#i love that edward's a music snob. however it's BECAUSE he's a music snob that he can't write off the explosion of creativity in those year
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hoahoahoahoahoa · 15 days ago
I'm sorry but I simply do not accept that Edward doesn't like 60s or 70s music. I know the bit's playing on him being a Super Serious guy but you're really gonna tell me Edward wasn't excited exploring jazz fusion? Prog rock would've been at least hit-or-miss for him.
I would believe he holds a grudge because of the rise of bubblegum pop and disco or whatever. Fine. But tbh it's way more likely that he was half joking, half being a pretentious little hipster in front of his crush when he wrote those years off
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 4 years ago
What do you think of the couple Bella and Emmett? Would they work?
Sadly, no, I don’t see it happening.
Why Emmett Isn’t Going for Bella
First, Emmett was turned because of Rosalie and when he meets Bella he’s in a serious relationship with Rosalie. While their relationship has some serious flaws, I don’t see it breaking apart anytime soon either, and certainly not for Bella Swan.
However, say that Emmett’s single. Well, if Rosalie’s in the coven, even if she doesn’t go for him I think his eye will wander to her. He’s so in awe of her beauty that I can’t imagine him having eyes for anyone else if she’s in the room.
Let’s say Emmett’s single and Rosalie’s not in the coven. Well, then Bella’s Edward’s weird squishy girlfriend. In Midnight Sun, Emmett notably finds Bella rather plain. This offends Edward greatly, Edward having forgotten that not a few days before he’d found Bella rather plain too.
Emmett doesn’t get Bella in general and suggests Edward eat her at every opportunity. And when I say suggest I mean he suggests in strongly in a way that both shows a) he’s done with Edward’s angst b) he wants to vicariously live the deliciousness through Edward.
Emmett couldn’t care less about Bella Swan.
When he does start to care, at all, it’s when Edward puts him on security detail during the James incident. And even then, it’s more that he’s in love with the idea that he gets to be security detail, this is the coolest thing he’s ever done, and it reminds me a lot of this.
Emmett likes Bella because she’s a walking slap stick routine and makes life exciting. She’s not a person to him in any capacity.
And, frankly, she’s not hot enough for him. Emmett has a type, and that type is blonde and gorgeous. Bella, while pretty, is human and not blonde. Due to that, I think Emmett would never even notice her, even if she did meet him as a vampire.
I’m not saying Emmett’s a bad person, per se. He’s very laid back, easy going, and cheerful. However, what he likes best about Rosalie is her beauty, when it comes to everything else he’ll commiserate with Edward on what a bitch his wife is.
This isn’t the guy to a) go for Bella Swan b) be what Bella Swan would need in a relationship.
Why Bella Wouldn’t Go For Emmett
Bella isn’t attracted to Emmett at all.
Bella’s notably attracted to a few of the Cullens: Rosalie, Edward, Carlisle, and later Alice. She remarks on Emmett’s beauty, but it’s very clear he’s not her type.
Bella seems to like the Legolas type, very very pretty boys, i.e. Edward. Emmett is a giant among high schoolers who wrestles bears. He’s very good looking, but it’s not an aesthetic that ever draws her eye. She’s just not attracted to him.
Bella, while mainly being attracted to vampirism period, also is attracted to Edward’s intellectualism. She loves that he plays piano and composes songs to her, that he can recite Romeo and Juliet, that he has this giant varied collection of music and knowledge of classical music, that he is a fan of classic literature, and that he’s a snob. 
Emmett is the least intellectual man to exist. He spends his days wrestling Jasper and losing or else devising some Jackass style prank to blow up the house. He’s fun to be around, and Bella enjoys the idea of him, but he’s not dating material. He’s far too much of, well, a dude bro.
Bella lives in a world where men are intellectuals and don’t think fart jokes are funny. Emmett would ruin that in two seconds.
So, of the Cullens Bella would hypothetically date, I think Emmett’s actually one of the lowest on her list. Even if he was the single one and Edward wasn’t in the picture.
