#i love kny ❤❤❤
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pixxiepix · 2 years ago
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GENYA SMILING 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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midnightbears · 7 months ago
Arranged marriage with Gyomei pls. Kagaya matched Gyomei with Y/N ​​for some reason and Gyomei slowly falling in love with y/n 🥲🥲❤
✿ i love you, and i want to find out what that means together.
#STARRING: himejima gyomei ft. fem!reader
#TAGS: arranged marriage. gyomei is in his early twenties in this one! set before the main events of kny. some invented lore for the sake of the story please just bear it thanks
#NOTES: hello there! thank you for your request <3 tbh I've always had this specific idea stuck in my head and you just gave me a reason to write for it LMAO i actually went kind of crazy with this fic omg i loved to write it let me know if u would like a part two! hope you like it and hope it wasn't too much LMAOOo
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your existence could be hashed over with one word.
ever since you could remember, your entire life had been mapped out for you: what to eat, what to not eat, what to like, what to dislike, what to wear, your hobbies, your pastimes, your vocabulary—everything. apparently, every inane thing that had been shoved down your throat was only done to make you a dignified woman worthy of whichever lord they married you off to.
you and your family hailed from a long line of priests and priestesses, where the girls were raised to be proper wives and shrine maidens and the boys were carefully taught the profession in hopes of serving important figures throughout japan.
you were helping your mother tend to the flowers one day when a messenger from the ubuyashiki clan—a kakushi, as you heard they were called—appeared before your temple's door, asking your father to choose and provide the clan with one of his daughters.
you were picked immediately, and you had no choice but to stand before your father, trembling, and pretend that you agreed with his decision with a serene expression on your face. you could tell this was just his way of finally getting rid of you.
in the words of your father behind closed doors, if someone couldn't be bothered to have the decency to visit the temple in person and instead sent a mere messenger to request a carefully trained shrine maiden, it was clear they didn't deserve the best of what he could offer.
you smiled, agreeing with him.
when you went to pack what little things you had, nobody was in the shared quarters; at least you would spare yourself of your sisters' cruel remarks over your father's decision. you did not have many things of your own; you packed your hairbrush, a book, and what few things you held dear.
the kakushi was waiting outside when you emerged. trying to maintain a semblance of calm, you offered him a small smile. he looked at you with curiosity but did not say anything. kindly, he allowed you a moment for a brief prayer before the buddha statue at the front of the temple. then, you were off.
no one came to say goodbye to you.
it was alright, you supposed. the only person you could think fondly of was your mother, and a barbed wire of melancholy slowly wound around your heart at the thought of not being able to part ways properly. you knew that she preferred you over her other daughters, but even so, you were aware that she would never hear the end of it from your father if she came to say her farewells. you would write to her.
you were the third of six sisters, and always, one of them was more talented than you were, just a tad bit more attractive, just a tad bit more creative, just a tad bit more charming. sure, you were well-versed in the duties of a useful spouse—okay, all your sisters were as well. what good was that when you had nothing special about you? what was it your father called you? ah, yes, mediocre.
the kakushi did not speak to you for the entire trip, for which reason you did not know. a question hung on the tip of your tongue, although you dared not ask it. at some point, he urged you to wear a blindfold and climb on his back, which you simply accepted, knowing better than to ask.
you didn't make anything out during the journey, only listening to the sound of small pebbles vibrating against the ground as he made his way up a mountain. after what felt like hours, he finally put you down, gently tugging the blindfold off you and allowing your eyes to adjust to the bright light of morning.
once you were presentable, he escorted you toward the estate entrance. you could tell he was a bit off put by the way you were just accepting things, but he didn't say anything about it.
the kakushi stopped before the towering gate of the ubuyashiki mansion and offered you a deep bow. you thanked him, and you could see him smile with his eyes before he left. another kakushi, a woman this time, escorted you toward a graveled garden, a small figure sitting by the engawa.
she knelt on the ground and bowed her head, and you did the same until she picked herself from the ground.
looking forward, you met the gaze of a boy who looked to be around the age of fifteen, with kohl black hair that sat just above his shoulders. he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, so easy to look at, lavender tainting the irises. he had the calming smile of a buddha, and although knowing nothing about him beyond reputation, you felt at ease with him.
"i am kagaya. i trust your journey went smoothly? thank you for your patience, maiden. i apologize for not going to your temple in person, i hope your priest will forgive me. believe me, i wanted to, but i'm afraid my illness would not have allowed me to make the trip."
the boy's voice was unlike any other you had ever heard, fluid and gentle, causing a wave of reassurance to wash over you. you felt at ease immediately, as though something had just taken every burden off your shoulders and instead shrouded you in a cloud of repose.
