#i love art teacher tommy cummings
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rubyloops · 2 months ago
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jessybarnes · 2 years ago
Golden Lines - Chapter Five - Insatiable Desires
Pairings: Chris Evans x OFC Jessica Anderson, Chris Evans x OFC Lily Stan, Sebastian Stan x OFC Jessica Anderson, Tom Hiddleston x OFC Ang DiLorenza 
Chapter Five Characters: Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Tom Hiddleston, OFC Jessica Anderson, OFC Lily Stan, OFC Ang DiLorenza, OFC Amanda Evans (mentioned), OFC Mrs. Stevens, OMC Dean Wesson, OMC Sam Hammond, OMC Steve Hammond, OMC Scott Leighton, OMC Tommy King, Diana Hiddleston (Tom's Mom: mentioned), Scott Evans (mentioned), Carly Evans (mentioned), Shanna Evans (mentioned), Lisa Capuano (Chris’s Mom: mentioned), G. Robert Evans III (Chris’s Dad: mentioned), Georgeta Orlovschi (Sebastian’s Mom: mentioned), OFC Shayly Andrews (mentioned), OMC Jameson Andrews (mentioned), and Dodger
Chapter Five Rating: Explicit 18+
Chapter Five Tags: **** PLEASE READ ALL WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER BEFORE CONTINUING!!!! **** SMUT, NSFW title card, angst, fluff, teacher/student relationships, anxiety, drinking, underage drinking, nervousness, mentions of past trauma (specifically the following: injury to hand, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and mental abuse), mentions of shitty parents (specifically dead beat fathers), pining, blindfolds, skydiving, airplanes, flying, heights, free falling, vomiting, kissing, nipple play, oral (male receiving), deep throating, face fucking, cum swallowing, overstimulation, dry humping, clit play, fingering, finger fucking, squirting, dirty talk, a tiny instance of dom/sub (if you squint), praise kink, begging, finger sucking, oral (female receiving), jacking off, lying, crying, self-esteem/self-worth issues, bed sharing, explicit sexual content, explicit language, and I think I've covered everything… PLEASE READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE BEFORE STARTING THIS CHAPTER! 
Chapter Five Word Count: 11,289 (GOOD LORD… This got away from me...grab a snack and a beverage, folks. Lol.)
Chapter Five Betas: T. Thompson and A. DiLorenza 
Chapter Five Mini Title Card: Yours Truly
A/N: There are mentions of past physical, sexual, and mental abuse (as I stated above in the tags), and I've written this so if there are readers who need to skip that part, they can. There are asterisks that indicate where that part starts and ends if anyone needs to skip it! You won't miss anything if you do, I promise. ❤
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The rest of the school week seems to drag itself out. Lily and Ang walk to Art class together, their finished assignments in hand. Angie is quiet, a little too quiet, and Lily immediately picks up on it. "Hey, babe. You good?" 
She bites her lip nervously and glances over to her friend. "I'm scared, Lil. What if he doesn't like it?" 
They walk into the classroom and take a seat at their normal table. "He's gonna love it, Ang. Tom's very much into art, at least, that's what Seb told me once." 
She cocks her head to the side, "I just realized I never knew his first name until now. Tom is a fitting name, it suits him." 
"Alright, class everyone settle down. I know all of you are excited for the weekend," Ang and Lily smirk at each other knowingly, "but we've still got an hour of school left. Everyone take out your finished pieces and have them ready for me to look at. I'll be walking around the room to give you a final grade." 
Lily carefully unwraps her watercolor painting and sets it on the table. She wasn't sure what she was going to paint at first, but then she got to thinking about her Mom. Sebastian was only five when his Father left. He didn't have many memories of him, but he remembered the day he and their Mom were left alone, vividly. 
Sebastian had told Lily the story on one of their movie nights and it's stuck with her ever since. He said that he had heard his Father yelling at their Mom, but he couldn't recall what he was angry about. He ran outside and followed him to his car, and shoved his hand in the door as it was being pulled closed. It smashed his fingers between the door and where it connected to the car. Sebastian told Lily that he did it because he thought that if his Father saw that he was hurt then he'd take him to the hospital and the doctor would say that he had to stay and take care of him. Instead, he watched him drive away. Seb chased the car, but was picked up by their Mom so she could wipe his tears and bandage his mangled hand. 
Lily hasn't met her Father either, nor does she want to. Georgeta, their Mother, gives them everything they need. Sebastian was twenty when she was born, and helped take care of her as if she were his own and not his half sister. Their Mom is the strongest woman she's ever known. She always puts her and her brother first and never hesitates to go without just so they can be taken care of. 
So, it's only fitting to dedicate her first watercolor painting to their Mom. It's of one of her favorite vacation spots. Lily remembers being a little girl, probably around ten, and going on vacation with her there. It was right around sunset, the reds, oranges, yellows, and pinks blanketed across the sky accenting with the mountain in the distance perfectly. 
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Painting it from memory was hard, but once she was finished it turned out to be the best one she's ever done. 
Angie finishes unwrapping hers and gasps, "Lil! Oh, my god! That's beautiful!" 
She smiles sheepishly, "not as beautiful as yours, love. Mr. H will probably cry when he sees that. I mean, for real though, that drawing should be in a museum." 
Angie laughs and beams at her. "Only if your masterpiece is displayed right next to it!" 
Mrs. Stevens makes her way over to their table and smiles as she looks over Lily's shoulder. "Ms. Stan, this is stunning! These watercolors are blended perfectly and the highlight on the mountain is beautifully done! You deserve an A." 
"Thank you, Mrs. Stevens," Lily grins and watches as she moves over to look at Angie's. 
"Oh… Oh, my goodness. Ms. DiLorenza this is breathtaking! The shading is impeccable and the blending is just the right amount. An A for you as well. The two of you are incredible artists! Mr. Hiddleston will surely appreciate this. Would you like to take it to him now? I don't believe he has a class." 
Angie wrings her hands nervously, "I-I don't know. I'm kind of scared. What if he doesn't like it?" 
Mrs. Stevens shakes her head. "Nonsense, dear. How about this? How about I call him down here. You can step out into the hallway for a bit of privacy, but you'll still be within earshot of the class. Sound good?" 
Angie nodded. "Alright, it's settled." 
A few minutes later she hears the familiar deep voice that she loves so much. She steals a quick glance and sees him standing just outside the doorway with her art teacher. He meets her eyes and she quickly looks away pulling her lip between her teeth. The sound of Mrs. Stevens' high heels click against the floor and stop just shy of their table. "He's waiting outside, dear. I'll be at my desk should you need me." 
Angie takes a deep breath and stands up. Lily squeezes her hand for reassurance as she holds the drawing in the other. "You've got this, babe!" 
Ang nods and slowly walks across the room to the door. She rounds the corner, holding the picture close to her chest as she looks up at him. 
Even that one word sounds weak, but if Tom notices he doesn't point it out. "Hi, Ang. It's good to see you again." His accent sends a wave of arousal straight to her core. "I understand you have something for me?" 
Angie looks down at the drawing clutched in her hands. "Well, I-I um…Mrs. Stevens… we-" 
Tom places a warm hand on her shoulder. "It's alright, darling," he whispers. "Take your time." 
Angie licks her lips, "our first assignment was to um...to create whatever we wanted. I wasn't-," she shifts her weight anxiously, "wasn't sure what to make so I just kind of zoned out a-and let my pencil have a mind of its own." Without making eye contact with him she holds the canvas out so he can take it. "I um...I made this...for you."
