#🙦✿ ⦙ cutesy wootsy pink mermaid! ⦙ ❪ & mun. ❫
eternasci · 2 months
Anatomy of Writing
This is just an analysis on my writing style, my weaknesses, strengths, and other tidbits I've noticed over the ten years of my tumblr writing journey. I always strive to improve, which means acknowledging my banes and boons, as well as spots where I feel style has taken precedence over rules. I welcome others to do the same.
This is also littered with links (whether to my old blogs, or my current writing advice blog), so feel free to be nosy. I welcome input of any kind!
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Epithets. My earliest (tumblr) writing can be found on my first roleplay blog, pintsizedpyro. By no means did I write the way I did now. On first glance, I utilized simplistic epithets heavily (e.g., "the girl", "the Korean", etc). I've strayed from this as a result of advice given (and also, a general dislike for how it cut into my writing). To this day, I believe I still typically avoid them if there is no deeper meaning. Whether this makes parsing my posts difficult is unknown to me; I have no issues when re-reading, though that's an obvious bias. I love ones with meaning; ones that typically coincide with a character's facets (e.g. using a title to demand authority rather than a simple first name, or calling a character, whose personality can be likened to a dog, a "hound"... you know who you are). Repetition. Similarly, I found repetition within my earliest attempts. It couldn't be helped, but I did notice and often attempted to revise statements in which I would experience overlapping of words even then (epithets being a big one; particularly, when paragraphs would condense and I'd see similar phrases stacked on top of each other, I wanted to kill someone). This is an inevitability at times; the dictionary has many words, but switching them around for the sake of prettying up a post can cause confusion. At the most, I would rewrite entire sentences to at least break up the distance between repeating offenders. This still happens today, but I am swift when it comes to recognizing and rewriting it out.
Length. We've all been there. Receiving a long post and wanting to return fire. I have long found this useless, something to be ironed out of me. Unless I have substance to fill the page, I have to simply be complacent with how much I can give back. We've all gotten carried away and had much to say, but as we always politely mention: there is really no need to match. Due to the "method" behind my writing, I can string lengthy, prose-laden sentences together, but I do not expect the Mona Lisa in turn. That's just a stylistic choice. Similarly, I can get a lot out of a little, and won't press myself to add more if I believe the point has crossed over. I think we would all prefer to have something to work with over a bunch of pretty fluff.
Writing Structure. The beast that typically intimidates others from interacting with me. This post inspired the way I create my sentences. I think, in some ways, I've taken it beyond suggestion given (I like my replies to sound lyrical, perhaps due to the way the post describes their "improved" sentence). I don't think I've fully embodied this just yet. I feel as though my sentences still end up particularly long with no abrupt, shorter statements to allow for breathing. It's something I'm conscious of and actively trying to work on. I'm not particularly upset with the way my current writing manifests itself, though, especially when comparing one of the older threads I was proud of on pintsizedpyro to one of my most "memorable" ones on burstbombbitch.
The writing is objectively different. In the time (four years) between these posts, I believe I had adopted a more descriptive method of writing. I know when writing the latter post I was primarily aiming for beauty and scene setting, but body language had evolved to become one of my most prominent focuses. Due to my muse's anatomy at the time (the lack thereof), I felt as though I could emphasize and exaggerate body language, pushing it to its limits. I am also aware I wrote in this way to "match" with the person I was writing with, as their writing entranced me and was something I aspired to become. I have found a middle ground, being the style I now write in. I do feel as though my background/scene setting could use more work, but I know it is not impossible for me to do, having evidence of doing so previously. That, and other wonderful writers really help me with their love of elaborating on plots!
I've also been told that my writing is "difficult to read," but not in a particularly bad light. I think the critique is spot on, but I do need the ability to make it "easy" on the fly for others as well. That being said, I find myself omitting things that I believe should be derived from context, which makes a good segue into this next segment...
Word Choice and Character Voice. This is something I feel I could work on. I have three "main" muses at this time: sinsolucion, lovlorne, and eternasci. I want to believe they all have different "writing styles" when I piece their threads together, that others will read the narrative (not just the dialogue!) with the same "vibe" the character themselves give off. Much of my struggle comes from how lovlorne and eternasci both can be on the "fancier" side of things. I struggle to differentiate the two, which isn't inherently bad (someone can simply like a character archetype, which I most definitely adore both), but I do wonder how successful I am when it comes to isolating what makes these characters them.
