#i love cobalt
tezuka-brainrot · 2 months
@rei-does-stuff do you want to hear the worst sound known to man?
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dreadfutures · 1 year
i have about 3 weeks to make and characterize two new complexes that’ll throw a huge wrench in a debate that’s been going on since. 1996. Since before I was born. And then I have to write about it by July. And also I have to write my fucking tantalum chapter.
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essektheylyss · 5 months
I'm also still laughing that he really showed up, introduced himself as an Archivist of the Cobalt Soul, and then insinuated that they were going to go extrajudicially hunt down, capture, and "interrogate" a Cerberus Assembly Archmage. Sir, archivists do not do that kind of thing, least of all on their own, LEAST OF ALL with a bunch of random hooligans they were just sent to collect for an unrelated excursion. Quite honestly, that was the thing I kept going back to in evidence of, there is absolutely no way this is a legit archivist.
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xxcobaltkillerxx · 11 months
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Brick is proud of herself for finding a good ledge to loaf on.
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emeraldotter · 10 months
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spacerockband · 2 months
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rescue dragon surgery was a success :)
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tatonslice · 1 year
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i miss him. where is he.
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tinyangrynerd · 1 year
heket real?
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herobrine-avm · 1 year
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sylenth-l · 1 year
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A moment of serenity
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maxphilippa · 9 months
The Super Object Energy + Cobalt Blue's Unknown Story.
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So. This just dropped. Let's talk about it.
In the video it is explained that the Super Objects were the ones that created life amongst objects, this already saying a lot about the fact that the Super Object Energy is genuinely the strongest power ever known to object-kind.
They used that power to create life the same way others could use it to destroy. But then. We KNOW that Cobalt Blue was an artificial Super Object. But he was responsible of rock based objects.
So this means that Cobalt Blue was just as strong as the others, but he didn't win because again, he's just ONE super object. His army was strong but we're talking about four other super objects here.
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But then that makes me wonder. Why did they choose Cobalt Blue anyway? How did they create said life? We know that to an extent, it really is just very linked to the person and what they use the power for. Let's take a look at Supreme EC and (Super) Computer.
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Supreme EC's example on the power being able to destroy but also to create life are really obvious, but his are more of an hurting the enviroment heavily (the skies turning red and glowy) and as well the thunderbolts that come from him. He has the power that WAS GIVEN TO COBALT BLUE ON THE PAST. SO OF COURSE HE WAS THAT STRONG.
ESPECIALLY EVEN MORE since he did absorb the powers from his minions, after all. Which means that The Super Object energy can only get bigger and bigger, and the damage that it causes can get worse. It can also change the aspect of the person as well, this being obvious with Cobalt Blue (the red veins) and EC's horns and tail.
But apparently what holds the Super Object Energy from being stupidly overpowerful is. The body of those who have it.
The Super Objects are quite literally Gods, but they're not immortal by any means. They are strong and can take a lot of damage, but their body can take only so much power.
And. This brings my doubt.
HOW did Computer not die instantly when EC got to him, EVEN IF he wasn't an Super Object?
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And again. Super Objects can create life, in theory, "they can even turn death into life". What does Computer do? Exactly. He is alongside EC, the only guy able to revive people, but EC probably only had his abilities once he got his Supreme form. Computer is STILL a mystery. And.
Super objects have great resistance after all. But that's the thing. He wasn't a super object there.
[gets close to the mic] what i'm saying is that computer might just be an even more interesting guy because he has shown to have abilities that are similar to the super objects, EVEN WHEN he was still just some guy.
Now remember the thing I said about the Super Objects being literal Gods? And that even then they can still die?
Super Computer wasn't able to kill Supreme EC because he was not only limited by his emotions, but his body was also LIMITING the power.
So when he dies, since he does not have a body, The Super Object Energy doesn't need to put limitations to itself in order to not put the person at risk, or to keep them safe anymore.
It's a complete weapon. Way stronger than EC.
Because it managed to completely delete him from existence, but it also managed to fix ALL of the damage he caused. Because it came from Computer. From the purest part of him. From his soul.
It destroyed death and gave life a new chance.
So I think that the Super Object Energy is a really interesting concept as a whole. It makes sense that it makes life.
It can be used to destroy or to create it. To hurt or to protect. To hate or to love. Can you believe that the only person that used all of that power, from all of the past super objects, loved that place so much that he didn't mind if he was dead because of it at the end? That he was the only person in the last couple of decades to use that power for good? (Alongside the s1 competitors)
Now, with Cobalt...
What makes it the more tragic for Cobalt is that his super object energy... led him to believe that he was a saviour of sorts.
And the worst part is that he was convinced that he would surpass the others.
Cobalt Blue is just a perfect example of going mad with power, although with initially good intentions.
However, my point remains. Cobalt's actions seem to pretty much have started from a wish to protect others, but later on he ended up being consumed by his own thoughts and power. Not saying that this excuses his actions, but that it gives him some more depth.
Him being described as an rather mysterious object is fascinating. The historians don't know much about him, even if he was the biggest threat back in the day. We don't really KNOW much about CB on an emotional and psychological perspective.
We also DON'T know why he had that ability on the first place.
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We know that it's a product from being an artificial super object, but then, why fumes that can control people? Was it that the Super Object energy just choose itself? Did it consume Cobalt?
... he wanted to protect his group, or he didn't want to be forgotten.
