I'm right here," you said, cupping his face. "And I'd appreciate it if you kissed me some more."
"I thought you needed to sign me up as a chaperone."
You kissed him three times in quick succession before saying, "Shut up and make out with me."
"Roger that," Harry murmured, towering over you until your back sank into the couch.
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enbyenvy666 · 5 months
happy birthday?
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a little birthday fluff for the great explosion murder god <3
CONTENT WARNINGS - aged up!Bakugo x GN!Reader, cooking accidents (cutting and hitting hand with a meat tenderizer, almost setting kitchen on fire), minor flooding, no beta we die like men w/c - 1.1k
Katsuki wasn’t a fan of his birthday, he just didn’t care for it. Growing up, his parents would force him to go out to dinner with his family, seeing aunts and uncles he didn’t like, bratty little cousins that screamed through dinner and wiping his grandma’s gaudy lipstick off his cheek. He hated pretending to appreciate the presents they gave him, even though the gifts made it clear his family knew nothing about him. Kamui Woods socks, really Pop?
“I just want a night in with my partner, a’right?” He said when you asked him what he wanted to do this year. You were going to make it the best night in ever then. Spicy chicken katsudon for dinner (his favourite), purin for dessert (another favourite), and while you were making it all, he would be relaxing in the bath you had made for him, and after you had eaten, you were going to cuddle on the couch watching his favourite movies. It was going to be perfect.
But you were held back at work, taking away crucial hours needed to cook. Compromising by buying the purin instead of making it, you were stuck behind an older woman who insisted on paying for her groceries with loose change, counting them out loud as she placed each coin on the counter. Then you were caught in stand-still traffic after finally getting out of the store. While debating slamming your head through the windshield, hoping it would wake you up from this nightmare, your phone rang. 
“Happy Birthday Kats!” you called cheerily as if you weren’t experiencing living hell at that moment. 
“Thanks, baby,” he replied, sounding despondent. Your brow furrowed, staring down at your phone with concern as if the picture of him on the screen could see you.
“Is everything okay?” 
“Yeah just… rough day. I’ll be home early ‘kay? Can’t stand another second reading through paperwork,” he grumbled, and you could almost hear his deep scowl. Your stomach dropped when you realised that meant you had even less time to prepare for his magical evening, but traffic was starting to clear, giving you a glimmer of hope. 
“Of course baby, I’ll see you soon!” You legally raced home, barely giving yourself a moment before rushing to the bathroom and turning on the water. Running to the kitchen next, you tied an apron over your work clothes and began cooking. Your decision to make everything from scratch was, at the time, fueled by love, but now you were regretting it. Even the garlic had to be crushed by hand. Of course, more things had to go wrong though, a slip with a knife and a mash with the tenderizer, leaving your hand bleeding and bruised. Slapping the cutlet into the pan, you sighed- oh shit! The bath!
Running upstairs, you saw the water creeping into the hallway. Turning the water off and fetching a mop, you quickly started soaking up the mess. You filled up a whole bucket but not even half of the water was soaked up. Tipping the water into the now empty tub, the scent of smoke peaked over the damp smell of the bathroom. Sprinting downstairs, your wet socks made you slip as you rounded a corner, elbow smacking into the hard floor. Tingles shot up into your fingers as you hit your funny bone, but you had to ignore it along with the ache that accompanied it as you scrambled to your feet again. 
The kitchen wasn’t ablaze, thankfully, but a concerning amount of smoke was rising from the pan. Sliding it off the burner didn’t do much, so you flipped the cutlet to get some heat off of it, to reveal not only the charred chicken breast but more smoke quickly rose from it. At the worst possible moment, the smoking alarm began blaring, the ringing piercing your eardrums. With shouts of frustration and calls for the device to shut up, you grabbed a teatowel and waved it in the air around the alarm. You were too short to reach the button to turn it off, but maybe if you got a broom or a mop- the bathroom! 
In your panic of trying to decide whether to clear the smoke or to continue to mop the bathroom and hope the fire alarm would eventually tire itself out, the front door opened. With a clear look into the kitchen, Katsuki stood in the doorway, a briefcase containing his hero costume in one hand, grenade gauntlets in the other, watching you run around while waving a towel over your head. Your work clothes were unkempt, your hair a mess, a bandage on your hand and your soaked socks were leaving wet footprints on the floor.
When your gaze finally caught his, your shoulders slumped in defeat and the alarm stopped ringing as the opened door allowed smoke to escape. He dropped his stuff to the floor, taking slow steps towards the kitchen. You didn’t notice him cracking a smile as you looked at the disaster around you. Not wanting him to see your failure throughout the kitchen, you met him halfway. 
“I’m so sorry Katsuki, I tried making katsudon but I burnt the chicken because I flooded the bathroom, and I had to buy the purin from the store because I didn’t have time to make it, and I know the gelatin one isn’t your favourite but it was all they had-” your ramble ceased when you heard the blonde hero begin to chuckle. Maybe it was because of the tears that brimmed your eyes, but his smile had him glowing. It was a sight you rarely got to see, his genuine laugh something you rarely heard, but both were beautiful. He reached for you, his strong hands on your waist, fingers digging into your sides as he tried to hold back his laughter. 
“It’s okay, idiot,” he snickered as he pulled you into a hug. Your arms quickly wrapped around him, squeezing him close, almost sobbing into his chest.  “‘m just happy to come home t’ you.”
“I didn’t ruin your birthday, did I?” You asked quietly with a sniffle, almost afraid of the answer. 
“Of course not,” he tsked, pulling back to look down at you as he still held you in his arms. Your palms lay flat on his chest, feeling his heartbeat steadily under your palm. 
“Let’s order in instead, how’s Italian sound?” 
“Great,” you sighed in relief. Katsuki’s soft palm cupped your cheek, thumb soothingly stroking the stressed bag under your eye. After a soft but quick kiss, he took your hand, squeezing it as his gorgeous smile morphed into his usual handsome smirk. 
“Let’s go clean up that bathroom. And how about we leave the cooking to me from now on eh?”
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marauderverse · 9 months
With Love// F.W x Reader (1)
Summary: Y/n Dursley of number 4 Privet Drive hates her life. That was, of course, until the summer before grade 9, after an oddly charming redhead and his brothers helped her cousin escape. it was probably a good thing he forgot to return that key.
word count: 1.3k
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Y/n Dursley of number 4 Privet Drive hates her life. 
The first born daughter of Vernon and Petunia, who were more than disappointed to find their first child was a girl, overshadowed by her joke of a younger brother, and ignored by her parents. 
Well ignored was not quite the right word. 
They often pretended she didn’t exist, except when it benefited them to have an older daughter. 
Though she knows she shouldn’t be ungrateful for her situation, her cousin Harry had it much worse. 
She was only three when he had showed up on their doorstep, she doesn't remember much but she does remember her mother palming off a lot of her responsibilities onto her. 
At the time she had thought it was great fun, feeding him his milk and nursing him to sleep. It was like she had her own living doll. 
As she grew older, though, the responsibilities grew greater. 
By the time she was seven she was making sure Harry was up and ready for school, lunch packed and everything.
By the time she was ten she was signing his school forms, she had always been rather handy with pens. 
She remembers the summer that her cousin Harry turned 11, she had saved up what little money she had managed to scrounge together from the paper route she had started two months earlier and gone out and gotten him his very own watch. 
It wasn’t a lot, nothing fancy like the watch Dudley had gotten. But it was nice enough, with a simple leather band and silver accents on the face.
She remembers how he had received that letter only a week before and how her mother and father had done their best to keep Harry from reading those letters. How she had tried her hardest to get him those letters. 
They were carted across England (just about) and forced to sleep on the floor. She had given Harry the less lumpy space on the floor and had resigned herself to a sleepless night.
That had obviously been before Hagrid had kicked down that door and completely changed the whole course of their lives. 
Before she knew it Harry was being whisked away to some school to learn how to be a wizard and she was stuck at home with her parents who would have rather she didn’t exist and a brother she didn’t care for. 
She was more than ecstatic when Harry had arrived home for the summer. 
The very first-time y/n had ever formally met Fred Weasley was the summer before year 9. 
She had woken up to an odd rumbling sound coming from the room across from hers. She had been worried about Harry above all. She had watched as her father fastened bars on his window and a cat flapped on his door after that horrendous disaster of a dinner party. 
She had been staring at the heavy lock on his door, silently debating whether now was a good time to try her hand at lock picking when the door swung open. 
She stood there, like a deer in headlights, staring at the boy in front of her. Evidently, he was just as surprised to see her as she was to see him. 
“If you say anything, I’ll curse you,” He said suddenly, pulling what she assumed was his want out of his pocket and waving it in front of her face. 
She knew exactly what he was doing or, more, what he was attempting to do. 
She lifted her hand to swat the stick out of her face, and an unamused glare crossed her features. 
“First of all, I'm more frightened by the fact that there are strangers in my house than your little magic stick, and secondly, I know you’re not allowed to do magic outside of school, so you can drop the act,” she looked past the boy in front of her and over to Harry, who was talking with another boy who looked exactly like the one in front of her. 
The room was silent for a moment; Harry was the first to break the silence. 
“Y/n, these are my friends; they’ve come to take me to their place,” He explained.  
“Yeah, and if you try to stop us, we will curse you, even if we aren't allowed to do magic outside of school,” said the boy before her. 
She trained her focus back to him, eyes narrowed and annoyance evident on her face. 
“Do you think that if I wanted to stop you from taking Harry, I would still be standing here?” she asked. 
The boy thought for a moment. 
“I suppose not,” he said, finally putting his wand back into his pocket. 
“Fred and George were going to get my broom and stuff from the cupboard,” He explained. 
“Do they need the key?” She asked. 
“Key?” The one in front of her asked. 
“A small, shaped piece of metal with cuts that fit into a lock and, when rotated can open or close it,” she explained, speaking slowly as if explaining the concept to a young child (or her brother). 
It was the boy before her turn to glare. 
“I know what a key is,” He said. 
“Then do you need one?” she asked. 
“I suppose a key would be helpful,” He said quietly. 
