#i love kugie i think she's cool
weird-cato · 24 days
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yttd time! kuggie and anzu + a bunch of doodles!
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yourturntofnaf · 4 months
can you list the top ten most lesbian yttd characters
oh I certainly can. starting from number 10...
10. mai tsurugi
for 10, we have mai. she's certainly wlw to some extent. although I generally lean towards her being pan, I can also absolutely see her being a femme lesbian. I definitely see the vision.
9. anzu kinashi
once again, I see her as generally sapphic of sorts instead of strictly a lesbian, but there's also a part of me that sees myself in her. I want you to hear me out with this one: nonbinary lesbian for lesbian ranzu. this came to me in a dream and I think the people need to hear this.
8. maple
certainly, this is the most debatable lesbian take in terms of canon considering her plot revolving around midori. although that is pretty hard to argue against, consider this: she's out of his league anyways and she deserves better, specifically the love of a woman.
7. strawberry girl
yeah I know she has no canon content yet beyond one picture but like...
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she just has the vibe. when I see her, I know she's one of us.
6. nao egokoro
everyone's favorite fat femme lesbian representation. is she canonically fat or a lesbian? nope. however, I am a fat femme lesbian so my stamp of approval outweighs canon. thank you for understanding.
5. megumi sasahara
no straight woman could rock that uniform quite Ike she does. once again, she's just got that vibe. plus, maigumi is pretty based.
4. touko rikuno
arguably the most girlboss character to come out of this series. the first time I saw her I thought "one of us, one of us". her and jin are totally mlm/wlw solidarity.
3. reko yabusame
I feel like the fandom generally agrees on this one. it just makes sense. I will never get over that "I love fat ladies" post with reko. this is canon content to me.
plus, the way she hangs her hand? lesbian as fuck
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2. kugie kizuchi
kugie is canonically wlw so that's pretty cool! I absolutely headcanon her as the coolest butch you've ever met.
now, you might be thinking: "kai this is literally canon, why is she only second place?!" and to that I would say...
1. emiri harai
the epitome of the lesbian vibe. I mean come on
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ok, this was really fun. I will spread lesbianism to the masses. please don't take this too seriously! happy pride, support your local queer
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yttd 7th anniversary so I'm sending you Sara Chidouin
let's go!!
first impression - wowie!! that's not a boring design at all!! nice to see a funky-looking protagonist. don't know if i'll find her very interesting though..
impression now - oh, i LOVE her. she is such a realistic character. her moments of instability and panic all hit so hard. the pressure she's under, and how she is realistically stressed by it. plus, she's funny too <3
favourite moment - when she called out Shin in the First Main Game?? like hello, she was SO cool??? "no one will believe the words of a liar" fucking TELL HIM WOOOOOOOOO
idea for story - hmmm... i just want her to relax, i adore non-death game AUs where all the cast still know each other and mess about. give me Sonobeno gang silliness, Shin wanting to die every time she enters the shop he works at (his behaviour would be funnier in AUs like this because... he genuinely would have no rational reason to be like that), her actually knowing Kai exists and them being like siblings, being besties with the Kizuchis <333
unpopular opinion - i don't think i have one? fandom seems to take her pretty well!!
favourite relationship - her dynamic with Kanna is SO sweet but also SO tragic because of how much it was like... initially based on Kanna seeing so much of Kugie in Sara. especially in the route where Kanna dies, some of her last words being asking Sara for a hug... owwww
favourite headcanon: it's like... a pretty common one, that Joe was the one to first do her hair how it is now, and she just stuck with it <3
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princesseevee06 · 1 year
love your swap au lots!!! its very interesting and id love to know more about it :)
especially shin and sou's whole deal (theyre identity thefting each other!!!! thats so interesting???) and maple and kugie crumbs.. 😳😳 though just about anything is great to see!
hope to see you post more on this au!! :D (also your art is very tasty. yum)
auuughghhh thank you so much you’re so kind!!! ;-; glad you’re enjoying my au. it’s a very self-indulgent thing, and when i started posting about it i thought not many people would be interested, so your support means a lot!!
i definitely plan on posting more stuff for this au (especially about shin and sou because they are my favorite characters hdjdjsjhd), but i keep getting sidetracked from making posts about the story because of my desire to create silly doodles instead… rest assured more content is on the horizon!!
since you asked, though, i can provide you a lil bit of insight into my ideas for the characters!! :D
- for shin and sou, i wanted to focus on the idea of their relationship being more evenhanded, where shin is able to stick up for himself (because as much as i love bullying shin that man needs a break sometimes). i thought it was an interesting angle to play at because i think the both of them can be very cunning when it comes to getting the results they want, and i wanted to explore what it would look like if they worked together as allies while also using that trait against each other… so the mutual identity thefting sort of functions as a show of the uneasy trust they’ve built, if that makes any sense?
- kugie is a very pivotal character in the story, and what’s really interesting to me about her is how her grief over losing her sister would manifest itself differently from kanna’s. i definitely think she’d react a lot more with anger and hopelessness, pushing others away and trying to solve problems on her own. she does warm up to a couple of the other characters though, such as ryoko and kai, and that fuels her a lot more to start working with others.
i also just think she’d be a lot more prone to calling people out for their bad behavior than like…sara, for example? i definitely don’t see her taking shin’s constant lying lightly.
- maple was also very very interesting for me because i had to think about what her life would be like as a human, and also how she would’ve gotten involved with asunaro. i thought it would be cool to connect her with mai, since they’re both bakery gals, and that’s eventually how i came to the idea of her signing the form to protect mai from the organization (and so, mai never gets kidnapped…)
personality-wise, i wanted her to take on an “older-sister” archetype, but also have it be clear she’s already burdening herself with a lot as well. she really just wants everyone to get along…
i know im probably just repeating a lot of what i said in my original post on this au haha, but i worry this post would get overly rambly if i got into specific in-depth story points… though i’m pretty much up for making posts about any part of the story (i’m planning on making one about the dummies soon), so if there’s anything specific you wanna see me touch on first let me know! :D
finally, here’s a lil maple as thanks for your support :)
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Genuinely all of the main cast are my favorite characters. Though I do have to admit that I've also grown quite fond of the dummies and the floor masters over time.
...I imagine this answer isn't very satisfying so I'll tell you why I like each character but it's also 2:30 am for me and I'm very sleepy so this isn't a serious analysis or anything just pure feelings.
Warning incoherent ramblings and bad English
Sara: imagine being the strongest person in a death game and a group of people unanimously decide that you're their leader that will lead them to survival and there's also that one guy who hates you and wants you dead and also you're 17. I could never. I think Sara is a really cool protagonist honestly amd I also have a soft spot for caharcerts who are so very serious and powerful but also so silly..... I love Sara she's such a good character..... I love Sara..