Tom hates to see his girl so nervous, but he can’t deny how adorable she looks standing in front of him like this. So innocent and - wait...did he just refer to Ang as his girl in his head? Well, that's new. She hands over the canvas without looking at him and toes at the tile floor with her shoe. He flips it over in his hands and sucks in a breath. 
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It's the most beautiful piece of art he's ever seen. The detailed lines, the contrast of highlight and shade, and the attention to detail. It's...well, it's breathtaking, and the fact that it's a portrait of him makes it that more meaningful. Tom realizes he hasn't said anything, let alone released the breath he's been holding, and turns his attention back to Angie. She's shaking and picking at her fingernails and he has to force himself not to hug her. 
"Darling, look at me." 
She timidly raises her head, her eyes shining with unshed tears. 
"This is phenomenal, Ang. I...I'm speechless… I'm so honored that out of everything you could have drawn you chose me. Thank you." 
She blinks a few times in rapid succession to keep from crying. "Well, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to draw the most beautiful person in the world." 
Fuck! Shit shit shit! 
God how she wished someone invented time travel so she could go back fifteen seconds. She could probably make it to the back doors to the parking lot if she made a run for it. They haven't even had their first date yet and she just dropped a bombshell that is normally saved for people who've been together for like...a few months.
Angie winces and turns her gaze back to the floor. The very floor she wishes would open up and let her fall into. Tom's index and middle fingers gently tilt her head back up. Those tears she worked so hard to stop before spill over her waterline and cascade down her cheeks. 
"Oh, love," Tom brushes the wetness away with the back of his knuckles gingerly, "please don't cry. I'm not upset with you. In fact, I'm flattered. It's been quite a long time since a woman has called me beautiful." He discreetly reaches down to hold her hand, "and it's never been said by someone as stunning as you." 
Angie feels her heart skip a beat. He…he thinks she's stunning? 
Before she can say anything, Tom does a quick sweep of the hallway to be sure there's no one that can see them. He smooths his thumb over her bottom lip and smiles softly before leaning down to press a sweet kiss to her lips. It only lasts a second, but it was by far the best second of her life. 
"I'll see you tomorrow, my darling girl." He winks and turns on his heel leaving Angie there with wide eyes and flushed skin. 
Holy shit he kissed her!
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Jessy walks quickly to her locker and grabs what she needs to complete her assignments over the weekend. It's been the slowest Friday ever, but it's finally time to leave. She shoots Angie a quick text to let her know she'll meet her at the mall and heads to her car. 
Since they both have dates tomorrow night, a special outfit is a must for both of them. Twenty minutes later she pulls into a free parking space next to Angie's car. 
"JESSY! Oh, my god he fuckin' kissed me!" 
Jessica had barely gotten out of her car when Angie told her the news, and she was ecstatic. "No way!" She grabs Ang's hands and they bounce in place with excitement, "girl when?! Tell me everything!" 
She lets out a dreamy sigh and smiles. "You know how I drew that picture of him?" Jessy nods. "Well, Mrs. Stevens called him down to her class so I could give it to him. So, there we were, in the hallway, and I was so fuckin' nervous. God, was I nervous. He was so sweet with me though. He called me darling and waited patiently while I stuttered like an idiot. He was speechless, babe. He loved it." 
She grins, "I knew he would, Ang." 
Angie blushes, "there's more though. He told me he was honored that out of everything, I chose to draw him, and like a dumbass I told him I couldn't pass up on drawing the most beautiful person in the world." 
Jessica gasps. "Oh, shit! How did he take that?" 
"Well, I didn't see his initial reaction cause I immediately looked down at the floor, but he lifted my head and wiped my tears. He called me love and said that no one as stunning as me has ever referred to him as beautiful. Then," she bites her lip as the memory of his mouth on hers plays over and over in her head, "he looked around, kissed me for like a second, and then called me his darling girl!" 
"Ahh! Ang! Oh, my god that's so cute! You two are freakin' adorable together, I swear!" 
Angie hugs her and giggles. "You ready to buy something that's gonna knock our men off their feet? 
Jessica nods and hugs her, "hell yeah! Let's do this!" 
Two hours and eight stores later, both of them had their outfits tried on and bought. Angie picks a plaid blue and red skirt that sits about four inches above the knee, and a matching form-fitting shirt. Jessy decides on a short, simple, yet elegant, velvet burgundy dress. After that the girls eat a little snack at the food court together to tide them over before heading home to do their homework. 
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Lily sits Indian style on her bed and works on one of her journal entries for English Literature. Sebastian may be her teacher, but he never once treated her any differently from the other kids. Friday's topic was a free day, and she's trying to think of something to write about. All she can think about is Chris, and what he told her brother the other day. One part of her wants to know who the girl is that he's willing to take such a big risk for, and the other part of her doesn't. Lily knows it's not her. Why would it be? He's twenty-two years her senior and her teacher for God's sake. She sighs and begins to write about him anyway. It's not like Seb will guess who it is. Not if she's vague enough. 
A couple of minutes later after she's done writing, she hears the front door open. That's odd...Seb normally hangs out with Chris on Saturday's… She thinks to herself. 
"Lily? Hey, you home?" 
She moves to lay on her stomach and starts playing Candy Crush on her phone. "In my room!" 
Sebastian knocks lightly and peaks his head in. "So, I'm gonna need you to get changed into some jeans and a t-shirt that you don't mind potentially getting dirty." 
She looks at him like he’s grown a third eye. "Um...what?" 
He rolls his eyes. "Just...c'mon! We gotta leave in like," he checks his watch, "ten minutes." 
Lily changes, even though she's thoroughly confused, and puts on some old tennis shoes. "Okay, I'm ready. So, what are we doin'?" 
Sebastian shakes his head and opens the garage. "Can't tell ya! It's a surprise!" 
"Ugh! You know how much I hate surprises, Seb!" She groans and slides into the passenger seat of his black Dodge Charger. He hands her a black bandana and smirks. 
"Yeah, I know. Humor me and put that on. You're not allowed to see anything until we get there." 
"Seriously?! Fine...but I get to pick what we listen to." Lily unlocks her phone and pulls up her favorite playlist on Spotify. "Here, I'll let you get it connected while I put this on." 
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Sebastian chuckles and takes her phone. "Remind me why I love you again?" 
She pulls the ends of the bandana into a knot and adjusts it over her eyes. "Because I keep you sane, not to mention I'm the fun sibling." 
"Whoa, hey now, wait a minute! I'm fun!" 
Lily scoffs, "okay, mister 'the only thing I do for fun is hang out with Chris every Saturday' you keep tellin' yourself that. Speaking of him, why aren't you two having your normal bro night anyway?" 
Even though she couldn't see him, Sebastian rolls his eyes as he pulls out of the driveway. "Well, I told you I would make it up to you for bailing on our movie night. Plus, he's got a date." 
Lily feels a pang of jealousy flood through her chest. "Oh," she hates how she can't control the hurt tone in her voice, "that's good. I hope it goes well." 
Sebastian glances over at her, immediately picking up on her change of mood. He leaves it alone for now since today is about her. 
The drive is quiet, except for the music, and Lily finds herself thinking about Chris again. Well, she often thinks about him, but now she is imagining him with another woman. Honestly, she wishes she could just tell him how she feels so she can get his reaction. Maybe if he rejects her, then she will be able to get over him. 
