#i love lilia man but sometimes writing angst for him just feels so right
twstgarden · 3 months
✿ ❝ 𝗹𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 ❞
━ lilia vanrouge x gn! reader (reader can be yuu or an oc/twstsona)
━ you were once his light in his darkest days, but since then, he has not seen you and still yearns for your return, yet he wonders if he is just deluding himself into thinking you're still here.
this work may contain spoilers for chapter 7, diasomnia's arc.
do not steal or translate without my permission.
ko-fi here if you want to support me, commissions are open
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silver and sebek were in lilia's room, aiding him in tidying up his items as they tried to distract themselves from the fact that their beloved father and mentor had dropped the bomb that he was migrating elsewhere.
in the middle of their packing, silver came across a photo album that he had not seen before. sebek also saw the photo album and spoke, "is that yours, lilia-sama?"
hearing sebek's query made lilia turn his head before realising that his son held the photo album, and with a smile, he replied, "yes. go through it if you wish."
and so they did. silver sat on lilia's bed with sebek standing beside him as they went through each page of the photo album together. they were filled with pictures taken during their younger days, and one even had the photo that lilia took on silver's birthday with malleus and sebek.
as they moved on to the next page, they came across a photo of lilia in his prime general days with a person smiling next to him. they looked ethereal, the very definition of beauty and grace. they looked gorgeous and breathtaking, and yet they had never seen this person before.
silver took the photo and examined it with sebek as the former asked, "who are you with in this photo, father?"
lilia looked at the photo in silver's hand and his eyes widened a little in surprise. 'oh, they found it,' he thought to himself. as he tried to keep a smile on his face, lilia responded, "someone very dear to me... however, i don't know where they are now."
"a lover?" questioned sebek as he and silver looked at one another in surprise.
"i had not realised that father had a special someone before..." mumbled silver in surprise.
lilia laughed a little at their statements, "what's that supposed to mean? i am the charming little fellow! is it such a wonder that i have a fair lover in mine arms?"
silver and sebek were about to respond until lilia continued, "ah, but... that was in the past." he then took a seat beside silver, taking the photo from his hand as he looked at it once more, gently caressing the image of his love - the only remaining piece of memento he had on them.
"...it has been over 300 or so years since i last saw them. i don't even know where they are until now," muttered lilia, "they were the charmingly funniest person i have met. quite shy, but definitely can sense danger."
"what are you doing in here?" the sudden voice made you jump out of your seat as you looked around your garden in a cautious stance, wondering who had just spoken when you were peacefully sitting alone in the lovely garden of your cottage deep in the woods. "who's... who's there..." you muttered to yourself, uncertain if you should even ask. a rustle was then heard nearby and in a blink of an eye, you were caught in a chokehold. you tried to pry free from whoever was holding you, but they had a strong physique. "i won't ask again. what are you doing in here?" "i live here...!" you quickly answered. hearing this made the perpetrator raise a brow before looking around and noticing the cottage, "...here? deep in the woods?" "yes!" they then stared for a while before sighing and unhanding you. you then got a good look at them. it was a fae, standing at 158 cm tall, with a mask to cover his face yet his uniform gave away his occupation. "...an imperial guard...?" you muttered. "a human?" muttered the fae as well, "living in the woods... hah! good joke." you raised a brow at his words before speaking, "um... i do live here, though..." feeling threatened, you quickly backed away from him, making sure you were getting closer to your crops. he thought nothing of it, but he sure did sense your weariness. nevertheless, he spoke, "you shouldn't be here. no human is supposed to live deep in these woods. do you live under a rock? if other soldiers stumbled upon you and this cottage, you'd be dead in no time." "and here i stumbled upon a soldier..." you remarked. he took a step closer as he spoke, "i won't say this again. lea——! wha— hey!" before he could complete his sentence, you grabbed a bunch of your tomato crops and threw each of them at him while yelling, "go away! i won't hesitate to throw more tomatoes at you if you try to kill me!" the fae clicked his tongue and groaned in annoyance as he shielded himself with his arms from your tomatoes. "stop it!" yelled the fae, "cease this tomfoolery at once, human!" he eventually got close enough to you and grabbed your wrists before you could throw another tomato at him. with a glare, he spoke, "what do you think you're doing, throwing tomatoes at a faerie - a general at that? do you have a death wish?" once you registered his words, you blinked owlishly and eventually brought your hands down, letting your other tomatoes fall back to the ground, "...general...?" 'i'm done for.' with a sigh, the fae dusted off some tomato residue on his clothing before glaring back at you, "i was only giving you a warning and you already threw tomatoes at me. do you really think that will help you when others - especially with bad intentions - come over and attack? really, this is the first. attacking people with crops. horrendous."
"they threw tomatoes...?" spoke silver in surprise.
