#i love rin thank u for asking this i wanna talk abt him all the time
wttcsms · 1 year
I find Rin to be such an interesting, closed off yet so open of a character. I’m curious, how would you characterize him to be like in a relationship? Like I just can’t imagine him even understanding his feelings if he starts developing them for someone, but I want to know your thoughts and characterization!!
i’m really excited you asked this since i’ve finally gotten around (+had some major inspo and breakthroughs in my writer’s block) to work on “hopeless, breathless, burning slow” which is my main rin fic! a lot of what i say applies to this interpretation of rin but i think it works for any rin i write about.
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i think if someone knows rin or spends enough time in his vicinity, they can pick up on his physical tells. when he’s upset about something, you can read it on his face without him ever explicitly having to state his displeasure.
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again w/ being able to read rin physically - it’s kinda essential because you’re right, he is closed off. i think it’s partly because of his laser focus and the fact that he doesn’t quite respect anyone enough to open up to them, but also that rin doesn’t realize that people, esp a s/o, aren’t mind readers. he thinks he’s telling you i love you but he actually told you that you need to put on a jacket because it’s going to get cold outside. in his head, he’s a very obvious person and i think before you two get together, he overthinks everything he says to you, afraid that his affections will be too obvious even though verbally he’s not obvious at all lol.
as for developing feelings, i like to think he’s self aware but in denial HAHA. if you’re classmates, he’ll memorize your class schedule or where you sit at lunch + he’s very observant, so i think he’ll recognize patterns (such as assuming something is your favorite because you’re always drinking or eating it). he’s aware of what a crush is, and he has a sneaking suspicion that he’s forming one on you, which is when the denial starts happening. he rationalizes his interest in you as just you always being in his peripheral and that it’s only reasonable someone who’s always in the background in his life catches his eye once in a while!!! this could result in him treating you like you irritate him, but it happens bc he thinks you know about his crush on you and are trying to get him to admit it.
someone said the photographer for stephanie soo + her husband described her husband as “looking very cold but his eyes are warm when he looks at her” (or something along those lines). that’s what it’s like being w rin. outwardly, he doesn’t show affection and he’s not one for pda but to his sports fans, it’s so obvious that he’s in love with you. he walks with a hand on the small of your back or he has you holding his upper arm as you walk together. he’s very protective of you, shielding you from cameras if you’re not comfortable w being photographed candidly. i don’t think he smiles very often, but when he does, it’s always when you’re present or he’s thinking about you. rin knows he’s not good at verbalizing his feelings, but he’s definitely an acts of service type of person. his softness shows in seemingly mundane moments. one time, you struggled to open up a bottle of water + the next day, he had to leave for an international game and you walked into the kitchen only to see that he opened up every bottle of water in the house and screwed the cap back on very loosely so that way it would be easy to open 🥹
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oinkawa-bb · 4 years
first dates with atsumu, osamu, and suna
request: hi!! i just read your dad hq headcanons and they just warmed my heart SO MUCH!!!! can i rq first dates with suna, osamu and atsumu? i also wanted to know if you'll be making a post w rules for requesting bc i don't wanna rq something out of your character limit, or someone that you don't write for!! your writing is just really sweet i can't wait to read more of it :D
note: awie ur so cute anon tyty!!!🥰 and by tha way, my updated rules page is here so check it out if you wanna leave future reqs<3 thank you for being so considerate - i hope you enjoy!! i’m not super confident about this one but i tried my best & chose what my ideal first date ideas would b🥺 so here are first dates with suna, atsumu, & osamu!
mentions: fluff, cw food/eating
☀︎—atsumu miya
atsumu’s been building up his courage to ask you out for over a month....
like, at first he was so sure it would be an easy task for him,,,
until he actually sees you up close in the hallways once
and his palms just instantly start sweating and his eyes can’t even leave the ground for one second
he wants to smack himself bc he doesn’t understand why he feels like this...
so this one day, atsumu swears that he’s going to complete his mission when he sees you alone walking in the halls to your first class,,,
but he ends up turning around, about to chicken out again...
until he gets shoved into you by a too-over-this-shit osamu who’s seen his brother be a dummy for a month straight
atsumu ends up apologizing, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head and channeling all of his confidence to ask you out
but his mind is all over the place, and when he finally stops blabbering, you just hold out your hand signaling for him to give you his phone
you smile, tell him you look forward to it, and swiftly turn around after returning his phone with your number in it, leaving him utterly speechless and kinda turned on
this mans hypes himself up so hard for the date,,
so when he picks you up,, he’s all slick & cracking dumb jokes that make you laugh at how bad they are
it’s before dusk when you arrive at the carnival, and there’s so many things to do that you two can’t decide where to go first!!