She sighs and closes her eyes. "Are we there yet? I feel like we've been in the car for over an hour now." 
Sebastian stops the car and puts it in park, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. "Yeah, we're here. You can take off the bandana now." 
Lily rips the fabric off her head and blinks to adjust to the light. Once she's able to see clearly, she gasps. "SKYDIVING?! Oh, my god! Sebby! Are you serious?!" 
She looks at him with wonder and he laughs, "yeah, I'm serious! I know how long you've been wanting to do this, and I figured it was time for me to face one of my fears." 
Lily unbuckles her seatbelt and throws herself over the center console to hug him. "Oh, thank you thank you thank you!" 
He pats her on the back, "does this make me the fun sibling now?" 
"Don't push your luck, Shakespeare nerd." She pulls away and climbs out of the car. "C'mon! Let's go!" 
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Angie looks herself over in her bathroom mirror for the millionth time and fixes a stray piece of hair. You look fine. Jessy was right, he's gonna love it. She tries to reassure herself as she applies a bit of lip gloss. Checking to make sure she has her phone, charger, a change of clothes, and her toothbrush, she walks down to her car. Jessy and her had the bright idea to tell their parents they were staying overnight at the other one's house. You know, just in case things go well and they decide to sleep over. 
It takes about thirty minutes to get to Tom's house, but she finally finds it. She's in awe as she parks in the driveway. It's a two-tone modern home, wood tone on the upper level and off-white on the lower. There's a balcony that wraps around and has glass paneling as a barrier. An inground pool sits off to the side of a wooden staircase.
She slings her backpack over her shoulder and makes her way to the front door. Her heels click against the asphalt and her heart thrums rapidly in her chest. Angie takes a deep breath and blows it out before knocking a few times. Seconds later, she hears footsteps and the lock clicks. 
Tom opens the door and her eyes go wide. He's wearing a white button down shirt, the top two buttons undone, and a pair of black slacks that sit low on his hips. His hair is neatly tousled and his feet are bare. Ang is so busy checking him out that she doesn't see the way he's looking at her. 
Tom stands rooted to the spot. He cannot believe how beautiful his girl looks. She's standing before him in a tight red top and short plaid skirt. Her hair is curled in loose waves, her light makeup a perfect touch to her flawless skin. He wants to devour her right there in his doorway. 
"Ang…," he looks her up and down as he bites and licks his lips, you look amazing." 
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She blushes, "thank you. You look gorgeous, but you always do in my eyes." He takes her bag from her as she walks inside. "Wow, your house is beautiful." 
He sets her things down and gently grabs her hand. "Come here, darling." 
Angie spins around and looks up into his blue eyes. "May I kiss you?" He asks, his voice an octave lower than normal. She nods and he pulls her flush against his body. "I can't help myself when you look this stunning, love." 
He cups Angie's cheek in one of his large hands and brings his mouth down to meet hers. She's shy, he can tell, but soon she's kissing him back with fervor. Her lip gloss tastes like cherries and it's intoxicating. Tom backs her up, presses her against the wall, and tightens his grip on her waist as she moans into his mouth. He doesn't want to, but he knows if he doesn't stop now their dinner will get cold. 
He pulls away slowly and watches her. Ang is breathing heavily and her eyes are still closed. She's breathtaking. 
"Are you thirsty? I've got water, wine, Coke, Sprite, and I think there’s a case of beer in the garage." 
She opens her eyes and smirks. "I'm thirsty, but not for any of those things." 
He stutters and feels his slacks tighten, "L-Love, we…," he nods toward the kitchen, "dinner…" 
Angie grins mischievously and walks around to his other side. "You have a microwave, right?" He nods. "Well then…," she pushes him against the wall with her hands, "I say we skip dinner for now." 
Tom curses under his breath as she drops to her knees in front of him. "Besides, I have," her fingertips brush the rather large tent in his pants, "what I want right here." Angie pops the button and pulls the zipper down, her panties getting wetter by the second. 
"Fuck, Ang…" 
Tom's pants fall to his ankles and his hands shake as she lowers his boxers just enough to free him. His cock is painfully hard and she hasn't even touched him yet. Her small hand grips the base and he throws his head back. 
She runs her nails on the other hand down his thigh making him shiver. "I've never done this before, but I'll do my best to make it feel good." Tom's pretty sure anything Angie does will feel like heaven, but he nods anyway. 
The moment her lips close over his flared tip, he lets out the prettiest moan she's ever heard. It only fuels her to take him deeper. He's longer than he is thick, but she still has to open her mouth pretty wide. 
Once Angie has him about halfway she stops, not wanting to go any further in case she has a gag reflex. She trails her tongue tentatively along the underside of him and jumps a little when he thrusts forward slightly. 
"My, god...s-sorry baby...fuck that feels good." He threads his long fingers through her hair and wets his lips. "Want me to show you how? I'll be gentle, love." She nods as best as she can and blinks her innocent doe eyes at him. He nearly comes undone at the sight. 
His grip on her hair tightens and he begins to move her head up and down on his cock. Tom's eyes flutter closed, "oh, fuck! Darling, you're so good for me. So fucking good...mmm, yeah, move your tongue just like that, oh, my god…" 
Angie is floored by the way he's talking to her. She had no idea she would get such satisfaction from praise alone, but coming from Tom it was music to her ears. She pushes back on his thighs and he let's go of her. 
"Are you okay?" She shakes her head yes and kisses the tip of each finger on his right hand. "Fuck my mouth, please." 
Tom feels his need for her ignite into a wildfire. "God… are you sure, love? I don't want to hurt you. Especially since you're new at this." 
Angie kisses the tip of his cock, a bead of precum coating her lips, "please, baby? I want you to feel good." 
He breathes a shuddering breath and swallows thickly. "Alright, love, but I want you to tap my thigh if it becomes too much. Now, open that sweet mouth for me, darling." 
Angie obeys and Tom pushes his cock between her parted lips and doesn't stop until he feels her nails dig into his skin. "Shh, relax, love. Take - oh, shit! - deep breaths through your nose. Y-Yeah, that's it. You're such a good girl, Ang. God, your mouth feels so good…" 
She feels herself relax a few seconds later and Tom slides the remaining inches down her throat. He's panting, a thin coat of sweat covering his skin, and when he feels Angie swallow he about loses his mind.
“OH, FUCK! Ang...Ang oh, my fucking god!" 
She wants more, no needs more, so she does the only thing she can think of and tries to move her head back and forth, but his grip on her is too strong. She whines softly when he pulls her hair. 
"I know, love. Just...fuck...g-give me a second. I don't want to cum just yet.” 
He evens out his breathing and starts a slow rhythm. He's trying to be careful, but the little moans she makes every time he slides down her throat are nothing shy of sinful. Angie swirls her tongue around him and he growls. 
"Oh, s-shit! Ang, I...you're...oh, god!" He looks down at her with hooded eyes. "You're so perfect, darling. O-On your knees for me, taking my cock so well. I wish you could see yourself right now. So pretty…so good… fuck!"  
Tom moans out her name and fucks her mouth a bit harder, the heat in his lower belly now a sea of molten lava. 
"I-I...love, I'm...where do you...can I-?" 
He can't even form a coherent thought, let alone speak, but Angie gets what he's asking her. She absolutely needs to taste him, needs to feel him come undone from her mouth. She does the first thing that comes to mind and grips his ass hard, pulling him forward. Tom groans and works his left hand into her hair next to his right. 
