#i love starmyu ;w;
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marlikesthings · 6 years ago
Starmyu S3 episode 7 review
There are so many things to say about Starmyu new episode. I feel that Starmyu is getting better and better with each passing episode, and I am really excited about what’s to come. This episode focused on the Kao Council, both present and past. The previous Kao Council members are torn between letting the new Kao Council do what they want and helping their kouhais. It also showed us the power struggle there is between shiki and fuyusawa (fuyusawa not being able to accept he doesn’t have the last word and wanting shiki to keep on being his puppet). I think it’ll be easier if I talk about my favorite moments in this episode first, and then talk about what I think is happening between shiki and fuyusawa and the parallels made between otori and shiki.
Well, first of all, I absolutely loved the beginning. I knew it was a dream (I mean… unless starmyu genre has changed XD), but I was still confused and wondered what the hell had happened for someone to imagine this and for the new Kao Council to behave his way in their dream. I thought it was nayuki’s dream, not going to lie, but it turns out it was hoshitani’s XD Hoshitani is just as dramatic as nayuki is, pffft. I found it funny he was so scared of shiki at the beginning. What kind of person did he think shiki was?? Also, why did he only scream nayuki’s name, what’s with that discrimination hoshitani? What about the others? XD
Hoshitani and otori meeting. What is there not to love about this scene? aaahhh
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I died when Otori said he wanted to see hoshitani!! I love their relationship so much!!
Seeing the previous Kao Council members. Gotta love how the rumors spread so fast XD
UOZUMI!! I have a soft spot for him since S2
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Shiki teasing hoshitani for the nth time
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Hoshitani and shiki. That’s it. How their relationship develops is something I am really looking forward to seeing this season.
Shiki’s solo song.
Shiki saying hoshitani should try being in the Kao Council
Shiki saying he is starting to expect great things of hoshitani
…. Yes, I know. I should stop talking about shiki and hoshitani XD
The ending was very wtf. Definitely not what I expected. Fuyusawa seems to be willing to play the role of the villain in order to get his wishes fulfilled. I just hope he’s not going to end up doing something he’ll regret later.
It’s easier to understand more about the characters and some of their reactions in this episode, if you have read the special drama cds. I’ll use some quotes to illustrate my point of view, but before doing it, I’ll like to thank ryota-kunstranslations for their wonderful translations and for giving us more starmyu material! The quotes from the drama cds I’ll use come from their posts. I put a link to them each time I quoted something. Please read them if you haven’t yet, you won’t regret it!!
1) Parallels between Otori and Shiki
I think it’s quite obvious by now that otori and shiki are very similar. They both are very nice people and they are both very talented. They both joined a star team… and it seems they both felt out of place. People envied their positions, but they only wanted to be free and enjoy doing what they love.
Example of otori feeling suffocated (it’s in track 2 – Starmyu S2 BD vol 3): 
“I felt as if I was being suffocated by something. A Star Team that everyone envied… We, who were the top star of the Council quickly became known as the Star of Stars. But… Not once have I felt proud of it. […] The world is overflowing with musicals! We should feel it more genuinely and more freely. But… when I talked about it, everyone looked at me with such strange looks on their faces.”
Shiki seemingly feeling out of place, everyone is happy or sad, but he is the only one who isn’t showing any emotions:
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Even hoshitani seems to have been reminded of otori when he was talking to shiki. For me, this only reinforces the similarities existing between both characters. I think otori also saw shiki’s resemblance to him and that’s why he couldn’t leave him alone and gave him advice. He wanted shiki to be saved by someone’s light, just like he was. From what he said to hoshitani in this episode, he might have expected/predicted that someone would be hoshitani.
Another thing I found interesting, is that shiki doesn’t want to let others see him weak. He always acts as if he’s fine, carrying the world on his shoulders, but his body is starting to show signs he isn’t okay. His comrades and hoshitani have also started noticing something is wrong. 
A few examples below:
Chiaki pointing out shiki doesn’t want others to see his weak side:   
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Kasugano being worried shiki is letting himself be controlled by fuyusawa and him not telling them what he really thinks or wants in track 2 (Fourth stage drama CD):
Fuyuzawa: In this school, we are five who hold a lot of potential. In other words, we need to—
Shiki: Look for the students who have potential in being new Kao Council candidates.
Fuyuzawa: (smiles) Exactly.
Shiki: …
Shion (kasunago): What do you think of this, Shiki?
Shiki: …!
Shion: Are you alright with this, Shiki?
Shiki: Kasugano? (chuckles) Yeah, I’ll respect all of your decisions.
Shion: Shiki… I see…
Hoshitani noticing shiki is tired (+ shiki’s reaction):
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I really do love how shiki opens up his feelings to hoshitani. It might be because hoshitani and shiki are, in a way, very similar (kinda like otori and shiki). They both want to help those in need, but they can only do so much by themselves. (Also, there seems to be a parallel between nayuki&hoshitani and kasugano&shiki, hence why I say hoshitani and shiki are similar).
2) About fuyusawa
First of all, it seems Chiaki will play a more important role later on in the series. He already showed us he is on shiki’s side and he doesn’t agree with fuyusawa’s overbearing personality. I want to believe that as his childhood friend, he can’t stand seeing what fuyusawa is becoming and that the reason why he is siding with shiki is to help fuyusawa come back to his senses. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out fuyusawa used to be kinder than this and sincerely enjoyed music, but for some reason became obsessed with being the best and started hating the “weaklings”. Could it be that fuyusawa is jealous of shiki helping Irinatsu and kasugano back then? Mmm. There’s also the possibility of fuyusawa honestly thinking this is for shiki’s sake, too. This might be his way of “helping” shiki. Who knows? However, I don’t think he realizes what he is doing is causing more harm than good. His obsession with having only “the best” perform in the opening ceremony is straining the already fragile relationship this new Kao Council has. Unlike the previous generations, the members this year come from different teams, so this is (probably) the first time some of them are working together. They all have strong personalities too, and they seem to be used to working alone. Have they even been able to bond properly?
Anyway, this isn’t the first time fuyusawa has shown he wants to be in control, that he wants shiki to rely on him and let him do what he feels he has to do.
We can already see a glimpse of it in this extract from fourth stage drama cd – Act 03:
Chiaki: Isn’t he just giving himself to be used by you then?
Fuyusawa: That is his choice. I’ll have him give up himself as much as he can.
Chiaki: Are you really saying that, Ryo?
Fuyusawa: This is for the sake of our Kao Council, for all five of us.
Not surprisingly, chiaki was the first person to realize what was happening.  As much as I want him to be the one to help fuyusawa, I am afraid this might be too much for him to handle alone. That’s where shiki comes in and saves the day. Or that’s what I think will happen, anyway.
I am looking forward to seeing next episode and to see what fuyusawa will do!
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kanasmusings · 6 years ago
[Translation] StarMyu Season 2 Vol. 6 Special Drama - Track 2
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Here’s the continuation to the special drama track for Vol. 6~! This was a really fun track to translate and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did ^^
Again, thank you to @tieriart for sharing the track with me! 
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 02: [スタミュin打ち上げパーティー 後編] “StarMyu in Closing Party – Part 2”
  OTORI: Volume 6: Special Drama CD
ALL: StarMyu in Closing Party – Part Two
  NAYUKI: Yuu-chan~!
NAYUKI: (slurred speech) Yuu-chan, you’re hurt~ Are ya okie?
NAYUKI: Pain, pain, go away~! Just kidding~ (laughs to himself)
HOSHITANI: Nayuki! Get a grip, Nayuki!
KAITO: Th-this is the rumoured drunk Nayuki, huh… But why?
TENGENJI: It seems like the cake Saotome-san brought had wine in it.
TENGENJI: Tch… We noticed a little bit too late.
DRUNK NAYUKI: Ah, what’re the double Ka-kun talking about over there~? (1)
DRUNK NAYUKI: Ah, I got it! You wanna be lifeted, don’t you!?
DRUNK NAYUKI: Alright, up, up, and away~!
KAITO: Idiot, don’t hold on to me!
TENGENJI: That’s dangerous! Don’t do something reckless, you boor!
HOSHITANI: Calm down, Nayuki!
TENGENJI: Let go, I said!
  KUGA: What kinda fun are you having, you guys?
HOSHITANI: Ah, welcome back, Kuga~!
TENGENJI: Do we look like we’re having fun?!
KAITO: Hey, do something about Nayuki! His strength right now is way off the charts!
KUGA: Hm? Ah.
(Kuga restrains Nayuki)
DRUNK NAYUKI: Ah… Oh, welcome back, Shu-kun~
KUGA: Shu-kun?
HOSHITANI: He’s drunk from eating something weird.
KUGA: Ah, so this is the rumoured drunk Nayuki, huh.
(Nayuki starts laughing for no reason)
KAITO: Thanks for the help. Still, it’s way more out of control than I imagined.
TENGENJI: Kuga, keep him there for the time being. Don’t let your guard down ‘cause he might go wild.
KUGA: Wild? Won’t it be better if we just make him ‘sleep’? (2)
KAITO: Don’t knock him out.
TENGENJI: Don’t say something so violent!
DRUNK NAYUKI: Ah! I found Akki! HEY!!