it’s crowded,,, so atsumu uses this opportunity to nonchalantly reach for your hand and pull you to a spinning teacup ride
the two of you end up dizzy as hell after,, 
but i legit think atsumu was acting extra dizzy so he could lean on you for support🙄 
next up, atsumu wants to do this mini archery game to win you a stuffed animal,
but there’s too much noise around him to focus (sure,, tsumu🙄🙄) 
and he claims that’s why he misses the whole target for like five consecutive rounds...
to make sure he doesn’t waste all his money on this game,
you take the bow from him and end up scoring bullseye on your first try
and he’s pouting hella hard with his arms crossed, but he can’t help but admire how what u just did was rly hot😳
he’ll also forever hold onto the fox plushie you won for him
as the sun begins to set,, you two decide to go on the ferris wheel
and it’s major uwu hours bc atsumu n u have some cute lil talks about your future plans and worries and dreams and 🥺🥺
atsumu gets soft when he realizes that your eyelids are droopy,,, so he interlaces his fingers between yours and gently pulls your head down to rest on his shoulder,,,
and on the car ride home,
he’ll still be holding your hand and taking little peeks at you, unbelieving of how lucky he is to have gone on a date with you🥰
☀︎—osamu miya
you only have one class with samu, 
but you two were partners for a project and the partnership quickly turned into a easy-going friendship
the connection you develop w osamu over time is just so natural and sweet ugh,,
like you two understand each other even without words,
just quick glances during class when someone says something dumb are enough for you two to communicate LOL
and you two also like to “study” together a lot outside of class, 
but oftentimes it’s just whispering to one another about random shit late into the night at a library uwuwu
until the librarian kicks you two out
so when one day, osamu suggests going on a picnic together post-exam,
there’s no hesitation as you accept his offer!!!
you weren’t totally sure of what to expect or what to bring, so you just end up buying some preprepared lunch boxes and cut up fruit,,
but when you show up to the picnic in the park and realize that osamu cooked and packed a five course meal, 
you’re humiliated to say the least LMAO
but he reassures you, promising that he just likes to cook for fun!! so you’re able to calm down hehe 
uh, however,,,,
when osamu sees you in nice clothes other than your uniform??? the cute little sundress you’re wearing???
EEEK the boy is bright red
once all the food is unpacked,
the both of you enjoy the meal fully,,  (when i say fully... i mean you guys ate all of it. like. all of it.)
you didn’t expect osamu to be such a talented cook, and when you compliment him, the tips of his ears definitely redden🥰🥰
after clearing all the food, osamu collapses on the picnic blanket, just moments away from experiencing a food coma LOL
you lay down next to him in utter peace and happiness with your eyes closed 
you two nap bask in the sun for a few minutes before osamu’s turning onto his side to face you
he asks you a lot of questions, genuinely curious and wanting to know more about you,
like your favorite shows and movies, your goals in life, your loved ones, etc etc.
it’s nearly two hours by the time both of you run out of things to say and return to silence
for some reason,
osamu can’t quite put his finger on it, but he’s so comfortable to just be beside you, talking or not...
and you feel so at ease in his presence too🥺
when you two are both done lazing around and begin to pack up,
he murmurs softly under his breath to ask if you’d like to do this again
and when you flash him an enthusiastic nod and grin, he can’t help but smile too<3333
mans is whipped for u
☀︎—rintaro suna
what was supposed to be a friend group outing with the twins and suna,,
unintentionally ended up being your first date with just suna😳😳
tbh it was rlly suspicious,,,
the way both the twins cancelled extremely last minute 
(atsumu private mssging you his very unapologetic apologies for flaking when you were already at the ice rink) 
it was neither your idea nor suna’s to go ice skating but atsumu thought it would be funny so he actually convinced osamu to help him plan this
so now you’re kinda angrily muttering to yourself outside the rink,
sitting cross-legged on the bench with your skates laced on,, having already prepaid for a skate session
but then suna walks through the door,,
and when he realizes that you & him are the only two here, his heart legit skips a beat and he feels his whole body go numb
in the moment, he’s cursing the twins for their dumb antics 
& he’s also cursing himself for accidentally expressing his interest in you to them
he’s about to turn around and make a run for it when shit, you’re calling his name
“rin, can you believe the audacity of those two?”
“they’re assholes.”
but before he knows it, suna’s being pushed by you to the counter to rent a pair of skates 
you refuse to waste your money just because of the twins
once he’s on the ice with you though, suna loosens up...
maybe a little too much bc the poor boy is slipping everywhere and gripping the edges of the rink with his fingertips LOL
his normally calm composure is nowhere to be seen (a combo of not being able to skate and secretly panicking abt how pretty you are)
but when he sees you giggling and cheering for him, his heart softens and you might even catch a glimpse of the ends of his mouth turning upwards into a smol grin
he swears he’s blushing like crazy when you reach for his hands to steady him and pull him along...
the big baby can’t even make eye contact with you🥺🥺
he won’t admit it, but an hour into the skating, he’s legit having the time of his life w u...
by the three hour mark, both of you have cheeks tinted bright red with joy and exhaustion,
but when you ask him if he wants to have dinner with you after, his whole body is energized again lmaooo
so you two go for some hot ramen at a nearby restaurant late at night,, just chatting about ur mutual hatred for the miyas & some other fun stuff
but suna rlly can’t believe his luck when you suggest doing this again with him some time!!!!🥰
he thinks to himself,, maybe the twins don’t suck?
no, they definitely do.
