#i love bae seok ryu ok?
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#ep5 was just mad pining#seung hyo was losing his damn mind and you could see he was struggling to contain his yearning#he was so unnecessarily mean to seok ryu 😭😭😭😭#she was too forgiving tbh#i would be fkn mad if someone spoke to me that way#he better mend his ways and confess to her soon#i can take this hot and cold behaviour only for so long#boy dont scream at her for no reason pls she is only trying to save your ass#i am so glad she found her dream though#although i think “helping people” is also her default mode tbh#she is just always up and running to help people out#what an absolute cutie#i love bae seok ryu ok?#this is a bae seok ryu stan account now#team bae seok ryu#bae seok ryu#choi seung hyo#love next door#kdrama#netflix drama#tvn drama#eomma chingu adeul#jung hae in#jung so min
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So so so much to love about Love Next Door.
Its a story about a boy falling in love with his best friend, it's a story about a girl fighting her struggles and finding her path in life, it's about families coming to heal and support each other, its about friendship, its about finding your own family when you've lost your own... it's about being open and honest, about giving and receiving love, about overcoming pride or shame and just letting people see the parts of you you want to hide so you can share your burdens.
The entire cast had so much chemistry as friends, family, and romantic partners. The drama, with a few notable exceptions, felt natural. The episode 8 plot twist especially revealed a darker layer I honestly wasn't expecting, but it added so much. I liked the main couple and the secondary couple both. The parents were all mostly interesting and fun (although probably at least a little bit on the abusive side). Even these kids cracked me up and stole the show...
But I do take a few issues with it.
It's just a little annoying because I know with a few small tweaks here and there these issues could be resolved.
One being the fact that it didn't know how to end, which is a common problem with a simple romance and family drama. I literally went "what wait that's it?? That's the end?" Because I thought there had to be at least 15 minutes left for SOMETHING. But no, they actually decided to go for the fast-forward time jump... but for what?
We don't even see the main couple get married. Which, I WOULD BE TOTALLY FINE WITH.... trust me, the wedding episodes often make me cringe. Except, why have the flash forward at all, if nothing happens *after* the flash forward?
We could have set up another small dramatic hurdle for the main couple instead in the last 2 or 3 episodes... (I personally would have gone with the "do you want kids?"/"yeah, I think that'd be nice... do you?"/"yeah maybe...but what if I can't have them because cancer is high risk?"/"then that's ok too" route then to flash forward to them at Kang Dan-ho and Jung Mo-Eum's wedding 1.5 years later, with a little baby girl. 🥺
It definitely feels like the only reason we didn't see either of the main couples get married was because they wanted to be "different" by leaving it open... and AGAIN... I am fine with avoiding all the slow, sappy, overly-the-top clichés and pacing pitfalls of the wedding episode. but tbh, the last episode was just as slow and clichéd as any "wedding episode" just without the main couple getting married.
Don't get me wrong I liked seeing Choi Seung-hyo's parents renew their vows... but it was not something I NEEDED to see.
Another thing is the balance in the main couple... occasionally it felt off.
Now overall, I did feel like the main couple were a great fit, well-balanced and suited for each other... truly I loved them most of the time... but I just wish we had seen more of how Bae Seok Ryu came to terms with her feelings for Choi Seung-hyo or seen from her POV how she avoided developing them as a kid, the same way we clearly saw Choi Seung-hyo pushing his feelings away.
We saw poor Choi Syeung-hyo agonize over his feelings for about a dozen episodes and then struggle waiting for Bae Seok Ryu... but then we spent so long learning about how Bae Seok Ryu and her ex-fiance were actually a decent, happy couple... and the show refused to show more than 2 minutes of why they broke up or fell out of love. They easily could have had a QoT style Kdrama of their own about how they get back together, etc.
