#i love artoria 'saber' caster
zeravmeta · 1 year
when castoria uses her fairy eyes on oberon they're always active and she can see that no matter what he says he is lying but unlike all other fairies there is no malice whatsoever behind his words just an all consuming feeling of emptiness that washes over her no matter if oberon talks happily or sadly. on the other hand castorias eyes dont work on guda because when they say that they dont have issues and are perfectly fine there is a warping in the space around them because Clearly They Are Not Fine but guda believes in it so much due to their sheer will to survive that it may was well be true
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 days
I don't understand the fate seriesssssss
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guujikaroko · 28 days
Sometimes I just gotta shout out how much I love Artoria.
Saber Artoria and her beautiful tragedy; the woman who gave every last drop of her soul in the pursuit of her dreams, in the name of her people's happiness. The glorious once and future king who embodies what it means to be a Heroic Spirit better than anyone else.
Lancer Artoria and her lonely melancholy; the woman who abandoned her crown and became a goddess, still thinking of the people even though her feelings became distorted, who continued to be admired even despite her wrongs, who inspired a loyalty so fierce it saved her in the end.
Artoria Caster and her dazzling journey; the girl who had such simple wishes of happiness, who despised her destiny more than anything, but still powered through it. She went so far, overcame so many obstacles, all to sacrifice herself in the end. But her bravery shone brighter than any star in the sky, fleeting as it was.
Even Artoria Lily, though there isn't as much of her as the others; she still shows that deep, deep down, Artoria always had that beautiful heart of hers that inspires anyone who sees it. That no matter what path Artoria leads in life, she will forever remain a beacon of strength and hope for humanity.
Artoria Pendragon, I love you. You changed my life repeatedly.
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oddeyes588 · 1 year
So... Lostbelt 6 part 2 is out and it's great! I haven't finished it yet but uh... I gotta address something. And it's this scene.
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Good scene, right? Beautiful CG, some insight into the way Castoria thinks... but there's something wrong with this scene.
It's translated wrong.
Now if you're like me and you've been keeping up with fan translations for FGO, you may have realized this already, but this translation fundamentally misses the entire point of the scene.
This is what Castoria is supposed to be saying:
I don't want to see her. I don't want to be shown her. She's too much. I don't want to believe it. I don't want to acknowledge it.
After all.
She has no equal. Takes no refuge. No one who understands her. None who can comfort her.
She receives no reward. No goals. No rest. She cannot afford failure, not even a single mistake.
Ah—from the bottom of my heart, I think: "no."
Just how cruel must it be for everyone to smile and acknowledge a king like that?
Do you see the difference? This is a defining scene concerning Castoria's character. Something that sets her apart from every other iteration of Artoria that we've known so far (barring the Servantverse ones). Castoria sees the way of life that her PHH self chose and is repulsed. She can't stand to think about it. At first it seems like she's just buckling under the weight of those expectations, but in reality, Castoria just can't stand to see her.
She can't stand to see this other version of herself willingly throw away her humanity for the sake of an ideal. To give up her own happiness, to give up any chance of ever being understood, all to become a perfect king who the people will love and praise, but never truly understand.
It is a lonely existence, and like a certain redhead in Fate/Stay Night, she can't accept it. Who could bear to live like that? Who would want to live like that? Castoria wants nothing more than to be happy. She wants to make friends her age, eat sweets with them, go shopping with them and walk down the street while holding their hands. She wants to LIVE, and the thought of giving all of that up for the sake of everybody but yourself...
Noble? Sure. But it's mostly just tragic.
That's what this scene is about. Establishing exactly how Castoria feels about her Proper Human History self. She doesn't admire her, if anything it HURTS to see her, to know what she went through, to know what she did.
So WHY was it translated like this?
I'm the only one of my kind. I have nowhere to run. No one understands me. Romance is out of the question.
There's no reward. No finish line. no rest. I can't make so much as a single mistake.
Ahh... So many things I'll never have.
How cruel would I have to be for everyone to accept a king like me with a smile?
Listen, Castoria thinking of her own struggles in parallel to Saber's is interesting, and it isn't NOT there... but that isn't the point of the scene, and foregrounding it like this is uh...
It sure is a decision, that's for sure.
It's not necessarily bad, but it just doesn't fit due to the obvious reason that this isn't what the scene is supposed to be. This scene isn't Castoria seeing a vision of Saber and going "wow, how am I going to live up to this?" as if Saber's story is aspirational.
No. It's a tragedy, and what Castoria is actually thinking is "that's cruel and fucked up"
Anyways I just felt like putting this out there... and before anybody jumps down my throat about how the fan-translation could've been wrong... I did bring this up with a friend who can read Japanese and went to read the node in Japanese. While you could argue that because Caster and Artoria are acknowledged to be different versions of the same person, that Caster is using "I" to refer to the other, but the last line is just outright wrong. The scene is fundamentally about the cruelty of everyone around Saber placing an impossible burden on her, and how Castoria feels seeing that.
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versegm · 1 year
Idea for your Ritsuka is summoned as a Berserker by Rin fic:
Have Ritsuka break down at a point and then have Castoria project herself out of Excalibur to comfort her and have it be seen by Shirou, Rin, and Artoria so that they can really *get* what Ritsuka's talking about when she said that Caster didn't want to hurt her.
No one speaks as the light subsides, stunned into silence by the figure stepping out of it. Shirou stays silent, Rin stays silent, Archer stays silent- even Illya, shielded by Hercules's strong bow, does not speak.
"I have come in response to your summon." The servant walks forth, completely ignoring Saber staring at her empty hands where Excalibur used to be. "Ritsuka. You really need not to wait for things to get this bad."
Berserker smiles up at her. Their lip is split, and their jaw has been knocked slightly out of its natural axis. "I had full faith that you would come to pick up your unruly pet."
The new servant's eyes widen. "Really, Ritsuka? At a time like this?"
Berserker laughs. Or tries to, at least. It comes out a little choked however, by virtue of being literally bisected. Being down to only one lung will do that to a man. Saber knows from experience. "What's the point of living if you can't joke around during the hard times?"
The new servant crouches down, reaching out to cup Berserker's face with a tenderness usually aimed at small animals. Their blood stain her palm. She either doesn't notice, or doesn't care.
This is love, Saber realizes.
"I am here now." The servant, Excalibur, Caster, Berserker's dearest friend, leans down to press her forehead against theirs. "I will be with you until the end."
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pyropsychiccollector · 7 months
Shiro Harem: Holy Grail War... of Love 4/7
As you guys know, the poll ended up being a 3-way tie... Technically. Although, based off the accidental "first" poll where Artoria had more votes tying her with Sakura... I'm gonna be generous and throw the King of Knights in here as an "unofficial" winner. It's the only poll that changed drastically enough, and I feel bad for flubbing up the first time. XD
... So, uh. Yeah. I'll be writing up 4 posts before posting anything. Be sure to cycle through my posts to find your favorite girl(s)... The official winners are Rin, Sakura, and Luvia. I'll be getting to Mitsuzuri, Illya, and Reines later. XD
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The Beginning
To top off this series of posts, I'm going to do the "unofficial" winner, too... As stated, I flubbed up with the poll last week, and I fear that skewered results somewhat. While Sakura still got her votes, Artoria's... petered out... And I don't wanna disappoint any fans looking forward to her. XD It's only a small concession, but here we are~ Artoria Pendragon. Otherwise known as S E I B A. ... Saber. (人◕ω◕) I'm not as much into "Seiba Nation" as a lot of fans are... But this isn't a bad ship. ... I might just tweak some things to ramp up my own excitement. First, though... The disclaimer~
Fate: Stay Night is all about branching timelines. As such, to cater to all seven members of this harem in a single worldline, we'll be looking at an AU separate from the canon ones, regardless of how similarly events may play out. Just a forewarning.