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titsuya · 3 years
congrats on 1k, my love \(//∇//)\ m so proud of ya <333 rin would be too ;)) id like to participate in ur event pls!!
m hoshi and id like a matchup w an hq boy <3! im 18, use she/they pronouns, and tbh i dont understand all the zodiac sun, rising, etc,,, but im a sagittarius and and infp-t. im a touchy person methinks; i love hugs and just any affectionate action (ie headpats, cuddles, etc). i also enjoy quality time but im such a homebody even before the lockdown oops </3 so sometimes i dont like goin out and rather stay at home (though ill inevitably get bored). however, if i do go out, i love amusement parks and open spaces to do anything (like picnics, walk dogs, etc). im a PHAT introvert but m an ambivert when im w my friends. i tend to put other people first before my own and am usually available if people need to talk/need an ear to listen. but, when it comes to myself, i brush it off bc i dont wanna burden them </3 i also have trouble telling people what i rlly want and tend to be easily influenced by their choices instead JUST so i dont have to make a decision.
im also uh,, 5’1 so i often get teased bc of how relatively small i am. my vball coach thought that i should play libero instead of a spiker when i still had school bc at least liberos didnt need d height 🤕🤕🤕. but ya if it’s flirting teasing abt using me as an arm rest or smthn,, maybe idm 😳😳 ANYWAY i like dancing, drawing, playing sum instruments, dilfs/milfs, large clothing, bracelets, and my dog <3 i also like watching anime and reading occasionally when i get motivated to. my favorite color atm are any warm tones (BROWN RN) and ive been recently listening to ricky montgomery and chase atlantic PFF my music taste is all over the place. also u can use my name for the drabble if ur still g to write,, for me 🫂
HOSHI !! hi, thank you my babyyy <3 ty for joining my event 🥺 i hope u like ur matchup & chase atlantic is just… yes
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okay,,, you guys were meant to be together, no joke. you compliment each other so well and push each other to be your best selves. he’ll listen to you (even if he has to force it out of you), and you do the same for him <3 (you guys are also both astrologically compatible)
YOUR TROPE: strangers to lovers
I THINK THE WAY YOU GUYS WILL HAVE MET WOULD BE SO CUTE. i hc akaashi is also a homebody so the one time he’s out, he bumps into you at a park and he’s so flustered because, duh you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever seen. usually, he wouldn’t do it, but he took a step out of his comfort zone and ask you to join him on his walk :) and you think he’s pretty too— i mean look at him, so how could you refuse.
YOUR SONG: softly by clairo <3
very much my picnic playlist vibes. you guys have soft energy and i feel like you radiate energy that screams soft indie or mitski LOL ?? does this make sense ? i feel like you guys, as a couple, would take candid film camera pictures & paint in the park whenever you get bored and that gives off clairo energy (bye i sound like im on crack)
moodboard !!!
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DRABBLE (ur one of my baby moots i <3 u i hope u like it!)
you had a book in your hands, unable to concentrate on the words because you were staring at your boyfriend.
“baby,” he mutters, softly, feeling your eyes on him. looking up from his book, his speculations were right, “stop staring at me,”
you give him teasing smile and put the book down, “what? is it a crime to stare at my very pretty boyfriend now?” you question, jokingly.
“no, but you know what is a crime?” he asks, pushing his glasses further onto his face, a smile forming on his own lips. you hum and wait for his response. “how short you are.” he chuckles.
you giggle, taking the book and smacking him multiple times, jokingly, “i hate you so much,” you say in between hits.
he laughs, grabbing your wrists and pulling you towards him, placing a soft kiss on your lips. you both smile into the kiss, happily.
“and i love you very much, hoshi.”
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imagines-mha · 5 years
How class 1-B are in the mornings
Have u ever seen something so tired in ur life
He’s 100% that annoying person who REFUSES to get up no matter how many times you shout at him
Takes him 39 years to actually get out of bed and he’s hellbent until he gets some form of breakfast (thank u tetsutetsu for being the typical morning provider)
Like fr he hates just about everyone
He’s the reason most of the morning dramas break out in the class. He argues with EVERYONE and it causes so many fuckin arguments there’s at least one every morning some1 restrain him
He’ll wake up exactly on his alarm, hopping out of his bed as awake as he’s ever been he’s so excited everyone plz give him a kiss
Once he’s up he’s up and he’s the biggest morning person in the house like he brings SO MUCH joy
It annoys the sleepy squad™️ but on the plus side he offers to make breakfast for everyone cus he’s always up so early so who rlly wins???