"what kind of defence weapon is that?" muttered sebek in shock before silver spoke, "perhaps it was the only thing accessible." lilia laughed a little as he replied, "well, it did take place in the garden. at least they had the initiative to be resourceful and use their surroundings to their advantage."
"i suppose..." replied silver, "what else?"
"well, aren't you two curious? they're also very sweet and ensure i am taken care of."
"you need to stop throwing yourself at the battlefield so carelessly." you scolded as you looked at his injuries and tried to tend to them, even if he said he could heal them with magic. "i do not need your he— hiss!" "calm down! i can't clean the wound if you keep moving," you scolded once again as you continued to dab the cotton on his injury, "really now. is this a thing with you gents - humans or faeries alike? just throwing yourself at war and getting yourselves injured without a proper plan?" lilia huffed in annoyance at your nagging, but he did not exactly do anything to stop you as he let you clean up his wound. "i do not 'throw myself at the battlefield'. i was merely defending myself." you sighed and muttered, "whatever you say, general vanrouge." after cleaning his wound and bandaging him up, you collected your first aid kit supplies and returned them to your cabinet. "have you eaten?" you asked. "...roasted lizards, yeah." hearing his reply made you freeze as you blinked in shock. though you are aware that faes tend to have a different palate than humans — though they do enjoy a human meal from to time — you still could not believe his version of a "meal" is some random animal he comes across in the woods and roasts it. "...i'll make you some dinner."
"your lover cared for you a lot, lilia-sama," cheered sebek, "how wonderful! this is an amazing love story!"
lilia smiled at sebek's remark as he replied, "...i'd like to think so too."
silver then spoke, "then... what happened, father? why have you not seen them for years now?"
"...i do not know if they're still alive and hiding from me... or..."
lilia did not have to finish that sentence for the two to know what he meant.
"f/n!!!" lilia cried out as he rummaged through the cottage, entering every room and going through every space possible to check if you were hiding. he had just gotten back from the silver owls headquarters and was supposed to be on the way back to the wild rose castle to chase them back and make sure they didn't get to meleanor. on his way back, however, he came across your cottage and saw its dishevelled state. not caring for baul's calls, he got off his grip and ran to your cottage, ignoring the aching pain coursing through his entire body due to his injuries. "shit! shit, shit, shit!" lilia cursed as he looked everywhere and found no one. baul was quick to enter the cottage as he called out to the general, "right general, we must go! princess meleanor might be in danger!" "THEY TOOK THEM!" his loud, wrathful voice stunned baul as he spoke, "right general...?" "f/n! that human i'm with! those bastards took them!" baul then realised who he was talking about. lilia had mentioned a human in the cottage once that he was acquainted with, and baul started to connect the dots. "let's go!" before baul could ponder more, lilia's command quickly snapped him back to reality as they both continued their journey back to the wild rose castle.
"they were kidnapped...?!"
"father, that's...!"
their concerned and shocked faces were not lost on lilia as he smiled sadly, "i tried searching for them everywhere, and i did everything... and yet, nothing came to fruition in my endless search. eventually, i thought... maybe i was too late."
lilia then stood up, looking at the photo before he cast it aside only for silver to grab it and return it back to the photo album once more.
"it may have been centuries ago, but i will never forget the radiant light they shone in my life."
'and now, i don't even know if i'll ever see my light again.'
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© twstgarden 2024 || please do not steal, translate without my permission, or use this to train a.i.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
Once Upon a Dream
This is a request for @rincommittedarsin. I struggled a bit writing this because chaotic Lilia is easier to write than serious Lilia lol. I hope you like it!!!
Note: reincarnation, soulmate au, Yuu is from the Queendom of Roses. and fluff with some angst
Word Count: 706
Warnings: not beta read, possible OOC characters, mentions of blood and death
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“Excuse me, sir. Have we met before?”
A vendor’s voice caused Malleus and his retainers to stop and turn to the human, who ran a flower stall based on the many red roses she had in stock. 
The shortest of the group, with pink and black hair and a youthful face, turned to his sons, “You can go on ahead without me.” A boy with bright green hair opened his mouth in protest but was stopped by the silver-haired boy dragging him away. The horned male with the regal aura followed shortly. The short male turned to the woman, “That depends. I have only visited the Queendom of Roses a few times before. Maybe we met during one of them?”
The woman shook her head, “No, but I recognize your eyes.”
The male chuckled in amusement,  “My eyes?”
“Yes, I’ve seen them plenty of times in my dreams. Sometimes it could be on a tall male with long hair or a male with your stature. His face is blurry, but his eyes always stand out.”
Now the male was curious, “Are you sure? Anyone could have red eyes.”
The woman shook her head again. She stared into the man’s eyes with a determined look, “Maybe, but yours have a familiar gleam to them. It feels like I’ve known you my entire life just staring at it.”
