#i love Geiz so much already
asknarashikari · 17 days
Probably going to be my last ask for a week, going on vacation to Disney World so most likely won't be on tumblr. So let me get this out of the way
Koushiro's base form Vistamp is going to be the Crocodile Vistamp. It's already a pre-made vistamp that fits the aquatic animal theme and has connections to the base vi-stamps of its driver's predecessors, that being reptiles. Along with that, seeing as how it used to belong to Genta, you can also have it be seen as a passing of the torch.
The custom Vistamps I've come up with are Hammer Head Shark (based on Diend instead of Great White because it makes more sense design wise), Bullet Shrimp (either based on Vulcan or Cross-Z, but leaning more towards Cross-Z cause Banjo is a boxer and the Vistamps main fighting style revolves around punches) and Plesiosaur (based on Geiz). Hammer head is currently the only custom Vistamp with a weapon form and buddy form. Unlike the Bullet Shrimp Vistamp (which only has a weapon form with a suit change) and the Plesiosaur Vistamp (which only has a buddy form).
Yoshino's inner phantom is a griffin rather than a dragon like Haruto. That, along with her four elements being Lightning, Ice, Wood, and Metal. The reason why I chose to do this is because I wanted Yoshino's powers to not just be a copy of Haruto's seeing as how at the moment she's not Kamen Rider Wizard, she's only Kamen Rider Circe. (Also, I'd like to imagine that it really doesn't matter as the transformation rings would be interchangeable between Haruto and Yoshino, as all that is needed to use them is a driver and mana). Will she get her own super forms? Yes. Do I know what kind of super form that'll be and what it'll look like? Not a clue but I'll workshop it
I think you'll have to cross out the bit about the Bullet Shrimp being based on Cross-Z... because he has a canon Vistamp, featured in Revice's first Hyper Battle DVD as concept art. It's based on... a chicken.
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And it turns Vice into... this.
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Given the rest of the Build Rider-themed Vistamps have equally comical effects on Vice, I'm 100% sure George did this on purpose because he dissed him once. I doubt Vale would fare much better, especially if George became a victim of his pranks (unless it turns him into a weapon like Lovekov does for Jeanne- though I can imagine George can be petty enough to still make it look hilarious somehow).
As an aside, George didn't really try to theme the Vistamps after animals related to the specific Riders, or match the Riders with the powers their Vistamps grant. I mean, the Jackal Vistamp turns Vice into a skateboard... but it's themed on Ex-Aid, notoriously known for being clumsy and who would probably faceplant if he got on one.
Frankly I have no idea why George made them that way, seeing as he's supposed to be a Kamen Rider otaku. The only Riders to get a Vistamp that matched their animal theme were Ichigou and Zero-One (both based on grasshoppers).
So yeah, there's really no need to justify what animal and rider themes you give a Vistamp. You can go pretty wild with them.
Other than that I love all these hcs you keep sending me 😊
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heartvisor · 2 years
4, 8, 9, 10, 15 ? if thats not too many !
hello si!! :)
4. thoughts on what you’re currently watching/watched most recently
what have i watched recently uhhh... i haven't actually watched the most recent donbro + geats (i've been scrolling fast past most liveblogs) but i think they're both interesting in many ways, for sure ghfg
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my about says my last finished series was ultra z! and i talked about this before when i got an ask about ultra recommendations, but the characterizing eagerness and energy to the protagonist really is very appealing!
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his speech patterns and physical mannerisms are pretty distinctly influenced by his practice of martial arts (his insistence on honorifics and his habitual "ossu!" affirmative in particular are pretty clearly from training settings) and sets forth a liveliness and earnestness that makes a nice complement to the tone of the show overall.
it makes you want to get pulled along with the antics and flashiness of the fights and enjoy yourself!! i really admire it :)
8. favorite series
ryuki!!!!! i'm biased quite a bit by it being my first rider show, but it really is very good!!!
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rosemary mentioned it (very good commentary, but also spoilers) while talking about kanzaki shirou, but the personal and intimate nature of the conflict and the way it interweaves and strikes so directly at the heart for all the major characters gives an emotional direness to the setting that really sticks with you i think.. both it and ooo make me consider the nature of desire and recognition in interesting ways. it's just very lovely!
9. favorite theme song
i've already answered this so i'll just mention another song i like: since i've mentioned the season here already, z's goshouwa kudasai ware no na wo!! what a good energy!! matches the excitement of show's spectacle perfectly!!