Closeted member of the sleepysquad™️
sleeps until he HAS to get up lmao he ain’t one of those “i’ll get up early to get breakfast and get prepared for the day!!” NAW he’s more like “don’t even enter my room til 10 minutes before class starts”
If you DO enter his room earlier than allowed he will end you. Like it’s one of the few times he gets really REALLY angry at people and u don’t wanna see him angry cus he can be a demon
He pretends he’s up when his alarm rings, but he’ll sit at breakfast letting his eyes shut every few minutes and it’s so easy to see how tired he is
He’s grumpy when he wakes up
If monoma or ANYONE even opens their mouth he glares so hard like if looks could kill lmao
Can’t eat breakfast in the mornings. Thinks anyone who does has deeply rooted issues
Literally. Don’t even breathe in his direction bro. It’s for ur own good
He and awase make the worst duo in the mornings to be around they can be so SASSY
Either the happiest person alive or the sleepiest. Fr it’s 50/50
One morning he’ll wake up with a start and greet everyone and get off to a happy, bouncy beginning to his day
Other mornings he can and will fall asleep in a bowl of cereal
He’s also the cutest though like he has that messy hair aesthetic and he’s literally a 4 year old in need of care when he’s sleepy
His mood depends on whether he’s showered the night before or not
He wakes up extremely tired: his hair a mess, pyjamas all ruffled, and he yawns 3 times per minute
Does he care though? No
Like fr an avalanche could hit the building and he still wouldn’t react heS SO SLOW
It takes him like 2 hours to wake up properly but the class find it adorable cus he has this croaky voice when he’s tired and they all LOVE IT
He wakes up every morning exactly 4 minutes before his alarm. He doesn’t know how to fix it
He’s learned to reap the benefits though cus these four minutes are his time™️ to get his life together for the day
He 100% sleepwalks
He’s that weirdo who does stretches in the mornings and drinks water to “fully energize himself”
In a good mood most mornings- just like he usually is tbh like they don’t affect him much
Does he,,,, does he sleep?
Honenuki went into his room one night to grab a charger and found him just,,,sitting there
He doesn’t like to talk about that experience
Noone really knows what happens once lights go out tbh
He does sleep though. If you look closely in the mornings his hair’s a teeny bit more disshevelled and his voice is slightly more gruff but it takes a genius to figure it out
She is literally the defiance of logic in the mornings
10pm will hit and she’ll be snoring on the sofa, then after her 9 HOUR SLEEP she’ll wake up for school, more tired than anyone in the class
Sleepysquad queen™️
She’s dangerous whenever she’s tired like i mean she needs constant assistance cus my girl be walking into walls n shit
She just makes confused noises til class starts
She’s tired but mom gotta work so she forgets abt it 😤
She’s the resident alarm clock of the dorms
As in she comes and wakes up the idiots who hit snooze too many times (*cough* moNOMA *cough*)
A little moody in the mornings, and it’s not a rare sight to see her arguing with a grumpy monoma or awase
Pls be kind to her in the mornings she tries so hard.
shes the only one monoma can stand in the mornings cus you just CANT be mean to her
Always has her hair in plaits to make it wavy and wears matching pyjamas every night
She literally is an angel she’ll wake up with a croaky “good morning everyone” and start her day with smiles and happy thoughts
Definitely a morning person she cheers everyone up
She gets up at 5:45am every single morning to meditate and do yoga
Always the first one up
She’ll come outside the dorms and watch the sunrise in the summer with a cup of tea and her own company- if this doesn’t happen she goes from angel to demon in minutes
When everyone wakes up she’s already dressed and has already eaten and they’re lowkey jealous of her time management
Don’t look at her in the mornings she’s a mess
Ask her a question and she’ll stare blankly at you until you go away there’s no hope for conversation sorry bro 😔👊🏻
She just sits on her phone and tries to absorb as much caffeine as possible before going to school like she litrally gives 0 fucks u could feed her paper in the mornings and she wouldn’t second guess it
She’s the most normal when she wakes up. Not too happy not too grumpy just 👌🏻
Will help tetsutetsu make breakfast cus she’s one of the only ones who can stand his energy
She’s the go to gal for homework in the mornings. If you need to copy some shit up or finish off smth her schoolbags always open to everyone and the answers are always right
She’s the only one everyone can collectively stand in the mornings
How does she have so much energy??? What the fuck
Wakes up ready to run a marathon
Her eyes fr snap open at 7:00am and she’s like “LETS GOOOOOOO MORNING TIME YEE HAW!!!!”
