#i love cooking and planning everything in meticulous detail
jerzwriter · 2 months
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Kaycee's birthday is July 26th, and I didn't want it to pass by without showing her some love! Of course, she doesn't need me for that! 😉
A Simple Wish
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Ethan x Kaycee (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 1,180 Summary: Ethan has the perfect evening planned for Kaycee's birthday; but when everything seems to go wrong, she shows him how everything is just right. (This is all the mushy feels. lol)
A/N: Happy Birthday Kaycee! 🥳🎂🥳 @julychallenge Pink: Love Black: Protection
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The sun was already setting, casting a pink glow over the beach house as Ethan fumbled with matches, attempting to light the candles on the patio table. He had meticulously planned this evening for weeks—wanting Kaycee’s birthday to be absolutely perfect. But today, it seemed nothing was going as planned.
He heard the sliding door open, and Kaycee emerged from inside. She was by his side in a second, lovingly wrapping her arms around his waist.  
“Need some help?” she asked, her voice full of life.
“No, I’ve got it,” he grumbled, sighing with relief when the stubborn wick finally caught a flame.
Despite Kaycee’s reminders to keep things simple, Ethan had spent all day agonizing over the details for tonight’s dinner, and it had left him quite flustered. He wasn’t sure how he was going to shake it to give her the birthday she deserved, but as happened so often, Kaycee provided a solution to a problem she hadn’t even known existed. It only took one look at her, her smile more brilliant than the setting sun, and Ethan felt his tension begin to melt away.
She turned on the radio – a little surprised when he didn’t gripe about the music she selected– but he wasn’t about to argue with her today. Not only because it was her birthday but because she left him mesmerized; his breath was all but taken away
The way she spun around the wooden deck, singing the lyrics to her favorite songs like a child without a care in the world. Her pretty summer dress fluttered in the breeze as the cascading waves of sunkissed hair swirled all around her. Ethan could hardly remember his name as he watched her—she was everything beautiful and right in his world.
Kaycee blushed when she turned and caught him staring like a lovesick schoolboy. Biting her lip, she tried to think of something to say. “Dinner smells amazing,” was all she could come up with.
“Yes,” Ethan stammered. “I called your mom for the recipe for her...Oh! Shit!” he hollered as he ran inside without another word.
Kaycee followed him into the kitchen – a room she normally did her best to avoid.
"What is it?” she asked. Then looked on as she watched his shoulders slouch, a frown on his handsome face as he pulled the lasagna from the smoky oven just before the alarms began to blare. Kaycee opened the windows without being asked. She may not know how to cook, but she sure knew how to prevent the fire department from showing up.
“Damn it,” Ethan cursed as he tossed the dish he had toiled over all afternoon into the trash.
“It’s OK, baby,” Kaycee reassured, placing her hand protectively on his arm. “Honestly, it looked better than anything I’ve ever made for you.”
Ethan took a deep breath. He wasn’t going to allow this to ruin her day. “Well, we’ll have to make other dinner plans,” he frowned.
“That’s easy!” She beamed, opening the refrigerator door and pulling out a box of leftover pizza.
“Leftover pizza?” He groaned. “Really?”
“Leftover pizza from Palio’s!” She corrected. “You know how much I love it, and it always tastes better the next day.”
“You’re right about that,” he grinned. “And it will go well with the Pinot Noir I have chilling.”
Kaycee gulped as her eyes landed on the bottle of wine, still sitting on the kitchen counter in the direct path of the sun. Ethan followed her line of sight and grimaced. “Damn it!”
“No worries... I like White Zinfindel better, anyway,” she chirped.
“Kaycee,” Ethan sighed, disappointment etched on his face. “I really wanted to make tonight special....”
“Shhh!” she said, placing a finger over his lips, then further silencing him with a kiss. “It will be. Why don’t you set up a blanket on the beach? I’ll heat the pizza, and we can have a picnic?”  
“Fine,” he surrendered. She was right; after all, the important part of the day was the time they’d spend together, and he wasn’t going to mess that up. He laid a fluffy blanket out over the sand, and, fortunately, the bouquet of pink roses he bought hadn’t suffered the fate of everything else he touched today.
When Kaycee returned outside, she plopped down beside him, placing her head on his lap. "See," she beamed. "This is beautiful!"
“But how are you going to eat in that position?” He teased.
“Oh, that's easy! You’re going to feed me.”
Ethan chuckled as he folded a slice of pizza and fed it to his love.
“If I would have known you wanted to do this, I would have bought some grapes,” he grinned.
“Mmmm. Now you know what you’ll be doing tomorrow,” she winked.
They talked and took turns feeding each other, and after polishing off the bottle of wine, they snuggled together until the sun had set on the horizon. Ethan was quiet, listening to the sound of waves gently crashing on the shore. But as the silence lingered, his mind was racing with thoughts of all he'd gotten wrong today. Kaycee sensed a change in his mood and quickly sat up to face him.
“Ethan, can I tell you something?” she asked, her eyes searching his.
“Of course,” he replied, hoping she wasn’t too disappointed.
She took his hand and squeed it gently. “This has been the best birthday of my life.”
He stared at her in disbelief. “This birthday’s been your best ever? How shitty have your birthday’s been?”
She shook her head with a laugh. “My birthdays have been pretty amazing, actually. I have many wonderful memories. But this one tops them all because it's just you and me in our favorite place. Don't you know, silly man? That's all I'll ever want."
A slow smile spread across Ethan’s face, as he wondered what he had done to deserve her. “You’re sure about that?” he asked.
“One hundred percent!”
“Then you don’t mind if I eat all of the tiramisu cake I brought from Rosella’s by myself?”
Kaycee sat back, her eyes narrowed. “Listen, don’t get ahead of yourself,” she smiled. “That’s my birthday cake.”
“Yeah,” he smirked, jumping to his feet. “Not if I get to it first.”
Ethan bolted to the door like an impish child as Kaycee stumbled in the sand, laughing hysterically; she managed to be right behind him as he opened the screen door.
“Don’t you dare!” She hollered as he scooped her up in his arms. “Now you’re lucky if I even share it with you at all.”
Without a word, Ethan placed her down gently on their soft, chenille couch, kissing her forehead lovingly before leaving the room, returning moments later with the tiramisu cake in hand, alight with bright sparklers.
“For me?” She teased.
“Only you,” he smiled. “You have to make a wish.”
But as she watched the sparklers slowly fade away, she was at a loss. What could she wish for when she already had so much more than she had ever hoped for?
“Did you make a wish?” Ethan asked, and Kaycee gently smiled.
“Mmm-hmm,” she nodded. “But I can’t tell you what it is; I won't risk it not coming true.”
“That’s understandable,” he grinned, handing her a knife to cut the first slice of cake.
It was a simple wish: for them to spend countless more days together, just like today. And while she never told Ethan what it was, he already knew and he was determined to make her wish come true.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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xaerafushi · 9 months
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𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 ~ || 𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊 𝑭𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐
It was his birthday, a day that seemed at odds with his usually gruff exterior. You, his girlfriend, decided to surprise him with a celebration that delved into the layers of the enigmatic man you loved. As you waited anxiously for him to arrive, you fidgeted nervously, adjusting your dress several times before deciding it was perfect enough. Finally, you heard footsteps approaching the door, and your heart raced wildly inside your chest. Opening it slowly, you saw him standing there wearing his usual casual attire-jeans and a plain white T-shirt-looking equally surprised yet pleased by the sight before him.
His eyes roamed around the transformed space, taking in every detail You planned everything meticulously, spending hours creating a cozy, intimate atmosphere in your modest apartment. Soft candles illuminated the living room, casting warm golden light on the few items you've managed to collect over time. A small cake adorned with colorful letters spelling out "Happy Birthday Toji" sat elegantly on the coffee table, surrounded by balloons and confetti throwing colors onto the walls. The air filled with the tantalizing scents of his favorite dishes cooking in the kitchen; aromas that wafted throughout the house, teasing him with every step he took closer.
"Happy birthday, toji~!" You called out cheerfully, your voice filled with genuine love. You ran towards him and threw your arms around him, enveloping him in a warm embrace. "Whoa, easy there!" Toji laughed lightly, wrapping his strong arms around you tightly. His warm embrace enveloped you both in a wave of comfort and safety that was uniquely "Thanks, babe," he murmured into your hair, inhaling deeply before pulling away slightly to look at you with those captivating green eyes of his.
"Are you enjoying it?" You asked, looking at him with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Hnnngh... yeah, it's been a while since someone cooked for me besides mom," Toji admitted sheepishly, taking a bite of his food. The flavors exploded in his mouth, sending waves of delight coursing through him. "Thanks, babe." You blushed lightly at his praise, feeling flattered by the compliment. Leaning forward, you placed your hands on his thighs and squeezed them gently, sharing in his enjoyment. "I'm glad you liked it," you whispered softly, reaching out to brush some stray hair from his eyes. "Now, open your present!" Toji raised an eyebrow in curiosity as you handed him a wrapped present, his curiosity piqued by the mysterious package. Carefully tearing away the wrapping paper, he revealed a gold necklace with his last name on it.
"You didn't have to go through all this trouble." "Of course not," you replied with a soft smile, brushing aside any lingering doubts regarding your efforts. "I wanted to show you how much I care about you." Reaching out, you took his hand and led him further inside the apartment, guiding him towards the table where the food was ready. "Sit down, make yourself comfortable," you said, gesturing toward the plush sofa facing the TV. As they sat down together, you served them both generous portions of each dish: pasta carbonara, stir-fried vegetables, and grilled chicken with garlic butter sauce-all prepared by yours truly. The aromas continued to fill the room, making their mouths water in anticipation. You brought them glasses filled with sparkling apple cider as an alternative to alcohol-knowing that Toji wasn't really into drinking anyway. Your heart raced faster than usual; everything felt right here, sharing this moment with him.
"I hope this is much...?" "It's perfect..." Toji exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with surprise and joy. Holding the necklace on his hands. "These are... really nice," he managed to say between chuckles and sighs. "Thanks, darlin'. I'll cherish this forever." His hand reached out to squeeze yours gently in gratitude before placing it back onto the table. The moment felt surreal yet incredibly real; it was like nothing had ever changed since they met-their bond unbreakable despite all odds stacked against them. "Oh and an addition to your gift...~" You leaned into his face to get a kiss from him. The sudden touch of your lips against his surprised Toji for a split second before he returned the favor, their tongues tangling together in a passionate dance fueled by desire and love. Their kiss deepened, becoming more intense as they explored each other's mouths hungrily. Breathing heavily, he broke away first, leaving both of them flushed and panting.
"Happy birthday to me," he muttered between heavy pants, his eyes glazed over with desire. "And you know I always want more of that." "Oh, I do" You chuckled "Then let's save the rest for later," Toji proposed, standing up from his seat and extending his hand to help you stand as well. He pulled you close, wrapping his strong arms around your waist possessively. "Right now, I want something else." His lips brushed against yours once more before trailing down your neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses along the way. His hands roamed freely over your body, grabbing hold of your curves and squeezing them fondly. You moaned softly as his lips continued their seductive journey downwards, reaching your cleavage where he nipped at the lace of your bra before popping it open, freeing your full breasts from their confining constraints. His hot breath caressed your sensitive nipples before his tongue followed suit, circling them teasingly before sucking hard on each one while his hand cupped and squeezed the opposite breast. "W-we should do this at the bedroom...?"
"Not gonna argue with that," Toji agreed, lifting you effortlessly into his arms and carrying you towards the master bedroom. Once inside, he placed you on the king-size bed, following suit beside you moments later. Their bodies pressed together intimately as they continued their passionate exploration of each other's bodies. Passionate kisses escalated into more demanding ones as their clothes flew off piece by piece, revealing every inch of skin exposed to each other's hungry gazes. Your breasts jiggled enticingly as he sucked and bit at them mercilessly, leaving marks on your flesh that would serve as reminders of this intense encounter later. His hands roamed freely over your curves, tracing slow lines along your stomach before reaching between your legs where he found you wet and ready for him. "Tojiiii~" You whined "Mmmhm," Toji growled approvingly as he heard your needy whimpers, his own arousal matching yours in intensity. Reaching between your legs, he palmed your pussy through the thin fabric of your panties, rubbing circular motions over your sensitive clit through the material. Teasingly, he traced circles around the edge before sliding his thumb under the lace to brush against your wetness directly.
The sensation was too much for you to handle, and your hips bucked against his hand involuntarily. "Toji... I need more," you panted out, biting down on your lower lip in anticipation of what would come next. "You got it," Toji answered gruffly, his voice thick with desire. With lightning speed, he yanked off your remaining garments and pushed your legs apart wide open, exposing your aching core to him. His eyes feasted on the sight of you-naked and yearning for him-before diving in face-first, devouring every inch of your pussy greedily. His tongue delved deep into your tight entrance, circling around your sensitive walls and teasing your sensitive spots mercilessly. Meanwhile, his fingers expertly massaged your clit, applying just the right amount of pressure to send waves of pleasure coursing through your system. The combination of both sensations left you gasping and writhing beneath him, your nails digging into his shoulders as you arched your back begging for more.
"N-ngh~!" "That's it, baby girl," Toji groaned against your pussy, his voice vibrating against your sensitive flesh. He picked up the pace of his assault, his tongue moving faster and harder while his fingers matched the rhythm with quicker strokes on your clit. His breaths grew shallower as he lost himself in pleasing you, his own arousal reaching new heights as he heard your moans of pleasure ringing in his ears. "Im close~!" "Almost there, babe," Toji promised, his voice strained with desire. His tongue flicked over your clit one final time before sucking hard on it, eliciting a sharp gasp from you. He continued to stimulate you relentlessly until finally, with one final thrust of his tongue, he claimed victory by making you cum loudly around him. He pulled away briefly, his face covered in your juices and sweat, but quickly returned to lick clean every drop from your core. Satisfied that he had satisfied you completely, he looked up at you, his eyes filled with pride and satisfaction. "How's that?" he asked, biting down lightly on his lower lip. "God...that was... a-amazing... but it would be more amazing when you use your dick on me~?" Toji grinned widely at your satisfied sigh, his own arousal still burning fiercely within him.