As I did with the Sakura and Rin posts, I'll give a brief overview of the Fourth Holy Grail War, to start us off.
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As most fans are aware, the Fourth Holy Grail War is Ground Zero for all the events that come about in the subsequent war... And it's just as much common knowledge that the Heroic Spirit Artoria Pendragon... and the Magus Killer Kiritsugu Emiya... did not get along.
Not. One. Bit.
But this is a development that comes about later in the war. At the start, Artoria had high hopes of serving her Master, and by extension his wife, well and emerging triumphant in this epic battle. He seemed to have a strange way of operating, but Artoria did as she was instructed, staying by Irisveil's side. Though he did not seem to know his place in his feelings about the subjects she ruled over, how they treated her as a "man" and not a woman, the King of Knights was willing to believe Iri that Kiritsugu was a noble man who sought for a peaceful world, to fight all evil in the world.
This war, however... Does not go as Artoria expects. After the battle on the pier, where she clashed with Lancer, Berserker, Archer, and Rider, Kiritsugu entered some... arrangement with Berserker's Master. And the war was temporarily on hold until an outside matter was dealt with. Artoria didn't understand the whole situation, but it apparently revolved around some girl that Berserker's Master was trying to save; that's as much as Irisveil knew about it. Something about the Matou family having stooped so low...
Still, the situation resolved itself, and the war seemed to be back on track. ... Or so Artoria thought. Apparently Kiritsugu was still holding Berserker's Master to whatever "deal" they struck, and so Berserker would not be her opponent, at least not for some time. Artoria feels mixed about this arrangement, as she fears Berserker stabbing them in the back in a bout of madness...
But it doesn't pan out that way. Iskandar holds a "banquet" among the Kings, and shortly after defeats Assassin, who intrudes on their gathering... Then the Masters band together to defeat Caster. And after all those exceptional situations, Artoria is almost glad to have her duel with Lancer at long last...
And then Kiritsugu ruins it, forcing Lancer's Master to kill his Servant... and then killed that same Master and his beloved in cold blood. That's the first real time Artoria understands that she and Kiritsugu will never get along.
... Yet Artoria gets an opportunity to reclaim her honor when she battles Iskandar. With his Reality Marble, it's a titanic battle... But she emerges triumphant with Excalibur. And around that same time, Berserker is felled by Archer.
Just like that, it's down to Saber and Archer to determine who will win the Grail... And Kiritsugu battles it out with Kirei. Gilgamesh proves too much trouble for Artoria, and even when Kiritsugu emerges triumphant, he betrays her and orders her to destroy the Grail for reasons unknown. At least unknown to her.
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That war went on to be a stain for Artoria, one of her greatest failures... She and Kiritsugu never got resolution, and likely never would have even if they had gotten their happy ending... Their methods and ideals were too at odds. And yet... in the last few years of his life, Kiritsugu managed to save his daughter Illya. And he adopted Shiro, as the boy was made an orphan by the Great Fire. And they had Maiya supporting them as well.
It wasn't a perfect family life... Kiritsugu still died a few years after adopting Shiro. Maiya was left to care for the children, and Shiro promised that he would become a Hero someday in Kiritsugu's stead. Illya doesn't tell Shiro anything about the Grail War, even with her little brother picking up Trace and Reinforcement magic, as Kiritsugu had taught him. If she can help it, she doesn't want Shiro involved in the nightmare that is the Grail War. If they're lucky, they'll be old by the time the next one rolls around... That's what Illya is thinking, anyway. At least for the first few years.
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That day for Shiro to stand up and prove himself... would come soon enough, as the Fifth Holy Grail War arrived. Cornered by Lancer after witnessing a battle between Servants, and then having been revived, Shiro summons Saber, running on pure instincts and fear.
It's... an awkward encounter. Saber repels Lancer... But Shiro knows nothing of the Grail Wars, barely knows any magic at all. He's even more spooked that Illya reveals she has a Servant of her own - Berserker - and hadn't counted on Shiro being involved in the conflict. Artoria gets a strange sense of deja vu upon seeing Illya, and she reveals that Irisveil was her mother, and Kiritsugu was her father. Shiro is the adopted son of Kiritsugu.
Artoria doesn't know what to think about these revelations... Shiro knows nothing of war, let alone the Grail War, and yet despite his lack of knowledge, despite whether he should bother getting involved... Shiro courageously accepts his role as a Master. As Artoria is soon to discover, Shiro is the polar opposite of Kiritsugu - the boy wears his heart on his sleeve, he's reckless, but he cares enough to protect people... Even tries to protect Artoria herself, despite their clear gap in combat ability.
She felt conflicted about being contracted to the Emiya's once more, even if she knew Illya from 10 years ago... But the more she spends time with Shiro, the more she is willing to give this new Master a shot. Her ideals resonate with Shiro, rather than clash... And for that, Artoria is grateful.
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The Middle Act
Saber is... a very loyal, and dedicated Servant. (人◕ω◕);;; However... It's awful enough that Shiro is willing to ally with his sister when clearly there can be only one victor for the Grail. But it doesn't stop there. One of Shiro's schoolmates is also a Master, and he wishes to ally with her, too.
This is not how Holy Grail Wars are conducted. Saber is quite cross about it. (人◕ω◕);;;;;;; As rough as the last war went, at least alliances were temporary... The way Shiro talks with Illya and Sakura... makes Saber realize that Shiro understands very little about how these conflicts are supposed to go. The Grail can only grant one wish, and Artoria is both dutybound to make that wish go to her Master and selfish enough that she herself wants the wish... To save Britain.
It's not so easy just letting Shiro make alliances as he pleases. Shiro gives his trust out far too simply, and it's hard enough assuming Rider won't pull something... But to turn her back on Berserker? Never. Saber is too paranoid, and she almost rejoices when yet another schoolmate turns out to be a Master and she rejects Shiro's attempt at alliance.
... Because if four of them were on the same team, how was this conflict ever supposed to end? That's what Artoria worried over, in those early days of the war. Shiro was too trusting, and moreover there were just too many children doing battle... Saber needed to personally destroy some Servants, or she would never get any peace of mind about this.
Shiro tried calming her down, and while Artoria could understand not wanting to end his sister or his friends, the fact is their Servants needed to be eliminated. At the very least. When Shiro asks for kendo lessons, Artoria does so with gusto; she's a hard taskmaster, and she needs to vent.
Things go downhill when Caster kidnaps Shiro in an attempt to steal his Command Seals. Saber, Illya, Berserker, Sakura, and Rider all mount a rescue operation and defeat Caster, Assassin, and Caster's Master... Saber's thrilled to have made progress, and yet... For the next few days she fretted over Shiro and refused to continue training him. She didn't want him to get captured again and lose his Command Seals...
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Not too surprisingly, however, Shiro does win her back over... with food. If cooking was a type of magic, Shiro would be the undisputed master. ... And to Saber's dismay, she has a rather... insatiable appetite. She grudgingly goes back to giving Shiro kendo lessons, though she impressed upon him the importance of letting her handle the Servants. With only five Servants remaining, Saber was beginning to plot how to take down Berserker before he could turn on them... Not that she escaped Illya's shrewd gaze; Illya assured the King of Knights she would never hurt her brother. They'd find a way to get the Grail without turning on each other, Illya and Sakura were quite adamant about staying loyal to Shiro.
It doesn't reassure Artoria. Not exactly. Shiro keeps insisting they're a team, but she's increasingly wary of Sakura and Illya betraying her, and just keeping Shiro alive. Saber doesn't like being paranoid... But after the last war, how can she not be?