I just can’t picture her being interested in him in that manner.
She’s not even really interested in being his friend. Oh, he’s funny, but in a background sort of sense and small doses. The ones Bella keeps close to are Alice and Edward, Emmett’s just sort of there.
Which works out because Bella’s just sort of there for Emmett.
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lurafita · 6 years ago
Rich!Tony/Artist!Peter, part 1
This was given to me as a prompt in my asks. Here is the original prompt: click me
So this is a no powers au. Tony is in his thirties, while Peter is in his twenties.
This wasn’t supposed to have more than one parts, but, as always, I got lost in descriptions and stuff, and I want to try to not post too long texts on tumblr.
Sadly, nothing really happens here. I mean it, this is the boring part. I will try to get the next part out real soon.
The Art of Science and the Science of Art
The thing is, it's not enough to just be rich and famous. There is a certain song and dance that forces itself into your life and before you know it, you move your legs and swing your hips to it's rhythm.
You don't serve your business partner a glass of a 'good' wine.
You serve them a glass of an 'expensive' wine.
The richer and more important the person opposite you, the more expensive the bottle of wine, even if that person can't really tell what it is specifically, that makes this one bottle more valuable than the cheap one at the liquore store.
Your suit is bespoke, there isn't even a question about that. And it better be from a prestigious tailor.
You can wear comfortable clothes, if they are from the likes of Dolce and Gabbana, or Hermes.
Your cologne? Killian will do  in a pinch, but it is better to have a little flacon of Tom Ford or Creed in your bathroom cabinet.
If the watch on your wrist costs anything less than 30,000 dollars, you might as well leave it at home.
Tony has been born into this world of luxury and thrived in it. He knows how to hum this song and dance this dance. And over the years, he has become rich and famous and successful enough to allow himself some leeway. Despite the various scandals of his youth, and the eccentricities of his more mature years, Anthony Edward Stark is still a true pioneer in his field, admired and envied by his peers and competitors, as well as the most sought after bachelor for years now.
If anyone specially invited to a high society event arrives thirty minutes late and in less than stellar clothes, they will become the laughing stock of the circle. If Tony Stark is three hours late and dressed in an untucked shirt and jeans, he is congratulated for his confidence and boldness.
If anyone else is caught having one affair after the other, their social standing will plummet. If Tony Stark is in the news with another man or woman on his arm every other week, his companies stock value is either unaffected, or will rise even more because of it.
It is the rich and famous that get to see the first performance of a high grossing musical, or opera. It is the rich and famous who are invited to theaters for a first viewing of a new play.
The audience for a fashion show of a high profile designer is mostly comprised of those that can afford the price tags. If you aren't invited to a red carpet event? Well, then you simply aren't worth the invitation. If you are invited but then fail to show? You just committed social suicide. If you are Tony Stark, however, those rules are out of the window. Because Tony Stark has to cater to no one.
So unlike pretty much anyone else, Tony could get away with not visiting the grand opening of the very first art exhibit of a new, but already incredibly popular, young artist. And if it weren't for his very persistent personal assistant and good friend, Pepper Potts, he would have.
“Would you stop scowling already? I'm making you attend an exciting art show, not a firing squad. Jesus. Has it ever occurred to you that you might just enjoy yourself?”
The question earned two raised eyebrows and a scoff.
“Okay, first, there is nothing exciting about art. Period. It's just a bunch of lines and paint on a canvas, or your run of the mill sculpture, depicting someone long dead, and usually nude. And don't get me wrong, because I am without a doubt a great admirer of the naked human body, but that doesn't mean I feel in any way drawn to or aroused by a block of cold clay. No matter how much detail is put into making the nipples look like they just puckered up, or how smooth the curves happen to be. And second, if you were actually taking me to a firing squad, that at least would be exciting. Guns I know. Guns I understand. Art is just... there.”
