#i love murdoc so much
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electrikorg · 2 months ago
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always have many thoughts about pre-gorillaz stuart, the most average british lad there is. (2D with eyes jumpscare)
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annie-handholder · 4 months ago
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yuri 2doc anyone?
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angryplebianart · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday Plastic Beach!! This will (hopefully) not be my only art for the anniversary, but I figured I would get this out quick before I went to bed 😁🩵💚
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monokromesillies · 6 months ago
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Rahhh !!!!!!!!! More creationssss 🗣️🗣️🗣️😇😇😇🙏🙏❗❗❗❗❗❗❗❗
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sesamenom-misc · 10 months ago
beloved mutual!!!
aaaahhh murdoc!!! the fact that his family runs a brewery but tea is the one that's personal to him-
and his hair and clothes as a part of his sense of self & individuality!! the dragon cloak being such a visible mark of his Quest and its impact on his character!!
omg that nose scar origin is amazing. it really feels like most "cool" scars are usually obtained through disastrous childhood antics irl lol. but it's also so cool how his two most visible scars contrast each other - the nose scar from a carefree childhood adventure vs. the missing hand from a far graver Adventure in adulthood
and the "internalization of himself as a weapon" and "you don't get personally chosen by a god and come away from it quite the same"?? AAAAAAAAAA
aww him valuing the comfort of the whole camp and bringing blankets for everyone?? making sure his friends are treated to Hobbit Comfort even while on the road ;-;
huh i did not expect keeping tea in pockets but that makes so much sense for him (and he smells like His tea!!)
(he would definitely win What Do I Have In My Pockets with his Pocket Tea lol)
oh he got a necklace for mae to live in sometimes! aww murdoc has adopted him as his Friend (and the eldest sibling stuff! murdoc picking the necklace partially for mae's comfort and just caring about him! when for most of his life mae has been the one taking care of his eleventy one billion baby siblings and cousins T-T)
WOAH antar sounds so cool!!
i read the oathsworn background part and I have to ask. is that oathsworn or Oathsworn. are they a gondolindrim feanorian or did they find another oath to swear somewhere 👀
oh i've never really thought about where exactly the Mole came from but yeah that makes so much sense that some of the house of the King would join up w his nephew! and all would be well until it Very Decidedly Does Not
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yes she is So Sad!! she externalizes it as anger and fire (as is standard for Unhealthy Finwean Coping Mechanisms) but really at this point she sees herself more as a vessel to Protect People and Fix Things and less as. her own person. she Will protect her people and that's all she really cares about at this point :( if she was my Character she would need/get So Many Hugs. but alas she is doomed to fail :(((
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ikr!!! honestly her shoes in particular are sort of a reflection of her herself - she's fueled on 90% Spite at this point and weaponizing her anger to prevent herself from having to face her grief and fear ;n;
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so her sister Narinyel is actually older by a few years, but she was born during a brief war that ended soon after her birth. Elinyel meanwhile was a peacetime child, and the kingdom's tradition/custom at the time was that peacetime children make stronger leaders, and that their fëar would be less inclined to violence as a result of being less influenced by external violence their parents experienced. (This custom died very shortly after elinyel started being her weird feanorian self.) she also has a handful of cousins, of whom all but one were also wartime kids. So growing up she was always told that she was to one day rule her family's House by virtue of being the eldest of the peacetime children, and that her spirit was somehow inherently better at protecting people because of the circumstances of her birth.
anyways naturally this gave her some Issues, but it also amplified the guilt especially after Narinyel's death- Elin was supposed to be the protector to her family, the mentor to her people, the guardian of her kingdom. but then she failed at even that. which led to her invasion of all the neighbors in attempt to prevent further tragedy, which spiraled into what's currently happening with her fiery rampage.
