#i love kousuke's hair
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cocotome · 11 months ago
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Interviews with the Lovebrush Chronicles men after the Harp Island Elite Conference.
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs · 10 months ago
Dazai Osamu is in your bed, and he demands love, protection and cuddles
Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader
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Description: You really should have think twice, before giving kids "Clifford, The Big Red Dog" book and ask Dazai to look after them.
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Follow up
Warning: OOC. English is my second language. Fluffy.
You can't tell, for sure, how long you have been in a shower. But, you have a feeling, that it wasn't that long. Still, somehow, Dazai not only managed to get into your room. He also managed to stole your blankets, and hide them somewhere in a house.
"How?" was the only thing that you managed to say. You know, that you were supposed to feel angry, or, at least, irritated, but, you have your curiosity, and you want to satisfy it.
Dazai, dressed in his pajamas, and who was now laying on your bed, looked into your eyes. At least, tried. Because you, in return, try not to look at him.
"I have my ways, Iris Flower. So, listen to my demands, if you want to see your blankets again!" Dazai patted the mattress near him. "I demand cuddles, love and protection! If I didn't get them, you will never see your blankets again!"
You probably could go to someone else's room and ask to spend a night with them. Then, in the morning, go with Fitzgerald and buy new blankets, then ask Oda to help you install a locker on your wardrobe, where you kept blankets. For a few hours your blankets will be secure. Then Dazai will pick up the lock and everything will start again.
Dazai reached his arms towards you. His smug grin was replaced with a pout.
"Please, My Kind Iris Flower, I was searching for a sanctuary! Please, let me stay! And give me love and cuddles! Come on~ Look at me~!"
You rubbed your temples. You need to stay focused.
"Why do you even need to a sanctuary?" asked you, looking at your chair. It was a good chair. Interesting chair. You will look at the chair. And not at Dazai.
Earlier, today
"Uncle Dazai, can you read us this book?" Sakura was holding one of the books you recommend Oda to get for his kids. Yuu, Katsumi, Kousuke, Shinji and Aya were standing behind Sakura, making their best puppy dog eyes. Dazai rolled his eyes, but took the book from Sakura. You asked him to babysit kids, and he will do his job perfectly. For you.
"Clifford, The Big Red Dog." Dazai read the title.
It was the bad. This idea was on his mind ever since he started reading that book. Bad idea. And a golden opportunity.
Dazai smiles, looking at kids.
"Kids, you know, that Clifford became big, because Emily Elizabeth loved him so much? Do you want to help a red chihuahua pup became as big as Clifford?"
Kids eagerly nodded, waiting for Dazai's instructions.
"You asked kids to pamper Chuuya?!" You turned your head towards Dazai, staring at him. Big mistake.
Dazai came to you prepared. He did his best to look adorable and cuddly. He brushed his hair, and it looked extremely fluffy. His pajamas have a cute cat paw print and looked cozy and warm. He was constantly doing a puppy dog eyes, pouting a little. You could swear, that Dazai apply something, to make his eyelashes look extra thick tonight. And on his cheeks. Otherwise, you can't explain, why he has blush on his cheeks. Dazai rolled on his back, opening his arms for a hug. He stuck a tip of his tongue.
He literally made a "blep face". Is it your payment for comparing Dazai to a cat?
"I knew, that Chihuahua Nakahara won't yell at kids~ And the opportunity was rare and golden! Yet, I didn't expect kids to get busted and told Chihuahua about me!"
Dazai smiles, closing his eyes. You probably should look away and broke the "Dazai's cuteness" spell. But you can't! His hair looked too fluffy! His chest looks too comfortable to lay on! He looked squishable!
Now, you will say no to him, you will get him out of your room and make him to deal with the mess he has created!
"Comfy, [Y/N]?" asked Dazai, stopping showering you with kisses. He was laying on top of you. His body pressed tightly against yours. You were trapped. You can try to wiggle out of Dazai's grasp, but he has you pinned firmly enough down that only a burst of effort could free you. And you don't want to hurt him. Or stop cuddling.
"Mhm" mumbled you, running your fingers through his brown hair. With your second arm around his waist, you move your hand down from time to time to dance across his side.
Dazai's grin became bigger, and he returned to showering your cheeks with kisses.
"Good. I can't let my benevolent savior be unsatisfied with cuddles."
Suddenly, Dazai rolled down from you, laying on the opposite side of your bed. He, asked, looking deep into your eyes.
"Now, it's your turn. Remember, I still hold your blankets hostage!"
He lay his head down, looking at you. His eyelids were half-closed.
"Be grateful, that you are cute." You huffed, getting on top of Dazai. Now you were pinning him firmly against the mattress. Dazai's quiet laughter was your answer.
You nuzzle against his neck, leaving a trail of kisses. Dazai's laugh end in a cough. You knew without looking, that now he was blushing again. You lift your body a little, so you can put both of your hands on his tummy, while having access to his neck and face.
Your hands roam around his chest and stomach, while you planted kisses on Dazai's cheeks, temples, nose, forehead and chin. Dazai left out a soft moan, before putting his hands around you, pressing you against him. Dazai turned on his, still holding you.
You two were laying face to face. Dazai's hold on you was firm. You can feel the warmth coming from him.
Dazai pull his face into your hair.
"Heaven..." whispered him. "True bliss..."
He yawned, pressing you even closer to himself.
"Thank you, [Y/N]."
You also yawned, nuzzling against his neck.
"You are welcome. Good night, Osamu."
In the dark of the night, quiet words were your answer.
"Good night. I love you."
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therealdeucespade · 6 months ago
I saw this thing where it said - “if you date a writer, you will never die” which I think fits- bc I’d imagine, the triplets going to work for STYX but being stationed in different areas to gather info. The exception being Azael who stays at headquarters- but each have their own lil side thing.
Azael: a artist
Artemis: fashion brand designer
Kousuke: you guessed it, a writer. He Disney stuck to one area, so he’s all over the place, from sonnets to poems, novels to comics, ect. He just experiments.