Joe: ngl it was love from first sight. I love the 'happy go lucky best friend' archetype and he's so deeply caring and kind (and he can be pretty smart and a quick thinker too when the situation calls for it) and just.... ooghh im gonna cry
Keiji: weird guy relatable in the way he hates himself so much and is so convinced of being a bad person that he acts like one.
Kanna: Kanna!! Hi Kanna!! Haaaiii Kanna :333 she wears a bucket and acts like any 14 year old dragged in a death game would. She's very deeply trusting in contrast to Shin and it's sort of one of the biggest things about her character and I'm just :((( Kanna my dear precious baby girl.... Also do u ever think about how Kannas first trial was evaluating trust and Kugie trusted Kanna enough to let her use the key but Kanna couldn't save her and then she tells Sara to kill her and trust in Shin. Do u ever think about that. I just made that up its 3 am idk if this makes sense.
Q-taro: great character AND the fattest ass in the death game.
Shin: one of the best antagonists I've ever seen. Nankidai literally went 'what if the most reoccurring antagonist is Just Some Guy who is weak and kind and timid and is only an antagonist because he was told that he's doomed by the narrative' and it's AWSOME.
Reko: she's the normal one of the group if I'm being completely honest. I love her. I really enjoy that we see her in several different lights: the Reko who is kind to the weak (Sara's POV), the Reko who is harsh to the strong (Mishima's POV in YTTS), and the Reko before Alice's case, who is more abrasive and cold to everyone.
Nao: what can I say, I love my wife. She's grown A LOT during the events of the game and then DIED in a very sad way... Very tragic. Also I love that when bad stuff happens to her she thinks 'ok how can I incorporate this in my art' (how she wants to sketch the insects from the 'fly swatter' attraction and her fondness events in YTTS) very relatable tbh.
Kai: he has done nothing wrong ever and he's also very relatable.
Gin: WHO put him in a death game. He should be playing roblox not witnessing the horrors. He would call me a homophobic slur and I would forgive him.
Mishima: I genuinely believe he's actually the most powerful character in the game. Have you SEEN how easily he figured out that Shin was lying to him in YTTS and made him actually open up and befriend him instead. The only reason that his survival percentage isn't very high is because he puts others before himself and maybe in some simulations he died because of a trap involving trying not to smoke idk. I also LOVE his cartoonish mannerisms. I like to imagine he's very animated.
Alice: I would hate this guy irl and that's why I like him. He's so intense in everything it's hard to not find it enjoyable or at least entertaining. And then you find out that he's also actually pretty kind and protective of his loved ones and deeply sad and has a very tragic and complex backstory and it's the guy who says 'yikes!'.
...ok I won't write about the dummies and floor masters but I hope you were at least mildly entertained reading this. I have a lot more to say about every character and why I think they're all great but I'll need more time and energy for that
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datastate · 1 year
Hi I'm the Mr. Chidouin being manipulative to Kai who's projecting anon, hopefully there aren't others so you understand which ask I'm referring to. Idk if one of your last posts was referring to me but in case it was I'm sorry, I didn't notice and didn't mean to just "remix" what you were already saying, I thought I was adding something of my own-ish but I probably missed some of your posts :(
Sorry again and sorry for the likely wonky English too but it's 3:15 am and I'm a bit sleepy so I just hope what I'm saying is understandable
I'm sorry, I didn't read what you posted next and assumed I did something bad 😭 There's no rush in replying to any of my asks ofc don't worry I'm sorry if it came across like that I'm just terrible at expressing myself Have a great whatever your time is where you are :D
hi!! no worries abt it; i know there was likely no ill-intent with you or anyone else who has done this in the past (except for. a couple hk fans but OTL neither here nor there), and it's only natural to be inspired by other headcanons/meta you've seen floating around -- it's how a sort of 'fan community' works! it's one of the things i greatly appreciate abt spaces like these, too.
in particular, i just get very wary when it's repurposed to specifically be a case of 'why is no one talking about this' / 'i'm the first one to talk about this' (& adjacent types of 'presentation') when... hey. i can see this person is following me while i have been speaking about [headcanon/meta]. on occasion, i do reach out to rb the post itself w a rehashing of my thoughts in case the other person's too scared to initiate conversation and does genuinely want to engage in it - i just haven't had the energy as of late to initiate conversations as long as i typically enjoy... (º □ º l|l)
as for yourself, though i know you've realized it wasn't abt you (or really. anyone. it's just a disheartening pattern i've recognized;;), don't worry! especially as you are the one who's been sending in asks to have that little back/forth, i truly appreciate it!!
&. i also struggle with tone, so i apologize if the original post came across accusatorily/angrily as that wasn't my intention at all!! - i don't hold any grudge at all against people who do this, and i realize it's something that is oftentimes unintentional! like i said, it just makes me sad because it halts that sort of engaging conversation/discussion you can have with other people :'] rather it's through asks or rbs, or even through discord messages, i really do love getting the chance to share/hear out ideas. there's no need for this to be solitary, and it honestly shouldn't be!
i know in my experience, there are some people who've definitely thought more about characters than i've ever considered - such as keiji, where miles'/atlas-of-galaxies' interpretation of him has now influenced my view of his character for the better and on a deeper level than i previously gave him credit for. or even anzu! i'm sure everyone's seen hazard's/corvidcrown's extensive headcanons for anzu that still manage to fall in line with how she acts in-game and keeps the information we were given in ch3's introduction (staring at nankidai forgetting he wrote it so anzu. made her outfit) & it's really inspiring and i love talking to him about her because it always presents so many new ways to handle her character!! even kanna - someone who i consider myself to think a lot about - one of my other friends (jaws/jawzxcm) recently wrote kanna and touched on specifically how/why her insecurities aligned with her desire to 'prove' herself worthy as someone to be cared about (in kindness (which kugie points out begins to feel like she's a doormat), & in usefulness (as seen in the main death game)). it's hard to keep it concise, but there was much more discussion behind each of these that made me go like 'holy shit! that's such a cool interpretation' (it has fundamentally changed my view of the character)
these are all characters that i also dig into, but it's typically through their dynamics with other characters that i spend more time thinking about - which means i don't often get the chance to truly mull over every little detail. but getting the chance to hear from others who have... it's really heart-warming and eye-opening! i always enjoy getting the chance to share that and find realizations/new ways of reading their character arcs that i wouldn't have previously done on my own.