"Fuck! Oh, you're amazing, darling. So good for me." He thrusts deep and squeezes his eyes shut, "shit I'm close, Ang! I-I'm...oh, darling I'm…unghh AHH!" 
Tom's orgasm hits him like a Mack truck. His vision goes white and his legs shake while his cock pulses in her warm, wet mouth. Angie swallows everything he gives her and only pulls away when he releases the hold on her hair. 
"Did I do okay?" 
Her cheeks have tear tracks and her lips are swollen as she looks up at him through her lashes. Tom leans his head back on the wall behind him and chuckles breathily, "baby…that was…more than okay. I cannot believe that was your first time. God, I haven't felt that good in...well...ever." 
He pulls her to her feet and tucks himself back into his boxers before kissing her hungrily. He can taste himself on her tongue, but he doesn't care. She's beautiful, and he never wants to let her go. He reluctantly steps back and pulls his pants back up over his hips. 
"Shall we have dinner, my darling girl? Maybe afterwards I can return the favor." 
She nods and bites her lip. 
"Alright, why don't you have a seat and I'll dish everything up for us." 
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Jessica parks outside of Chris’s house just as her phone dings. She looks down and smiles when she sees it's him telling her the door's unlocked and she can just come in when she gets there. Her eyes look back up and admire how beautiful everything is. The house is a light beige color with very modern looking features. There's a lot of windows that are trimmed with a dark, ebony wood. A huge tree casts a shadow over the shrubbery and front walk-way, allowing the low lighting from the porch to give it a warm, cozy feel. 
She locks her car, puts her keys in the front pocket of her bag, and takes a breath to calm her nerves. It's a warm evening and the leaves are beginning to turn autumn colors. Jessy approaches the front door and turns the knob, slowly entering his home. If she thought the outside was beautiful, then she wasn't prepared for the inside. It felt so inviting. The same ebony wood accented white furniture and walls, and everything had its place. Very pristine. 
She smoothes her straightened hair and fixes her dress before calling out to make her presence known. "Chris?" 
A moment later, his Boston accent echoes back to her. "In the kitchen, sweetheart!" 
She sets her bag down by the door and follows the sound of his voice. Jessica finds him in an enormous state of the art kitchen. Modern appliances, a huge kitchen island with bar stools, and a wooden floor open up into an equally beautiful dining room. Chris stands facing the stove, his back to her as he stirs something that smells absolutely amazing. 
He's casually dressed in dark jeans and a blue button down. "I hope you're hungry. I'm mak-" He stops mid-sentence as he turns around to face her, the spoon he's holding clatters to the floor. 
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"Sweetheart…," he breathes, "you look absolutely incredible…" 
He walks over to her and slides his hands up her bare arms, "you got this dressed up for me?" 
She nods and shyly bites her lip. "Yeah, I-I wanted to try and look pretty since you always look… well… amazing." 
Chris’s eyes roam up and down her body, like he can't look everywhere fast enough. Her four and a half inch stilettos make her come up to just below his chin, and her makeup accentuates her eyes beautifully.
"Sweet girl, you're always pretty." He kisses her deeply, his body flush against hers as he licks into her mouth. "Honey, I'll end up eating you for dinner if I don't stop now." He smirks down at her and raises an eyebrow when her breath hitches. "Oh," he coos. "You'd like that, hm? Another time, I promise. I made my Mom's famous Cajun Chicken Alfredo and I can't wait for you to try it."
He brushes her cheek and goes back to the stove to finish up their food. He pours her a glass of red wine and pulls out the chair for her to sit down. "You look even more beautiful in the candlelight, sweetheart." He kisses her cheek and puts a plate of steaming hot pasta in front of her. "It's hot, so be careful, okay?" 
Jessica nods. Thank you, Chris. This looks delicious." 
They chat while they eat, getting to know one another better. Talking to Chris comes naturally. It feels like she's known him for years. She tells him about Shayly and Jameson, skipping the part about how she basically lived with them. Chris beams as he talks about his family. Jessy learns that he has three siblings. A younger brother Scott, an actor who's happily dating his boyfriend of two years, an older sister Carly who's also an actress, and a younger sister Shanna who's an aspiring author. He mentions that his Mom's an actress as well, and his Dad's a dentist. 
Chris casually asks her about her parents and she tries not to show her grimace, but, of course, he picks up on it. "Jessy? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I didn't mean to.” 
She shakes her head and looks at her half empty plate. "No, you didn't… I just… my childhood wasn't that great. 'S kinda why my Mom and I moved here." 
Chris watches her push a noodle around with her fork, "do you want to talk about it, sweetheart?" He takes her hand and she closes her eyes. "I know I need to. I haven't told anyone...not even Shayly. I just...I don't know if I can." 
He stands up and holds out his hand, "come here, honey. Let's go sit down in my living room." 
She lets him lead her to the other side of his house and smiles when she sees Dodger sprawled out on the floor. "Hey, buddy! Remember me?" He jumps up and wags his tail happily, "oh, you're so cute! Wook at your cute wittle face!" 
Chris chuckles, his heart full of happiness at the sight of Jessy baby talking to his best friend. "I think I've been replaced. How could you, Dodge?! I give you everything and the moment a beautiful woman comes in the house I'm chopped liver. Typical." He's joking, of course, and grins when Jessica rolls her eyes playfully. 
"Listen, babe, I can't help it. Dogs just get me, ya know?" 
Chris tosses Dodger one of his favorite bones and sits down. "C'mere, baby. Come sit." He pats his thigh and gingerly pulls her into his lap. His thumb caresses her cheek, "you can tell me as much or as little as you need, sweetheart. I won't talk while you are. I'm here to listen, okay?" 
Jessy plays with her hands, focusing on Dodge happily chewing away at his treat. "It's a long story, but I… I really feel like I can trust you with it. So many people have asked me to open up about it, but I've never wanted to. Not until I met you." 
Chris takes one of her hands in his and kisses the back of her knuckles, sweetly. "I'm honored you feel that way, Jessy. I promise not to tell anyone anything you're about to tell me. Not even Sebastian or Tom." 
She takes a deep breath and swallows the lump in her throat, preparing to tell him everything.
"The earliest memory I have of my Father is from when I was four years old. He's actually my Step-Father. My real Dad died when I was a baby. Anyway, I was playing out on the back patio with my building blocks and heard him yelling at my Mom. I don't remember what it was about, but he was staggering and waving his hands around. My Mom was crying and he must have gotten sick of hearing her because I watched him hit her." 
Chris began rubbing her back and she took a moment to collect herself. "It went on like that for years. He was always drunk, and my Mom worked two jobs to keep us from losing the house. H-He got fired and sat at home, just drinking in front of the TV. When um…" Jessy squeezes her eyes shut and tries desperately not to cry. Chris turns her in his lap so she's facing him and kisses her forehead, "you don't have to tell me, baby. It's okay." Jessica shakes her head, "n-no I-I need to. It's just hard reliving the memories."
Chris holds her waist and rubs his thumbs in the little divots of her hips, trying his best to comfort her. "When he wasn't black out drunk, he'd sometimes…," she closes her eyes and lets a couple of tears fall, "h-he'd sometimes touch me…," she whispers shakily. Chris’s grip tightens on her waist and he clenches jaw, but stays quiet so she can finish. "He never….actually um...put anything inside of me, but he touched me o-on the outside. I had to touch him too...he told me if I ever told anyone he'd k-kill me." Jessy was full blown crying now, but she needs this weight off her chest. 