But throughout his work there’s this one constant, a guy who’s a great whale shark merman . Specifically with mismatched eyes, and a sky blue color scheme, be it small locks of hair, full hair, ect. And you can’t forget the freckles. Ofc The design varies, but those are prominent features. Be it all in one, separate, is up to you. But it’s very obvious these characters are based on someone. Even if the character isn’t relevant to the story, he’ll make some appearance. His name (if he’s a more prominent side character, or someone in the main cast) his name will always start with an ‘H’. Sometimes, if adapted into a show or smth, you’d hear another person call out the characters name if he isn’t all the important.
One thing to note, the character is always seen either alone, with a character that looks somewhat similar , or with another character just two inches shorter.
With poems, they’d talk abt a love for a man whose eyes weren’t the same the same as the other. Sky blue being in the authors field of vision. With a gray eye that should resemble storm clouds, but still light up as if it were the suns own eyes. Hair somewhat untamed compared to the authors own tamed and carefully done hair. With each difference there was a similarity.
To readers/fans it’s very obvious this man/character is someone very dear to the author(ofc only if you knew where to look). A lover even , but no one knows who the author is talking abt. Can’t figure out either since the author rarely does interviews, uses a pen name as well. However it’s safe to say the Author is horribly smitten, and very ‘loudly’ proclaims his own love, in his own way, to this lover.
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poisonheart · 2 years ago
Yui doesn't care (Ep. 221)
We live in a time when a lot of people think plot twists are things that come out of nowhere, weren't foreshadowed or hinted at, because it's the cheapness we've been served by a lot of media for years now.
They feel cheated when a story properly builds and foreshadows, rewarding its audience with that delicious "aha" moment when their theories are finally confirmed.
Many people think you're not supposed to see plot twists coming. That's false. Good writers will clue you in early on so when that juicy, explosive moment finally arrives, you're rewarded for piecing it all. It's beautiful and wonderful; this was exactly that kind of episode for me.
For a very (very) long time I have said that Yui doesn't love Kousuke. Many in the fandom insisted she did—that her actions were based on twisted love. I never bought it.
She is also not just a “scorned woman” out to get revenge on her trash, unfaithful husband.
Yui is more than that; she always has been.
The moment when I knew she didn't care for Kousuke was when she invited Shin Ae (who was still a minor at that time) to his apartment on his birthday. She had planned to put Shin Ae in a revealing dress, but when that didn't work out, Yui put her in one of Kousuke’s shirts.
This wasn’t some harmless prank either. It’s how she set up Shin Ae to look—hair messy and without bottoms—that really chilled the spine. Shin Ae looked like she had just gotten out of bed after a romp and got into her lover’s shirt. That was the visual she went for.
Yui did this for her own amusement. Quimchee often says, “She’s bored” and I think people dismiss this too easily.
Yui wanted to unsettle her son for the thrill of it.
Because seeing Kousuke bothered was amusing.
Because playing with a young, vulnerable girl was amusing.
And she could get away with it. She can always get away with it. She’s lived so long doing all these terrible things and has gotten away with it every time.
Regardless of any deeper, ulterior plans she has, Yui moves while trying to maximize her amusement.
She loves playing with people.
She loves using them as personal entertainment tools.
She has spent her married life trying to break Rand’s cold facade because she wanted to see him in red. This is why Rand has tried maintaining such an indifferent attitude. If he’s unable to overcome her then at least he didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of seeing him respond to her many aggressions and instances of undermining his authority (especially as a parent to Kousuke.)
All her actions throughout have shown us she doesn’t care about Kousuke. Not as a mother or even as a person. He is a tool, a toy, and a powerful blackmail piece.
This thing is her most precious, priceless pawn.
Kousuke is the key to her having power back entirely into her hands and not needing Rand. She has done everything in her power to make sure he is hers. She has purposefully isolated and manipulated him so that the only person he has to turn to is her. She makes him doubt the sincerity of every relationship to prove only she is real when she is the fakest of them all.
[I am not absolving Rand of anything, but to claim that Yui hasn't had anything to do with his deteriorated relationship to Kousuke is a huge disservice to the story and the complex layers in all their dynamics.]
Consider how even Shin Ae has been presented to him as someone who comes around for money. She went to his apartment for money, she went to the formal for money. Whatever positive opinion Kousuke can form about Shin Ae, she tries to underscore that in the end, she came into his life because of money and will stay because of money.
She even makes him doubt Hansuke, the only relative and person openly caring and worrying for him. The only one who might genuinely stand by his side through everything.
This isn’t a mother’s twisted love.
This is far worse.
And so, finally, after years of seeing so many people defend Yui in this fandom—claiming she has done everything out of love—I can say you are wrong.
You have always been wrong.
The signs were there.
You've just chosen to ignore them.
This has nothing to do with Rand's affair. Having an affair does not make a person—a mother—not love her own son.
The way she has manipulated Kousuke was there before Rand even had an affair. This has always been Yui's goal with her offspring.
[And it might be the reason why Rand was never with her again or willing to "have more kids"—putting aside the whole theory of him not being Kousuke's biological father.]
This chapter shows us that Yui is not afraid of drugging or murdering to get her way. She's not afraid of exposing perhaps the truth that he isn't Rand's son (if that turns out being true) so long as she gets to keep control of her priceless pawn.
If Rand were to show Kousuke love now, if he were to stretch out that hand in spite of Yui's threats and her only recourse was killing him or revealing he's not the father, then she will do it.
She has said it with her own mouth.
She is not on Kousuke’s side. If Rand is gone, he will have no one—because she’s not on his side, actually.
This is what Yui wants.
She wants to surround him with people loyal to her, obedient to her, and serving her interests. If not, she will cut them out. She will not allow anyone to steer Kousuke away from her agenda and she has laid the threat very plainly, once more.
This is not the first time she's given Rand an ultimatum.
The difference now is their age, perhaps their power levels being a lot more matched, and the kids being essentially adults so Rand is willing to risk more.
[We could also argue that Yui wanted Shin Ae as Kousuke's assistant because Jayce has always been Rand's man, but that's a whole other post for a different time.]
Yui has never cared.
And she’s not beyond tossing Kousuke when he’s no longer useful to whatever she needs.