Then there's sinsolucion, who I believe would have none of the elegance the former two share. On rereading posts, I think I've managed to nail keeping him "simple," although actions like body language may still invoke my type of "lyrical" writing. This is a post that kind of has me like... "wait, maybe this was written with too much influence from my other blogs?" Objectively, nothing is wrong... but it does feel too fancy for a dude who just... isn't. Funnier still, this character is a writer, but he would absolutely never write the way I do. It creates some dissonance that makes for a challenge, but I do love him for it. It can be drowned out when reading other replies from Lucien or Xiuying, though. It also helps that, unlike these two, Soren doesn't typically undergo the same thought process or even have the same weak points in their characterization, leaving him to fill in voids they don't allow me to write.
It's difficult to divide your "style" for a different "person," but Soren gives me a good challenge, and helps me grow all the same. Also, he's a breath of fresh air when it comes to his very different interactions. Honestly, after going over these, that aforementioned post definitely felt a little fancy for Soren. I might rewrite it just to see what I could've done differently, knowing the sentence that particularly stood out to me as being more "Lucien" vibes (e.g. "mutters he beneath breath, smirk unbending, nigh threatening to wax crescent").
Just all in the fun of dissecting one's own style.
Steps to Writing a Reply. For Lucien and Xiuying, the first sentence is key. Both of their writing styles are particularly lyrical. I utilize a lot of alliteration and rhyme to get that feeling of song, though it can bleed into Soren's replies as well, evident by the post that has become the previous topic. Typically, when I get that first sentence going, the rest all flow along behind it. I usually knock a reply out all in one go, though I will save a draft and return later to reread it and analyze if I've come up with anything better in the midst of that break. It feels fitting to "set the scene" for these two overly dramatic assholes with a leading sentence, bolded and in bigger text to capture someone's primary attention, both of which crave to be in the spotlight literally and figuratively.
I think just about any post is an example of me framing the first sentence, but a good chunk of my favorites come from Lucien, especially when they're on the particularly silly or dramatic side. Xiuying has her moments, but most of them were in her development a few years ago. Her style has become more "pointed" and jarring to align with her new design, though anything that comes before her third phase of development falls back to the eloquence Lucien has now.
things to come back and add to this: my weakness of scene setting/bgs dialogue
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This isn't really something to "tag" per say, since it's not reeeally a prompt or meme, but I'd love to see some elaboration on writing styles I'm super curious about (and as we all say, for the love of all that is holy, you DONT need to match)! I've sent out asks already, but if you haven't gotten one, steal this!
so suffer: @bloodxhound, @kagoshou, @fatedprincess @lionfanged, @goldenfists, @vtriol, @passionoathed, @shdwtouch, @stillresolved, @mielmoto, @amorbloom, @wishedby !
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eternasci · 2 months
🌵 my worst roleplay memory
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so here's the thing. i have a lot. i have a lot. i have told people numerous stories and everyone thinks i'm bullshitting until they become my friend and witness it happening in real time. i just have an overall bizarre existence i opt not to talk about. i genuinely don't even know what would count as the worst anymore.
there's some that are objectively 'what the fuck,' like when i was nine and a grown ass man started to do noncon rp with my wolf oc at the time, or just some where i simply made some of the worst abusive friends known to man and had to crawl my way out of that hole. maybe it's the time someone came into my dms and sent me porn of a char i know going "i love chocolate girls hehehehe" because my char was also dark skinned. the one where someone cloned that same girls design in the middle of their blog and tried to pass it off as theirs was pretty bonkers too.
i truthfully have lost sight of what is the "worst" because i've been unfortunately desensitized to all of this. my life honestly makes all of these occurrences so hard to remember because i just live like this.
