#i love cho q
aesongies · 2 years
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230113 super junior – the last man standing live
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silent-sanctum · 6 months
I love, love, LOVE your Morioh slices of life and would die for more of Jotaro trying to have a stable family life amid Josuke and Okuyasu shenanigans. Please? Maybe a beach episode?? Anything you want, really! 🙏
Hiya! Sorry I just got to your request! This one's pretty lengthy as I said but it is here now~ There was less Josuke and Okuyasu shenanigans than I hoped but that's because I wanted to focus the story on Jotaro's family bonding time. Hope you enjoy! ♡
A Slice of Morioh: Our Piece of Peace
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word count: 4.9k
When it comes to the Kujos, nothing was ever boring or simple.
Every day in every month was something new to explore for the couple and their energetic 4-year-old daughter. Initially, it was just the family doing what an average family does in their seaside villa in Florida, then give it a couple months of adjustments, they found themselves in a mini crusade as they traversed most of Asia.
Jolyne fully had the idea that their trip was purely for vacation, but little does she know that it was half-work as well. In the background of their travels, her parents hunted down potential Stand enemies and possible Stand arrows in the area with the intention of minimizing threats that could harm their little girl’s future.
The whole family work-vacation was entirely your idea, taking into consideration Jolyne’s adventurous and excitable personality. You wanted her to explore the world before she had to stay in one place for her schooling. Understandably, Jotaro hesitated with the suggestion, feeling fearful of what could happen to his family; a hint of trauma still plaguing the back of his mind even after attended many therapy sessions.
You gently insisted it was for their daughter’s development and that she’d be under constant watch but allowed him time to ponder, never pushing it too far that it irritated him.
Eventually, he gave in and trusted your word to allow Jolyne in the couple’s travels across half the world. Looking at her now being this happy and excited, Jotaro didn’t regret his decision.
At this point of their trip, they agreed to give themselves a break and opted to settle down in the small town of Morioh-cho.
And aside from the handful of local Stand users wanting you and Jotaro out of the way of their shady business, the trouble wasn’t too much to handle and the family still had enough rest before venturing out of the country once again.
“Eomma! Appa! I’m bored! Can we go somewhere else please?!”
Jolyne, having be used to the constant go-to routines her family does, began to fuss and whine within the 4 walls of their hotel room. You have stayed in the small town for over a month and within them, your daughter had wasted no time wandering about the area with the typical eagerness of a preschooler.
But since you and Jotaro intended to stay for at least 2 more months, it would only be time until she began to crave for more adventures. Thus, you found yourself facing Jolyne nearly throwing tearful tantrums in the lounge area of your hotel room, with Jotaro by your side perplexed at the situation, and Great Grandpa Joseph sighing as he carried the tiny Shizuka in his arms.
“I wanna go out! I wanna play and run and eat and do whatever!” Jolyne huffed and puffed in her butterfly-patterned pajamas, hands balling in tiny fists and feet stomping on the carpet.
“Jolyne, what did I tell you about being patient? Your mother and I still have matters to tend to here,” Jotaro said gruffly. “We already allowed you to hang out with Josuke and his friends.”
But the little girl continued to whine, cheeks growing red from frustration. “But they keep taking me to the same places over and over! I don’t wanna go back there!”
“Like where pearl?” You questioned.
She raised her chubby fingers and began to count from each. “The sandwich shop, the playground, the ice cream shop, the nice man’s food shop, the school, the park, and even that weird man’s house!”
“Which weird man?” Jotaro mumbled to you, to which you muttered back a quiet “Rohan Kishibe. They like to fool around with the guy”, and he nodded in immediate understanding.
“Listen,” you started as you got down on your knees to face Jolyne. “You have to understand that other than what your father said, the point of why we stayed here is to relax for a bit and then we can go back out there.”
She pouted. “But-”
“However,” you butted in before she could go back to throwing a fit. “How about I make a deal?” You reached over to grasp her one hand with both of yours. “We’ll have a mini road trip in the neighboring towns near Morioh and you can have all the fun you want, but when we get back, you have to behave until we finish our job here. Or else, you get limited exploration in our travels.”
You turned to look back at your husband. “Sounds like a good deal, right?” Jotaro quirked up his brows in agreement as he downed his cup of coffee.
Jolyne puffed her cheeks, dubious. “How long is the trip?”
“How long do you want it to be?”
“Hmm… 4 weeks!” Jolyne said with a wide smile.
“That’s a bit much. A week?”
“Okay then, how about 2 weeks?” You said. “We can do a lot in 2 weeks pearl.”
You felt a hand lay on your shoulder and for a second, you glanced at Jotaro kneeling next to you. “Eomma also needs to rest a lot for your baby sibling to grow properly. Don’t you want that?” You flushed as he wrapped a gentle arm around midsection, hand resting on your small bump.
Jolyne pressed her lips together as she mirrored her father’s action and placed her hand on your tummy. “Yeah…”
“Listen to your parents youngster,” Mr. Joestar spoke up from the back. “There’s loads of fun stuff you can do in places near Morioh. I would know because I’ve been quite the wanderer myself in my younger days.”
“Of course you were old man,” Jotaro deadpanned at him. You held back a laugh at the implication. “Quite the wanderer indeed. I wouldn’t say it was your younger years though.”
“Anyways,” you cleared your throat. “Do we have a deal, little miss?” You put up a hand for her to shake.
Jolyne scrunched her face in deep thought before grinning and eagerly grasping your hand with her smaller ones. “Deal!”
You huffed in complete adoration and couldn’t resist planting a kiss on her forehead. “Aigoo, my tiny impatient explorer….”
“Go bath now before your mother changes her mind,” Jotaro said, rustling her already-tousled dark hair. Jolyne stared up at her father with challenge in her eyes and a smirk for a mouth. “In the count of 3,” he started. “One… two…”
And just like that, your daughter bolted back to her room with a loud giggle.
Jotaro chuckled and got up from his knee, helping you up after him. “Good grief. We really should come up with something to keep her occupied in one spot.” He narrowed his eyes at you. “You spoil her too much.”
“Me?” You raised a brow with a scoff. “And you don’t?”
“I mean-” He watched how you smirked up at him. His cheeks warmed a bit. “This whole vacation was your idea.”
“I know. But you’re often the one bending over to Jolyne’s every wishes, Jotaro-ssi.”
“I get it!” You both turned to the elderly man. “You both are loving parents to that little girl! Have your squabble elsewhere before the baby starts crying again.”
You and your husband shared one look at each other and with that, a smile grew on both your faces.
Jotaro’s job was far from over. Stand users still run rampant in society as he speaks but even then, there was this reassuring sense of peace that often blanketed over his worries.
It took Jotaro months to realize that the source of his reassurance and light heart was the happiness and trust of his family that was with him all throughout this nomadic trip. The trust and love he had for his wife led him to this moment where he can put down the walls of his rigid stoicism and enjoy some semblance of normalcy that you both had wanted.
