#i love how it looks like a gas station in ffxv
holokatana · 3 months
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took this one at a highway gas station in western spain
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thisfairytalegonebad · 7 months
I've played so much ffxv but i never realised how much Prompto and Ignis randomly hang out together until now and my heart is soft ;_; *lies down on the floor*
So far we've got:
Ignis sometimes asking Prompto specifically to help him shopping when they arrive at a rest area/gas station
When waking up at the chocobo ranch, sometimes they'll be standing by the chocobo pens together while Gladio's off somewhere else
Just now I woke up at Taelpar Rest Area and they're standing by the road together
Sometimes when they rest at a caravan, they're inside by the door just having a conversation and they both look so relaxed
Random (unvoiced) car interactions
I'm only in like chapter 4 of this playthrough so I'm sure there's more, but feel free to add to it I love their friendship so much and I want to hear Everything
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heartlessfujoshi · 4 years
xvtober day 19: ebony
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Title: Sold Out Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Polyship Roadtrip Rating: General (Fluff - Tooth-Rotting Fluff - Humor) Word Count: 1545 Prompt: Ebony
Summary: The boys stop to get gas, and Prompto discovers something horrible: the station is out of Ebony.
A/N: Here’s my next offering for XVtober! :) Please enjoy!
“Uh oh.” 
Noctis turned towards Prompto, who had just said a phrase that he never liked to hear. “What is it?” He asked, preparing himself to hear the worst. They had stopped at a gas station in Burbost, and decided while Ignis and Gladio put gas in the car, they could go scope out the Souvenir Emporium across the street. 
“I’ve got some really bad news.” Prompto turned around, and quickly blocked whatever he’d been looking at it. He dropped his voice to a whisper, which Noctis had to lean forward to hear properly. “How about we just….you know, walk the rest of the way to the Royal Tomb?” 
“Prompto - what could be so bad that you’d want to do something like that?” Noctis shook his head, as he put down one of the bags of chips he’d been eyeballing. “What gives?” 
“Well, uh…” His lover stepped to the side, and showed him what the problem was. “I’m not going to be the one to tell Ignis.” 
He sighed as he read the sign out loud. “Ebony out of stock. Not sure when we will get more. Drink Ebony Lite instead!” He rubbed his hands on his face, now understanding Prompto’s panic. “I don’t want to tell him either.” 
“He loves you!” Prompto grabbed onto his arm, and shook him. “He tolerates me!” 
“That is not true and you know it.” 
“You don’t know that!” 
Rolling his eyes, he shook his head. “You know that he loves you an equal amount. Okay, maybe not equal, but it’s close.” It was true - the four of them, after having been on this journey for a few weeks, had all decided to try their hand at a little polyamory. And really - it worked. Noctis was with the three people he loved the most, and being in a relationship where it could be both physical and emotional was very satisfying, and he wondered why they hadn’t thought about doing this beforehand. 
“But he is madly in love with you! You have to be the one to talk to him!” 
“What are you two still doing in here?” Gladio’s voice cut through the shop, both grabbing onto each other as they turned to look at him. “Why do you guys look so awful? Did you hear something on the radio?” 
“Not exactly.” Noctis stepped away from Prompto, but kept holding onto his hand as he showed Gladio what the issue was. “Neither of us want to tell him.” They all looked outside at Ignis, who was still filling the Regalia up with gasoline. “He’s going to be upset.” 
“Shit.” Gladio swore under his breath. Noctis knew that this was bad if Gladio was having the same reaction as they were. “You’re right. He’s going to be upset. And we can’t really turn around and find another convenience store right now. We’re so close to the tomb.” 
“See?” Prompto tugged on his hand. “This is why we’re doomed. We’re not going to get the sword, and we’re not going to be able to do anything because of this!” 
Noctis looked at him, then looked at Gladio. “I’m going to tell Ignis I’m driving. We’ll go to the store in Old Lestallum. The last time we were there, they had plenty on their shelves.” 
“What if everyone that comes here to buy it has gone there to buy some?” Gladio crossed his arms over his chest, and shook his head. “That won’t work, Princess. He’s going to suspect something if you ask to drive, and if we wind up going back that way.” 
Gladio was right - and he hated that he was. “Then what the hell do you suggest we do? Are you going to be the one to tell him there’s no Ebony?” 
“There’s no what?” 
All three turn towards the entrance of the shop and see Ignis was standing there, a stern look on his face. “Iggy!” Prompto tried to sound enthusiastic, but it fell super flat, making Noctis’ stomach hurt as he looked at the expression on his Adviser’s face. “We were just saying that-” 
“There’s no Ebony.” Noctis confessed to him, then pointed to the empty shelf with the note. “And they don’t know when they’re going to be back. We were trying to decide who would get to tell you the bad news, because none of us really wanted to be the one.” 
“You know that I have plenty in the car, yes?” Ignis asked, adjusting the glasses on his nose. “Why are you so concerned when I have at least four cases stashed in the trunk of the Regalia?” 
“I’ll give you ten thousand gil for two cases!” The shop owner joined their conversation. “Many people want it!” 
Noctis saw Ignis’ eye twitch. “It’s not for sale.” Ignis turned on his heel and headed out of the shop. 
“You gonna buy those?” Gladio asked, as Noctis looked down at the bag of chips in his hand. “Because you should do that now, as it looks like Ignis is pretty upset.” 
“But why?” Noctis dropped some gil on the counter, and tossed the bag to Prompto who caught it no problem. “He said he has some. Why is he upset?” 
“Because you lot are making me out to be a monster.” Ignis said, as they crossed the road to get back over to the Regalia. “I can survive without drinking Ebony if I need to.” 
He shared a look with Gladio and Prompto, then looked back at Ignis. “No offense, Specs, but that’s a complete lie. You are a maniac if you don’t have your caffeine in the right dose. And really - none of us want to deal with that. So yes, when we stop at these shops, we’ve been trained to make sure we get more Ebony. Just in case.” 
“And they have none. So what of it?” Ignis started the car, and then pulled back onto the highway. “Gladio?” 
Noctis watched as his Shield reached into the compartment and grabbed a can of Ebony, then handed it to Ignis as if to prove a point. “Ignis - do you realize what you just did?” 
“We have plenty.” 
“You’re going to run out eventually.” 
“Then you’d better hope that the next shop we stop at has plenty, otherwise there will be consequences.” 
All three men groaned, as they watched Ignis take a sip of his beverage. As if this was their fault there was no Ebony for sale. Noctis leaned his head back against the backseat and stared up at the blue sky. “You know, this vacation is really turning into a drag.” 
“It’s not a vacation, Your Highness.” Ignis met his eyes through the rearview mirror, looking a little more upset than he would have liked. “I will be fine.” 
“Ignis - it’s cool. After we get the next Royal Arm, we’ll head back to Old Lestallum and stock up there on Ebony.” Gladio leaned forward, resting his chin against Prompto’s shoulder. Noctis couldn’t help but smile, as it really made him happy to see them so in tune with one another. “Isn’t that right, Prom?” 
“Yes! Noct wanted to go now, but we’re so close to the tomb, that we might as well wait until we’re done there.” 
Noctis looked at the rearview mirror and met Ignis’ gaze headon. “Is this true, Your Highness?” 
“Yes.” He nodded his head. “Just because you have enough doesn’t mean you can’t have more.” 
“While I appreciate the sentiment, I am thankful that we are on track to go to this next tomb. I promise, I will be fine.” He took a sip of his opened Ebony, then returned the can to the cup holder. 
“Fine, Ignis.” Closing his eyes, he pretended to nod off, as he really didn’t want to discuss this any more. 
When the car came to a stop, he saw Prompto and Gladio get out first, then headed down the path where the next tomb was. Ignis was still seated in the driver’s seat. “Noctis.” He looked up, and saw Ignis had turned to look back at him. “Thank you for your concern. I’m sorry I appeared more upset than I was - I don’t like the idea of you three worrying about me.” 
“We love you.” Noctis said, as he got out of the car with Ignis. “That’s all this is, Ignis.” 
“Well, I love you too.” Ignis stepped close to him, the two of them sharing a hug with one another. “Please - talk to me. Don’t make me think you three are planning something awful, because that is where my mind went first.” 
“Oh, Ignis.” He hugged his lover a bit tighter. “That will never happen. I promise.” 
“Thank you, Your Highness.” 
They shared a quick kiss, then headed down to join both Prompto and Gladio. It took them almost four hours to clear the dungeon and get the next Royal Arm, but they did it. And as promised, they headed to Old Lestallum where they got a double bed hotel room for the night, and then stocked up on Ebony. Which, of course, there had been plenty of because Prompto had a flawless memory. All in all, it was another averted crisis, all four men equally happy with the results. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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secret-engima · 5 years
Hey, all your stories have inspired me to try the ffxv game and i haven't played the other games are there any tricks to it?
Hmmmmm You don’t need to play the other FF games to get into FFXV? So there’s that. Get the Royal Edition, PLEASE, it has all the extra DLC barring Ardyn’s and an extra map to explore plus quests.
For tips/tricks lemme think-
Overlevel. Side-Quests are your friend, Hunts are your friend. Until you get comfortable with the various combat systems and strategies having a higher level is Great. Even after you get comfortable having a higher level is Great.
Collect everything. If you see a shiny blue spark on the ground, go over and collect it. Be careful what you sell. There are guides on what is safe to sell or not but as a shortcut tip DO NOT sell Rusty Bit, Glass Gemstone, and if you somehow get a Sturdy Helixhorn while taking Hunts for the love of the Astrals DON’T SELL IT. Those three ingredients are what you need to upgrade your Engine Blade, which brings me to my next tip-
Talk to Cid after you’re in the open world (so ... post Noctis learning of Insomnia’s fall and the cutscenes/short quests associated with that). I forget when you’re free to go talk to him (probably after the set of Cor quests? I think? Been a while.) but just- try as soon as possible and keep trying. He has these nifty quests where he will upgrade certain kinds of gear, including your Engine Blade. If you upgrade the Engine Blade three times (Rusty Bit for the first one, Glass Gemstone for the second, Sturdy Helixhorn for the last) it will turn into the Ultima Blade, which is easily the highest powered blade in the game for like- 99% of the game. I’ve been in post-game for a LONG while now hunting down the really hard post-game dungeons and I still use that thing. It’s a relatively easy set of quests to get the highest level blade in the game and you can do it REALLY EARLY on in the game.
Wait System is Your Friend In Specific Instances. So- there are two kinds of combat mode in the game, Real Time and Wait System. I usually don’t bother with Wait System because I prefer Real Time BUT when hunting for specific monster parts (like the Sturdy Helixhorn), if you pause in combat and go down to ... i forget what it’s called but the came will show you in the tutorial, there’s a spot where you can swap to Wait System. That essentially pauses the game while you’re holding still (on a timer though so don’t dally too long) so that you can look around and lock onto desired monster parts. If you want the horn- lock onto and repeatedly warp attack the horn until it breaks. Repeat for any other part you particularly want on a given monster. I only do that with Hunts when I need a specific part though so (shrugs).
Take your time. You are in no rush, exploring and overleveling are your friends, and really except for specific quests, nothing is timed. Just enjoy the game and get comfortable with the systems before trying to tackle the late game/Altissia/post-Altissia content. There. Is. No. Rush. Stockpile potions and elixirs, enjoy the scenery, go catch some funny colored frogs. Saving the world will wait for you.
I’m sure everyone has a different opinion, but for me, I like to upgrade the Exploration branches of the Ascension menu (basically your skill tree, it has sub categories for upgrading magic, upgrading health, upgrading/unlocking your companion’s special attacks, etc) There are ones that will allow things like Gladio picking up extra items while hiking as well as gaining EXP and Ascension points (skill points) just by driving the car around and another for riding chocobos. I’d recommend getting the car and chocobo = ascension points ones first before moving on to snag whatever boosts or abilities you want because that way you can just- earn skill points by doing whatever on the open world map.
Pay attention to the exp bonus rates of various hotels. You only “level up” when you Rest at either a Haven or a hotel or caravan. Haven’s have the bonus of Ignis cooking meals (pay attention to the buffs offered, and if you see a chibi figure of one of the chocobros next to a recipe that means they like it and will get a passive exp boost for eating it), but hotels and caravans will boost how much exp you get per Rest. The best one early-ish in the game is Lestallum’s, which doubles your points when you Rest there (so if you go in with 100 points, it will tally 200 points instead etc etc). The Best one is the hotel in Altissia but that’s later game and also much more expensive.
Do the Dead-Eye quest as soon as you think you’re leveled up enough for it, because it unlocks Chocobos and those are priceless for running around the map in places the car can’t go (make sure to have a few flasks of Fire Elemency in your inventory, because there are red barrels in his lair and it is satisfying to set him on fire).
Elemancy is your friend (as long as you throw from far enough away, because your own bombs WILL hurt you if you throw too close). It took me forever to get the hang of Elemency and I still prefer using blades BUT it’s a fun system to play with. If you combine raw elements like Fire with an ingredient from your inventory (say, a banknote or silver coin) you can get additional effects like boosted exp, slowing the enemy down, poisoning them, even instant death (though that one is ... iffy).
Pay attention to the numbers that come out of monsters when you fight them. Purple means that whatever you’re using isn't effective. Gold means it’s super effective, white is normal. If you’re getting purple numbers, try swapping to another type of weapon like spear, dagger, great sword, or pistol. If you watch close enough, you can spot if one of the other chocobros is using a super effective weapon and as Noctis you get to use all of them, so just swap to that.
Don’t Fast Travel unless you have to. Filling up the gas tank on the car and running everywhere on chocobo may be boring sometimes but if you get the exp and skill point bonuses for doing those things, it will be worth it. But if you fast travel you don’t get those skill points.
There’s an mp3 player thing you can buy in the car store menus under key items, it will let you play music from other games while you drive/ride/walk. You can buy the soundtracks from various stores and gas stations throughout lucis so make sure to check for those when you stop.
Do the Cindy quest chain. The sooner you successfully complete it, the sooner you get a car with an unlimited gas tank, so no more worrying about having to spend gil refilling the tank while earning ascension points. Also the fully upgraded car can fly, but I don’t recommend it because landing is hard and one mistake will murder your entire party. Also if Cindy sends you into a dungeon to get a part, look it up ahead of time on the internet, because chances are you don’t have to go too far into the dungeon to find it, but if you do, it’s probably a scary high-level dungeon so good luck.
Prompto is a Gem. I mean that. He is one of my primary tactics in the game other than be Warptastic with Noctis. He is also a Glass Cannon so if you get/buy decent health and defense items I recommend giving the best ones to him (there are ascension slots that can unlock more accessory slots for specific characters, I recommend upgrading Prompto’s and Noctis’s first). The longer you can keep him alive in a fight, the more times you can use his Piercer ability. It’s his basic special attack, but it doesn’t take long to recharge and you can use it to break an enemy’s defense VERY often if you level it up all the way (just spam it, more use = higher level special attack). I still use it post game because it’s short and fast and relatively powerful. But that’s just me.
Try to keep everyone alive. If you don’t have phoenix downs to spare obviously you CAN just let them lie there until the fight is over, but if you do that then the “dead” member won’t get exp for the fight. This is bad because you need all the bros to be at their best to survive the whole game. Try to keep an eye on all health bars and if you can’t get over there to manually revive them, there are ascension skills that let them use health kits on themselves or you can just go into the potion menu and order them to use one on themselves before they get too bad off health wise.
If you think you are overleveled enough to handle the boss fights in Gralea. You Are Not™. Either don’t go to Altissia until you are higher leveled than you currently are or when you go to Altissia, take advantage of Umbra’s new time-travel ability and go BACK to Lucis to level some more. I recommend being like- at least level forty-five, PREFERABLY FIFTY+, before going to Altissia but that’s just me. Check the “recommended level” of each quest before doing them and decide if you want to tackle it. They are fully beatable if you are at the recommended level or even a little under but personally I saved a lot of potions and elixirs and tears of frustration by just- making a point to be 5-10 levels higher than the recommended at minimum.
Strategy Guides on the internet are your friend. I suck at explaining my strategies, and other people have actual numbers to crunch to prove their methods. If all else fails, there is no shame in looking up how to handle a boss fight on youtube or ign or whatever.
That’s ... all I can think of atm though I could ramble on for ages on different tactics and things I find useful. Hope this helps!
P.S. be polite to people in the dialogue options. You will be rewarded with exp and skill points for Not Being a Jerk and in one case in Altissia a conversation can literally decide if your game kicks into Hard Mode or not. So Be Nice. For Your Own Sake.
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Gladiolus x Male Reader
So this is my first post. Please keep that in mind while reading and give me some tips to improve if you have any!
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Gladiolus x Male Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: A happy, always smiling, outgoing young man catches the eye of Gladio who quickly befriends the man and soon enough falls in love.
You were walking down the street through the small country town you lived in, smiling and saying hello to anyone you walked past. You had left your small cottage to buy groceries for the week. When you had gotten to the grocery store you noticed an unfamiliar vehicle. It was a nice black car that looked nothing like any car you had ever seen. Your eyes were naturally drawn to it. After moments of staring at the car four men got out. The first man you looked at was a tall slender man with glasses, he looked like a stereotypical businessman. The second man you noticed looked like he had just woken up. The third man you noticed was a bright and bubbly blonde man. The fourth and final man you noticed was tall and muscular. It seemed you stared at him for longer than you thought as he started walking towards you. You quickly smiled and apologized for staring. "Oh it's no problem." The man said in a low, rough voice, which you had to admit was attractive. "I'm Gladiolus. You can call me Gladio though." The man said as you were deep in thought. You gasped and apologized again for staring. "I'm Y/N." You said cheerfully and stuck out your hand. Gladio shook your hand firmly. "We're looking for supplies. Know a place we can get some?" Gladio said still holding onto your hand. "Well depends what you're looking for. This place has got all kinds of things," You gestured towards the store. "But it can be pretty confusing to newcomers like yourself. Want me to help you?" Gladio nodded and let go of your hand as you started walking inside with him and his crew in tow.
