#i love sofia and am grateful for her every single day she is the best thing on Tim Berners-Lee's internet
heich0e · 3 months
Sorry if this is weird but I love you and Sofia together 😭 Bestie goals fr
this is what ur calling bestie goals babe
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Live stream
Request: Hi!! If you’re requests are open, I have one!! Where Harry is in a long term relationship with an actress who’s best known for her role in Modern Family. She’s doing an instagram live with maybe one of her co stars or a celebrity friend and Harry’s in the background and sometimes joins in?? Thanks if you could do this x
Thank you @pixiepop101 for the idea! Hope you enjoy<33
A/N- I’ve started a new job so I’ll be working all week most days so posting may be a little slow but I’ll still try getting requests and posts out! Thank you so very much for 16 followers I love you all and appreciate you all tons!!
You were one of the main characters in modern family, you didn’t expect the show to go viral but when it did you were on set constantly- not that you were complaining. You loved it. You loved spending time with the talented cast but the only downfall was the fact that you didn’t have time to hang out with Harry. Harry was your boyfriend, the man who shaped you into the confident happy woman that you were today. He showered you in love and kindness every day and for that you couldn’t be more grateful- he was truly a gift sent down from the angels. You worked 8-8 every single day, but you loved it. You were doing what you loved and worked for after all. But that didn’t mean you didn’t miss harry.
Modern family had finished shooting for the holidays and so you took that to your advantage- spending special time with Harry for as long as you possibly could, getting lots of cuddles from him and just being one with each other and loving one another. “Hey babe I’m gonna go on live with Sofia okay?” You said pressing a kiss to his cheek as he looked down at you smiling “okay, I might come say hi in a bit- I’m just writing this last song then I’ll be there.” He said looking up at you lovingly, it was rare that he said hello to your fans on live stream but when he did the feed went INSANE. Your fans loved your boyfriend, but I mean who couldn’t- he was named the most sexiest man two times so who could blame them- am I right? You set up your phone on your desk, immediately going live on Instagram as the feed began going mad as it usually did
“Hello everyone… hello my lovelies. How are we this fine evening?” You looked at your camera watching as the replies rolled in, you continued chatting to your phone, answering questions that anyone had, “before we continue with questions let me welcome one of my wonderful friends off of modern family…. Sofia!” You exclaimed excitedly doing jazz hands as she came into frame, smiling. “I’ve never done live streams before so excuse me if I’m terrible” Sofia said laughing, Harry briefly looked into the room watching as you wrapped your arms around Sofia and he couldn’t help but smile- you were such a wonderful person, the comments immediately began complimenting you both as you both gushed over the comments, smiling widely before you noticed a comment “Sarah asks can we see Harry… sure- harry!” You shouted and you heard footsteps getting closer as Harry appeared in the background, waving at the camera “hi” he said. Your poor boyfriend was camera shy and quite awkward with phone conversations… he was the type of guy who preferred to speak in person to everyone but it’s the effort that matters. He leant down, his hands resting on your hips as he stared at the feed “can I take my shirt off” he read the comment that continued being spammed “I don’t know, can I” he said with a cocky smirk, Sofia laughing as you then looked up at him elbowing him in the side playfully “naughty, there’s kids on here” you said and he chuckled “don’t worry I won’t” he assured, beaming happily “Harry won’t take his shirt off, no sorry” you said, you didn’t quite want to get your account banned. Again…. Yes- again. Harry didn’t realise you were live streaming and he too his shirt off making the chat go wild to the point Instagram quite literally banned you from going live- mad right?
As you and Sofia continued to answer questions Sofia suddenly let out a giggle as comments went absolutely insane telling you to look behind you and as you did you saw Harry, his T-shirt off as he smirked at you playfully “sorry- couldn’t resist” he said before he threw his T-shirt knocking your camera down as you let out a laugh “harry!” You yelled through laughter as you ran after him, jumping onto his back as Sofia laughed resting her hand on her heart unable to stop laughing and you began kissing his cheek as Sofia picked up your phone smiling at the camera “sorry everyone… y/n’s obviously needs some alone time with harry…” she said winking at you as you and harry shot defensive words at her but she waved at the camera ending the live as she laughed “the comments were a mix of happy, negative and jealous 12 year olds” she said and you giggled “not surprising” Harry said before wrapping his arm around you “jealous because I have the most amazing, talented and beautiful girlfriend ever.” He said gazing down at you as he beamed happily at you pressing a kiss to your lips. You had the best boyfriend in the world. There was no doubt about that.
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397bartonstreet · 4 years
Is it Weird I Kind of Want to Kiss You?
This is my submission for the b99 summer fic exchange 2020! This fic is for @letsperaltiago, I really hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing it! Also thank you @theysayweareasleep for helping me out with this i couldnt have done it without you. And thank you to @b99fandomevents for holding this exchange, I was happy to be apart of it.
read on ao3
The whole squad had officially retired about an hour earlier. It was a relief to be able to let loose after a hard day of many failures from a case. The mugginess of the bar, under the dim lights, the shouts from the tables behind them, felt like the perfect way to unwind. Leaving Amy with Jake to clink together one more glass of whiskey before turning in for the night. At this point, the alcohol and infectious energy of the place have relaxed their tense shoulders and they can now just enjoy each other’s company. Even if it’s only just the two of them. 
Amy clutches her stomach as the last remnants of her laughing fit fade away. Releasing her unconscious hold of Jake’s wrist so he can wipe the tear leaking from his eye, and he comes back to earth with a few chuckles.
“Okay, no, but really, some people can just be the dumbest people in the entire world,” Amy says through catching her breath. She pulls the rest of her hair down as it’s already coming undone, but doesn’t bother fixing her skewed blazer.
“Hey, let’s be honest, maybe they’re not as dumb as their moments. Like I’m pretty damn sure you and I have had many a moments dumb in past,” Jake stumbles to say and Amy has to resist patting down the curls that have stood to one side. 
“God, don’t remind me, and it’s always you,” Amy points accusingly. Jake gasps and slaps her hand away. 
“Noooo,” Jake petulantly says before chugging the last of his drink. She can barely remember what number drink that is, since she’s had the same amount he has. She quickly places her finger back in his face.
“It’s always you who makes me do the dumbest crap in the whole world!”
“Don’t even lie,” he bangs his fist on the table and doesn’t resist the giddy, drunken laugh that comes out of him. And it’s so infectious, his energy and the way his smile makes his eyes all squinty.
“I am not lying! You always make me look like an idiot!” 
“You do that yourself,” he playfully scoffs.
“Right, do you remember the date,” Amy says, punching him on the shoulder. Jake pauses, mouth agape and eyes squinted. The cogs are definitely turning in there, like it does about once a day before it shuts down and let’s his body take over. 
“To be fair, that technically was your fault, if you had just tried being actually a good detective-
“Ohhh, don’t-,” Amy throws her head back.
“Then maybe you would actually have won,” he teases.
“Don’t even start, we were at the same place you got lucky,” her volume rising to overshadow his.
“I did get lucky, I got a date with Lamey Santiagoooo.” He tries to take another sip from his glass and frowns when it turns up empty.
“And it was the fucking best day of your life.” Jake gasps and looks around, lips pursed in suppressed laughter.
“Oh my god, Amy Santiago is cursing. She’s cursing!” He yells out to the rest of the bar. Amy notices the bartender throwing them a warning glance. She places her hands on his arm and shakes him a little.
“Shut up,” she grits through her teeth, but she really can’t even pretend to be serious right now, with the alcohol still coursing, and even feels like it might be a tad worse. “You’re an actual child.”
“Childsayswhat?” She rolls her eyes. That wasn’t even funny back when she was twelve years old.
“I’m not falling for that.”
“Ha, that’s because you’re a nerd.”
“Well, you’re a loser.”
“Actually, you’re the loser, I won the bet,” he grins and Amy groans up at the ceiling. She tips into her mouth the last of her drink and lets it puff out her cheeks. Behind her, a group yells among themselves and she realizes just how alone her and Jake are. It’s not the first time they’ve gotten drinks together, or have been left alone after the squad leaves them for the night.
But ever since everything that’s happened. Teddy. Sofia. Dumb feelings and stupid declarations. Things feel different, something feels inevitable. Like at any moment, something unknown and unsaid can ruin the set rhythm between them. 