HOSHITANI: Akki? Ah, he meant Ugawa…
DRUNK NAYUKI: I really love Akki so Imma go to him~!
DRUNK NAYUKI: (laughing) Akira-kun~ (Nayuki shrieks)
TEAM OTORI: Ah…!                  
(students chatter)
TENGENJI: I told you not to let him go, Kuga!
KUGA: Sorry.
KAITO: He’s walking so weirdly towards Ugawa…
HOSHITANI: W-w-will he be okay…? Should we retrieve him?
KUGA: Isn’t it fine? They have Toraishi and Inumine over there so they’ll restrain him if needed, right?
KAITO: Good grief. I knew that reserved people are scary when they get mad but, I guess we could say the same about Nayuki and his drinking, huh.
TENGENJI: It’s ‘cause Hoshitani keeps getting spoiled by Nayuki.
TENGENJI: Maybe the stress of helping him study, waking him up every morning, and hanging out with him is finally getting to Nayuki.
KAITO: I don’t have an objection but I feel like I don’t want to hear that from you.
KUGA: Well, isn’t it fine to let him release that stress once in a while? He’s been doing his best since the auditions started after all.
KAITO: It is true that he was worrying a lot over the training role auditions.
KAITO: You, there was a time when you said something rude to Nayuki in the dining room once and he came back with such a troubled expression, right?
KUGA: Yeah.
HOSHITANI: Really? It might be rare to hear Kuga say something rude…
TENGENJI: Really? That guy’s totally fine with saying rude things though.
KAITO: Only to you.
KUGA: Since you seem happy if I’m being a bit rude to you.
TENGENJI: What are you saying?! I’m not Kitahara, you know?
HOSHITANI: (laughs)
KAITO: In any case, it seems like Nayuki’s finally able to release some stress after a while.
KAITO: It won’t be a problem if we look out for him once in a while, would it?
HOSHITANI: I agree~!
TENGENJI: You’re supposed to be the one we’re taking care of, you know? Have you completely forgotten that you’re injured?!
HOSHITANI: Ah… Ehehehe…
(they hear a crash from afar)
DRUNK NAYUKI: Hm? Akki! Have you grown taller?!
DRUNK NAYUKI: Alright~ Let’s go visit Izumi next~!
HOSHITANI: Ah… (nervous chuckle) Maybe we really should retrieve him…
TEAM OTORI: (sigh)
  (Otori-senpai is talking to Hiragi-senpai on the phone)
HIRAGI: It seems like you’re having fun.
OTORI: Can you hear the fun going on? It’s coming from the hallway though.
HIRAGI: Indeed I do. It seems like you all made a wonderful stage.
HIRAGI: Congratulations.
OTORI: Thank you. Oh, where’s Tsukigami-senpai?
HIRAGI: He went back to his own apartment.
HIRAGI: You do remember that it’s morning here, don’t you?
OTORI: Totally~ But, you were awake during the performance, weren’t you?
HIRAGI: Yes, somehow it made me feel calm.
HIRAGI: It is unfortunate that we couldn’t watch it in person but, when we received the file you sent of the final dress rehearsals, I watched it together with Senpai.
OTORI: I’m a bit scared of having an expert check it~
HIRAGI: (chuckles) I heard about what happened to Hoshitani-kun from Akatsuki.
HIRAGI: That must have been worrisome.
OTORI: Pretty much.
HIRAGI: But in the end, it seems fitting for his story.
HIRAGI: It seems like you did your role well, too, Prince.
OTORI: Prince, huh… I wonder now.
HIRAGI: Pardon?
OTORI: Oh, it’s nothing. Oh, that’s right. Since you’re available, want me to hand the phone to Hoshitani?
HIRAGI: Ah, no. The performance just ended so he might end up being nervous if he talked to me.
HIRAGI: I’ll call him sometime soon.
HIRAGI: If it might not be too much…
  OTORI: Tatsumi.
TATSUMI: Oh? Ah, Otori-senpai. Thank you for your hard work.
TATSUMI: I’m truly thankful for your guidance.
OTORI: What are you saying~? You were the best, my Shadow.
TATSUMI: I’m honoured, Alexis.
OTORI: (chuckles) Oh, are you free right now?
OTORI: He asked me to hand the phone to you. Here.
OTORI: I’m going out for a bit so, just return the phone when I come back, okay~?
OTORI: Take your time~
TATSUMI: Ah… Thank you very much!
(Otori walks away)
  TATSUMI: Hello?
HIRAGI: Is this Tatsumi-kun?
HIRAGI: Congratulations on the wonderful performance.
HIRAGI: Though, it seems like there was some trouble along the way.
TATSUMI: (chuckles) Thank you very much.
HIRAGI: Did you encounter something new performing with other people?
TATSUMI: Yes, it made for a wonderful experience.
HIRAGI: I’m glad to hear that.
HIRAGI: However, I have to apologize for not being able to see it through properly.
TATSUMI: No, we understand that you only followed your heart as a performer.
TATSUMI: I, and the others understand it well so please, don’t worry about it.
TATSUMI: Though, I have to admit that I felt a little bit jealous when I saw Hoshitani and Otori-senpai standing together.
HIRAGI: (chuckles) Even Tsukigami-senpai told me the same thing.
HIRAGI: He asked me if I wanted to wait until after the graduation performance was over.
HIRAGI: But, the ones who encouraged me to move forward were you boys.
TATSUMI: We did?
HIRAGI: I have loved music and acting since I was young. I practiced diligently to become a master at it.
HIRAGI: Looking back at it now, I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t done that.
HIRAGI: However, ever since I met Team Hiragi and started mentoring you, it made me think of something.
HIRAGI: You are students who made your flowers bloom and captivated people with your skills fitting of a Star Team.
HIRAGI: But, that wasn’t everything about you.
HIRAGI: Ugawa-kun became a troublemaker for the sake of his unyielding spirit.
HIRAGI: Toraishi-kun used to worry over what he thinks he could do best but now, he seems like he’s finally found it.
HIRAGI: Inumine-kun was a lot more capable than I imagined. Now, there’s nothing left for me to teach him. (smiles)
HIRAGI: Sawatari-kun has a wonderful talent that he doesn’t even realize yet.
HIRAGI: And, Tatsumi-kun?
HIRAGI: You're able to lead everyone without problem and while always smiling.
HIRAGI: You are a very tolerant and responsible leader.
TATSUMI: Ah… (chuckles)
HIRAGI: I really love all of you. I’m glad to have met you.
HIRAGI: I want to try to have meaningful meetings like this more.
HIRAGI: I want to try doing a performance with people I’ve never met before.
HIRAGI: Right now, I am feeling very excited.
TATSUMI: Hiragi-senpai…
HIRAGI: That’s why, I ended up being a little bit selfish towards you.
HIRAGI: I might not be in the position to say this now but, I’m really sad that we couldn’t stand on the same stage.
HIRAGI: But, someday surely, if we wish for it, our dreams will come true.
HIRAGI: I believe that we will be blessed with the chance to do so again.
HIRAGI: Until that time.
TATSUMI: Yes, until that time comes.
TATSUMI: Hiragi-senpai…
TATSUMI: When the time comes for me to make a choice as a performer, I will choose one that will leave me no regrets.
TATSUMI: I really admire you from the bottom of my heart.
HIRAGI: (smiles) Thank you. I am proud of you from the bottom of my heart.
HIRAGI/TATSUMI: (chuckles)
  OTORI: (takes a deep breath and sighs) The smell of the theatre… So, it’s this quiet when there’s no audience, huh.
(door opens)
HOSHITANI: Otori-senpai?!
OTORI: Hoshitani?
HOSHITANI: What are you doing all by yourself in an empty theatre?
OTORI: I should ask the same of you.
HOSHITANI: Nayuki went wild and finally fell asleep. Kuga and I carried him back to the room and I was just on my way back.
HOSHITANI: Though, I only opened the door. (chuckles)
HOSHITANI: I stood on top of this stage. It’s my first big performance.
HOSHITANI: I felt a little bit reluctant to part with it when I realized that today was the last day.
HOSHITANI: I wanted to see it one more time.
OTORI: (chuckles) I feel the same way.
HOSHITANI: Ah… (laughs)
HOSHITANI: It feels a bit strange when watching it from the audience, doesn’t it?
HOSHITANI: To think that I stood on top of that stage… It still feels like a dream!
OTORI: Really. It was such a dream-like stage. Being able to stand in front of a huge audience, receiving applause during the curtain call… It felt like it was only moments ago.
HOSHITANI: I still can’t believe it!
OTORI: Right?
HOSHITANI: Hm, what is it…? You’re staring at me…
OTORI: I just felt a little bit sorry for you…
HOSHITANI: Oh, you mean, my arm?
HOSHITANI: It’s okay! Sazanami-senpai’s first aid worked well and the doctor said that it will heal quickly.
OTORI: Does it still hurt? Want me to pat the pain away~?
HOSHITANI: Ah, eh…? (chuckles)
OTORI: (laughs) Come on, sit here.
HOSHITANI: Eh? Ah, yes… I thought that you were joking…
OTORI: (laughs) There, there~ (Otori pats Hoshitani)
OTORI: I’m sorry. I made you do something harsh, huh.