After you and the boys were done shopping you all went to your cottage to chat. You unlocked the door and let everyone inside. "Sorry it's so small." You chuckled as you closed the door behind you. "It's nice!" Prompto said excitedly, his name, you had learned from Gladio scolding him for knocking over a few boxes. You went to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water, put it on the stove and turned the stove on. You then went and sat on your favorite chair while everyone else sat on your sofa. You laughed as you saw Noctis and Prompto looking squished between Ignis and Gladio. "I can grab some chairs if you guys want." You got up, not even giving them the chance to respond, and got two chairs from the dining table. Gladio and Prompto quickly got up and sat on the chairs as you sat back down in yours. "So how long have you guys been on the road?" Gladio quickly chimed in. "Few months. Haven't stopped travelling. Except at night and to eat of course. Other than that we've been on the road constantly." Your mouth dropped at hearing that. "Seriously?! You guys haven't stopped travelling! Wow! That's kind of amazing. If you guys ever need a place to stay you can stay here. I know it's not much but I'd be happy to help you guys out."
Late at night you heard someone walking around and immediately woke up as you were a very light sleeper. You left your bedroom and found Gladio slowly pacing around. "You okay?" You whispered as you walked over to him. "Yeah. Can't sleep." Gladio smiled slightly. You smiled back at him with a kind, gentle smile. "I know something's bothering you but I won't push. Just know you can talk to me if you need anything." Gladio looked surprised for a moment but nodded. "Yeah. Thanks Y/N." You went to the kitchen and got some tea ready then went back and sat at the dining table with gladio. "This always helps me when I can't sleep." You gave the tea to Gladio and sat there in silence as he slowly drank it. When he was done you put the cup in the sink and made sure he was okay again before going back to your room. You crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up early as always and started making breakfast for everyone. Ignis was the first of them to wake up and offered to help you with breakfast but you said you could handle it. Gladio was the second to wake up and went for a jog before the other two woke up. Prompto woke up not long after Gladio but Noctis had to be woken up by Ignis when breakfast was ready. Gladio returned from his jog just as you were putting the plates down on the table. You smiled at Gladio. "Welcome back. Did you have a nice jog?" Gladio nodded and wiped the sweat off of his forehead before sitting down at the table. You sat down after everyone else was seated and comfortable. Once you all were done eating you got up and washed the dishes. "I don't want to be rude but I have to go to work in a few minutes so you'll have to leave. Sorry for the inconvenience but I want to lock up when I go and that means I can't have anyone in the house." You went and stood where you had set up some inflatable mattresses for the boys. "That's alright. We're leaving soon to get on the road." Ignis said as he was folding the blankets you had set out for them. "Thanks." You smiled and went into your bedroom and got changed into your work uniform. When you left your bedroom Gladio was the only one left in your house. You assumed the others had already gone to their car. "Hey. You need something?" You went over to Gladio. He seemed to be hesitating on what to say. "Uh yeah. I know we don't know each other that well but I was wondering if I could get your number?" You smiled brightly. "Of course you can!" You wrote down your number on a piece of paper and gave it to Gladio. "See you around Gladio!" You waved as he left your cottage.
A few months had gone by and you and Gladio had been texting and calling each other almost every day. It started out with just small talk and only talking once a week. You two had soon started talking more and more about yourselves and your hobbies and now you two were talking almost all day every day. You really enjoyed talking with Gladio and you knew you were in love with him but you knew he most likely didn't feel the same about you, so you were happy just texting him as a friend. Gladio on the other hand was freaking about what he was feeling. He was sure it was love but he had never felt that way about another man before. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he wanted to tell you or not. His friends could tell he was acting strange and had asked him about it on many occasions which just made Gladio go red in the face and start stuttering. They had guessed from his reaction that he was in love but they couldn't figure out who it was. You two were texting as usual when you received a text from gladio saying that they would be in town. You were over the moon with joy. You couldn't wait to see gladio. You texted him back saying that you couldn't wait.
When they arrived you were at the gas station waiting for them and you were practically vibrating with excitement at seeing the person you were head over heels for. When Gladio got out of the car you waved almost too enthusiastically at him. Your smile was so wide, if you weren't distracted, it would be painful. He walked over to you and you felt like your heart would explode at seeing him smiling at you. "Hey. It's been a while hasn't it?" Gladio scratched the back of his neck. "Yep! But I'm so happy you're back!" You were so excited you hugged him without thinking. Gladio froze and looked at your small frame. His heart was going a million miles an hour and he hoped you hadn't noticed. You let go of Gladio and beamed beamed at him. "Hey can I tell you a secret?" You waited for him to lean down, then whispered in his ear. "I love you."
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autumn-maple13 · 6 years
Lost to Time - Chapter 12
Child of Ardyn FFXV Fanfic
Chapter 12: No
The world was spinning around her - her living room was disappearing into a void that ate away her surroundings. Amara and Ardyn were alone, cast out into an abyss of stars, into an eternity that seemed to stretch out all around them.
“Your… Your daughter?”
“Yes, my daughter. Born to my love quite some time ago, though that part of my tale will need to be told later.”
She hardly heard the last part, too busy trying to keep her heart beating as she crashed back to earth. Ardyn gave her a smile, reaching over to pat her head again.
No, no he was putting something on her head. His hat, she realized when he tapped the brim.
“I can’t be.”
“You are. Your connection is proof enough if you only seek it out within yourself.” he leaned down to eye level, his face turning stern and serious. “Listen closely child, you need to go join up with the Prince and travel with him. Seek out the royal tombs.”
“Royal tombs?”
“I’ll find you again later, and hopefully we can talk some more then.”
Amara watched the man leave in a flash, and after rubbing her eyes to make sure they hadn’t deceived her she found herself standing outside the city. She had to be going crazy, that’s all she could think to make sense of everything.
A brief look around led her to discover a car, half-hidden in some bushes nearby. A note inside had her name scripted elegantly across it, and the key tucked safely inside with directions to a gas station not far away.
It was so glaringly suspicious that it made the woman search the car for anything that could harm her, though she only found a change of clothes and a small bag. She grabbed both and threw them into the front seat, ripping Ardyn’s hat off as she got behind the wheel. It didn’t matter how she got outside the city, it didn’t matter how haunting this recent encounter with Ardyn was, she had to meet up with Noctis and the guys.
Hammerhead Garage would be the first stop in her search for them.
Driving was a hard endeavor as she had to fight through the crowd of fleeing Lucians, both from the city and the area just outside of it. A few times she thought she spotted people she knew, but with her mind so scattered she couldn’t be sure. She couldn’t be sure of a lot, actually, with the burning feeling still driving her mad.  
With distractions rampaging whatever train of thought she had once had it wasn’t long before the sandblasted silver awning of the station came into view, though the rain coming in made her slow down instead of rushing towards it like she wanted to. A blonde woman that looked around her age watched her get out of her car, but soon whipped around and rushed back into the garage after she got a good look at the tattered Glaive uniform. An old man was the next person she saw, and he waved her over as she reached for the bag that had sat beside her.
“What’s a Glaive doing way out here?” he questioned as he led her into the garage, the blonde shutting its huge door behind them. “Yer not after someone, are ye?”
“You know about the Glaive? I didn’t think many people outside the city-“ she broke off when she caught sight of a photo nearby, recognizing the vehicle in it immediately. “You knew the King?”
“Depends on who’s asking.”
“I’m, well,” she dug her wallet from her pocket and fished a photo out that she handed to the man. “A friend of his son.”
“I see… What’s yer name?”
“Amara So—Amara. I’m a, I was a Platoon Leader with the Glaive and a Sergeant in the Crownsguard.” She produced the Guard emblem as she turned so he could see the Glaive’s Bahamut emblem on her shoulder. “I’ve been friends with Noct since we were kids.”
“Amara? Then you’re the one he told Prompto to take those pictures for!” the blonde smiled cheerfully, reaching out a hand for the Glaive to shake. “I’m Cindy, and this is my paw-paw, Cid!”
“Pleasure. Noct and the guys came through here?”
“Sure did, had a bit of car trouble! But it looks like you’ve had a bit of yer own. Why don’t you go get cleaned up and changed while I run over to the diner and get ya something to eat so you can fill us in on what’s happening.” Cindy didn’t give any time to protest, darting off to slip out a side door while her grandfather was left giving directions to their bathroom. Seeing that she didn’t have a choice she did as she was told and found that she felt a bit easier with the warm water of their shower washing away the dirt and blood that was caked into her hair and somehow across every inch of her skin.
Seriously, how did it get under her uniform? She was starting to wonder about the impossibility of dirt seeping in through that heavy-ass uniform when she remembered another impossibility – her meeting with Ardyn at her home. Wait, why had she gone home in the middle of Insomnia’s fall? Her head began to pound as she tried to remember what she had been doing before she went home, but all she could remember was brief flashes of pain and lights – the heaving of her chest as she fought to breathe in the heavy smoke that had begun filling the city. There was no way she had been going through the city alone, right?
No, she hadn’t been alone. With a start, she realized she had been with Nyx and the Princess, though how their fight from the Citadel to their last moments together had been forgotten she didn’t know. It was then, as she wondered what had become of them that she found her veins had begun to burn again. Her heart was beating hard in her chest as she became consumed by guilt, and only in trying to calm herself did she feel the burning ebb. Realizing the feeling came from her own doing made her concern turn to curiosity, and she tried to focus on what she was feeling within herself, though she tried to ignore the fact that it had been Ardyn’s instruction in the first place.
It was instantaneous – the crossbow that appeared in her hands was not one she had ever held or seen, though a thought that passed through her had her holding the very spear she had once taken from an Imperial during a Glaive mission.
She had her own armiger - wasn’t that what Noct had called it during his training with the Crownsguard? – although it didn’t take more than a moment to realize that it was somehow connected to Ardyn.
Her father, she reminded herself with a hard swallow, dissipating the spear so she could actually focus on getting clean now that the pieces of her own, personally made puzzle were coming together – though she thought about retrieving one of her blades to chop off her hair when she realized how filthy and tangled it was.
The amount of time it took her was embarrassing to say the least, though as lost in thought as she was made her only realize it when she was getting dressed. The clothes that had been left in that car were comfortable enough: a pair of black pants and a black shirt, but a wine-red vest and fingerless gloves that came to above her elbows. Wrist guards and red pieces of armor that were clearly meant to be put on her boots were also into the bag, covered by a black scarf with an almost floral pattern around its edges, shining silver in the bathroom lights. She shook her head but adorned herself with the items, and even replaced Ardyn’s hat on her head (though she wasn’t really sure why) before shoving her uniform into her bag, keeping only the holsters for her blades so she was at least readily armed.
She was definitely not ready to make use of her “dad’s” gift.
There was one last look in the mirror before leaving to return to the garage, finding Cindy there with her food – and the Marshall.
“Amara, you made it.”
“Marshall, it’s good to see you. Have you heard from my parents?” the look that flashed across his face said everything, so she held up her hand. “I see.”
“You can take a moment if you need to, I’ve just been filling Cid in on what’s happened.”
“No, this isn’t the time for that,” though the sandwiches Cindy handed her looked just enough like her mother’s in the garage lighting that she almost regretted it. “His Majesty didn’t make it either, or Captain Amicitia, and Princess Lunafreya was still in the city with Nyx Ulric, trying to rendezvous with the Captain Drautos.”
“What about you?” Cor seemed concerned now, though she could see traces of suspicious in his eyes as well.
The woman slowly chewed a bite of food, swallowing hard before she looked at him. Thinking fast was impossible with the emotions flooding through her. She’d have to wing it – with her life possibly on the line. “I went to my house to see if I could find my dad or at least some of the weapons and tools we had there.”
“You didn’t?”
“No, the house was empty, and the tools were gone. I was leaving to head to the rendezvous when I came across some civilians that had been trapped by a building collapse. I tried to radio the Captain, but when I got no answer, I started helping them to safety. We found a way out of the city by way of an overrun gate, but as we were leaving the Nifs started coming in to reinforce the barricades so I couldn’t get back in. With everyone scattering, I decided to come out this way, hoping to find out what I could about Noct.”
“Why Noctis?”
“His fiancée may be dead in the city, I had to find out if he was okay.”
“And if he is?”
“I’m going to him. With everything that’s happened, he’ll need all the support he can get.” Her gaze was hard as she stared at her food, almost as if she was losing her appetite. It was enough for him to be satisfied, and he looked away to begin speaking to Cid again. She slowly went back to eating, only becoming distracted when Cor’s phone began to ring. He excused himself to answer it, leaving Amara alone with the two mechanics that were eyeing her with varying levels of respect that made her have to fight off guilt.
Cor soon returned, and the look on his face made Amara get to her feet. “The prince is on his way here. Solis, I want you to stay here and meet him.”
She felt panicked but tried to keep it down as she nodded. Too soon, it was way, way too soon. Trying to pay attention to the directions Cor was giving her, she was grateful when Cid stepped up and told the younger man he would relay the message, having more than a few words to give the prince himself. Cindy, too, stepped up to Amara’s aid, not wanting what she had to say to her friends being undermined by Cor’s instructions.
“Alright, I see your point. But she’s still staying here to meet them.” Cor was clearly too exhausted to argue, only giving a brief goodbye before he took off for his destination. Amara excused herself soon after, making the excuse of wanting to check around for any information that may come in handy.
The redhaired woman had only just reached the awning that protected the gas pumps when she heard a car racing into the lot, a scream ripping from her throat when she saw it.
There was no stopping it: everything crashed down, tears blinding her as she ran over towards the Regalia and threw herself into Ignis and Noctis, Prompto and Gladio darting around the car in the same instant. She couldn’t stop crying, though she was kicking herself for doing so. She was aware of the guys all hugging her, though it was Noct’s shaking that reached her most. Amara twisted around and wrapped her arms around Noct’s neck, finally feeling her tears begin to stop as she focused on the fact that her friends would be suffering just as much, and even more than her.
“I’m so glad you’re all safe,” she managed to choke out as she pulled back, looking around at the sad but relieved looks on her friends’ faces. “I was so worried about you guys.”
“Amara, what happened?” Ignis gently touched a cut on her cheek but drew back when she flinched.
“I want to tell you guys, really, but Cid needs to talk to you first. I’ll tell you guys all about it on the way.”
“On the way?” Prompto was clearly getting restless. “On the way to where?”
“Cid will explain.” She shook her head but gave them a brave smile. “I’ll be waiting here for you guys.”
“Oh no you won’t missy!” The group jumped when Cindy walked over, motioning back at the garage. “While paw-paw talks to the boys he wants me to find you a better ride so you can keep up with them.”
All it took was a nod for the friends to part ways, though Amara couldn’t help trailing after them for a few feet before Cindy pulled her away to go to the side of the garage where other vehicles were parked. A motorcycle caught her eye first, but as she thought about it a bit more her attention turned to the actual cars again. When she turned to the bike once more, though, she heard Cindy laugh.
“Well, you’ll certainly keep up on that! I’ll take it in to check over real quick.”
“Perfect timing.” Prompto joined them as Cindy started rolling the motorcycle. “I was coming to get you. Ignis wants us to eat before we go join up with the Marshall. He said to go ahead and spend the night here then.”
“Here? I hope you don’t mean in that caravan over there.”
“It’s either that or the haven.”
Prompto seemed a little surprised but nodded. “Then we should go join the guys. Cindy?”
“I’m good, y'all go on!” With her cheery send-off, Amara followed Prompto over to the diner, feeling a bit of her guilt return when she realized she would no doubt be questioned.
Good thing she didn’t have an appetite.
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drysaladandketchup · 6 years
ffxv/ignoct Rock Band!AU   Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In part 1 I said this au was intended to be a drabble... yeah, well, I’m laughing all the way to the grave.
They’re about half way to Lestallum before nightfall, and finally they pull into a rest stop. It’s a small motel plaza with a diner across the way, and on the far side is a gas station and a small convenience store. Other than that there’s nothing else around but dense forest. Across the road is the wide open plains of Duscae and a small lake farther down into the valley where it becomes wetlands, and Noct marvels at the enormous rocky arches that blot out the sky and cast imposing shadows in the fading light of the day. 
Cor parks the bus across the street from the motel and as they all hobble off, stretching and groaning, he gives them the usual warning of, “don’t get into trouble and be back on the bus by 9 am” before he’s off in search of some peace and quiet after spending the day cooped up in the bus with them.
The four of them sit down to a meal in the diner--a quaint little place called The Crows Nest. It’s a little old-school, and Noct can’t say he’s a fan of the weird black bird mascot they’ve got, nor the giant plastic statue of it on the bench outside, but otherwise it’s not too bad. The foods pretty good, and he hums happily as his growling stomach is finally sated by the flavourful fish platter he’s ordered.
Prompto and Gladio sit in the booth across from him, and Ignis is tucked in close beside him, so Noct makes a habit of bumping their knees together every so often. It’s only partially a distraction for when he picks some of the bits of vegetable off his plate and slips them onto Ignis’. It’s not a great ruse because it earns him a look every time, but Noct simply continues to stare down at his plate innocently. For a while they all have the chance to just comfortably eat and talk as the night falls and the air grows cooler, and Noct finally forgets about his struggles with writing for a while.
On their way over to the motel to check in, Noct stretches and breathes in a fresh bit of crisp night air. It’s a really nice reprieve from the crowded, musty inner city, plus when he tilts his head back there’s a sea of stars in his vision, so many he feels he could be swept away. 
Ignis sidles up next to him and slips an arm around his shoulders to tug Noct into his side. He too has his head turned upwards, moonlight reflecting off his glasses. “It’s a far sight better than back home.”
“Yeah,” Noct breathes, leaning his head on Ignis’ shoulder. “Luna scheduled a few days off in Caem before we head over to Altissia. We should take the chance to go stargazing together again like when we were kids.”
“I’ll agree to that.” Ignis hums. “Are we inviting the others, or is this a private affair?”
Having Ignis to himself for a night under the stars down by the water? Noct isn’t even sure what he loves more; the romantic image of it or the implication of something more intimate. “Alone time, I think. We can invite the guys some other time.”