Uses her quirk to prank people in the mornings and it makes the morning clique™️ giggle
As opposed, it makes the sleepy squad™️ so fucking angry but it IS funny to be fair
U know those cute ZZZZZZZ emoji things that appear on his speech bubble whenever he’s sleepy
They stay there til midday
He just drags himself around every morning and bondo ends up carrying him HES SO TIRED
He stays up all night drawing and dancing around his room like it’s 4AM and he’s bouncing on his bed to the fuckin ghostbusters soundtrack he’s a dork
Another angel in the mornings
If it weren’t for him fukidashi would have been dead due to tiredness
Makes all his sleepy friends their coffee and gets them ready for school
Hes a mom
He sleeps a good 10 hours a night tho like damn he does get his beauty sleep
He’ll help out as much as possible and everyone just loves to be around him
“Ah,,,,,kendo,,,,have you by any chance seen my glasses?”
He asks shit like this every morning and every morning they’re in the EXACT same place god someone help him pls
He sleepwalks and sleeptalks and it’s TERRIFYING because from a distance he looks so scary
Don’t get into a conversation with him in the mornings he’ll talk for hours on end
He’s another sleepy boy
He doesn’t have an ounce of malice in him, but he’s also the most disorientated
He’s dropped and smashed so many cups on the floor from just being too tired vlad’s gonna kill him one day
He actually doesn’t give a fuck in the mornings
You could tell him the house is on fire and he’d still try and roll back over to get that extra 5 minutes lmao
Do u want 2 die in the mornings? No? Ok just don’t look at him and you’ll be fine
The definition of “if looks could kill”
He doesn’t want to be awake. He doesn’t want to go to school. He wants to be in bed, dreaming abt nice leaves or some shit idk what do preying mantises dream abt??
He’s threatened monoma with a knife before and vlad had to pull them apart it was scary as heck but he regets nothing
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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Ayesha Liveblogs Naruto Shippuden S20 (Pt. 4)
Hashirama’s “:O” face at everything is so endearing
Hagoromo is now really the time for a family story there are three children and a sad old man in need
“It was a few thousand years ago” Zetsu just said it was 1,000 years ago how bad are you guys at telling time 
I wonder how Hashirama feels about Madara being his Soulmate™
“I want make sure [the Tailed Beasts] don’t fight amongst each other, and that people don’t use their powers for evil” better 2 have tried and failed I guess 
“That’s because a toad’s dream is destiny” weird flex but ok
“So then, will everything I do now be meaningless?” “Don’t waste your time worrying” Ffgkjhfgkjh damn I didn’t ask for a lecture on fatalism in my Naruto liveblog
Lmao @ this dude revealing his thievery scheme after talking to Hagoromo for 0.5 seconds what makes him think everyone will be on board with it 
“I only want you to go away as soon as possible” ah looks like Hagoromo made a friend lmao 
“If we make it too sturdy, you’ll break your bones when you try to destroy it” they actually did a really good job of making Hagoromo charming like consider me charmed I wanna hear abt ur ninja way
Hahahah I admire Futami for not bringing up the horns for the entire length of time it took them to build the bridge 
Futami: Hagoromo-sensei gave me a high-five one time and it touched my heart so I formed a cult around him
Wait if Hagoromo only gave 8 disciples chakra are the nine of them together responsible for fathering all the shinobi world what kind of Gengis Khan fuckery
Minus the Hyuga, who, for some reason are moon aliens, I guess
“Throughout this long history men appeared, one after another, with the desire to use the tailed beasts for their own evil purposes. And that turned the tailed beasts against mankind. Anyway, back to my story.” Hahahaha did Hagoromo just go “(A/N: Fuck Obito and Madara lol)”
Unbelievable you’re telling me there was someone who wanted to get with this old man with horns and three eyes who leads a cult and you won’t show me WHO where is the justice 
Mmmm I love Ashura already 1000/10 endearing impulsive baby
Some filler storyboard artist who I respect beyond reason: But what if... we added.... a dog
“It might even be bigger than yours” please don’t tell me they fished Zetsu out of the river
"I didn’t realize you thought so deeply about [chakra being used as a weapon]” “Yeah, well” “But then again, what will be, will be” what kind of parenting is this Hagoromo kjhgkjhgkjhg
Indra, 10 years old: I am concerned about the ethical impact of my innovation
Hagoromo: YOLO, son ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“I’ll be watching you” Is that the voice of......... Pubescent Zetsu 
These kids are really emotionally unprepared for the boar considering they were following boar tracks into the woods 
Wow @ them having Indra invent chidori instead hkjhgkhg poor Kakashi
Indra awoke his sharingan over losing his dog I cannot believe this how are dogs the central plot device of multiple arcs
“Whatever is in this village belongs to everyone - that’s the law” wow along with fatalism this arc is also teaching us about the practical failings of communism 
“The law is still the law” where’s the post that says Sasuke is ethnically a cop. Because that’s this arc
Not 2 be that gal again but Indra’s voice is also nice on the ears he has inherited his grandmother’s kekkei genkai of having an attractive voice and a terrible moral compass
...............kekkei grandma 
“Looking into his eyes reminds me of my mother’s eyes” I was kind of joking about the kekkei grandma thing but fair
“At that moment I felt that I understood for the first time why heaven had blessed me with two sons” have you ever considered your eldest son is mean in part because you make comments like this 
“What will the two of you do when you are out in the world alone” wow Hagoromo is giving his kids some kind of High-Stakes Bell Test 
Hahaha I like Taizo I hope they don’t do anything to him but they probably will because he’s had so much screen time
HAHAHAHA I LOVE THIS SQUAD it’s the first ninja team and the boy is the healer!!!