Pepper gave him a very unimpressed look, from where she was sitting opposite of him in one of the company's spacious town cars.
“Please keep comments like that to yourself when we get there. Consider it an early birthday gift to me.”
“...Wasn't your birthday last week? I'm pretty sure I sent you a cake.”
“My birthday is in two months. But yes, you did send me a cake. A strawberry cake.”
“Which you love.”
“Which I'm allergic to.”
“Oh...Well, at least I remembered that strawberries held significance to you. I feel like I should be getting points for that.”
A moment of awkward silence spread between them, in which the redhead treated her boss with the most cynical stare in existence, before Tony threw his hands up in the air.
“Fine, fine. I promise to walk around a boring room and look at boring paintings on boring walls and talk to boring people and keep all of my very true, but possibly degrading comments about the unimportance of art to myself. Happy?”
She even smiled as she said it. Then she slipped her hand in her ridiculously small designer purse (honestly, why even bother with these things if you can't fit anything practical in them? Like your phone. Or a screwdriver.), and pulled out a folded flyer.
“Here, that's the theme of tonight's exhibition. While the artist is pretty new to the scene, he has already made some noise in the community. Many think he is going to be the Van Gogh of this century.”
Tony accepted the flyer, but rolled his eyes.
“Van Gogh... isn't that the one who cut off his ear? That kind of comparison doesn't exactly ignite a whole lot of trust in me, concerning the next sure-to-be-a-waste-of-my-time hour of my life. I'm not exactly squeamish, but I'm really not into gore.”
He unfolded the piece of paper and read the caption with an almost sneer.
'The Art of Science and the Science of Art'
Great. So the artist was one of those pretentious 'art is everything and everything is art' snobs. He was not looking forward to meeting... what was the guys name, anyway? He scanned the paper quickly and found the name at the bottom, underneath a short introduction text to the kind of display that awaits the guests.
Peter Parker.
See? I told you this was the boring part. Well, hope you liked it anyway. As always, anyone who comments will automatically be put on the tagging list. If you don’t want to be tagged, but still with to comment, just write ‘no tag’, at the end.
Now, remember to have fun and enjoy what you love, and ignore any nay-sayers. Life can be short, don’t bother yourself with toxic people.
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harryfeatgaga · 7 years ago
I'm dying laughing at the CEO of the Recording Academy trying to cover his ass cause he knew he made a mistake all while questioning if Harry's reached a "level of excellence to merit a nomination." But gave the Chainsmokers and Meghan fucking Trainor a Grammy. Where was the excellence from them? The Chainsmokers song was played at Frat parties and dirty basement, is that's excellence then I don't want Harry to reach that point.
i literally cannot believe
Anonymous said: My dad just texted me from work to see if I was okay because he got a call from the neighbours saying there’s been the same song on loop on full blast (that song is the Grammy robbed Sign of the Times by the Grammy deserving Harry Edward Styles)
Anonymous said: I bet that one anon you got a few days ago is cackling and trying to talk shit about how they knew Harry isn't talented enough to get a Grammy or something stupid like that
they can ch*ke
Anonymous said: Niall did great things with his album and it got great hype by both the public and music producers so if his album made the deadline I would easily say his album deserved a nomination. But the other boys haven’t even released albums yet and their singles were just good for radio play.
i haven't listened to his album still lol but noah fence from what i saw it did not get nearly as great reviews and hype as harrys lol and idk why the others even bothered fhbgfjkvl
Anonymous said: Boycott the Grammys 2k18!
Anonymous said: I’m just going to air out my grievances if that’s ok- first of all,Harry’s management or record company stuffed up bad cos y’all know damn well the members don’t vote artists with a progressive sound into the rock category so you fucked up there. second - Bruno mars is clearly this ceremony’s Taylor swift cos idk how tf his flimsy song about material things got nominated over a relevant refreshing ballad like SOTT . Harry deserved better , but also, harry needs to fire some incompetent people ✌️
well harry made music he wanted lol not stuff thats gonna get played on the radio which i enjoy lol but yea bruno is the tswift this year....or j*y z
Anonymous said: The thing that sucks is he most likely was planning on going to the Grammys cause he's performing for Fleetwood Mac the day before, but now he's going to be in New York and not going.....