The man hummed, “Humans are so fascinating,” he whispered. “I apologize for not introducing myself earlier, but maybe this could help jog your memory. I am Lilia Vanrouge, from Briar Valley.” he bowed down and extended his right hand to her. 
“Hello, Lilia. I’m Yuu from the Queendom of Roses,” she placed her right hand on Lilia’s, and he brought it to his lips to kiss it. Suddenly, Yuu’s world changed the moment Lilia’s lips touched her hand.
She was in the middle of a clearing surrounded by a variety of wildflowers and tall grass. Yuu felt someone’s arms wrap around her waist; she could not stop the laugh that escaped her lips. The man wore metal armor and had long black hair tied up in a ponytail. He placed his forehead on Yuu’s shoulder and sighed. 
“I missed you, my love,” A deep but familiar voice said, causing Yuu to turn around and face him. She gently placed her hands on his cheeks and brought his face up. She did not expect a youthful look with red eyes and a loving grin staring back at her. 
“I missed you too, Lilia.”
Suddenly, the scene changed, and now there was fire all around. Her body felt weak and she groaned in pain until a man shushed her. She looked up to see a bloody face looking at her, with tears running down his red eyes. 
"It's okay. You are going to be okay," the man repeated although they both knew the inevitable. Yuu was beyond the point of healing and was dying. 
She placed a hand up on his cheek and used her fingers to wipe away his tears. "Don't cry, Lilia. Think of it as a 'see you later' and not a 'goodbye.'" 
"You can't leave me!" Lilia cried out and held Yuu close like that would keep her from going into the afterlife. 
"I want you to live a happy life and to remember me. Who knows? Maybe we will meet again in my next life."
Lilia smiled despite seeing the life leave Yuu's eyes, "I will find you, my love," he promised and kissed Yuu’s forehead to seal it. 
"I will be waiting," Yuu replied before closing her eyes like she was a sleeping princess who was cursed with eternal slumber. 
The scene changed one more time and Yuu stared at the same familiar red eyes of the man she once loved. 
“Lilia,” she repeated again, her eyes lit up in familiarity, and it caused the male to smile. He grabbed a nearby rose and held it out to Yuu. 
“I would love to continue this, but I must return to Malleus.” He handed the rose to Yuu to take, “How about we do tonight over dinner?”
Yuu stared at the red rose and then at Lilia’s eyes. A smile graced her face. “I would love that.” 
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400 event is still open!!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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chibiwritesstuff · 4 years
Hey! May I ask for Malleus and Lilia being hesitate to start a relationship with the mc because of their long life span? And also welcome to the fandom!
Σ(°ロ°) You probably didn't ask for angst but this is just such a good angst prompt and I LOVE writing angst more than anything so I hope you don’t mind. I might have gone overboard with it though. If you do want a happy ending instead don’t hesitate to tell me! Thank you! Everybody’s so nice in this fandom.
Also, stan Lilia. Man, I simp for this old man so much.
Pairings: Malleus Draconia x Reader, Lilia Vanrouge x Reader.
Now, let’s depart enter this twisted wonderland~
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“Tsunotaro, I think I have fallen for you.” You quietly said warmth spreading across your cheeks. “Will you let me stay by your side till the last breath I take?”
That was a few nights ago, and he left you without giving a reply. Instead of saying anything, he instead returned to the confines of his room and hid. While Sebek was glad he’s back Lilia sensed something in him that he asked the younger fae to leave the future king be. Now, all he can do is watch you from afar as you share your smiles and laughs with your peers from Heartslabyul.
Oh, how I miss hearing that laugh of yours… He can’t but think as he kept his gaze at you.
You two stopped meeting each other ever since. Well, more like you change your course of direction the next night you saw each other. He can remember clearly how tired your eyes look, how you’re ready to cry one more second you stay in his presence. You merely bowed your head and walked straight in Ramshackle Dorm.
“Lilia, what should I do?” He cried that night. “My only friend, the only one who understands me outside of our family… has left me.”
“Humans are quite delicate creatures, Malleus.” The older fae answered, pity evident in his eyes. “From the sound of it, the trust that you two have has been severed from your actions.”
“I want to stay by their side, I want to keep talking to them, laugh with them.” He continued wallowing in his sorrow as he remembers all the times you two spent on each other's side.
“Tell me, Malleus.” Lilia made him sit upright and face him eye to eye. “Do you reciprocate their love?”
It's not that he doesn’t return your feelings, far from it. He loves you more than anything in the world. Yet, the thought of him living on as you age and eventually dying scares him. He’s tired of being left behind, of losing things he deeply cares for and living on without them by his side. Fears that clouded his judgment that night which lead to the pain twisting in his heart for not being able to be near you anymore.