Ignis chuckles and looks like he’s going to say something until boisterous voices rise up behind them. The two pull apart and turn just as Prompto bounds up, near breathless.
“Guys, we’ve got fans!”
“We’re famous, Prompto.”
That earns him a flick to his arm. “No, dude, I mean we’ve got fans here.”
Noct tries to avoid eye contact with the group of people he sees hovering around Gladio that Prompto has clearly just escaped. There’s men and women waving pens and paper and with their phones out, Gladio already taking pictures with a group of young women. It’s almost annoying how naturally good he is at this.
“Even in such a lonely stop as this?” Ignis sighs, fingers pinching his nose. 
Prompto beams and turns, practically skipping back into the fray. “I know, how cool is that? Just wanted to let you know.”
It’s not surprising, really. They’re tour dates and schedule are posted all over their posters and their social medias, and their bus has ‘Crowsguard’ written in big, bold, fanciful lettering along its side; it’s not exactly subtle. It’s not the first time they’ve had fans stake out their route, either. It’s weird, to say the least, but usually it’s just for pictures and autographs, and Gladio and Prompto especially love the interaction. 
Noct doesn’t mind it to a certain extent, especially since its the fans that support them and let them do what they love, but he’s... not always sure what to say. He doesn’t possess the energy to deal with loud, rowdy fans the way the other’s do, and he’s not the best at small talk and taking compliments that he’s heard a thousand times.
 Ignis too is much quieter, more introverted when it comes to the fans. In fact he’s avoided more signings and meet-ups than most, so a lot of fans comment on his ‘mysterious’ nature, or some crap. If anything Noct and Prompto get a laugh out of reading those weird conspiracy theories on fan sites like he’s a damn cryptid or something.
Pushing up onto his toes Noct plants a kiss on Ignis’ cheek before pulling away entirely. 
“I’ll be on the bus. Good luck.” 
He makes a run for it before Ignis can even call his name, though he does catch the wide-eyed incredulous look on his face. Ignis is swarmed by fans before Noct’s even fully up the steps and onto the bus, and Noct has to laugh as he watches Ignis try and navigate the women crowding him. He’s not hiding his distress well.
Noct takes his refuge as a chance to head to the back of the bus and drop down onto the couch again. He swipes up his notebook and flips through the pages, wincing at the last few pages, all crinkled and covered in scribbled out lines. 
Ah, back to this. 
He wants to write this song, he really does. It’s kind of sappy but it’s all he feels inspired to do and it’s consuming his focus, yet he just can’t find the words he wants. Despite what his friends may joke about he does have the emotional range for this, god knows it shows in their songs, but the topic of romance isn’t one he’s delved into quite like this before, so... 
Heaving a huge sigh he leans his elbows on his knees and drops his head between his shoulders, feeling thoroughly defeated. He looks out the window again. The crowd of girls around Ignis hasn’t lessened, though he’s managing to hide his discomfort better as he talks to them; his posture has relaxed and he expression isn’t so tight anymore. 
One of the women, attractive and tall with wavy dark hair up in a high ponytail, is really close in his space as they talk. Noct can feel something twisting his chest as Ignis says something and her face lights up in a laugh. She takes another step closer when Ignis’ attention turns to another women asking him to sign something, and Noct tenses and scowls watching her draw a hand up his arm, making no attempt to hide the way she leans into his space and hangs off his shoulder.
Alright, that’s a huge no.
There’s an ugly feeling of jealousy coiling in his gut as he stands. His and Ignis’ relationship isn’t public yet, but if Noct has to go out there and stake his claim than he damn well will. 
Luckily he doesn’t have to, because even before he’s halfway down the aisle he sees Ignis pull away entirely. One hand comes up to keep her at a distance and his expression is stern, a very clear indication that he’s telling her to step off. At least, that’s what Noct hopes he’s saying, because he sure as hell would be if it were him. Though Ignis, for better or worse, has always been more of a gentleman.
Noct sighs and slumps back down onto the couch. He shouldn’t feel jealous. He knows Ignis, he knows they’re solid. He’s not some overprotective boyfriend, he really doesn’t care who Ignis talks to and he’s not usually bothered by people if they are all over him because he trusts him, but it’s just... 
They’ve both expressed a wish to keep their relationship secret for now so as to avoid even more attention from fans. Although, there’s an increasing number of fans who already think there’s something going on between them, if the sites are to be believed. But then again Noct has seen theories about relationships between all four of them before, in various couplings and he isn’t sure if that makes him uncomfortable or if he just wants to laugh.
But the point is Noct is starting to really want to just tell the world. He loves Ignis, and his dumb romantic heart wants everyone to know. 
That’s what this damn song he’s trying to write is supposed to be about, but everything he’s written so far just hasn’t been enough. Maybe he’s over complicating it? He doesn’t have to be a poet, he just needs the right words. Except they won’t come the way he wants them to. Noct groans in frustration and throws his notepad back on the table.
That’s how Ignis finds him a little while later once he finally escapes the hoard of fans, stretched out on the couch with an arm thrown over his eyes and the other hanging off the side. As soon as Ignis takes a seat next to him Noct rolls off the couch and slides over to sit straddling Ignis thighs and buries his head in his shoulder. If Ignis is surprised he doesn’t say it, and Noct loves the warm familiar feeling of Ignis’ hands coming to sit on his hips and just holding him close. 
God, this is what he needs right now. He wonders if Ignis can feel how fast his heart’s pounding in his chest as he goes slack against his body.
“Are you alright, Noct?”
“Yeah,” Noct hums and slides his arms up around his neck. “Just tired, I guess.”
Ignis’ head tilts to look over Noct’s shoulder before he leans back. “I take it the song still isn’t going well?”
A heavy sigh and Noct shakes his head. “I don’t want to talk about it. How were the fans? You lived, I see.”
Ignis huffs. “They were nice enough, if not a bit too loud. I’m not suited for that kind of excitement, clearly.” Noct flinches and grunts when a finger pokes into his side hard. “Especially when I’ve been abandoned and left to fend for myself.”
Noct chuckles into his shoulder and leans back to look Ignis in the eye. There’s no real ire in the way Ignis looks at him, watching as Noct slips his glasses from his face and settles them on the table before wrapping his arms around him again. 
“Hey, I’m just giving the fans what they want. People are going to start thinking you don’t exist off stage at this rate.”
“Highly doubtful.” Ignis says, though the corner of his mouth quirks up. He leans in, eyes fluttering closed and Noct moves on instinct to meet his lips in a kiss. 
Ignis fingers squeeze around his hips and Noct wants to dive in deeper but instead he pulls back when he feels a twinge of anxiety. Ignis’ eyes stare at him, questioning and concerned as his hand comes up and his thumb runs over the downturn of Noct’s lips.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing just... I saw that one girl, she was kind of all over you.”
“Ah,” Ignis nods slowly. “Noct, you know I--”
Noct grins tiredly, running a hand teasingly down Ignis’ chest as he does. “Oh, no, I know. I saw. It just made me feel kind of... I don’t know, it’s stupid.”
“I'm a bit flattered, actually.” Ignis soothes and leans in to press his lips softly to Noct’s forehead, hair tickling his skin. “Though you should know by now how I feel about you. You’ve no reason to worry.”
“I know. You tell me enough times. But maybe I just... want to hear it one more time.”
Noct jumps and tilts his head up as Ignis suddenly dives in to kiss him again, deep and wet. His back straightens and he slides forward in Ignis’ lap until they’re pressed fully against one another, hands clasping at clothes and Ignis’ nails scraping teasingly down his back. There’s a delightful bit of friction between their hips and Noct can’t help the way he ruts up just enough to draw a strangled moan from Ignis’ throat.
“Noct,” Ignis pulls back just enough and cups his face tenderly. Noct can still taste him when he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, and feel the tingle of his skin. With their heads leaned together he sees nothing but the beautiful green of his eyes. 
“Noct, my heart is yours, and yours alone. Never forget that, love.”
Okay, now Noct just wants to melt into the couch. Heat flares in his cheeks and he whines, dropping his head to thud against Ignis’ shoulder.
“Oh my god, Specs, you are such a sap.” 
Noct slides off Ignis’ lap and sets his feet on the floor. Using his weight he pushes Ignis over until he’s flat on his back along the length of the couch. There’s a small surprised huff as Ignis hits the seat and then Noct is on him again, knees either side of his hips and flattening himself along the length of his body. Once he’s settled, their faces a breath apart, Ignis’ hands reflexively land on his hips again like they’re meant to be there--not that Noct would ever tell him otherwise.
“But I love you too,” he whispers against Ignis’ mouth. 
He feels the vibration in Ignis’ chest as he hums and holds Noct tighter to him. The kiss quickly becomes deeper until Noct feels a tongue push into his mouth to meet his, and there’s nothing but hot breath and eager lips. He moans and his hips press down eagerly, rolling together perfectly until Ignis makes a needy noise into his mouth. Hands slide up along the tense plains of Noct’s back and then back down, over his belt and tugging Noct’s shirt up enough for calloused fingers to dance over sensitive skin and send a tingle up Noct’s spine.
Those same questing fingers dip just slightly down into his waistband, thumbs tugging tantalizingly slow at his belt loops. Noct doesn’t hesitate to grind his hips down hard as an invitation, a desperate plea for Ignis to continue. 
Luckliy Ignis doesn’t seem to be in a teasing mood, and Noct lifts his hips just enough for Ignis’ fingers to slide around to the front and press a palm against him through his pants. Noct bites his lip, muffling the needy moan in his throat as the hand cupping him moves slowly, with only just enough pressure and leaving him wanting more as the heat pooling low in his gut grows. Ignis’ hand continues to rub and Noct finds himself grinding down to meet it excitedly. When he feels Ignis’ fingers pulling at his zipper he wants to reach down and help if only to speed up the process, or just ditch the pants entirely, but that would mean removing himself from Ignis’ body, and he isn’t inclined to do so.
Ignis’ hand slips in and then he’s touching him again, and Noct tries his best to keep quiet even as he rocks into that wonderful friction. He leans down, eagerly opting to press languid kisses up Ignis’ neck and nip at the skin until the breathing in his ear stutters. Noct draws back after a moment, half-lidded eyes finding the fresh mark he’s sucked into Ignis’ skin as he grinds down on the hand against him again and again.
“Ah, you think, mmmhh, you think that girl would get the hint if, ahh, if she saw us like this?”
For a horrible moment Ignis’ hand stops and Noct bites his tongue irritably. Then Ignis’ voice is in his ear, deep and gruff and so very very tempting.
“Noct, never ask me to think about someone else when you’re here with me like this.”
Okay, that’s fair, and Noct can’t think of anything else to say with the way Ignis’ hand continues to palm him a second later. There’s a noticeable wet spot growing in his boxers, but Ignis makes no move to delve inside no matter how much Noct begs him to with his eyes, so he resides himself to it and sits back on his knees to start undoing the buttons of Ignis’ shirt.
It’s slow and clumsy as he’s still undulating against Ignis’ hand but eventually he get’s all but the last two buttons free and a noise comes low and deep from Ignis’ throat as Noct bends down to continue planting an assault of kisses down his body, nails scratching just right over his nipples as he does. For a moment Ignis’ hand stutters and pulls back and he rocks his hips up hard. Noct meets the movement until they’re just grinding together like they’re teenagers again, his head falling back as he moans through the teeth he’s digging into his lower lip.
“Noct,” Ignis hands grip his thighs and he manages to stop the shuddering rhythm of his hips, much to Noct’s annoyance. “Did you forget we’re staying at a motel? Perhaps we should move this elsewhere.”
“Yeah, you really should.”
Noct is suddenly very alert now and he jumps off of Ignis and to his feet at the intrusive voice. He scrambles to right himself, fixing his pants and his shirt even knowing they’re too late to hide what they’ve been doing. Ignis sits up hastily but stays seated on the couch, hiding behind Noct for any semblance of dignity as he fumbles with his shirt.
From the door of the bus Gladio is leaning his lead in, his eyes off to the side but still looking thoroughly unimpressed. 
“Can you guy not do this shit on the bus, please? I booked us separate rooms. You and Iggy have one to yourselves so please use that.”
Noct groans, flushing so much it makes his whole face hot and he can’t quite look him in the eye. Gladio tosses him a key and luckily he has the wherewithal  to catch it.
“Our thanks.” Ignis says from behind him.
Gladio shrugs. “No problem. I just don’t want to hear anything from you two. It’s bad enough I walked into this.”
He hops off the bus and heads for the motel, and Noct just stands there for a minute in abject horror.
“He’s not going to let me live this down, is he?”
Ignis clears his throat and stands, having fixed his clothing back to some image of pristine. “I doubt either of us are escaping this for a while.”
Noct moves to let Ignis leave first, leaning back to grab his notebook off the table. As he watches Ignis’ back fondly, he looks down at the paper in his hands. The words he’d said to Noct before come to mind again, and something clicks in his head. He’s smiling a little too much even as he follows Ignis to their room, tingling with need and now also buzzing with renewed inspiration.
That’s it. He’s finally got his muse.
this is all totally just build up for the next part.
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foolishmeowing · 6 years
I read The Hazel Wood. It’s a nice YA book, modern with faerie stuff, very Changeling. It’s going to be at least a month until I can afford books -- I’m eyeing Bergson and maybe Whitehead for non-fiction, and Perdido Street Station for fiction. I’m playing FFXV for the first time after sitting on it half a year while I wait for jobs to not call me. It’s nice, and of course they love series-spanning good-times-reminders; Squaresoft is my #1 lifelong partner in entertainment since I was born with an NES controller in my mouth and learned to read on it.
This is one of those growing towns where lots of places have lots of job openings, and my credentials (by the standards of shitty restaurants) are great, but the general rule of my life is that people block me out of their minds and bureaucracies lose track of me over and over and never in the same way, like the end of me not existing comes first and chance finds a path after. Maybe the place I worked for seven years until my location closed will forget I ever existed and sabotage all my applications, or maybe the state will and I’ll wake up on a boat. Or maybe fully-automated autism-discrimination filters will get me (how important is it that I have fun at my job? Does 5 mean I’m a troublemaker and 1 mean I’m an asshole except which answer they’re looking for changes place-to-place? I’ll never find out, that’s for sure) But Winter is coming, and that means gas station dumpsters are basically refrigerators full of chicken sammiches, ya?
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thedragontamerying · 6 years
Stand By Me
Long time no see! I’m sorry that I’ve been quiet for a couple of months, life has been really busy and just overall choatic for me. I’ve been trying to send stuff to a school I’m transferring to; I’ve been working frantically on art show works; we had to put one of our dogs down (RIP my big Beauty girl ;-;) and just recently an extended family member has been in the hospital. So yeah, I’ve been busy. But I have been working on writing on the periodic free time I’ve had and I’m ready to start posting again. So thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy the newest chapters!
EDIT: I forgot to mention that Gallina in this chapter is @seal-pai‘s FFXV OC that I decided to add bc I love her and I do what I want. So if you’re interested in Gallina, go to seal-pai!
Tagging @insomniasix @theyearofdiamonddogs @zoeyredbird1 @seal-pai @ffxv-ocs-unite
Ch 1 <<< Ch 6 : Ch 8 | [Masterlist]
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                                  Chapter VII: Where the Chocobos Run
It had been a couple of hours since the company had taken to the road again, leaving Cor and Monica to their own back in Leide. Artemisia was concerned about their whereabouts and doings, but Noctis insisted that they shouldn’t worry about them; the two could handle themselves. So to distract herself, she focused on the wonders of the Duscae region. The wind blew through the five’s hair, the atmosphere much more tolerable than before. The scenery that was once filled with desert sand and a scarcity of vegetation was replaced with mixes of green as far as the horizon and trees just as tall. The air no longer threatened to dry one’s skin if they left the top down too long. Instead, it was moist and refreshing thanks to the abundance of water in the region, something that Leide was lacking. Although, the humidity was no doubt going to be the source of many complaints from Noctis and Prompto, worried about their hair getting limp or frizzy. Artemisia couldn’t help the small huff of amusement at the thought.
“Look out world!” Prompto declared loudly from the front, startling Artemisia from her thoughts. “Here we come!”
“We can finally leave this dust bowl behind,” Gladiolus said with breath of relief.
“The lands beyond are vast by comparison to Leide.” Ignis stated, keeping his ever vigilante eyes on the road.
“Bigger’s better!” Prompto claimed with a saccharine tone, “More stuff to see and do.”
“First comes Duscae, a region known for its wetlands.”
“Really? Wetlands?” Noctis raised a brow at Ignis’ comment, failing to see the excitement in mucky water and mushy grass that sinks if you step on it the wrong way.
“Wetlands are really cool, Noct!” Artemisia urged, nudging his arm insistently.
“I think you’re the only person I know who finds grass cool.”
“No really! From an ecological standpoint, they’re really interesting! They’re one of the most biologically diverse biomes in the world, which means that so many different types of organisms can live together --” Gladiolus watched Artemisia go on her enthusiastic lecture, occasionally listening in on what she was saying out of genuine interest, but mostly enjoying Noctis’ bored and desperate look for escape. “-- And they’re so important when it comes to naturally purifying water. But they’re also really sensitive to pollution, which means that scientists can see early effects of pollution by studying how it affects wetlan-- MMPH!”
Gladiolus quieted her by covering Artemisia’s mouth -- and almost her entire face -- with his hand, pulling her into a playful headlock against his chest. “Okay nerd, we get it.” He smirked when she half-heartedly glared up at him, relinquishing his hold on her and letting Artemisia straighten her posture back to normal.
“Besides the ever exciting ecosystems,” Ignis gave a teasing look to Artemisia from the rearview mirror, “There’s also a chocobo forest.”
“Now we’re talking!” Prompto chimed in.
“Further west lies the Cleigne region, where we’ll find the town of Lestallum.”