Just like an ordinary family.
Who knew something as mundane as packing up clothes and toiletries would something he’d prefer over throwing fists at somebody. It became a routine to him considering the number of times they had to the same thing with each country and its many cities.
Ironically, it was even a bit funny that he was finding amusement in the minute details of their daily living: The assigned roles of who was to pack what (Jotaro for the work equipment, you for the clothes, Jolyne for the toiletries), the frequent usage of Star Platinum, Silent Sanctuary, and Stone Free in doing simple assistive work, the banter you somehow still kept up with him throughout the years, his child’s laughter messing with her great grandfather etc.
And so as he tucked the last of the folders in the luggage, Jotaro cocked his head and felt his lip curl up at his own thoughts. “Unbelievable.”
You passed by and glancing at his organizational skills, let out an impressed “ooh” and turned to him. “Got everything packed?” He nodded once. “Your thesis papers? The Stand users’ profiles? Our personal documents?”
“Done. Also double-checked just in case.”
“As expected from you,” you said and got on your tiptoes to peck a chaste kiss on his cheek. “Watch out now, she’s gonna burst through that door in less than a second now.”
“What makes you say-”
“Eomma! Appa!” You both looked to the doorway to spot Jolyne with her trademark space buns, matching pastel green top and bottom, and butterfly accessories clipped on every inch of her clothes. A bright yellow backpack hung behind her, stuffed to the brim. “I’m ready!”
“I’m sure you are pearl.” He watched her run inside to hug your leg in excitement. In turn, you petted her head with gentle strokes. “Makes me wonder what you keep packing in that little bag of yours all the time.”
“Important stuff.” Jolyne giggled as you pinched her cheek.
But beyond the peaceful bubble of their bedroom, a pair of familiar loud teenage voices joined Joseph’s deaf complaints, causing a ruckus in the lounge area bearing the same eagerness as his child.
Said child jumped at their arrival and squealed with glee, hurrying back to greet the new visitors. “Jojo oppa! Kuyasu oppa!”
Jotaro let out the biggest sigh of the day. “Them again?” You smiled at him apologetically, but he knew you well enough to recognize that underlying smugness that paired with that smile. “Don’t tell me…”
“Jotaro-san! Y/N-san!”
He rolled his eyes at the mention of his name but didn’t resist when you held his hand and tugged him outside. Star hovered out behind to finish packing up all their luggage and carried them out afterwards.
“Josuke, Okuyasu, what are you doing here-” Whatever he wanted to say ended up short when he laid eyes on the two high schoolers… wearing their most casual wear, bulky bags on their backs, and wide grins on their faces. Meanwhile, Jolyne happily perched atop Crazy Diamond’s shoulders.
Jotaro lightly tilted his head to yours and simply muttered a curt “are they really?”
To which you shrugged. “It’s their break. I was thinking they can help us recommend some good spots to visit since they’re locals in the area.”
He wasn’t one to do such thing, but even he could feel himself pout as he said, “We can discover that for ourselves like we always do.”
“Oh come on now love, surely you’re not going to send them home disheartened? I mean, look at our little girl,” he watched as the said child played with the teenagers’ Stands with Stone Free creating many shapes out of its neon blue strings. “She’s so happy her goofy uncles are around. They can also be of big help security-wise if that makes you feel any better.”
Jotaro wanted to refute, his mind trying to come up with something but from a practical standpoint, you had every point in your favor. Instead of digging for more reasons to leave them, he combed his finger through his trimmed curls and heaved a heavy sigh. “I hate it when you have a point.”
You smiled, cheeky. “Where’s Koichi? Isn’t he coming along?”
“We told him to tag with us but he said he wanted to focus on his studies,” Okuyasu said. “And that he can’t leave his girlfriend behind.”
“Which I call foul because I still think she’s controlling and watching his every move,” Josuke added clicking his tongue. “Girl’s an insane stalker, you know?”
“Oh Y/N-san! When do we leave?” Okuyasu said, grabbing the handles of his bag like an elementary grade student about to go on their first school trip. “And what are we riding? Bus? Boat? Plane?”
“I’d like to board a plane…” Josuke mumbled with his thoughts already in the clouds.
“You two,” both boys froze in a second and stood rigid as Jotaro spoke from where he was beside you. “Be grateful Y/N invited you with us. I expect you to behave and minimize inconveniences around my family. Got it?”
“Y-Yes no problem with that Jotaro-san!” Josuke stuttered.
Nothing had even started and he was about to pop a blood vessel as soon as the two boys began to cause chaos in their booked hotel lounge. It was fortunate that you were there to step in and calm him down with a simple hand on his back. Jotaro turned to you and after a quick glance at him, you said to everyone in the room.
“Alright, looks like everything’s settled. Everyone is in attendance so let’s get this show on the road.”
“You kids have fun now,” Joseph said with the baby in his arms opening and closing her fists, mimicking an infant’s version of a wave. “I’ll just rest here with Shizuka. Poor thing might throw a fuss if I leave her alone.”
“Then I’ll have Koichi be the one to assist you then,” you said. “You take care Mr. Joestar.”
When planning out where to go for the impromptu trip, Jotaro didn’t think too much about it other than the potential of a Stand ambush. He trusted that you knew what and where you were going and that the two teenagers actually lived up to what was expected of them.
It was only after they boarded a train to the neighboring area and settled in their respective seats did his parental awareness kick in regarding whether or not Jolyne would even love the places they were going to.
If his prior research served him right, there weren’t any extravagant amusement parks or bustling cityscapes nearby that contained the attractions suited to entertain a preschool-aged girl. All there was were a multitude of sightseeing spots designed to interest older people instead of children.
Now looking at his little girl humming on her window seat beside him, happily munching on one of the wafer bars you bought back in Morioh, Jotaro’s mind started to overthink and his heart weighed a bit. I don’t want her to be disappointed. I should’ve told Y/N about modifying the itinerary because what if-
“Yeobo?” Jotaro snapped out from his thoughts to turn to you staring at him with worry. “Something in your mind?”
“It’s… It’s nothing,” he cleared his throat. He could only hope his nonchalance facade is effective. “I was thinking about changing some parts of my thesis, that’s all.”
“Really? Or are you worried about our daughter?”
Damnit. “What gave it away?”
“You kept looking at her eating with that shifty gaze I see in your eyes whenever you’re concerned,” you said. “What is it? Is it security matters again? Because the others are nearby to help out and I can always tell when a threat is within our vicinity.”
“No it’s not that. I got that issue sorted out in my head.”
“Then what?” A soft hand overlaid his and for a moment, his cheeks flared faintly, both at the feel of your wedding ring and your gentle touch. “Tell me.”
He sighed. “Will she enjoy this trip? I’m now recalling the plans you’ve laid out to me beforehand and thinking about it again, it’s not fit for a child’s entertainment. What if she experiences this whole vacation and ends up upset and starts throwing tantrums again when we get home?”