at least with Choi Seung-hyo's ex gf, we saw that they both moved on pretty easily without much attachment because really they were never that serious or special... it had been a while and they were both over it too. But with her ex-fiance, it was still a recent break up of an otherwise-strong relationship. So it seemed like they could have done more to convince us they had enough reasons to break up... like IDK when she stopped loving her ex and started loving Choi Seung-hyo because it's rushed and unclear what she is feeling... I also did not like that her ex pointed out that it looked like she'd already found someone when she herself had not come to that conclusion with any certainty.
I guess I just feel like all her thoughts and feelings about Choi Seung-Hyo were often hidden. Maybe to make the viewer feel suspense... but even after they got together, it felt like he told her how he felt and she avoided it. Then a few petty fights and a talk or two later she just agreed that she did like him after he convinced her... and when she ran to find him, even then—still—HE kissed her. And she's left to mutter about banana milk.
She does show her love for him later, and expresses it clearly. But even later, he proposes on a whim, before anyone even knows they're dating, and she rejects his proposal... and then immediately caves in after he convinces her... the whole timing does feel off. But it also just feels like we see the relationship more from his perspective than hers.
Like the romance is HIS plot line and the cancer is hers.
Then there's the brother... he didn't do much, his plot went nowhere, and I really only liked the scenes that brought out the contrast between his failures and Bae Seok Ryu's successes....
Then there's the way they set up Jung Mo-Eum and Kang Dan-Ho... it was a little forced, especially with her immediate (and a little bit creepy) interest in Yeon-Du and the whole "Mudflat Man" which was maybe taken a little too far. But I loved their family dynamic and their chemistry.. Just felt like their love story was a little underdeveloped... And really sending Jung Mo-Eum off to Antarctica for a year, right after they stared dating, and not even seeing her reunite with Dan Ho was not my favorite.
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Episode 10 😭😭😭
Guys, mumpung aku lagi gabut aku pengen nulis sesuatu tentang episode 10. Ada apa dengan episode 10? Okey, akhir-akhir ini aku lagi suka banget ngikutin drakor yang lagi populer di Netflix. Judulnya Love Next Door (엄마친구아들), drama dengan tema sahabat jadi demen (cieee...). Mungkin drama ini gak cocok buat kalian yang pernah kena friendzone (oops wkwk). Tapi, jujur dramanya oke banget buat ditonton karena menggambarkan arti keluarga, teman, dan cinta. Tenang, kali ini aku gak akan bahas tentang friendzone terlalu sensitif guys hahaha. Kali ini aku pengen sharing perasaanku setelah nonton episode 10 yang barusan aja tayang kemarin malem. Sebelum lanjut, mungkin tulisan ini akan mengandung sedikit spoiler buat kalian yang belum nonton episode 10. Jadi, kalo belum nonton dan gak mau dapet banyak spoiler, mungkin bisa skip baca tulisanku dulu yaa wkwk.
Wah, aku mau kasih review jujur banget sih episode 10 ini bikin aku nangis karena alurnya mengandung bawang dan relate banget sebagai first daughter in my family, especially Asian family. Bae Seok-ryu, first female lead character in this drama, had to endure all her burden alone 😭 Ketika Seokryu merantau bekerja di US, dia mengalami penderitaan yang cukup parah hingga mengalami depresi karena lingkungan kerja yang toxic. Selain depresi, dia juga divonis mengidap kanker perut stadium 2. Namun, karena Seokryu gak pengen bikin ortunya di Korea kepikiran dengan kondisi anaknya di US yang sedang tidak baik-baik saja, akhirnya dia keep semua itu sendirian. Dia mengambil keputusan buat operasi kanker perut dan kemoterapi untuk mengurangi rasa sakit yang dia alami tanpa sepengetahuan sahabat atau keluarganya. Nah, ternyata rahasia Seokryu itu terungkap oleh keluarga dan sahabatnya di episode 10. Ada script yang bikin cukup ngena banget ketika aku nonton. And I know what our parents feel if their children hide secrets from them. They feel heartbreaking as parents.