Without waiting for another word, he positioned himself between your spread legs, aligning the head of his erect cock with your wet entrance. Slowly, he pushed forward, stretching you inch by agonizing inch until finally, he was fully embedded inside of you, groaning as he bottomed out against your tight walls. "Oh god, yes!" You cried out in pleasure-pain mix, your walls contracting around him tightly. Toji began to move rhythmically, thrusting his hips back and forth in a steady pace that matched your breathing. Each time he pulled out almost completely, only the head of his cock remaining buried deep inside you, he would slam back in harder than before, causing waves of ecstasy to ripple through your entire body. He picked up speed gradually, increasing the force and intensity of his thrusts until both of them reached their peak simultaneously. Their combined moans filled the room as they climaxed together, their bodies convulsing in unison. Panting heavily, Toji collapsed on top of you, his chest rising and falling rapidly against yours. He planted a kiss on your neck, nipping lightly before whispering into your ear, "That was fucking amazing."
"Hmh... happy birthday..."
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mr-stottlemonk · 4 months
29! <3
29. First date? (Give as much or little detail)
i like to think, in canon, their first date is that rugby game they both try to attend.
i think, any trial at their first date is kind of a disaster cause Adrian always keeps noticing things that are wrong xD.
but let's go with the idea that Adrian doesn't find anything wrong.
date 1: Leland takes him to a restaurant Adrian absolutely loves. It's the only place he ever goes when he can or feels like (rarely). it's a restaurant him and Trudy often used to go to -> Leland wants him to have more happy memories of that place though. and the owner adores Adrian.
date 2: Leland confirms everything with Adrian in particular detail because he knows Adrian hates surprises. He lays everything out neatly enough and lets him correct whatever it is he wants to. they cook together (following a meticulously planned menu and recipes) and take their time. there's no rush. they play music in the background, low enough that it won't overwhelm Adrian.
They clean up together and go for a walk. if not a walk they sit on the sofa and talk into the night because it's just them. their night.
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uno reverse! do you have any favorite fun facts/infodumps you would like to share? :D
Hoo boy, an open invitation to ramble about something that gets my brain excited? I hope you won't regret this. (Also, thank you, Milk :>)
Today we're going to be talking about Deb Cook!!!
Deborah Cook, as she is usually credited in films, is the head of LAIKA's costume department. She has worked on every LAIKA film that has been made, from Coraline (2009) to the upcoming Wildwood (2025).
The thing about stop-motion animation is that there is a massive amount of planning that needs to be worked out before the actual filming process even starts. Part of this is the costume designs for all the puppets, so that they fit into the world and can be used as vessels for a cohesive story.
Cook does a lot of research into historical elements that can be used in costumes, as well as using computers and collaborating with other people in the art department to create her own version of textiles that are perfect for the character. She takes her job very seriously, and works to consider what each character's personality is so she can create a fitting look for them.
But, the!! The thing is, these puppets are generally about eight to twelve inches tall!! So you can't just go to a craft store and buy any old fabric, because the weave might be too rough, or when a camera is focussed on a piece of clothing so small the colors are distorted. So there is a necessary level of detail that must be adhered to, otherwise the final product will be kind of disastrous. You can't just make tiny jeans out of regular denim, you have to find a fabric that looks like denim, but is light enough that it'll be flexible when placed on a tiny puppet.
Now, there are a lot of insanely talented people who create all sorts of miniatures and have come up with ingenious solutions to this that can be pointed out. HOWEVER, a great deal of these are because of how much work LAIKA has put into that field of art in the last seventeen years.
In Coraline, some of the costumes were made out of a child's sock. A sock. And it worked because Deb Cook is a fantastic and dedicated artist who works really hard to do her best in literally everything. But, now that LAIKA has had over a decade of experience and accolades and new highly clever artists joining them, they have come up with many new ways to use technology to help.
But Deb Cook is an artist and she will go out of her way to make something look as authentic as possible. For the iconic beetle crest on Kubo's clothing in Kubo and the Two Strings (2016), she dyed rice paste, painted the fabric, and then carefully washed it off to leave the image.
So, after all of that, and the meticulous attention given to every thread, you must remember that they have to animate all this. That means rigging in skirts and weighted sleeves and armature in capes. Each and every piece of clothing, in addition to needing to be replicated or else durable enough to be used for the two or so years required to make a stop-motion film, must be controlled down to the tiniest motion. In addition, the costume department she manages has to be able to make repairs or tiny alterations when something is damaged or an animator needs to get at the inner workings of a puppet.
There are so many more things that need to be considered in stop-motion versus live action, since the majority of the materials and designs are made from scratch in the studio.
And yet, despite all this, the woman hasn't won any awards
SO. That was my insane, unpolished rant about how much I love Deb Cook. Sorry and/or thank you if you made it this far, and if you want to learn more here are some resources:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
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brightjin · 7 years
Ok so related to the post where you mentioned Friends (how you doin? 😎😂) who is your favourite character???
ohhh difficult choice!! it’s either chandler or monica, but if i had to pick, i guess it’d be chandler! (also how u doin)
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how-masterful · 2 years
Devil in the Details
Blue Jones x reader
Summary: You belong to Blue. As everything in the Lennox does. But his ownership of you is incomparable to anything else in the club- a fact he’ll happily prove to you when you ask him for a personal favour. After all, the devil’s in the details...
Notes: Alas, i’m yet another soul who fell in love with Oscar Isaac in moon knight and started watching everything else he’s been in- at this point it was inevitable that i’d find sucker punch and get obsessed over blue. As ever, this fic is dedicated to the one and only, my absolute queen who i’m hoping will pretend she hasn't been rereading this for the last few days since I showed it to her early,  @plethora-of-imagines
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Being Blue's gave you advantages. Not that you saw them as such any more. Or ever. To you they were symbols, gestures even, of what you meant to the man. All the girls in the club were owned by Mr Blue Jones, owner and executive of the club, and one of the most notorious names in the seedy underworld of special favors. Ownership, control, power, it was his speciality. He owned every part of every girl that took a client, scrubbed a floor, thrust their hips or brought in cash within the walls of the Lennox. His club. His den of sin and debauchery. 
But you were different... somehow you existed in the club under a different form of control. You were unique in that regard.  You weren't always though, you'd often remind yourself, when you felt the haze of Blue’s cologne and the heat of his breath on your neck begin to cloud your memory. You'd done your time, same as all the other girls- dealing with cook, rehearsing with Madam Gorski, cleaning, dancing, fucking clients. But Blue had always had his eyes on you from the moment you'd stumbled into his dominion off of the sidewalk, begging for a purpose and a salvation from the empty gray streets. Servitude, soliciting, it was a sweeter fate than death to you. Blue had looked you up and down, circling around you as you trembled from the rain like a mouse in a viper pit. 
His eyes had raked against your frozen skin, fingers walked over your shoulders and making you shiver, but not from the cold. He was in an all white suit, pristine and pressed. From a distance one could convince themselves he was an angel. His line of questioning proved, however, he was anything but.
Could you dance? You could learn.
Could you scrub a floor? Of course. 
Could you submit yourself? Perfectly. 
Could you fuck?... You hadn't answered, far too hesitant to admit the truth around so many eyes and ears.
Blue had smiled at your pause, a stamp of death, lifting your chin with his fingertips and whispering hotly in your ear.
"Oh sugar, you're quite the work in progress, aren't you? But what kind of man would I be to turn down such a promising project?"
There you'd been, doe eyed and dripping a trail of rain onto the carpet of the Lennox, begging for a bed and a purpose, now suddenly the brand new toy in Blue Jones' sandbox. His promising project. His personal project. Blue had watched over your progress, a puppet master watching you dance for all eyes, in his head dancing just for him. After all, he'd been privy to your first ever routine.
You distinctly remembered the night he'd asked you to accompany him to a meeting, stating he needed a pretty face and a fucked up mind to help pull a deal with a promising client. The pieces of his meticulous planning had fallen neatly together to create the ultimate painting of pleasure- instructing the dressmakers to make an outfit for you better than any other costume you'd worn, sitting you by his side, playing with your hair and pulling you into his lap with a possessive, strong grip. He'd teased you with kisses, ghosting his lips against your cheeks, eyes searing holes into your temples as his fingertips took healthy purchase in trailing themselves over your ass. 
You'd done so well for him, playing his game, nibbling on his earlobe and running your fingers over his chest, slotting into his side like it was made for you. Like destiny. You'd spoken when spoken to, words sweet like honey but intentions cold as ice, and Blue had been mesmerized with every subliminal suggestion you'd sent to the man- who was oblivious to the drool running over his lip while he watched you push your nose against Blue's and dare him to kiss first through your giggles. Pouring drinks, batting your lashes, a walking sign of Blue’s criminal credibility. 
By the end of the night you all knew it had been a success. Blue couldn't have asked for more in the deal, and you'd manage to squeeze a couple thousand more from the guy for good measure, and for being so easy on his eyes. He'd given the tight roll of hundred bills to you, directly, a personal tip to go in your cash pot, but the moment he'd left you'd pulled the wad from your cleavage and offered it Blue between your fingers. He tilted his head like an animal as you pushed it into the top pocket of his jacket, taking his chin in your fingers and whispering ever so sweetly:
"What's mine is yours, Mr Jones."
He'd done it. His project had worked. Blue had reached for the table, taking hold of the shot glass and taking it in his lips. He’d pulled you in for a kiss, the alcohol spreading across your tongue and setting your world ablaze. You’d moaned at the sensation, the heat of the moment carrying you until you were flat on your back in his very own bed, engulfed in the whirlwind of the evening's success. Blue had fucked you into the mattress, your body following his every decree, and you’d screamed his name like it was your god given purpose.
You'd been his from that moment forward.
The arrival of your ‘advantages’ was slow, gradual, taken in steps, the opposite to how he liked to fuck. First he’d stripped you from cleaning duties, then he pulled you from chores in the kitchen. Your rate had gone up considerably, putting you into a higher bracket of exclusivity than most of the more experienced girls in the roster. He'd instructed Madam to pull you from the background in the dances, only allowing you to be a feature, eventually pulling your routines all together. You were given a room all your own, closest to his office and quarters, and your personal allowance had increased- he'd tried to keep it appearing fair, simply just business, but in the end it was no secret. You weren't one of the girls anymore. You were the personal pride and pearl for the one and only Blue jones.
Not to say you didn't work, you absolutely did. But now your role extended beyond taking clients. You joined Blue for nearly all business, he took pride in having you by his side in the club as he entertained, and if Blue wasn't busy or not in the mood, you'd finish the night in his bed. You still took the occasional client, but you weren't one to be bought- the chance to have your attention was only offered by Blue himself, under his watch, and if he was feeling generous. He’d watch with a sharp gaze as you kissed and caressed and flattered, nothing more. Only he got to fuck you, only he was allowed to make you cum.
It was favouritism, plain and simple, but Blue didn't care one bit. It was his club, his rules, and his girl. Life was never truly fair.
Wearing his crisp white shirt, and nothing else, you sat on the edge of the bed as you pulled your black garters and fishnet stockings back up your legs, as you did the night before. He was looking at you from the bathroom mirror, smiling at his girl as he inspected his reflection, slicking back his hair and tidying his moustache. God, you were positively ethereal, littered with kisses and bite marks, smelling of both your cum and his expensive cologne. How he treasured knowing you'd be feeling the soothing, warm ache of his cock between your legs all morning. Morning sex was becoming the new breakfast to him. Certainly better than most of the shit Cook produced. Especially when you gave it so willingly and with such passion.
"Blue, baby?"
You called, clasping your stockings to the garters and looking towards the bathroom door.
"Is there business today?"
Blue smirked, leaning against the wall and adjusting his cufflinks and tie.
"There's always business, doll. You know what they say, the grind never stops."
You smiled up at the man.
"I've got aching thighs that say otherwise."
The man offered a small laugh, eyes briefly glancing down at your legs.
"And luscious ones at that. But if you're asking Sugar, no, no meetings. You can relax and play with our guests tonight all you'd like."
You rose from the bed, walking over to his side of the room. His gaze was heavy, filled with want as you brushed down the front of his shirt.
"In that case, please can I get my cash key?"
Despite your position, you still played by Blue's rules. That was half of the fun, engaging in the dynamic of Blue owning each and every part of you. Every girl had a key that opened a small letterbox in Blue's office that contained their allowance, and any small tips they'd managed to convince Blue to let them keep. If anybody needed anything, a new makeup product, anything personal, they'd have to ask him directly. Of course, since the girls were barely allowed out of the club, someone else would be sent to get the items. It was part of Blues game- absolute control under the guise of care.
"Kitty wants her cash key, huh? Tell me baby, what's my girl got her pretty little eye on?" 
Blue lifted your chin with his finger, exposing your throat and humming as you tilted your chin, almost brandishing the marks he'd given you. His touch trailed over the curve of your lip, watching them instantly part.
"A new lipstick to leave around my cock? A new short, short skirt to end up on this floor, my floor, right here?"
You shook your head with a smile, your tongue teasing the tip of his finger and making him hum.
"Madam Gorski said she'd help with my hair, I need to touch up the roots with dye and she said she'd give it a trim. Plus, I need new fake nails, these ones have all fallen off at least twice and are starting to chip."
As you spoke, Blue twirled a strand of your hair in his fingers, almost inspecting your claim. He peered at the ends of your hair, his fingers yearning to wrap the hair around his fist and yank, watching you squeal with glee. He took hold of your hand as you fixed his tie- you flexed your nails like a cat's claws between his interlocked fingers, showing him the seeping glue around the edges, the missing patches of polish. He made a dramatic pout, before pulling your knuckles to his lips and kissing each in turn.
"Aww, would you look at that. It's amazing, you girls have to think of so much. Sometimes I think you all fuss too much over the little details."