Anonymous said: I was really disappointed but more for him than me like my first thought was “I hope he’s alright and not too sad about it” And I really hope he understands that it doesn’t make him any less good because an award is just an award and it never defines who you are as an artist and as a person.
i know I'm so sad for him i hope he's okay :(
Anonymous said: Harry is the best artist in the world right now he doesn’t need awards!!
tru! but it would've been nice to even get a nom/recognition
Anonymous said: You can tell the Grammy' will just nominated any old shite. I mean Ed Sheeran has the biggest album of the year yet he isn't nominated. And i didn't even know JayZ had an album out and he's nominated. Like no offense but American music industry is just shit.
ed is nominated and some other categories which I'm sure he will win and literally same i had no idea jay z had music out lmao
Anonymous said: Scrap what i said, Zayn didn't get nominated. It was for songwriting and he didn't write that song.
Anonymous said: He got all that hype, he did that private show for them, they went his his first show in LA. They for sure used him for hype and media attention. Robbing bastards.
Anonymous said: I just hope he knows Grammys ain’t shit
Anonymous said: I know it’s not the end of the world, but I hope he’s not super disappointed and sad, because everyone hyped him up so much smh. Also, I bet this will change how he does promo and radio shit for his next album, they should get him a radio deal just for the fact that clearly that’s all these loser Grammy voters care about.
well if thats what he has to do to get a grammy i don't think that would be worth it and i don't think he would think that either
Anonymous said: Jay Z can fucking choke like his album? The shit he did to beyonce? I’m not fucking rewarding a man for being like that anymore, he can take his ancient ass somewhere else.
Anonymous said: Good, now I don’t have to watch the Grammys this year, I’m glad tbh since I’m not really a fan of any of the other nominees and I’m sick to death of hearing the same five songs all fucking year lol, that issues song? Fucking hate it, have since day one, can’t believe it got nominated for shit lol. However Jeff needs to get Harry a radio deal since clearly that’s all that matters to voters, considering Harry did all the courting of the voters he could and still got fucked.
i literally haven't even heard most of whats nominated its such a joke
Anonymous said: Most nominees in the important categories are poc so I’m not completely mad and besides Despacito or however you write it (which is a horrible song) they nominated well deserved ones. I still think SOTT should’ve got at least one nomination but I think that maybe because harry is fresh out of the oven they’re not gonna straight up give him a nomination even if he deserves it.
yea i mean its awesome theres actually diversity this year but SOTT literally deserved a ROTY nom
Anonymous said: Nah Harry will get Brit nominations because he’s respected in his own country, the Brits also nominated 1D they don’t hold being in a boy band against him which clearly the Grammy voters do, which is a real shame tbh. But the Grammys are continuing to dig their own grave and become more and more unimportant every year.
i cant wait till the grammys just make such a food of themselves no one goes
Anonymous said: Pls the whole Grammys is a conspiracy theory lol I told you
a mess
Anonymous said: The Grammys lost all credibility after giving Adele Album of the Year last year and not Beyonce. They stick to the basics and just anyone who doesn't "break the rules of music" Harry's first solo song was a 6 minute long rock ballad, which doesn't go with what was expected to be put out. They don't care for originality or you know talent, that's why Ed Sheeran's wack ass has won 🤷🏼‍♀️
Anonymous said: He'll probably get nominated for Song of the year and Video of the year at the Brits. Pretty sure both are fan voted. Maybe best male as well. Also maybe best album but then again probably not because it depends. Also maybe global success. I can't think who else would get that right now. Maybe Ed Sheeran again.