But no, she shouldn’t let that ruin things right now. Things are good, they’re great, they’re-
“Do you want to know that this means Amy?” Jake asks, catching himself from swaying just a little.
“Hm,” she asks.
“This means,” he stops to let the pause linger. “that you and I are at the start of an awful relationship.” 
“Oh really,” she says. He’s joking, and they’re drunk. She certainly feels drunk, which is probably why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s definitely why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s just a joke. And it’s not an uncommon occurrence to have people in your life you wouldn’t mind kissing. Or touching. Or other things.
“Yup, we’re at the start of a lifelong terrible relationship that of loservilleness.”
“Ha! So you admit you’re a loser.”
“Amy Santiago, when you take a step back to rediscover the world, you will realize that we all, as one people, are losers.”
“You’re lucky that mostly made sense.” 
“Heck yeah it did. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you and I are about to live a terrible life together. We’re going to framed for a heinous crime we did not commit-”
“Alright,” she says with a shake of her head at his antics. 
It’s a joke, it’s just a joke.
“We’re going to marry at the Chapel near the rat infested Walmart.”
“Okay,” she nods with mock seriousness.
“After we wed, we run away as outlaws to Montana, change our names to Bucky and Birdie-”
“I call Birdie!”
“And we have a son named McClane.” Amy looks at him with an exasperated look, and he can barely contain the mischievous look spreading on his face. 
“Jake, that's a terrible name.” 
“You’re a terrible name!” She wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did try to name their child McClane, he… really loves that movie. But, it’s endearing really, that there’s something he connects to and loves. She likes the way he unapologetically loves.
She taps her chin since he’s staring at her intently for a response. 
“McClane…,” she mumbles to herself. “ooh, you know what? McClane might not be an awful name. If you really think about it, it can also sound like a name for a librarian.” She knows she’s hit a button. He cackles and drops his head into his hands. He turns and glances at her with annoyance, he almost looks impressed.
“Why do you always ruin things that are fun,” he says, tapping her shin lightly with his f. She’s definitely drunk, because even that felt charged. Felt intentional. But she’s just drunk.
“Do you want our son to be named McClane or not?” She says, tapping his shin back. It’s fine if she does, they’re friends. 
“Fine, but I’ll find something to ruin for you.”
“I’m solid as a rock honey, you can’t move me.” Jake raises an eyebrow and smirks. He doesn’t break eye contact when he holds out two fingers and gives her shoulder a firm shove. A stupid squeal escapes her throat as she stumbles off the stool she’s sitting on and lands on her ass.
“Ok, I think that means it's time to go.” 
“Yeah,” she agrees. She holds out her hand for him to help her up. “Walk me?”
Amy’s relieved that she can still mostly walk in a straight line. It isn’t until Jake bumps into her that they start to stumble a little. 
New York is not as busy tonight as it usually is, and she likes the clear path they get to walk in without many obstacles. They gag and skitter around the giant dead rat on the ground, and they have to cover their nose when the worst smell NY has ever produced punches them in the face. Other than that, they’re not bothered and she’s grateful for the cold night air after hours in the hot bar. 
And they haven’t stopped talking since leaving the bar. About the episode of West Wing last night, the bruise Jake got from tripping over Charles’ box of jars of something, Amy’s annoying brother David and the picture of his new car he’d sent to the sibling group chat. 
She thinks Jake is the only person she gets like this with; loud, talkative, and rowdy. It’s the best, and she loves these moments with her best friend. 
“You’re not even ready, Bucky would romance the hell out of you,” he says, poking her lightly in the side.
“Really? Coming from the world’s cheapest date?”
“I’ve gotten no complaints.”
“You’ve gotten many complaints!”
“Not from Birdie.”
“Fair,” she says. 
“I would drive you absolutely insane with my respect for your boundaries. Make you miserable by unconditionally supporting your ambitions,” he says and Amy wrinkles her nose.
“Sounds horrendous.”
“Yup. You’d make me sleep on the couch with how much I get along with your family.”
“Disgusting,” she says. To be fair, she probably would send him to the couch if she caught him having a nice conversation with David. No way will she let David make her husband think he was better than her. In high school, one of her boyfriends left her to pursue her amazing brother. She’s never letting that happen again.
“David?” he asks. 
“David,” she assents. But she’s already ranted about him once today and she doesn’t want to break the Only One Rant About David a Day rule she’s set for herself. “I would pay attention to your interests and actively listen when you speak.”
“That’s just low,” his voice is guttural when he says that and she curses her attraction to deep voices. She clears her throat.
“Buy you intimate gifts from the heart and remind you of my appreciation of your existence every single day,” she says. His hand swaying beside hers lightly brushes against hers, and he continues the conversation like it didn’t happen. He probably didn’t care, maybe he really doesn’t care anymore. 
“Did Teddy do that?” he asks.
“Never missed a day,” she says. 
“Gross, how did you manage,” he barely gets the word out before his foot catches on the edge of a fire hydrant. He releases an ‘oof’ and grabs onto her hand to catch his balance. She’s way too inebriated to catch him, she goes tumbling along with him. She just barely manages to settle herself whereas he goes flat on the floor. 
“Woah, are you okay,” she says, the laugh she makes is almost a cackle. When he looks up at her, his face is red and he can barely breathe with the force of the laughter that shakes his shoulders. She tries to pull him up, grabbing him by the arm and making a feeble attempt to carry him back up. It just barely works, with more fumbling and swaying involved.
“Just like this, I’d support you in all aspects of life,” she teases, helping to steady him on his feet.
“Even if, in our hanky town in Montana-
“I get arrested for assault when someone tries to take the last jar of mayo?”
“Especially then,” she says. It suddenly hits her that her hands are still on his arms, she still has him less than a foot away. He’s so close, way closer than she expected him to be. Despite many years of them working together, on all those stakeouts and nights slaving over case files and evidence, she’s never had him this close. His crooked smile is still there, still goofy and sweet, but it’s changed from what it was a second ago. It’s shy, almost hesitant, surveying something on her face and she wants so badly to know what it means. 
“This doesn’t sound like the worst relationship ever you know,” Jake says and she almost startles when she feels more than sees a hand reaching up to her face, lightly brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. So slight and imperceptible that he might have just been taking something out of her hair. But that’s not the thing that strikes her the most. It’s the look on his face. She’s seen it before, from Teddy, her college boyfriend, the hotdog vendor at the stand near Shake Shack. But never Jake. 
This look seeps low into her stomach and expands into her chest. There’s an overwhelming pang that she wants to chase for miles, just to see where it takes her. She says, “Maybe not.”
It comes out softer than she means it to. It makes what should have been a joke… something else. That inevitable thing. 
Even this stupid life together that they just made up right now, she’s never been able to joke like that with anyone else, never been able to imagine that with them. But with him, maybe it’s just the alcohol she’s probably had too much of, it’s not so ridiculous.
“Is it weird I kind of want to kiss you right now?” he says softly. She’s officially lost. Lost on him and in this moment. It’s so inevitable, it’s so close.
“Is it weird I kind of want you to?” 
Her hands tighten on him, and there’s a moment of bated breath. She almost hates the giddiness she feels bubbling up within. It’s like gravity to just lean forward… and embrace their inevitable.
They’re shaken when a loud horn of a truck breaks the silence as it drives past them. It’s like they’re yanked apart by their surprise and Amy puts a hand on her chest to settle her beating heart. She looks over at Jake. His eyes are wide and no longer glittering the way they were a second ago. The moment is gone. 
“Dammit New York,” Jake says, avoiding her eyes by looking in the direction the truck had left. When he looks back, his eyes are still kind of glazed over from their drinks. She’s sure hers are the same. Their drinks have led to silly jokes and wild fantasies. To whatever the hell that was. 
To Jake’s next brilliant observation. 
“Holy shit, is that a Baskin Robbins?”
“Oooooh,” she says with a gasp. He grabs her arm and they run in the direction of the shop.
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skamamoroma · 4 years
All done.
I’m going to struggle IMMENSELY to summarise the past few hours.
I just used many tissues to dry my ridiculous tears, hardly able to see the screen. If this is the end completely then I’m satisfied. My heart doesn’t know what to do with itself but I feel contented.
