#i love mike patton so much
bensonmuncher · 5 months
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drew mike Patton with scary blue eyes . I’m shaking and crying .
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exsqueezememacaroni · 11 months
I don't know what that anon is talking about. 1996? Mike definitely got married earlier.
Here's an article from February 1995, FNM are in Venice preparing for touring KFAD.
"In Venice Patton keeps his own counsel and is seldom out of the company of Titti, his Italian wife of six months. They've been on holiday with her folks in Bologna and he views the prospect of interviews interrupting their Venice sight-seeing jaunt with barely concealed disdain."
And here's a video from March 1995, Mike raises his hand when asked who's married. From 2.01.
Funny enough, with Mike specifically, I almost feel like articles (especially from the 90s) are like....the least reliable. He's never going to tell them anything true about his personal life, and they need to write a story nonetheless. But given that Mike might see having a wife as an reason to reaffirm his disdain for press, this might be the one thing he is truthful about here, so ya....like...probs married in 94.
And I think I know what video you're talking about at the end, but there's no link? you got it?
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ms-demeanor · 2 months
oh my god this is random but i rarely come across people who like mike patton, i know he's very influential but for some reason almost no one talks about him, it was nice see you mentioning him!! i would love to hear more about your music taste
I am painfully and overwhelmingly obsessed with Faith No More to the point that I am the lone remaining admin of @faithnomoreshitposting. The first dance song at my wedding was Mr. Bungle's "Retrovertigo" (Mr. Bungle was the last band I saw pre-pandemic and it was fantastic) I also used to make a webcomic on tumblr called @punkpuns that's about goth, metal, and punk subcultures and at lease a few of those comics touch on my taste.
I'm also in a band called P.I.T. and a lot of the music we've made is music I like. It's a punk band but it's a punk band that's heavily informed by the two permanent members being goths who are really into industrial and metal. Here's one of our songs:
My singing style with my band is *very specifically* colored by the way I'm fixated on Patton's voice. That doesn't come across in all of our songs but I was definitely thinking "what would Patton do?" when I was figuring out key changes and breathing and switching between clean and distorted sound or trying to get to the very bottom of my range.
I also really like Orville Peck, Soul Coughing, Hole, Tom Petty, and ELO. I really like The Clash. I really like Body Count. I really like (the) Melvins. I had an obsessive Beatles phase from the ages of 13 to 17 and I grew up in a household where my dad was similarly obsessive about KISS so I kind of like KISS by default even though they objectively suck.
I generally like a lot of music. I like a lot of rap but I'm not deeply familiar with the genre and am mostly aware of stuff that was popular in the 90s. I like a lot of big band music but and a lot of jazz but I couldn't name a lot of albums or songs. I like a lot of country generally but I do not like a lot of country since the nineties. I have listened to and enjoyed a lot of emo but that mostly manifests as playing one Bright Eyes song on repeat. I am not terribly fond of pop music but I get why people like most of it (I don't understand swifties, sorry, she's the aural equivalent of dry toast except listening to her doesn't reduce nausea).
I will pretty much listen to anything, the things that I like the best are rarely played on the radio, and there's very little that will annoy me if someone puts it on (please don't make me listen to showtunes or pop country).
IDK music is good. I like music. On my website rec page I've got a running list of whatever piece of music I've been fixated on recently. I think I spent two months of 2020 listening to Janitor by Suburban Lawns on repeat.
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depeshemode · 5 days
so i’ve been meaning to make one of these posts anyway to have all my favorite Mike pics in one place. this is the perfect opportunity now, these are for @exsqueezememacaroni thank you again for the Q+A my friend, it really made my whole week.
(not quite all) but most of my favorite Mike pics. ‘favorite’ either because of how he looks in them or bc of the picture itself coming out beautifully. many of these make me smile when i look at them so i hope they have the same effect on you.
[putting it under the cut bc this post came out long haha. i love to talk about Mike whoops]
starting with TRT era: the first pic here idk the context of but for some reason i love the stance with his fists clenched.
second pic… yeah 😆 i love any pic from that particular show, they’re all gems. they definitely have influenced the vampire au a good bit.
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^ okay KFAD Mike is one of my favorites. idk what it was about him but he looked extra cuddly to me. a guy you could wrap your arms around and hug for hours. the pic of him in bed i just love so much he looks so cozy.
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^^^ and you already know but i LOVE cop Mike during the cali tour…. these two pics in particular live in my head 🫣 vvv
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and then there's my favorite Mike, Tomahawk era. i guess more specifically the early 2000s stuff. i love all the costumes he wore, and the crop tops and gas masks... ough. and the THONG picture will forever be a classic.
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and the rest below are all from fantomas era and later
this one is my favorite of what i call 'creature mode Mike' vvv
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okay THIS picture i love bc of how close it is. i feel like im standing right next to him and could lean forward and give him a kiss on the cheek.
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Mike with braids!!
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and then there's old man cowboy Mike... obsessed with it, i feel like i walked into a barn and found him sluttily laying on some hay (bonus points for the white tank top with his nips poking through). also the fact that Buzz took this one in particular makes me giggle
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and last but not least in any way... this picture of Mike on his knees. he looks sooooo subby here, i think about this one a lot. the way the collar(?) is draped over his head. and the way he's sitting... lord, it makes me wanna crawl across the ceiling.
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anyway thanks for coming to my TEDtalk about Mike Patton
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for-a-longlongtime · 11 months
Songs and musings in the Key of Peña-Rockford
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(Those gun holsters have me all fucked up. Seriously.)
I warned y'all about how obsessive my hyperfocus can get, right? Damn ADHD. The choke hold (all the puns intended) that this fic idea has on me is unreal, haha. But all of your comments and encouragements about this Rockford Pena WIP are making me so happy and relieving some of the stress I feel about writing it - thank you! I don't have another snippet to share just yet (so I hope this post isn't too much of a cock tease), but since I always love to read about character thots and writing processes (e.g. the extra posts by @mysterious-moonstruck-musings about her Destiny & Deliverance series, and @gracieispunk with her White Lotus posts), I figured I'd post a little update with some musings and songs I'm associating with this fic.