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i guess the one i'm most personally offended by, or rather has surfaced recently, is the fact that i had 40 pages of eloquent, detailed character development with someone on an old blog of mine, and they 180'd out of nowhere just as we were going to ship to have their char basically go "if you do not sleep with me, we cannot date". my char was sex repulsed as a result of back story. it threw me for a loop bc all of that development... Gone.
it is what it is and i've decided to reserve romantic relations for people i know well ( that and tbh i seek so many other types of relations its bottom of the barrel for me ) as well as just curating my experience better. i'm too old for this shit
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eternasci · 1 year
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favourite colour(s): pink, blue, white !
favourite flavour(s): savory, spicy !
favourite genre(s): fantasy, horror !
favourite music: i typically just listen to video game music and music that is similar to it ! every year spotify calls me a filthy hipster, but i just kinda don’t pay attentions to genres and just listen to whatever is thrown at me from similar shit. that being said... techno, gabber, basically fucking Noise.
favourite movie: into the spider verse, knives out, psych ! 
favourite series: ...uhhh... shit. psych, white collar, scrubs, arrested development, tiger & bunny !
last song: all about you - yuni wa ! this always sucks cause i am listening to shit while writing wtf do y’all put
last series: tiger & bunny lmao
last movie: FUCK ummmm... the bad guys...? i think i don’t watch many things GLASS ONION I’M STUPID
currently reading: winterkeep by kristin cashore and y’alls replies to everyone !
currently watching: nothing. t-poses. 
currently working on: getting some help for my fuckin newly diagnosed ocd dsfgjhufn and trying to get back into writing because i miss yall.... i need to start slow !!!
tagged: cradling the precious @bloodxhound​... wait whats ur puppys name i need to know
tagging: @jukkumi​ @deathleads​ @dinoxia​ @lovcrsmoon​​ @magioffire​​ @witchofwarmth​ @waterwrit​ @hylianremnants​ @robotnikium​ @somnium-led​​ !
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eternasci · 2 months
❤️ my first roleplay memory
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sooo... if we're ignoring that incident when i was nine, which we totally are, i remember roleplaying on neopets.
i got my shit kicked in. lmaooo i was just a kid again and i suppose i did what people call "mary sues" for a random yu-gi-oh roleplay. i went heavy on the descriptors, just because i wanted to be a pretty girl, and one of the roleplayers tore me apart. i don't have that writing because neopet threads last as long as many bugs' lifespans, but it did devastate me at the time.
nowadays, i'm just... lol the reductionist idea that mary sues are the worst is just foolishness to me as someone with gifted kid syndrome. just seems like people who don't comprehend what being perceived as "too good" at something does to someone's psyche. that's part of lucy's conundrum, everyone has high expectations for you and you're afraid to let them down.
skill issue, frankly, for people who think that a main character in their own story shouldn't be bolstered and strong and talked up. make your ocs the coolest baddest thing around. have fun. it might not be everyone's shtick -- especially if you opt to be unbeatable -- but sometimes that's just how the narrative is. i have an AI char that hacks ppls phones, can never be killed, knows as much about your oc as one would if you browse social media and talk about yourself... yeah that'd come off as godmodding/metagaming but lo and behold
that's the point
anyway i love him and should pull him out of the splatoon universe. . . use vpns and firewalls kids
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eternasci · 2 months
🌺 send this to ten muns you think are wonderful 🌺
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ur too sweet... thank you!! i try..... i think all of ny'all are wonderful so i spam you with questions about your writing, your character, your thoughts etc bc there's so many beautiful thoughts in those heads, i don't want them to be holed up forever... show your talents and passions!! let us cheer you on!!
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eternasci · 2 years
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favorite characters meme: list your favorite characters from 12 different medias.
1. shawn spencer | psych. 2. bayonetta | bayonetta. 3. 2b | nier automata. 4. sebastian debeste | ace attorney investigations. 5. zagreus | hades. 6. sissel | ghost trick. 7. homelander | the boys. 8. kasumi yoshizawa | persona 5 royal. 9. catherine | catherine: full body. 10. glados | portal. 11. primrose azelhart | octopath traveler. 12. kaname date | ai: the somnium files.
tagged: @ofgentleresolve​ this is.... the best question but also MY TASTE... tagging: man. @lionfanged @lightdash​ @robotnikium @magioffire @masterprotector @wolvensden @bloodxhound @kagoshou​ @vesselmade @zicroe @decoresca @yoketsu @tempist​ know that i want everyone to suffer as i did
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eternasci · 2 years
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rare photo of someone standing out wearing bright ass pink in nature
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eternasci · 2 years
LAST SONG: Probably Ancient Evil - Lena Raine from the Chicory OST
CURRENTLY READING: Honestly? Nothing. I have the Harley Quinn comics to read, but I should get back into reading novels... someone suggest me something good. The last book I read was like... Well. The last lengthy book I read was Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore. 
