#i love talking abt either of the twins and draco so much...
briarrosescurse · 2 years
So uh...yume,is there a limit? Idk if there's a limit if there's a limit just answer the one's u want🥺but um for Jess and draco mayhaps?🌠 🔥 ☁️ ☄️ ❤️ 🔫 🔪 🙈 🙉
HIHI CHOCO there is no limit, so dont worry HEHEH thank u for asking abt draco and jess 🥺
🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make?
i think jess would appreciate a chance to start anew, maybe. of course, it'd be easier to wish for what she wanted directly, but it wouldn't feel rewarding at all. it's not like the goal, the competition itself, is what she wants, but moreso the journey. so a chance to decide differently, perhaps with more... forgiving circumstances, that's what she would wish for.
there isn't really anything that draco actively desires above all. he's happy as he is, even if the entire situation around his family is a bit of a bother. so maybe, he'd just wish for whatever he feels like at the moment! although... as morbid as it sounds, he would find it funny to know what it's like to walk around like a dullahan. just for a day.
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
while her demeanor usually suggests otherwise, jess is a bit of a self-destructive mess. or rather, she easily could fall into that pattern if she wouldn't have anyone to keep her in line - or rather, knock some sense into her. she tends to feel easily resentful of others if she gets disappointed by them. she isn't above holding grudges either. (her twin sister would know best what jess is like when she is at her nastiest, lowest point...) although while this may be rather unconscious, she has a hard time interpreting people's actions in any good faith and often feels like they're hiding an ulterior motive; mainly for their own personal benefit. thus, jess is quite guarded around people. she herself became rather difficult to read and a bit secretive even. a bit edging on "me vs the world", isn't it?
draco, on the other hand, is someone who lacks a lot of self-discipline. he easily gets bored and always lets himself get distracted by anything that captivates him for the moment. he likes being entertained, so any repetitive responsibilities just simply exhaust him. as a result, some would deem him to be rather irresponsible and even unreliable. not only that, but through this behavior, he tends to rip the rug under his own feet away and sabotage himself. furthermore, draco can be a bit judgmental of others - including himself. he isn't particularly on a great high horse or anything, but he tends to rather listen to his initial feeling he gets instead of thinking through things and trying to find an appropriate explanation.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
it's not particularly obvious, but jess is actually quite the romantic and she adores anything romantic. though it's not like she feels cheesed by having the door held open for her or anything, she appreciates anything that really shows an innate, genuine love. a mutual understanding of one another, listening and hearing each other out, remembering the little things, etc.... she thinks these things are unique to every relationship, really, but that's what makes it so endearing. it doesn't really go to an extend where she idealizes everything, but a little dreaming never hurt anyone.
though draco doesn't mention them frequently, he actually has quite the handful of siblings. he is one of the older siblings and seems incredibly fond of his siblings. he isn't the typical big brother type, who keeps a careful watch, but rather, he is the fun sibling! he likes spending time with his younger siblings and entertaining them when he can. not to mention, they get incredibly excited whenever draco comes back home during the holidays and they finally get to spend time with their big brother again.
☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right?
because of her public persona, people assume jess to be a little sunshine, always cute and cheerful, entertaining and easily to be entertained, and all that. it does go to the extend where they think of her to be an airhead and simply just a pretty face made to be seen (and even, well... quite promiscuous). people who have been around her longer, say any fellow students, may note for her to be a lot more mellow and quiet as well as diligent on school grounds.
well, it's safe to say that's far from accurate. it's no wonder that people might think of her this way, considering she purposefully curates that image in the public eye to, well, sell better. while it is true that she can be entertaining to be around, she isn't really a sunshine nor is she airheaded. she doesn't heed any mind anymore to people who talk badly about her just because of her produced image. it's just how the industry works. though it does stay true that on school grounds, she is diligent and much more mellow in comparison to her event persona. despite all though, she isn't particularly easy to read, unless you start to be friends with her and spend more time with her.
as for draco, people assume him to be incredibly reckless and impulsive. they peg him to be a rather careless character, who does anything he wants in order to have some fun, disregarding the feelings of the people around him. fellow ignihyde students would argue though that draco isn't entirely heartless or cold.
it's not entirely untrue, to be honest. he is naturally very reckless and impulsive, trying to entertain himself at any turn he can. but it's not like he maliciously dismisses the feelings of others. he just tends to... act before he thinks. that doesn't mean he can't be malicious though... still, draco is really friendly! usually. i just think, considering how most ignihyde students seem to be rather reclusive in nature, that they feel a bit guarded against such a straightforward extrovert like draco.