My Spotify currently is curated by @sin-djarin, who somehow knew just the right songs that relate to this WIP. Particularly these three tracks are on constant repeat. Going back and forth with her about little things that come up, or question ‘why this and not’ has been so much fun really. It makes me giddy because it turns the fic into something collaborative rather than just something from the inside of my brain, you know?
Whisper - Morphine
I included this track the other day already with the WIP snippet; it’s sexy and slow and that bass line really gets to me, then the saxophone ups it even more. @sin-djarin sent me several Morphine songs (I have to admit that somehow I wasn’t familiar with them) but this one stands out. The push and pull that’s happening in the lyrics is also delicious, and a lot of it feels like it’s coming from Rockford’s POV about Javi - that’s all I’ll say about it for now.
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A Perfect Twist - Mike Patton
This song has an exuberant, rather bombastic vibe to it that I would’ve never associated with anything related to Peña. Although, those lyrics... they are definitely about brat taming.
I'll bend you over my knee Let's see what you can take You're never gonna break
And I'll squeeze that noose a little tighter Breathing like a snake How much can you take? You're never gonna break
And I'll turn those screws a little tighter You can hardly wait You're never gonna break
Just one more twist of the pliers Got you on the brink How much can you take? You're never gonna break
There’s something about the dizzying tune and pace that somehow evokes the noir-like Rockford vibes in the Merge Mansion clips, laced with liquor and cigarette smoke and things spinning kinda out of control.
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Wait who said Masquerade Mansion? 🎭
In relation to these two?
Shhhh let’s pretend you didn’t see that. Keep your eyes wide shut. 🎭
Broad Daylight - Gabriel Rios
This is the only song that suddenly came to me re: this fic, and I was all… the fuck is this. I like the song, it's catchy, but it just didn’t make any sense to me with regard to Javi and Tim. The only thing I could think of in relation to the track was maybe a vague reference of Peña getting caught up with Los Pepes, things that were done in the dark and shouldn't come out in the daylight:
Back in the old days, tight like a fight Used to hang with the devil in the broad daylight
But still, it puzzled me. I think something in one of the Morphine songs musically led me to Broad Daylight, weird as that may sound. After way too many replays of that song (and @sin-djarin joking about 'what are those Polaroids Tim has on Javi?', since the song mentions polaroids), the relevance of the song finally clicked with me;
Look at you shaking you can't find his plight Got you scared of ghosts in the dead of night While you're making up stories trying to make it ok He'll be bringing them in to let them out and play In the broad daylight
We'll see how it goes from there.
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At some point, there's also going to be a bit of Marcus Pike in the fic (pancakes!). I have to be honest - I don’t really read a lot of Marcus!fic, so I’ve been trying to figure out how he fits in and some of his character traits etc. But the wonderful @secretelephanttattoo was very quick to offer me some insights about Marcus that I needed! Go read it here.
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TBH, I had absolutely not planned to write anything about Peña any time soon, because why I love him in canon and in the many fics I've read, I didn't exactly feel like I had a good enough handle on writing something about him that has some plot rather than just fucking. But then this fic idea popped up. If there's anyone who knows him really well, it's @goodwithcheese (you'd better be reading her incredible new story Paranoid Heart about Javi!). So I dropped some questions and fortunately she was totally up for some character chat right here, which is really helping me figure out some things. Thank you babe, and I hope more people will contribute thots to your 1K Celebration Confessional about their sins!
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Also, I've been trying to put a time and place to the fic, but I've decided to not get too hung up about that because it's really not literature but Fic/Porn With Plot. It doesn't all have to make sense. But in case you're curious, I'm leaning towards this taking place in the US in recent enough times that smartphones are a thing.
Age wise, I'm seeing Tim Rockford as being 48/50 years old probably. Javier is about 40, 41 years old - just to give you an idea of 'which Javi' I'm looking at, I've got a sense of him as he is in Narcos S2 around episode 4-9, after Carillo is murdered, and Berna takes him to see Judy Moncada.
Reader insert (I know, I haven't spoken a lot about her yet!) is probably about 40 years old too. And finally, Marcus Pike is give r take about 37 years old, which corresponds with his Mentalist appearance.
BTW, I came across an edit that had all of the Tim Rockford bits from the ads without the additional stuff. A whopping total of 48 seconds. Man, I hope that Pedro is aware of how fucked up he has us about Rockford with less than a minute of his acting. Even my wife said 'I would totally watch a show or movie based on this character' when I played the Merge Mansion ads for her.
Finally, here's a video of Pedro talking about "real fantasy fullfillment in terms of getting to immerse yourself in an experience" and how he "loves being a detective, that's fantasy fullfilment for me" re: the Merge Mansion event day.
*hits replay*
Say 'fantasy fullfillment' one more time? Respectfully.
Like I said, I hope he knows how fucked up he has us all about Rockford. I sure am glad he did these ads and whatever he got paid, it sure wasn't enough.
Updated tag list (comment if you want to be added, or if I added you by accident!) based on folks who commented/reblogged on the prev posts:
@sin-djarin @legendary-pink-dot @imalrightllama @secretelephanttattoo @rhoorl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @trulybetty @goodwithcheese @linzels-blog @rifflovesjoey @maggiemayhemnj @magpiepills @youandmeand5bucks @morallyinept @5oh5 @missredherring @avastrasposts @anavatazes @imaswellkid @pedrit0-pascalit0 @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @survivingandenduring @boliv-jenta @prolix-yuy @sheepdogchick3 @inept-the-magnificent @northernwindd @alltheglitterandtheroar @readingiskeepingmegoing @txlady37 @rebel-held @alwaysmicado @heareball @clawdee @covetyou @bellsbluebrd @alltheglitterandtheroar @axshadows @casa-boiardi @bastardmandennis @stealyourblorbos @chronically-ghosted @katw474 @beabliss @nerdieforpedro
I don't know why some usernames don't seem to link when I try to tag them, btw. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?