You tutted at the man. His eyebrow instantly raised. Was this a critique incoming? A correction? A rebuttal?
"But I'm not just any girl, Blue. I'm yours."
Ah. That he liked to hear. You hiked your knee up against his thigh, his hand taking hold of it like clockwork. You leant in, Blue allowing his lip to creep up into half a grin as he took a sudden, deep breath, fingers pushing against soft flesh.
"I'm your girl, sir. When they look at me, they think of you. That's the responsibility I have. What does it say about Mr Jones if his girl has split ends, or ratty nails?"
You began to nip at his neck, licking over the small bites you made against his warm skin, each whisper punctuated by a kiss to his throat.
"It says... He doesn't take care of his things...he doesn't have high standards for his personal girl... and they might dare to think you don't care about those little details, or the other girls, or your business."
Blue's fingers were sinking into the back of your hair, and you found your head suddenly yanked backwards, Blue's lips barely ghosting against your jaw. His fingers were digging deeper into your thigh, breathing shallow and desperate.
"But you do care, you take such good care of the girls, of me, you care so much for the club and what you do. And I need to show them that. The devil's in the details, after all."
Blue's chest was rising and falling at growing speed, your words sinking and penetrating deep into his vile mind and perfectly stroking his ego. Oh, how you caressed it so perfectly and genuinely. You were working him up now, and he wasn't sure he'd be able to calm down. He could tell when people were buttering him up, their words hollow and desperate as they fought to get on his good side. His benevolent side. It was the ultimate goal of any wannabe, to have Blue as anything but their enemy, but having him as a ‘friend’ brought so much more. Fools would sing their praising lies through crossed fingers behind backs, and he saw through their facades each time. But you... Oh you... You meant it all, every word. You were twisted enough to love him with absolute sincerity. It made you perfect in his eyes. 
"I need to look good for you, want you to think I'm beautiful. I want to be beautiful for you, Blue."
Blue jones sighed in ultimate satisfaction.
"Oh, princess, you know how happy it makes daddy to hear that. You just get it. You get it perfectly. Look at you, just perfect."
You moaned softly, the sound living at the back of your throat. Blue was smiling, breathless and rock hard against your thigh. He pushed the hair from the side of your face, watching your eyes flutter shut.
"I've been saving my tips, if CJ could just get-"
"Shh, shhh..."
Blue pushed his finger against your lips, plumping your bottom lip and softly shaking his head. He pulled you across the room from the bathroom doorway, guiding you towards the wall. Your eyes shot open, letting him manipulate you however he liked.
"No, baby girl no, fuck it, CJ isn't buying you that drugstore shit. You ain't touching that cash key. You're better than the rest of them."
Blue was getting horny and passionate. Business as usual. Yet now it was laced with purpose. You wrapped your legs around his waist, body yearning to pull him closer, Blue taking pride in grabbing hold of your ass to support the movement. With his spare hand he pulled his cock from his undone trousers, sliding you suddenly down onto his hard on, your back rubbing against the dark wallpaper. You were so good, still nice and stretched from earlier, his fingers having done the hard work for his cock. And now your pussy was wet once more, making for wonderfully easy traction as he established a flow of slow, full thrusts.
"You're mine, say it."
"I'm yours."
"I'm yours, Blue Jones! Forever!"
"That's it, atta girl."
His forehead pressed against yours, his hips pushing in and out against you in a rhythm that made you gasp in delight. You two slotted together so perfectly, each thrust making him hungrier for your touch, your hips bucking against his own and marking him snarl like an animal. You purred at the noise, teeth baring as you began to make small nips towards the end of his nose. You needed to consume him, or watch him consume you. It was feral, instinctual, the way you felt yourself pushing down greedily onto his cock, the burn against your pussy a welcome warmth like the morning sun. You were holding the sides of his face, thumbs caressing his cheekbones, trying hard not to ruin his fresh, beige suit as you pushed against his chest. He needed to be presentable while you came undone. His hands under your ass helped the motion, your own core working its hardest as you aided in the continuing rise and fall of your hips.
"Here's what we're gonna do,” Blue’s voice was hoarse, ravaged by his guttural calls. The sound made you quiver, thighs tightening around his hips as you clenched around his cock.
“Gorski isn't doing shit to that pretty little head of yours, I'm gonna be honest, she needs to work on her technique. And those stick on whatever's, not gonna cut it. That's for them. You're better. Say it."
So this was the game he was playing. A power trip for the both of you.
"I'm... Fuck, Blue, thats... I'm better!"
"Why is that, c'mon baby tell daddy, tell him-"
"I'm YOURS!"
His hair was still setting, the gel fresh and pristine. Holding his cheeks or neck would have to do for your clutching hands.
"I'm gonna get Danforth, I'm gonna tell him, he's gonna book you in-"
"I can't, I... No clients, sir-"
"No, shh kitty listen-"
Blue thrusted harder, your hips swirling on his cock and making his mouth water. He found you utterly irresistible at his mercy. Your own wetness was dripping down your thigh, and between your whimpers of delight you prayed it wasn't getting on his pants. Hopefully he'd keep going until you couldn't even think. 
"You listen to me, he's gonna get you an appointment, get your hair done, out there. Nails too, everything, you need it they'll do it because- oh, fuck- you belong to me, i'm spoiling my girl."
You were riding the tidal wave of his touch, sure you were destined to drown in the warm waters of his attention and find yourself marooned on the beach of his command. He groaned as he spared a glance downward, the way your breasts pushed against his own chest, the gap between your bodies non existent as he gazed lustfully at your cleavage. The golden key to the club around his neck was pressing into your skin, indenting and leaving a reddening shadow of itself against the damp surface, and he swore he adored the sight. Blue had ultimate power over you, over most things, the power in his hips sending you back against the wall with force despite your back arching against him. He craved it all, how he knew he could break you and put you back together whichever way he liked. He was like the boy in the sandbox, playing with his favorite toy. His favorite girl.
"But, sir, cash-"
You yelped as he gave a full thrust, the sensation bubbling like a fire in your gut. He was using your body, commanding it, fucking your pussy like his favorite plaything.
"My treat, fuck, baby you don't have to think about a thing. You're mine, all mine, i decide, FUCK, i decide what you get. You get the best."
You whined, rather pitifully, and Blue devoured the sound. You decided the time for talking was over, not wanting to embarrass yourself in the eyes of the man who was giving into your every whim. Blue deepened the kiss, his tongue attacking your mouth as he picked up the speed of his thrusts. He was pounding into you, your back destined to be bruised by the wall, your sense of composure coming apart in his hands. You were a sweating, leaking mess under his guiding hands, your climax charging forwards as you circled and moved around his symphony. It was sinful, dirty, yet submissive and perfectly harmonized. Just how Blue liked you.
"Fuck, Blue, I need-"
"That's Sugar, hold it, I want you to beg."
"Please Blue, let me cum-"
"Dirty girl, so desperate."
"Please, daddy I need, please-"
Blue was always consistent throughout and you fought to keep up with his unshakable composure, but now you were a blubbering mess. Your hips were sloppily working around his cock, all routine lost to reckless abandon, pussy aching from the current fuck and the echo of your morning sex- but fighting to hold back the floodgates of release. It was like sex was the fuel Blue survived on, the drug that kept his system in motion. He seemingly had a sixth sense when it came to exactly what his needy little girl craved to make her cum as hard as she needed, all the while satisfying himself for providing such a service- perhaps the one moment he and the girls of the Lennox shared something in common. He'd often remark he wouldn't be able to get through the day without getting his hands on you, be it a smack of your ass or a finger on your clit, or even a kiss of ownership when somebody had tested him more than they should've. Blue Jones, the man, was an enigma behind the surface of a sleeze, and the way his fingers knew every inch of your body told you he saw you equally as a puzzle only he could solve.
After all, he was the one that took your virginity. Had asked to do it, almost begged, he'd yearned to take your innocence and let you taste him, the forbidden fruit. None of the other girls could say the same. His ownership of you was of a pedigree breed.
"So close, almost time, kitty"
"Blue... Blue..."
It was all you could say. The only word your mouth desired was his name. He loved the state of you, the way the world had crumbled around and you existed in a tunnel vision of his touch. Nothing else mattered. The whole world was Blue.
"That's it, good girl, who do you belong to?"
"Hnn... Blue!"
"And who's the only man who can stick his dick in you, fuck this precious pussy of yours until its raw?"
There was no question.
"What's the only name you'll ever scream again?"
This was ownership. A claim.
"Say it baby, say my name, tell the world who owns you and cum, cum for me."
You felt yourself falling beneath the waves, all rhyme and reason disappearing as you submerged in the ocean of Blue's pleasure. You were desperate for release, he knew that well, your body tired and wracked and tied so tightly to Blue's command that he could snap you in half with a single order. Your mouth only knew one word, THE word, and it squoze itself from your throat and fell from your lips like it was chasing the man down.
There was only one way it all could end.
The same way it started.
You screamed, back arching against the dark wallpaper, body sinking into his embrace as you finally found your release. Blue had finished in tandem, the rush of his seed inside of you sending your brain into hysteria. It was warm, filthy, your hips rearing against him so hard his feet dared to consider losing footing, all the while the soundtrack of his moan sang like the voice of a God. You were spent, exhausted, desperate for a shower. A mix of your own release and Blue's cum trailed and dripped over the inside of your thigh, your eyes glossy and wet like you were about to weep. Blue had treated you like a goddess from the moment you’d arrived. What had you done to deserve his kindness?
Blue was panting, stunned for breath as he supported you against the wall. You took in his expression, like a starved man fed for the first time in a long time, always hungry for more with an appetite that could never truly be satiated. Like he said, his business was pleasure. Others, his, and yours. He was sweating, light beads running down his temples, top lip damp from your kiss as you pulled away from his face, etching every element into your memory. Every curve, every pore, every heavy gaze behind even heavier lashes. You sought to remember every single element of Blue in the moment. The calm after the storm.
You gazed over the man's face, his hair still as pristine as when he'd first gelled it. You pulled down the sleeve of the dress shirt you'd been wearing, taking purchase of the cuff to dab at the sweat that had built on his forehead. In your haze you leant forward, pecking at his lips and practically licking them clean of the spit from your moans. You pulled away, shaking thumbs caressing his face as he gave you a pleased grin. As your breath returned you adjusted his collar, smoothing down the corners before allowing yourself to fall against his chest. He looked untouched, like he hadn't just fucked you to the brink of muteness. Just as you knew he wanted. Just like he knew you could provide.
"Small details, baby"
You whispered, voice rough and stripped bare from your screams. You knew anybody in the back labyrinth of the Lennox corridors would have heard you. Good.
"Oh, princess.."
Blue purred against your skin, pushing the sweat laced hair from the sides of your face. His tanned skin shone with a glorious post sex glow, a shine that would pep his step and send him through the day with ease. It was your special skill, making the day for Blue jones... Not so Blue.
"I'm going to treat you like a queen. Yeah... I like that. You filthy little girl, being my queen. You like that too, don't you?"
You nodded weakly, a lazy smile on your lips, reddened and glossed.
"Good girl. You did so well, two in a row. Yeah, baby girl needs spoiling, doesn't she? Especially when she's proved her loyalty so well."
A happy, satiated noise escaped your throat. Blue enjoyed the sound, rolling it on his tongue. In a moment, a sudden look of seriousness graced across his face.
"Now, kitty-"
His hands worked to untangle your legs from his waist, lifting you up carefully from his softening cock. You glanced down briefly- his pants were cum free. You hadn't left a single mark.
"You've got a busy day, haven't you? No rest for the wicked, huh?"
He allowed you to set your feet on the floor, thighs squeezing together as you felt the result of your passion running down the inside of your leg. Blue noticed instantly, lowering his gaze and growling softly. Your fingers wound themselves into the belt loops of his trousers, pulling his hips towards you as you pulled up his boxers and buttoned up his pants. He sighed with absolute pride.
"Go get yourself cleaned up and be ready by 9. Danforth will call, CJ will take you out."
Blue pulled your face into his hands and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. His tongue was silver, sharp as a knife, but his kiss was so warm and inviting. No wonder you always lost when you fought for dominance in your mouth, the man was a living weapon of pleasure.
"I've got things to do, the girls need a little reminder of what's expected from them."
You dared to whine. Another shush came from his lips, tender yet to the point.
"Don't fret, doll, just a verbal warning, nothing more. I won't have lazy girls on my stage, especially when somebody's set the bar so high for a performance."
He lifted your chin with a finger, smiling sweetly, laced with fire.
"What a show, sugar." He purred.
"I'll see you tonight."
Blue pulled away from the wall, away from you, freeing you from the cage his shoulders and hips had held you within. You suddenly grabbed hold of his tie as he turned, lightly tugging him back to your chest. Before he could breathe a word, or consider a thought, you placed a sweet kiss to the side of his mouth, teasing him with the promise of more. You knew for a fact teasing him was futile. There was always, always more
"Thank you, Blue." You said gently.
"Thank you for taking care of me."
Blue smiled down at you. God, everything about you was coursing through his veins. Some days he questioned if you were real, an angel sent to taunt the devil with everything he ever desired. He was the devil, plain and simple, yet you had just praised his mercy like it was biblical, his name was your scripture. Blue Jones was a very bad man, a malicious villain who took everything he wanted in a world where he wanted everything. Greedy, cruel, egotistical, evil. He knew that, deep down. He wasn't an idiot, after all. But you, oh you, his precious pearl, his beautiful angel, his dirty little whore. You were everything a man like Blue Jones could want but never deserve. It would be poetic to say you were the one thing his hungry fingers could never reach, a sad story of the price of sin- if it weren't for the way his name spilled from your lips like a prayer, his hot cum still leaking down your leg. Blue Jones was a man who gambled with God. And the devil always won.
"Anything for you, beautiful."