"A parent would go to the moon for their child" 😭😭😭
"Even if we were useless parents, you should have told us"
Dan yang bikin cukup seneng ketika nonton adalah akhirnya Hyeonjun, ex-bf Seokryu, sadar kalo selama ini gak sepenuhnya bisa memahami keadaan Seokryu saat mengalami penderitaan hidup. Hyeonjun merasa selama ini cintanya egois karena hanya ingin melihat Seokryu berhasil bangkit lagi tanpa selalu hadir menemani seluruh proses perjuangannya untuk bangkit kembali. Bagusss bang Hyeonjun akhirnya lu sadar juga dan buka peluang buat uri Choisseung HAHAHAHA 👍

Selama nonton yaampun writernim ini kayaknya emang bener-bener mendalami banget deh karakter anak perempuan pertama di keluarga 😭 Sampe beneran ngerasa relate dan refleksi ke diri sendiri karena pernah melakukan hal yang sama seperti Bae Seok-ryu. And I realized it was wrong. Sebagai anak, sekarang aku sadar rasanya egois banget membiarkan orang tuaku gak boleh tau penderitaan anaknya saat ada masalah besar menimpa. Aku merasa bersalah karena kurang memahami perasaan ortuku sendiri. Perasaan mereka sebenarnya adalah merasa kecewa karena anaknya tidak mempercayai orang tuanya sendiri. Mereka hanya ingin bisa saling berbagi bahagia dan duka bersama, that's what family called of. Namun, rata-rata beberapa anak perempuan pertama di keluarga sangat bisa relate dengan keadaan yang dialami Seokryu. Kalo berdasarkan pov anak pertama, kita tuh udah terbiasa menyelesaikan semua masalah sendiri dan gak pengen aja ngerepotin orang lain sama masalah kita. Kadang-kadang aku sebagai anak pertama masih merasa susah (lebih tepatnya gengsi) untuk menceritakan masalah yang sedang kuhadapi di depan ortuku. I don't know, I found it hard to talk about. Ibaratnya tuh dinding gengsiku itu tinggi banget untuk mengkomunikasikan kondisi terendah, sehingga butuh orang yang understanding well supaya dinding gengsi itu bisa runtuh. Karena sering banget ketika aku berusaha mengkomunikasikan kondisi terendahku, hampir banyak orang selalu bilang, "Aku yakin kamu pasti bisa. Karena kamu kuat." I don't need those words. Sampai suatu hari aku mengalami masalah besar dan berhasil mengkomunikasikan rasa sedihku kepada ortuku, I burst into tears and my parents hugged me tightly while calming me down. That's what I need someone who can calm me down and always stay by my side 'til my problem gone or said that's everything's gonna be okay. And I'm now much better off starting to try to communicate the problem or emotion I'm facing with them. Dan aku ingat bapakku pernah berpesan kepadaku jika suatu saat memutuskan untuk menikahi seseorang (mumpung sekarang saya masih single jadi dikasih wejangan dulu hehe),
"Someday when you marry to someone, please try to communicate everything with your partner. Because your partner is part of your family too."
Yeap, jangan pernah berpikir it will bother your partner. Seperti hikmah dari kisah Seokryu dan mantannya kalo orang yang mencintai kita akan berusaha hadir di saat kita dalam keadaan sedih maupun bahagia 😊 Good job, Seokryu. It's a good decision to leave your ex hahaha.
Wah, ternyata cerita episode 10 beneran sekompleks itu guys. Semoga beneran happy ending deh buat Bae Seok-ryu dan Choi Seung-hyo meskipun diselipin banyak plot twist di alur cerita. Let's give a warm hug to uri Seokryu!! 💗 Peluk hangat juga buat para anak perempuan sulung di keluarga 🤗

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Wanderlust Changover, Mission!
Pada kesempatan mission hari ini aku akan menjadi Jeong Moeum yang diperankan oleh Kim Jieun pada series/drakor 'Love Next Door'

Sebelum berkenalan dengan jeong moeum, aku mau memberi tahu mengapa aku memilihnya pada mission kali ini 🥺☝🏻🩷
Pertama, jelas saja aku suka dengan karakternya dan tentunya karena jieun! Karakternya ini kalau dibilang ada kemiripan sama cerita asliku #tmi 😆 (Lebih jelasnya aku kasih tau nanti). Yang kedua, Kisah cintanya sebagai pasangan yang kedua benar-benar buat salting banget 😭. Lalu, yang terakhir walau masih banyak alasannya tapi... karakter moeum ini bener-bener membekas diingatanku sampe saat ini sampe GAMON sama seriesnya.
Ok! Kita lanjut 😼