Time is but a blink of an eye for his species but who would have thought that it could feel this agonizingly slow as well. What he thought had been years already is merely but a day… without you by his side. Just one conversation, that’s all he wants. He wants the normalcy of his days with you to be back. So, imagine his joy when you approached him with a smile once more.
“Tsuno – I mean, Malleus.” He frowned when you refrained to use the name you had lovingly given him. The pain in his chest returning even greater than before. “I have great news to share.”
“No need to call me by my name. You’re more than welcome to call me Tsunotaro as you please.” Please, call me Tsunotaro again. Call me with that love you have for me. “What is this news?”
“Crowley has found a way to send me back home!” You grinned as he felt his heart shatter into pieces, eyes widening in disbelief. “I can finally go back home! Everybody’s heading to the Hall of Mirrors to send me off.”
“Is that so…” He can't breathe. The pain is too much even though you’re finally talking to him again…you’re smiling at him again. “Then allow me to send you off as well.”
“Alright! Let’s go then!” You took his hand and guided him to your destination.
How warm. He can’t help but think so. I would love to hold your hand forever and never let you go.
You two arrived and you let go of his hand to greet the others. Farewell speeches were made, tight embraces, and souvenirs from each dorm handed to you. You grinned as you accepted everything given to you. Alas, it’s time for you to leave and you stepped in the mirror. The moment you’re gone, the mirror cracked, signifying that your departure is a point of no return here. He stood still as everybody slowly left the Hall of Mirrors until he’s the only one left. His eyes began watering as everything that happened finally sinks in. The now cracked mirror mockingly reflecting his broken image. You left, returned to your world facing forward with a bittersweet smile… and he let you go without answering your confession.
“Then the least you can do is give her closure.”
“(y/n), I too have fallen deeply in love with you…” Tears flowed endlessly as he gave his reply to no one. “So please…”
Will you stay by my side till the last breath you take?
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“Isn't it better to have a few years filled with love than have a lifetime worth of what-ifs?” You cried as he rejected your confession to him before running away towards your dorm.
“(y/n), it's nice seeing you here.” Lilia’s smile faltered a little as you hesitantly smiled back before leaving as fast as you can.
Day by day, you both tried to initiate conversations with each other without being too tense. He can tell how you’re forcing yourself to talk to him like nothing happened and it hurts the both of you. Both wanting the pain to end yet now willing to let go of what little interaction you have. He tried to distract himself by performing his duties as Diasomnia’s vice-leader, cooking food, even go as far as reading history books that he knew the true version of said history. All to dull the pain he feels as soon as his thoughts drift towards you.
Why did you have to have such a short lifespan? He kept asking himself as he leafed through a book he’s holding. I would love nothing more but to stay by your side and start a family. A simple life with you… how nice it sounds.
But he can’t fathom the idea of existing without you by his side once your time in the world expires. He’s more than happy to love you with all his being but he can’t help but hesitate as he thinks of the future ahead of you two. A few more days have passed and the two of you had officially stopped talking to one another. It was merely by chance that he spotted you talking with his son. He was on his way towards the light music club room to distract himself once more. Against his better judgment, he eavesdropped at your conversation with Silver.
“I envy you, Silver.” You spoke with such sadness that Silver can’t help but pat your head. “Despite you being human as well, Lilia chose to keep you by his side.”
“He truly does love you,” He reassured as you slowly began to shed tears. “He just doesn’t want to live without you by his side when the time comes.”
“And look at what happened instead.” You scoffed as you wiped your tears harshly. “I can’t even bear talking to him without being reminded that I’m not important enough to be able to stand by his side till my last days.”
“I thought since he has you, he knew that this will happen and he’d rather treasure those few years with people he loves than just leaving them be.” Your eyes, tired and dull from the emotions swirling in your heart and mind. “Tell me, am I too foolish for clinging on that little hope back then?”
“No, you only followed what you felt was right.” He dropped his hand to his lap and looked down the ground. “Sometimes things just don’t happen the way we want it.”
“Thank you, Silver. No offense on your situation with Lilia though.” You smiled in defeat before standing up and dust off your clothing. “Please do keep your promise to me.”
“As much as I’m against it, I understand.” Silver sighed as he stood up as well. “Farewell, (y/n). Please don’t forget about us when you return home.”
Lilia froze as hopelessness settled in him. You’re leaving not just him but everybody else. He silently left the area and walked aimlessly as his feet somehow managed to bring him back to his room. His body felt colder than ever, body stiff and eyes wide at the realization of his fears. His fears of you leaving him behind as he will keep living his immortal life. Except, instead of through death, you’ll return to where you truly belong.
But, you also belong by my side…right?