“Entertainment?” Looking away, you raised a hand to your mouth and huffed a breathy laugh. Jotaro remained puzzled as he continued to stare at you wanting solutions. “Love, this is Jolyne we’re talking about. The same Jolyne who wandered about wild forests with endless questions, and who’d find anything new interesting and worth exploring.”
“She’s been with us to isolated, rural places before and she loved every location regardless,” you smiled. “Don’t worry. As long as we’re with her and she has something to do, she’ll be fine.”
“And besides,” you gently patted your tiny bump. Something he always kept an eye on with fondness. “From all these countryside trips, I feel like this bean will grow more into a calmer baby than their sister.”
Reassurances were always something Jotaro never believed in fully being the skeptic that he was and a bit cynical towards the world, but hearing you say them was different- he’s been with you through the years and he’d seen how you’ve done or at least did your best to make sure you kept your word.
And he was grateful that he had someone he could feel this sentiment towards and he was glad it was you. So Jotaro smiled back in return, never saying anything back. Instead, he pressed a light kiss on your temple.
Time passed and eventually, the scenic view out their window transitioned from a stretch of green fields to the gradual transition into rows of blooming cherry blossom trees lining the large clear river down the slope.
The second the train had fully stopped, Jolyne couldn’t wait any longer and hurriedly tugged her parents towards the numerous pink foliage that waited for them. Josuke and Okuyasu stepped in to your aid and offered to play with her while they were there, sparing you from the worry of running and exerting stress to your unborn child and worrying Jotaro in the process.
The younger crowd enjoyed their time doing rounds of tag and role-playing while the “parents” of the group took their time to bask in the pleasing, spring environment. At times, the group would band together in one spot to take some photos with the Polaroid you brought for your travels.
The group proceeded to visit the nearby bay as suggested by the old man and there they continued to take even more memorable pictures as Jolyne wandered about the stone paths and bridges above the body of water. They were lucky enough to board a small boat to cruise them around before they made their last drive for the day.
By the time they reached the last hours of their afternoon, Jolyne grew tired and ended up sleeping the remainder of the day. With his daughter napping in his arms, the group took the chance to visit some of the local shrines within the area. During a break, they settled down momentarily in a nearby shop selling snacks.
While the teenagers goofed around talking about splurging versus saving, Jotaro chose to sit beside you with Jolyne laying on your lap, resting peacefully. Both of you had different treats in hand wanting separate selections. Naturally, you two ended up sharing a bite or two of their respective treats as if they were still the young lovers from high school.
After settling down for the night, the group proceeded to board a bus departing to a neighboring city the day after, and much like their situation in the train, Josuke and Okuyasu began to snicker and gossip to themselves in the seats ahead of Jotaro and his family. The only difference was that his little girl spent the duration of the bus trip with the teenagers, already accustomed to their chaos.
He could only imagine how befuddled and protective he became beside you.
“You’re in that mode again.”
“What mode?”
“Death glares, pressed lips, cocked head, crossed arms, bouncing knee, and lack of child within arms length..” You counted. “You know, papa wolf mode. I’ve took note a total of 3 occurrences so far during our vacation here.”
“Should I be concerned that I’m feeling this way more often? Or that you’re being smug and keeping count of it?”
“What’s it to you?” You smirked with that knowing shrug of yours. Seeing you crossing arms after him had Jotaro scoffing lightheartedly in disbelief, albeit with a curl to his upper lip. “Come on, it’s endearing admit it.”
Eventually past the rural side of the place and even more stretches of plains and farms, the bus made it to its destination. Drawn to the many eye-catching arcades immediately seen from where they stand outside the station, the high schoolers returned to Jolyne and with her consent and the permission of her parents, and invited her to play with them.
You shared a look with your husband and in silent resignation, he waved the boys off to do whatever. You allowed it as well under the condition they return and meet-up in the lobby area of hotel after an hour.
Suffice to say, they bolted to the nearby arcade game the second everyone approved. “Good grief,” Jotaro said. “When I got myself prepared to be a parent to 1, I didn’t think I’d be one to 3.”
“4,” you said back.
His eyes widened for a brief moment in realization before letting out a bashful chuckle. He stroked your tummy in soft circles. “You’re right. My bad, little bean.”
Their time spent in the urban landscape wasn’t as grand as they would’ve expected, but at the same time none of you complained. Instead, you discovered that other than the numerous entertainment being offered for the younger members of the group, you found a variety of dishes to try with the family ranging from new sushi items, unique meat selections, battered fish cake on a stick, fluffy custard-filled sponge cakes, flavored mochi treats, and many more.
Your days ended up with filled bellies and bags… upon bags of purchased “souvenirs” the teenagers stacked up during their shopping spree. Funnily enough, they were able to buy that much to begin because Jotaro lent them some money under the pretense that they leave his family in peace for even one day.
That day, Jolyne sported a toothy grin as she added a stuffed kitty and puppy plush to her toy collection from a whole day spent in an indoor amusement park- a prize won by her father and his Stand’s impeccable accuracy at a game of shooting specified number of targets. As a cherry on top, you had a hunch the guy manning the booth rigged the game from the number of unclaimed toys sitting on their shelves and the cocky stance he put on. So you took matters into your hands.
A light ring and a mellow symphony conducted by your Stand ended up swaying the con artist to give away all his prizes to nearby children. He earned enough.
“This is papa,” Jolyne said, taking the paw of her puppy plush to wave at Jotaro. The latter raised a brow at his daughter sitting on his forearm and reached up to pinch her cheeks with his free hand. She fumbled around until she’s able to grasp the kitty’s paw to wave at you. “And this is mama.”
You cooed, combing through her partly-dyed hair. She wanted them down for today and you didn’t see any problem with that. “How about yours, pearl?”
“I’m the butterfly toy back at home,” Jolyne said in return, pouting as she joined paws of both her plushies. “The pretty blue butterfly.”
You smiled and glancing at your husband, he had one on his face as well. “That’s right. You’re puppy-kitty’s little butterfly.”
At that, Jolyne giggled as she snuggled both squeaky plushies into her hug.
Their last stop was a humble, homey village not too far from the city. Known for their crafts, the place gave its visitors a piece of history, nature, local tradition, and its many signature wood products.
Almost immediately, Jolyne hurried over with eager skips to the many workshops available for her to participate in, and just like your child and her 2 older brother-figures accompanying her, you too had to admit that you were also excited to build something.
While they went about their way as usual, you followed after them with a slower stride alongside your husband. “I can just tell you’re brimming to do all sorts of activity here.”
You turned to Jotaro with a confident shrug. “Why wouldn’t I? I’m always up to trying out new stuff.”
“You weren’t exactly the best during that time we had to create wooden statues for arts class.”
“Yah, that was 9 years ago Jotaro-ssi!” You scoffed and playfully slapped his bicep. “A lady can improve. Matter of fact, I have improved when you weren’t around.”
Jotaro smirked, unconvinced. “We’ll see.”