“Great, follow me. And be quiet,” She said, beckoning him to follow her. 
She leads him down the hall, down the steps and into the kitchen. 
She quietly picked up a chair and placed it in front of the stove before carefully climbing atop it to retrieve the small key from on top of the cabinet above the vent. 
“Here,” She whispered, handing the boy the key. “It’s just the cupboard under the steps we just came down,” She explained. 
He nodded, disappearing back the way they came. She stepped off the chair and put it back before making her way to the cupboard.
“Do you need help?” She asked, watching as he grabbed what was left of Harry’s school supplies. 
“No, I thought there would be more,” He explained, holding the loose parchment, quills and ink in one hand and balancing the broom over his other shoulder. 
“Well, the rest of it’s already in his room,” She shrugged. 
“I thought Harry said you guys looked all of his school stuff away,” 
y/n bristled at the insinuation that she, too, had been a part of this. 
“That’s just my parents; I’ve been intermittently giving him his stuff back,” She explained. 
“Really?” He asked, “why?” 
“What do you mean why?” She snapped.
“I mean, harry always talks about how horrible you muggles are to him,”
“Correction,” She said, “He talks about how horrible mum, dad and Dudley are,” said. 
Then she paused. 
“Do you even know my name?” She asked. 
“No, but do you know my name?” He shot back. 
“Well, I know your name is either Fred or George, and I also know your last name is Weasley,” She said. 
“Well, I know your last name is Dursley,” he replied, “And I’m Fred, by the way,”
“Well, Fred, my name is Y/n,” She said. 
She followed Fred into Harry's room.
“Okay,” She said, stopping to stand before her cousin, “Be safe, have fun and don’t forget to write to me. It’s like the only thing that keeps me sane in this fucking house.” She said, 
“I promise,” He said, smiling widely at her. 
She pulled him in for a tight hug before letting him step into the flying ford Anglia (which she had decided to think about later).
“Don’t kill my cousin, or I’ll kill you,” She said to the boy behind the wheel. 
She waved goodbye as they flew off. 
Her parents didn’t seem to notice the absence of Harry, and if they did, they were actively ignoring it. 
She received her first letter a day and a half later. 
Dear Y/n,
Hey there! So, I've got to confess... I kind of forgot to give you back your key after rescuing Harry from your place. I know, I know, not my finest moment. Anyway, sorry about that! Hope you're not too mad.
P.s we didn’t kill your cousin. He’s fine.
enclosed the key she had given to him.
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billowingangel · 4 months
Welcome ✧
I've been into hetalia since 2016 and for a while I tried to pretend I didn't like it....And I'm tired of living that lie! So I'm back to thinking, loving, obsessing, and writing about Hetalia.
I also block very freely and I'd rather people be 18+ to interact (since occasionally I may post nsfw/nsft which I will always tag)
I'm currently working on a few fanfictions which you can find on AO3 and FF.net
My favorite character is Canada 🍁 And I ship him with pretty much anyone...and I mean anyone...If that makes you uncomfortable please feel free to block this blog or the tags associated with ships you are uncomfortable with. I may at times reblog problematic ships, I'll add tags for the ship and a cw for the problematic element of the ship. Please take care of your mental health and curate your online space to what is best for you ♡ ˎˊ˗
more information below the canada picture
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Wow, you clicked continue reading so here's more annoying stuff about me and this blog (^_^)
I spam reblog, mostly fanart (so many in this fandom are so talented!) and miscellaneous things (memes, random shit, writing tips, etc).
I'll occasionally post some of my own fanfictions (drabbles or links to them)
I also will post my rambling silly thoughts. I have decided to let myself loose and be as annoying authentic as possible here.
Also I will do my best to tag content/trigger warnings but I may forget (memory of a goldfish) so if I do please let me know
Here are some tags I use on this blog to organize (still working on what tags to use) ᯓ★
#art reblog ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡): self explanatory
#hetalia fanart ✨: reblogs of hetalia fanart
#canon tbh: posts that I see as accurate to character's personalities, how I perceive them, and how I think they'd act
#hetalia fanfiction:
#hetalia meme:
#positivity: posts and reblogs that are positiive
#misc: posts that are surprisingly not related to hetalia
#me core: reblogs that I really relate to
#fanfic imagine: imagining a fanfiction and maybe i'll write or finish the idea
#fanfic in progress: my thoughts during the process of writing fanfiction, debating whether I should do this or that, talking about what I plan to do, blah blah
#my fanfic: fanfiction that I have written, usually a link to ao3 but may also be to ff.net
I also mostly tag hetalia characters as hws so if you look up hws canada (for example) you'll be able to see all posts about that character
Some of my favorite posts of mine ┈─★
Now more about me which is why you're reading this (I'm just kidding)
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Call me angel or anything really I don't care what I'm called (ᐢ. ̫ .ᐢ)
Also please feel free to message me!! I love talking to people but I get a bit hestitant about initiating. My discord is billowingangel if you want to talk there!
I'm 20 years old and I go by she/her pronouns and I'm a lesbian I love me some boobs what can I say ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I may be a raging homosexual but I'm also a raging hetaliansexual (joke), I am attracted to so many fictional male characters and shockingly a ton of them are from hetalia (shoot me dead)
I love hetalia if that isn't obvious, it's on my brain a probably disturbing amount what can I say I'm mentally ill. I also like other anime (demon slayer <333, jujutsu kaisen, the witch and the beast, parasyte, etc), doctor who (so happy there's a new season), yuri manga!!, and other shit. I love horrors and thrillers! I rarely watch romantic comedies but I love reading romance in fanfiction ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm working on my own book (probably my 20th book) but I'm hoping to actually finish this one.
I am also working on multiple fanfictions: red means it's completed
off the grid: canada slightly snaps and goes on vacation lol
???:idk what to call it, america, england, and france are all fighting for canada's love and he's oblivious
unhealthy obsession: another country becomes obsessed with canada
Falling for Canada: multiple rarepair oneshots with Canada
My first omegaverse 0.0
a really stupid horror drabble that I posted
amecan week 2024
And I believe that's it~ Maybe I'll add my favorite ships
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respectthepetty · 9 months
What are some of your favorite novelas, Petty? I grew up loving them too and personally I will ALWAYSSS show up for anything Fernando Colunga is in!
Anon, I'm not giving you some of my favorites. No. I'm giving you my favorite - If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW where this is going!
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For all the BL people, this is why @italianpersonwithashippersheart, @lukaherehelp, and I are having no qualms about Twins or Playboyy.
Telenovelas, soap operas, y lakorns have trained us well for these shenanigans and hijinks.
Why y'all can't remember twenty-two people's names is beyond me, but I had them down the first episode.
Why y'all don't like the tonal whiplash is odd to me because for me, ten minutes on one couple is TOO MUCH TIME. Six minutes, TOP, and move on to the next one.
Someone getting stabbed in one scene then the next scene being someone celebrating at a birthday party is the way I like my shows, and don't let that person be getting stabbed AT that birthday party because that is my bread and butter.
Oh, and TWINS!
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My favorite show includes all of these fine points, and it's the 1998 Mexican telenovela called
La usurpadora
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Somewhere in fictional hell, Soraya Montenegro from María la del Barrio is pissed as fuck.
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The plot: Paola is a rich bitch and wants to leave her husband for her evil lover but can't figure out how.
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¡Sorpresa, cabrona! She meets a worker who looks just like her while on vacation or some shit.
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Paulina is the other woman and she is too poor to contour. Therefore, rich bitch Paola convinces kind and caring Paulina to be her stand-in. Paola tells Paulina she will live the best life and be rich, while Paola can be free. It's a win-win.
Paulina refuses! So Paola blackmails her into doing it, and with her mother dead, her fiance gone, and no job (since she was fired as part of Paola's blackmailing scheme), Paulina is forced to take the offer. This is like episode 2 out of 102.
In the next 100 episodes, we get forty-five other characters who are all important to the plot, amnesia, cheating, murder attempts, Paola pretending to be paralyzed, Paulina GOES TO PRISON, someone discovers they are actually twins (no duh!), and a crap ton of more drama.
Oh, and the car crash!
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But God got Paulina, so she good. Even in the sequel when she had cancer, pero no, she was just pregnant.
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The show is based on a 1971 Venezuelan telenovela that was adapted from the book La Intrusa, and has since had several remakes. One was in 2019, which made Paulina Colombian (or was she always Colombian?), and A MUSICAL THIS YEAR!
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It holds a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes because the people know this was a 🎁🎁🎁 from God, and it is not up for debate because it featured men dancing around singing Celia Cruz's "La vida es un carnaval" y Selena's "Bidi Bidi Bom Bom." This movie is the moment.
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The lead is Cuban actress Isabella Castillo Díaz who played in America and México's co-produced telenovela ¿Quién es quién?, which is basically the boy version of La usurpadora because of the twins plot. Do you see the theme?
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But back to the musical, which also features Drag Race superstar, Valentina. If you know this bitch (affectionate and derogatory), you KNOW!
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The 1998 version and musical both embrace the camp of it all. The music in the original 1998 version was peak telenovela, and even if you don't speak Spanish, readers, just watch the first minute of this video. I promise you it will be worth it, and it will give you three perfect examples of the *vibes* I'm always rambling about.
So, yeah, Anon, I hope this explains a lot of about my taste in BLs. I'm here for a show, not the show. Soraya understands.
