#i love rosie so much as well. she slayed every scene shes in
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much love for including the fact that old man Alastor has zero idea of queer terminology
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broodwoof · 7 months ago
I love your writing and meta so much and have burned through most of your fic already, so I trust your judgment! Do you have fic recs I should check out? Thanks in advance!
oh no i cry 😭 pls this is so sweet.....
gotta start with the recent gift i got from arlathan exchange bc it is soooo good! sweater has a gorgeous, vivid writing style that i really enjoy. this one is spicy! 🔥but seriously her writing is just So Good? i love the way they set scene and tone
hunger by @fadedsweater / sweaterghost on ao3
In the moonlit dark of Mythal's palace there is a hunger that rumbles beneath the sprawling marble floors and shakes the foundation of each gilded pillar. It is a hunger that spreads like smoke and burns like fire. Solas has known this hunger for a long, long time. Solas visits Mythal’s court, intent to sway her from her current warpath. Meanwhile, Mythal can't help but notice that he has gone far too long without feeding. Ancient Arlathan, but with vampires.
my friend jazz has been getting into da and they've written so much lovely stuff for it, always with really excellent characterization and fascinating premises. one of my personal favs from their writing is this exploration of cole and vivienne's relationship
wellspring by @jazzmckay / desiredemon on ao3
Long ago, Cole promised, "I can protect you. If templars come for you, I will kill them." Vivienne never expected such a thing to ever take place.
i still need to finish this one and this is a nice reminder to get on that, but this writer has an extraordinary style and their handling of solas is so good?? i'm in awe tbh. seriously beautiful writing.
though my language is dead (still the shapes fill my head) by @darethshirl / mafalda_157 on ao3
She gazed up at him, silent and calm, green eyes unblinking. Outwardly she was the very image of tranquility, her expression as unmoving as the surface of a vast clear lake. If any thoughts or emotions lurked somewhere in those depths there was no way to tell. - This veiled world will always feel muted. Still, Solas tries his best to communicate.
another spicy one, but playwithdinos has suchhhh a vivid style and there's just something so lovely and profound about it. my first introduction to her writing is this one, and her depiction of solas is fascinating i love it.
the switch by @playwithdinos / @dinoswrites / playswithdinos on ao3
Lavellan usually lets Solas take charge when they're alone, but she's back from slaying the Fereldan Frostback and she's not in the mood to bow to anyone. Fill for this kink meme prompt: http://dragonage-kink.livejournal.com/13696.html?thread=53207680
anddd another spicy one (anyone else sensing a theme here?), this writer is... wow. wish i knew their tumblr if they have one so they can know i'm gushing about them beyond my comment. this is a delightfully messy and complex examination of how solas/andruil/ghilan'nain might happen, and i'm absolutely enthralled by the characterization of andruil and ghilan'nain here - and solas as well!
Power, Intrigue, Danger and Sex by Hezjena on ao3
When Solas later recalled the evening, he liked to imagine it was the result of careful manipulation, a triumph of his skilled diplomacy and a delicious trickery where he allowed himself to be underestimated… rather than the result of too much ice wine and morbid curiosity. *** That time Solas accidentally-on-purpose has a threesome with Andruil and Ghilan’nain in Ancient Elvhenan.
okay, rosie's writing is So Good? i'm always super impressed by how she describes scenes and also just... the layers. seriously. the foreshadowing is always amazing. her handling of solas is sooo good and also? an extraordinary artist? too powerful tbh <3
In the Blue Morning by @rosieofcorona / rosieofcorona on ao3
He wants to stay like this forever, wants the sun to forget to rise, wants the castle to sleep and sleep in an endless dream. But the light keeps coming, every moment. The castle will wake, and they will see. And this will cost them, in the end.
i could so easily keep going tbh but this is already getting long and i might've passed the @'ing limit already lmao
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aion-rsa · 5 years ago
Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Dad Patrol
This Doom Patrol review contains spoilers.
Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 8
With the penultimate episode of the season, the newest Doom Patrol installment sets the table for at least two major conflicts that almost guarantee a cliffhanger next week. However, despite that potentially frustrating possibility, “Dad Patrol” once again features excellent character development, with Abigail Shapiro the standout performance this episode as Dorothy.