The workshops offered a variety of craft choices to choose from and all members of your group didn’t hesitate to test them out starting from the shop teaching how to make chopsticks from scratch. By the end of the session, your family created 3 pairs of freshly lacquered chopsticks in different colors- violet, burgundy, and olive green.
Josuke and Okuyasu went ahead to visit the workshop that guided them to craft more creative wood works, though knowing them, using their respective Stands to cheat and compete on who would make the better end product was likely what they did without adult supervision.
They spent the entire afternoon exploring the different activities available for them and made personalized trinkets and small wooden decor they could add to spruce their home up. Skill-wise? You weren’t lying when you said you’d somewhat mastered some level of craftsmanship when carving and assembling pieces of chopped wood into various designs.
Beside you, Jolyne created her own custom goodies with Jotaro’s assistance.
After successfully trying out everything, Jolyne spent all her energy for the day and went on to take a nap in her father’s arms, cradling a self-made kokeshi doll swaddled in a forest green handkerchief that she dyed herself- a tiny wooden doll carved, polished, and painted to look like a miniature version of her. And she had Star Platinum to thank.
The sun began to set as the sky’s clear blue gradually transitioned into a beautiful autumn orange. One-by-one, the village houses lit up together with the street lamps that shone upon the dirt path below.
They settled in for the night in a quaint guest house, stowing their bags in their respective rooms, and meeting up to eat dinner at a nearby restaurant serving stew and roast.
And just to finish the vacation on a soft note, why not make use of the hot springs resting just outside their bedroom. Luckily, you were able to book the rooms that had the natural feature before anyone else could, and since the spring was isolated to your spot alone, no one else would be able to interrupt your time in the warm waters and cozy ambiance.
With your daughter now asleep in her pajamas, you invited Jotaro with you for a relaxing soak and seeing there would be no reason to decline, he followed you there.
This is what he wanted. Not the stressful fights with Stand users or the hassle of paperwork and research.
Just having to hold you in his arms, resting in solitude without having to worry about the problems of the outside world. As a matter of fact, it dawned on him that during the entirety of this mini trip, any paranoia that would’ve appeared at any moment hasn’t made itself known.
Strangely enough, Jotaro felt safe.
He felt safe and fuzzy inside that it genuinely brought a clear joy to his face and a heart that weighed light as a feather. Every once in a while, he could shut his cold logic for a moment and pretend that he was an ordinary man with his wife and child taking the break he so desperately wanted.
He could live like this forever with you.
“You’re uncharacteristically affectionate tonight, love.”
“Hm?” He blinked once, twice, and realized he was half submerged in steaming water, sitting by the stone with your back against his chest. He also caught himself nuzzling the crook of your neck, arms tightening a bit around your midsection just under your breasts with his hands overlapping over your small baby bump. “Oh…”
“I didn’t tell you to stop though,” you said, reaching up behind you to nudge his head forward and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. “I’m happy that you’re happy, right?”
Jotaro, not needing to be the intimidating and strong Stand user that slayed the immortal DIO, allowed himself to smile and reciprocate your peck with a tender kiss on your lips. Only then did he nod to answer you.
“We’re heading back to Morioh tomorrow and resume doing Stand business,” you said. “I’ll miss this moment of quietness between us.”
You huddled closer to your husband, holding his hands with yours. “This is nice.” He purred in acknowledgment as he rest his chin atop your head. “I wish we had more moments like this. Just you, me, and our children.”
“I’d like that too…”
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ladynoirist · 1 year
book rec list while ao3 is down
okay so i wanted to organize this into themes and shit but i ended up dragging my feet for three months so here take this list (in no particular order) of stuff i’ve read and enjoyed over the last few years and think you guys would too:
truly devious by maureen johnson 
tweet cute by emma lord
enchantée by gita trelease
the red palace by june hur
tokyo ever after by emiko jean
if you could see the sun by ann liang
heist society by ally carter
an affair of poisons by addie thorley
prep school confidential by kara taylor
secret shanghai series by chloe gong
dial a for aunties by jesse q. sutanto
kaguya sama: love is war by aka akasaka
wotakoi by fujita
black water sister by zen cho 
a deadly education by naomi novik 
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selfieignite · 1 year
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12 Quick Questions for John Cho Engaging actor joins Season 2 of Apple TV+’s ‘The Afterparty’
Q: Would you consider yourself a party person?
A: When I was going to parties more when I was young … I would go rolling up in a corner and people watch. I remember when I was in college [The University of California, Berkeley], I used to like to take my lunch on the steps in the big plaza there and just sit on the steps and people watch. It’s my favorite activity, maybe.
Q: What factors persuade you to commit to an acting project, including The Afterparty?
A: It’s a little bit like falling in love. You can have your criteria, but you never know until you meet the script. But top of order are [the] people — cool people that you want to work with. It all just starts with the people, and then the script, and then the character.
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Cho, far left, stars in Season 2 of the murder mystery series “The Afterparty” on Apple TV+.
Q: Who are some “cool people” you’d like to work with in the future?
A: The list is quite long. There’s so many people, so little time. I’m running out of years … I admire people from many genres, but one thing that I’m keen to do moving forward is [that] I’d like to work with friends more … One of the best feelings is to return to work with someone that you really love. There’s nothing quite like it.
Q: Your young-adult novel, Troublemaker, narrated by a 12-year-old character, was published this year. Any plans to write another book?
A: I’m working on something else right now, but I’m trying to see when I can set aside time to return to that. The coolest thing about the process of releasing a book has been the new artistic community that's been made available to me — all these authors that I’ve met. Now, authors are [asking] me, “Would you read my book and blurb it?” That community has been really cool. And not incidentally, meeting teachers and librarians through the releases of the book has been really wonderful and edifying.
Q: Why did you choose to write a book for that age group?
A: Twelve is at an age when I was moving around quite a bit, and I felt like I was a new kid in school every six months. The constant in my life was books. I relied on them very heavily to combat loneliness and feel that there was some kind of stability in my life. I never really saw someone that looked like myself on the cover of those books that I was reading. I thought it would be just a little Christmas gift for a 12-year-old me.
Q: What’s the first book you fell in love with?
A: The first book that meant a lot to me personally was Little House on the Prairie. I very, very clearly saw my own family, who are immigrants, in the Ingalls family that were traveling all over America alone. So I drew very conscious parallels between my family and theirs. I think that was the first series of books that meant a lot to me personally.
Q: Do you remember what it felt like to immigrate to the U.S. at age 6?
A: It’s a curious experience to immigrate as a kid, because on the one hand you’re very adaptable, and on the other, you’re not emotionally developed enough to know, to admit, that things are difficult. So certain things seem easy to you because, for instance, you can get the language easier than your parents. But on the other hand … you’re unable to identify things that make you feel unstable, and things that are emotionally difficult can sort of slip right past you until many years later. It’s a mixed bag. In some ways I’m still kind of figuring it out — what that experience was and how it defined my life.
Q: Is there an important life lesson, then, that you want to teach your own kids?