Jeong moeum ini punya 2 sahabat dari kecil, Jung Hae in yang memerankan Choi Sseung dan Jung So Min yang memerankan Bae Seok Ryu. Moeum ini karakternya sangat amat Lembut! (Aku banget), Baik hati, dan suka menolong. Ia bekerja sebagai paramedis di seriesnya karena alasan terbesarnya ia punya cita-cita jadi Superhero semasa kecilnya. Selain yang disebutkan tadi, moeum juga anak yang periang, imajinatif dan sangat amat sopan. Walau banyak sifat positifnya ini dan SPEK TANPA KEKURANGAN INI 😭 Tapi kisah cintanya ga berjalan mulus di awal.
Moeum belum pernah pacaran sedari kecil, bahkan untuk jatuh suka pun tidak ada, sampai suatu saat ia bertemu seorang wartawan bernama Kang dan ho yang diperankan oleh Yoon ji on. Awalnya mereka sering sekalu bermusuhan 😆 sampai akhirnya moeum jatuh cinta saat kang dan ho yang memakai baju 'i love manusia lumpur' membantu perjalanan paramedis yang membawa pasien 😼. Sebetulnya, menurutku, yang jatuh cinta pertama kali adalah kang dan ho karena saat melihat mobil paramedis yang terjebak macet ia teringat moeum yang membantu pasien sebelumnya.

Sampai akhirnya mereka lebih sering ketemu lagi karena kang dan ho menyewa rumah sebelah milik ibunya. Oh iya, anaknya kang dan oh yang sebetulnya adalah keponakannya yang bernama Kang Yeon Du yang diperankan Shim Ji Yoo juga awalnya sering bermusuhan sama moeum. Tetapi karena mereka punya banyak kesamaan dan menurut moeum yeondu adalah ia saat masa kecil, moeum mulai mendekati yeondu. Tentunya karena moeum juga menyukai anak kecil ☝🏻🥺🩷 (HUHUHUHU NGEGANSS BERAT SAAMA MOEUM)

Moeum ini sahabat yang sangat amat penyayang sama sahabatnya, menyayangi anak kecil, dan tentunya menyayangi ibunya (GEMASSS).
Sempat salah paham karena kang dan ho memperhatikan moeum terus jadinya moeum jatuh cinta sama kang dan ho. Waktu ia confess ke kang dan ho pertama kali dia ditolak (NT kaya aku 😭). Kang dan ho ini ngga mau punya hubungan sama siapapun karena dia ga mau kasih sayangnya ke yeondu jadi kebagi-bagi.

Tapi dia akhirnya lama-lama malah luluh sendiri dan meyakinkan diri juga kalau dia suka sama moeum lalu akhirnya bukan lagi diajak pacaran, bahkan langsung nikah dan minta restu sama ibunya moeum 🥺 (INILAH LAKI-LAKI JANTAN ITU).
Walau setelahnya moeum ini harus dinas ke kutub selatan tapi mereka kuat LDR 😆 sampai akhirnya kang dan ho nyamperin moeum kesana *sweet sekali*.

