#i love him. funny robit
vas-119 · 1 year
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toonycatuwu · 1 year
Toony's McCallistan Lore: Chapter 1
~The Robot Problem~
(requested by @kaneda-shotaros-12th-bike )
Remember, if you want more tobeysode analysis posts, feel free to send them my way in some asks!
(SPOILER WARNING: This series contains heavy spoilers. If you wanna read it, you're gonna have to watch the actual episode first.)
The first key detail that is mentioned in the episode is that Ms. Davis, Becky and literally everyone else's teacher, has split the class into individual pairs. However, these are not just ordinary pairs. One of the pairs are... BECKY. AND. TOBEYYYYYY LESS FRIGGIN GOOOOO-
It is clear that Ms. Davis put these two together for a reason, considering the fact that she basically said, and I quote, "Hmmm, I guess we can either dedicate the playground to both of you and call it the Tobey and Becky Playground, which would be kind of cool because your names would be next to each other forever..." (Quote source: Tobey's Playground Calamity). This demonstates that Ms. Davis clearly had the ToBecky pairing in mind. I know fully well that if this series continued, ToBecky would be extremely close to being canon, because like Ms. Davis, there are going to be people who are aware of the pairing (for example, Dr. Two-Brains, most likely Victoria Best, and the Coach, who I will mention later). If I continued the series, I would use that entire clip as foreshadowing to another seriously adorable ToBecky bonding moment.
The second detail is that Tobey McCallisnerdemoji really demonstrates his arrogant but hella savage personality when it comes to collaboration with Becky Botsford. He literally says that the assignment is "much too basic" for him (which isn't a surprise, because he literally creates giant robots. Tobots, if I may.) He also demonstrates his high level of intelligence by cackling while doodling his plans to potentially use the potato-electricity-fuel experiment to power his own robot, clearly using his intelligence and understanding of the assignment to his advantage. The most significant conclusion I came to about this scene was that because of his high intelligence and his clear demonstration of class assignments to the point where he uses them to his advantage for creating new ways for his robots to destroy the city, he is literally not wrong about the assignment being "much too basic". The purpose of him doing this wasn't for him to delay any work time or just to be a jerk to everyone else, the purpose of him doing this was for his own role as a villain. He knew fully well what he was doing and what the entire assignment was about, and even went out of his way to tell Becky that yes, his plans are always about robots, and he would never slack off on his intelligence. Speaking of keeping maintaining his role as a villain, let's not forget the fact that the entire reason he's a villain in the first place is because he has a crush on his own enemy and he wants to impress her by showing how highly intelligent and powerful he is. Tobey wants to be appreciated by the only person he truly loves, and judging by the fact that he almost exposed Becky's identity twice in this entire series, he's clearly trying to show her that he's simply as intelligent as her and all he wants is for her to just tell him the truth. Not only that, but he also suggested that they BOTH worked together on building that potato-fueled robot. How do I know this, you ask? Well, that's because he stated, "Think of it. With my genius and your... your- sitting next to a genius, we could create a robit that uses potatoes for fuel!" Notice how he says "we" and not "I". He explicitly stated that he wants to work with Becky, adding more fuel to the ToBecky ship flame. It's almost like he's saying he wants to dominate humanity alongside his very own crush while they both watch the world get smashed into bits with mechanical giants.
(Also, random but funny detail, Tobey later got put in timeout by Ms. Davis because he shouted that he was going to dominate humanity out loud. He got sent to timeout. In the corner. In the chair. 💀)
The third detail is that the Coach (y'know, the goofy short homie that teaches Villain School) was selling books about how to awaken the inner genius inside you or some wacky shazz like that. Tobey goes up to him and goes "yeah i wanna destroy my school with potato-fueled robots" and the mf goes "Chapter 47" like there are chapters in his book for all these oddly specific plans or something. What a goofy ahh 💀
Anyways, the Coach then tries to trick Tobey into letting him snatch his plans. Tobey refuses to give his plans to him until Coach goes "Oh, isn't that WordGirl?" and then points in a random direction to distract Tobey to snatch the plans away from him successfully. Remember when I said earlier that some characters were fully aware of the ToBecky pairing and Coach was one of them? This was what I meant.
Let that sink in.
A grown man snatched a 10 year old's plans all by distracting him using one of his very few weaknesses besides his mother: his secret crush on WordGirl.
Now, to be fair, this is quite silly, because Dr. Two-Brains and Victoria Best have done the exact dame thing, but for different purposes. However, those purposes were usually fairly petty, like bickering and hogging valentines from the entire school because "oh naur, I gotta be the best."
Oh, and here's a minor detail (I'm calling it minor because this is a tobeysode. We gotta give the people who aren't Tobey some credit here): After Coach does a goofy evil laugh, he says: "Now that I have these plans, I will get even with the city for closing down my supervillain school, and I will become the world's greatest supervillain!" This man really went out of his way to have beef with a random evil 10 year old he found on the side of the street because his school was shut down by the city. Take that frustration out on the mayor, not the world's most formidable, intelligent, and handsome boy genius in the whole wide world who had nothing to do with your school at all despite being in the same association as you. Yet again, another 💀skull emoji💀.
Anyways, when Becky and Bob leave school to take a walk in the park, they talk about how potatoes can be used as an electricity source. Exposition Guy (underrated character, we need to talk about him more in the fandom because over 50% of the time he carries the entire show and is probably one of the main reasons why WordGirl is still able to keep fighting crime) tells them that there's a giant robot attacking the city. The giant robot in question latches onto potatoes with wires that its hands connect to for electricity, and it threatens to destroy the city if the supervillain school isn't reopened. WordGirl tells Huggy that they have to find whatever is being used as fuel for the robot and cut of its power source.