“Oh, isn’t that where Iris is heading?” Prompto ask, turning in his seat to look at Gladiolus, as did the other two in the back. Ever since Insomnia’s destruction Gladiolus’ worry over his sister had been obvious. The two had always been close, what with Gladiolus practically raising Iris himself due to their father’s work making him absent a lot. During the trip Artemisia had caught him texting who she assumed was Iris, noting that he had been texting more since the news of their home.
Gladiolus glanced down at his phone before looking back at the others, the usual strength in his eyes. “Barring delays, she should have arrived by now.” He sighed, looking off to the horizon, “Maybe even had herself a look at the meteor.”
“The Meteor of the Six?”
“The same,” Ignis answered Noctis, “Its heat is harnessed to power Lestallum.”
“Whoa, that sounds way cool!” Prompto said, his interest piqued.
Noctis nudged Artemisia. “You going to explain how that works?”
“Would you actually be interested in the complexities that go into making a meteor into electrical power for a whole city?”
“Probably not…”
“Then I’m not going to bother.” Artemisia huffed, a stubborn pout on her lips.
Gladiolus chuckled at the two. “I’m actually looking forward to this.”
After a while more on the road, Ignis spotted a gas station and suggested that they refill the tank. “It will be a long drive.” The group pulled into the station, parking the Regalia next to one of the gas tanks. Everyone exited the car and took a moment to stretch their muscles, having been stuck in the small space for a couple of hours. Artemisia offered to fill the tank while Ignis and Gladiolus visit the shop to buy more potions. Prompto insisted on Noctis posing for a photo, stating that their first steps into the unknown should be documented. One photo turned into another which turned into a whole photoshoot, with Prompto wandering around with his camera and snapping anything he could find interesting. Artemisia failed to see the general interest in a photo of her filling the car’s tank, but she wasn’t going to get in the way of an artist and his muse.
Artemisia had just returned the gas pump to its original place -- she didn’t understand why Noctis always has to grunt when he takes care of the gas; the pump wasn’t heavy -- when a ringtone from Noctis’ phone went off. “Who could this be?” Noctis answered the phone right as Gladiolus and Ignis returned. “Hello?” Gladiolus gave a slight jerk to his head towards Noctis while giving Artemisia questioning eyes. Artemisia could only shrug unknowingly. “Iris?”
That caught Gladiolus’ attention. Him and the rest waited patiently as Noctis continued his conversation. He soon ended the call with a quick “Will do.”
“Was that Iris?” Gladiolus asked, stepping closer to his friend. Gladiolus sighed once Noctis nodded, before crossing his arms and giving a small huff. “Can’t even call her own brother…”
“In all fairness,” Ignis interjected, “Yours wasn’t in the obituary broadcasted all over Lucis.”
“What about me?” Prompto questioned hopefully, “She say anything about me?
“Guys,” Artemisia laughed, “Don’t worry, you’re all beautiful. Now why don’t we get a move on so we can meet up with her.”
Gladiolus was quick to agree, packing away their purchases in the trunk so that they could get on the road again. Noctis was about to go take his usual seat when Prompto grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. “See that sign?” Prompto pointed out further down the road at a giant billboard. The board had a large yellow bird on it and read Wiz Chocobo Post. “Chocobos! Chocobos!” He chanted excitedly, his voice dripping with utter joy. The enthusiasm was contagious as Noctis’ eyes were filled with the same interest as his friend’s.
“Hey, no time for that,” Gladiolus quickly shot back, shutting the trunk with a satisfying thud. “We need to get to Lestallum.”
“It’s still ages away. C’mon, just a quick visit?” Prompto pleaded. He looked over at Artemisia with a quick turn of his head before dragging her to his side, making Artemisia blink in confusion. “Back me up, Artemis! One chocobo lover to another.”
“Uh…” Artemisia interrupted, “Actually, I’ve never seen a chocobo.”
Prompto gasped, dramatically grasping his shirt over his heart as though he had been shot. “What?!”
“Okay, even I’m surprised by that.” Gladiolus added.
“Well w-we have to go now!” Prompto insisted with urgency. “We can’t let her be deprived of the joys of chocobos! Twenty-one years of life and none of it spent with chocobos is a crime! C’mon Noct!”
Noctis shrugged, “He’s got a point.”
“Whoo hoo! Chocobos here we come!”
Artemisia glanced over at Gladiolus, seeing the concern for his sister still present in his eyes despite how he was trying to cover it up. He seemed willing to make the stop at the chocobo ranch, but he obviously wanted to get to Lestallum as fast as possible. “Let’s make it a quick trip at least, guys. We really should get to Lestallum soon,” she insisted.
“Deal! Now c’mon, let’s go!”
With Prompto ushering everyone back to the car, the group was on the road again. They followed the directions provided by the multiple signs along the road, arrows indicating what turns to take. The entire way Prompto was going every mile to display his excitement to see the giant, friendly birds. He had turned on a very hokey pokey song on the radio that was about the creatures with him humming along to it with lyrics like ‘I want to ride my chocobo all day’. It was after the others had asked him to stop his singing that Prompto turned to look at Artemisia in the back seat. “I can’t believe that you don’t know what chocobos are. I would have thought you would have been all over them.”
Artemisia pouted. “I know what chocobos are, I just haven’t gotten the chance to see one in person.” Her busy schedule didn’t leave much room for miscellaneous adventures or outings unless it was either with Ismene or Noctis. Those outings were also a rarity considering that Ismene focused more with academic studies and Noctis always had Gladiolus or Ignis with him as his entourage.
“Well that’s all about to change.” Prompto pointed at another sign, this one including the word Entrance on it. “Here we are!”
Driving off of the main road and down a dirt path, the group came upon the ranch. It was a quant little abode, with a small windmill and tiny picket fence nearby at the front -- most likely where the chicks would go. Behind that was the business building, where a small shop was placed for chocobo lovers to buy antiques, or feed for their feathery friends. In front of that were some umbrella tables for customers to enjoy a meal while watching the animals. To the left were some storage buildings where the birds’ food and water was most likely being held, and to the right were some posts where the birds would be tied to interact with any visitors. The only thing that was missing from this chocobo ranch were the actual chocobos. There was no hide nor feather of the creatures; it’s hardly possible for them to be hiding, the birds were larger than most people.
“Odd…” Ignis mumbled.
“Do you think that they’re closed?” Artemisia asked.
“No way, chocobo ranches don’t close.” Prompto confidently answered. “Maybe they’re just giving them a break from the crowd. It’s hard being a celebrity, y’know.” Prompto joked, gesturing for the others to follow him. “C’mon, let’s go get us some chocobos.” The group followed him to this older man who was working around the meal tables. “ ‘Scuse me,” the man turned around after hearing Prompto’s voice, a name badge on his outfit reading Rancher Wiz. “We’d like to ride the chocobos.”
“The chocobos, huh?” Wiz sighed, a disappointed frown on his face. “I hate to break this to y’all but we can’t permit our birds to leave the post, not while Deadeye’s still about.”
“Deadeye?” Artemisia questioned.
Wiz nodded. “He’s an uncommonly ferocious behemoth that’s taken to prowlin’ these parts of late. His scent makes our birds nervous, and to prevent accidents or tragedies, we have no choice but to suspend rentals.”
“Aw man,” Prompto pouted degernatedly. Noctis also looked incredibly disappointed at the situation. Artemisia rubbed Prompto’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. “I’m sorry guys, but we can always come back later. Hopefully the behemoth will move on.” Wiz stared at the group inquizitively, his eyes narrow in thought before it dawned on him. “Hold on now, ain’t you the hunters that’ve been makin’ a mark?”
The five looked at each other confused, unaware of their recent claims to notoriety. “It would seem so…” Ignis answered.
Wiz tore down a flyer from the nearby notice board where bounties for hunts were presented and handed it to Noctis. It had a rough photo of a behemoth on it and a listing of a reward for the creature dubbed Deadeye. “You reckon you could handle the likes of Deadeye?” Noctis showed the others the bounty, “If you could bring the beast down, there’d be a reward in it for ya.” The group was always in need of more money, that’s for sure. “But knowin’ the danger, I wouldn’t blame ya for saying no.”
“What do you guys think?” Noctis asked, though his smile showed that his mind was already set. “We up for it?”
Gladiolus smirked. “Go big or go home, right?”
“Rest assured,” Ignis directed at Wiz, “You nor your birds will have none to fear once we are done.”
Wiz thanked them for their courageous service, giving directions on where the beast was last seen on Artemisia’s map. Once the group felt like they had everything they needed to know, they set out in the dense woods beyond the ranch. They followed the small dirt path through the forest until the path started to disappear as they moved further in. The edge of the trail was overridden by grass and weed due to the lack of explorers that venture out that far. So the group had to rely on any signs of the beast that they could find to direct them.
“Are we sure we’re going the right way?” Prompto asked, no doubt the ominous atmosphere of the forest making him nervous. The trees were so large and close together that it barely allowed any sunlight to shine through the collection of leafs at the top. And with the knowledge of a famously dangerous creature prowling the area, Artemisia couldn’t blame him for feeling intimidated.
Gladiolus, who was at the front of the group, took in the area before confirming “Oh yeah, we’re heading the right direction.” He gestured to large claw marks that were left in the large rock formation to their left. Prompto gulped at the sight.
Suddenly a blood curdling howl echoed through the area, the group flinching at the sound. “The hell?” Gladiolus growled, reframing from summoning his weapon but ready for action if need be. Birds flew above them as the sound of trees breaking and falling to the ground followed the howl. “Something’s amiss.” Ignis said, his guard up as well.
“We’re getting closer. Everyone stick together.” Artemisia instructed, slowly walking ahead as the others followed.
As the group traveled deeper into the forest they found more evidence of the behemoth’s presence. Claw marks and broken trees littered the ground, and growls echoed out as they walked, each one louder than the other. Artemisia decided not to the alert the others to a small pool of dried blood that she saw, not wanting to put them on edge even more; though her heartbeat definitely picked up after the sight. The further they traveled into the forest -- and closer to Deadeye -- the area became encased in fog, making visibility poor.
“So, Artemis,” Prompto walked closer to her, “as our residential beast master,” Artemisia wasn’t sure if she considered herself that, “got any advice for us?”
“Well… from what I understand, behemoths rely heavily on their sight and sense of smell since their hearing is horrible. And if the name implies, the fact that this one has a bad eye is actually a small advantage for us.” Another crash from a falling tree sounded out. “And we’ll definitely hear it coming before it hears us.” Prompto gave a weak smile, not sure if she helped his nerves or not.
“Don’t worry, Artemis isn’t gonna let us get eaten.” Noctis reassured, confidence all over his expression. “She’s got this.”
“Uh… Right.”
What am I suppose to do I can’t stop a claw that weighs over a ton from slicing right through you better hope that you see it first because you can’t outrun that thing oh by the Six that thing could snatch Noct out of the air with its giant teeth without a second thought if he’s not fast enough oh Astrals why did we do this why did we do this
They followed what evidence of the behemoth they could find through the fog, coming upon a small man-made cavern created by a huge, abandoned construction pipe. It was big enough for someone to crawl through, if one was willing to uncomfortably arch their back or scrape their boney knees on a hard surface that will more than likely result in bruising. Not to mention the idea of being trapped in a small space with a ginormous predator on the prowl wasn’t a pleasant one. But there was no way forward that didn’t involve going through the pipe, so it’s a risk they’ll have to take.
“Noct, wait!” Noctis was about to be the first to enter the pipe when another roar from Deadeye rang, this time it was close enough that the growl vibrated through the metal under Noctis’ hand. Gladiolus had stopped the prince in his tracks, holding his arm out in a protective stance to keep Noctis back from the potential danger. He looked into the dark pipe, investigating for any sign of the beast that was nearby. Artemisia poked her head under his arm to look too, only seeing some vegetation that was able to grow inside the pipe despite the small amount of sunlight. She gulped, taking a deep inhale of breath before slowly exhaling and ducking under the taller man’s arm and heading in first. “Hey,” Gladiolus whispered, urging her to come back behind him. Another growl vibrating down the pipe silenced them. Artemisia waited until it was quiet again, making sure the behemoth had moved on before looking back to the others and gesturing for them to follow. “Stay close.”
Gladiolus released a frustrated huff of air before following her, with the others close behind him. They crawled down the tight clearing, turning along with path. The pipe lead out to another small cavern, this one created with sheets of metal acting as a barrier around them. Whatever they were planning on making here that included such an uncomfortable walking space Artemisia had no clue. She was thankful for the bit of cover though, no matter how much it has degraded over time. Artemisia looked back at the others, checking on them when she heard heavy footsteps coming closer. She jumped forward to the other side of a small hole to where secure cover was, giving Gladiolus a signal to stay put.
“Hold up,” Gladiolus instructed. Soon a behemoth stood just inches away from the group, letting out a roar as it sniffed the air. The beast’s right eye had a scar going down its face and its eye was clouded over, no longer useful. “Deadeye,” Gladiolus pointed to his own eye, “The name says it all.”
Deadeye sniffed their direction inquisitively. Artemisia worried that they had been found before the behemoth looked away, grabbing something in its jaws and starting to feast on it. Based off of the sounds of muscle tearing and bones breaking, Artemisia had an idea as to what preoccupied the beast’s focus for now. She let out a shaky sigh, thankful that it wasn’t one of them. She glanced over to check on the gorging animal before waving her hand in a motion to follow her. Gladiolus nodded, giving the others the same instructions.
The group slowly started to crawl passed the giant beast as it ate, being cautious as to not tip off Deadeye to their presence. Artemisia peeked back to double check that it was still distracted before she started to move ahead, another large hole above her as the protective metal sheets were no longer there. As she crawled she noticed the end of tunnel, breathing a quick sigh of relief.
Artemisia whipped her head around when she heard the alarm in Noctis’ voice, seeing the large teeth coming down towards her at the last second. Before Deadeye’s jaws could clamp down on her person she was tackled out of the way, soon finding herself face down in the dirt with a large weight on top of her. Her protests were muffled by the soil as she pawed at the hand on top of her head, taking in a deep breath and spitting out grass once she finally was able to lift it off. “Gladi--”
Gladiolus shushed her, caging her under him as he stared ahead. Artemisia held her breath when she noticed how close Deadeye’s blood stained teeth were as it sniffed down into the tunnel. She could smell its putrid breath, a nauseous mix of the creature’s mouth bacteria and the remains of its recent kill. Noctis and the others were on the other side, eyes wide and frozen to their spots. Ignis had his hand over Prompto’s mouth to keep the blonde from screaming.
Deadeye removed its jaws from the hole and roared above it, splats of its saliva hitting the five’s faces as its breath sent their hair back. It inspected the area once more before walking away with a low growl. Artemisia released the air she didn’t know she was holding once the beast was gone, taking deep breaths to calm her rapid heartbeat.
“Thanks for the save.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“...” She squirmed uncomfortably under him. “Could you get off of me now?”
“Oh,” Gladiolus flinched, realizing how awkward her position was before carefully crawling off, “Sorry.”
The group made it to the tunnel’s end, Artemisia peeking outside first to make sure the behemoth wasn’t closeby before exiting. Everyone stretched once out, their limbs sore from being in such a restricting space. Another familiar growl interrupted the small moment of relief, the group being on the defensive once again as they moved on. This area of the forest had even worse fog than before, reducing visibility to only several feet.
“It’s weak on its right,” Gladiolus informed, “No eye, no horn.”
“We’ll stay in range until we can exploit its blind spot.” Ignis instructed as they carefully moved through the mist.
They moved onward, following the sounds of the beast. The group came upon a clearing of the forest that had large boulders laid out around the area; most likely the rocks had come down from the nearby cliff side, or perhaps Deadeye had moved them there itself. Moving closer, they saw a shadow move amongst the rubble, revealing a tail as the shadow moved. “We got the beast in our sights.”
“But no plan of attack,” Ignis added to Gladiolus’ comment, “The behemoth should be heading back to its lair, where we can catch it fully off guard.”
“Yeah,” Noctis grumbled, “As long as we stay on guard ourselves.”
“If we stay to its right and use the rocks and trees for cover, we should be able to follow it unseen.” Artemisia added. Agreeing, Ignis took the front, leading the group through the mist. He carefully navigated the group close behind Deadeye, using the beast’s tail as an indication to the creature’s location. There were a few times that the creature’s tail was almost within reach, close enough for someone to reach out with their hand. One false move, one accidental brush and the beast would know they were there. One eye or not, the five would be easily taken down by the giant in the thick fog.
The group was in the middle of crossing the clearing, hopping behind cover from one large rock to the other when the behemoth stopped in its tracks. Gladiolus and Prompto hurried over to cover with Ignis, but Artemisia froze in the middle of the clearing as the beast sniffed the air. A deep growl vibrated down its throat as it turned to its right, looking with its good eye. Artemisia pushed Noctis back behind the previous boulder, avoiding Deadeye’s view in time. Deadeye approached them, its large head sniffing the clearing where Artemisia stood just a moment ago. Ignis and the others moved to avoid its left eye, but Artemisia and Noctis stood still as it continued to sniff out their scent.
Artemisia held her breath as she guided Noctis to walk backwards with a gentle push of her hand against his chest. They stayed light on their feet as they backed away, trying not to disturb anything that would give them away. The water in the air must of made finding their individual scent difficult to track as the behemoth took its time.
With one more big sniff, Deadeye slowly turning its head towards the two stranded friends.
Except there was no prey.
Noctis, in the nick of time, had pulled Artemisia down with him into a large patch of tall grass. The two laid on their stomachs, completely engulfed by the long whisks of turf.
The behemoth growled, searching for what had caused the faint scent it had caught, baring its teeth before huffing out through its nose. Seeming to have given up on the hunt, the beast turned around and continue onward to its lair. Artemisia and Noctis slowly rose from their hiding spot once the predator left, disappearing into the fog. The two hurried across to join the others.
“Are you alright?” Ignis asked, brushing them both off the best he could.
“Yeah, we’re good…” Noctis shivered.
“J-Just… really cold now.” Artemisia trembled, trying to stop her teeth from chattering. In the heat of the moment the two failed to see the large amount of mud accumulating in the patch of grass they hid in. Now that they were no longer fearing for their lives, they suddenly became very aware of the chilling muck now plastered to their uniforms.