Eventually they battle it out with Archer and Rin. And they come to discover Archer is a future possibility of Shiro, bitter about being unable to fulfill his ideals, and bitter about being betrayed in life... Archer wanted to destroy Shiro to end the cycle, but it wasn't to be. Not when he was fighting 3 against 1... 4, if you count Shiro trying to throw himself into the ring. These revelations about Shiro aren't easy to swallow, though Artoria certainly understands sacrificing themselves for one's people...
Shiro's problem is that he wants to save everyone. Including his enemies. It's a lofty dream... Perhaps too lofty. At least on his own. While Artoria still seeks to have her wish granted, she also finds a stronger resolve to support Shiro and his dream. Because in him, she senses a similar noble spirit...
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Alas, Gilgamesh rears his ugly head. He takes down Berserker, and kidnaps Illya. He informs them of the Grail's true nature, taunts them and challenges them to come and fight...
It's a lot for Saber to take in. The wish-granting cup that she's tried to win for two wars now... It's nothing but a corrupted abomination. And moreover, Gilgamesh remained behind in this world, and she had been unable to defeat him last time. After Shiro performs that ritual with Rin to obtain more magical power, Saber comes to the realization that Avalon is implanted within Shiro... And she deduces it was Kiritsugu's doing. Shiro gives it back to her, hoping it will be enough to overcome Gilgamesh...
And she does. Artoria emerges triumphant in this battle, just as Medusa defeats Lancer and Shiro defeats Kirei... And after rescuing Illya, they all resolve to destroy the Greater Grail. They don't have to fight each other anymore, just destroy the Grail...
Artoria manages it. And yet... even though she expected to fade away after accomplishing this final task, because Shiro had one Command Seal left... Through some miracle, the ensuing explosion of energy granted her a new mortal body. And the same was true for Medusa.
This wasn't the ending they were expecting... But Artoria thinks she can live with this outcome. She didn't save Britain from ruin... But she does have a second chance at life. Opportunities like this almost never come by...
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The Future
Living in the modern age... takes some getting used to for Artoria. She got a taste of it in both of the Grail Wars she fought in, but she knows full well this new arrangement will be... longer lasting. And moreover, she and Medusa both lost their Heroic Spirit abilities. Artoria still has muscle memory, and can move relatively quickly... But she's no longer superhumanly strong.
... And that's alright. Artoria can tolerate being "just a human" again. She's not overseeing another kingdom, but she does have a treasured family in Shiro, Illya, Sakura, and Rin. Artoria is even formally introduced to Mitsuzuri, and they hit it off pretty well. Seeing Maiya again when she returns... makes Artoria feel conflicted, but she can tell the woman is looking out for Shiro and Illya, keeping Kiritsugu's enemies off their trails.
She obliges Rin's plan to take Shiro to London for a few years, believing it would be just like a vacation for the three of them... Except Rin doesn't think bringing Artoria along is a good idea. ... And Artoria has quite cross words to say about that, insisting she must stay by Shiro's side...
Eventually Artoria grudgingly acquiesces. It's pointed out that if the Clocktower ever found out that she used to be a Heroic Spirit, she'd be experimented on by mages in no time flat. It's all too tempting to visit her homeland... It's just not a good idea for Artoria to do so at this time.
At least Shiro promises to bring her there someday. ... So that's something.
Artoria keeps the house in order while Shiro's away, juggling the antics of Sakura, Illya, Mitsuzuri, and Taiga-sensei... Sure, Shiro and Rin graduated from high school, but there's no need to do away with the honorific.
When Shiro gets back... Artoria is glad he's home. More than words can describe. (人◕ω◕) Of Shiro's girls, she's definitely the de-facto leader. It's too troublesome to let any of the others take charge. Artoria-chan is very prim and proper, and rules will be followed... (人◕ω◕)*** Even though Sakura took Shiro's virginity... Artoria is never able to quite forgive her for that. (人◕ω◕)
Rin bearing the first children is also an affront to Artoria's honor, but... Artoria will happily take the children that Shiro plants in her womb. (人◕ω◕) As competitive as she can be, the former King of Knights must still set an example. ... Even if she's jealous and moping. (人◕ω◕)
It's fine~... The end goal is to ensure Shiro's happiness. And to help him save others. As former leader of the Knights of the Round Table, Artoria is pleased to have all that battle experience, to help Shiro in the most dire of situations.
Everything will be fine~! \(人◕ω◕)/ Shiro and Artoria will uphold each other's honor. They respect and admire each other. Truly a touching, heartfelt couple. (人◕ω◕) ... If Artoria views the other members of the harem as her new "subjects", that is her business. No one else's. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
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r59k6 · 2 years
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Finally! 🙌 Sharing my Medea/Artoria (saber/caster) piece I did for @amorfatizine 🌸🌸🌸 Medea deserves lots of love 😭😭😭😭😭😭💜💜💜💜💜
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cestacruz · 5 months
I want to learn more about the master Artoria Au
It's quite more extensive than Just the Holy Grail War
The lineup until now is
Saber: Musashi and Iori Miyamoto (Master(s) in the works)
Archer: James Moriarty (Master is Cassidy, i already posted something bout her)
Lancer: (Might be) Qin Liangyu (master in the works)
Rider: Ludwig van Beethoven (I already have her master but i refuse to post about them for now. I need dignity. I'll say two words to describe them tho: Hatsune Miku)
Caster: Zeno of Elea (no master yet)
Assassin: Hassan of the Shining Star (no master yet either) (also funnily enough, ive had Shining Star in this AU since two years ago, so imagine my surprise when he got released LMAO)
And well, Berserker: Queen Guinevere (and yknow, master Arturia)
It's sorta a modern AU but not at the same time, i'll put a cut here because its long and i ramble
It's not a Forced project to bring Arthur back like with Gray but the alternate name i use for this AU in my notes is "The Once and Future King" so...
History repeating itself sorta thing but without the doomed narrative (unless.) (Haha just kidding...) (...unle--)
The "pendragon|orkney" family does exist (as in mom(igraine)(she's alive), dad(uther)(he left them), morgan and lot, and nephews and nieces (morgan lost a bet to 5 year old arturia and had to name her kids after the knights) and more arthuriana characters are scattered around too, but they dont have an importance to the HGW part of the AU, with the exception of a few
They still call her Arturia (TECHNICALLY they call her Arthuria, because i love that name and no one will take it from me) because the few years that Uther was with them, he called Arturia "Arthur" because he wanted a boy and he couldnt cope (theres the History repeats itself motif and also misogynistic men like that still exist), so Morgan used Arthur*ia* as a nickname, and it stuck
This is where i will confess that im thinking of using a different name for Arturia, i already Kinda do in my notes. As in legal name (thinking of Aurlyn, which is similar but different enough). I would be doing the same with some of the Orkney siblings whose names would not be as common in the modern world or too obvious a reference, while still being named after the knights (Gareth would stay as Gareth cuz thats literally still a mormal name people use, but a name like Agravain or Mordred arent as common, ig. Or Gawain. And Gaheris. Actually only Gareth has a mormal fcking name)
ALSO mordred is Morgan and Lot's kid in this. No weird cloning in my modern AU. Genetics from the pendragon hit hard tho, they still look like Arturia
Actually idk what else to say rn, theres some more stuff but its escaping my mind, so little random stuff
Arturia's family has little to no mage relation currently, but they still have mage blood and sht
Also Merlin manipulated Morgan(modern) using her literal dreams, into freeing him from Avalon and he used to that hang out with little kid Arturia at the park (everyone hates him/chases him away)
The reason why Cath Palug is there is because this AU follows the F/SN timeline, which is a timeline in which Chaldeas never formed. Therefore, Fou never learned to love people, teehee. He only learned to hate Merlin and King Arthur (?)