Now, here's the interesting part: WordGirl's mindset goes, Giant robot? Tobey. They fly over, and, surprise! The Coach is the one who's been controlling the robot this time! Usually, the villains have a wide variety of weapons and getaway mechanisms (rays, types of meat, jetpacks, condiment rays, etc.), but Tobey, one of the main villains of the show, repeatedly uses robots, because according to what the boy genius himself said in one other episode, "But all I have is robots!" (Quote source: Book Ends). However, the difference between all those kinds of robots throughout the years is that they have different powers used for different purposes. Robo-Tobey was used for cheating in a field day competition, WordBot was used for giving Tobey the attention and love he's been begging for this entire time, and Chronos was used for making summer last forever. Notice how all of these motives seem so childlike and innocent. However, the difference WordGirl should have spotted in the Potato-fueled robot was that its motive, stated so loudly that she should've heard using superhearing, was NOT used for a childlike purpose. Its purpose was to force the city to reopen the supervillain school. This is one of the main ways how you tell someone else's robot apart from Tobey's robot: the motive.
When WordGirl tries to approach the Coach (that rhymed lolz), the robot immediately grabs her and Huggy and flings them all the way to... Paris? That's one strong robot. WordGirl comes up with an idea, and she realizes that the only way to defeat this robot is to collaborate with the one and only adorable boy genius, Tobey McCallister. YESSSS A TOBECKY COLLAB FINALLYYYYYY OMG YESSSSS I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS,THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART OMGOMGOMG YOOOHOHOHOHOOHHH
The fourth major detail in this episode is that when WordGirl flies into his room for some assistance, she sees him PETTING A WORDGIRL DOLL while having TEA WITH IT??? 😭
i cannot take this seriously i apologize 💀💀💀SKULL EMOJIIIIIIIII💀💀💀
Now, here is is. The most important detail of all: The playful and innocent coversations Tobey and WordGirl have together... as teammates. The dialogue goes back in forth like this (color coded AND verbatim):
"What an... ✨unexpeted and delightful surprise, WordGirl~✨ Join me for a cup of tea~?"
"I don't have time for tea, Tobey. 😒"
"It's 🎵lapsang souchong🎵"
"Look, somehow the Coach has gotten your plans for a potato-fueled robot and is ATTACKING THE CITY! >:("
"I know, it's terrible, awful! Completely unacceptable."
"Wow...! I didn't realize how much you cared about protecting the city! 😳"
"Don't be abSURD 😫 The Coach stole those plans from ME 🗣 Now I'm trying to develop a new plan to get my revenge... NO ONE treats 🌸Theodore McCallister the third🌸 in this way!!!"
"Well, then you'll help me defeat him...?"
"It will be my pleasure. 🐿heeHEEhEehEeHEehEehEE🐿" (profile pic origin story, guys ✨)
Notice how Tobey was being chill with WordGirl whenever he's not doing anything evil and was willing to help her with her plan regardless of whether or not they're stopping a fellow villain was using HIS very own plans to destroy the city. You see, when he's alone and not destroying the city with robots, his true colors really do show. Even though he's a cold, heartless, bratty child destroying the city using mega mechanical monstrosities from the maker's malevolent mindset, deep down inside he's a lovesick, lively, and lonely little lost boy who only wants to spend time with his favorite enemy, WordGirl. Teaming up with WordGirl was all that mattered to him, and all he wanted was her love and appreciation for him. Although he knew they were on opposite sides of morality and this was forbidden love for him and his secret crush, he wanted to appear the best for her, trying desperately to seem as powerful, intelligent, and handsome as he could get, only to come off as defeated, arrogant, and unappealing in reality.
The dialogue after this is extremely touching to my heart, and it's so sentimental that I could cry. In fact, I'm crying right now as I'm typing this, because the wholesomeness will always be so perfectly melting my heart.
"Good work, Tobey. I'm really impressed by your dedication!"
"And my superior intelligence? :)"
"Well, yes, that too, I guess. Y'know, we make a pretty good team! :D"
"Yes... 💖"
I genuinely had to take a break for 10 minutes after watching this scene to cry. I'm not joking. The way the lines are delivered here just makes me so emotional. WordGirl sounds so incredibly proud of Tobey for helping her save the city from doom, and Tobey sounds like he finally got the positive reinforcement he wanted from her. The way he says "Yes... 💖", in my interpretation, it's almost like he's saying "Please, darling... please spend more time with me... I want to stay with you forever..." and the way it seems like he's out of breath while continuing to smile through episodes of miserable pain he's went through when all of his attempts to impress his crush failed and this time it worked really speaks volumes on how he's just so desperate to simply bond with her. And his eyes... ooh, the eyes... he seems so obsessed with her in such a romantic fashion that it almost feels like he's daydreaming about her loving him for who he is despite him being a villain. This episode... feels like a true redemption story for Tobey. We need more ToBecky teamups like this. We need more wholesome interactions between WordGirl/Becky and Tobey. If this show still went on... I would make this real.
I love Tobey.
I love ToBecky.
I love... this episode.
And then he completely kills the vibe by saying "If only my lab partner, Becky Botsford was more like you." 😜😜😜😜😜😜😜😜
Oh yeah, by the way, while all this conversation was going down, the robot decides to ignore all of the Coach's plans and destroys the city all by itself based on the alphabet for whatever reason.
When the ToBecky duo is done building their creation, they head over to the Coach's robot and immediately brings out their giant ✨worg robit✨. I FREAKING LOVE THIS COLLABORATION Y'ALL HAVE NO IDEA HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHOOHOO-
The giant worg robit, as Tobey describes it, is "a giant robot that is fueled by other robots that are fueled by potatoes. In other words, a super-giant-potato-fueled-robot-fueled-robot!" He then proceeds to deliver one of the most satisfying evil cackles I've ever heard in my entire life. I freaking love this guy.
The worg robot destroys the potato robot almost immediately, and after that, the Coach regrets his actions and "promises" to go good from now on. Then, Tobey goes on to say that the Coach's "promises" don't impress him. WHAT A SAVAGEEEEE ✨✨✨
It's kinda weird hearing a villain say that to another villain, though. Can't blame my boy Tobes, though, he had every reason to be angry at him.