HOSHITANI: That’s not true!
HOSHITANI: This might sound strange but, I didn’t really feel any pain during that time.
HOSHITANI: You came to me, held your hand out to me, and I only felt happy!
HOSHITANI: I could sing with you, Senpai—With Alexis.  And then, I completely forgot that I was injured.
HOSHITANI: Is this what it means to be acting?
OTORI: (laughs)
HOSHITANI: Otori-senpai?
OTORI: We graduated, huh…
OTORI: The high schooler you admired… Standing on stage with him was your driving force.
OTORI: As long as you have a dream, you can move forward. But then, I kept wondering what you would do after that dream came true.
OTORI: And then, I got scared.
OTORI: I thought that you weren’t thinking of reliving that dream.
OTORI: I sound so absurd, huh?
OTORI: But, that’s what it is to be admired by someone. Surely.
OTORI: But, you seem like you’ll be fine! You’re still facing musicals excitedly with twinkling eyes.
OTORI: Even without that high schooler you admire. That’s why, you’ve graduated from me.
HOSHITANI: Otori-senpai…
OTORI: Now, it’s my turn to chase after Hoshitani.
OTORI: I told you, didn’t I? That I could be here because you were there.
OTORI: You stole my heart the first time I saw you perform. That’s why you’re my Prince, you know, Hoshitani~?
HOSHITANI: A-ah… That’s…
OTORI: (smiles) Prince Hoshitani, will you play with me once again on stage?
HOSHITANI: I will be in your care!
  HOSHITANI: That day, under the outdoor stage in the rain, I realized that the colors of my world changed.
HOSHITANI: I want to stand on the same stage as that person! I want to dance the same dance!
HOSHITANI: To be honest, I still don’t know what kind of thing is waiting way beyond that dream but…
HOSHITANI: But I love musicals! I love being able to sing, dance, and act with my friends!
HOSHITANI: That’s why I plan to continue treasuring this gift that I got from that person I admire.
HOSHITANI: Until the day the curtains rise again!
Translator’s Notes:
(1) Nayuki’s referring to how Tengenji and Tsukigami’s first names both have the syllable [ka] at the beginning. (Kakeru and Kaito)
(2) The word Kuga says is actually 「伸して」which is literally “to knock down” I used “sleep” to make it sound nicer XD
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission.
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juwian · 6 years ago
starmyu i love you but you have disappointed me,,,
tbh the episode would've been a LOT stronger had they cut "two of a kind" or w/e the insert song was and replaced it with a classic musical fighty song between shiki and fuyusawa :C
like iMAGINE towards the end of the ep tensions rise and they break out into a song just screaming their feelings and desires at each other like a good conflict song is GREAT and starmyu could really benefit from that
just,,,, c'mon man,,, don't tease a villan/conflict song and not give it to us >:C
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a3trnsltn · 4 years ago
Hey, same A3!-TW asking person, again. Thank you for translating Silver’s card. Loved how he made beef stew. Also the new Silver & Riddle SR cards w/ their VAs reminded me of an anime called STARMYU, particularly Season 2, Ep. 8 & it’s inserted song. Though it made me wish they are fully voiced, particularly Riddle’s 2 event SR cards (the chef & ghost marriage) cuz it features Malleus.
Hi, you’re welcome! 
I watched starmyu, but now i realized both Riddle and Silver’s voice actor were there, and sang together! This makes me love them even more, they make a really cute combination, with how they’re both in the same club. And same, twst card stories are great, I wish they were voiced too.
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sparkynekolinz13 · 7 years ago
Anime I’ve Watched
Okay, here’s this massive post!
My roomie/best friend, Amanda, has gotten me into watching new anime as it comes out every season. We’ve been doing this since college, either 8 or 9 years ago, and it’s accumulated in a crapton of shows that we’ve watched. Obviously I’ve liked some more than others, and I can’t remember every single show I’ve watched, and with so many to list, it’s hard to think of shows I’ve seen when people ask me.
So I’m going to use this as a way to track all the shows I’ve watched!
I’m going to list shows that I’ve seen more than just a few episodes of. There are a ton of shows I’ve started watching, but then quit. Those aren’t going to count here.
Also, I’m going to use the titles I’m used to, so there will likely be a lot of Japanese titles of shows that I’ve noticed are more popular with the English title. I honestly don’t know the English title of some of them. XD;; It’s just how I’ve watched them. I will add akas where there is more than one version of the title.
I’ve watched all of these in Japanese, unless I specify that I watched it in English. The first few shows I watched in my life were in English, and so I tend to only watch those in English even now, but now I’m a Japanese snob and refuse to watch dubs. XD
07 Ghost
91 Days
Ace Attorney (aka Gyakuten Saiban)
Ace of Diamond (aka Diamond no Ace)
Active Raid
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime (aka Snow White with the Red Hair)
Akatsuki no Yona (aka Yona of the Dawn)
Aldnoah.Zero (though don’t ask me about it; I hate it; I call it “That Show”)
All Out!!
Amaama to Inazuma (aka Sweetness & Lightning)
Antique Bakery
Ao Haru Ride (aka Blue Spring Ride)
Aoharu x Kikanjuu (aka Aoharu x Machinegun)
Arcana Famiglia (aka La storia della Arcana Famiglia)
Area no Kishi (aka The Knight in the Area)
Argevollen (aka Shirogane no Ishi Argevollen)
Arslan Senki (aka The Heroic Legend of Arslan)
Atom The Beginning
Baby Steps
Bakumatsu Rock
Big Windup! (aka Ookiku Furikabutte, or Oofuri)
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu Love! (aka Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!)
Black Cat (in English)
Blood Lad
Boku no Hero Academia (aka My Hero Academia, or HeroAca)
Bonjour Koiaji Patisserie (aka BONJOUR Sweet Love Patisserie)
Boruto (the movie; I’ve only seen a bit of the anime)
Brave 10
Brothers Conflict
Buddy Complex
Bungo Stray Dogs
Captain Earth
Cardcaptor Sakura (in English, as Cardcaptors)
Cardfight!! Vanguard (not all of it, but enough of it to list it)
Case Closed (but only the episodes Funimation aired on their channel, in English)
Cheer Danshi!! (aka Cheer Boys!!)
Chiruran Nibun no Ichi (aka Chiruran 1/2)
Classroom Crisis
(La) Corda d’Oro Blue Sky
Cuticle Detective Inaba
Dagashi Kashi
Damekko Doubutsu
Dance with Devils
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou (aka Daily Lives of High School Boys)
Dantalian no Shoka (aka The Mystic Archives of Dantalian)
Darker than Black
Death Note
Death Parade
Devil Survivor 2 The animation
Digimon (seasons 1 and 2, and part of 4, in English)
Dimension W
Divine Gate
Dragon Ball Z (parts of it, in English)
Dream Festival!
Durarara!! (only the first season)
Earl and Fairy
Endride (about half?)
Fairy Tail (only like the first season or two, I think)
Fate/Apocrypha (still in progress, but I’m not planning on quitting atm)
Fate/stay night
Fate/Zero (I didn’t finish it, but I watched the majority of it)
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (movie)
Fireball Charming
Flying Witch
Fruits Basket (in English)
Fudanshi Koukou Seikatsu (aka The Highschool Life of a Fudanshi)
Fukigen na Mononokean (aka The Morose Mononokean)
Fune wo Amu (aka The Great Passage)
Galilei Donna
Gallery Fake (didn’t finish it, but watched about half or more)
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (aka Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun)
Getbackers (haven’t finished it, but I want to)
Gifuu Doudou!! Kanetsugu to Keiji
Granblue Fantasy the Animation
Grave of the Fireflies (movie, in English; had to watch it for a class...never again)
Grimoire of Zero (aka Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho)
Gugure! Kokkuri-san
Gundam Build Fighters
Gundam Build Fighters Try (counting this as separate since it’s a different generation)
Hakkenden: Eight Dogs of the East
Hakuouki (aka Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom)
Hanasakeru Seishounen (only about half)
HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun Suru (aka Haruchika - Haruta & Chika)
Hataraku Maou-sama! (aka The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
Heat Guy J
Hetalia Axis Powers (not all of it)
Hibike! Euphonium (aka Sound! Euphonium)
Hikaru no Go (haven’t finished it, but I’d like to)
Hotarubi no Morie e (movie)
Howl’s Moving Castle (movie, in English)
Houzuki no Reitetsu (aka Hozuki’s Coolheadedness)
Hunter x Hunter (2011; not all of it, but a good portion)
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha (aka Inari Kon Kon)
Inuyasha (in English; not all of it yet)
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (aka JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken)
Joker Game
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! (aka Maid Sama!)
Kami-sama no Memo-chou (aka Heaven’s Memo Pad)
Kamigami no Asobi
Kamisama Hajimemashita (aka Kamisama Kiss)
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (aka Kami-Nai aka Sunday Without God)
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (not all of it, but a good portion)
Katsugeki! Touken Ranbu
Kekkai Sensen (aka Blood Blockade Battlefront)
Kenka Banchou Otome: Girl Beats Boys
Kimi to Boku (aka You and Me.)