The people who think "I want what's best for him" is genuine have really missed all the clues laid for us before this decisive moment.
She's always taken pleasure from Kousuke's discomfort. Back at his birthday, in those flashbacks at the park when Kousuke comes back from meeting Nol and Nessa, and even through Meg's harassment.
That she would be amused by Rand, Nol, or Shin Ae's misery wasn't surprising, but what gave her away was when she was tickled by her own son's suffering.
And now nobody can argue otherwise because episode 221 exists.
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mutts-self-ship-adventures · 5 months ago
Music | Masquerade
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Summary: Kousuke is invited to his first ever fancy event
Word count: 230
Note: Day 9 of Selfshiptober! Gif credit
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Kousuke had never been invited to anything fancy. So, imagine his surprise when Tatsuya invited him as his plus one to a masquerade. He didn't know how to dress, let alone act... So he ended up wearing a red suit. He couldn't wash the grease out of his hair, or shave his peach fuzz, for that matter, so he looked sleazier than he intended... Not that he particularly minded. He knew Tatsuya liked that look on him. His mask was a simple one, one you'd think of when you think of a masquerade. Tatsuya was going to meet him at the venue... He was nervous. Excited, yes, but nervous...
As the music swelled as he entered the dance hall, he looked anxiously for his love. It was hard to recognize anyone with masks on... Lucky for him, he was the one getting recognized by Tatsuya, not the other way around. "Kou!" Tatsuya said, smiling. He was wearing a Phantom of the Opera-esque mask that had music notes on it, as well as a blue harlequin pattern. He was wearing a blue suit to match. Kousuke grinned at Tatsuya. "You look stunning, Su." "So do you!" Kousuke was quiet for a long moment, listening to the music, observing what other partygoers were doing with their partners. It seemed they were asking them to dance... "Su?" "Kou?" "May I have this dance?"
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loosesodamarble · 11 months ago
Hey it's 🖤 anon, since you posted that we can say anything then how about a random fun fact about Black clover . Nozel is actually inspired by a character from the anime Bleach called Kuchiki Byakuya, there personalities and back stories are very similar. I actually watched Bleach after black clover and I was like " Okay, he's Nozel from early 2000s". And there's even evidence because when Bleach manga ended Tabatha stated that Bleach inspired him a lot.
It truly is beautiful that published authors and mangakas are just like us, having characters inspired by the creations of others.
While I don't know Bleach, I think it makes sense that such an influential series as that had an impact on Tabata, enough to take inspiration from one of the characters. I looked up this Kuchiki guy real quick and... I'm sorry but I did snicker a little at his hair pieces. They are NOWHERE near as silly as Nozel's braid situation but they stuck out just a smidgen...
And if we want more Nozel trivia, his Japanese voice actor Kousuke Toriumi, was gracious enough to voice a character who says the following, legendarily unhinged thing:
"If you'll love me, I'll do anything for you! No matter how petty or pathetic it might be! If I can't love you...! If you don't love me...! Then I don't want to live! I need you in my life!"
The lines knocked me over like a bowling pin because AAAHHHHH! The only problem is that the role doesn't actually sound like Nozel which is a crying shame! If it did sound like Nozel... what gold that would be...
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elvenbeard · 2 years ago
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"My childhood, let’s see… Nights spent lookin’ for a star - any star… All dimmed by city lights. Silent lullabies sung by the flickering neon signs of Charter Hill…"
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Born into Night City's corporate world to upper middle class managers Marcella and Kousuke Ezaki, Vince lived a very comfortable and sheltered life growing up. Nice corporate apartment in Charter Hill's bustling Grant Avenue, excellent education, always the newest clothes, the fanciest tech, the best cyberware money can buy from a young age on.
It was almost too comfortable and sheltered really. With what they had invested in him and his future, his parents demanded perfection and performance - and obedience. While Vince was eager to deliver at first, being naturally ambitious, it always felt like something was wrong, something was missing... He just never quite fit in, despite trying his hardest.
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Vince's father died when he was 13 - by suicide in the company bathroom, or so it seemed at the time. The pressure had gotten too much for him to bear and he saw no other way out; that had been the official explanation. The supposed truth though, which Vince would uncover many years later, was more complex and even darker than that.
On top of it, Vince's parents had never led the happiest marriage, worn down by stress and growing disagreements. It started over smaller issues: which car to buy, when to go on holiday, which school was best for their child. But soon they fought daily, constantly, about everything... And Vince fled into the arms of kids his age and older that never had the best intentions with him, but lured him in with a sense of belonging somewhere finally.
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After his father's death, Vince's mother grew increasingly paranoid and controlling - her focus shifted from her husband to her child, whom she did not want to lose as well. Simultaneously though, she refused to accept that Vince had become his own person and would never be who and what she'd wanted him to be. The harder she tried to hold on to him, do her bidding, obey, the further she ended up pushing him away...
Vince through the years (1/9)
Little BTS rambles below the cut here!
Remember these? XD Yeah, I'm finally getting around to doing my "Vince through the years" project I teased a couple months ago. I finally decided on a format! xD I wanted something diary-entry like, but not too long and complex, otherwise I could probably sink months into this, do some cool lorebook-like graphics and whatnot...
I might still do that in the future, revamp some shots, or maybe one day make a character page or something in a more complex graphic style... but for now I just really wanna share some lore actually 👀 And get these shots published before they go bad!! (read as: before I don't like them anymore cause I'm getting better with my VP XD)
Also, a little comparison - vanilla vs edited shot:
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Aging him down around 10 years was hard, but also fun XD I did this a while ago and meanwhile I might do some stuff different, but I'll leave them as is now xD But yeah, I tried some other complexions first that look younger than his 2077 one, but they made him look like a completely different person, so I went with the Photoshopping approach instead. Does he look like a pre-T teenager? Eh. If you squint XD But I'll take it!
Back then he already loved his massive coats that made him look bigger and wider than he really is. Hair dyed blond mostly because both his parents have dark hair, for that good old teenage rebelliousness and self-expression <3
I kinda implied it in the text but... yeah his parents were both pretty messed up. They did see him more like an investment than a kid most of the time. It was in the end damaging to all three of them, but most to Vince, leading to him becoming a little fucked up as well.