Then, the teensy-weensy boy genius decides to make the worg robot pick up the Coach and the car he was about to drive away in and almost flick him into the air (gah dayum this boy woke up and chose friendly fire today-) until Huggy stops him by straight up smacking the remote out of his hands. WordGirl makes the robot put the Coach down.
Then Tobey says "I thouroughly enjoyed partnering with someone who is almost but not quite as smart as I am." Aww, Tobey, come on. You gotta give your girl at least some of the credit!
The final scene involves Ms. Davis partnering Becky and Tobey AGAIN (💀💀💀💀💀SKUUUUHUUUUUUHUHUHULLLL EMOJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII💀💀💀💀💀) and showing the class that they can make electricity by rubbing balloons into their hair. Tobey tells Becky that she should be lucky to sit next to a hero, an acquaintance of WordGirl's, and genius like him (damn I WOULD be lucky if I were her). He also says that Becky should try to be more like WordGirl (he still doesn't know about her identity after two whole times almost putting two and two together... 😭). After that, Becky decides to tease him one lsst time before the episode comes to an end by rubbing a balloon in his hair, making him look like one of those super saiyan characters in Dragon Ball Z.
Overall, this episode was absolutely adorable and a rollercoaster of emotions. I loved it.
~The End~
Edit: Sorry for being late on this one, I had things going on in life lolz ^_^"
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pennyroks77 · 1 year
just gonna ramble about Penelope, feel free to ignore
I just think that this has been my best OC idea ever because she's just so cuteeee
how she came to be was, I wanted to flip the story on its head and have someone simp for Tobey for a change. it seemed perfect.
I also wanted a Scoops-like character who would keep up on all the villains and just generally be nosy. that would make for some funny situations.
how she got her name is actually a funny story. see, idk if it's an adhd thing or if I'm just crazy, but sometimes I forget that my own name is Penelope. the name 'Penelope' was fresh in my mind while I was designing her, so I named her that. as soon as I wrote it down it dawned on me why I had been thinking of that name, but I kept it because it sounded nice. (also I was writing in pen and I'm lazy.)
I try to write Penelope as sweet as I can, while also making her very dangerous and insane. like, she could stalk him for hours on end just so that she could know everything about him in order to understand him better and get him lots of gifts that he would like. she would do anything to get his attention. it's sort of funny and cute because she may not be mentally okay, but she just wants to be with her favorite person and spoil him and hear him say nice things about her. (I should put 2econd 2ight 2eer on her playlist, now that I think about it)
she's very creepy, but she doesn't know she's being creepy. she thinks it's normal to think about him every second of every day.
I also thought it'd be interesting to see how a non-villain might interact with villains her age, and whether she'd help them, snitch on them, or just hang out and be friends.
unrelated: I have a hc that the kid villains have a "bar" with like soda and juice and energy drinks. Silver (@your-pal-nebula 's oc) is probably the bartender. (can I just say how much I love Silver's design? like, a ten-year-old crackhead? whose dad is Dr. Two-Brains? that's hilarious. I love her.) I can just imagine a bunch of sugar-high fifth graders bouncing off the walls in a little makeshift bar.
robo Penelope was just a thought I had one afternoon and I wasn't planning on elaborating on that, but I fell in love with this knock-off WordBot. I might actually add her to the Penelope x Tobey lore, but I'm not sure yet. either way she's just an awesome little robit 💖
anyway I just love Penelope. she really would do anything for Tobey, she just loves him so much. it's adorable and it makes me happy to write <3 I like seeing Tobey get attention.
that's all my rambling for now
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ghost-orion · 11 months
- Vanessa's casting is *perfect*
- it feels so so fnaffy. like they leaned into the tragic lore shit Or the goofy killer robot shit and they honestly had no choice because both of those is so integral to any fnaf storytelling. like both of those facts are unavoidable. if you try to tell a tragic story, the fact that they're silly animal robots would ruin it. if you try to tell a silly horror like wally's wonderland with fnaf you would have to gloss over the tragic mass child murder and it would've been so distasteful. the themes are fucked by being so intertwined but like - that is SO fnaf.
- mike is very pretty. and any b-list horror worth the title Needs a prettyboy like him
- i fuckin love abby
- they were right, it Was too plot heavy. but again - they had no choice and you can't argue that that's not hilarious
- i enjoyed the fuck out of this movie. I Think.
- there was a kid in puppet cosplay in the cinema next to me. they looked Kind of like spamton but. you know. the swag transfers
- the cinema played sinister 80s synth music before the viewing and that's really fucking funny i'm sorry
- i Did cringe in that "oh god imagine someone seeing this not knowing anything about fnaf. this would be so embarrassing" meanwhile i'm literally surrounded by 12yos who whisper "oh em gee that's chica!!" like every 6 minutes
- thank god for practical effects. they would not have anything CLOSE to this good with cgi fuckin robits
- kudos to the costumers, they did Such a good job
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ashanimus · 1 year
Ash Liveblogs LL 2-3
Every time I think I understand I get in deeper and I realize I do Not. Oh yes Anna, oh yes Nate, I see why people like these Robits. I get it now.
I stayed up till 4 am the other day finishing MTME thinking I'd have a moment of breath, of peace, before moving on. NO! I got the ontological equivalent of the dickbutt. Go read the next collection, you idiot.
Anyway here's the liveblog of LL 2-3
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AHHHH my boys <3 also hi swerve.
Dear GOD i've said it before and I'll say it again, I would NEVER EVER want to end up on the minibot's bad side. Theyre both fucking feral but REWIND
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HE's SO bold and impulsive and intense. I would so much sooner find myself Cyclonus or even Whirl's enemy
Also, 12 of 12.
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This is what would happen if Facebok gained self awareness and a body. This is the pope if he ate -insert billionare techbro of your choice-
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I am obsessed with the coloring in this fucking series, and also I am a Fan of Anode. Her design is so appealing. Very nice colors.