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this whole time i've been like 'haha very funny, (almost) no one here knows who Mike Patton is' and....you could just...look him up...but you know what? here, have a "summary" (lol it's long) of Mike motherfucking Patton and his career:
Mike is an aquarius, fire goat, grew up in Eureka, a small city on the northern california coast
he never intended to be a musician, but loves diverse music/soundscapes, is a curious person, worked in a record store, has perfect pitch and a bonkers vocal range and had close childhood friends (Trevor Dunn and Trey Spruance) who WERE studying music, they formed a band that would be called Mr. Bungle in their teens (fans tend to ship Trevor and Mike, and if you look at footage of them...you'll know why)
a demo tape of Mr. Bungle landed in the hands of Jim Martin, the guitarist for Faith No More...at the time they had fired their original singer and were looking for a replacement. The funny thing is, the demo was pretty hard thrash/death metal and FNM is....not that...but anyway, Mike was recruited to FNM, ostensibly for his singing ability, but he also was the profile of young, fit, long-haired, and hot as all get out. (fans tend to ship Mike and Roddy, and if you hear them banter on stage....you'll know why...and shoutout to Roddy for being an out gay man in metal in the early 90s...take that bja)
somehow, Mike finagled getting Mr. Bungle signed to the Warner Bros label when he signed onto FNM, so Bungle had a budget and exposure...and very little oversight...hence the MV for Quote Unquote/Travolta
The big Faith No More hit is Epic and that song catapulted them into a two year tour, during which Mike became known for being a fucking maniac (mostly shirtless) on/off stage....there's lots of true stories, and LOTS of untrue stories, no one, probably not even Mike knows exactly which is which. Two things are relevant: teen Mike started out straight edge, and during this tour he also gained a reputation for hating on groupie-and-party-focused rock stars. But his looks and his chaotic gremlin energy landed him this "reluctant pinup boy" persona.
Meanwhile Mike was also fully with Mr. Bungle, touring in his 'off time' from FNM, and at their shows everyone was completely unhinged.
HERE'S THE CRUX: after the success of Epic and the album it's from, The Real Thing, Faith No More were expected to have another massive hit with the next album....and they didn't. BUT they produced an album that to this day is beloved by fans even more that their first album, and Mike's stage persona continued to develop in this way that is mysterious, mesmerizing, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes grotesque, sometimes just raw sexual/homoerotic/electrically-passionate energy. They're big abroad, but not as much in the US.
Through the rest of the 90s you see Mike with FNM and Bungle, but you also see him produce a baffling feat of a solo album, starting to experiment with his own band Fantômas, collaborating with avant garde musicians/artists, most notably John Zorn.
Faith No More disbands in 1998, but Mike continues with Bungle, and for many fans, his work with Mr. Bungle is considered paramount...FNM is fun, but Bungle is FUN, WEIRD, dangerous but not in a scary way, none of their four albums sound anything like each other. Their "pop" album is....not pop.
Mr. Bungle disbands officially in 2004 (both FNM and Bungle reunite later on), Mike continues to collaborate with musicians, form new bands (including my fave Tomahawk), make better and more impactful solo projects and generally work at a pace that seems the definition of workaholic....producing music that is both eclectic and instantly recognizable, but seldom (never?) hit material. (Since it's not the 90s, I won't describe in detail...but it truly is well worth looking up)
as a little extra, and as was referred to by lurkerwithabike, Mike suffered a certainly covid-times-influenced breakdown and dealt with alcoholism around 2021/2022. For someone who has kept his personal life and struggles cloaked in apocryphal stories and sarcasm, when Mike opened up about what he was dealing with at the time, for many of us it just solidified this deep, deep love for our little weirdo. Oh, and also, the entire time he's a fucking hottie and he hates it.
SO, from my perspective at least - that's why you get such fervor over some guy you've never heard of
(ps....I could have written more....that is a threat)
This is actually so fascinating. May "who the heck is Mike Patton" be no more!
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blindmilenium · 1 month
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haii! my names tia (or you can call me t) this is one of my multiple accounts i’ve made because im always inactive on my other ones :,) i’m not new to tumblr whatsoever but this is a new account so i’m starting fresh! here are some basics about me and what i use tumblr for!
i use tumblr for fanfics, i write and feel free to request whatever you want! as long as you’re not being a creep about it, i’ll pretty much write whatever you want, especially fem, masc or gn! reader.
— 🦇 — 🐈‍⬛ — 🪦 — 🩸 — 🧛🏻‍♀️ —
𖤐 i’m 15 years old and i’m starting sophomore year very soon… (too soon)
𖤐 i’m a huge metal head! i love any metal/rock genre
𖤐 my favorite bands are ; descendants, megadeth, jeff buckley, the cramps, faith no more, alice in chains, and more!
𖤐 i’m very into skateboarding and i’ve been doing it for about 7 years! (even though i’m not that good at it…)
𖤐 some of my favorite rockstars are ; dave mustaine, james hetfield, nick menza, slash, steven adler, anthony keidis, tommy lee, nikki sixx zack de la rocha and mike patton.
𖤐 i love y2k and gothic aesthetics! tbh i don’t think i can pick between the two :,)
— 🧛🏻‍♀️ — 🩸— 🪦 — 🐈‍⬛ — 🦇 —
onto what who i write for!
rockstars i really enjoy/who i will write for (bold = really enjoy, italics = i will write for)
marty friedman, nick menza, david ellefson, dave mustaine, kirk hammett, cliff burton, jason newsted, james hetfield, slash, axl rose, duff mckagan, steven adler, tommy lee, nikki sixx, vince neil, mike patton, anthony keidis.
also, please feel free to request more! if i know the person well enough, i don’t mind giving it a shot or adding it to my list!