CURRENTLY WATCHING: I don’t watch things much either... weeps. My friend is begging me to watch Arcane but my attention span.......... I just rewatch Psych or Scrubs if I want some white noise on in the background dfhusgd
LAST MOVIE: I was held at gunpoint to watch The Dark Knight for the first time like... [looks at wrist] fourteen years later. And it’s purely because I have a plot where an OC has to choose between two people to save. I am a fool for watching media I can just pluck ideas from ngl (which is why I rewatch Psych...)
CURRENTLY CRAVING: [maya voice] a nice juicy burger.................... i am getting one for lunch i cannot help this
tagged: @ofgentleresolve who i am now BEGGING to give me a book recommendation 💖 tagging: @magioffire @lionfanged @tempist @silenthcwl @hylianremnants ! pls steal from me as well and please leave book recommendations my crops are so dry
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eternasci · 2 years
okay not to be a freak because i just found and followed you but your mun pics are so radiant and your fashion is to die for. i am in AWE.
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THANK UUU... i had just liked your promo to come back and read over ur rules one more time before following and this was such a pleasant ask to receive?!?! i am GOING to cry........ saves this in my little lockbox......
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eternasci · 2 years
Writing questions! I'm going to rattle off a bunch of general questions, but please feel free to pick and choose whichever ones you'd prefer to elaborate on!
When writing, how would you describe your process of writing a reply? What comes first, what does the brain find its most intrigue in when responding to a partner, when is it time to slot in the icons? Are there some attributes of the character you actively aim to display specifically through the way your text is written? Are there any facets you find it important to emphasize while writing, and how does that impact the way you write?
If you're the type to write multiple muses, does your writing style change between characters? Would you say you have a particular style of writing at all? Or are you just letting your typing take you wherever it may?
Starters, asks, plotted threads: what's your preferred method of beginning interactions? Fluff, angst, comedy: what do you find most fun? Is there a type of writing that you don't get to do very often and would like to?
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it's my turn for the question barrage huh lil bitch. jokes on you, i’m answering all of it.
When writing, how would you describe your process of writing a reply?
When I'm writing, I try to think of a powerful first sentence. Usually the bold snippet that goes before the rest of my writing. More often than not, it sets the tone for the rest of the post. That alone is why it takes me a while to write... I usually go off the flow of the first sentence.
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This part. I’m aiming for alliteration, something lyrical. Rhythmic. Some sort of first statement that sends me rushing into the rest of the post. 
What does the brain find its most intrigue in when responding to a partner?
Usually I fixate on the reaction of my muse to the most prevalent stimuli of the previous post, so not everything gets acknowledged (which I sometimes feel bad for, but I never omit the meat of what someone has said to me; if it is omitted, it is at least regarded in my text with a reason as to why, usually always intentional on the part of my muse [e.g. them ignoring something rude, quietly judging, etc.] It doesn’t just get brushed off--it’s just that humans will obviously fixate on what is most important to them, even if we find differing things “important”).
Because I often play characters who actively self report via body language (whether they want to or not) but simultaneously are sensitive to others’ nonverbal and verbal language (Lucy especially, as they are an overthinker), I will home in on another person’s body language, or anything that my muse will perceive as something deeper that requires inquiry. 
I thrive off emotions and seek body language, as that is another form of communication of its own (especially the juxtaposition of saying one thing while your body vehemently disagrees). I, and my present muse especially, look for that.
When is it time to slot in the icons?
With Tumblr’s latest bullshit, I just try to avoid the beginning of the reply at this point. Not that it can always be helped, as I prefer my first paragraph be at least three sentences along (arbitrary rules, anyone?). I have a version with blockquotes built in just because I hate how the icons hump the blockquotes now. So much. But I’m excitedly waiting on a new theme because I might change the color/aesthetic of them as a result... reeeeee.