Konbini Kareshi (aka Convenience Store Boy Friends)
Kuroko no Basuke (aka Kuroko’s Basketball aka The basketball which Kuroko plays....that version of the title always cracks me up)
Kuroshitsuji (aka Black Butler; not all of it)
Kyoukai no Kanata (aka Beyond the Boundary)
Kyoukai no Rinne (aka RIN-NE; about a season and a half)
(The) Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Library War (aka Toshokan Sensou)
Log Horizon
Magic Kaito: 1412
Magic-kyun! Renaissance
Mahou Sensou (aka Magical Warfare)
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro (aka Neuro - Supernatural Detective)
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist (aka just Devils and Realist)
Makura no Danshi
Marginal#4 Kiss Kara Tsukuru Big Bang (aka MARGINAL #4 the Animation)
Medaka Box
Miracle Train - Ooedo-sen e Yookoso
Mobile Suit Gundam
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn RE:0096
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit
Nana Maru San Batsu (aka Fastest Finger First)
Naruto Shippuuden (not all of it; got tired of all the fillers and stopped watching)
Natsume Yuujin-Chou (aka Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Nijiiro Days (aka Rainbow Days)
No. 6
Nobunaga no Shinobi (aka Ninja Girl & Samurai Master)
Nobunagun (only saw about half; want to finish it someday)
Norn9 - Norn + Nonette
Nurarihyon no Mago (aka Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan)
One Punch Man
Ore Monogatari!! (aka My Love Story!!)
Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Ooshitsu Kyoushi Heine (aka The Royal Tutor)
Otome Youkai Zakuro (aka just Zakuro)
Ouran High School Host Club
Pandora Hearts (I can’t remember if I’ve seen the entire anime, or just a good portion of it)
Peacemaker Kurogane (I haven’t finished it yet...)
Peach Girl (in English)
Persona 4: The Animation
Phantasy Star Online 2: The Animation
Phi-Brain - Kami no Puzzle (aka Phi-Brain - Puzzle of God)
Pokémon (in English; only like the first two or three seasons, and the first...4? movies)
Prince of Stride: Alternative
(The) Prince of Tennis (aka Tennis no Ouji-sama; almost all of it)
Princess Mononoke (aka Mononoke Hime; movie)
Psycho-Pass (not the second season)
Rokka no Yuusha (aka Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers)
Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (aka The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Sailor Moon (in English; a good portion of it, and the 3 movies)
Saint Seiya
Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary (movie)
Saiunkoku Monogatari (The Story of Saiunkoku)
Sakamoto desu ga? (aka Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto)
Scared Rider Xechs (aka Scar-red Rider XechS; didn’t finish it)
Seikai Suru Kado (aka KADO - The Right Answer)
Sekkou Boys
Sengoku Basara (just the first season and the movie)
Servant x Service
Shingeki no Bahamut Genesis (aka Rage of Bahamut: Genesis)
Shingeki no Bahamut VIRGIN SOUL (aka Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul)
Shirokuma Café (aka Polar Bear’s Café)
Shoukoku no Altair (aka Altair: A Record of Battles; ongoing, but I’m not planning on dropping it)
Shounen Hollywood - Holly Stage for 49
Shounen Maid
Shonen Onmyouji
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (and the second season, Descending Stories)
Sket Dance (not all of it, but a good portion)
Skip Beat!
Spirited Away (movie, in English)
STARMYU (aka High School Star Musical)
Starry Sky
Steamboy (movie, in English)
Super GALS! (in English; probably not even half of it, but more than just a few episodes)
Switch (OVA)
Taboo Tattoo (I watched until B.B. died; he was the only reason I watched the show in the first place)
Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge (aka Tanaka-kun is Always Listless)
Tegami Bachi (aka Letter Bee)
Tiger & Bunny (plus both movies)
Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta (aka The Pilot’s Love Song)
Tokyo Ravens
Tonari no Seki-kun
Tono to Issho (but just the original OVA, not the TV series)
Toriko (about half? maybe?)
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru
Trickster (like...7 episodes or something?)
TsukiPro the Animation (only 3 episodes so far, but I’m definitely planning on watching all of it)
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (maybe about half?)
Uchouten Kazoku (aka The Eccentric Family)
Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari (aka Poco’s Udon World)
Ushio to Tora (aka Ushio & Tora)
Uta no Prince-sama (aka UtaPri)
Utakoi (aka Chouyaku Hyakunin Isshu: Uta Koi)
Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen (aka Utawarerumono: The False Faces; not all of it)
Vatican Miracle Examiner (aka Vatican Kiseki Chousakan)
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda (aka Kiss Him, Not Me)
Weiss Kreuz (aka Knight Hunters)
Welcome to the Ballroom (aka Ballroom e Youkoso)
Working!! (aka Wagnaria!!)
Yakitate!! Japan (maybe like 20-ish episodes?)
Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo (aka Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches)
Youkai Apaato no Yuuga na Nichijou (aka Elegant Yokai Apartment Life; still ongoing, but it’s been about 14-15 episodes now)
Young Black Jack
Yowamushi Pedal
Yu Yu Hakusho: Ghost Files (in English; never finished it, but wanted to)
Yuri!!! on Ice
Zetsuen no Tempest (aka Blast of Tempest)
And that’s all of them! I missed a couple while I was going through, so I might be missing a couple, but...this is theoretically all of the shows I’ve watched! Well, that I’ve watched more than like 5 episodes of. There’s a ton more shows that I’ve only watched like 1-5 episodes of, haha. I don’t need to make a list of that...
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akashi-tetsuki · 8 years ago
Hello! I love your edits! Especially for the starmyu ones since shu is like my bae >w
Of course!! ^^ 
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sarukui · 8 years ago
BNHA, Natsume Yuujinchou, Starmyu Jen ;')
‘eyyyyyy thank you annie!! (´∀`)♡
natsume yuujinchou was answered here!
Favorite character: uraraka ochako! such a cutie ;w;Second favorite character: kirishima eijirou! c:Least favorite character: n/aThe character I’m most like: hmmm, asui probably?Favorite pairing: kiribaku ~Least favorite pairing: n/aFavorite moment: i’ll stick to anime only moments !! BUT URARAKA’S MATCH AGAINST BAKUGOU. SHE’S SO TOUGH AND STRONG AND I WANT HER TO KNOW SHE’S AMAZING AND HOW BRIGHT HER FUTURE AS A PRO HERO IS ♡Rating out of 10: 9.5/10 !! bc this series makes me tear up sm :’)
starmyu (YAAAAAY)
Favorite character: nayuki tooru!Second favorite character: tsukigami kaito ;w;Least favorite character: n/a (impossible w/ this series LOL)The character I’m most like: futaba taiga ~ mainly he’s a foodie and dislikes insects lololFavorite pairing: n/aLeast favorite pairing: n/aFavorite moment: EVERYTHING ABOUT S2 FINALE ?? haha hoshitani and ootori’s performance and the red hair tie thing *cries* also the ending where everyone sings ♡  but also nayuki and ugawa’s talk was also so so sweet and i love how they motivated each other!Rating out of 10: 8/10! S3 please ;w;
send me a fandom!
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team-hoshitsuki-blog · 8 years ago
Hi!! first of all thank you so much for all the releases you make!! i love you!!! second I'd like to ask would you consider subbing Starmyu drama cds? Any of them? Not now of course! ...but maybe... in the future? :D
You’re welcome ! All the messages we’re receiving are so nice, thank you so much for taking the time to thank us ♥
I’m willing to translate some drama CDs but please consider that I’m not fluent in Japanese, I’m a bit scared making too much mistakes orz But I can ! Just excuse me if it’s not perfect (/w\)I think I’ll make a post asking which one you want translated or something in the future, for now I need to concentrate on this spring season : D Thank you for the suggestion anyways !
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marlikesthings · 5 years ago
Starmyu S3 episode 12 review
I can't believe starmyu just ended ;w; Someone please tell me there's going to be an OVA or another season because I refuse to accept we're not going to ever see starmyu again.
For me, the best thing this season was hoshitani's and tatsumi's friendship and their character development. Hoshitani has matured quite a bit and tatsumi is more open about his feelings. He also seems to be having much more fun than before. I also enjoyed quite a lot the occasional appearances of the previous Kao Council members! Shiki is my fave among the new characters, though, I think that's quite obvious XD I fell for his charm the first time I saw him bicker with hoshitani haha I liked how he wasn't afraid of saying what's on his mind and how he kept on teasing hoshitani. I later learned that he shares a lot of similarities with otori (and with hoshitani, too) and that behind that confident smile was a more fragile person than I had imagined. Despite that, he tries his best to overcome his weaknesses and to remain positive no matter how bad the situation is. This episode also proved shiki can be quite reckless when he wants. 
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(no seriously, why would you jump out of a building? And what's with those feathers? XD)
I don't know how to feel about this episode, if I am completely honest. On one hand, I absolutely loved the music and team hiragi's & team otori's (+ the others) performance. On the other hand, too many things happened in a single episode, so it's hard to focus on one thing. And while I am happy fuyusawa and shiki made up, I wish they had talked a bit more. Things were resolved too easily. Although I understand that since this was the last episode, they couldn't afford to spend so much time on them. The 2nd years also deserved to have the spotlight, after all.