i hope so
Anonymous said: Grammys? I don’t know her. Anyway I hope Harry knows how proud everyone is of him and I hope he’s proud of himself I love my baby 🤧💕
Anonymous said: i feel so much for harry i mean he did everything he could he put out a phenomenal single and a stellar album and worked with amazing producers and writers and did the grammy performance thing and all that stuff with cbs and like i know im biased but he deserves SOME recognition for all of that like he really did put out amazing music this year that was so much more worthy than despacito like come on he was robbed i just hope he feels okay and valid bc he IS :(
i know :( like i hope he knows he still has done such incredible things this year and his album is so good and he doesn't need a stupid grammy anyway
Anonymous said: Taylor is nominated for two (one for the country song she wrote). Like no offense the the American music industry but you need to get your head out of Taylor arse and stop being snobs. SOTT deserved a nomination.
when will they stop kissing her ass
Anonymous said: Harry broke records held by legends, had a BBC special, performed at the record academy, and sold out an arena tour in minutes. So Julia Michaels and Ed Sheehan can take their boring ass music along with their nominations and shove it up their asses.
Anonymous said: I’m sorry but I have to point out the irony. The lyrics of the song are literally stop your crying it’s a sign of the times. and I know there’s a deeper meaning, but this year fucking sucks
i know :(
Anonymous said: All that hype for nothing. Boy was robbed. Sign of the times deserves a Grammy.
Anonymous said: Everyone knows no one, NO ONE deserved a nomination more then Harry. White old men disappointing me again. Like every fucking person said Harry deserved one. ISSUES AS SONG OF THE YEAR? YALL I NEED THEIR CRACK DEALER CAUSE CLEARLY ITS SOME GOOD SHIT TO GET YOU TO THINK FUCKING ISSUES IS SONG OF THE YEAR. Nah fuck them.
FUCK THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said: I’m so?? Noah fence but the songs that got nominated? What the fuck???? Harry deserved to be up there whether it was roty or aoty idc he just deserves to be nominated.
Anonymous said: LISTEN in 10 years time people will look back and say why the fuck wasn’t SOTT a Grammy winner... he is timeless and he’ll win in the end!! The Grammys are fucked
Anonymous said: The Grammys just proved again how much they don’t matter lol, Harry’s song and album was on every single list as one of the best of the entire year, and the you know who wasn’t? Most of those other songs lmao so whatever man I know the Grammys matters to harry, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore they continue to be irrelevant and continue to nominate mediocrity.
its such a joke lmao
Anonymous said: Yeah honestly the Grammys really do only care about awarding the same people over and over again, and it’s like, no offense but who cares lol. I’m sure Jay Zs album is good but he’s nearly 50 and been nominated a ton like idc anymore lol. And I like Bruno mars but seriously? The songs he was nominated for really aren’t that great lmao.
seriously tho like j*y z has enough awards
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eyesaremosaics · 8 years ago
What are your experiences with Geminis? I love the astrological posts you've been doing. You write so vividly, so viscerally, that I can actually feel the experiences you convey - have you ever considered writing as a pursuit in itself?
Thank you so much sweetling, I have considered it, once as a young girl. However…I don’t know if my writing is good enough to get published. Bit insecure about my abilities, one of my flaws is lack of confidence. I have difficulty completing extraordinary tasks (such as writing a novel). It’s a huge undertaking and responsibility in my eyes.
However, I have always felt that I needed to write a book. That I need to leave something behind for others. I still feel that way, and I will. There is a novel I have been slowly working on for years, but I am very secretive about it. There is a superstition amongst writers, about sharing their work before it is fully formed. Rather like a jinx.
Oh Gemini…. As aforementioned in a previous ask, I have slightly dreaded answering the question about Gemini, because many of my personal experiences with them have been less than positive. Yet so many artists that I love and respect are Gemini, so I have very mixed feelings about them.
I will say this: they are sharp, witty, childlike and hilarious. Often they would do well as a stand up comedian/comedienne. They generally are very gifted in the artistic sense, musically (Morrissey is a prime example, even though I want to punch him in the face), in terms of painting, sculpture, mixed media, dance, and most especially–acting.
