#i love animalfication
Hi babes how you doin' on this fine day🫶
- 🍰nom
I'm dying, 🍰om. I'm dying.
I have homework in english about a book called animalf farm, and I don't understand shit. (I also have to write an opinion essay about learning two languages at school, I hope I'll be able to write it.)
I have homework in german where I have to write a textinterpretation about a fricking poem. (But i think I'll manage to do that.)
I have homework in french about fucking subjonctif and the french language rules are so weird that I don't get a thing.
and then there is also this stupid thing I have to write generally for school and I hate it.
I didn't even start with one thing, and it's all due until the autumn holidays...
but enough of school, I want to write about the tomato can and the greatest estate developer.
If you haven't read the episodes then I won't spoil anything, so please write me again if I should say anything about it or not. I also want to keep going with the analysis of the tomato can because an awful lot has happened.
but how about you? how are you my love? is everything okay? Sorry that I dumped all my stress in this post but I'm currently freaking out a bit...
I hope that you don't have too much stress and that everything is alright.
-your diamond <3
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toxicyaoilover · 1 year
another thing this morning i wanna talk about: the animalfication of kaidou in the manga is actually so good and real to me. the way asou slowly shifts to giving him constant lil fangs and the way his eyes become slits. kaidou is already a really personal character to me and seeing him become a little beastie has been really fun. i love it a lot and i hope it sticks around
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ohprcr · 3 years
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Good boy! (and not so good boy) 🐶🐱
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feline17ff · 2 years
Budding Frenemies: The Tale of Faybelle Thorn and The Thorned Rose
By @the-lavender-creator and @feline17ff
AO3 link
Chapter 2: Narrow the suspects
Thorned Rose had a busy, busy day.
She rescued princess Holly O’Hair from Faybelle Thorn, stopped a burglary done by a Cheshire Cat, returned Bunny Blanc and Hopper Croakington II to their human forms after they were struck by an animalfication ray, and released an entire class of students from Rumplestilksin’s basement. That guy has really got to stop holding students captive and making them spin straw into gold for him!
But now that things had slowed down, it was time for a much-needed relaxing hangout with her BFFA, Princess Apple White.
Apple's destiny, like Briar's, was to fall into a deep sleep only to be awoken by true love's kiss.
But, unlike Briar, Apple didn't have to wait for a hundred years to be woken up. She could technically be woken up the same day; her story didn't have any ground rules when it came to that. Briar sighed. She was not looking forward to sleeping for a hundred years. She wasn't looking forward to losing her friends and maybe her family too… but enough of the sad stuff, she had had a productive day and she wasn't going to let her annoying destiny ruin it.
Faybelle also had a busy, busy day. She kidnapped a princess, got her butt kicked by the nemesis of her dreams, ran from the cops, and started trying to track down said nemesis.
She took the scrap of cape fabric to her BFFA, Duchess Swan. Duchess quickly determined the exact materials that it was made up of, and muttered something about seeing a bolt of that fabric and a spool of the lace at a particular craft store.
So of course, Faybelle offered to take Duchess there on a shopping spree. Of course, she planned on hacking into a store computer while there to get a list of everyone who has bought that fabric and lace recently, but Duchess didn’t have to know that.
Duchess eagerly led Faybelle to the fabric shop, gushing about a dress she’s commissioning from Briar Beauty. “- and I just have to provide her a sample of the fabric I want! She suggested this store since it’s the one she shops from for all of her projects, and all of the fabrics they carry are simply spell-tastic! They’ll all look so wonderful on me, I just don’t know which one to pick!”
Faybelle nods along, her thoughts elsewhere. Duchess doesn’t even notice that Faybelle isn’t listening to her.
They get to the store, and Duchess immediately goes to the fabrics. Faybelle follows just long enough to get some information from the tags on the particular fabric and lace used in the cape. After she’s got the info she needs, she trails off from Duchess and sneaks into the back room.
She finds a computer used for inventory, the password written on a sticky note stuck to the monitor. She navigates her way through the system, looking up the data for the fabric and the lace. She writes down everyone who appears as recently buying the fabric on another sticky note, and then checks the names that also show up on the list for the lace.
By the time she goes to find Duchess, she’s got a list of 10 possible suspects.
Holly O’Hair, who couldn’t have possibly been the heroine since she was the one being saved.
Apple White, who couldn’t have been her since she’s too pale and her hair is too light.
Ashlynn Ella, who again couldn’t have been the heroine due to her looks.
Lizzie Hearts, who wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a color that wasn’t black or red herself - but quite possibly could have made the costume for someone else.
And lastly, Briar Beauty. A thrill-seeking daredevil whose entire wardrobe is that shade of hot pink.
One of those suspects is much more likely than the others.
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