"My Mom doesn't know. No one does… except you. If I tried to um… to stop him he'd hit me or grab my face so hard that it left bruises. I wasn't physically strong enough to get away, so I just… I let him do those… things because I thought I had to. The sooner I complied, the sooner he'd get it over with and go to sleep." She sniffles and wipes at her cheeks, "the first time it happened I was five. It didn't stop until I was twelve. 
He um… he lost interest in me when I...when I hit puberty. I still got hit when I made him angry though. My Mom got the worst of it, and when I was fourteen I started protecting her. I-I'd push her behind me a-and take the brunt of it. It was all the same to him. As long as he could take his anger out on someone, it didn't matter who it was." She takes a shaky breath and lets it out. "My mom finally filed for divorce a few weeks ago. That's why we moved here. To get away… from him." 
Jessy opens her eyes and looks into Chris’s. The emotion in them is overwhelming. She starts to softly sob and he moves his hands to her cheeks. "Shh, I've got you, honey. I'm so sorry you had to go through something so horrible. You have to know none of that was your fault. You know that, right?" 
She nods and lets out a choked sob. 
"You're safe now, baby. I won't let anybody hurt you ever again. I'm here now, and you're safe with me, sweetheart." 
He dries her tears with the throw blanket draped over the couch and holds her close. "Will you kiss me?" 
He nods, "I'll give you whatever you need, baby." 
His kiss is careful, like she'll break if he's too rough. Jessy grips his shirt and deepens the kiss, trying hard to push the bad memories from her mind. He slides his right hand up her back until his fingers are embedded in her long red hair. She whimpers and shifts in his lap making him groan. 
"Jessy… maybe we should stop. I don't want this to lead to something you're not ready for." 
She whines and moves his free hand to her chest. "I need this… please, Chris? I wanna forget everything he did to me. Please make me forget…" 
He pecks her lips and rests his forehead against hers. "Okay, whatever you need, love." He moves his hands up and down her sides, "how do you want to do this? Tell me what you need, honey." 
Jessica rolls her hips and watches as his eyes flutter closed. "Is like this okay? I-I don't know if I'm ready for um...well for anything more than that." 
Chris swallows hard, "yeah, that's fine, sweetheart. You wanna leave the dress on?" 
Jessica bites her lip and sits back, crossing her hands so she can lift the velvety fabric over her head. Chris’s jaw drops. She's completely bare, no bra or panties, and he can feel himself harden instantly. 
"Fuck...Jessy you're breathtaking," he breathes. "Look even more beautiful than I imagined." 
She blushes and fumbles with the buttons on his shirt. "T-Thanks, but you're way more beautiful than me." 
Chris frowns and mentally makes a note to talk to her about that comment later. Right now her pleasure is his priority. He helps her remove his shirt and watches as she marvels at his chest. Her small fingers trace one of his tattoos and it makes him shiver. 
Tentatively, Jessy begins rocking her hips against him. Her lips are parted and every so often a soft moan fills the space between them. "Touch me," she whispers. 
Chris gently flicks the pad of his thumb over her nipple, making it harden under his touch. Jessica throws her head back and grinds down on him harder. "Chris! M-More...please…" He takes one of them in his mouth while he rolls the other between his fingers. Her moans are louder now, his jeans wet with her arousal. 
"God, sweetheart, look at you. You're so pretty, movin' over my cock. That's it, just like that… mmm shit baby… you feel how hard I am? Could cum just watchin' you like this." 
Jessy grabs his hair and pulls to give her more control as she quickens her pace. "Oh, Chris! Feels so good… fuck!  Baby," her voice is a breathy moan as she looks into his eyes, "wanna make y-you feel good too." 
He swipes his thumb along the seam of her lips and can't help the filthy noise he makes when she sucks it into her mouth. "Shit! J-Jessy…oh, sweetheart, trust me, watchin' you make yourself feel good is more than enough for me.” 
She leans down to kiss and lick the skin on his neck and he raises his hips to meet hers. "That feel good, honey? You want me to keep movin' my hips like this?" 
She whines and digs her nails into his biceps. "Yes! Don't stop…please...oh, god!" 
She's dripping wet now, his cock leaking precum as she rocks her hips rapidly. The slight sting of denim against her clit sends jolt after jolt of heat through her body that gathers in her lower abdomen. It starts to simmer, slowly growing hotter by the second.
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Chris kisses her, deep and passionate, guiding her hips so her soaked core glides over the head of his cock on every pass. She's ethereal to him. He can't believe this gorgeous woman finds this much pleasure in his body. Out of every woman he's ever been with, Jessica's the only one he's ever felt this strongly for. He isn't in love with her, no, he's not ready for that yet. It's too soon after Amanda, but she just...does something to him that he can't quite explain yet. 
She whimpers and reaches for his right hand, "please…need you...wanna cum…" 
His eyes roll back when she brings his fingers to her clit. "God! Honey, you're fuckin' soaked. I turn you on this much?" He moves his thumb in lazy circles making her legs shake. "C'mon, baby, that's it. You're close. Can hear how wet you are too. So damn pretty, baby." 
Jessy clings to his shoulders and kisses him hard. Her mouth stumbles against his as her whole body begins to shake. "Oh, Chris," she breathes against his lips, "Chris I- oh, my god!" 
He takes her lip between his teeth and bites down gently, "that's right, Jessica. Let go…come all over my cock, sweetheart." 
Chris's words send her falling over the edge, her nails scratching down his arms as she throws her head back and screams his name. He holds her steady and works her through her orgasm making sure to draw it out as long as he can. Jessy grips his wrist and he finally pulls away as she rests her head on his bare shoulder. 
"C-Chris," she half whines, half pants, "felt so good…" 
He kisses her hair and runs his fingertips up and down her back. "Did so good for me, honey." 
Jess pulls back to look down into his lust-blown eyes. It occurs to her that he's still very much hard, and she reaches down to cup him through his pants making him hiss. "Baby…what are you doin'?" 
She giggles and kisses the tip of his nose. "Isn't it obvious? I wanna make you cum too." 
His breathing gets heavier as she continues to stroke his clothed cock. "'M okay, Jessy. Y-You don't ha- fuck - have too." 
She starts a trail of kisses down his chest as she moves to kneel on the floor in front of him. "Oh, but I want to. Wanna taste you." 
She looks up at him with big eyes and he almost cums from that alone. "Please, handsome?" 
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Sebastian and Lily approach the hanger and greet their instructor cheerfully. "Hi! I'm Lily and this is my big brother, Sebastian." 
The man smiles and shakes their hands. "We've been expecting you two! I've gotten quite familiar with Sebastian over the past couple of days. I'm Dean Wesson and I'll be your instructor today." 
He points to four other people across the room, "these guys will be assisting you with your jump." Dean points from left to right, those two in the silver and black suits are Sam and Steve Hammond and the ones in the blue and white are Scott Leighton and Tommy King." 
Dean goes over the basics with them. He gets Seb and Lily fitted into their own suits and helmets before bringing them into the gear room. "Okay, so here's a breakdown of all the different parts of your pack. When you're wearing it it'll be pretty snug. On the bottom right underside is the pull for your main shute. You'll reach back behind you to grab it and pull hard to release." Dean points to the left shoulder strap, "this is your reserve shute should your main one fail. The red pull on the right strap is what you'll use if your main shute gets tangled and you have to cut it away. Does that all make sense?" 