And when I say "investment" I literally mean, they invested money into making him as flawless as possible. Got him cyberoptics and whatnot installed as a 5-year-old to combat genetic eye-problems running in their families (when glasses couldve done the trick), things like that. His mother had planned some more things for as soon as he would finish school, but he ran away from home before that.
Before that already he went on to destroy all these perfect things they tried to achive with his body, got stick-and-poke tattoos, pierced his own ear, found a semi-shady Ripper who would install him a cyberdeck *he* wanted, not the one his mother got him, etc etc. XD
He spent a lot of time with the wrong pepole, too, but the connection to them at least helped him realize that he's trans - obviously one more thing that his mother did not plan for with her "perfect child" and tries to first ignore then actively shut down as best as she can. This is a hate-post for Vince's mom <3
What really happened to his dad is gonna follow in a post to come ooooor maybe I'll leave it a secret until I finished writing his background story fic 👀
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years ago
setomary dinamic is so funny to me because while everyone acknowledges mary is a medusa like her mother and grandmother seto is just like "*twirls his hair and kicks his feet* hihihi my girlfriend is an eldritch horror and she is very pretty ❤"
can we have a moment to think about that manga part where seto was holding mary's hand and staying by her side at all moments even when she looked like weird snake looking thing and saeru was on his killing spree? Because i think about that many times a day.... i love them so much
YEAH❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ seto's down so bad for mary fr twirling his hair kicking his legs back and forth writing kousuke kozakura on his diary . i love them sm. i have a little setomary playlist. with disney songs. who said that. sorry. i love making playlists
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ecargmura · 1 year ago
My New Boss Is Goofy Episode 4 Review - The Main Cast Is Now Complete
Another new character joins the fray. Given the opening, he’s the last of the important characters to show up. He appeared in the post-credits scene of the previous episode, just in case if you had missed it. With our cast complete, the interactions seem even more livelier now.
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Kinjou makes for an interesting addition to the story. He’s like Momose where he has a crappy job, but unlike Momose who got depressed from his previous workplace, Kinjou maintains a rather cheerful disposition throughout the episode. In fact, I think that his inclusion to the story makes the show even fruitier. I’m actually pretty surprised that Kinjou reveals that he’s bisexual and he has an implied crush on Shirosaki. Personality-wise, I do like how cheerful he is. He’s also very outgoing and observant, whether it be giving Aoyama attention to giving advice on how to get Momose to be more friendlier towards Shirosaki. If he is the “rival” of Momose in terms of Shirosaki’s affections, then this is the happiest love triangle I’ve ever seen; though, it is hard to call it that. Anyways, I do think Kinjou’s personality blends well with the other three as he’s the most extroverted and the group of introverts need someone like him.
Aoyama gets some focus in this episode too! He had bought a house to live with his wife, but got divorced as she cheated on him. I do wonder why his ex-wife couldn’t have just communicated with him regarding her loneliness and issues; did she really have to resort to infidelity? Anyways, having more Aoyama screen-time brings out his true personality. He’s lonely and needy and it makes him adorable; why is everyone in this show adorable? In order to alleviate his loneliness, he bought so many stuffed bears of a mascot called Kumatte-chan. He’s also starving for attention as he hates being ignored. Fortunately, Kinjou seems to read him well, so he’s the one who has been showering him with attention the most, much to his joy.
Other than that, Momose and Shirosaki are cute as always. I loved seeing them grow closer like how Kinjou taught Momose how to send emojis to Shirosaki without worrying too much. Seeing Momose spending the night at Shirosaki’s house and seeing him with his hair down was adorable. I do hope that Momose’s tension towards Shirosaki lessens because Shirosaki doesn’t seem to mind the casualness between them; Kinjou is very friendly and casual towards him. Also, seeing Hakutou again makes me happy. The way he was chewing on his food was adorable.
I was surprised with prolific voice actors making cameos. If you listen carefully, Kinjou’s former abusive boss is voiced by Kousuke Toriumi (known for voicing Gyokko from Demon Slayer). Kumatte-chan, the bear mascot, has a voice actor too! He’s voiced by Shouta Aoi (known for voicing Fish Eye in Sailor Moon Eternal). The fact that they got two well-known voice actors to make an appearance here shocked me. I mean, the main cast itself is filled with gems, but I didn’t know they’d go this far with the casting.
Overall, this was yet another adorable episode. I can’t wait to see what shenanigans these guys will get into in future episodes. Seriously, Saturdays have been exciting thanks to this show. I hope that the momentum keeps rising. What are your thoughts about this episode?
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legofanguy · 1 year ago
MirSan: To give chocolate or not give chocolate
This is a entry for @loveofmirsan event MirSan week 2023 day 6: Candy. The story is set in a Modern High School AU in which characters from Rumiko Takahashi works go to the same high school.
It's Valentine Day at Takahashi High and girls are giving chocolate to the popular boys in school, like Miroku, Shutaro Mendou, Kain, or Shun Mitaka. Of course, there are some girls that are not giving away chocolates to those boys, but there are less amush by how their fellow students are basically worshipping the boys.
During break time in their home class, these girls watch as a group of girls gathered around Miroku, giving him a box of chocolate in in tradition in Japan. Nabiki Tendo said to her friends, "Every Valentine Day is a day when girls are wasting money on sweets they could have for themselves." and Shinbou Miyake said, "Yes. These girls fall in love with these boys all because of their good looks." which Sakura Mamiya ask, "Like what happen to you when Mendou start going to school that you finally break up with that prevent Ataru, Shinobu?" Shinobu froze upon hearing this as she don't want to be remind of it. Sango said to her friends, "I bet that those boys see themselves as the central of the universe when their fans give them gifts." and her friends nod their heads in agreement.
Later in the day, Sango is outside, watching Miroku as he talk to his friends and showing them the boxes of chocolate that he got for today. Sango feel a bit expressed with her own box of chocolate and what she planned with it, as she basically mock Miroku earlier when she was with her friends in class. 'I guess I take my anger at others getting his attention.' Sango think to herself.
