#i love how s&m is basically always 'THEY SAW AN OCCASION AND THEY TOOK IT'...
soveryanon · 7 years
*heavy breathing* Nekkoara vs. Purin.......
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imasimpforshanks · 4 years
Hello, I just saw the alphabet requests. Could I please get the fluff alphabet with Luffy? Thank you sm!
Fluff Alphabet - Monkey D. Luffy
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a/n: hi hi hi! thank you for requesting! I hope you enjoy 💗
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A-Activities (what do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?)
Luffy is a complete child at heart. He enjoys doing anything and everything! So long as you are there with him, he doesn’t particularly care what it is you are doing – if it’s with you he knows he’ll have the time of his life.
However, if Luffy were to pick something as his favourite activity to do with you, he would choose a water fight (weird considering his vulnerability to water but that doesn’t cross his mind in the moment). Chasing one another around, stomachs aching from laughter, cheeks sore from grinning too much. He’s never had so much fun, and he can’t tell if it’s because of the activity itself, or because it’s with you (ultimately, he decides that it’s both).
B-Beauty (what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?)
One of the things Luffy admires most about you is your unquenchable thirst for adventure; it’s own that rivals his own. You want to explore, live life freely and on your own terms. In Luffys eyes there is nothing more wonderful than that.
Honestly, Luffy thinks everything about you is beautiful. Every. Single. Thing. Right from the top of your head to the very tips of your toes. But, there is something about your laugh that he just finds so unbelievably intoxicating. When he hears you laugh - so carefree and so happy - his grin grows even wider. He wants nothing more than to hear that laugh for the rest of his life.
C-Comfort (how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?)
This captain is a lot more emotionally intelligent that people think. He’s very in tune to what people like and dislike and he uses this knowledge to help comfort people. For example, on thriller bark after they find Zoro injured luffy attempts to give him a whole ass barrel of sake because “Zoro likes sake so it’ll make him feel better.” This same logic would apply when he’s trying to comfort you. He’ll find or do something you like because well it’ll make you happy. If food makes you happy, he’ll get you some food. If cuddles make you happy, well then you best be ready to be suffocated.
Another way I can see Luffy comforting you is by trying to make you laugh and smile. When people are laughing and smiling, they’re happy, right? So, by that logic all he’s gotta do is be goofy and then you’ll laugh like you usually do!
D-Dreams (how do they picture they future with their s/o?)
When he becomes the pirate king, you are right there with him. He can’t see himself settling down (by this I mean living in one place permanently). Luffy wants to travel the seas with you forever, going on adventure after adventure after adventure. He hasn’t really thought much about kids or anything like that, but all he has thought about is you and him growing old together.
E-Equal (are they the dominant one in the relationship or rather passive?)
Luffy is definitely not the passive one in the relationship, but I also wouldn’t say he’s the dominant one. He’s dependent on you and you’re dependent on him. It’s a relatively equally balanced relationship but it could even be argued that it’s only that way because of how Luffy is. He often just does what he wants when he wants regardless of your opinion. However, he also allows you to do the same. That’s not to say he doesn’t sit back and listen to your concerns if you voice them.
F-Fight (would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?)
Fights are a very rare occurrence in your relationship. Luffy isn’t one to maintain an argument for very long often cracking a joke or doing something silly causing you to laugh and break the tension.
On the very rare occasion that you are having a serious fight, Luffy can be extremely stubborn. Once he’s got something in his mind, its hard to make him think otherwise, so more often than not you will have to be the one to apologize if you want to move on from this.
G-Gratitude (how grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?)
Luffy is very aware of everything that you do for him, and he absolutely gushes about it to everyone he comes into contact with. He can’t stop talking about you. People who have never met you before suddenly seem to know about every single time you gave up a portion of your dinner to Luffy because he was still hungry but Sanji wouldn’t let him have anymore because dinner was over.
H-Honesty (do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?)
Luffy is an open book. He cannot keep a secret to save himself. Not even a good secret like a surprise party for you or something, in fact, the crew have to be the ones to plan surprise parties for you on luffys behalf cos he gets too excited and just blurts it out straight away. Basically, if there is something he isn’t telling you the only explanation is that he genuinely forgot. But as soon as you ask him, he’ll tell you - without hesitation.
I-Inspiration (did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?)
Being with Luffy has helped you to be a little more carefree. He has taught you to embrace your youth. What’s the rush in growing up? Why does everything need to be so serious all the time? It’s okay to loosen up, and goof around as long as you are still dependable.
J-Jealousy (do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?)
Luffy does get jealous. But, not in the usual sense. He doesn’t get jealous of other people interacting with you, or with you interacting with other people. He trusts you fully, so there’s no reason for him to be jealous in that front. However, what he does get jealous about is you spending time with others, without him. Luffy gets serious FOMO, so if you’re doing anything and he’s not invited, that is when he gets jealous. This sweetie just wants likes to be included! On the off chance that you are doing something without him and Luffy starts to feel jealous, he will simply insert himself into the conversation or the activity. He does NOT care (LMAO).
K-Kisses (are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?)
Luffy is a very energetic kisser. There’s no real rhyme or reason to his movements he just smashes his lips against yours. He’s eager and enthusiastic, which can make him a bit sloppy at times, but he doesn’t care.
Your first kiss took you completely by surprise. The two of you were just hanging out then before you knew it, he had kissed you. It happened so quickly they you barely had time to process what happened, but he was just sitting there looking at you while giggling his little heart out.
L-Love confession (how would they confess to their s/o?)
When it comes to telling you how he feels, he approaches it as he does everything else; directly. He’s never been one to beat around the bush, rather always speaking his mind and being up front. With you it’s no different. The second he realizes how he feels about you, he’s on his way to tell you. No hesitation, no doubt, just 100% honesty. It doesn’t matter where you are or who might be around, Luffy will tell you in that very moment.
M-Marriage (do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?)
Marriage isn’t something Luffy has really thought about. The two of you are together constantly, you know you love each other, so why would you need to get married? It’s not that he’s against getting married, it just isn’t something he’s particularly concerned about. Well… that is until he hears the words ‘wedding’ and ‘party’. Once he’s heard that Luffy is set on getting married right then and there (that’s basically his proposal too). Any excuse for a party.
N-Nicknames (what do they call their s/o?)
To be honest, Luffy mostly just uses your name. He likes it because it belongs to you which makes it special. He does like to find out what nicknames you had as a child, he thinks those a pretty fun and makes him feel as though he’s known you for your whole life, so he does also use your childhood nickname/s.
O-On cloud nine (what are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?)
Luffy gets even more clingy. Clingy may not be the right word, but it’s the best way to describe it. When he’s in love he feels an overwhelming urge to be near you all the time. He craves your presence and your attention so is constantly asking you to play or chat or anything! He really just wants to spend time with you, more so than usual. The whole crew actually picked up on it quite instantly because they noticed the lack of Luffy in their day-to-day schedule. They knew it was more than platonic relationships Luffy had for you when he was five minutes late for lunch because he was too overjoyed by your attention.
P-PDA (are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?)
He’s all about showing affection both platonically and romantically. He catches you (and others) so off guard because one moment its silent and the next thing you know you’re hearing “gomu-gomu no…” and being tackled to the ground by a pair of rubbery arms. If Luffy wants to kiss you, he’s going to kiss you. He doesn’t have a care in the world about who may see.
Q-Quirk (some random ability they have that is beneficial in a relationship?)
Can promise you a life full of excitement. You never need to worry about your relationship getting ‘boring’ or ‘being stuck in a rut’ because that will never happen with Luffy. Each day is filled with adventure and something new to experience. There’s a whole world out there that you can experience together.
R-Romance (how romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?)
Many people wouldn’t expect it, but he is indeed romantic. It’s far from cliché and strays from the typical notions of ‘romance’ but it’s romantic, nonetheless. Luffy is just unapologetically himself. Because of this anything he does for you (even the littlest of actions), you know it’s sincere and comes from the heart. That is what makes Luffy romantic.
S-Support (are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?)
Not supporting you in your goals and dreams goes entirely against Luffys character. He truly believes you, and anyone else for that matter, can do whatever they put their minds to. He is your number 1 supporter, actively helping you every step of the way. No one believes in you more than Luffy.
T-Thrill (do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship or do they prefer certain routine?)
When you’re with Luffy you don’t need to worry about spicing up your relationship. You will never once experience a boring day. The relationship is constantly filled with new places to go, and new things to see, and you’re fortunate enough to be able to do all of it together.
U-Understanding (how good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?)
Contrary to popular belief, Luffy is very emotionally intelligent (I said this earlier actually). He can read people freakishly well, and his s/o is no different. In fact when it comes to you his emotional intelligence only multiplies.
V-Value (how important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?)
As with most of the other relationships (platonic and familial) in his life your relationship is very important to him. For Nico Robin, he declared war on the world government. For Sanji, he went up against a Yonko and her crew. You would be no different. He would go to the ends of the earth (maybe further) for you. It’s just how he is. His relationships and his dream to be pirate king are not mutually exclusive, meaning, he can’t have one without the other.
W-Wild card (a random fluff headcanon?)
Brings you random little knick-knacks, or like a little memento from EVERY SINGLE island you go to. The items range from a pretty shell he saw on the beach to a funky looking figurine he spotted in a market.
X-XOXO (Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?)
Luffy loves to kiss and cuddle. He’s an extremely affectionate person. He practically clings to you like a koala bear. That physical contact is something he enjoys a lot; it’s really reassuring for him.
Y-Yearning (how will they cope when they are missing their partner?)
As long as Luffy is distracted and kept busy, he’ll be able to cope. He entertains himself and slowly counts down the days until he can see you. He builds up the excitement and he becomes like a child the night before a school unable to sleep or keep still; he just wants to see you.
Z-Zeal (are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?)
This has been established already. All relationships (platonic, romantic, familial) hold a special place in Luffys life. He declared war on the world government, fought countless fearsome opponents all for the sake his friends (sometimes even people he just met). Your relationship with Luffy would be no different at all. In fact, for you, he would do all of that and much much more.
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"I always just rode the waves,” Rebecca Ferguson says with a shrug. The comment hangs in the air, as if the Anglo-Swedish 37-year-old is only now processing that a combination of currents and tides has led her not just to an acting career but to the brink of big-screen stardom.
“I’ve never been ambitious,” she says. “I’ve always thought that that was a bad thing.” She’s seen others in the industry consumed by constant striving and asked herself why she hasn’t hungered for fame since childhood, slept in cars outside castings, barged into directors’ offices or thrown herself in the path of a producer. “But should I not be burning for this? Out meeting people and networking for the next job?” says Ferguson, who has chosen the sort of quiet, private life outside the big city that so many actors claim to crave. “My life just took another turn. But I’ve always thought: Am I where I should be?”
At the moment, on this late July day, Ferguson is slumped in the backseat of a Mercedes-Benz sedan, crawling through rush-hour traffic on the M4 out of London. She is capping off a hectic week during a particularly busy period. Most immediately, she’s coming from a table read for Wool, the Apple TV+ adaptation of Hugh Howey’s bestselling postapocalyptic trilogy. Ferguson is both the star and, for the first time, an executive producer. “I’m sitting in all the different rooms, listening and learning like the students,” she says. She’s filming Mission: Impossible 7, her third tour of duty in the long-running series that first brought her widespread recognition. She’s also promoting the film Reminiscence, the sci-fi noir written and directed by Westworld co-creator Lisa Joy in which Ferguson stars opposite Hugh Jackman. And now she is starting a press push and festival prep for her role as Lady Jessica ahead of the much-delayed release of Dune (in theaters October 22), director Denis Villeneuve’s reimagining of Frank Herbert’s novel. “After this film, I think everyone will see what I see in her,” the filmmaker says. “She has a beautiful, regal, aristocratic presence, elegance. But that was not the main thing: The most important thing for me was that depth.”
After tracing a long, meandering path, Ferguson has landed in a rare and rarified position: ascendant in her late 30s (still an anomaly for women in the film industry) and sought after by some of the biggest names in the business. “When you meet Rebecca, you just see it. She’s very open, candid, collaborative, hardworking, funny—and not pretentious,” says Tom Cruise, who handpicked Ferguson to star opposite him in the Mission: Impossiblefilms, which are known for their demanding shoots. “She just rose to the occasion every single time.”
In February 2020, when the pandemic began, Ferguson left Venice, where she’d been shooting Mission: Impossible 7, and hunkered down with her husband, their 3-year-old daughter and Ferguson’s 14-year-old son from a previous relationship at their farm in Sweden. After four months, Ferguson returned to the M:I set and basically hasn’t stopped working since.
Dune has sat idle for far longer. By the time the movie premieres, more than two years will have passed since it wrapped. Ferguson recently asked to screen the film again: “I miss it,” she says. She ended up bringing along her Mission: Impossible co-star Simon Pegg. After the credits rolled, Pegg broke into a smile and wrapped her in a congratulatory bear hug. “That’s all I needed,” she says.
Despite being a sci-fi epic based on a novel from 1965, Dune feels “very timely,” Ferguson says, pointing to its handling of environmental issues, religious zealotry, colonialism and Indigenous rights. The plot of the film, which cost an estimated $165 million, centers on occupying powers battling for the right to exploit a people and their planet, named Arrakis, for melange (or spice)—the most valuable commodity in Herbert’s fictional universe, a substance that provides transcendental thought, extends life and enables instantaneous interstellar travel. “Spice,” Ferguson says, “is equally about the poppy and oil fields.”
Ferguson’s Lady Jessica is a member of the Bene Gesserit, a powerful secretive sisterhood with superhuman mental abilities. She defies her order by giving birth to a son, Paul (played by Timothée Chalamet), who may be a messianic figure. “She basically just f—s up the entire universe by having a son out of love,” says Ferguson. In her hands, Jessica is equal parts caring parent, protector and pedagogue. Among the skills she wields and teaches Paul is “the Voice”—a modulated tone that allows the speaker to control others.
The movie was shot in Norway, Hungary, Jordan and Abu Dhabi, whose desert landscape stood in for Arrakis. Filming there was particularly arduous, as temperatures exceeded 120 degrees Fahrenheit, limiting the shoot window to only an hour and a half each day at 5 a.m. and again at dusk. “We were running across the sand in our steel suits being chased by nonexistent but humongous worms,” Ferguson recalls, referring to the sand-beasts later rendered in CGI. “To be honest, it was one of the best moments ever. It was the most beautiful location I’ve ever seen.”
Back in London, Ferguson is approaching home. She leaves the following day for a small town on the coast of England, where she plans to spend her first vacation in two years and to do some surfing. “Let’s hope it’s good weather,” she says. “If not, I’ll surf in the rain.” Not that she’s the sort to paddle out into storm swells. “I think I’ve managed to stand on a board once in my entire life,” she says. “But it was quite a high. Complete surrender to the waves and total control all at once.”
Born Rebecca Louisa Ferguson Sundström to an English mother and Swedish father, Ferguson grew up bilingual in Stockholm. She immersed herself in dance from a young age, enjoying ballet, jazz, street funk and tango. Despite being shy and prone to blushing and breaking out when forced to speak publicly, Ferguson found she was at ease in front of the camera. She dabbled in modeling and then, at 15, attended a TV casting call at her mother’s urging. Ferguson ended up getting the lead role in Nya Tider (New Times), a soap opera that became wildly popular, splashing Ferguson’s face into Swedish homes five times a week.
When her role ended about two years later, Ferguson was adrift. She had no formal acting training to fall back on, no clear sense of how to steer a career and no major connections to the industry. She had a short run on another soap and appeared in a slasher flick and a couple of independent shorts, then…nothing. “I was famous in Sweden, but I didn’t really have an income anymore,” she says. “So I went and I worked in whatever job I could get.” That meant stints at a daycare center and as a nanny, in a jewelry shop and a shoe store, as well as teaching tango, cleaning hotel rooms and waitressing at a Korean restaurant. She eventually landed in a small coastal town named Simrishamn, where she lived with her then-partner and their toddler son, content to be a where-are-they-now celebrity.
When fame again came calling, Ferguson ran away. She was at the flea market when she recognized the acclaimed Swedish director Richard Hobert, and he saw her. As he shouted her name, Ferguson grabbed her son, who lost his shoes and sausage, and fled. “I panicked,” she says. “I don’t know why.” When Hobert eventually caught up to her, Ferguson tried to act nonchalant as he proceeded to tell her he’d admired her work and pitched her on the lead role in his next movie: “I’ve written this role, and I think I have written it for you. Do you want to read the script?”
Her work in Hobert’s A One-Way Trip to Antibes earned her a Rising Star nomination at the Stockholm International Film Festival. She quickly got an agent in Scandinavia, then one in Britain. On her first trip to take meetings in London, she read for the lead in The White Queen, the BBC adaptation of Philippa Gregory’s historical novels about the women behind the Wars of the Roses. Ferguson got the part, and her portrayal of Elizabeth Woodville, queen consort of England, earned her a Golden Globe nomination and the admiration of at least one Hollywood heavyweight.
Ferguson was in the Moroccan desert filming the Lifetime biblical miniseries The Red Tentwhen the assistant director whisked her off her camel. “We’re going to have to pause shooting,” he said as he asked her to dismount. “Tom Cruise wants to meet you for Mission: Impossible. We’re going to fly you off today.”
Cruise had seen Ferguson’s work in The White Queen and her audition tape and couldn’t believe she wasn’t already a major star. “What? Where has this woman been?” Cruise recalls exclaiming to his new Mission: Impossible director Christopher McQuarrie. “She’s incredibly skilled,” Cruise says, “very charismatic, very expressive. As you can tell, the camera loves her.” Ferguson landed a multi-picture deal to star opposite Cruise in the multibillion-dollar franchise. He and McQuarrie built out the role of Ilsa Faust for Ferguson, creating the anti-Bond girl, an equal to Cruise’s Ethan Hunt. “We could just see the impact she could have,” he says. “She’s a dancer. She has great control of her body, of her movements. She has the same ability to move through emotions effortlessly.”