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yutadori · 3 years
jjk spoilers //
gooooood evening i love yuuji so much i absolutely adore him im so glad that we get to see more of him in the recent chapters and i love that we get to see him be silly omg i was so worried that post shibuya his behavior would change because of like... Everything that happened u__u
but he’s been SO FUNNY in the recent chapters like small moments where he makes a ??? face or when he’s making silly expressions... im crying... and when he mentioned that he Can’t drink while he was talking to hakari during this chapter... i wonder what that meant ? because initially the reason he gave to hakari was that he’s underage, and then he followed up by saying that he Can’t... i wonder if it would have to do with sukuna in any way...?? or is it something that they’ll  explore a little bit later on....? or is he just allergic or something?? gfdgfdgd
omg also im crying when he was trying to get hakari to LISTEN to him he was just like fuck it and straight up grabbed hakari’s face and headbutted him AHAHAHA I LOVE HIM SO MATCHA.... 
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strawberryjamsara · 2 years
Possible future interactions in island mode
Shin and Alice: Alice tries to figure out why Shin has the name of the guy he killed, without giving anything away so he tries questioning him by saying stuff like ‘I knew someone else with that name you know’ and Shin is like ‘Have you never seen two people with the same name?’ And then it culminates with him eventually finding Alice is using an alias too and a big the girls are fighting moment
Shin and Kanna: Kanna is reminiscing about how much she misses her sister and Shin gets jealous in a big brother way, and tries to be better than Kugie to various degrees of failure and then Kanna says she doesn’t need Shin to be a better sister than Kugie because he’s already a great brother.
Reko and Keiji: Reko just keeps yelling profanities at Keiji and how he sucks and Keiji is just like “Okay” and is taking it like a champ until Reko starts getting concerned and is like “Hey man are you okay? I know I’m hard on you, but I know what it’s like to be in a bad place and I think you should try to get better if you actually agree with all this stuff I’m saying.”
Nao and Gin: Gin is crying to Nao and Nao asks what’s wrong and Gin says the animals they captured for dinner look so sad and he wants to free them so they start an operation of freeing trapped animals from the others until they get in caught and they say they probably shouldn’t have forced everyone to become vegans when they were trying to survive but they had fun and that’s what matters so they just start doing more secret agent shenanigans
Kai and Sara redo when we get Sara’s route: Sara goes out of her way to tell Kai thanks for always cooking meals and keeping the team afloat and Kai is almost ready to cry because Sara complimented him and runs away but Sara gets the wrong idea from this and thinks he hates her and doesn’t want to be around her so she starts doing a bunch of nice stuff for him and he’s literally at wits end at the fact Ms Sara is doing all this for him and is like “You don’t have to do this for me you know.” And she’s like “But I think you’re great. 🥺” and he’s like “Oh.” And then he hugs her.
Joe and Alice: The absolute hole of stupidity………. It’d be unmatched. I think it’d be one of those where all 3 are different subjects. One where Alice and Joe are yelling from a distance about how they can’t hear the other. Another about Alice and Joe debating about fashion and Alice tells him he’s nothing without stripes and Joe is like “I don’t have stripes but you don’t have this cool doggy keychain my best friend gave me” and Alice is just like “Shit. Fuck. Fucking hell. You’re right.” And in the last one Alice shows him a cool rock he found and asks if it’d make a good keychain. Joe asks why he asked him, and Alice yells at him for playing mind games. Joe says to love and express himself. Alice says he’s right and asks him to help him find a cooler rock.
Qtaro and Nao: Nao and Qtaro talk about how they both cannot do their crafts on the island. Qtaro can’t play baseball and Nao can’t paint. As a solution, Nao brings Qtaro a branch and a coconut to practice his swing and Qtaro gives Nao crushed up bugs to use as paints. Nao paints a picture of Qtaro playing baseball but for whatever reason, he is a cow in the picture.
Sara and Keiji: Sara notices Keiji sleeping in and decides to become his personal alarm clock. She comes into his tent banging pots and pans yelling “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!” Until he starts to get up. He tries to give her extra dinner in exchange for letting him take his depression naps but she says it’s more than just helping the team, she refuses to let him not get up and enjoy this island life while they have it. And she still eats his food.
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room-of-lies · 2 years
vivi's vampires + werewolves YTTD au for cool ppl <3
before we get into the character specifics, I'm gonna lay out the "mechanics" of this au, long read ahead! (character stuff at the bottom I prommy <3)
also thanks to beloved jpeg @pidgeon-peas for the help and ideas :D (also for all ur cool bat breeds for the vamps <3)
-werewolves can be based on any canid (for funsies)
-werewolves who were born as such usually are in control of their wolf side at a young age, those who can’t are usually outliers
-can be both bipedal and quadrupedal (but younger/newer werewolves can usually only manage quadped)
-massively vary in size (younger tend to be smaller)
-werewolves are more likely born as such, but there are cases of them being turned
-silver has more like an allergic reaction instead of it being lethal
-werewolves typically get along well with each other, even if on opposing packs
-vampires in this au can be a mix of whatever vampiric tropes that have been established, they can vary on weaknesses, ability to become a bat, ect think of it as its on a sliding scale to bram stoker's dracula to wwdits
-recently turned vamps or vamps who just don't have that great control over their powers often let certain aspects of their powers occur, such as bat ears or unconsciously floating
-vampires can also survive without blood, but would have to take on a heavy fruit diet. Fruit vamps also do not get the same vampiric abilities as blood vamps, fruit vamps take more from the mind power side of vampires, such as surface level mind reading and levitation. There is often a rivalry between both sides. Blood vamps take on more psychical abilities, such as strength, particularly jaw strength.
-A particularly well fed blood vampire can also become a bat beast, a large, monstrous bat-like creature, similar to a werewolf. This form can only be achieved if the vamp as eaten enough to sustain its form, as well as have the competence over their vampiric powers to control it and not lose themselves while transformed. This is another point of contention between fruit and blood vamps, fruit vamps believing it to be no better than a werewolf.
-Vamps are often work at/are high ranking managers at blood banks due to it being dangerous to feed off of humans directly.
-fruit vampires have little to no issues regarding sunlight, while blood vampires have to be careful, those with bat beast forms are particularly venerable -a fun little design thing also: vampires have different bat form breeds
The cast!
Werewoofs: reko (dire wolf), anzu (australian shepherd), q-taro (rottweiler), joe (roughcollie), ryoko, hayasaka (greyhound), gin (chow chow), kugie Vampires: sara, kai, nao, mishima, shin, hiyori, meister, kurumada, keiji, mai, hinako, ranmaru, kanna, gin (again)
extra character info!