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10. favorite tie-in movie
i already answered this so i'll mention another movie i like: the geiz majesty movie! silly high school setting with some fun cameos. it's a shockingly normal movie considering how weird zi-o can be
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15. least favorite series
i don't really have an exact answer for this, (i don't really think about shows i don't like), but i'll offer some related thoughts.
i might've mentioned it before but i didn't retain engagement very well with ex-aid and build when i first watched them. i wouldn't consider them my least favorites (nor are they the only ones that has happened with), but the experience stands out in my head
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it's very much as a matter of personal quirks (so like, my personal stances and tastes re: expressive styles or pacing) and they don't bug me at all nowadays (i'm very fond of both), but it's interesting to look back on
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years
... And now I suddenly possibly feel validated in my over-analysis of visuals.
Not technically spoilers, but I’ll put a cut just in case.
Okay. So.
I had too much time and got overly excited and went the Kamen Rider Official website for episode 24 and played around w/ online translators again.
Now, what I usually do is stick a block of text in one and then whittle it down to the stuff I’m interested in, bc I have this illogical thought that that might make it more accurate.
Which is how I found this sentence:
Which apparently reads as:
Soko made warikirenai Geitsu.
(which I have no way of knowing if it’s accurate)
And, all together, clunkily translates too...
Gates who isn't divisible to there.
Then, I tried taking the sentence apart.
This is what I got when I dropped Geiz’s name (names always confuse online translators bc they try to translate them), from the majority of translators I tried:
I can’t do that.
The sentence before this one is about Tsukuyomi ‘seeing Puma Zi-O in the powers Sougo is getting.’ Actually, that’s the clarified version. The online translator version was variations of something like this:
Meanwhile, Tsukuyomi who saw Omaduro in the power that Segora bloomed.
So. Yeah. In the list of ‘highlights’ for episode 24, they note that Tsukuyomi is viewing Sougo as turning into Puma Zi-O--but then immediately follow w/ saying that Geiz can’t.
I’m starting to think I may owe Toei my life for most of episode 24, too...
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aechteaseawb · 3 years
kr zio, i’d call this woz centric but woz does not show up.
Does NOT acknowledge anything that happened in over quartzer because as much as i enjoyed that batshit crazy funtime movie, i can not fit it in the timeline of the main series without once again getting lost about what the fuck happens in woz’s head so we’re ignoring it.
No one knows anything about Woz.
“He is very resourceful.” says Tsukuyomi. “He gives off the impression that he could carry out any task pristinely. And he did- handle everything perfectly, back when we were, well, in the Resistance.” She seems uncomfortable, like she regrets the conversation. None of the time-travelers like to talk about their time in the Resistance.
What about his past? Wonders Sougo. Before the Resistance? Or maybe his hobbies? What are things that can be said about Woz? Things that are personal and playful, unique to the individual?
“I don’t care.” says Geiz with his usual scowl wherever Woz is concerned. “He is a creepy sadistic bastard. Does nothing but stalk a high-school kid around all day. He’s kind of obsessed with you, in case you didn’t notice, though I doubt it. Probably sleeps with that stupid Ohma Zio observation log under his pillow or something.”
No one knows anything about Woz.
And it would not be hard to find a culprit to blame, not at all. After all, Woz himself is right there: constant, never out of reach, but never close enough to touch either. Woz is like a shadow. He is always lingering quietly at Sougo’s heels, but quick to slip through his fingertips whenever he tries to catch his herald.
Woz is a fervent believer of old world orders, so maybe it shouldn’t come as such a surprise that he would choose to keep a distance. It is only the proper relationship between a King and his subject. Sougo imagines he might say with a bowed head.
“But there’s got to be something.”
History is his best subject. Sougo should understand the process behind cherrypicking a memory. In the grand scale of things, maybe Woz doesn’t matter so strongly. That certainly is what he thinks of himself.
Woz observes, for the most part, but does not try to interfere. Sougo wonders what he read about himself, in that advent calendar Woz worships like the sun. What might it tell him about himself? He follows it so eagerly, less like it’s a record, but more like it’s an instruction manuel. Or a mission for him to carry out. If the Ohma Advent Calendar tells him that he is unimportant, he just might believe it.
Or maybe less believing, more obeying.
Surely he’d like to be remembered as more than a title. Yet, that is exactly the kind of thing that does not make it into history textbooks.