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
jess: words of affirmation, acts of service
draco: physical touch, quality time
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
jess is far from someone who trusts anyone just like that. she needs her time to consider you as someone trustworthy, but once she feels like you're not someone who go behind her back, she seems to trust your opinion quite deeply. then, she wouldn't turn her back on you. she kind of has been backstabbed before, but not the typical image you get when talking about backstabbing. let's just say, the industry shows you what it's like to be on your own, thrown into a cage full of tigers. it is hard to find someone who wouldn't use you for their own gain. the chances of her not betraying you are never fully zero, in all honesty. (unless, well. you're her sister. they always has each other's backs and that won't change any time soon!)
draco is someone who isn't a blindly trusting fool yet he isn't unnecessarily guarded either. he just knows when to play his cards correctly, in a sense. don't be hostile but don't be a fool either! he is actually very able to maintain a good balance. though of course, he isn't immune to being betrayed either, so when/if it ever occurs, he would know better to ever put his faith into that person again. it's not like he would particularly blame himself either. sometimes, people are just incredibly deceitful. he isn't someone who would let that get to him. other than that, he really doesn't feel fond of the idea of betraying anyone else either; it just feels quite far from being a good sport.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
a gut feeling tells me that jess would be particularly receptible to blaming herself if she was ever at fault for misfortune befalling someone she cares for. i think she'd do anything she can to fix it, but it would be incredibly difficult to convince her that she isn't to blame. even if it's just a simple injury, jess still gets quite fussy and tries to make sure they're doing okay before she can let them off the hook. (really, blame tess for always being so awfully reckless throughout the years)
although, draco on the other hand tends to sometimes realize the severity of potentially fatal injuries. it stems from the fact that his own species is one that heals rather quick, without much trouble. he doesn't really blame himself either, because he finds it too stupid to dwell on who's to blame and who isn't. it's more important to make sure everyone involved is fine, no? basically, he hardly gets really shaken up by it, but sometimes, you'd just wish he'd have a biiiit more concern.
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
jess does put in quite the effort to conceal anything that shows her being too vulnerable. she just finds it... way too uncomfortable. still, there are times where she struggles to keep her head cool, ends up being much too on-the-nose with her emotions and honestly, even afterwards the situation will remain in her mind and she feels frustrated with herself for not getting it together. it bothers her. quite a bit. she does want to keep up a proper image in front of the public but even in front of her friends and loved ones, she just cannot deal with the idea of losing face.
draco actually... doesn't have anything grand to hide? or rather, he has nothing to hide that he feels like would ruin things or that make him feel ashamed. the only thing he would prefer to just dismiss/ignore/not show (you name it) is his relation to his family and their involvement with jupiter enterprises. he just simply finds the expectations other people develop for him that come along with it to be a bother. not to mention, he just cannot stand all the stinky, stuck-up stuff with those people. but it's nothing particularly tragic beyond that. it's just not his vibe.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
jess: for her efforts to be dismissed and to be told that it's all in vain. she puts a lot of heart into the things she does, especially the things revolving around her passion. for that to be not acknowledged for whatever reason, i think that's the worst thing you could potentially tell her. at least it would guarantee that she wouldn't respect you.
draco: i think he'd hate it if someone were to sort of... constantly try to provoke him? he doesn't have anything specific he'd hate to hear, but he simply just doesn't enjoy it if he gets ridiculed too much. he is a good sport, he can take a few jokes here and there, but he absolutely draws the line if someone tries to make a joke out of him. you really don't wanna try that with him.
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aliciaspinncts · 4 years
SIX MONTHS OF NOX: DAY THREE → four favourite dynamics !
not to be a birdie copy-cat but i’m cheating. i’m gonna give my four fave to WRITE and four faves to READ. haha
it’s not a list without DUDLEY & ARTHUR / @arthurw - you truly pulled your galaxy brain out of your pocket when you suggested this and i am so DAMN GRATEFUL!!! not dudley finding a little found family in the weasleys the same way that harry did... like he fully deserves to be knocked around a bit by the weasleys they knew the shit he let harry go through but like... the redhead compassion is very very sexy. i just love thinking about arthur & dudley going for a pint, dudley bringing a muggle board game or a tamagotchi or just letting arthur go ham on candy crash on his phone, and dudley is just so... grateful to have that casual figure that also still feel so protective? at this point dudley would probably stab a dude for arthur if he asked... and do a full bodyguard NOOOOOOO leap in front of a bullet or something
gotta give a shoutout to The Lads ALICIA/ANGELINA/OLIVER / @angiejohnscn @qviddiitch - alicia is so chaotically fun to write and i LOVE the depth that plotting w angelina added to her ( for me at least! ) and oliver has such a big soft spot in my heart, because they both have that same himbo energy and it gives me LIFE. i’d love to do something cool with the both of you at once if that’s...... a thing that’s possible on tumblr. i don’t know how these things work!! but maeve you really made me mentally kick katie bell out of the iconic quidditch trio for ollie’s sake <3
i am already SO intruiged by PENELOPE & DAMIEN / @chacswins - and i can’t wait to develop the two of them further with you!! when i started writing penny’s intro i was just like this bitch is a friendless loser post-hogwarts and, hey, that can still be the case ! but damien was the first character i was like – oh yeah she loved making friends at hogwarts i should probably do some more of that  ! and dude like the implications of them both being werewolves... when they go to werewolf anonymous meetings together and end up just complaining abt niko ♡ 
THIS IS A NEW ONE AND... we haven’t actually put it in public writing yet but when i tell you i am so fucking excited for GEORGE & DUDLEY / @wheezely​ - SOMEONE needed to give dudley a good smack around the chops and who better than one of the twins who totally scarred him permanently with antics <3 but for real i am VERY VERY excited and i love your george so the excitement in me is just PEAK. when they end up like just... fist-bumping in support group like “yes little dickhead process that trauma!”