Ferguson threw herself into the films and quickly found a shorthand with the cast and crew. “There was a dynamic that worked very well with all of us,” she says. “One of the things I absolutely love is doing all the stunts.” That physicality has given her a reputation as an action-minded actor. “It doesn’t matter that I’ve done 20 other films where I don’t kick ass,” Ferguson says. “Mission comes with such an enormous following. That was what made my career.”
Ferguson’s M: I movies bracket a number of films in which she played opposite marquee names: Florence Foster Jenkins, with Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant; The Girl on the Train, with Emily Blunt; The Greatest Showman, with Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams; Life, with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds; Men in Black: International, with Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson; The Snowman, with Michael Fassbender; Doctor Sleep, with Ewan McGregor. And now Dune, opposite Oscar Isaac, Javier Bardem, Zendaya and Chalamet, whom she calls “one of the best actors, if not the best actor of his generation—of this time.” She was similarly impressed by Zendaya, who plays the native Fremen warrior Chani. “She’s quite raw and naughty and fun,” says Ferguson. “She has an enormous f— off attitude.”
When Ferguson first spoke to Villeneuve about appearing in the movie, “he started telling me about this woman who was a protector, and a mother, and a lover, and a concubine,” she recalls. “I was like, ‘I’m sorry. You want me to play a queen and a bodyguard? And you want me to kick ass and walk regally?’ I was like, ‘Denis, why would I want to do that? That’s the last thing I want to do.’ ”
After the call, Ferguson says, “I went downstairs to my hubby and said, Oh, my God, he’s amazing, but I’m not going to get the job. I just criticized the character.” Ferguson worried she was being cast as a stereotypical “strong female character,” where “it’s constantly, ‘She looks good, and she can kick.’ That is not what I want to portray.”
Ferguson hasn’t always been able to work with collaborators who’ve given her the space to question or opine. “I’ve been bashed down. I’ve been bullied,” she says, though she opts not to say by whom. That was never a concern with Villeneuve, who welcomed her critique. He and his co-writers had already decided from the start to make women the focus of their screenplay adaptation, and he promptly offered her the part.
“I want Lady Jessica to be at the center, the forefront. For me, she’s the architect of the story,” Villeneuve says. “I needed someone who will convey the mystery and the dark side of the film in a very elegant and profound way. Rebecca was everything I was hoping for. She’s so precise. She brought a beautiful, controlled vulnerability—it becomes very visceral on-screen.”
Ferguson vaguely recalls trying to watch the 1984 version of Dune, directed by David Lynch, in her youth, but she fell asleep. And she had never opened Herbert’s novel until being offered the part in the new adaptation. As she dug into the book, she says, she learned that her character was subservient and far more like a concubine, forced to eat alone in her bedroom, not spoken to and not allowed to speak. Ferguson ended up relying primarily on Villeneuve for her research and prep—his notes and comments, his references and the pages in the book he suggested she focus on. “I would feel ignorant not to have read Frank’s book at all,” Ferguson says, though she admits there are parts of the sprawling novel (which Villeneuve is splitting into two films) she’s only skimmed. “I have to finish it.” That will not happen on her upcoming vacation, however. “Absolutely not,” she says “I am surfing.”
By the way, if you saw, I am snaking on the ground, snaking around my room to get good Wi-Fi—it’s not some dance or yoga thing,” Ferguson says. “You have to do that in this old house.” It’s a week and a half after our first meeting, and Ferguson is at her new home, a more than 500-year-old property southwest of London that has, over the years, been home to numerous English Royals. It’s more spartan than stately now. “Empty except for a rock star,” she says, turning her phone’s camera to reveal a framed duotone poster of Mick Jagger that’s leaning against the wall. “We haven’t even started renovating.
Ferguson has returned from her holiday fortified and with renewed confidence, thanks in part to her success on the surfboard. “I went up nearly every time,” she says cheerfully, “but the waves weren’t very high.” She shrugs. “I was proud. I was up. I rode them, not the other way around.”
After years of going with the flow, Ferguson is eager to replicate that sense of control in her career. She values her role as an executive producer on Wool, she says, “because I am, for the first time, a part of it from the beginning.” She relishes weighing in on every aspect, from casting (the show recently added Tim Robbins) to cinematography to her character—which has not always been easy for her. “Why do I feel it’s difficult to speak up? I still battle with these things,” she says. Alluding to those times she was pushed around in the past, Ferguson says, “I was angry, but it was more me getting off at ‘How can I let that happen? Why am I letting myself react this way?’ And I take it with me to the next thing where I go, ‘OK, how do I stop that from happening?’ ”
She is learning that she can ride on top of waves without giving up her agency or maybe just let them break against her. “I want to feel I can go home and think, That was a hard day or that pissed me off—and that’s OK,” Ferguson says, with a nod and tight smile. “Because I still stood there as Rebecca. I didn’t shift.”
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 𝐑𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭 #𝟏
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
He finds your kind nature and personality pretty attractive. He loves how you smile even during the darkest times and would always find a way to cheer him up whenever he's feeling down.
You love his eyes the most and his personality. Considering he doesn't mind small eye contact so it's not a problem. You just like getting lost in them.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Considering that's like a few years away for him to even think about this considering he and you are both 16-17 but when the time comes, he does plan on having a family with you. He's just not so sure about things right now and doesn't want to think about it right now.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He'll just sit beside you and pick you up on his lap and just hug and cuddle you whenever he feels like cause he feels like he's not giving enough attention/affection to you so he just thinks you deserve it.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
He'll most definitely take you on walks around the park or just in a peaceful yet beautiful areas which are quiet and nice. He's a really simple guy and you like it that way. Anything coming from him pretty special to you.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
"You're my Guardian Angel." That's basically one of the few things he loves to tell you considering he calls you 'Angel' most of the time and you find it pretty nice and you like it. You couldn't ask for anything else.
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
For Ran it took a whole eight months to figure out that he had really fallen in love with you. Now he wasn't at first pretty familiar with his emotions and feelings much considering he's a pretty closed off guy who doesn't talk much but he had talked with Watson and Jackie to figure out his emotions for you which were love.
For you it was pretty much after three months you started to have a crush on him but you pushed the feelings aside thinking he wouldn't like you back but you were shocked when he did return his feelings.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
He's first thought is to be gentle with you considering he is an enderman and you are a whole different species which is a human so that's one of the first things he has to deal with. He doesn't want to accidentally hurt you or anything and he's always asking for consent before doing anything.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He's not much for holding hands in public which is the same with you but you guys mostly hold them when you two are at home or just some place quiet and lonely cause that is when both of you are comfortable with hand holding.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He didn't really know what to think of you when he saw you for the first time other then see how positive and cheerful you are and pretty optimistic but not too optimistic which was fine by him. He did become used to talking with you considering you always gave him space and wouldn't bother him when he didn't want to talk which he liked.
You were pretty fascinated by him to be honest. You haven't really met any endermen hybrids up close so you were pretty awed by him and found him interesting.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He gets jealous not that easily and doesn't show that he is, but when he sees a person flirting with you then he'll get jealous but not show it. He'll just stay where he is or come up behind you and give a death stare at the person flirting which will make then scared and walk away quickly.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Believe it or not, it was Ran who initiated the first kiss. Sure he may not seem like one to do it but he did which surprised you a lot. Though at least he's more bolder than you when it comes to kissing, considering he's the one to always come up and give you a kiss or peck on the lips. He just likes to see you flustered sometimes.
L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
Surprise surprise, it's the man himself and basically you as well but he literally started it and you went after a few seconds though of course both of you accepted each others feelings so yeah that's technically it.
M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
One of his favorite memories is the time when he had confessed his feelings to you and he remembers how nervous he was back then thinking you wouldn't return them but you did and it has made him very happy.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Ran doesn't plan on spoiling you at all and you don't want to be spoiled by him either. Though he will buy you gifts on special occasions. Basically he'll buy you anything that reminds him off you or just simple bouquet of your favorite flowers.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
The colors, black, maroon and green remind you of him the most. You just think the colors suit him a lot. When it comes to Y/F/C, it reminds him of you a lot and would basically just smile when he sees it.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Ran mostly calls you 'Angel' considering you are an Angel in his eyes and he just thinks the nickname suits you.
You just call him Ran or 'Ender Boy' and he doesn't mind at all really.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Both of you like to practice sparring and sword fighting with each other. It's technically a non-modern thing you both love doing and enjoy it too.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Ran will most definitely just stay inside considering him and water don't mix very well and it will just hurt him but he does love looking at it from inside. He's basically like his ancestor, Ranboo.
You also prefer staying in with Ran and watch as the droplets of water fall form the cloudy grey skies. It's pretty peaceful to say the least.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
When he's sad, you basically just come up to him and hug him and do everything in your power to cheer him up and you don't care if it takes a whole day to do so.
When you're sad, he just hugs you from behind and holds you close while muttering sweet nothings to you and rubbing your back to calm you down when you cry or something.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Both of you like talking about random things or just about your day and stuff. Nothing too big or anything. Just random things.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
When you hum to him while cuddling it helps him to relax quite a lot. He also relaxes quite more when you sing but you don't sing that much considering you are a bit shy when it comes to that so you mostly hum but you would sing as well.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
He's not the guy to show things or someone off. Though there are times when he shows off his fighting skills which you find really cool and would love to learn his skills as well to get better at sword fighting.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He hadn't really planned on the whole proposing thing considering you two are still young. But he'll basically propose to you on both your anniversary and where he took you on your first date which will make it a pretty great place for proposals and whatnot.
X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Perfect - Ed Sheeren. Funny enough it actually suits you cause he just finds you perfect even if you have flaws and there are times when he thinks he doesn't deserve someone like you and that you deserve someone better than him but he's overall happy that you chose him and you're glad to choose someone like him to love.
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Marriage/proposing really hasn't crossed his mind just yet considering you're both young teenagers who are in love with each other but he would love to spend the rest of his days with you so of course he will do all those.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
If both of you wanted to keep a pet for yourselves then you'll most likely get a cat as a pet. Both of you seem to love cats a lot so there's a high chance you'll get one or two. He'll basically agree to getting one with you anyways.
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lmao retail workers always have aces up their sleeves! Anyways, I'm in a sally face mood today and it's been a while since last time I requested something! Can I request some fluffy romantic head-canons for Sally? 💙 ilovehimsomuch I need some cliché high school crush stuff, how would he get his clueless S/O's attention, how does he confess? Kill me with fluff! *swoons*
And yes, now I can write properly, got a 15 minute walk with my puppy and now I’m calmer.All good x
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Poor Poor Sal, if it wasn’t for Larry and his other friends that he met, his Highschool experience would have been a living nightmare...Not that most of his life wasn’t already pretty tragic as it was.
Thankfully, he wasn’t a dumb person, contrary to what his bullies thought, but he wasn’t a genius either, so there were a few times where he might have needed some academic help, and you were there to help, which is how you became friends.
He was absolutely shocked that you treated him so kindly, as if there wasn’t nothing wrong with him - Or rather said, as if he was just a normal kid with no mask, no weird long blue hair with 2 pigtails and a girly nickname or a pretty short stature.
Sal was even more surprised when you suggested going to a nice and more private cafe to study, claiming it would be a much better atmosphere for studying and relaxing, which would eliminate any shyness and nervousness either of you would have, and honestly, he was incredibly grateful for your intuition and kindness with everything.
Your voice was so warm and kind, you were so patient, helping him out with every little thing that for you might seem easy, but he was struggling with...
Your smile was dazzling, looking like literal sunshine, your hair was draping and framing your face like you were a renaissance painting made by da Vinci, and your vibe was so soothing that he felt as safe as if you, a guardian angel, was wrapping her pristine wings around him.
His heart was beating so fast, and at first he didn’t understand why - Or rather said, he didn’t want to admit that he actually fell for someone.
I mean...He’s Sally Face...Who’d ever like someone as weird and disfigured as him...?
That day, when you were done studying, he walked you home, and you smiled so sweetly at him when you waved him goodbye, that he felt his knees weaken.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sal.”
It wasn’t a goodbye, it was a see you later - You actually were okay with seeing him again.
Larry is the first person who hears about everything and you bet he’s super happy about the whole idea, and he’s going to play match-maker no matter what.
His bro’s happiness is the most important thing in his life, after all, and if you showed him so much kindness and were so passive about his looks and everything, then that can only mean you have the potential to be such a great match for the blue haired soft baby.
From then on, Larry is going to make sure you are one of the group and you hang out with them more often, and as often as possible, would get everyone away from there, leaving only the two of you alone.
Sal would try to use some gaming flirt lines or pick up lines, but you’d merely laugh at how funny, cute and imaginative they were, not picking up the hint.
He would give you little gifts, with some occasions even flowers, but you’d only play it as him being a sweetheart with his friends.
He would even write songs for you and will give them to you, but you only thought he was trying to write love songs to express himself.
Everything he tried to do, all the little, subtle...Not so subtle hints that he tried to give you, when he tried to test out the waters...They only made you think he was a nice friend.
He couldn’t realise how you could be so clueless to his affections towards you, and it was driving him crazy.
Not only him, but Larry as well, would groan and hit his head on the desk, annoyed at how blind you could be and how you were forcing Sal to outright confess his love for you, so after a long enough time, when the blue haired boy finally managed to muster the courage, Larry started helping him create a love confession.
He would hype up Sally a lot and help him rehears how to ask you out, what to wear, what to say, what to gift you and so on...
But honestly now, when do plans E V E R work the way they are supposed to?!
He’s a mess, he’s stuttering and blushing like crazy (not that you can see it), he somehow managed to grip so hard on the flowers out of anxiousness that he destroyed them and he basically had to run away so he wouldn’t make an even bigger idiot out of him and make you hate him.
You tried to access his walkie talkie a lot, but he kept it shut out of embarrassment, so Larry was the next best option, and he mentioned a place where Sal would go sometimes when he needs to feel better, so following the directions, you saw Sal playing his guitar while staring up at the cloud, his voice expressing the beautiful sorrow that he felt in his heart.
You listened attentively to the sad lyrics and you realised that he himself wrote the lyrics, and you approached him as soon as he was done with the song.
“That was beautiful, Sal. I never knew you had such an angelic voice. And your guitar skills are really something...Will you teach me one day?” you walked next to him, unintentionally scaring him out of his wits.
That only made him let out a small shriek, jolting in place and hitting his head on a tree branch, and in result, making his mask fly away.
He didn’t realise it at first, especially because you didn’t sketch any kind of reaction when you went to fetch him back the mask, and he only realised it when you kneeled next to him, offering to help him put it back.
Poor Sally freaked out big time, covering his face, saying how you shouldn’t look at someone like him, that you’re too perfect to stay around him, and you could feel his voice wavering, breaking, his eyes glistering with tears.
It took every ounce of power you had to put away his hands and kiss him as gently as possible, only to leave him speechless, powerless, unable to hold the tears from streaming his pale cheeks.
Once you reassure him that he is in no way ugly, and that he shouldn’t ever downgrade his worth the way he did, the only thing he can say is a short and genuine love confession, so soft and genuine that it made your heart skip a bit, seeing the love and innocence in his beautiful eyes.
From then on, you, Sal and Larry would be the terrific trio, but this is a request specifically about Sally, so here goes that.
He’s still going to feel insecure, since you could do SO much better, he says, but you wouldn’t hear any of that shit.
He would let you play with his hair, styling it in any way you want, and hell, if you want to, he could style your hair in any way you want, and yes, that means braiding too.
Sally would absolutely MELT if you’d want to match clothes or hairstyles with him, oh god, how cute would that be?!
He honestly looks at you like a Goddess or something since you’re always so sweet with him, even during the times when you’re sad about something, which is when he knows he must step in and make sure you’re okay, trying his best to at least make you smile, if you can’t feel a genuine laugh.
Sal loves to gift you plushies for some reason and when he sees you cuddling with it on a night when you have a sleep over...You killed this boy.
Overall, he’s...Like...The sweetest person in the world? Would care about you, your heart and your well-being literally above anything else?
Would be okay with hugs and cuddles and kisses of any kind at ANY time you want, no matter the place or occasion.
If you’re in public, he would blush a bit, but as long as it made you happy, it didn’t really matter.
And, I mean, it kinda made him be filled with a certain sense of pride and confidence whenever you’d so freely flaunt your relationship in public because -
So basically
He got the Jackpot.
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monokyokyo · 3 years
Flower Boy
An old one but I'm working on a part 2 so I figured I'd share it anyway!
Jongsang (although it's not really focused on), pretty fluffy, Jongho is a florist
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Flowers had a range of emotions. From the fiery passion of roses to the sombre colour of forget me nots'. Jongho found comfort in the likes of these pristine plants. After all, he had an entire shop dedicated to nearly every flower the region had to offer. It was such a simple job yet there was nothing he would rather do.
Every day, someone new entered his shop in search of a flower to suit their tastes or situation, and it was Jongho's job to assist them.
The day started out normal. Jongho was rearranging the objects on the front counter when a familiar face strutted in. "Hello Mr Park," He greeted the tall man cheerfully.
"How many times must I tell you? Just Seonghwa is fine." Chuckled the customer as he removed his sparkling sunglasses.
"I'm sorry. What can I do for you today, Mr Park?" Seonghwa shook his head, deciding to just leave it be. His eyes travelled around the small shop, a light hum coming from his lips.
"I'm looking for something that really pops! You know? This couple is really into gemstones, so they're having a crystal wedding." Seonghwa was a wedding planner. Every now and again, usually once or twice a week, he would come to Jongho's store in search of the perfect flowers to impress his clients. He was a rather picky individual and Jongho learned during their very first encounter that he wasn't someone whose time should be wasted.