I feel that the issue with "traditions" was kind of glossed over towards the end. I am glad all 14 members of the musical department (well, minus team akatsuki and the other members of team yuzuriha and team sazanami) were able to become part of the Kao Council, but I can't help but feel it was too easy. Did the school accept it without complaining? I am not going to complain too much since I love starmyu and I want this review to focus on more positive things, but I personally find it a bit strange that after all the drama about the school being strict with maintaining traditions (this problem lasted for 3 seasons), they are now suddenly very welcoming of changes. Especially big changes such as this one. It's kind of hard to believe. I wish the anime had shown us how this happened or at the very least, that they had spent more time showing us how the Kao Council came to this decision and what happened to all the members. What is going to become of shiki, fuyusawa, kasugano, irinatsu and chiaki? They were this season main characters (more so than hoshitani and the rest) and I feel that there's still a lot we don't know about them and a lot that was left unsaid. Maybe it's better than to keep on talking about their conflicts, but I can't help but feel the ending is a bit rushed.
However, despite my complaints I did love this episode very much! Now I’ll talk about the things I liked:
- Team hiragi and team otori + ageha and hachiya + nanjo and kitahara. That’s it XD
- Kuga worrying about hoshitani and not letting him look for shiki alone
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If there is one thing that changed this season is that team otori and the others no longer expect hoshitani to solve everything by himself. They have always been very supportive of hoshitani, however, most of the times hoshitani did something, he was generally alone or with only one other person (the person he was going to help or who was helping him). The others agreed with him, but didn’t necessarily accompany him when he was about to do something. There’s a reason why hoshitani is called “miracle hoshitani”, if the others were always with him, it would have been unfair for hoshitani to take all the credit for the “miracles” that took place. How do I say this… they still have high expectations of hoshitani and they still go along with what he wants to do, but they now follow hoshitani when he’s about to do something. Also, hoshitani is no longer the only one to actively try to help others. For example, tatsumi tried several times to understand fuyusawa and to help him one way or another. Kitahara and ageha (+ tatsumi) also started taking their role as leaders more seriously and accompanied hoshitani talk to the Kao Council members several times. Hoshitani no longer has to bear all the responsibility for the “company”. Also, let’s not forget it was inumine who proposed the idea of making the Kao Council members part of their company.    
- Hoshitani and otori meeting. Otori cheering on hoshitani. Otori holding hoshitani’s hand. EVERYTHING.
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- Is that hoshitani behind tatsumi?? AAAHHHHH
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Those two are too much for me, I love them!!!
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I swear starmyu is trying to kill me. First otori, then tatsumi and now shiki… I….  
- Nanjo, please XD
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Nanjo is a hoshitani fan, no one can convince me otherwise.
- The previous Kao Council members appearing!! So happy!!
- Did I say I love them?
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This is what I call character development ahdjak
- Shiki being sassy, hell yes!
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- The way the 2nd years look at the Kao Council members. I personally found this very cute. They look so happy for them. 
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- My baby ;w;
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- I need another season now!!! ;w;
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I am so proud of them. They’ll make a wonderful Kao Council.  
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kanasmusings · 6 years ago
[Translation] StarMyu Season 2 DVD Vol. 4 Special Drama Track 1
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More StarMyu drama tracks, yay~! This is the track that comes before Hachiya’s drama www It’s all about them studying and competing about who gets the better grades LOL. 
※ Please don’t re-post these translations without permission. Instead of reposting, please just like/reblog instead ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
[スタミュin定期試験・2年生編] “StarMyu in End of Term Exams – 2nd Year Chapter”
  HOSHITANI: April. There was only one month left before the graduation performances.
HOSHITANI: Rehearsals are going well and we’re more focused than ever! But…
HOSHITANI: One difficult part of being a student is not being able to completely focus on that…
HOSHITANI: Yes! It’s our end-of-term exams… My very own day of tribulations are about to begin…
  HOSHITANI: Volume 4: Special Drama CD.
ALL: StarMyu in End-of-term Exams: 2nd Year Chapter.
  HOSHITANI: And so… This season has come again~…
HOSHITANI: Please help me study, oh great Tengenji Kakeru!!
TENGENJI: Again, you boor?! In the first place, how many days do you think are left before the test, huh?
HOSHITANI: U-um… One day?
TENGENJI: Why didn’t you start studying earlier?!
HOSHITANI: Um… I thought that you were busy with rehearsals, too, so…
TENGENJI: You having to rely on others (to study) in the first place makes you hopeless!
TENGENJI: Can’t you understand it by yourself when it’s taught?!
HOSHITANI: I-I can do it, too! B-but, the way our brains work is different.
HOSHITANI: I’m not like you or Tsukigami.
TENGENJI: Geez… I’d be troubled if you keep relying on me.
TENGENJI: (sighs and then clears throat) W-well… I-I happen to be free today, too.
TENGENJI: It would be okay to help the pitiful—
TENGENJI: AH! Don’t jump me! I’ll fall from the chair! Tavian will wake up, you boor!
HOSHITANI: Ah, I’m sorry~ I’m sorry, too, Tavian~
TENGENJI: So, what happened to Tsukigami?
TENGENJI: No matter how you think about it, watching over someone as easily distracted as you is hard work!
TENGENJI: I need a watcher.
HOSHITANI: I’m not Tsukigami’s problem when it comes to studying.
HOSHITANI: He already has Kuga.
TENGENJI: Then what about Nayuki?
HOSHITANI: Nayuki went home to his parents’ house.
TENGENJI: How does that happen a lot?!
HOSHITANI: (laughs) It’s okay~! I’ll study properly! I brought a lot to help with it!
HOSHITANI: It might take long so snacks are needed, right? And also, we might want to have a change of pace so I brought Tavian some toys~
HOSHITANI: Oh! I have some snacks for cats, too~
TENGENJI: You have no plans of focusing, do you?!
TENGENJI: Geez… Still, I understand that it’s kind of difficult to focus in this room when there’s a healing angel around.
TENGENJI: The only choice we have is to study elsewhere.
  HOSHITANI: And so, we’re here at the lounge~ Uh… Huh?
TENGENJI: Huh? What’s wrong?
HOSHITANI: It looks like there are visitors…
  HACHIYA: Ah, Ageha, the kanji here is wrong.
AGEHA: Where?
HACHIYA: (points on the notebook) Here. Hm? This one’s wrong, too…
HACHIYA: And this one, and that one, too… Ah, you can’t write such simple kanji in hiragana, you know?
AGEHA: Are you making fun of me?
HACHIYA: Ah, no, no.
  HOSHITANI: (walking towards them) Ageha, Hachiya~
AGEHA: (excitedly) Yuuta! (back in his monotone voice) And the Kabuki Noble…
TENGENJI: You totally have no interest in me, huh.
HACHIYA: A-ah, I’m sorry about that, Tengenji-kun.
HOSHITANI: What are you doing in this dorm? You’re in the 2nd dorm, aren’t you?
AGEHA: We were studying for the exam.
HACHIYA: Our dorm’s exterior is being renovated so it’s a bit noisy.
HACHIYA: So, we were borrowing the lounge here for a while.
HOSHITANI: Ageha… You have Hachiya help you study?
HOSHITANI: Are you… (excited) bad at studying, too~!?
HACHIYA: (nervous chuckle)
HOSHITANI: ALRIGHT! I found a friend!!
TENGENJI: That’s not something to be happy about! How unsightly!
AGEHA: Yuuta, you’re bad at studying, too…?
HOSHITANI: Yeah! That’s why I have Tengenji and the others help me to not get a failing score!
HACHIYA: Just like Ageha.
AGEHA: The same… as Yuuta…
HOSHITANI: I knew we had something else in common~
AGEHA: Yeah.
TENGENJI: Don’t be sympathetic to something so lame, you boors!
  REN: Ah, Koki, we have visitors.
ALL: Huh?
REN: What are you all doing here?
NANJO: Heya~
HOSHITANI: Kitahara, Nanjo.
TENGENJI: The people keep multiplying…
AGEHA: The worst.
HACHIYA: A-Ageha…!
NANJO: (laughs) You’ve gotten along so well with Miracle Hoshitani but you still treat me the same, huh? Not that I care though.
AGEHA: Hmph.
HACHIYA: I’m sorry about this always, Nanjo-kun.
NANJO: It’s okay, really.
(Ren sits down)
REN: So, what are you losers doing? Killing time?
TENGENJI: Studying for the exam!
NANJO: All four of you?! I personally think that that’s too many…
HOSHITANI: Only Ageha and I are studying. Tengenji and Hachiya are our teachers.
HOSHITANI: Right, Ageha?
AGEHA: Yeah.
NANJO: Heh… So it’s the same as us.
HOSHITANI: Eh? Really?
NANJO: I came here to watch over Ren’s studies, too.
NANJO: They’re cleaning in my room at the 2nd dorm and Toraishi’s studying like crazy in Ren’s room.
NANJO: Toraishi said he can’t concentrate when someone’s there~
REN: That Izumi gets so fired up before an exam, huh.
REN: Stupid, right?