Because Gemini have a dual aspect to their nature, they are rather like dr. Jekyl and mr. Hyde. When they are good–they are great. Bubbly, effervescent like champagne, with quick witticisms and random tidbits of information you may not have been privy to before. They are the life of the party, confetti, streamers, excited explosions onto the scene. They will make you come alive with their unique and creative sense of humor. However, when they are bad, they can be wishy washy, non-committal, pathological liars who are out to save their own hide.
It truly depends on what else is in their chart. For example, my aunt Joan was born in the 1930’s, and she is the toughest old broad you will ever meet. However. She is born on the first day of Gemini, so she carries with her a lot of Taurus, which grounds her significantly, and makes her very reliable and dependable with a sassy flair and biting wit.
Another Gemini friend of mine has a lot of Scorpio in her chart, which makes her very deep and penetrating–an excellent writer with a lot of depth and dimension and an ability to truly empathize with whatever you are going through. She usually has a unique perspective on a problem as well, gives great advice and insight. She is very observant, with a heavy aspect to her personality tempered with humor.
Another Gemini friend of mine had a lot of cancer, which makes him rather sensitive, touchy and moody at times. Though he is an excellent dancer, we called him “twinkle toes”. He has great taste in art and music–as most gemini’s tend to have.
In fact they rival libra in terms of being “art snobs” or “hipsters” at times. They can be a little judgmental about others who have what they consider to be “poorer” taste. They are the best party friends you could ever have, always on the incline with their tonality, they have a refreshing and eternally youthful quality about them. Even with heavy earth in their chart (Like Johnny Depp for example who has a Capricorn moon), they will have a playful, silly side to them which they compartmentalize.
Johnny Depp is someone I like to use to explore what I love about Gemini. He is truly a character actor, and very underrated in my opinion. He completely transforms into whatever character he plays to the point where you hardly recognize him. Look at him in blow, compared to fear and loathing, compared to Edward Scissorhands, compared to Charlie in the chocolate factory, compared to Pirates–all completely different. His voice, his walk, his mannerisms are so unique to the character. He’s a natural. As is Angelina Jolie, Helena Bonham Carter etc.
Another Gemini I love to death is Judy Garland. I feel for this woman so much. She was forced into the vaudeville circuit by her domineering stage mother at 2 years old, with little regard to her wishes or personal safety/mental sanity. Judy had this gift from the gods, this powerful voice that stands out even to this day. She was unique in her talent, and in my opinion–one of the greatest performers of all time.
Her life was a great tragedy, because so many people told her she was too short, too fat, too ugly. This took a toll on her self esteem as a growing girl. Her self concept became wrapped in other people’s opinions about her, and she NEEDED their validation to have self worth. Judy fell in love with Vincent Minnelli (Liza’s father) and she was told not to be with him, because he was an adulterer and a rumored homosexual. She said very seriously: “all I know is he is kind, and intelligent… And he adores me. And I NEED to be adored.”
Gemini is very dependent on the opinions of others because their own self concept is always changing. As a mutable sign they are very adaptable, but they constantly lose their sense of personal identity. This can cause a serious crisis for them. However, they won’t let this on usually. They like to appear sprightly, cheerful and driven.
This is why they make great actors, because they can so easily become someone else. Meryl Streep is the most famous and successful example of this. She has won more awards than any man (or woman) in history.
In Judy’s case, it was heartbreaking. The studio system starved her, and got her addicted to amphetamines to keep her figure thin and appealing for the camera. If you watch her in later films, you can see the hollows in her cheeks. This matched with gemini’s propensity to over analyze, led to drug induced psychosis in Judy. She had to be hospitalized many times for panic attacks, drug overdoses, and suicide attempts.