A: I don’t know that I consciously teach my kids [ages 10 and 15] a lot of stuff. The thing that I try to do most with them is to make them feel loved and safe, and then we’ll go from there. But In terms of what immigration has taught me, I think the lesson of immigration for me — and maybe I do teach it to my kids — is probably [that] you have to empathize with all human beings. You don’t know what their lives have been like up until the point you meet them.
Q: Are we ever going to see Harold and Kumar back together again?
A: That would please me. I don’t know. I’m not aware of any solid plans, but we talk about it from time to time, and if there’s an opportunity, perhaps. I think some of the rights issues are a little thorny, but the creators and Kal [Penn] and I are keen. We’d love to do one. It would be real fun to do one after all these years, as we’re almost AARP members ourselves.
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Cho and Kal Penn starred in the 2004 comedy, “Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle.”
Q: You’re actually already eligible for AARP membership. Speaking of, did you have a big celebration last year for your 50th? A: I forget, sometimes [that] I’m 51 this year. In our house, all birthdays are kid birthdays. It’s all cakes for them and whatever they want to eat and handmade cards. It’s my favorite.
Q: Do you think about aging, and does it give you pause?
A: Sure. In some ways, this age is a very strange place to be when you have kids and aging parents. You’re taking care of both sides of your family. Raising the kids, you’re seeing the beginning of one life, and closer to the end on the other end. So, yes, you’re in a position where you’re forced to reflect on your body and other bodies and also spirits and also the longevity of life, of spirit. I have all the thoughts, all the time, because you’re forced to. Being this age, you’re seeing it all and you’re in the nexus of all these lives.
Q: What do you do to relax and feel grounded?
A: If I’m feeling anxious — it almost always does something for me in a good way — is to go outside, feel the wind, look at the trees … It sounds so simple, but it works for me. Everyone, if you have a park near your house, go to the park and spend half an hour there. It’ll do you good.
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hansoheeglobal · 10 months
Part 2. The Moment When Han Sohee Just Exists
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Q. When I watched "Sound Track" #1 released last year, I thought of this. ‘What would it be like to be the childhood friend of Han Sohee, a natural person?’ I think it would be fun to film it as a fake documentary.
I also like the fake documentary format. Usually, fake documentaries are often used in the horror genre.
Q. Like "The Office", you can make it into an interview format. By the way, do you have any childhood friends or middle and high school friends you keep in touch with?
There are a lot.
Q. How do they see Sohee who became a star? I think I'd be surprised every day.
just… Look at me like that. That's why we can still be friends. I have middle school friends and high school friends, but they are rather worried about me. They don't even brag about the fact that they know me, but they just sees me as Sohee of that time.
Q. Those relationships are really precious.
of course.
Q. I think the more such relationships there are, the stronger a person becomes. That's what I thought while reading Sohee's blog.
Me? I'm a total fragile, right? (laughs)
Q. ah… It's fragile. (laughs)
The reason I have friends like that is also because I treated them that way. They act without hesitation. Even when I go out drinking or having fun, I don’t hide anything. It's okay for people to recognize it. It's not like you're breaking the law to hang out with your friends. I'd appreciate it if you could recognize me. My friends also seem to feel proud when people recognize me.
Q. I saw a photo of Sohee drinking with her friends a while ago and was a little drunk, and I wondered what to say… I felt the honest warmth I felt in the inn room photos of Hwang Jeongmin, Cho Seungwoo, and Ji Jinhee.
Ah. (Laughs) That’s a little different. They are famous people.
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Q. (Laughs) That’s… It's about honesty without embellishment, and it was in the title of a previous interview. Although it is a title written by a reporter, it is ‘Han Sohee, what is more important than beauty is honesty.’ Isn’t this a very important attitude in life?
Isn’t it more obvious than important? Conversely, ask the question, ‘Why can’t I be honest?’ and also ask the question, ‘Why do I have to ‘pretend’?’ I answered that there was absolutely no need for that.
Q. Another interview said that. "It’s a job that requires me to look in the mirror a lot, but I try not to look in the mirror." It also has a similar meaning.
That means this. We have a job that requires us to look in the mirror a lot, so we know what angles look good on our faces. When filming a drama or movie, it's easy to get into the habit of showing only what I want to show. When filming “My Name,” I started the habit of not looking in the mirror so I wouldn’t be bothered by the angle.
Q. There is something in line with the ‘honest attitude toward life’ we talked about earlier.
Yes. In the work, I have to become that character. The desire to show the pretty side of Han Sohee as a person becomes disingenuous in the work. In order to live the life of a character, an honest attitude in acting is to first erase it from memory without looking at where it is pretty and where it is not, and to exclude all elements outside the work. Of course, it doesn't have to continue like that. In a photo shoot like today, the purpose of the shoot is to show my most attractive side.
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Q. I think you read a lot of books too.
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with the question, ‘What are emotions?’ What I read recently is '애도 일기 (Journal de Deuil).’ This book is a compilation of the memories the author recorded with her mother over the course of a year, like a diary, after her mother passed away. When reading this book, you can clearly feel the author's emotions. She said that people do not break down in an instant just because they lose someone they love. I live my daily life. Then, she breaks down when she receives a letter from her friend who lives across the river, saying, ‘I saw your mother the day before she died, and she was wearing her gray clothes.’ That one sentence made her come to terms with her mother's death. As I read, I thought about ‘time to accept emotions.’ The time we are aware of depression or sadness can be frighteningly long. So, even if you go through something and are okay now, you may not be okay two or three years from now. So shouldn’t we always doubt our feelings?
Q. What you just said is so cool. Looking closely at one's own emotional state is an essential attitude for everyone, including actors.
that's right. You need to practice objectifying yourself often. Especially your feelings.
Q. I've heard of that before. For example, write down how many minutes it took for me to open my eyes and get out of bed this morning. When I'm depressed, the time gets longer.
It could be something like that. It could be something like how many times I made eye contact with people and smiled today. How was my day today, what did it feel like, what was the temperature, and how many things did I force myself to do today? Remembering these things is very helpful in living. When you're busy, you don't even realize that your mind is getting tired.
Q. I'm a little touched right now.
The human body is more scientific than you might think.
Q. That's right. When you're physically struggling, your mind is really struggling.
It's so hard.(laughs) I can't stay up all night.
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Q. Why are reading and watching movies important for actors?
There is a saying that "Sadness is the saddest when you hold back sadness, and laughter is the funniest when you hold back laughter." But there are people who laugh when they are sad, and there are people who are sad when they laugh. Sadness is not all the same sadness, but joy is not all the same joy. We have to express delicate sorrows and subtle joys that are not expressed in words. Reading a lot of books and screens is similar to preparing paint to draw emotions. Of course, drawing with 10 paints is different from drawing with 100 paints. I really want to fill it up and prepare about 1,000. (laughs)
Q. You said you were exploring your emotions earlier. Do you have anxiety among them?
why? Reporter, are you anxious?