The episode opens by flashing back to Jane/Kay’s childhood where her abusive father would force her into the well to spend the night. It is a dark beginning to the story, with Kay’s trauma at being alone in the well punctuated by the loss of her stuffed animal Harry.
With the scene shifting to the Underground, Jane is discussing the disappearance of Scarlet Harlot and Lucy Fugue with the rest of the alters. As Miranda dubiously explains Scarlet and Lucy aren’t missing so much as “moved on” as Kay heals, it stokes an existential crisis for Jane. She sets out to find Kay’s missing stuffy Harry at that old well to give the girl what she wants, yes, but also find a purpose for her existence.
Diane Guerrero, as always, brings everything to her performance. Of course, Jane is a creation of Kay’s subconscious, but she’s a fully formed person as well, with her own wants. And that includes needing to feel useful, and not wanting to fade away. But as stubborn as Jane is she’s not entirely unreasonable. When she discovers Harry, along with the letter from Miranda to their monstrous father, Jane understands why Miranda has previously done a good job as Primary.
However Miranda has her own wants as well. She’s been tossing alters into the well and adds Jane to the watery grave. It would appear that Miranda isn’t so much interested in having Kay heal so much as wanting to become, not Primary, but solitary. Perhaps that even means eliminating Kay herself? This battle between fully formed personalities is an intriguing concept, and I’m curious to see how it will play out topside and in the Underground.
As it turns out, Larry doesn’t want to lose himself either. Despite Negative Woman “Moscow” suggesting in “Space Patrol” the best thing for him would be to entirely merge with the Negative Spirit – and despite how much time he loses in self-loathing and regret – he can’t let go of the man he once was. And letting go would presumably mean losing the precious, but painful, memories of his past. Similar to Larry, I find myself frustrated at times with the Negative Spirit because of how cryptic it can be, and Captain Trainor unloads on his alien partner. What does it want?
Let’s not forget that Moscow did tell Larry she was able to overcome her injuries and heal her body – thus not requiring bandages – by finding balance with the entity. Surely the Negative Spirit is tired of being trapped all the time. If that balance is achieved, would it be happier?
Also, Larry and Jane together are a nice change. Though Jane presents herself as a solitary figure, she does need her family around on her adventures. And since Cliff is busy with his daughter Clara, Larry has to hit the road to Arkansas with her.
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Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Dumb Patrol
By Aaron Sagers
Speaking of Cliff, damn it’s fun to see a happy Robotman showing Clara around the house like an excited little kid, and fixing up her car, and making pancakes with literal finger sausage. Brendan Fraser masterclass delivery of profanities is put to joyful use as he reconnects with the girl. And he follows the same advice he gave Vic to fess up and apologize that he effed up. Cliff even almost gives more good advice to Clara that she can be the one to break the cycle of bad marriages in their family.
I really hope we get to see Cliff in a tuxedo at Clara’s wedding. Also, is that fried finger now useless?
So, I guess Roni is a super villain now? At least she’s a killer, aided by some ill-gotten Uma-Jelly, and Vic is having none of it. For a show that excels in weirdness, having a love interest go super-bad isn’t the most compelling. Vic is a dick to Rita, but I genuinely enjoy Joivan Wade as Cy on Doom Patrol, but whenever we spend too much time in his more traditional crimefighting world, things immediately become less engaging. The scene of him confronting Roni in their aborted date spot would work in a different show, but Cyborg is more interesting to watch when he’s a straight man surrounded by the absurd.
However, Vic does get to star in his second opening montage dream sequence of the season. Whereas before he and Cliff were starring in a 1970s Starsky and Hutch cop show, this time around Rita imagines appearing in a 1960s version of The Avengers. The spot-on recreation of the mod espionage show (as opposed to the MCU superhero franchise), with a John Barry James Bond-esque theme song, is a damn delight. “Beekeeper and Borg” is a playful interlude and suggests that Rita (and Cliff) really do see Vic as a legit hero. And I actually have hope for Rita as a hero; it’s a lot to expect her to thwart a villain right away, after all.
Finally, onto Dorothy Day, and the adventures of Niles and his daughter – on the eve of him giving her up to Kipling, and the Knights Templar (who have some pretty fabulous ceremonial duds). But it turns out it would do Kipling good to listen to the sacrificial, prophetic rodent because Dorothy is growing up, and that means Candlemaker is breaking loose.