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I really like her ; o ;
SKEIFJLKDAGKJ Rod's new blue look is throwing me off so bad but dear GOD this is so fucking funny. Roddles just got BURNED
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Oh Christ on a pogo stick. In a comic chock full of some of the most grotesque images I've ever seen it says something that these words and the picture they paint is so far proving to be amongst the most OMINOUS
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TRAPPED LIGHT? Lost light? Threadbare space? Like? About to tear??? AAAAAAAAA
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Aghhhh. All silliness aside. This is heartbreaking. Tailgate despite being Cyclonus' contemporary is a little naive and lacks a certain physical experience of war and destruction and Cyclonus quietly and calmly walking him over the threshold of the aftermath is breaking my little bat heart T m T
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He looks so sad :<
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SNERK yes cry for help you annoying green bitchbaby--DAMMIT
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All hail the useless one! Where did you find my negative self talk bubble six of twelve--OH DEAR GOd FOR REAL?
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I mean yes Rung is a Useless Therapist but oh my GODDDD WHAT IS THIS
LL 3
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Whiiiiirl my beloved
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Im always so impressed by how the artists make these characters emote. The squinty lil optic...
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The list of what is wrong with these men is so long but I love them all so much
Whirl. Whirl. Buddy. I distinctly remember something about your Nemesis being a guy named something else entirely and definitely not Killmaster--
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Genuinely fascinated by this entire conversation, and also in awe of how JRO effortlessly seems to come up with the most badass fantasy technical terms ever. Widowed metal. Holy shit.
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I also love how the Lost Light is big enough that we can have this drama happening upstairs and then THIS happening directly beneath their feet as;dfjlkdsjg
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Oh look, the cavalry! Cyclonus here to help!
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superbellsubways · 2 years
When I first played Splatoon 2 OE in 2018 I hated Commander Tartar but I just watched all the cutscenes again and now I love him. He’s so fucked up and awful I love him. I am not immune to funny robit
LOL welcome to the club 🤝 we are not immune to silly evil phone robot
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nottthebae · 3 years
Here is my tin foil hat theory for Fresh Cut Grass. He is made up from parts or a bigger, older automaton.
We know Sam loves a twist, and a knife to the heart. And as sweet and funny as F.C.G. is, we know Sam builds his characters deeper and with flaws. This how I suspect he will do it.
Why do I think this?
My clues are from the artwork. The frayed wires, the mismatch sized eyes and different coloured bits of metal. The way the blades of grass symbol on his chest sits. Makes me think it is part of a bigger design...wings maybe?
How did he become his way?
Maybe his owner found and reused parts, maybe Dancer was the original creator, but the first automaton failed and was decommissioned to become F.C.G and his sibling automatons. Maybe he walked into the silver mines that killed his other companions as a full automaton, but was stuck down there so long and was so injured he had to build himself back up and created the idea of a family of robits as a way to comfort himself. That's why his backpack is full of spare parts...because they originally were part of him. Not oatmeal and apple pie and ....ahem.
If this is true, will we get a reveal of missing memories, or a need to find missing parts or build himself up to his original state? Does he have a previous life and goals he has long forgotten? Does he have a home to return to?
How will Sam break our hearts this time?
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sparring-spirals · 3 years
feb, june and oct for the cr end of year ask meme?
February - What is your favorite post-finale headcanon for campaign 2? If you haven’t watched C2, what is your favorite pre-stream headcanon for campaign 3? (Yes, you may answer both)
I recently rewatched that Jester Sending video again and got hit with the feels at the last sending, so I'm gonna opt for: Jester regularly Sending to everyone in the M9, that closeness and love, and the M9 ladies all having slumber parties whenever Jester is on land. Gossiping, jewelry making, clay eating, probably explosions courtesy of Veth. <3
edit: for anyone who wants a rambly, self indulgent, badly edited fic about this by yours truly, here ya go!
For C3, I've seen fics about the EXU party accompanying Orym back to his hometown when Keyleth summoned him, and being absolute menaces who also love their halfling, and I want so badly for that to be true.
June - Which new player character concept surprised you the most this year? (in any campaign)
Imogen and Ashton character design both genius and fascinating. But in terms of surprise- probably Laudna? Both in the 1- I wasnt expecting such an explicit callback to previous campaigns, 2- "consequences of previous campaigns" is genius but even then my first thought would have probably been something wrt Rumblecusp. Also. Shes dead!! thats wild!!!!
Also both the he/theys have some wild shit going on. Gravity rock?? Robit???? its an exciting time.
October - Which CR-related joke or funny moment will stick with you from this year?
Oh choosing just one is hard. Dammit. To make this easier for me: I’m gonna eliminate some of the more recent ones because I gotta see if they stand the test of time (so, Nancy, Bertrand GPS, “NO ONE HAS STABBED ME UP UNTIL THIS MOMENT” and “don’t get on my ass about it”). Long running jokes: “makinmyway” has thoroughly invaded my brain. I’m also eliminating Sam’s ads on account of, is that funny or is that HORROR (I think about the Eldermancy ad more than i should). 
I think, this is within the last year: Marisha’s delivery of “Sorry babe, I gotta handle these ninjas” makes me grin every time I think about it, even now. May we all have a date someday where we get to use that line. 
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Millie, Dylan, Brooke and Sarah + childish interests of mine I'm a little embarrassed about
Millie: WordGirl because you kin Millie and like WG but also I feel like WordGirl matches Millie's vibe surprisingly well, at least the best that any of these do. It's... WordGirl is something else. It's far weirder than I remember it being as a kid but maybe Millie sometimes tries to annoy Funtime Freddy by calling him a "robit" the way Tobey does. I'm gonna be real I think Millie probably hates and loves Tobey at the same time and just really relates to Becky having to deal with his shit all the time because it's basically just like her and her erratic robot bear dad
Dylan: Sonic the Hedgehog because I kin Dylan and StH is my big current special interest as I'm sure you've had the displeasure of noticing. He kins Shadow the Hedgehog and tells the others surprisingly disturbing lore bits from the Sonic universe and they're all like ok jesus fuck I thought this series was about friendship what the fuck is this about government conspiracies child murder the theory of an alternate future timeline where Sonic is forcefully genetically reformed into a robot and forced to serve at his worst enemy's side like a slave as he slowly loses his sanity and sense of identity and that one episode in the 1992 cartoon where Robotnik unnecessarily traumatizes a 4 year old what the fuck
Brooke: My Little Pony because given her (minimal) description in CTW I see Brooke as being very fem and a pretty nice/kind person and it just kinda matches her vibe rlly well. I don't imagine Brooke with a big childish side but I feel like whatever childish side she may have she's definitely more in tune with so maybe she occasionally watches MLP or owns a few figurines. There are a very few specific ponies I feel like she'd really like because they fit her vibe so well.