The two of them nod and they sign a waiver before getting their packs fitted to their suits. All seven of them head to the plane and buckle themselves in for take off. Ironically, Lily learns that taking off is actually more dangerous than the dive. Once they're in the air, she glances over at Sebastian. He's putting up a front, but she can tell he's scared. 
"Hey," she reaches for his hand and squeezes it, "you good?" 
He gives her a tight-lipped smile and closes his eyes. "Yeah…, I'm good." 
Lily frowns, "Seb, if you don't wanna do this-" 
"It's alright, Lil. I told you I'd make it up to you, and I meant it. Even if I gotta do something that scares me to death. Anything to make my baby sister happy." He grins and pulls her into a side hug. 
"Alright, folks! We're at fifteen hundred feet. Go ahead and remove your seatbelts and do a final check of your gear. Once you've triple checked everything you can put your helmet on." 
After making sure they're all secure, Sam and Steve talk to Sebastian while Tommy and Scott prep Lily for her jump. She decides to go first and moves closer to the door. Once it's open, she waits for the signal. Tommy gives her the thumbs up and she steals a final look at her brother before jumping. 
Scott grabs onto her left shoulder while Tommy takes the right. Because it's impossible to hear them at the speed they're falling, they use hand and arm signals to communicate. Lily has her arms out in front of her, slightly at an angle, with her fingers bent a little. Her knees are also bent and spread out, and it makes her look like one of those flying squirrels. Her head is up and back so she can keep the right velocity. Tommy instructs her to do a couple of practice pulls. She reaches back and barely tugs on the release of her main shute two times and he seems satisfied. 
The ground is getting bigger now, and she briefly wonders if Sebastian is okay. She can't see him, but she hopes he's alright. He's her brother after all. A few minutes later Tommy gives her the go ahead to open her shute and she spreads her arms wide, sticks them in front of her, and reaches back behind her to grab the pull. This time, she tugs on it hard and a moment later she's jerked upwards as her parachute fully expands. 
The view is unbelievable. Trees, roads, fields, and bodies of water, all of it is so small from here. Lily glances up and over her shoulder and smiles when she sees that Sebastian’s shute is also safely open. Her instructors point her left and she angles her body to turn. As the ground becomes closer, she leans back slightly, bending her legs just like she was taught. She touches down safely and rolls a little as her speed catches up to her. Her heart is racing and her whole body tingles with adrenaline. 
Sebastian lands moments later and comes up to sit on his knees once he stops rolling. Lily takes her helmet off and unclips the pack from her suit. "Seb!" She runs towards him and crouches down as he removes his helmet. His eyes are closed and he doesn't look like he feels good. 
Lily crouches down behind him and rubs his back as he gets sick. "Are you okay?" 
He nods, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his suit. "Y-Yeah… I'm okay." 
She helps him to his feet and begins to fold his shute up for him. "What did you think?" 
He sways a little when he stands, trying not to throw up again. "Was it everything you thought it would be? Did I do well in making it up to you?" 
Lily tucks it back into his pack and smiles wide. "That. Was. AMAZING! God, the rush, the wind in my hair, the view, it was better than I expected!" 
She rolls up her parachute and grabs her gear before taking the short walk back to the main hangar. After they've put everything away and changed back into their normal clothes, they say their 'thank you's' and 'goodbye's' before heading back to Sebastian’s car. 
They climb in and Lily turns to face him, "I can't believe you got sick you dork! It wasn't that bad, was it?" Lily picks fun at him playfully and Sebastian rolls his eyes. 
"Alright, how about we go to the pet store downtown and hold tarantulas next?" 
She shivers and crinkles her nose in disgust, "oh, hell no! That is not happening!" 
Sebastian chuckles and pulls out of the lot onto the main road. "Mmkay, well, I'm gonna stop and get a Sprite since I feel like shit, do you want anything?" 
Lily reconnects her phone to his Bluetooth and clicks on 'Guys my Age' before putting her seatbelt on. "Ooo! Can we get McDonald's cheeseburgers?" 
He nods, "sure. Today's all about you, Lil." 
Seb listens as she sings along to the song and can see that she's scrolling through her camera roll. He doesn't mean to, but in the process of looking to see if any cars are coming at a busy intersection, something catches his eye. It's a text message conversation. He can't make out the words because she's too far away, but he does see a familiar picture of him and Chris that he uploaded to Instagram a week or so ago. 
Lily bites her lip and leans back against the headrest closing her eyes. This song always stirs up her feelings for Chris. Her and Ang are texting about her day and she told her about how she's the fun sibling. Angie didn't believe that all Seb does for fun is spend his Saturday's at Chris’s, so she sent her a recent photo of then from his Insta. She'd saved it to her phone gallery as soon as she saw it. Chris looks so good in it. He's wearing one of his tight t-shirts that leaves little to the imagination and it drives her crazy. The chorus comes on and she sings along with it, her mind picturing bluish-green eyes and a sweet smile. 
Sebastian furrows his brows and glances over at his sister. She's singing and her mind seems far away. A thought crosses his mind, but he shakes it away almost instantly. It was silly anyway. They've been best friends since she was eleven and he'd always thought she'd look to him as another older brother. There's no way Lily has romantic feelings for Chris…right? 
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Tom walks back in the dining room and sets a plate down in front of Angie. It's her favorite, an omelette with American cheese, peppers, onions, and some salsa drizzled on top. He's paired it with some bacon and rye toast, and it makes her mouth water. 
"Oh, this looks amazing! How'd you know it was my favorite?" 
Tom laughs and takes a seat across from her. "I didn't. Omelets happen to be my favorite too, darling." 
The two of them eat and play the game where one person asks the other a question and then they switch. "When's your birthday?" Tom asks and looks across the table at her. She points her fork at him and swallows her bite of food. 
"Believe it or not, it's the same day as my favorite holiday. Halloween!" 
His eyes widen, "that's so cool! Mine is February ninth. I was almost a Valentine's Day baby!" 
"Alright, where were you born?" 
He takes a sip of wine, "Westminster, London. I actually have dual citizenship which is good for when I go and visit my family." 
Angie's eyes light up with wonder. "Wow! I've never been out of the country, but I've always wanted to go! I bet London is so pretty! I dreamed of seeing Big Ben and Buckingham Palace in person when I was a little girl." 
"I'll take you, love" 
Ang chokes on her wine making it nearly come out her nose. "I-I'm sorry? You'll what now?" 
Tom reaches across the table and takes her hand in his, rubbing little circles, "I'll take you to London, Ang. I go at least twice a year and I haven't been since March. My mum will be calling me any time now demanding I come back to visit soon." 
She stares at him, her jaw slack, "I… there's no way I can pay for that…" 
He chuckles and shakes his head, "don't be silly. I plan on buying your ticket and everything else while we're there anyway." 
"Tom," she whispers, "…I can't let you spend that much money on me." 
He gets up and walks around the table, crouching down to her level. "Darling, please? I really want to do this." He leans forward and presses a soft kiss to her lips, "besides...I can think of ways for you to pay me back. One's that don't involve money." 
He winks and her cheeks flush. "Okay, you can take me to London, BUT only if you promise not to go overboard on the money you spend on me! Promise me." He stands and lifts her up, spinning around in a circle, "I promise, love." 
