#i love him and his cringefail aura
lonelyshrimp-art · 10 months
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Got into persona 5 strikers, can't stop thinking about Him
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umbrellainkart · 5 months
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AU where nothing changes but law has 11 fingers
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@tar-thelien asked for more information on my version of Celebrimbor's mother, Moripilin, so here it is:
Moripilin is a Noldor craftsman who specializes in making arrows
From a young age, she proved very ambitious, and found the peace and stagnation of Valinor nearly unbearable
Naturally, she started to idolize Feanor, who seemed to be one of the few elves in Valinor who insisted on constantly pushing forward and aspiring to greater heights
When she started making arrows for Orome's hunt, she made a conscious effort to get closer to Celegorm, and the two became decent friends, which is how she first met Curufin
I say this with complete sincerity: Curufin's prickliness and general cringefail aura absolutely besotted her
It was not quite love at first sight but it was pretty close
She's normally pretty confident, but it took her a while to work up the courage to ask to court him (in very traditional Noldor style, of course)
She's also about the only person who can make Curufin blush
Their shared love language is drawing blueprints for deadly weapons while cuddling <3
She and Celegorm are the proud founders of the Curufin defense squad
Feanor thinks of her as a daughter and was very pleased with her and Curufin's marriage; even more so when Celebrimbor happened
While she's very much Celebrimbor's mother (and yes, she's the one who named him Curufinwe, not Curufin) in every way that matters, people actually aren't sure if she's his biological mom
Look half of Valinor is convinced that Celebrimbor happened via mitosis– he looks almost exactly like Feanor and Curufin and there was no evidence that Moripilin was ever carrying a child
Moripilin is very focused on the idea of progress, and on the deep importance of craft– both of these lead her to see the Silmarils as incredibly important, and fully worth kinslaying for
The Teleri were just in the way– she wishes violence hadn't been necessary, but she doesn't exactly regret it
She was, however, against the burning of the ships, and rather than helping, spent that night comforting little Celebrimbor, who was grieving and frightened because of everything that had happened since Finwe's death
That said, let's be clear, she was not a moderating influence on Curufin– she was basically the opposite
She loved the freedom and constant change of Middle-Earth, and often went on long hikes with Curufin, looking for metal deposits or new inspiration
Curufin made the Feanorians' sword, Moripilin their arrows, and no elves in Middle-Earth could've claimed to be better armed
She was severly wounded during the Nirnaeth– at first, it looked like she would recover, but after a few days, she started to decline, and eventually died
While she didn't swear the Oath of Feanor when Curufin did, she insisted on swearing before she died, because she needed to know that her and her husband would share their fates, even in death
Losing her did bad things to Curufin, and to a lesser extent, Celegorm
C&C actively pushed Celebrimbor away in Nargathrond, and part of that was because they didn't want him to die or swear the Oath like Moripilin had
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odegoob · 7 months
Ohhh I have a question for you! Basically there's this thing going around tiktok right now and it's like whose the coolest and whose the cringiest member of your club and I immediately need your take (I am seeing lots of Ben White slander on tiktok which I don't agree with at all)
there will be no ben white slander on my watch!!! sure he has the word 'shine' tattooed on him twice, but his no-fucks-given aura means this actually adds cool instead of cringe!!! also he and his wife are very much giving bi4bi couple which is many automatic points!!
that being said, coolest is probably reiss. look at him. no further explanation required!
cringiest is a white boy competition and declan and martin are sprinting around each other!!! martin gets points for not being english but also he does have a matching tattoo with his gf, so. declan gets points for fixing his hair, but again, he is english. kai is cringefail in a wet paper bag kind of way, which is really important and I love that for me.
I'm clearly super good at making decisions, opening this up to the mutuals, who do y'all think are topping the cool/cringe lists??
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catboymoments · 1 year
I love Souda so much he’s a silly little guy!!!
When I told my friend I immediately liked him they were like “But why though” 😂
Idk man he’s funky!! Also I’m a sucker for a mechanic
He’s got issues but he’s so funny silly I love his cringefail aura
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fma03envy · 1 year
about the DR ask, what about 51 and 52?
51. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
Ok so admittedly I'm not to the end of v3 yet but Miu! I had seen spoilers and so thought she would be a Teruteru/Yuto/etc type (creeps) but she really reads a lot more like Toko or Hiyoko! Her cringefail aura and utter lack of social skills has entranced me
(Also didn't per say think I'd dislike her, but I found sdr2 Chiaki a bit bland but then ending up adoring her arc in dr3!)
52. Character you thought you would like but disliked in the end?
Kazuichi tbh. His design rules so I thought I'd love him but he couldn't be normal about Sonia so.
(Ask game here)
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milfcamilanoceda · 2 years
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#i need camila throwing hands at belos it would be hot and i personally think my needs are way more important than puritan loser over here
My Top Posts in 2022:
Shout out to toh for not only giving us capable, talented, and complex female characters, but also female characters who are just absolutely pathetic. Girllosers. Cringefail wives. Women with atrocious personalities and swagless aura. Unhinged and frothing from the mouth who are also deadly afraid of authority. Women in 30's and above who have 0-1 friends and a beef with some random teenager. Love this diversity, we need more of this
39 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
@fellow Darmila shippers we are not talking enough about the golden dynamics that is Darius being Luz's and Vee's (and probably even Collector's) step father
43 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Thinking about how Luz's and Eda's childhood photos look messy, chaotic, and lively and just filled with love and fun
Willow's childhood picture are not nearly as chaotic but still imperfect, fun and lively. However while Luz's and Eda's are physical or digital copies Willow's were taken directly out of her memory
Amity's one family portrait that looks perfect and staged, and everything is dark and gloomy and Amity is not happy
Hunter's one childhood picture of him receiving the golden guard role and it is a painting in someone else's memory where his face is hidden
Belos's childhood pictures from his memory were all thrashed and were hidden away in dark dead forest, which were covered up by flashy gold hallways with paintings and murals of him being portrayed as a hero in picturesque perfect scenes and far removed from reality
All the hexsquad pictures are chaotic and messy and happy and lively and showing them in their true element and having fun.
And one interesting thing- the lively chaotic pictures were much closer to show's artstyle than those staged perfect picturesque paintings, and the further they were away from truth, the more different the artstyle became
60 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Does anyone get sad thinking about how when Eda and co were younger they seem to be close friends but now they are just so estranged with each other? Like it's not even "school friends who lost contact and grew apart with time", some of them seem to actively resent each other before and during the events of the show.
Like we have Eda and Lilith and the entire curse mess who only started to get along after the events of Young Blood, Old Souls
Raeda broke up and only come to contact years later despite still being in love with each other and caring about each other. They still struggle with communication and tendency to keep secrets from one another
Raine and Eda were willing to kill Darius without hesitation. It was not out of malice and definately more out of greater good, a solid plan that Darius clearly appreciated and even encouraged a similar but less deadlier version for the day of unity. But still that was cold and ruthless especially if they were meant to be friends as kids. Not to mention it's "Head Witch Darius!" and "Raine Whispers!" like no familiarity. Absolute strangers. Only reconcilled when their goals aligned
Darius actively resents Alador and Alador doesnt seem to care about him either. They were close with each other and Odalia as kids and yet now the mere mention of Alador just irks Darius.
Odalia just grew up to be such a hateful and greedy person, like as a kid she seems to be someone who just wants to hang around with her friends, and now she doesnt care about anyone at all. Like girl what happened to you?
Perry seems to have nothing to do with any of them. Like he seemed sad when Eda was gonna get petrified even under the strict reporter professionalism but like that is it. (Then again this one is more likely to do with his non existent screen time than anything else)
Alador and Eda's only talk was Eda being rightfully pissed about the factory incident but it also feels like there was more resentment then that.
And just all of them were so separated from each other. Eda was living as a wild witch. Lilith was head of the Emperor's coven and trying to capture Eda and nothing else. Alador and Odalia were in a loveless marriage focusing more on their careers rather then each other and even their own children. Darius and Raine reconnected only when they revealed that their goals aligned. And Perry was doing his own thing.
Like what happened to that friendship both the show and the crew keeps hinting at. Was it a later added thing? Or would we have seen them through flashbacks only for it to be cut out due to disney?
Either way it really makes me sad thinking about so many friends who were potentially close, just growing apart and even starting to resent to each other.
156 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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Toh is about idealistic dreams, learning that the real thing is far from perfect, and then learning to be ok with it by either finding beauty in the imperfections or letting it go.
227 notes - Posted November 1, 2022
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