Once Miroku's friends left and he is alone in the courtyard, it is time for Sango to act and she walk toward Miroku, with the box of chocolate in hand.
Once his friends Hachiemon, Kousuke, and Hokuto left, Miroku get out a book in his bag to read until he noticed another girl, whose look like she is around his age and have long black hair, walking toward him. Miroku recognized her as the head of head of the girls spot club Sango, whose eyes seem that she doesn't like him. As Sango reach Miroku, she hand out a box of chocolate and said to him, "T-This is for you, Miroku." While a bit confused at first, Miroku smile and reply as he take Sango's gift, "Thank you, Sango." which made Sango blush a bit.
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porta-decumana · 2 years ago
The Great Revampening!
Hi, it’s been a minute since a huge major big post regarding my characters.  I want to start this off by saying that most fics are gonna remain unchanged because a lot of these revamps are not things that will require much in the way of retconning!  There will be minor tweaks to And Love You Shall Find and MAYBE to Alea Iacta Est.  Everything else will remain the same.
The big two things are that Kaida and Lillian are being reworked slightly.  Unfortunately when I upgraded my PC, some things were lost and certain files got corrupted.  I had to rebuild Kaida and Lillian’s looks from scratch and due to certain things, some changes were made to their appearances.  And then I realized... I kind of like those changes.  
I also am in process of making a new probably secondary OC but I’ll post about that later when her design is finished.  I think much like Ifra and Y’aana, she may not necessarily have full fics dedicated to her but she’ll be a character that shows up in fics.  But that’ll go in a later post, time to talk about Kaida and Lillian!
Appearance Changes
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Kaida has a new set of scales.  Lillian has been given wavy hair and freckles. Both have new hairstyles for 6.3 onward.
Additionally, Kaida’s appearance in previous expansions will be getting slightly revised moving forward (mostly hairstyle changes and I’m going to come up with official “looks” for her for each expansion).
Further changes are under the cut because long.
Backstory Changes
The only characters receiving backstory changes at this time are Kaida and her Unsundered form, Euphrosyne.  I’ve been doing a lot of deep diving into Kaida’s character lately and I’m ready to reveal these new changes.
Euphrosyne (Euphie)
Formerly, Euphie was adopted into Hades’s family.  However, I’ve decided to switch the scenario so that Hades was adopted into Euphie’s family.  Euphrosyne also had two sisters (Aglaia and, tentatively, Thalia).
Kaida Asagiri
I have bumped back the time that Kaida was exiled from the Ruby Sea.  Rather than being exiled at age 16, she was exiled at age 19.  I chose to do this to give more time to explore her life in the Ruby Sea prior to her adventures as a Warrior of Light.
Kaida had a pet syldra during her time in the Ruby Sea.  These were not uncommon for richer clans to own.  The pet syldra was named Gin.  After her exile, Kousuke and Aika-- Kaida’s siblings-- took care of Gin.
While Kaida lived in the Ruby Sea, she had a long-distance relationship with Yugiri.  This relationship was kept mostly secret as Kaida knew that her parents would not approve of her dating someone outside the village.  At the time, Ao-no-Sato and Sui-no-Sato were still repairing their relationship after generations of political conflict.
Yugiri was Kaida’s first kiss.
Kaida’s curiosity of the outside world was influenced by Yugiri’s stories, especially the tale of her encounter with a young boy name Shun.  
Yugiri broke things off with Kaida when she departed the Ruby Sea to become a shinobi in Doma.  Yugiri explained to Kaida that she was doing this because she could not see a future in which the Garleans did not invade the Ruby Sea. Although Yugiri tried to convince Kaida to come with her, Kaida felt, at the time, Yugiri was too obsessed with this paranoia of the Garleans invading (a paranoia Kaida was too familiar with as it had caused her village to become even more reclusive than normal-- something she did not like).  Kaida refused and lost contact with Yugiri soon after, which broke her heart.
Rather than being part of a free company prior to the Calamity, Kaida worked in Gridania as part of the Conjurer’s Guild.  She trained under E-Sumi-Yan, who took an interest in her geomancy.  Because Kaida’s form of geomancy had more to do with water than the earth (given that she learned everything in an underwater village), she was tasked frequently with seeing to aetherial imbalances in the Shroud’s waters.  She helped tend to the wounded during the Calamity and afterwards, she was recruited by the Order of the Twin Adders.  She attained the rank of Serpeant Sergeant Third Class and mostly did Grand Company work for spare gil to cover living expenses.
During the events of rescuing Minfilia, Tataru, Urianger, etc from Castrum Centri in ARR, Kaida was captured by the XIVth Legion’s Livia sas Junius.  This is going to be a fic so please look forward to it, I guess.
When Kaida and Yugiri reunited in 2.2, they tried to make things work out.  However, they quickly discovered that they had simply become different people and after a month of trying, they decided to split things off permanently.  They remain friends, however.
During the events of the Naadam in Stormblood, Kaida did not fight for the Mol.  Instead, she fought for the Malaguld-- the tribe that her father hailed from.  Kaida met some of her extended family during this time including her grandfather Sükhbaatar, the khan of the tribe and an experienced warrior, and her cousin, Erhi.  Upon winning the Naadam, she gave her title of khagan to her grandfather as she felt it was not her place to hold that title.
Character Changes
Kaida’s Echo is now slightly altered.  Rather than simply seeing the past through another’s eyes, Kaida experiences them in a more vivid and emotional way.  The emotions sometimes cloud her mind post-vision to the point where she can fall into a state of delirium.  The delirium is born from a blend of lingering emotions from the vision (usually the emotions of another) and her own feelings, giving her a cooldown period where she’s more emotionally volatile.
Not entirely a change but more or less something I’ve been developing over time.  Kaida is pretty anti-piracy, specifically due to a bad past with the Confederacy, who has long harassed people from her village.  Because of this, certain scenes in Stormblood are a bit different, with Kaida likely being forbidden from dealing with Rasho due to her immense hatred towards him. I will probably write about these scenes later.  Kaida also has a civil but colder relationship with Merlwyb and does not particularly find Limsa to be a comfortable place. Characters such as Sicard, who lean into piracy a tad too comfortable, make Kaida wary and she is not comfortable around them.  There is a bit more to this but I will also save that for fics.
