#i love hammerhead sharks
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spiralballoonshop · 10 months ago
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(via "Does It Look Like I'm Joking Hammerhead Shark" Tote Bag for Sale by SpiralBalloon)
Don’t forget to take your hammerhead shark clown to the underwater circus every now and again!!! <3
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sharkie-e · 19 hours ago
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Shark :D
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respect-the-locals · 1 year ago
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catnoli · 10 months ago
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great hammerhead for june silly mail!! if u want this as postcard and sticker join here before end of may!! ^_^
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living-mites · 3 months ago
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shark-a-day · 3 days ago
Todays shark is...
The Small-eye Hammerhead!
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Fun Fact: There is segregation by sex and age; newborns and juveniles under 40cm are found in shallow waters, moving deeper after a few months of life. Adult females are mostly found at depths of 9-18m. Larger juveniles and adult males are mostly found at depths of 27-36m!
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marshmarl0we · 2 months ago
Frank Iero, saviour of baby turtles and hammerheads🦈🩶
(Lmao he tagged the dodo in his post😭)
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simple-persica · 5 months ago
Marine biologists found what looked like a bonnet head shark but they’re actually a bit different. If I remember right, which I probably don’t, they’re part of a subspecies of bonnet heads and the marine biologists were like “hey wait, this is a subspecies of a subspecies” because the vertebrae count is different.
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Anyway, shout out to the Shovel head shark. Obsessed with this photo of the lead researcher Cindy Gonzales holding the baby like an actual shovel.
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tammykaos · 6 days ago
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Weird sharks throughout time!
A friend commissioned me to make her a phone case with some weird prehistoric and currently alive sharks on it. It was a fun project to draw all these weirdos!
If you want some products with the pattern you can check out my redbubble shop :)
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thesharkcollector · 2 years ago
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HAMMERHEAD SHARKS !!! Their so zilly lolol
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sharkk-finds · 3 months ago
Magnificent Nature: The Hammerhead
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Okay, You’re A Shark Conservationist…..
There’s a question I get asked so many times when I bring up what I do for a living, and it seems like it’s always the same thing. “Why does a hammerhead's head look like a hammer, and what is it used for?”
Well, I'm going to do more than just write a research paper on it, that's for sure. I’m going to tell you everything about this fantastic shark species, and why they’re my favorite out of all sharks in the ocean.
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The Visible Truth
10 times out of 10 you can spot which shark is a hammerhead, and it all comes down to its name, as well as the simple fact that this shark does indeed have a head like a hammer. So, what is it used for, and how can this oddly shaped head lead to a shark’s survival?
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The Head
The head of a hammerhead shark is called a cephalofoil, this helps provide lift making it easier and more efficient to move instead of swimming upright like other predators. This ‘cephalofoil’ or head, helps the shark make quick turns and pin their food to the seafloor. However, this behavior isn’t documented through the lens of a camera.
Unlike most sharks who have their eyes facing forward, a hammerhead’s eyes are widely separated, connecting to the cephalofoil at the sides. This drastic change in appearance, makes the hammerhead have a wider view of the sea rather than its relatives, who only see at a certain angle. In total a hammerhead shark can see 360 degrees around its body, like a panoramic camera. However, these creatures cannot see in-front of them.
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They can sense what?!
This hammer head also contains electroreceptor pores, called Ampullae of Lorenzini. These pores help sense electrical waves in the ocean, and make it easier to hunt down and locate prey. It should also be known that the hammerhead has the most electroreceptor pores than any other shark, and these are just in it’s head!
These electroreceptor pores are extremely sensitive and can detect as small as 5 billionths volt per square centimeter. Which is why when humans tend to swim in the ocean, and splash around, sharks can be spotted. A single splash from a single person at the beach can reach a hammerhead’s pores in less than 3 minutes. 
A splash to us, is just a splash. However, a splash to a shark means a struggling fish, leading to possible attacks or encounters. 
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How do they Hunt, though?
A hammerhead’s head can help this creature roll over and swim sideways, to save energy for big hunts. How amazing is that? When hunting these species of shark typically hunt alone, and can be found in temperate or tropical waters all around the world. 
These sharks are very social creatures, they form a school of hundreds of hammerheads at a time, but by dawn (which is typically when a hammerhead hunts) they go their separate ways until it is time to have a nice family gathering. 
Hammerhead’s can communicate with each other by simply moving their bodies in a certain way, whether that means a change in weather, prey scouting, or migration. Their prey includes a variety of fish such as; bony fish, crustaceans, batoids, and mollusks. However their preferred prey are animals such as; stingrays, octopus and lobsters.
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Migration and Mating
Some populations of hammerheads move pole-ward during the winter, however females tend to migrate offshore earlier than males, and return to the same sites to pup (give birth) once they reach maturity.
These magnificent females can give birth to up to 50 pups all at once, and their pregnancy typically lasts for 8 to 10 months. Some of this species can even give “virgin births’.
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Final Thoughts
I love talking about this species, as they are the most sought out for their fins. And in my personal opinion, one of the most cool looking sharks in the open ocean as of today. (Slightly beating the goblin shark.)
I hope you learned something, and as always RESPECT THE LOCALS!
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instantsandwichkingdom · 3 months ago
draw shark!!
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zwierendezwam · 1 month ago
my favorite shark is hammerhead shark, because whenever I look at their faces I think "yeah.. me too buddy.."
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SO REAL 😭 i love hammerheads SO MUCH they are so cute and they have such a pretty shape, especially great hammerheads and scalloped hammerheads❤️❤️❤️
My favorite shark is this guy tho
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The hondshaai (i forgot the english/latin name again..) they are so silly and small, i love their patterns and shape and they are native to my seaside🥰🥰🥰🥰
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I love them❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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catnoli · 1 year ago
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blue lace agate bonnethead 🦋♓️ i wanted to do something related to astrology signs and sharks - so here is my first geode shark based on pisces! ^_^
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auggies-dreamworld · 6 months ago
guys im autistic and im making a powerpoint on sharks (my dumb depression got in the way of me finishing it months ago and im restarting it)
pick a shark for me to write on! im doing whale sharks first bc theyre my babies but pick my second!
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samhansby · 1 month ago
The Selachid Order
I've already posted these guys before, but I do it again and at once just so that you can see how tall are they in comparison with each other.
I've covered the last one (Lázaro) just for sake of spoilers from my fanfiction, The Entropic Eye.
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