"it was no trouble, oyakata-sama, truly." you followed this with a deep incline of your head, your own voice remaining serene and mellow, "it is an honor to be in your presence."
kagaya smiled. "your temple is of great renown. my clan has had the pleasure of counting with your priests and maidens across the centuries. there is no need for such formalities, child."
granted, you were sure you were older than him by a few years, but the way he called you 'child' was comforting, and you were not about to question him, simply keeping quiet.
"you are to marry one of my pillars, maiden. he is an honorable man, the lord of stone, i am sure the two of you will get along. he should arrive any moment now."
you willed yourself to say something, yet you simply could not. you were not the first maiden who was given to a lord for marriage, and you certainly wouldn't be the last. still, your heart did a flip at the simple notion of ending up in a similar situation as your mother, forced to produce offspring until your husband found you undesirable.
for a moment, a cold hand wrapped around your heart in fear of what that man would do with you. however, the single thought of the young boy before you lying about the pillar's honor revolted you. he was telling the truth, and if he said the stone pillar was a good man, then you had nothing to fear.
softly, the sound of footsteps reached your ears, and you turned slightly to see a towering figure approaching, his presence both imposing and serene all at once.
the man who stood before you was unlike any you had ever seen. large beyond comparison, clad in the dark robes of a uniform and a green haori. his stature was immense, with muscles that seemed chiseled from stone. he was young, with an impassive face, yet undeniably handsome. his eyes, clouded with a milky whiteness, told you that he could not see, yet he moved with a grace that belied his blindness.
"this is himejima gyomei, the stone pillar," kagaya introduced, "he has been chosen as your betrothed, and i trust that you will find solace and strength in his presence."
gyomei walked toward you, his movements slow and deliberate, his footsteps echoing throughout the garden—
your breath hitched as he knelt before you, reaching his hand out. but instead of what you expected, he pressed his palm against your cheek, his voice reverberating like a chiming bell inside a cathedral. he caressed your cheek as one would treat an injured butterfly.
"maiden beloved," he murmured, tears spilling from his eyes, "i apologize for making you wait."
the ceremony was that same day, quick and endearing.
you were married in front of oyakata-sama, his wife, and other members of the corps as witnesses. before you knew it, the wedding concluded, and your husband guided you to your new home with you by his side.
gyomei was not acting like he had been given you as some justly won right to do with as he pleased. that set your heart at ease, greatly so, and in some way, it was like he could tell, too. he was walking slowly, allowing you to keep up with his large strides. small talk filled the empty silence of the way home as he listed all the things you would assist him with.
you were to cook for him, clean the estate daily and take care of it when he was away, write letters for him and read them when he received any, and...
huh. that was it.
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getting used to your routine was easier than anticipated as weeks passed, although you would be lying to yourself if you said that gyomei's patience and demeanor weren't helping you in the slightest.
he had insisted that you sleep in a separate bedroom within the estate, taking into account that despite being your husband, he was still a complete stranger to you. the very moment you reached your new home, he made sure to explicitly tell you that he did not wish to embarrass you or cause you discomfort in any way, shape, or form.
during mornings, you would naturally wake up at the crack of dawn, your training making things much easier. you would dress yourself in the robes gyomei had gifted you for your wedding and make your way to the kitchen to start a big meal for the day. you'd wake him up then, guiding him to the kitchen to share breakfast together.
most of the time, you ate in silence, although you did not mind at all. after that, you would wash dishes, and he trained. the estate was not that big, so having to sweep the floor or dust the shelves daily did not bother you, and you instead found comfort in the repetitive routine. you would finish quite swiftly and urge gyomei inside again for tea time during noon.
you tried to entertain yourself as best as possible during the afternoons and evenings. usually, you would find yourself tending to a small garden you'd created when you arrived. your husband would sometimes join you, captivated by the sweet smell of the flowers and the sensation of the earth beneath his fingertips. you would explain what the flowers looked like and how they were meant to be taken care of, and he, in turn, basked in your every word.
gardening duty was one of the things you enjoyed most back at the temple, and since no one else was willing to get their hands dirty, you were the maiden who would regularly take care of the flowers.
you bought flower seeds during your first trip to the market in the nearby town and took the time to introduce yourself to as many people as possible. the locals were very kind to you, and as you started frequenting the shops more and more, you were always being greeted by folks who wished you and your husband the best.
as months passed, your relationship with gyomei deepened in ways you had never expected. the initial tension and clumsiness of living with a stranger began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and comfort.
gyomei, true to his word, respected your boundaries and gave you space to adjust at your own pace. however, small gestures of care and affection started to seep into your daily life. he would often leave freshly picked flowers from your garden by your bedroom door, their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance greeting you first thing in the morning. sometimes, he would assist you with household chores, his presence making the mundane tasks feel lighter and more enjoyable.
