#i love him i love him
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p4nishers · 1 year ago
god. GOD. the underlying anger in everything terry writes really IS apparent in hogfather bc fuck u mean this is how things should be? no the fuck it shouldn't. poor people shouldn't have to be satisfied with what they get, that's just fucking capitalism. i REALLY like that terry decided to use death as projection for what he thinks bc death doesn't know anything and it has to be explained to him and by it being explained to him it shows how fucking stupid those things are. bc ok here's this world where an equivalent of santa ACTUALLY exists and, because it mirrors our world, it's still unjust. santa actually fucking exists in this world and he could give ANYONE ANYTHING bc he's essentially a god and people gave him that power by making him up, BUT because ppl imagined him in a way that poor people don't get shit (like they usually do) and rich people get EVERYTHING they want, he exists like that. whereas death has seen the absolutely WORST of humanity and he STILL thinks that's bullshit and it's not how it should be, it's just how it goes. bc capitalism is always capitalism where there's money and the world will always be fucked up as long as there are oppressor to hold it up. like i just.
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fatalhoon · 11 months ago
jisung headcanons — random relationship things
warnings | not much, very fluffy! one mention of reader being smaller than him, one swear word, one tiny nsfw mention, g!n overall but reader is described as having hair long enough to tie up/braid and does their makeup
a.n | i need him :((
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this cute lil mf i adore him
first of all he’s such a silly little goober
he’s shy so it takes him a while to get used to being completely authentic around you
but eventually he’ll relax when he knows for certain that you love him exactly how he is and he can be himself
he strikes me as the type to do the dumbest little things just so he can hear you laugh
a few examples:
sometimes when you’re kissing, out of nowhere he’ll blow air into your mouth to puff up your cheeks
he never does it during more serious and truly intimate moments (he can read the room)
but when he does it catches you off guard every time and it always sends you into a giggle fit because its just so stupid
you’ll go in to kiss him again but now you think he’s just gonna do it again even if he promises he won’t so you can’t continue without laughing
“i’m not even doing anything!” he pouts
but seeing you so giggly about something he did just makes him so happy (and proud)
if you’re sitting somewhere he’ll come over and just
sit on you
straight up knock the wind out of you and shuffle around, groaning like he can’t get comfortable
and act like he’s completely oblivious to the fact he’s literally using you as a cushion
he’ll pull out his phone and text you like “hey where are you :(“
and he pretends he can’t hear you if you try and talk to him
its already really hard for him to keep a straight face when he does this so all you have to do is tickle him
then he has to acknowledge you
“omg hi i didn’t even see you there!! :))”
in the same vein, he’ll come up to you while you’re standing and just flop his full weight onto you in a hug
if you clock it before it happens you’ll have to adjust your stance or grab onto something so you don’t fall over
but if you don’t then uh. good luck soldier
(just kidding he’ll catch you)
you do the same thing to him but he’s bigger and it doesn’t have the same effect on him
he loves it anyway though, he’ll drop anything he’s doing to wrap an arm around your waist
another thing he likes to do is use your hands to do things for him
like he’ll grab your hands and move them around, so really its still him doing it he’s just using your hands instead
mostly when he’s on his phone or if he’s playing a game
he holds your hand which holds his phone, and grabs your finger to scroll through his feed
or he’ll have you in front of him and gives you the game controller, reaching around you to puppet your hands
if you’re wearing a hoodie he shoves his arms through the sleeves with yours to make it easier
you’re more than likely wearing his hoodie anyway so he says its only fair that you share it
i’m a physical touch jisung truther if you couldn’t tell
he must always be touching you in some capacity
scientists have not proven why yet but the working theory is that jisung is a certified cutie
he just loves being close to you!! so physical affection is the best way to remind himself that you’re here with him :’)
canonically, jisung is a wanderer
he’ll trail around with no real destination in mind
he just has lots of thoughts in his head and likes to walk while he sorts them out
sometimes he’ll hold your hand and make you walk around with him if he’s feeling clingy (which is often)