ִֶָ 𓂃˖˳·˖ ִֶָ ⋆★⋆ ִֶָ˖·˳˖𓂃 ִֶָ
thank you for reading my introduction! please don’t be afraid to request anything, i’m willing to do almost anything!
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in-death-we-fall · 1 year
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Knot On Your Life
Record Collector #266 — October 2001
Slipknot’s recent Iowa album entered the UK album charts at No. 1 — unprecedented for a nu-metal band. Drummer Joey Jordison waxes highly lyrical
(google drive link)
Slipknot’s second proper album, Iowa, was the most eagerly-awaited rock record of 2001, and both critics and fans of the masked nine-man band from Des Moines weren’t surprised when it crashed straight into the charts at the top spot in early September. But to anyone not familiar with the crushing music of this most uncompromising of groups, the sudden glut of media appearances that followed this triumph might seem strange, to say the least. After all, these are people who urinate on stage, offer fans the chance to inhale from rectally-inserted tubes and regularly vomit onto their audiences.
Despite the band’s fearsome reputation, drummer Joey Jordison was on relaxed form as he chatted to RC from his Mid-Western home. In fact, he was willing to provide an opinion on most subjects — so RC fed him a topic, and off he went. If only all interviews were this easy, eh?
A Night In With The Knot
All round to Joey’s…
Imagine you’ve invited us to a party round at your house. What tunes would you play for us? If I’m having a party I don’t really play much metal — because the chicks get more naked if you play something light. Old Bee Gees, or Michael Jackson’s Off The Wall, they’re all good party albums
I read once that you’re into the Cars and Fleetwood Mac. Oh, yeah. The Cars — I really like their Candy-O record, man, it was one of those records that really broke New Wave in America. They were one of the first bands to use the fuckin’ New Wave keyboards in their music, man.
The one-finger thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, totally! Like ‘Let’s Go’ with that cheesy line that they use, but it’s so infectious. We played it before a show one time — we cranked that entire song through the PA right before we hit the stage. The kids were so fuckin’ loud and pissed off! They thought we were gonna cut the cong but we played the whole damn thing (laughing), just to irritate them.
What about a bit of dance or hip-hop? I like the new Ludicrous record. And chicks often get naked when we play that new Nelly CD for some reason (laughs). I also like the Wu-Tang Clan and Ol’ Dirth Bastard’s solo stuff, and of course old Public Enemy, and the old NWA stuff. I’m much more into the old school — I don’t listen to any of that current shit.
Did you ever get into any grunge at all? For a little bit, although I was pretty strictly devoted to metal. I really can’t stand Pearl Jam though — I’ve never been a fan of them. Alice In Chains was always a metal band in hiding, with a grunge umbrella. Soundgarden’s Badmotorfinger was phenomenal, too.
What about Faith No More? A band I still devote a lot of respect to. Faith No More really turned things around for me — The Real Thing really shaped my awareness of musical styles and using them tastefully. Mike Patton is probably the most talented musician and visionary I’ve ever heard in my life.
Most people might also be surprised to hear that I’m really into glam shit too, in my other band, the Rejects (chuckles).
What — Bolan and Bowie? More like the New York Dolls and Hanoi Rocks, but it’s all good music.
Do you dress up in the appropriate manner on stage? Make-up, lipstick? Yeah, we do. It depends on the mood. But like the famous song said, though, just because I wear make-up doesn’t mean that I can’t kick your ass!
The morning after the party, what mellow tunes would you play for us? Let me check my current crop of albums. I’d probably actually wake you up with some Amen. ‘We came here to fuck you!’ That rules, dude. I love that band.
An unlikely pairing: (above) the Cars, whose ‘cheesy’ synth lines do it for Joey, and (below) the Bee Gees, for whom ‘the chicks get naked’, dude.
Gloom And Doom
The murky depths of extreme metal explored…
The introduction of Iowa’s first song, ‘People = Shit’, is pure Morbid Angel. Fuck yeah! If you’re gonna pay tribute to something, pay it to a band that kicks ass. My favourite Morbid work is Blessed Are The Sick — I think it’s untouchable.
Altars Of Madness was really cool, too. Fuck, that’s old school, man, that’s going back. I think they really came into their own around the time of Domination, when they started using the seven-string guitars.
What other metal bands are you into? I also really like Raging Speedhorn, and I gotta say Immortal’s Damned In Black is one of the finest black metal releases ever.
I thought In The Heart Of Winter was better. Yes, that fucker too — all Immortal is great. They’re one of the prime black metal bands of all time.
Have you got Slayer’s new album, God Hates Us All? Yes — it’s phenomenal.
‘Payback’ is a great song. (sings line from song) Payback, you bitch motherfucker! (sniggers)
Do you like Nile? I love Nile. Black Seeds Of Vengeance — I love fuckin’ Nile! They rule, man.
Poppin’ Out
Joey talks Britney
It’s a good time to be into metal, isn’t it? Look at it this way. Metal always stays here, it’ll never go away, because of the legions of devoted fans, man, they never go anywhere. They are always fucking gonna be there. The music will never go away. It’s been tested time and time again.
On the other hand, cheesy pop like Britney Spears and N’Sync has got a lot stronger at the same time, don’t you think? That’s very true, it’s a good point. Those bands are really big sellers for their labels. They’re all geared towards MTV; then MTV is geared to the kids; the kids bitch at their parents constantly, and then they go out and buy the record.
Sometimes these kids don’t know any better, they don’t know you can go out and get into the underground tape-trading scene, because they’re fed that shit over fuckin’ television. Which is a drug in its fuckin’ self.
We wanna turn these kids on. A lot of them have heard Korn and Limp Bizkit, but they’ve never heard a blastbeat. It’s great that we can turn them on to the underground — like a kid might never have heard of Morbid Angel, and might think that I’m the first guy to ever do a blastbeat and double bass. Which isn’t true.