That being said, excluding the aforementioned, I usually do an icon befitting the vibe of the paragraph that comes before or after it. No real rhyme or reason. Just mostly avoiding the beginning.
Are there some attributes of the character you actively aim to display specifically through the way your text is written?
My OC is a fancy motherfucker. That’s it. That’s the attribute. They’re lofty, ethereal, and speak like they came right out of the clouds where their head can be found sometimes. I’ve been told my writing and my general communication varies... greatly... to the point where my first reply in a group a while back got me a “oh, that’s not how I expected you to write.” 
I worry my writing is off-putting as a result, but c’est la vie. They’re a musical kind of person, similar to my other muse you know so well, so I try to have my writing equally as lyrical and whimsical. They’re also just all kinds of extra. Look at their wardrobe, man.
Are there any facets you find it important to emphasize while writing, and how does that impact the way you write?
Their good nature is very important to me. I also typically liken them to a bird of various type (songbird, due to their lyricism, their desire for freedom), as well as light (based on their name, their ethereal aspects, their personality being so buoyant and jubilant). This just means I have to write like an angel is a god damn angel, and it can be uhhhh pretty difficult and repetitive. Boy do I try. 
I also exemplify their anxiety, as they have not yet come to realize how drastic it is, and how much help they need. Even in their fully-fledged development, they can still be a little... overly anxious. Their thoughts, generally very visible even if my writing and comprehension of said writing can be a lot, are always very visible. The process of their thinking, too--because honestly, without that, it might look like they’ve got their shit together. No, they’re just so anxious they come up with a million scenarios and prepare for each and every one.
If you're the type to write multiple muses, does your writing style change between characters?
Hmph. It should. But I am starting to doubt that. I haven’t written many different archetypes. I like to think that it does... and perhaps with a different character (I’m considering making a sideblog for my boy Soren... love he, and he definitely isn’t as singsong-y as Lucien) I would experience that again! But I think my style is just... haughty, hoity-toity, no matter what I do. I can only hope that’s not the case, especially since I do shorter things off-site with less gusto. What’s wrong with me?
Would you say you have a particular style of writing at all? Or are you just letting your typing take you wherever it may?
If my shit ain’t sounding like a song, I’m doing it wrong. Sometimes I’ll throw my hands up and let whatever happens, happen, though. Usually that’s because I’ve lost the plot and don’t remember what’s going on... and just want to continue with a new post.
Starters, asks, plotted threads: what's your preferred method of beginning interactions? 
Light plotting works best for me. Anything does, really. I’m not too good with asks. And I think I write boring starters but I try to take them places. I try. I usually just look at people’s info and see what I can capitalize on in their histories.
Fluff, angst, comedy: what do you find most fun? Is there a type of writing that you don't get to do very often and would like to?
I’m a sucker for anything and everything. Though... I do like introspective roleplays, shared kindred spirits bonding because of similar growing pains, etc. I also like magic fights, which I definitely don’t get to do enough. Conflict is so fun. Arguments. Difficult relationships. Betrayal. Just... the more painful side of things. I don’t think angst is quite the word--it feels weak nowadays, simultaneous with “my muse is hurt and you comfort them and you’re sad about it.”
Maybe that’s just the angst I’ve been exposed to from my earlier years, but I want characters torn apart by mental anguish, as a result of a close friend’s words, actions, etc. People breaking up, and navigating that now empty space on the side of their bed and coming back together. I like watching @lionfanged​‘s relationship burn as a result even if I’m cheering on this poor mess of a man in the bg.  😊
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eternasci · 3 years
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LAST SONG:   in the blood; hades ost CURRENTLY READING:   sweats nervously. i need to read books more. i tried reading this one detective’s books of his own cases and they were a bit meh imo... CURRENTLY WATCHING:   i don’t have anything watching lately! mostly playing vidya games... i did recently watch don’t talk to the police though UFDSHFDG super riveting LAST MOVIE:   psych 2: lassie come home... i ADORE psych so much man CURRENTLY CRAVING:   a hamborger from this place i just moved to! apparently it’s worth cars stockpiling behind each other when our car is low on gas so i couldn’t go last night lmdushgun. im so fuckng hungry rn.
tagged by: @kagoshou AND @bloodxhound​ ... sobs grossly and kisses u both... tagging: hit me UP if you haven’t done it... let me see ur TASTES
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eternasci · 3 years
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You burn. In the night, under the hot sun, you burn. You shine in the darkest nights, bringing to your readers an immortal fire. No one is able to portray feelings better than you. Emotions burn your characters, making them matches in dark rooms, lighting up everything, and burning from their own hands. Your best is shown in short stories, where the flames of your character’s souls can burn brighter than ever, and become ashes. Your stories hold the most passionate love, soft sighs whispered against a lover’s skin, and the neon lights of a night club. 