other times he’ll just let you be
but he always kisses your cheek or your head when he passes by
absolutely the type to cling to you while you’re in the middle of a task and shuffle around the house with you
its just a little hard for him to sit still sometimes
even if he is sitting still, his hands are not
and i reiterate, he likes to be touching you in some way, so more often than not he’ll be playing with your fingers or your hair
jisung is also a canon rambler
mostly to himself
if you’re there he doesn’t expect a reply because really he’s just talking to himself
but if you have an opinion on the topic he’ll always listen
if he’s talking about something and you happen to fall asleep he keeps the conversation going by himself
once you told him that his talking made its way into your dream and you had a full blown rant about aliens with him while you were asleep
it was the cutest thing he’s ever heard
sometimes he’ll be so excited to say something that he’ll cut you off
he doesn’t mean to, it just comes out a little sooner than he means for it to, and he always apologizes
he gets better about that as time goes on
he has a habit of imitating things you say
not in the sense that he’s mocking you, he just likes the way it sounds when you say it so he tries to parrot it
he’ll do that with certain facial expressions you make too
jisung is a curious boy, and he loves to learn everything he can about the people he loves
he watches your favorite movies and shows with you, he takes the time to participate in your hobbies, he lets you take him to all of your favorite places
so he can get a glimpse into the aspects of your life that make you happy
his favorite thing though is watching you play your favorite video games
if you’re gaming he insists that you sit on his lap or between his legs so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his chin on your shoulder
he’s a little bit of a backseat gamer but you don’t really mind
its a bit annoying when he nags you about continuously losing a fight or dying on the same level (you know he means well)
but you love the input he gives on more slice of life type games, like decorating your animal crossing island or farming your crops in stardew valley
he did however just about have a heart attack when you showed him how many ways you knew how to kill a sim
co op games are one of his favorite ways to spend time with you as well
especially if one or both of you are absolutely shit at it (which if we’re being honest is like 95% of the time)
overcooked, however, is dangerous territory
too many soups burned
anyway, his curiosity doesn’t stop at just your hobbies and interests
even mundane things like daily habits and routines are things that jisung wants to know all about
along the way he’s picked up on such small things that you barely remember ever mentioning them
all of your preferences are filed away in his head
whenever you’re doing something like your hair or makeup or skincare, he’ll sit with you and ask what every aspect of it is or does
eventually he’ll ask if you can teach him how to do them for you
it definitely required a little.. practice
but no one is perfect the first time they try something new!!
(you had to tell him that, even he didn’t let you leave the house the first time he did your makeup)
he gets better though, especially doing your hair!
to the point that he got tired of doing simple ponytails and braids and took it upon himself to research new hairstyles to teach himself
you found it very endearing :’)
jisung loves to shower together
less in a sexual way (though he isn’t opposed) and more because it feels so intimate and domestic to him
and he adores when you wash his hair for him
feeling you gently massaging in the shampoo and scratching at his scalp is probably his favorite feeling in the whole world
in conclusion
jisung would be so sweet and clingy i love him to death :((
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bezetka · 6 months ago
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Decided to hop on the latest trend with my favorite cookie!!
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felassan · 7 months ago
Davrin being fiercely loyal and teaming up with Assan to keep their companions out of danger is so 🥺🥺🥺
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wormdebut · 2 years ago
@steddiemicrofic | Word: Charm | Word Count: 548 Rated: T (As always for swears) | CW: none
“But why do I have to be the one to go meet this guy, Chris? Send Jeff or—“ Eddie cuts himself off, in favor of smacking at his managers shoulder—“Here’s an idea, send Freddy! He would love to go to an—art show? Art Event?” Eddie wasn’t entirely sure what a showing of ones projects was called, but he digressed. “Anywhozle, send Fred.”
Chrissy tuts at him. “No, it will be you. Mr. Harrington requested you specifically, Eddie. You’re going.”