He can’t help but laugh bitterly at his situation. He knew this would happen one day. He accepted this since that dreadful day he rejected you. So why…
“You’re right, (y/n).” For the first time in his immortal life, he shed tears and let out a scream of agony.
I’d rather spend a few years filled with love with you than live my immortal life filled with what-ifs about what we could have been.
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21 - noctambulist
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hello hello ! i’m happy to see that you like my writing style and, of course we could be buddies (us newbies gotta stick together) o(TヘTo) くぅit took me a while to figure out the flow of this piece so hopefully you’ll end up liking what i’ve scrounged up for you ! good luck with yours too and stay safe! i’m worried i rushed the ending again hh
📝to note: this is a repost because the initial post somehow got deleted ! the “you” in this story will be taking up the mc role ! also, we’re past 100 followers for this blog ! thank you so much to everyone who’s been supporting me and reading my work, this means a whole lot to me・゜(。┰ω┰。).・゜i don’t have anything in mind right now for a special so, if it’s alright with everyone, i’d like to ask for a few suggestions in regards to this |ω;`) i haven’t much of a clue on what to do to be honest since this is my first time having a writing blog。
【 𝔫𝔬𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔪𝔟𝔲𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 ; malleus draconia : “ do you, too, dream of me ? “ after returning you to your world, malleus can’t help but feel as though he has lost something. 】
★ warnings: angst, post-overblot ★ 🎵  playlist - i handpicked a few songs for you all to listen to while you read !  ★
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“You’re the only one who can do it,” the wind was playing with your hair, obscuring your face from his eyes though he knew that you were smiling at him. You always smiled at him. “I don’t-,” he starts but cuts himself off. His face scrunches up in pain and reluctance, making him look away in fear of seeing you disappointed. He tries again to tell you but every word in his mouth tastes like goodbye. His expression closes and suddenly he realizes he’s shaking.
Gingerly your fingers reach out to him, pausing when they’re merely inches away from his arms as if hesitating; thinking he’d break at their touch, until you’re finally pulling him into your warm embrace and he presses his cheek onto the top of your head. “I know,” you say tenderly. “I know,” Your arms squeeze him, telling him that you did know. The very thought of that makes his breath hitch and soon the tears he’s been trying desperately to hold back run down from his eyes and into your hair. 
“I know.”
Memories came to him in half-formed faded dreams, leaving him bleary eyed and distant in the morning. He tries to keep going; attending his classes, eating lunch with his dorm members, doing and finishing his homework, wandering off into the abandoned parts of the premises; everything he did before, but his eyes muddle the world around him, giving him the impression that he’s not actually there but instead drifting into the undulating waves of a cold endless sea.
How are you?
The only time when he’s feeling alive is when he’s sleeping and dreaming. Most of them were about you or, well, how you were to him when he saw you and talked with you. He realizes now that, despite spending a lot of time with you in school, he didn’t know you as much as he thought he did. He could easily tell anyone what you looked liked if asked and deduced from the way you’d go out of your way just to hang out with him that you thought of him as your friend.
Was he your friend?
The question plagues him for days. Along with it, the subtle pressure to move on. Both are heavy weights on his shoulders and yet, he stubbornly refuses to entertain either, in fear of uncovering some dark twisted truth inside that’ll uncoil and taut the only connection he has of you left in him. 
Would you tell him?
The panic comes to him in slow suffocating chunks, consuming his every breath until it tastes of nothing but ash and brimstone. He bellows as the world splits open, thrusting him into a cold and silent brightness that he can longer fill with the crying of his heart. Frightened by the emptiness and filled with a raging hellfire, he unfurls his shimmering leathery vans and lets the ground from under him crumble with a single beat. Thorns sprout out from the cracks, twisting, turning and slithering its way into the surrounding area, abetting the reverberating voice inside his head that dragooned him into engulfing the world in darkness, flames and thunderstorms.
As chaos ensued, he lets himself look up to the sky as if in search of something, or someone. “If I cannot transcend this emptiness and touch your hand一,” another voice, so broken and soft, whispered to him softly, “-then there is no need for this world to exist.”
Hyperemotionality was a part of human composition. Nearly all of the fairies, believing themselves to have a higher sense of logicality when compared to their weaker counterparts, viewed this as nothing more than irrational detritus to be disposed of in order to keep the rationality and correctness of the mind but as time went on, converts started emerging from the masses with their strayed beliefs from the old philosophies, declaring that love (the most prominently destructive of all human emotion) was not something to be cast aside in arrogance and fear of the unknown.
He used to scoff at these nonconformists, thinking them foolish for fighting for something that inspired deformation of structure and irregularities— but then, he met you.
You were someone who let his guard down with gentleness and trust and made him experience things he has never experienced before.
He fell in love.