With her presumed demise right around the corner, there is a foreboding sweetness to Niles and his daughter having a day out in the world. As Niles mentions at the carnival – harkening back to the carnie freak show where he first met the girl – he wishes he shared this moment sooner. After all, it provided him with enough perspective to try and push back against Kipling. Unfortunately, that comes a little too late, when he’s on death’s door and Slava’s tribal god has arrived.
Shapiro as Dorothy has a few great scenes in this episode in the meanwhile. Dorothy enters the convenience store as a little girl, fascinated by toys, before encountering the curious insensitive stare of another young girl. But she puts away the childish things as her menstruation begins, and her life changes.
Doom Patrol plays with expectations here, because we are led to believe the store clerk will be unkind to the girl, like so many before her. Rather, she shows warmth to the child, and welcomes her into the tribe of womanhood, and tells her about a future filled with the red dragon she’ll have to slay every month. The advice is a little backwards, and homespun – because dads can’t bear to see their little girls grow up – but it comforts Dorothy. She emerges from the store with a confidence about her.
Gone are the little girl’s clothes. Rather, she now looks more like a hunter.  
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Doom Patrol Season 2: Dorothy Spinner is Forever Young
By Rosie Knight
Then Dorothy appears to settle back into the role of the happy daughter long enough to enjoy carnival games with her father, until the visions come of her mother Slava: She’s a woman now and is ready. Along with having to bleed each month, she must wear the red boots, and contend with another monster: Candlemaker.
The following scene in the funhouse provides the clearest, full-lit look of the Candlemaker entity, and he’s freaky as hell. I admit I hadn’t noticed the Eye of Sauron looking thing on his forehead before. But I am left wondering if Slava is telling Dorothy she must serve, or submit, to Candlemaker – who no longer needs the girl’s permission to appear – or if her mother is telling her daughter she’s ready to become a warrior.
And I’m left believing she could be. Not only dressed as a hunter, but when Dorothy reunites with Niles after the funhouse, she actually seems older. Shapiro’s delivery, and posture, subtly shifts just enough to suggest we are witnessing a new Dorothy.
Of course, with clowns and lollies melting everywhere, Niles dying, Kipling at a loss – and the rest of the team spread to the wind — Dorothy needs to step up fast.
There’s only one episode left this season, with a lot of action happening. And I think we’re just getting started with Candlemaker. So, take a hit of Uma-Jelly if you got it, because we’re heading into Cliffhanger territory.
The post Doom Patrol Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Dad Patrol appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2BMZouE
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jillmckenzie1 · 5 years ago
Feathering the Nest
I like it when something cool comes from something damaged and terrible. For example, the DC Extended Universe. Initially, they were not off to a great start. They had a Superman who was mopey, grumpy, and seemed to save people not because he was compelled to help, but because he was afraid of being written up by his manager. They had a Batman who was not so much obsessed with punishing crime as he was having a psychotic break.*
They also had a Harley Quinn trapped in a movie that didn’t deserve her. Perhaps you recall 2016’s Suicide Squad. It was a damn good concept for a movie, with the idea that a group of supervillains is forced to work together on covert missions too unsavory for the Justice League. All you need to do is find a group of characters with big personalities, let them bounce off each other for a bit, allow them to achieve a kind of victory, and develop a deranged camaraderie.
You’d think the script would write itself, right? Nope! Writer/director David Ayer had a scant six weeks to write the first and only draft before beginning production.** Among the bright spots of the famously troubled film was Margot Robbie’s cuckoo banana pants Harley Quinn. It almost felt like every time Suicide Squad really started to suck, Robbie would save the film through the force of her talent and charisma.
Robbie’s casting as Harley is one of those perfect fusions of role and performer. Much like Hugh Jackman as Wolverine or Chris Evans as Captain America, it’s tough to imagine anybody else playing her. A firecracker performance assured audiences that Harley would be back. She’s back in Birds of Prey (And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn), and it pleases me to tell you that not only is it miles better than Suicide Squad, but it’s also a hell of a lot of fun in its own right.
We can all agree that breakups suck, and we all have exes that are problematic. Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) has us all beat. You see, her ex is The Joker, a psychopathic clown with a knack for mass murder and theatricality. She’s decided that the Clown Prince of Crime ain’t what you’d call a stable domestic partner, and it’s time for her to strike out on her own.