he began to pay attention to the little things, like how you offered wounded slayers who stumbled upon the estate a fresh meal and a place to redress their wounds, or how you fed the cats mingling around your shared home every single night, even noticing that you had taken the time to name them and remember everyone.
the town's people, too, played a part in your growing closeness. they would often remark on how harmonious you and gyomei seemed together, their kind words fortifying the bind that tied you together. you started to see the way gyomei interacted with them and how much respect the people had for him—and you couldn't help but admire him more each day.
your conversations, though initially skimpy and shallow, began to flow more naturally. gyomei's deep voice would rumble through stories of his past with the children of the orphanage, his experiences as a hashira, and the lessons he had learned along the way. you, in turn, shared snippets of your life at the temple, your family, your dreams, and your fears. it was through these conversations that you realized how much you had in common despite your different backgrounds.
anyone with a pair of working eyes would see it, or, at least, anyone who had known for at least once in their lifetime what a soul-stirring connection with another human felt like. you found comfort in his presence, seeking him out like a moth to a flame, and he, in yours, only wanted you to tend to his wounds after missions, fix his haori, or wait by himself outside just so he could pray by your side.
eventually, it got to a point where the separate bedrooms became less of a necessity and more of a formality. you often found yourself falling asleep together in the living room after long conversations or shared moments of silence. whenever you did manage to part ways, you always lingered by your door, a dreamy smile encasing your lips.
you could not deny yourself anymore. you were the happiest you had been in years.
one evening, as you both sat for dinner, the familiar quiet enveloping you like a warm blanket, gyomei's voice broke through the tranquility.
"i love you."
the bunch of food you were going to bring into your mouth splattered into the bowl again with a messy splash. oh. oh my god. you whipped your head toward your husband, who stared at you with a soft expression on his face.
"you do not have to say it back if you do not feel the same, but i wanted you to know." then, gyomei went back to chewing his food as if he had not said what he had just said.
gyomei shifted his head in your direction with a worried expression, your teary tone and doddering heartbeat doing nothing to mitigate his apprehension. he tried to reach for you, but you jerked away from him. he could tell that whatever you were feeling was not directed toward him, but still, it pained him greatly to know you were suffering.
"g-gyomei, i—"
your hands were shaking, and he reached for them to trace your skin with the pads of his thumbs. he opened his mouth, but you beat him to it as you keeled over, shoulders trembling as sobs left your mouth, your usual calmness thrown out the window.
"y-you said that you wouldn't embarrass me! there is nothing special about me. what is it about me that you could possibly love? you're always so good to me," you were throwing word vomit at this point, and the worst part was you did not even know where it was coming from, "i haven't done anything to receive your affection! i'm just doing the things i'm supposed to do..."
tears slid down his cheeks before he could stop them, and he leaned forward to pull you into his embrace. your body completely froze, an unknown emotion taking over. gyomei had never initiated contact before. most of the time, you had to be the one to grab his hand or tug his collar.
"my little maiden... you have no idea how precious you are to me," gyomei murmured, his voice impossibly gentle and firm. he held you close, his large, comforting presence grounding you as your sobs began to subside. "you see yourself through the harsh lens of your own eyes, but i see the truth of your heart with my own. your unconditional kindness, your strength, your sincerity—these are just some of the reasons i love you."
his words seeped into your cold heart, slowly quieting the tempest inside. you couldn't understand how someone as incredible, kind, and powerful as gyomei could see such worth in you, but the sincerity in his voice and the warmth of his embrace made you want to believe him.
"you don't have to prove your worth to me or anyone," he continued, his voice alleviating your wounded spirit. "you are enough, just as you are. your presence in my life is a blessing, and i am grateful for you every single day."
"gyomei," you whispered, your voice trembling but no longer with fear. "i… i love you too. i was just scared. scared that i wasn't enough for you."
he smiled softly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "you are more than enough, my love. and i will spend the rest of all my lifetimes showing you just how much you mean to me."
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© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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vampcubus · 2 years ago
Not sure if you had been asked this before but do you have any writers who only writes dom readers?
i haven't done one of these in a while! strictly dom reader writers are sadly few in number, but i'll list some that have an abundance of dom reader content. will update as i find more!