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skznccmlee · 1 year
Skz Tickle Headcanons cuz why not (Middle & Maknae Line Edition)
Hyung Line Edition
(Gifs are not mine)
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93% lee, 7% ler
Almost never the ler
Honestly, I think Hyunjin as a ler can have 2 sides
The soft and super cute one
Just affectionate tickles when members are feeling bad/when he wants to show affection that way
When feels playful or members (Changbin) annoy him a lot
Or just cuz he finds them (Jeongin and/or Felix) too cute to resist
Teases in his mean side, compliments in his soft side
We all know he's the biggest lee in Skz
Pretends he hates being tickled, but he actually loves it
Also the most ticklish one among the members
Constantly debating with Jeongin about that
But he's certainly most ticklish
I just know it okayyyyy
Paint brushes have him dead
We all know his laugh
Dramatic screams and loud laugh like "HAAAAA HAHAHAHA"
Too cute
Worst spots are DEFINITELY sides
His belly is TOO bad too
Tickles Changbin, Chan, Felix and Jeongin the most
Tickled by Chan, Minho and Seungmin the most
Tickle fights with Felix, I just know it
101/10 ticklish overall-
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86% lee 14% ler
He's not often the ler tho
But certainly likes being it
He's like a lee-leaning-switch but without noticing
Still a ler tho
He takes his time to explore worst spots of his members
And then is when he attacks for real
Playful ler
Playful tickles, lots of teases, some tools sometimes
He also has his soft side
But being honest
That one's just for Felix-
As a lee
He's too ticklish to handle it
But certainly loves it
Squirmy lee
When someone hits any spot too sensitive he starts kicking the air and squirming way more
He keeps saying "stop" but actually feels secretly sad when members actually stop
Not much sensitive to feathers
Meanwhile to paint brushes...
He dies
Worst spot is sides. I know it
His knees are pretty bad too
Tickles Jeongin, Felix and Chan the most
Tickled by Minho, Chan and Changbin the most
Again, 3racha tickle fights
8.9/10 ticklish overall
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91% lee 9% ler
Another one who's not much of a ler
But he's a really good one
He's not that mean of a ler
He's more like a soft+mean+playful all at once one
Just like if we put his looks with his voice together
When he tickles any of the members, almost always he's the one being tickled at the end-
Members just know how to make the tables turn
He can be very teasy, but when he's more in the soft side, he's just like "awwww" and little giggles at any reaction
Cute ler being honest
It's the kinda ler you can ask for tickles without any worries of being judged
Lee Felix as a lee (bro it's in his name literally-)
Cutest happy laughs
He's so cute
Squirms a lot
Can't handle tickling, but we all know he loves it
One tease and he's in the floor all blushed
Chan takes advantage of that
Also does Hyunjin-
Specially paint brushes and hairbrushes
Members love to tickle him, and he loves being tickled by members
Perfect combination
His worst spot is DEFINITELY waist
At least as far as I've watched
Yk that game of Pick-Out-The Radish they played in Choiskz??
He started to squirm and laugh louder once someone tickled his waist
The tickle challenge from the The Sound promotion's live
He broke when someone tickled his waist
Ribs are also pretty bad, I know it
Tickles Hyunjin, Jeongin and maybe Jisung the most
Tickled by Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung and Changbin the most
Tickle fights with Hyunjin
8.9/10 ticklish overall
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46% ler 54% lee
Actually, likes a lot being the ler
He's a menace
He just tickles the members whenever
Doesn't care what are they doing at the moment
Like that time he was tickling Hyunjin in that video when they reached #1 on Billboard200 with Oddinary
He's not much of a teasy ler
More tickles less talk
But that's enough to wreck any of the members-
Constantly attacking 00line+Jeongin
They're also like the most ticklish ones-
Chan and Minho are pretty bad too
But come on
Unlike Changbin that just goes, Seungmin won't tickle them without thinking about it like a thousand times before
As a lee he's just too cute💔
Doesn't hate being tickled, but doesn't like it
He just
Dislikes it
Not as ticklish as the other members, but still pretty ticklish
Feather ticklish
His laugh is BEAUTIFUL
Yk that live where Chan, Felix and Jeongin tickle him on his belly??
Pretty sensitive to paint brushes just like everyone on this list
Hates it when someone uses that thing on him
Not cuz he hates it like hates
But it's too much for him that he can't stand it
Members tickle him to make him smile and show him his smile is the most beautiful thing in this world<3
Worst spot is like his whole belly
Including bellybutton
Tickles Hyunjin, Jeongin and maybe Jisung and Felix the most
Tickled by Chan, Minho, Changbin and Jeongin the most
Tickle fights with Jeongin<3
Vocalracha things
7.4/10 ticklish overall
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90% lee 10% ler
Okay, Jeongin is much more of the lee
He's also a very good ler
Giggles along with whoever he's tickling
That makes them way more flustered-
He can't stay in the same spot too much
He's constantly changing
But he does it when you least expect
He knows how to make his members beg for the tickles to already start cuz it's too nervous for them
Puts his hand in one of the most sensitive spots
The other one in worst spot
And just stays like that while grins at them
Sometimes he rubs those spots to make it even more flustering
Doesn't tickle them til they beg for it
Sounds mean, but he's actually so sweet
Alright, this guy is EXTREMELY ticklish
He's all type of ticklish
Air ticklish, feather ticklish, ticklish to tools
He's ticklish literally everywhere
There isn't a spot where this guy is not ticklish
The most tickled by the members
We've noticed
He's tickled ALL the time
He has no escape
Doesn't laugh too loud
It's like little giggles
More squirms less giggles
Ends up too tired after tickled
Cutie baby bread
We love
We all know this but his worst spot is his neck
He literally said it himself
And it's kinda evident-
Dislikes skinship cuz it tickles too much
That also was said by him
Tickles Seungmin the most
And maybe Hyunjin and Changbin
Tickled the most by like everyone-
But specially Seungmin, Jisung and Hyunjin
As I said before
Vocalracha tickle fights<3
100/10 ticklish overall
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naquey · 3 months
Meet The Character Monday
<< 6/24/2024 picrew
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Marnie Jones
So, when I thought of her, I was quite literally trying to think of an alternate to Mary Jones from Spider-Man because I was going to make a Drake and Josh: Spider-Man AU. Then I wrote that one shot (which is getting a sequel I swear)
My thought process wasn't to make a clone of MJ but an alternate version of her because the multiverse is vast and yadda yadda. Then I had a pretty great idea.
She's one of Drake's closest friends. While he's rehearsing with his band, she's in the kitchen with Josh, trying to ignore how loud his guitar playing is. After he dumps a girl, she takes them under her wing and reevaluates their worth. Those girls almost always try to get with her because they think she's so much like Drake, and in some cases, they are similar. Marnie and Drake are charming and laid-back, but she is not a slacker. As opposed to him, she *actually* does her work and cares about her academic status. They like the same music and have relatively the same style. They radiate confidence and breeze through life compared to Josh, who struggles quite a bit.
She was friends with Josh before Drake and Audrey appeared in Josh and Walter's lives. Josh jokes that Drake corrupted her to the dark side. Unlike his stepbrother, Marnie lacks superficiality. (if that's a word??) That means while Drake only dates girls, and it never goes past the "having fun" phase, Marnie is the opposite. But because of Drake's reputation for dating girls, including girls who dump their boyfriends for him, many of the guys at their school don't exactly trust Marnie. But it's not as if she minds it. As much as she'll deny it, she has a crush on Drake. Seeing him go through girls like they're pairs of socks has... disillusioned her. (but she can admit he's attractive and can be nice when he wants to be)
Literally, the trope is that most people without brains think that Marnie and Drake are the same person.
Besides Drake and Josh, Marnie is friends with Mindy Crenshaw, Craig Ramirez, and Eric Blonowitz. She spends more time with Mindy, especially once Josh and her start dating. Craig and Eric often beg her to join the debate club since they need a fourth member, and she almost always turns them down. She hasn't joined a single club and doesn't want to.
She absolutely despises Dr. Pepper and loves Cherry-Vanilla Coca-Cola. Pepsi is a neutral-feeling beverage, but she would choose it in a restaurant over ginger ale (unless she was sick.)
Marnie considers herself the "cool girl," like Drake considers himself the "cool guy." The main difference is that she does not associate herself with the popular people in their high school. She acts as though she doesn't care about many things and teases her friends to no end, but she shows how much she cares about them in subtle ways. But from time to time, it gets harder to pretend she doesn't care about something, especially if it's something like Star Wars or Halloween. Her demeanor is like that of Craig Tucker from South Park. At high school parties (if she ever gets invited), she's off to the side, watching the room, keeping her eyes on everyone around her. She's quite embarrassed to admit that her favorite hobby is writing, worrying about what her friends would think if they found out she had a blog dedicated to her various random rants and opinions about video games. She also likes to read but only ever makes a show of it, ignoring Drake if he's pissed her off or significantly irreparably hurt one of his exes.
Her parents, an anthropologist father, and a doctor mother, put a lot of pressure on her to perform well in school, but it's not an immense amount. She doesn't feel like they value her grades more than they value her. Mindy and Marnie spend quite a lot of time together because their parents are friends. Her older brother, Nick (4 years apart), loans her many clothes that he grows out of, significantly affecting her clothing style. He's given her denim jackets, leather jackets, jackets with thousands of pockets, band t-shirts, ripped jeans, and some bracelets.
She was raised Christian and participated in communion just before they took her out of the private Christian school because they had to move. The ring she wore around her neck would have been her purity ring, but by the time she was old enough for that stage, she had grown out of Christianity. More or less, her parents were only Christian through tradition and didn't make her read the bible or participate in going to church, which profited toward "growing out of it." (they stopped going after they pulled her from private school)
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [11]
chapter eleven, act two: anobrain
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April 7th 2013
America is kind of borning.
They’d been touring for months, meeting boring people at even more boring places. 
Everything is the same, everyone feels entitled to correct you as if you’re not speaking the right language.
And if Tommie hears the question, ‘you live a whale?’ one more time, she’s going to commit a very violent crime.
But they’ve left America now, which they’re all a little glad about. Having a break back home for a couple weeks with their families before their next round of gigs.
Tommies in their apartment, alone with everyone else at their families homes.
George has gone on a weekend trip with his sisters, Ross has met up with his brother for the weekend, Matty’s with his father and Adam’s gone to his father’s side of the family.
He did invite Tommie but she felt a little awkward since she doesn’t really know them.
Not that she’s been completely alone, she spent a couple days with her aunt before she had to get back to work. So instead of staying in her house moping around in self-pity Tommie decided to mop around in self-pity in her own flat.
It’s time like these that she feels alone.
She’s surrounded by people, the most people she ever has been yet she feels completely alone.
She misses her mother a lot, and she debates flying out to France to see her grandparents for a couple days.