All Harley wants at this point is a) to not be brutally murdered, b) set herself up in a business of some kind, and c) enjoy a truly delicious breakfast sandwich.*** That’s good…except for the slightest complication. As a walking natural disaster, Harley’s beloved Mr. J enjoyed total immunity from the criminal underworld. Harley did, too, and now that the breakup has happened, her immunity is history.
Quite a few people are looking for payback, and the most immediate of her concerns is one Roman Sionis (Ewan McGregor). He’s a trust fund guy with designs on controlling all of Gotham City’s criminal element, and he has an unsavory habit of having people’s faces cut off. His henchman Zsazs (Chris Messina) is only too happy to help with said face-cutting.
Things get even more complicated with Gotham cop Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez) investigating the slayings of mob guys by the mysterious Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). There’s also a wildly valuable diamond that’s been nicked by teenage pickpocket Cassandra Cain (Ella Jay Basco), and professional nightclub singer and gifted amateur ass-kicker Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Ball) is thrown into the mix for good measure. As I said, things get complicated.
Birds of Prey works for a number of reasons, and the confident and stylish direction of Cathy Yan is one of the biggest. Unlike early DC films, she’s made a movie that pops with color and energy. Her action sequences are clear, clean, and totally lacking in the maddening choppiness that used to be a standard feature.**** Admittedly, there are a few moments where the hyperactive pacing comes to a wheezing halt, and the film absolutely bludgeons us with needle drops. I can live with that, as Yan’s talent behind the camera outweighs her missteps.
The same goes for the screenplay by Christina Hodson. She’s developing a reputation as a cinematic superhero of sorts, as her screenplay for Bumblebee helped to resurrect the misbegotten Transformers franchise. In theory, her first act structure is a good idea. In practice, it’s clunky, as the narrative constantly loops back and forth upon itself, mirroring the fragmented brain of Harleen Quinzel. I should also mention that The Joker is discussed a lot, yet the Harlequin of Hate only shows up in an animated prologue. However, once everything is set up properly, Hodson’s script takes off like a rocket. Like Deadpool, the film earns its hard R rating with a plethora of f-bombs, violence, and a motormouthed protagonist who loves shoving a middle finger against the fourth wall. Unlike Deadpool, the jokes aren’t quite as dependent on pop-cultural references. There’s a real sense of celebration and positivity, reflected through a cracked lens.
As Harley, Margot Robbie is the engine that powers the film. Whether she’s smacking around assassins with a baseball bat, giving snuggles to an alarming hyena, or acting as a weird-as-hell mentor, Robbie is down for anything with. A character like this could get annoying fast, and she knows just when to crank up her energy or dial it down. A movie like this needs an antagonist who can keep up with the protagonist, and Ewan McGregor is up to the challenge. He’s having a blast strutting around in velvet suits yelling at underlings, and he makes for an entertaining villain.
The rest of the cast keeps up well, but considering the movie zips along at a brisk hour and 49 minutes, some characters are a little lost in the shuffle. We never learn too much about Jurnee Smollett-Bell’s Black Canary, but she’s such a witty and perceptive performance that she’s able to make her underwritten role pop. I also loved the contrast between the manic Harley and Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s deadpan Huntress. She’s a little socially awkward, a little sarcastic, and Winstead effectively sells the desire for a killing machine to have friends to hang out and eat tacos with.
The MCU continues to chug along for now, and it does so due to a strong producer at the helm. The DC films never had that, which seems to have been an accidental blessing. Instead, the studio seems to just throw money at filmmakers and pray that things work out. It has, as Wonder Woman calmed down the skeptics and both Aquaman and Shazam! proved to be stabilizing influences. Birds of Prey is like getting smashed in the face with a baseball bat of fun, and its confident madness proves that when DC takes chances, the sky is the limit.
  *Though I’m not inclined to blame Ben Affleck for the Dark Knight’s poor showing, and I view his Batman as possibly the greatest missed opportunity of the DC movies. Let’s take a moment and pour one out for the dearly departed Batfleck.
**That’ because Warner Brothers had already locked in the release date, and they weren’t willing to change it. Apparently, it didn’t matter since it made $745 million globally.