Reko and Alice's relationship is quite good in this au. Due to an incident involving Hiyori, he is shunned from most covens. The explanation most often given is because he has a werewolf as a sister.
Sara is a vampire prince in this au! She's the next in line in a long running family of vampires. Her family leans toward the more gothic vampire aesthetic. She also so happens to befriend a bunch of werewolves! (Joe, ryoko, anzu, kugie) (also ranmaru but he's not a werewoof)
Reko mentors younger werewolves <3 joe, ryoko, gin and anzu are in her pack, which quickly expands at the arrival of sara, kugie and ranmaru
Miester, Midori and Mishima are all coven leaders (I will go into specifics another time <3) Midori runs a blood bank, shin works at it (shin also faints at the sight of blood)
if you have any questions pls feel free to ask, I have a lotta useless fun stuff in this au I can't fit under one post and would love to talk abt it more <3
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
Sou Hiyori and Kanna’s Sister Parallels
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In my short time in the Your Turn to Die fandom, I haven't seen anyone discuss the similarities between our Sou Hiyori and Kanna's older sister Kugie. This subtle parallel is one of the many fantastic writing details in this game, and it happens to be my favorite one. So I wanted to talk about it! 
I love the irony that the characters in YTTD draw a more obvious parallel between Kugie Kizuchi and the game's protagonist, Sara Chidouin. Both Sara and Kugie are high-school aged girls, and Sara often plays the part of Kanna's big sister, leading Kanna to project her feelings for Kugie onto Sara. Although this is sweet, it's still a superficial parallel. Sara and Kugie play the same role, but how similar are they really? If you choose to chat with Kanna on the first day of Chapter 2's storyline, Kanna will tell you the truth about her adoptive sister. Instead of idealizing her, Kanna paints a more complex picture of a flawed young woman. Unlike Sara, Kugie bullied Kanna when they first met. It took time for the pair of them to feel like real siblings. On a deeper level, Kugie's own mini-character arc is very different from Sara's arc, but it perfectly mirrors Sou's arc!
Both Kugie and Sou have a cruel streak and they each make rash judgments about other people. However, they eventually reveal with their actions that they truly love Kanna deep down. While Sara can make the choice to abandon Kanna, both Kugie and Sou would die for the girl. Because of the striking parallels I see between Kanna's memories of Kugie and Kanna's present relationship with Sou, I want to believe that Kugie was just as willing as Sou was to die in order to save Kanna's life. Kugie's story effectively acts as a microcosm of Sou's story. So let's take a close look at it.
KANNA: ...Sara... / You're just like... my sister.
SARA: Huh...?
KANNA: Your strength... and your kindness... / ... / But my sister... / Wasn't always kind from the moment we met.
SARA: (The moment they met...?)
If you speak to Kanna during negotiation time on Day 1 of Chapter 2, the girl begins her story by telling Sara that she's just like her sister, since Sara shares Kugie's "strength and kindness." However, she admits that her sister "wasn't always kind from the moment we met." This is the first major difference between the two girls, and it's what clued me into the idea that Kugie's story might be a metaphor for Sou's story instead. It's also an early moment in which Kanna reveals that she's not as naive as people think she is. She's aware that Kugie was flawed, just like she's aware of Sou's flaws. She keeps choosing to believe in their capacity for good, even as she understands that they are capable of hurting her. 
  Following this revelation, we come to a notable choice.   
1. CHOICE: You aren't blood-related?
SARA: ...Kanna. Are you and your sister not blood-related...?
KANNA: ...Right...
2. CHOICE: Guess I win
SARA: I was nice from the start, so guess I win.
KANNA: Ah... Even the way you say weird things like that is just like my sister...
SARA: (Strangely, that just got her more emotional...)
Sara can either ask "You aren't blood-related?" or smugly observe "Guess I win." Either way, Kanna will steer the conversation back to her adoption by the Kizuchi family. But the choice to declare "victory" over Kugie here fascinates me, since it's easy to connect this competitive sentiment to Sara's relationship with Sou. While Sara and Sou are obviously in a competition for their lives, what ends up mattering more is their competition for Kanna's affections. In both cases, Sou is painfully aware that he's the underdog with "zero percent chance of success." Sou is sure that Kanna would choose Sara's life over his life, if she were forced to make that awful choice.
For Sou, who believes that Kanna loves him less, his moral dilemma is whether to support Kanna in spite of this. The fact that he supports her unconditionally in the second Main Game speaks to his strength of character. He proves that he truly values Kanna more than his own life. For Sara, who already feels comfortable in the "victory" of Kanna's devotion, the moral question becomes whether the player will make choices that are worthy of the girl. Will you help Sou protect her? Or will you decide that Kanna's life is worth less than Sou's hacking skills? Sara's choice determines whether she truly shares Kugie's "strength and kindness."
I'll come back to Kanna's feelings on this "competition" later. For now it's enough to say that she recognizes that competitive streak in Kugie too, and that memory makes her "emotional." It shows how she loves these three characters even when they say "weird things." Again, Kanna is aware of Sara, Kugie, and Sou's flaws but still feels affection for them. That's just how it is when you love someone.
Kanna continues her story:
KANNA: ...See, Kanna's adopted.
SARA: ...!
KANNA: She came to her current family from an orphanage when she was little...
SARA: So you had different parents, too?
KANNA: Mom and dad were really kind... / Kanna... was determined to always smile, childishly thinking "I can't trouble them." / ...And Kanna's sister didn't seem to like her...
Here, Kanna reveals that she has always had the type of personality where she tries hard to please others. She was worried about being a burden long before the Death Game, but for a more ordinary reason; she's adopted. She's always been self-conscious. Her ongoing heartbreak and anxiety comes from a deep place of worrying that her big sister doesn't love her. This informs her current relationships with both Sara and Sou.
At this point, the narrative shifts to a flashback of Kanna's memories.
MOM: Stop it, Kugie! Why do you do such cruel things?!
KANNA: No, it's fine! Kanna's not angry... She's not, really... / Look, see! Ahaha... Ehehehehe...
KUGIE: ...What're you always laughing for?
KANNA: Huh...?
KUGIE: ...You're creepy. I hate it.
DAD: Hey, stop that! Apologize, Kugie!
Kugie calls Kanna "creepy" and even says that she "hates" that part of her. Sara can't ever say such cruel words to Kanna; the worst you can do as a player is speak sternly to her sometimes. But Sou absolutely can say cruel things. He has called Kanna "stupid kid," "dead weight," and a "hindrance" in front of the entire group. And just like the Kizuchi parents scolded Kugie for her mean words, our group members condemn Sou for his mean words.