OOF. the options become so much wider with this one
trying to make these NOT AS LONG AS ABOVE because no one wants to read my rambles but </3
MAFALDA & DRACO / @blondsnake & @heavycrovvn - the chaotic energy. the potions shop. bullying the 3rd employee. together they are absolute dickheads and i love them so much for it... i think it would be hilarious personally if that connect were never to be filled because it’s just like they’re imagining the third person to project their evil little feelings on
ARTHUR & GEORGE / @arthurw & @wheezely - GOD THESE MEN!!!!!!!!! THIS FATHER AND SON-NESS!!!!!!!! i don’t know how to put into words the feelings they make me feel but i DO but it doesn’t make sense: i feel like i want to put them both in fluffy oversized weasley jumpers and sit them down in front of the fire on a cold day and hand them hot cocoa and ruffle their hair and let them just talk and cry. love them so much
NIKO & PRETTY MUCH ANYONE / @monstrovs - is this a cop-out? a little bit ! the truth is i find it very hard to narrow down which interactions with niko i enjoy the most because... they are always either fucking hilarious or lowkey gutting. at a push i’m gonna go NIKO & VIKTOR (i think i’ve run out of @’s allowed in one post but) because it’s so funny AND gutting... niko doesn’t fucking like anyone and then he acts like he does around viktor and it must be SO CONFUSING FOR VIKTOR whos just like yeah this dude is okay i guess...
ASTORIA & HERMIONE / aastorias & graenger - i don’t know where you two are planning on going with them but from what i’ve seen so far i am READY FOR IT. their energy is so soft and caring and no offence if neither of you have thought about them being girlfriends you’re COWARDS... that’s a joke but also not <3 they’re just two characters that i don’t think people naturally connect in such a soft way and i love that you HAVE!!!
everyone. gimme more of the GOOD STUFF. when i hang up my writing hat and just lurk on my dash to keep up with the noxies because i LOVE everything man. you guys are awesome
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What's going on???
Meet the alters!💕
Thess: I am the Host of the system. I don't really know how to introduce myself,,, but I like talking to people so if you want to, you can talk to me! My pronouns are they/she [blog: @candythess ]
Eliah: YO nice to meet y'all, you can call me Deidara/Deidy too :) I'm one of the caretakers (and a co-host too, we think, but idk?) of this hell of a place, I'm pretty much the most socially approachable one, PLEASE TALK TO ME I LOVE FRIENDS (if you're asking, no I'm not a fictive, but before finding out abt the system Thess used to call me "Braincell Deidara") Mu pronouns are he/them! [blog: @chain-n-whip it doesn't find my acc but search for it if you're interested! ;) ]
Jun: Pleased to meet you. I am the persecutor of this system, and I hate being here. I don't like talking that much in general. It's very rare to have conversations with me. Pronouns used: they/them. [Blog: I don't think I really need one, but I will see if I want to get it in the future.]
Mafuyu: Hello there!! 💕 I'm the other caretaker of the system, and I also speak for our protector, The Samurai, because he speaks in a, uhmm, too sophisticated way... I'm pretty new here, but, I guess, if you want to be friends, I don't bite! My pronouns are she/her <3 [blog: sadly haven't got one :( ]
Benny: Hi... I'm Benny... I'm the little one, and I'm very shy... So please don't ask me many things, it gets me pretty nervous... I'm a boy... [Thess: we don't let him have a blog yet because he's too young]
Osamu: I'm Samu, yer cooking man lmao. Yeah I'm Osamu Miya, the better twin. I luv rice. Dunno English that well but the others help me. I'm a fictive, theyre tellin' me. Pronouns he/him. [blog: want one but don't have it yet]
Draco: Greetings, I am the one and only Draco Malfoy. I suppose I am what they call a fictive, even though I find the name dregading. What am I doing here? I don't know and I want to go away. Don't talk to me, unless you're a Pureblood. Pronouns are he/him.
Tokoyami: Hello. You can already read my surname, and I would like to be called Tokoyamu-kun from people who speak to me, but I do not mind Fumikage, either. Questions and trying to be friends are allowed, I'm not as dangerous as you think I am. My pronouns are he/him, and no, I don't have a blog. I'm sorry.
We all hope we can make new System (and non!) friends, hope you all feel the same way~
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