***Harley, I see you.
****Exhibit A would be The Bourne Supremacy’s apartment fight scene. I love that flick, but by watching its nausea-induced sequence, you’d never know that Matt Damon trained heavily in Jeet Kune Do, the martial art developed by Bruce Lee.
from Blog https://ondenver.com/feathering-the-nest/
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itsiotrecords-blog · 8 years ago
We’ve all experienced that awkward moment in life where we’ve tripped up in the street or on a staircase, but there’s one silver lining to every one of those moments – they weren’t viewed by millions of people. Some of us might have been caught stumbling in a Vine video or on a friend’s Snapchat, but unless it went viral, these people won’t have faced any large scale public humiliation. Unfortunately for celebrities, their entire life is in the spotlight and when they trip and stumble in a public place, the world is gonna remember it! The shame of slipping up in public must have been triple for these celebs, but they had no choice but to pretend like nothing happened. It’s no surprise that a lot of these falls happened on stage – which can often be blamed on high heels or a “wardrobe malfunction.” But most of the time, these stars were getting a little too carried away with their performance to watch where they were going and the result is hilarious. Being snapped falling over in the park is one thing, but having an epic tumble on stage means these famous figures had both their actual audience in the crowd and the world audience to contend with. Seriously cringey. We don’t want to trade lives with any of them in this situation. From glam red carpet events to choreography that didn’t quite go as planned, these are the moments celebs wish could be erased from public record. Here are 15 cringe-worthy falls we couldn’t help but laugh at…
#1 Beyonce I love and respect Queen Bee as much as the next person, but her epic fall during a 2007 concert was admittedly quite funny – mostly because it was head first down about 10 steps! Thankfully, Bey wasn’t injured at all so we shouldn’t feel too guilty about finding it funny. The audience could be audibly heard gasping after she hit the floor, but she soon got right back up and slayed with some signature hair-flipping dance moves. After what must have been a hugely cringe-worthy moment for her, Beyonce apparently pleaded with her adoring crowd “Don’t put this on YouTube!” Unfortunately, even Queen Bee can’t hold back the tide when it comes to the Internet and within hours, her epic tumble was plastered over news channels and quickly sparked online parodies. As cringey and painful as it may have looked, nothing fazed Queen Bee – she apparently didn’t even miss a line of the song “Ring The Alarm!”
#2 Katy Perry Cake can figuratively be some people’s downfall (mine included!), but cake literally caused Miss Perry to slip up not once but several times after a rendition of her debut hit “I Kissed a Girl.” Performing at the Latin America MTV Awards back in 2008, Katy P jumped into a massive pink cake on stage as part of her act. Unfortunately, the cake and icing mess made the stage super slippery and it wasn’t long before the singer slipped and struggled, Bambi-like, to get up again. After slipping in the cake, Katy was visibly embarrassed but laughed it off by starting a mini food fight with her guitarist. He helped her up but she went down again (and again). Poor girl. Eventually, Perry just gave up attempting to stand at all and just crawled off the stage on her hands and knees – leaving a trail of pink icing behind her. Not one of her finest moments!
#3 Jennifer Lawrence Picture the scene: your name has just been announced after those amazing words “..and the Oscar goes to…” You can’t believe this moment. This is the day your career and life has been building up to. You make your way nervously and excitedly to the stage to receive this incredible honour in front of all the actors who have inspired you. But as you do, you trip up the stairs with the world and your hero’s watching. Hi ground, please swallow me up. This is what must have been going through poor J-Law’s mind when she tripped up before receiving her Best Actress Oscar in 2013. Jennifer Lawrence was probably wishing she had opted for a short dress instead of the epic Disney princess gown that made her trip up. Luckily, she recovered from it pretty well and even had Hugh Jackman step in to help her off the floor. Of all the moments to lose your footing though – cringetastic.
#4 Iggy Azalea In a not so “Fancy” move, Iggy Azalea slipped up in front of thousands during an MTV performance of her most well-known song, “Fancy.” The blonde Aussie singer was clearly enjoying herself too much and became a little too engrossed in her rapping because she took a few too many steps backward and fell right off the stage! Ouch. That can’t be cool. Amusingly, she could still be heard rapping the lyrics while on the floor and security guards soon stepped in to help her back on stage. A fan in the audience caught the embarrassing moment Iggy disappeared off stage after dancing backwards – you’d think her fans might have warned her to look out for the edge. Azalea must have been riding such a buzz to get totally caught up in her own rap lyrics and underestimate the length of the stage. Maybe stay in one spot next time, Igg!