NANJO: I don’t think you have the right to say that, Ren~
HOSHITANI: (whispering) Tengenji, is Toraishi still competing against you in academics?
TENGENJI: (scoffs) He sure loves wasting effort when he knows he can’t beat me.
HACHIYA: It seems to be getting livelier with more people around.
HOSHITANI: I’m getting excited, too! I feel like I can concentrate more with study buddies~!
TENGENJI: Don’t lie, you!
AGEHA: We don’t need Nanjo Koki.
NANJO: Then how about you move someplace else?
AGEHA: How about you move somewhere else?
HOSHITANI: Ah, no fighting! I’ll sit next to Ageha~
TENGENJI: (sighs) Geez…
HOSHITANI: Alright~ Let’s all do our best to not get failing scores!
  HACHIYA: Then, we’ll be continuing where we left off.
HACHIYA: Ah, Ageha, the kanji there is wrong, too.
  TENGENJI: (sighs) Let’s start, too. What subject do you wanna start with?
HOSHITANI: Then, uh… Math! It’s my worst subject in tomorrow’s exam.
TENGENJI: Alright. Open your textbook quickly!
HOSHITANI: Yes! I will be in your care!
  NANJO: Ren, let’s start with English. It was your worst subject during the midterms.
REN: Shut it.
NANJO: Here, this page. Translate it (to English).
REN: Y-yeah…
(Ren starts writing on his notebook)
REN: H-huh…? Like this…? Um…
NANJO: Ren, the spelling’s wrong.
REN: Huh? Ah, here? (Ren erases what he wrote)
NANJO: Can you give me a break already?
NANJO: I mean, you already learned it in class. I get that you can be confused with the grammar but, at least get the spelling right.
NANJO: You do have brain cells, don’t you?
REN: Huh? Of course I do. Guilty.
NANJO: Ah~ You do have them but it’s not like they’re working, huh?
NANJO: I figured~ I mean, you got such a simple spelling wrong so I’m surprised that you even have them.
NANJO: By the way, Ren~ That translation for the first part is wrong~
REN: Eh? For real?!
NANJO: I’ll ask you this. You’re not joking, are you? Well, you’re wasting my precious time so I guess you’re not joking.
NANJO: I mean, you already get good enough grades even without a trial exam. You’re seriously just trying to ruin my time~
NANJO: By the way, for me personally, helping someone work over their mistakes is the number one most useless way of wasting time.
NANJO: Though, I guess you wouldn’t know how that feels, huh~ (laughs)
  TENGENJI: H-hey…
HOSHITANI: N-Nanjo… You don’t have to go that far…
HACHIYA: We’ve been listening all this while but… I don’t think that’ll help Kitahara-kun…
NANJO: Ah, it’s okay~ If you don’t badmouth this guy he won’t have any motivation.
NANJO: Right, Ren?
REN: Pretty much. How do I put it…? Until that person is able to make me surrender, it wouldn’t work at all.
NANJO: Though, I don’t know how long it’ll take you to do that with my academic intellect~
NANJO: Really, Ren. You have a good looking face but your brain is only muscles.
REN: Hey, Koki. Even that’s going kinda far.
NANJO: I mean, it’s true, right~? If you had a good enough brain then you’ll get good enough scores.
NANJO: Is it possible for you to pick some brain cells up somewhere?
REN: (scoffs) You said it, huh? Guilty~
NANJO: I mean, for me personally, your sentence should be life imprisonment. Guilty over guilty, see~?
NANJO/REN: (laughs)
  HOSHITANI: (shrieks quietly)
TENGENJI: (whispering) He got dissed so badly and yet… he’s still laughing…
HOSHITANI: (whispering) I get called positive a lot but… Isn’t Kitahara more amazing?
AGEHA: It’s more appropriate to call him a total M (masochist) instead of positive.
NANJO: Still, this guy’s grades might be bad but, he’s got a lot of cute points as a student~
NANJO: He pulls through all the time, y’know?
REN: Of course. Plus, my grades aren’t always that bad to start with.
REN: The guys who graduated from Ayanagi’s middle school are just too damn smart.
HOSHITANI: Ah, I totally get it! Nayuki, Tsukigami, and Tatsumi and Sawatari are all smart, too!
REN: Hah? Don’t lump me in with you. I saw your results during the midterms.
REN: Your scores were waaaay less than mine. You’re guilty.
HOSHITANI: (nervous laughter)
TENGENJI: Hey! I can’t let that go after hearing it.
TENGENJI: It’s true that Hoshitani’s grades are atrocious but, compared to last year, it’s not that bad at all!
TENGENJI: Have you ever had a supplementary exam because of a failing grade, huh?!
HOSHITANI: T-Tengenji… Don’t expose me like that…
NANJO: True. That hasn’t happened to Ren.
NANJO: Though, Ren has had an all 40-point streak last year~
TENGENJI: All 40-points, you say…?!
NANJO: Compared to that, he’s gotten so much better, right~? Like Ren says, being lumped in with Hoshitani is a violation.
TENGENJI: WHAT?! You bastard, what’d you say about someone else’s student?!
HOSHITANI: Tengenji!
REN: (scoffs) Don’t get worked up, Mr. Kabuki Noble. It can’t be helped.
REN: Hoshitani, Ageha, me. Among the three of us, I’m the one with the best grades no matter how you look at it.
REN: Even if the test is tomorrow, the results will be the same.
TENGENJI: HUH?! You bastard—
(Tengenji tries to fight Ren but Hachiya and Hoshitani stop him)
HOSHITANI: Tengenji…!
HACHIYA: Please calm down!
AGEHA: I can’t let those words go.
ALL: Huh?
AGEHA: My grades have gotten better, too. Compared to my first year grades.
AGEHA: I definitely won’t lose to someone like Nanjo Koki’s student.
REN: Huh? Now, you’ve done it.
NANJO: (laughs) Isn’t he just re-directing his hatred for me towards someone else~?
HACHIYA: Ageha, please don’t say something so unreasonable!
HOSHITANI: Unreasonable?
HACHIYA: There has been a time when Ageha got 30 points on all his tests last year.
HOSHITANI: 30 points?!
TENGENJI: (snickering and then bursts out in laughter)
HOSHITANI: Tengenji?
TENGENJI: Each one of you’re no big deal at all!
TENGENJI: You keep bragging like it’s something great but, my, a.k.a. Mr. Perfect’s student, Hoshitani is not gonna lose to any one of you!
TENGENJI: Listen, Hoshitani. Today’s study session will be a special service. I’ll teach you anything and everything you need so make sure to get a better score than these losers!
HOSHITANI: N-no way…!
REN: I don’t know about getting excited over tests but, I’ll do this perfectly. I’d be guilty if I don’t win.
REN: Koki, let’s study until we make these guys cry.
NANJO: You’re getting pretty fired up over something pointless, Ren~
HACHIYA: A-Ageha, I think you better back down…
HACHIYA: Nanjo-kun and Tengenji-kun are really smart and proper teachers. I can’t even compare to them.
AGEHA: That’s exactly why Nanjo Koki’s student is making fun of me.
AGEHA: You dare to even call yourself the top star’s teammate?
HOSHITANI: Th-this is turning into something troubling…
NANJO: By the way, for me personally, this seems like a great way to kill time~
HACHIYA: (groans)
AGEHA: I definitely won’t lose.
REN: Bring it on.
TENGENJI: Don’t embarrass me, Hoshitani.
(Tengenji, Ren, and Nanjo laugh evilly)
  HOSHITANI: (sighs) This time’s study session was so difficult…
TENGENJI: I watched over your studying carefully. You better feel blessed.
HACHIYA: Th-the day has finally come… The day when we’ll find out our study session’s results…
HACHIYA: Ageha, are you prepared?
AGEHA: You’re the one who’s not prepared, right?
REN: Listen, Hoshitani, Ageha. This is a battle to see who scored better in all the subjects compared to last year’s results.
REN: Though, it’s no use to actually expect anything from you both.
AGEHA: That’s my line.
NANJO: Ah, looks like they’re bringing it out.
  (the results are posted and students are exclaiming)
  HOSHITANI: Ah, there’s my name! My scores went up!
TENGENJI: Really?!
HOSHITANI: Yeah! Plus, my average rose by 10 points!
HOSHITANI: Tengenji, I did it!
AGEHA: Mine went up, too. My average also rose by 10 points.
HACHIYA: Ageha, you did it!
REN: (scoffs) My scores are way above yours.
NANJO: But, your average also rose up by 10 points, too.
HOSHITANI: Eh…? This means…?
AGEHA: It’s a draw…?
ALL: …
HOSHITANI: (laughs)
AGEHA: Yuuta?
HOSHITANI: It’s just kinda strange~ We all studied so hard and even competed but to think that all our average would rise by 10 points~
HOSHITANI: All’s well that ends well, huh~?
TENGENJI: For real now.
REN: Geez, a result like this’s not even worth the competition. Guilty.
AGEHA: But, I’m happy that mine’s the same as Yuuta’s.
ALL: (laugh)
  (a group of students suddenly cheer)
HACHIYA: It seems like they’re getting excited over there. I wonder what’s going on.
HOSHITANI: It looks like… they’re crowding over Inumine?