But, LUDOVICO FUCKING BESSEGATO. Dude. I don’t know what to say about the talent of that man. The original s4 was fraught with issues with the odd true magic and beauty in there. It broke my heart at the time. I cherish those moments that truly were special and done to perfection. But I thank Ludo so much for what he tried to do, for the many MANY changes he made that made so much sense, that changed the story to fit his world, that made more messes that were ultimately more meaningful and for the surprises I didn’t expect. He has done this since day 1 and I am genuinely stunned.
Sana was and is beautiful. She was breathtaking from start to finish. She was human and difficult and gentle and funny and weird and intelligent and sensitive and so so much. Her mistakes didn’t feel unusual, her reasoning was impassioned and never once was she treated by the writing with anything other than affection even when she behaved wrongly. She was surrounded by beauty and at every turn she was just truly truly wonderful to behold. I didn’t know what to expect from this season but this? This genuine and total adoration for her. Ludo, that has you written all over it.
I have so much to say about the individual characters and moments and issues and THAT LAST EPISODE but as ever, if Skam It can be held up for one thing alone it is the dynamics between the characters and how they’re written with warmth and humanity and total deep affection. There was no dynamic went untouched, no moment wasted even in the background. Everyone was given their time and I didn’t feel it took away at all from Sana’s story... it always added to it. Rami/Sana, Filo/Marti, Fede/Sana, Luchino/Silvia, Gio/Marti, Eva/Gio, Sana/Ele, Filo/Sana, Marti/Sana, Marti/Eva, Sana/Malik, Elia/Gio, Filo/Ele.... every single one.
Mess and emotion and mistakes and difficulties were written in such an honest, blunt way and felt so true, so real as if these characters were exceptionally genuine. Especially Sana’s voicemail and her talk with Marti.
Every single shot was just fucking beautiful. I mean there’s no other way to say it. It was all achingly gorgeous, tiny little moments like the sound of a storm of the glare of the light or the steam from those hot baths (WHERE DID HE FIND THOSE). GOOD GOD.
The music. Hands down my favourite soundtrack of any Skam season and there have been MANY I’ve adored but this took the bloody biscuit. A perfect mixture and fitted each scene so beautifully, often adding to it so seamlessly like when Nico was playing seeker in hide and seek or when Sana was praying or the street procession’s voices...
And religion. I am not religious and I don’t speak for anyone who shares Sana’s experiences. I want to hear from you so so much. What did you think? As someone from outside that beautiful community and religious experience, it felt utterly breathtaking. It felt casual and normal as a way of life (whereas religion can often be portrayed as a burden) and it also felt celebrated and lit up from the inside to show the truth of it and the beauty within, the values it holds... not to mention the difficulties. Sana being able to speak to Marti the way she did or explain in her voicemail. Her anger. I felt it and I learned from her words. She just wanted to be seen, to be considered as herself and watching Malik look at her like he did and Marti being upfront with her but all because he likes her and their personalities fit and seeing her with her Mamma navigating being a teenager alongside the idea of a future.
I can’t finish without a mention of my boys. They were, as always, heart and bloody soul. My Marti was so present and overwhelming for me. I will 100% want to write god damn essays about him and about Nico but I didn’t feel he was out of character for a moment despite the major tests they threw at him, mainly because they laid the groundwork before it kicked off. We saw him from an outside view and his brutal honesty, his lashing out through fear and his sarcasm and stubbornness was explored in such depth... but his love for Nico was everywhere. All over it. As two young, complex guys and Nico with a past and vulnerabilities... both felt so raw and desperate at all times without ever losing the foundation they have. The effort to allow Nico to have as much of a voice as possible while still keeping that solid POV on Sana... I’m grateful. We all want to see more but the way it played out didn’t leave me feeling TOO wanting (EXCEPT FOR THAT UNDER THE BED SCENE... oh the desperation to see that). Testing them in that way was a brave move by Ludo but I am so pleased he did because they weren’t reduced to background models. They were woven into Sana’s story and given respect and real moments of beauty and honesty. I will NEVER BE ABLE TO GET MARTI’S HEARTBROKEN RED PUFFY TEARY EYES OUT OF MY HEAD. And the fact Gio was the one to lock them away...! Also. Hands down one of the best Marti moments was that snuggly hug on the beach, the fact that Nico looks at home and they’re both a little fragile but comforted by each other and then Marti and his god damn mouth asking if they can throw the guy in the water... hahahahaha. And Nico smiles. Because he knows Marti and loves him exactly as he is. Also a moment for Luchi and Silvia because I have a LOT to say but to see him trusted and to see his heart alongside his Luchi side was so meaningful and they were this refreshing special surprise.
And Gio. Gioooooo. Yet again. No matter which season, he felt fundamental despite not being the main. He is warm and navigates between them all with this sense of solidity and support. He’s just LOVELY. He was never missing. None of them were. I loved seeing him settled with Sofia (who was never belittled - only by Eva and hahahahaha yes they included her rolling her eyes again) but also clearly still entirely in love with Eva. That moment he told Cannegallo to get in line I was a weepy mess. The ending. Oh the god darn ending. That voice and hearing Eva’s words spoken back to him, hearing how loved he is and also reflecting on life... seeing them get back together so naturally. I honestly couldn’t have asked for more.
Also a moment for Federica. STRIKING AS ALL HELL. Fierce and willing to learn. Honest and she dazzled me.
I am unable to summarise properly as I’d write all day and it’s 4am! I have so much to say. I was bowled over by emotion watching the entire thing. But I was absolutely reminded of what a gift this show is and how precious I consider it to be. This season has wildly surpassed every expectation I had and god damn soared into the distance. I am stunned and I want to live, as always, in those orangey glowy scenes of warmth. It’s like being wrapped in a big blanket with someone telling you - “life is going to be hard but you’re ok, you’re going to be ok”. That’s how Skam Italia feels. Written, performed, edited and delivered with affection and love and i genuinely couldn’t be more grateful for it as I am this morning (did I mention it’s 4am).
I will write tons more. You know me. I will be talking endless about this season and you won’t shut me up but, for now, I hope you all enjoyed it as much as me. I don’t think I’m quite prepared to hear anything but love at the moment so I shall see you all tomorrow.
And, I hadn’t a clue if season 5 is a thing or even a possibility of any magnitude. Whatever happens, I want Ludo Bessegato with his hands all over it, loving these characters and taking us with them as Eva said though messes. I hope they don’t leave each other either ❤️ AND GIVE ME 10 EPISODES OF GIOVANNI GARAU FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. The world wants it.
Aaaaanyway, WHOEVER DECIDED IT WOULD EVER BE A GOOD IDEA TO BINGE A SKAM SEASON. Too many emotions. This shit needs time to digest in between. I feel like I just pushed off an emotional cliff. And on that note. I sleep. I love you all and I’m not even sorry for my meltdown! I’m classing this as my Italian revision. Job well done 😘
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picturemeinthetree · 5 years
hi taylor,
i decided to make a post for you, full of swifties who adore you! we will never be able to express how much we love you, but we tried and we do TRULY love you! i hope you like it...
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( @phoebelovestay )
taylor, i love you for countless reasons! you’ve helped me move past the hardest parts in my life, helped me grow and believe in myself, you’ve shown that no matter what life throws at you, you can get through it and do whatever it is you desire to do! i love how incredibly caring and kind you are! you never fail to put a smile on my face! i just truly love you so much!!!
( @mlswiftie )
taylor, i’m so greatful because i have made SO many new wonderful swiftie friends whom i LOVE. what’s more i’m also thankful for your music because it never fails to brighten my day. honestly, i think i could write an entire essay stating all the reasons why i love you. all in all, my main point is that you’re on of the best things that have happened in my life.
( @goldcageswiftie )
i love you taylor because i found you when i was 10 and you bring in my life a light that i’ve lost and i’m so grateful for that! and thank you for the friendships that I’ve made because of you!
( @iwillholdontoyoutay )
hi tay! i don’t know if you are reading this now but i can truly say that you make me so happy every time. you have NO idea how much i love you and grateful to you. you’re really such an angel! umm.. i wish that i can hug you right now but i can say that I am sending you the biggest hugs, love you!!!