I think that about covers the major changes!  I plan to replay Stormblood when Trust support is added because I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to play through it as Kaida before!  So when that happens, I foresee many more headcanon posts.
I will be revising banners and profiles gradually over the next week!
Thank you for reading. 
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs · 10 months ago
In the recent oneshot about Dazai, what did the kids do to Chuuya? Did they call him a puppy or started pampering him like a puppy?
Follow up to this fic
Chuuya didn't understand, what was happening.
Normally, he would keep some distance from the kids. However, he was ready to protect them, would join their games, if he was in the mood, and tried his best, if he needs to babysit them.
But, kids has never done, what they were doing right now.
He just wanted to have a glass of wine. But kids, for some reason, decided to go after him. And, apparently, tried to feed him.
"It's for you, Uncle Chuuya!" Katsumi put a huge plate of spaghetti before him. There were quite a lot of spaghetti, a small mountain of food. Shinji raised both hands, having a hairbrush in one hand and comb in the other. 
"Let me brush your hair, Uncle Chuuya!" Boy tried to take Chuuya's hat of, but Port Mafia Executive moved his head, before Shinji can grab it.
"I will pour you some wine, Uncle Chuuya..." Yuu tried to grab the wine bottle, but Chuuya quickly snatched the bottle from the boy. 
"What is going on, kids?" hissed Chuuya. Aya start messing with her phone.
"Uncle Chuuya, do you want to listen to some music? I can play it, if you want."
Chuuya shook his head.
"I don't want to! Kids, please, answer me, what is going on?!"
Sakura looked at Chuuya with puppy dog eyes.
"We just love you, Uncle Chuuya!"
Chuuya froze. It was unexpected. Then Kousuke spoke. A boy was standing behind Chuuya, doing something.
"He didn't become taller! "Clifford The Big Red Dog" lied! Dogs don't become bigger, if you love them too much."
It took every drop of Chuuya's self restrain to not crash the bottle.  
"Kiddos... Care to elaborate?"
Dazai, in his pajamas, hid the last of yours blankets and returned to your room. Right before loud
Came from the kitchen. Dazai chuckled, and lay down on your bed.
Cuddles were waiting.
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I wish I could draw, because I'd really love to annoy you all with small bits of domesticity between Ichigo and Byakuya.
I'd love to show you all how Byakuya smiles in those little peaceful moments at home.
I'd love to show you how Ichigo laughs the first time Byakuya tries to cook and utterly fails.
I'd love to show you Byakuya carrying Minako in his arms, a soft smile on his lips because he's so completely happy as a father.
I'd love to show you Minako and Ichika running after Ichigo and Byakuya's Calico cat.
I'd love to show you little Minako looking in awe at the cradle where her new baby sister Sakura is sleeping.
I'd love to show you Ichigo and Byakuya, at the door, looking at their older daughter being all besotted over her sister.
I'd love to show you the girls growing up. Minako with black hair and dark brown eyes. Long hair in a ponytail. Proudly wearing her academy shihakusho, because Ichigo and Byakuya decided their daughter wouldn't be sheltered and would have the right to have a life as normal as possible for a Shinigami.
Sakura, hair the same colour as her Otōsan (Ichigo), eyes slate grey as her Papa (Byakuya). A long braid running along her back. A ready smile on her lips.
I'd love to show you the girls doting on their new baby brother, Kousuke.
I'd love to show you how much he looks like Byakuya, but his eyes are amber like Ichigo's.
I'd love to show you this happy family, but I can't... I can only tell you about them and how much I love them.
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ronaldanthony4 · 7 months ago
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There's something profoundly satisfying about finishing a new piece of digital artwork. The process of creating, of bringing an image from your mind into reality, is both exhilarating and exhausting. And yet, each time I finish a piece, I feel that unique sense of accomplishment, knowing that I have captured a moment, a character, or a feeling that has deeply resonated with me. It's a constant journey of growth and self-expression that I find incredibly fulfilling.
Today, I’ve completed yet another digital artwork, and this one holds a special place in my heart. It’s a fan art piece, a tribute to a character from an anime I recently watched—"Idol Densetsu Eriko." This character, Eriko Tamura, is someone I felt compelled to draw, to honour in my way. So, I picked up my digital pen and tablet, and The colours, the details, and the emotion captured in her expression all came together to create a piece of art that I am truly proud of.
I’ve always been fascinated by the world of anime. The vibrant colours, the larger-than-life characters, and the intricate storylines all come together to create something truly magical. "Idol Densetsu Eriko" is one such anime that caught my attention recently. The story of a young girl thrust into the limelight, and struggling against the odds resonated with me on a personal level. There’s something about the determination of these characters, their resilience in the face of adversity, that speaks to my soul. And Eriko Tamura, the protagonist of this story, is no exception.
Eriko isn’t just a fictional character—she’s based on a real-life Japanese celebrity of the same name. There’s a certain charm in this blend of reality and fiction, a reminder that while the story may be dramatised, the emotions and experiences are very real. It was this blend that inspired me to create a piece of fan art dedicated to her. The depth of her character development throughout the narrative is what truly captivated me and motivated me to express my admiration through art.
When I set out to create this piece, I wanted to capture the essence of Eriko—the vibrant energy she exudes, the passion she has for singing, and the determination that drives her forward, no matter what challenges she faces. In the anime, Eriko is often seen performing on stage, her voice captivating audiences, her presence commanding attention. I knew I wanted to depict her in this moment of glory, where she shines the brightest. I wanted to capture the essence of her passion and talent through my artwork.
In my artwork, I decided to dress Eriko in a yellow minidress—a colour that symbolises both her youthful exuberance and her bright future. The dress itself is simple yet elegant, with a ruffled skirt that adds a playful touch to her appearance. Around her waist, I added a green belt, contrasting with the yellow and accentuating her slender figure. A pink bow sits atop the belt, with a red rose tucked in—symbols of the love and support that have helped her on her journey. Her red high heels, bold and striking, elevate her appearance, giving her that final touch of glamour that every idol needs.