Also theres a modern Guinevere, tho her name is literally just Gwen, and Arturia and her met during high school Time but they werent Actually classmates (think like, tournaments or trips to other school/places). I called her "arturia's high school crush" in the tags of a previous ask but they are still friends and talk a lot
And yeah , thank u and i am, Very happy that you asked bout it
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nasuversekinkmeme · 1 year
Weekly roundup: prompts
Fate/Stay Night
Merlin definitely knew that, in the end, Artoria would die before she reached her twilight years, that Lancelot would etch his love through the blood of the other knights, that Mordred would finally reach the end of his fuse and bring Camelot down with him. So, days before the unstoppable pebble started rolling into an avalanche, he invites the Round Table to knights to one final banquet and says his goodbyes
Kirei forces Lancer to read homestuck with one of his command seals
In order to leave a mark against her rivals, Sakura gropes Shirou in the kitchen all while Saber and Rin wait for their food. Noncon or not up to the author
"All legends come from Gilgamesh" taken to the logical extreme: every single servant is actually just Gilgamesh in a different costume. All of them. Even that one. He's running around at top speed frantically changing outfits so nobody notices.
Luvia and Rin get married in Prillya, have a daughter and leave her in the care of Illya, Miyu and Kuro, What happens when they leave those three with a baby and the kaleidosticks?
Inspired by a (Literal) Fever Dream I had last night, Gawain prooves he's the strongest knight of the round by quite literally, somehow, cutting the number 2 in half. How does he do this? I dunno, what are the ramifications of slicing the concept of a number in half? Ill leave that for the writer to decide!
Smut, In the lead up to the last fight with Flauros, Jing Ke and Boudicca say words to the effect of “let’s get drinks after this.” Drunken, glad-to-be-“alive” sex surely ensued.
Smut, Selfcest. Medea Lily angrily tops her older self, who is infuriatingly calm about it.
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
Erice and Tamamo have some sister talk that ends with Erice trying to kill tama for talking shit about her mom
Smut, Castoria and Cnoc Na Riabh should kiss and make chocolate together. Actually they should kiss naked while covered in chocolate. Sweet doomed yuri
Barghest + Melusine + Baoban Sith + Mash = "WE ARE TAM★LIN AND WE ARE HERE TO ROCK YOUR LOSTWORLD!"
doman getting stuck high up (his final ascension) and naked. trying to come down is a huge risk and now he gotta find a way to get down without getting caught
so everyone who from the LB6 charade (plus Chaldea) have this reunion and stuff. it’s the perfect time for revenge, so morgan and baobhan sith team up to get the ULTIMATE revenge on aurora for her bullshittery. extra points if other characters join in on the revenge, and extra extra points if the revenge is performed by everyone aurora has screwed over
Oberon recognized Percival by his comically large breastplate. Now I need a fic of Oberon... accumulating this familiarity. By being mashed face-first into Percival's tits. Repeatedly.
Prior to Cosmos in the Lostbelt, Guda summons both Oberon and Douman. Being accomplished liars, they both pick up on each other pretty quickly but neither of them can actually say that the other one is lying and plotting something without incriminating themselves so they just have to be incredibly passive-aggressive about it. And then they hatefuck about it
Ritsuka can't look at Medea, Achilles, Jason, Maid Alter, or Emiya because Medea keeps dreaming about Maid Alter Kozkui (I spell that right) and Achilles triple teaming her, while Emiya and Jason watch.
Muramasa being a grumpy dad and forbidding Artoria from seeing Oberon. They aren't dating and never were but now Oberon pretends they were just to mess with him.
Oberon being a grumpy dad and forbidding Artoria from seeing Muramasa. The problem is that they aren't dating, Muramasa is just giving free sword lessons to anyone who wants in Chaldea. But hey, seeing Oberon dying of anger is way funnier :)
Caster Artoria being a grumpy dad and forbidding Oberon from seeing Muramasa. They are dating and they have a romeo and juliet type situation
Angra is running and hiding for his life because caren still wants to have his child and Rasputin is helping because he is totally down to having cursed demonic grandchildren. He must be caught in the end. (Can be anywhere from general to explicit, and a comedy to a horror)
Incest, Gudao and Gudako are siblings who work in Chaldea. However, they don't look much alike, so a surprisingly amount of people aren't aware of that (most of the servants, and whoever at the staff doesn't regularly read their files.) So I mean... if they were to have some sort of relationship here... romantic, sexual, or both... it'd be fine, right? Ideally I'm looking for either "they've been pining for years before going to Chaldea, and they know that's their one shot at being together away from society," or "the very idea was disgusting before, but now their sense of normalty is so fucked up AND they're the only two who can truly understand each other, so you gotta fuck your sibling to cope" scenario, but honestly feel free to tweak the concept as you wish. The only thing I ask is that you keep an emphasis on the taboo of incest. They know what they're doing is wrong and they're only doing it because the end of the world is the one place where they can get away with it.
Smut, multiple Nobu having fun together
Smut, edmond dantes/any, dream sex
GudaCas pet play, but due to trauma and/or magical shenanigans, Guda can’t stop the act and fully believes themselves to be an animal that belongs to Cas.
Smut, Ibuki douji tailfucking the shit out of shuten and guda
O dino Shiki I want to see you get railed Tepeu my love
Danzo sits Fuuma down to discuss something very important: she is dating Sei Shonagon and needs his approval before she asks her to move in. Fuuma reacts like accordingly
Smut, ritsuka fujimaru fucks chaldea itself. theyve been through so much together they deserve to get a bit of catharsis from each other. whether chaldea is humanized in anyway or they finagle to fuck the building directly is up to writer but the sex must be loving.
Smut, incest In a reversal of her PHH self, Morgan gives Herself a dick and rails Artoria until she's sure Artoria is pregnant. Whether it's noncon or not is up to the filler
Smut, Can we get Castoria's dick SUCKED for all the trauma she underwent in lb6? Preferably by the lb6 crew but also like, in general.
Draco locks Paris in a room and starts calling him Sporus, how this continues depends on the prompt filler
Smut, Someone tries to hit in Shuten and reveals he thinks of her as a "legal loli". Shuten decides the only way he can make up for that sleight is by serving as her and Ibaraki's personal fuckpuppet, too drunk on oni wine to fight back.
Smut, The masters have gone missing! Where can they be, all the staff and servants as they scour their base. Oh there they are! In that dingy supy closet no one else knows about. Fucking each others brains out.
I recently learned that Aesc is pronounced "Ash." With that in mind, for your consideration, "Aesc Ketchum."
I somehow just got around to doing Mata Hari’s interlude. In it, she says kings “ need comfort more than anyone in their nations.” And also “Now, tell mommy everything you know.” While holding a man’s head in her lap. There are so many kings in Chaldea it would be either hilarious, wholesome or heartbreaking or all three for her to mother into a weeping mess, sexually or not.
Li Shuwen, Chiron, and Scathatch are talking about their methods of teaching, and Li Shuwen slowly becomes more and more uncomfortable by how comfortable Chiron and Scathatch are with their students dying.
Despite Everything, Artoria never hated her sister, so when Morgan is summoned, so obviously tired, face masked like stone, Artoria does the first thing she can think of, and embraces her sister in understanding. And Morgan breaks. (because I need some catharsis.)
While at the throne at the temple of time guda does just a little thing while nobody is looking. When they go back to chaldea, the entire USA is physically gone
Servants form a union. No quests, no food at the cafeteria, no sex, nothing until work conditions improve(Limit on farming) Da Vinci is also on their side and disabled the command seals
Smut, Blowbang, Ruler Artoria in the middle, with every rough and tumble penis-having Servant (and also Astolfo) facefucking her in turns. She not only keeps her composure throughout, her mascara doesn’t even run; the only sign anything is happening to her at all is smeared lipstick.