Judy never stopped fighting though, she was up and down on a daily basis, damn near impossible to work with, but she clawed her way out of her own grave many a time to prove everyone wrong. That is what I find so inspiring about her. She never could quite get over the rainbow, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
In the darker aspect: Gemini are (in my experience) self deceptive. The reason the exaggerate or stretch the truth as often as they do, comes out of their innate insecurity about their abilities/accomplishments, but also because they convince themselves of their own lies. They truly believe them. So, in that way, they are innocent not malicious about it. They have a way with words and cal talk themselves out of almost anything.
If they have have water influence in their chart (as many of the Gemini friends I have do) there will be an added depth and complexity to their character. They will have a greater capacity for empathy. Gemini is known as the pre school age child, if you were to look at each sign as an age bracket. They are eager to be a part of things, curious about the world around them, always questioning reality, always absorbing information. Although… In my experience they know a little about a lot of things, so they can carry on conversation in a broad spectrum, very few things interest them enough for them to specialize in, the way say a Virgo does.
They are curious about everyone and everything, but they are often restless. They become easily bored or overwhelmed–sometimes simultaneously. Depending on what they have in their chart to support them, they CAN be there for you. However, a typical “true” Gemini is gone when the party is over. They are on to find the next adventure.
My bitterness toward them comes from a Gemini friend that was very important to me. He left me in a situation where I was at risk, and as a result I was molested by an older man. We went to a party together, where I was drugged by this predator, and the Gemini just left me like that at a strangers house. When I confronted him about what had happened in his absence, he got very impatient and evasive and said: “well it’s in the past now. Let’s just forget it.”
Dismissing my trauma because he couldn’t shoulder the responsibility, made me lose respect for him, and our friendship dissolved very quickly following this incident. I realized I could not count on him, and if it came down to the wire, he would throw me under the bus. Now granted, I know not all Gemini are this way, but this situation deeply affected me.
I dated a Frenchman when I was 18–also a Gemini–absolutely gorgeous man. He looked like Stuart Townsend as Lestat in queen of the damned. He was very romantic, very suave with his words, big romantic gestures… Roses, chocolates, picking me up in a sports car. Yet he only saw me as a conquest. After he “had” me he discarded me abruptly, and with little regard for my feelings at all.
Many exes of men I have loved were Gemini. These women were often conniving, vengeful, many of them trying to break up my relationships. Crusading to put me in the ground because they were jealous and insecure. Spreading lies about me, trying to taint other people’s perception of my character. One of them even put a curse on me–no joke.
There was a Gemini girl who I became friends with, I admired her so much. She was a clothing designer, had her own antique shop, was a ballet dancer, a painter, and she went to an environmentalist high school where they planted trees and learned about conservation. I looked up to her–even though we were the same age. We got along famously, and became very close. One day she abruptly stopped talking to me. I asked her tearfully why and she very coldly said: “because. You treat me like you are older than me, or better than me. I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”
I was totally crushed, I had adored her. My maternal instincts come out when someone is hurting, and her insecurities prompted her to perceive this quality of mine as “looking down on her”, which was not true.
I had a manager at Starbucks who was Taurus/Gemini, she hated me for some reason. Once I was sick with a fever, throwing up. She told me if I didn’t come in she would fire me. I came in to prove to her how sick I was, and she told me I was just hungover (which I wasn’t, I didn’t drink back then. I was a stoner). She forced me to scrub the grout lines in the tile while I was simultaneously vomiting in the toilet, and sadistically watched me do it while she sat at her desk doing nothing.
So you can see my aversion to them. In my experience they were unreliable, wishy washy, and self absorbed. Yet I have also been very close with many Gemini’s who I love dearly so it’s confusing. My godson is a Gemini–true blue Gemini. He’s hilarious! He has such sweet, vibrant energy, always coming up with hilarious phrases and opinions about things. Super active and excited.