#5 Madonna Remember when the Queen of Pop had her embarrassing fall from grace at the Brit Awards? It pretty much broke the Internet back in 2015 and countless memes now exist because of it. So what made it so meme-worthy? Let’s refresh. First off, it was Madonna’s first Brit performance in 20 years (unfortunate) and second of all, she fell from a pretty great height…backwards and in heels. Ouchie. Madge was wearing a long cape as part of her dramatic reveal, but she struggled to untie it in time, so when her dancers assumed it was loose, they yanked it and Madonna came tumbling down with it. Apparently, though, this could have all been her own fault. In true diva fashion, Madonna vetoed the original cape design of a hook and went with a tie instead (which she failed to undo with one hand). Never heard of “hoist by your own petard,” Madge?
#6 Michelle Williams Before Beyonce had her epic fall as a solo artist, her bandmate Michelle Williams had a pretty embarrassing slip up of her own. During a BET performance in 2004, the Destiny’s Child ladies were in the middle of dancing to their hit song “Soldier” when Michelle suddenly lost balance and collapsed to the floor. The funniest thing about poor Michelle’s tumble is the reaction from Beyonce and Kelly. They both briefly looked down at Michelle before carrying on as if nothing happened – they didn’t even help the poor girl up! More than a decade later, Michelle’s infamous fall has led some to believe that not all was rosy between the Destiny’s Child girls. (The look Kelly Rowland shot Michelle as she stumbled was pretty shady!). But this was probably just a case of being pros and letting the show go on – even if a member of your group falls embarrassingly hard on live television!
#7 Justin Bieber Of all the celebrity blunders on here, this is the one that I’ll admit taking the most satisfaction out of. Sorry die-hard Beliebers, but who doesn’t enjoy watching this jumped up little A-hole make a fool of himself? I’m only human. In this particularity epic stage tumble, Bieber was performing a duet with Carly Rae Jepsen while on tour in Canada when he took a little trip down the stairs. What’s worse is that the pair could be seen on about three large screens as well, so there was literally nowhere to hide. In what was probably intended as a flawless performance routine, the duo danced at opposite sides of the stage before meeting in the middle and dancing down a central staircase together. Embarrassingly for Bieber (and hilariously for the rest of us), Bieber not only stumbled on the steps but actually slid down a few on his butt. The fall probably hurt his ego more than his backside though. Get out the popcorn when you watch this one.
#8 Naomi Campbell You probably haven’t made it in the modelling world until you’ve had an embarrassing fall on the catwalk. It’s probably a badge of honour. We’re guessing Naomi Campbell didn’t see it this way though. The British supermodel had a spectacularly humiliating fall during a catwalk show in 1993. Campbell was modelling the latest Vivienne Westwood collection in Paris, when her absurdly high heels let her down in the worst way. Poor Naomi started off graceful but ended up looking like Bambi on the ice as she hit the floor. The towering platform heels that caused her cringey blunder have since gone on display in exhibitions in New York and Japan. Alas – thanks to YouTube – Campbell’s epic tumble will forever be on display too. Westwood, who designed the ill-fated shoes, said that “Shoes must have very high heels to put women’s beauty on a pedestal.” Your shoes could have Naomi on a hospital bed!
#9 Drake In a pretty ironic move, Drake took a tumble on stage while he was in the middle of performing his song “Take Care.” Drizzy might have heeded his own advice and taken care before he tumbled backwards halfway through his set! Admirably, he literally took the fall in his stride, since he turned his trip into a backward roll – prompting a lot of cheers from his fans. Leave it to Drake to try and make an embarrassing tumble look as smooth as his voice. In a double dose of irony, the lyric of the song that immediately followed his awkward trip and roll was “You’ve seen all my mistakes.” Yes, Drake – a packed stadium and around half a million YouTube users saw it. It’s a wise dude that learns from his mistakes, though, so hats off to Drizzy for keeping his cool and making the fall look like it was all part of his plan.
