#i love kutner seeing him on screen almost has me like when i see wilson
marc--chilton · 2 months
"chase was super receptive tho bc he has issues and imprinted on house like an actual duckling" YES I CONCUR.
i also agree with your characterization that it's a "i am going to be nice to you more often but don't get any ideas" type of relationship rather than a "come to mama" type. i love fluff and all, but it's house. the man is not that affectionate or nice or pleasant. mgv wouldn't change that.
but the chase/thirteen sibling relationship is so real. i love that. i need more fics with that.
kutner being left out :( he's like. replacement chase. that's the role he fills. in that he's the dumb one. but he's also kinda replacement cameron because he's also nice.
anyway i love your mgv it's so good i love house abo when it's done well and this is done well.
does house ever bring gisele to work with him? or would cuddy say "absolutely not are you insane"
have a splendid day!
like there are times where house is weirdly nice to chase and thirteen but that's just like. bc he's closing in on his heat and despite common perception, heat does not solely mean "sex now" especially if the omega in question is a parent. and chase likes the attention but even he has to shoo house away if he's getting too affectionate to the point of impeding their jobs (pup or not, there's not a lot of house-duckling hanging out with after work hours. like at all. the most is with thirteen and even then they're not like superbesties or anything, she's just his favorite to fall back on when house can't drag wilson into whatever that day)
he still calls them idiots, he's still a huge dickhead, but he also does more for them than for others. which tends to just be something so small as house making a vending machine run and asking them if they want anything too. the bar's pretty low
chase takes this weird found family type thing to heart, and it's obvious. because daddy issues. to the point where he's actually spent a heat or two with house because when he first presented, chase didn't get the right care from his parents so his hindbrain looked to house to fill that role. awkward? incredibly. did house agree? yes. did he do a good job mothering an adult chase and giving him all those parental affirmations he missed out on? not really. but he absolutely tried, and that was enough for chase, so. success!
(worth noting that house, too, did not receive adequate care when he first presented either. john ignored him entirely for his cycles, physically disgusted and uncomfortable, and blythe as a low-instinct beta didn't understand the nuances required for taking care of a child who presented as an omega)
kutner <333 i don't have anything to say there besides i love him. he's kind of like chase for dumb, cameron for nice, but he also has a je ne sais quoi of chaos that's to die for. he was way too jazzed to dig a grave and way too proud of himself for reviving a patient even tho in doing so he also set her on fire. baby boy how on earth did you get through med school <333 he's also a beta for what it's worth. in my mgv betas tend to be the most alike to real humans (no/weak cycles, less instinct-driven, sometimes thought of as "safe" or "boring" by As or Os) so don't get involved in as much drama so like. he kinda confused but he got the spirit
110% house has brought giselle to work. the first year of her life he was especially attached to her and argued against hiring a sitter or putting her in daycare -- saying daycares were just communal cultures waiting to infect his pup with superflu, or a sitter would confuse her and make her imprint on them instead of house or wilson -- when really due to his prior miscarriage and resulting (mostly not dealt with) trauma meant his hindbrain would freak out if he was away from her for too long. cuddy and wilson both actually get on to him for it (wilson less so. he's biased bc he also loves their lil baby to bits) but the only thing that gets him to stop trying to bring her is when she starts getting sick the same time house's current case proves to be infectious. and he's mortified because he's convinced she's caught (insert disease here) because of him, and she's so little still that this illness could conceivably kill her.
it turns out she doesn't have the sick of the week, it was just normal baby illness that scared him like it would any first time parent. definitely got him to stop bringing giselle in as much though.
thank you for this ask!! love an excuse to absolutely yap it out
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