( @audreyswiift13 )
i love you taylor, i would always be grateful for everything you did for me, to have noticed me was the best day of my life! thanks to you i met wonderful people and i would be forever grateful, my heart is yours, you and me forever.
( @onlymewithtaylor )
i love taylor cause she’s the big sister i never had, she’s caring, and i wouldn’t be the person i am today without her!
( @dontfknblameme )
taylor, i love you so much because you inspire me and other people to be confident. you genuinely care for other people and we’ll always love you for that.
( @shewasatotalbadass )
to me, taylor has always been like the sister i never had. she taught me to forgive myself and to let myself grow and change with time. seeing her strength through the years has been so inspiring to me and i’ll always be thankful for her presence in my life.
( @taytayslays89 )
thank you taylor for everything! you are an amazing person and have honestly changed my life i love you so much and I hope one day i could tell you this in person!
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( @delicatswifttie )
i love taylor because she makes me more confident in myself (mentally and physically) another reason why i love her is because she has such a big heart. the amount of happiness she radiates is truly magical. i can’t wait to see what this era has in store. i love you taylor, with all my heart.
( @aylinlovestaylor )
i love taylor because she’s so kind and caring and she makes me the happiest person ever.
( @ginalovestaylor13 )
hey taylor. thank you so much for being everybody's inspiration, and thank you for your words. thank you for making me brave and confident. can’t wait to meet you someday
( @tinyadorablechild )
the reason why i love taylor so much is because of her lyrics, the way she treats her fans, and her natural beauty.
( @ts7vibes )
I love Taylor because she helps me through her music and writing and she made me believe in myself.
( @roseupfromthedead-swift )
taylor is such an inspiration for me, she as the power to make me happy whenever i'm feeling sad. thanks to her i learnt to accept and love myself even more! i'm so excited to see what she has planned for this new era!
( @iwatchedallofitfade )
i’m thankful for Taylor because of all the things she's taught me in life through her music!
( @ranalovesswift )
taylor, thank you for keep reminding me how music will always be there for me, when no one else not. i also been playing guitar and piano, singing, and composing music, because of you. so thank you for that!
(instagram - @sawthebestinme )
i love taylor because her music is always there for me through good or bad times!
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( @dearreputation )
i love tay because she’s so generous with everything she does and is always there for us when we need her.
( @tswift-alice )
thank you taylor for inspiring me to be myself, no matter how weird or crazy that may be!
( instagram - @ts7.iscoming_ )
i love taylor because she is always there for me when i need her and she helps soo many people with her music. she really made me who i am now and she is the most beautiful and nice human being on earth.
( @youbelongwithus )
i love taylor swift because she is the most amazing human being and she is so helpful when you need someone
( instagram - @pretty.little.swiftie )
dear taylor, thank you for everything. i grew up with you, your music, freaking out over your gala outfits and crying while listening to your emotional speeches. you helped me define who i am, instead of letting other people label me. thank you for teaching me so many valuable life lessons over the years
( @tswiftlaura )
hey t it’s laura! i will never be able to put into words how much you have helped me my whole life. i’m so grateful to have you & your music and we are all beyond excited for this new era! thank you so much for being who you are, i’ll forever stand by your side!
( instagram - @ourhandstiedd )
i love taylor because she has been the only one who has ALWAYS been with me, in good times and bad times, she and her music help me a lot to feel better, so thank you tay. she invented the clean speech and that makes me love her even more. i love her for everything that she has taught me to be a better person and have more confidence in myself. thank you, i love you taylor.
(instagram @fearlesstilltheend )
hi taylor! i just wanna say thank you for everything! i’m grateful for all of the amazing swiftie friends that i have made. also, the lessons that i’ve learned through your music has taught me to be confident.
( @auroralovestaylor )
I love Taylor because she has made me more confident in myself and in my music!
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( instagram - @glxtteronthefloor )
i love taylor because of her kind heart and unbelievable talent. i am inspired by her determination every day!
( instagram - @lexy.x13 )
i love taylor so much because even though she has millions and millions of adoring fans she still somehow makes sure every single one feel special!!
( @herestotaylorsrealfriends )
i love taylor because her music gets me through everything. i love her because she is the best and most inspiring role model someone could ask for. she does so much for her fans and she just makes me incredibly happy
( @cherrylipsswift13 )
taylor, i literally cannot even begin to express my love for you and i'm sure the rest the fandom feels that same way. other than giving me unimaginable happiness and so many new friends from all around the world, your dedication towards your art and your kindness towards others has made you one of the people that i look up to. we will always support you in whatever you do and will love you always!
( instagram - @mindtwistswift )
hey t! i love you with my entire heart and im so proud of how far you have come. thank you for everything you have done for us.
( instagram - @minty.swift )
i love taylor because she gave me the confidence to be and love myself! we love her!
( @noproofnotmuch13 )
taylor, you’re an actual angel!! i love you so much because you’ve helped me at my life’s hardest times, you tought me to be kind to everything. you always put a smile on my face. also i’m so grateful to have you in my life, and your music!!
( instagram - @delaneylovestaylor )
hi taylor, i love you so much and you are such an inspiring person i can’t wait for ts7 AHHHHHHH hope you have a good time love you!
( @castle-crumbled-cvernight )
i love taylor because she has helped me through rough times where i felt no one understood me. she made me feel understood. she has been there when no one else was and wrote her songs like if she was reading my diary. i think i’ll never be able to thank her everything she’s done for me.
@taylorswift we love you so so so much more than we will every be able to explain and we can’t wait to see everything you have been working on💛
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Gratitude Journal (March 2, 2019)
March 2, 2019 is not an ordinary day. I was grateful for numerous things that happened on that day. Nonetheless, if I were to choose three specific things, events, or people that made that day memorable, I would choose the following:
1.     Lights for Hope
Lights for Hope (LFH) took place on March 2, 2019. I volunteered to be a facilitator and was assigned to be the point person for our facilitators group. Prior the event, I attended an orientation, a training, and group consultations to prepare me for the event. It was very tiring, especially because the call time during the event day was at five o’clock in the morning and the event ended at five o’clock in the afternoon. However, my heart was totally full. I was so happy to have met 33 wonderful and makulit kids from Park 7, which is inside Varsity Hills, Brgy. Loyola Heights, Quezon City. In the morning, we spent time inside the Ateneo High School Covered Courts to witness the program and to experience the various kiddie booths that were set up. I played with the kids and was always the taya as we played habulan. In the afternoon, we went inside the classrooms to conduct the modules prepared for the kids. The kids were asked to make a “Love Tree” wherein they each picked five people whom they love and wrote messages for each of those individuals. The kids opened up about how grateful they are for their family who constantly correct their wrongdoings and support them in reaching their dreams. The day ended with each and everyone of them thanking us, their facilitators. We may have been interacting for approximately ten hours only, but I learned several things from them that I would bring with me for the next years. They made me miss my childhood and made me realize how simple the dreams of a child may be. Most of them just want to be play, to see a specific movie, to meet their favorite celebrity. They did not think much of their future and they were genuinely happy. However, they were already aware of the various happenings around them, of their environment and neighborhood, of their parents’ sacrifices for them. They already had an idea of what things they want to change. I realized that children are very genuine. They may still be innocent of how the real world works, but once something affects them, they remember and think about it. They are continuously learning, and they learn fast. As such, we, adolescents and adults, should do our best to guide the young generation. We should be good role models to them. We should not be tired of teaching them the right values. We should answer their questions appropriately whenever they ask. We should continue to learn from them because teaching and learning involves a two-way process.
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(Some of the boys of G6.)
In addition to the kids, I am also grateful to have met my co-facilitators for my group, G6. I was with Christine Chua, Craig Justine Valenzuela, Jessicca Dee, Kenrik Lim, Rico Cruz, and Sofia Antonio. I only knew Sofia since we are blockmates. As for the rest, I only met them on the day itself and I really had fun with them. Christine, Jessicca and Kenrik are seniors. All of us were first-time facilitators, which made the experience more interesting because we all did our best to learn from scratch. It was just amazing to hear their stories and reasons on why they volunteered for LFH. Some were forced by friends. Some were just curious. Some already found a passion in volunteering. Despite having different reasons, at the end of the day, we all still achieved our ultimate goal for LFH–to serve kids and make them happy.
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(G6 kids and facilitators Sofia, Reisha and Rico.)