Now, we know Sou wasn't actually speaking his heart with those words. He didn't have malicious intent. (In fact, he was trying to save Kanna's life.) Sou said those words because he wears a mask to cover his true self. That's the essence of his character. He tries to sound tough and logical to force people to take him seriously. He assumes that once he lets his guard down and shows weakness, everyone will vote to kill him. He becomes a bully because he's insecure.
What if Kugie was also wearing a mask when she bullied Kanna? Not because of the Death Game like Sou, but for a more ordinary reason. Maybe she was simply trying to sound "cool." Maybe Kugie bullied Kanna because she was also insecure, and it would be easy to take out her insecurity on a little girl like Kanna. Kanna is an awkward child who speaks in the third person and laughs for no reason. It would be easy for an older girl to look at Kanna and think, "At least I'm not as embarrassing as that." Even though we don't know Kugie as well as Sou, I think it's a logical assumption.
KANNA: Even then, I kept on smiling... I didn't... want to make sister out as a villain. / But one day, when it became unbearable... I ran away from home.
This is the saddest part but I love it because it's a direct parallel to what Kanna says about Sou! 
During the Second Main Game, when Kanna confesses that she took the Sacrifice card from Sara, she says, "Kanna...Kanna...!! She didn't want to let Sara die...!! And also...!! She didn't want to make Sou a murderer...!!" 
The things Kanna does for these two!!
In other words, there comes a point for both Kugie and Sou where their actions are so harmful that Kanna feels like she has to throw herself away to thwart their "villainy." She runs away from home. She takes the Sacrifice Card. Because she doesn't want these two people she loves to become villains.  
We continue Kanna's story with another flashback. This time, it's accompanied by visual imagery of a small Kanna sitting by herself and crying while hiding her face under a bucket.
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KANNA: ...sniff... sob...
KANNA: (narrating) I couldn't go home. I didn't want to... Thinking that to myself, I sat in the park with a bucket on my head and cried.
This is Kanna at her most vulnerable. She is isolated and alone. She has given up. 
In the present day, Kanna has many hopeless moments like this since she has just lost her sister, the person she loved most. We can judge any of the game's characters by how well they treat her, the most vulnerable among them.
In Kanna's memory, there is a character who comes to speak with her at this time. A little boy who tries to joke with her and cheer her up. Kanna only remembers him as "Brat," but to the player, he looks an awful lot like a small Joe Tazuna! The following confrontation between Kanna, "Brat," and Kugie is my favorite part, because it leads to my favorite parallel.
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BRAT: Hey! Whatcha doin'? / What's with the bucket?! Yer funny!
KANNA: ...sniff... sniffle...
BRAT: Huh? You cryin'?!
KANNA: ..........
BRAT: ...Alright. / *He lifts his shirt over his head.* How's that! Ehh?! Look at me! C'mon! Funny, right?
KANNA: ...uuuuu...
VOICE (KUGIE): What're you doing?!
BRAT: ...Huh...?
KUGIE: How dare you put a bucket on her head and tease her!! Beat it, you!!
BRAT: I-I wasn't teasin' her!
KUGIE: Liar!! Kanna's crying, isn't she?! D-Don't... be so cruel to my little sister!!
KANNA (narrating): ...That was the first time she called me "little sister"...
In the scene, "Brat" greets Kanna and tries to cheer her up by being a goofball. However, Kugie sees this and gets the wrong impression. She assumes that the boy is hurting Kanna and she rushes to her little sister's defense. As a result of Kugie's actions, Kanna finally sees Kugie's true loving heart.
This is, beat for beat, exactly what happens when Sou confronts Sara about Kugie's smartphone. Just like Kugie wrongly assumed that Joe was bullying Kanna, Sou wrongly assumes that Sara tampered with Kugie's smartphone to make it seem like Kugie hated Kanna. Even though Sou is wrong--Sara was trying to fix the smartphone, just like Sou was--this is the first moment that the player can see Sou's true heart. We learn that Sou's reasons for targeting Sara aren't due to him being some scheming mastermind; he's simply suspicious by nature and he makes rash judgments. He acts the way he does because he genuinely believes that Sara is dangerous. And for the first time, we see how deeply Sou cares about Kanna. We see him stand up to Sara to defend her. Then we see how he wrote a message full of love and hope on Kugie's phone. 
When Kanna finally receives the phone, she cries "tears of salvation" over Kugie's new message. But Kugie's words are really Sou's words. And by the time we reach Chapter 3, we learn that Kanna knew the truth the whole time.
(KANNA): Kanna was always with her big sister. / Because she loved her a lot… / But Kanna was always just a bother to her… / Even that time when it mattered most, she couldn't do anything. / So she thought she was hated… / But that message... made her remember. / That surely, her big sister was watching over her… / That she had to stay strong on her own… / But, well… / The truth is, she knew… / That it wasn't her sister who wrote that message… / *Kanna remembers Sou's face.* .... / ...There's people who tried to protect Kanna. / There's people who worked to encourage her. / So... she doesn't want anyone else to die. / Because... they're all such kind people...
In the game, Kanna shares these thoughts with the player in the aftermath of Sou's death. This is the scenario in which Sou gets to complete the same arc as Kugie. They both sacrifice themselves to save the little sister they love so much. I'm sure that Kugie would have been grateful for Sou's help in writing that message and saving Kanna's life.
I'll finish sharing the rest of Kanna's story about Kugie: 
KUGIE: ...You still crying?
KANNA: S-Sorry... sister...
KUGIE: ... / ...So you cry too, Kanna.
I think the wording of that last sentence in English is interesting. The obvious interpretation is that Kugie realizes that Kanna has been secretly crying and hiding her true self all this time. But on another level, I wonder if Kugie is admitting that she herself "cries too"? That would confirm Kugie's insecurity. And it would make this a moment in which Kugie sees herself in Kanna, just like it's implied that Sou sees his "weak self" in Kanna. In any case, this "unmasking" of Kanna's true heart is a good parallel for Sou's story as well. Kanna also hides her feelings like he does.
KANNA: ..........
KUGIE: .......... / Kanna... I'm sorry...
KANNA: ...Sister...
KUGIE: Mom and dad are worried, so let's get home quick, okay?
KANNA: O... Okay! Eheheh...
It is possible for Sou to apologize to Kanna in the prologue of Chapter 2, Part 2. His wording is more ominous than Kugie's, though he keeps Kugie's sentiment about returning home: "...Sorry. / Just relax. If you’re obedient, I’ll tell you how to survive."
Continuing with Kanna's story, the narrative shifts back to the present day.
KANNA: ...Ever since then, my sister and I got along really well.
SARA: I see...