aaaaa she is such a Silm-y character like. her sister is long dead, her best friend is recently-dead, she started two wars out of Overprotectiveness as a result of everyones' deaths, half her friends and cousins are dead or gone, and she can't go back and going forward will only accelerate the inevitable, but she's trying to prevent her/her family's Doom anyways, so she'll make worse and worse decisions all in the name of protecting Her People until she's lost herself entirely ;-;
also the corrupted druid the party just killed was Elinyel's best friend ;-; so now The Plot is coming for them in the form of one very angry elf who Sings fire and has zero self-preservation left
hello i'm here again! i saw your tags on the get to know your characters post and i'd love to hear you talk about murdoc!! (also gondolin campaign 😮 tell me more :DDD )
HIHIHIHIHI IM SO HAPPY YOU'RE IN MY INBOX THANK YOU FOR LOVING MY BOY YOU ARE A GIFT OF A PERSON ;w; i assume you don't mind if i answer these for murdoc then :0
What is the character’s go-to drink order? here's the thing: i think if murdoc is ordering, it's ale. just ale. murdoc is an alcohol snob, largely on account of being a hobbit AND specifically on account of his aunt being a brewer (and so therefore clearly HIS family's ale is the best), so it's an opportunity for him to be just a little bit showily snobbish and judgy and more knowledgeable about his choice of drink than the average patron, but it's not quite so personal to him as, say, tea would be. (murdoc never orders tea. from anywhere. he only drinks his own, or radagast's, or that of a few other trusted friends. tea is his craft. it's personal to him. he picks and dries and blends the herbs for his own brews. it's personal long before he even gets to brewing a cup, and there's meaning in just that act in and of itself already.) so, murdoc gets to be an alcohol snob in public, but it's a matter of showing off for fun. he'll scoff at ale from anywhere but his own inn, but he'll still order it and drink it. and enjoy it more than he puts on a show about.
What is their grooming routine? murdoc likes a long bath. murdoc likes to put a lot of effort into wrangling his hair in particular, when he has the time and effort in him for it. alone, at the inn, where he can rest and take breaks and manage things, shaving the back of his neck is very important to him (sensory comfort, and tied in a way to his sense of self). he doesn't like scents or anything of the sort, he just wants to feel... clean. put-together. both in the privacy and comfort of their respective homes, and while out on the road, letting ríros braid his hair for him becomes a very important part of murdoc's grooming routine. on a good day, it's a visible tie to someone he cares deeply for. on a bad day, it's accepting help with his sensory needs and energy levels, and allowing himself to be taken care of by someone he trusts.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go? oh, murdoc's cloak was ABSOLUTELY the most expensive singular thing he's ever purchased. it may not be real dragon scale, sure but. it's a fine fabric, and the faux scales are well crafted and gorgeous. it's luxurious and sturdy and him in every way. an item with presence. which, to the point, i do think murdoc is generally the sort of person who spends his disposable income on fine things to wear. having fun with and taking pride in his appearance is important to him, and he's financially comfortable enough for that bit of luxury.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? aside from the missing hand (extremely notable), and whatever assorted and unspecified scars he's picked up from adventuring? (which. he has. he's come close to dying before. he's got a few marks.) murdoc has a scar across his nose from some absolutely stupid shit he got up to as an utter hellion of a child. i think he probably fell and bashed his face open running to escape getting caught pulling a prank on farmer maggot or something like that. nothing angsty about it, just complete and utter childhood stupidity and rambunctiousness. something visible left on him from a time before he was overly concerned with responsibility, or duty of care, and entertaining his drive for adventure in much less consequential ways. (he’s also very freckled. i think it’s very adorable how much he freckles.)