“At least you’re alive.” Prompto tried to brighten their spirits, though there wasn’t much he could do besides possibly hugging them to warm them up. But he’d rather not get any of that on himself.
“Once we get back to the post we’ll see if Wiz would be kind enough to lend us a washing machine.” Ignis said handing the two handkerchiefs to wipe the mud off their faces. “If they have one, that is.”
“Until then you’ll have to warm yourself up with the heat of battle.”
They both whined at Gladiolus.
The two tried to clean themselves off the best they could with what they had before moving on to find Deadeye, baring with the uncomfortable sensation of their slick clothes sticking to their bodies. When they last checked, Deadeye had hopped over a wall of rock formations before disappearing into the mist. The group followed, squeezing through a tight crevice through the rocks. Once through to the other side the five found themselves in an abandoned, decrepit building. The metal foundation bars of the would-be structure were exposed now due to the decaying concrete falling off its support. Even the entryway was nothing more than an outline of where a door would be. From the there, the company hopped down to lower terrain in what looks like a potential future storage room. Now, all that remained was an wide open area where the behemoth -- who had to be close due to the audible hisses -- decided to make his home.
They stepped carefully, investigating the tree line for any movement that indicated their target. As they moved cautiously, the mist had slowly started to dissipate, allowing Artemisia to notice several barrels sprawled around the area. Noctis had accidentally walked next to one and looked it over before flinching back as though the object had burned him. “Heads up,” Noctis announced, pointing to a caution sign on the barrel. “The barrels are flammable.”
“Eyes forward,” Gladiolus said, pointing to the forest in the distance. Trees snapped as a hulking figure moved through the woods, a familiar one eye zoning in on the group of friends. “We got company.”
The behemoth let out a blood curdling roar, baring its teeth as it leaped down to their level and crushed a barrel with its claws. The oil broke free and stained Deadeye’s foot. Noctis motioned for everyone to step back once they summoned their weapons, breaking out a magical flask filled with elemental fire magic. He chucked the flask at Deadeye’s slick foot, the fire igniting the oil on the beast and catching its clawed paw in flames. Deadeye cried out at the pain, stomping its foot against the ground to kill the fire. The weak fire only seemed to have agitated the creature more as it charged at the group with no hesitation.
The team separated, avoiding the lunging beast. Deadeye turned mid landing, causing it to skid until it hit what remained of one of the walls of the would be storage area. Some of the concrete fell on top of the behemoth, aggravating it even more. The bad landing had caused Deadeye to destroy more barrels, spraying more flammable grease on its body and causing the predator to slip before charging again.
Everyone scurried away from the rampaging beast like mice avoiding the prowling feline; ironically fitting. Deadeye ran after the group, changing its focus from person to person depending on who was closest. Noctis warped away from its attack while Prompto fired at it as he ran, frantically calling for help. “Prompto!” Gladiolus signalled his friend, charging his direction with his sword at the ready. Deadeye’s jaws almost caught Prompto before he fell to the ground, skidding under Gladiolus’ sword before he brought it up in a uppercut, slicing the behemoth’s face. Noctis warped on to the back of Deadeye’s neck, stabbing the muscle with his longsword. Deadeye roared and reared back on its hind legs, sending Noctis flying back despite his best attempts to stay on.
“Noct!” Artemisia and Ignis ran to their fallen friend, helping him up. “Are you okay?”
Noctis pushed away Ignis’ worried hands, forcing himself up. “I’m fine… Would have been better if it had gone down with that first barrel.”
“Your idea was in the right direction,” Ignis assured, “Unfortunately, it didn’t have the impact that we were hoping for.”
“We need more firepower if we’re going to take it down.” Artemisia looked over to where Deadeye had originally slipped, oil everywhere and a huge dent in the unfinished wall with small plates of concrete falling off. Ignis followed her line of sight, taking in the setting too before the two nodded to each other. “Noct,” Artemisia put her hand on his shoulder, “We need you and Gladio to keep it busy while we set up.”
“That’s a big order just for the two of us.” Noctis complained. “What are you setting up for?”
“Why for your original plan to flourish, of course.” Ignis explained, “You and Gladio will keep the beast distracted while we collect more barrels. Once we have enough the two of you will corral it to the spot and then--”
Gladiolus summoned his shield, his only barrier against Deadeye’s claws pushing down on him. “Make it quick.” Noctis groaned before warping at the beast again to help his struggling companion. Ignis and Artemisia hurried to collect what they needed, grabbing Prompto to help. They dodged the hulking behemoth as they ran back and forth, carrying the bins over to the targeted area against the wall. Gladiolus and Noctis kept the beast off of their busy friends, baiting it away from the others and trying to survive in the meantime.
“Whoops!” Prompto rolled the last barrel over, accidentally kicking it over and spilling the contents onto the ground.
“Don’t worry, we should be good to go.” Artemisia secured a barrel against the wall, signalling Ignis. Ignis nodded, joining Noctis and Gladiolus with his daggers ready while Artemisia and Prompto secured themselves on higher terrain. “Corral the beast back against the wall. Artemis and Prompto are at the ready.”
Following the Strategist’s orders, the three men gradually forced the beast back towards the targeted area. The pooled oil was making Deadeye’s feet unsteady and the fluid was coating most of the creature’s body due to its thrashful movements as it fought back. Gladiolus forced Deadeye back against the wall with a strong push from his shield, surrounding the beast with the collected barrels. “Now!” Ignis yelled out to their far ranged companions as he, Noctis and Gladiolus hurried away from oil.
Artemisia smashed a fire flask against her crossbow, encasing her arrows in the magic before Prompto and her shot down at the barrels. Two explosions rang out before they caused a chain of explosions from all of the barrels, throwing Deadeye against the wall behind it. Deadeye cried out in pain as its whole body was engulfed in flames, the oil luring the rampant fire like food for a starving animal. Despite Deadeye’s attempts to run away from the fire, the ground was still soaked and in its frenzy Deadeye couldn’t manage to control its legs well enough to escape the burning pain raking up its body. Artemisia couldn’t help the sympathetic grimace, turning her head away from the scene. If her and Prompto could feel the heat from their perch, she could only imagine what agony the poor creature was in.
Soon the oil was all burned away, scorches left on the ground where grass once was. Deadeye, just barely standing, was covered in horrendous burns and embers still lingered on it. Deadeye breathed heavily as it tried to force itself upright but its legs were burned beyond use, having taken the brunt force of the fire. Noctis, Ignis and Gladiolus approached the pained creature, their weapons still on their persons. Deadeye growled at them, defensive in its weakened state.
With what strength the behemoth had left, it let out another mighty roar, trying to intimidate the others away. Rubble from the wall fell on top of its head, with bigger chunks starting to come down on Deadeye’s head. The explosion had created a deep crack in the wall’s concrete and Deadeye’s roar vibrated up the weakened structure. The wall broke apart, all of the concrete falling on Deadeye.
A large dust cloud erupted, hiding Deadeye and stinging everyone else’s eyes as the impact kicked up dirt. Noctis and the other two rubbed their eyes, blinking away the debris. The dust started to clear, revealing what was left from the collapse. A large claw laid motionless under a hill of rubble, all signs of life absent.
“Magnificent,” Ignis sighed, dusting himself off. Artemisia and Prompto joined the others on the ground, the three taking a moment to breathe. “Nicely done you two. We’ve taken down the target without nary a flame on ourselves.”
“I’m honestly surprised that we didn’t,” Gladiolus touched his forehead lightly, “Pretty sure the tips of my eyebrows burned off.”
“Huh, sounds like that would an improvement to me.” Noctis joked, him and Prompto laughing at his little jab at the big man’s equally burly brows. Gladiolus raised one of said brows, staring down at the laughing two. With a flick of the wrist he pushed the prince, causing Noctis to fall again into the wet dirt below him with a splat. Now it was Gladiolus’ turn for a laugh; Prompto quickly redirected his laughter at his bestie. Meanwhile, Ignis and Artemisia looked on like two tired parents with their rowdy kids. Noctis lifted himself up from the muck with a groan, the earlier discomfort from the first layer of mud coming back ten fold. Artemisia felt an empathetic chill go up her arms; the fight hadn’t warmed her up as much as Gladiolus had said it would. If anything the addition of sweat and the diminishing effects of adrenaline made her feel even colder.
Ignis sighed as he helped Noctis off the ground. “Now you’ll really need to bathe.”
We all do…
Noctis tried to wipe off the dirt on him, only spreading it across his face. “Then we should get back now.”
They could all agree to that.
By the time the group made their way back to the chocobo ranch, the sun had made its slow descent down the horizon, coloring the sky in blues and pinks. Hopefully Wiz would still allow them to see the chocobos despite the early evening sun. Artemisia wasn’t sure what time chocobos usually fall asleep but if Prompto didn’t get to pet some chocobos today, the poor boy might cry. He had been singing the earlier chocobo song almost the entire walk back, the excitement in his eyes overflowing.
Wiz noticed the group coming, meeting them by an umbrella table. He looked at them expectantly, waiting to see what news they brought with their arrival. Artemisia reached into her small belt pouch, handing Wiz a small chip of the dead behemoth’s claw. Wiz’s face broke into a giant smile. “Ya guys did it! You took down Deadeye! The area’s safe again an’ we owe it all to you.” He took Noctis’ hand, not minding the dirt and grim on it, and gave it a firm shake. “On behalf of the locals, I give ya my heartfelt thanks.”
“So…” Prompto scooted forward, “About the chocobos…”
Wiz laughed. “Our birds are at your disposal. You can rent them any time you like.”
“Can we ride some now?”
Wiz hummed, looking at the clock on his wrist before tipping his hat. “I reckon there’s enough time before dark for our heroes to get a few laps in. Let me get some out for ya.” He snapped his fingers. “In fact, since y’all risked so much for us, why don’t ya stay the night at the caravan and have some supper with me and the others? My treat.”
The five were quick to accept the offer; who were they to decline free food and a warm place to sleep. “We appreciate your hospitality.” Ignis thanked him. “If we could trouble you with another thing.” He presented Noctis and Artemisia in their dirty state. “Do you have a washer we could borrow?”
Wiz laughed. “Son, we live on a chocobo ranch. ‘F we didn’t have some kind of machine we wouldn’t look much different than the chocobos themselves. I’ll find you two some clothes to borrow while we throw those in for a cleanin’.” He looked at Prompto. “And I’ll see about those chocobos.”
“Alright!” Prompto squealed, practically jumping with joy. Artemisia envied his enthusiasm, the chill from her dirty clothes making her feel lethargic.
“Gallina!” Wiz called out, peeking through a door that led to the chocobo stalls. “We’re gonna need five birds. Do you have any spare clothes, too?” Him and this Gallina continued talking through the door before a loud kweh rang out. Soon a train of squawking and kwehs followed the first. Prompto grabbed Artemisia, forgetting about the crusty mud on her, and pulled her closer to the small pasture for the birds. “Get ready to be amazed, Artemis!”
Quick flashes of yellow ran past Artemisia’s eyes, all squawking and feathers abundant. Five of the giant birds ran together along the fence that caged them in the pasture, flapping their small wings excitedly as though to simulate flying. A few were leaping into the air, almost skipping as they ran. The birds were big enough that they could easily jump over the fence and run off if they wanted to, but they seemed more than happy to stay in their enclosure. “No jumping!” A woman’s voice called out to the birds. “One of you is gonna fall over the fence again and then no one will be happy.”
The woman walked out of the stall into the pasture; she must be the woman that Wiz was talking to. The woman, Gallina, definitely looked like someone who dealt with chocobos. While she was nowhere near Gladiolus’ muscle definition, she had a solid build with strong shoulders and thick limbs that no doubt could handle a thrashing chocobo. She had her giant, wild hair tied back in a ponytail that reached her rear, pieces of hay and various greens sticking out occasionally. And despite her uniform, there were various visible scars on her person, the most obvious and painful looking ones were the many that covered the majority of her face. Artemisia had never thought of chocobos as violent creatures but even the most tamed animals could be dangerous, especially the ones the tower over most people and were equipped with sharp talons.
Gallina walked over to the group, leaning against the fence. “You the group that Wiz said took down Deadeye?” The five nodded. “Well thanks for that. You have no idea how antsy the birds were the entire time that beast was around.” She looked back at the birds, some were still running in circles while a few ruffled their feathers against the grass, causing their feathers to puff up adorably. “All of that,” she pointed at the happy birds, “Is thanks to you guys.” She opened the hatch on the fence, opening the small gate. “So you ready to ride them?”
“Oh yeah we are!”
Ignis held back the excited Noctis by the back of his neck line. “My apologies, but these two need to bathe first.” He gestured to Artemisia as well.
Gallina blinked. “Oh! That’s why Wiz was asking about uniforms.” She started walking back to the stalls. “Give me one minute and I’ll set you up with a clean pair of clothes.” She was gone for a moment before coming back out with two sets of absurdly yellow clothes. “I know they’re not exactly high fashion, but they’re comfy. I can take your other clothes once you two are done showering. In the meantime,” she looked down at Prompto, who was giving her the biggest sad puppy eyes ever, “The rest of you are welcome to the birds.”
Prompto practically ran into the pen, chanting the birds over to get their attention. Gallina laughed at his enthusiasm; he was fitting in with the chocobos nicely.
“Noct, do you need any assistance?”
“With showering?” Noctis scoffed at Ignis. “I’m not a baby. It’s not like I’m gonna drown in there.”
“Stranger deaths have happened.” Ignis muttered before casually following Prompto. “Just be sure to clean thoroughly.”
A tint of embarrassment colored Noctis’ cheeks as he coughed awkwardly. He looked at Artemisia and vomited out a quick “I’m showering first” before dashing to the caravan before Artemisia could even react.
Artemisia sighed, rubbing her hands over her arms in an effort to warm herself. She couldn’t be mad at him for rushing for the shower, he was twice as dirty as she was. Unfortunately that meant she was going to have to wait until he was done. While her small stature was useful for combat, it wasn’t the best at keeping herself warm. No doubt Noctis was going to soak up the caravan’s limited hot water, too. She felt like it was fair enough for her to be peeved about that.
She suddenly felt a warm weight on top of her shoulders. She looked down and saw Gladiolus’ leather Crownsguard jacket draped over her shoulders, the size difference hilariously noticeable. She looked at Gladiolus, who’s decorated torso was now bare for all to see. “Thanks, but won’t you be cold too?”
“Don’t worry about it, I got my shirt in the trunk.” He assured, patting her on the head before walking away to where the Regalia was parked. Artemisia could see the many stares by the various ranch workers directed at him as the man walked past them to the car. He didn’t seem to mind, especially since the flustered stares and embarrassed giggles only boosted his ego more.
Artemisia looked back at Gallina, who was leaning on the fence and supporting her head with her hand against her cheek. She had a giant grin on her scared face, directing it at the red head before her. Artemisia blinked curiously. “What?”
“Oh nothing, nothing,” Gallina chuckled. “Hey, we have a couple of showers inside if you want to use one of them. Better than standing around cold, right?”
“Yes, thank you!”
Gallina called for another post worker to watch the chocobos with Prompto and Ignis before she led Artemisia inside. They passed by the few other chocobos that remained in their stalls, Gallina petting them on the heads as they continued. “This your first time here?”
“Yeah, first time with chocobos too.” Artemisia admitted.
“Really?” Gallina looked back at Artemisia over her shoulder. “Huh… Well there’s a first for everything.” Gallina grinned at the smaller woman, her lips clipped by the healed scars on her face. “Don’t worry, I know these birds like the back of my hand. I’ll set you up with the perfect one for you.”
“Have you worked here for a long time?”
“Here: No,” Gallina said, holding a door open for Artemisia. “My family owned our own chocobo ranch in Galahd before we had to move to Insomnia.” Artemisia perked up at the name of her home. “Lived there for a while but then… Well, you know, recent events.” Artemisia’s mood dropped and based off of Gallina’s tone she wasn’t the only one who was feeling for their home, even if it was only temporary for one of them. “We moved out here and been working for Wiz since.” She smiled at Artemisia again. “I will say, Insomnia was never really home for me, but it is nice to see that refugees like you guys seem to be doing okay.”
Artemisia felt a different kind of chill go up her spine. “Was it that obvious?”
“Heh, I know those city clothes anywhere. Insomnian clothes stick out like a sore thumb compared to what most people out here wear.”
As long as she doesn’t know about Noctis being the new king we’re fine. As nice as these people are, the group couldn’t risk Noctis’ security.
Gallina had her hand on a door knob before she looked at Artemisia again, tilting her head curiously. “But I don’t think I’ve seen those type of clothes very much, even in Insomnia. Were you guys Crownsguard or something?”
“Oh no, it’s just a fashion statement.” Artemisia lied, keeping her voice even. “Going for that quirky, punk-rock look. The guys are really into that sort of thing and I just do it so that they don’t look too ridiculous, y’know?”
Gallina stared at Artemisia with a raised brow before shrugging and opening the door to a communal bathroom with a couple of stalled showers. “There’s soap and standard hair products in all of the showers and there’s a bench to lay out your clothes on. Once you’re done showering, you can hand me your dirty ones and I’ll throw them in the wash.” Artemisia thanked her and scurried in, eager to wash herself off of all the grime plastered to her.
After a enjoying her shower -- it was nice not having to worry about one of the guys accidentally walking in on her again -- she changed into the spare clothes that Gallina had left for her. While the outfit was a bit much, what with the shirt being brightly yellow and the small chocobo mascot advertising the ranch, it was better than her having to wear what spare clothes she had. Those clothes were beyond appropriate for a ranch setting and would surely be ruined with all the dirt and chocobo feathers. At least this uniform was comfortable, definitely the kind of material working people would prefer.
Leaving the bathroom, Artemisia went back to the pasture and found Gallina over by the fence, watching Prompto and Ignis interact with the birds. The woman greeted Artemisia when she saw her and took her mud covered clothes. “I’ll be right back and then I’ll set you up with your chocobo.”