You preened at his words, a blush spreading over your cheeks. He truly saw you as beautiful. He plucked his jacket from the back of the vanity chair, throwing it over his shoulder with two fingers as he headed for the door. You leant against the wall for support, for a solid hold on the spinning world, as Blue turned to you and sent you a heat inducing wink.
"Like you said, angel. The devil's in the details."
He blew a kiss into the air, before disappearing with the shut of the door. You held a hand to your chest, your heart racing within your boiling chest under your perspiring palm. Blue jones was many things- a mobster, a pimp, a gang banger, a crook. A violent bastard, a slave to lust, a gruesome creature that thrived on the exploitation of women in the cruel, wide world. But you didn't care. The warmth in your cheeks, the heat in your chest, the fire in your belly, all of them burned away every sin Satan loved to commit.
Blue jones may have been the closest thing on earth to the devil.
But Blue Jones was undeniably yours.
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lale-txt · 2 years
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♡ Happy Birthday, Bee: Whitebeard x F!S/I
a/n: @secretsnailor - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Bee!! from me & @tardiiart who teamed up to surprise you on your birthday! :3c thank you for being such a lovely friend to us and for everything you do! since we can't hug you in person on your special day, we worked in secret on a little something we hope you'll enjoy. sending you all the kisses! ♡
word count: 2.1k
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“Nervous much?” – “Thatch. You know I already fucked your dad successfully. There’s nothing for me to be nervous about anymore.”
It was impossible to miss the teasing in Thatch’s voice as his big hair filled up almost all of the display in Bee’s phone. She had her friend on FaceTime, watching him roll out dough in the kitchen of his bakery while she was finishing last touches on her makeup, applying mascara to each lash     with meticulous precision. 
“Sure. Just pretend it’s not your first proper date in ages. Or that you don’t have the slightest crush on Pops. And that you spent two hours picking the right outfit for today. I was right there.”
Bee huffs, taking her eyes off the mirror to stare directly in the camera. She may be small, but she sure could bite when tested, however she gets cut off before she can use her brush as a threatening pointing weapon. 
“And yet still she chose this outfit. Bee, I told you Pops is a boobs man. You should show some cleavage.”
Izou’s handsome face appeared in the display, mustering her with stern eyes and arms wrapped around his new found lover. The two of them were disgustingly sweet together, but still – Bee was glad it worked out for them after listening to Thatch’s whining about unrequited love the other night.
“What’s the point? He even asked me to bring a jacket and mittens, I’ll be all covered up anyway, I guess. Hey, does he always plan surprises for his dates?”
Thatch and Izou exchange a look and shrug. In all honesty, they couldn’t remember when they experienced Whitebeard taking someone out on a proper date, so this was new territory for everyone. What they knew for sure was that Marco had been arguing prior before Pops left with him on why he should take the new Corvette and not his rusty old van while the other sons were secretly taking photos and spamming the group chat with it. 
Bee attempted a few different hair styles but decided to just leave them open in the end, earning an approving thumbs up from both Thatch and Izou who were now forming pretzels together on screen. She smiled over them playfully bickering at each other, arguing who had the most skilled fingers, when she heard a car honk outside. 
“Shit… okay– gotta run, talk to you later, guys!” She blew a few kisses towards the screen and watched the boys wave and waggle their eyebrows at her, before she ended the call and grabbed her few belongings, checking herself one last time in the mirror. Calm down, Bee. You got this. While her drumming heart was trying to tell her otherwise, she was also overly excited to meet the big man again.
They had spent a wonderful night together a week ago, magical almost, and had been in touch ever since. While Whitebeard wasn’t big of a texter, probably because the buttons of his flip phone were a little too frilly for him, he called her several times a day to hear what she was doing, just keeping each other company while one was out getting groceries or cooking dinner. Though one night he also asked her what she was wearing, laughing loudly when Bee went off to explain in a dry voice every detail of her worn out pajama, only to ask him in return if he had his cock in his hands– he did, and they had an amusing attempt at phone sex, deciding that the real thing was a whole lot better. 
Still, Bee fell asleep with a smile that night, yearning to meet him again. When she opened her mail the next day she was surprised to find a handwritten letter in there, ripping it open before she even reached her door. Inside was an invitation to an official date, Whitebeard giving her a time and a date when he was gonna pick her up, scribbled with a cryptic note that she should bring something warm to wear. She called him that night to press more information out of him, but he only chuckled and left her hanging, amused by her pleading and pouting. 
Bee didn’t like surprises, but this one time she would make an exception. And she had a vague feeling anyway, because where would you require a wool jumper and mittens on this hot summer afternoon? 
She laughed when she noticed the infamous Moby Dick parked in front of her house, the old fashioned-van that looked like it would fall apart any second. Whitebeard cranked down the window on the passenger seat, leaning over to greet her with a wide smile. 
“Hey, little Bee.” – “Hey, handsome.”
Whitebeard opened the door from the inside for her, holding out a hand to help her in the passenger seat, not pulling it back once she took a seat. The two look at each other, almost a little shy now that they were seeing each other again after that one night, but the tension falls off their shoulders once they start laughing and lean in for a big kiss.
Bee was almost standing in her seat to reach him, her hands placed on his cheek while his big hands were wrapped around her waist, pulling her over to him. Their lips crashed against each other, needy sounds being muffled with more kisses and hands wandering over their bodies, and for a minute it wouldn’t have been surprising if they started undressing each other right there in the parked car, if only the sound of the van’s car honk didn’t startle them. 
They pull away and grin at each other, and for a few heartbeats they feel like lovestruck teenagers on their way to prom. Now that the kiss was out of their system, Bee finally took Whitebeard all in. He was wearing jeans and a green shirt which he didn’t bother to button up fully, his long blonde hair falling over his shoulders and his distinctive beard looked like it was polished and combed at least three times before he left the house.
Bee gave Whitebeard a look when he started the car, the unholy noises of a dying vehicle roaring through the streets, but soon the sound of his music was blasting louder than the groaning and creaking of the van. He let her flip through his collection of tapes and pick the ones she liked the most, a bit proud of himself that he could cater to her music preferences, humming to the melody with a big hand resting on her thigh. 
“So. What’s the plan? Either we’re going on a week long road trip to colder realms and in that case I didn’t pack enough undies. Or…?” 
Whitebeard pointed over his shoulder to the backseat, not taking his eyes off the road, while Bee turned around and gasped. 
“Ice skating? Don’t tell me you’re secretly a professional figure skater?”
His roaring car made the whole car vibrate and he shook his head. 
“Never tried it. But my boys suggested it could be fun to do something active, so… hope you like the pair I got you.” – “Are you kidding me? They are so extra.”
Bee grabbed the pair of smaller skates and looked at them from every angle. They seemed really expensive, but the pink color was loud. Still, she shifted in her seat with excitement. To be honest, it wouldn’t have mattered what he had planned today, as long as she got to spend time with him. Talking on the phone was nice, but seeing him in all his glory, smelling and feeling him… that was the real deal. 
They arrived at the ice skating rink and after parking the van, Whitebeard walked around the car to open the passenger door for Bee, offering her a hand and not letting go of it. Bee leaned close, enjoying the warmth he was radiating and together they made their way inside. It was lively but not crowded, music blasting from the speakers as people were going around in circles. While Whitebeard sat down on a bench to put on his skates, Bee took the chance to be somewhat on an eye level with him and stole a few more kisses, almost crawling into his lap again if he didn’t hold her back by the hips. 
“Easy, little one… we can get to that later.” 
He winked and ignored how she rolled her eyes, went on to lock their stuff up and after changing into their wool jumpers they soon stepped on the ice together, his big hand in hers. Bee laughed loudly at him when she noticed him standing there like a deer in the headlight, unsure how to move, but that was only until she stumbled and almost fell on her own ass if Whitebeard didn’t have such a tight grip on her, almost making her dangle from his outstretched arm.
“Would have served me right, I guess”, Bee grinned sheepishly as he helped her back on her feet again, his rumbling laugh echoing in her chest.  “You’re lucky that you’re so cute”, Whitebeard replied and leaned down for a kiss, ignoring the fact that his knees were shaking slightly on the unfamiliar ground. 
Together they felt their way into the dark – the dark being the ice rink and dozens of children passing them by at the speed of light while they slowly, very slowly, found their balance. Soon they took off their mittens, craving skin on skin contact, and Bee couldn’t help but feel comforted by her small hand in his, not letting her go once. They spun around in circles, rating the playlist of this place loudly, talking about sweet nothingness and depths of their soul, a mix of lightness and trust pouring in their words.
Time seemed to slip through their fingers and they didn’t even notice when the staff turned off the music; like waking up from a dream they slowly realized that they were the last ones still going in circles and with this realization also came the heavy legs, not used to the motions on ice. Apparently the people working there had tried to get them off the rink for half an hour since they were already closed, but they all were too intimidated by Whitebeard and didn’t dare to approach him. 
They got their stuff from the lockers and changed into their regular shoes and clothes again, giggling and teasing each other about the whole situation in a way only old souls and lovers do, not realizing they might have fallen madly and deeply already.
“My legs feel like pudding. I don’t think I can walk one more step anymore”, Bee groans as she ties her shoes – even this task was exhausting. Still, she had lots of fun today and enjoyed herself to the fullest, and she would do it all over again if it meant she got to hold Whitebeard’s hand for several hours.
“No worries, little one. I got you”, Whitebeard laughed and without further warning swooped her off her feet, and within the blink of an eye Bee was sitting on his arm, grabbing onto his shoulder for support. Their faces were only inches away from each other and she could count every tiny wrinkle on his face, but what really captured her was the blue of his eyes, like the sky and the ocean becoming one at the end of the horizon, a thousand shades of luminescence.
Bee rests her head against Whitebeard’s as they make their way outside to the empty parking lot. It was a warm summer night, the sky vast, not a single cloud hanging upon them. Even if they were on solid ground again, they still felt like they were spinning around in their own little universe, just two star crossed lovers. With their heads in the back of their neck they gaze upon the countless stars, feeling both incredibly small and yet so tall, as if they could pick one from the sky and swallow it with ease.
“A shooting star!”
If Whitebeard didn’t have such a tight grip around her, Bee would probably have jumped, so now she’s just pointing towards the sky, her face lightening up with sheer excitement. It has been ages ever since she saw one. Whitebeard’s rumbling laugh makes both of them vibrate and he turns his face towards her, tilting her head slightly towards him with two fingers. 
“Make a wish…”, he mumbled against her lips before he leaned in for a kiss, humming when she responded to it wholeheartedly with her hands buried in his hair, clinging onto him as if she never intended to let him go, their hearts beating in unison and unspoken wishes being weaved into each other by an invisible red thread. 
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yn-ymn-yln · 3 years
A Soft Place to Land
Steve Harrington x reader 
Summary: Steve is sad and overreacts, reader helps him feel better, the Harrington’s are shitty parents. (I have no idea how to summarize this, I’m sorry)
Warning: Shitty parents 
Word count: 1110
*One day I’ll write something that’s not hurt/comfort... but that day is not today*
Steve’s day had been horrid at best. From waking up late, to listening to Keith berate him like a child in a store full of his peers. Every single detail about the last twelve hours was laced with the negative energy he had carried with him like a second skin. And even now, laying on the bed he owned, in the apartment he rented, he couldn’t help but feel the weight of everything falling on his shoulders.
Was rent due this week or next?
Had he closed the store properly?
If Keith fired him, where the hell would he go?
Tears well in Steve’s tired eyes, his frustration bubbling up and attempting to escape through any means necessary. The realization about said fact only seems to make his agitation grow, as he roughly rubs at the sockets to stem the flow of moisture.
Men weren’t allowed to cry. Or at least that’s what his father told him.
Waiting by the crack in the door is Y/n, watching as her boyfriend cycles through his undeniable self-doubt. Seeing him fight back against his body’s natural reaction to the overflow of emotion makes her heart hurt. Not for the first time she finds herself wishing Steve’s parents would fall off the face of the earth.
Delicately she enters their shared space, her hands immediately running through the overwhelmed boy’s hair when she’s within reach of him.  
“It’s okay to be upset.” He looks up at her words, his eyes burning less with the threat of tears and more with shame at the thought of her seeming him like this.
“Can you please leave me alone?” The harsh delivery of his words causes her to step away from him, hiding the disappointment that clearly wanted to be seen on her face. She didn’t want to leave, but sticking around would only further agitate the boy before her. So, she retreats, backing out the way she had come.
“Of course, I’ll just… go make dinner.” Her words are quiet and clipped, cutting Steve to his core. She was only trying to help, and he had to push her as far from him as possible.
Just like his parents.
He doesn’t find the strength to ask her to stay until she’s vacant from the room, the lingering smell of her shampoo the only evidence she had been there at all. He listens to the calming rhythm of her moving around their kitchen. The fridge door shutting softly, the telltale sigh she releases when tying her hair back. The corners of his mouth lift involuntarily as he pictures the girl he loves bustling around, her actions trying to distract her mind from the thoughts racing there.  His limbs tingle with the need to move, the instinct to mend the imperceptible rift he’s created between them overwhelming him, yet he stays planted in his position, on their bed, listening.
Did she need space?
Would she push him away, just like he did to her?
Would he be able to handle it if she did?
Space, he deduced, never mended broken things. The allure to leave disagreements as they were in hopes of settling anger only seemed to turn anger into regret. And regret, was a toxin that could end dedicated relationships, if left to fester. The mere thought of watching Y/n walk out the door has Steve swiftly making his way towards the kitchen, planning an apology with each step he takes.
He watches from the entry way, as she meticulously stirs whatever it is she had decided to cook, her eyes unwavering from the wall in front of her. He approaches her back with careful caution, the last thing he wanted to do was scare her, though she’s unaware of his presence until she feels his arm sliding around her waist tentatively.
“I’m sorry.” It’s the first thing he wants this conversation to start with, refusing to let his mistreatment, no matter how small, slide under the rug. Even if it meant facing the consequences. She leans into him as another soft sigh escapes her, his head ducking into the crook of her neck.
“I know, and I’m not mad.”
“You should be.”