Every morning he comes into Jeanne’s room smiling, wearing an apron with a serving tray on his hand saying: “hey guys! It’s me! River Thompson!” He tells everyone that I am a dancing vampire. Introduced me to the guy at chuckie cheese by saying: “this is my friend Megan, she’s a vampire from San Francisco.”
One time, he ate all the candy his grandma left out and I said: “oooooo Riverrr. Your mom is gonna be maaaaaad… You ate all that candy tsk, tsk.” When Jeanne came in half asleep, River said: “ mom, you can’t come in here because Megan says you’re mad because–I ate all the candy.”
She just walked away un phased, to which his response was: “phew, that was a close one.”
He loves me so much, his whole being lights up when he sees me. It’s nice to be greeted with such enthusiasm. He always gives me a big hug and starts dancing around when I come over, and always asks about me when I’m not there. He tells Jeanne: “I need to be with Megan because she loves me.”
Gemini’s have a very lively imagination, which is why they are so creative. They are natural writers, and sweepingly romantic. They foil Sagittarius in this way. They are natural orators, commentators, creative genius’, musicians, actors, and designers. They have a natural eye for an image, and it’s a very effortless process for them.
Gemini’s avoid conflict and like to walk away before things become too heated. Gemini tries to be a pacifist however, if you back them into a corner they will not hesitate to retaliate and put you in your place.They’re not afraid to stand up for themselves and can be quite severe with their words when they are angry.
They are extremely independent and can’t be controlled. I sense this is why Gemini and Scorpio have an attraction to one another, Scorpio sees it as a challenge and Gemini enjoys the intense focus that Scorpio brings.
The Gemini mind is constantly racing with thoughts and ideas, as an air sign they can become constantly trapped in their own mind, which is why they appear to always be fleeing from something. Always arriving. They are more mercurial than Virgo, and are a pure incarnation of Hermes (the messenger God).
Gemini are curious creatures, and they are always soaking up their surroundings and retaining knowledge. They are natural investigators, they rival Scorpio in this aspect. Do not underestimate their ability to get to the bottom of things.
They are fickle and indecisive at times, but they are generally good friends. In my experience they are supportive and encouraging of whatever your dreams and ambitions are.
They are also majorly flirtatious, this is maddening to the more possessive signs. Gemini have a way with words, they are charming and genuinely like people most of the time. They can’t help themselves really, and just think they are being friendly. They are always on the go, have eclectic tastes, and prefer to keep things offbeat and interesting. Gemini love to travel, city life, large parties, art galleries, camping trips anything gregarious that will get them out in the world.
If they have more earth or water in their chart, they will tend to be a bit more shy. Though once they warm up their weirdness will come out. I have known a few shy gemini’s, but not many. Mostly they are VERY vocal about what they think and how they feel. They are usually great fun to play with. They are playmates.
More famous gemini’s include: Natalie Portman, Clint Eastwood, Donald Trump 😑, Prince, JFK, Marilyn Monroe, Nicole Kidman, Kanye West… You get the picture. They run the gamut from amazing to horrible. I think an important thing to note is that they are a dual sign. They have two sides to them, and as JK Rowling said in the HP series: it is not our abilities that decide who we are in is our choices.
Gemini’s like Johnny Depp, JFK, Prince and Nicole Kidman are excellent examples of all the beauty and artistry that Gemini can bring into the world. I find that highly evolved gemini’s who are artistically oriented and (most importantly) self aware are wonderful. Gemini’s who are unevolved, who refuse to look inside or be there for others because they can’t even be there for themselves are unbearable.
Gemini is the little girl asking you to play with her, they are murals spanning the walls of an otherwise filthy urban environment. They reinvigorate and add sparkle to any environment they enter. They are the wandering poet, the distressed painter mad with drink and excess. They are the inconsistency of the sky. The impurity of the air. Chalk drawings, geology, a massive library, microscopes, satellite signals, glitter polish. Air brush, pin wheels, sour candies. Music festivals, disco lights, The sound of music. The flowers of spring, blooming youthful, ostentatious. Forever young, and always inspiring.
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