Pain is your second name, and you don’t mind it. Wars, betrayal, yearning, a/b/o and enemy to lovers are your favorite tropes. But when you decide to comfort, the fierce fire that burns in your soul becomes the warm hug of a blanket in a cold day. Established relationships, per-relationship fluff and medical fics are great at showing this softer side of you. Keep burning, and show everyone how hard a fire can burn, even in the coldest of the nights.
Tagged by: @kamipyre​ AHHH lovely ofc you would slap me with this beaut of a prompt... Tagging: pls nab from me this is Fascinating........
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eternasci · 3 years
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NAME  /  ALIAS /  synnie! BIRTHDATE  /  TOO LATE MIKA ZODIAC SIGN  /  scorp HEIGHT  /  5′3″ HOBBIES  /  i am a competitive gamer! i like both single and multiplayer games. i have not participated in any comps as of late, because school and frankly it can get pretty exasperating because team comps lmao. that aside, i really like writing and have been making ocs for a long ass time. i draw a bit, but i’m lazy and often don’t pick up me tablet pen. i suppose coding and software engineering is more of a career for me, but i love doing it too and that’s why i went into the field. i also collect stuffed animals weeps. i don’t have Many i think i’m pretty basic! i do like puzzle solving, though. even if it can be messy. FAVORITE COLOR  /  pink! used to hate it as a kid because yknow, misogyny tied to the color. not anymore bitches. we pink baby FAVORITE BOOK  /  shit i don’t really read anymore? i did love the graceling series, though! nowadays my favorite book is y’alls writing ;; LAST SONG  /   i am currently listening to lucien’s playlist. the song that just started playing is what’s up danger that you all should know and love with black caviar and blackway. i’m gonna use that one because by the time it takes me to do this, i’ll probably be at the end of his playlist.  LAST FILM / SHOW  /   shit uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x-men: days of future past. i was watching it w/ a friend for peak ex-boyfriend vibes. i don’t watch shows or films very much! INSPIRATION  /  hoo boy. so i love the ace attorney series, which made me look into the yatagarasu lore years ago. i took that and merged it with that two different phoenix-esque mythos because cool birds. i figured it would also play nicely since all of them have to do with the sun, and lucien’s name quite literally means light. later, i decided to play hard into his gifted kid syndrome and made him realize his godlike roots. it’s kind of me trying to accept my own gifted kid burnout here. also one of the phoenixes, the fenghuang, is an entity that branched from being a merged masc/fem deity to just femme and i think about that gender aspect for lucy a Lot. look i cannot summarize this i will go off for all eternity i’m trying to shut up as is. peep his toyhouse STORY BEHIND URL  /  lucien is part of a fantasy universe created about... five? six? years ago. i recently expanded that universe to include elemental gods, one such god being a phoenix named eternasci (a merge of the etymologies that create the words “eternal” and “shine”). he is essentially the reincarnation of that god, so i figured i would give him the name (plus, i like short urls)!
tagged by  /  @fabletold���... mwah tagging  /  take... and tag me ;^)
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eternasci · 3 years
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SPEED:  i've slowed down over the years. it takes me time to respond to ims and it takes me time to write. and that's okay; i believe that there’s no rush in this hobby. i typically will write when the muse strikes, which means i can hold onto drafts for quite some time. i’ve been on tumblr on and off, and i adapt to new ways to curate my experience. 
that being said, i do prefer to be fast. i don’t expect speed from anyone else. i do not hold my standards to anyone else’s; we are all different people. you can post replies and leave my IMs for another day. you can respond to other people’s IMs. at some point, we’ll all get there, or we won’t. and that’s fine, too.