(also note that some of these blogs are no longer active)
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@mysicklove (mha/jjk/kny/bllk+)
@laraleafs (mha/kny/jjba)
@crysatoru (kny/jjk)
@levmada (aot/levi centric blog)
@chaepink (hq/kny/mha/csm)
@starrierknight (jjk)
@majisyen (hsr/genshin/twst)
@subbyalbedo (kny/mha/genshin/hp)
@sorrowfulrosebud (mha/kny+)
@archer-fb (kny/mha/om/jjk/genshin)
@lovelyless-fiction (kny)
@plaguechyld (kny)
@aki-simp (kny/csm/hq!/jjk+)
@snowshail (twst/genshin/kny+)
@flametrashira (kny + levi ackerman)
@j-nxx (twst/genshin+)
@brayneworms (aot/om/the arcana/genshin+)
@kyojurismo (kny)
@phantasmiafxndom — and check out their ao3 pls! (kny)
@claynine (kny/aot/mha/hq/jjk+)
@pastelclovds [male/gn!reader] & @spookyxcupid [fem/gn!reader] (kny/mha/aot/csm/naruto/slashers+)
@rengoku-loves-you — no actual nsfw yet but they have my favorite characterization of rengoku to date, and they like sub rengoku so ❤︎ (kny/rengoku-centric blog)
@vitamin-cunt / @dekuskeeper (mha/csm/jjk/hq/obey me)
@minkmousesworld (kny)
@bibblelevi — writes for sub levi!!! ❤︎
@mommypieck (aot)
@prettyboykatsuki / @fang-wife / @luvsicksubs (mha/hq/aot/jjk)
@dorimena (mha)
@niilue (kny/aot+)
@cleewii (mha/csm/aot+)
@onyxoverride (aot)
@pickmans-muse / @friendly-local-eldritchite (kny/aot)
@binnieswings (aot/skz+)
@submenarehotties (jjk/mha/obey me+)
@bummie (aot/jjk/mha/kny/naruto/csm+)
@lemon-muncher (csm/hq/mha/kny/aot+)
@izukus-bby (sub!izuku heaven)
@galaxychaos78 (naruto/mha/dragon ball/jjba/aot+)
@4biddenleeches (the arcana/julian-centric)
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h3yl4dies · 1 year ago
For kny, can you do Rui and a big sister reader? :) platonic ofc cuz we don't like that weird stuff
➤ sure! I find this req cute since rui didn't really knew the meaning of family and love but now he gets to experience it with a big sister!reader ❤
➤ type : headcannons
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✧ I feel like Rui is the type of person that would be insanely desperate to recreate a "perfect" family so sometimes he may lash out his anger due to stress and the trouble the spider family are causing
✧ but since your the elder one, he wouldn't disrespect you
✧ he actually feels protective of his sister, he already lost his parents and he CANNOT lose his sister, the last family member remaining in his side
✧ he would be insanely strict about your freedom actually
✧ he won't allow you to go out in the wild most of the time since he's actually scared of losing you or failing to protect you when he's not around
✧ he looks up to you a lot
✧ and also has a soft side too!
✧ his soft side can be combing your hair, taking care of you if your sick, makes a cure spider-themed kimono for you
✧ if your a demon too, he would give you more blood to make you stronger and better at defending yourself when he's not around to save you
✧ but sometimes Rui isn't always nice, he has a cold-hearted personality most of the time
✧ so don't expect him to sometimes be in a bad mood
✧ but.. Typically he would feel better if you talk about it with him or comfort him
✧ if you did or messed up with something wrong, he won't punish you like he did to the others, instead. He would give you a small lecture
✧ he doesn't feel like being too mad or rude to his actual Sibling, sometimes he would be worried if he upset you too much so he would just lecture a bit and give you some time alone
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I am so so sorry this was so short because it was a bit rushed but I tried my best to think some headcannons to entertain you guys 😭
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bones4thecats · 10 months ago
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N° 1: “We won't stop at that McDonald's”
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knyswapau · 4 months ago
“Huff huff… This is taking forever! How does Tanjiro do this so fast?” Nezuo thinks to herself, leaving trails of her footprints in the snow. The wind blows through the woods, her hair threatening to come undone from the next tug. She fiddles with the strap so the basket won’t fall off, continuing to think about how much of a pain this journey is. She starts to feel pity on her older brother who walks up this hill almost every day to sell coal. “Wow Tanjiro… The patience you have is insane..”
It’s been a day since she went off down to the village to sell coal. She planned to be home by midnight but thanks to her dear neighbor, Enmu had let her rest and stay the night. Still eternally grateful for what he’s done, she mentally thanks him once again continuing up the mountain. She looks back up, out of breath like she’s ready to collapse and she notices the roof of her house just some trees away.
Finally, she reaches her stop.
Nezuko practically runs the rest of the way up to her home, smiling happily. Finally, she can rest again, finally she can talk to her family, finally she can hug them all in a tight hug, finally she can check up on their well being, finally she can do her old tasks.
She freezes, staring at the open door. It’d be fine to leave the door open, they tend to leave it open all the time it’s just… Why was it so quiet? It was… Too quiet.
“Takeo? Hanako? Tanjiro? Shigeru? Rokuta? Mom…?” Nezuko called out for their names, wandering around the outside of their house thinking all of this was just a silly game. “Perhaps they're still asleep? But Takeo doesn’t sleep late… Maybe they were worried about me? Haha, how cute!” the girl chuckles at the thought, they’ve all had those moments worrying night about each other- especially their big brother Tanjiro. 