As opposed to history, it’s the little things that make up a person. Their favorite color, for instance, or maybe their favorite city hiding spot. Their secret mole behind the ear that’s shaped vaguely like a star, the amount of hair gel they wear to maintain a style. These are the things that are remembered by loved ones in a person’s life: friends, family, and such.
Woz doesn’t appear to have a family. Or friends. Is it even Sougo’s place to ask?
“I’ll remember for him.” Sougo tells Geiz.
Geiz rolls his eyes. “Why bother? He doesn’t even care about it himself. I bet if you asked him to introduce himself, he’d have nothing to say.”
“They’re what makes up a person. A good king should know about his subjects properly.” Sougo smiles. “So I’ll remember the way he braids his hair, and I’ll remember his icy hands, and I’ll remember how his eyes light up the first time he had apple pie.”
Geiz makes a face, like he bit into something sour. “That’s already more than I needed to know.” He says solemnly, and Sougo laughs.
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*hiding behind a wall to see if commie accepts* Tsukasa (ot4) and Sougo(ot..4?), Z (found family)?
Z is for family
Junichiro laughs awkwardly. “I’m so sorry, Mr--Yuusuke, it feels like whenever you come here you end up repairing something.”
Yuusuke shrugs, grins. “I like having things to do with my hands, and there’s no sense in making you waste money on a plumber for something this simple to fix. And I’m going to teach Geiz how to do it too, so if it comes up again and you can’t get in touch with me he can take care of it.”
Blinking in surprise, Junichiro looks past Yuusuke’s shoulder to Geiz, who shrugs. “Woz hates being dirty and Sougo...uh...I kinda don’t think we should encourage Sougo to take apart stuff in the house. Um, no offense.”
“None taken, Geiz, I’ve known him longer than you have and I don’t know that I’d trust him to fix the toilet either, he’s, ah...”
“A little absent-minded?” is Yuusuke’s cheerfully diplomatic suggestion.
“Yes, exactly.”
A frustrated noise floats in from the dining room, and Geiz glances over nervously towards the doorway. “Maybe we should get started on that before Daiki actually manages to lose his temper.”
“I don’t think he’d really lose his temper over something like this.” Yuusuke also glances toward the dining room and frowns. “But then again, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him lose at chess this many times in a row.”
There’s a notable silence, and then the sound of Tsukuyomi saying, quietly, “Checkmate,” followed by Daiki’s aggrieved, “Where did you learn to play chess like that?”
“Yeah, let’s head upstairs, either he’s going to actually get upset or he and Tsukuyomi are about to have some kind of serious conversation and he’d be embarrassed if we overheard him, he hates getting serious in public.”
In the dining room, Tsukuyomi frowns at her queen and says, “I...I don’t actually know. I know how to play chess, but I don’t remembering...learning how to play chess. Or who taught me.”
Daiki's resetting the chessboard, so he doesn't look up at her, but he does say, "You know, sometimes I envy Tsukasa for having been allowed to forget things." Before Tsukuyomi can reply, though, "But then he'll go saying something like you just said and I remember how lucky I have it."
Tsukuyomi's frown gets a little deeper, but now she looks more confused than frustrated. "What do you mean?"
"Has he ever mentioned that he can't remember his parents' faces? Or their names?"
"He...no, he hasn't."
"Being able to forget is a blessing, but only if it's something you can allow yourself to do. Having it happen to you is a different thing entirely." He finishes setting up the pieces. "Sorry, I'm being gloomy, it happens sometimes."
Tsukuyomi peers at him for a moment before responding. “That’s why you started showing up to talk to Geiz, wasn’t it. Because of something you wish you could forget.”
Daiki still doesn’t look up at her. Now that the board’s reset he’s started fidgeting with the pieces again, picking up both kings and queens and rolling them in his hands. “You’re too sharp for your own good, you know that?” He puts the kings and queens down again in a little square in the center of the board. “I had a younger brother once. I failed him pretty badly.”
“I mean, apparently I had an older brother once, and he tried to kill me.” Tsukuyomi taps the white queen on the top of its little crown. “That’s also why you keep bringing me Watches.”
“Got it in one. You deserve a better brother. I think you four remind us all of ourselves.” Daiki looks down thoughtfully at the little square of pieces. “Hey, look, by the way, it’s you.” He taps the white queen just as Tsukuyomi did. “So I guess that’d make this one Sougo--” the black king, “and this one Geiz,” the white king.
She giggles. “And Woz is the black queen?”