“But I don’t have to be. I know what your parents were like, I know the damage they’ve done, So, I’m choosing not to be mad because your confused, and maybe even scared. It doesn’t do either of us any good.” They remain intertwined like this for a moment, the stillness of the world around them soothing all of the tiny pin pricks of negativity the boy had felt since waking this morning.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“You didn’t have to do anything. I love you because your you.” She turns to face him as she says it, her hands holding the sides of his face. “You deserve to be loved Steve, no matter what they made you believe.” With this the tears he had been so adamant to fight slip down his cheeks, but she catches them with her thumbs, wiping them away as soon as they fall.
“I love you, so much.” His words are choppy, voice thick with emotion as he says them.
“I know, and I love you even more.”
“Not possible.” She chuckles at his response, and in turn, the corners of his mouth lift gently, revealing his first real smile of the day.
“Hey Stevie?”
“You look pretty when you cry.” Shifting, he looks at her with a curious gaze. “Actually, your pretty all the time, but there’s something unfathomably beautiful about seeing you with tears on your lashes.” Her eyes never leave his, even as her fingers trace the line of his jaw. “It’s gorgeous.” He lets her words sink in for a second before caressing the side of her face.
“Say it again.”
“Steve Harrington, you are gorgeous.” As soon as the sentence leaves her cherry scented lips, he kisses her, every ounce of passion she made him feel seeping into the innocent connection. This was the love he wanted, the kind that didn’t hold judgement, or malice. A love that took work and understanding to function.
A partnership.
He knew things wouldn’t always perfect between them, there would nights they went to bed angry, a stupid argument hanging over them like a hazy, thick cloud. Yet Steve knew, even now, that she would always be there in the morning, grumpy and exhausted, but present, arms open and ready to fix whatever they had broken.
He knew, no matter how far they fell she would always be his soft place to land, and he would be hers.
Tagging: @band--psycho 
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blu-joons · 3 years
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The most important thing for Seonghwa when he is being affectionate with you is making sure that you feel well protected with your bump by him once you’re safe with him he gives you an even tighter of a squeeze.
Little things from Seonghwa often make sure that you really know how much he cares about your baby, how he moves things out of the way for you or cuddles up to your bump when you’re feeling a little bit restless. Whatever you need when it comes to taking care of your bump, Seonghwa will absolutely do it.
You love having such a good cook in Seonghwa to take care of you when you were craving, he loved to get in the kitchen and cook up your favourite meals whenever you were craving them. Although he loved to play it cool, Seonghwa secretly loved the fact that you were so desperate for his cooking whilst you were pregnant.
Seonghwa was a meticulous planner and so he made sure that absolutely every single detail was organised and prepared for before your due date. He had a planner and everything to make sure that he kept himself in check, making notes of all the little jobs that he had to and by what time he had to have them done too so that you had as little to worry about as possible by the time your baby made their arrival.
More than anything else, Seonghwa was excited about becoming a dad and starting a family, as were all of the people around you too. The only thing that made him nervous was having to tell his fans, their opinions mattered to him a lot, and the last thing he wanted to do was risk upsetting any of them with your pregnancy, no matter how confident he was that it was exactly what he wanted to happen.
The two of you kept your pregnancy private between you and those closest to you for quite some time as one of Seonghwa’s wishes. He was terrified of making your pregnancy public knowledge, nervous of what the reaction of some people would be, and so he tried to keep the two of you in your bubble with your families for as long as possible until you had no choice but to tell everyone what was going on.
You and Seonghwa both agreed that you wanted to find out the gender of your baby so that it was something that you could incorporate into your planning. The last thing Seonghwa wanted to happen was for your baby to arrive and for the two of you have to go and out and do more shopping for gender specific items.
Whenever Seonghwa heard the beat of your baby’s heart, you loved to admire how he tried to keep his composure. He hated you seeing how flustered he got over the beat of your baby’s heart, but you would be able to tell by the look in his eyes how excited he was, even if he tried his very best to disguise it from you.
Plenty of gestures were Seonghwa’s way of showing you how much he loved you, although he loved to say it with words too, Seonghwa knew that whilst you were pregnant you needed to be shown that you were loved a lot more than you needed to hear it, being kept well looked after and as comfortable as possible too.
Whenever anyone tried to make him jealous, Seonghwa would just smile his way through it. The other members loved to tease him especially about how he was beginning to settle down and start a family, and although he knew that they were joking away, he would always keep the smile on his face when they spoke, refusing to let them make him jealous or give them the reaction that they often craved from their elder.
The smile on his face would immediately turn up every single time he felt a kick from your baby. Any sign of life always meant the world to him, and none more so then when he would be able to wrap his arm around your waist and feel the gentle kicks of your baby, especially when they came as a surprise to him.
Your hand would be intertwined in with Seonghwa’s throughout the majority of your labour, making sure that you knew that he was right by your side throughout the entire thing. Although on the inside Seonghwa was terrified about what was going on, on the outside he made sure that he was constantly reassuring for you and giving you plenty of motivation for whenever you were struggling to get through the pain too.
Seonghwa would always be with you, even when you were done, happy to tidy things up and help you get back into bed as soon as possible. Whilst he would sit by your side whilst you were sick, the most important thing for Seonghwa was taking care of you afterwards and making sure you weren’t embarrassed either.
Putting your nursery together was something that you were both looking forward to as a rare chance to do a job together. On his days off, the two of you would spend your time designing and building, enjoying each other’s company.
Seonghwa was obsessed with your hands, knowing how much he loved to feel your baby’s kicks, you would always grab onto his and place them against your bump so that he could feel as many kicks of your baby’s as possible.
His many years of caring for the boys as their elder rubbed off after you gave birth, refusing to let you do barely a thing, other than take care of your baby. The last thing Seonghwa wanted for you to do was do too much too soon, and so he tried to take on as much responsibility as possible to help you relax too.
Whenever the two of you found something for your baby, you would always ask the other person for their opinion on the item, only ever wanting to fill your baby’s nursery with items that the two of you agreed to like.
With his schedule still so busy, there were many days when Seonghwa would be unable to be at home. As his cooking was one of your favourite things whilst pregnant, Seonghwa tried to keep the fridge as filled up as possible with pots of his home cooking for you to enjoy so your cravings were satisfied whilst he was away.
He loved to show your scan photos to other people and brag about just how lucky he was. Most people just had to look in Seonghwa’s direction when he was holding onto one of your scan photos and it would be enough for him to begin to tell them how excited he was about becoming a dad and how healthy your baby was growing.
Your pregnancy was most definitely a surprise for the both of you, but one that you were excited for too. The two of you couldn’t wait to start your new adventure when the test you took came back as a positive one.
He would leave work with plenty of time to spare whenever you had an appointment so that he could make sure that he was with you.
The two of you decided to settle for a couple of days before inviting people round to visit your baby. Once you were a little more comfortable at home with your baby, then you decided to start having guests round too.
Seonghwa had his bursts of excitement when he couldn’t wait for your baby to arrive, especially on days when they loved to kick and wriggle around the most.
His kisses were often teasing, trying his best to keep the smile on your face, especially when you were having a rougher day. Kissing you was the way that Seonghwa knew in order to pick your mood back up again.
You were his best friend, there was no one else in the world for Seonghwa.
Every night Seonghwa would make sure that you had a bath before heading to bed so that you could ease your muscles, tucking you up in bed once you were done before getting into the shower himself to freshen up too.
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The way he asked her to come to Barcelona… SO carlos of him I wanted to cry… AND THE WAY HE METICULOUSLY PLANNED EVERYTHING? I am sorry if you dont like / dont care about zodiacs BUT THE VIRGO ENERGY IN HIM JUMPED OUT, and I respect it soooo much. Everything he planned was so /him/, but also so so perfect for MC — the little gestures? Ordering for her? Translating everything for her? POSTING HER ON HIS STORY? God i literally melted
AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM COOKING FOR HER… because god damn you Know how Weak I am and it was so beautiful, also the British breakfast once again just shows how much he cares for her and understands her🥹 i am just about to combust actually
AND THEN RACE WEEKEND? And everything with the green tractor and also MC and Sebs relationship? Once again nailed it sm god i love these teammates… and how she didnt want to fight Seb / come across like that because he just means so much to her????? Girl you got me on the floor rn…
What I cannot stop thinking about is how shes in for the championship, and as of rn so is Carlos… Will they be fighting each other further down the line or… 👀 Make up sex as an apology for aggressive overtaking again? Or podium celebration sex because BOTH of them ended up on the podium (Silverstone? 👀) So many possibilities omfg dont mind me
AND THEN LAST BUT NOT LEAST (thiugh i still have so much to say but my slow ass brain needs a bit of time i guess) the ending was just perfect… like am I the only one thinking Carlos didnt want to sleep with her pre race weekend bc he wanted to fully focus on her but couldnt with all the GO expectations around him? But now that it was done he could let himself fully focus on her and give her all the attention he thinks she deserves? God I love them sm… And the way you let all those emotions show through during the smut was just CHEFS KISS, the way they understand each other is just so 🥹🥹🥹 i have no words lol other than i’m SO obsessed..,
God i hope this all is legible its 4:14am now and i am prone to word vomit already when my brain is working so this may just sound like incoherent crap but i hope you know this chapter was SO GOOD, also the way you captured Barcelona imo was spot on like I wouldnt have noticed that it was all based on research and not personal experiences (though i guess i must confess i havent been to barcelona since i was 4 either… JSJDKFKF BUT YOU MANAGED TO CAPTURE THE SPANISH VIBES PERFECTLY THAT I CAN TELL YOU BC I JUST VACATIONED IN SPAIN LAST MONTH)
okay oh my god i am back from festival and i am finally going to reply to this without crying halfway through...
firstly OH MY GOD. you... you wrote all this... about my work?? I'm touched, I'm shook, I'm honoured, this is honestly the best feeling and probably as close to a "real" author with people analysing my work as I'll ever get and I am ABSOLUTELY here for it (especially as a literature nerd who loves to pick apart all of my books for fun)
haha I don't *dislike* zodiacs, I don't really follow them to that much detail but I vaguely have an idea of them. To be honest, the way I write Carlos is purely based on the guy we see as a Formula One driver and personality (but now you say that I totally see the virgo energy). ALSO I'M SO GLAD YOU NOTICED THOSE I am entirely convinced Carlos is a very detail-oriented person and especially when he is first seeing someone he would be really careful to go out of the way to do really subtle but meaningful things yanno?
As for the championship fight... well I don't want to give anything away but oh I *definitely* have a plan for MC and Carlos and the WDC ;)
Haha don't worry it all made sense! And thank you so much for the comment about Barcelona... it's a little embarrassing how long I spent on google for things to do in and around the city because I've never been to mainland Spain, so even if it's not 100% accurate I'm just happy the vibes were right!!
honestly just thank you so much for this, it means the absolute world <3 <3 <3
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🤥, 🍟, 🍧 and 💡 for all your agents
👑 and 🌈 for idunn
💧 for akila. i like akila :)
Putting this under a read more; for convenience's sake I'll only go over the current agents and Jules!
( Ask Game Here! )
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they’re lying?
Freya: over the years, she's learned to lie pretty well. she has very subtle tells, but people that have known her a long time (Callie and Marie) can tell when she's not telling the truth.
Akila: she's learning a fair amount from Marie. she's picked up on the cues that other people have since she's very perceptive. more often than not she can tell when others are lying. when she lies though, she has a habit of not making eye contact.
Jeanne: she's actually pretty bad at lying. her hair is very expressive, and as a result it will wobble guiltily if she lies to anyone. her hair definitely gives her away.
Beryl: she's better than Jeanne - but not as good as Freya. she's somewhere between Akila and Jeanne. the ends of her tentacles curl when she's feeling strongly about anything or trying to hide something.
Jules: lying is his bread and butter. he's a better liar than Marie, which is saying a lot. he doesn't remember where the ability comes from - and it's probably better that way.
🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food?
Freya: she’s indisputably the best cook out of the five of them, but has a tendency to stick to easy meals or take out because of her energy levels. her hoard of instant mac and cheese is her usual go to after missions...
Akila: while she can cook, she's better at baking than making meals. she tends to just go out for food instead.
Jeanne: she likes ordering! she likes the novelty of looking through menus and trying new things. she's learned to cook fairly well, though!
Beryl: she isn't the best at cooking, but she can still make edible food. as a result she mostly orders food. pearl and marina don't mind as long as she gets something for them too.
Jules: he's a heathen. nearly all of his meals are take-out or fast food. he doesn't like cooking for personal reasons - and it's probably for the best.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Freya: it’s a little sad, but she doesn’t have a majority of the things from her childhood since she ran away from home at 16. i think she only really got to hold onto maybe a plushie or two...
Akila: she has an old melodica that she still has with her in inkopolis. it’s a treasured gift from her mother that she uses regularly, especially when playing music for the zapfish. she loves it dearly, and would be heartbroken if it was lost.
Jeanne: the biggest item of significance is her golden toothpick. it's been with her her whole life, and she is hesitant to get rid of it. ...i'm not sure what her reaction to losing it would be, but it wouldn't be good.
Beryl: her old elite kelp is the top contender. it’s a symbol of her status as a member of turquoise october, and in essence a reminder of when she iida and ahato first met. it’s a treasured item, and she’d be heartbroken if she lost it.
Jules: he doesn’t remember where it came from, but he has a broken set of octarian army goggles. he can tell it’s important, but he doesn’t like the sense of dread he gets from it. he’s considered getting rid of it - but he can’t bring himself to do it.
💡 LIGHTBULB - is your oc a planner? do they write down every small detail or just wing it?
Freya: oh god no she wings everything. everything. someone stop her.
Akila: she likes to plan out her week in advance, but tends to just write down the bare minimum to remind herself.
Jeanne: she loves planning. while living with freya has put some wrenches into her usual meticulous scheduling, she can't really complain because it's fun.