She misses her brother, who she had to leave behind when she left.
When she left things went bad quickly with her dad, and if she didn’t have Matty she’s sure she never would have had the courage to do it.
Her father had seen them driving out of the village and stopped them, trying to physically pull her from the car until Matty got out and shoved him away.
They could both smell the alcohol on his breath, he was drunk, and that’s what hurt the most. The fact that she knew he wouldn’t have cared if he was sober hurt more than him showing up drunk, again.
Matty had turned to her as they left, his hand on the gear stick moving to grip her own hand.
He said a few simple words that made her close her eyes and look away, ‘how long has he hit you for?’
She didn’t pretend like she didn’t know what he was talking about, and she didn't beat around the bush. She simply looked down and told him the truth. ‘All my life.’
She watched as he rubbed a hand across his jaw to hide the way he clenched it, only to regrip her hand and say, ‘you did the right thing.’
But now as she sits in her bedroom, staring at the only picture she has of her brother which is them side by side outside his mother’s house in matching WRU jerseys, she wonders if she did.
If she did do the right thing.
She left him behind.
Of course, she never would have if he wasn’t safe. But her father never hit him, in all his twelve years of life.
She just wasn’t good enough. He wanted a son, that’s why she pushed herself into football and boxing and other sports she hated.
She loved hockey in school but wouldn’t play, not when he said the sport was too ‘girlish’.
She pretended she didn’t like sitcoms, acted as if WWE was her favourite thing to watch just so they could spend time together. 
The truth was that she wasn’t a son, like he wanted, and she never would be.
That’s why she wasn’t safe.
But JJ Fern was a son, and for that her father wouldn’t harm a hair on his head.
She misses Millie.
Her childhood dog died just two years before she officially joined the band.
She misses her baby sister who is too young to even remember who she is now.
She misses her mother.
She’s so lost in her own thoughts she doesn’t hear the door go, or the distant shout of her name.
It’s not until she hears a soft ‘hey’ as the bed dips that she snaps out of it, looking over to the fluffy hair beside her.
“Roddy?” She places the picture face down beside her and turns to look at him, “Thought you were introducing your dad to Gemma again today.”
“No.” He purses his lips, “I broke up with her.”
He shrugs, “Thought we could go back to how it was, but we can’t.”
“It’s only been three months, Matty.”
He shrugs his shoulders, leaning his head on her shoulder, “I don’t know, I’ve been on tour, and I feel like nothings coming of it. Doesn’t matter,” He shrugs, “It’s over.”
“You okay?”
“It didn’t hurt,” He mutters, “Don’t feel like anything has changed. I’m more annoyed that she still has the book.”
It takes her a second to realise but when she does she clips the back of his head and he pulls away with a groan, “What was that for?”
“I said you could borrow it, that book is the start of this band.”
“We were a band-”
“You know what I mean.”
He mutters an apology, falling back to lie on her bed, “What are you doing here anyway? It's your birthday tomorrow.”
“I know.”
“And you're travelling up in the morning?”
He shakes his head, “Not going up.”
He moves so he’s lying with his head beside her and wraps his arms around her waist, head awkwardly angled to lean on her thighs.
“Wanted to spend the day down here, with you.”
He huffs, “Don’t want one of Mum’s extravagant parties showing the world I’m getting old.”
She giggles, “You’re twenty four, Roddy.”
“Oh, God.” He groans loudly, burying his curly head into her stomach.
She laughs, holding his head to her, running her fingers through the back of his head, he turns so he’s lying sideways on the bed, legs hanging off the end with his head in her lap.
“What do you want to do for your birthday?” She asks, “I’m not as good with things like that as you are, so you’ll have to guide me.”
He shrugs, “Been wanting to see that new film that came out few months ago, Inside Llewyn Davis? Wanna go?”
“Sure, is it still in the pictures?”
He shrugs, “One of my old school mates works in the local picture house, I’ll message him, see if he can do a special viewing just for us.”
“No,” She shakes her head, “I’ll message him, send me his number, I’ll sort it.”
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
April 8th 2013
Matty chuckles to himself, wrapped in hoodies and zip up jackets, sunglasses on his head, as he watches Tommie dig through her bag to get all the sweets she’d bought in Tesco beforehand.
“Why didn’t you just buy them here? Save time?”
“I ain’t paying that price for sweets when I can get ‘em cheaper with my club card.”
“Right,” He says, pursing his lips to hide his smile, “Sorry.”
She sits back opening them all and putting them in the cup holders so they can get to them better.
“Shh it’s starting.” He mutters and she rolls her eyes as if she had been talking.
She reaches over to push his glasses off his head and he smacks her hand away when they land on the bridge of his nose, making it difficult for him to see the screen.
“Stop it.” He mutters to her quietly.
She giggles but he grabs her hand, holding it in his lap as he pushes the glasses back on top of his head.
She grins to herself scooching over to be closer to him and resting her head on his shoulders, “What’s-”
He lifts his hand, covering her mouth as he shushes her once more.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。 ⋆
Matty walks slowly beside her on solid ground, one hand in his pocket the other stretched out just behind her back as she walks along the flat rail, her arms stretched out to keep her balance.
“Don’t fall.”
“I’ve got it.”
“Why are we here again?” He questions, holding both hands out when she gets to the end of the rail, she grabs his hands using him to jump down on the floor then tugs him up the biggest ramp, gripping the edge so she can pull herself up and helping him when he loses his footing.
“Isn’t it my birthday?” He asks, “If I remember correctly it was you who said I could choose.”
She shrugs, “Fine, guess you don’t want the weed I stole from George’s stash.” She says holding the little baggie up between them and shaking it in his face.
He goes to grab it but she snatches it back, “Uh, uh.”
“Come on, you gonna take it away from me on my day?”
“No, I’m gonna roll one for you.”
He snorts and she shoves him in the side, “What? I’ve seen you guys do it loads, I can do it.”
She side eyes him and he looks away trying not to laugh as he watches her struggle right away.
“Come here.” He says, feeling slightly bad.
He takes it from her, rolling one joint for them to share and pockets the rest, ignoring the look she sends his way.
He takes a lighter from his pocket but she quickly scrambles for her bag, “Wait, I have to give you your birthday present.”
She takes a small awfully wrapped box, he can tell she’d done it in a rush, then hands it over.
“Happy Birthday, Roddy.”
He unwraps it, the joint now tucked securely behind his ear, holding back his curly hair with it.
“What is it?”
“Just open it, god, you’re so impatient.” She laughs to herself watching carefully as his fingers rip open the paper.
He smiles to himself as he brings it out of the box, rubbing his thumb along the engraving of the zippo lighter.
‘You look so cool x’
He smiles, using the new lighter to light up the joint and puffs the smoke into her face once he’s done.
“Thank you. I love it.”
“Of course you do, I got it.” She grins, plucking the weed from his mouth.
Matty watches her carefully, as she places it between her lips and inhales, much better than her first time a few months ago.
He smiles, and when she turns to look at him, dimples showing, eyes slightly gazed over he lets his head fall to rest on her shoulder.
Satisfying his urge to kiss her with another long drag on the joint.
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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frodothefair · 3 months
You know what I absolutely love about being where I am in my career?
I can consider myself to have "arrived." I can stop striving to do extra sh-t no one cares for simply for the line in my resume, simply so I could get to the next stage.
I suspect this might not be the case in other countries, but when I entered high school at fourteen years of age, I was quickly made to understand that if I wanted to get into a good college, it was not enough to simply do my schoolwork and do it well. Even if I took all the advanced classes and aced every standardized test. I had to do "extracurriculars." I need to have "leadership." I needed good recommendations. Extracurriculars could be anything from sports, to music, to art, to clubs such as debate and newspaper, and ideally, it was not enough to simply be a part of them. It was best if I was a leader, if I took part in competitions, if there was a tangible product I could show off, an outcome I could discuss in my personal statement and in interviews, which were a common part of the college application process.
(Frankly, as an aside I think this ridiculous attempt at evaluating the "whole person" is a bald-faced racket that privileges the already privileged, but that's a story for another day. By the way, if you have a job in high school to pay the bills, such as waitressing or cashiering, no one is going to be impressed with that. If has to be some sort of unusual job that proves how much of a go-getter you are, but was probably given to you through connections. And sports/music/clubs cost money and time you're never compensated for).
Well, it took me less than two years to realize I wanted to do exactly none of any of the above. I was a good student, and I was happy to give it my all academically, but all I wanted at the end of a day was to go home and nerd out with my friends (mostly online ones) about my favorite fandom. I wanted to write fanfiction. I wanted to roleplay. I wanted to live with Frodo in Middle-earth.
Still, I did what I was supposed to do and filled my time with extracurriculars like a good "self-starter," and when I got into college, it was the same thing all over again. I could not expect into med school if I simply did well academically. I had to have extracurriculars again, and for best results these had to "prove" that I was truly interested in the medical field -- research, volunteering, medical mission trips, etc.
I had exactly one extracurricular in college that I enjoyed -- working for the campus crisis line. But my "resume" was a mile long, and guess how happy I was.
And in medical school it was the same thing yet again! It was less egregious, but enriching medically adjacent activities outside one's classes were highly encouraged.
And in residency, AGAIN, it was the same thing. If you weren't doing extra "optional-but-not-really" crap to pad your resume, you were missing out. They were a little more sane about it, but still, it was there.
And finally, I am at the end. I've got my "real doctor job." I can see patients and go home. This is what I've always wanted -- to perform a set of functions, maybe even highly advanced and demanding functions, and go home, and do what I want. Which is, you guessed it, nerd out online about my favorite media, watch said media, and write fanfiction. Does this make me a tool? Yes, perhaps, but an expensive, highly specialized tool, thank you very much. The world runs on such tools as me, and I have no shame about it.
I am done pretending I have "leadership qualities." I lead my medical team, thank you very much, and that's more than enough for me. Do I want to be the director of our department, if the spot were to open up? No, thank you, no, thank you, no thank you -- it's only a little bit more pay for a truckload of administrative duties. When I was a leader of various student groups, I had more than enough of politics, conflict resolution, paperwork, and inane meetings. I've had more than enough hassling people who weren't keeping up, and offering assistance I was ill-equipped to provide.