“Well, it’s not a perfect one-to-one. I guess I could go with the black bishop, but guys who go by Bishop tend to be pretty ominous characters and he's not nearly as worrying as he used to be.”
“So if we’re like you guys, then which one of these are you?”
“Oh, we’re not chess pieces, we’re cards.” Rustling, and a Tarot deck emerges from one of the interior pockets of Daiki’s jacket. He slides it lovingly out of the box and flips through the deck, drawing four cards and laying them down on the table next to the chessboard--the King of Wands, the Queen of Coins, and the Knight of Swords, and the Page of Cups. “See? There’s Tsukasa, that’s Natsumi, obviously this one is Yuusuke, and that’s me.”
“You just...had that in your pocket? And...Cups is the one that turned into Hearts, right? You’re the Page of Hearts?”
They’re interrupted by a startled noise from the kitchen, Woz saying, “How did you get that--” as Tsukasa, at the same time, says, “Princess, we don’t play with kitchen knives, give me that.”
“Ooh, sounds like things are getting exciting in there.” Daiki’s face lights up with a genuine grin. “Anyway, you have no idea how much stuff I’ve got in my pockets, that’s right, and of course I am. The Knave of Hearts, he stole some tarts. Speaking of which...” The Tarot deck goes away, and is replaced by on the table by a deck of regular playing cards. “Why don’t we switch games? You know how to play poker?”
Tsukasa carefully takes the paring knife from Yuzuki and puts it back on the counter, farther back from the edge than it was before. “I’m pretty sure you grew, I don’t think you could have reached up there last week.”
She grins up at him. “Tall!”
“Yeah, that’s right, you’re very tall.”
Woz shifts nervously as she returns to the kitchen chair she’s been occupying and clambers up onto the seat. Once she’s occupied with her stacking cups again and in no apparent danger of getting her hands on another knife, he visibly relaxes. He picks a piece of dumpling filling from the mixing bowl with his chopsticks, deposits it in the wrapper in his hand, and passes the whole thing to Tsukasa. “I appreciate your assistance with this.”
Tsukasa shrugs and starts to crimp the dumpling shut. “I figure you’re probably not usually cooking for ten people.” Closed, the dumpling goes onto a sheet pan, where there are already at least fifty completed but uncooked pieces laid out.
“You might be surprised. Sougo and Geiz both eat a great deal.”
“And you don’t?” Tsukasa accepts another filled wrapper and looks Woz up and down. “I’ve seen you eat, it’s kind of amazing that you’re so skinny.”
“That’s...not unfair.”
They make dumplings in silence, Woz filling and Tsukasa crimping as the sheet pan becomes fuller and fuller. Eventually they have to get a second pan, and when they’ve got ten dumplings down on that, Yuzuki slides down from her chair with a thump and tugs on the hem of Woz’s shirt. “Woz. Woz. Woz.”
Woz looks down at her in alarm. “Yes?”
She points imperiously to the counter. “Book.”
“Ah...yes? That’s my book.”
A firm nod. “Woz, book.”
“She wants you to read to her.” Tsukasa puts aside another completed dumpling. “Right, princess?”
Yuzuki nods again. “Ok! Read book!”
Woz only looks more alarmed. “Why me?”
“Well, she knows it’s your book.”
“Yes, but my book is...” Woz glances to the side. “My book is not suitable for children.”
Tsukasa’s eyebrows go up. “Isn’t it? If the stories in there aren’t suitable for children then I don’t know what is.” He pauses. “I mean, maybe don’t read to her about the Amazon kids, the Greek ones, but otherwise. I can keep making dumplings by myself, I’ll be fine.”
Uncertain, Woz nods, puts aside the cooking chopsticks, and washes his hands before taking his book down from its spot on the counter. Yuzuki claps delightedly as he sits down in the kitchen chair and climbs up onto his lap with only minimal wincing on his part. “Woz, book! Thank you.”
His mouth twitches slightly, as if he’s trying not to smile, and Tsukasa winks at him. Then, carefully, he opens up the book and turns to a spot about sixteen pages in. “Long, long ago, there was a man who knew how to do one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine things--”
“Big number.”
“Yes, very big. There was a man who knew how to do one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine things, and his name was Godai Yusuke.”
“Like Daddy! Yusuke!”
“Just like your father, yes. And he loved nothing more than the blue sky and to travel and have adventures...”
“Hm. A little to the left, please.”
Sougo blinks. “Which one?”