Beryl: she used to be a strict planner, but after her re-hypnotization and isolation for two years between splat 1 and 2, she’s gotten much more laid back. once she was on the surface she was more than happy to just let the day be whatever she wanted to make it.
Jules: in a similar boat to beryl, jules doesn’t tend to plan his day out and prefers just going with the flow of whatever his friends want to do. he does have a planner to keep track of his part time jobs, but he’s starting to accumulate enough money to not need nearly as many as he picked up initially.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
Idunn: i think she would want to be remembered as a good person. she knows for a fact that she messed up with freya in the past and she wants to try to make things right between them again.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Idunn: she definitely would tell her younger self that she grows up to finally feel loved in a romantic relationship, even if it means she has to make some hard decisions and learn more about herself.
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Akila: when she barely moved to inkopolis, she spent a lot of time mourning her broken relationship with her ex-boyfriend. she tended to sing whenever she felt too strongly about something, but it wasn’t until she really got to know marie that she started to think of inkopolis as a fresh start. because of this, the great zapfish (who akila named fisher) kind of drifts around her after it gets rescued since it likes her songs, but also wants to check in on her.
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fluffypeachwriting · 3 years
Hihi!! I saw that your slots are still open so can I request poly! Relationship ichiro and samatoki celebrating their fem s/o bday???
Hello! i had some ideas about how these boys would set up a whole day, so I hope you enjoy these hcs!  ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
To start with, Ichiro and Samatoki would put aside any bickering. I don’t think would start a ploy relationship with anyone without getting along – both of them are emotionally aware enough to realise that that wouldn’t be fair on anyone.
And is especially so on your birthday.
They would buy presents for you separately but prepare a fun day for you all together.
You can guarantee that no-one is going to work that day. Everything has been set aside to make you feel nothing but pure happiness. Ichiro and Samatoki aren’t too fond of meticulous planning, however their overwhelming need to spoil you takes over. They double and triple check the things you love, and it’s so intense that it feels like a loving interrogation.
When they’re satisfied that they have all the information they need, they’ll start preparing fun food and stuff to do on the day. Both of these boys are kings of the kitchen, and they’re gonna cook a feast of your favourite foods for your birthday. Whether you prefer sweet or savoury breakfasts, they’ll prepare a beautiful start to your day. They’re adorably serious about this. A few days beforehand you would have been asked if you want a long morning of sleepy cuddles first, as if you would ever refuse. After said cuddles, the boys will leave you to get some extra rest while they cook for you.
Even when you can’t see them, things have been thought out to the very tiniest detail. Ichiro, being the otaku that he is, would insist that they wear cute aprons for you to find them in – it was just to make sure you smiled on your day! Samatoki would not be too happy about wearing something cute though… but… it’s just one of those things that he’s willing to deal with.
In the daytime, if you want to go out and do something exciting, you’ll be holding their hands as you go around an amusement park, snacking on fairground food and going on all the rides you point to. Ichiro is a sucker for romantic date tropes, and Samatoki quietly loves to go along with it.
If a quiet day in is your ideal, then you’ll find the most elaborate blanket fort set up, complete with a mini fridge, a snack box and an area perfect for the three of you to cuddle while you watch shows and films of your choosing.
As the day comes to close (whether that’s in the evening or the small hours of the morning), the boys take turns cleaning stuff up and keeping you company until the last thing to do is cosy up in bed and fall asleep. They’ll wait for you to sleep soundly, then whisper to each other how great of a job they did, although they’re holding back the urge to brag about how amazing they were individually.
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harrywritingsbyme · 4 years
A Celebration
Based Off Of This Ask
A/N: I’m so happy to be out of Tumblr jail and back to posting again! This one is hella detailed and fluffy...like I can’t stand how cute this is!!! And there’s some smut too…enjoy🙃
4k wordss
Ever since you and Harry found out that he’d been nominated for not just one, but three Grammy’s, the atmosphere of you guys’ home was nothing short of electric and filled to the brim with happiness. There was this buzz that was radiating through the air as the both of you, specifically Harry though, celebrated this new milestone in his career. Normally Harry would forgo awaiting the nominations for any awards, but this time was a bit different. He’d seen how this album was received by not only his fans, but also his peers in the music industry and he couldn’t help but to feel a bit hopeful when it came to possibly picking up a nomination. But on top of that, and above all, you were constantly gushing over him. Always talking about how you were incredibly proud of him and that you were confident that he’d get the recognition that you and so many others felt like he deserved. It could be honestly said that you were just as, if not more excited for the recognition that he’d receive from his work than he was. And as a result, the two of you decided to tune into the live stream where the nominations were being announced.
Since Harry was back on set filming and he had to be there in the morning and on time, there was a very little window for the two of you to have a proper celebration of his nominations. But luckily for the both of you, Harry was an early riser which meant that once the time for nominations to be announced rolled around, he had his bag ready on the couch and his clothes on so that he could sprint out the door afterwards. This allowed the two of you to have a solid five minuets of celebration. And a celebration it was. Harry literally pulled you into his arms and refused to let go. He had the tightest grip on you as he repeatedly chanted the phrase “I did it” into your neck and spun you both around. After a couple more moments of just holding you and being happy, Harry releases you back down onto the floor and pulls away from you with a big smile on his face and glassy eyes.
“I did it!” He whispers happily to you, giving your hips a small squeeze.
“You did it baby!” You softly and very happily coo back to him as you reach up to cup the sides of his face to pull him down for a quick kiss. It was the perfect place to put a pin in you guys’ celebration. After a couple seconds of holding your lips against his pillow soft ones, you finally pull away to let him head out the door. “Now get out of here! Don’t want you to to be late, we’ll have a proper celebration when you get back later on.” You sigh up to him with a small smile, smoothing your hands down from his face to rest them upon his chest.
“That sounds amazing.” Harry replies, reaching down to pick his bag up from the couch before regaining his posture and slinging the bag over his shoulder. “I love you” He whispers with a dreamy tone.
“I love you too.” You hum back to him, matching the dreamy tone of his voice.
“I love you more, and I’ll text you a little later.” He says finally before leaning down to press a quick kiss to your cheek and heading towards and out the front door leaving you alone.
Now that Harry was on his way to set and would be there for a sizable portion of the day, you were able to put a little something together to surprise him. In ideal circumstances, you’d invite his close friends over to celebrate his achievement. But since there was a raging pandemic going on at the moment (and for the past nine months just about), it was just going to be a party of two. Despite this being the current state of everything, you still had the upmost confidence in the fact that the physical absence of his friends and family would be tremendously made up for through an influx of text messages and phone calls congratulating him. But even though this was the case, you still wanted to make this moment special for him. You recognized how hard he worked to make this album and how he really poured himself out into these songs. So you really wanted to let Harry know how proud of him you were and that he deserved every last drop, and plus some, of the recognition he was receiving.
A while after Harry left and you made yourself a little breakfast to get your day started, you got yourself together and you made a run to the grocery store to get everything you needed for tonight. You planned on making him one of his all time favorite dishes so you made sure to get out there as soon as possible so that you could make sure that everything was perfect. You also decided to try your hand at a little congratulatory cake for him. Even though you were never a baker like Harry, you did have some baking and cake decorating skills up your sleeve. So you picked up all the ingredients you needed to make the cake along with some fresh flowers and two bottles of his favorite wine to round it all off. Once you were finally done running around town, you make your way back home to get started on your plans for tonight. You were going to get started with your dinner plans right when you arrived back home, but you were pleasantly welcomes with a surprise call from Harry to which you immediately get all the bags inside the house before flopping down onto the couch to pick up the phone.
“Hey baby! Have a little break before pick back up with and I just wanted t’see y’pretty face.” He says sweetly through the phone.
“I feel like you’re trying to get some information out of me.” You reply suspiciously.
“I can’t call up my beautiful girlfriend out of the blue to say hello?” He asks through a laugh.
“Sure! But not today, especially given its recent developments.” You explain.
“So you do have something in the works?!” He exclaims happily.
“No I do not! And even though you look cute right now, it is not cute to fish for information.” You point out to him, trying your best to maintain your firm stance.
“Whatever you say babe.” He chuckles at your seriousness.
“So tell me about your day and stuff.” You quickly divert, your entire stern disposition immediately dissipating into a softer and happier one. The two of you then proceed to talk for a little under half an hour before he’s called back to set.
“Well I’m being summoned back to set, so I’m gonna let you get back to putting my surprise together and I’ll see you when I get home.” He announces.
“There is no surprise Harry.” You were trying to hold onto any remnants of the surprise you had left since Harry couldn’t help himself, or his nosey tendencies.
“Whatever you say bubs, I love you.”
“I love you too babe, and I’ll see you when you come home.” You reply before sending him a kiss and hanging up the phone.
From that point on, your time was completely dedicated to getting everything ready for when Harry got home. Once you hung up, you immediately lifted yourself up from the couch and you picked the shopping bags up from he front door before heading into the kitchen to get things started. You throw the bottles of wine in the fridge to chill a bit before getting started on the cake you had planned to make. After carefully following the instructions you found online, you manage to get the perfect cake batter and one thing crossed off your list. Once you slide it into the oven, you move right into preparing the beautiful bouquet of sunflowers you’d picked up from the flower shop on your way home. You trim the stems a bit so that they could properly fit into the vase you pulled down from one of the cabinets. After meticulously trimming the long stems of the flowers and filling the vase you sit them on the kitchen island before transitioning back to the cake. For the rest of its time in the oven you work on the frosting along with getting started on the main course. When your timer goes off, you quickly pull the cake from the oven to let it cool and you finish what you’re working on before sprinting out of the kitchen and upstairs to get yourself ready.
You make a b-line to the bathroom where you immediately turn the shower on and rid yourself of all your clothes before stepping into the steamy cabin. Once you’ve taken your shower and pampered yourself a little bit, you throw on one of the lingerie sets Harry bought for you a while ago that you hadn’t worn yet underneath a simple pair of gray sweats and one of his t-shirts. You then head right back downstairs to get back to cooking. You became so engrossed with getting the house and dinner ready, that you completely lost track of time and didn’t even realize that Harry was walking right through the door.
“Honey I’m home!” Harry announces as he makes his way towards the kitchen. To which you quickly step away from the stove so that you can redirect him to a part of the house that was not the kitchen. Before he can even make it into the kitchen, you’re standing right in the middle of his path to stop him.
“Hey baby, how was filming today?” You ask, trying to divert him and his attention elsewhere.
“More importantly, whats going on in there?” He asks nosily, bringing his hands down to your waist in an attempt to move you aside and see what was going on in the kitchen behind you.
“Okay how about this, you go upstairs and take a nice hot shower and not ruin what’s left of the surprise while I finish up what I’ve been working on all day. How does that sound?” You propose, making sure to keep a sarcastically sweet tone to your voice.
“You’re hot when you’re serious.” He replies bluntly, sneakily trying to bring his hands up under your shirt in the process.
“And you’re a bit of a pest when you ruin surprises.” You reply with a sarcastic smile on your face before lifting yourself up to press a kiss to his cheek. “Now go and let me surprise you!” You demand with a slight smile, nudging him back in the direction he came.  
“Fine!” He huffs as he turns himself back around and heading upstairs to follow your directions.
And while he’s doing that, you’re finishing everything you had going. By the time Harry was all done upstairs, you managed to finish putting the final touches on the cake, finish cooking the actual dinner, and set the table. You even lit a couple candles.
“Okay Y/n, can I come downstairs?” Harry shouts from the bottom of the steps. You were being the absolute sweetest by taking the time to cook for him, so he didn’t want to ruin the surprise any more.
“Yeah, I guess you can come down.” You shout back as you bring the food to the table.
“Is that-“ He begins as he walks into the room.
“Yep!” You interject as you sit the dish down. “I know it’s not a whole lot but I just wanted to do a little something for you and I wanted to let you know that I’m having a crazy proud girlfriend moment and I’m so happy for you and this is only the beginning because you’re kinda awesome even though you suck when it comes to surprises.” You rush out to him, ending your little speech with a sigh, deep breath, and a little smile. “And wearing shirts.” You quickly add on, motioning towards his bare chest. Without saying a single word, Harry walks right up to you and engulfs you in an enormous hug.
“I love you so much baby.” He mumbles into your hair, continuing to hold onto you as tight as possible without squeezing you too tight. The both of you stay like this for a little while longer until he loosens his grip on you. He then places a slew of kisses to your face before pulling you both over to one of the chairs and sitting down.
“Hold on, have t’get the wine.” You announce before shuffling into the kitchen to grab the bottle out of the fridge and returning to Harry. “It’s your favorite!” You say happily, waving the bottle around as you make your war back over to him.
“You really thought of everything didn’t you?” He asks in amazement. Words couldn’t describe how happy he was to be receiving all of this from you. He could honestly say that he was the luckiest man in the entire world.
“Just about everything if I do say so myself.” You reply proudly, sitting the wine glass and fork that you picked up on the way over, along with the bottle of wine.
“Well I’m very appreciative of all this, I love you to pieces, and I’m beyond hungry.” He says, pulling you down onto his lap.
“Well dig in.” You reply happily, motioning towards the dish in front of you both.
For the next hour, the two of you just sit at the table and talk as you collectively devour the food you made. You and Harry were just enjoying each other. One minuet the two of you were having a deep and heartfelt conversation, and the next the two of you were laughing your asses off. Everything was perfect.
“Can we go upstairs and cuddle?” Harry mumbles with a pout, sitting his fork down to focus on you.
“You mean sex?” You chuckle, pushing your hands to the back of his neck.
“I mean eventually yeah, just wanna talk some more.” He replies shyly.
“But I made a cake too!” You remember, quickly standing from his lap to grab the cake from the kitchen.
“Oh my goodness, you’re literally making me want to smother you with hugs and kissed then take you right on this table.” Harry groans, still processing how amazing you were.
“I made a small cake so I had to write small. And since you can barely read your own handwriting at times, it pretty much says “congratulations 3 time nominee”. That’s it, that’s all the surprises I got tonight.” You sigh happily, sitting the cake on the table for him to get a better look.