He slams his hand onto the wall, thump! There was no need to think of you now, not with the risk of him unwinding his thorned heart. Wiping out his mind of thoughts of you, he lets himself revert back to the shell of a living being he was left as and continues on with his day.
Can I come see you?
Gentle hands press against the rough edged surface of his face, reaching out to him in his haze. “Malleus.” 
The voice is familiar, though for some reason he wasn’t sure where he’s heard it before. It calls to him again, louder and closer, enveloping him in warmth. He searches for its source frantically, afraid of losing it in the vastness until finally a shape emerges from the darkness. He blinks, his green beady eyes fixed on your relieved face smiling at him with tears running down your cheeks. “Y/N.” Your name comes out of him more like a question than a statement; his voice uncertain. You laugh as you press your forehead against his. “Yes.” you say, bringing his face closer until your noses touch. A moment passes before he exhales, laughing as you do with tears brimming the corner of his eyes.
He falls to his knees before you, shakily taking your hands and holding them to his face. The world blurs and mutes, leaving him with only the sight of you in front of him and the sound of your voice in his ears. He says your name again, this time easing himself into the recognition of the sound of it and knowing that there was nothing in the world beyond you and him in this moment.
He was grateful for Lilia and the others for always being there to assist him. Their normalcy was an anchor that kept him from straying into the waters of contemplation. 
“Urgh, I think I’m coming down with something,” Sebek says from across the lunch table, looking undeniably pale and queasy. Silver flashes him a look of concern while Lilia, who was beside Malleus, perks up at this and smiles at Silver. “Is that so? Well, we can’t have you up and about now can we,” he says, “Why don’t you just call it a day and rest in your room. I’ll make sure to take care of you later and bring you some soup!”
Silver chokes, as if abruptly reminded of something. “You know what,” Sebek smiles nervously, “I was about to do that but now I think I’m starting to feel a little better.”
Sebek’s words, ‘-starting to feel a little better’ ring inside his head. It startles him at first, unsure of what it would do, but soon he lets out a small smile, for once feeling unbothered by the thought of it.
Are you feeling better as well?
He emerges into a street filled with strange looking multicoloured vehicles in between what seems to be heavily windowed buildings that reflect him in all of his monstrous and scaly glory. He lets himself be awed by the peculiarity of its glaring surface for a moment before looking away and craning his neck around in search of the man you showed him with your memories. People around him point and shriek, some with phone cameras pointed at him, though he pays them no heed. You did warn him that his kind was not something regularly seen prancing about.
When he finally spots him in the crowd, gaping, not at him but at the figure in his hands, Malleus bends down and slowly reverts back in front of him with you sleeping peacefully in his arms. He didn’t know who he was; whether he was a familial relative or a friend or your lover but calmly, he walks up and brings his arms out to him. “They’re tired but okay,” he says, staring at the man before him who was already crying at the sight of you. Without needing to ask, Malleus gently hands you over to him. He thanks Malleus, though it was barely understandable with all the sobbing that he was doing, then brushes the hair out of your face. He watches the two of you for a while, letting the ache and regret sink in before closing his eyes and reluctantly turning away. The portal opens almost immediately, much to his dismay and expectantly swirls in front of him. He wonders, as he steps into it, if it was truly better for him to leave without saying goodbye. There was little chance that he’d see you again but some part of him didn’t want to hear you say it.
Concluding that their was no longer any reason to think about the what-ifs, he grants himself one last time to see you and smiles bitterly. “Take care of them.” he says before the portal shuts.
Memories were as addictive as emotions. It was hard for him to accept to have loved and missed you, especially when you continued to plague his dreams. Sometimes, he even wished that he could be reborn again and again, just to see you in the days of the past. As time went on, he let the knot in his chest unravel and the weight on his shoulders lighten with the thought of you happy and enjoying life in your own world. 
It’ll be okay
He can almost hear you say it.
I wonder, he thought to himself, do you, too, dream of me?
He may never know the answer to that question but, one thing’s for sure, that was going to be alright with him.
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kaz-2y5-images · 6 years
One Drunk Night (Turns Into Paradise)||Jenneel x Reader PolyVerse Part One
Summery: You’re feeling a bit uneasy at a party held in your honor, and Jensen and Danneel come to the rescue when the night goes from bad to horrible, leading to a (slightly) drunken night of passion.
Characters: Y/N L/N, Jensen Ackles, Danneel Ackles, Reader’s partners (Jameson[OMC] and Lilia[OFC]).
Mentioned Characters: Jared Padalecki, Genevieve Padalecki
Parings: Jenneel x Reader, Original Characters x Reader, Original Character x Original Character.
Warnings: Drinking, RPF, spoiler in tags, betrayal, angst, slightl social anxiety, oral sex (male and female receiving), f/f oral sex, threesome (f/f/m), non-penetrative sex and it’s unbeta’d, (also, first time writing smut so please be kind.)