“The Ride Booker. Your big watch is so chunky that it’s actually managed to make the Booker look small, which is pretty impressive.” Natsumi frowns, peering at the screen on her camera, and then shifts slightly as Sougo adjusts the placement of the Ride Booker. “Yeah, there we go, that looks nice.”
She takes several pictures. They’re working outside in the sun, so she doesn’t use the flash, and after ten or so shots she nods in satisfaction and Sougo says, “Do you want me to rearrange them?”
“No, that’s fine, I’ve got what I wanted. Here, toss me the Booker, you can take your watch now.“
“Ok, here. Why did you want a picture of the Grand Zi-O watch?”
She shrugs. “I don’t get to do a lot of still photography, most of the studio’s business is portraits. I thought it’d be a nice change.” The Ride Booker goes into her bag, her camera goes back into its case, and she sits down on the bench they were using as a platform for the set-up. “Besides, the weather’s good today, it’s a nice excuse to get outside and get some fresh air.”
The Grand Zi-O watch fizzes away, presumably back to the bedside table in Sougo’s room, and he sits down next to Natsumi. “It is nice out today, yeah. But I mean, like. Why Rider stuff? Why not, I don’t know, nature photography?”
“Because I don’t get out in nature as much as I’d like, but Rider stuff’s been a lot of my life. Tsukasa takes all kinds of photos of Rider stuff, of course, and they’re kinda great for what they are, but they’re not really practical records. The story of the whole thing matters, and it’s easier if you’ve got clear pictures.”
“The story? What story?”
“Whatever story’s being told. That’s what photography’s for, to tell stories about our lives. You know, like, here’s when Ritsuko got married, and this is when Miki and his sister graduated high school, and here’s when we saved the world the first time and Tsukasa got turned into a giant belt for ten minutes.” She glances over at him and grins. “Anyway, I wanted to get a picture of his transformation whatsit with yours because it’s kind of funny to see him pick up a junior, I think it makes him feel better about himself knowing that he’s not the only one doing what he does.”
Sougo nods, frowning slightly. “Tsukuyomi said you’re a Rider too, but I’ve never seen you carrying anything that looks like Rider stuff, what do you use?”
“Oh, god, she’s around here somewhere.”
“Hey! Kiva-la! I know you’re here!”
And a little purple-and-white bat flits into view and says, “Obviously I’m here, what do you want?”
“Sougo wanted to know what I transform with. See,” to Sougo, “Tsukasa and Daiki just get cards, Yuusuke’s got his stone, but if I need to do hero stuff I have to deal with her.”
Sougo stares at Kiva-la wide-eyed for a moment before saying, “It’s, uh, nice to meet you? Ma’am?”
Kiva-la turns a loop-de-loop in the air. “I like him! No one’s ever polite to me! Anyway,” with a pout in her tiny voice, “Tsukasa said to tell you it’s time for dinner.”
The whole building smells like frying dumplings and cooking soup and good food in general, and Yuusuke and Geiz straighten up and put the lid back onto the back of the toilet moments before Woz says, in his most carrying, I-Am-Making-An-Announcement voice, “It is time for dinner,” echoed by Yuzuki’s enthusiastic shout of, “Dinner!”
Yuusuke’s face lights up. “Oh, perfect timing. Here, wash your hands, I’ll wash mine, and we can both head down.”
“Sounds good.” Geiz turns on the water and starts scrubbing his hands vigorously. “Thanks for showing me that, by the way, everyone else here is useless at repairs.”
“I mean, I don’t know that I’d put it that way...”
“No, seriously, I live with Sougo, he’s a space case. And Woz is...he’s Woz. He’s great, but he’s also Woz.” Geiz backs away from the sink and grabs a towel to dry his hands as Yuusuke starts to wash his. “Why’d you want to, though? Like I appreciate it, but what made you want to teach me something like this?”
“I like fixing things, and you seem like someone who needs to find more ways to relax.” Yuusuke accepts another hand towel. “Rider stuff is exhausting, it’s nice knowing how to do normal things too. Wow that all smells good, I’m so excited to eat a meal that I didn’t have to cook any of myself.”
As they head for the stairs, Geiz says, “No offense, but you seem...different, somehow, from Tsukasa and Daiki and Natsumi.”
“That’s because they’re huge drama queens.” Yuusuke grins at him. “I love them so much, you have no idea, but if we were all like that then nothing would ever get done around the house.”
Geiz stifles laughter.
Yuusuke’s grin just gets wider. “See, I knew you’d get it.”