#10 Lady Gaga What do you get when you mix sky-high heeled boots with performing on top of a piano? A pretty painful and cringey stage fall is what. When Lady Gaga fell off her piano during a 2011 concert, she never let on how much the fall must have hurt her, but man it had to hurt! While performing her hit “You & I,” Miss Gaga decided it would be a good idea to place one heel on the piano keys and the other on the piano stool – what part of that did she think was a good idea? As expected, Lady G ended up doing the splits for a brief moment before landing in a heap on the floor. Of course – Gaga being Gaga – she tried to work the fall into part of her act and carried on singing underneath the piano. This isn’t the first time the daring singer suffered an embarrassing tumble due to high heels. A year before in 2010, Gaga fell flat on her face at London’s Heathrow Airport thanks to wearing ridiculously steep platform shoes.
#11 Meghan Trainor While dancing to her song “Me Too” on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Meghan Trainor lost her balance in a pair of towering heels right at the end of a pretty epic set. In a delicious slice of irony, her song “Me Too” is all about self-confidence and the fact that, as the lyrics go “If I was you, I’d wanna be me too.” Sorry, Meghan, but not many of us would want to be you in that situation! Just seconds before the song ended, Trainor spun round for one last dance move, when she staggered and took the mic stand down with her. Cringe! Despite ending her sassy song with a pretty uncool and mortifying slip-up, she saw the funny side and so did talk show host Jimmy Fallon. As Meghan remained on the floor laughing it off, Fallon walked over to her and lay down next to her, just to make her feel less of a dork. Nice.
#12 Heidi Klum Not all supermodels fall over on the catwalk, as Heidi Klum proved during the 2008 Emmy’s. The gorgeous blonde model was being carried by co-host Tom Bergeron as part of a skit that went disastrously wrong pretty fast. Klum was pretending to swoon in Bergeron’s arms when he accidentally dropped her hard to the floor. The German beauty took a photo of her leg backstage which showed off a deep purple bruise at the top of her thigh – nasty! Apparently, a lot of the comedy routines that night were fairly unrehearsed and left the audience pretty unimpressed. Still, at least the Emmy’s crowd got to see an epic blunder! As a slender, 5 ft 9 supermodel, Klum doesn’t strike us as particularity heavy. Maybe the organizers could have hired someone a little stronger than Tom Bergeron to carry Klum out onto the stage. Heidi’s butt (and her pride) had to hurt for days afterwards.
#13 Demi Lovato Poor Demi Lovato just can’t catch a break when it comes to stage tumbles. The singer/actress has slipped up quite a few times while performing in recent years, falling over in two separate performances in 2015 alone! The 24-year-old was performing her massive hit “Cool for the Summer” at the Madison Square Garden Jingle Ball back in December 2015 when she tripped on a mic stand and fell flat on her back. She had just completed a 20 minute set of her songs too! Demi’s a class act though. She stayed on the floor and kicked her legs in the air in time to the music as if it was all part of the routine. It’s okay, Demi, we believe you. A few months before this slip, she had another stage dive at a summer pool party. She was dancing on a wet stage to “Cool For The Summer” and (unsurprisingly) slipped and landed pretty hard. Ouch. Maybe the song has some kind of curse attached to it?
#14 U2’s The Edge Living up to his name, U2’s lead guitarist The Edge walked a little too close to the edge of the stage one night and suffered a painful-looking (but pretty funny) fall. During the band’s opening night of their 2015 world tour, The Edge misjudged the actual edge of the stage and stepped off into the void which barely left the guitarist with even a scratch, despite how steep the fall was. In an interview about the blunder, The Edge explains how he lost sight of where the stage “edge” really was “Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the curve of the round and I thought I was already there. I stepped off on what I thought was the stage and I had basically cut the corner.” U2 drummer Larry Mullen joked that it could have been the shortest tour in history if the Edge’s injuries were worse. Lead singer Bono joked that he was looking forward to the idea of “days off.” Harsh!
#15 Rihanna Poor RiRi. This fall wasn’t just a little slip-up – she suffered an epic topple and ended up on her hands and knees! Rihanna had just kick started her Loud tour in 2011 when she took an epic tumble in high heels while dancing on stage. The beauty from Barbados was twerking and rolling her hips along to her hit song “What’s My Name?” when her heels tripped her up and caused her to go flying. Rihanna was dressed in a crop top and hot pants that showed off her gorgeous curvy figure, but there was nothing hot about her stage dive – that had to be super cringey! Luckily, Ri-Ri had a sense of humour about the whole thing and seemed to be laughing it off as she carried on with her dance routine. Falling on your hands and knees is never a good look (especially in front of thousands of fans), but at least she saw the funny side.
Source: TheRichest
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