Artemisia was about to thank her as the other woman walked away when an awkward cough behind her caught her attention. She looked back and had to stop herself from laughing. Noctis stood there, cheeks red, next to Gladiolus in a ridiculous outfit that differed from her own. This one seemed to have been some kind of festival uniform, the words Moogle Chocobo Carnival written on the torso and the back. It had a picture of a chocobo being ridden by some kind of alien, fairy, devil creature, if such a thing existed. She supposed that it was a moogle, as stated by the shirt. The colors on his shirt, with closer inspection, were just extreme close ups of the two festival subjects’ faces, coloring the shirt yellow, white, pink and orange. The best part of it was the hat that Gladiolus kept insisting Noctis to wear despite his protests. It had a chocobo’s face on the front with little wings sticking out on the sides, and a moogle’s face on the back with an antenna standing up on top. It was all absurdly wonderful.
“Don’t. Say. A thing.” Noctis emphasized, swiping the comedic hat off after Gladiolus put it on him again.
“I don’t know what you mean,” Artemisia giggled, a big amused grin on her face. “You look… stunning.” Noctis groaned, pushing Gladiolus off of him as the bigger man continued to annoy him. “Come on,” the embarrassed man insistently pushed the two into the pen towards the chocobos, ignoring the looks Ignis and Prompto gave him once the three joined them. A rancher had set up a saddle on to Prompto’s chocobo and now the blonde was getting ready for a ride. But it seemed like the chocobo wanted to play a game of tag instead as it lightly pecked Prompto on the head before running off, running circles around the man playfully. The rancher was obviously frustrated that the bird wasn’t behaving and tried to make it stand still while Prompto took some slightly dazed but loving photos of the silly bird.
“Alright the clothes are washi-- What’s going on?” Gallina returned and saw the little spectacle before her. The excited chocobo had gotten a couple of the other birds to join in on its game of chase and the other rancher begged for her to help get them all settled. Gallina sighed, muttering “This is what happens when they’re stuck in their pens for too long…” before joining the fray. She grabbed the reins from the main chocobo as it ran by her, stopping it in its tracks with a yank. The other worker wouldn’t have been able to stop the giant bird with just the reins, but Gallina’s build wasn’t for nothing.
“You,” she tapped the bird’s beak and pointed at it like a mom disciplining her child, “need to stop that, mister. You’ll get to run around in a minute.” The bird leaned forward and starting nuzzling into her neck, shaking its head side to side that made her own move in response. Gallina patted it on its neck before pushing it back once she felt the bird’s beak pecking through her hair. She gave the reins over to the other worker and calmed down the other two excitable birds in a similar fashion. Once all of them had settled down she guided them over to the group of five.
The birds walked over to the guys, introducing themselves to their new riders with little actions of affection. Gladiolus’ chocobo flapped its wings happily after Gladiolus patted it on the head before trying to return the favor and laying its own head on top of his, making a noise almost similar to a purr. Ignis’ bird was the most calm in its greeting, sniffing Ignis curiously before chirping in hello, to which Ignis rewarded it with some satisfying chin scratches. Prompto’s bird finally decided to behave and stand still so Prompto could love on it. Prompto was enthusiastically fluffing the bird’s feathers, rubbing his hands all over it and giving it little scratches. The bird responded with another peck to his head, which must be that bird’s odd way of showing affection. Noctis’ bird acted aloof when Noctis tried to coo the bird closer, only to to start begging for attention when Noctis looked away in defeat. Artemisia giggled at how perfect the combinations for everyone were.
“Artemisia,” Gallina nudged her, guiding Artemisia to the last chocobo as the guys started to situate themselves on their chocobos’ saddles. The last chocobo was sitting in the grass still, perking up when it saw them approach. “This is Dottie,” Gallina patted the sitting chocobo on the head. “She’s your chocobo. She’s super patient and she’s the one that most first riders go with. She’ll be perfect for you.” Dottie shook, ruffling her feathers before standing up and looking at Artemisia expectactly. Artemisia hesitated, standing a distance away from the bird. She knew that chocobos were usually super friendly and tame, but she couldn’t help but be nervous. “Come on,” Gallina urged, waving for her to move closer. “She’s not gonna do anything.”
Artemisia approached slowly, holding her hand out for the bird to smell as she came within reach. The large bird sniffed her hand inquisitively, sneezing lightly -- Or at least as lightly as a giant chocobo can -- making Artemisia flinch her hand back slightly. Dottie let out a little “Kweh!” before bumping its head against Artemisia’s hand, requesting to be petted. Artemisia let out a small sigh of relief, happy to see their first introduction went well and indulged herself in the sensation of the charming chocobo. Dottie’s bright feathers were incredibly soft and acted a lot like fur with the way it responded to be to touch; when she ruffled them it only made it more convincing.
“She’ll keep ya safe when you guys are out and about.” Gallina stated, watching the two bond. She laughed when Dottie forced herself forward to wrap her long neck around Artemisia’s shoulder in a hug. “Aw, see! She likes you.”
Artemisia chuckled at the cute display of affection, smoothing Dottie’s neck feathers in return. She heard a small click and looked over her shoulder to see Prompto with his camera in hand and a giant grin on his face. “Gotta capture the moment!” He proclaimed happily. “Oh. Em. Gee. Cutest bird ever!” Prompto proclaimed, referring to the photo he had just taken of the two. His bird immediately bucked him a little with a sharp squawk, almost like it was insulted that he wasn’t admiring its looks instead.
“We got a course ready for you kids if ya wanna race before nightfall.” Wiz informed, leaning against the otherside of the fence.
Prompto was urging Artemisia to hurry up and board her chocobo, eager to get some racing in. “How about a little competition?” Noctis offered with a confident grin. “The person with the best time gets to sleep on the bed in the caravan.” The caravans only had one queen sized bed, and while they weren’t the highest quality, they were still preferred to the rickety pull out futon.
“You can’t occupy an entire bed to yourself, Noct. You must share the other side.” Ignis interjected sternly.
Noctis sighed, a defeated frown on his face. “Fine…”
“But what’s a competition without a little wager.”
“Heh, I’m down for that.” Considering Gladiolus’ size it’s no guessing why he would prefer sleeping on the big bed instead of the futon.
“Oh yeah!” Prompto laughed over at Artemisia who was having a hard time getting on her bird’s saddle. “Come on Artemis! Don’t want to be left in the dust.”
Gallina helped lift Artemisia the rest of the way over her chocobo, giving Dottie a few secure pats as the rider fixed herself. “Just a heads up,” Gallina whispered in Artemisia’s ear, “Dottie hates losing.” She winked.
In the end, it was Prompto who was sleeping in the bed with a happily full stomach thanks to Wiz’s cooking. And despite the others’ losses, everyone was able to enjoy their time and had some much need laughter amongst themselves and the new friends they found on the ranch.
Though Noctis was a bit insulted that Prompto wanted to share the bed with Artemisia instead of him.
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beindraug · 7 years
A theory healing acctually works in FFXV
Looking through the item descriptions of Hi-potions elixers and stat boosting items, you quickly learn that these items are acctually just energy drinks and supplments. The sort of thing you’d find in any gas station shop. So how do they work? We already know that magic is a vital ingredient, all major wounds the boys recive and gains while separated from noct. 
Beyond that we dont have access to a single elixir during verse 2 or Gladios DLC. We have a Pheonix down(an inherantly magical item) but no Elixir the item which in the main gaime restors Max HP.
So my theory is that without noct Potions and HI-Potions are nothing but powerful engergy drinks something the boys can uses to regain stamina but not heal.
So how does magic change this up? Well anyone who has ever read the back of a energy drink knows they filled with all kinds of crazy sounding chemicals caffine and sugar. Most of those chemical however are amino acids and vitmamin supplements. Where am i going with this? Well i believe that Noct is able to use his magic to turn those chemicals into something like RC stem cells which are then directed towards the wound to patch things up, thus resulting in supper fast healing without the need for forced cell multiplication whicch could lead to cancer.
Love this theory? Hate it? Dosn’t matter i just needed to get this out of my head thanks to any who did read :)
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lesphantom · 7 years
FFXV A Retelling-ish Chapter 16
FFXV A Retelling-ish 
Chapter 16
The next morning, I awoke to an empty bed.  I sighed and I got up.  I changed my clothes and I put my dirty ones in my backpack.  I sighed again tossing my backpack over my shoulder.  I opened the hotel room door and I headed out.  I saw that the Regalia was gone.  I sighed again and I headed toward Caem.
“Mina! Wait up, love!” came a voice.
I spun around and I saw Ignis grinning at me.  I raised a brow.  I was in shock.  He kissed my cheek once he reached me.  I gave him a quizzical look.
“Ready to go?”
“Wait a minute…  Why aren’t you driving the Regalia?”
“There are more important things in my life right now...”
“But Noct...”
“..Is a fine driver when he wants to be.  He can handle this love.”
“So I’ve got you...” I said with a smile.
“Yep!” Ignis said.
“Then let’s go, handsome.”
Ignis nodded.  “I picked up a few granola bars and various other things to snack on if we get a bit peckish.”
“Damn, you’re efficient!”
He grinned.  “It’s a gift, love.  C’mon.”
He grabbed my hand and we started off.  We fought the occasional daemon horde until we reached a bridge.  Ignis grinned and he pulled me over toward the railing.
“It’s gorgeous out there isn’t it?” Ignis said.
“Yeah, it is.” I said.
He smiled and he pulled out his phone.  “I’m no Prompto, but I need a few pictures of this view.”
I chuckled.  “Take as many as you want.”
He snapped a few pictures and then he pulled me to him for a few selfies.  I laughed against him.  His smile brightened and he took a few more selfies with me before stowing his phone away.
“I love your smile in these, love.”
“Can’t help it when I’m with you..” I said.
He blushed and he took my hand once more as we headed off.  We fought more and more daemons.  Night seemed to fall more quickly.  Ignis looked around concerned for a bit.
“Hey love?”
“About how far are we from Caem?”
“About… a two hour walk… why?”
“I’m thinking about making camp for the night since it’s getting dark.”
“Fair enough.  But where?”
“Exactly love...”
“Well shit.”
“I wish we had the foresight to grab a tent.”
“Maybe if we found a haven...”
“Or a map...”
“Ah, damn!”
“So looks like we sleep in shifts then...”
“God dammit...”
“I second that..”
“Unless we kept walking?”
“The daemons are stronger at night love.”
“Yeah. Good point.” I said.
“So I believe a haven would be our best bet.  That way we’ll be able to get some rest without having to sleep in shifts.” Ignis said.
“Now we just need to find a haven.” I said.
“Yes. But don’t fret love.  I believe that there is one close by.”
“I hope so.”
We began walking once again.  Twenty five minutes later we came across a small rock.  Ignis pointed to the runes painted on it.  They were glowing a bright blue.  I raised an eyebrow.
“There’s our haven.  Those runes protect the havens.  The previous kings place the runes to repel the daemons.”
“Huh. The more you know...”
“As long as Noct is alive the runes will continue to glow and offer the previous kings’ protection.  Noct is the last of the line of Lucis.”
“So if Noct is killed the line dies.  And all of the havens are daemon fodder.”
“Precisely.” said Ignis.  “Which is why I try to protect him as much as I can.”
We approached the haven and found it to be vacant.  Ignis let out a sigh of relief.  He knelt down and he began building a small fire.  He strategically placed some small logs near the fire and he sat down, pulling out his notebook.
“What would you like for dinner, my love?” Ignis asked.
“What do we have?”
“Well.. we still have a few energy bars.  I also had the foresight to grab some garula steaks from the mart before we left Lestallum.  It’s in my bag in a cooler.  It may taste like shit though.  I have no form of seasoning.”
“Garula steak skewers?  There’s gotta be a stick or two around here.” I said.
“Excellent idea, love.” said Ignis.
“I’ll go grab some--”
“Ugh… fine!”
Ignis grinned at me.  He gave me a kiss on the cheek and he walked over to a nearby tree.  He snapped off two small branches and he brought them back up to the fire.  He then rummaged through a small bag that I never realized he had.  He pulled out a small cooler.  He grabbed a stick and he jammed to steak pieces on it, roasting it over the fire. The fire crackled up to meet the raw meat and Ignis looked pleased.
“Damn, you’re good at that.”
Ignis grinned.  “Thank you, love.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
I continued watching him cook and he shot me a smile.  “Love, it’s ready.”
I smiled and he handed me the stick.  He filled another stick with the steak and he cooked another one.  I waited for his to be done before I started to eat mine.  Ignis looked at me as he settled back with his skewer.
“You could have eaten, love...”
“I was always taught that it was rude to eat in front of someone that wasn’t.”
Ignis smiled.  “Well then let’s eat, love.”
We ate quickly.  Ignis took my stick after I was finished.  He tossed it into the fire.  I chuckled and I leaned my head on his shoulder.  He smiled.  
“Hi there love.”
“Hi… Dinner was great.” I said.
Ignis scoffed.  “It needed a lot of seasoning.”
“You’re too hard on yourself.”
He looked at me.  “I have to be.”
“Because I know I can do better...” Ignis said.
“I know...” Ignis said with a sigh.
I kissed him as hard as I could.  Ignis kissed me back.  I grinned into the kiss.  He broke away and he looked into my eyes.  He gently ran his thumb along my cheek.  I smiled.
“You’re so beautiful, love...”
I blushed.  “Iggy...”
He smiled.  “You are...”
I chuckled.  “Bed time?”
He laughed.  “Is it that obvious that I’m tired?”
“Yeah… a bit, darlin’.  Plus, you’re getting that glassy look….”
Ignis sighed and he settled himself down on my lap.  He stretched his legs out and he looked up at me from my lap.  He smiled and he tucked another errant strand of my hair behind my ear.
“Could you sing to me again?”
“Yep. No problems there.   What do you wanna hear?”
“A song that makes you think of us...”
“Mr. Sentimental today huh?”
“Yes… I suppose I am...”
“Get comfortable, handsome.”
He smiled and he scooted down a bit more so he was lying across my leg. He handed me his glasses and he took my free hand in his.  I grinned and I set his glasses next to me.  I stroked his cheek and his eyes closed.
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I’ve never seen the sky before.
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more…
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winger to spring
But I love you until the end of time.
Come what may
Come what may
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn’t seem such a waste
It all revolves around you.
And there’s no mountain too high
No river to wide
Sing out this song and I’ll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather
And stars may collide
But I love you
Until the end of time.
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day.
Oh come what may come what may
I will love you oh I will love you
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may
Come what may
I will love you until my dying day.
Ignis was snoring softly in my lap.  I grinned at him.  His hand was still holding mine but it was way looser.  I slid my hand out and Ignis made a whining noise.  I chuckled.  I gently moved my leg so Ignis was resting near the ground.  I shoved my backpack under his head and I scooted around to the other side.  I lay down, listening to Ignis’s snoring and the crackling of the campfire.  Within minutes, I was asleep.  I awoke the next morning to Ignis absently stroking my hair as he read something on his smartphone.
“Good morning, love.”
“How did you sleep?”
“I’ve slept better, but that’s not really our fault.”
“Yeah. I agree.”
He handed me one of the granola bars.  “Breakfast.”
“Thanks honey.” I said.
I sat up and I chewed on the granola bar.  Ignis let out a tired sigh. I leaned my head against him.  He smiled.
“Hey, now...”
“You still seem tired, babe.”
“I am.”
“How long have you been awake?”
“Two hours.”
“I’m ok, love.  Let’s go to Caem.”
“If you’re sure….”
“I am.”
I stood up and I stretched a bit.  Ignis got to his feet as well and he handed me my backpack.  I shot him a smile.  He grinned back at me and he began heading to the road once more.  I followed closely behind.  We walked to a gas station outside of Caem.  Ignis excused himself and he headed toward the bathroom.  I browsed the store.
“You’re Rachel and Jake’s girl...” came a voice.
A brown haired young man stood staring at me.  His big chocolate brown eyes sparkled as he spoke.  His face broke into a grin.  I eyed him warily.
“Um… yeah...”
“Mina, it’s Oliver...”
I stared for a moment.  “Holy shit!!!  OLLIE!!!”
He grinned at me.  “You’re lookin’ good kid!”
“Thanks man!  God I haven’t seen you in ages!  How’s life?”
“Boring and dull since you left, beautiful.” Oliver said, giving me a grin.
“Aww. Well, I’m back for a few days.  At least until I leave for Altissia.”
“Shit, you’re going to Altissia?”
“Yep. With my boyfriend and his entourage.”
“Boyfriend huh?”
“Yep. He’s a real sweetheart.  I’m lucky to have him.”
He chuckled.  “Hey, this boyfriend you have… Does he have any single guy friends that might… ya’ know...”
“What?! I had to try...”
“Oy… What am I gonna do with you, boy...”
“Love me?”
I laughed.  Ignis joined us a moment later.  He eyed Oliver cautiously and he grabbed my hand protectively.  I gave his hand a squeeze and I grinned up at him.
“Oliver, this is Ignis.  Ignis, this is Oliver McMahon.  He’s an old friend of mine.”
“I’m two years younger… I’m not old like you are….”
“Ollie!” I said.
“Pleasure...” Ignis forced out, eying Oliver.
“Y’all headin’ to Caem?” Oliver said.
“Yes...” Ignis said.
“Awesome sauce!!!” Oliver said.
Ignis raised a brow.  I shook my head.  I lightly hit Oliver on the arm. Oliver grinned back at me.  
“Ollie, Harmy told me she’s gonna be in Caem too.  You headin’ back that way?”
“Hey, someone’s gotta watch Harmy’s back.  You know how she is Min.”
“Shit yeah...”
“Holdin’ her back from killin’ Steve is hard work...”
I sighed.  “Sorry dude.  I don’t ask her to try and kill him.  BUT it is a perk...”
Oliver laughed.  “True… He is an ass...”
“I sense a but in there...”
Oliver sighed.  “Your brother’s hot as hell, ok?”
“And very straight...”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah...”