As such, Jongho got right to looking for the perfect bunch of flowers for the occasion. He glanced around before finally landing on what he hoped was the right bouquet. "Why not freesia?" He suggested. "The red ones represent passion, something these two must have a lot of if they're theming their wedding around their love of crystals. Wouldn't you say?"
Seonghwa nodded at him, a slight grin forming on his face at the bright smile on the younger man's face. "I would say indeed. Alright, I'll need two dozen bouquets. I'll send you the details on the wrapping later." He put his sunglasses on and turned to the door. "Give me a call when you're ready to plan your wedding, hey Jongho? I promise I'll give you the best of the best."
"I'm only twenty," He giggled. "I've still got some time, Mr Park."
Seonghwa chuckled. "Indeed you do." He left, leaving Jongho with a smile on his face.
About an hour or so later, the bell above the store entrance dinged. Jongho looked up from his order and saw a man scanning, somewhat frantically, through several displays of flowers. "How many I help you today?" Jongho asked the customer cheerfully.
The man sighed and sluggishly walked over to the counter. "I need the perfect flower for my boyfriend. He's been going through a lot recently and I need something to show him that I'm here for him..." Jongho tilted his head at this and hummed. He told the man to wait a moment then hopped over to one of the shelves.
"Here," He said. The man looked down curiously at the pink hydrangea in Jongho's hand. "Pink hydrangea for a passionate and emotional romance. You clearly care about him a lot. I'm sure these flowers will show him that." Jongho tilted his head at the light hum of consideration he received, hoping he would take up his suggestion. "I could label the bouquet if you'd like? What's your boyfriend's name?"
"Wooyoung," Jongho didn't fail to notice the way the man smiled at the mere mention of his boyfriend's name. He found it sweet how love two people could share with one another. Words are hard to express, but one could show them through something as simple as a flower. So Jongho made sure to put on the nicest tag he had, and encased the hydrangea a shiny, clear plastic to keep them safe.
"I hope things go well for you two," Said Jongho just as they finished their transaction. He handed the man the bouquet, sending him a grin with it. "Have a good day Mr..."
"San. Choi San," Then they parted ways. It made Jongho feel a certain pride inside, knowing he had the potential to help someone with his flowers. Regardless of if he knew the turnout, at least he was able to provide some assistance to those who would appreciate it. Well, it wasn't always appreciated.
About thirty or so minutes later, another familiar face stormed into the flower shop. The front door slammed open, disturbing the usual calm atmosphere of the store when he stomped in. An empty vase on the counter, nearly cracking it and causing Jongho to flinch from his seat. He let out a yelp in surprise, a small squeak that only made the man in front of him scoff.
"M-Mr Jeong? I'm sorry I-"
"You should be," Growled the older man. He pushed back his blonde hair with an aggressive sigh while Jongho slowly pulled back the clay pot. His brow furrowed in confusion, wondering what could've gone so wrong that he would come back so vexed, especially after their calm encounter last week. Mr Jeong or, Yunho, had ordered a pot of roses for his girlfriend. Could she have hated them that much?
"I-If you don't mind me asking...What happened last week?"
The blonde huffed, though it sounded more like a growl to Jongho's sensitive ears. "She's allergic," The younger male squinted, carefully asking him to repeat himself. "Are you deaf? I said she's fucking allergic!" Jongho flinched back at his harsh and loud tone yet Yunho hardly made the effort to reel himself back in.
"You sold me these damn flowers, giving me this grand speech about how special they'll make her feel and how she'll love them and you know what happens? She ends sneezing through our entire date! Why the hell would you give those to me?!"
"W-Well how was I s-supposed to know? Y-You came in asking for flowers!" The look Yunho gave him had to be the scariest thing Jongho had ever seen...in his shop. He was tall, about six foot, and easily towered over the cowering boy.
"Are you saying this is my fault?" He seethed through his gritted teeth. Jongho gulped, unsure of what to do in this sort of situation. He had never had anyone this angry over roses of all things.
"W-Well, no...I'm not blaming you but...shouldn't you have known?" He flinched yet again when Yunho leered closer, his hands thrown up in what would likely be, useless defence.
"Those roses had to be bugged, sprayed with something, I don't know! You had to have done something to them! We have roses at home for crying out loud!"
"And do you water them?" When Jongho's only response was silence, he lowered his arms, creasing his brow.
"Well...I've never seen anyone water them...but..."
"So...You ordered real roses thinking that your girlfriend wouldn't be allergic...because she doesn't react to the fake roses in your home?" Yunho could only sputter out a string of incoherent words that basically proved Jongho's suspicions to be correct. In response, he sighed then wordlessly pulled out his logbook.
Yunho watched curiously as he flipped through before he landed on last week. Jongho then grabbed a piece of paper and asked for the man's card, which he reluctantly agreed to. When it was handed back to him, Jongho hit him with a frow. "Here is your receipt sir. I've refunded your flowers..." The face alone was enough to make anyone feel lousy but the way his words trailed off just added extra salt to the wound.
So just before he took his receipt and left, Yunho mumbled something under his breath to the boy. "Thank you...for what it's worth...she loved the flowers before she started sneezing..." A tiny grin formed on Jongho's face and it made Yunho sigh, successfully feeling like less of an ass.
Jongho never had aggressive customers. Irritated, sure, but no one had ever gotten that upset with him. It was a flower shop after all. All of that before twelve as well...
The brunette let out a sigh of relief when his phone went off at twelve-thirty, signalling that it was finally his lunch break. Though the day was mostly quiet, he hadn't eaten since that morning and was eager to fill his stomach with some sort of nutrients. However, just before you could put up his 'Back in 20 minutes sign', the sound of the doorbell caught his attention. In shuffled a man with jet black hair, featuring various strands of gold.
His eyes were light red and his face was a little puffy as well. Jongho didn't give himself a moment to mourn his lost lunch break and hastily rushed over to greet the once crying figure. "I'm sorry...Am I bothering you?" He sniffled, wiping whatever remaining tears he had.
"No, not at all! What can I help you with?"
The man fidgeted slightly, eyes wandering around the shop and towards the floor. Clearly, he was trying to look anywhere but at Jongho, something the younger wasn't at all bothered by. "I'm looking for a flower..." He shook his head, muttering how that was obvious. "A gift I mean. I-It's for..."
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..." Shaking his head once, the customer told him that it was alright, followed by mumbling a few things that Jongho didn't quite get. "Pardon?"
"S-Sorry I um...I just got back from the hospital..." Judging by his mannerisms, Jongho couldn't quite tell if he was a patient or if he was merely visiting someone. "My father he um...isn't doing too well," Well now he felt awful for assuming his condition. "I just wanted to get him some flowers and my boyfriend recommended this place..."
The snap from Jongho's fingers made the older male flinch, put off by the rather bright grin on his face. "You must be Wooyoung! San's boyfriend, right?"
"Y-Yes...That's me..." Jongho had realised his awfully chipper tone wasn't very appropriate and did Wooyoung a favour by calming himself down.
"Sorry...Why don't you browse around and tell me what catches your eye." A slight nod was all Jongho got before Wooyoung began to walk around the store. He tried his best not to follow the young man whilst he strolled about but it was difficult not to be curious. The way he moved was so tired, sluggish even and Jongho knew he wouldn't find anything he would like in a reasonable amount of time.
So, with that, Jongho stood to his feet and made his way over to the mixed-haired male, following his gaze across the shelves. "Anything that's caught your interest?" His sudden question made Wooyoung jump. Jongho apologised as soon as he startled him yet the older only turned away.
"I'm sorry...I don't really know what I'm doing here," Jongho heard his airy chuckle but it definitely wasn't humorous. "I don't know the first thing about flowers or what he would like...I think I'll just go."
Jongho grabbed his arm before he could turn away, earning him a questionable look from Wooyoung. His arm was yanked back and Jongho replied with a nervous laugh. "Sorry. Um, stay right here?" With the soft tone of his voice, Wooyoung couldn't possibly leave yet. So he sighed to himself while watching the young florist run off to the corner of the room, where an array of purple flowers caught his eye.
He came back not too long later with a bouquet in his hands. "Iris'," Said Jongho just as he handed them off. "They represent hope. I hope you and your family have enough, but a little more won't hurt. Stay strong." Wooyoung looked down at the flowers in his hand. Incoming tears were the only thing he saw as they began to fill his vision, eventually clouding it entirely until he felt the water roll down his pale cheeks.
Whatever words he mumbled to Jongho were interrupted by his unstable breaths and cries but it hadn't deterred him in the slightest. Instead of charging him the moment Wooyoung was handed the flowers, Jongho asked him if he would like a cup of hot chocolate. The older male wiped his tears, offering him a slight grin and saying: "T-That would be wonderful..."
Jongho even gave him extra marshmallows to make him feel better.
It was rather late when Wooyoung left. Well, if you count quarter past three to be late - which Jongho did. Although, he didn't mind much. Wooyoung left his store with a smile, flowers and a cheeky bit of foam around his lips. It was good enough for him.
Thankfully, Jongho had gotten to eat a cookie or two while speaking with the mixed-haired male. It was just enough to distract his growling stomach while he helped his few customers. One of which was certainly one of the most intimidating Jongho had seen yet.
A tall stature, black leather jacket, red hair and a dark stare - Jongho had no clue what he was doing in a flower shop of all places. However, he had learned to never judge a book by its cover and greeted the man with a bright beam, just as he did with all his other customers. "Hello..." His voice certainly fit his appearance. It was deep, like it could reach the depths of the ocean if he wanted it to.
"How can I help you today?" Said Jongho, as he waved to the old lady who had just bought a pot of daisies right before the redhead entered.
"I'm looking for some flowers..." As obvious as that may have sounded, Jongho didn't hold it against him though. It was clear that he had never been in a store like this. The poor man looked too scared to touch anything as if he were afraid it was going to burst into flames if he so much as lifted a finger. Honestly, Jongho found it rather cute.
"Of course! What kind?" That didn't seem to be the right question to ask. As all the man did was rock back and forth on his heels, the gears turning in his head as attempted to come up with a suitable answer.
"Um...Pretty ones?" Jongho nearly giggled at how adorable his answer was. He was clueless about flowers and the young florist was ready to help him find the perfect one for his occasion. Walking from behind the counter, Jongho made his way to his titan of a customer and looked up at him. He was quite small in comparison but he didn't mind.
"I'll help you find the prettiest ones around! Who are they for?" Big men like him didn't usually visit Jongho's shop, so it was no surprise when a light blush crept across the customer's cheek and he began to avert eye contact in embarrassment.
"They're um...f-for my mother..." This time, Jongho didn't hesitate to giggle, eliciting a deeper blush from the taller male. "D-Don't laugh! What? Got a problem with me getting a gift from my mother?" The man's tone dropped to a frightfully low level, ending Jongho's laughter within seconds.
"I didn't mean it like that...It's just, I'm surprised. That's all. Not many tough looking guys like you come in here." This time, it was the other male's turn to laugh. A 180 that was nothing but appreciated by Jongho.
"Never judge a book by its cover, I suppose," He sent Jongho a grin and the younger smiled right back. "My mother's been telling me all about this shop, she comes here every Tuesday to look at the flowers and pick up supplies for her garden. She was busy today, so she asked me to pick a few things for her house."
"Oh! You must be Mrs Song's son? Mingi, was it?" The redhead nodded at him, continuing to grin even as he chuckled somewhat awkwardly. "She talks about you quite a bit. The one that sleeps with plushies, right?"
"Yep, that's me. I'll be honest, I'm not much of a flower guy but my mother adores them. Mind helping me pick out something she would like?" Jongho nodded at him, eagerly bouncing up and down in a way that made Mingi giggle.
Despite his rough exterior, Mingi was a rather sweet person. Listening attentively and nodding along as Jongho told him about his various selection of flowers and even giving his own input, saying what and what not his mother would like. Eventually, the two settled on yellow daffodils, quite a few dahlias and a tiny pot of lavender. Once Mingi was completely sure this was perfect, he bid Jongho farewell, promising to come visit again with his mother at some point. The prospect of seeing him again made Jongho grin. Another satisfied customer.
The day was officially coming to a close. Jongho sighed the moment the final customer went on their way. It was a rather old lady and he had just spent the last fifteen minutes explaining that the stamen and anther of her plants weren't insects. A rather draining conversation, as you can imagine. After that, the young man was just about ready to close his shop and head home.
He glanced at the clock, smiling at it finally struck six. Closing time. He trotted over to the front door and got ready to flip to the open sign to close. Yet just before he could do so, the door suddenly swung open and Jongho flinched back in surprise. A hand grabbed his waist just before he could fall backwards, lifting his body to meet another.
Light, sparkling brown eyes met with Jongho's dark ones. His hazel hair managed to look unkempt yet too perfect to fix and his expression was soft but his features were sharp, almost prince-like. He was the epitome of beauty. "Are you still open?" Were the first words to leave his soft lips.
Jongho couldn't find the words or the will to say no or so much as shake his head. All he did was slowly escape his grip, carefully gesturing him into the store. The stranger smiled at him then made his way in. Jongho gulped, watching his every movement. He had seen him before. A delivery boy from the restaurant down the road. The two had never spoken but Jongho knew he existed. Yet he yearned for more.
"Do you know what you're looking for?" He inquired in a voice more akin to a whisper rather than his usual upbeat speaking voice. The older brunette turned back to him. Jongho thought he had done something wrong judging by his stare yet the smile returned to his face.
Slowly, he made his way towards the florist, prompting Jongho to step back until he was pressed against one of the displays. "You," He stated simply.
Blush erupted onto Jongho's cheeks, sending him into an internal frenzy of panic. "M-Me? What do you..." He trailed off when the other male picked a lone rose from the table. Oh...he meant the rose. He told Jongho that he would take it and go, filling him with a heavy heart.
With that, Jongho filled out their transaction, trying his best not to let his gaze travel to the lean figure in front of him. How could he be so intimidating while doing practically nothing?
The man had sweater paws for crying out loud.
Jongho then handed him the rose and a receipt. "Have a good evening, sir..." Yet he hadn't left yet. He glanced up to see the man wrapping a tag around the flower, before he placed it back on the counter. Just before Jongho could question what he was doing, he was hit with another smile.
"Good night, flower boy." Was all he said before he leaned in and placed a kiss on the younger's forehead. Just like, he disappeared into the night. Like a strange yet delightful dream Jongho had experienced in the wake of dawn.
Cautiously, he glanced at the rose that was left on the counter.
Call me XXX-XXX-XXXXX Kang Yeosang I would love to get to know you, Flower Boy
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freakynct · 4 years
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「𝒂-𝒛 𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔」
— mark lee
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a; aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
likes to just lay down in bed with your head on his chest while both of you catch your breath and he caresses your soft skin. he loves feeling you close to him after sex before getting up so you can clean yourselves
b; body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his favorite body part on himself is probably his thighs and butt, he likes how they look well built and strong. on you his favorite body part is probably your neck and collarbones, he loves leaving kisses and hickies all over that area 
c; cum (anything to do with cum basically)
mark is pretty messy and cums a lot, he always needs to have tissues or a towel close to him when he jerks off so he can clean everything after. when he's fucking you he loves cumming on your stomach and a little bit on top of your pussy
d; dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
mark secretly likes taboo things when it comes to sex but won't admit it because he thinks you might find his fantasies weird or too much. he secretly wants to fuck you in a church while everyone is praying and you have to keep quiet so nobody hears what you're doing. the idea of sinning in such a holy place turns him on beyond belief
e; experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i don't think he has had many partners before, maybe just one or two people, but he knows quite a lot about sex, either from porn, personal experience or advice he learned from other people, so he's pretty good when it comes to pleasing you
f; favourite position (goes without saying)
he loves the good old missionary position, where his chest is pressed against yours and he gets to kiss and bite on your neck while you moan next to his ear. likes to hold your wrists next to your head sometimes
g; goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
mark is a pretty goofy and humorous guy but when it comes to sex he likes to be serious and sensual, he thinks that if you start laughing during sex it will just ruin the mood and he'll get distracted and shy, so he needs to be in a serious mood to perform well
h; hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
he's not very hairy overall but i don't think he likes to shave everything, probably just trims it a little bit so it's cleaner but that's all
i; intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
i don't think mark can just have sex with someone he's not in a relationship or is at least close with, he needs some kind of meaningful connection to have sex. he likes to be rough but when he's feeling more emotional or it's a special occasion he can definitely switch to being more gentle and romantic
j; jack off (masturbation headcanon)
he jerks off very regularly, i would say about five times a week or more. he's a very horny boy with a very high sex drive and if he doesn't have anyone to satisfy him he will just take care of it himself. sometimes watches porn, sometimes just pictures scenarios in his head. he just locks the door of his bedroom to make sure the members don't walk in on him and lays back in bed, palming himself through his pants until he's hard enough. he loves teasing himself and will even edge himself so that the orgasm is more powerful. after cumming he can't go out of his room right away because he feels weird looking at the members after jerking off
k; kink (one or more of their kinks)
this boy is so kinky and probably won't confess some of them in fear that you'll find them weird. some of his main kinks are power play, cum play, dry humping, public sex and deep throat
l; location (favourite places to do it)
like i've mentioned before he won't just stick to the bedroom when it comes to sex. he loves experimenting and fucking in public places, the thrill of it excites him. his favorite place would probably be in the kitchen counter at the dorms where there's the danger of someone walking in, and even tho he would be super embarrassed if someone actually did, he still enjoys it so much [but would definitely make sure that nobody was at the dorms at that time]
m; motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
it really gets him going if you tease him in front of his members. for example if you're all watching a movie in the living room and you start touching and stroking him over his sweatpants under the blanket. he would get hard so fast and probably fuck you really hard once you're alone
n; no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don't think there's something he would say absolutely no to [unless it's something very very weird] but i think he wouldn't be very open to orgies and/or share you with someone else, especially another man. if it's a threesome with another girl he might consider
o; oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
he does love to go down on you but he really prefers to receive it. the sight of your lips wrapping around his cock while you bob your head and suck him into your warm mouth just turns him on so much. specially if you drag your fingertips down his stomach and thighs and look up at him as he grabs your hair in his fist
p; pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
mark gets very excited and lost in the moment when he fucks you and his thrusts are very fast and rough most of the time. he likes to feel himself deep inside you and the friction of your walls around him when he fucks you fast
q; quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he loves them. any kind of sexual contact that he has with you is great and if he's feeling horny and there's not a lot of time then he will make that time count and find a place where he can fuck you quickly. he can last for a long time but when he wants to he can also cum pretty quickly, so to him quickies are hot and necessary sometimes. he still enjoys proper sex more than quickies tho
r; risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
after all i wrote already, do i really need to elaborate on this? lol
s; stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
high sex drive, he can honestly go for many rounds and when he gets really excited he just keeps fucking you until you're begging him to stop. he's the type to still be hard after cumming. if it's only one round he can make it last for a long time but like i said, if he wants to he can also cum pretty fast so it really depends on what he's going for in that moment
t; toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i don't think he uses toys on himself but probably wondered what it would feel like to fuck himself with one ups on you tho i don't think he would already have them with him but definitely wants to experiment using some on you, especially those little vibrators that he can leave in your panties and control, that would be pretty fun for him, so i think he would consider buying some to try it out
u; unfair (how much they like to tease)
a lot. he likes to be teased and to tease you back. likes to grab your inner thigh and maybe run his hand a little higher up your leg than he's suppose to just to see your reaction, especially if you're wearing a skirt or dress. likes to rub his fingers over your panties when you're laying in bed and he's kissing your neck and just teases your clit over the fabric until you're begging
v; volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
i think he's in the middle, not very loud but also not very quiet. he likes to groan and leave soft moans whenever he feels really good and he's a heavy breather too. will be the loudest when you're sucking him off and especially if you take him deep down your throat
w; wild card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
mark groaned as you took more of him in your mouth, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat and his hand grabbed firmly at your hair, encouraging you to keep going. you could feel how close he was getting, you had been teasing and edging him for the longest time and even when he told you to stop and just let him cum, you knew how much he loved it. you felt his cock twitch in your mouth and soon after his warm cum was coating your tongue and he was giving you so much that some of it fell from the corners of your mouth. you moved away from him and slightly parted your lips as you looked up at him, showing him how much you could hold in your mouth. you chuckled as you saw his cock twitch from arousal and he grunted before telling you to swallow all of it which you proudly did, sticking your tongue out for him to see that you didn't waste anything
x; x-ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
i think he has an average size, circumcised and with just the right amount of thickness. the tip is really pink, especially when he's hard
y; yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
like i said before, very high sex drive, it's really easy to turn him on and you'll be having sex very regularly
z; zzz (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if he's really tired from work, almost immediately, as soon as you cuddle with him he's out. but if not then he will clean up first and then cuddle and maybe talks to you for a little bit before dozing off, but normally he's pretty tired after sex
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genesisrose74 · 4 years
A/n: Alright if you can’t already figure out I am very much a simp for adorable sweethearts cause they’re just so cute!! Literally take all my uwus— anywho here’s some quarantine headcanons for best boy Izuku Midoriya! I might make quarantine hc’s a small series for the boys of Class 1-A because I had a really fun time writing this, but we’ll see! I included a bit of background at the beginning as well so enjoy!!