A new Assassin just got summoned, and Medea is over the moon to see Kuzuki again. He…has no idea who this woman is, but is so accustomed to just going with the social flow that it takes a solid week before he’s fallen for her all over again…and has no idea if he should tell her he didn’t know her at first. Does he? I dunno.
Where did that little crown come from in Artoria’s third ascension? For the purpose of this prompt, it’s a sincere peace offering from Medea…for actions this version of Saber didn’t remember until Medea tried to apologize for it. She winds up wearing it, but why? And how awkward is that conversation?
All of the Artorias suddenly get a wave of very pleasant memories from UBW Good End Saber; quantum Throne Bullshit, probably. Ishtar, Erehskigal, Emiya and Muramasa ought to fear for their pelvises.
Gudacas stuck in a closet together, preferably with a ton of sexual tension and at least one awkward boner rubbing on unfortunate places. Whether they actually fuck or not is up to you.
Guda cant help but constantly touch Morgans Dress, its not even a sexual thing, the material is just really nice and sensorily pleasing. So Morgan does the reasonable thing and gets them one of their own.
Castoria, absolutely sick and tired of the bullshit around here, tries to keep up the nice girl act. When gudako forced her to overwork again, Castoria absolutely loses it, and now people wonder if she’s a berserker pretending to be a caster for fun.
Smut, Bedivere gives sad Tristan passionate head in an attempt to cheer him up because they have other things they need to do for the roundtable already and he’s tired of listening to Tristan sigh and mutter obscurely under his breath
Gudao has the hots for Cu Chulainn. Scathach notices, and decides that he needs to be good enough for her student. Gudao is forced into Scathach bootcamp and tries to survive.
Smut, lb6 prompt where grimr wants to place a strengthening rune on muramasa. on his prostate.
Koyanskaya gets summoned to Chaldea, ready to tear things down from the inside. But they're... weirdly nice? Strengthening her skills, leveling her up, boosting her abilities, hey why are they pushing her towards the simulator hey why do Skadi and Castoria look so tired hey why did they say "welcome to hell" just before she was shoved through the simulator
I want Castoria and Morgan to talk and come to an understanding. Perhaps neither sides will ever forgive each other and perhaps neither side will ever love the other but. At the very least a catharsis has been reached and both can have their hearts be at ease.
Smut, Asterios is trying to be gentle when he and Euryale have sex. She’d tell him not to be…but he’s failing. Horribly, wonderfully failing at being gentle. If it ain’t broke, it ain’t her mind in about an hour.
I want to read a story about Saber defending Sakura from danger while Rider reacts like the victim in an NTR porno
Character of your choice trying to bring up the idea that, maybe, they would like to do cnc as the dom in bed. They can fuck too if you want but mostly I want the focus to be "how the fuck do you tell your sexual partner you want to roleplay forcing sex upon them." You get extra bonus point if the character in question is one that isn't someone you would normally as a suave confident dom (Mash, Mandricardo, Castoria, you know the kind)
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gainprincess · 4 months
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Saber Alter is confused, because everything feels... familiar in this Chaldea. Familiar to the point of deja vu, though Saber Alter has surely never been summoned here before.
When people pass her by in the halls, they refer to her as 'Salter' or 'Artoria', rather than 'Your Majesty' or 'My King'. save for her Knights of the Round. As if they are familiar with her. As if they were her friends.
A ridiculous notion. A tyrant does not have friends. Especially not ones so large and unwieldy. Honestly, why are they all so immense? It's unfathomably stupid.
Mordred treats her with such affection and open kindness when she sees her again, hugging her so tight she's sure something may break. It's... confusing to see her son so affectionate and caring, as if worried for her, and that makes it all the more confusing when a single cold stare has her sobbing and fleeing into the arms of the false Gawain.
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Merlin was odd. He treated her like his normal self would, being the 'delightful' troll he loves to be so often, but he seemed less walled off. Less pained. Like he had been back when she was a little girl, and he was her father. What a time that had been...
And, more importantly... The Maiden of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc. She seemed so elated to see Saber Alter, saying that her 'sister' would be so very pleased... she seemed all the more disheartened when Saber Alter yanked her hand away after that, disdain in her eyes.
A tyrant does not touch the common folk. Not without good reason, anyway.
And that is all she is.
All she must be.
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"Hhhhaaa.... kids. What a pain she's being with no memories... She really did a number on herself after that Avenger's original death. She's lucky I was able to salvage her Saint Graph... unlike Solomon, she's not too great at scrubbing herself from the Throne. Seriously, all that for a girlfriend? Weird."
Merlin shakes her head, massaging her temples.
"Oh, well. I did my good deed for the year. Time to go pig out and bother Arthur."
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Indeed, it was Merlin, in a rare case of altruism, that has retrieved Artoria Alter from the pits of damnation. Out of nothing more than good will, she brought her back, albeit not perfectly. It's an immense effort even for a Grand Caster, and something undertaken only under complete focus.
The fact that Merlin has done so, and will likely never recieve recognition for the effort... is odd. It's unlike Merlin at all, and the female one especially so.
Perhaps change, too, is the flavor of Chaldea.
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smokeybrandreviews · 5 months
Faerie Tales
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I am in full Fate/Grand Order mode right now and it's paying off nicely. I think. It's an odd thing to juggle three mobile titles (FGO, Azur Lane, and Ever Crisis), Baldur's gate 3, Persona 3 Reload, and my millionth run at Mass Effect Legendary. I got too many games on my plate right now. I feel like i should pull back on something but, at the same time, nah? Like, P3R is my sh*t and i am absolutely in love with BG3. I dunno, maybe I'll reassess eventually but my crippling gaming addiction has only a nebulous effect on my choice to continue grinding through the admittedly frustrating and horrifically pay-walled world of the Grand Orders. I do it because i shill hard for Nasu and have for actual decades. Plus, some of the stories are really cool. F*cking Avalon le Fae was peak Type Moon and i cannot wait until the Dragon Slayer money runs out so they have UFOtable animate that sh*t. Interestingly enough, the Faeries are kind of why I'm even writing this update.
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Yo, i popped Barghest! Tam Lin Gawain is easily my favorite of the Faerie Knights. I mean, Melusine is but Barghest is definitely right there with her. Of the newer Servants released since i lost my first account, She ranks right up there in the top ten. Actually, i think she was number nine. Albion was number one, but making it into that top ten is a feat in of itself. Dozens of dope ass servants were added in my years long hiatus and the Black Dog made it to the top of the top. It just kind of blows she's a Saber. I'm lousy with Sabers. A good portion of my Five-Stars are Sabers. Like, i already have Mordred, she will NEVER leave my party, and Artoria. They are powerhouses in their own right but i also have Okita and Altera as back up. That's four Five-Star Sabers. Where the f*ck does my Hellhound even fit? Still, i am mad hype to pop her off the Artoria Caster Banner, because i did it with some bullsh*t Summon Tickets! Pretty sure i got Artoria doing that, too, but that's not why I'm happy.
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You see, that Caster Banner is part of the Twenty Million Downloads campaign. Also [art of that, are two special summon tickets, one for a Four-Star Craft Essence and the other for a Four-Star Servant. I was going to use that ticket on Barghest, even though i already have a ton of Sabers. That's how much i like the character. Popping her off that banner allows me to choose a different Servant now, one that i actually need. I have one Avenger and it's Hessian Lobo. That guy sucks. I mean, it's fine, but it ain't Demon Nobu. However, there is another Four-Star Avenger who i had on my old account. An Avenger that happens to be a Medusaface, and we all know how much of a sucker i am for Medusa. Not only did i get a Barghest on one of the most improbable ways possible, but i was able to outright choose Gorgon! I was able to secure a much need Avenger option AND the Black Dog I've wanted since Avalon was released! Honestly, I wish I had one more of those free tickets. I'm set on Gorgon, for sure, but Lancer Artoria Alter is an option, too, and she's kind of my favorite Artoria. There's just something about an Alter which really does it for me.