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toku-explained · 4 years
The Swordsman of Light
Heroes's Odyssey: Zero compares the 1st SAAG's Ultroid Zero to the TPC's Terranoid, and it's eventual corruption into Zelganoid.
Saber: Yuri entrusted Tassel with Story of Hougouken Saikou, so do all of the Sword books exist? So the story, the speculation is that the first image has Luna's ancestor at the front, and the first 5 Swordsmen, speculated to be Master Logos and Tassel on one side, and on the other Zooous, Storious and Legeiel. Yuri once wielded Saikou and Kurayami together. After Sword of Logos was formed, Rekka was the first Seiken made by human hands. And here is a tragic moment, turns out tons of Megiddo have been born and had their lives snuffed out to create new Alter Ride Books, and neither side even noticed. Daishinji decides to join Touma. Tassel has the book on Nagare, Suzune, Hayate, possibly all of the swords we know, before finding Saikou's, which Yuri uses with SwordXMan to create the book X Swordman. Touma's almost able to separate the Megiddo from the host thanks to his feelings. Yuri debuts as Kamen Rider Saikou at last, I love how he just goes all Super Hero. But this one isn't over yet.
Kiramager: Okay I'm loving those 2 classmates this episode. Garza gets to become part of Yodon's body. And then, thanks to Crunchula's help, is able to destroy Yodon and become Lord Garza. So like, obviously the boy in the flashback had to look like that to obfusciate his identity, but does that mean Garza's black colouration is a sign of corruption? Why was he ever allowed near Takamichi or Mabusheena?
Dogengers: Yabai Kamen leaves, with Yuki running over to Tanaka as he passes out. He awakens back home, with Kitaqman and Yamashiron, who has now moved in as well. Yabai Kamen is starting to worry about everyone losing the Golden Seal, when Shaberryman informs him of the other Golden Seal mentioned history. The one their power has been gained from was found by farmers on Shikanoshima, so maybe the second is in the same area. In order to get a digger for them to use to try and find it, Uzagi goes to Yahata Construction. While Yamashiron explains that at the moment he can't unfuse, the Chief at Yahata and his men are fighting of Uzagi and his Karami when Nakama City's El Brave arrives. Uzagi unleashes the power of his Stuntman, mocks El Brave's height, and knocks him all the way to Tanaka's house just as they're talking about him. Grousing further about his lack of height, El Brave goes off for a Revenge Match, followed by Tanaka, they find all the workers were captured by Uzagi in the meantime. The Chief has Rookie fight so he can give El Brave a pep talk, leading him to accept his shortness as he assist Rookie in reaching Uzagi, allowing them to defeat him and save the workers. Unnoticed, the lower of the Golden Seal leaves Uzagi and enters El Brave's wrestling belt, hanging in the warehouse. While Tanaka is glad for what he's learnt, he's bemused that El Brave has also now moved into his house.
Rider Time: I already love these paired miniseries, I don't care how bad everyone thinks the new forms are. I have criticisms, sure, but I'll address those in a dedicated post when it's over.
Zi-O Vs Decade: Inves are attacking a couple of groups. The "Casual" Sougo appears, becomes Zi-O, as does the "Cool" Sougo. Both defeat the Inves, and introduce themselves to the rescued parties. At school, Heuru and Ora are waiting for the regular Sougo and Geiz, and when they spot them hand over love letters. Geiz just tears up Ora's, and while Sougo intends to read Heure's at least, Geiz drags him away. A trio of students make a break for it from the school, but are cornered by Inves immediately, Geiz stops Sougo from going out, and the kids are killed. Swartz marks the desks of all the dead students, and we discover the school is the only building wherever they are. Swartz, the only member of staff there, is under a lot of stress. Sougo and Geiz talk over their meager dinner, before Swartz is alerted to some male students taking a female hostage, he knocks out two and the third leaps out the window, easy prey for the Inves. Out in the forest, Tsukuyomi is cornered by Inves, and Henshins to fight them. At another school in the same predicament, "Casual" Sougo is preparing to ride out of school when Kudo Misa, the one new character shared between the two series appears, and insists on coming with him, they ride out together, Sougo having to fight some Inves off. Swartz holds a lecture for some students on love, though "Ora-sensei" intervenes and gives a more "effective" lecture. Meanwhile Sougo? has been running a small festival, which a student comes to enjoy, when "Casual" Sougo and Misa pull up, Misa "assists" his henshin into Zi-O, when Sougo transforms into Zi-O to protect the new arrivals, and Geiz arrives too. The two Zi-O's don't notice eachother during the fight, but both Geiz and Misa do and are confused, but the two Sougo's are confused afterwards. Casual Sougo has the OOO Ridewatch. To add to the confusion the "Cool" Sougo also arrives. Meanwhile, in a 4x4, Kadoya Tsukasa is making his way.