Sarah: Chuck E. Cheese because I see Sarah as the most childish of the 4 for some reason, and also Eleanor is the ugliest fucking animatronic I've ever seen and Sarah thought she was "pretty" so she probably has a bit of an affinity for robots and animatronics and such and I just really think she'd like CEC. She'd never admit it but she thinks some of the bits they record for the characters are actually really sweet and funny and her favorite of the CEC animatronics is probably Helen Henny I'm not projecting /s /lh
Ok, these have no right being as accurate as they are-
HGKFJDJGFJHSKJF Me and Millie both are on two different spectrums of hating and loving Tobey like:
Me: *gives a full character analysis of Tobey, trying to explain why he's possibly the way he is*
Millie: I wanna punt him-
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thanksjro · 5 years
The Transformers, Issues #1-21: A Recap, For Research and Reference  Purposes, Because Otherwise it’s Just Going to Be Confusing
Before we begin, here’s a lightning round style recap on the 21 issues that took place prior to Roberts’ involvement:
Three years after the events of All Hail Megatron, the Autobots are in hiding, trapped on Earth with limited supplies, watching on as humanity attempts to rebuild itself. They don’t offer to help, because that would probably get them shot at- humans are still a little wary of the giant robots that friggin’ destroyed NYC, even if the Autobots are supposed to be the good guys. Sometimes the narration gets a little funny with words.
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I know it has multiple meanings, but come on, who talks like this? I’ve always assumed Optimus Prime was the one narrating here, which is… well, IDW Prime has a very self-flagellating and elegant way of speaking. For better or for worse. God help you if Furman is at the wheel.
Of course, because the story needs conflict, Skywatch happens. Skywatch is a human agency whose job is to locate and eliminate all giant space robot threats. Prowl blows cover when the humans make it obvious that the kid gloves are off, ready to kill a Decepticon named Breakdown, and all hell breaks loose, as it is wont to do whenever the Transformers are involved.
Also, everyone looked like this, and it was bad for my eyeballs:
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That night-demon is Ironhide. Don’t get too attached to him, he won’t be around for long. But then maybe also do, because he comes back, thanks to the power of comic books and being a giant robot. Do whatever you want, I’m not your mom.
Ironhide’s death leads Optimus to remove himself as leader of the Autobots, and he surrenders himself to Skywatch, because he hasn’t made a heroic sacrifice in the last twenty minutes.
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By way of yet more property damage.
Optimus doesn’t name a successor, because he no longer feel fit to choose one. It’s probably actually so there’s plot tension over who the next Prime will be.
Also, Spike Witwicky fucks. He fucks and it’s awful.
With Optimus gone, Hot Rod- Rodimus now, though it’s never established when he decided to change his name or why- gets the hell out of dodge, having had his fill of Earth, and he takes a few friends along with him. Or, at least, he tries to. Decepticons kind of ruin that plan… and then they don’t, because they want in on some of that sweet, sweet getting the hell off of Earth. After all, the war’s over- no point in fighting anymore, right? Of course, Swindle is a part of the group, so take whatever that guy says with a grain of salt. A big grain, like the ones that come out of those fancy sea salt grinders.
Back with the guys who’ve decided to stick around for Optimus’ inevitable return, Bumblebee’s been nominated as the new leader of the Autobots. So much for being the kid appeal character- boy’s got responsibilities now.
Right after democracy happens, Ultra Magnus shows up looking for the boss.
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He’s here to look into Ironhide’s death and Optimus’ defection/surrender to the humans. Dude must have booked it to get here, because that was like yesterday.
Any and all interactions between Spike Witwicky and Optimus go pretty much like this:
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More people leave Bumblebee’s leadership. Rodimus is hunted down by Ultra Magnus for treason. Swindle channels his inner bisexual and starts dishing out some sweet finger guns.
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He has excellent form.
Skywatch uses tech to lock the Autobots into their alt-modes, and starts targeting the defectors, in an attempt to get Optimus to talk to them.
Thundercracker watched TV for a year and a half, then had a midlife crisis, and now he’s following Swindle. Swindle starts asking Rodimus for more troops- er, friends to help them get off of Earth faster, trying to butter him up by calling him Rodimus Prime. I’d love to be able to tell you how that makes him feel, but you try parsing this friggin’ facial expression.
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Magnus shows up, tries to arrest everyone, then leaves. Thundercracker has an epiphany about the nature of beauty he’s found in humanity, his soliloquy contrasted with the visual of a baby with a man’s head, and it’s genuinely upsetting to see.
All the faction insignias are photoshopped on, and it’s kind of distracting.
Swindle betrays Rodimus. Quelle surprise. Menasor shows up, and starts throwing robots around. Optimus Prime is released from prison and gets in touch with his inner monster truck. Rodimus steals Magnus’ ship and peaces out.
Over in space, the Decepticon forces have resorted to cannibalism to supplement rations, and Starscream has the Matrix of Leadership on a necklace.
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The art switches over to something sort of like Hellboy, and that’s pretty cool. Too bad it only lasts for a single issue.
Skywatch and the Autobots form a tentative alliance. Megatron isn’t actually dead. Two guys in Skywatch throw themselves through a plate glass window for funsies. Spike commits a robot revenge killing. North Korea starts producing energon, and is working with the Decepticons.