Q. Yes. I often get anxious.
I've been reading a very thick book called "The Book of Anxiety" for quite some time. There's something impressive about the book. Everyone feels anxiety except when they sleep for 24 hours. However, we may forget our anxiety by sleeping, exercising, or simply doing simple work. This anxiety is a very thin piece of paper. So we have to diligently clean up today's anxiety and tomorrow's anxiety so that this anxiety does not build up one by one. Every day so that it doesn't build up in my mind anymore.
Q. How do I clean it up?
Have you seen the documentary “Marina Abramovic: The Artist is Present” (2011)? If you look at it, you can see a scene where you don't do anything and just stay still. I think that training is the best training for humans to get rid of anxiety. Marina Abramovich brings 30 people to her house to eat almost nothing, close their eyes and train them still in the woods. That's what I do at home these days. Staying still. I don't think about anything and just stay still, whether it's 5 or 10 minutes. I'm vulnerable to anxiety like you. But you can't live your whole life vulnerable. I'm sure we can make the human brain work differently if we know how it works. That's why I'm studying. I'm trying to fix it so that I'm not vulnerable to anxiety.
Q. I was impressed again. The desire to study and fix things is so healthy and wonderful.
It took me a lot of attempts to get here. If you leave because you don't like what you don't like, nothing will change. In the end, a person must know how to stand alone.
Q. This is the last question. What kind of actor do you want to be.
An irreplaceable actor. an absolutely irreplaceable actor.
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Note: rough trans so there might be a lot of error.
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coloradohq · 2 years
mw older fcs?
not sure what you mean by "older" so i'll just go for it. you can find some suggestions here and here and ofc anyone you choose to bless us with will be loved and wanted. all of the fcs listed below are over the age of 35 (even though I strongly disagree with the rpc considering someone old at 35, but that's neither here nor there):
Keanu Reeves, Carla Gugino, Eddie Cibrian, Michelle Yeoh, Gil Birmingham, Zahn McClarnon, Cheyenne Jackson, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Lucy Liu, Hiroyuki Sanada, Michael Greyeyes, Channing Tatum, Laverne Cox, Angela Bassett, Benjamin Bratt, Michael Michele, Morris Chestnut, Michelle Gomez, Brian Michael Smith, Ming Na-Wen, James Hong, Gina Torres, Billy Porter, Laurence Fishburne, Daniel Sunjata, Daniel Wu, Danny Pino, Levy Tran, Veronico Ngo, Serkan Çayoğlu, Patrick Wilson, George Young, Toby Stephens, Ewan McGregor, Maggie Q, Li BingBing, Elodie Yung, Aidan Turner, Byron Mann, Tommy Flanagan, Nathalie Kelley, Martin Sensmeier, Gabriel Macht, Maite Perroni, Gabriel Luna, Oscar Isaac, Diego Luna, Josh Segarra, Lance Gross, Daniel Henney, Theo James, Mahesh Jadu, Dylan Bruce, Sarah Shahi, Manu Bennett, Tony Leung, Famke Janssen, Skeet Ulrich, Marisol Nichols, Mark Consuelos, Madchen Amick, Benedict Wong, Aishwarya Rai, Bianca Lawson, Conrad Ricamora, Gong Yoo, Jamie Clayton, Isaiah Mustafa, John Cho, Octavia Spencer, Michaela Conlin, Omar Sy, Santiago Cabrera, Randall Park, Taraji P Henson, Taika Waititi, Yasmine Al Massri, Travis Fimmel, Sterling K Brown
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missmyloko · 2 years
Hey Justine, loving the days of fun so far! I have a quick Q on a video I saw recently of a maiko from miyagawacho. In said video the maiko had both a tied obiage, and was wearing ofuku, both denoting her senior status, yet she also wore a flower kanzashi bridge….I know this is quite uncommon for senior maiko in miyagawacho, a new tradition perhaps??
It's actually quite common! Newly senior maiko in Miyagawa Cho still wear flower katsuyama kanzashi. Miyagawa Cho maiko start tying their obiage right away when they become senior, so it doesn't denote how long they've been a senior or how old they are like their gokagai counterparts ^^
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aesongies · 2 years
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230113 super junior – the last man standing live
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westerlyroleplay · 2 years
most wanted faces i'm so indecisive
I feel you, honestly any of the face claims we have named under the skeletons are most wanted! I'll also list a few below. I do want to add that we're less worried about face claims and more so the character behind them, so we'll love whoever you decide to bring us! I realize a list is definitely helpful to choose from, though, so here are a few:
Anne Hathaway, Nicole Beharie, Priscilla Quintana, Laura Harrier, Tanaya Beatty, Isis Valverde, Sandra Oh, Tessa Thompson, Gemma Chan, Anya Taylor-Joy, Adeline Rudolph, Sofia Pernas, Diane Guerrero, Carla Gugino, Care Gee, Margot Robbie, Connie Britton, Elodie Yung, Zion Moreno, Zendaya, Michelle Yeoh, Malese Jow, Bianca Lawson, Adria Arjona, Greta Onieogou, Lesley Ann-Brandt, Ana de Armas, Sophia Bush, Constance Wu, Emmy Rossum, Maggie Q, Simone Ashley, Zoey Deutch, Rahul Kohli, Michael B Jordan, Daniel Henney, Pablo Schreiber, Oscar Isaac, Trevante Rhodes, Scott Eastwood, Tommy Martinez, Tyler Blackburn, Riz Ahmed, Alfonso Herrera, Wesley French, Henry Golding, Jason Mamoa, DJ Cotrona, Jon Bernthal, Mena Massoud, Lewis Tan, Charles Michael Davis, Theo James, Manny Montana, Mahershala Ali, Raymond Ablack, John Cho, Chris Evans, Daniel Dae Kim, Dev Patel, Sean Teale, Michael Trevino, J.D. Pardo, Asia Kate Dillon, Avan Jogia, Indya Moore, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Bridgette Lundy-Paine, Lachlan Watson, Liv Hewson, Nico Tortorella, Quintessa Swindell, Ruby Rose, Tommy Dorfman, Ellie Desautels
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quackitytheduck · 2 years
what's your favorite thing about pumpkinduo
oh my fucking god you cant just ask me that there are so many interesting things about them this is such a broad que
but fr there are SO many amazing things about them like first there's just the general toxicity and incredibly fucked up power dynamic which i am always a sucker for (stobotn*k, k*rasaya, l*cho, etc.) and then there's q's being so passive (well not really obv esp when u rmbr he was maybe considering a planned assassination) but his time in manberg being necessary for who he is today and his ambition being checked for so long it's really just a matter of time until he comes to his full potential (las nevadas) and then there's cschlatt and he is so fucking awful despicable i hate that i love him so much. if u call urself a cschlatter and havent taken into consideration his time in smplive and mcm then idk what to tell u it is absolutely necessary to have that information about his backstory predsmp to have a full picture of him. plus the rising videos i mean who doesnt love taking the rising videos as canon. same with cconnor if u havent watched smplive and mcm u r srsly missing out there is so little dsmp cconnor content and u need to watch ALL of it BUT THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM
now yes it is a guilty pleasure of mine to go into a little canon divergent universe where, to quote one of my fav ao3 series, "schlatt is 30% more stable" for famberg and hurt/comfort purposes but please do not take that to mean i mischaracterize either of them i was a cq apologist (not really, just heavy HEAVY sympathizer) for MONTHS before cschlatt u gotta believe me on this just ask everyone in mass hysteria they say i have really good takes which i dont understand but whatever ask soap
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16, 6, 1 and 2!
