#i love suckerpunching with Passion baby.........
zarnzarn · 9 months
One of my favorite things is seeing someone's rush of passion and joy when they have a *new* thing. Seeing all of your bison brought a lot of joy to my morning. Thank you :)
Genuine question- why are bison your favorite now?
aa YES you just see someone reblog like 300 posts in a row and flood your dash with their thing and it's so,,, I know what you mean and <3333
(I think I just did it again with the song Michelle Pfeiffer by ethel cain because that song is driving me CRAZY if one person gets curious enough to listen to it I will have succeeded)
I actually had a practical exam where we had to study bison as one of the animals for zoogeography and i suddenly was struck by the reintroduction part and looked it up. then I came to Tumblr cause u do usually find people working on projects like those on here and got suckerpunched by how majestic and beautiful and gorgeous and cute and intimidating and endless they were. I was having a TERRIBLE time with the friend group and then I saw a picture of baby wild bison and it genuinely like. healed me a little bit. i love them.
favourite is a loose term though heh there's not really an animal I like less than the others yknow? but they definitely have a special little wreath on in my head.
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eternasci · 3 years
Tumblr media
You burn. In the night, under the hot sun, you burn. You shine in the darkest nights, bringing to your readers an immortal fire. No one is able to portray feelings better than you. Emotions burn your characters, making them matches in dark rooms, lighting up everything, and burning from their own hands. Your best is shown in short stories, where the flames of your character’s souls can burn brighter than ever, and become ashes. Your stories hold the most passionate love, soft sighs whispered against a lover’s skin, and the neon lights of a night club. 
Pain is your second name, and you don’t mind it. Wars, betrayal, yearning, a/b/o and enemy to lovers are your favorite tropes. But when you decide to comfort, the fierce fire that burns in your soul becomes the warm hug of a blanket in a cold day. Established relationships, per-relationship fluff and medical fics are great at showing this softer side of you. Keep burning, and show everyone how hard a fire can burn, even in the coldest of the nights.
Tagged by: @kamipyre​ AHHH lovely ofc you would slap me with this beaut of a prompt... Tagging: pls nab from me this is Fascinating........
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taurusite · 7 years
thank you jade a.k.a. @cvpher-d for tagging me in this !! 💕💕💕 
how tall are you? 5′4.5 ft / 163.8 cm
what color are your eyes? warm chocolate brown 
do you wear contacts and/or glasses? i have glasses but i don’t wear them a lot unless they’re needed !!
do you wear braces? no, but i’m working on getting them
what is your fashion style? modern 90s casual chic ?? i love vintage styled and inspired fashion. i wear funky patterns and stripes a lot ✨
when were you born? april 20th, 1999 (yes i was born on 420 😂)
how old are you? 18
do you have any siblings? yes, 13 of them !! as a matter of fact i’m the oldest
what are your favorite subjects? english and majors (visual arts)
what are your favorite movies?  i gotta quite a few: suckerpunch, coraline, the help, moonlight, baby mama, friday, the matrix, straight outta compton, the kill bill series, pulp fiction, the great gatsby, zombieland, paranormal activity series
what are your favorite pastimes? playing animal crossing or watch dramas ✨
do you have any regrets? i don’t know lol
what is your dream job? a career in art education !! i don’t know which grade level yet, but i would love to teach what i’m passionate in ✨
would you like to get married? i’m already married as mrs. kim taetae yes, i would absolutely love to get married one day. preferably in my mid 30s, but we’ll see ✨✨
do you want kids? how many? yes !! i love kids with my whole heart !! i would like to have at least three maybe five ??? idk yet 
how many countries have you visited? zero, i want to be able to travel one day though 
what was your scariest dream? i tend to have recurring dreams where i physically fight with the people who i love 
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/significant other? lol nah
put your playlist on shuffle and without skipping list the first 15 songs 🎶
🔥🔥🔥 some more bops coming your way !! 🔥🔥🔥
millic - paradise
pristin - be the star 
offonoff - gold 
tyler the creator - 911/ mr. lonely
caleon fox - go stupid 85
loco - movie shoot
young b - in the morning
amine - veggies 
cheetah - blurred lines
yves - d-1
sza - the weekend
dean - bonnie and clyde
kehlani - honey 
dean - run the streets
i tag anyone who wants to do this !! 