I thought I was going bananas for a sec but the intro did change lol 
Poor Tenzo I think he’s been officially discarded from OPs RIP
Side note: Having a Naruto blog has made me so wary of Kakashi and Sakura standing next to each other I don’t trust the ppl on this website to be normal for a second RIP x2
“They’ll suffer, sure, but everyone dies eventually” okay calm down Taizo
“It doesn’t matter whether it’s possible or not, because I’ve decided to do it” I admire Ashura’s blind optimism lmao
Not to poke too many holes but why would the water in the well not be affected by the Divine Tree
I take my comment about healing back ludicrously all the men get to display chakra natures and the women can only display glowing yin chakra hands booooo
Omg there is a Tenzo after all in an ED at least!! This is the first time I’ve seen all three members of the Naruto’s Dad Association in one place!!! Bless up
A shot of them standing all together!!!! My heart!!!!!!!!
[Hagoromo as Kakashi voice]: TEAMWORK!!
I was very much expecting Indra to go crazy and kill those two guys but wow that was a scene
“Enough to make you fall in love with him and follow him all the way here” At least Ashura gets like a real wife instead of Hagoromo’s ‘ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ she dead’
Hagoromo: Indra’s a dick because his eyes are red trust me it has nothing to do with my parenting I’m a chakra scientist
“Indra, just what is the meaning of this” it’s a temper tantrum lmao
Was it really necessary to kill both of those guys Indra one best friend death usually suffices for mangekyo my dude
Minato joining Kakashi in the club of Boyz Who Jutsu Was Plagiarized
Hagoromo really has absolutely zero hesitation to attack his son and you wonder why Indra has a complex
“THIS IS THE POWER OF OUR BOOOOOND” he said, as he punched his brother in the face with a thousand wooden hands (mood)
Indra’s Lightning Teleportation Jutsu is really doing The Most the Raikage is not nearly this dramatic about it 
Can you... just.... declare that your soul will be reincarnated? Is that how that works? 
Also. Who slept with Indra?! U made him out to be like. Very Not Okay. But he’s the forefather of the Uchiha?? WHERE ARE THESE CHILDREN COMING FROM TELL ME WHO IS BANGING THIS OUT OF CONTROL FAMILY
I knew the Sukea voice would be different but omg I’m still thrown
“S-kay-a” is really not how I thought that would be pronounced wow 
“If I’m able to capture this Kakashi guy without a mask on, it’ll be the biggest scoop since the Leaf was established” a little arrogant Kakashi but okay kjhgkjhgkjhgjhg
This is such an adorable and weird bonding exercise of Kakashi teaching his kids how to break into Konoha’s archives I’M WHEEZING
I would pay money to see Kakashi explain what he was doing to all those dudes in ANBU who probably thought he was intimidating as all fuck catching him a wig with three twelve-year-olds breaking into his own file
“Who cares what I look like anyway!” THIS IS SO DUMB I LOOOOVE IT
“I think that a woman might’ve drowned right over there on the river bank” HINATA!!!!! UR TOO NICE TO BE ENLISTED INTO THIS SCHEMING HAHAHA
Oh I remember seeing reference to this scene booooo do they really have to make it weird all the time
This concept is even MORE ridiculous in the show bc it expands beyond Team 7 to all the other Konoha rookies like Kakashi how much do u enjoy teasing the children that this is how you’re spending your day
HAHAHAH Kakashi is lucky that the person who knows him best has face blindness and can’t call him out for his schemes 
Okay not to betray my own brand but ᵏᵏᵍᵃᶦ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ
They really designed a nicer apartment for Kakashi just so they could animate his silhouette in the shower STUDIO PIERROT PLEASE
Fhkjhkjfhkjhkf that last scene made me so uncomfortable I don’t really like seeing Kakashi’s mouth while he talks it’s weird
You know I spent a lot of this interlude chanting main arc main arc in my head but alas now that we have arrived I’ve remembered that the war arc climax is a mess
“If my chakra runs out, I’m done” seriously Obito.......... how are you here
Can you imagine if Naruto actually died.... what would that even mean for this series I can’t imagine 
“I already marked this space, so I can hide out in my time-space” I want to know how Obito “marks a space” is it like a jutsu or does he just have to nod at it and go “my space now”