I mean, nothing bad can go wrong right?
She goes back to the door, still open letting the cold air in. Nezuko felt uneasy, her mind kept screaming at her to run and not look back. Like what was inside her beloved house was now a nightmare. However, Nezuko doesn’t step back. She pushes her doubtful feelings away- there could be nothing awful in the house and if she's the big sister, she’ll take care of it! 
Hello! My OOC account is @kanaokanzaki-op but my main blog is @official-butterfly-sisters (don’t ask). This is a blog related to the well known KNY Swap AUs, but I’ve decided to do my own. Other than that, I want to thank you for taking time to read all this! I’ll try to update daily with some wips, headcanons and other things per request- I take a lot of those, don't be shy!
My only rules are no sexual content, hate or anything not related to the AU. I have my OOC account for a reason! I love getting to know people and I hope you guys like this AU! I am not good at promoting aha…
You can ask questions, give dares and much more, I’ll even hold events for such! Genuinely just wanna have fun with this AU and I hope you guys end up enjoying it! Thank you for your time!!
Character Masterlist:
Kamaboko Squad:
🩷🩸Nezuko Kamado🩷🩸 ☀️💚Tanjiro Kamado☀️💚 🌸💜Kanao Tsuyuri🌸💜 🫐💙Aoi Kanzaki🫐💙 ⚡💛Zenitsu Agatsuma⚡💛 💙🪨Inosuke Hashibira💙🪨 🍉💜Genya Shinazugawa🍉💜
Upper Hashira:
🌑👁Michikatsu Tsugikuni🌑👁 ❄🪭Douma❄🪭 👊🩵Hakuji Soyama👊🩵 🪕👁‍🗨Nakime🪕👁‍🗨 💔😭Hantengu💔😭 🌊🐟Gyokko🌊🐟 ⚡💙Kaigaku⚡💙 💚🪓Gyutaro Shabana💚🪓 🥰🩷Ume Shabana🥰🩷
9 Moons:
🪨🪵Gyomei Himejima🪨🪵 🍃💚Sanemi Shinazugawa🍃💚 🌊❤Giyuu Tomioka🌊❤ 🧡🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🧡🔥 🖤🩵Muichiro/Yuichiro🤍🩵 🎶🩶Tengen Uzui🎶🩶 🤍🐍Obanai Iguro🤍🐍 🍡🩷Mitsuri Kanroji🍡🩷 🦋💜Shinobu Kocho🦋💜
🌊👺Sakonji Urokodaki🌊👺 ��👁Kagaya Ubuyashiki🪻👁 💜🪻Amane Ubuyashiki💜🪻 🪻🖤Kiriya Ubuyashiki🪻🖤 🩸❤Muzan Kibutsuji🩸❤ 💉💜 Lady Tamayo 💉💜 📜🩵 Yushiro 📜🩵 💕💤 Enmu 💕💤 🕸🤍 Rui 🕸🤍 ❤🌊Sabito❤🌊 🌸🌊Makomo🌸🌊 🦋💕Butterfly Triplets🦋💕 💧🩶Murata💧🩶 🦋🩷Kanae Kocho🦋🩷 🌸🩵Koyuki🌸🩵 ⚡🪨Jigoro Kuwajima⚡🪨
[More to be added]
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demonslayerunhinged · 2 months ago
Hi! I’m new here and I wanna start off by saying I absolutely LOVE your takes/analyzes/rants about KNY and you are literally so funny and omg I love. Here’s my actual question😂😅 it does contain Manga spoilers so if you don’t wanna answer it that’s totally fine but do you think there was a significance to both Sanemi and Genya encountering Kokushibo in the Infinity Castle Arc? Bc if we kinda sit down and think about it, it kinda relates to what happened to them as kids. They were attacked by someone who they had trusted in and believed they would have their back (i.e. the boys’ mom) and in the Infinity Castle Arc, they were also attacked by someone who they were supposed to trust in and believe would have their back (Kokushibo, a former Demon Slayer). This could absolutely be reading too much into it, but I find it peculiar that both brothers were confronted by someone who had personal connections to them, one being their mother and the other being a fellow Demon Slayer, and a former Hashira at that. Idk what are your thoughts?
Hi! thanks so much for your kinds words and your ask!
You're not reading too much into it, trust me. Gotogue-sensei's work has so many layers, symbolism, metaphors, folktales, allegories etc. and this isn't just because I like to do analyses, a Kobe University researcher Akiko Ue published analyses on each character that was made into a book, but sadly there's no English translation 😔
Anyway, yes there is a significance to their fight with Kokushibo! All the fight matches in KnY are significant and meant to develop our characters by confronting them with their faults, fears and so on. Your analysis is brilliant! I didn't even think of it! It makes sense even for Gyomei who was betrayed by Kaigaku, a former slayer and Koku's disciple!
thanks for sharing! ❤
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valetoria · 4 months ago
◜ a/n. ◞ #updated rules. please be sure to read before interacting/following my account. - © valetoria 2025.