He kisses her again, only this time with more passion. Angie wraps her legs around his waist while he carries her into his bedroom. It's very clean, a four poster bed, and it smells like him. That's all she gathers of her surroundings because the next second she's against the wall. Tom peppers kisses along her jaw, slowly moving to her neck. Angie moans and tilts her head back to grant him more access. 
"Tom," she whines, "oh, god, please!" 
He nips at the skin below her ear, "please what, love?" His clothed cock is putting delicious pressure on her clit making it hard to think, let alone breathe. "Wanna feel you… y-your - oh, my god - your fingers." 
Tom's left hand tangles in her long, dark locks, while his right slides underneath her shirt. "Well, why didn't you just say so, my darling girl?"
He lifts her red shirt over her head and tosses it somewhere behind him. His eyes darken as they roam her newly exposed skin. "Absolutely stunning…" 
His mouth leaves her skin burning hot wherever it touches and his big hands knead her breasts until her nipples are hardened peaks. "Tom! Need you...please 'm so wet…" 
"Oh, I know you do," he delves his tongue into her mouth and moves it against hers, pulling away only when he needs air. "But I happen to love hearing your sweet voice beg for me, so, what do you think we should do about this?" 
Angie whimpers and moves her hand down to slide up her skirt. Tom catches her wrist before she can touch herself, pinning her arms above her head. "I don't recall giving you permission to do that, love." 
She lets out a frustrated moan, her chest heaving as she gives him a desperate look. "Tom, please! Oh, god...please please touch me! I need it, baby. Wanna cum for you. I'll do anything! Just, please...don't leave me like this!" 
He pulls down her bra and takes one of her hard nipples between his teeth. She cries out and tries to move her hips to gain any sort of friction, but her attempts are unsuccessful. He has her pinned effortlessly, allowing her little to no movement, and it makes her dizzy with want. 
"You want these, darling?" He shows her his hand and smirks. "Want me to fuck you with my fingers until you're begging me to let you cum?" 
She nods rapidly, "Yes! Fuck...please! Need it so bad!" 
Tom is pretty sure he can cum just from watching her like this. All needy and desperate for his touch. She's so fucking beautiful, and even more so with flushed skin and hooded eyes. He can feel how wet she is through his pants and it makes his cock twitch. He moves a hand up her side and cups one of her breasts, squeezing until Angie's eyes flutter shut. He still has her hands pinned with his left, so he slides his right up her inner thigh. His touch is light, barely-there, and he bites his lip when her skin becomes covered in goosebumps. 
The closer he gets to her pussy, the faster she breathes, and when his index and middle fingers brush her wet panties he groans. "God, baby…these are soaked through. You really want my fingers that badly, hm?" 
All she can do is whimper, but he gives in anyway. Tom pushes them to the side and glides his fingers back and forth through her arousal. The noises she's making are his motivation. He knows she's still a virgin and even though he thinks she's wet enough to take two of them, he starts with one. 
Carefully, he pushes his middle finger inside of her and hums low and primal at how tight she is. "Such a good girl, Ang. All warm and snug around me. That feel good, love?" He watches as she shakes her head and licks her lips. "You want more, baby? Think you can take two?" Another nod. "Say it, precious girl. Tell me you want it." 
Angie is certain that she will die if Tom doesn't make her cum in the next five minutes. At this point she'd walk a tight rope over the Grand Canyon for this man to fuck her. "I w-want it, Tom! Fuck...I can't...I need… shit, baby...please!" 
He lets out a breathy laugh and slides his index finger through her folds a few times before pushing it in beside his other digit. 
"Oh, my god! Oh, feels so good!" 
He slowly starts to move them in and out, the sound of her wetness filling his room. "Mmm, yeah, baby? I'm glad it feels good. I can't wait to see how pretty you look when you come undone in my arms. You'll be nothing short of breathtaking, I'm sure." 
He goes a bit faster and curls them slightly, searching for the spot he knows will drive her wild. Tom knows he finds it when she suddenly cries out, her juices beginning to drip down his hand. 
"There it is, love. You sound so fucking pretty when you moan my name...makes me wanna cum just watching you like this, Ang." He pumps his fingers faster and pulls her into a kiss. Her body's shaking as she whimpers into his mouth. "Are you close, darling? I want you to cum, baby. C'mon, be my good girl and cum for me." 
Angie has never felt pleasure like this in her life. She's touched herself before, but it's never felt like this. Hell, she didn't even know that spot existed until his thick fingers began rubbing it. Now that she knows it's there and how fucking good Tom is, she's addicted. She can feel her walls begin to clench and when his thumb moves over her clit she loses it. 
"Tom! Tom! Oh, fuck, TOM! I… I… g-gonna cu-OH, FUCK!" 
She throws her head back and cries out his name over and over like a mantra, her cum thoroughly soaking his hand. Her legs are shaking so hard that she'd have collapsed if he wasn't holding her up. Once she can think somewhat straight again, she opens her eyes and bites her lip as she watches Tom put his fingers in his mouth. 
"Holy shit…" 
It's all she can say, but he seems to understand. 
"Sweetheart, you look a little restricted there." Angie gestures to his pants and bites her lip. "How about I get on my knees again, but this time you make yourself cum...while I watch…" 
Tom almost does from her words alone. He watches as she kneels in front of again, looking at him with those innocent brown eyes. 
"'M not gonna last long, love. Not with you looking up at me like that." 
He takes himself out of his slacks and puts his left hand on the wall, slowly starting to pump himself with the right. "Shit…you look so sexy when you cum, baby. Love the sounds you made while I fucked that sweet pussy - mmm, fuck - with my fingers. 
Angie drags her nails down his thighs and watches his mouth drop open. Tom's hand moves faster, twisting slightly when he slides over the flared head. She wants to taste him again, the salty, bitter tang of him becoming something she knows she'll crave. 
"That's it, sweetheart. Let me taste you again." 
Tom growls and grabs a fistful of her hair. "Open." 
Angie obeys immediately and a second or two later he throws his head back, her name falling from his lips as he spills into her mouth. 
She makes sure not to miss a drop, closing  her lips around the tip of his cock until he's too sensitive to handle it anymore. He's hunched over still, sweaty and panting, and Angie can't believe how sexy he looks like this. She rises to her feet and kisses him deeply. 
"Did so well for me, sweetheart. I'm so proud of you." 
Tom lets out a shaky breath and opens his eyes. "You're gonna be the death of me, love," He smiles lazily.
Since he's already partially undressed, Tom strips completely and throws on a t-shirt and sweats. "I don't know how long you plan to stay darling, but you can borrow some comfortable clothes if you want." 
Angie goes on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around his neck, "actually…Jessy and I kind of already have things covered." 
He rests his hands on her hips and raises an eyebrow. "Care to elaborate?" 
She grins innocently, "well, see, Jessy also had a date tonight. Her and Chris are probably gettin' nasty just like we were, but anywho, she and I already told our parents that we were staying at the other's house." 
Tom laughs and shakes his head. "You two are something else. Alright then, I'll let you pick out something to wear, and I'll make some popcorn for us to eat while we watch a movie."
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Chris is about to lose his mind from the way Jessy's begging to go down on him. Her brilliant hazel eyes stare up at him as he swallows. "Okay, sweetheart. Let me take these off." 
She scoots back and waits patiently while he takes his pants and boxers off, tossing them on the nearby chair carelessly. 