“Well forget the cuddles, I need to say thank you.” Harry says urgently, standing from his seat before pulling you up into his arms.
“Can we take the wine with us?” You immediately interject before he carries you both away.
“Of course.” He chuckles, allowing you to grab the bottle before running you both upstairs to the bedroom. Once inside the bedroom, Harry tightens his grip on you and takes the wine bottle from your hands, sitting it on the bedside table. This allowed him to drop you right onto the bed and then immediately crawl on top of you. He wastes no time bringing his lips to your mouth, pushing you both right into the passion filled kiss. The passion came not only from the lust he constantly has for you, but also from the love he always has for you and especially the overwhelming feeling of love he has bubbling over in his heart from how you really did everything for him today, even if you only thought that it was a small thing like dinner. It’s the thought and effort you put into it all that was driving Harry mad. He just wanted to love on you and say thank you all night long; and that’s what he was planning on doing, even though it was supposed to be all about him.
As his mouth continued to move against yours, his hands began to wander underneath your clothes. And before you knew it, Harry was pulling away from your mouth to completely undress you to which he was brought to another surprise, one that you completely forgot about.
“I thought the cake was the final surprise.” Harry asks, taking in your lingerie clad body.
“I kinda forgot about this one.” You quietly whisper back to him as he continues to take his eyes up and down your nearly naked body.
“Y’so pretty baby.” He admires, taking one final look over your body before bringing his mouth back onto yours. But instead of staying there, he begins to bring his kisses lower. He sponges his mouth down the rest of your face, continuing down your neck and and chest, stopping  for a moment to press a kiss to the swells of your breasts along with the valet between them before continuing on. His kisses are incredibly tender as he continues on and you could feel yourself getting wetter and wetter as he continued. It was something about his tenderness that really sent a shockwave through your body as he touched you. Once he’s made it between your legs, Harry begins leaving kisses everywhere. He leaves many on your lower stomach before moving down to the lacy hem of your panties, sponging a never ending amount all the way across. When he gets a bit further down, Harry’s kisses continue and they are left right on your pressure points. Your barely covered folds, the area between your cunt and thigh, and your clit. He even goes as far as to suck on it a bit through your panties. As he focuses in on your cunt, you can feel yourself getting worked up a bit. Not only was his mouth on you, but his hands were as well. At some points he’d have his hands cupped around your confined breasts, and at others he’d be squeezing at your thighs or running the tip of his finger up and down the small and sensitive area between your cunt and thigh to get one of those adorable giggles out of you. Either way, you could feel yourself becoming a bit sticky and you could feel yourself yearning for more and more. Thats why when Harry abruptly pulled his mouth off of you, your head immediately shot up from the pillows to see what was going on. “Just wanted t’say thank you.” He begins, lifting himself up from the bed so that he could properly remove your panties. “Not just for being the most thoughtful and most sweetest person in the world, but also for being my muse.” He continues on, pulling the thin and damp material down from your hips and off your body before going back to his original position on the bed between your legs. “Wouldn’t have the songs if it wasn’t for you darling.” He finally whispers up to you while locking his eyes with yours and bringing his mouth to your now soaking center. You didn't even have the chance to interject with a “but it’s supposed to be all about you”!  
“Oh my god!” You sigh delightedly, dropping your head back down again. He skillfully began to lap his tongue up and down your folds, pushing his tongue into you to scoop all of your juices onto his tongue. His hands were currently stationed on your thighs as he practically devoured you. He managed to move his tongue in a swift, yet languid manner. He was making you feel so good that your hands were wound in his hair, and your foot was planted right on his back, digging into him whenever he used the tip of his tongue to prod at your entrance or when he’d suckle on your clit. You absolutely loved it when he’d push his tongue back and forth against your entrance; it was like you were getting a little taste of what was to come a little later. You were losing your mind as the time went on. He was licking at every part of you and he was doing it in a way that guaranteed sending you into a frenzy.
And while you were in a completely blissed out and frenzied state, so was Harry. He couldn’t get enough of having his head between your legs. You tasted absolutely amazing per usual and he couldn’t get enough of hearing your moans and whimpers from the way he burrowed his face into you. In fact, while you were moaning above him, he was moaning right into you. Not only was it because of how good you tasted, but it was also because of how much he loved being between your legs like this. He loved having his face between your legs. It was just something about your scent along with the idea of being between your soft thighs that drew him in. And once he got started, it’d be extremely hard to stop him. As he ate you, he could feel himself stiffening up in his pants which only pushed him to keep going. This also increased the frequency of his muffled moans which radiated right through your clit, pushing you even closer to the edge.
As he continued on moving his tongue against you and moving his hands back and forth to other parts of your body, you could feel yourself getting closer to the edge of your release. When he heard your moans turn into whimpers and pants, Harry pulls his mouth off of you and brings one of his hands that were on your breasts down between your legs. He then proceeds to use his index finger to flick at your sensitive clit. Every time he’d quickly brush the tip of his finger against the sensitive nub, you’d jump at the sensation.
“Wanna cum babydoll?” Harry asks sweetly, continuing to brush his finger against you, every once in a while bringing it a bit lower to push into your weepy little entrance.
“Can feel it in my stomach!” You breathe out, feeling yourself getting closer and closer to slipping right off the edge.
“Cum f’me baby.” He coos, bringing his hand up to your lower stomach to apply a bit of pressure and moving his mouth back onto you. And with that, you’re gushing right on his tongue. It was like a seismic wave of pleasure came crashing down onto you as you let go. And as you do, you can feel and hear Harry’s hums against you where he laps up every drop of your juices.
“Did so good f’me sweet girl.” He praises, giving both of your thighs a kiss before placing a final one in your slightly swollen clit which resulted in another jump from you and crawling back on top of your body. “M’gonna ruin you.” He growls playfully, nuzzling his head into your neck to softly bite at your skin. As he does this, you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out a string of loud laughs and occasional squeals; which causes Harry to stop his movements completely. “Is something funny darling?!” He asks amusedly, pulling his head up to give you a questioning look.
“S’just that what you were doing tickled, I’m still sensitive down there, and you always say that you’re gonna ruin me but as you can see m’still standing.” You explain with a little laugh. Even though it was his moment and all, you still liked to poke at him a little bit. And you were still a bit loopy from your first release
“Well how about this, you let me finish and we can discuss whether or not I keep my word.” Harry challenges with a smirk.
“Hey! Ultimatums are my thing.” You pout below him.
“Well how about you let me finish celebrating then.” Harry leverages playfully.
“Fine!” You huff dramatically. And with that, Harry brings his head back down to the crook of your neck and continues moving his hands all over your body and getting you ready for what was next.
Let’s just say that the two of you were going to be “celebrating” all night long.
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Haruhi Fujioka||SFW Alphabet
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A/N: Making gender neutral Haruhi Fujioka content because she’s criminally underrated in fic
Word Count: 1996
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Haruhi shows her affection by helping you and spending time with you. She’s actually quite affectionate. She’s pretty private with it, especially when the twins are around, but she likes to be held by you, preferring to scoot closer to you to lean her head on your shoulder.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, Haruhi is really good at giving you logical/calm advice . Like she’s very blunt and to the point and it might hurt your feelings a little but she never does it out of ill will. Also Haruhi is the best for doing random hobbies or going to random places because she’s just like oh ok and she won’t make fun of you or anything. Overall a good best friend to vibe with that’s also hella responsible.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Haruhi isn’t really big on cuddling. She doesn’t mind it and she’ll cuddle if you want but she’s not one to initiate. The one exception is during storms, Haruhi won’t even say anything to you, she’ll just walk up to you and let you hold her while she’s shaking until she falls asleep.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Haruhi is literally the spokesperson of domesticity across the world. Ms. girl has a whole recipe book don’t even play. However, while cooking and cleaning were things she picked up out of necessity, she loves you all the more because you do this for her without her even needing to ask.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If Haruhi had to break up with you, she’s very solemn about it. It’s almost formulaic like she practiced it 1000x (spoiler alert: she did). She cherishes every moment you both spent together, but she feels it’s best if you remained friends.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Haruhi really doesn’t care either way about marriage. She’s not super traditional in the sense that marriage is a deal breaker, but if you do have a wedding, she’d like it to be simple, with your closest friends and family. Do be warned that Ranka will be slightly butt-hurt if you don’t get married, however the fight between her and Tamaki on who gets to walk Haruhi down the aisle is probably worth getting married.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically and emotionally, Haruhi is very gentle and attentive. Physically, she’s very gentle, mainly because she’s unsure of what you’re okay with and the both of you are just getting a feeling for what you want. However, later on in your relationship, she’s still gentle but she gives her affection a lot more openly in a way that’s still secretive, like placing a kiss on your cheek and walking away like nothing happened. Emotionally, Haruhi is very attentive to the emotions of those around her, even if that person is very private or generally good at hiding their emotions. 
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Haruhi is fine with hugs, she doesn’t really initiate them but she’ll just stand there and let you hug her if you need to. The only time she doesn’t like hugs is when they lead to her being the center of attention and getting hugs from behind. Please don’t hug her from behind, it reminds her of when she got thrown in the ocean during the beach episode and she’s also afraid you might pick her up.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
It takes Haruhi quite some time to confess her love to you because admittedly she’s a little dense when it comes to her own feelings. Once she realizes it, it’s all a matter of the perfect time.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Haruhi’s jealousy is kinda deadpan. Like when she gets jealous, her face just goes blank and she just looks like ‘-_-’ the whole time. She’s silent and won’t make a fuss about it, even if the two of you are alone, but the whole time, she’s making that face until the person she’s jealous of goes away.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Haruhi’s kisses are polite in a way. She kisses like she’s grateful for the opportunity, she does get a little needy when pulling away. She’s always going on and on about how she could kiss you forever.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Around kids, Haruhi is honestly like the best. She’s very practical,, responsible, and pretty good at tuning out things that annoy her (read, the entire Ouran Highschool Host Club minus Mori) so she makes for a good babysitter and an even better parent. She’s also very attentive when it comes to kids, she doesn’t quite have the intuition for it but she has a determination and a willingness to learn.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Haruhi are very sweet. Haruhi and you will get up and make a meal together, even if it’s something simple like toast, Haruhi loves spending time with you, and what better way to do it than a slow morning.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Haruhi are nice, they’re sweet and slow. Haruhi will brew you both a thing of peppermint or chamomile tea and then you’ll be out like a light before you even know it. That’s when the real battle starts. Haruhi can and will snatch the covers from you and she’s surprisingly strong for someone unconscious. Good luck on recovering that blanket friend.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Haruhi is pretty open already. She is a natural after all, any vulnerabilities she has have been shared and any concerns have been brought up to you as her s/o
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Haruhi’s patience is going to get a 76% rating. She does mind her business and make an effort not to be involved in certain things, but drama and mess always seem to just find her. Haruhi does not like messiness or any form of foolishness or buffoonery at all, she doesn’t care for it and is quick to anger when she comes across it.
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Haruhi remembers things about you in order of like responsibility. So she’s like memorizing your allergies, your emergency contacts, clothes and shoe size, etc. like she’s almost like a parent in that regard. She does it almost unconsciously too like one day you’ll be out at some street fair and she’s like “oh no Y/N that’ll trigger your allergies” without even missing a beat like it’s almost terrifying sometimes.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Her favorite moment in your relationship is when you got tickets for you both to go to a butterfly garden and you proceeded to spend about 20 minutes hyping Haruhi up on her outfit before you even left for the sanctuary. Once you both got there, you took so many pictures of Haruhi surrounded by flowers and butterflies, and honestly she looked ethereal. But that day with you she smiled and laughed so much that her face was a little sore when she got home.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Please protect this girl, she’s so sweet. Haruhi protects you by just sort of checking on your needs. The way she needs/ deserves to be protected is the real focus. Of course the general looking out for each other, but if you protect Haruhi like emotionally and she’s yours for life. A a kid, despite her dad’s best efforts, Haruhi wasn’t exactly protected, she had to do a lot of fending for herself and her dad, and she doesn’t resent him for that, but it does affect the way she thinks. So if you can prove that you’re a constant source of support for her,,,
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
In terms of her gifts, and any anniversaries, Haruhi is extremely thoughtful. Even if she doesn’t have much money she still plans meticulously to make sure you have the best day. Her gifts tend to lean on the more practical side as opposed to the fanciful side but if she’s able to, she’ll still try to get you something like a charm bracelet. In terms of dates, Haruhi is still meticulous but most of your dates are you two doing some task but together. She tries very hard though to make time in her day for you even if you both only get to spend an hour or 2 together.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
A bad habit Haruhi has is that she tends to downplay serious issues. She tends to downplay her own issues but on occasion she does tend to downplay your feelings. Not intentionally of course, but you’ll be upset and she’ll just go “Y/N, that seems really small to be so upset about” in that deadpan tone. She does work on it though, but her tendency to downplay issues does cause arguments between you two.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Haruhi puts in enough effort to impress you. She’s not big on being ‘vain’ but she does like to look nice for you.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Not at all, in fact, one of Haruhi’s favorite parts of your relationship is that fact that you can both spend time apart and still want to come back home to each other. As much as she loves you, she still has other things in life that she wants outside of you. It fills her with the greatest sense of joy to know that you both have each other’s back and are there for each other after everything.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Haruhi canonically has 0 relationship experience and it’s completely her fault. She’s just very goal-oriented and a little oblivious romantically so she can’t really tell when someone likes her unless they tell her at which point she informs them that she’s got shit to do.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
In general, it takes a lot for Haruhi to genuinely dislike someone as a person. She’s pretty level headed so it takes a lot for her emotions to override her ,mind like that. She tends to have character traits that are more of a no than people that she doesn’t like, a few things get her mad though, are inconsiderateness, thinking the world revolves around you, and of course, rich people.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
You got Haruhi a sleeping mask with her initials on them and she sleeps with it pretty much every night. Like she has a schedule, it’s part of her night time routine there’s no going back now, even if she’s going on vacation, she’ll triple-check to make sure she’s grabbed it.