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english is not my first language.
this is my only account. i shitpost & do all my reblogs here. ❤︎
art featured on this blog is not mine, & belongs to the original artists. headers/banners are credited accordingly in my tags.
i do not benefit from recommending any nsfw link provided on my tumblr. all links attributed to the rightful owners. if you have an issue, please dm me appropriately !
hate speech/harassment anonymous asks will be blocked.
my tumblr associates with nsfw dark content, #dd. if this is not the type of content you wish to engage with, literally just leave.
this is a seventeen plus blog with basic mdni criteria. i no longer check my followers, so if you little ones manage to slip through, what you consume is your responsibility & not of my concern.
please avoid spamming my inbox with likes to an excessive degree, though I truly appreciate reblogs & the love !! ᜊ( ˊᵕˋ )ᜊ
i don’t have much up yet, but you’ll tend to find subversive writing on my page—my readers are switches. expect some back-and-forth power play here & there.
my reader isn’t tied to any specific physical traits + skin color, hair color, or any particular appearance, it is solely up to your imagination. (..◜ᴗ◝..)
the only requests i take are for twitter/porn links. fandoms accepted. ⚡︎ jujutsu kaisen. death note. kny. chainsaw man. l&ds. (i’m trying to get into more fandoms don’t bash me.)
i don’t write for male readers or include themes like blood related incest, trauma exploitations, scat/vomit shit, raceplay, non-con, watersports, extreme bodily harm or mutilation, foot fetishes, cuckolding, fisting, or gangbangs.
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nothingtoseehere1-2-3 · 1 year ago
❤ About Me ❤
-fanfic writer/artist
-this blog is a safe and respectful space so NO NSFW (I am under 18) OR HATE, they will be blocked!
-requests are open, art commissions and ideas for fics are greatly appreciated <3
my birthday is August 20th, I'm a Leo!
I'm pansexual and proud of it!
(some of you may have already met Tomiko, my KNY oc!)
some new OCs I might do:
Miro Takashi (either lotus breathing or blood breathing, still deciding)
Izanami Nakamura (moon breathing)
Shiina Suzuki (breathless like Genya, she uses nichirin dual blades)
Things to get to know about me (continued)
I am currently doing KNY/MHA/JJK fics right now, but I am getting into other animes like AoT to further use as genres!
I usually do femY/N pairings in my fics, but if you want I can do one for the guys or a non-binary one!
NONE OF THE THINGS I WRITE WILL HAVE NSFW. I'm sorry but even requests for this will be denied, NSFW will not be allowed in my blog.
Side note!
To @shycroissanti, @kimetsu-chan, @dreamcorechild, @your-local-demon-slayer-nerd, @slayfics, @ryn-loves-cheese, @tinyperson00, @larz-barz, @muichirosboba I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support it means so much! <3
Thanks so much for reading my (short) introduction! I hope this helped you know more about me, have a nice day/night/afternoon! ❤✨
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o7k5a8m9i · 11 months ago
♡🌸My Blog🌸♡
Hi♡ welcome to my blog! If you'd like to learn about it/me read⬇️🌸✿____☬__✯----⊹___✧_____----♡----_____✧____☬__✯----✿___★
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You'll find a lot of anime here🍓 specifically HxH & YYH✨ More specifically Hiei x Mukuro & Hisomachi🃏🧵lmao! If you dislike my blog please just leave, no hate 🍭 my blog has a Few things that are 14+ or 15+ so just a warning ♠️
• I'm a Artist & Youtuber🎐💮 (*if you wanna know my channels ask*)
• I'm a Female so yeah I'm a girl lol 🌹💖
• I love Anime, Wolves, Art, YYH, HxH, cute things, 90s and writing🦋♤
• Favorite HxH Character's Kurapika, Illumi, Machi, Killua, Colt & Pokkle♡
• I love 90s & 80s aesthetic and animes ⭐💧
• My fav ship's! Hisomachi, KuraNeon, NatsuSaku, Doushino, Ponzukkle, Himuku, Kogkag, Kurabo, Senhaku, GojoHime & TomoKen꧁
• I've watched 100+ Anime's my favs are HxH, YYH, Rurouni Kenshin, JJK, Kny, Tbhk, SxF, Mha, Saiki k, Dr stone & Blue lock🍡
• Art Requests are allowed!🌸 But I won't Drew NSFW or a ship I don't like ( ̄ヘ ̄;)
• Favorite color Pink💗🌸🍭