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So you’re in Class 1-B at UA High, and the first time you officially met Izuku was at the sports festival
During the cavalry battle you had snagged points from Bakugo’s team and he was incredibly impressed with you despite the fact that your group fell short of making the one on one battle round
You may or may not have become intrigued with him during the obstacle race and your curiosity only grew from there
Monoma got upset with you because you were so focused on Izuku almost the entire festival
“Are you seriously fawning over our rivals?”
Cue you elbowing him in the side and scolding him for being so hostile (yes you and Kendo get along swimmingly)
When he saw you around later that day he asked you about your quirk and you were happy to talk with him! You offered to get ice cream while you walked and he was ecstatic because not only was your quirk awesome, but you were also one of the prettiest girls Izuku had ever seen and he was trying not to get too flustered
Poor boy basically got hounded by Monoma when he saw you two walking around the festival together and Kendo had to physically drag the blonde away while mustering out a handful of apologies
Y’all became good friends very quickly and you and Izuku would alternate eating with each other’s friend groups at lunch - the Dekusquad loves you
Izuku ended up meeting your parents unexpectedly after the forest training camp incident, as they worked as some of the head doctors at the hospital and were well acquainted with OFA (your dad attended UA in the support class at the same time Toshinori was enrolled!! He worked closely with Recovery Girl during his years there)
Izuku had stepped in to help you at the training camp during the attack, so your parents were thanking him constantly for protecting their daughter.
You ended up asking him out pretty soon after that because he was always so selfless and kind, not to mention the most adorable person you had ever met
Decided to keep it very lowkey just because of the class rivalry and all the craziness going on
Anyways when Miss ‘Rona starts up you’ve been dating for a few months now and Izuku’s mom and your parents each adore y’all already
So UA makes the announcement that students should stay at home for a while so that they can clean out the campus and make sure everything is safe for use, so that means everyone is moving out of the dorms for the time being
Your parents are worried because even though you all got tested and the results were negative, they don’t want to put you at risk as they’re traveling to and from the hospital each day, so Izuku’s mother being the sweetheart she is offers to have you stay at their place
So the Midoriya fam gets tested and all is good except that Izuku is freaking out
He knows it’s fine because there’s a guest room and you’ve been to his house on many, many occasions but oH My GoSH sHe’S bASiCalLy gOiNG tO LiVe wiTh mE
Sweet baby is a blushing mess when his mom tells him you’re coming over and he bolts to clean everything and make sure you’ll be comfortable
Folds your favorite hoodie that you steal all the time and puts it on the guest room bed…SWEETHEART
He knows you’re worried about your parents so he wants to do his best to make sure you’re alright
And let me just say that this child is best boy like?? Always tidies his room and helps Momma Midoriya out around the house! It’s the cutest thing ever
If you’re not the best with online classes he’s sat next to you on your bed and explaining stuff to you.
You get a question right? Nose kissies. No exceptions. You’re getting rewarded for your hard work
He’s super respectful of your space too — he will never enter your room or the bathroom without knocking and making sure you’re not caught off guard
But believe it or not this little broccoli gets into very clingy moods and will absolutely pull you into his side while he’s doing homework on the couch or when you’re making a snack in the kitchen.
Cuddles are mandatory at least three times a day, and when he gets this way you’re basically immobile the entire afternoon
P l e a s e kiss the scars on his hands I am begging you
Movie nights in his room all the time. Y’all eat up romantic comedies and literally anything Disney.
Sometimes you fall asleep on his chest during the movie and the boy c o m b u s t s at how completely adorable you look.
His mom has dozens of pictures of you both. She hardcore ships it.
Since y’all have classes at differing times, you’ll sometimes come into his room while he’s on a Zoom call and discreetly put a plate of snacks on his desk to keep him focused. He gives you the softest look whenever you do it’s so precious-
You try to avoid the camera at all costs though, since no one at school knows you’re both dating, let alone currently staying in the same house
One time his classmates asked who was in his room and he choked on air before sputtering out that it was his mother.
To his relief everyone believed it, but after he muted his mic again you were practically wheezing on the other side of the room at how freaked out he got
You knock lightly on Izuku’s bedroom door, quietly slipping in when you hear a faint “come in” from the other side. A plate of fruit is balanced in one hand while the other one closes the door behind you, and you are met with the sight of your boyfriend listening to another one of Aizawa’s lectures. He looks a bit tired, with his head propped up on his hand and pencil tapping on his desktop. You smiled to yourself, knowing that this time of the afternoon was around the middle of his daily classes and he was running out of steam - hence the snacks you brought.
You gently place the plate beside Izuku and glance at his screen to find his microphone off. He looks over to you with an appreciative smile before reaching for a piece of honeydew.
“How are you doing, baby?” you ask, giggling when he groans in exasperation.
“Staring at this screen for so long is hurting my brain,” he sighs as he pops the fruit into his mouth. “Thank you for the food.”
“Not a problem. My next class isn’t for another hour so if you need anything else let me know.”
The boy reaches out for your hand, and your eyes briefly flick to the camera to make sure you’re still out of view, but you let him lace his fingers with yours.
“Could you sit with me for a bit then?” he requests, looking up to you with pleading emerald eyes.
You smile softly at his behavior. “Only if I get to have some of this fruit plate.”
You take up the space on the floor besides Izuku’s chair, leaning your head against his side. His computer’s camera angle only showed him from the shoulders up, and the aspiring pro hero absentmindedly brushed a hand through your hair as he focused back on the lecture. You pulled out your phone to keep yourself occupied while your boyfriend worked during the class, occasionally reaching out to snag another piece of fruit from atop his desk.
The room was filled with the comfortable sounds of pen against paper and the fan whirring softly overhead, and you perked your head up as Izuku answered a question Aizawa had asked a moment prior. The corners of his mouth raised into a small smile when he was deemed correct. You teasingly pressed a quick kiss to his side which caused him to jolt in surprise and glance over to you.
“What was that for?” he chuckled, a hint of a blush adorning his face.
“You got the question right,” you smiled back at him cheekily. “That’s your reward.”
He scoffed playfully. “You’re such a dork.”
“Maybe, but you like that I’m a dork.”
Izuku shook his head with a grin, grabbing a strawberry from the plate on his desk and holding it out to you. You gladly took a bite of the sweet fruit that had been sprinkled with bits of sugar.
“I think I deserve a slightly better prize for answering correctly, though,” he shrugged, lifting the strawberry to his mouth — that was now practically the same shade of red as his face.
“Oh yeah? What might that be?” you hummed, eyebrow arched.
“Not sure exactly. I was just thinking out loud.”
“Maybe I’ll kiss you properly when you’re not on a class Zoom call, weirdo.”
“Uh, hey Midoriya? Who are you talking to?”
Both yours and Izuku’s faces morphed into mortified realization at the voice coming from his computer.
He forgot to mute himself after answering Aizawa’s question, getting distracted by your antics. And everyone had just heard him. Flirting with you.
The voice who had spoken and saved you two from further embarrassment belonged to Kaminari, and the rest of the class was quick to follow up with their own questions as they unmuted themselves one by one. Izuku looked at you with apologetic eyes, and you only let out a soft laugh and waved your hand nonchalantly, the initial shock of the situation already leaving you. The boy tilted his head in question: ‘want to say hello?’ You nodded in response, standing up so you were now in view of the computer’s camera.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” you laughed awkwardly, watching everyone’s screens as Class 1-A’s jaws dropped.
“Woah, you’re from Class 1-B right?” Kirishima spoke up. You nodded in affirmation.
“What’re you doing at Midoriya’s house?” Asui inquired.
“Midoriya, are you not exercising proper social distancing guidelines?” Iida chimed in, with his typical Class Representative concern.
Izuku was growing more flustered by the second as numerous students bombarded you with questions. You gently placed a hand on his shoulder which seemed to somewhat ease his embarrassment.
Aizawa had decided to use this opportunity to take a nap, saying he didn’t care what you students did so long as the class was done with this little predicament by the time he woke up. So now, the floor solely belonged to you both.
“Alrighty, so I’ll try to keep this short and quick,” you started, looking to Izuku with a small smile. “My parents are doctors at the local hospital and since they wanted to make sure I stayed healthy, I’m currently living at Izuku’s place. Yeah, we’ve been tested and are fine, and yes Iida, we’re still maintaining clean and healthy lifestyles around the house to play it safe. And finally, yes, we are dating. Pretty sure that covers it.”
“Like hell it does!” Mina exclaimed, leaning towards her camera excitedly. She had been missing some long awaited drama. “How long have you two been dating?”
“A handful of months now,” Izuku spoke up, hiding his burning face in your sweater.
“You’re joking! And you didn’t tell anyone?” Momo gasped, quite a fan of the occasional dramatics herself.
“It was kind of a crazy time after the whole summer camp fiasco, so we didn’t feel like bringing it up then would have been right,” you explained, patting the top of Izuku’s head. “After that, we just never really got around to saying anything.”
“So you’re telling me that Midoriya scored a hottie from 1-B and not the rest of us guys?” Mineta huffed. You laughed when Izuku secured his arms around your waist at the comment.
“Mineta, no,” he scolds, although his voice is muffled by the fabric of your clothing.
“Aww, I think someone’s properly embarrassed now,” you cooed. “I should probably be taking my leave then.”
“But there are so many more questions we could ask!” Mina whines, and a number of the students nod in agreement.
You giggle at the class’ curiosity. “Maybe another time. This might be all Zuku can take at the moment.”
The boy in question lifted his head to look at you, blush still alight on his freckled cheeks.
“Sorry about all this,” he apologizes.
You shake your head with a small smile. “It’s all fine and done. Don’t even worry about it. We were going to let them know eventually.”
You take his face in your hands and press a kiss on Izuku’s forehead. He pouts, his eyes averted to his lap. “You missed.”
With a playful roll of your eyes, you lean down to peck Izuku’s lips. The gesture is met with a chorus of awwing over the class Zoom call, only opposed by a gagging Bakugo and a salty Mineta.
“Alrighty, that’s enough public affection in front of your friends for today,” you joke, and you leave a furiously blushing Izuku to deal with the rest of the class on his own.
Safe to say you were drowned in cuddles and many, many kisses as soon as the call ended.
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Would you be willing to do the NSFW alphabet with Cassian?
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A/N: Gladly! Just as a reminder REBLOG AND COMMENT IF YOU LIKE THIS! These take just as much time as drabbles to finish and the tags hate me.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Cassian is downright clingy after sex. All he wants to do is hold you close and bury his head in your neck. He’s not letting you go for anything.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your hands. He loves how they feel against his skin whether your placing a gentle touch on his cheek or digging your nails into his back. He loves how your fingers intertwine with his. It keeps him grounded in the here and now with you.
Admittedly there isn’t much about his body that Cassian really likes. It’s more of a vessel to get his head from room to room. But you’ve been making an effort to show him how much you love his body. He is starting to grow an appreciation for his jaw line, considering how many kisses you seem to lay on it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Cassian loves nothing more than cumming in your cunt and your cunt exclusively. Even if you bring him right to the edge with your mouth, he’ll pull you away and all but beg to let him finish deep inside your pussy. He stands no chance of pulling out, he gets to lost in the feeling to pull away. And if you cum before him? He’s following you seconds after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You and Cassian once had sex on top of the holo table in command center.
He got back late from a mission and you were the only one still on the comms.  He hadn’t seen you in a month. So, rather than wait until your shift ended, he took you right on the table.  It was one of the most intense experience of your life. Neither of you can look at that table directly ever again.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Cassian has had a few partners over the years, but not as many as you’d think. Touch in general is borderline sacred so having enough trust in someone to sleep with them is kind of a big deal for Cassian. He’s been around enough to have experience, though.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Honestly, basically any position where he can feel your whole body pressed against his. Whether it’s your chest against his, or him bent over your back, he wants to feel every part of you. He wants to bury his face in your skin while his hands cling to you like a life line.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
That’s going to be a no in the humor department. 9/10 he’s using sex as a way to tell you things he can’t always properly put into words: I love you, I’ve missed you, I need you, I can’t lose you. You’re the one more likely to initiate playful sex and if that’s the case, he’s just there to tease you with a dry smile on his face.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s actually got a good amount of hair down below and doesn’t really trim it. He keeps everything clean if he can, but not much beyond that.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it until the end of time: CASSIAN ANDOR IS THE MOST TENDER LOVER IN THE STAR WARS FRANCHISE!!! He makes love to you every time you have sex. Whether it’s slow and sensual or fast and rough it’s all about showing you how he feels about you. It’s emotional and intense and utterly intimate.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Cassian jacks off as a form of stress release every now and then. Some times in his bunk, but most of the time in the cabin of his ship. It gives him some much needed privacy without much chance of getting interrupted. There’s some pleasure it in, but it’s almost of way to sort out his frustrations on his hand rather than you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling.  Seriously, as soon as he’s getting anywhere near close all you have to do is rake your fingers through his hair, give it a hard tug and he’s gone.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your bunk or his. Like I said, his goal is to make love to you every time you’re together, so having a place where he knows he can take his time is important. It’s a safe place far away from the problems of the Rebellion where he can get lost in you. A close second is his ship’s cabin.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I’m not sure how else to phrase this except, whenever he sees you.  You guys are constantly coming and going, sometimes on missions together but often not.  It can be a few days or a few weeks between seeing each other.  But nothing really get him going like seeing you again safe and sound.  The first thing he wants to do after you give your reports is get you to his bunk as soon as possible.
A close second is anytime he sees you kick Imperial ass.  We all saw how he looked at Jyn.  You know I’m right.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any foreplay involving you guys in Imperial uniforms.  Seriously, Cassian is fighting space Nazis, having you in a space Nazi uniform is going to do the exact opposite of turning him on.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
It really is a toss up for him between given and receiving.  He’ll never turn down a blow job and is always happy to get his mouth inbetween your legs.  
He’s also, really good at eating you out; lots of small praises and moaning vibrations on your clit.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He leans toward the slow and sensual, but it really depends on how he’s feeling.  There are times he can’t contain how much he needs you, tearing at your clothes and pulling you close to him like it’s the only thing keeping him sane.  Other times it’s like he wants to memorize every inch of your skin as he listens in reverence to the noises you make.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies usually happen if you haven’t seen each other in a long time. As soon as Cassian gives his report, he grabs you by the hand and pulls you into the first empty room or cargo hold he can find and takes you against the wall. It’s fast and messy, but lacks none of the feeling. It’s also just a taste of what you’ll get later that night.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Probably, but you guys are both going to have to do all the proper research before hand.  He’s honestly pretty happy with what you’re doing now, but if you want to try new things, it doesn’t take much convincing.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
The longer Cassian and you have been away from each other, the longer he seems able to go.  If you guys haven’t seen each other in a few days, it’s one fast one against the wall followed by a more thorough love making session involving at least two orgasms on your part.