Hello! Since it's still February, here's what I've got for ya: 1. What was the first time you encountered canon femslash? How old were you? How did it make you feel? Oh gosh, probs in Buffy when Willow got together with Tara. I think I was a young teenager when I really wrapped my head about this because I had a friend who loved watching Buffy, and we'd go through marathons of it. I know that was definitely something to take in since she was trying to figure out her interests and sexuality, and at the time, I was there to support her. But it was nice to see some wlw on screen, since it just wasn't ever discussed anywhere else. 2. What was the first time you encountered fanon femslash shipping? So, I've been in fandom for quite some time (we are almost reaching two decades), and I knew HP had wlw ships like Pansmione, Linny, etc. Back then, maybe the circles or groups advocating for those ships were just really small, but then again, there were (and still are) so many possible ships out there for so many characters that everything was pretty overwhelming, and my brain back then could only focus one a few things at a time. 6. What's a femslash ship you feel like you're the only shipper of? I know only a few people who would totes be right beside me to scream about them, but I'd love if there was some more Cho/GInny aka Quidditch Girls love. They are such a fun ship to draw and write (and they both happened to have dated Harry once upon a time), but I could see their energy mixing really well. And if they were to compete with each other or play together on the Quidditch Pitch? Yasss! Gimmeeee! :D <3 16. Are you there any characters that headcanon as being lesbian or otherwise wlw without having a ship in mind for them? Honestly, I think Luna would okay being with anyone, but I really have always thought of her either being in a wlw relationship or at least having one companion who identifies as female to balance her out (if she's in a poly relationship). Thanks for the asks! ___ Want to ask more q's? Send them over for the Femslash February Ask Game!
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greylockhq · 12 days
mw 40+ faces??
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 frothing   at   the   mouth   bc   i   love   older   fcs   !!   please   bring   us   :   carla   gugino   .   jennifer   connelly   .   angelina   jolie   .   angela   sarafyan   .   catherine   zeta   jones   .   dewanda   wise   .   famke   janssen   .   rachel   weisz   .   gemma   chan   .   halle   berry   .   jessica   chastian   .   lucy   liu   .   amy   adams   .   charlize   theron   .   danai   gurira   .   gabrielle   union   .   indria   varma   .   kim   so   hyung   .   katheryn   winnick   .   maggie   q   .   madchen   amick   .   sushmita   sen   .   salma   hayek   .   christinia   ricci   .   sofia   vergara   .   alice   braga   .   simone   kessell   .   natasha   lyonne   .   mamta   mohandas   .   angela   bassett   .   michelle   yeoh   .   ming   na   wen   .   ali   wong   .   dichen   lachman   .   gina   torres   .   pedro   pascal   .   daniel   henney   .   nikolaj   coster-waldu   .   raul   esparza   .   sendhill   ramanurthy   .   sterling   k   brown   .   chris   hemsworth   .   chris   pine   .   jon   bernthal   .   jason   momoa   .   karl   urban   .   michiel   huisman   .   colin   farrell   .   chad   michael   murray   .   cillian   murphy   .   milo   ventimiglia   .   omar   sy   .   jason   scott   lee   .   adrian   holmes   .   laz   alonso   .   zahn   mcclarnon   .   arjun   rampal   .   martin   sensmeier   .    john   cho   .   gong   yoo   .   lance   gross   . 
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
n, q, and u for you and choso 🫶🫶🫶
Ty for the ask Hana!! :D
N - Nickname what are some names they like to call the other?
He calls me either by my name or some pet name (like 'my love') and I cycle between calling him 'cho', 'sweetheart', and various other embarrassing pet names <3
Q - Quiver what’s something they do that makes the other flustered?
Me: when he wears shirts that show off his arms...i'm just a man...also when he puts his hands on my hips to scooch me out of the way in the kitchen (big hands!!)
Him: when I wear loose-collared shirts that show off more shoulders and collarbone (tm) and when i praise him (calling him a good boy/sweet boyfriend etc)
U - Unaccustomed what’s something they had to get used to once they got together?
hmmm this one is a bit harder...I'd say he had to get used to focusing on and worrying about someone other than his brothers (which he did naturally, but it does take up more of his focus having more loved ones!). And I have to get used to someone who is around me and willing to listen/pay attention all the time (by which i mean i sometimes do weird things when I think no one's paying attention...but he is paying attention...he thinks its cute but im EMBARRASSED!!)
[Selfship Alphabet Ask Game]
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boroughshq · 5 months
mw personalities and older faceclaims of color pls? <3
I would love to see some more social climber types, wannabe influencers trying to build a following and always trying to come up with the next big trend; anxious blabbermouths who can’t stop rambling anytime they’re nervous (which is often); the serial dater who is commitment phobic but always up for a good time; the sweethearts who are always willing to give people a second and third chance (even when they don’t deserve it & they probably shouldn’t); the fashionista budding fashion designer who is always drawing up sketches and wearing ultra chic & out there outfits; the late bloomer types who are experiencing their first adventures in romance/sexuality in their late 20s/early 30s; the second chancer older characters who have decided at the age of 30+ that they hate their life and are starting fresh at entry level positions in their new dream field or are back in school again after a decade+ being away; more single mom/dad types, more academics, more queer characters, and more cozy type characters like the ones you could rip right out of a hallmark movie.
As for older FCs, I’ll give you a wide range skewering 35/40+ here: Idris Elba, Gemma Chan, Carla Gugino, Sandra Oh, Ricky Whittle, Rutina Wesley, Sara Ramirez, America Ferrera, Steven Yeun, Tessa Thompson, Danai Gurira, Bianca Lawson, Kelly McCreary, Shemar Moore, Summer Bishil, Henry Golding, Manny Jacinto, Candice Patton, Issa Rae, Michael B. Jordan, Aubrey Plaza, Mike Colter, Constance Wu, John Cho, and Maggie Q! 
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ALPHA-BET Is Medici Etherton Code,  Code-X Leonardo da' Vinci. Alpha-bet/Bet: B-Bergerud,  E-Etherton,  T-time. Alpha-bet 8 letters, Medici numbers 5,8,13.
'MEDICI ETHERTON CODE' Leonardo da' Vinci gave us 7 Codes/Clues for Medici Etherton Code: L, V, S, M, Co, de, X. (Co-de-X) Leonardo da' Vinci invented the Alpha-bet he gave each letter a Code and invented the English language.