Eriko’s blonde hair is styled in a way that’s both cute and sophisticated, with two large buns tied up with green ribbons on either side of her head. Her bright blue eyes sparkle with determination, reflecting the fire that burns within her. In one hand, she holds a microphone—her weapon of choice in the battle to win over her audience. Her other hand is outstretched as if reaching out to her fans, inviting them to share in her joy and success. The background is a vibrant mix of purples and pinks, reminiscent of the neon lights of a city at night, with soft petals floating in the air, adding a touch of whimsy to the scene.
To truly appreciate the artwork, one must understand the story behind Eriko Tamura. She’s not just a pretty face on the stage—her journey to becoming an idol is fraught with challenges. Eriko is the only daughter of Kousuke Tamura, the chairman of the renowned Tamura Productions, and Minako Tamura, a former idol singer. With a lineage like this, it’s no surprise that Eriko was born with a natural talent for singing. From a young age, she was enamoured with the world of entertainment that her parents were a part of. She would often watch her mother perform, dreaming of the day she could stand on stage and share her voice with the world.
But life isn’t always kind to those with dreams. Tragedy struck when Eriko’s father was killed in a horrible car accident, leaving her mother in a coma. This was a pivotal moment in Eriko’s life, one that could have easily shattered her spirit. Yet, instead of succumbing to grief, Eriko found strength within herself. Despite her parents' wishes for her to stay out of the spotlight, Eriko chose to follow in their footsteps, stepping into the world of singing and entertainment.
However, her journey was not without obstacles. Eriko’s uncle, who became her guardian after the accident, harboured a deep resentment towards her. Jealous of her father’s success and determined to destroy her career, he schemed and plotted against her at every turn. But Eriko, with her unwavering determination and love for music, refused to be defeated. She faced each challenge head-on, her voice growing stronger with each performance, her resolve hardening with each setback. In time, she won the hearts of people all over Japan, becoming a beloved idol.
As I created this artwork, I couldn’t help but reflect on my journey. Like Eriko, I’ve faced challenges and setbacks in my life. There have been times when I’ve doubted myself when the path forward seemed too difficult to navigate. But, like her, I’ve found strength in my passion—in my case, for art. Each stroke of the digital pen, each colour I choose, is a step forward on my path, a way to express the emotions and experiences that words alone can’t capture.
There’s also the aspect of Eriko’s story that resonates with me on a deeper level. The idea of being misunderstood, of having to prove yourself to those who doubt you, is something I’m all too familiar with. And yet, like Eriko, I’ve found that the best way to silence the doubters is to continue doing what you love, to let your work speak for itself. I’ve found that the best way to silence the doubters is to continue doing what you love, to let your work speak for itself, and to stay true to your passions despite the challenges that may come your way.
One thing I should mention is that while Eriko is referred to as an "idol" in the context of the anime, I prefer to use the term "celebrity." This is due to my religious beliefs, which discourage the veneration of idols in any form. To me, an idol is something or someone that is worshipped, and that’s not what Eriko is to me. She’s a talented performer, a celebrity in the truest sense of the word—someone who is celebrated for their talents and contributions. By using the term "celebrity," I feel that I’m staying true to my beliefs while still appreciating the character and what she represents.
As I look at the final product, I’m filled with a sense of pride. This artwork is more than just a depiction of a character from an anime—it’s a representation of the journey I’ve been on as an artist. It’s a tribute to the strength and resilience that we all have within us, to the dreams that we refuse to let go of, no matter how difficult the road may be. Eriko’s story is one of triumph over adversity, of finding your voice in a world that often tries to silence you. And I hope that, in some small way, my artwork does justice to her story.
In conclusion, creating this piece of digital artwork has been a deeply rewarding experience. It’s allowed me to connect with a character and a story that resonates with me on a personal level, and it’s allowed me to express my own emotions and experiences through art. As I continue to grow as an artist, I know that there will be more challenges to face and more setbacks to overcome. But I also know that, like Eriko, I have the strength and determination to keep moving forward, to keep creating. And with each new piece of art I create, I’ll be reminded of the journey I’ve been on, and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.
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curried-mermaid · 8 months ago
A Review: The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting Vol. 1
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Author: Tsukiya Illustrator: Tsukiya Publishers: Kaiten Books  Age Group: Teen Genre: slice-of-life, comedy Type: Manga
Content Warnings: prepare for cuteness, motherhood illness
Spoilers ahead
Kirishima Tooru is the right-hand man of the Sakuragi crime family. For him, the job is a perfect excuse to let his violent instincts run wild, earning him the nickname “the Demon of Sakuragi”. It seems like nothing will stand in the way of his vicious nature. But then one day, he receives an assignment like never before from the boss—babysitting his daughter! This is the heartwarming (or is it bloodcurdling?) Story of a little girl and her yakuza caretaker! 
Character Development
Tooru is what you’d expect from someone called “the Demon of Sakuragi”. He’s a chill dude but prefers violence as it gets answers quicker than being diplomatic. His character changes as he interacts with Yaeka. He doesn’t want her to see any violence and by having the responsibility to care for her, he needs to think more about how to handle things so it doesn’t blow back. 
Yaeka is a reserved little girl about the age of 5. She doesn’t like to ask for anything if it’ll put someone out, or if they can’t make it to events. 
Kazuhiko is a reserved yakuza boss. He doesn’t talk a lot but when he does you need to listen. He’s very kind and caring. He tries to hide his depression well, but he misses his wife who’s in a coma in the hospital. Kazuhiko loves his daughter dearly. 
Sugihara is a laid back sweet guy. He tries to handle things with diplomacy but will follow Tooru’s way of doing things. He’s patient and puts up with a lot including letting Tooru practice hairstyling his long hair so he can do a good job on Yaeka’s hair. 
Kanami is Yaeka’s aunt on her mother’s side. She’s taken care of her since her mother fell into a coma when she was very little. She runs a little food shop that’s a hole in the wall. Kanami is like a second mother to Yaeka. She understands how Yaeka’s mind works and helps Tooru when he needs some advice. 