Or probably, wanted to make sure he could be just as important as them.
The way he looks so happy on past times before he got exiled makes me wonder what was going on inside his head.
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Of course it was wrong. But look at his smile. It isn't a challenging one or a threathening one at all. But rather a proud one?
He wanted to be known. And he is. But was it worth it?
He was so obsessed with wanting to be strong that it ended up being what it killed him. It's also possible that there wasn't any hurting in his original plan.
Of course, kidnapping IS fucked up, but it was stated that he attacked the towns after he got exiled.
"And he was strong"
I think that's the part that shocks me the most.
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His army was strong. He was strong. But he still wasn't a match for them. And yet his power remained there for years even after dying.
And all of these factors make his final scene on TDOS so so much more worse.
He's alive without a purpose.
At least with his power he had an idea of who he was.
Without it... he's nothing.
Or maybe he never was someone.
No one knows him. Not us. Not the historians. Not the cast. Not even himself knows who he is.
He outlived them. And yet he has done nothing but hurting others. Was this the saviour he wanted to be?
Was it?
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tezuka-brainrot · 12 days
I think everyone in the world should have AT LEAST one Tezuka character to be autistic about. Stop assigning genders at birth assign Star System characters instead
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 20 days
Tech's date (a bad batch modern au one-shot)
Hunter: 32
Wrecker: 32
Crosshair: 31
Cobalt: 30
Tech: 28
Phee: 30
Trix: 33
One Friday evening Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Tech, Trix and Cobalt were sitting in the living room playing a round of poker.
"I win, read e'm and weep." Crosshair smirked.
The others all grumbled but handed over their credits.
"So, you guys got any plans for the weekend?" Trix asked.
"Martha and I are taking the kids to the aquarium tomorrow." Cobalt said.
"James and I are going for a hike tomorrow and Katie and Cynthia are going to the beauty parlor." Wrecker said.
"Got a date with Riyo tomorrow night." Trix said.
"I don't have any plans." Tech said.
"Actually Tech, you might." Cobalt said.
"What do you mean?" Tech asked confused.
"Well an old friend of mine from high school is in town, her name is Phee." Cobalt said.
"You talked to girls in high school?" Tech smirked.
"ooooh." the others all exclaimed at once.
"Oh no he didn't."Wrecker said smirking.
Cobalt scoffed.
"As a matter of fact I did." Cobalt said massaging his wounded pride.
"So what does this have to do with me?" Tech asked confused.
"Well we got to talking and I may have set you up on a date with her tomorrow night." Cobalt said.
"You what!" Tech hissed, Crosshair grabbing his arm to hold him down.
"Just hear me out okay, when we were talking yesterday I brought up all of you, when I talked about you she said to me "I'd certainly like to meet him" and so, I may have arranged for you to meet her tomorrow night." Cobalt said.
"Why would you do that?" Tech asked.
"I'm just saying it wouldn't kill you to get out a bit more, Phee's a lovely woman, worst case is she doesn't show up." Cobalt said.
Tech sighed audibly.
"Fine, I'll meet her, but if this doesn't go well I promise you Cobalt I will never let you hear the end of it." Tech said.
"I can live with that." Cobalt nodded.
The next evening:
After a nice shower Tech dressed himself for the date and despite his nerves Tech had to admit he was curious about this woman Cobalt had told him about.
Cobalt had told him the restaurant he was to meet Phee at and to his credit it was a very nice one.
After getting ready Tech headed to the front door and opened the door only for a very bright light to hit him square in the eyes.
After his eyes adjusted he was greeted by the horrific sight of his entire family standing on the front lawn, Crosshair holding a camera in his hands.
"What's this about?" Tech asked extremely confused.
"Oh just documenting this very rare occasion, our little Tech is going on his first date." Crosshair said with a massive smirk as he took another picture.
"So you invited the entire family?" Tech asked.
"Well duh." Crosshair said.
Tech just scoffed and walked down the street on his way to the restaurant Cobalt had mentioned.
When he arrived he sat down at the table that Cobalt had reserved for them, Phee hadn't arrived yet so he decided to study the menu.
"Hello, is your name Tech?" A voice asked.
Tech looked up and was slightly startled.
A young woman was smiling brightly at him, Tech was embarrassed to admit he could feel himself blushing profusely, his face heating up.
"I-Uh yes, Phee may I presume?" Tech said adjusting his glasses.
"Yep, nice to meet you." Phee said smiling warmly at him as she sat down.
The two ordered food and throughout the course of the date Tech had to admit he rather enjoyed Phee's company and he couldn't help but hope she felt the same way.
After an admittedly pleasant dinner the two talked for a while before deciding to call it an evening.
Tech walked Phee to her car which was parked just down the road.
"So Tech, if I may ask, there's a showing of pirates of the carribean at the movies next week, fancy coming along?" Phee asked.
Tech adjusted his glasses nervously as he thought for a moment before nodding.
"Yes, that sounds lovely." Tech nodded.
Phee smiled.
"Till next time...brown eyes." Phee said before getting into her car and driving away leaving a blushing Tech to watch her go.
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cobalt-bug · 22 days
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me omw to play jund at magic night
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ebbpup · 8 months
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Super object polycule should be real and they should cuddle and be happy and yeah
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whack-patty · 8 months
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Got REAL invested in clangen last night. Here are my fav 4 that haven't died yet
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Og sprites belong to the game!!!
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