Decade Vs Zi-O: A "Sporty" Tokiwa Sougo wakes up, shortly followed by Onodera Yusuke, then an Old Man, Housewife, Yakuza, as well as Heure, Ora Swartz and Kudo Misa. (Heure is in casual clothes, Ora very fine clothes, Swartz a much smarter suit and has a beard, and Misa in Seifuku). Ora tries to leave, leading them all to discover the house they're in is the only thing on a small island. The masked jester figure appears on screen, welcoming them to the "King Game" and challenging them apparently to have a chair each in 10 minutes, splitting in various groups to do so, while the Yakuza refuses to play, Misa gives the Old Man an extra chair she found. The Jester summons Another Ryuki, who targets and kills the Yakuza. The group now suitably terrified, the Old Man starts offering wads of cash for protection. That night everyone's trying to make sense of everything, some more desperate than others, when the Jester appears again, this time giving 10 minutes to find a Kitchen pot, Misa again having to give one to the Old Man. Thanks to Ora stealing the one the Housewife found, the Housewife is killed by Another Ryuki. Then Misa screams, having found the Old Man dead, and the blood makes it clear it's not Another Ryuki's handiwork. As they start pondering the mystery, Kadoya Tsukasa arrives.
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kabutoraiger · 5 years
Zi-O rewrite time! An attempt at retaining a lot of the main elements while improving the general enjoyability.
First of all, we need to change the age at which Sougo is first approached by Swartz. By 10 kids have pretty solidly already developed their own opinions and ideas about stuff. If some stranger had come up to me at age 10 and told me I was destined to be [something I’d never cared about before] I would’ve been like uh, what? No. :/
So he’s 5 or 6 when he first meets this weird guy who tells him about the concept of kings, about how they help people, tells him he sees the skill for it in him, even gifts him a little picture book about a heroic fairytale king which years later Sougo still cherishes. This guy continues to appear intermittently in the years leading up to the bus crash to really lay it on thick with this king stuff.
The other important basic change is that rather than being considered an amusing quirky oddity by his classmates, Sougo is genuinely ignored/shunned by them for his obsession with being a king. (And in flashbacks to when he was little, outright bullied.)
Thus we can see from the very start Sougo’s potential path to becoming an evil overlord. He truly wants to protect people and do good in the world, has been influenced to believe ‘ruling’ is the best way to do so, but his future subjects reject him harshly at every turn. And it’s obvious that anytime soon his goofiness and cheerful optimism could finally run out.
The attitude from his peers makes his lack of friends and his loneliness much more obvious from the getgo, and so you feel far more deeply for him as he tries to make things work with Geiz & Tsukuyomi.
And as he spends time genuinely, like, talking and connecting with the past riders he meets. He has at least one heart-to-heart moment with most of them. Sento tells him about how easy it is for the best intentions to have terrible results. Takumi tells him about how alone and afraid of himself he was until he met the right people. Eiji tells him about how important it is to want things, but how wanting too much can be dangerous. And tells the story of the OOO who came before him.
And so about halfway through the show, Sougo begins to wonder. Is it really ‘subjects’ he wants? Or just friends? Is a king a good thing to be? Did he ever choose ‘king’ as his dream? Or was it forcibly imprinted on him? 
These doubts continue... until Geiz and Tsukuyomi begin to literally fade around the edges. Sougo questioning his own dream is on the verge of erasing Oma Zio from ever existing, and thus erasing the events that led to them traveling back in time. (Woz is not affected due to being some kind of time anomaly.)
Woz offers Sougo a special powerup. “If you accept this, you will return to your correct path as Waga Maou. The timeline will be reestablished, and Geiz and Tsukuyomi will remain here in this time.” Sougo finds himself tempted to accept, but not because he wants the power. It’s because he wants his friends to stay. But he remembers all the wisdom imparted to him by his senpai riders up to this point, thinks about what friendship really means, and he declines Woz’s offer.
Before Geiz and Tsukuyomi vanish & return to their own time Sougo asks them to please try and remember him, and they promise they will.