 I would also pay money to see what Obito and Sakura talked about when they had to hang out in Kamui for a solid two minutes lmao 
“So you’re friends with sensei huh?” “Yeah it’s complicated but I think we’re cool now” “Yeah, same with us and Sasuke” “Sorry about that” “I don’t forgive you but thanks”
“You alright?” define ‘alright’ but also Obito’s never been alright a day in his life, Sakura 
Uh oh foreshadowing to the heavy gravity space where Obito d*es
Okay maybe this is the part of me that is still clings to their Part I friendship but Sasuke helping Sakura stand really brings out my inner soft bitch
 “It would’ve been helpful if we could’ve received this advice a bit earlier” Tobirama’s bitter about sitting through five episodes of filler
Tobirama: Why haven’t u been helping this whole time
Hagoromo: It all comes down to Madara’s magic pelvis—
“This man lent me his power and that’s why we were able to get here” does Sakura not know Obito’s name either khgkjhgjkgh
How many times will we watch these same two flashbacks of Obito’s life
Looks like Kakashi brought a knife to a taijutsu fight LMAO
God Rin is such a good friend to Obito and he repays her by literally defacing her grave 
“Am I powerless to do anything but sit here and watch” it’s not really your fault you can’t fly Kakashi tho u could try throwing some kunai or smth ur not a one sharingan pony
Ddkjhsdkjhd why does Obito get a line worrying about Naruto’s death but Kakashi doesn’t he’s spent the past two days trying to kill Naruto
I’m still emo abt Kakashi trying to die for Sasuke that’s his soooon
“Rin... this time, let’s spend some alone time together, just you and me” Why phrase it like that, Obito
"Why save someone useless like me” Kakashi get some therapy
“A fool full of only mistakes” it’s hard to disagree with Zetsu when they’re flashing back to every mistake Obito has ever made
Where’s the graphics set where Obito goes ‘admittedly I lost my cool here’ because that’s what that flashback was 
Update: found it
“Don’t cry, Obito, you’ll just get laughed at” this fantasy is an indication that Obito has no real comprehension of how fucked up Kakashi was by Rin’s death
Can you believe that Rin still dies in Obito’s jonin AU like....what. It’s not even like “AU of what I want” it’s like “AU where I learn how to cope with trauma” 
Also was this just an out for not designing an adult Rin bc he’s been thinking about Rin endlessly for like three episodes straight so..... what up with that
It’s still so fucking funny that Iruka’s in Obito’s jonin fantasy like when did they meet did he just absorb secondhand Iruka appreciation from Naruto 
“But, if you screw up, I won’t hesitate to step up as a candidate for Hokage myself” yesssssssss let Kakashi be the playful menace he truly aspires to be
Gjghjkhgjhg Obito’s “euuuuuuuuehhhh” when the paperwork dropped was funny
Sasuke’s face when Sakura punched Naruto was also v funny 
Honestly to be real for a second Obito imagining himself as buddies with Team 7 makes me mad u’ve done nothing but make these kids’ life TERRIBLE until today babysitting license REVOKED!!!!!!
Am I a hypocrite for enjoying AUs ft. Obito? Mayhaps!!!
“You told me that saving you was pretty much the same as saving the whole world, remember?” (Well.)
“I’d say, you did your best” You know that post that said it makes sense that Rin said this bc she’s a Scorpio. I’m still upset about it
You know... Naruto’s “the coolest guy” (“nothing but awesome”) comment about Obito is a direct parallel to “Bravest man I ever knew” in HP and that’s why, if I were to meet either adult man, I would dropkick both of them. In this essay I will—
“It’s kind of annoying seeing [Kakashi] all stiff and useless” u right Obito
Kishimoto pick up the phone I just want to talk about that rabbit bijuu design 
Kakashi with Six Paths Power REALLY feeds into my theory that Kakashi is Hagoromo’s transmigrant 
“I really love you guys” YEAH HE DOES 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Okay arc over haha right guys we’re good now RIGHT GUYS??
In part, Kakashi jumping around to save his students feels very much reminiscent of Part I’s “MY SENSEI SENSES ARE TINGLING” swoop and scoop that he and Gai loved to do
Lmao @ Kaguya spitting Madara out like he’s a bad-tasting vegetable
Coming up with an OP specifically for VOTE2 is so extra but I kind of love it the Diver parallels!!!!