If he hasn’t seen you in weeks to a month? Well, let’s just say you had to call in sick and nobody saw either of you for almost a full twenty-four hours.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
For himself, Cassian is more acquainted with his hand.  Time away from base added to the possibility of having to leave at a moment’s notice means buying one hasn’t been on his priority list.
For the pair of you, you have a vibrator you like to bring in on occasion, but not much else.  Same rules apply to you, being constantly on the move doesn’t give you a chance to build a collection.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not so much in the, “I’m having fun torturing you sense”.  More in the, “I want to make this last as long as possible so I don’t have to leave the feeling of your body against mine” variety.  He teases, but it’s more desperate than playful.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Years of thin walls have taught him to be quiet; however, he can’t help but moan your name against your skin mixed in with a serious of praises and cursed grunts towards the end.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He doesn’t tell you he loves you for a really long time. 
You know he does, through his actions and all the ways he tries to make you happy.  But, it takes a while for him to find the words.  He’s truly afraid that if he says those three little words out loud, it will somehow jinx everything and the galaxy will conspire to take you away from him like everyone else in his life.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Perfectly average girth with slightly above average length (6-7 inches).   But, you don’t need anything more than that.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
It’s not so much a yearning for sex as a yearning for you.  Sex is just a way to show you how he feels about you.  He’s not a man of words, he’s a man of action.  And sometimes the best way he knows to show you how much he misses you, or loves you, or needs you is to make love to you. So, with the knowledge that either of you can die the next time you’re out of each other’s sight, it’s pretty often.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Give him a few minutes to make sure you’re tucked against him with no plans on leaving and he’s out like a light.  Seriously, nothing get him to actually sleep faster than a night of love making followed by you snuggled up against him.  Nothing but pleasant dreams and darkness can follow that.
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heyheshi · 4 years
10 Years of One Direction
1.9k words
written and uploaded: July 23, 2020
🦋 - fluff
Please like and reblog! Also please don’t post my writings anywhere!
I wasn’t really planning on uploading this Thursday and this isn’t what I was supposed to write lmao, my mind is all over the place for the past few days due to 1D’s 10 year anniversary but oh well, here I am, waiting for Zayn to say something... anyway HAPPY 10 YEARS guys! More power to our family! Gosh I feel so old!
"I'm almost done with the frosting babe!", you yelled from the kitchen hoping your boyfriend can hear you from his room upstairs. Slowly but surely, you wrote the delicate letters on the cake you made just for this occasion, "10 Years of One Direction".
"Come quick!", you heard footsteps descending from the stairs, "I'm done upstairs love, just gotta bring up the drinks.", Harry kissed your cheeks as he brushed passed you and opened the fridge to get some soda.
"Don't forget the wine. Is the laptop set up?", you asked finishing off the lettering with three exclamation marks.
"It's all done Y/N", your boyfriend laughs at you, "you're much more stressed than me! Loosen up lovie", he winked at you and run back upstairs. You just rolled your eyes and smiled.
You carefully placed the cake on the clean counter and cleaned up your mess. 30 minutes before midnight and you're not on your decent clothes yet!
Now, it's not exactly your fault why you're doing the cake this late. Your boyfriend thought that you made 2 cakes as that's what you both talked about but you decided to just make one and completely forgot to tell him.
You woke up nearing lunch - making a checklist on the things you need to get done for the day as preparation. Quickly eating breakfast (more like brunch) Harry made and started cleaning his room and did his laundry.
You often spend the night at his house so doing the domestic stuff for him is not much of a big deal to you. You basically live here anyway - but today needs extra work.
Around 2 p.m., you started to make the base of the cake as Harry leaves to go to the gym. You finished it, deciding to make the frosting later, and took a nap.
You woke up around 7 p.m., just in time to make dinner. On your way to the kitchen, you can hear H humming, something he does when he's alone. You smiled at the thought, cannot hold back yourself from kissing your boyfriend welcome so you run to where he is - quickly stopping in your track once you see him.
"Hi baby! The cake tastes so good, it'll be phenomenal with your frosting", you saw Harry eating the base of the cake smiling at you. You don't know how to react. Your mind working miles per minute.
"Har- i- babe! I only made one!"
"What do you mean you only made one, lovie?", Harry asked still eating the cake.
"I got tired earlier and just decided to make one...", face-palming yourself for your own carelessness.
"Oh shi- I, we can make another one! I'll make it! I'm so sor-",
"It's alright", you rounded the counter and kissed his messy lips, "I'll make another one, you can finish this one", you smiled reassuringly at him and squeezing his shoulder quick.
"I'll make our dinner, yea?", he offered. You can tell that he feels bad about eating the cake but it's really not a big deal at all. It's food, you're raised to share food and not spoil it. Plus you couldn't really be mad at Harry as he is your boyfriend and it's his special day in a few hours.
"Of course, I'll just start on a new batch.", you kissed Harry once again as you both started working in the kitchen.
Placing the mixture in the oven, the two of you eat the dinner around 8 p.m., Harry made your favorite Alfredo pasta knowing that he's trying to make it up to you.
Both of you being the slowest eater that you are, spent more than an hour eating - always teasing and flirting to each other like it's still the early stages in your relationship.
You told H to get his room ready and that you'll do the dishes instead and a little past 10 p.m., you're only starting on the mixture of the frosting.
Now, finally, you're ready to head upstairs and change into much cleaner clothes. Delicately holding the cake and walking slowly, you finally made it to Harry's room.
It looked like a huge fort, with his bed full of pillows and snacks and his laptop connected to the t.v. with their old music videos playing. You never pictured your boyfriend as the fairy lights type of guy but oh well this night, he is.
His room looks and feels really cozy, he even got balloons on his ceiling and the banner you made a few days ago is hung near his headboard.
You saw your boyfriend fixing the plastic table on the room where more snacks and utensils are placed. As if he can feel your presence, he looked back to the door where you are standing and quickly getting the cake off your hands to place on the table.
"Go get changed love, might as well binge on our old videos while waiting for them.", you only noticed that your boyfriend is already dressed for the occasion.
You forced him to wear their 1D merch with you. He is currently sporting a 1D pajama set, a Liam socks, and a Zayn beanie.
"You look cute babes!", you teased him and run to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You can hear him laughing at you and saying something sounding like "love her to death".
You changed to your own 1D pajama set matching with H and putting on a Narry socks and a Louis beanie and exiting his bathroom.
Harry is singing along to Perfect when you entered his room. You plopped into his bed and cuddled him.
"Ready?", you asked him giddily as you went to his laptop to open the zoom app.
"One kiss and I'm ready.", he winked at you and hugged you from behind. You shrugged him as a joke and pecked his nose. 
After connecting his laptop on zoom, you both went back to bed and wait for the others. One by one, the other guys started joining the meeting.
"Harry! Y/N! Man, how's everything?", Liam greeted both of you with Bear on his lap. The three of you are in the middle of your conversation when another user joined in.
"Oi! What's up fuc- oh sh- sorry!", Louis raised his hand as he saw Bear on Liam's screen. El only laughed at her boyfriend and started talking with the rest of you.
Niall joined a bit later speaking without a sound. The rest of you reckoned that he's having a hard time setting up his zoom app until another user joined, and that's when Niall's audio started working.
"Ello lads! And ladies! And baby!", Niall cooed at Bear while Bear only stared at the web came, shyly.
"Sorry guys! Z is still in the bathroom! You know him!", the very pregnant Gigi joined the meeting as the others started talking to each other. You haven't met her in person so you're fangirling over her. Harry squeezed you to his side and laughed at you lightly.
"Hello hello!", at 11:59, Zayn finally appeared on the screen, Louis cheering for his best friend's appearance.
Everyone started talking, Bear being taken away to sleep after a few minutes.
"Was gonna egg your houses, except yours - Harry and Zayn. Liam and Niall, you keep dropping hints fooking hell!", Louis exclaimed while everyone laughed at him.
"I mea-"
"Shut up Liam!", Liam only laughed and put his hands in the air at Lou's antics.
"Harry, Y/N, you two looked like you really planned this!", Gigi complimented you both while you blushed whispering a thank you.
"She forced me to wear this! And look at her socks!", H raised your foot so the others can see it.
"Awe Y/N this is why I love youuu", Niall teased you. You haven't recovered from Gigi, now there's another teasing!
"Leave m’ girl alone! She's fangirling over Gigi!", you nudge Harry's ribs hard, feeling so embarrassed. 
"Oh gosh, that's cute! I wanna meet you in person! I've already met El when we did this photoshoot, right El?", Gigi enthusiastically said as Zayn rubs his girlfriend's belly.
"Yes! We have to hang out! Ni and Li! Make sure your girlfriends join us!", Eleanor looks so happy and it makes you wonder how she does it in the midst of all the hate she receives. You and Harry aren't public yet and it makes you think of what will happen when you do.
"Harry keep it in your pants!", Lou suddenly shouted when he saw your boyfriend staring at you.
"M not doing an-"
"Baby fever man!", Niall laughed at Harry for being so obvious. You're so embarrassed at this point so Harry just flexed his room and the cake you made to remove turn the attention away from the both of you.
"Man, how do you think they'll react to the Infinity video?", Niall asked.
"Gonna be a blast, they don't know that Zayn had a part!", your boyfriend exclaimed beside you while everyone agrees. Within the next few hours, different websites will premier it and everyone can hardly wait.
Everyone stayed up until 5 a.m. catching up and reminiscing until they have to forcefully go to sleep for later. They can't wait to see each other for the interview with BBC where they'll be announcing their plans.
Each said goodbyes with a promise to arrive early to spend more time together before the taping starts at 12 p.m.
You and Harry both went to the bathroom to brush your teeth, Harry staring at you through the mirror as you did so.
"Mhve iwn wifh mo."
You rinsed your mouth with the water and replied, "what? I couldn't exactly understand you baby."
Harry finished rinsing his mouth, "I said move in with me... please."
"I- Harry re you sure? I mea-"
"Yes, I am! You're basically living here anyway! I want to take the next step with you.", he tried to woo you while hugging you in front of the mirror.
You nod and said yes. Turning around to kiss him. 
"I love you", he said. 
"Love you more", you kissed him once more, "Let's head to bed! You gotta be up nice and fresh for later," you tugged his hands towards his room and settled down.
“I always look good babyyy...”, and as much as you wanted to fight your boyfriend, he looks really cuddly now.
“Yes, you do, got a killer genes and all”, you run your hands through his hair smiling softly at him, as you felt your eyes became heavy.
“You do too! Our kids gonna have badass looks!"
“You definitely go a baby fever huh? Let's focus on your interview tomorrow first, yeah?”, you hugged him tight and tickled the back of his neck.
H only laughed, "Definitely got one, wanna be a father to our kids but I also can't wait for our fans to know what we're up to!", Harry placed his head on the crook of your neck.
“Good thing I want you to be the father of my future kids then... and tomorrow, they’re gonna love it! Gonna be thrilled about your announcement! Everyone’s been waiting for it! Happy 10 years again, so proud of you and everyone behind your band's success."
“Thank you lovie", Harry replied as he kissed your neck.
With that, you kissed his forehead goodnight and made sure your alarm is on to start the day.
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ilovecrzybear · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet | Ash Williams
A= Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)-
Ash would chuckle at how good the sex was and pull you in closer than ever. He made sure to always ask you his checklist- do you need some water? Do you want to eat? Do you want a joint? Then he would roll out of bed to grab whatever you requested and burger for himself. 
B= Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)-
He loved admiring your ass and thighs the most, but he loved some breast too. He was weak when you would wear anything body clinging. But he loved that his left hand became more ‘sensitive.’ He loved finger banging you until you begged for his cock.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)-
His favorite method was simply just filling you deep. His second favorite was just coming on your chest; the sight of you playing with yourself while he dripped on you was heaven in his mind.
D= Dirty secret-
He would stop what he was doing when he heard any slight moan come from you, even by complete accident. Your moans sent him to a primal side and for the rest of the evening he couldn’t shake the thoughts of just bending your over and giving you cock. PS. call him daddy and there’s no stopping him.
E= Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)-
This isn’t his first rodeo, so he’s completely in his element. But you’re the first that made him feel as though he didn’t need to put on some persona in bed.
F= Favorite position-
He loves doggy, pinning/ fucking you against walls, and on special occasions car sex in the Delta.
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G= Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous)-
Ash cracks his charismatic jokes to hear you giggle, just to range how comfortable you are. Sometimes he enjoyed torturing you with tickling, he just loved flirtatiously playing with you.
H= Hair (How well groomed are they)-
Ash would leave his downstairs alone, he liked being all natural. He also took pride in his chest and happy trail hair. 
I= Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect)-
“I think you’d still look this beautiful with nothing on baby doll,” Ash would say with his wink and smirk. His husky voice made you feel A LOT of things, especially when he would brush your hair from your neck and whisper. Ash never makes you feel anything other than his while lovemaking or any activity really. 
J= Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)-
Ash has a stash of pictures of your ass that you took as a Valentine present in your stockings/fishnet and of just your soft bare ass when he finds himself alone when you’re away. He would play some classic rock and flip through your photos until he found one that peaked him. His libido was higher than average for men his age so an occasional jerk could tide him over.
K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)-
He loved loud sex, he’s not a stranger to a noise complaints from people who were in the vicinity of the airstream. He craved the loudness of your moans and climax (if you do).
He was totally into talking dirty anytime of the day, he was a sucker when you started it first. If you were to say “Daddy I’ve been thinking of your cock all night,” after smoking a joint,  Ash would instantly feel his pants tenting.
L= Location (Favorite places to do the do)-
The bed in the airstream was his private alter to worship your body, but the occasional sex in the Delta was nice too.
M= Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)-
Whenever you would bend over to pick or grab something. When you would look your best on dates because he knew how much of a mess he’ll make you look by the end of the night. When you would wear lavender perfumes. Something with the lavender scent would awaken a different part of him- he came up with the answer of, “It smells so peaceful that it’s a little sexual.”
N= No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)-
It’s a no for anything that would run a risk of hurting you. No slicing and dicing. No cock and ball torture. 
O= Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill)-
Ash likes receiving and giving back to you equally.
But he loves when he gets you to the edge and then makes you beg for his cock or when he just leaves you a withering mess. 
P= Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)-
He tried being slower in the beginning but honestly he goes in between slower and rough, there’s no control, there is no pace. 
He was honest about his problem being useful in bed for about 30 secs but he tried to get you to or close to orgasm before he finished. And then there’s the times he would finished faster because of your clenching orgasms; he could never resist finishing when he accomplished his ultimate goal. 
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often)-
Ash rarely asks for quickies but if he did it was because you were looking extra fine that night on a date. You guys have participated in at least two bathroom quickies.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks?)-
There were a few instances where you two were almost caught by Pablo, Kelly, and even Chet. But other than that, nothing really. He likes sticking to what works for you both. But if you came up with a new position he may be open to try it at least once. 
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last..)-
Ash was a definite one and done kinda guy. In his younger years he could reach round two no problem. He is a bit disappointed in how fast he finishes but he wants to learn to control it.
T= Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)-
Ash never really saw a reason why to get toys until he met you. He could sit there for forever watching you play with yourself with the purple dildo he had bought for your birthday. He especially likes your panty vibrator; he took pleasure in using the remote to tease you when you wore it in public.
U= Unfair (How much they like to tease)-
He only really teases and edges you when you’ve been ‘naughty’ that day. Extra spankings were also a ‘punishment’. 
You then would get your revenge while riding him painfully slow, edging him multiple times.
V= Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)-
Ash grunted and groaned loudly. You would match his grunts with howls of pleasure and moans.
W= Wild Card (Random headcanons)-
He thinks it’s incredibly sexy seeing you handle yourself in a fight. Ash loves it when you compliment his abilities and badassery.  And the way you would cuddle up to him before bed, rubbing your fingers through his chest hair. To him you felt so soft and he just wanted to always be there to take care of you, to protect you from evil.
X= X-Ray (What’s going on down there?)-
Ash was well endowed and he had confidence in his 8 in. cock. 
He was also quite thick, cock size and body. You talked him into not wear his girdle anymore, giving him a bit of body confidence. 
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)-
Ash’s libido never changed as he aged, it may have even heightened. He was in tune with your cycles so he knew when you were craving it more than usual. And daddy will most definitely take care of you. You’re always on Ash’s mind, and no it’s not all sexual. Sometimes he would be out with Chet and Pablo when he felt a silly grin grow because he had thought of a silly moment with you the day before. You were really his first bit of sunshine. 
Z= ZZZ… (How quickly do they fall asleep)-
Usually after sex Ash would grab a bong/joint smoke it, then make food for both of you, and after he’s done with eating away his munchies he’d pass out. 
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gothpanda · 4 years
Not So Different (M*A*S*H)
DESCRIPTION: Trapper becomes jealous of the new Major that replaced Frank.
SHIP: Hawkeye x Trapper
A/N: I posted this on Ao3 and thought ‘what the hell!”
Clink. Hawkeye and Trapper smiled at each other from the front of their amateur distillery, sipping on the fresh gin that highly resembled if the liquor was bought back home. Trapper let out a relaxed sigh as he sat down on the wooden stool by his cot, the smile staying on his lips when he saw a completely empty corner in The Swamp. Only a cot and a desk ready for someone else to use, hopefully for no one at all as Hawkeye had an idea already in his mind.
“No more whining! No more stupid threats! And best of all I don’t have to waste my precious time looking at Ferret Face,” Trapper exclaimed, kicking his feet up on top of a crate. Hawkeye chuckled alongside Trapper, sitting right beside him as they sipped on their martinis. “Do you think Hot Lips will be P.O’d about Frank leaving when she gets back?”
