#i love lucaluca so much
mixanji · 9 months
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Lucaluca ONCE skin aaaaaaaaaaa the happy world where his life didn’t go down the drain aaaaaaaaaaaa he’s so cute look at him
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alison-haynes · 4 years
This Is Home | Alison & Luca
Discord thread featuring: Alison & @luca-regio
When: August 15
Where: Alison’s (and now Luca’s!) Penthouse
Description: Alison helps Luca unpack some of his items, and they talk baby names.
Trigger Warnings: none, but they be cute
The last couple days had been exhausting, between helping Luca unpack some of his lighter items, and her daughter running around their home. But now, she had just put Destiny to bed and was ready to relax. Alison made her way to her—their room, smiling when she saw Luca already in there. “Hey babe. How’s unpacking going? Is there anything you need help with?”August 16, 2020
“it’s a lot.” Ge sighed, not realizing how much shit he actually had. “Not gonna lie. I like to color coordinate my closets. Would you be okay helping me with that?” He asked her, knowing that probably seemed nuts but you could blame his ocd for that
Alison felt bad that Luca had just recently moved and now he was moving again, but she was glad that he was here. “I can help you with that.” She said, smiling at him as she opened the doors to the over sized walk in closet. “Is there anything left over at the other place for us to get tomorrow? Or is this all of it?”
"Nah becuase i didn't unpack everything." He laughed. "I was just there only to turn around and come here." He laughed and then started putting everything he could find that needed to be hung up on hangers. "But this should be the last of moving stuff, that's for sure."
Alison smiles brightly over at Luca, “Yeah, sorry about that. But now that you’re here, I hope you’re not going anywhere anytime soon.” Alison said, opening up one of his boxes of clothes. “Oh! I wanted to show you something.” Since she had been helping move all day, she had been in an oversized shirt to be comfortable. She pulled her shirt up slightly, revealing that she had officially popped. The bump was small, but it was there for sure. “I noticed this morning and forgot to show you. It’s crazy that this is where we are at.”
Luca: "going anywhere soon?" He asked her, smiling and then shook his head. "Not a chance. This is home now." He smiled at her and then got up to see what it was that he was going to show her. Little did he know what she was showing wasn't just some object but it was her belly. "Oh my god." He mumbled, placing his large hang over her tiny little bump. "This is so cute." He smiled, looking at her. "I love this and you're only going to get bigger."
This is home now. That made Alison's heart full. Everything she ever wanted was in reach. She had a steady career, a beautiful family, a home, and now a man in her life who she knew one day, would be her husband. Everything was in place. "I'm glad you decided to move in here. It's really going to feel like home now. You were the only thing missing when I'd come home at night." When he set his hand on her stomach, her face lit up. Her smaller hand set ontop of his bigger one. "I read online that the baby is already moving, though we probably won't feel movement for a while. But it's amazing that he or she can move already." She said brightly, looking at Luca. "Our son or daughter, is growing quickly. I feel like it has gone by so quickly so far."August 18, 2020
the amount of info she had on the baby thus far was amazing. And it never ceased to wow Luca over and over again. “I’m highly impressed” he smiled over at her, rubbing the bump before getting down on its level and pressing a soft kiss to it. “I still believe it’s a boy.” He told her truthfully.
Alison smiles down at her boyfriend as he pressed his lips to her growing tummy. This was so nice, if hadn’t been this way the first time she had been pregnant. “We should be able to find out the gender at our next appointment, which will be nice. We can see which one of us was right.” She said with a laugh. “Though, I really would love for it to be a boy. Have you thought about any names yet?”
"It's a boy. I'm telling you." he laughed, just trying to push the fact that he wanted a boy so badly. Having a girl wouldn't be horrible but he would feel better having a boy because it's what he was used to. "I haven't thought anything about names but we can start that now."
"Whatever you say." She said with a laugh. Really, Alison would be happy with either gender, but it was just a gut feeling telling her it was a girl. Alison had a few names floating around in her mind, both for boys or girls. She returned to hanging up Luca's clothes, glancing over his way. "How do you feel about Nicolette for a girl? Or -- Dominic for a boy?" Alison had mental list of names she liked, but she knew everyone liked different names, and was wondering if her and Luca would have similar name taste or if it would take them her whole pregnancy to pinpoint a name down for their baby.
"Dominic is good. I'm not even going to attach myself to a girl name until I know for a fact that it is in fact a girl." He assured her, then cleared his throat. "I also like skylar, or river." He told her truthfully. "But i'm also just really weird like that." He shrugged. "And this Massimo or Manu." he smiled back at her and took himself a deep breath. "But other than that, that's all i've thought about."
“Fair enough. I can’t wait until we can find out the gender, and really start picking out names.” She said, stepping out of the closet and taking a seat on their oversized bed.  “I like Skylar for a girl.” She agreed, “Manu is cute too.” Alison laid back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry, I need a break.” The girl felt exhausted after helping unpack for most of the day. “I think the room across from Destiny’s would be the perfect place for the nursery. I can’t wait to decorate the nursery.”
"I like skylar for both boy and girl. gender neutral names are a thing." He smiled, helping her to lie down and then nodded as he laid back with her. "It's a lot of work. I didn't expect you to do as much as you did but i'm glad you did." He smiled, and then nodded to her next statement. "Just as long as she understands to be quiet around the baby, we should be good."
“Skylar for a boy isn’t terrible.” She never would have thought of that, but she didn’t hate it. Alison shifted, to lay her head on her boyfriends chest. “I’m happy to help. Once you are unpacked, our life together really truly begins.” Alison was thrilled to have Luca there with her. “I think we’ll have to remind her at first, but I think it should be okay. That, and it’s the closest bedroom to ours, so it makes the most sense to me.”
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