Comic books are wild, y’all.
Spike doesn’t respect Bumblebee’s authority, going completely around him to talk to Prime while he’s having some alone time. The US President addresses the public in front of a hyperrealistic American flag.
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The Autobots go covert in order to violate the UN sanctions. All the Transformers have vanity plates with their names on them. The Combaticons have a picnic on the lawn and show off their polyglotism. Optimus Prime gets in touch with his inner monster truck. The Autobot Naval forces get involved.
Bumblebee uses his pretty eyes on Thundercracker to try and convince him to help out, seeing as the Autobots don’t have any real air support at present, but it doesn’t work.
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They’re very pretty. Thundercracker must have an iron will. Everyone gets weirdly handsome. The phrase “honked off” is used. Optimus Prime gets in touch with his inner monster truck.
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I’m like 80% sure that license plate isn’t legal.
China gets involved, and it gets a little weird. Nuclear action is taken.
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Cosmos will not be getting a lot more respect around here.
Thundercracker commits acts of terror to destroy the energon plants. Bumblebee addresses the rioting masses, and gets shot with a laser gun for his troubles.
Rodimus makes a pun and gets shot out of the sky. He survives by pulling a Indiana Jones fridge maneuver.
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Starscream is turning into Gollum. The Cerebroshells are used with great flourish by Rodimus, who then holds Starscream at gunpoint. He shoots the Matrix.
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Rodimus attempts to sneak off of the asteroid, only to run into a rebuilt Megatron. Megatron proceeds to shoot him so hard in the chest he’s rocketed into orbit and is missing most of his torso.
The Don Figueroa cover of issue #14 seems to suggest that shooting Optimus Prime in the crotch is a valid plan of attack.
The gun Bumblebee was shot with looks an awful lot like Megatron’s alt-mode. Optimus isn’t mad, just disappointed. Ultra Magnus rejoins the narrative. Not a single human being in the military has a haircut that would pass regulation. The anti-robot cult is introduced. A sign that says “Fuck Robits” is seen in a protest. Soundwave shows up with his awful gremlin children and busts all the captured Decepticons out.
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This guy needs to learn to double-knot his laces.
Megatron takes a little vacation in South America.
The gunman who shot Bumblebee was hearing voices from his electronics.
Megatron now comes in grape flavor and the Decepticons have a space bridge.
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Megatron has a phone in his hand, and it’s very silly looking. As in, he makes a phone shape with his hand and that just works. I can’t take him seriously. The Megatron guns are actually part of Megatron, and were used to make the gunman shoot Bumblebee. Speaking of Bumblebee, he’s got one doctor keeping him alive at present, and it ain’t Ratchet. It’s some little old man.
Thundercracker comes home to find Starscream has broken in. Starscream has the Decepticon insignia on eight different parts of his body, including the crotchal region.
They show a woman get crushed to death on the news.
Brawn is given a solo mission, finds Starscream, and kicks his ass.
Megatron shows up on Earth. Ultra Magnus transforms to confront him, but he was carrying Bumblebee in his alt-mode and I’m not sure where he went when that happened. Megatron and Magnus have a little banter, then Megatron is shot, where it’s revealed that he’s actually running around in leather chaps and hot pants.
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What a fashion icon.
Optimus and his team emerge from the depths of the ocean, having had their plane crash about three issues back. Everyone looks very put-out by the situation.
Brawn helps Thundercracker get to the doctor’s office.
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Optimus Prime and Megatron finally have their little reunion. Turns out Megatron dumped all the Autobots with Ultra Magnus inside the city limits, where a bunch of hooligans with Megatron guns live. No word as to where Bumblebee went when Magnus transformed, but he’s here now. Jazz takes Spike and his coworker to save the day.
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Megatron is having a moment.
Optimus fucking shoots Soundwave in the face, thus making himself just as bad as Megatron…? Not really how war works, but okay! Crisis averted.
Just kidding, because Jazz shoots a cop so hard he vaporizes. Good work, buddy.
Optimus goes on a solo mission to go kick Megatron’s ass, and jumps out of a plane, punching through the Decepticon’s ceiling. Megatron invites everyone to come out and watch him and Optimus beat the shit out of each other. Cosmos and Jetfire throw a satellite at Megatron from orbit.
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An excellent question.
Megatron brings Optimus over to Omega Supreme’s digs and surrenders himself, then is promptly placed in the full-body harness. It’s… it’s something. Megatron reveals that it was Spike who murdered Scrapper the Constructicon like fourteen issues ago. Optimus is all “no waaaay, he’d never do that, I’d trust Spike with my life and also my wallet.”
Optimus immediately puts Prowl on the case though.
Rodimus falls down onto a planet, the Matrix having superglued itself to his chest to keep him from bleeding out. He looked pretty dead the last time we saw him, but he’s doing loads better now. He’s captured and made to be the power source of a large ship, so those who inhabit said ship can get off of the doomed planet they’ve been trapped on for ages. Rodimus ain’t cool with that, so he blows up his restraints with his flame-out ability and runs off. He hides in a cave, only to be attacked by a massive monster. Don’t worry though, because he’s saved by the mysterious Jangle Man.
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The Jangle Man is Wheelie, who’s gone full Castaway.
Rodimus gets patched up and then watches Wheelie get high off music.
One of the lackys that brought Rodimus aboard the first ship shows up and attacks, only to be subdued and immediately spills all the beans he has. Rodimus channels his inner anime character.
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Rodimus cooks up a plan to get everyone home, and it involves trickery, lies, and the power of music to tame the savage beast. He straps his chest into the power cables and, with only an addled Wheelie to watch over him, does the thing.
Rodimus wakes up to the Matrix having been removed from his chest. Problem: Wheelie piloted them to Cybertron, which is currently a gigantic, uninhabitable mess at the moment. Rodimus tries to get them pointed in the direction of Earth, but that doesn’t work out so hot.