KANNA: Without any blood relation... Kanna and her sister got along really... really well... / ..........
I love this line because it can apply to Sou as well, since he isn't blood-related to Kanna either. All of Kanna's protective siblings commit to her well-being by their own choice.
SARA: Kanna...
KANNA: Kanna... will definitely go home...! Because she needs to tell mom and dad...! / Determination... / A kind of determination... much too heavy for a girl her age to bear. / ...I should be going soon. Sou might wake up, after all... / Thank you very much... Sara.
Kanna ends her story with a determined speech to return home and honor Kugie's memory. As we read earlier, Kanna gives a similar determined speech in the aftermath of Sou's sacrifice. Later in Chapter 3, she further expresses a desire to honor Sou’s memory, saying “I want to know more about the man who sacrificed himself for me.” This is Kanna at her strongest! This is a Kanna who wants to live!
I mentioned earlier that I would come back to Kanna's feelings on the "competition" between Sou and Sara for her affections. Because Sara resembles Kugie physically, everyone believes that Kanna would choose Sara over Sou. Kanna even says that Sara is "the person she most wants to live." That is Kanna's emotional appeal to save Sara from being voted as a candidate. In the event that Kanna dies, Keiji rubs Kanna’s words in Sou's face at the beginning of Chapter 3, leaving Sou desolate.
But it's important to note that Kanna's choice was always to save both Sara and Sou. To say that she would abandon Sou discredits what actually happened. After Kanna makes an emotional appeal to save Sara's life, she shrewdly makes a logical appeal to save Sou's life. And when Sou tries to direct the votes to Kanna, thinking she has the Sacrifice card, Kanna easily thwarts his efforts by simply telling the truth. Kanna was the only character who chose to be honest about the Sacrifice Card, because she never intended to let anyone else die for her. 
Kanna's choice was to reject the “competition” outright. She doesn't even take it seriously. Her reasons for taking the Sacrifice card were twofold: to save Sara's life, and to save Sou's soul. It's never a real question for her which person she values more. She would have died for them both.
This matters because Sou doesn't parallel Kugie in such an obvious way like Sara does, but the parallel is still there. It's subtle enough that Sou can't even see it. He never feels confident in Kanna's affection, which is why he ordered her, "Kanna. / Don’t you betray me." He can't see what's right in front of him: that Kanna cares about him as though he were her own brother. 
In contrast, Sara feels self-conscious about the comparisons people draw between Kugie and herself. She always feels awkward about it. She is fully aware that Kugie was her own person, and Sara can only pretend to understand what she was like. I really like the way that the manga treated this issue. Although the manga cuts out many of the excellent character moments from the game, it adds more focus on Kugie.
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Sara thinks to herself, "I don't know...how many regrets that person had..." which neatly foreshadows that Kugie would have regretted bullying Kanna. Speaking of regrets also reminds me of Sou, who--in the route where he dies--regrets not trusting everyone sooner.
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I wanted to end this piece on a happy note, so I'll just say that I like to imagine that Sou and Kugie would have gotten along! Maybe they would even be able to see through each other's masks and help each other. They could work together to protect Kanna, and the Player could choose whether Sara joins them.
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I mean the obvious Fandom to send for the ask meme but: yttd
thank youuuu anon. you. <333
all of these are going to be so basic rip
blorbo (fave character):
tie between shin and sara…. i know it’s an obvious answer but they’re well written what can i say </3
scrunkly (character that gives me cuteness aggression):
ginnn my boy. he’s so <3 he cares so much about sara and keiji and qtaro and reko and hayasaka etc etc etc???? man. and his cape is literally so cool
scrimblo bimblo (underrated fave):
ABSOLUTELY maple. my GIRL. i love her oh my godddd i need to make more maple content there isn’t enough of it out there. maple my darling my beloved the light of my life. you deserved so much better you were gone before we knew what we’d lost…. plus we don’t know what her motivations were. i’m not smart enough to do it but if i found a maple analysis post i’d go feral /pos
glup shitto (obscure/background fave):
kugie <33333 i loveeee her. love love love her. kanna’s lantern memory thing was heaven if you ignore the existence of midori. god i care about her so much. she was so imperfect but she improved??? she realised what she was doing wrong and dedicated so much to caring about kanna…. ugh. she hasn’t spoken a word in the actual game but i miss her so much
poor little meow meow (problematic fave):
would i even be myself if i didn’t say shin lmao. textbook definition of poor little meow meow
horse plinko (character i’d torment for fun):
midori because you know why. every dialogue option that allows sara to actually catch midori off guard is so fucking funny oh my god. i would say shin but he’s been through a lot lately i think he might deserve a bit of a break
eeby deeby (character i’d send to superhell):
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gingus-doon · 4 years
26 for yttd ask meme!
i have sOOO many yttd headcannons!! i'll try and give a varied answer despite me focusing in on like 4 characters lol. man i don't even know where to start–
- shin has an INSANE startle response. he hates it and people like hinako will take advantage of this fact and try to spook him for shits and giggles
- kai has problems letting himself indulge in things beyond his basic needs so people kinda need to force him to take time JUST for himself. he's not bad at taking care of himself (like keiji or shin lolol) but he kinda just doesn't do many things unprompted or with only himself in mind. as a kaishin enjoyer i like to think shin would trick him into being self indulgent by asking him to buy food that he doesn't like but kai does like and so kai has to treat himself lol. little things like that
- i think kanna kizuchi would be a very good friend to snails and frogs :> furthermore, i think it'd be neat if she was into some more harmleas bugs like worms. imagine her bringing them inside and freaking out sara and shin lolol. i don't think kugie would be as freaked out by it if at all, but they all tolerate it because kanna calls them her friends and gets all excited about it 😔😔
- mishima may be fiscally responsible now, but i hc that when he was younger he used to buy a bunch of random shit no one would ever need but it's just cool to own. like novelty straws and odd mini-statues and wind chimes when he has no porch, etc etc. his apartment was a mess at some point because of all of these things he owned, he really just couldn't bring himself to get rid of them. it was organized chaos, so he could function in that environment, but no one else could. finally, he decided to give away a lot of his prized possessions to friends or students he was really close with, so nao ended up getting a lot of his weird stuff lol, especially the artistic things. she was really happy about it, too!