Is it strange when Slipknot are included in the same nu-metal category as bands like Limp Bizkit and Korn? No. I can’t bitch about it because we are in that nu-metal group. We do have elements of the nu-metal sound, but the fact is, you can tell we come from a place that is more genuine and way more old-school than that.
Reasons to be angry
At the Ozzfest, Corey (Taylor, Slipknot singer) said ‘We’re going to kill everyone in the rock music industry’. Is the relationship between the band and the business really so bad? He’s always talking about that. A lot of the press — obviously not you, because you know what you’re talking about — when we were done with our first record, they said that there was no way we could top it, and were already slagging the second record. And then there’s the fuckin’ leeches that fuckin’ steal money, and the people that misquote you, and people that start fuckin’ bad rumours — and before you know it there’s a whole new list of problems that come with fame.
I’ll gladly take those problems because this is what I’ve wanted since I was five years old, but (getting annoyed) it doesn’t mean that it fucking doesn’t fucking totally fucking goad men, and totally fucking brings me to a fucking boiling point … (tails off in incoherent rage, then takes a deep breath and calms down). So a lot of those things came out, and we had a lot of personal issues when we were on the road. And we;re doing non-stop shows, so every day there’s something going on.
Havin’ It Large
Party on!
Didn’t you go drinking a lot with Casey Chaos when you were on tour together? Yeah, we do these drinking matches. I always lose. I got him one time, though. It took him a while, but he finally got fucked up and fell down the back of this bus — and Casey Chaos never pukes, ever, but he threw up this time.
I sobered up really quickly after I pissed myself in my bunk, and I came back out and I’m like, I’m ready to go again! But he had to go to bed. I may have fallen down first, but I came back for the second round. That’s been the only time.
Can you still get up and play the drums when you’ve got a sickening hangover? Oh, absolutely, dude. I’ve done it a million times. I’m not necessarily proud of it. But when the mask goes on and I fuckin’ slip into the fuckin’ boiler suit, something just happens to me, man. Everything goes away, and it’s all about us and those kids for that hour.
The Past
The bad old days…
Do you ever listen to Slipknot’s demo album, Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat? I never ever listen to it. I’m very proud of where we come from, man, and I’ll never forget where we come from, but … that was a totally different band back then, you know, and it’s not the same.
Did you know that people are paying over £150 in this country for original copies of MFKR, if they can find them? (shocked) Christ almighty. God damn, man … they must really like the band.
It’s a lot of money to pay for someone’s demo. Or do you regard the album as more than just a demo? It’s kind of a glorified demo. It’s glorified in that it sounds really good for a demo — it’s produced really well. But there’s only six people on that record, Corey’s not the lead singer, the guitar players are different — you know, the only original members are me, Shawn and Paul on that.
The first Knot guitarist, Donnie Steele, famously left the band after a religious conversion. Yes. He was like, I found God and this band is not for me.
Even though he’d been in Anal Blast and Body Pit beforehand — two extreme grindcore bands? I guess not. He really wasn’t down with the mask thing either — when it came up he was like, I can’t do that. So I thought, hmm, OK, you’re probably not gonna work out.
Then there was Cuddles … (yawns) Yes … … but maybe I won’t go into that? Don’t. We never talk about that guy (drummer Cuddles, a member of the band from 1997-8, is alleged to be suing Slipknot at the time of writing).
The Future
What lies ahead
You once said that Slipknot is just too intense a band to survive more than a couple of albums. I get asked about that in every interview I do. But it’s cool, because it’s the truth. I think if the band broke up right now — you can call this ego, call it what you want — we might even have some kind of legendary status.
You mean, if you stopped at the peak of your form, before it got stale? Yes, like the Sex Pistols did. They did it right, man, they didn’t fuckin’ let themselves become parodies. And that’s what we plan to do with this band, once I know it’s not working. Because of all the hurt in the band, and the fact that there’s nine of us, I think if it went on too long, it would become a parody, man.
Will your records keep getting heavier and heavier, as they have so far? Well, lots of bands say their next record is gonna be the heaviest one ever, but they’re full of shit. They just say this so their fans will go out and buy it. But I can’t do that to my fans, man, because they’re the ones that got me here, y’know.
Interview by Peter Smith. Many thanks to Michelle Kerr at Roadrunner.
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Holy shit i just watched the amazing screw on head by mike mignola pilot and. Why was this not a series?? What could have been... loved it so much. The dark humor, the dialogue. David hyde pierce is emperor zombie and hese killing it. Patton oswalt is also in this i mean. What’s not to love about this?
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exsqueezememacaroni · 10 months
I've done it folks, I have listened to all of Mike*
(*so far, according to that giant playlist)
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old-habitz-die-hard · 4 months
i love mike patton so much sorry im freaking out
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xombiriot · 9 months
TOP 3 Metal Albums I Didn’t Enjoy from 2023
I don’t listen to albums I know I’ll hate. If I can’t listen to an album in good faith, I don’t listen to it. My ethos has always been to find things I like, discover new stuff I’ll enjoy and celebrate that music rather than listen to shit I’ll hate just to have an opinion on why I hate it. That being said there were some albums I hoped to enjoy or hoped would pleasantly surprise me but ended up not liking. These are the top 3.
3. Remember… You Must Die - Suicide Silence
I loved Suicide Silence. Ask me who my favourite deathcore band was in 2010 and there’s a good chance I would’ve said Suicide Silence. I also would’ve put All Shall Perish on the list, and although it isn’t perfect ASP’s 2008 album Awaken the Dreamers hit me at the right time and “Stabbing to Purge Dissimulation” is still one of my favourite deathcore songs. So when Eddie took over vocals after Mitch died I was optimistic. The results have been middling. And that’s what makes Remember… You Must Die so disappointing. It’s generic deathcore without any innovation by one of the genre’s biggest acts, sees Suicide Silence really coasting and resting on their laurels, and Eddie’s vocals are difficult to listen to, especially when you listen to how energetic and brutal they were in the past like on “Stabbing to Purge Dissimulation”.