• Age... I'm older than 15 and younger than 21💜
• I'm Obsessed with 1999 Shizuku lol!!♧
• My mbti is INFJ❄️
• You can call me Okami or Kusachi 🧵
• I'm a introvert♢
• I'm Heterosexual ♠️🍒
• Hiei's my little Bean!(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ I love Kurama too and Hiei x Mukuro for life!🌹 Mukuro's my Girl!🧡
• My favorite band is TV Girl I love their aesthetic 💖💙 I'm also I big Deftones fan!✨
• I've watched all 25 Ghibli movies my favorites are Princess Mononoke, Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind & Castle in the Sky♡
××× ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ××× ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ××× ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ××× ♤ ♡ ♢ ♧ ×××
Most the stuff I post is my art, YYH, icons, HxH 1999, Hisomachi, fanart, pfp's, Fanfictions/one shots, tbhk or Random stuff☁️🍡🌙 And feel free to request art!☁️☀️🌙☁️ if you want custom art just ask!🦊🐺💜💙
Ok ty for reading have a lovely day!🌹🌸💮☺️
➵˚. ✦.˳·˖✶ ⋆.✧̣̇˚.➶⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆╰┈➤➳𒅒𒈔𒅒𒇫𒄆𖤓𓃭☾⋆。𖦹 °✩☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
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Just your local Kurama simp🧵
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luminousmiilk · 4 months ago
┏━━━━━━━°⌜ ˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚⌟°━━━━━━━┓ -ˋˏ [Rei| Non-binary | Lesbian + Aroace | INTP] -ˎˊ ┗━━━━━━━°⌜ ˚₊‧꒰ა 𓂋 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚⌟°━━━━━━━┛ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ ┆ 🧷 ₒ ‍ ┆ ┆ ┆ *:・゚↷ ⋯ ♡ᵎ ✦ ⌇ ʷᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ↴ ┆ ┆ *ೃ LuminousMiilk’s Intro!!. ┆ 𓉸ྀི❝yeah… sorry for being alive… ill go die as an apology.❞𓉸ྀི ︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋࣭ ⭑︶꒷꒦︶ ๋
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╭────┈ ↷ │ ✎┊ f a c t s │╭────────────╯ ││• ➛ I’m chronically online!! ││• ➛ Multifandom :3 ││ • ➛ ifb + mega sexy moot ;) ││• ➛ I have no Dni! ││• ➛ I use brainrot vocabulary │╰─────────── · · · · ・✦ ༘⋆❝
“theyre nothing more than words and pixels on a screen and its all for my kangel persona anyway its not like they love me for who i am”
“the real me is just some fucked up mentally ill girl who cant stop ODing im the farthest thing there is to a pure and perfect angel”
.❞༘⋆ (:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
So cute, I'm a boss I’m not your boo So popping all your haters And I'm gonna shoot your face (hahaha) Swag, swag, boom, I love Harajuku You're not kawaii I just cannot fuck with you (hahaha) ─ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ ─ ▶︎ ●─────────────────────── 3:14 ─ I <3 Harajuku─ † ཐི❤︎ཋྀ �� we'll be together no matter what happens online, whether i die or get arrested or i break or i get stabbed or i get flamed or i become god or i go crazy?! ཐི❤︎ཋྀ │ ╰─▸ ❝ Fandoms/interests below :33
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morverenmaybewrites · 6 months ago
Is there any other Fandom you could see yourself writing for?
I love your Batman/Red Hood content ❤🌻
Honestly, I can see myself writing for anything that gives me inspiration!
Currently, I write for DC and Genshin Impact.
Recently, I've been wanting to write for
- JJK (the inherent tragedy of Satoru Gojo is incredibly appealing to me)
- Delicious in Dungeon
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st4rgirlwrites · 7 months ago
❥𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝕻𝖆𝖌𝖊
𝗪𝗮𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗠𝗮𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 ᴹⁱᵗˢᵏⁱ ♥︎ ⇄ ◁◁ 𝚰𝚰 ▷▷ ↻ ⁰⁰'²⁵ ━━●━━───── ⁰²'⁰⁸
Hello I'm Gemini, I love to write and I thought that I'd make a blog for people to enjoy and request my writing! I go by she/her/they/them pronouns either or doesn't matter, Idc if ya'll call me mother or sum I'm used to it. anyways this page is basically my do's and don'ts for writing and my rules, and other information. anyways here's my rules.
:¨ ·.· ¨: `· . ୨୧⭒๋࣭ ⭑ 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒂 𝒄𝒊𝒈𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈. ⊹ ‧₊˚ 🍒⋆。˚
✔ Things that ARE allowed.
✘ Things that AREN'T allowed.