2.      Recovery of a Friend and the Gift of Friendship
Last Friday evening, a friend from high school attempted to commit suicide. She was in Sagada and was travelling alone. She chatted to us in our group chat and said that she had three hours to live after overdosing herself with prescription drugs. Together with my entire high school batch, I was so worried of her. She was not always open of her problems to us and even to her family. Nonetheless, we made sure that she would never feel alone. The most alarming thing was that she had already tried to overdose last week in Cebu and was even admitted to the hospital. I do not know why she was still allowed by her parents and psychiatrist to travel to Manila and go to Sagada alone after that incident. I spent my entire Friday night trying to know more about her current situation in Sagada. I am thankful to have my high school batchmates because they proved to me that they would do anything for each and everyone of us. We became “detectives” as we searched Google for more information about her possible whereabouts. We called police stations and travel agencies. Luckily, one of our classmates successfully contacted the travel agency she booked with and informed the travel agency of what she did inside her room. The travel agency immediately responded to the situation. It was already past midnight when she was hospitalized and fully monitored. In addition, Johanna Bantol and our high school batchmates from UP Los Baños and UP Diliman decided to go to Sagada in order to monitor our friend. They arrived there early in the morning of March 2, 2019.
I am grateful that my friend is recovering right now. Since her flight back to Cebu is still on the 15th of March, she will be staying for a while in Los Baños. I was not able to go to Sagada because I had to go to Lights for Hope. Nonetheless, I will continuously pray for her. I will try my best to always make her feel that she has us, her friends, as well as her family. In addition, I am very thankful to have my friends. I am thankful that we constantly support one another even if we are miles apart, even if we are also fighting our own battles every single day. I miss Philippine Science High School, but I will miss more the people whom I met there and grew up with for six wonderful years.
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(L-R: Milvie, Scott, Johanna and Brigham visiting our friend in a hospital in Sagada.)
I learned that there are still people who do not believe that depression is real. There were parents who did not believe in our friend’s situation. There were people who thought that it was just a joke. Well, depression is real, and it can happen to anyone, anytime. It is time for people to be aware of what mental health is and how to address mental health issues. As students, we must spread awareness and directly help those people who need us whenever possible. 
3.     Health of my Family
February was not really a good month for our family. During the 2nd week of February, my grandmother was admitted to the hospital due to diabetes. She is already 78 years old. When I called her, she told me, “Kung kuhaon nako ni Lord, basin oras na gyud nako. (If the Lord gets me, maybe it is really my time already.)” It bothered me because our family is not yet ready to let her go. We will never be. She has been the source of wisdom of the family. I grew up with her by my side. For that week, I always called her and regularly asked my mother for updates. Thankfully, she was discharged from the hospital after seven days.
However, during the 3rd week of February, my only sibling, Ryle Howard, was diagnosed with dengue and had to be admitted to the hospital. I had dengue when I was 13 years old and I knew the distress that it brings to the family, especially with the constant lowering of the platelet count. Ryle is only four years old and he serves as my motivation to reach for my dreams in order for me to help him achieve his dreams. My mother was very worried and was even panicking the first time she called me to inform me of the situation. I believed in my parents that they would do everything for Ryle to be healthy again. Eventually, Ryle recovered and was able to go home after five days of being in the hospital. I was also worried of the hospital bill, because my mother is jobless while my father has an average income as a call center agent. In the end, they only paid PhP1,800 because it was a district hospital and Ryle was covered by my mother’s PhilHealth benefits.
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(My brother and I during my high school graduation.)
The 4th week of February was still not good. My father had diarrhea and was admitted to the hospital. I began to question what was happening to my family after all the health problems that occurred. My father just told me to think about my studies, and to believe that he would be fine soon. Thankfully, he was discharged last Saturday morning, March 2, 2019.
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(My parents and I during my high school graduation.)
I hope and pray that the horrors of February would not be present in March and in any other month. It was very difficult to study when I was also worrying about my family’s well-being in Cebu. I hope and pray that people will be more aware of their health status and be careful not to get sick. I am thankful that finally, my family is in good health once again right now. I was reminded to take good care of my own health as well, especially because I live away from my family.
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stopmeplease · 8 years
It’s So Hard to Be Beautiful
Lance and Lotor meet at a spa and find they have some things in common. Inspired this piece by @hardlynotnever​
edit: it’s now on ao3!
Lance bounced eagerly in his seat as he watched the slowly diminishing queue of aliens between him and an honest to god space spa day. He could not believe Allura had agreed to let to him accept the grateful princess’s offer. Diplomacy was great when it let him get what he wanted. It wasn’t every day he saved a beautiful princess, like a real hero, and then she even noticed and appreciated how much work he put into looking good. She may not have decided to come with him, but this was definitely shaping into the best mission since he had become a paladin.
Even just the waiting room for the spa was gorgeous. The walls glittered with polished sea shell fragments set into intricate patterns on the wall while some sort of glowing blue stone was set in a chandelier to cast everything in a soothing blue light. The giant plush chairs sat facing the gently splashing fountain set in the center of the room. This was a spa made to cater to royalty. Lance suppressed a little squeal of delight as one of the attendants glided over to him.
“Our sincerest apologies, Sir Lance,” she said gently, her gaze held at a point just below his eyes, “but there has been a slight error. Your reservation was merged with another’s, and you’re now sharing a massage room. It will be a bit of a wait to get you your original reservation back.”
“It’s fine! I can share,” Lance said brightly. “There’s a whole lot of things I’d do for a lovely lady like yourself,” he purred as he leaned towards her.
“Thank you for your understanding,” she chirped, expression unchanged. “If you would follow me?” She turned towards one of the curtained doorways with a deliberate slowness.
Lance lept to his feet and trailed after her with barely restrained eagerness. He was getting his spa day! Now he’d have a mysterious alien partner. Maybe she’d be another woman from this planet. He admired the white waterfall of hair cascading over the attendant’s back, contrasting beautifully against her teal skin. He certainly wouldn’t mind spending more time with the local ladies. He’d almost rather spend time with them than in the spa. Almost.
The attendant led him into a dimly lit room where someone was waiting for a massage. A fairly broad shouldered and flat chested someone, from what little Lance could see. Their pale hair haloed around their head and space had a decent number of buff ladies though, so Lance still had a shot.
“Please, lay here.” The attendant gestured to the other massage table. “Your masseuses will be with you both shortly, and we thank you again for your patience.” She left with a short bow.
“Hey. I’m Lance” Lance reclined against the massage table. “Do you come here often, beautiful?”
“I am Lotor,” the other figure announced. “Indeed I do. The mermorian face mask here is the key to maintaining my radiant skin.”
Lance huffed a quiet laugh. Well, at least his new massage buddy was friendly.  
“What’s a mermorian mask for? I’ve never to this spa specifically, so I’d love some recommendations.” Lance stared at the luminescent patterns swirling across the ceiling and let himself relax into the cushions on the table.
“It rejuvenates my skin you would not believe. My work is a stressful business, which is just terrible for my skin, but this undoes basically all of the damage. It also clears up pores and smoothes skin on most species.” Lotor throws one of his hands up against his temple and sighs dramatically as he reminisces on the rigors of conquering the universe.
“I feel you,” Lance groans, “I have been so stressed lately, and the masks I can make from the stuff in the ship just aren’t keeping up with my needs.” Being a paladin was amazing, and Lance absolutely wouldn’t give it up, but he really did need to get his hands on some proper skincare products. Homemade products worked better when you didn’t have to guess on substitutes for every single ingredient.
“It is quite hard to get a reservation for a mermorian mask,” Lotor drawled thoughtfully, “but I have one after my massage. If you wished, I could convince the staff to let you join me.”
“Oh man, thanks! That’d be amazing,” said Lance. A spa day was always better with someone else, but none of the other paladins had had the time or interest. Sofia had always been down to find any excuse for a day of pampering, Lance thought with a familiar flash of longing.
“You are welcome, Lance.” Lotor sighed wistfully. “Truthfully, it’s been awhile since I’ve had the company of someone who understood the importance of taking care of themselves. Your presence would be a boon to me.”
