#i love how he effortlessly moves between dark and light; Dom and sub; masculine and feminine
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
David Tennant gives me such waist envy! He's so elegant and looks amazing in everything that he wears.
Totally agreed, Anon! I feel like we got such perfect examples of that today, seeing him dressed for the GO 2 photo call and then his and Michael's appearance on The One Show.
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"Snatched" would definitely be the word I'd use to describe David's waist. The suit here is perfectly tailored to his body, highlighting every line and curve. He and Michael are particularly giving me all the Bert & Ernie vibes in that third picture (if Bert and Ernie were bisexual and British, at least), and I just love how long David looks and how the way he is posing further accentuates that gorgeous waist of his.
(Special shout-out as well to these pictures of David on the set of Rivals the other day for giving us that waist in this very, very tight t-shirt he is wearing:)
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So deliciously sexy. Fingers crossed that we'll get to see David at more GO 2 promotional events (hopefully) wearing another one of those JK suits...
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Naaa he still looks like such a twink to me but he’s evolved into a mature, refined and elegant twink. So I guess a Dilf twink? Or a twink dilf? Doctor dilf twink? He is a category in his own right I feel. Also completely agree about him being a complete power bottom that hopefully has now harnessed his powers.
Hah. I’m partial to twink DILF (or “Twilf,” if you will) myself, mainly because of the built-in DW reference. (David already has a dog named Bernard and a child named after Mr. Cribbins’ character, so “Twilf” just seems to fit perfectly with the whole motif.)
I do agree though about Ten/David evolving into a mature, refined, elegant twink:
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The way the clothes hang on him is what really does it for me. The new outfit is clearly a callback (though in seemingly reversed colors) to what he wore back in the day, but just looking at these pictures, you can see a difference. He looks so much more comfortable in his skin now, sexy and twinky but also so confident, so aware of his body and its capacity for seduction in a way that he perhaps wasn’t before. 
With any luck--and if the outfit and trailer are anything to go by--I really hope this means the Tenth Doctor will be exponentially queerer than the first time around. The tight trousers and tailored clothes are already doing 80% of the work, and I know our dashing David can more than take care of the rest. Bless...
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
I’m slowly reading through your blog and while I love a lot of your ‘analysis’ posts, your tag ‘there is no heterosexual explanation for this’ often gives me pause and a bit of cringe, because most of the time it refers to looks/mannerisms which are conventionally considered ‘fruity’. This sort of stereotyping looks old-fashioned not in a good way, it’s misleading and can be actually harmful. At least every queer person I know cringes hard at this kind of discourse.
Hello, Anon. Well, first let me say thank you for the kind words about my blog, which I greatly appreciate. I also appreciate your feedback about the #there is no heterosexual explanation for this tag, as I've had a lot of followers of my blog who are queer message me privately saying that they feel my blog is a safe space for them. Obviously, each person's experience is different, and I would never tell someone not to be offended, nor would I want to inadvertently be doing something that makes my blog seem unsafe in such a way.
With the Internet being what it is--and that lack of vocal tone/context making things far more confusing than they need to be--what I think might have gotten lost is why/how I use that tag, so I'd like to take a moment to explain. For me, the purpose of that tag is not so much to refer to "fruity" looks or mannerisms in general, but to refer specifically to David himself (well, mostly David, though I sometimes use it on posts for Michael as well). I use it when I see David doing or wearing things that go against what most of society would consider stereotypically "heterosexual," and it is coming from a place of sheer admiration, rather than judgment.
I absolutely love that David is unapologetically unafraid to be himself. And I love that what "himself" is is something that doesn't necessarily fit into one framework or another. That David doing or wearing these things isn't queer because they fit into a stereotyped idea of what "queer" is, but because they reflect who he is. It's that, time and again, people will want to overlook any possibility of him being anything other than 100% straight, but he's still telling us who he is in his own way, and having the grace to give people time to figure it out for themselves.
The unfortunate reality as well is that being as flamboyant as David is is not an easy or safe thing to do these days, something I feel like he knows all too well having a child who identifies as enby. But David is putting himself out there regardless, not necessarily in a "specifically labeling his identity" way, but just being authentic and loud and so confident in his skin in a way I don't think I've ever seen him be before. And I truly love that, and believe it's worth celebrating.
I hope this helps to explain where I'm coming from and clears things up. Again, I appreciate your thoughts on this discourse so much, and I'm happy to have other folks weigh in on this subject as well. Thanks for writing in! x
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Couldn't agree more, David would be the prettiest princess there ever was.
I’m very glad you think so, Anon! I think we got a taste of what David would be like as a princess with his Richard II aesthetic, and as Davina:
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Yes, I think Michael would be very proud to have David on his arm as the Princess of Wales. It is a curious thought, though: I’m only peripherally familiar with royalty and titles thereof, but they do seem to be gendered (i.e., King and Queen; Duke and Duchess; Lord and Lady; Prince and Princess), so I wonder what the title would be for a same-sex or nonbinary couple. (Sadly I don’t think there have been any as of yet, to my knowledge, but Michael is nothing if not a fearless trailblazer...)
How gorgeous David would be as a princess, though. Whether in a regal suit or a long, flowing gown, I think he certainly has what it takes to look the part. I love his painted nails in the gif above as well, which are more than befitting of a princess. But mostly I just love David’s beauty, which as I’ve mentioned before is a sublime, androgynous beauty that transcends gender. The light favors his face and figure in such a way that captures your attention even from across a room, and it draws you in, making you want to come closer for more.