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I'm actually really very pleased with this account right now. Sucks I'm still missing a ton of Servants that i want, but progress is being made. I mentioned in my last update i was able to finally acquire Anastasia but, since then, I've also added Ivan the Terrible, Anne Bonny and Marie Reed, Assassin Okita, and Lakshmibai. These are all solid additions, even though they aren't necessarily Servants i would personally choose for myself. I mean, Ivan is, that gigantic motherf*cker is a powerhouse, but considering i don't run at FGO Banners like i do Azur Lane ones, the fact that i have any Five-Stars is kind of a blessing. Obviously, my Mordred is coming along nicely. I've been able to both unlock and max out her second Append Skill, while grinding away at the monumental task of getting that eleventh Bond Level. Right now, that's the current quest. Oh, somehow, i was able to naturally roll a second Mordred so she's got a level two Noble Phantasm now. Just three to go! I'm just chipping away, man. Slowly but surely, I'll have my max Mordred.
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zeravmeta · 1 year
Top 5 Fate blorbos NOT including Limbo.
this one made me laugh bc like, yeah limbo is my special little princess but also he is one of my many special little princesses, like i love limbo but im not The Limbo Guy, if that makes sense (i have many guys)
That said there are simply too many fate blorbos i have and no easy way to list them in a perfectly objective top 5, so I shall do something fun instead, listing them in tiers. As expected, the list expands as it goes on (not every servant listed obvs)
5. Characters who I am passively aware of. This is for characters who are somewhat relevant enough for me to like. think about
Gilles Saber, Caesar, Paris Hektor, Circe, Lu Bu, Spartacus, Eric Bloodaxe
4. Characters who I have a light inclination towards. Maybe they were useful for farming or I read their profiles and was satisfied
Jason, Billy The Kid, Oda Nobukatsu, , Tristan, William Tell, Medusa Lily, Janta Lily, Tawaru, Achilles, Wu Zetian, Cleopatra, Darius III, Kiyohime
3. Characters who I just like. I look at them and go "its the guy :)"
Senji Muramasa, Fergus, Robin Hood, Leonidas, Enkidu, Nezha, Anne-Bonny & Mary Read, Bartholomew Roberts, Red Hare, Scheherazade, Anastasia, Kyokutei Bakin, Charles-Henri Sanson, Assassin Emiya/Kerry, Ushiwakamaru, Gray, Huyan Zhuo, Penthesilea, Kijyo Koyo, Asterios
2. Characters who I love. This one is a substantial jump upwards in quality and they only have like 1-2 things missing (to me) that prevent them from being numero uno
Altera, Bedivere, Okita, Beni Enma, Sigurd, Saito Hajime, Artemis-Orion, Emiya, Atalante, Baobhan Sith, Cu Chulainn, Romulus (and Quirinus), Caenis, Vritra, Melusine, Boudica, Marie Antionette, Mandricardo, Habetrot, Dobrynya Nikitich, Hans Christian Andersen, Mata Hari, Charlotte Corday, Katou Danzo, Koyanskaya of the Light, Tezcatlipoca, Sen no Rikyu, Kriemhild, Koyanskaya of Darkness
My special little princesses. Play this song while reading
Mash Kyrielight number one forever, saber classes artoria pendragon nero claudius siegfried void shiki miyamoto musashi ibuki douji barghest archer classes david arjuna oda nobunaga artoria pendragon archer swimsuit james moriarty tomoe gozen calamity jane nightingale santa sei shounagon zenobia lancer class scathach artoria pendragon lancer artoria pendragon lancer alter brynhildr tamamo no mae lancer minamoto no raikou lancer swimsuit ereshikigal elizabeth bathory rider class medusa francis drake artoria pendragon santa alter astolfo sakata kintoki rider quetzalcoatl artoria pendragon rider alter swimsuit leonardo da vinci rider murasaki shikubu rider swimsuit caster class mephistopheles cu chulainn caster tamamo no mae nursery rhyme helena blavatsky xuanzang sazang nero claudius swimsuit nitocris leonardo da vinci shuten douji caster ascelpius chen gong artoria caster assassin class phantom of the opera jack the ripper mysterious heroine x ryougi shiki assassin shuten douji scathach assassin first hassan nitocris assassin osakabehime okada izo yu mei-ren kama berserker class sakata kintoki vlad III caligula tamamo cat nightingale cu chulainn alter minamoto no raikou mysterious heroine x alter hijikata toshizo atalante alter jeanne d'arc alter berserker swimsuit xiang yu arjuna alter mori nagayoshi salome miyamoto musashi swimsuit brynhildr swimsuit morgan sei shounagon swimsuit ibuki douji swimsuit ruler class jeanne d'arc saint martha swimsuit sherlock holmes qin shi huang quetzalcoatl samba santa artoria pendragon swimsuit ruler himiko leonardo da vinci swimsuit james moriarty lily iyo avenger class edmond dantes jeanne d'arc alter angra mainyu gorgon antonio salieri demon king oda nobunaga space ishtar kama avenger swimsuit nitocris alter alter ego class meltryllis passionlip sessyoin kiara okita souji alter ashiya douman xu fu larva tiamat mooncancer class bb bb summer sessyoin kiara swimsuit archetype earth foreigner class abigail williams katsushika hokusai mysterious heroine xx voyager van gogh mysterious idol x alter kukulkan pretender class oberon beast class draco nero
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
My wishlist for a Fate Route remake
I love what ufotable have done with the Fate/Stay Night Saga. They have given us incredbile adaptations of the Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel Routes, as well as blessing with beautiful tragedy that is Fate/Zero. However, if there's one criticism I have for it, it's that it's incomplete. 17 years later and we're still missing the one that started it all; the Fate Route.
Despite being the face of the franchise, Saber/Artoria hasn't managed to have her moment to shine properly since Fate/Zero and even then, it's very bittersweet. The Fate Route also gave us the lovely Shirou x Artoria romance, which many consider as the definitive ship of the saga. I do think we are way overdue for a Fate Route remake and I think it's best if it happens sooner rather than later. Not only will it give Artoria her much needed spotlight again, but it's also a good jumping on point for newcomers to get into the series. However, what I want isn't a simple retelling of the VN or the 2006 anime with better animation, I want a full remake that actually changes and fixes the issues of both. These include:
Expanding Saber's character more- with the remake, Saber's character development should be a major focus here and that includes her past as King Artoria. One way that can help flesh her out is to add in flashbacks that adapt Garden of Avalon. Not only that, but it would also give some much needed expansion on the knights too.
Expanding on Shirou and Saber's romance- we all know why Shirou loves Artoria so much, but we need to see why she loves him so much. Just like how UBW showed Rin falling for him and HF showed Sakura falling for him, Fate needs to do the same. More scenes should be shown where Artoria starts to question if her relationahip to Shirou is simply Master/Servant or if she truly likes him. A few more date scenes should be added too.
Changing Shirou's characterisation- UBW and HF really did a lot with Shirou's character and they're his best depiction, imo. The Fate Route, however, doesn't really do that. There are times when he comes across as kind of an idiot and he doesn't have as much of proactive role as he did in the later routes. Give those moments to Fate-Shirou, show him getting better at fighting and show his arc about him becoming that great hero he aspired to be.
More Archer moments- I know Archer essentially had his time to shine in UBW, but I think he was severely underused in Fate. Even HF, where he did still die early, had him more of a presence. Maybe we can even see a rematch between him and Saber right before the battle with Berserker.