Hawkeye starred out in thought, pursing out his lips. “Well, he didn’t call. Or leave a note. And he took the pearl necklace from her tent. So my prognosis would be ‘oh hell yes’ with a high level of colorful words,” Hawkeye said, grinning mischievously at Trapper.
“But of course she’ll just play it off as if nothing was between them because they were ‘oh so secretive’,” Trapper teased, tossing in a piece of gum to chew on.
“You’d think Margaret would’ve convinced Frank to quit the charade after asking me about my lack of flirtation with the nurses,” Hawkeye said, sipping on his martini, Trapper popping a bubble of strawberry gum.
“Nah Frank’s too stubborn and birdbrained to ever think about relaxing in this place. He has a ‘reputation’ to uphold,” Trapper said in a mocking tone.
Hawkeye stood up from the chair they had, walking over to sit on Trapper's cot with a certain look of remorse as he sipped his martini. He pursed his lips out, staring off ahead of him. Trapper was quick to notice Hawkeye's thoughts turning in his mind like a wheel, playfully kicking his foot with his own. He chuckled when Hawk jumped slightly, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “What’s with the sour face?”
“It’s not a sour face, it’s my thinking face. I figured you’d know by now. I kind of feel bad for Margaret about Frank's ditching. Don’t you?”
Trapper shrugged, “It’s Frank so I don’t feel anything for the doofus,” Hawkeye glaring at him, which made Trapper change his attitude for a moment. “Okay yeah what Frank did was pretty cruddy but Hot Lips isn’t going to show anything to anyone. At least maybe to you,”
“If you did that to me, I’d get Klinger’s uncle a bus pass to Boston,” Hawkeye warned with the best of his ability to sound intimidating, Trapper smiling at Hawkeye as he sat beside him. Trapper swung an arm around Hawk, nuzzling him closer to his side, Hawkeye leaning on the vacant shoulder.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head-,”
“Oh, you think I’m pretty?” Hawkeye interrupted, raising his eyebrows to Trapper, making him roll his eyes with a hint of affection.
“Yeah yeah. As I was saying, I wouldn’t just leave you hanging after being together for this long. What kind of man would I be?!”
“A ferret face! That’s the kind of man you would be, and we both know we don’t need any more of those! Please I couldn’t handle it!” Hawkeyes exclaims, martini glass in the air, putting on his best general impersonation. Trapper only chuckled at Hawkeye, enjoying the relaxation that was given. It had been slow in the 4077 with no wounded flying in on choppers or coming in on ambulances. Hawkeye taking this time to write to his father while Trapper did the same, but mainly asking Louise to tell his daughters how much he loves them. When Frank Burns finally got his orders to head back stateside, the whole camp celebrated with Hawkeye and Trapper as the main hostess for the occasion. Unfortunately- unless you were Frank- Margaret was on her three day R&R pass that she rarely took, Henry almost begging her to take it since she highly deserved it. If Hawkeye didn’t have a soft spot for Margaret in this situation, he’d be placing bets with everyone on her reaction, but alas he’s a man with a heart.
Attention! Attention! Captain Pierce and Captain McIntyre report to Colonel Blake’s office! Captain Pierce and Captain McIntyre report to Colonel Blake’s office! On the double!
Both Hawkeye and Trapper rolled their eyes in unison, groaning as they were both relaxed in Trapper’s cot. Hawkeye fell on his side on the cot, pretending he was asleep, hoping it would stall walking the few feet to Henry’s office.
“You know every time that speaker comes on I feel like I’m in grammar school,” Trapper complained, setting his glass down on the still as he got on his feet. Trapper looked down at the ‘sleeping’ Hawkeye, smirking at him. He reached for the man’s hand and laced their fingers, pulling Hawk’s arm only to tug his body an inch.
“Tell Henry I’m dead. I don’t want him to give any eulogies at my funeral. Only you and dad are allowed to speak,”
“Come on, Hawk. Maybe if we get whatever Henry wants out of the way, we can have fun before the poker game tonight,” Trapper coined to Hawkeye, smiling right as Hawkeye jumped on his feet, fixing his khaki jacket.
“Onward Dr. Trapper!” Hawkeye said, gripping onto Trapper's hand as he led the way out of The Swamp in high gear, bursting out the tent. Trapper tugged behind, knowing no one would give a second look if the two were holding hands out in daylight.
“Alright, General, I’ll make sure to have my best men for the job. Okay. Okay. Goodbye now. Radar! Where are Pierce and McIntyre-” Henry yelled outright as Radar came front to his desk, Hawkeye and Trapper in tow.
“Captain Pierce and Captain McIntyre, sir,” Radar reported looking right at his clipboard. Henry could never figure out the way Radar could sense things so fast as if he was reading everyone's mind. Hawkeye sat perched up on the edge of Henry’s desk, Trapper sitting beside him with his feet kicked up. “Anything else, Colonel Blake?” Radar asked, moving beside the Colonel.
“No, that is all Radar. Thank you,” Henry said, twirling a pen in his hands. “Pierce, why can’t you sit in a chair for once?”
“It’s not in my programming,” Hawkeye said, crossing his leg over the other to get more comfortable on the desk.
“Henry, why did you oh so disturb our relaxation time?” Trapper asked, popping his gum.
“I need you two to pick up Frank’s replacement tomorrow afternoon at Kimpo Air Base. And please just go to the Air Base and come back, no funny business,” Henry ordered in a plea. Hawkeye and Trapper exchanged looks of annoyance at the idea of a replacement Frank, hoping to have a few more days of no R.A wanna-be majors.
“Why can’t Radar go? What if wounded come while we’re away? Or worse what if I get my discharge while we’re gone?” Hawkeye asks.
“I ordered Radar to go pick up Major Houlihan from the airport. Unless you two want to explain to Margaret why Frank didn’t pick her up,” Henry said smiling at the captains who only looked at each other, almost communicating in silence.
“I already have the hard job, sirs. It shouldn’t be bad to pick up the new Major,” Radar explained with the usual sheepish smile he had.
“What’s this new major like? If he’s a Frank I’m leaving him on the side of the road,” Trapper asks.  
“Awe come on, Trap, have a heart. If he’s anything like Frank it’s entertainment for the both of us once again,” Hawkeye said with a smile. From the top of a whole bunch of other files, Henry gave Hawkeye the new ‘Frank’s’ file, reading off the basic facts about him.
“Young. 6’3. Graduated from Stanford with a fraternity background. Looks like a blonde in his photo. Major Hunnicutt, I might be in love with you,” Hawkeye teased, Trapper cocking his head up at Hawk from the last of his words.
“Cool it, Pierce. Tomorrow at 12 o’clock sharp you two will pick up Major Hunnicutt. Is that understood?” Henry asked, placing a cigar between his lips.
“Sir yes sir!” Hawkeye yelled out, jumping off Henry’s desk with his version of a salute, his right hand close to face as if he were waving. Henry shook his head at Hawkeye as he stood up from his seat, walking out of his office, Radar following the Colonel.
“Thank you!” Henry said from the far distance. Trapper yanked the file out of Hawkeye’s hands, standing right next to him as they always did. Hawkeye pressed his chin on Trapper's shoulder, wrapping an arm loosely on the man’s waist. Trapper read along with the new man’s file, seeing how much of a better surgeon he sounded compared to Frank. Hopefully, this would mean no more needing to worry if someone was bringing the assembly line down. The meatball surgery they all did was something Trapper and Hawk was used to, but maybe this Major can be used to it as well. Then Trapper stared at the corner photo of Hunnicutt, understanding what Hawkeye was apparently attracted to (or not). Trapper had to admit Hunnicutt was good-looking but of course, wasn’t his type of man, he gravitated towards brunettes who were almost his height. Hunnicutt looked perfect for Hawk, noting his attraction to blondes. Trapper tossed the file onto Henry’s desk, popping his gum in somewhat of an annoyance, Hawk scrunching his brows at him.
“It’s a file, Trap, it won’t hurt you,” Hawkeye teased, Trapper glaring at him, lightly pushing Hawk’s arm off him as they left the office.
“I’m just checking to see if this Major’s even worth coming down here, something you should be doing. Remember chief surgeon?” Trapper said.
“Oh I remember but as chief, I can just tell my men to do all the paperwork for me. Or in my case my man,” Hawkeye said, pinching one of Trapper’s cheeks as they headed back to The Swamp. Trapper only swung an arm around Hawkeye’s shoulders.
“Don’t get cute, you still have a poker game to win for us,” Trapper says opening the thin wooden door for his chief.
The next day coming around, Trapper and Hawkeye drove their slowest to the airbase, singing songs outloud of joy and love. Hawkeye keeps his eyes on the road at all times. Trapper smiling at Hawkeye, he couldn’t help but kiss him on the cheek after being a safe distance from the checkpoint.
“Oh, you do love me!” Hawkeye exclaimed, giving off that smile that made Trap blush out of nowhere at times, eyeing him for a moment.
“Shut it and watch the road,” Trapper said, pushing Hawks' face straight back as he chuckled along.
When the two parked in front of the Kimpo Officer’s Club, Hawk looked around the circus of men to find the new Major and put the jeep in park, getting out of the jeep. Trapper jumped out to stretch his back to then see a man in a perfect first-day uniform by a pile of crates. He waved towards the man, pulling Hawkeye by the arm to step their way to Hunnicutt. Major Hunnicutt was the exact opposite of what both Hawk and Trapper thought he’d be. A major with a heart, who has a soft-spoken smile and goofy when saw the opportunity. Hunnicutt saluted the captains like regular army, only laughing when Hawk and Trap gave him their versions. His name is B.J and even though Hawk tried to get him to explain what B.J means, they only received more jokes.
“Seriously what does B.J stand for, Hunnicutt?” Trapper asks as the three walked back to camp from Rose’s after returning in the evening.
“Anything you want, Trapper!” B.J says with a broad smile, Hawkeye laughing along as the new Major stood in the middle of the couple. Trapper only shoved his hands in his khaki jacket, Hawkeye patting B.J on back with a grip on his shoulder.
“Careful B.J or I might take you up on your name being whatever I want,” Hawkeye said, still laughing alongside B.J while Trapper remained silent. B.J was oblivious to Trapper’s quietness towards him, believing this was just how the guy was. Hawkeye was the fun jokester while Trapper tagged along with Hawk for their schemes. It wasn’t entirely wrong but not the full truth either. As the three grew to talking and getting to know each other within weeks of B.J’s arrival, Trapper knew he could not not like the guy. B.J was a good surgeon who only was nervous on his first day of many wounded, but quickly got into high gear the next day. He had a good spirit about him that confused Margaret as to how B.J could ever be a major, noticing how he played along with Hawk well. Trapper and B.J had similar lives back stateside, married with a wife and daughter waiting but never cheated. Hawkeye didn’t quite notice the change of Trapper right away since he played nice, it wasn’t until Trapper stopped his frequent little touches that made Hawk question.
It was movie night at the 4077, almost everyone was in the mess tent turned movie theater. B.J joined Klinger to see his first movie of whatever Radar could get his hands on, leaving Hawk and Trapper alone in The Swamp.
“You’re cheating,” Hawkeye said, pulling out a card from the deck.
“I am not! How would you know if I’m cheating?” Trapper protested, frowning at him.
“Because I taught you everything you know. I also know because out of the three people in this tent, you’re the cheater!”
“Oh sorry I’m not like Major Angel over there who admits to playing bad,” Trapper said, tossing the cards on the makeshift desk of a crate, grabbing his martini glass.
Hawkeye chuckled. “Major Angel? Why that nickname? Certainly, you would take the chance to use his initials for a crappy nickname,”
“Because that’s how he acts. He acts like an angel compared to us… or at least me,”
“He doesn’t act like anything. B.J is just more of a light of sunshine who knows a joke. You should ease up on the guy, he’s nice to be around,” Hawkeye said, shuffling the cards for another game.
“What do you mean ease up on him? I’m good around him,”
Hawkeye shot a look at Trapper that showed nothing could get past him. “Trap the moment we picked him up you’ve given him the cold shoulder. You interacted more with Frank,”
“Well, maybe I’m ‘cold’ to him because you two talk nonstop and don’t let me get a word in. Ever thought about that?” Trapper said, retying the rope on his yellow robe.
“That’s never stopped you before. The main reason why I liked you so much, you never cared to interrupt me,”
“Liked?” Trapper asked, raising an eyebrow.
Hawkeye couldn’t help but roll his eyes all the way to the back of his brain. From the year and a half of being around Trapper, Hawkeye had never seen this side to him on any level. It was strange to Hawk because in his head, he thought B.J would be a great addition to their antics like when Spearchucker was still here.
“Like, Trap. The main reason why I like you so much. Seriously what’s with you?” Hawkeye asked, folding his arms against his chest. “And don’t say nothing because there’s been something up your ass for weeks!”
“I’m fine, Hawk. Let’s just play before he gets back,” Trapper mumbled, dealing cards between them.
Hawkeye shook his head. “If I knew any better I’d say you were jealous,” Hawkeye said under his breath, getting up his seat and walking over to the still. As the words came out of his mouth, Hawkeye turned on his heels with wide eyes and grinned at Trapper, seeing the blush on his cheeks even when looking away from him. “Oh! You are jealous! That’s it!” Hawkeye exclaimed with a sharp finger, sitting back in front of Trapper.
“I am not!” Trapper protested, the blush staining his face.
“Yes, you are! You’re jealous there’s someone else I get along with that isn’t just you! My, my, my, Trapper I never thought I’d see the day!” Hawkeye teased, his shit-eating grin growing bigger.
“I’m not jealous! Why would I need to be jealous of Major Angel over there?” Trapper said, trying his best not to yell.
“Well, then why haven’t you talked to him on your own? Or even stopped giving me little kisses that I like behind my ear? You know it hurts my feelings,” Hawkeye asked with a little pout, still playing along with the teasing.
Trapper shook his head as he gulped the rest of his martini. “So what if I’m jealous? You don’t think Hunnicutt might have a little crush on you?”
“Of course he would, have you seen how gorgeous I am?”
“That’s it! I’m done with this conversation!” Trapper said, rising up from his seat in one motion, grabbing his toiletries to hit the showers. Hawkeye immediately followed Trapper's steps, gracefully stopping him from leaving by his hand on Trapper’s arms. He was able to see how uncomfortable this conversation was for Trapper, telling himself to tone down the jokes.
“Hey hey hey, Trap, I’m only teasing. You don’t need to worry about B.J at all. He’s a married man if you don’t remember,”
“Yeah and so am I if you don’t remember,” Trapper muttered, grabbing the towel that hung from the nearby hook.
“That’s different! He doesn’t seem like the type to cheat on his beloved back stateside,”
Right as Trapper was about to say anything else, the crowds of people from the mess tent spilled out, all going back to their respective tents. “Forget it, Hawk,” Trapper said, leaving The Swamp and headed straight for the showers. Hawkeye slouched his shoulder as he stared at Trapper disappear in front of him. He dropped himself on his cot, covering his eyes with the thin blanket. He let out a long sigh, hearing the door open and close shortly after, peeking up to see B.J.
“Oh, you played cards without me?” B.J asked sitting on his cot and taking off his boots.
“Yeah it’s part of me and Trap’s bonding time,” Hawkeye mumbled, propping himself on one elbow.
“Aw that’s sweet. Peggy and I would play checkers every Friday with wine before she was pregnant with Erin. God, I miss those days,” B.J said with a soft smile as he reminisced of being stateside in California. Hawkeye smiled at the idea of the similarities, knowing Hawk and Trap could very well pass for a married couple if just one of them was a woman.
“You know Beej, did I ever tell you the time Trap and I threatened our old Major who wanted to report a soldier for loving someone of the same-sex?” Hawkeye asks, sitting crisscrossed on the cot.
“No, but sounds like something you two would do. I would’ve been on your guy's side for it all,” B.J said with a smile.
“Really? Why’s that?”
B.J shrugged, “Because everyone should find love in someone. If a man finds that love in another man, who am I to judge?”
Hawkeye smiled at B.J tenderly with affection at the relaxed feeling of the new Major. “Well in that case let me explain a little bit more in-depth on life at the dear old 4077. Or love life,” Hawkeye said, clearing his throat as he tried to inform B.J as fast as he could before Trapper came back from the showers.
“You got a minute, Trapper?” B.J asked behind Trapper by The OC’s bar. Trapper looked over his shoulder before finishing the rest of his whiskey, slamming the glass down loud. He sighed out right before coming face to face with Hunnicutt, pursing his lips out as if Trapper were thinking. “We could go outside for a smoke. I was able to get some nice cigars from Peg,”
“Lead the way, Major,” Trapper said, seeing Hawkeye eye both of them from the corner he was at with Margaret. When the two stood off to the side of the aluminum club, Trapper and B.J were silent amongst each other, only taking in puffs of smoke from the cigars. Trapper didn’t know what to say to B.J, only speaking to him in polite regard during the time in the O.R. After last night's spat with Hawk, Trapper just felt an embarrassment in it all, wanting to make himself small.
Finally, B.J cleared his throat to cut the silence. “Look, I wanted to talk because I think there might be a misunderstanding between us,” said B.J.
“Oh yeah? And what is that?” Trapper asked, letting out smoke into the air.
“I’m not in any way interested in Hawkeye, Trap,” B.J blurted out, causing Trapper to look at the man with wide eyes.
For a moment, Trapper thought about playing the clueless game but knew there was no point. B.J wasn’t like Frank by a long shot after all. “He told you?” B.J nodded. “Everything?”
“He said how you two have been together for a while, and you might have gotten jealous after I arrived. I didn’t mean to cause any tension,” B.J said with sincerity in his voice.
“Might is a soft way of putting it,” Trapper mumbled, puffing out another cloud of smoke. “And trust me you didn’t. It’s just, since being here it was always Hawk and me. You getting here and meshing so well, I didn’t know how to take it,”
“Well, I can understand. You found a major who’s almost exactly like you,” B.J said, pressing his lips together as Trapper looked at him in such confusion.  