Ignis looked unbelievably confused.  I chuckled.  I kissed his cheek and he looked at me, fear in his eyes.  
“Love, what’s going on?”
I laughed.  “Baby, Ollie’s gay.  Harmy, Ollie and myself made the rounds at the bars and stuff when I was younger.”
“Singing?” Ignis said.
“Among other things….” said Oliver.
“Just because you’re a whore doesn’t mean I was… or am...”
Oliver laughed.  “Yeah, yeah…   I had to work for my free drinks...”
I laughed.  “Ollie, you got more free drinks than Harmy and I combined.”
“Don’t psh me Oliver Michael!”
“You’re lucky I like you...”
“Ha ha!  You two want a lift?  It’s like five minutes but...”
“What do you say, Iggy?”
“Sure...” said Ignis, hesitantly.
“Your man can sit up front with me...” Oliver said with a wink.
“Really, dude?” I said.
“My car, my rules.”  Oliver said.
Ignis’s eyes widened.  “I’m going to die aren’t I?”
I laughed.  “No babe.  He’ll be good or I’ll castrate him.”
“Eep!” said Oliver.
“Be good.” I said to Oliver.
“Yes, ma’am.” Oliver said.
“And you...” I said, turning to Ignis.  “Relax…  He won’t bite… much.”
Ignis gave me a small smile.  “I love you.”
“’Love you too.”
“Come on.  Let’s go.”
I laughed as I saw Oliver’s beat up mini van.  I nudged Oliver’s shoulder and he grinned back at me.
“I took my driver’s test in this POS.” I said.
“It is not a POS!  It’s an antiquated piece of equipment...” Oliver said.
“So… piece of shit.” Ignis said with a grin.
“Ha ha!  That’s my man!” I said.
“The um… Middle seat kinda.. um...”
“Oliver what did you do to the middle seat?”
“Well.. a “friend” of mine and I kinda… broke it...”
“OLIVER! Were you banging in the car?!”
“How the fuck do you break an entire bench seat?”
“Never mind.  I don’t wanna know.  I reeeeally don’t wanna know...” I said.
Ignis chuckled.  “It’s probably better that you don’t, darling.  Let Oliver have his kinks...”
“I like him.” said Oliver.
“He’s mine, McMahon…  Mine!”
Ignis laughed.  “Possessive much, love?”
“Uh… yeah…”
“Mina, he is kinda cute...”
“Do I have to say it again, Oliver?”
Oliver laughed.  “No, I got it… I got it.  Get in so we can go.”
We piled into the car.  I settled myself in the only seat in the back and I shook my head.  I couldn’t hear what Oliver and Ignis were talking about in the front seat, but Ignis was laughing.  That wasn’t good.  We arrived and I slid the door open.  
“So! Are you staying at your old house?” Oliver said.
“Possibly. If Steven didn’t trash the fuck out of it.” I said.
“He probably did, knowing that ass hole…”
“Guess I’ll find out...” I said.
“You nervous?”  Oliver said.
“Yep…” I said.
“Don’t be nervous.  You’ve got this...”  Oliver said, touching my shoulders.
“So love, shall we?” Ignis said.
“Yeah, I think we’d better...” I said.
Ignis grinned at me and he held out his arm.  I waved good bye to Oliver and I took a deep breath.  Ignis held my hand as we approached Iris who was waiting outside the safe house.  
“Hey!!” Iris said.
“Hello, Iris!” I said, smiling at her.
“Where is everyone?” Ignis said.
“Noct and Prompto are at the lighthouse with Talcott.  Gladdy.. left.  He said he had personal business to attend to.”
My heart sank a bit.  “I’ll.. be up the hill.”
“Mina..” Iris said.
“That’s where my old house is.”
“Oh. Ok then!” Iris said.  “Have fun.”
“Would you like to be alone, love?” Ignis said.
“...no. Can you come with me please?” I said.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Just emotional...”
“I’ll be there.”
I nodded and Ignis and I began walking up the hill.  I had made this trek a zillion times.  My heart was in my throat.  Ignis jogged up next to me.  His hand found mine.  I squeezed his hand tightly.
“Love… are you...”
“I’m… I’m...”
“Honey, look at me.”
I looked at him.  Fear was evident in his eyes.  Ignis pulled me to him.  I buried my head in his chest.  I inhaled his cologne and it calmed me down.  He rubbed my back.
“Darling, it’s going to be ok… I’ll be right there with you...”
“Thank you, Ignis...”
He grinned and he kissed me on the cheek.  “Let’s go love.”
We walked to the top of the hill.  Ignis gasped when he saw the house. It was a small log cabin overlooking the sea.  It was small on the outside but on the inside, it was huge.  I gently pushed open the front door.   It wasn’t too messy.  
As we walked in, we were in the living room.  The couches and the television were against either wall. We moved into the medium sized kitchen.  Ignis leaned against the island.  He gave me a smile as he looked around.
“I’d kill for a kitchen like this, love.”
“Dad loved to cook.  Just like you...”
“I love how open this is though...”
“I know right?  Dad always said he wanted to be a part of whatever was going on.    He designed the kitchen and living room to be open so he could watch us grow up...”
Ignis gave me a smile.  “It’s gorgeous, love.”
I pulled Ignis to the left of where we walked in.  There were three doors.  I opened the right most door.  Pictures of cars and bikini clad women littered the walls.  I grinned.
“This was Steve and Chris’s room.  Steve moved out for a few months and Chris went crazy with the pictures of the women.  He never regretted it.  Steve’s face was entirely too priceless when he came home to that.”
“I bet.”
“I miss my brother...”
“No.. HELL no.  Chris...”
“He and I used to drive Steve crazy on purpose.  He used to call us the daemon duo.”
“Maybe that’s why Steve hates you now...”
“Nah. After Chris died, I apologized and things were decent between us until Steve met Trisha.”
“Trisha was a bad influence?”
“Not at first…  Trisha and I never hit it off.  My parents didn’t like her and she didn’t like them.  But my parents respected Steve’s choice.  After my parents died, she flat out told me that she was only with Steve for the money. I guess they fell in love through that though...”
“So he spent your inheritance on her?”
“Among other things...”
“So yeah.  This is the boys’ room.”
“Where’s your room, love?”
“Across the hall.”
I stepped behind him and I opened the door.  I stepped inside and I waited for Ignis to enter.  I saw him gawking at some of the pictures that were littering my walls.  I grinned.
“These drawings are amazing, Mina!”
“Did you do all of these?”
“Not all of ‘em.  Harmy drew the ones on the closet door.”
“Damn… I love the detail that has gone into each one.”
“Thanks. She’ll be happy to hear that too…  So!  This was my sanctuary.”
“I see...”
“Let’s move on...”
“I’m breathing...”
“No. Stop and breathe.  You look stressed.”
“I’m fine...”
“Really, Iggy...”
He kissed me hard.  I made a shocked noise as he pushed me against the closed door.  He pulled away, shooting me a grin.  I chuckled a bit.
“No… but thanks for tryin...”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Do not.” said Ignis with a grin.
“If this is all we do in this room, I’m gonna be a little miffed...”
Ignis laughed.  “Love… I thought you’d never ask...”
He snatched me off the ground.  I squealed and he laughed.  He lay me gently on the bed and he nuzzled my neck.  He gently kissed his way down my body.  
“I love you… * kiss *  I love you…. * kiss * I love… * moan * you...” Ignis said.
He pressed his lips to mine in a hungry needy kiss.  I ground my hips against his and I pulled him further toward me.  He moaned loudly. He tilted my lowered head up to meet his eyes.  They were clouded with lust.  I shot him a sexy smile.  He let out a moan.  
“I have an idea..”
“Mmm.. Do tell, darling….”
“Well… how about… I ride you for a change...”
He threw his head back in a moan of pleasure.  “Please do, love.”
I grinned and I flipped him quickly on his back.  He grinned back at me.  Ignis slid his trousers off and I pulled at my own.  Ignis assisted me with my pants as I grinned back at him.
���So eager to get my pants off aren’t you...” I said with a grin.
“Oh, yes, my darling…  Otherwise there wouldn’t be a point...” Ignis whispered in my ear.
I shivered at how husky his voice was.  “Iggy… you could read me the phone book right now and I’d be fucking you before you reached the B’s...”
He chuckled.  “You gonna ride me or not, darling?”
“Patience, Ignis!  I may have to tie you up later...”
He let out a moan.  “Don’t get me started, love...”
“Ooooh. Someone likes the thought of being tied up...”
“Mmmhmmm...” Ignis said, chewing on his bottom lip.
I slid myself on him.  I moaned a bit.  Ignis grunted, holding back a moan of his own.  I ground my hips against his and he let out a cry of pleasure.  I gripped my headboard tightly as I slid in and out of him at a fast pace.  He moaned louder than I’d ever heard him moan. I felt a rush of absolute pleasure.  My arms were shaking.
“Love...” Ignis moaned.
“Iggy… I moaned. “Oh God, Iggy...”
His hands found my waist.  He held me tightly as I moved against him. Ignis’s eyes fluttered closed.  I went faster as he let out moan after moan.   I let out a whimpering moan.  Ignis’s eyes snapped open.
“Are you ok, love?”
“Uh huh...”
“You’re shaking...”
“I’m ok...”
He kissed me and I let out a moan.  Ignis let out a moan as my pace slowed.  His hands fell from my waist.  He gripped the fabric of my comforter tightly as he felt his orgasm hit.
“Mina… Mina… Fuck!  You feel so damn good, darling…. “
“Mmm… Ignis….” I moaned.
“Fuck… Fuck.. Mina….”
Ignis moaned loudly.  His knuckles were white on my comforter as the last of his orgasm filtered through his body.  I collapsed on top of him. Ignis kissed my forehead as he tried to breathe.
“You… good?”
“More than good.  You?”
“Would you like a massage my love?”
“Mmmm… Just the thought of that sounds amazing...”
Ignis and I swapped places.  I lay face down on the bed, in a pile of pillows. He pushed my hair to one side of my head and he straddled my back.  The minute his hands touched my shoulders, I felt every ounce of tension leave my body.  His strong hands worked out knots that I had learned to live with.  All the while he was humming a soothing melody.  I felt my eyes grow heavy.  I let out a relaxed sigh and I let my eyes close.  I was out like a light a moment later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ignis’s POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I heard Mina let out a light snore and I chuckled.  I turned onto my side and looked at her as she slept.  I smiled as I gently took her in.  Her olive skin was flawless against the white comforter.  Mina’s auburn hair was cascading freely down past her shoulders.  He lips were slightly parted as she breathed.  I sighed.
How did I get so lucky?  How did a woman like Mina fall for me?  I rolled over onto my back and I stared at the ceiling.  A woman like Mina deserved to be treated like a queen.
“Iggy….” Mina mumbled in her sleep.
“I’m here, love… shhh… Get some rest...”
“Mmmh.” Mina said.
I smiled.  My smile slowly faded as I thought about what Mina had been through.  Her brother, whom she was very close to, dies, her parents were killed, and her other brother, whom she doesn’t have a decent relationship with, is forced to take care of her.  And then, he leaves her for dead.  That still burned me.  As much as I tried to think I could control what I would probably say or do to Steve if I met him, I knew I would fly off the handle.
Mina rolled on her side, facing away from me.  I stroked her hair gently. She let out a happy noise.  I chuckled and I turned on my side.  I wrapped my arms around her and I pulled her close to me.  She cuddled into me and she was dead to the world after that.  I smiled and I closed my eyes.  I was asleep moments later.
0 notes
lesphantom · 7 years
FFXV: A Retelling-ish... Chapter 11
FFXV: A Retelling-ish
Chapter 11:
Trigger Warning: Rape
The next morning I awoke early.  Ignis was still sleeping.  I carefully wiggled out of his arms and I hopped in the shower.  I wrapped myself in a towel and I quietly exited the bathroom.  I pulled a new red tank top out of my bag and a pair of jeans.  I slipped back into the bathroom.  I changed and I neatly folded my used towel.  I emerged from the bathroom.
“Good Morning.” came Ignis's voice.
I turned around and I shot Ignis a grin.  “Good Morning sleeping beauty...”
He chuckled.  “How'd you sleep, darling?”
“Like a baby...” I said.  “Your heartbeat is oddly soothing.”
He smiled.  “Thank you?”
I chuckled.  “So!  You up for wandering around Lestallum this morning with me?”
“I'd love that.” Ignis said with a smile.  “I'm going to grab a quick shower and then we'll go. Ok?”
“Sounds like a plan to me, darlin'.” I said.
He kissed me lightly on the lips.  “I'll be quick.”
“Take as long as you need, handsome.” I said.
“Ok.” He said with a smile.
He went into the bathroom.   I grabbed my backpack off the other bed and I loaded up all my stuff into it.  I grabbed my phone off the charger and I lay back on the bed.  I heard Ignis start the shower.
Twenty minutes later, I was lounging on the bed watching an old episode of Good Eats on my phone.  Ignis peered over my shoulder.  
“Ooh. Apple pie.” said Ignis.
“Uh huh.”
“I could make some sometime.” Ignis said.
“That sounds amazing!” I said.
He grinned.  “Well, I'm no Alton Brown...”
“Yeah. You're better.”
“Come now love...”
“You are... I've got my own personal Alton Brown...  And plus, you're a hell of a lot cuter.”
He blushed.  “Thank you love.”
“You ready to go?”
“Yes. Let's go hit the town.” Ignis said with a grin.
We walked through the streets of Lestallum.  Ignis and I reached the marketplace and I nearly fell over with the amount of stalls.  We perused the wares at each stall fist before we went back to buy. Ignis bought a few herbs and spices while I looked at getting us all some blankets for our camping stuff.  We headed back to the Regalia to put all of our stuff away.  I jammed my blanket into my backpack.
Ignis's arms encircled my waist.  “Are you hungry, love?”
“Gettin' there, yeah.” I said.
He gently kissed my cheek and he tightened his grip on my waist a bit. “Let's go grab some lunch then...”
“Lead the way, Chef.”
He chuckled into my neck.  “Part of me would love to stay like this forever.”
“Enjoying yourself, darling?” I said.
“Very much so...  Of course, the company is a huge factor in that too...”
He released my waist.  I pouted a bit at the loss of his contact.  He smiled and he grabbed my hand.  We headed back up through the town of Lestallum and we ate at a small kebab place.
“Excellent flavor on this... Though, I could probably make them too.” Ignis remarked.
“I don't doubt it.  Yours would probably taste even better too.” I said.
Ignis grinned.  “You flatter me love.”
“Yeah, so?” I said.
He laughed.  “I'll take your flattery, Miss Hammond, over anything else anyone says about my food.”
“Hey, it's what I do.” I said with a grin.
He laughed once more and we finished up our lunch.  He and I linked hands once again and we headed back to the Leville.  Prompto  met us at the front of the hotel.  Gladio was inside chatting with Jared and Talcott.
“Hey guys!” Prompto said.
“Howdy Sunshine!” I said.
Ignis rolled his eyes and he broke off from me.  He gave my hand a gentle squeeze before he let go though.  I turned back to Prompto as Ignis wandered over toward Gladio.
“So, what's up? What's our next plan of action?” I said.
“Well right now, we're waiting for Noct and Iris to get back from their walk.  And then... we're going to investigate a possible tomb that Talcott told us about.” said Prompto.
“Sweet!” I said.  “The more royal arms Noct has at his disposal the better.”
“My thoughts exactly.” said Prompto.
I grinned at him and we sat in the lobby for a while.  Gladio, Jared, Talcott and Ignis joined us a few minutes later.  Ignis sat down near me and he lay his hand on my leg absently as he chatted with everyone.
“Hey guys.” came Noctis's voice.
“Hey!” said Prompto.
“Did you enjoy sightseeing this morning?” said Ignis.
“Yeah. Iris is an amazing tour guide.” Noctis said with a smile.
“Thanks Noct...” Iris said, blushing a little.
“Talcott! Go on and tell Noct what you told me!” said Prompto.
“You got it!” said Talcott.
“Oh come now... Show some respect...” said Jared.
“Whoa! No need to respect me.  I'm not royalty...” said Prompto.
“So! There's this legend about a sword.  And the sword is supposed to be behind a waterfall nearby.” said Talcott
“It may well be one of the lost tombs.” Ignis said.
“Check it out?” said Gladio.
“Sure! Thanks for the help, Talcott.” said Noctis
“You're welcome.” said Talcott.
“The hardest part now is to keep Mina from staying in the water...” said Gladio with a smirk.
“Very funny...” I said.
“Well, you are our water girl...” said Prompto.
“Nah, she's the fish whisperer...” said Noctis with a grin.
“Oh ha ha...” I said.
“We'll be back soon.” Ignis said.
We walked down to the Regalia.  We all piled in.  Ignis drove us to a nearby gas station first and we filled up the Regalia with gas.  Then we were off on our way once more.  We arrived near a beach and Gladio jokingly held me back.
“No water for you...” Gladio said.
“Oh ha ha.” I said.  “I have a spear and I'm not afraid to shove it up your ass...”
He laughed.  “Oooh... I'm so scared.”
“You friggin should be...” I said.
Ignis rolled his eyes and we headed down to the beach area.  There were giant daemon crabs on the beach.  Everyone readied their weapons and we went to town on the crabs.
“Crab for dinner tonight?” said Prompto.
“Not from these crabs.” Ignis said, “The meat is tainted.”
“Yeah. Its not good when the meat is friggin' glowing.” I said.
“Yes, quite.” Ignis said, stifling a laugh.
We headed behind the waterfall and into a cave.  It was freezing.  I shivered slightly.  Ignis shrugged out of his jacket and he handed it to me.  I looked at him and he gave me a smile before moving forward. I smiled as I slipped the jacket on.  We fought our way though the freezing cave and it seemed like it took ages.  Prompto shivered a bit as  we rounded a corner.  In the distance, we saw the royal tomb.
“Yes!” said Prompto.
“Why to go Talcott!” I said.
“Come on, let's go.” said Gladio.