Caster fight- for all its flaws, Deen's Fate/Stay Night did give a very good fight scene with Caster. This should be implemented in the remake as well and it gives both Caster and Kuzuki a proper send off.
Shirou vs Gilgamesh- since Shirou isn't fully realised yet, he can't have the exact same battle with Gil as he did in UBW. But they should still fight at least once, maybe have Gil overwhelm him before Artoria takes over.
Shirou vs Kieri- have this one be a similar fight to the one from Fate/Zero between Kirei and Kiritsugu. Have him utilise his martial arts skills more and Shirou makes use of his improved projection magic.
A new ending- the Fate true ending is something that fans do want and I think it would be a beautiful way to wrap up the saga. But honestly? I want a happily ever after ending instead and to have Artoria become a human and marry Shirou. I know it's controversial but after everything Artoria had been through, she deserves a happy ending and a chance to finally be selfish for once.
And that's my wishlist for the Fate Route remake.
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smokeybrand · 8 months
Throne of Heroes II: Rank Up Quest
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It has been quite a while since i touched on Fate/Grand Order, mostly because it's been an exercise in frustration. My new account is coming along swimmingly but it still pales in comparison to my old one. I feel like there is progress, but it's a real slog, man. That said, i am digging a ton of the new Servants. I've popped a few i didn't expect, Lancer Ryoma immediately comes to mind, and i felt like i needed to redress my favorites list. I need to retire a few to the Hall of Fame because, if i don't, this thing will either be fifty spots long, or just full of sh*t I've already posted. I'll probably make a separate All-Time list later but, for now, just know that Mordred will always be number one for me. All of her. Every last iteration. Actually, f*ck it! In no particular order:
Hall of Fame: Mordred, Rider Medusa, Demon King Nobunaga, Lancer Artoria Alter, Artoria Alter, Archer Gil, King Hassan, Shuten Doji, Francis Drake, Altera, Caster Nero, Semiramis, Gorgon, Abigail Williams, Ishtar
With that out of the way, these are the top servants in the current Fate/Grand Order Material!
10. Kriemhild
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I don't care for Berserkers. They're glass cannons and never last long enough to matter, especially in the late game. Still, they have some dope ass designs for the Servants in that class and and Kriemhild has one of the best. She reminds me of Saber Alter in a lot of ways, but far more elegant. That's it. I just really like her design. She'd never make my party because of the Berserker thing, but she's real easy on the eyes. That also accounts for how low she is on this list.
9. Barghest
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You telling me Nasu added the Celtic Hellhound to the Throne of Heroes? I can summon the Black Beast to my side? And she shows up as a massive, blonde, muscle mommy? Bro, sign me up! I've always been a fan of the Arturian legend so i was hoping we'd get all of the other, weirdly violent, tidbits which went along with those old Celtic legends. Color me surprised when we got The Lady of the Lake, Baobhan Sith, and Barghest, all in one fell swoop. Also, Moran le Faye but she's a Berserker so, you know, meh.
8. Anastasia
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Anastasia is my favorite Caster, hands down. She has a dope design, powerful attacks, and a one of the best Noble Phantasms in her entire Class. I've been chasing after this chick for years, even before i lost my first account, to no avail. She's my Holy Grail right now and it sucks. Powerful Casters who actually do damage are rare and Anastasia, for my money, is the best of that lot. Also, she uses ice. I'm a sucker for those types. I blame Shiva from Final Fantasy IX for that.
7. Senji Muramasa
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Hey, look at that! A goddamn Shirouface made to this list! I can't stand Emiya, man. Dude sucks. I get why Archer hates him so much, but it is real hard to hold Muramasa in contempt. It's the perfect Hero to manifest as Shirou. I may not like the character at all but i adore his Reality Marble. Unlimted Blade Works is my favorite attack in all of the Nasuverse and this version, Tsumukari Muramasa Baseless Blade Works, is my favorite version of that! There's just something about watching all of those infinite swords, fold down into one, which satisfies the violent, destructive, urges within me. It gives Genryusai Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi, levels of dope.
6. Romulus-Quirinus
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This dude is a powerhouse. Absolutely unit. For a long time, after his release, Lancer Romulus was my go to for doing Archers dirty. Or anyone for that matter. His Skills are ridiculous and just bolster the already absurd destructive potential on hand. There is only one Lancer i love more and she ranks at number one on this list. That said, Romulus-Quirinus is a VERY strong number two. Plus, i dig the design. I'm a sucker for mecha so that golden armor he dons in his latter Stages really does it for me.
5. Kukulkan
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Look, i fell in love with Type-Moon because of their intricate, detailed, lore. There is so much content here, it can be overwhelming. Kukulkan is one of the deep cuts. Obviously, the human for is a facade and it's true form is Ort. If you know your stuff, then you know that's a huge f*cking deal. Ort is the Archetype of the Ort belt, basically making it one of the most powerful entities in the Nasuverse. Like all Archetypes, they're basically eldritch horrors of immense power and i get to Summon the heart of one.
4. Amor
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Caren Horetensia is my second favorite Master and there is a distinct lack of her in the Grand Orders. Sakura and Rin have a ton of love. Even Shirou has a few Faces out there. Not Caren. As far as i can tell, Amor is the only Carenface there is, and the only option i have to add her to my own roster. It's nuts because Caren has a slick ass design. She'd be a fan favorites if more people knew about her bu, alas, my darling Hortensia has been cursed to the forgotten because no one knows anything about Hollow Ataraxia. Still, i have Amor and that's enough. For now...
3. Larva/Tiamat
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Tiamat is my favorite Beast. Ever since she was introduced back in the Babylon Singularity, i have LONGED for a proper Servant version. I watched as i got a Gorgon, Heaven's Hole, and even a Kama. No goddamn Tiamat! I was stewing about it for years but, eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, Nasu blessed us with Larva/Tiamat. Finally, i can add my favorite Beast to my roster, proper.
2. Draco
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You're telling me Mother Harlot has finally made it's way into the Throne of Heroes? As a Beast, no less? AND she' a Neroface?? How can i not love this brand new monster? I was actually curious if we would ever be able to Summon a proper Beast class Servant. All of the ones introduced so far, pop out as the normal options. Like, Kama is an Assassin, Heaven's Hole is a Moon Cancer, and Tiamat is an Alter Ego. Not The Whore of Babylon. No, she appears in all her humanity crushing glory and i love her for it.
1. Melusine
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I was always curious if Nasu would broach the entirety of Celtic mythology after leaning so heavy into Arturian legend and i wasn't disappointed. Barghest made this list because i was already a fan of those creatures from the legends but i didn't expect him to go full-on like this. Adding The Lady in the Lake was a bold choice, one that i absolutely adore because, not only is she dope overall and has an amazing design, but she transforms into a f*cking dragon during her epic ass Noble Phantasm! They basically turned Lancelot's mom into goddamn Bahamut and I'm here for all of it!
Honorable Mentions: Lancer Ryoma, Space Ishtar, Ivan the Terrible, Grigori Rasputin, Durga, Taira no Kagekiyo, Yu Mei-ren, Lancer Artoria, Zenobia
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strangefellows · 2 years
Gilles de Rais, William Shakespeare, Jack the Ripper, Solomon, Nero Claudius, Kid Gil, Abigail Williams. Revenge for my 5k answer to yours.
First impression
Will: ..............yeah, okay, I want to deck him and that probably tracks
Solomon: [brb incoherent screaming because Plot Reveal]
Nero: LMAO why does she look like Artoria?