“You’ve…?” B.J nodded. “But you got married?”
“Because I really did fall in love with Peggy. That’s the difference between you and me, Trap. I played both fields for a while before I met my wife, and when I did, I knew she was the one for me. But that wasn’t for you, was it?” B.J asked, gripping his by the shoulder.
Trapper stepped on the small cigar bud. “I thought it was,” Trapper said, leaning against the cold wall, hands in pocket. “Then you get drafted to a country you’ve never been to and meet a brunette that takes your breath away but isn’t a nurse,”
B.J smiles at Trapper, patting him on the shoulder. “See, we’re not so different after all. I know exactly that feeling. So are we good?” B.J asks, sticking out a hand. Trapper accepts the handshake, pulling B.J in for a quick hug, patting him hard on the back. “Awe, I knew you were a softie!” B.J exclaimed as Trapper pushed him off, laughing as they both walked back into The Officers Club. As the two walked in, Trapper went straight to Hawkeye in the corner, seeing him all by himself.
“Care for a dance?” Trapper asked, extending out a hand with a short bow.
Hawkeye sipped on his martini. “Okay, but arm's length. We need space for Jesus,” Hawkeye teased, standing up to accept the hand of the man he cared about. Trapper was the one to lead this time, placing a soft hand on the small of Hawkeye’s back, Hawkeye having his hand on Trapper’s shoulder. “Everything good, Captain McIntryre?”
Trapper smiled down at Hawkeye. “In tip-top shape,” Trapper glanced down for a moment before seeing the bluest eyes he’s ever seen. “I’m sorry about being jealous towards you and B.J,”
“Don’t sweat it. It was actually quite attractive seeing you like that if I do say so myself,” Hawkeye smirked.
Trapper matched Hawk’s smirk, looking around to see if anyone was staring right at them. “Well, do you want to make up for lost times?” Trapper whispered, only getting an answer by Hawkeye leading them out in a swift and heading straight for the empty tent they called home. Trapper pulled Hawkeye for a kiss right as the thin door slammed shut, not being able to contain the smile on his lips at the same time. Everything falling back into its blissful place. Hawkeye enjoying every minute of him and Trapper, back in perfect harmony.
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letshaikyuu · 5 years
Hey hey hey~! I saw you are doing the SFW alphabet. Would it be too much for me to ask for the whole alphabet for Kuroo? If it’s too much, just let me know! Thank you 🥰
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This took a while haha. You really made me work out with this anon ❤️
A = Affection(How affectionate are they with a s/o?)
- Very likely to touch you all the time, sometimes he just can't help himself and tries to discretely touch you in public or in front of the team...it always shows cause you either get so embarrassed or retaliate and smack his ass
B = Breath(What could their s/o do to take their breath away?)
- For a second there, I wanted to say be intelligent and spit out facts, but just be willing to keep him company when he's studying for an important exam and if he asks you to help him out do it...he'll always remember how you helped him and it makes him go soft for some reason uwu
C = Cuddling(Do they cuddle? If they do, how and when do they cuddle?)
- Of course he fluffing cuddles, why wouldn't Kuroo Tetsurou cuddle? It would be a crime if he actually didn't lol. Cuddles all the time, doesn't pick a time or place. I don't know if this classifies as cuddling but after a match, he sees you and just slumps on you and goes basically weightless and you're here trying to manage this big baby. Also cuddles you in bed. Puts you on his chest, his arms over you or on your ass lol. Gives the best cuddles tho
D = Dream(What do they dream of doing with their s/o?)
- Wants to travel with you around Japan and Asia, then later on the world. Wishes to have this big ass backyard where he's going to have a big pool and also a special room in the house where he has some computers for games or a mini cinema where you guys would watch movies all the time
E = Effort(How much effort do they put into a relationship?)
- You aren't going to get out of this relationship easily because Kuroo is just the biggest sweetheart to you. Lots of effort is put, Kuroo tries not to open his heart 100% because he's still young and what if things don't work out ya know? But he ends up doing just that and he will never regret that because you mean a lot to him
F = Fear(What do they do if their s/o is scared? How do they handle it?)
- Easily sees and senses that you're scared, even before you actually tell him. He would get more protective and his arm would tightly squeeze your waist to reassure you that he's there. Puts you on his lap and buries your head in the crook of his neck, his hand is in your hair and he's whispering sweet nothings to you and commenting how brave you are and nothing is going to happen to you
G = Gifts(What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they want a gift in return?)
- I reckon him a guy that buys you these cute charms for every anniversary or important occasion. Charms that you put on a bracelet and such. Keeps giving you them for a while and the finally charm is this cute lil kitty on an actual bracelet this time and when you put them all on you have this purrfect bracelet with lots of charms uwu
- He wouldn't like anything expensive because then he'd be scared if something actually happens to him so pls don't do it. It doesn't even have to be material, take him out on a surprise date, for example the aquarium or planetarium.
H = Hugs(Do they hug their s/o? How often?)
- Standing my ground still that he gives the best cuddles and that includes hugs. He backhugs you all the time. If you're shorter than him then he always puts his head on yours just to tease your height. Hugs you all the time and without prior knowledge. He'd just body slam you from behind and not let you go for a few minutes
I = Intimacy(How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)
- Is pretty romantic. Knows what you like and tries his best to provide you that. Always does something for the holidays (lol he bought you a "Ring for sex" bell once as a gift and rings it when he's "seductively" laying on your bed). Doesn't have any problems, but doesn't jump straight into sex if one of you isn't ready or he doesn't have the adequate protection. Barebacking ain't in the agenda right now
J = Jealous(Do they get jealous? How do they act when jealous?)
- Masks his jealousy pretty well, so it would seem that he doesn't get jealous easily but he kind of does. He does trust you, but he doesn't trust whatever is happening around you. When he's jealous, he gets more intimate in public than usual. His lips are on your neck, he would gaze at the person flirting with you and a smirk is on his face because he won the whole war and not just the battle because he's the one brining you home tonight
K = Kiss(Are they a good kisser? Do they like to kiss? How often do they try to kiss you?)
- Mindblowing kisser, he frequents his tongue as well hehe. Enjoys kissing you as well, wants to bruise your lips because he's just a lil shit like that. Makes funny kissy faces at you before actually kissing you. Kisses are really common with this guy so have some chapstick with you at all times
L = Love(When do they say they love you? How often do they say it? Do they prefer to say or show it?)
- Says it a few months into the relationship, not right of the bat. Secretly wants you to say it first so that he knows this relationship is going somewhere. Doesn't really say it often, he's more physical than vocal so he says it when he really needs you to know that or if je needs you to say it as well, to ease his mind
M = Marriage(Do they want to get married? If so, what kind of ceremony?)
- We already got Kuroo married lol
N = Night out(What type of dates do they like to go on? How often do they like to go on them?)
-Either movie dates or stay-at-home dates. Takes you to the cinema when a new film premieres and he wants to watch it. Also has his cheat days when he buys a lot of fast food for you two to pig out on at home. Dates every other week are his thing. Also wouldn't mind a double date with a close friend
O = Out of the Ordinary(What’s something they don’t normally do with/for their s/o?)
- Basically, whatever you feel uncomfortable with doing, he won't do it even if he really wants to and vice verse. Otherwise, he's pretty open to doing pretty much everything with you and for you
P = Playful(Are they playful in a relationship? If so, how do they play around/mess with their s/o?)
Q = Questions(Do they ask their s/o their opinion on things? Do they share theirs?)
- Yup! When you two go to the mall and he wants to buy something, he asks for your opinion because a) he wants you to like it as well and b) he wants you to see how hot your boyfriend is. Always inputs his opinion somewhere because he'd hate if you did all the planning and think he doesn't want to be involved
R = Random(How spontaneous is their relationship? Do they do things on the spot or plan ahead?)
- Likes to plan things ahead just to be 100% sure everything is okay and safe. So he's spontaneous with his actions more than dates and such. If something doesn't go as planned, he will pull some hair out and would like for you to calm him down and tell him how you could do something else instead
S = Sleep(How do they sleep with their s/o?)
- Lol has you sweating in bed because his body is just pressed into yours. His arms and legs over your body, just pinning you down and not letting you move the whole night. Poor you if you have to pee in the middle of the night
T = Trust(How much do they trust their s/o?)
- Maybe a bit too trusting at times, but he trusts you a lot. So, he trusts both your opinion and decision in different situations, but you will hardly gain his trust back if you break it
U = Unique(What makes them unique as a s/o?)
- He's just so loving and it doesn't "fit" his looks at all. Also would run around the house with your underwear on his head because he's weird like that-
V = Vulnerable(How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?)
- For someone that seems like he has his life together, Kuroo is pretty emotional. For the first few months of the relationship he tries to hide this more vulnerable side of his, but he'd just suddenly burst when you least expect it and would be very worried that you wouldn't like him anymore because he's a "crybaby". Let him cry it out on your shirt, you'll wash it later. Rub your hand on his back and don't sad anything at the beginning. When he starts to calm down, tell him how you'll always be with him and if he wants to talk about it then listen, but don't pressure him into saying it if he doesn't
W = Wild Card(Get a random domestic headcanon of the character of your choice)
- Likes vacuuming. Give him a vacuum and some headphones, in a few hours you'll have the whole house vacuumed and Kuroo busting his hip while doing ridiculous dance moves-
X = X-Ray(What would they do if their s/o got injured?)
- Keeps his cool demeanour and tries to help you the best he can, takes you to the hospital if needed. If you're badly hurt then his demeanour starts to crumble. Acts calm and collected around you, but when you're not looking slowly breaks down and silently let's a tear or two drop because he's worried sick about you
Y = Yuck(Do they have any pet peeves about their s/o? Are there any habits that might bother their s/o?)
-Already done babes 😘
Z = Zeal(Are they passionate as a s/o? Do they want or like passion?)
- Thinks everyone needs to have passion in a relationship and if you don't then try to relight it. He's extremely passionate in relationships, he wants you to keep igniting it, meaning that he wants you to be passionate in this relationship as well. Has enough passion for the whole relationship, but it isn't going to work out if you don't pitch in
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mariamermaid · 5 years
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Loki X fem Reader
Summary: After Loki had met you on earth, the time had finally come to meet his family, since the next generation was approaching…
Warnings: pregnancy mentions, (I kinda didn´t proofread this)
Words: 1.8k
“Loki? Loki!” You hurried through the apartment, to find him waiting on the arm chair, the small luggage next to him. He put the book down he was just reading, to face you. “Darling, you don´t need more clothes, my mother will enjoy it anyways to dress you accordingly to the occasion.” You opened your mouth to protest, but Loki raised and put his finger on your lips.
“It´s going to be fine, I promise you; they´ll love you.”
You found yourself again on the so called Bifrost and you were already gawking. Asgard was just stunning. You saw the fine line from the horizon and the eternal universe. The Golden Building, in which you arrived and then led to the translucent shimmering bridge. The city with the castle rising on the growing hills. Your mouth was opened and all you could to was stare. Loki chuckled and put an arm around you.
“Love, this is my brother.” He introduced you to the tall blonde-haired man. He was built more muscular than Loki, a rough beard framing his angular face. He brightly smiled at you and reminded you more and more of a golden retriever. “Lady Y/n! It is such a pleasure to finally meet you!”
He didn´t even hesitate and hugged you tightly. “Oh, hi!” It was all you could get out as your feet left the ground and Thor lifted you up. Loki patted his brother on the shoulder. “Oh, leave her or you´ll squash her.” He and Thor erupted in easy laughter. You loved seeing him interact with Thor this way, you knew it wasn´t always easy for them. Loki first grabbed your luggage and then your hand. “Let´s show your around.”
At the end of the Bifrost bridge was a carriage awaiting you. Two strong horses were harnessed in front of the carriage, a golden horse with thick fur and a darker sleeker one. You smiled when eyeing them and questioned, if they had been chosen on purpose. Loki opened the door and held your hand when you entered; he was a true gentleman. The interior was made out of dark red satin and golden details. Thor sat down to your opposite, while Loki was seated next to you. Without thinking, he took your hand again in his and Thor grinned over his brother´s reaction.
“I gotta say, it is so nice to finally meet the woman, that has changed my brother.” He added yet again and Loki rolled his eyes. “You know at first we all wondered what had happened, only a few years back he was trying to overrule the entire world.” Loki chuckled rather awkwardly and blushed slightly. You pressed his hand and blinked at him. It was always his luck, that you had a soft spot for bad guys.
“Father didn´t even think it was possible.” Loki´s expression hardened; you knew he was nervous about his father. But even Thor quickly changed the topic. “We all want to know how you two met by the way, but Mother urged me not to ask you. She wants to hear everything by you in person.“ You loved seeing how excited they all were to meet you, it made you feel so special and honored.
When you entered the halls, you couldn´t even bring yourself to speak. The long golden halls with the detailed flourishes. It was truly one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. You pressed yourself closer to Loki´s side. “You grew up here?!” You asked him whispering and he chuckled quietly. “It´s been a while for me as well.”
At the main hall awaited Odin and Frigga. They were both seated on the thrones and wore stunning robes. Loki had chosen to wear a simple black suit and you wore an easy cocktail dress, but you felt completely underdressed. They both rose from their thrones when you entered and made their way to you. Somehow overwhelmed, you were able to put together a small bow, but Frigga chuckled. “Oh, you don´t need to bow, you must mean a lot to Loki; you´re family now.”
It made you blush uncontrollably and Frigga hugged you. She had such a warm and welcoming presence. Even Odin smiled at you and shook politely your hand, he wasn´t a man of affection.
“I have to say, we were all surprised when Loki announced that he was bringing a Lady with him.” “It´s such an honor to meet you and to even be here”, you explained smiling. “Oh sweetie, let´s get you dressed for dinner”, Frigga smiled and pulled you away from Loki. You exchanged glances with him, but Loki only nodded. He trusted his mother and he trusted you. The nervous part was still coming…
It felt like the hundredth time that you gawked for this day, but now you starred at yourself on the mirror. You wore a long, dark green dress out of satin, that fell down your body like a waterfall. At the top, the straps and the cleavage was made out of golden details. The sleeves were made out of a translucent fabric that cloaked your arms in a shimmering shadow. It was a rather sleek dress and you were glad that your stomach wasn´t really showing, at least not for now. But you also knew that the truth couldn´t be hidden forever.
“You look beautiful”, Frigga admitted and eyed you in the mirror. “Thank you so much”, you thanked her, but she only shrugged. “I see the way my son looks at you, he loves you very much and even I have to be honest, I didn´t think he would find someone like you.” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Like me?” She took your hand and led you to the large window, from which you could eye Asgard perfectly. “Loki wasn´t always easy, you know that. As a mother you´re always worried about your child and it fills me with joy to see him with you.  Someone who accepts and loves him no matter what. He needs you.” You were surprised by the amount of trust Frigga had, but she simply smiled. With your hand you traveled to your stomach, to brush against the fabric, but really checking your tummy. “Mother instincts.”
The dinner that was served was just as you imagined, huge and elegant. You heard that the dinner would be in a smaller circle and tomorrow more friends and family would join. You knew it meant to drop the bomb today and you grew more nervous with each minute passing. Loki sat to your right, Thor to your left and across from you, Odin and Frigga. You ate with gold cutlery and you were more than lucky to have studied the table manners just before coming to Asgard. It was barely noticeable that you usually didn´t eat like this, you fitted perfectly in. And Loki smiled at you, remembering the nights where you sat on the floor on the fire stairs outside your apartment with empty pizza cartons, watching the stars and drinking cheap wine. He loved those nights, you had spent hours just talking, it was those nights when he remembered falling in love with you.
“So, how did you two meet?” Frigga finally asked and you swore to have seen Odin roll his eye. But then Frigga nudged his side and he nodded as well. “Well it wasn´t anything special.” You started explaining, but Loki held you back. “It was in this book store, I was looking for something new things to read.” Frigga chuckled. “Always reading.”
You nodded, but let Loki continue. “Well and we basically stumbled into each other, but I have to be honest; I had an eye on her for a while then. I just didn´t know how to ask her out”, he explained you blushed, but Loki was proud enough and kissed your head. Frigga held her hands folded together over her mouth, looking very close to tears. Odin on the other side nodded again. Loki however did not notice and exchanged a glance with you, then nodded reassuring.
“Since we´re already talking about us, we have an announcement to make.” Your hand was fumbling around the dress, but Loki took it and pressed your hand in his; he always knew how to calm you down. Frigga waited patiently, but never stopping to smile brightly and so did Thor, Odin only waited. “Y/n is… We…
“We´re having a baby.” You both said at the same time and you couldn´t help but smile. Frigga and Thor immediately jumped from their seats and Thor applaud loudly. Frigga embraced you again, this time tighter, barely letting you go and Thor hugged his brother. “So happy for you, I knew something was up!” Frigga exclaimed and a simple tear rolled down her cheek. She looked up to Thor. “I´m gonna have a grandchild soon.” She said and Thor grinned. “I´m gonna be an uncle!” You came close to tears as well, feeling so grateful about how his family was reacting. Loki hugged you from the side, still facing Frigga and Thor, but quickly kissing your lips. He seemed so relieved and happy, but the Odin stood up from the table. His face neutral and slowly walking towards your small group. You felt Loki´s hand slightly shivering and pressed yourself against his side. Whatever would come, you´d be ready. Loki had warned you in advance, it wasn´t very traditional to have a child before marriage, but so far, they reacted amazing.
“I didn´t expect this day to come, at least not so soon.” Odin started and you all awaited his words coming. You glanced at Frigga and Thor; they were nervous as well. “Thor was always my firstborn, often he seemed to be the better me and you, Loki, you were always different. But no matter what happened, you are my son. I never imagined for your child to be a firstborn, but here we are. And we´re gonna accept him or her no matter what, I already made a few mistakes in raising you two; I want to be a better grandfather and I want you always be there for your child. I´m sure you´ll be a good father and great parents.” It was then when Loki couldn´t hold it in anymore and he hugged Odin tightly. You saw his eyes slightly red and smiled until your mouth hurt.