- ahh idk if i've mentioned this somewhere here before but, i hc that keiji would just be kinda bad with driving, mostly because of his ptsd. he has a hard time staying focused and grounded, and when that's not the case, the sounds of a busy street can sometimes overwhelm him. he doesn't want anyone to know this tho so if he's planning to go somewhere with someone he suggests places nearby so he can just walk there
- hinako gets kanna into a bunch of her weird interests after they become friends, lots of horror related stuff that kanna wouldn't normally be introduced to. shin is somewhat upset at hinako because now he has two little sisters with interests that terrify him, sara is glad kanna's talking about something else besides romance but also a little terrified (she's a bit wary of hinako initially lol), and kugie thinks hinako's dope and is right there with them
- shin hinako brotp is so important to me 😭 they would really just Vibe. shin would treat her less like a child and more like a friend just because hinako seems older than she is, but still try to take care of her and eventually assumes an elder brother role. they have very "i'm sad" "same" energy and they game together
- shin hinako and joe brot3 is very important to me as well SJDJKSSN. joe is their emotional support, they both find joe kind of annoying at first but then they really love him 😔 they also game together AHSSBCBS
- i don't even know if this or the last two count as headcannons, but my two favourite family arrangements are hinako being keiji and mishima's daughter OR reko adopted anzu and hinako. these arrangements just have such good vibes. hinako and anzu would be such nice sisters, anzu would braid hinako's hair and hinako would ALSO spook anzu since she's kinda a scaredy cat sjdhsjd
- joe thinks he's very good at games until he plays against hinako, who is actually good at games. joe then realises the only reason he thought he was good at games is because he only ever played them with sara, and sara is much worse at gaming
- i hc mishima specifically as biracial! black and japanese :> i could gush about this hc for fair too long but i'll try to be concise– i just really liked the idea of mishima having an afro so that's where it came from, but then i tied it into potential past bullying (because another hc of mine is that mishima was bullied in school because of his appearance) so i kinda came up with the really sad hc that people used to bully mishima for his curly hair and need for glasses and the way he walked and stuff, plus i think he would've been really scrawny as a kid / teen. this led to a lot of self hatred and insecurity for him, and he eventually worked out the self hatred and discarded it but the insecurity still lingers sometimes.
- leading off of the last hc, this leads mishima to really empathize with shin and want to help him
imma stop cos that's just a lot LOL but i hope they're enjoyable 👊
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yourturntofnaf · 1 year
fuck it. yttd politics headcanons.
sara- progressive values on social issues, not active in economic theories and doesn't really label her politics.
joe- democratic socialist. the kind of guy to watch hasanabi clips every now and then.
reko- maoist. possibly mlm.
nao- social democrat, progressive feminist and strong stances on lgbtq rights.
alice- anarcho-communist.
mishima- social democrat. overall progressive, prefers pacifism. talks about politics with nao.
keiji- "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" kind of guy. calls everyone to the left of him extremists. big horseshoe theory believer. cites animal farm in debates.
qtaro- doesn't care about politics at all. accepting of everyone. despite not knowing much about politics, he will argue heavily with people if they bring up a political opinion he disagrees with.
shin- finds politics too confusing and is self-proclaimed apolitical. easily influenced, probably had a right-wing phase as a teen without even realizing it. big on worker's rights for obvious reasons.
kugie- very much a leftist, not sure which exact ideology.
kanna- only knows politics from what she hears from kugie and her parents debating. she tends to agree with her sister.
kai- doesn't know much about politics, however I think would be a marxist leninst if given the chance to read about it.
gin- annoyed by politics and finds them stupid.
real hinako- doesn't know much about politics, thinks anarchy is cool.
ranmaru- either a tiktok-brained liberal or an anarcho-nihilist (sorry).
anzu- this can go many ways. possible anarchist, possible demsoc, who knows. I'm going to say left wing with no current strand of thought.
kurumada- doesn't label his politics but is certainly a leftist. doesn't really read theory or keep up with news, moreso does real life applications of his morals.
mai- she was raised in a conservative family. very accepting on social issues, takes a semi social democrat approach to the economy.
hayasaka- this is a hard one, probably liberal though? for sure an economics kind of guy.
imposter hinako- genuinely no clue. I'm going to go with uninterested in politics for now.
emiri- advocates for nordic style social democracy.
michiru - progressive, especially on accessible healthcare and housing. I like to think she's a marxist feminist. she would like alexandra kollontai I believe. absolutely adores "who needs the war?" by her.
ranger- ......anarchist.
maple- knows little to nothing about politics. doesn't care about specifics and has no ideology, just wants everyone to be happy.
hiyori- whatever benefits him most at the time being.
gashu- this guy fucking loves capitalism.
megumi- right leaning, also very pro capitalism.
mr policeman- just a regular liberal.
mr and mrs chidouin- both are liberals.
jin- this man is a marxist-leninist-maoist if there's ever been one. organizes. reads so much theory. does community work.
touko- definitely a feminist, not necessarily bourgeois feminism but I don't think she's necessarily a marxist either. maybe I'm wrong and she's a luxemburgist.
ursheen- socialist.
stronghold- leftwing to some degree, not sure which ideology.
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tinkonka · 4 years
yttd sexuality+pronoun hc’s
sara: sara is a she/they bisexual :D some of this IS influenced by my friend, mari, who id kins sara and i just see her as the irl sara chidouin so sara is a she/they bisexual, leaning more towards men.
joe: joe is a he/they bisexual (leaning more towards women) oops. again influenced by my OTHER friend, milo, who id kins joe and i see as the irl joe tazuna... and off-topic but he and mari are best friends and it’s so cool im friends with the irl joe and sara guys
keiji: keiji is pan :] he had an online boyfriend in college and it was really sweet.. tho he does like to date guys more because he feels more comfortable opening up towards males. uses the pronouns he/him.
kanna: kanna’s a kid so she’s not able to decide yet (n we don’t know her actual age so she might be way younger than i think) but she goes by she/her :D
q-taro: q-taro is the straightest man i’ve ever seen LOL sorry uses he/him. but he’s also not afraid to admit that he finds a guy attractive n probably attended a few pride parades with the kids from the orphanage to support them :]
shin: OHH THIS ONE IS SO TOUGH. i feel like shin would either be gay, but im also leaning towards aroace (i feel like his relationship w midori did some numbers on him and tbh i cannot see him being romantically interested in someone). uses he/him primarily, but doesn’t mind they/them :>
reko: reko is a lesbian she’s literally the gayest thing in yttd. she hates men and it SHOWS it’s canon n i dont see her dating a man anytime soon i am a solid rekonao shipper. she uses she/her but honestly would not care if any others were used. 