TENGENJI: Huh? Didn’t he have the worst scores during the exan?
HOSHITANI: But… isn’t everyone telling him ‘congratulations’?
NANJO: Ah, Sawatari.
EIGO: Oh my, everyone. How are your test scores?
NANJO: Well, never mind ours. What’s going on with Inumine?
REN: Why’s he being congratulated when he’s got the worst score? Guilty.
EIGO: Ah, tha’s—
EIGO: Actually, Inumine’s average rose by 20 points.
ALL: 20 points?!
TENGENJI: And he has the worst score?! What did he do during the previous midterm exam?!
EIGO: Embarrassingly, he scored 20 points on all his subjects then.
EIGO: We have been tutoring him a week before the exam started and, he has managed to finally come through.
EIGO: As someone who’s always teaching him, I feel like I’ve gained experience, too.
EIGO: (happily) Inumine might be clumsy but he’s a very diligent student.
EIGO: See you then.
(Eigo walks away)
  ALL: He’s the very image of a teacher…
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kanasmusings · 7 years ago
[Translation] StarMyu Vol. 6 Special Drama Track 2
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Here’s the second track from  DVD Vol. 6′s special CD~
Act 2: [StarMyu in New Year’s Eve: Part 2]
Under the cut, enjoy~
StarMyu in New Year’s Eve: Part 2
TATSUMI: Vol. 6 Special Drama CD
ALL: StarMyu in New Year’s Eve – Part 2!
  (dishes clattering)
INUMINE: Found it!
INUMINE: Nayuki, is this the gas and portable stove?
NAYUKI: Ah, yes. Can you bring it to the dining table?
INUMINE: Here, here! The gas and stove’s here!
TATSUMI: Thank you, Inumine.
UGAWA: Is Nayuki-kun the only one cooking?
INUMINE: Hoshitani and Tsukigami were there~
EIGO: Would it be alright to let them handle everything?
EIGO: Disregarding Tatsumi, should we also offer our help?
TATSUMI: What do you mean, Eigo?
TORAISHI: Isn’t it fine? Nayuki’s used to being in the kitchen anyway. Makes me feel at ease when he’s the one cooking.
TORAISHI: We’ll only get in the way if we go there.
TORAISHI: Ya know? Men are a disaster in the kitchen.
UGAWA: But Nayuki-kun’s a man, too.
TORAISHI: (laughs) Never mind that.
UGAWA: (sighs) Really, I’ve had enough.
UGAWA: Also, I’ve been wondering about this for a while…
UGAWA: Why is Inumine-kun wearing a hakama?
INUMINE: Ta-da~! (sparkles)
UGAWA: You don’t have to pose!
EIGO: I am quite curious as well.
TATSUMI: Ah, I thought we weren’t supposed to mention that.
INUMINE: Tengenji let me wear it~!
UGAWA: Geh…! Don’t tell me…! That’s Tengenji-kun’s kimono!?
TORAISHI: Hey…! Isn’t that super expensive?!
TORAISHI: Take it off before you ruin it!
INUMINE: Sure, sure~ (he starts taking them off)
TORAISHI: Wai— Not here!
INUMINE: I brought some clothes with me! (starts humming)
UGAWA: That’s not the problem here…
(Inumine continues to hum)
UGAWA: (sighs)
TATSUMI: (giggles)
EIGO: Good grief.
INUMINE: Ta-da~! (sparkles) I’ve finished changing!
TORAISHI: Leave those clothes someplace where they won’t get dirty!
INUMINE: Hey, hey, guys~ A hakama’s so amazing! Even though it’s a kimono, you can spread your legs so far!
INUMINE: Tatsumi~ Let’s make our next team costume a hakama~!
TATSUMI: I’ll think about it.
UGAWA: Aren’t you being stupid, Inumine-kun?
UGAWA: Team Hiiragi’s last performance as a team was during the Ayanagi Festival. When we become 2nd years we won’t be a team anymore.
UGAWA: When next year comes… w-we can’t be Team Hiiragi anymore.
INUMINE: That so?
TORAISHI: Hey, Ugawa, what’s with that~ Did you become sad after saying that~?
UGAWA: I-It’s not like I’m sad!
UGAWA: I’m glad that I won’t be paired up with that giant dog anymore! 
UGAWA: (in a sad tone) But… I’m a little sad about being separated from Tatsumin and Sawatari…
TORAISHI: Really! What’s with that quick change in attitude!?
INUMINE: I love you all!
TORAISHI: Sure, sure…
EIGO: We’ll all be one class next year after being formally accepted into the Musical Department.
EIGO: Surely we aren’t a team anymore but that doesn’t change the fact that we’re still friends in the same department.
TATSUMI: That’s true. Our company’s size has just gotten bigger but the rest will be the same, Ugawa.
UGAWA: Saru-kun… Tatsumi…
INUMINE: I am everyone’s friend! (he throws himself at them)
UGAWA: Heavy…! Don’t just start doing that…!
UGAWA: I’m really glad that I won’t be with you anymore! Also, I wanna change rooms!
INUMINE: Eh-he-he~
TENGENJI: Geez… What’s Team Hiiragi doing?
TENGENJI: They’re such a rowdy group.
KUGA: You wanna join them?
TENGENJI: Don’t make it sound like I’m so lonely, you boor!
NAYUKI: Thank you for waiting~
NAYUKI: We’re done preparing the hotpot.
TSUKIGAMI: Nayuki, do I just put this thing on the table?
NAYUKI: Ah, yeah.
HOSHITANI: What about the small plates?
NAYUKI: Ah… Over there please.
(Hoshitani and Tsukigami start preparing the table)
TORAISHI: Woah~ That smells so good!
EIGO: The gas and portable stove have been set on this table.
NAYUKI: Thank you.
INUMINE: Hotpot~ Hotpot~
UGAWA: Calm down.
KUGA: Hm? (starts sniffing) Hotpot?
TENGENJI: Hotpot…? (starts sniffing) This aroma is…
NAYUKI: Ah… (nervous laughter) To tell the truth…
NAYUKI: It turned into oden…
HOSHITANI: Still~ Isn’t this delicious, too~?
TENGENJI: It’s true that it looks appetizing but…
TENGENJI: I don’t really get it. Do commoners have a tradition to eat oden during New Year’s Eve?
KUGA: There’s no such thing.
NAYUKI: Actually, you see…
TATSUMI: We thought of buying ingredients for a hotpot at first but the supermarket’s run out of most of them.
EIGO: It’s New Year’s Eve so it’s predictable.
TORAISHI: And so, we bought the oden ingredients from the special sale.
TSUKIGAMI: Well, it’s still in a pot so it’s almost the same.
KUGA: I’ll eat it as long as it’s edible.
INUMINE: Me, too! Hey, Nayukicchi, can we eat now~?
NAYUKI: Nayukicchi…?
UGAWA: Ah, you don’t have to bother yourself with what he says, Nayuki-kun.
NAYUKI: O-oh, I see…
HOSHITANI: Ah~ I’m starving, too! Let’s eat!
NAYUKI: Ah, sure. Go ahead.
HOSHITANI: Then, all together now.
ALL: Thank you for the food!
(they all start eating)
HOSHITANI: Delicious! Nayuki’s cooking is the best!
NAYUKI: Thank you, Hoshitani-kun.
TORAISHI: It’s super delicious! Maybe I’ll ask Nayuki to make me lunch next year, too~
UGAWA: Don’t say such shameless things. Well, it’s true that it’s delicious.
INUMINE: Yeah, delicious! I’ll sing to show how delicious it really is!
TATSUMI: You don’t have to, Inumine.
EIGO: We’re in the middle of a meal after all.
INUMINE: I see! Then I’ll sing after we eat!
HOSHITANI: Ah, Tsukigami and Kuga, are you eating properly?
KUGA: There’re a lot of people and we can’t get close.
HOSHITANI: (laughs)
NAYUKI: Maybe we should’ve used two pots.
TORAISHI: Nah, you try to get something from the pot as fast as you can. That’s its purpose, isn’t it~?
TORAISHI: You’re not a real man if it doesn’t make your hunter’s blood boil, right Tengenji~?
TENGENJI: Hah?! Why are you passing it to me?
TORAISHI: Well, in my case, I get my prey without them even noticing~
TENGENJI: Weren’t you talking about oden, you boor?!
KUGA: Tengenji, that guy’s got a disease called ‘womanizing’. Don’t mind him.
NAYUKI: (nervous laughter)
HOSHITANI: Ah, Tsukigami and Kuga, if you haven’t eaten yet then maybe I should share with you!
HOSHITANI: Here, I just got it from the pot a while ago.
TSUKIGAMI: Yeah, thank you.
KUGA: Thanks.
TSUKIGAMI: What’s wrong, Kuga?
KUGA: …! What’s with this ingredient?
HOSHITANI: Eh? It’s a three-coloured dango.
KUGA: Dan…? It’s a dango?
NAYUKI: Um… It’s not the dessert kind.
TSUKIGAMI: It’s boiled fish paste that’s just shaped into a dango. Have you never seen one before?
KUGA: No. Plus, it’s my first time seeing oden with coloured ingredients.
ALL: Eh…?!