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? the last time i know for certain that murdoc cried, was after facing irmo. maybe not immediately. maybe much later, on the road home, having spilled the story to his companions and having thoroughly exhausted himself from hanging onto it all. but i'm sure he did cry. from anger at what was done to him, to his dreams, by a power larger than him, without any say of his own in it all. from all his internalization of himself as a weapon finally breaking over, from hearing that perception of himself lovingly rebuffed by the people who care about him. from fully and completely admitting that he's afraid of the person he's made himself in the face of the horrors, but that he would've hated the person he would have been for ignoring them. from exhaustion. from having to question his sense of self yet again. from a lot of things, really. you don't get personally chosen by a god and come away from it quite the same.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child? oh murdoc is an eldest sibling and it shows. maybe not by actual sibling birth order, but he was adopted by his uncles and aunt as a baby and very much raised as their eldest child. he's got two rascals of younger cousins, raised alongside him, to look out for. they're practically younger siblings from an actual family dynamics standpoint. and besides, he's got all the Eldest Child of being the brandybuck family heir apparent put on him. where else would the responsibility complex and the duty of care complex and the possessiveness over what's his and, most importantly, go-to instinct of sassing the literal servants of sauron have come from? This Man Is An Eldest Child And He Can Do This All Day <3
Describe the shoes they’re wearing. none. Those Feet Are Bare. and hairy. he DOES meticulously wash and brush his foot hair though. but listen. he's a hobbit. he's not FROM a culture that does shoes, and the one (1) time in his life ever that he had to wear them, his only takeaway from the experience is that they are a sensory nightmare that he will not be subjecting himself to under ANY circumstances.
Describe the place where they sleep. ooohhhh i think both at home in the inn and also to the greatest extent on the road possible, murdoc does cozy. i think his (+ his partner's) room at the inn is covered in like. throw pillows. nice big comfy sleeping pillows. lots of soft blankets. it's all very warm and inviting and kinda maximalist in a plush sort of way. i do think he cares about aesthetics and all his pillows and blankets look nice together, but everything is selected with comfort in mind. it's homey. it's warm. he's a hobbit. it's probably not particularly neat, but it's sort of charming in the way where it looks like a space that's meant to be curled up in. he probably accidentally leaves a few stray tea mugs about and this is his worst living space habit, but it adds to the charm as long as he remembers to actually keep up on putting them away (which. he does. he's just on top of it enough to make sure he has clean mugs to actually use for tea, but this may be the only reason he remembers). i think even on the road he'll bring as many blankets as is reasonable to carry and do his utmost not only to make his sleeping space, but the whole camp's, as cozy and welcoming as possible with whatever he has.
What is their favorite holiday? ohh see i don't know if i do know enough about specific hobbitish holidays offhand for this, but in general i do think murdoc is a holidays kind of person. anything sort of extrovert-oriented, where he can feast and dance and get drunk and just be around people, is very much his sort of thing. when he was growing up in the shire, any occasion where gandalf showed up with fireworks was an immediate favorite. for least favorite... i don't know how he feels about new year's (yule, in the hobbitish calendar). i don't think he hates it but. i think he's someone who lives with a bit of a sense of loss over who he was, or might have been, before his dreams and irmo and everything, and i think nostalgia-oriented celebrations grate just slightly up against that.
What objects do they always carry around with them? tea. lots of it. kept in his pockets. (he smells like it. it’s nice.) usually a particular brew (the flavor profile of which i imagine to be something like london fog) that he made for himself, which is very personal to him. a locket with his partner's portrait in it. an ornately carved matchbox, always full of matches, ready to light an arrow or for whatever else he may use his fire for. additionally, on the road: a jar in which he cultivates a toxic fungus, used for coating his weapons in tough battles. a set of his favorite cooking knives. a flask or two of his family’s ale, primarily used in his cooking, as ornate and pretty as all else he owns. (i will also give him that he most always is wearing jewelry, particularly his ruby necklace and earring set. the necklace in particular is important - usually maedhros resides in ríros’ sword, but the necklace is an ideal secondary vessel on the occasions that maedhros does have to remain where murdoc is, and murdoc has selected these pieces in maedhros’ colors for a reason).
as this has gotten LONG i will not try to do them for my new beloved tyelperëkko antar JUST yet. BUT @jaz-the-bard is planning to run a campaign set in gondolin in the first age and i am VERY excited for the character i have made. i’ve given them the oathsworn background. they’re going to be a loyal follower of maeglin, once he exists, but for NOW they’re a devotee of turgon. this is going to go great for them and cause no problems at all (lying).