Do I want to take on trainees? Hmm, try elsewhere. Do I want to be a beta user who helps developers of the electronical medical record software? Are you kidding me? Do I want to sit on a committee? Yeah, look for another idiot. I have better ways to spend my lunchtime (read: thinking about fanfic).
And it feels so good to finally be able to say no and to be free for a change.
(Importantly, none of the above has anything to do with coasting at work, "just wanting to get my paycheck and get out," or "quiet quitting." I am good at my job and take pride in continuing to be so. I give my all every day, and I'm always working to improve my knowledge and skills, because medicine is always changing. THOSE are things I am only too happy to work on outside of office hours.)
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samynnad102687 · 4 months
Make Them Pay
May 21 Prompt: Make them pay | Jegulus | 1343 words
James was at the shops, picking up some last-minute items for dinner when he first got the feeling that something wasn't quite right. He stopped in the aisle as he picked up a box of rice and just froze. It was like a switch went off that sent a shiver down his spine. Then there was a crash in the next aisle over and a child was crying. James poked his head around the corner but their mother seemed to be calming them down. There was a jar of pickles on the ground next to them. James shrugged it off before he went back to his shopping.
Regulus had wanted a specific type of pie crust for the pies they were planning on baking tomorrow and James refused to leave the shops until he had it. Unfortunately for him, that particular shop didn't have it and he would have to make another stop. He really didn't fancy Regulus getting upset with him for neglecting to get the one item he asked for.
James was in the checkout line of the second shop when he got the feeling again. He looked around but he couldn't see anything that seemed to have triggered it. He was debating on calling Regulus to see if he was alright when he noticed somebody watching him or at least it seemed like they were watching him. James tensed up but pretended to act as normal as possible. Nobody would do anything inside the shop with children present. No, they would wait until he was alone. That was the danger of his profession.
James paid for his items and walked to his car. The guy he saw earlier didn't follow him. James took a subtle breath before he inserted his key and turned the engine over and drove home. Sitting at a stoplight was the third time he got the feeling but this time it was even more intense. Regulus. It was his only thought before he threw his car in reverse and darted down a back alley. Luckily there weren't any other cars around him.
He made it home five minutes later and didn't even bother to bring in the groceries. James took the stairs two at a time until he reached their front door and shoved his key in the lock to unlock it. It took a couple of tries since he dropped the damn things the first time and cursed under his breath. Once he was in the house, the feeling seemed to ease a little but it didn't disappear entirely. James took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He didn't need Regulus to see him frazzled if he was okay.
"Reg?" James called and waited for an answer. There wasn't one so he called again, a little louder, "Regulus?"
"In the bathroom," Regulus called back and James let out a sigh of relief before he made his way to the bathroom just down the hall from the living room.
"What are you doing, lo-" James started to ask casually as he walked in until he froze when he saw the blood. "What happened?"
James was beside Regulus in a second as he turned Regulus toward him so that he could see where the blood was coming from. He looked all over frantically but he couldn't find the cut.
"Will you relax?" Regulus grumbled as he pushed James away slightly. "I'm fine."
"Love, you don't look fine. What the fuck happened?" He could feel the anger start to bubble in his gut.
"Nothing that I couldn't handle," Regulus shrugged nonchalantly as he reached up to open the medicine cabinet and winced.
James was on high alert again as he grabbed Regulus' shirt and lifted it up so he could see his side. There was a large gash in his side with a hastily thrown-on bandage and gauze. It was as if he threw it on in the spur of the moment during a fight of some kind.
"You are not fine," James nearly shouted as he moved Regulus over to the toilet. "Sit down and let me see."
Regulus sighed heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "James, I'm fine. I already took care of the worst of it anyway."
"The worst of what? Reg, you look like you got into a fucking fight which is odd since you said you weren't leaving the house," James scolded as he looked at his husband, who at least had the sense to look a little guilty.
"I wasn't planning on it. It kind of just happened."
"What did? What the fuck could have just happened for you to now have a new fucking gash in your side?" James' nostrils flared as his anger started to rise to the surface. "When I find out who did this, I'm going to make them pay," he snarled as he examined the wound closer.
"No, you're not because like I said, I'm fine and it's nothing to worry about. I don't need you storming out of here on a rampage with no clue what is actually going on."
"Then tell me, Regulus. Tell me what the fuck is going on." James threw his hands up in the air in aggravation. "I wasn't even gone for half an hour and when I left, you were sitting on the couch in the living room and looking for something to watch on the telly as you reminded me about the damn pie crust."
James was fuming now and it was taking everything in him to not storm out of that bathroom and go on a manhunt for whoever dared to lay a finger on his husband.
Regulus sighed again before he cupped James' face gently in his hands and made James look at him. He waited until James was paying attention before he spoke.
"I got a phone call from Dora. She was at the park down the street. It was only supposed to be a quick 'run and intimidate somebody and run back' type of deal." Regulus started to stroke James' cheek with his thumb in a soothing manner before he took a deep breath. "Dora was practically screaming for the guy to leave her alone when I got there. Unfortunately, the asshole had a knife and I didn't see it in time to dodge him. I swear, there is nothing else that you need to do. We took care of it and as far as I know, the guy took off as soon as the sirens were heard. Dora and I came back here before she called Evan to come and pick her up. That's all, okay? Now, can you please help me change this bandage before we make dinner? I'm starving."
James blew out a breath of air through his nose. He was still angry but Regulus was safe and James could hunt the guy who hurt him down later and take care of him. He had no intention of letting this slide but he would wait because Regulus was practically begging him to as he looked in James' eyes.
"Fine," James replied through gritted teeth before he softened and got the medical supplies to properly clean up the cut on Regulus' side.
Once he was properly cleaned up and in clean clothes, James made Regulus sit on the couch while he finished cleaning up the bathroom and disposed of the bloody items. They made dinner after James grabbed the groceries from the car and settled in to watch a movie on the telly.
After Regulus was asleep, James grabbed his phone and crept back out to the living room to call Pandora and find out exactly what happened and who the guy was. It wouldn't take him long to hunt him down once he figured out who he was. The guy better hope that James doesn't find him because when he does, he won't be seeing the light of day again. Nobody can lay a finger on someone he loves and get away with it, especially not his husband.
Also posted on Ao3: No Mercy
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1105: The Girl and Her Soup Dad (Epithet Erased)
9:34 p.m. at Crusher's Living Room........
Tv: ('SMACK') Anyone else wants a piece!?
Molly: (Sitting Next to Giovanni on the Sofa) I would kill to have a Grunkle like that in my family tree.....
Giovanni: I'd kill to have him and his cool looking punchy things in his knuckles. Those things must've cost a fortune to own.
Molly: Those punchy things are brass knuckles, Boss, and those things only cost thirty to forty dollars to buy. (Lays her Head Bext to Giovanni's Arm) Though knowing Grunkle Stan, I wouldn't be surprised if he stole it from a store somewhere.
Giovanni: (Eyes Starts Litting and Sparkling Up) He would've been an EXCELLENT member of our newly found crew! ('Sighs in a Bit of Defeat') If only he was real......
Molly: (Turns to Giovanni) You still haven't come up with a name for our team?
Giovanni: (Sighs Again) Not yet I haven't. Every time I come up with one it would always come out lame and weak. (Ball his Fists Up in Determination) I want our name to sound powerful, menacing, something that would be remembered and feared to those who DARE tries to cross us! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!.......Also, I want us to look more cool than we already are. (Puts on a Bright, Dopey Smile on his Face)
Molly: (Giggles Softly) I'm sure you'll come up with something~ You're not our dastardly boss for nothing, you know?
Giovanni: Damn right! But no boss is complete without the help and support of his lovely boyz, you especially, Beartrap. (Ruffles the Top of Molly's Hair)
Molly: (Giggles Ticklishly) Thanks! I'm really glad to be here. Which reminds me....
Giovanni: Hm?
Molly: Do you, Crusher and Spike wanna go out and do something tomorrow? Maybe go to the movies theater and watch that Elemental movie you wanted to watch.
Giovanni: Sure thing. Ooh! Can we finally try out that Family Discount plan I've been working on? can be the dad, Spike can be the mom, you and Crusher can be our well mannered kids, hell, we can even have four eyes play the role of the nerdy middle child who has less love and attention!
Molly: (Pouts at Giovanni) Boss!
Giovanni: What? He's a nerd himself most of the time.
Molly: Yeah and he's also as equally as loved as the rest of us. No pretend family member left behind!
Giovanni: Alright, alright. We'll give him equal love .....(Forms a Bit of an Evil Grin) Not before embarrassing the hell out of him first~
Molly: ('Sigh') Just don't go overboard, okay?
Giovanni: No promises!~ (Frowns a Bit) But uhh....Molly?
Molly: Yeah? What's wrong?
Giovanni: Father's Day's also tomorrow. Are you gonna be okay by then?
Molly: Uh...Yeah, I think so? Why wouldn't I be?
Giovanni: Just making sure. I don't want you to think of it as a constant reminder of you know who.....
Molly: Who? Martin?
Giovanni: Yeah- (Eyes Widened a Bit) Wait. You're....calling him by his first name now?
Molly: Kind of? (Turns Away a Bit While Rubbing her Arm) I'm still debating if I still want to call him my dad or not.
Giovanni: (Scoffs While Crossing his Arms and Turning Away) I'd personally wouldn't give him the time of day and call him Fatso. (Turns Back to Molly While Giving her a Small, Reassuring Smile) But whatever you want to call him is alright with me, Beartrap.
Molly: Thanks, Boss. But....('Sigh') I dunno. This is starting to get more harder I hoped it wouldn't be. On one hand, we're blood related and he was decent parent when mom was still around.
Giovanni: But you feel like everything between you guys never been the same after that.
Molly: Exactly! Ever since mom died, he became more lazy, irresponsible and has little to NO care about anything or anyone around him! Meanwhile, I always ended up doing everything around the store and clean up after him and Lori while they're out in their own lieteral make believe land without a SINGLE. THANK YOU! (Let's Out a Frustrated Groan as She Crunches her Hands Up I Front of Her) It's infuriating, I hate them both!