Someone breaks into the ship. It’s Ironhide and Sunstreaker. Rodimus declares himself dead. He’s not, but he might end up that way if he lets the scout that just saw them loitering around outside the ship get back to his boss.
Galvatron comes into the picture, and Rodimus books it. They use their rations- because energon is blood, food, fuel, get well soon card, birthday present, and everything else for the Cybertronians- to power the ship and head back to Earth.
Speaking of Earth, Bumblebee’s not dead. He’s got a cane now. Rodimus shows up, gets some weird Bible-like captioning, and Bumblebee about has a conniption over the Matrix. Rodimus is all ‘whatever, little yellow dude’, and so is everyone else, as Rodders goes up to Optimus, hands him the Matrix, and then is officially named Rodimus by the space pope.
Optimus decides he needs to go to Cybertron to kick Galvatron’s ass, and invites anyone who wants to come with.
Bumblebee’s mad that no one’s listening to him anymore, not that they were really doing that anyway.
Optimus and his team fuck off into space, beginning their journey back to Cybertron.
Prowl gets a few minutes alone with Megatron prior to that, though. He’s well on his way to cracking the case of Scrapper’s murder.
Thundercracker fucks off into the sky, surely heading back to his bachelor pad to catch up on his stories.
And THAT, dear children, is the entirety of The Transformers, up to issue #22. We’re all caught up and ready for what’s to come. 
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hhemeraa-a · 5 years
★ Troy and Z.0!
Send ★ for a bunch of random headcanons between our muses!
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The more comfortable Troy gets around Z.0, the more he’ll talk to him about random and personal things. It might take a while, but as Z.0 starts to grown, Troy will see him as a friend and sort of confidant. 
Teaching and keeping Z.0 around is like wrangling a cat sometimes. Troy has a method to his madness and I could see Z.0 reading through a section of the internet about grief counseling or just maintaining a healthy home, and taking the time to clean up. Troy coming home and screeching because Z.0 doesn’t know the difference between what has sentimental value and what doesn’t. 
Troy teaching Z.0 affectionate and positive human mannerisms, but questioning why Troy always looks so sad in his eyes when he does them. It takes Troy a long time to admit what happened with Nicholas because he doesn’t know if Z.0, as an android, would understand the emotional impact beyond what he has read. 
Troy struggling with the emotional connection with Z.0, it being something be wants but thinks is unhealthy because robits. Will go through periods of silence and avoidance before rebounding back again because Troy is too nice and Z.0 is too… human acting for him to simply ignore it. 
Z.0 becoming overly protective of Fixer Troy and causing an incident while they’re out at some point. Maybe Troy’s more darker clients don’t like a particular product or software he’s created, or think he’s going to spill the beans and Z.0 pulls some spock neck snaps and the pair have to go into hiding for a while while Troy attempts to fix things in his own way. 
Troy gets hella drunk sometimes and Z.0 and him have really weird conversations about life, humanity, and love. Troy some times has to back track and correct Z.0 because he takes things way too literally. Troy voice: when you’re in a cat, you just PUNCH IT.  Z.0 getting in a car and just punching the dash like: did I do good and Troy just screaming (I know Z.0 isn’t this dumb/literal, I’m talking about when it comes to more minute human culture things.)
Troy will 10000% teach Z.0 a cool handshake that is only their secret handshake. Will also teach him how to play jokes/pranks, but will immediately regret it when Z.0 scares the shit out of him by pretending to go into kill mode and at the last minute being like ‘lol I made a funny Fixer Troy’ and Troy is clutching his chest on the floor like I saw my life flash before my eyes. 
Z.0 being jealous/protective when people try to flirt or get too close to Troy. This could go so many ways. Troy not knowing how to deal with it because he’s still trying to figure out the blurred line of human souls vs AI. 
Troy trying to bring someone home and Z.0 just glowing from the darkness like ‘I don’t think so Fixer Troy.’ sndgskjg 
Z.0 learns a hard lesson about what is okay to say and what isn’t when it comes to privacy when he loudly blurts out and/or continues to bring up Troy’s scars or his medical/criminal history, and Troy snaps at him. Troy would never fight or be aggressive towards Z.0 for emotional reasons, but he would leave for a while… which would likely prompt Z.0 to hunt him down. Good emotional growth/bonding to be had here. 
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cartoonlonk-a · 6 years
                     Send in the thingy || ACCEPTING
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Their first impression of your muse: Hmmm…He saved me from a funny lookin’ doggy. He kinda…came outta nowhere ( hehe ) like— like an ANGEL! 
Current impression: N-not an angel…I’m so sad ‘bout that. Don’ tell him that I still call him one though. Compass ‘s a robit! I-I don’ really see where or how he ‘s one. I’m still convinced he ‘s an angel……Anyway— He’s a supah sad ‘n’ sleepy pers— robit. I feel so bad that sleepin’ makes him cry. I wish I could help him…
Are they attracted to your muse?: He’s very cute, I thinks! Yes! His wings are SPARKLY ‘N’ PRETTY JUS’ LIKE HOW AN ANGE— 
Something they find frightening about your muse: T-The stance™ ‘n’ he might snap at me one day hahahaaaaa
Something they find adorable about your muse: Freckles! I love freckles! ‘s like…like stars on his face! Stars ya can touch !
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Silly question— Nothin’ I wouldn’ do for him
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  The only thin’ Compass dates ‘s his work :C …I’ll jus’ say when we hang out counts as one.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Mysterious 
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: I’d be dead :)
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Already have…ta both of those !!