HOSHITANI: Is that so?
TENGENJI: But you’ve eaten oden before, right?
KUGA: I have.
KUGA: The ingredients we usually use at home were only radish, konjac, and the like..
TSUKIGAMI: That’s… pretty simple.
NAYUKI: Then… what about eggs…?
KUGA: None.
HOSHITANI: Rolled cabbage?
KUGA: None.
TENGENJI: Even deep-fried tofu?
KUGA: Yeah.
HOSHITANI: Even potatoes?
KUGA: Yeah.
HOSHITANI: And fish cakes, chikuwabu, or wieners?!
TORAISHI: Don’t tease Shu any more than this!
KUGA: No… What you said was the most insulting one, Toraishi.
HOSHITANI: Then, Kuga! Wanna try some of the mochi ones? Here.
NAYUKI: Ah, the tsukune’s handmade too so try them. Here~
KUGA: Thanks.
TSUKIGAMI: Good grief…
TENGENJI: They made such a fuss over a simple oden.
ALL: (laughter)
  HOSHITANI: I’m so full!
ALL: Thank you for the food!
NAYUKI: Thank you for enjoying it.
HOSHITANI: Oh yeah, around what time will Team Hiiragi leave the dorms?
HOSHITANI: You’re going home tonight, right?
TATSUMI: Eigo and I will be picked up by a car from home so maybe I’ll wander around while waiting.
EIGO: They might arrive soon. I’ll confirm with them on the phone.
TATSUMI: Yes, that might be best, Eigo.
UGAWA: Maybe I’ll go walk around with Tatsumin. I wanna see them off, too.
INUMINE: Me, too!
UGAWA: How about no? If you hang around here longer your parents will be worried, right?
INUMINE: Eh-he-he~
UGAWA: I’m not praising you.
HOSHITANI: What about you, Toraishi?
TORAISHI: Me? Well, I—
KUGA: You’re not going home, huh?
TORAISHI: (laughs) New Year’s Eve is a party night, y’know?
TORAISHI: I’ll prolly be up all night partying and playing with some cute girls. Ah, but I’ll be up early tomorrow so let’s go visit a shrine, Shu.
KUGA: If you wake up early.
EIGO: What will everyone else be doing after this?
TSUKIGAMI: We’ll be going home tonight, too.
HOSHITANI: It’s a rare opportunity so maybe we’ll go outside with everyone in Team Hiiragi.
HOSHITANI: And then, we can see them off, too~
EIGO: Oh, you don’t have to bother yourself with it.
HOSHITANI: It’s not a bother. I really wanna do it.
HOSHITANI: You know? We’ve been through a lot together.
HOSHITANI: We fought and even though we were in different teams we did a training camp together.
HOSHITANI: Even doing part-time work together…
HOSHITANI: We haven’t known each other for long but as people from the same department I guess we could consider ourselves as rivals.
HOSHITANI: But, the Ayanagi Festival’s over and we’re like good friends who passed the newbie stage!
HOSHITANI: That’s why I wanna do something friends would do.
NAYUKI: That’s right.
TENGENJI: I don’t really plan to see anyone off but I guess I will. I’ll be picked up by a car later, too.
KUGA: You’re just lone—
TENGENJI: I said I’m not, you boor!!
TSUKIGAMI: I wonder now~
NAYUKI: Then I’ll go start cleaning up now.
HOSHITANI: I’ll help out, too!
KUGA: Me, too. I can at least help wash dishes.
NAYUKI: Thank you.
TENGENJI: Then I’ll go feed Tavian and then—
UGAWA: What’s a Tavian?
TENGENJI: Ah—I—uh… I didn’t say anything! What’s a Tavian?
UGAWA: Huh? But you just said ‘Tavian’ a while ago.
(they all start laughing)
  UGAWA: Nayuki-kun, where should I put this plate?
NAYUKI: Ah, in the rightmost shelf, thank you.
UGAWA: Got it~
UGAWA: There we go…
NAYUKI: Sorry for making you help out.
UGAWA: It’s fine. I’d feel bad if I just ate and didn’t help out.
NAYUKI: Thank you.
UGAWA: Uh… This might be hard to answer but… Why’s everyone in your team such a goody two shoes?
UGAWA: Well, there’s one who isn’t really.
NAYUKI: Eh…? I-is that so?
NAYUKI: Everyone in Team Hiiragi is a good person, too.
NAYUKI: Tatsumi-kun and Sawatari-kun have such great manners and Toraishi-kun’s very gentle.
NAYUKI: Inumine-kun’s very fun and Ugawa-kun’s even helping me out here.
UGAWA: Th-that’s—I-it’s pretty normal.
NAYUKI: Really?
UGAWA: Yeah.
UGAWA: But… thank you…
NAYUKI: (to himself) Ugawa-kun said ‘thank you’…!
INUMINE: Ugawa’s helping, too? How great~!
UGAWA: Inumine-kun, are you done washing?
INUMINE: Yeah~ That’s why I’m here to help~!
NAYUKI: Eh? Ah thank you.
(Inumine starts humming and playing with the plates)
UGAWA: Nayuki-kun, I don’t think this is a good idea. Inumine-kun’s really clumsy when it’s not a musical.
UGAWA: He’ll definitely break a plate.
NAYUKI: I’ve heard that a lot but…
NAYUKI: Is he really that bad? I got surprised by him during the training camp but is he really that clumsy…?
UGAWA: That guy’s broken a lot of chopsticks since moving in the dorms. He was only eating rice, you know?
UGAWA: He said it’s thinner than the usual chopsticks he uses at home.
UGAWA: But, is it normal to just break them? I feel like he’s gotten even stronger than before.
NAYUKI: E-eh…?
UGAWA: Also, I’ve been bitten in the leg by that guy before.
NAYUKI: E-eh…?! He bit you…? On your leg…?
UGAWA: Yeah, my calf. He was dreaming and bit me while we were watching a movie in Tatsumin’s room.
UGAWA: The teeth marks were there for quite a while.
NAYUKI: Th-that’s… amazing…
UGAWA: It is, right? Is he a dog?
NAYUKI: Um… A dog might be brighter…
(plate breaking)
INUMINE: Ah, I broke it~
UGAWA: See?!
 TSUKIGAMI: Tonight’s the coldest it’s ever been, huh?
TSUKIGAMI: It feels like it’s going to snow.
TATSUMI: Tsukigami.
TATSUMI: What are you doing? Isn’t it cold out here?
TSUKIGAMI: Tatsumi. I just felt like getting some fresh air.
TSUKIGAMI: There’s fewer people in the dorms right now but for some reason I feel like it’s denser inside.
TATSUMI: (giggles) I think it’s probably because a lot of energetic people have gathered inside.
TSUKIGAMI: That’s true.
TATSUMI: Your team’s leader is fun, huh?
TSUKIGAMI: Hoshitani?
TSUKIGAMI: Well, yeah, I guess.
TSUKIGAMI: He’s the type you won’t normally see in Ayanagi Academy.
TATSUMI: That day— Remember? The day when we fought over Team Otori’s bento?
TATSUMI: That time, to be honest I felt a little sympathetic for you.
TATSUMI: You looked calm but I thought that maybe there was something you weren’t satisfied with.
TATSUMI: You know? That you were in a team with people who barely have experience.
TATSUMI: See? I always admired you as my rival.
TSUKIGAMI: You’re overestimating me.
TSUKIGAMI: I was a pathetic guy who ran away from the interview after being asked about my brother.
TATSUMI: But right now it’s different?
TATSUMI: The previous you won’t have spoken out his feelings like this.
TATSUMI: You won’t have admitted your own weakness then, right?
TATSUMI: That’s why Eigo and I were worried. We thought that it might’ve been difficult for you to try and pull such an unruly team together.
TATSUMI: But, it looks like I didn’t have to worry.
TATSUMI: Hoshitani’s amazing! He has so many qualities that we don’t have.
TSUKIGAMI: Yeah, that’s true.
TATSUMI: Tsukigami, I’m really proud to have called you guys our rivals this past year.
TSUKIGAMI: (chuckles) An unruly team like ours is the Star of Stars’ rival, huh?
TSUKIGAMI: Aren’t we lacking as performers?
TATSUMI: No. Team Otori is without a doubt our rival.
TATSUMI: I wish to be able to stand in front of the stage with you all someday again.
TSUKIGAMI: Yeah, me too. Please take care of us from now on,  too.
TATSUMI: Us, too.
EIGO: Tatsumi.
EIGO: It seems like the car’s almost here. Please get ready.
TATSUMI: Got it.
TATSUMI: Shall we?
HOSHITANI: When standing on top of the stage, the story’s characters, whether they’re the main characters or secondary characters, even the nameless ensemble, each carry feelings about the performance.
HOSHITANI: Until the curtain falls, each and every one of them think that they’re the main characters for today.
HOSHITANI: Otori-senpai told me something similar some time ago.
HOSHITANI: It made me think of how similar it is to our stories right now.
HOSHITANI: Each of us are the main characters and each of us do our best to shine.Until the curtain falls, we’re standing on top of the stage.
HOSHITANI: Our story’s just beginning so I’m looking forward to turning the page to a brand new story!
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