Lance swallowed around the sudden lump in his throat, but was spared from answering by the arrival of the masseuses. He pulled his robe off and set it to the side at their silent prompting, as did Lotor. Lance couldn’t help but notice that Lotor was really, really fit. He definitely knew how to take care of himself.
“Please turn over,” they chirped as they began warming some oil in their hands. Lance shot a bright smile at Lotor before complying, settling his face into the hole in the massage table. His masseuse settled a blanket over the lower half of his body and went to work.
Oooh, she is definitely a professional, Lance thought as he melted into the massage table. He’d had some great massages back on Earth, but this one was a league above any of them. Libenda was a great planet, and he absolutely had to come back. The masseuse started in on all the knots in his shoulders. He was definitely going to do whatever it took to come back.
Lance lost all track of time while he lay there blissed out, but eventually all good things must end. The masseuse toweled the excess oil from his body and politely informed him his massage was done and left while he was still gathering himself.
“Oh my god,” Lance whispered, “that was amazing.”
Lotor laughed. “Libendans are famous for their massages for a reason.” He dressed with the efficiency of someone who hadn’t just spent the last hour being massaged into a relaxed paste. Lance was kinda jealous.
“Are you going to come with me or not?” Lotor stared bemusedly as Lance slunk off his table and into his robe with all the urgency of a snail.
“I’m coming. I’m coming,” Lance grumbled, a small smile tugging at his lips. “How can you move so fast? I feel like I’m made of jello.” He stretched out, revelling in how relaxed he felt.
“What is Jello?” Lotor gave a smile just shy of wicked and rested one of his hands against Lance’s waist. “I will carry you, if you find it so hard to walk.”
Lance gently nudged his elbow into Lotor’s stomach—and wow, Lotor was really tall standing up—and laughed.
“I can walk! And jello is a super jiggly dessert on my planet.” He turned to get a proper look at his new friend out in the light of the hallway and nearly tripped on his own feet.
“You’re… Galran,” Lance choked out, backing into the wall.
“Ah, I had wondered why you were so friendly.” Lotor’s entire body seemed to droop. “I suppose you too find me repulsive because of my race.”
Lance winced as the guilt flooded in. Lotor had been nothing but friendly, and Lance had no reason to suspect him of anything. Lotor didn’t even know he was a paladin of Voltron, to start with. “No! You’re not repulsive. You’re really, really not repulsive,” said Lance, looking at the long line of Lotor’s neck and his soft, silky looking hair draped over his shoulders. “I was just surprised. You’re not a lot like most the Galra I’ve met.”
“Well, it is true I’m not a typical Galra.” Lotor laughed. “I’m glad to hear I haven’t lost you yet. I was looking forward to your company.” He put his hand on Lance’s cheek. “Thank you for giving me a chance,” he said, looking at Lance softly.
“You’re a good guy,” said Lance, “and also I just really want a mermorian mask, so let’s get going.” Lance pushed his hands against Lotor’s chest, which might as well have been the wall behind him for all the good it did.
Lotor gave a rumbling chuckle, deep in his chest. “Then let’s not keep the estheticians waiting any longer.” He strode down the corridor with a cheerful bounce in his step with Lance trailing beside him.
“You really don’t mind sharing the bed,” Lance said, eyeing the narrow space speculatively. It didn’t look big enough for the both of them. Lotor had convinced the attendants to change the single person face mask treatment into a two person treatment, but it was too late to get a two person room.
“I really don’t mind at all,” Lotor purred. Lotor was practically beaming, in fact.
How lonely was he, before this, to be so happy to have my company, Lance wondered while he fiddled idly with his new white bathrobe. Outwardly, he just shrugged. “If you’re sure.”
“I am absolutely sure.” Lotor settled into the right side of the bed and patted the empty space next to him.
Lance was definitely right when he thought that the bed might be too small. Lance wound up laying half on the bed and half on top of Lotor. Lotor was still beaming though, so it worked out. Lotor was warm, and his skin was so soft to the touch, so Lance supposed he wasn’t having a bad time either.
“Have you got anything planned after this?” Lance questioned with the careful nonchalance of someone deeply invested in the answer.
“Well, there are still the mineral springs and a hair treatment I had planned for the day.” Lotor nuzzled his cheek against Lance’s forehead. “You are welcome to join me for both or either of them.”
What a touchy guy, Lance thought, It can’t be easy to be such a tactile Galra. He gently nudged his forehead against Lotor’s cheek and smiled. “Both sounds pretty good to me. Everything about a spa day gets better with a buddy.”
“Indeed, my day has been greatly improved by your presence,” Lotor purred, and Lance could feel the vibration of those words against his back.
Lance couldn’t have hid his smile if he had wanted to. “Yeah, I’m glad we met too. Lucky us they messed up our reservations, huh?” Lance could feel Lotor’s smile against his skin.
“I believe this meeting of ours was more fate than luck. I don’t believe that there was a chance I could have gone through my life without meeting you.” Lotor moved the arm underneath Lance so Lance was now more on Lotor than on the bed, and his hand wrapped around Lance’s hip.
A really, really touchy guy, Lance thought, flushing pink.
Then the estheticians showed up with slices of space cucumbers. Lance was at a space spa full of aliens and they used space cucumbers to cover their eyes, just like back on Earth. He stifled his giggles as his esthetician patiently put the space cucumbers over his eyes and then began gently coating his face with the bright blue mermorian mask. It smelled almost like lavender and something vaguely fruity.
Like this, he could almost pretend he was back on Earth, except for the warmth of Lotor against him. He couldn’t quite to decide whether he was grateful or resentful to Lotor for keeping him grounded. Ah well, he could tip the odds in Lotor’s favor. This face mask was amazing. Combined with the massage earlier, he could barely remember what stress felt like. This was so relaxing he might fall asleep.
Lance awoke to the feel of a warm washcloth on his face. He actually had fallen asleep. Well, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it coming. It probably hadn’t helped that his sleep schedule had been shot by his earlier adventure. Rescuing the princess was necessary, and he would absolutely do it again, but it hadn’t been kind on his body. That… might have been part of why the princess sent him here, come to think of it.
He could feel her washing a bit of the face mask out of his hair and then she was done. He stretched out against Lotor before swinging himself over the edge of the bed. He felt good.
“I feel good,” Lance said brightly as he turned back towards Lotor.
“You look good too,” Lotor said, stretching out over the bed like a cat. He was honestly kind of cute right now.
“Right back atcha!” Lance shot a pair of fingerguns towards Lotor. “Seriously, your skin is glowing. Though it’s not like we didn’t have quality material to work with from the start.” Lance pressed his hand over his chest and gave his cockiest grin.
Lotor just sat there, smiling at him.
Lance coughed into his hand and looked away. “Anyway, where to next?”
“I had scheduled some time in the mineral springs, but after our nap I’m not sure we’re awake enough for that,” Lotor said lightly.
“We’ll just have to keep each other awake, then. I’m definitely not missing out on the mineral springs,” Lance proclaimed, already walking towards the door.
Lotor sighed and stretched out the last of his stiffness. “Well then, I suppose I’ll just have to go enjoy the springs too.”
“Oh, what a sacrifice you’re making for me,” Lance cried, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically while he pressed one hand to his chest.
“You’re absolutely worth a bigger sacrifice than this,” Lotor said laughingly. “Also, the springs are the other direction.”
Lance spun on the ball of his foot and continued forward nonchalantly. “Thanks, man. Back home my sense of direction is pretty good, but it’s a bit easier to get lost on a foreign planet.”
“Where are you from, by the way? I don’t think you ever mentioned,” Lotor questioned.
“Oh man, have I not told you about Earth?” Lance said, face lighting up with enthusiasm. “It’s the best planet; I mean it obviously produced some amazing people.” Lance puffed up his chest proudly with a bright grin.
“Obviously,” Lotor agreed. Lance stumbled slightly enough that Lotor would have missed it if he weren’t looking carefully. “If there are many more like you on Earth I may have to pay the planet a visit.”
“I dunno man, I’m pretty unique as far as Earthlings go. I don’t think the universe could handle too much Lance,” Lance said jokingly. He started tracing the seashell patterns along the hallway, looking away from Lotor.
“I can’t imagine having too much Lance,” Lotor said firmly. “In fact, after we get our possessions back, we should trade Corre tags.”