“Chris, Steve Harrington is fucking terrifying.” Eddie complained, following Chrissy around his apartment like a lost puppy.
“Christ, Eddie. You haven’t even met the man, let alone seen him. It’s a fucking honor, he’s even willing to meet with you. So if Steve God Damn Harrington wants to see Eddie Munson, then that’s how it’s gonna be.” Chrissy shoves a fitted burgundy suit into Eddie’s arms. “And, you’re going to dress nice.”
Eddie folds. “Alright, okay. But why do I have to go alone?” He pouts, and Chrissy just rolls her eyes.
“Honestly, Eddie, for someone who begged me to get you in contact with—and I quote—‘the sickest guerrilla artist since Banksy’. You sure are being a pain in the ass about this.” Chrissy sighs, patting Eddie’s hand before turning toward his front door. “The car will be here in less then hour. Do what you always do, make some friends and wait till he’s ready to speak with you. I promise it will be worth it Eds.”
See Eddie was nervous. Because Steve Harrington was fucking talented. He was smart and charming and a fucking bad ass. Corroded Coffin needed his art for their newest album. It was the only thing Eddie could think about if he was being honest.
Eddie didn’t even know what the man looked like, but he had read interview after interview. Not only did Harrington read well on paper, but the art that he put out was insane.
It would be fine. Eddie could talk to Steve Harrington. He could charm his way through this, just like he did with everything else in his career.
The room Eddie found himself in was huge. It was spacious and Harrington’s pieces were splayed everywhere. It was stunning and Eddie needed this art on his damn album, he needed it tattooed on his damn eyelids—
“Tattooed on your eyelids huh?”
Eddie jumps at the voice behind him.
“Ah shit, did I say that out loud? I was distracted—“ Eddie’s voice fades out as he meets the other man’s eyes.
Damn. If all art snobs are this pretty, he’s going to have to visit more art…places…
“Are you a fan of the artist?” The man asks, with a smirk and—That’s hot.
Eddie blinks, “I’m kinda obsessed actually. I think he’s a fucking genius. I have this little band—well we aren’t really little. We are kind of a big deal I guess, but I basically need him to agree to do this piece and I just—“ Eddie paused, eyes wide. The man in front of him holding back what was clearly a laugh. Great. Eddie was so good at this people thing.
“I’m sorry, I’m rambling—What did you say your name was?” Eddie asks, blush overtaking his face.
The man laughed. “I didn’t. I’m Steve.”
Oh shit.
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springybreak · 1 year ago
me when anyone asks about my favourite character from the magicians..
(ok so eliot grows from a naughty, rebellious, alcoholic witty queen dandy boy, sophistic genius to a miserable maladjusted high king, to a noble adventurer, to a life long lover, to a deposed royal, to a damsel in distress, to a monster god, to a heart broken young man, to a healing young man, with leadership skills.)
from the magicians insta: @magicianssyfy
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devnmon · 7 months ago
actually lestat with his hair in a half up half down style is VERY! personal to me for many reasons.
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talisthighs · 1 month ago
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fritzllang · 2 years ago
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inkluvs · 1 year ago
thinking about finnick and the way his arm would get numb underneath u but he wouldn’t move away at all in fact he’d turn towards u and wrap his other arm around u. also he wouldn’t mind if u took all the blanket
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bezetka · 2 months ago
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As a collage student, I'm now aware how little time I have to make my own silly doodles 😔😔 however I'm too excited for Shadow Milk's update to pass on drawing my fav beast
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agreekdemigod · 7 months ago
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Photography session bc the bf is too pretty
Thank u for providing me such great references always @pharaohzeth ❤️🥰
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lunarfied · 2 months ago
SOMETIMES babygirl is a grown ass man with a gun and that’s ok with me
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lumiilys · 11 months ago
Cannot stop thinking about Ed smiling at himself in the mirror as he combs his hair cause of how pretty he feels
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