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literate-passion · 7 years
Letter 1A
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate leaving you? Here I sit, in a relatively empty airport concourse. Waiting for my flight to board. And ultimately depart. I have an overpriced pastry from the kiosk, but even its sweetness isn't enough to lessen the bite of my coffee this morning. I'm supposed to have a connecting flight in Atlanta, if my memory serves. I just absolutely fucking hate that place. And I want to get it over with, and get to France. That way I can get settled, and I can call you. And I can hear your voice. And I can find remote comfort in that, despite being thousands of miles from each other.  
Sometimes I feel like the coldness in the room loves to suckerpunch me, when I get out of bed from being curled up with you. I swear, it could just take my breath away. Today though, it was nearly enough to knock me off my feet. I had to sit back down and get my bearings, before I continued with my preparations for my trip. I try to move around as quietly as possible, as I don't want to disturb your slumber. But I want so badly for you to be awake, so I can spend more time with you. No one, my dear, should have to endure the torture of getting ready for a red-eye flight across two continents. Much less, across an ocean.  
I noticed something while taking a bite of my pastry. I could still smell you on my fingers. And it was strong too. I could only sit back, and close my eyes, and let my mind wander back. Images of your body laying before me. Flickering and jumping in a surrealist pastiche. The images undulate, rise and fall before me. Like your body beneath me, when I take my place between your legs, and deeply entwine my lips with yours. Poking and prodding around with my tongue, and teasing your eager pussy with my fingers. My intention to push that little body of yours to its Point of No Return appears to be working how I had hoped. I can feel your movements getting more fervent and needy. I continue to torment and tease your pussy with my lips and tongue, as you draw my middle finger slowly into you. At which point I gently, delicately tickle you from the inside with the one finger. I feel your hands in my hair, pulling my face into you, as you squirm your way closer. As we move down the bed, with your movements, I take a kneeling position on the floor, shift one arm under your knee, and move from tickling you to sliding my finger into you...  
Well, I just got snapped back into reality by a gentleman coming to check my ticket about a boarding pass. I don't know that I can truly tell you that I love you, enough for it to suffice for the distance. But I do love you. I'll try to write more on the plane, once we're over the ocean and stable.  
Love you always,  
Well, here we are. Flying over the Atlantic. It's, I don't even know what time, because I'm lost in my time zones. I'm pretty sure my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Anderson, would fail me for forgetting them. Anyway, there's some stupid film playing in the background. But here I am, laptop out, with headphones on, listening to whatever music is popping up from my computer. I wish you were seated next to me, resting your head on my shoulder asleep, while I was working.  