2. Terrasite - Cattle Decapitation
Cattle Decap are a band I should like. They’re music is fantastic, falling into a tech-deathy sort of place I really like. I’ve listened to Terrasite several times but really have issues with its lyrical themes. I don’t know if Travis Ryan realizes it or not and I don’t know if he believes what he’s saying but his lyrics have an eco-fascism to them that I can’t get over and wouldn’t even if I could. The whole “the human race is a disease we need to cure” line of thinking is shitty and Cattle Decap’s delivery lacks the artfulness of Cannibal Corpse’s violent imagery that is very much presented as over-the-top gory fantasy.
1. Life is But a Dream… - Avenged Sevenfold
Sorry to their fans but A7X’s Life is But a Dream… is an awful piece of shit. I started listening to A7X in eighth grade with Waking the Fallen. I mourned the loss of The Rev. I tried to find the good in the subsequent albums I didn’t like as much—both Hail to the King (which felt like hero worship and like they didn’t have their own identity) and The Stage (which tried)—but there is nothing good about this new joint. M. Shadows sings in a key that sounds like he’s screeching. The industrial elements are generic and synths sound amateurish, and like with Hail to the King it sounds like they’re copying their heroes (this time Mike Patton) and doing a piss poor job of aping better bands, the experimentation unexciting and not all that experimental. At this point I don’t think I’m a fan anymore. I’m just listening to their albums out of nostalgia for who they used to be.
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numetaljackdog · 7 months
what i'm listening to 3/2024
Limp Bizkit - Pollution: got this played on my local radio station bc i got connections
DC Talk - Jesus Freak: i have become OBSESSED with this christian rap rock (kind of) band. couldn't explain it very well myself but i think they're really fun and super silly. i've been listening to this particular song for quite some time now but it's only recently that my full obsession has developed and i've been getting other people roped into it too..... i'm just spreading the good word 😁
Whitechapel - The Saw Is the Law: had this one stuck in my head something FIERCE these past few weeks. just that crusher chorus line is so fucking good, I never was a huge whitechapel fan but they go hard when the mood is right. played it at work and everything
The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again: cumming all over myself i love the riff and the melodies and there are some real good lines despite very few lyrics overall... admittedly that squeaky chipmunk harmony is pretty goofy but when the rest of it is so good who even care.
Faith No More - Midlife Crisis: i like this one more and more every time i hear it. a friend of mine introduced me to this and it's been stuck in my head relentlessly ever since. also definitely goofy as fuck but i love the kinda hardcore-type vocals mike patton throws into the verses, especially in the live version and the big swelling bridge. a song like this makes me get why people talk about faith no more as "proto-nu metal" or whatever..... fred durst would do some shit like this <3 also got this played on the radio station
Butthole Surfers - Cough Syrup: i don't like this band as much as i wish i did, though i've certainly got plenty more listening to do. def some stupid lyrics here bc it's the butthole surfers but i actually really really like "i can't talk so i guess i got nothing to say." something about that one
Third Eye Blind - Jumper: it's back! i think i've expended all the words i have about this already but man what a good little pop song
Breaking Benjamin - Skin: great example of how enjoying breaking benjamin is more about hearing the loud guitars and the unique syllabic experience of ben's weird as hell enunciation than it is about anything original or lyrical. what the hell is this song about i don't know. but it bangeth mightily. this also stands to represent that i and mine have been listening to a fuckton of bb lately
Elliott Smith - Cupids Trick: a dear friend of mine has put me on that elliott smith shit fairly recently and i think this is my fav from either/or... the riff so good and it's catchy and has a really dark punchy sound compared to the rest of the record (which is also real good! but just different)
Gorillaz - Cracker Island: heard this on the radio a ways back and instantly came all over myself and said "omg who is this is this the new sound of the summer????" and then looked it up and saw that it was a band i already know that's been around for decades ^_^ but it's just a banger and they found one good hook and punched it up to 11!!
Kittie - Eyes Wide Open: KITTIE BACK???? and with a rager O_O <me when my eyes are wide open. lol. not much further commentary here i'm just excited for the new record and i hope it's good and not bad
Enon - Window Display: my experience continues of getting into this band at the pace of a tortoise or perhaps a snail. p sure this is like the biggest song from them and. it good! they just have a tastey sound and i like the vocalist's delivery
Lamb Of God - Redneck: been on some metalcore shit too and like groove metal and shit and it hardly gets better than lamb of god. i feel like i haven't often properly appreciated them but what a consistently banger band. and this one just has some cool catchy parts that have been in my head since like high school. JUST! ONE! TIME!!!!!
Insane Clown Posse - Halls Of Illusions: my friends and i have been indulging in what we're calling "fucked up friday" which sometimes includes icp as a soundtrack. still want to listen to the full album with people at some point. but anyway i never took too too much notice of this track until a friend put it on and i realized how good it is. and frankly kind of saw-coded w it
Drowning Pool - Tear Away: kind of not great but the chorus glued itself to me. sort of the death toll of nu metal giving in to the way of the post-grunge ballad but man this vocalist was damn solid!
Victoria Monét - On My Mama: proof that i haven't completely exited the pop listening sphere. i still got todd. go watch the top ten of 2023 for a review
Rai Panesar - I Don't Give a Shet (IDGAS): okay this is a stupid joke song. i think. but i like to imagine it's sincere. like i like to imagine the dude that made this thought it was actually pretty cool and had fun making it. i'm scared to find anything else out about him bc it might ruin this hope that i have
Theory of a Deadman - Rx (Medicate): SUCKS. but kind of fascinating. how the fuck did theory have a hit in like 2017 or whenever this came out. by making a hip hop country rock song about doing drugs. oh okay
The Revivalists - Wish I Knew You: adding this alongside cigarette daydream in the canon of "indie band has relentlessly catchy pop hit that i listen to a bunch and attach memories to but actually think kind of sucks ass." i heard this in a restaurant a while back and went omg it's crazy by gnarls barkley i love crazy by gnarls barkley despite not really having very strong feelings about crazy by gnarls barkley but well these are the things we think to ourselves. so i kept waiting for the part where he goes does that make me craaaaazayyyyyy.... but it never came!!!! every chorus would just end on nothing and then move on to the next verse. i got edged by this song until almost the very end where i finally figured out what song it actually was and then got that stuck in my head but i'm still bitter! motherfucker! and also i don't like their band name. what exactly are you reviving 🤨
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You can probably tell from the Battle of the Mikes - but Mike Patton's tunglr fanbase is small but powerful and i'm more than a little surprised he didn't make it into the main tournament??? How could you?