✔ Fluff/Comfort
✔Gore (will have TWS)
✘ Noncon smut
✘ Underage smut (IDC IF THEY'RE "AGED UP")
✘ nothing super nasty
Aemond Taragaryen ♛ HOTD Aegon Taragaryen ♛ HOTD Daemon Taragaryen ♛ HOTD
Legolas ♜ LOTR
Muichiro Tokito ☁︎ KNY
Shinobu Kocho🦋 KNY
Nezuko Kamado ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 KNY
Giyomei Hijimima 🖇️ KNY
Misturi Kanroji ❤ KNY
Giyuu Tomioka 🌊 KNY
Geralt of Rivia 🗡WITCHER
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ferallove-for-tx2 · 7 months ago
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shinaka · 2 years ago
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤ 😊
Thanks for the ask!!
The following are my five favorite fics I've written (not in any particular order):
Coming Through! - KnY; rntn. Do you want a fic where Inosuke causes fun chaos for everybody around him (including rntn) just by existing? Do you also want to read all the names I had to come up with because Inosuke is incapable of remembering Tanjiro's name except for every seventh time he refers to him? BECAUSE I SURE CAME UP WITH A BUNCH.
Deferral - KnY; rntn. This is not a happy ship fic whatsoever, but I really did enjoy the way certain lines sounded, especially toward the end of the fic. "If not then, then when?"
Progression of an Elegy - KnY; rntn. Another angsty fic that I particularly enjoyed writing because I got to play with dreamscapes and drowning imagery (despite of – or maybe because of the mild PTSD I got from near drowning several years ago). At least it kinda ends on a happy-ish note?
You Will Always Come Back to the Forest - PokeSpe; Grantedshipping-adajcent. I don't update this drabble collection very often, but when I do, it's always fun to go all out with themes related to revenge, forgiveness, and the tension that comes from trying to become a better person after almost destroying the Kanto region lol
It Has to Land Eventually - Ys VIII; Dogi/Adol. So I have this thing where I go FERAL if one person keeps touching the other (hugs, head pats, hip touches) but the other is oblivious as to WHY, and then a third party notices and is like ?????? Why don't you get what the first character wants? It's super specific sdkmfmdf but I think I pulled this scenario off well in this fic. Also Dogi/Adol is CRIMINALLY underrated and needs more love.
Anyways, feel free to do this fic rec meme if you want to, either in the replies or by reblogging this post! <3
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gyusimp · 10 months ago
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers <3
°•5 things that makes me happy!
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Gyutaro, 2. Gyutaro Shabana, 3. The male Upper 6, 4. Daki's/Ume's brother, 5. That skinny black/green haired demon from KNY. Okno lol
Draw I have been drawing literally since I was in diapers but I started taking it seriously when I was 9 so I have drawn almost every day of my life for 13 years and I'm very proud of my progress ❤ drawing makes me happy, it makes me want to try something new every day and my dream is to one day be able live from my art, make merch and go to events with my own stand like all those incredible artists on IG
Fanfics I'm a very picky person lmao and it's not easy to like something so do you know how satisfying it is to find a good fic to read and have me fantasize about it even when I'm not reading?? I LOVE finding a good fic that exceeds my expectations and even better with a good ending and when the author captures the essence of the characters (I feel that I still have to improve that aspect in my own fics, I don't feel that I still capture the essence of some characters well but it is because I'm a very perfectionist lol).
My lil sister She is my only best friend lol I seriously love her so much, I love my family in general but she has been the best gift my parents could have given me she is literally the only "I'm going to love you to death" person I will have in my entire life.
Go traveling! One of the pleasures of life for me is going on a trip, until now I have never left my country but I love it when I can disconnect for a couple of days from my routine in the city and go out to such beautiful places, it doesn't matter if I already know them or they are new. Actually, in 2 weeks I'll be out of city for the weekend so I can't handle happiness!
Gyutaro Ofc Mr. Shabana could not be missing from this list lol. It's true that he is my favorite KNY character, I love his theme, his development and backstory, but my love for him goes beyond that. Maybe it sounds very stupid but when I saw Gyutaro I had a connection with him and he gave me comfort that no other character had given me. His story is in some ways very similar to mine (such as the parallelism he has with Tanjiro and Nezuko) so I identified with him very strongly from the beginning, we have some things in common and he has even helped me with my self-esteem, I suffer from acne so all my life since I was 11 I have had spots or scars on my face and body that I have always hated and they made me feel less pretty but when I got into this whole thing of being his fan I LOVED every part of this man and his marks...ufff they are 100/10 so if I see his beautiful, why not mine? I love what a great big brother he is, he helps me feel better when I'm sad and he's the best comfort character I've ever had, it's like he's my fucking babysitter and he's done an excellent job. I would do anything to make him exist and give him a very, very tight hug and tell him how incredible he is (even if I ended up with one of his sickles stuck in my chest lol but I would die completely happy). I really, really love him so much 💚
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