Giovanni: (Gently Places his Hand onto Molly's Shoulder) I know you do, kiddo, and I completely get where you're coming from in all of this. But you don't have to see or think about him or your sister anymore if you really don't want to. You still have tons of years being a kid to look forward to before adulthood comes and wring it's dumb, ugly head around, am I right?
Molly: (Starts Giggling Once More) Dumb amd ugly are understatements~ (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) But yeah, you're right. I don't feel like seeing dad or Lori anytime soon, but I do have a whole life ahead of me right now waiting for me take part of, and I'm gonna enjoy every moment of it with the people I truly care about. (Happily Hugs Giovanni's Arm) That includes you too, boss~
Giovanni: (Chuckles Lightly) That's the spirit, Beartrap! We got your back every step of the way, you can count on it.
Molly: (Happily Nodded) Right. Thanks for listening and letting me ramble on about my problems yet again. I know it's getting redundant at this point.
Giovanni: Nah, don't worry about it, kiddo. If anyone's deserving of letting their anger out, it's definitely you. I just hope it helps you feel a better.
Molly: Oh it does. I doubt I'll ever be over it completely, but I'm glad I was able to get it out of my chest for now.
Giovanni: Good, good. (Starts Ruffling onto Molly's Hair Some More) Can't have our pretend baby girl get mad all night before tomorrow comes~
Molly: (Giggles Ticklishly While Swatting Gio's Hand Off her Hair) Will you quit already, soup dad!?~ I just got done brushing my hair for the rest of the night!~
Giovanni: Soup Dad?
Molly: Yeah. You make soup and you've been acting more or less like a dad as of late. (Smiles Brightly) Put them together and I myself the coolest Soup Dad I could ever ask for.
Giovanni: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness) Awwwww~ You really are a sweet kid, you know?
Molly: And you're the sweetest, evilest boss ever. (Gives Gio a Kiss on the Cheek) Happy Early Father's Day, Giovanni.
Giovanni: Thanks, Molly. You too.
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analysisn3rd · 11 months
Despite being an Angel, Aziraphale is not wholly good. I don’t think it’s possible for an Angel to even be entirely good, considering what they’re typically like. Aziraphale, much like Crowley, would be in the light grey area of the morality scale, and I shall explain why.
Aziraphale is a good being. This is a simple and known fact that cannot be debated. However, as I previously stated, it is impossible for any being to be entirely good, or entirely bad, and this presents in Aziraphale in a rather mild way, which I will explain.
One of the reasons why Aziraphale’s a good character is because of his never-ending kindness, which shows up many times during the show and within the book, like when he helped Anathema after he and Crowley crashed into her, when he told Maggie that it’s alright that she didn’t pay her rent, helping Gabriel, and many other instances. One of the reasons why he’s so kind, a reason that I consider the most prevalent is that he genuinely cares about people and about the world, and he genuinely wants to help. It makes him feel good when he helps people; he loves it. That’s not only because he knows that it’s a good thing and that he’s succeeding at his job, but it’s also because he’s able to understand people’s situations really well, as he’s hyper-empathetic, so he’s able to realise just how much he’s been able to do, and how much he’s been able to help.
As I briefly mentioned, Aziraphale has a lot of empathy. He’s able to understand people’s situations very well and this compels him to do good. He cannot just sit there and watch people suffer while knowing what their pain is like. This has been evident several times, throughout the show especially, with Adam and Eve, with Job, and with Adam Young, among many others. Even though he’s hyper-empathetic, his empathy is slightly selective at times, where it’s evident that he’s able to understand this person’s situation and that he’s able to “feel for them” or “put himself in their shoes” sometimes, because he’s been in similar situations or he has seen similar situations before, and some other times he absolutely cannot. This has resulted in him acting horribly and treating people in ways that they do not deserve.
Another reason that factors into his being good is his naivety. Despite being quite intelligent, Aziraphale is horribly naive. This is something that I will expand on in the following section, but it’s due to this that he thinks that everyone wants the best for everyone else; that everyone genuinely wants to do good to one another. It’s what he lives by, essentially.
In spite of all the traits I mentioned above, Aziraphale isn’t entirely good. He’s a bit of a bastard sometimes, like Crowley said, and he can be quite rude and he doesn’t really like people (or any beings really) and interacting with them all that much. He’s also a bit selfish, where he likes to indulge in the things that he likes, such as good books, good plays and good food, while ignoring or not paying much mind to others and how their lives are like. 
To put it simply, Aziraphale is a good character, but he’s a bit of a bastard sometimes and that means that he’s not completely good.
I find Aziraphale’s personality to be quite remarkable and distinct; I don’t think that there’s a character quite like him, or even similar to him.
One of the things that I see as the most characteristic about him is his idealism. Aziraphale is an idealist, and it shows quite clearly in how he talks about Heaven to Crowley. He always says that they’re the “good guys”, he’s talking about how they do good things and help people, but what he’s talking about isn’t actually Heaven, it’s what Heaven would ideally be like. It’s what he wants Heaven to be like, not what it really is, and he knows that, but he likes to pretend like it’s not actually what it’s like. This is part of the reason why he accepted the Metatron’s offer. He saw it as a chance to make Heaven into what he thinks it should be, a place that’s ruled by kindness and wanting to help others, not power-hungry, cruel people that don’t care at all about others. He wants to make things right, he wants to turn Heaven into what he thinks it should be, but the issue is, and what he’s currently unable to realise, is that this is how Heaven was meant to be. 
Another memorable thing about him is his naivety. Despite being so incredibly intelligent that it’s one of the first noticed things about him, Aziraphale is quite naive and acts rather stupidly at times. This isn’t because of his lack of experience or something of the like; it’s because he’s too wrapped up in his ideals to see what reality is like, where this shows evidently in how he thinks of Heaven and of Angels. He thinks that all they care about is helping people, doing good and thwarting wiles, when, in reality, it’s very different from that. Gabriel even said it, Aziraphale, and Angels in general, are supposed to be “lean, mean fighting machine”s and not kind nor soft, which is what Aziraphale thinks that Angels should be.  It’s also quite clear that they don’t care about kindness or anything of the like because of how they treat Aziraphale himself. They show very clearly and very evidently that they don’t like him; they want him to see that they think that he’s nothing more than a naive idiot and a poor excuse of an Angel. They don’t even bother to be fakely-polite with him, because they don’t care about being kind. They don’t care about respect. They don’t care about others to begin with. All that they care about is power, and winning the Great War. Due to his naivety, he thinks that everyone wants to do everyone good at heart. He probably has a hard time wrapping his mind around the idea that people can, and will, deliberately harm one another. He also always sees the good in people, preferring to overlook the bad, where this is evidently seen with Heaven (though his relationship with Heaven, especially, is far more complicated than that). 
One of the things that’s noticed first about Aziraphale is his intelligence, as mentioned in the book. This is because he’s very experienced and he knows a lot about the world, as he’s seen a lot of it, and read a lot about it of course, and it’s also because it’s just naturally how he is. I think that it shows up a lot in his overthinking, which is usually a result of him thinking too deeply about things and that’s a trait associated with intelligence. Another characteristic that’s linked with intelligence that he has is being attentive to detail, where this is shown in how he’s always able to remember the minor details about events, like the Job minisode, and in how detailed his drawing of Gabriel/Jim was.
He’s also quite curious, and he loves to learn about new things, but only when they’re to do with his interests, which is why it seems a lot more subtle compared to Crowley’s. He does, however, have a thirst for knowledge, and it’s one of the reasons why he likes to read. Due to his curiosity, he asks a lot of questions when it comes to practically anything, as he wants to know and understand more, but he doesn’t do that with orders coming from Heaven because he’s seen what that would result in when Crowley Fell, he knows that they’ll react poorly and that he, too, will Fall if he did that, and because he fears his higher-ups. 
As mentioned before, he’s incredibly kind and empathetic, and, usually, characters with the same traits would be extroverted and bubbly. However, Aziraphale isn’t. He’s quite introverted, and it has, at some point, gotten in the way of his doing good deeds simply because he didn’t want to interact with people. He probably finds it tiresome and pointless because he doesn’t really enjoy people’s company for longer than a few minutes, with the exception of Crowley. 
One of the most remarkable things about him is that he’s quite fussy. He’s very specific and particular about the things that he likes and dislikes, where he finds modern music weird and insists on calling it “bebop”, usually drinks tea or hot chocolate only and absolutely adores crepes and sushi. He’s very passionate about his interests and the things that he likes, such as books, humans and classical music, where he knows a lot about them. He also despises change, which is shown in how he refuses to change his style and his way of talking despite the world changing around him.
One of his more negative personality traits is how he’s too nice to people. This is due to his naivety, and how he thinks that everyone, deep inside, is good one way or another. He doesn’t see any reason to be less than nice to people, and his niceness, on its own, is a bit excessive to begin with, where this causes him to end up in awful situations, like one of the cut scenes and most of his dealings with Heaven, where Crowley has to rescue him (or he chooses to let Crowley rescue him because he probably has a plan). As a result of this, he probably has a hard time setting boundaries with people, because he’s afraid of being too mean or rude to them by asking for anything.
Another negative trait of his is that he bottles up his emotions and thoughts a lot, especially those regarding Crowley. This is mainly because he’s scared and ashamed of them; he shouldn’t be thinking this way, and he developed this mindset because he’s afraid of Falling, of failure essentially, so he doesn’t want Heaven to find out anything about what he’s truly like. This results in him pushing Crowley away a lot, although he really doesn’t want to. 
Insecurities and fears
I would say that Aziraphale is evidently a nervous and worrisome character; he basically frets about everything that happens in the show, but the fears I’m going to list are the most prominent ones.