He IS in the main tournament! It's just not his turn yet!
I love these small but mighty fanbases so so much
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bryng · 1 year
Do u like music:00
If so what kind of musiccc
music is like. my favorite thing of all time. you have given me an excuse to talk about music so i am going to TALK about MUSIC!!!!
i think my music taste is wide and varied, and that is displayed best by my favorite band of all time, WEEN!!!!!
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Ween are a band from the late 80s (first studio album releasing in 1990) who have so much range they have at least one song for everyone. Ween are mostly known for making the song at the end of the 2004 Spongebob movie (ocean man, not s&pctpwoe). Ween are made up primarily of Dean Ween (real name Mickey Melchiondo) and Gene Ween (Aaron Freeman). They were active from 1984 to 2010 before breaking up for a short while. They got back together in 2016 and have been touring ever since! Here are some of my favorite Ween songs / albums:
● Favorite Album: Pure Guava (1992), Pure Guava was Ween's first record on a large label (Elektra) and despite this it has some of the goofiest and loudest songs. Favorite tracks from Pure Guava are Springtheme, Tender Situation, and Don't Get 2 Close (2 My Fantasy)
● Second Favorite Album: Quebec (2003), Quebec is Ween's most serious work, it still contains a bit of the goofiness found on The Mollusk, but has much darker and sadder themes. Favorite tracks include Chocolate Town, Transdermal Celebration, and If You Could Save Yourself (You'd Save Us All).
● Favorite Song: It's a hard choice since they are all so good, but I think it has to be Transitions from Shinola, it has such a cool laidback atmosphere and some of the best instrumentation I've ever heard.
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Mr. Bungle is an outlier in my tastes, I've never really been into metal at all, but Mr. Bungle does it so differently that I can't not enjoy it. Mr. Bungle is the brain child of a high school aged Mike Patton. The music of Mr. Bungle changes WILDLY from album to album, from goofy carnival metal on their self-titled album (1991) to almost avant garde noise metal on Disco Volante (1995) to margarita metal on California (1999). Mr. Bungle is often crude and vulgar (especially on their first album) but the love and attention they put into their albums really shows. My favorite Mr. Bungle album is Disco Volante, it's loud and intense in a very comforting way, like a weighted blanket.
Favorite songs include Quote Unquote, Pink Cigarette, The Bends, and Stubb - A Dub.
Lastly, for a touch of more normal stuff, see LEMON DEMON
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Possibly the tamest of my favorite musicians, Lemon Demon is the title that internet guy Neil Cicierega releases most of his music under. He started releasing music under Lemon Demon in 2003, continuing up until this day! Lemon Demon's most popular release is Spirit Phone, an album about ghosts and ghouls and governmental coverups and ronald reagan. My personal favorite Lemon Demon release is the 5 track long I Am Become Christmas EP. As the name suggests IABC is a christmas EP, but the sounds on it are too good to be relegated to just christmas time. It's like a dialed back Spirit Phone, without as many loud songs and overall very peaceful while still containing a spooky vibe. Some of my favorite Lemon Demon songs include Nothing Worth Loving Isn't Askew, Spring-Heeled Jack, and Telekinesis. I own most of the Lemon Demon discography on vinyl, only missing Damn Skippy and IABC.
Thanks for giving me an excuse to talk about my favorite artists bread <3
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"I love you so much that I could shit/hotter than a branding iron, colder than a witch's tit" 
That's Mike Patton, vocalist extraordinaire for punk supergroup Dead Cross, alt-metal legends Faith No More and bizarro-thrash wizards Mr. Bungle-plus way too many other bands and projects to lat. He's here to speak with Revolver about Dead Cross II, the appropriately titled second album from the band he's in with former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo, the Locust vocalist-bassist Justin Pearson and Retox guitarist Michael Crain.
But first? The sweet science of naps. "It helps if you have two French bulldogs like I do," he says. "They're almost like a sleeping pill. The snoring is insane, but as soon as I lay down with them, I have to set my alarm so I only nap for an hour. Otherwise, I'm out."
Four-legged sedatives aside, the pandemic years haven't been easy on Patton or his collaborators. In 2021, the singer cancelled Faith No More and Mr. Bungle tours citing mental health reasons-he's been in therapy and feeling better these days-but that wasn't all. When it came time to record Dead Cross Crain was diagnosed with cancer. Somehow, the guitarist pushed through and recorded his parts while receiving treatment. By the time the album was finished, original Dead Cross vocalist Gabe Serbian-Pearson's longtime friend and bandmate in the Locust-passed away suddenly.
"I don't think anybody saw that coming Patton says. " Gabe was someone I always wanted to work with Forget about vocals-he was a drummer for the ages. I had a soundtrack project I wanted to hire him for, but it didn't work out. It was like, "OK, we'll do it next time. But that next time never came. There's a lot of regret there. He was a fucking great guy."
In the wide-ranging interview that follows, Patton discusses soldiering through pandemic-era challenges, using music to confront "Trump nonsense, the similarities between being Faith No More and Dead Cross "replacement singer" and more.
MIKE PATTON : I don't know if it affected the way the music was approached, but it definitely affected my approach. Tit been a replacement singer another time with another band. (Laughs) That was Faith No More, and our first record took o
It was a great success. Then, once I dug my teeth into it on the second record and integrated better, that's when we found our collective voice. And I would say the same with this band. The first record was like. "Here's the music-gor That's to say it was a rush job, but this one was a lot move thoughtful and methodical.
