#i love having 2 selfships that are just genuine monsters
ufolvr · 28 days
I need you to think about the "we deserve a soft epilogue, my love" sentiment being shared between characters who absolutely do NOT deserve it. A pair that's been nothing but horrid and violent to everyone that's not the other person.
Please do that. For me.
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proshipnep · 5 years
regardin me bein an ex anti
yes i used 2 be one. not abt shippin but abt mogai it was more peer pressure than anythin but like i realized after being an anti whatever for a couple dayz i waz liek. ‘why am i making fun of ppl jus cus they feel a certain way or go by different pronounz?’ an so i stopped an now im liek yea it can b a bit confusin sometiemz but thatz not bad!!!!! i will respect ne1 as long as u respect meh!!!! whatevr ur pronounz are ill still talk 2 u ^o^ abt shipping ive pretty much alwayz been pro ship, just cus liek. why does it matter unless ur shipping a real kid with a real adult (liek imagine. jojo siwa x pewdiepie) then i genuinely dont care (an even then im not gona b like ‘FUCK U!!!’ id proly just b liek ‘oh ok *doo dodo walks away*’ an go on wit mai day) -- OFFTOPIC BUTG sum shipz i liek..... septiplier ive shipped that liek. for the LONGEST tiemz since i was smol babye billdip an mabelcifica zadr n tagr petrane (fdjfdj this 1 iz kinda obscure um but if u know jane the virgin PLZZZZZ let me kno i love themmeeememem) LITERALY EVERYTHIN IN HOOMESTUCK everyone in ddlc.... i ship them al 2gether an selfships!!!! (also most of the boye ships as im a lesbian they r just for fun or for my characterz 2 have relationships.... OR theyr planotonic) me x asriel (bc ive been shipping myself with him for years its nostalgia based) me x zim (more pllatonic tbh) me x undyne (gay. gay for her so much omoghfdjf) me x venus mcflytrap (monster high- also gay for her) me x tak (HEAVILY ROMANTIc) me x monika AN DATS ALL I CAN THINK OF RN OK BAI
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