We fought our way to the tomb.  Noctis muscled his way inside.  He quickly retrieved the royal arm.  We began the icy trek back.
“God it's cold...” aid Prompto.
“You should have worn a jacket, Prompto.” said Noctis.
“Even with Iggy's jacket, I'm cold...” I said.
Ignis came up alongside me and he placed my hand in his.  “We're almost out.  Come on everyone.”
“Right.” I said.
“We could always huddle together?” said Prompto.
“That would make moving harder.  Move your ass.” said Gladio.
I chuckled.  “I see light up ahead.”
“I'd love a bowl of soup right now.” Prompto whined.
“That can be arranged later.  Come on.” said Noctis.
We reached the outside. I shrugged off Ignis's jacket and I handed it back to him.  He shot me a small smile and put it on.  We walked away from the water and we were halfway to the car when Noctis fell to his knees holding his head.  He let out a series of pained grunts.  I dropped to one knee, my hand resting on his back.
“Noct!” Prompto said.  “You OK?”
“What did I---  Where was that?”  Noctis mumbled.
“What is it?” said Gladio.
“A hole in the ground.  Something... burning.... The meteor?” said Noctis.
“You saw the disc of cauthess?!” Ignis said.
“You OK, Noctis?” I said.
“Yeah, yeah... Sorry 'bout that.” said Noctis.  “Let's head back.”
“Yeah... Gotta report back to Talcott.” said Prompto
“You sure you're OK?” I asked.
“Yeah. I'm fine.  Thanks for the concern, Mina.” said Noctis.
I helped Noctis to his feet and I hung back as he marched on.  I glanced at Ignis.  He seemed lost in thought as we jogged to catch up.  We reached the Regalia and we were on the road once more.  I kept my eye on Noctis subtly.  We arrived back in Lestallum before long and we all piled out of the car.  We walked back in to the Leville.
“Welcome back!” Talcott called.
“Your story came to a happy end!” Ignis said, cheerfully.
“We owe ya', Talcott!” Noctis said.
“You're welcome!” Talcott said with a smile.
Noctis groaned in pain again and my eyes shot to him.  His head dropped and Ignis and I exchanged looks.  We he picked up his head again, he took a deep breath.
“Not again...” he muttered.
“What's the matter? Are you alright?” Iris said.
“He'll be fine.  Don't worry.” Gladio said.  “We ought to take a closer look at this so called “disc”.”
“Then look no further than the outlook.” said Prompto.  “We can use the... viewer thingys.”
“No substitute for being on site, but it would be a start.” said Ignis. “Let's see what we can glean of Noct's condition.” Ignis said.
“Right. To the outlook.”  I said.
We waved goodbye to Jared, Iris and Talcott and we went toward the outlook.  Ignis watched Noctis closely and I hung back.  Prompto linked arms with me and he pulled me with him as we went.  Once we arrived, we approached a perfect picture spot.  Prompto grinned as he took a picture of the five of us in front of the railing.
“What a coincidence!” came a voice that turned my blood cold.
The guy from Galdin Quay was back.  I held back a shudder.  He rambled on about an old nursery rhyme but I didn't pay much attention.  Ignis squeezed my hand, bringing me back to the task at hand.
“So, this guy knows how to get us into the disc.” Prompto muttered.
“We follow him and that's it right?” said Gladio.
“Yeah, in theory.” said Noctis.
“Let's go for it.  What's the worst that could happen?” Prompto said, “He seems like a nice enough guy...”
“Yet he makes my blood run cold...” I muttered.
“Love, you've got to learn to trust people.” Ignis said.
“Alright. Let's do it then.” I said.
“Ok, Mister.  We'll do it.” said Noctis.
“Such an occasion requires an introduction.  Please call me Ardyn.  Come with me to the car park.  That's where I left my automobile.  She's a dear old thing.  Pales next to your Regalia, but she's never let me down.  So we take two vehicles.  A convoy of sorts.  Shall we?”
We followed Ardyn to the car park.  We waited in front of Ardyn's car. He shot us a smile and he elected Noctis to drive.  Ignis began to protest, but Ardyn wasn't having it.
“Also, you all seem a bit cramped in that car.  The young woman will accompany me in my vehicle.”
Ignis's breath hitched in his throat.  His fists clenched at his sides and I swore I heard his teeth grind together.  I took a deep breath.  I took a step toward Ardyn.  I smiled brightly at him.
“As you wish sir.” I said.
“Mina!” Ignis said.
“Hush it.  As you said, I've got to learn to trust people.” I said. “I'll be fine.”
Ignis's eyes closed and he sighed in defeat.  “Fine.”
“Right.” Ardyn said.  “Shall we then?”
The boys hopped into their car.  I awkwardly hopped into the passenger seat of Ardyn's car.  He gave me a small smile.
“Mina. Right?” Ardyn said.
“Yes, sir.” I said.
“Ignis is rather.... taken with you.”
“I suppose...”
“He's a very good actor, you know.” Ardyn said, with a sly smile.
I shot him a look.  “Excuse me?”
“Ignis Scientia would never fall for a commoner.  He'll just use you...”
“I'd like it if you would shut up now.... please.” I said.
“Just like your brother used you.” said Ardyn.
I glared at him.  “How the fuck did you know I have a brother?”
He smiled wickedly.  “Because I know everything.”
“You really think Ignis Scientia loves you?  You are delusional.  You're nothing but his plaything.  He'll throw you away like a used tissue.”
My eyes stung with unshed tears.  “Take that back...”
“It's true.”
I looked back out the window.  Ardyn ran his hand along my thigh.  I jerked myself away.  Ardyn let out a sinister laugh.  
“You're the weakest link in their chain.  All you're doing is holding them back.”
I balled my hands into fists and I tried not to let what he was saying affect me.  But it did.  Big time.  He was right.  I didn't deserve to even be in Ignis's presence let alone date him... And regarding the others, I was holding them back.  I bit my lower lip as tears fell silently.
“Weakness... you're the sheer embodiment of weakness...” Ardyn continued, softly.  “I'll show you what strength is...”
We pulled into a rest area.  I couldn't throw myself from the car fast enough.  I ran into the nearby diner and I ducked into the bathroom. I washed my face and I sighed as I saw myself in the mirror.  Ardyn's words repeated in my head. 'Weakness...' 'You're holding them back..' 'He'll throw you away like a used tissue.'
I exited the diner. I saw the guys talking with Ardyn.  I slowly made my way back over.  Ignis gave me a small smile.  I looked away, trying to hide my face.
“...Mina and I will take to a campground nearby.  You all can stay in the RV at my expense.” Ardyn said.
Ignis sighed.  “Yes... I suppose that will be sufficient for the night.”
“Excellent. Come Mina.” said Ardyn.
I simply nodded.  I purposefully brushed past Ignis on the way back over.  He made a move to grab my arm but I moved too quickly.  I saw him let out a sigh as Ardyn and I moved away.
“Camping detests me, but seeing as it's what you're used to I decided to concede.” said Ardyn.
We arrived at a small clearing.  Ardyn set up a tent and he started a fire.  We ate some cup noodles and I suddenly longed for a piece of Ignis's fluffy chiffon cake.  I shook my head. 'Ardyn's right.. I am their weakest link.'
Ardyn shot me a grin.  “Are you ready to prove your worth, Mina?”
I raised an eyebrow.  “As far as....?”
“Proving me wrong...”Ardyn said.
With no warning, he picked me up and he slammed me against a nearby tree. He pinned me down with little effort. I struggled against him, but it was no use, he was just too strong.  I tried kicking, biting and scratching too.  He laughed menacingly.  He held me to the tree with one hand while the other hand undid his pants.  My eyes widened in horror.
“This will be fun... for me...” Ardyn said.  “Do you know how long it's been since I had a woman...?”
“Get the fuck off of me!!” I yelled.
His hand crushed my biceps.  “No.  Prove to me that you aren't the weakling I've described.”
I tried every move I could think of to get him off of me.  With every move, it seemed he got stronger.  I fought and fought until all I could do was scream.   I screamed until my voice was raw.
“Oh, do shut up!” Ardyn said, balling up his scarf.
He stuffed the wad of cloth down my throat and I gagged.  It tasted like cigar smoke and dirt.  He continued thrusting into my backside as I tried to wiggle myself free.  I spit the scarf out and I resumed screaming.
Ardyn sighed heavily.  “This is becoming more and more annoying by the minute.”
I used what was left of my strength to send him flying into another tree.  I quickly gathered my things and I ran off back to the rest area.  The boys were outside the R.V., playing cards and in Ignis's case, worriedly drinking Ebony.  I slipped my shorts back on and I slowly approached the R.V.  Gladio raised it's head.
“Mina?” He said, nearly throwing his book across the table.  
All four guys looked over.  Ignis dropped his can of ebony and he ran over to me.  He ran a hand through my disheveled locks and he looked in my eyes.  I avoided his eyes as much as I could.
“Love, are you alright?” Ignis said.
I shook my head.  Ignis's arms encircled me.  I clung to his shirt as tears fell from my eyes.  He rubbed my back.  Each one of the guys approached and they formed a protective circle around me, looking around for Ardyn.
“Mina, what happened?” Gladio demanded.
“A-a-a-ardyn... h-h-h-he...” I said hoarsely. “He-he-he t-t-t-tried to... I mean... h-h-he”
“I'll fucking kill him...” Noctis snarled.
“Let's not jump to conclusions... Love, what did he..?”
“H-h-h-he tried to r-r-r-rape me....”
Ignis's entire body stiffened.  His hands balled into fists and he struggled to remain calm.  His daggers materialized in his hands.  Prompto was quiet.  His eyes cascaded over me in concern.
“Iggy... daggers away... for now.  What did he say in the car earlier, Mina?” Gladio said, trying to reign in his own anger.  “You looked upset when we arrived.”
“He... he... he told me that I was the weak link... God, it hurts to talk...” I said, hoarsely.
“Utter lies!!!” Noctis said.  
“Bull shit...” I said.
“Who's the one who took out all those, MT's when we weren't with it enough to fight?  Who's the one who kicked my ass in our last training session.” said Gladio.
“You let me win...” I said.
“Did not.” said Gladio.  “I don't hold back with you.”
“Whatever...” I said.
“What else did he say, love?” Ignis said, making the daggers dematerialize.
“Well... he...” I said.
I looked down feeling my eyes fill with tears again.  “He said that Ignis would get what he wants from me and then throw me away like a used tissue.... That he would never associate himself with a commoner like...”
“Do you believe him?” Ignis interrupted.
“At first, I didn't...”
“But now you do.” said Ignis.
“A little...” I said.
“He'd never do that, Mina.” said Gladio.
“What?” I said.
“Iggy'd never throw you away like that.” Gladio said.
“Yeah.” said Prompto.  “I've seen the way he looks at you.  You can't fake that.”
“Ignis..?” I said.
“Yes?” Ignis said.
“I love you.” I said with tears in my eyes.
He pulled me to him.  “I love you too, Mina.”
“What can we get you, Mina?  God knows you need something...” said Gladio.
“I need my three best friends, my boyfriend and possibly a water...” I said.
Ignis's arms went around my waist.  “I'm here, love.”
I leaned back against him.  “I'm sor--”
“Shh... Love, we'll protect you... by any means necessary.  You will never be left alone with that... that...” Ignis took a deep breath to quell his anger.
“Asshole, degenerate, fuckhead...” Gladio suggested, handing me my water.
“Nimrod...” Noctis suggested.
I chuckled, taking a sip of the water.  “Thanks guys...”
“Mina, don't ever let what he said bother you.  He was trying to get under your skin.” Prompto said.
“And it worked...” I said.  “I'm kicking myself because I played directly into his hands...”
Ignis's arms tightened.  “Love...”
I leaned against Ignis.  He kissed my neck.  I let my eyes flutter closed with a long sigh.  He ran his fingers through my hair.  
“Relax, darling.  I'm here, OK..?” Ignis whispered in my ear.
“Please don't let go...” I said quietly.
“Never my love.. Never..” Ignis whispered.
Ignis kissed my cheek and I took a long sip of the water.  Ignis' hand was absently rubbing the top of mine.  He was lost in thought.  I snuggled back into his chest.
“Mina?” said Noctis.
“Yeah, Noct?” I said.
“If anything... you're a strong link...  We'd probably be dead if it wasn't for you.” said Noctis.
“Thanks Noct...” I said.
“Iggy's right about something...” said Prompto.
“Oh? What's that?” I said.
“None of us will let you be alone with that dick hole.” said Gladio.
“Damn right!” said Noctis.
I smiled.  “Thanks guys.  You're the best.”
“Aw, Min... It's nothing.” said Prompto.
“Guys... it really is something.  I um...”
I felt my eyes tearing up again.  Ignis stopped his ministrations on my hands and he released my waist.  He came around in front of me.  He knelt down, lifting my chin from my chest.
“Mina, you're an absolutely astounding, amazing woman and we are so lucky to have you with us, let alone to have us call you a friend.  You worry about us, you care for us, you love us, you fight for us.  Mina, you are our strength... or Hell, at least mine.” said Ignis.
I was clinging to Ignis before I knew it.  Hot tears were streaming down my cheeks as I clung to him.  He rubbed my back.
“Hes right.” said Gladio.  “You're a big part of this crew.”
“All for one and one for all!” Prompto said.
“Uh.. Prom, that's the three musketeers...” said Noctis.
“Whatever.” said Prompto.
I laughed.  “Thanks for the sentiment though, Sunshine.”
He chuckled.  “You're welcome sis.”
Ignis chuckled a bit and I continued to cling to him.  He smiled and his hand found mine.  I smiled and I kissed his cheek.  He went a little pink.  We sat around and chatted for a little while longer.
Noctis yawned.  “I'm gonna hit the sack.  It's gonna take a lot for me to reign myself in around that Ardyn guy tomorrow.”
“It's not a bad idea.” said Prompto.
“I think we're all beat.” said Gladio.
“Mina, what do you want to do tonight?” said Ignis.
“A long as I'm with you, I don't care.” I said.
“If everyone doesn't mind, Mina and I will take the fold out bed in the RV since we'll be out a little later.”
“That's fine by me.” I said.
“Fine by us too.” said Gladio.
“Good.” said Ignis.
“C'mon.” said Prompto.  “Bed time.”
The boys headed into the RV.  Ignis and I sat quietly for a while.  He sipped his fresh ebony and I sipped my water.  I looked over at him. He smiled and he set his ebony down on the table.  He stood in front of me and he lifted me into the air, bridal style.  I laughed.  He kissed me on the lips, lightly.  I kissed back.  He hummed against my lips.
“Yes, Iggy?”
“I... I...”
“You OK?”
“Yes, um... I just..” He sighed.  “Damn!  Why is this so damn hard to say?!”
I looked at him, concern filling my eyes.  “Honey?”
“I'm so in love with you... Love... I just... I... I...I can't believe he had the gall to touch what's mine.”
I kissed him as hard as I could.  He kissed me back.  He set me down and we dove right back into the kissing.  My hands caressed his chest through his shirt.  He moaned.  My hands fisted into his hair.  We broke apart and Ignis's eyes were filled with a mixture of love and lust.  I smiled.
“Mina... Oh Gods.... Mina...”
Ignis crushed his lips to mine.  I moaned.  Ignis ran his gloved hand along my side and I moaned again.  His kissing stopped and he smiled at me.
“Oh, darling...”
“Ignis... d-d-don't stop...”
“As you wish, my love.”
He crushed his lips to mine once again.  This time, however, he massaged my tongue with his.  I moaned loudly and our tongues fought for dominance.  He moaned loudly and he ground his hips against mine.  He moaned even louder as I reciprocated.  He broke away.
“Christ, Mina... I...”
“Shut up, Scientia.”  
I dove at him.  He moaned.  I frantically tried to touch every inch of him.  Ignis gently stilled my ministrations.  He chuckled as he pulled away.  He looked tenderly into my eyes and he brushed a stray hair out of my face.
“I need to make sure you're ok with...”
“Ignis, shut up and kiss me.”
He smiled and he pulled me to him in a gentle kiss.  The gentleness became almost feverish in a matter of seconds.  Ignis gently pushed me against the RV, grinding his hips against me.  I saw stars.  I tried to focus on him, on those gorgeous emerald eyes, but I let my eyes flutter closed in pleasure.
“Mmmm... Iggy...” I managed to moaned out.
“We can stop at any time, love...” Ignis muttered against my collarbone.
“No... God, Iggy, please... don't stop...”
He chuckled.  His hot breath on my skin made me shiver.  His hands gripped my hips tightly.  I pulled his head up with my index finger. His lust-filled eyes met mine.  I smiled.
“Mina, my love... I... I love you so much, darling.  Doing this is making me absolutely crazy...  I love the way you're making me feel right now...”
“Iggy, my darling.... my rock... Please...”
“I need you, darling...”
“I need you too... Oh God, Ignis!!!”
He kissed me passionately and he pulled me gently behind the RV.  We had the rawest most passionate sex I had ever experienced.  I leaned against the back of the RV, attempting to catch my breath.  Ignis hovered over me, breathing heavily himself.
“Love, are you alright?” Ignis said.
“Yeah... How about you?” I said.
“Oh, love...  I am more than ok...  I'm fantastic... Tired, but fantastic!”
I leaned against him.  “Thank you for everything baby.”
“I just want to make you happy, love.”
“I am... as long as I have you, I'm the happiest woman in the world.”
He smiled and he picked me up once more.  “I feel the same way... Let's go to bed love.”
“Yeah... I'm sleepy...” I said, leaning my head on his shoulder.
He kissed my cheek.  “Relax, my love.”
I snuggled into his chest.  He carried me into the RV and he lay me on the pull out couch.  He grabbed a blanket from the opposite end of the RV and he draped it over me before climbing in behind m.  He pulled me against his chest and he wound his leg around mine.
“Good night, my love.  Sleep well.”
“You too, Iggy.  Good night.  And thank you...”
He kissed my cheek.  “You're welcome, love.”
He sighed contentedly and he was asleep in minutes.  I wasn't far behind.
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