nao: nao is bi, leaning more towards women. i picture nao being that one bisexual who only talks about cute girls and never cute men (probably comphet). she uses she/her :D
kai: oo kai.. kai... kai is so difficult. i also can hardly see them being romantic with anybody. but i also do see them being a very very good malewife and caring quite deeply for their partner. im gunna go with pan as well. they use they/them pronouns primarily, but! is okay with he/him :> he/they go go awooga
gin: gin is also. a child 12 years old, no sexuality for him. i feel like he’d get most of his info ab the lgbtq from elder sibling figures like sara n joe tho :D so he’s supportive of it! uses pronouns he/him
mishima: mishima uses he/him and is bi! he’s very quiet about it though, and he’s quite oblivious and tries to see everyone as a potential friend (opposed to a romantic interest). so he doesn’t really get crushes often lol
alice: Our canon trans king y o yo  uses he/him and he’s ! bi! leaning more towards women! he doesn’t really seek romance however, he just wants 2 focus on himself for now :>
ranmaru: i hc ranmaru being non-binary! he/they! and gay (nblm)! mentioned this in my other post, but he had a pretty toxic ex and that helped them realize that he’s never really been attracted to women, and that was a whole mess of comphet. they’ve only come out to a few people, and the people that he has have been very supportive :>
naomichi: i hc kurumada being straight, he/him.  he’s also really affectionate with his friends, so much that they think he’s gay lol
hayasaka: i hc hayasaka being aroace (he/him) he’s never felt any romantic attraction to anyone and the thought of it makes him very nervous
mai: mai is bisexual, leaning towards women, and she uses she/her! mai loves dating ladies. she loves being a wife, pampering people is something she adores :D (and she would also not mind someone being a wife to her. she loves femme lesbians) 
anzu: Another she/they bisexual awooga. in my little au anzu had a really big crush on ryoko for quite a long time before she realized ryoko was straight :( guhrugj pain
hinako: hinako is also a child but she uses she/her. surprisingly good at remembering pronouns and sexualities tho
other characters that i cant write an explanation on but here’s their sexualities kugie: lesbian, she/her touko: lesbian, she/they megumi: straight, she/her jin: straight, he/him safalin and miley r gay for eachother i take no criticism /lh ranger they/them aroace anddd gashu is the straightest bitch i’ve ever seen
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ramthews-moved · 4 years
First impression
he was my first dr kin. i knew NOTHING of him other than he is a robot and therefore i am obsessed with him, ALTHOUGH since i knew nothing about mr kiibo before i got into dr i honestly thought he was like a Cool leader-type guy that was very level-headed and chillaxed, also i thought he was the protagonist 
Impression now
nothing changed
SKDASNKJNDKJSDNKSDDKAJNASKJNDKJDS  BUT SERIOUSLY I STILL LOVE KIIBO WITH MY WHOLE ENTIRE HEART HE’S PART OF MY ULTIMATE COMFORT CHARACTER TRIO, i adore him!!!! though i know now he is certainly. Not a cool leader-type, he’s still an absolute doll i would lay my life down for
Favorite moment
i started crying i love him so fucking much i miss danganronpa okay. okay. i have a lot but sassy kiibo is my favorite thing, BUT ACTUALLY NO I THINK MY FAVORITE WAS WHEN HE WAS TALKING ABOUT WANTING TO BE AN IDOL AND SHUICHI WAS LIKE okay let’s hear it buddy :) (i would soon learn to regret those words) i love him so  fucking much
Idea for a story
i have a list but i vaguely remember writing up a dr au in my head where the killing game was kinda different because those are kinda neato + i just. want protagonist kiibo
Unpopular opinion
Favorite relationship
Favorite headcanon
kiibo would Love hatsune miku, also i like it when people write stuff on his little uhhhh led things on his neck, or like stuff about how he’s feeling and stuff, it makes me :)c
First impression
discount gumi vocaloid
Impression now
Favorite moment
hmm i’m not sure!!
Idea for a story
au where everythings the same but there’s no death game and everyone’s happy and she hangs out with kugie and her brother sou and they get ice cream and everything’s nice. everyone’s Happy and Okay.
Unpopular opinion
i am once again not sure but if you don’t like kanna how could you
Favorite relationship
i realize now. this could be for platonic relationships too and that’s My bad i Could change my answers to the kiibo nd miu one but it’s Okay. Anyways
sou and kanna are the living embodiment of “i’ve only known (kanna) for 24 hours but if anything ever happened to her i’d shoot everyone in the room and then myself” they’re siblings and they get ice cream and hang out together and it’s Nice. also they competitively play mario party and or monopoly with joe and sara and sometimes gin and it’s Nice and everyone’s okay i cannot stress this enough
Favorite headcanon
kanna stims!! like flapping her hands when she’s happy and messing with the handle of her bucket and chewing on her hair when she’s anxious and stuff like that!!!! I HOPE  THIS DOESN’T COME OFF AS LIKE. ????? INSENSITIVE OR ANYTHING IF IT DOES LET ME KNOW YALL
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
Imagine trans kanna
Trans Kanna is a lovely headcanon!
Kanna’s arc is about learning that her life has value, no matter how weak or vulnerable she often feels. Kugie, Shin, and Sara’s love for Kanna makes her a stronger, more confident person. Her character is tied to the game’s more earnest themes about how beautiful life can be when we take care of each other and lift each other up.
Taking those ideas and applying them to a young trans girl is a lovely idea!
It also adds layers to Kanna’s relationships with other characters. For example, the fact that Kugie bullied Kanna when they first met hits even harder, since trans kids deal with bullying all the time. I believe that Kugie later became a fierce protector for Kanna, and I’m sure that she regretted bullying her. I think Kugie tried her best to make amends, though those early bullying days still haunt Kanna’s self-esteem. The Kizuchi sisters’ relationship was not perfect, but I imagine it’s resonant. It’s always nice to see stories about characters trying to make amends for harm they’ve caused, and stories about forgiveness.
Also, if I can add onto your headcanon and expand the trans family—imagine all three of these characters are trans!
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I think it’s very nice to imagine Alice as a kind of big brother trans man here, and he’s trying to help out these kids. He might have some useful advice for Shin, who has a more timid nature and maybe just started transitioning? And then they could both give emotional support to Kanna, who is just starting to go through puberty, and she must be feeling anxious about that on top of everything else.
I think it’s really nice to imagine that Kanna and Shin having another reason to see themselves reflected in each other. It’d be something really cool and special they’d have in common, and it adds some social commentary for them being two of the most vulnerable characters. They would both sacrifice themselves to save the other, because they both desperately want their special friend to live and be loved.
In Chapter 3, Kanna is at her most confident, and I’m excited to see where she goes from here. My Sara is going to do everything she can to protect her! I think you can easily headcanon Kanna as trans and it wouldn’t change the story. It just adds a few layers to the subtext. Thanks for sharing the thought with me, Anon. <3
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