#i love my jewish friends
luunare · 11 hours
reminder i do not tolerate hate toward abrahamic religions on this blog. sorry, i'm not an outlet for your religious trauma.
i have my own trauma to dig through and deal with, and i am not qualified to help a stranger on the internet with theirs.
the fact that some of the most common religions have been used to harm has more to do with the people than the religion. i have been traumatized in the christian church, but i've also been hurt deeply in pagan and polytheist spaces [which is why i was hesitant to make a blog here in the first place]. people have used MY faith to hurt, to justify horrible things, to traumatize. white supremacy, oppression of women, intersex people, queer people, mentally ill people, disabled people, and other minorities has nothing to do with faith, and these things do not only exist in certain faiths.
do not blame religion for the terrors of the world. humans are responsible for these things, whether or not they used their interpretation of faith as justification or a weapon.
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angelmelon · 4 days
how would Leasebound fans feel if they knew that the guy who made this shares their ideology
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The political spectrum is a fucking metronome
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thornswithroses · 11 months
I haven't been posting about Israel and Palestine because it's pretty traumatizing and I feel, as a Palestinian, that Palestinians are not seen as people but as some sort of weird gotcha talking point for all different sides (yes, this includes leftists).
Like, we're being talked about but it's dehumanizing in its own way, like our plight is this fun fact to throw during dinner conversations or to make some chess move in an online argument. Like our pain is a checkmate to excuse other types of hatred (antisemitism, anti-Ukraine stuff, etc.) I don't know how else to describe it.
The other day, I was talking to a Tunisian Jewish man and he was so loving and compassionate when he found out I was Palestinian. He was the owner of this restaurant I ate. When the restaurant closed he stayed outside with me while my Lyft ride was on its way. It's a nice reminder that real life isn't always a reflection of the cruelty and apathy I see online.
I need to remember that people do care, that there are people that want everyone's life cherished.
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lemonsharks · 2 years
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Surprise! (C)Hanukkah present for all of my Jewish mutuals and followers, a snarky meme to keep in your digital pocket
ID: gold foil chocolate gelt with a star of David on the coin, captioned: “gold star you tried”
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hey um, this might be an unpopular opinion rn, but you need to examine antisemitism in your thoughts and actions and communities even when it isn't politically convenient or socially acceptable to.
i would argue that it's actually even more important and necessary to examine and challenge antisemitism when it isn't politically convenient, cus that's when antisemitism is most likely to be rearing its ugly head again.
that's how fascism gets you - by making you believe that bigotry in your community is actually the "right thing to do".
don't fall into the trap.
love and support Jewish people now more than ever.
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thmollusk · 1 year
why am i having to defend my thoughts on palestine to people WHO KNOW MY HIPPIE DIPPIE THOUGHTS ON THE WAR IN VIETNAM. WHAT
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avi-on-jumblr · 9 months
it's so hard to explain to people who aren't jewish the profound sense of loneliness we feel when our posts about any other cause get ten times the engagement, but whenever we share something about antisemitism, the only people who engage are other jews. it's not about likes, but it feels like screaming into the void. we post about the latest synagogue attack, or about our community getting bomb threats, or how another jew got assaulted on the streets, or killed at a protest. and the world sees it, and doesn't blink. doesn't care. because they can care about anyone on the entire planet, defend them, speak up for them, but a jew? well, we aren't people, are we. we'll never count.
how fucking bad does it have to get for my friends to share a single fucking post.
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my goal as a jew is to take less shit and stop wasting time on people who will never care and more importantly making the world a better place for other jews. im done with giving so many chances to people who will never change and id rather spend that energy spreading love to the other members of this tribe <3
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crimeronan · 2 years
love my jewish friends and family members so much. i'm sorry that guy is trending number one and also that his platform is so wide-reaching and frightening. anything i say here will just be preaching to the choir & i don't have any perspective that hasn't already been written from so i'm not gonna spend a lot of time soapboxing. it's a good day to elevate the work of jewish artists and authors and poets and speakers & to celebrate the jewish community, tell me the names/socials of your fave jewish creatives and/or hype yourself as a jewish creative so i can check out everyone's stuff ❤️
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nesyanast · 9 months
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shalom-iamcominghome · 2 months
I'm pretty aromantic but I know how people in love feel because I haven't gone to shul and I won't be going to my class this week and I'm feeling like this
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lemonsharks · 2 years
Wishing all of my Jewish followers a meaningful and blessed Yom Kippur ❤️
(10 Tishrei, 5783/October 5, 2022/Chicago, IL, USA)
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momosweetpeach · 2 years
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An important art 🐨🕎
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cartoon disney trios of color my beloved
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my-jewish-life · 13 days
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I just got this in the mail from a friend! I love these so much😭💕
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tr4umaborn · 7 months
listen y'all i'm never here but i've seen two posts on the topic today and i can't just not say anything so:
being zionist does not equal being racist or islamaphobic
as a person who attends a seminary and is training with rabbis-to-be who identify across the spectrum of zionism and anti-zionism and who has been deeply DEEPLY struggling since oct 7 with a lot of learning and unlearning it makes me sad and angry to see posts from people who "don't want to interact with people who identify as zionist".
every zionist I know does not condone the actions of the government of israel. at the same time -- millenials and gen z with a relationship to israel palestine have ONLY know netenyahu as a leader except for like...a year. before oct 7, almost all of my friends in israel were constantly attending anti-government rallies. and after? even though they'd all finished their service months or years before, many of them got sent right back in. they didn't have a choice.
many zionists I know have attended ceasefire rallys and care deeply for the humans who are affected by this war on all sides. you can be anti-occupation and still be zionist. none of these things exist separately from each other.
i'm not out here to try to change your mind, but i will ask you to consider the implications when using a term that has long LONG been associated with judaism (many israelis still today use zionism to describe their relationship to either their home or to judaism in general) as a term you're calling racist. it's antisemitic.
my school friends hear me say a lot that i wish we focused on "ahavat amo yisrael" or "love of the people of israel palestine". my heart broke october 7 for a lot of reasons, and all of them have to do with the people who's lives have been lost of who have lost friends and family on both sides.
this war didn't start in 2023, and it certainly isn't ending in 2024. this is a decades long struggle that started when the allied forces decided to give the land that was palestine to the jewish people as a state. it isn't ok that a group of people was given land that belonged to another group of people. but that fact has nothing to do with the actual people involved.
i am more than happy to have a conversation where we listen to each other about our views. i will not engage in a conversation where the purpose is to try to convince me to change my mind. it's really ok if you see this and you need to hardblock or softblock me. this is all coming from a place of love for me because i know so many people who are in pain when people reblog things or say things that equate zionism to being a bad or evil person. we're all tired.
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