Sasuke is SUCH a liar abt his attitude towards Team 7 - more specifically towards Sakura and Kakashi bc he has already granted that he cares for Naruto
Sasuke: Comrades? I don’t know her
Also Sasuke: Constantly urging Sakura and Kakashi to get to safety and actively intervening when they’re not
“Honestly at this point I don’t think anything could shock me anymore” Sakura really needs a hug and a nap
“I shall be sure to ask Obito tell me that tale in the afterworld” the real question is if Obito will still look 12 when he takes Hagoromo on the harrowing journey that is his life
Kakashi truly has endless love in his stupid ass heart Obito’s like, “Hmmm... whoops sorry 4 committing mass murder” and Kakashi’s like “Hehe, we all mess up sometimes :) See u in heaven”
Madara and Hashirama really did invent being in gay love huh
“You’ve now finally settled things with Madara” Tobirama has been waiting for like a hundred years for his brother to get over his ex
Hagoromo: Naruto’s your new conference room congrats kids 
Mmmmm I don’t like aaaaannnnnny of this
“You’re suggesting that I enjoy a roooOoomance” why say it like that Sasuke
I genuinely think this is the maddest that Kakashi’s ever been at Sasuke that boy is very, very grounded
“I, too, had two children at one time” OMG KAKASHI OFFICIALLY DESIGNATED TEAM 7 DAD BY HAGOROMO (ur miscounting tho Kakashi actually has four (4) children)
“I think I shall let Naruto handle this” said Hagoromo, and everyone who encountered any problem in this series ever
I’m very distracted from Sasuke’s dictatorship speech by the fact he looks so much like an alien. What is UP with his eyes they never look like this???? Why are they so far apart and narrow and angled
“Your blood will be the last that I shed” what r u just gonna keep genjutsuing ppl Sasuke? Could just keep the Tsukuyomi on then, homie
It also plays into the Hagoromo and Kakashi are related (spiritually or literally) that Hagoromo is equally as useless with advice to him lmao
Kakashi: What should I be doing, sir?
Hagoromo: Sometimes I like to pray :) 
Fjkkjgkjhgkjhk Sasuke claiming that Naruto is his only bond never ceases to amaze me like Sakura and Kakashi are RIGHT THERE ghkjhgkjhgkj u have been protecting them this whole time while they shout how much they care abt u. Just admit u have a crush on Naruto and go!!!
“I know your heart well by now. And you mine” Sasuke u unintentionally romantic dumbass
“Finally decided to kill me, huh,” said a thrilled Sasuke, taking a lesson from the Kakashi School of Very Much Needing Ninja Therapy
This entire fight is the Life or Death equivalent of this tweet:
Tumblr media
Lmao one of these boys lost a tooth I want to know which of them has a dental implant 
Omg............... Iruka what is going ON.... u are suddenly v pale and also I think ur VA might be different could they not get the same Iruka or has he just forgotten how Iruka sounds
It was real unclear until this fight that Sasuke had any of the same powers as Nagato
“Now I can finally be alone... farewell, my one and only... friend” again... Sasuke... u can be in love with Naruto and still have other friends!!!!!!! Ask Naruto he has tons of friends he’s not in love with*
*Disclaimer: they are all in love with him
The idea that everyone Naruto’s ever cared about is spiritually trying to help him kick Sasuke’s ass is p funny
“Sakura and Kakashi are still there, they’ll figure something out” cute that you have such an assload of faith in your loved ones in ur life-flashing-before-you moment Sasuke but with what jutsu lmao
“I began to see a shadow of my own family in Squad 7″ YEAH HE DID  😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I still can’t believe that Kishimoto really wrote that all it took for Sasuke to return to Konoha was Naruto explaining to him how love and empathy work 
Omg Sasuke laughing...... I missed your laugh you precious boy
“Release the infinite Tsukuyomi once I’m dead by transplanting my left eye into Kakashi or someone else” Fhjfhkfh it detracts a little from the significance of Sasuke offering his eye to Kakashi to add the “someone else” but I guess they gotta make the syllables match up
Why is every Uchiha’s long-term plan just to die before they have to deal with the consequences of their actions
“I’m sorry” “Sorry? For what” “For everything” “You got that right” Sasuke I think u need to treat all of ur teammates to ramen 
“It’s finally back to the way it was” Kakashi loooves his baaabies 
Omg they included Guren from the filler arc in this crowd hahahaha
Gaara and Naruto enveloped in that same beam of light like Kakashi and Tenzo in the Tsukuyomi kghjghkgh SP said gentle gay rights
“I’m forbidden to talk about it” Team 7 would RIOT if Sasuke was locked up in a cell like that fuck you
Hahahaha I wish I could see the scene where Kakashi and Iruka decided to ambush Naruto with study materials 
Okay this is definitely a different Iruka ahhhhh weird I don’t like it
Iruka bursting into tears whenever Naruto talks about his progress.... same
I 100% believe that the vast majority of the reason Kakashi became Hokage was to pardon Sasuke but also that prison scene still seems appalling to me STOP MAKING THINGS WORSE THAN THEY WERE SHOWN TO BE
"Maybe next time” is super funny in the context that he does take her on his next mission outside the village and comes back with one (1) whole baby
Sasuke’s introspection usually seems to amount to “Birth is a curse and existence is a prison... oh hey Naruto <3″ 
The moral of the story seems to be that the best way to show someone you love them in ninja language is by telling them you want to keep punching them for the rest of your life
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