Word Count: 1218 + 846 smut
Notes: Feedback is loved and appreciated!
Tumblr has killed links so search IcyMasterlist on my blog, or if you want the series masterlist search JPSeriesMasterlist
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You did not want to be here. It wasn't that you didn't like the parties or events that came with being famous, but it was your birthday. And it was always too much of a hassle, dressing up, putting on a smile because god forbid if your face is neutral because then you're fake, and making your voice as cheerful as possible because you don't want to sound like an uptight bitch... but it is better than being at home with your lovers. You just wanted to sit at home, alone, and watch a movie.
But instead you were at party with all your friends and their husbands and wives in an emotionally exhausting environment. You cared about these people, yes, even loved a few of them, but the idea of spending hours at party walking and talking and drinking and knowing that one slip-up could make you the next celebrity scandal took its toll. Especially when the party is being held in your honor, marking your fifth year on Supernatural and twenty-seventh birthday, it was all so tiring to say the least.
It was getting late and you were in need of an escape when you heard your name being called, turning around to see Danneel and Jensen. You walked over to them quickly, hugging them tightly, and asking them to take you as far away from the party as possible.
"I've missed London," You said as you leaned over the balcony, "Too bad I'm spending my time at party and not at home."
"Why don't you just ask people to stop throwing parties on your behalf?" Danneel asked you. "It would clearly be much better for you."
"It's rude."
"Nothing's rude about asking to not do something that makes you uneasy." Jensen said, smiling sweetly. 
"Trying telling that to my boyfriend," You sighed. "Or my girlfriend."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Danneel asked you, moving to your other side and putting her hand on your bare shoulder and your skin lit up at the contact.
"Oh, no, nothing bad or anything, they just, you know, encourage me to-"
"Go to places that make you anxious." She said, rubbing her hand down your back and you tucked your face into her neck. It wasn't a secret that you used to have feelings for Jensen and Danneel, and you acted on them once. For about a week and you were sure you fell in love, for at least right then. But it was before you were on Supernatural, before you were an actress and was still just a model, it was before you found your partners, Jameson and Lilia, it was before they got married and had JJ and the twins. It was before. It's the past that you can never relive.
And you were never sure if they reciprocated those feelings, sure sometimes they flirted with you, but it wasn't really flirting, but it wasn't the way that they treated Jared or Misha or Gen or Rob or Rich, any of your friends. Sometimes they acted like they did want to be with you, but it was more like, if we could, we would do this. If you weren't in a relationship, if we weren't famous. If, if, if. It was all just "what if's" and "if we could's", and you were almost sure that- they're married and I'm in a relationship, I need to stop thinking like this. They're just flirting.
"Can you get me out of here?" And come home with me? You said, moving your head from Danneel's neck and turning to look at Jensen.
"Do you mean 'get you out of here' like 'go back to our hotel room and give you awesome birthday sex' or 'get you out of here' like 'take me home so you can make fun of our old shows'?" Danneel flirted. But it wasn't serious, and no matter how much you wanted to go back to there hotel and fuck until you can't remember your own name... you just can't.
"I'm in a relationship." If you could even call it that anymore.
"We know." Jensen said and gave you soft kiss on your cheek. "Where are they?"
"They didn't want to come." With me.
When you got back to your apartment, you weren't surprised to see the mess. It wasn't unusual for you to come home after work or a party to find your place looking like hell, always deciding to throw a party of there own. It was unusual to not find your lovers passed out on your couch.
"Jameson? Lilia? Loves where are you?" You said as you walked through your house. "You guys home?"
When you found them in your shared bedroom they were dressed and ready to go out and spend a night in London, and they were also packing their bags.
"Babes? Where're you going?" You asked as you stepped into the room.
"We were, uh," Lili said, looking to James, "We were just leaving dear."
"Leaving? Leaving where? Do you have a photo shoot?"
"Leaving, like leaving you, Y/N." He sighed and took his bag from Lili's hand. "Look, this was fun and all, but it's time for Lili and I to get serious about our relationship."
"I, I, I thought we were serious about our relationship."
"Y/N/N, how could we be? There's three of us," Lili said, "Honey, that's not a love thing, that's a let's have fun thing."
"A year and a half, a year and a fucking half of 'let's have fun'," You said, walking closer to them, "A year and a fucking half of my life wasted for 'let's have fun,' I thought you were in love with me."
"How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?"
Fucking bastards. 'How could we be in love with you while you were in love with other people?' My ass. You thought as you took a shot of whiskey. You were not in love with Jensen and Danneel. They're my friends, my best friends I am not in love with them. They were just the people that you went to when you should be going to your lovers, ex-lovers, the ones who make everything better when you know that it won't. They've always been there for you. And they offered themselves to you! Tonight! Screw your faithful ass, they would have been worth it. By now you were on the strong side of tipsy and felt like I have to do something! You took one last shot for courage and left your apartment.