His most obvious fear is losing Crowley. To put it simply, Crowley means a lot to him and he really meant it when he said that he needed Crowley. Crowley’s the only person who’s always been around Aziraphale, humans die, but Crowley, whom he always understood (to a degree really but that’s a discussion for another time) and who always understood him, has always been there. Crowley, who he shared countless experiences with. Crowley, his best (and probably only) friend. He wouldn’t be able to handle it if he lost Crowley, which is why he’s so afraid of that. He wouldn’t be able to stand it.
He’s afraid of failure and of disappointment. I think it’s rather evident in how he would always deny his and Crowley’s friendship just to please Heaven because he doesn’t want to disappoint his higher-ups, as he’s scared of Falling, which he would definitely consider a failure. He does, however, already know that he’s somewhat considered a disappointment to Heaven, and he even thought that he was going to Fall in the Job mini-sode because he’s so scared of it that it’s all that he can think about. He knows that Heaven is strict, he knows that he’s already a disappointment and he’s slowly inching towards failure, and he feels so terrible about that because he doesn’t want them to think of him in that light. He doesn’t want to Fall. He doesn’t want to fail. He wants their approval and their praise, which is so hard to get, and that shows how he’s insecure; his self-esteem is inherently tied with how useful or how good he is, both in general and to Heaven. This appears a lot within the series, but the most prominent example is in Eden, when he told Crawly that he was worried that he wasn’t doing the good thing. It’s something that’s so seemingly simple, because he’s an Angel of course he’d be doing the good thing, yet it means a lot to him because if he’s not good, then he’s nothing. What is he, if not an Angel? And what is an Angel, if not good? (Because he wants Heaven’s approval, he accepted the Metatron’s offer. He saw it as a chance to right the wrongs within Heaven’s system, and as a chance to prove himself to be worthy to God and all the other Angels, who always undermined him.)
Differences between the book and the show
I wasn’t going to make a section for this, initially, because I didn’t think that the differences were that grand, and, in a way, they really aren’t. They’re just minor character changes, but they make everything else incredibly different, especially when it comes to Aziraphale. Everything that I’ve written before can be applied to the book character as well, and the differences are the following:
The book character isn’t naive at all. He’s very experienced, he knows what humans are like and he knows that beings, whether they’re human or not, can be malicious and they could purposefully want to harm others, and he uses this experience that he has, which makes him seem a lot wiser and smarter than the show character. 
He isn’t hyper-empathetic, he’s far more selective with who he gives his empathy to, and he’s not as kind. He doesn’t really care about others, aside from Crowley, as long as they’re not directly bothering him.
He’s a lot less insecure, and nervous, because he’s a lot more confident, where this confidence is the reason for the majority of the differences mentioned above. The show character can become like the book character, but it will take him a while to reach that point; the show character is far too scared of Heaven and what they’d say about him, unlike the book character, who knows that he’s powerful and doesn’t care in the slightest about Heaven.
I love Aziraphale. He is certainly my favourite character out of all of the wonderful characters within the show/book. I see myself a lot within him; he’s so much like me, it’s kind of hard to wrap one’s mind around. Because of all of these reasons, I was so scared while writing this analysis because I did not want to get anything wrong; it simply wouldn’t do. Hopefully, I did him justice because he’s truly a wonderful character. I really admire how he’s written and how he’s so complicated and human, really. I just love everything about him honestly.
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luimagines · 2 years
I was debating on putting this here or not, but I want to ramble about kid! chain and the post prob isn't coming out til like May.
I feel like since we have Ocarina of Time you pretty much already know what time was like as a kid, so I'm just gonna restate it. He is a kid with a good heart that really wants to help and fit in with the other kokiri. I don't know if it's canon that he got bullied for his nose (I'm guessing it's just a pop hc bc of the fucking size in game), but he's prob pretty sensitive about it once he gets old enough to understand insecurity, which breaks my heart, I just want to give that poor kid a smooch and tell him that he's perfect the way he issss. He was also raised by the kokiri so he's a little snot at heart, you are not immune to pranks unfortunately. He always starts giggling when he knows he's got you so you always know it's him, but as he gets older his poker face gets better. He's lucky he's cute.
Twilight like his predecessor has a heart full of gold. He loves helping out other people and feeling important! Especially protecting younger kids like Colin. I bet he would help Russel around the rancho, even if he was too small to really do much of anything, he could feed the cucoos at least (he got attacked by one when he accidentally swung the feed bucket a bit too close. I'm a mix in-between Russel having to haul him out of the coop and Twi hauling ass outta there. Twilight's not a quitter though so he's was prob back at it like 2 weeks later, now with ✨adult supervision✨. Adult Twi is still afraid of them tho). Just imagine! Little guy Twi! With an adorable little country accent!!
Warriors is the kid with a hyper fixation. He is the kid that will absolutely ramble to you about his favorite dinosaur and how inaccurate certain movies are. He will play pretend knights, he will get a bunch of scrapes, he will brush them off. I imagine that his dad if he had parents would also be a knight in the kingdom (like Four's and legend's), that's why he became a knight in the first place, he wanted to make his dad proud and you can bet that little warriors would sing his praises to high heaven. I feel like if wars thought you were cool he'd be more of a 'hey watch what I can do' kinda kid, you better clap and praise that baby like he just raised mount lanayru I Don't care how unimpressive his trick was.
Wild!! My beloved! Wild is difficult bc of the whole 'I was a completely different person before I was killed 100 years ago' thing so I'm just gonna ignore it and base it off of current Wild. Wild lives up to his name quite a bit. This is the bitch that ate bugs. He knows all of the coolest spots, and where exactly to get em too. He would be outside sun up to sundown if he could. He was definitely a handful to his parents because you better believe he put anything and everything in his mouth, just to satisfy his curiosity. Wild has a pretty good ability to climb, so I'd say even regarding canon he climbed trees pretty frequently. I'd bet even more that he swung from the branches, fell, and broke his arm too. I'd say bc of Hyrule's healthcare you can still feel a bump/divit where the break was, if not one of Wild's arm being longer than the other. Despite all of this, he loved helping his family in the kitchen (I also hc Wild's dad being a knight, so it would prob be a mom or grandparent). While I don't think he had a particular favorite parent, he loved learning new recipes with his mom and sister and he also loves tasting the food. The scene coming into my mind is the one scene in the princess and the frog of Tiana making gumbo for the neighborhood. Wild is a kid that cries his soul out, y'know, the ones where they cry and then there's that long pause where they have no more air, before they start back up again. Lastly, If we're doing long-haired Wild, I don't think he liked getting his hair touched by anyone other than his family, and even then some days he's just not feeling it and would run away until nightfall tf is he a werewolf?.
Hyrule I imagine was raised by fairies, so that mf is cheeky. Like I said (and forgot to include with Wild's) this kid bites! And it hurts! I feel like he only bites if he feels that a boundary of his is being crossed (mainly unwanted touches). Despite the feral behavior, he's a really cute kid! It's a mix between the chubby cheeks of being a kid, his fairy nature, and the fact that he's a really sweet kid! I feel like he would be the one to have a lisp bc of a gap in his teeth that just couldn't be fixed. To add into the trend, I think Hyrule is a kid that immediately tries to get comfort when he cries, just buries his face in the great mother's shoulder and boohoos until he falls asleep. He really loves sweets, even as an adult he does now, but if he smelled any on you, you now have a second shadow, and this kid will not look away from where they are being kept. They're like a bartering tool at this point, 'ill give you these sweets if you don't bite me while I do your hair'. By the way, I don't think Hyrule would like having his hair washed very much he wouldn't like the water getting in his eyes, only difference is he's much more vocal about it. If he likes someone though (mainly his family, I don't think Hyrule's Hyrule would have a lot of kids, esp not where he's prob hidden), he loves affection, practicality breathes it 24/7. I introduce you to kid #1 of sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet right in your face, and in a modern au I introduce you to kid #1 of calling his teacher mom
Sky, much like his adult counterpart, is a very quiet and sleepy child. I like the feral!sky hc of the people of Skyloft just...finding him in a loftwings nest one day and decided 'yep, close enough'. The loftwings refused to let anyone near Sky long enough to take him out of the nest, so he just stayed there for like 2 weeks before crawling out himself. Sky has heard this story be told to him so many times he's almost positive he can recite it in his sleep. He and Sun were best friends since childhood, so I imagine that the two were joined at the hip constantly. One was not seen without the other, and it became Sun's job to bring Sky to any important event bc he a) wouldn't remember or b) would sleep in. I think while he would be pretty affectionate (bc I think skyloftians in general were), he would also be perfectly content (and sometimes even prefer) hanging out by himself, though mainly he's just sleeping or hanging out with the loftwings. I also think that it would be a rule in skyloft to watch where you step, bc I think Sky has a pretty nasty habit of falling asleep in the most inconvenient spaces. He's essentially that kid asleep on the coat pile while there's an entire party going on downstairs. To end it off, I think Sky is one of those kids that just oozes snot when they cry. I introduce you to kid #2 of sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet in your face, and kid #2 of calling his teacher mom.
Four was already talked about, but bc I have one last crying hc left, I imagine four bawls like it's his last day, before either falling asleep for 6 hours or getting up and going about with a smile as if he didn't just give his dad/grandfather hell. Short but powerful, just like his stature.
Woah! What's this?! A secret, 3rd member of 'sleeping in your bed and suddenly you wake up to a pair of tiny feet in your face', it's Wind!! Yeah, those first couple of years were not kind to grandma at all, that's why he either sleeps by himself, or later on with Aryll (who I'm tempted to say does the exact same thing). I'm also tempted to say he's a sleep talker; it's mainly nonsensical words, but occasionally you can hear a particularly funny phrase. Wind's grandma writes them down and draws pictures to go with them inspirational quote style. He's a grandma's boy and loves to help her out, even with Aryll. I will hear people out on if they think differently, but for now I'm saying that Wind didn't really like Aryll until Aryll.. y'know..started doing something other than pooping and crying. He didn't hate her by any means, but she was boring, and she made his ears hurt esp when she started teething (he swears on that day that he's never having a baby). Once she started walking and trying to talk, he was there next to her 24/7 trying to get her to say his name. I think that he, like twilight, prides himself on being useful and protecting his family (from what? he couldn't say). He absolutely goes to get that mail, and to clean the dishes, and to get the groceries (though he does need a list, otherwise he will forget something, do worry he'll go back and get it!). I think, also like Twilight (bc I'm not going back and adding it), he's the crier who tries desperately to hide the fact that they're crying, just face completely red from the furious wiping at his tears that refuse to stop and loud sniffling. Finally, he's the type of kid to yell out no matter where they are 'Grandma!!' when he sees her, complete with the waving. He's grown out of it for the most part, but sometimes she looks at him and can still see the little boy with stars in his eyes happy that she's there.
