#i love all my anons of cours e but i
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dipperscavern · 5 months ago
lalalalala im an og anon but im not telling youuuuuuu whoooooooo grinny smile grin
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if you do not A. reveal yourself — or B. regularly appear in my inbox — hellfire shall rain down upon u (affectionate) (i love u)
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plutoswrath · 5 years ago
1/2 im here to help that one anon that askd about the pisces in mars and how to tell if they like you dude im one and just to let you know they can like you for YEARS and you would Not know, we live in fantasies and dreams all day,we are really fragile in terms of emotions so dont go aggressive but gental if you are going to ask them+ if they randomly are around you big chances they like you couse we love to watch 👀that feeds the innner world like we watch you so we can creat more scenarios
continuing: 2/3 also keep in mind we are really in tune with the vibrations around us BIG chances is that that person might knew already U liked them couse my whole life since i was a kid i knew who had a crush on me its just we read in to so so tiny gestures n details, think of us as directors of movies(since we spend so much time fantasizing n bilding couse we are afraid we might scare the person with our deep desires) we pay attention to everything that moves around us
3/3 last bed: i know everyone makes fun of us as the worst couse we are just submissive but i dont agreed on that we do have REAly wild desires but unfortunately we are dictated by our emotions so if we are sad or you lookd some random chick in a more heated way our heart and libido shrinks e we are too depending on our emotions,we get aroused by calculated deep passion not macho aggressiveness ,i think you cant pin us in to one style couse we change all the time,hope it helps
Yeah since pisces is mutuable and known to be very fluent in their mutuable nature there is heavy change of energies in flows in this sign, of cours in the mars sign as well!
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eurazia · 8 years ago
1) So I've seen someone say that Nina meeting Azazel first is parallelling favamira, but they seem to forget that the very first scene we're introduced to Nina is also the scene of Charioce's triumphant return, when Nina hears about Charioce for the first time, so we kind of get the two of them introduced on the same stage. Also the argument that Nina is more herself with Azazel, while around Charioce she's more quiet and docile; I mean yeah, maybe that's because she's actually attracted to
2) Chari in a more conscious way that would make it her personal preference/choice rather than the fault of her ‘hot guy affliction’ and she’s not that way around Charioce because she’s afraid to speak her mind, but rather because she’s lovestruck and can’t believe their date is even happening. The dance scene shows us Nina feeling super comfortable with being close to Chari, with him touching her, to the point that she doesn’t even perceive Chari as a 'hot guy alert’ anymore; it shows us Nina
3) being genuinely happy and at ease. And even after the dance scene she’s talking to Chari quite comfortably, being totally herself (until she’s reminded all over again about how hot Chari is). As I said, as of now, the Nina/Azael relationship reminds me much more of Favaro/Kaisar rather than favamira, but, since it’s a two-cour show, things can change. But it would be such a waste of a beautiful, heartfelt scene if Nina and Chari weren’t meant to be, you know. What would even be the point?
(Ok, I’ve tried to answer this ask once and my pc crashed lol, was it karma? Let’s try again)
I’m glad you wanted to talk about this with me anon, because I’ve just seen what you’re talking about and I felt the need to write something.
First of all, it seems like we all shippers are trying to find evidences that will prove azanina or charnina lol and I can’t really call myself out of this.
So yes, if we’re going with the “first guy/first met = canon otp” then it’s undoubtedly that Charioce was introduced first to her, but Nina didn’t actually meet him. So, I wouldn’t really say that’s a valid evidence for both sides. thanks bread man btw
Also - and here we go with what reeeally bugs me the most - I want to spend a few words about Nina’s behaviour toward the two men, and I hope they’ll be indeed few. 
Statement: I don’t think how Nina behave with one guy or another is her true self. I bellieve she’s both.
Let’s be honest, Nina isn’t your typical Mary Sue female character, who cries,is shy and timid. She may be a little clumsy, but she’s vivacious, strong and really positive imho. (E.g. when she was ready to fight those criminals and couldn’t because of bishies everywhere: she wouldn’t cry because of her body if not for cursing it.)
So, no, I think she can be genuine with both, maybe in different ways too. But she’s definitely not forcing herself when she was with Chris. And just saying, if someone who’s usually cheerful and easy going is suddenly being quiet and docile, it doesn’t have to mean they’re feeling uncomfortable.As you perfectly said already, she’s being cautious toward him because she doesn’t want to disappoint any kind of expectations.
What’s wrong with this? Isn’t usually everyone tyring to look at their best when they want to impress/get to know/make them be noticed by their s/o? Saying that she’s not her true self is wrong, because she’s exactly being her dorky self, and overall she’s just trying to not look too much goofy
 In which she failed imo lol because she had her goofy times on their dates, and stil Chris sweetly laughed at them. (!!!!)
Therefore, yes, if we want to say Nina is her true self when she interacts with Azazel, just give her time and she would do the same with Chris (this amount of time depends on future events we’ll see in the next episode tho)
There’s just one unique difference between charnina and azanina so far: Nina only tranformed into the red dragon when she was around Azazel. Is it a good thing? A bad thing? I can’t say for certain. All I can say is what I think about it.
If the red dragon is affected by the ‘hot guy affliction’ (to quote you), then it could easly be associated with the pure infatuation, and that would explain why Nina would feel the trigger any time a bishie looks at her (and she does it a lot! Maybe she’s an incurable romantic aww)On the other hand, what she feels for Chris must be certainly something more. I’m surely not saying Nina fall deeply in love with Chris at the first sight and that it’s true love and all. I wish I could said it, but to be fair, she’s waaay too shy to be so much in love. Yet.Just looking at how calm and at ease she behaved is already saying a lot; at this point she’s obviously very excited she could dance and speak and touch a man without any irreparable consequences. What she feels and what they had together has the potential to improve.
And to conclude, indeed, this is a two-cour show and things can still have a 180 flip change. At this point, whatever happens I’m probably just wishing for charnina to still be hinted in the story. I would lie if I said I don’t care about them not be canon, but even if they won’t be the end game, I’d be happy with them being the in-the-middle-of-the-story game, if that makes any sense lol
I mean, just give me the same amount of cuteness overload we’ve seen last week and I’ll be satisfied. Nina’s embarrassed/excited faces kill me e e
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