Sebetulnya aku suka banget karakter moeum karena kisah cinta kita kebetulan beda tipis alias banyak samanya. Awalnya NT tapi akhirnya jadian juga >___< ya begitulah moeum!
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Over four decades, Kim became one of the most renowned screenwriters in Korea. Her body of work includes some of the most watched shows in Korean television history, including What is Love (1992),[1] Men of the Bath House (1996), and Trap of Youth (1999). In his book Korea Through TV Drama, author Kim Hwan-pyo describes how the streets became quiet at around the airing time of Kim Soo-hyun's Love and Ambition (1987) as "practically everyone in the country" was at home in front of the TV.[2]
Kim specializes in stories about Korean family life ― how traditional values conflict with the new and how women struggle to adjust to or resist the cultural suppression at home and work. Her work tends to target an older audience, and she is also known for putting a spotlight on social issues rarely discussed by the public, making some of her work controversial.
2007–present: Works
For My Husband's Woman (2007), a drama about a wife (played by Bae Jong-ok) who discovers her husband (Kim Sang-joong) is having an affair with her best friend (Kim Hee-ae), Kim infused her script with realism despite the provocative subject of adultery, saying that it reflects a society in which extra-marital affairs have become commonplace. Normally portrayed as a wicked woman, Kim humanized the mistress, saying, "If I chose between one of the two women and called it a victory, the script would have become didactic and banal. Each of the two take up 50 percent of my heart equally."[3][4] It was the second highest-rated Korean drama of 2007 (next to Jumong), and won Kim Hee-ae the Grand Prize ("Daesang") at the 2007 SBS Drama Awards.[5][6] Later, Kim Soo-hyun strongly denied accusations of plagiarism by Ryu Gyeung-ok, who claimed that My Husband's Woman was very similar to her own TV drama That Woman, Ok-hui.[7]
In 2008's Mom's Dead Upset, a middle-aged woman rediscovers herself by taking a one-year break and declaring independence from her family after spending decades as a housewife looking after three children, a husband and a widowed father-in-law.[8] Despite some viewers who called the character "irresponsible" and "self-centered" for deserting her family, the drama attracted record-breaking ratings,[9] and lead actress Kim Hye-ja received the Grand Prize ("Daesang") at the 2008 KBS Drama Awards and the 2009 Baeksang Arts Awards. Kim said she wanted to "give a sabbatical year to all mothers," and wrote the drama to liberate mothers from their stereotypes.[10][11]
Life Is Beautiful (2010) was the first network drama to feature an openly gay couple. Kim was both praised and panned for her openness in dealing with the subject of same-sex relationships, but she wrote without hesitation, saying, "I approached the issue of homosexuality as though it could have happened to my son." Actors Song Chang-eui and Lee Sang-woo later praised her for giving their characters subtle and detailed development.[12][13] In emphasizing the love between two handsome and intellectual people, Kim said her goal was to eradicate prejudice toward gay couples and make homosexuality no longer a taboo subject.[14] In a society that is still conservative when it comes to homosexuality, the high ratings showed that viewers were largely supportive of the drama, which was extended for 13 additional episodes.[15][16][17] Openly gay actor Hong Seok-cheon recalled that after he came out in 2000, he was fired from all his acting and hosting jobs, until Kim hired him in a supporting role in the 2003 drama Perfect Love.[18]
In A Thousand Days' Promise (2011), Kim explored the social problems associated with Alzheimer's disease, with Soo Ae giving an unsentimental portrait of a young woman slowly losing her memory and independence.[19][20]
Childless Comfort (2012), about a smart and highly educated single mother played by Uhm Ji-won,[21] was a significant achievement when it became the highest rated Korean cable drama thus far, helping elevate struggling cable television network jTBC into becoming a true force in broadcasting. Its peak episode rating of 10.71% was an impressive number for pay-television standards because Korean cable channels rarely manage to touch 1 percent on most of their programs, whether they be dramas, sketch comedies, talk shows, documentaries and news.[22] And at ₩100 million per episode, Kim was confirmed to be the highest-paid writer on Korean television.
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there are very few dramas that burrow their way so deep into my heart that they become a part of my soul, my conscience - don't get me wrong, i like/love A LOT of dramas (im a serial liker/lover you can say) - but with some dramas, it's like I have a perpetual hangover. Kinda like "the one - kdrama version" (assume the one to be a group with a small number of elements) (sorry my stem ass is showing) (also sorry for the endless brackets, my adhd is also showing)
Anyway, the point is i am pretty sure that Love Next Door is on the verge of joining this set already inhabited by Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Misaeng and My Mister.
#i love kdramas#they make me want to live life#is it sad?#maybe#but so am i as a person#i feel seen in bae seok ryu#this show has me in a chokehold#i CANNOT stop thinking about episode 9#i keep seeing the sad flashbacks of seokryu suffering and then current confrontation and cry#at least my tear glands are getting good exercise#god i should get back to work instead of word vomiting here#this is me journaling but not really journaling lol#why am i like this#ok now some actually useful tags instead of rants#love next door#jung hae in#jung so min#kdrama#tvn drama#netflix drama#bae seok ryu#choi seung hyo#choisseung#엄마친구아들#엄친아#misaeng#my mister#hometown cha cha cha#갯마을 차차차#나의 아저씨
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