And it took a lot longer for to the pandemic
Oh many levels, I can only start by saying that out guitar player had COVID, and then be got diagnosed with cancer. That was really tough But the trooper that he is-I'm talking about Michael Crain, -he pushed through it. He'd be going to treatments and then coming to the studio I wasn't there because I did my vocals in San Francisco, and they were recording in L.A. But the fact that he did that... I think you can hear every bit of pain frustration, anxiety and anguish He's one of the principal songwriters, so the fact that he pushed through that was totally amazing and inspiring.
YOU THAT THOUGHT, MAYBE WE SHOULDN'T BE DOING THIS NOW? Yeah, of course. I think we all said. "Your life is a little more important than this fucking second." But he was intent on doing it. It was his therapy is a way And it healed him-it really did. But he was very headstrong about it. He said. "I’m gonna do my best, and we're gonna get through this "And he did. Looking back on it, this is a couple years ago-it really made me think I had to step up my game. This guy has cancer and he's doing the record anyway. I wouldn't have I would've been like "See ya later!" I wouldn't have had the halls. So, it was inspirational and courageous and just kind of incredible. Hopefully you can hear that in the music
AND HE'S RECOVERED NOW? He's totally fucking cured. Somehow, maybe the music helped him. I don't know I'm not a doctor. But he looks great, and he sounds great. I think that made this second what it is
 AS YOU KNOW, ORIGINAL DEAD CROSS VOCALIST GABE SERBIAN RECENTLY PASSED. HAS THAT CAST A SHADOW OVER THIS RECORD AT ALL? It's absolutely awful. The record was done before we got the news, but I don't know. It's hard to really put into words. Me replacing him and him dying, and me replacing Chuck Mosley (in Faith No More] and him dying.. It's like, "What am I, the grim reaper?" It really made me think about myself in that way. It's awful. But ultimately neither had anything to do with me, I hope, but it's really hard, for sure. I made one record with Dead Cross and then Gabe's dead? What the fuck? I could not believe it.
LET'S TALK ABOUT FUN STUFF NOW. DEAD CROSS ITS OPENER, "LOVE WITH-OUT LOVE HAS ONE OF YOUR GREATEST LYRICS EVER I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I COULD SHIT/HOTTER THAN A BRANDING IRON, COLDER THAN A WITCH'S TIT/LIKE BILLY JOEL, I’LL BE MOVING OUT”. - WHAT OR WHO INSPIRED THAT? (laughs) I don't know. It just came out. Maybe some past relationships, something like that. But honestly! It just sounded good. And it worked. It's funny that you say it's the best lyrics I ever wrote! [Laughs] It's basically about unrequited Love. You love somebody more than that person loves you. That's the bottom line of it. You put in a witch and a branding iron, and there you go.
 THE VINCE NEIL REFERENCE IS FUNNY BECAUSE I'VE ALWAYS KIND OF CONSIDERED YOU THE ANTI-VINCE NEIL What did I say again? I forget. Wasn't I kind of making fun of him? Oh, yeah: "Like a Vince Neil who sings too many songs. Yeah, he fat, old-we all know where he's at now. I'm conscious of that, and I also fear that I may become that. [Laughs] So why not talk about it?
THERE'S A LINE IN THE SONG NIGHTCLUB CANARY WHERE YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT A WORLD WHERE EVERYTHING'S A REMAKE WAS THERE ANYTHING SPECIFIC THAT GOT YOU THINKING ALONG THOSE LINES? These was this old film noir that I saw that I can't remember the name of an old black-and-white film. In the movie, there was a singer doing old songs, and the club owner was like "She's just a nightclub canary" I thought that was a great title, and I never forgot it. It just means you're singing songs that are in the air already. You're not creating. You're just chirping Which is fine. I don't mind it. But somehow it fit with the song and I ran with it. We wanted to do a video for that song in a Sixties-style smoky nightclub with background singers and dancers--that Motown look-but I don't think we can afford it. [Laughs]
 TELL ME ABOUT “CHRISTIAN MISSILE CRISIS." That's a good one, and it's the only tune that I didn't write. Justin wrote that one. One of my objectives with this second was to involve him more as a singer, because that's a weapon. The first record is pretty much all me, so I told him and the band early on that I wanted to make this one a dual-vocal attack I wanted us to be trading vocals, à la Suicidal (Tendencies) or something like that. And Justin is very humble. He was like, "Are you sure? You're the singer" No, no-we're both singers. I knew this record would even crazier with us bouncing back and forth. So you hear a lot of that, especially on this song in particular
THE LYRICS SEEM TO ADDRESS GUN NUTS. Yeah That's JP's thing. He just send the lyrics, and I sang 'em [Laughs] But yeah, it seems like it's an anti-gun-crazy song.
I don't know-maybe. Maybe it's the times we're living in, with the pandemic and all the Trump nonsense. There's gotta be something to say about this-good, bad or indifferent. But you can't ignore it. Out of respect to my bandmates, who are way more political than I am, it felt like a good thing to do. I don't wanna be a part of any of it. But that song, "Christian Missile Crisis," and a lot of JP's views a strong And they're good. There's nothing to argue about with me-nothing. I had given me a right-wing song, I probably would've done it. [Laughs] I'm kiddin.
Good question. I haven't analyzed it. I do what feels good to me. It's based on sound and aesthetic. To me, all that stuff you mentioned fits together. This is the kind of stuff that I would listen to on a mixtape. So, in a weled way, I guess my career is fucked-up mixtape. I do what feels right and what sounds right. At the time I joined Dead Cross, I really needed to do that. Now I'm on to some other stuff. Maybe a wanderer. I don't know. I just wanna do justice to every recording or concert that I'm involved in. I wanna do it the right way. Hopefully in an authentic way. PICS BY: Becky DiGiglio
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