REPLIES:  like my muse, i’m typically going to try to give you the very best that i can do with what you give me. however, sometimes i am stumped on what to write, and will just pump something out for the sake of moving an rp along, as long as it has enough meat for the other person to write. i don’t take pleasure in this, but sometimes my writing is simply not up to my standard for a post, and i need to get over that hurdle by just doing what i can, rather than waiting for perfection.
i prefer multi-para. i don’t get take away much fun from one-liners unless they grow into something more, or explore the philosophical differences our muses have. i don’t care if my partner doesn’t match length, within reason. obviously four paragraphs receiving two sentences won’t fly. if i didn’t give you enough, i’d sooner you just let me know and i’ll happily rewrite! my style also can vary; i’m still feeling out writing lucien, but i lean on the prose-y side of things. if this is unwanted, please let me know and i can adjust for you.
STARTERS:  i typically prefer to plot! it’s very rare i’ll throw an unplotted (first) starter out there; with characters i’m familiar with, i’m way more comfortable about it. in most cases, if i see potential pre-established relationships, i’ll go for them. i do like to build upon those relationships, though. that being said, i’m very much so not shy about coming into your IMs and plotting through a first rp with you, so that we can start building better, more interesting interactions down the line! i’m very forward about wanting to write!
i’m also perfectly happy to receive and give unprompted starters to partners i feel comfortable with! we’re all here to have fun, why not make the most of it by interacting with one another! 
INBOX:  similar to IMs, i’m pretty happy to pop into someone’s inbox. on my old blog, i had a habit of sending unprompted oc questions that i like to read the responses to, so you’ll frequently find me trying to gauge the many facets of your muses! i love being sent memes and questions in turn, but never expect them. it’s an always available option, but not something i feel like people are entitled to doing for me.  
SELECTIVITY:  i’ve gotten more and more selective over time due to many bad instances (imagine having porn sent to your tumblr IMs because, and i quote, the person sending it saw you had a black female muse and went “oh i LOVE chocolate!” and just. thought it was okay to send). that’s why i also just don’t give out my discord. a lot of bad apples kinda made me nervous to do so again, but i’m pretty quick to give it out when i feel comfortable after some time! 
i prefer people who write multi-para. the style of writing itself doesn’t matter to me. i also really like in-depth takes on canons, ocs, what have you! i always love to build deep relationships and bonds, whether they’re positive or negative, and see a character grow and change. other than that, i like to think i am not picky?
however, this is also my first purely OC blog, as many others typically had a fandom attached (TF2, Splatoon, typically video games as that’s my forte). i’m finding it... a little hard to integrate when i want to keep much of his design in tact (being a phoenix reincarnation/an angel, etc). i’m sticking with people who generally look humanish and have verses i can easily integrate in without losing too much of him, or fandoms i’m well-versed in. 
WISHLIST:  i would love some antagonistic relationships! lucien is very friendly, and very forgiving. you have to do a lot to piss him off, and typically if you manage that, it takes even more to rectify those feelings. fri/enemies are also fun! i also would love some clashes of philosophy; i love contrasting characters a lot and exploring the potential rifts or strengthening of philosophy through debate or example. i just love every potential relationship—imo, as long as both muses are well grounded and developed, any relationship can blossom into something unique.
similarly, his entire quest is to learn how to use his magic. people who could either help (or hinder) in this quest is wonderful! bait him into using fire! he’s so emotional he’d easily burn down a forest, then be excruciatingly disappointed in himself and begin to lash out, something he’s not fond of doing or easily prone to. no one has to help: spite is a perfect motivator for him. i’d love his learning being varied in that manner! trick him into hurting others? sure! it’s the Easiest way to make those antagonistic wishlists i’ve brought up.
HONEST NOTE: shit man idk all this stuff up there was p honest. i just wanna have fun. don’t be afraid of messaging me or me messaging you, which was a big thing on all my blogs. i don’t bite! i really don’t! i’m just trying to adjust to a new blog all over again, which isn’t ever easy for me. please be patient loves! i can be REALLY overexcited and stop making sense, so... let me know if i ever have to clarify things for you! i take NO offense! i screw up a lot verbally and nonverbally.
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