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vanitasaurus · 9 days ago
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i heard we doing horsies so here are @blurrymango's horsies i drew a while ago! <3
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bajaja-blast · 8 months ago
ik we’re all entitled to our own opinions, but ngl some of y’all are making me feel like a wanted criminal for liking Cracker Island, Song Machine & Humanz :/
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selfindulgentfandomstuff · 12 days ago
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Assorted Murdoc headshots I’ve done in the past few weeks that I rlly like!!
Proship + adjacent + other Murdoc selfshippers/oc x canon shippers DNI
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zoroisminty · 2 months ago
My fellow gorillaz moots. Let’s take a moment to remember when we first found them and didn’t know about the characters at all and we just enjoyed the music.. good times. (Don’t get me wrong I love the character lore and all that but it just feels good to listen to the music without thinking about it all.)
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happylandfill23 · 2 months ago
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gorillaz doodles (mostly 2d) i made in london/paris :]
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glowstick-art · 6 months ago
when I was little I saw the humility music video, and when Russel tripped 2D, i hated Russel (still dont like him) but then in the same breath I say Murdoc is my favorite character. the double standards are so real.
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xx-autmnlvr-xx · 1 day ago
Sooo I made this edit 🥴 hope you enjoy!
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throwmethroughawindow · 6 months ago
one of my favorites from ‘Plastic Beach’
Currently in my top 3 songs on Spotify
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nelyoslegalteam · 1 year ago
please tell me about your dnd campaign, stranger
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi do you have any idea how happy i am to get this ask. you have activated my trap card this is going to be SO long i am sorry in advance but The People Need To Know About My D&D Campaign.
so we’re playing in Adventures in Middle Earth, which is. supposedly a Tolkienverse-specific 5e mod but frankly it’s robust enough to fully count as its own system if you ask me. like it has its own guidebooks, character sheets, premade adventures, and features mechanics that 5e just straight up doesn’t have. it’s like if 5e were actually good. anyway. may i present to you:
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ The Mirkwood Campaign 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
so what, exactly, happened in the intervening years between the events of the Hobbit and LOTR? we did, BAYBEEEEEE!!
we are:
Murdoc, a hobbitish warden (adventures in middle earth’s version of a bard), played by yours truly!! raised in the shire and eventually moved out to the middle of mirkwood by an eccentric uncle who idolizes bilbo baggins, murdoc is the heir apparent to the brandybuck family inn. unfortunately for murdoc, he has developed extremely nasty prophetic dreams and is now burdened with the ability to see the future! a skill that has definitely left him with a very normal relationship to his new day job of Being An Adventurer!! i am unhinged and have uh. Talked About Him A LOT If You Care To Read This, but he is full of murderous rage and also tea and loves his friends very much. he also, more recently, surrendered himself as bait to the great werewolf plaguing mirkwood, trusting completely that his friends would come and save him. he was right. they did. and he lost his right hand in the process. :)
Ríros, an elven warrior (aime version of a fighter), played by @jaz-the-bard. tall, buff, sunshiny, and an absolute himbo. ALSO loves his friends VERY much and this is KEY. unfortunately for ríros, he is a redhead, and that does cause problems in a world where maedhros feänorion once existed. (stranger, i am so sorry if you are not one of my silmarillion regulars and did not know what you were getting into by asking me, a silmarillion blog, to tell you about my d&d campaign, and now have no idea who or what the fuck i am talking about). ríros is notably not maedhros though! he isn't even noldorin!! maedhros is a ghost who lives in his sword (and who is also played by jaz)! and who also maybe kind of accidentally possessed him one time, if you wanna read this here for a better explanation of ríros mostly but also all of the above.