Abigail: I have Concerns about this girl and this chapter. CONCERNS. But also FUCK SHE'S ADORABLE
Impression now
Gilles: Die Bitch Die. I don't like him, does anyone? He's a fairly boring Saber and Caster? Oh, you know, the child murder and eldritch monsters and all that.
Will: I'm going to beat that man senseless (affectionate), what a genius (derogatory). I'll probably have more thoughts again after Apocrypha - jesus I have to finish that shit - but for now I'm gonna punch him.
Solomon: [incoherent screams turn into sobs] COME HOME
Nero: She's absolutely a delight! Her appearance will trick you into thinking she's a boring Saberface but no, she's wonderful, she's awful, she loves herself and is so confident, what a girl. What an emperor.
Kid Gil: Well that's the 10yo form of my Fate husband, of course I love him. I have...mixed feelings about him that I'll talk about later, but generally speaking I adore this little brat.
Abigail: DAUGHTER DAUGHTER ELDRITCH DAUGHTER I love her so much and I wish I could pull her but she's very rare and I have others to save for. She's still absolutely babey though and a good naughty girl.
Favorite moment
Gilles: NONE, DIE. But no in all seriousness, there's a bit in the Shimousa (or Salem?) manga where he talks to Dantes for a little, and that was actually kind of an interesting thing.
Will: None yet lmfao sorry bitch. Okay no wait, him and Hans fucking. Writing the Solomon and Sheba play while shitfaced ass drunk just to make us all suffer, but also thank you I love you that made my day even as I cried.
Jack: I REALLY NEED TO FUCKING FINISH APOCRYPHA. But in FGO, idk, she's just very sweet and baby in the events somehow and I love that all the time.
Solomon: IDK MAN THE REAL ONE WAS ONLY HERE FOR FIVE MINUTES BEFORE HE MCFUCKING DIED. I'm not counting that speech in Temple because it's too sad to be my favorite even if it was amazing. I'm cheating and pretending the Chaldean has at least a little of him in there and saying when he saves our ass from Kirsch that time in Atlantis and then is just like UGH DON'T LOOK AT ME at Fujimaru, like I AM LOOKING DISREPSECTFULLY SIR SORRY
Nero: She's a delight in Septem, but like, so many of her scenes in Extra slap extremely hard, I love her roast of Gawain especially, as does a lot of her my room scenes with Hakuno.
Kid Gil: Not gonna lie, I remember the scene in the Prisma*Illya manga where he absolutely mcfucking nukes someone for using Enkidu and I loved that very much.
Abigail: PANKEKI PANKEKI KURONEKO PANKEKI-- but also, her appearance in the Summercamp event was very sweet and funny.
Idea for a story
Gilles: I would not want to write a story about him XD but frankly, it might be interesting to explore the fact that we've more or less proven the child [redacted] and murder accusations were false, vs the evil psycho persona he's kinda shoved into by the Throne even so.
Will: FACE THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR ACTIONS AND TALK TO OBERON. But no, there could be some fun stuff with his NP if it does what I've heard it does in universe.
Jack: Babey Girl, go have some cute fun with your friends, have a nice day, no murder :)
Solomon: I WILL DRAG YOU HOME BY YOUR VOLUMINOUS HAIR YOU DUMB MAGE GET BACK HERE I AM BEGGING YOU. But also what if Certain People were discovered early is always fun.
Nero: I want to see her and the other Extra+CCC cast actually interact more, BB kind of cockblocked that in the SE.RA.PH Event lmao. Musings on Hakuno vs Fujimaru?
Kid Gil: Exploring the headcanons I'm gonna mention below, or maybe just let him maul his older self for once, that'd be hilarious.
Abigail: A Day in the Life of An Eldritch Child Wandering Around the Chthulu Mythos with Cats and Her Adopted Uncle.
Unpopular opinion
Gilles: .....idk man
Jack: She looks FINE you guys.
Solomon: IDK? He's SO at least 50% of the Chaldean I'm CONVINCED OF THIS FACE OKAY, I'M COPING.
Nero: I'm not really sure? I hear some people aren't really a fan of her in FGO compared to Extra, but I think she's fine?
Kid Gil: I'm not sure if having mixed feelings about him is popular or not, to be honest?
Abigail: IDK XD
Favorite relationship
Gilles: N/A do not approach any Jeanne
Will: Him and Hans are fucking hysterical, to be honest, but I'd love interactions with him and Oberon. Just for the lols.
Jack: Her and the other littles in Chaldea and Amakusa is absolutely fucking precious.
Solomon: [lies down] Sheba....Fujimaru....Mash..........
Nero: Her and Hakuno to be quite fucking honest. But also her and Lizzie is hysterical.
Kid Gil: shrug emojis into the distance, actually
Abigail: Her and Lavinia, her and Fujimaru.
Favorite headcanon
Gilles: I do not think about him XD
Will: Hm....I'm not sure, I can't think of any XD He and Hans drunk write way too often for everyone's own good. Hans wouldn't even drunk, but Will MAYYYY be coerced into writing fanfic for people.
Jack: She really, really likes raspberry jam. Strawberry is also okay, but raspberry is her favorite. Put it on everything.
Solomon: UHHHHHHHHHH he's at least in part the Chaldean. He's not a generally good person as Solomon, he's very terse and grumpy. Let him live. He's tired.
Nero: Despite the whole Gilfest/Nerofest rivalry, Nero WILL hang out and drink with Gil sometimes, they get very loud and obnoxious (and they'll talk about Hakuno sometimes).
Kid Gil: This is implied in some My Room dialogue and probably in Hollow Ataraxia which I haven't read, but I do definitely double down on the idea that Kid Gil isn't actually what Gil was like as a child, but the what the Gil we know in the present day would be like if he were a child. That's Kid Gil, not Gil as a kid. And he's very aware of this, and he wonders quite a bit about what he was ACTUALLY like.
Abigail: In my 'verse, she is one of the only people aware of the fact that my Fujimaru is running in a reset timeline, as the first one was a terminal bad end my Fujimaru's little brother - the Master at the time - reset to let his sister have a try. She's extra protective of my Fujimaru for his sake, because Big Brother wouldn't want anything to happen to his big sister.
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writer-and-artist27 · 2 years
i will now proceed to send you..... artoria pendragon for the ask gaaammmee
Hi Teddy (=゚▽゚)/ Thankie for the ask! I'm assuming Art-san is for 003 of the ask game, so here we go!
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
Artoria/Arturia Pendragon (Fate)
How I feel about this character: I love her. I really really love her. There's a reason I have a plushie of her in an apron from Today's Menu from the EMIYA family I hug when I'm anxious, not to mention a Saber Lily figure and one of her original self using Excalibur against Caster Gilles. She was my first exposure to Fate and still a comfort to me at night whenever I'm scared of the dark/necromorphs/zombies.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Shirou Emiya, Heroic Spirit Emiya, Rin Tohsaka, and Diarmuid Ua Duibhne, off the top of my head. Because they all have such good dynamics with her and I really appreciate what their banter involves.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Bedivere, since his entire relationship with her in Camelot had me tempted to cry. Also Lancelot, both Saber and Berserker, so that they can finally heal together. Not to mention Merlin.
My unpopular opinion about this character: FGO needs to include her more in the main story, dammit. If she's gonna be the face of the actual APP, USE HER LIKE THE KING SHE'S MEANT TO BE! Also, don't just stuff in so many Saber Faces into characters that could've gotten their own unique appearances, such as Lakshmi.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she got a chance to RECONCILE with Mordred. Because FGO kept skirting around it to where I HAD TO WRITE IT MYSELF to feel satisfied.
Favorite friendship for this character: Rin. Just because what I got to see of their dynamic in Deen/stay night and what little of Ufotable's UBW I got to watch before Netflix took it off was great.
My crossover ship: Um. Not sure yet!
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