Jessy tugs on his hand until he gets down on the floor with her. Dodger has moved to Chris’s bed so they have more room to spread out. 
"Honey, why are we on the floor?" 
"'Cause I want you to lay down. I wanna be able to touch all of you." She gently pushes him until he's laying on his back. His left hand cradles her cheek as her petite body hovers over his.
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"Jessica…you know you're beautiful, right?" Chris brushes her hair back gingerly and admires her lovingly. 
She casts her eyes down to his chest and draws little shapes with her fingertips. "Sweetheart, look at me." 
She hesitates, and when she does, her eyes pool with tears. "I...I've never once felt like I was even remotely pretty. Every time I look at myself in the mirror I...I feel dirty." She blinks back tears and tries to sit up, but Chris’s grip is to strong. "I-I can't...I can't wash it off." 
His heart constricts painfully at how broken she sounds. "What can't you wash off, baby?" 
She lets out a choked sob, "h-him...all the times he… when he… I-I can't make it go away…" 
Chris pulls her to his chest and turns them so she's laying on her side. "Shh. I've got you, sweet girl. He can't hurt you anymore. I won't let him. Not ever. You believe me, right?" 
Her lip quivers and she inhales sharply. "Yes, but I don't understand why you even want me…," she closes her eyes and buries her head in the crook of his neck. 
Chris holds her while she softly cries and pets her hair. "Jessy, why on Earth would you think such a thing? Why wouldn't I want you?" 
"I'm tainted…" 
Her voice is so small, almost inaudible. He wouldn't have even heard her if she wasn't this close to him. The moment the words leave her mouth he feels his heart break. He gently rolls her onto her back and props himself up on his arm. 
"Oh, honey, no. Don't you dare think that way. Look at me, baby. I need you to look at me when I tell you this." 
Jessy opens her eyes reluctantly and wipes the mascara off her cheeks. 
"Jessica, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." 
She shakes her head no, and he frowns. "Yes. You. Are," he enunciates every word and kisses her lips gently. "The moment I laid my eyes on you at the park my whole world stopped. I had no idea anyone could be so damn pretty. I've been on this planet for forty years, and I've had my fair share of relationships. Hell, I'm a widower, baby."
Jessy's eyes snap up to his and her tiny hand caresses his cheek. "Chris…" 
He silences her with another kiss. "I'm okay, sweetheart. She was sick, and as much as I wished she could stay, I didn't want her to suffer anymore." He kisses her forehead before continuing. "I'm telling you all of this because out of everyone I've ever been with, you are the only woman who's ever made me truly believe angels exist. I don't care how long it takes, but I will spend every day showing you just how beautiful you are...well, for as long as you'll let me anyway. I'll try my hardest to never hurt you."
Jessy gives him a tearful smile and kisses him hard. "Thank you." 
"You don't have to thank me for being honest, honey. Now, I know you were dead set on continuing our little escapade, but I'm pretty tired. Can you sleep over? I don't wanna let you go just yet." 
She nods and giggles, "yeah, about that, Angie and I kind of told a white lie." 
He tilts his head in confusion, "what did you girls do this time?" 
She rubs his chest and plays with the hair being mindful not to pull it. "We told our parents that we were staying at each other's houses since we both had dates tonight. She's probably suckin' face with Tom right now," she lets out a laugh and smiles up at him. 
Chris beams at her, "there's my favorite smile. Well, I'm glad Tom's gettin' some too. I swear, that man's been single the entire time I've known him." He stands and scoops her up into his arms. "Ahh! Chris! I can walk, ya know." 
"I know," he winks, "I just decided I'd rather carry you." Dodger lifts his head and shakes it back and forth, his tail wagging happily. "Hey, buddy, we gotta share the bed tonight, okay? Jessy is sleepin' over and you're gonna have to let her sleep in the middle. He yawns and curls up at the foot of the bed. "Good boy, Dodge." 
Chris lays Jessy down and climbs under the covers beside her, pulling her into his arms again. "I had a wonderful evening and I'm excited to spend the day with you tomorrow," he whispers and kisses her lips softly. 
"Me too," she snuggles closer and lays her head on his chest, his heartbeat thumping rhythmically against her temple. It only takes a few minutes before he hears her breathing even out, and he holds her a little tighter before closing his own eyes. 
"Goodnight, sweet girl."
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callmesausage · 4 years ago
Certain Fandoms i’m in but they’re all in the same school except it’s a british person makin this part one
:D, based on characters if there’s specific lore n shit-
They’re that one friendship group that somehow manages to be friends with practically the whole school, yet most people hate them (mainly out of jealousy). No one knows how they became friends, and they can range from different year groups. Teachers know each of the students,
Slimecicle is that student who stalks the teacher’s social media. If you posted about how you shat in a sink at the age of 4, he’ll know. He knows all, teacher’s are afraid of him sometimes. 
Dream, Sapnap and George are the popular kids who always get into trouble. They can’t help it, George is colour blind and needs help getting around the school..
Schlatt? He’s the cool kid who hardly actually comes into the school. Most people assume he’s a bit gay, and swore they saw him and Ludwig snogging in the toilets - they deny it, and no one has proof despite their being 2 different times. Most likely asked the teacher if they could bring alcohol to the year 11 prom..
Technoblade, Wilbur, Phil and Tommy. Phil finished 6th form 2 years ago, but teachers confuse Tommy for him, despite Tommy being taller than him (tall year 7? ain’t heard of). Tommy is the kid who likes to mess with the girls. He loVes women, yes, but young Tommy would throw glue in their hair so he could grab their attention... Someone teach this child how to socialise with women. Technoblade is the quiet kid who writes fanfiction in a notebook he has. He hardly talks unless you know him, yet despite this, he has multiple friend groups. He usually walks eVerywhere with Wilbur, and Wilbur claims he’s his bodyguard. Wilbur is the popular kid who does both music and choir. He’s usually ALWAYS lead in the plays, and the teachers definitely loVe his charm. Though, his and Techno’s loVe for explosiVes worry the teachers.
Quackity? has a detention at least eVery day because he and Karl cannot stop talkin or messin with each other, sometimes Sapnap is also there, and the trio together are not a force to be messed with. “Miss we wasn’t talking, what do you mean??” “you three were distracting the class because of the word cum”
Niki?? Perfect student who ends up in trouble because Wilbur dragged her, Techno, Eret and Fundy out of class to grab Tubbo and Tommy to skip school. It’s okay though, she’s smart and usually bakes cakes and muffins for the teachers’ birthdays (ppl at my school do that)
Puffy. Therapist friend. the kid people go to for a therapist despite not being one. Claims Foolish and Dream are her kids and they play along. 
Hannah and purpled are the duo that barely hangs out with them. They got other friends and don’t want to get into their shenanigans, usually late to school so they could play Bedwars
Vikk, Lazar, KSI - the 6th formers they somehow befriended. 
Fundy. The kid that likes to hack into the computers and turn off the projectors because he couldn’t deal with learning how to do ratio and proportions in Maths. Gets called a furry. (i relate)
Foolish? Sweaty art kid. 
Eret. Bi king. The whole school loVes him. Most likely runs some sort of pride club. He knows what teachers and students are LGBTQ+ and is a good person to Vent to.
^ same with eret, except he and VelVet are the gay couple goals
Sam? Similar to fundy, except does it better, usually helps other students in ICT lessons.
Sorry if i forgot someone, i probs did but i cba to do more
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