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heylinfanclub · 5 years
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You know what I gotta do sometime? REPRESENT ONE OF MY FAVORITE WEBCOMICS. Questionable Content has inspired me so much as an artist and as a symbol of just like growth, I’m very proud of Jeph and how far both his art and story-telling has come! And he keeps all his old comics in too, so it’s amazing to watch the change. From page 1, to page 4060, going from a kind of basic story of some lame hipster dude trying to get a date, to like, a fun!! funny!! interesting futuristic slice of life, with great representation, lovable characters, eVEN MARTEN, who was pretty basic at first but now he’s like, learning, and isn’t always the main focus of the story but I love him, and his girlfriend (i wouldnt be lyin to say that claire is why i read the comic, she was mentioned in a list of comics with trans rep and I just, binged the whole comic to get to her, but she doesn’t come in til preeetty late, but i lov her much), and all his friends, and the robits-- Even the hivemind Yay Newfriend, who I cannot tell if they use they/them because they are multipe or because they are nonbinary, I love em. They’re charming, their character seems like they should be taken seriously but the tone of the story still manages to make them fun,,,, and man the art,,,,, from like, waist-shot, square-eyed, hands never in the shot-- I mean all those things are fine, but it’s just come so far... expressive faces, playin with perspective, settings....... 
It’s a big interest of mine, and it updates EVERY DAY. And I think people should give it a shot, and I think, I should draw some fanart of it sometime. I lov it. smuch.
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thebibliomancer · 7 years
100 Days of Comics! 033/100: The Avengers #24.1 (2012)
Today’s rummage in the box of 100 random comics brings me something more in my usual wheelhouse! Avengers! Robo-angst! What the heckle does .1 mean though?
From what I could find, it was either intended to create a jumping on point for new readers or represents Uatu’s fugue state that occurs every three years for 42 minutes.
Comics are weird.
So anyway. A long time ago around or about Avengers #500 the title was hemorrhaging readers due to the lackluster to completely shitty follow-ups to the Kurt Busiek run. I’ll single out Chuck Austen and then shake a fist at the sky. Brian Michael Bendis was brought onto the book and told to shake things up.
He did this by killing off a bunch of characters (including Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and the Vision), almost completely rendering the Scarlet Witch a radioactive character, having the team disbanded and the book cancelled. Good job, Bendis, you saved the Avengers forever!
Well. Okay. The book is restarted in New Avengers which did see a major uptick in readers, possibly due to fan favorites like Wolverine, Daredevil and Spider-Man on the team or possibly due to Bendis’ writing style still being fresh at the time.
Eightish years later publishing time (and who knows how long in-universe?) Vision finally finishes repairing himself. Its one of the perks of being a synthezoid. It takes some doing to kill you dead forever.
Vision just wants to know why this happened. Why She-Hulk tore him in half.
Oh god they left Tony to be the one to tell him the bad news. This is a terrible idea. But he’s the only one around so he tells Vision that She-Hulk was being manipulated by Vision’s wife Wanda, the Scarlet Witch.
And then he has to fill Vision in on whats gone on. That Wanda went crazy, forced the Avengers to disband, that she decimated the mutant population. And that, well, they don’t even know where she is anymore. And they don’t know what to do about her even if they find her.
Kill her? Arrest her? Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she magically wiped away a population?
We cut to Vision confronting She-Hulk as she’s lifting buses for a PSA on eating healthy and exercising. She jumps over to talk to him. And she’s clearly still upset about what she was made to do to him. She tells him that if he’s here to fight, she won’t fight back.
But he tells her that he holds no grudge against her. And that he has to find his way in this new world now.
And she gives him a hug. She asks him not to blame Wanda on account of having a fucked up childhood. Y’know, Magneto was her dad maybe depending on the day.
So Vision goes to Utopia, the island nation that Cyclops established for mutants because an island nation for mutants NEVER goes awry. He confronts Magneto and demands to know where Wanda is.
Magneto tells him off so Vision sticks his arm into Magneto’s chest and grabs his heart and demands to know again. But Magneto doesn’t know. Why would he know? Wanda hates him, probably most of all. Also, she’s a grown ass woman and she makes her own choices and she’s responsible for own choices (-shrug-). Also also, if he does rip out Magneto’s heart, the humans will never again trust him. And Vision does so love being human.
So he lets Magneto go and Magneto instantly magnets Vision and tells him he could destroy him. Worse, he could puppet him around and make him do horrible things that would forever destroy his name. But he won’t. Because maybe Vision is the only thing that could bring Wanda happiness wherever she is (getting engaged to marry Dr. Doom, if I remember correctly). But yo, you get out of line with me again robit and I’ll magnet you so hard.
Then he throws Vision off the island.
Later, the Avengers Mansion. There’s a crowd outside protesting because of course there is. Funny thing is that one of the protest signs says “What have you done for me lately?” and if that doesn’t perfectly sum up the Marvel public’s feelings towards their superheroes nothing does.
Anyway, Hawkeye and Spider-Woman are making out. I guess Hawkeye is alive in his terrible not-purple uniform. And Captain America is looking constipated as he waits for the Vision. But he’s happy that Hawkeye and Spider-Woman are dating.
Then Vision shows up and Cap yells at him for going to Utopia and picking a fight with Magneto. Vision says that he’ll leave the team if Cap says its in the Avengers’ best interests but Cap stops him there.
See. Cap knows what Vision is going through. No, really.
“You don’t think that I know what it feels like to wake up in a world you don’t understand anymore? Listen to me, my old friend... This is the best, truest advice I can give you... There’s nothing back there for you now. For people like us -- everything is that way -- forward. You need to look forward.”
And Vision falls to his knees in front of a statue of the founding Avengers plus Cap. Probably feeling a lot of feelings.
Although considering that Avengers vs X-Men was looming right on the horizon, there wasn’t much to look forward to.
I still don’t completely get why this had to be a .1 issue but I did like it. Vision is one of my favorites because of his robo-angst and there is a lot of robo-feels in this issue. From quietly asking why this happened to him to feverishly trying to find Wanda. Although when she does pop back up after Children’s Crusade, their reunion does not go well and you will believe that even an android can cry, again.
I feel that an issue like this was necessary upon bringing the Vision back. Given the circumstances of his death, he needed this focus. He was such a mainstay of the Avengers. Its a shame that since Disassembled, he’s kind of lost that status.
And then he tries to have a family of his own and that descends into a nightmare of murder and hate. Vision just can’t catch a frickin’ break.
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