#i love gilhaku but i do worry a bit when its idealised so much like bruh pls remember the absolute hardcore tests and challenges gilgamesh
otaku-tactician · 1 year
i love gilhaku as much as the next person but i enjoy it because its fictional. like i adore how by endgame and later on he repays their endless effort, grit and spirit by serving them with all of his heart and even using most of his treasures to save them, and growing into a wiser and more likeable asshat who really makes clear how much he treasures them.
but the whole shenanigans that hakuno goes through to even reach that lol, he had them jumping through huge ass hoops and massive laser beam encrypted zones. i only enjoy it cuz its fictional, i do get a lil worried when its idealised though personally. like homie pls dont jump thru so many hoops for love, it only works because of how well done the plot was in extra/ccc and seeing hakuno go through their massive trials for the sake of deepening bond with gilgamesh is interesting to learn about, but damn it's as if they had to do the 12 labours of heracles just to peek into his heart
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