Lance had to jog to catch up to Lotor after processing that. “I mean, I’d love to, but, uh, I don’t have a Corre tag? All I’ve got is an Earth phone, which doesn’t really work in space.”
Lotor tapped his finger against his chin thoughtfully. “Well, that won’t do at all. I suppose I’ll just have to buy you a Corredev,” he said with deliberate casualness.
“Wha— Dude, you really don’t have—” Lance began.
“Oh look!” Lotor interrupted, “There’s the springs right there.” He grabbed Lance’s shoulders and guided him to an opulent doorway made of a white stone carved to look like steam.
“Oh, nice!” said Lance, perking up. “But, uh, back to the Corredev issue—”
“Please, Lance,” Lotor interrupted again, “let me get one for you. Money is not an object, and you can hardly blame me for wanting to keep you in my life, can you?”
“I mean, yeah, I’m amazing, but an intergalatic communicator seems like sort of a big deal,” Lance said uneasily, hanging his bathrobe next to Lotor’s on the provided hooks.
Lotor pressed his hand against the wall to reveal a drawer just full of hair and skin care products. “You can use my hair cleansing and conditioning products,” Lotor said, eyeing Lance with a deliberate casualness. “The ones they provide here are acceptable if you have nothing, but mine are better.” He drew out a little basket of brightly colored bottles with labels in a multitude of languages that Lance didn’t understand.
“You’re gonna have to tell me which ones are which because I can read none of that,” Lance said, skeptically eyeing a bright green bottle with a cartoonish skeleton mascot with too many joints and too few fingers.
“Of course, Lance,” Lotor purred, placing one hand on Lance’s bare shoulder, “I want nothing more than to help. I only offer a Corredev because I want to keep talking to you. It really would be a favor to me if you would accept it.” He guided Lance down into a round tiled room with a gentle cascade of water falling into the center and disappearing into the floor.
“I—” Lance began hesitantly.
“Please, Lance,” Lotor said, placing a white bottle in Lance’s hand, “for me.” He pushed Lance towards the center of the room. “Get your hair wet and use that one to cleanse your hair. It’s quite gentle and leaves my hair so glossy afterwards.”
“Thanks,” huffed Lance. He stood under the waterfall, a little warmer than his usual showers but not unbearable and it had a great water pressure, and set about to following Lotor’s stream of instructions.
I suppose, if he really can afford it, it wouldn’t hurt to have a way to keep in touch with everyone I meet, Lance thought. Lotor stood next to Lance, hair clinging to the long line of his back as he washed himself. It might be nice to see him again sometime, thought Lance, focusing on the sensations of the shower with a sudden intensity.
“This would be the best body wash for your skin,” Lotor said, reading the label of a black bottle. “Here.” He passed it to Lance, plucking the previous bottle from his hands and setting it back in the basket. The motion called Lance’s attention to the water droplets trailing down Lotor’s toned arms. Lance should definitely ask about his fitness routine soon, like damn.
“If you really wanna get me a communicator, I suppose it couldn’t hurt to have one,” Lance said, watching Lotor’s reaction out of the corner of his eye. Lotor lit up like someone told him Galra Christmas was coming early.
Would the Galra even have a Christmas equivalent? Lance couldn’t imagine Zarkon letting anyone place anyone as more important than him. Would Galra Christmas be Zarkon’s birthday? That’d be… interesting.
“Excellent!” Lotor said, startling Lance out of his thoughts, “I know a shop not too far from here. We can get one after we leave the spa.” He grabbed Lance’s free hand with both of his own, and leaned in closely. “You’ve made me very happy,” Lotor purred.
“Me too,” said Lance brightly as his gaze darted to the side. “You’re a great friend, but, uh, you’re a little close right now.” A disappointed look flickered on Lotor’s face just quick enough that Lance missed it by the time he turned back towards Lotor.
Lotor leaned back with a vaguely agreeable noise and let go of Lance’s hands. “Tell me more of your Earth.”
“Well, I’m a country called Cuba,” Lance said wistfully, “we had some gorgeous beaches, and nothing could beat the pizzerias facing the ocean. I used to go surfing with my siblings basically whenever the waves were good.” Lance laughed. “Of course, that didn’t mean we could get out of helping around the house. Mami was magic when it came to finding out when we were slacking.”
“Mmhm?” Lotor encouraged putting everything away and nudging Lance towards the springs proper.
“Oh man, she was the best. She freaked out a bit when I said I wanted to enroll in the Galaxy Garrison. It was so far away from home, and being a pilot wasn’t exactly the safest career in the world, but once I went through all the ‘yes, I really wanna do this’ questions,’ she was so supportive.” Lance sighed fondly. “She gave the best hugs too, and no one could beat her ropa vieja.”
“What?” said Lotor flatly.
“What?” said Lance. “Oh, the translators, right. Don’t mind the name; it’s a food, and it’s delicious.” He turned to look out over the springs that looked a bit green under the blue lighting. Steam rose off the pool in wisps, and it looked like the spa had been built around the springs as opposed to the other way around.
Lotor laughed. “I’ll take your word on that, I suppose. I don’t think Earth cuisine is common on Libenda.”
Lance laughed weakly. “Yeah, it’s… not really common anywhere but home, that I’ve seen. I would kill a man for some decent pastelitos de guayaba con queso blanco at this point.” Lance sunk into the water with a groan. “This feels amazing. I’m never getting out.”
Lotor slid into the spot next to Lance. “If you relax anymore I’m going to have to get a bucket to carry you out.”
“I think it’s time to welcome Lance the human puddle into your life,” Lance said with mock solemnity, sinking deeper into the water. Where where all the other patrons? The springs were definitely big enough to be communal, and it seemed like this would be a popular spot.
Lotor hummed noncommittally and slid every so slightly closer. “I’ll just have to get you a lovely bucket then, pure verandium to match your eyes.”
“You sure know how to treat a guy right,” joked Lance. He closed his eyes and nestled against a crevice in the rocks lining the springs.
“No sleeping,” said Lotor, gently nudging Lance.
“Right!” said Lance, his eyes popping open. He laughed. “If I pass out in a hot springs I will definitely regret it.”
“Oh?” Lotor tilted his head inquisitively. It was surprisingly cute even with his chiseled features.
“Well, I mean I could drown if I pass out in water,” Lance explained, “and overheating is a thing that can happen when you stay in water too long, but mostly I’d just get really wrinkly.” Pulling himself slightly out of the water. Everything was really, really warm today. Lance eyed Lotor speculatively. He’d felt pretty warm while they were getting their face masks. Maybe since they were on his reservation everything had been set to cater to his body temperature?
“I’d best be careful with you then,” Lotor purred, “I want our time together to be full of good memories.” Lotor was close enough that their thighs were touching under the water. Lance determinedly held Lotor’s gaze and didn’t look down.
“So far you’ve done a pretty good job. I’ve been having a great time.” Lance smiled. “There’s no one else who could have given me such great skincare tips, I’m sure.”
Lotor puffed up proudly. “Of course! No one else knows more about skincare across the universe or how those products work. I am the best guide you could have wished for.”
“I’d have you beat if you ever came to Earth, though,” Lance teased.
Lotor hummed. “Indeed, you would. I suppose we will just have to go and visit your planet sometime.”
“I—” Lance started, voice cracking. “Yeah, the next time I have the opportunity to go to Earth I’ll invite you along.” Lance smiled wryly. “So, what’s your planet like?”
Lotor hummed distantly. “I can’t say I miss it like your miss your Earth. I haven’t been there since I was a child. I went to a military boarding school on a neighboring planet, but everything didn’t work out quite how my father hoped, and so now I spend my days relaxing at spas with Earthlings,” Lotor said with a determined flippancy.
“Doesn’t sound like much fun,” Lance remarked, “but I’ve gotta say I’m glad your life brought you here. I’d have missed having a spa buddy.” Lance bumped his shoulder against Lotor’s with a fond smile. Lotor laughed delightedly.
“Well, time for the next part of our spa day.” Lotor stood up from the springs and stretched. Lance’s eyes followed the water dripping down his back.
“Right,” said Lance with a vague air of distraction, “how can you tell?” Lance clambered out of the springs after Lotor.
“The lighting gets dimmer and then bright again every varga. No one told you?” Lotor stepped under the spray of the waterfall with a dramatic toss of his still very wet hair. Lance wiped the spray from his face with a fond huff.