The world is a contemporary setting that revolves around the inside of a traditional Japanese home, community, and Yaeka’s school. The world-building mostly focuses on the characters rather than the setting. The developing relationship between Yaeka and Tooru creates a cute dynamic as they become family to each other. 
Connection makes family. Tooru and Yaeka both change each other as they learn to communicate and trust each other. Family is more than just blood, it can be those that you vibe with. This is a great theme that’s classic to mafia-type families. I like that this theme is brought about in a new way. 
Observations & Predictions
My prediction is that Tooru and Yaeka will get closer and develop a great parent/child relationship. One thing that I wouldn’t be surprised about is if somethin from Tooru’s past comes back to affect Yaeka. He’ll need to deal with it and think about future problems from previous actions. He’ll also need to figure out a plan on how to deal with them if they happen in the future. 
Yaeka may become more extroverted around Tooru as she learns to trust him.
If you like feel-good manga this one is definitely something to read.  
The Way of the Househusband By: Kousuke Oono
Sakamoto Days By: Yuuto Suzuki
Mr. Villain’s Day Off By: Yuu Morikawa
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kouslut · 2 years ago
Kousuke's smile widened when the boy took his hand to shake it, only for it to quickly fall when he realized that his supposedly playful demeanour had fallen entirely flat against the other's... he didn't even know what to call it. An excess of professional seriousness? Straight up iciness? He could tell that there wasn't ill intent behind his words, but, once again- in an attempt at maybe being polite, the guy had once again thrown out words that many other pros would have called management over. Sure, that was because most pros were fucking babies who couldn't handle anything they deemed disrespectful, but- yeah. He could see how it could be unpleasant to be met with a wall in such a way. Luckily for Masahiro, he wasn't the type to complain to the producer about an excess of friendliness and then... his inability to catch on to a joke? And he wasn't the type to take any of it too personally, either, since he hardly took himself seriously to begin with.
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Still- he didn't like how this meeting was going, not a single bit. He wasn't used to people reacting in ways he hadn't predicted and gone over in his head already, and he certainly wasn't up for making an ass of himself as a first impression and then have to labouriosly fix his relationship with his co-star, which, he was going to be honest, was pretty fucking important, considering the last thing he wanted was to have to deal with a brat who hated his guts because of a misunderstanding, of all things.
Between the open mention of money in a profession that was, supposedly, vocational and passional, and the obvious ill interpretation of his good will, Kousuke couldn't help his grimace.
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"Christ, kid-" he accidentally let out, only to shake his head and retract the hand he's held out to Masahiro to run it through his hair. He tried to start again, though he really had no idea what to say to fix the mess he'd accidentally made. He didn't want to be rude either, so- "I didn't mean to-" he interrupted himself once again, and, with a sigh, he resigned himself to speaking just as he might have outside the studio. "Ah, fuck it, listen up, I genuinely didn't mean anything by what I said- I was taking the piss, it's fine, sorry, or whatever."
He took a sip of his coffee, then tilted his head as he repressed his usual expression of disgust at the taste, trying his best to get his point across. "First of all, unfortunately for us both, I am every bit the hot shit I act like. Second, I don't mind, but the people you meet at the briefing will judge your every move and the way you treat us supposed veterans. Third- for the love of god, don't actually mention needing money," he admittedly rapid-fire spat out, underlining each point with a raise of a finger. Then, on that last point, he stopped to ponder something. And realized at that moment that Setagawa Masahiro was either incredibly stupid and inexperienced, incredibly rude, or genuinely did have a dire need for money. Regardless- "You don't know me and I don't know you- Ohshiba Kousuke, by the way, call me 'fuckface' in private or whatever, as long as it doesn't involve '-sama'- if you let any of those spoiled brats in there hear that you 'need money', your time on this production is going to be hell," he all but laughed. "I don't know what part of show business you've been dealing with, but they can and will consider you subhuman, dumbass."
With a cough to clear his throat, Kousuke put an end to his rant, and raised his head back up to strand straight again. "Ground rules set," he concluded with an easy smile, all too aware that, even if the boy did decide to take offense, he'd have the upper hand. "Let's start over again now, shall we?" And start over he did.
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"Masahiro-san! I was overjoyed to hear you got the part! How nice that we should find ourselves working together again."
Had he somehow blundered by trying to call his new co-worker by their first name? He had thought it would put them on equal, friendly footing, but seeing as he didn't actually have friends... maybe he just didn't understand how these things worked? Hesitantly, he reached out to shake his hand, running through all the possible responses he could think of.
"I'm sorry, should I have called you 'Ohshiba-sama' instead? That's what my mother calls you. And, I guess, maybe I was rude the first time we met as I didn't know who you were. I had to dig through mom's magazines to figure it out."
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It wasn't like he had time to sit and watch dramas on their tiny television, or even go and see something at the theater. If he had free time, he was working. But, he supposed he could be coming off as rude not knowing who this big star was. Not that he really cared either way. This was about a paycheck, pure and simple. If he could make more money acting than at either of his other jobs, he'd do it to the best of his ability. It didn't mean he suddenly cared about the industry.
When the man mentioned being flattered, Masahiro cocked his head incredulously. "Why would you be flattered? My jobs have nothing to do with you, right? Or am I missing something here?"
Masahiro didn't think he understood this Kousuke Ohshiba at all. During the audition he had been helpful, giving him a bit of a hint as to the overall story. Now he was coming off conceited and arrogant. Which was the actual man behind the actor façade? Would he ever figure it out? Did he even need to? It wasn't as though they would be doing more than working together for the next few months. They weren't suddenly going to become friends or anything, right? He figured he'd just keep his head down, do his work and get paid. It was what he was here for after all.
He wasn't planning to say anything else, he really wasn't, but he couldn't seem to stop the words that flowed out of him next, even as rude as he was sure they were going to sound: "Are you used to your co-stars taking the job just to get to work with you? Do you think that's what I did? Because... I really just need the money. This will probably pay my rent for the next year."
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