Legend (aka the main reason why I did this entire post) despite the prickly personality now, was a really shy kid. He was the kid that hid behind his parent's/uncle's leg whenever other people were around (I heard that leg had a dad that was a knight, but also the uncle that died, and I simply refuse to do the Google search so y'know what he had both). I also think that he was the kid that hung out by himself picking up cool rocks and reading about magic instead of playing tag and pretend with the others kids (Alexa: play 'kids with autism' by Cupcakke) which worried his Uncle greatly. Y'know what, I'm gonna say this: if your name was Link, you probably really liked helping people from a young age, and legend was no exception. Bitch was an apple farmer before drawing the sword I think, so I imagine he would spent hours every day with his Uncle either picking apples, clipping the trees, or sorting them for sale vs making cider. Like Wild, I think that Legend would sometimes disappear the entire day finding cool areas to explore, only this time his entire meal that day would be the apples he picked from the orchard. Speaking of cool areas, Leg has a massive pile of cool things he found while exploring the forest, sometimes he even gives these 'treasures' to his family to show them that he loves them. I imagine Leg to be the kid that gets the hiccups after crying, as well as a sympathy crier. Finally, I hc leg as a child to be a bit of a sleepwalker, so the house doors needed to be latched at night. One time, he was so convincing his uncle didn't even know he was asleep until leg walked into a wall. Finally, Just like time (once again I refuse to go back), I hc young leg to hear a joke told and then find it so funny he just has to tell it to his family. Only, because he's so young, he either ruins the delivery by laughing at it too much, or completely forgets an important part and stumbled back to include it, killing the joke. You better laugh at his joke 🔫🔫.
eheheh... Kid! Chain is going to come out September at best, my guy ^.^* Sorry for the wait.
I've heard of Time being bullied for his nose but I figured he was bullied by other Kokiri because he was the only kid without a fairy. But yes, I do think that he was a major prankster. There is no escape or mercy for any one. XD
Twilight would also be a bit strong for his age. And I bet being the only one in Ordon with his ears, he would be a bit insecure once he realizes it. Poor thing. Adult supervision with the cuccos though. XD A needed intervention. He's a brave boy he can do it.
Oh my goodness baby Warrior XD If he thinks you're cool, he's going to want all of your attention and approval. It's going to just be an endless cycle of "hey, look!" and then he just gives you the cheesiest smile because he didn't have anything to show you, he just wanted to smile.
Wild would virtually live in the trees by what you're saying. I read a fic where it was him and his dad and the kid was free to do virtually whatever he wanted. I wish I could remember the name of it. It was before the Calamity, told by the dad's point of view. If I find it again, I'll get to you on that because it's very bittersweet.
Oh no, Hyrule XD. Sweet are his ultimate motivation, but I agree with the clinginess of him. I headcanon him as someone who's always touching somebody since it's his #1 love language. Love it.
Sky just appeared one day is a headcanon that never fails to amuse me. XD Sky didn't have his first human interaction until he was like 3. someone had to teach this boy how to be a human at some point.
Four is the kid that makes it seem like the end of the earth if he didn't get what he wanted only be instantly distracted by the next thing and it's all right as rain.
Wind probably didn't like that Aryll was getting all the attention he was used to either. XD But then she said his name or did something cute when she saw him and big brother mode was activated.
I promise to laugh at Legend's joke ^.^* Or maybe his insistent giggles would get me to laugh instead and the joke never gets told. XD
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hannigramislife · 2 years
First of, I would like to tell my dear friend @mattmurrock that I personally blame them for my descend into madness, because I was fine without watching Vincenzo, and my deteriorating mental health is their fault ❤️
Now, I need to get some things off my chest about this show, because I am getting tired of seeing these weird as fuck takes on tumblr and tiktok and twt, like, are y'all asleep???
Idc if the entire fandom comes after me, I will fight each and every single one of you.
Hot take number 1: Han Seo's writing was atrocious in general, but him becoming this lighthearted little brother figure to Vincenzo in the second part, practically glowing, becoming a "better person" and all that, is a disservice at its finest. Han Seo's "real self" isn't him projecting his inner child trauma onto Vincenzo; this man had a person throw up blood on him and he wanted to call an ambulance for himself, like come on. He deserved to be morally grey, and I'm done with this fandom infantilizing him.
Hot take number 2: Cha Young and Vincenzo's love subplot was hilarious, there was not a drop of chemistry between them, Cha Young looked like she wouldn't spare Vincenzo a second glance during the entire show 😭 This is a personal subjective opinion, so I'm fine with people disagreeing with me on this one.
Hot take number 3: Jang Han Seok was smarter, stronger, and a better strategist than Vincenzo Cassano, on every level. He was more connected, more brutal, made moves more similar to the Mafia than Vincenzo himself did, and the only reason he lost, consistently, is because the plot was centered on Vincenzo, and gave him the wins. If this show was evenly written, Han Seok would have won within the first five episodes. Him begging Vincenzo to let him live was also our of character for the guy who stared Vincenzo dead in the eye and told him to shoot. Running away while he had a hockey stick at hand, Cha Young injured, bodyguards at the door and Vincenzo unarmed is also out of character.
Hot take number 4: Vincenzo Cassano, who might I add, doesn't have a drop of Italian upbringing in him, is a romantic lead, and he should get the credit for that only. Vincenzo, as a show, is a dark romcom, and I use the term dark loosely. I have seen many act like he is the end all be all kdrama lead, as though his character is a perfectly written depiction of the anti-hero, scumbag who takes care of worse scumbags, morally ambiguous, flawed-but-not-really main character. And that's laughable. He has walked straight out of Wattpad.
Conclusion to my thoughts and ranting: Han Seo deserved his own storyline, and to not be treated as a prop for Vincenzo. Cha Young was a better lead than Vincenzo by miles, and she shouldn't have been taken out of commission in the showdown. Han Seok was able to win in the finale. If they wanted me to believe he lost, they should have written it better. Vincenzo as a show has a 7/10 rating at its highest, while Vincenzo as a character is 5/10 at best, 6/10 if you take my bias against him away. Enjoying such shows is fine, I had a blast watching this thing, but I am tired of people pretending this show has quality. It has good points, like cinematography and cast, but its writing, characters, and plot is weak.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, yes I will take comments and criticism, and if people want to debate me, I will show them they are ✨️wrong✨️
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Girl, im in the same boat as you. After the pandemic, things are finally starting to pick up pace for me and I began this year busier than ever. My twitter account was starting to collect dust and spiderwebs, and I said ok, perhaps this is it. It may be time for me to find a different hyper fixation or a new hobby. But these bitches saw me walking out the door and pulled me back in. See? Now this is why I got into kpop. It takes so little to make a woman's heart soften, and yet most days I had to sit through the most unhinged and boring drama ever. Listen, I just wanna be entertained, is that too much to ask?
Well, today it looks like my prayers have been answered. I woke up to some delicious baemin content. Loved that they showed us a little bit of the rehearsal, and have you seen how jimin talks to his hyung? I don't know how taeyang deals with the urge to pick him up and take him home. He's so strong and brave 🫡 then we finally got the live jimin has been promising since last year and i cant believe he keeps getting prettier and cuter every time i see him. How can a grown ass man be that cute and lovely? And he keeps talking about how much he's working and all the things he's preparing... honestly I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but really when it comes to jimin i cant help but get excited. And then, jk's weird ass back at it again! which i was especially glad for because I missed his live yesterday AND with the addition of jimin's comments?? he really got me feeling things ngl I was giggling and kicking my feet, I can't say I wouldn't pay them money just to see jimin tie jungkook's hair. I'm just a girl you know...
So yeah, just like that, I missed a good chunk of my morning looking for translations and staring at my phone like a dumbass. Maybe some other day i will find a more productive way to waste my time, but for now it looks like I'll stick around 😮‍💨
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We're having almost the same experience 👀
In my case, I don't need another hyper fixation or anything. I've had enough of such intensities since 2020, but as you said, mostly it's just witnessing mindless drama and the usual bullshit. And on top of that, in terms of the music and other content, what is there left for now? I've been through almost everything BTS. I'm not gonna write about the same thing until I get grey hair. Which means I'm left with paying attention to the solo projects. And since life's too short for me to spend time writing or watching what people do, especially if I don't care much about them, I'm left with the biases. Jungkook is on a break (those saying he's not getting work because the company doesn't offer him opportunities are simply demented) and the only one left is Jimin. And his solo work is starting to pick up and it's really the only relevant thing right now for me.
The problem is that it's become a habit. Keeping up to date through social media, which means that as much as I try to avoid it, I still have to see things and people against my own will and I'm too far into this thing and in my life in order to pretend that I still want to pay attention and write about it. I mean, lately I've made my position even clearer than it was before because it just doesn't matter at the end of the day. I'm in a speeding train caught on fire and at some point I will have to jump. Because I know what awaits me out there. Instead of reading and debating daily fandom bullshit, I can dedicate more of my time to watching films and pick up my dusty books from the library, knowing that there's no way I can be as disappointed as I feel after 2 hours in bts/fandom spaces. I need that dose in order to remind myself that there are things that bring me joy and I don't have to witness stupid people writing nonsense on twitter.
I also have fun here, with its ups and downs. But there's the risk of becoming repetitive and that's the death of passion. No thank you.
And then there's days like this in which it's fun again, starting with that performance rehearsal and ending it so nicely. I missed it. Like you said, I want to be entertained. That's all. And that includes everything, from frivolous aspects like watching JK eat chicken on a vlive, to a song release, a Fashion Week appearance or putting out a fascinating portfolio.
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