I'm not sure when it happened, but I fell asleep on the flight. I had kind of hoped to. That's why sitting in the lounge in the Atlanta airport, I had a rye and ginger. It seemed the easiest way of relaxing myself. So, once I was relaxed, I guess I just crashed. When I came to, I found myself in our bed. You were laying against me, with one leg draped over mine. I leaned over to kiss your forehead while your cheek rested on my shoulder. The contact of my lips on your skin made you stir. I watch you roll over so that you're laying with your chest pressed against my arm, then you slide up to kiss me. Then quietly whisper "Good morning." I could feel your fingers moving up my chest. Moving up to take my chin in your hand, and kiss me again. Your leg rubs up and down mine, as I move my hand up your back. And tangles itself in your hair. I hear you moan softly. I sometimes forget how much you love when I do this. Our eyes make contact again, and your focus turns to kissing my chin. Kissing my neck. Slowly kissing down my chest. When you get to a nipple, you flick it with your tongue. You gently nibble on it. Then shift back off of my skin to blow on the area you just gave attention to. I close my eyes, and feel my body react in a wave motion. First my back stretches and arches, then it subsides into my hips raising.  I hear you give another little moan of satisfaction. From there, you move down along my ribcage. You trace your tongue and your fingertips down my ribs, feeling the ridges and valleys. Taking in the topography of my frame. The sweeps, the angles, the curves. Your pace is methodical. And watching you, between your moments of eye contact with me, I can see your process. You're mapping me. Consuming as much of me as you can. When you look up at me, that method doesn’t show. It just shows hunger. Pure, animalistic hunger. Just as quickly as I see that, your attention is returned to exploring. Working your way down along my stomach to my hips. You trace my hipbones with your fingertips. Slowly. Lightly. You want to antagonise. Push. You want me to lose control. Though, I am a bit surprised when you trace back down my hipbone with the tip of your nose, as I feel your hands start to explore along my legs. Working from my knees up to my hips. My waist. As you start to nibble on my hipbone, I feel your hand start to lightly tease my cock. Which is already standing rigid. Begging for attention. Screaming for it even. My hips rise as you run your fingertip down my length, then your fingernail slowly back up it. I can feel my body starting to ache for release. Feeling your hair teasing the skin between my hips and my cock, it tickles in light wisps. It adds a playful counterpoint to your deliberate manner. I close my eyes just to savor the sensation. Watching you, and watching your eyes watching me is absolute torture. Exquisite torture. I find myself wanting to just allow you complete control. But I'm haven't hit the Point of No Return yet. But judging by your movements. Your sounds. Your touches. That's where you want me to go. And soon enough I'll oblige. I open my eyes for a moment, and see you gently kissing the head of my cock. I close my eyes, and moan, as you move from kissing to teasing me with the tip of your tongue. Then with the length of your tongue, in deep, lapping strokes. As you torment me, my hips begin to move of their own accord. "Baby, please," I groan. Feeling myself overtaken by my own need. In lieu of taking me in your mouth, you shift back up me. You press your hips into mine, lean down and kiss me with a passion. A need. A drive. You rock your hips against me. Shifting yourself to where the tip of my cock spreads your lips, and you sit there for a moment. Both of us engulfed in the heat emanating from our loins. The fire that burns brighter between us, more than any we had ever imagined we could experience. As we lock eyes again, our need takes over. You slowly start to slide yourself onto me, gasping and moaning. Shifting your weight down more on to me, until you have taken all of me into you. You pause, mostly to catch your breath, and to savor the feeling of being full and stretched. Eventually, we gradually start moving together. A perfect sexual metronome. Our bodies rise and fall into each other's tides. Our gravity pulls us together, and the impact forces us apart. And this is us. The world melting around us. Fading. As our bodies, our spirits, our energies all fight to combine. Our external boundaries, those created by our flesh, we seek to destroy. This need grows in fervency. In speed. In intensity. We crash harder into each other. Creating further heat and sound in impact. Sweat flies off us like satellites. Our motion grows perpetual. No force need be applied to maintain. We move in perfect harmony. And in that harmony, a crescendo builds. I feel your control slip. And your release grows ever closer. In the process, I feel my own ascend. That moment of transcendence we chase, every time we are together, draws near. You push yourself harder into me as your body tenses. I push harder into you as my own body tenses. And in a serendipitous moment of synchronicity, we lose control. Our sounds finally return to my awareness. As does the gravity of our exhausted bodies pressed tightly into each other. Euphoria in that transcendence replaces the need. I kiss your forehead, and tell you I love you...  
My attention is stirred, violently, by the sound of a blunt force of a cart hitting a seat. In my somnia-induced state I was afraid something happened to the plane. Thankfully the stewardess, a beautiful brunette with a voice like honey, reassured me that nothing has happened. Just that her beverage cart hit a chair adjacent to me. I wish you were here with me. Realising I was alone, in a plane, after that dream; it hurt me. A lot more than I was expecting it to. So I think I'll get myself another drink, and try to relax again. I've still got a ways to France.  
Love you madly,  
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