Such a lovely thought indeed, and I'm glad your message gave me the opportunity to wax rhapsodic about it, Anon. Thanks for writing in! x
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
The more I see images of Desire (Sandman) the more I want to see David dressed as Desire. He's for sure, got the right type of beauty to pull it off really well. (Thats not to say that he would be better for the part than the actor who was cast, because heck they were amazing in that role)
Oh, yes, Anon. I actually just reblogged a gorgeous fanart of Desire, as like many of us, I have been quite taken with Mason and their scintillating, sultry portrayal of Desire in the show.
But I, too, have thought about what David would look like dressed as Desire:
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The feathers in particular I think would look gorgeous on David’s shoulders, and the red lips would be stunning on him as well. The rest of the costume appears to be a catsuit, which I think David could also pull off perfectly on that slender body of his.
I’m less sure about the blond hair, as we have seen David as a blond in a few of his projects (his role as Aiden Hoynes in The Politician’s Husband comes to mind), but it’s not necessarily been the most flattering color on him. Desire’s blond is a brighter blond, however, so I think that might work a bit better on David than the sort of ashen/dirty blond in TPH.
But I do agree with you about David having the right type of beauty for the role, as the androgynous beauty of Desire is the same quality David has to his beauty, and about which I’ve talked many times previously on my blog. The other reason I think he would look so exquisite as Desire is something I touched on in an Anon I just responded to about Crowley: That Crowley’s swagger and confidence with his body is tied to it being an instrument of temptation, and that he is able to mold himself into whatever someone desires. And from my understanding, that is essentially what the character of Desire embodies.
Again, like you said, this is no shade to Mason, who was absolutely phenomenal as Desire and made that role what it was. It just would be quite delicious to see David like that as well. I’m quietly hoping we get an androgynous look like this from him in season 2 of GO, so, we’ll see. Fingers crossed...
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
So, Heart to Heart. Have you read what the writer said about David? "(David is one of the) very few big name male actors who I would trust with providing the inner monologue of a young lesbian. Lump says such gross things and there's a version of that that's just offensive, you know? Whoever's voicing him, should be hilarious but not predatory, and that required an actor who didn't have the gross funk of toxic masculinity rolling off him. David Tennant was pretty much the only 'name' who came to mind who I felt confident was the right fit: smart, funny and sensitive ... And then I had to text my friends crying about how I was going to have to explain what a fursona was to David Tennant. He was such a class act, bless him. I'm Scottish and always intended for Lump to sound Glaswegian - in part as a tribute to a Glaswegian friend of mine, a cardiology nurse whose stories really helped me during development - and I think David was just pleased to be asked to be Scottish for once!" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.comedy.co.uk/tv/news/5808/heart-to-heart-pilot/amp/ I think that's not only very sweet but also extremely accurate and very well worded, it perfectly describes what I've always found so attractive about David (and Michael, I firmly believe that he's one of these - unfortunately very rare - big name actors as well, only without the Highlands inside of him), this absolute lack of toxic masculinity. And it's so nice that that's something David is really known for in the business, as well as something that he absolutely embraces.
Hey, Anon! I did indeed hear/read yesterday what the writer of Heart To Heart said about David, and I absolutely could not agree more with her sentiments.
An entire lack of toxic masculinity is also one of the things I adore about David, and sums him up perfectly. I do think that part of what made him fit the role of Lump so well is that he is such an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, and also potentially part of that community himself. This was discussed previously on my blog--most recently on this post, in response to another Anon--that David isn’t as vocal about his sexuality as Michael, but he’s gradually told us who he is, in his own way.
I think there could also something about this role that allows him to do that--to bring that nontoxic masculinity that perhaps was something David used to be teased or bullied for and make it an asset. Like the writer of H2H said, with the lines that Lump was given, it would take a really specific type of actor to make those words hilarious without being predatory. And while there are few men who could be accurately described as “pervy but harmless,” David is one of them. It’s that same quality he brought to the role of Casanova, making him less of a “classic lothario” and more like an overeager slut puppy instead.
What stood out for me as well was that line about “You have to admit it.” / “What?” / “That we suffer many ailments, darling, but heterosexualism isn't one of them.” It almost seemed like David was talking to his 21-year-old self, in a way. The part of him that knew exactly how he felt, but was afraid to be honest about it, for any number of reasons. It’s also interesting how there are parallels between this role and Crowley, mainly that what Lump the Heart and Crowley have in common is that being gay isn’t the central focus of who they are. They are both attracted to and looking to connect with a particular person, but without putting a label on it, without having that attraction/sexuality be the thing that defines them. It just is, and is part of who they are.
So I wonder if maybe that is something David feels he can relate to. I have noticed that he hasn’t historically played a large number of overtly queer roles (though curiously he has never had a problem kissing men IRL). But perhaps he just felt there wasn’t an overt queer role that was the right fit until now.
Whatever the case may be, and whether this leads to David coming out as bi--on his own terms, when he feels safe--I just hope he continues to embrace that wonderful intelligence and sweetness and overall nontoxic masculinity and have it valued in everything he does. Bless him...
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ingravinoveritas · 5 years
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I love the contrasts in these pictures. The boyish lines of David’s face melting into the trail of stubble and beard...the youthful t-shirt juxtaposed against the grown-up blazer. Tangible, external reflections of his internal duality. So lovely...
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