Medici Etherton Code:
A-Princess Angela de' Medici is Mona Lisa (America,) B-Bergerud (B-ible, B-oeing, B-itcoin, bet, book, bank, brick, bike, ) (k) C-King Cosimo de' Medici, D-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (day, date) E-Etherton (Evergreen, ) F- Prince Franc de'Medici (farm, Fir, fish, food, ) G-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton (Geneva Bible, Ge-or-ge, Ge-or-gia, green, Pu-ge-t Sound, ) H-horn, I-Italian,  J-Juan Etherton (Jesus,)  K-King Cosimo de' Medici, L-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici ( Lake, LoVe) M-Medici (The M in 'The Last Supper', 'The Mayflower',  Mu-seum,  Medici-ne, M-ovie, Mu-sic, Medi-na, Medi-a) N-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (number, ) O-Opera  (Prince Lorenzo de' Medici,) oran-ge, P-Protect us  (God,)  q-Queen gena de' Medici Etherton ( IRAQ, Nasda-Q ) R-ruby ( IRAQ, Queen gena de' Medici Etherton, GEM S-ton-e, ) s-Superior (Jesus, Lake Superior,)  t-TIME (God,) u-under, V-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici, w-Washington, x-Prince Leonardo da' Vinci de' Medici (Code-X) y-Etherton (Yos-emit-e is time backwards) Z-Prince Lorenzo de' Medici (zoo, zero) (de) M-ed-ici backwards and De' ember. de: (R-ed, L-ed Zeppelin, gar-de-n, De-mocrat, de-mocracy, Unit-ed, F-ede-ral, In-de-pen-de-nce, De-laware, De-nver, De-t-ro-it, R-ed-mond, de-sert, R-ed-dit, vi-de-o, Ed-it-or, Mic-ro-soft Ed-ge.) Co-King Co-simo de' Medici: Co-untry, Co-unty, co-mputer,  Co-de,  Co-de-X,  co-mpass, Co-lumbia, Co-ffee, co-caine, cho-co-late, co-lor, ee-Princess Etherton's (Coffee, green) ll-Bell Pi-(God) Pi, Pie, Pi-nterest,  Pi-ano, Pi-ke,  Pi-zza, Pi-ne, Pi-pe, Pi-nk, Pi-llow, H-ip-pi-e, Mississ-ip-pi. El-Etherton El-evation, El-ectric, El-ephant,  oo-Orchestra (school, zoo, zoom). Peacefully,  Queen gena de' Medici Etherton I am also a Bergerud.
#god #jesus  #america #europe   #instagram #facebook   #wallstreetjournal #cnn #reuters #npr #nytimes   #msnbc  #senate  #lasvegas #smithsonian #foxnews #seattletimes #nbcnews #apnews #abcnews #themet  #presidentbiden #washingtonpost  #potus #peoplemagazine #seattle #fox13 #washingtondc #komo4 #cnbc
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sqeca · 1 year
Zatsudan #イロハのキモチ
I apologize if the translation is not accurate
19 April 2023
I’m Okuda Iroha! 🦙
Recent events,
I thought I might talk about them a bit, so this is a relaxed and casual blog
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What I'm obsessed with these days is,
Well, rock bathing. It's lower in temperature than a sauna, and you lie down on stone slabs. But before you know it, you're sweating buckets
It feels so good, you know~ But lately, I'm starting to get into saunas too. I might have even experienced this thing called 'sei-u'!
After about 5 minutes in the sauna and 30 seconds in the water bath, it slowly cooled down and felt great. I had never been able to take a water bath before, but now I could soak my toes in the water bath! I was able to soak up to my shoulders for 2 to 3 minutes. I want to get in shape again!
Im also into cooking!
I make my own lunch today, and when I have to travel long distances, I make my own breakfast.
Also, I love naan, and recently I made it myself! Kubo-san recommended this self-made naan from Muji. It was delicious!
These are some of the dishes I've made in the past year and served them in a nice way. ⬇️
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I usually cook quite often, but I have a fatal flaw;
I'm terrible at presentation.
I have no sense for it, so I don't have many pictures to share.
The taste is delicious, but I can't take good-looking photos of it 🥺.
I can't post it on my blog, but maybe I'll share it during a chat, haha
I'm also into taking walks!
I walk for more than 3 kilometers, slowly listening to music or enjoying the scenery, and sometimes searching for new Indian curry restaurants.
I always forget to charge my camera battery, so I feel a little disappointed that I can't capture the beautiful scenery.
Walking allows me to think about many things, or even not to think about anything at all, so I enjoy it
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Well, that's about it these days.
Recommended songs.
I was asked for recommendations during an online meet & greet, but there were too many to think of right away... so I wanted to talk about it again 😌
But I'm the kind of person who, once I get into something, I listen to the same thing over and over again, so my playlist doesn't change much
What I've been listening to a lot lately is:
・New Jeans / Ditto
・MOKA SATO & DENIMS / Lukewarm
・Anna / Nemuru toki ni anata no koe wo
・CreepHyp / Boys End Girls
・Haruomi Hosono / Jusho Futei Mushoku Teishunyu
・Haruomi Hosono / Koiwa Momoiro
・J_ust / will be happy
・10cm / Phonecert
I recommend all of them!
❔iroha ni kikitai no❕
Q: Since the start of Nogizaka46's messaging service, the letter feature has been added. But do you also read the comments on the blog?
A: Of course!
Q: It seems like a photo taken recently. I want to see Iroha-chan wearing glasses!
A: Come to Iroha's Nogi-me
Q: Have you heard any words recently that made you happy?
A: I was happy when someone said I was eating deliciously
Q: I would like you to tell me which Nogizaka songs you think have wonderful lyrics!
A: Boku Ga Te Wo Tataku Hou e
Q: What's something you've bought recently that you're happy with?
A: An old movie pamphlet that has a unique charm to it
Q: What is your favorite song from Under?
A: Nichijou, Namidaga Mada Kanashimidattakoro
That's all
Announcement 📢
"Cho Nogizaka Star Tanjou!" will start airing on Nippon TV from 25:29 on Monday, April 24! This time, in addition to singing, we will also perform comedy skits. We're excited and nervous. Please watch this season too!
The live streaming of the Under Live on April 27 has been decided! It will be the final performance of this tour. We've learned a lot from our seniors and have been doing our best, so we hope many people will watch it!
The drama "Koshodo Monogatari," in which 5th generation are performing, has started airing!
A new episode is available every Tuesday.
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This is the banana cake I brought in for you that we talked about on SHOWROOM. It looks delicious, doesn't it?
Oh, I had a particular thing about it. It's not a cake, but I wrote various emojis to avoid overlapping them with the handwritten message beside them.
I hope that the person who receives it will be a little excited! I'm glad that my co-stars and staff were happy with it 🔆
The work was created on such a wonderful set, so I would be happy if you could watch it! Oh, please watch it with warm eyes.
Alright then, bye👋🏼
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