“Nah. I guess they figured I already knew?” Lance shrugged and ran his hands through his hair as he rinsed off. “Anyway, what’s next?”
“The salon,” Lotor said gleefully. “I got the full hair care package, which comes with a pore treatment. You’ll love it.” Lotor pulled two towels from somewhere and promptly wrapped his hair up. He eyed the other towel doubtfully. “I suppose you don’t really need this.”
“Are you kidding me?” Lance cheered. “Gimme. The hair towel is a fundamental part of the experience.”
Lotor laughed delightedly and handed over the towel. “As you wish!”
This is the best day I’ve had in… a while, Lance thought. His cosmetologist, Hr’ren, was massaging some purple goo into his hair and she was doing an amazing job. Lance was absolutely willing to believe everyone in this spa had magic hands at this point. He sank even further into the plush salon chair with a contented sigh.
This had been exactly what he’d needed. Something to get his mind off the current challenges of being a paladin of Voltron. If you even are a real paladin, whispered a bitter voice in the back of his head. NOPE, thought Lance forcefully. Today was a day for relaxation; he was absolutely not going to thinking about that. Nope, nope, nope, nope. That was a problem for, well, never ideally, but definitely not today. Relaxation was just a bit dangerous when it left him alone with his thoughts.
Lance pushed his thoughts in a less fraught direction. What kind of Corredev would Lotor get, he wondered. He was pretty sure this was the final activity Lotor had mentioned, so next they’d be hitting up a tech store of some sort. Maybe it’d be his first visit to alien Best Buy. Altean currency wasn’t in circulation anymore, so shopping opportunities became a bit scarce, and it wasn’t like Lance had much to trade that he could afford to lose.
“So what do you do for fun,” Lance asked Hr’ren. Maybe she’d be more open to conversation now.
“I greatly enjoy my work in the salon,” chirped Hr’ren. Lance sighed. That was a no on personal conversation yet again. The ladies working here were perhaps just a bit too professional, in Lance’s opinion. Then again, Lance was definitely not the usual clientele of this place, so his opinion may not count for much.
“On Earth, do people often speak with their cosmetologists?” Lotor flicked his gaze over to Lance without moving his head.
“Oh, yeah.” said Lance, eyes widening with surprise, “it’s a pretty common thing. Why?”
“It’s considered rude to distract a professional at work, so that’s not really done here.” Lotor explained from his position in the chair next to Lance.
“Oh, whoops.” Lance laughed as a blush darkened his cheeks. “Ah well, live and learn,” he said flippantly.
Lotor hummed in agreement. “They do good work, distracted or not.”
“Very true,” Lance agreed with enthusiasm as Hr’ren gently washed out whatever mix of products was in his hair right now. Lance closed his eyes and basked in the feeling of someone else washing his hair. “Lotor, you have such great taste.”
“That is true.” Lance could practically hear Lotor preening. “Speaking of taste, what are you looking for in a Corredev?”
Lance hummed noncommittally. “I don’t really know? I’ve heard of them around, but I haven’t actually seen one before. I’ll be relying on your expertise yet again.”
“What would you do without me?” Lotor said smugly.
“I dunno,” Lance laughed, “waste away with dull skin and loneliness?”
“Your team doesn’t keep you company?”
Lance’s eyes snapped open and his gaze darted over to Lotor. “No!” Lance denied loudly over the sound of Hr’ren drying his hair. “They’re great. They’re definitely more than enough.” Lance hesitated. “It is kinda nice to have someone else though. I love them—I do!—but they don’t always necessarily understand stuff like this.” Lance gestured vaguely to the entire salon.
“Hmm,” said Lotor, clearly unconvinced. “Well, whatever your team is like, I welcome your company.” Lotor shot Lance a sly look. “Other Galra don’t understand spa days very well either,” he whispered conspiratorially.
Lance barked out a laugh. “Yeah, I can see that. Can you imagine Sendak in this salon?”
“Make my hair glossy for the glory of Zarkon!” growled Lotor. He laughed briefly. “Surely that is a likely occurrence.”
Lance cackled delightedly. “Oh man, Lotor, buddy, you are absolutely the best. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
Lotor scoffed, “As if I would allow that. I am clearly the best, and I refuse to hear any slander as to otherwise.”
“Your hair is finished,” Hr’ren said cheerfully. “We hope to see you again soon!”
“Thank you,” said Lance, reaching for the provided mirror. Oh man, he looked amazing. A spa day was the best idea he’d ever had, clearly. Lance admired himself in the mirror for a fair before he felt Lotor running his claws through Lance’s hair. He turned to look at Lotor questioningly.
“As much as I would wish otherwise, I do not have an unlimited amount of time to spend with you. We should go get your Corredev before we run out of time.” Was Lotor combing Lance’s hair with his fingers? Lance watched at the hairstyle taking shape beneath Lotor’s fingers through his mirror. He absolutely was.
Lance admired the flat, rather businesslike hairstyle Lotor had left him with for a bit and then hopped out of his chair to go find his clothing. “Well, then, let’s get going,” Lance cheered.
Oh wow, Lance thought as he looked over the truly baffling array of Corredevs, I am so glad Lotor is here.
“I am so glad you are here,” Lance whispered to Lotor as he eyed something that looked like a glowing bouncy ball.
“I am wonderful to be around,” Lotor agreed, picking up a thick, square touchscreen with silicone-looking grips wrapped around two opposing edges. “What do you think of this one?” Lotor gave a bright smile as he handed it over to Lance.
“Looks perfect to me,” said Lance. It was the most phone-like thing in the room as far as he could see, which made it the best in Lance’s opinion.
“Excellent,” Lotor cheered. “It’s the model I prefer myself. You have excellent taste, Lance.” Lotor handed a stack of bills to the storekeeper while Lance was examining the phone.
Lance laughed brightly. “I could say the same about you.” Oh man, this model had a front facing camera. There was only one thing that could happen now. “You said you had this model?”
“And now, so do you!” Lotor handed Lance a box with a proud grin.
“Oh wow, that was… fast,” Lance said, pulling out his new Corredev. “I guess you weren’t kidding around about getting me one.”
“Your Corre tag is listed under settings,” Lotor explained, “and if you’ll hand it over, I’ll put my tag in your contacts.” Lotor stuck his hand out expectantly.
Lance laughed, just a bit baffled by how fast everything had happened, and handed over his brand new space phone to his new Galra friend. Real life was definitely stranger than fiction, in his case.
“Aaand there,” said Lotor with a self-satisfied grin. “You’re all ready to contact me whenever you miss my delightful company.” He handed the Corredev to Lance with a delighted flourish.
“Now there’s only one thing left to do to break my new phone in,” Lance said as he pulled Lotor close. “Post-spa selfie!” he cheered, throwing up a peace sign and smiling brightly. Lotor stared at the Corredev in confusion and limply held up two of his fingers in a sad mimicry of Lance. This is definitely gonna be a keeper, Lance thought as he took the picture.
Lotor’s Corredev gave a series of harsh beeps. “That’s my signal to head back,” Lotor said with  a disappointed sigh. “Looks like our time’s up.”
“We’ll definitely have to keep in touch,” Lance said, resting his hand on Lotor’s arm.
“Oh, definitely,” Lotor purred, “but I get the feeling I’ll be seeing you sooner or later. It’s been a pleasure, Lance.”
“Right back atcha,” Lance said lightly. “It’s been great; you’ve been great; and I can’t wait to see you again.” He started towards the hoverbike the princess had given him so he could get around without landing his lion in the middle of a metropolitan city and paused. “See ya later, Lotor.”
“Swift journey, Lance.” Lotor watched Lance speed off into the streets of Libenda before pulling out his Corredev. “Commander, send me an escort. It’s time to begin our next campaign.”
Lotor settled against the wall of the and thought of bright, sweet Lance. “This is going to be fun,” he told the open air with a smug smile. “I don’t plan to lose to anyone.”
A/N: the idea of Lance getting a communicator from Lotor was inspired by your sickening desire, and also the part of cosu’s art featuring Lance taking a selfie. if, unlike me, you haven’t read all the lancelot fics on ao3 yet, you should definitely read your sickening desire. i hope you enjoyed my fic~!
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