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dinosaurtsukki · 4 years
bsd as their zodiac signs | armed detective agency
a/n: i started out this blog with a hq as their zodiac signs post so i thought i should do one for bsd too !!
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osamu dazai | gemini
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oh god i fucking knew it like dazai just screams gemini to me it's not even a surprise at this point
intelligence? check. sense of humor? check. talkative/chatty? check. dual-sidedness? check.
him being chaotic as fuck and unpredictable is just very gemini
as well as him being able to switch between being more light-hearted and cracking jokes to being all serious and kinda intimidating
geminis, like other air signs, are known for being intellectual too and quite skilled at a lot of things
aka dazai's many hidden talents (he apparently control his own heart rate like bitch wtf---)
he's not exactly the most loyal person either but more for the reasons that dazai thinks it's probably superficial. he knows very well that things can easily change with time and is adaptive because of that
very good at just,,, avoiding things in general
his legs are long because he uses them to run away from his problems
isn't the best when it comes to empathy and he definitely has a hard time connecting to people emotionally
but when he does, he treasures them quite dearly
his love language is roasting even though he is a bit of a flirt
that said, he likes being around people who just understand him in a way that even dazai doesn't
in terms of ideal partner, i think dazai wouldn't mind someone who's different from him personality-wise and he can get along with pretty much anyone
kunikida doppo | virgo
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i was guessing that this guy was either a virgo or a capricorn and he definitely fits being a virgo
him being super rigid and organized when it comes to his work and schedule is very virgo since they're especially meticulous
just like dazai's he's very much a 'what are emotions?' kind of person (jk he knows anger but that's also because of dazai)
kunikida can also get quite nitpicky but that's because he expects a certain standard when it comes to things
he's a huge fan of marie kondo and declutters his house regularly. probably has a spice rack that's arranged in alphabetical order
him hating things that are out of schedule or haphazardly-made, spur-of-the-moment plans is also very virgo
SO good at repressing sadness and negative thoughts so he needs someone to truly open up with
also very detail-oriented. he'll take notice if things are just the slightest bit different or off. it helps him a lot in missions since he's very observant
king of self-control like how does he even do it ??
doesn't smoke or drink or any of those things
heck, he doesn't even eat junk food or sleep in late
okay but i feel like when or if he does get drunk, kunikida would already buy himself some hangover cures and place a glass of water on his nightstand table for hungover!kunikida
i feel like he has an aquarius placement in mars because of his idealism
atsushi nakajima | taurus
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ngl i didn't really picture him as a taurus so i feel like his moon is in cancer because of how gentle and warm he is as a person (wow i'm really stroking my own cancer ego here)
a very loyal king and more than a little stubborn when it comes to that but he's very reliable
it actually bothers him a lot when he's unable to get something required of him done, whether its a really important mission or just something small
has an EXCELLENT memory for things. like, if you mention absentmindedly that you like orange popsicles he'll suddenly buy them for you because he knows you like them
atsushi probably really loves being in nature too and taking hikes when he's not too busy with work
just,, imagine him,,, picking wildflowers,,, and bringing them to the office,,, i'm soft i can't
he has a thing for making money but very careful about spending. the only time he really does spend is when he's giving to other people (like kyouka)
buying stuff for people = buying stuff for himself
okay but most of atsushi's money is spent on buying food (aka chazuke) and i bet he's invested some time in cooking for himself
has a stubborn streak but it's mostly fixated at how much he cares for people
he'll go out of his way to plan birthday parties or do a favor for someone even after telling him he doesn’t have to
edogawa ranpo | libra
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another smart air sign boi !!
libras are like the uwu air signs but in my experience no two libras are the same and a lot of their personality kind of depends on their other placements
kind of like dazai, ranpo isn’t one to easily empathize with people and he’s a bit dense when it comes to detecting emotional cues
has an inability to specifically choose what he wants to eat so he solves it by choosing everything
aka will clean out the convenience store with one visit and then probably call kunikida if he doesn’t have enough money
libras are also known to be very affectionate around people and also quite charming
you can see this in ranpo as he does have that skill of manipulating people. he can easily cause them to be frustrated and lose their cool (case in point: chuuya)
and in many ways, his attitude and skill demands respect from his peers
libras are also driven by a need for justice and ranpo does exhibit this is a bit
his idea of justice is quite different from kunikida since ranpo has a bit more self-preserving tendencies
but for him, the idea ‘what’s right’ is attributed to the people he knows has a strong moral compass (aka, he’d do anything to support/follow fukuzawa and kunikida ideals)
although i do think ranpo also has a basic sense of doing what’s right and he does it for the detective agency
he’s really good at arguing even though he probably hates arguing. but he DOES lowkey love watching people fight
sometimes he’ll stir the pot a bit in the office but fukuzawa already knows ranpo started it
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
taglist (check out my post for details on being part of my taglist): @waitforitillwritemywayout @atsumusdomain​​ @laure-chan @goodfoodxoxoxo ​ @guardianangelswings @ah-kaashi @amberalisa​ @whootwhoot​ @liz-multifandom-hotel​​ @kac-chowsballs​​ @violentfarewll
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voltage-vixen · 4 years
A Sleighing Secret
‘Tis the Season of Smut Challenge Day 2
Prompt: A naughty sleigh ride (NSFW)
Fandom: Mr. Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Gavin x MC (Female)
You can still join the challenge and find more info HERE!
Sighing for what seemed to be the umpteenth one of the day, MC’s knuckles rapped against the metal surface of her desk while she waited for the workday to finally be over with. Today, MC was supposed to meet up with Gavin at the police station after she finished her shift to take him back home to her place where they were going to spend the evening cooking dinner together. At least that was the plan, until MC a secondary glance at the phone which seemed to only serve as a taunting reminder as to how much time was left in the workday left her irritated. It was Christmas Eve, and her night with Gavin consisted of hot chocolate, cuddling by the fire, him ‘unwrapping’ one of his gifts early……  
Shaking her head, MC was tired of wallowing in the office stuck in this an agonizing limbo. Concluding it was time to pull out the boss card she reserved for only the most pressing of urgencies (simply because what could be more pressing than a meetup with one’s boyfriend), MC’s fingers pounded furiously onto the keyboard as she typed out quick email explaining her sudden absence to Anna. Pressing the send button, MC shoved her phone into the pit of her purse and pretended she couldn’t hear Minor’s questions he called out from across the room as the door to the office slammed shut behind her.
After hailing a speedy cab ride across town and paying the driver, MC admired the sight of illuminating Christmas lights wrapped around marquee of the Loveland Police Department before scurrying into the building. The columns in the entryway were decked out in garland, and even Officer Landsman seemed to be in a jolly mood with the Santa hat atop his head while stationed at the desk in the main lobby.
“Good afternoon, Officer Landsman,” MC greeted, as she approached and scribbled her name down onto the familiar visitor’s log. “You wouldn’t happen to have any idea of where I could find Mr. Gavin now, would you?”
“Same place as always when he’s not out prowling the streets for a case,” Landsman replied, printing out a temporary id badge and handing it over to MC. “Do you need me to escort you back to his office?”
Smiling since he was willing to allow her to go back on her own, MC shook her head and gave him a small wave and proceeded to bustle down the length of the hallway. Tinsel entwined around the mistletoe dangled from the ceiling twinkling brightly. Pausing to admire the meticulous detail in the decorations, MC gasped when a sharp tug yanked her into the side hallway, and a hand covered her mouth to muffle the yelp about to escape.
“Shh, it’s only me,” Gavin whispered, his palm still clamped over her lips as he discreetly ushered her towards the back door reserved for emergencies. His frown deepening, his eyes cast down onto the watch strapped to his wrist. “We’re going to sneak out since I have a surprise for you, but we have to hurry otherwise we’re going to miss our ride.”
“Our ride?” she questioned.
Ignoring MC, Gavin pushed open the door leading them beyond the walls of the station. The chilly air grazed fiercely across her face when the door swung open and they poured out onto the sidewalk. MC’s breath fogged in front of her face, and her frame shivered into the direction of the warmth radiating from Gavin’s chest. Encompassing her against his muscular chest, Gavin held MC tightly all while incoherently muttering about something being held up and taking too long. She was about to ask what in the world was going on for him to be acting so out of character, when a grand sleigh being pulled by a beautiful chestnut colored horse appeared almost magically before the duo’s eyes. Trotting gallantly through the fallen snow, the horse’s hooves clopped loudly down onto the pavement and soon stopped to present in front of the pair by striking an elegant pose.
“One romantic sleigh ride for the happy couple is here and at your service,” the driver boasted from his seat, flashing Gavin a knowing wink. “There’s a blanket in the back for your comfort, along with some canisters filled with hot chocolate.”
“Gavin! When did you find the time to arrange all of this? We weren’t supposed to meet up for another couple of hours,” MC squealed, her eyes bulging in excitement when the horse reached out to nuzzle his nose against her cheek.
“A true gentleman never reveals his secrets,” Gavin chuckled, playfully bowing down to direct MC onto the carriage. “After you, my fine lady.”
Giggling at Gavin’s exaggerated role play, MC decided to entertain him right back. Playing along, she bowed her head, made it a point to curtsey before allowing him to hold her hand and escort her into the sleigh.
“Thank you indeed, kind sir,” she engaged back.
Climbing up to join her, Gavin settled down onto the seat and ensured the blanket was tucked snugly beneath the cushion of their thighs. Once the driver noticed they were situated, he turned around and clicked his tongue to indicate to the horse that it was time to move onwards. Jingle bells draped down the sides of the sleigh harmoniously rang as they journeyed on. Snowfall began to lightly trickle from the sky, highlighting the festive lights illuminating the skyline of buildings in the city. The magnificent sight was truly equivalent to one seen in a movie. Captivated in the moment, MC hardly noticed Gavin fussing over the blanket next to her until he tapped on her shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re warm enough?” Gavin prodded, encircling his arm around MC’s waist to scootch her closer. “Because if not, I can go ahead and hail us a cab for the remainder of the trip.”
“I’m fine, Gavin,” MC murmured, fluttering her eyelashes to leave a butterfly kiss on the side of his face. “Everything is perfect. This wonderful surprise. The striking scenery. And most importantly, you’re perfect.”
The sincerity of her confession left Gavin rendered speechless, and there was only one way left he knew how to communicate in at that moment. Leaning in, the officer touched the producer’s lower lip; his teeth nibbling away before forcing his tongue between the part of her lips. He shifted his angle to deepen their kiss, eventually breaking away to pepper a trail of kisses down the nape of her neck. MC bit down hard on her lip to stifle a moan to avoid when her body broke out into a flush to avoid alerting the driver of their secret affair until-
“We should save the rest for later,” Gavin smirked, reveling at the adorable way his girlfriend would pout when she was flustered.
Meanie! I can’t believe he got we all worked up only to leave me hanging, she thought whilst glaring menacingly at Gavin.
Gone was the gentlemanly Gavin from only a few minutes prior, and instead smugly sat her man looking all proud of himself for having his share of fun by riling her up and toying with MC.
Two can play at that game.
Her eyebrows flashed suggestively when MC pressed her forehead against Gavin’s temple and slipped her hand underneath the blanket. Eyes widening, Gavin titled his head and nodded in the direction of the driver, but his frantic gesturing seemed to leave MC unfazed. Curling her fingers around the waistband of his trousers, MC placed a slender finger onto his lips urging him to keep silent while she fiddled with the front of his boxers. Unfastening the last of the buttons, the evolver’s cock sprang free and was welcomed into MC’s hand. A low hiss slipped through the purse of Gavin’s lips as her hand enveloped around the thick of his heat.
The touch of MC’s hand was so soft and delicate that his hips couldn’t help but betray him by involuntarily jerking closer to her. Gavin’s arousal was feverish to her touch, pulsating when she encircled around him and gave a firm squeeze and pumped firmly. His breathing hitched when her strokes curtailed into modest movements, her fingers occasionally caressing the cusp of his manhood while purposely pinching his thigh to rile Gavin up. Gavin’s fist clenched tightly, fighting the urge to slam MC back down onto the bench of the sleigh and take her without giving a damn that as an officer of the law he would be engaging in a matter of public indecency.
His arousal twitched in a delightful throbbing pleasure, compelling Gavin to arch along the tender curve of MC’s thigh. Turned on by his actions, MC snuck a peak to over at the driver to make sure he was preoccupied by the guiding the sleigh, then prudently climbed onto his lap. Grinding her hips down to ride Gavin’s thigh, she fought back the impulse to moan when the friction grazing her clit drowned her senses in waves of ecstasy. One of her hands clung to the collar of Gavin’s shirt, while the other continued jerking him harder and harder until-
“Alright you crazy kids, we’re nearly approaching our final destination of the evening,” the driver unknowingly boomed, his eyes still focused on the path before them.
Startled and exchanging panicked glances at the risk of practically being discovered, they silently shuffled to fix their disheveled clothing and returned to their proper seats. The sleigh carried on for a few moments longer and eventually came to a slow halt. Their magical ride ended with an uncomfortable Gavin shoving a wad of cash into the driver’s palm as a tip and whipping the blanket off to toss it aside. Gavin jumped down out of the carriage and held his arms outstretched to catch MC. Hastily rising to her feet, MC leapt into Gavin’s arms, barely affording the time for Gavin to pivot out of sight from the driver to nibble on the lobe of her ear.
“Hope you’re ready for payback,” Gavin muttered, his nimble fingers tracing around the side of her body to work at the buttons of her blouse and move across MC’s bare skin. “Your Christmas present is ‘coming’ to you early this year, if you catch my drift.”
Treading into MC’s apartment building through the misting snow, Gavin stole a kiss from the woman he loved, persisting in his quest to languidly undress her in the elevator as he impatiently awaited to reach the floor her apartment was on. His objective was to streamline undressing her; for when they reached her apartment Gavin was going to savor the early start on unwrapping his present. After all, he had been a very good boy this year. 😉
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