You all then took your glasses and Loki raised a toast.
“To the sun shining on this family again! And to you, Y/n, the love of my life, I know you´ll be an amazing mother and whatever will come, we´ll get through it, I promise. I love you, darling.” You smiled and clinked your glass with him, just for Loki to lean down and press his lips on yours again. When you parted, they rest had already taken a sip and Frigga grinned.
“So, when´s the wedding?”
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Joe Mazzello NSFW Alphabet
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Warning: This contains SMUT and like a lot of it so be v v prepared 
Y’all thirsty for this but so am I so let’s do it
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Joe might be 50% chaos but he’s also 50% cuteness so you bet his goofy ass is snuggling you while also cracking jokes. I also get the feeling that he’s the type who likes to make jokes with you about the sex you just previously had like maybe you make fun of him for being so sensitive (ticklish) on his thighs and he’s just like “yeah okay but at least I don’t like getting choked ya kinky fuck” and then you guys just roast each other and snuggle until you eventually fall asleep
B = Body Part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
So when it comes to sex, Joe definitely loves his arms. He doesn’t spend multiple days in the gym during the week working his arms just so he looks good in leather jackets no no no, he spends all that time getting built so he can pin you down while he eats you out or hold you up against the wall while he takes you just about anywhere and anytime he wants. He used to like his hips the most (mostly because of the noises he’d get out of you when he slammed into you from behind) but one somewhat drunken night you went on for a solid hour about how turned on you got when you saw his arms and then they just became his favorite since you loved them so much.
His favorite body part of yours was definitely your tits. Speaking of drunken confessions, Joe once slurred out how much he wanted fuck your tits - which would be super sexy except for the fact that it was at a very public bar and in front of Ben and Gwil (who were too drunk to care at the time but definitely brought it up again). You did eventually let him have his way with your chest days later, but not without a proper scolding and then poking fun at him.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically... I’m a disgusting person) (i am so sorry for the FILTH that is this paragraph like w o w )
We already know Joe loves your boobs so obviously he loves to finish on them. Especially after you’ve blown him, his cum hitting your chest is just icing on the cake for him. However, when it came to taking your relationship to the next level (i.e. wanting kids/ baby making time), Joe loved to cum inside of you. He loved when you’d ride him, his orgasm hitting him like a ton of bricks and then watching as you pulled off of him while his cum dripped out of you. If he wasn’t already fucked out, that did him in.
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Clothed sex. The man may be 36 but damn it if he doesn’t love to feel like a horny teenager again, fooling around with you whenever he could. The fact that you can rile him up without ever shedding a layer both stunned him and made him want to fuck you even more. The very few times you made him cum in his pants, Joe was pretty sure he was 18 all over again and also thought he might have seen heaven with how hard and fast you could make him cum and mess his very expensive trousers. He wishes it happened more often but he’d never say a word to you (bc dirt secret duh)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You take one look at that man and you try and TELL ME he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He could make you cum in SECONDS if he wanted to.
F = Favorite Position (this goes without saying)
If he’s feeling fast and freaky: Joe loved to either bend you over any surface he could find (he’d settle for holding you against the wall if a counter or tabletop didn’t see fit to his requirements) OR he’d lie back and let you ride him and have your way with him.
If he’s feeling in love/soft: Joey boy loves some vanilla sex. Missionary. Hand holding. Eye contacts. I love you’s. All the mushy gushy stuff. He eats that up and he knows you do too. The man loves to love so he does it right.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
It doesn’t matter what kind of sex your having, fast, slow, quickie, or all-day long, Joe will always be a goofball. The first time you guys had sex, he was so nervous that he tried to crack a joke just to ease the tension and it made the both of you laugh so hard that you had to take a break. Needless to say, Joe’s humor in bed kept you guys grounded, and it just made you love your chaotic, goofy boy even more.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc)
He’s well-groomed. Nothing too crazy and he isn’t completely stripped either. Just nicely trimmed.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
As mentioned in F, Joe likes a mushy gushy moment, but every sexual moment had some sort of soft intimacy at some point just like it had some type of goofy moment. Joe adores you and he never wants to let you forget it, so even if he’s railing you against a bathroom counter at some fancy LA party, he’ll still look you in the eyes and tell you how much he loves you before and after you both cum.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
Whenever Joe had to go away for work, he’d always FaceTime call you so you could lend him a virtual hand. On the days you were anticipating the calls (he’d text you a pic of his not so little problem tenting his boxers with the caption “FaceTime?” and like ten prayer emojis) you’d get out a little lingerie and something to cover up with. Some days you’d throw a big tshirt over yourself to look like you weren’t all dolled up underneath while other days you’d opt for a silky robe or one of Joe’s Yankees jerseys, the latter of which drove him absolutely wild. While he loved to watch you get off while he did too, you always insisted that he was more stressed out so he should be the one who comes first. This was always a relief for Joe as he’d be incredibly worked up before he called you so just seeing your face had him nearly cumming on the spot. On days he couldn’t FaceTime you, he’d pull out the polaroids you took of the two of you during one of your all night escapades and envision that you were there with him, touching him the ways you always did so perfectly.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Joe is a chaotic being so of course he’d be quite... adventurous. He loved the idea of public sex/ getting you off whenever and wherever he could. The fancier the place, the quicker he’d be trying to get his hands up your dress or have your mouth on his cock in whatever bathroom or hallway he could find. 
He’s also big on nicknames. He preferred giving you them but he never complained when “Joey” passed your lips. His favorites for you were “princess”, “darling”, and “baby” though when you two were getting especially frisky “you little minx” might pop out. 
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
While he was adventurous, Joe still thinks nothing beats good ole fashioned bedroom sex. The way you looked sprawled out on his bed sheets, hair splayed around your face, the soft light of his nightstand lamp making you look ethereal - yeah, there was no greater sight to Joe. Nothing else could compare to the absolute bliss that came from taking you in his bed and then holding you close, never having to switch locations from love-making to cuddling. 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Cliche as it sounds, everything you do gets him hard. Joe sometimes thinks he has a real problem, seeing as just the sight of you bending over to pick up something has him adjusting himself or taking you right then and there. But what really gets his cock hard is when you tease him, soft caresses over his jeans, whispering dirty things in his ear, anything you could do to allude to what was to come later got him harder than a rock and usually ended in him whimpering to you and begging for you to touch him.
N = NO (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Joe would never do anything to hurt you or degrade you. Aside from some light mid-sex spanking, Joe would never hurt you on purpose or call you any type of name that was less than your character.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think it’s a toss up for which he prefers more. You mouth on his cock, sucking him dry while he moans like a goddamn pornstar was always top notch; but hearing you cry out his name and tug on his hair while he gives you as many orgasms with his mouth as he could managed have even brought him over the edge quite a few times. So Joe sees these as pretty evenly stacked bets, but he thinks if he really had to choose, your pleasure would beat his in the end. 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc)
Joe’s default setting on sex was always and will always be set to soft and sweet. Not too slow, not too fast, just the right pace to have you to both losing your minds while also feeling incredibly intimate. These setting changed of course based on his and your moods. Stressful days called for fast and rough while morning sex was reserved was slow and sweet loving.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Quickies for Joe were like grabbing a bag of chips instead of eating the full meal. Yes they were delicious and satisfying enough to tide him over, but they were never the real deal and thus he always craved something more substantial. 
R = Risk (are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
Joe’s game to experiment but only after talking it over and making sure there was mutual want and consent for the experiments in question. As you relationship progressed, he’d get bolder and definitely be more spontaneous as long as you were down too.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
Joe usually surprised you with just how long he could last. While there were quite a few occasions in which Joe came sooner than expected (what can he say? you knew how to work him up), he almost always held out until he was fully inside of you and you were on the brink of your final orgasm. On the nights where he was too worked up and came much sooner than expected, giving himself a few extra minutes of working you up and hearing you beg him for more usually got him going again. Needless to say, his stamina was pretty damn good.
T = Toy (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Joe didn’t own any toys himself but when he found out how fast you could lose control with a vibrator on your clit, well, Joe made sure to grab a few different kinds for future use. He mostly used them on you, but he’d be lying if he said he’d never used them on himself (See W for more details...)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Joe is a pretty straight to the point kind of guy so he’s not one teasing. He leaves that job to you since you seemed to do it so well. There were moments when he’d lightly tease you, usually when he went down on you. He’d run his beard along your thighs, plant open mouth kisses on your lower stomach, and - his favorite form of teasing - he’d leave hickies just about anywhere he could before finally allowing his mouth to touch where you needed it most.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
Joe is LOUD and I will take no arguments on the matter. (note that one borhap interview where he just openly fucking whimpered like hi sir where is your self control) He loved to make noise and let you know just how goddamn good you made him feel. His noises could range from whimpers to moans of your name, and he’d always have some string of cuss words to accompany ever grunt and groan that fell from his lips.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Joe knew just how much you loved your vibrator so one day he decided to try it for himself. In his defense, you left it in his suitcase from your last weekend getaway and Joe happened to find it just as he was getting ready for bed while away for filming. Knowing you couldn’t FaceTime that night, he made himself comfy in his bed, pulled your pictures out to rile himself up and went to town. The absolute euphoria he felt when he let the vibrator, set to its lowest level, graze the head of his cock was unlike anything he’d ever experienced. It only took him a few minutes of stroking himself while he pressed the vibrator to the base of his dick just above his balls before he was cumming hard and fast, eyes closed and whimpering your name. It was almost too much for him and Joe decided that he’d store that option away for when he was really desperate and needed to get off quick (or just when you were there and could help him feel even more risky).
X = X-Ray (let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
I have been waiting to talk about this because there is just a way that Joe carries himself and speaks that have had me saying on many occasions “WE GET IT JOE YOU HAVE A BIG DICK” and I firmly believe the man is packing some serious heat. I understand the use of cups and their way of accentuating things but if you look at him in Undrafted, like, that’s a pretty big cup my guy and those things are meant to fit a certain way and like hug so... I’m just saying... *insert the eyes emoji like six times*
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I think he’s got a pretty moderate sex drive. He’s always down when you are but there are plenty of other things he like to do besides dick you down. Joe’s got the biggest boner for domestic bliss so even if you’re not jumping each other’s bones he’s still perfectly happy. He has his moments when he absolutely aches for your touch but those are usually when he’s been gone filming too long or when you’ve been teasing him relentlessly.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s not one to pass out immediately afterwards, but he’s definitely a tired boy. Joe makes sure to take proper care of you, cleaning you up and making sure you’ve peed and that both of you have what you need before you pulls you in close and snuggles you. Sleeping isn’t the first thing on his mind after you two are done, in fact it might even be the last. He loves to hold you close and talk to you about anything and everything, all the while tracing patterns on your skin with his fingers or playing with your hair. Anything to have you close to him physically, emotionally, and mentally before you both finally drift off to sleep.
Tagging people who responded to my post about this so they can see it:
@spunky-town @michael-is-bae @fallinlovewhenitsdone @deanscroissant @mrsjosephmazzello @givemeunicornsorgivemedeath 
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mira-shard · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet (Marina X Jae edition)
Thanks for tagging me @mizutoyama!  💖
A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?) The first attractive thing Marina noticed was Jae's defiance of the rules. She strongly believes rules shouldn't always be followed. One of the most attractive things is how loyal Jae is to his family. Jae loves Marina's sense of adventure and loyalty. During their first trip to knockturn alley, she almost immediately became ride or die for him and loyalty means a lot to him.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?) Both of them always thought they'd grow up to have a family. But when the wizarding war came they decided to wait until everything was over and settled down. But life had other plans as it turns out Marina was pregnant during the final battle at Hogwarts. Once things had settled down they decided to expand their family when they both felt it was safe enough to do so.
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?) Preferbably with Jae on his back and Marina on top of him. Marina's very clingly while cuddling and Jae likes being able to grab a drink while cuddling cause she ain't getting up for hours (Not like he actually minds)
D= Dates (What are dates with them?) As long as it's the two of them and they're having fun away from the castle? It's a date. Sometimes when they're joking around they call detention a date.
E= Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…)) Marina: You're my safe place. Jae: You're my partner in crime. Marina: .... This shit is equally dope. Jae & Marina: You won't believe the kinda shit that comes out of this kid's throat (I had to, they totally would)
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?) Alright, so I actually wanted to write a two shot fic about them realising their feelings for one another but basically; Marina realised it when he was comforting her after she broke down from the pressure of the portrait vault. When Jae told her she was just one girl and that it's okay to take a step back for her own sake, she felt really seen and vulnerable and that made her realise it. Jae realised his feelings during a divination class. They were paired up together and sure, he thought she was attractive but when he noticed how sweaty his palms were and she just took his mind of it by talking about a prank they could pull on Pitts or adding something other than sandwhiches to the menu. It was those little things that made him think "Oh, shit. I love her."
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?) Iiiiiiii honestly don't know if this question is like, slightly NSFW?? But considering it's the fluff alphabet XD Yes, they're quite gentle with one another. Sometimes they can play a bit rough, like wrestling or shoving one another, but most of the time they're careful around each other.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?) They actually rarely hold hands. They prefer to link arms cause, well, when you're walking through knockturn alley it's quicker to draw your wand that way. Plus Marina likes staying as close as possible.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?) Marina immediately noticed Jae was a joker during their first detention together. When they talked about the things they did to get into detention she thought he was sneaky and someone who would sell her out to Dumbledore for a galleon. Luckily, he proved her that that assumption was completely incorrect. Jae thought she was kinda cueless when he saw her stare at the bread in confusion. He assumed she never had to do it before and was probably a rich kid who would complain about detention. Some of their first assumptions about each other are completely inaccurate but they got ofter those assumptions once they spent more time together.
J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?) Marina gets jealous easier than Jae does. Marina's jealousy mostly stems from her own insecurity and can be a little bit petty about it, but Jae isn't one to avoid confrontation and calls her out on it if she's acting up when they're in private. Jae rarely gets jealous cause he's quite easy going and is confident in Marina's feelings about him. On the rare occasion that he does get jealous, Marina noticed quickly and gets a bit more affectionate and PDA to reassure him non verbally.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?) Some quick pecks during detention or in the library are quite common. But the longer ones are in places where they can be alone, both prefer privacy and aren't that much into PDA. Unless Jae is in a teasing mood. As for their first kiss, it was in the restricted section of the library. The two snuck in to find something they could use with either the vaults or useful information. Marina noticed a book she also had at home that she loved reading as a child. She started fangirling slightly cause it's very advanced magic and Jae thought she looked so adorable, like a kid in a candy store, so he couldn't help himself and kissed her.
L= Love (Who says ‘I love you first?) Marina did, in their seventh year. I still need to figure out a few of the details there.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?) Probably will be the summer festival side quest. Will definetely write a one shot about it once it comes out. But for now I'd say the time they made fudge together for Pitts.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?) Jae gives small gifts from time to time, like a banned item he think she'd like or find useful. Most of his gifts are practical or cute. Sometimes he wishes he could spoil her more but Marina reminds him she prefers his company over anything material. Marina comes from a very wealthy family and loves spoiling her friends, but sometimes she takes it a bit too far. Jae doesn't mind it that much but had to explain to her that sometimes he prefered a hug over some kind of expensive item. That conversation took place a few times before Marina finally managed to reel it in. (She still goes all out on occasions like Christmas or Jae's birthday-) 
O=  Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?) Marina immediately thinks of yellow, cause of the signarture "gold" hoodie. Jae thinks of purple, without a doubt.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?) They only started using pet names to tease one another but somewhere along the line they started saying some of them unironically. Mostly in private, tho. Marina's usual pet name for Jae is "darling," and Jae only ever really calls her "kitten." Altho that one is purely to tease her for her animagus form.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?) Exploring Hogwarts. The castle is very old and has more secret passways and tunnels than they could probably ever find.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?) So there's a hidden room in the dungeon that's under the black lake and is entirely made of glass. The ceiling, the floor, the walls, you can see trough it all, as if you were in the lake. These two love to just go there and stare at all the mermaids and sea life that goes by while they sneak in some blankets, pillows and some butterbeer.
S = Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
When Marina is upset, physhical affection works almost always. Something as simple as holding her for a few minutes calms her down pretty often. She just needs a safe spot to let all the tears out.
When Jae gets sad, he rants to let it out. He paces around in the room while ranting and Marina listens quietly. Once he's done she'll pull him in for a hug and tries to talk about whatever the issue is. If Jae doesn't want to talk about it, she'll start making stupid, corny jokes to make him laugh.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?) Practically anything. For Jae it's cooking, pranks, how to bend the rules, hobbies and interest and funny/weird things he noticed. Marina loves talking about advanced magic, gossip she learned from the mermaids, quidditch or joking around in general.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?) Jae likes to take long walks outside of the castle to help him relax. Marina prefers to stay in a room with some music on, where she won't have to do anything but just breathe. If they both need to relax they often just take a quaffle and toss it around while making small talk.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?) Jae likes to brag from time to time, most of the times it's about a new recipe that he got in one try, or an especially difficult item that he managed to sneak in. Marina mainly brags about things related to quidditch. Only very sometimes when people are being annoying she brags about the cursed vaults to make a point.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?) Hehehehe, no spoilers ;)
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?) Can't help but immediately think of Rollercoaster by Bleachers, not sure why. They don't really have a song yet, but maybe that'll change?
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?) Honestly? Neither never thought about it seriously in the beginning. It's about two years after they graduated when they decide together that they'll start considering it but sadly then rumors about voldemort returning showed up.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?) Marina wanted a kneazle, Jae a crup pup. They end up getting both and named them, ironically, Merlin and Arthur.
Tagging @hanihonii perhaps you would like to do it~? Cause I wanna know more about Stephanie and Ben  👀
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