The Bearer, a human slayer (aime barbarian), played by @thymo-leonta. grumpy old man. unwilling father to all these young and stupid adventurers he’s been stuck with. are they all adults? yeah sure. they’re still Children. we are making him go grey. also full of murderous rage. looks like he's running from his perfectly normal, happy, loving family. is actually acutely aware of the fact that he has been doomed to die. killed the werewolf that took murdoc's hand. as a consequence, became the werewolf that took murdoc's hand. has two dogs, both named Dog <3
Déorwyn, a human wanderer (aime ranger), played by @shadowkat2000. resident party Horse Girl. a fellow sufferer of The Bad Prophetic Dreams^TM. because this is not quite unfortunate enough for her, déorwyn Hears Dead People. apparently our GM gives her extra secret bonus ghosts that the rest of us do not hear or know about! this being the source of her foresight makes her pretty distinct from murdoc, despite them both seemingly suffering from the same thing, in ways that i have LOTS of emotions about. her horse is named windrider and Their Bond Is Unbreakable uwu
and @potatoobsessed999, our obligatorily Extremely Ominous GM!
(we are also occasionally joined by Ioreth, a human treasure hunter (aime rogue), whose player is unfortunately not on tumblr. a founding member of the party, has earned the epithet The Feral, mostly loves to hang out in the woods by herself, look for shiny things, and cause chaos. as a beorning, she CAN astral-project herself as a bear. it rules. once got possessed by a ringwraith, probably holds the most compassion for characters who have been through similar out of any of us. is usually covered in mud.)
initially in the employ of radagast the brown, a tenure that did not last due to murdoc's insistence that saruman is evil (i mean. yeah lol.), we're a group of adventurers traveling mirkwood with the aim to defend it as sauron slowly gathers power. we are
successful at the Fighting And Killing Things part of this
we specialize in:
lugging unconscious bodies through the woods!
lugging DEAD bodies through the woods!
lugging EACH OTHER'S bodies through the woods!
lugging things through the woods in general!
setting things on fire (usually murdoc's fault)!
making fun of our enemies so bad they just give up!
INCLUDING the ringwraiths (shoutout to ríros)!
serving annoying politicians subpoenas!
murdering them like the one time it was totally justified we promise!
accidentally convincing the council of mirkwood that murdoc's inn is a small fiefdom!
being generally cursed (except for ríros) (he just looks that way)!
HIRE US to take care of whatever problems are happening in YOUR local cursed forest! wights? patricidal politicians? generally awful politicians? sauron? the same fucking werewolf again? it's definitely just tuesday to us!
you can count on
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ the union of murdoc 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
anyhow, jaz is absolutely wonderful and has written several fics of our party, including (but not limited to):
Cooking Contest for the Free Peoples, based on an in-game conversation about beating sauron at competitive cooking,
In Which There Are More Ghosts, which is not canon to game but is in fact Extremely Representative of the exact kind of nonsense we get up to (campaign's haunted),
A Stranger With a Friend's Face, a canon to game horror story of how ríros got slightly possessed, the party acquired maedhros, and neither murdoc nor déorwyn managed to explain the presence of the vengeful ghost residing in murdoc's scepter and bullying him in his dreams to any of the rest of the party right up until this very moment,
and this wonderful drabble from the horror arc in which we were isolated inside of a haunted longhouse. complete with party memes here.
there's more, and i am going to a.) pick on jaz to add them if they can find them, and b.) pick on my beloved friends in general to Please Help Me Infodump About our Game!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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[Top to Bottom, Left to Right: Murdoc, the Bearer, Déorwyn, Ríros, Ioreth]
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willowshimmer · 1 year ago
Me explaining the lore of a band that has green rotting guy, a blue haired man with no eyes, a Japanese girl that was probably shipped in a FedEx box and a guy who got possessed to my friends
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selfindulgentfandomstuff · 2 months ago
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Dogshit screenshot study attempt but I worked so long on it and I’m mad abt it so u guys have to look at it too >:(
Proship + adjacent + other Murdoc selfshippers/oc X canon shippers DNI
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