When you got to the hotel you're friends were staying at, you knocked on the Ackles' room door, soaked in rain and with a tear-stained face. When Jensen opened the door, Danneel by his side, you, slightly drunkly, wrapped your arms around his waist and asked if the offer still stands, pressing sloppy kisses to the side of his neck and reached for Dee's hand.
"Not until you're sober and tell us why you've been crying, Y/N/N."
They took you inside and you talked and cried and they told you that you didn't deserve to be dumped like that, you got the slightest bit more sober and they got a little drunker. You fell asleep with your head on Danneel’s shoulder.
You woke up a few hours later, the clock said it was 2:30 in the morning, holding Danneel and Jensen was holding you. You tried to get up but only succeeded in waking them both up.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." You said and slipped your arms out from under Danneel. "Go back to sleep."
"Leaving already?" Jensen said jokingly, letting you go.
"Sadly so, I've taken up too much of your night already. I don't want to invade."
"You don't have to go." Danneel said, her voice was friendly but her eyes were lustful. "If you want, you can stay here with us tonight."
"Oh really?" You said and turned to face her, taking some of her hair twirling it in your finger. "And what would we be doing?"
Jensen put his hand on your waist and kissed you softly on your cheek. "Each other?"
"Fine by me." You said and Danneel kissed you, her lips were warm and soft and her kiss was gentle and sweet. Her kiss became deeper and Jensen kissed your neck, both of their hands going under your shirt.
You broke the kiss to take off your shirt, leaving you in just a bra and jeans, and straddle Jensen, leaning down to kiss him passionately. His hands went around your back and unclipped your bra, you leaned back to take it off while he took of his shirt.
Danneel put her hands on your hips and gently nipped at your jaw, you grabbed her hands and brought them up to your breasts. She massaged your breasts as you shared a passionate kiss, grinding against Jensen's confined erection. She put her hand down your jeans and into your panties, just barely brushing her fingers against your slit. You moaned and grinded harder against Jensen.
"Dee, honey, you are wearing way too man clothes." Jensen said, reaching down to unbuckle his belt. "We all are."
You grinned and got off the bed, pulling down your pants and your underwear, Jensen took off his pants and his boxers. Danneel kneeled on the bed and took off her shirt, she wasn't wearing a bra. You and Jensen both groaned at the sight and he pulled his wife in for a kiss and she shimmed out of her jeans and pulled off her panties.
You watched as they kissed and grind against each other, remember those few nights all those years ago and wonder why did you let them go.
"Are you gonna join us or are you just gonna watch?" Danneel asked, reaching down and wrapping her hand around her husband thick cock, making him groan.
You got back onto the bed and crawled over to them, taking Jensen's cock in your hand and kissing Danneel. You put your other hand in between her legs and run your fingers through her folds, collecting her arousal. You put your fingers in your mouth, tasting her sweet juices.
"You taste great."
"Doesn't she?"
Danneel crawled up Jensen's body, still facing you and kneeled over his face.
"Wanna taste?" He whispered a quick yes and pulled her down onto his face and started to eat her like she was gonna be his last meal. She moaned loudly and looked you dead in your eyes, and beckoned you over with her finger. You moved to kneel right next to her as she ride her husband's face and kissed you harshly, making you moan into her kiss.
"You wanna suck him off?" Dee said between kisses. "You suck Jay while he eats me out and I'll eat you? You'd love that, wouldn't you?"
"Fuck yes." You said and put your knees on each side of Jensen's stomach and bent over, giving Dee a perfect view of your cunt and took Jensen's member in your hand and slowly licked up his cock making him groan. Danneel bent over as well and lick a strip up your slit making moan out in surprise. "Oh, fuck." You took the head of Jensen's cock into your mouth sucking him into your warm wet heat and bobbed your head.
Dee teased your outer lips with the tip of her tongue until you were begging for her to fuck you. She smiled against your cunt and sucked your clit into her mouth and slipped a finger into your wet pussy, then another and you moaned around Jensen's dick. She moaned and grinded against Jensen's face and curled her fingers in a "come hither" motion and you took Jensen's dick as far into your mouth as you could, she thrusted her fingers against your G-spot and you moan loudly, coming hard. She fingered you through your orgasm and you sucked Jensen harder until he came, shooting ropes of his thick come down your throat. Danneel came as Jensen sucked her clit into his mouth, moaning softly and biting her lips. All three of you rolled off of each, took a shower together and fell asleep, not thinking about how you should be getting back to your apartment before anyone knows you’re here.
I hope you guys liked this, sorry it took so long.-Icy
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