Now we get into a stretch of episodes where the narratives are jumping back and forth between present day, where Sougo is trying to be happy with only Woz for company, and 2068 - a different 2068 that is mostly peaceful. Geiz and Tsuku are normal teenagers (Geiz’s mysterious dead loved one is alive and we get to know them, even) living happy lives, but feel as if something is wrong. There was a war, wasn’t there? They’d been fighting. They look at their friend group and feel disconnected from them. They think that someone is missing.
In present day, Swartz puts his plan B into motion. He can no longer bank on this king nonsense to string Sougo along, and so, perhaps by using a disguised hat Woz, they manage to convince Sougo that by collecting the remaining ridewatches he will gain the ability to time travel and will be able to see his friends again whenever he wants. Either way, it’s not as if Sougo can ignore Another Riders.
Meanwhile, Geiz & Tsuku are beginning to remember bits and pieces. But as they do, Another Riders begin to slip into their time period via the cracks in the timeline created by their conflicting memories. These Another Riders are all based on future riders (or maybe uh. ‘in between riders’ in this case), and Geiz & Tsuku have to seek out each of the originals in order to get their watches. (Worth noting that this is the point in the show in which Geiz regains his rider power and Tsuku gains hers.) 
With each watch they acquire they remember more of Sougo. It’s implied that all of these ‘future riders’ have met Sougo at some point & think fondly of him, though these meetings are still far in 19 y/o Sougo’s future.
Having remembered him fully, they use sweet 2068 tech to contact him across time (an emotional moment for all 3) and Tsukuyomi, having also managed to recall her true place of origin and her connection to Swartz, warns Sougo that he’s probably the one behind it all.
Basically what this all leads to is Swartz getting his shit wrecked concurrently in two separate time periods (think the best parts of Kiva), Sougo & Woz on one team and Geiz & Tsuku on the other as the scene switches back and forth and splitscreens at all the most important moments. And it’s truly an epic high of tokusatsu television shows.
They come close to landing the final blow, when suddenly - Sougo finds himself in that black void facing down Oma Zio. “A timeline may become a ghost, as mine has,” he says, “but the possibility can still linger. You could still become me, right now, if you wished it.” He holds out his driver. “Restore me. Us. Our glory.”
Again Sougo remembers everything taught to him by the past riders, and he tells him no. That the sort of power offered isn’t the kind anyone should have. That it was a dream given to him by someone with terrible intentions, and he doesn’t want it or need it to keep himself going anymore.
Oma Zi-o appreciates when he’s been bested. He offers to use the last of his strength to grant any wish that Sougo has. Sougo considers wishing for Geiz and Tsuku to come back and stay in 2019 with him. But instead he smiles sadly and says “I wish for my friends to be happy, whatever that means for them.”
He returns to reality to finish his rider kick and end the final fight.
Sougo wakes up in his bedroom the next morning feeling lost. Picks up that old picturebook of the fairytale king and flips through it aimlessly. He said he didn’t need it, but wasn’t that a bit of a lie? He doesn’t have anything else to replace it.
He’s still holding it as he goes downstairs for breakfast. And finds Geiz & Tsukuyomi at the table, chastising him for sleeping in so late. Realizes that Oma Zio must have granted his wish. He’s definitely crying a bit as he smiles. The other 2 might be a little bit as well. The camera focuses on Sougo tossing the picturebook aside before joining them at the table.
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keruworld · 4 years
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KR Zero One ep29: The ep where Fuwa was the protagonist... in fact i feel Fuwa is the true protagonist. XD Aruto fails as main character in many ways, but anyways, that’s just my feeling. Now that finally, after 15/20 eps the plot is moving may be... just may be Aruto could do something good and worth and reclaim his main Rider position.. and for not annoy anyone with my CRITIC about this show...
We left with a defeated Aruto, because his humangear went berserk at his own will and began to insult people, but yeah... for Aruto humans are meanies. Of course Gai took advantage of that situation in the most treacherous way as he always does.
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And Fuwa got controled by Gai thanks to the brain chip... really i wish they could have showed a small flashback of how and when they intalled him the chip. Dear lazy Zero One writer... flashbacks are good, please... use them.
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Probably Naki will only appear in the special of the Bluray box. I really hope dont because will be another wasted character.
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Can we appreciate the good Fuwa’s butt?!
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Here the power up item that Fuwa will control quickly. XD
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Yua just keep repeating I'M NOT A TOOL, wonder why? What's Yua background? Probably we will never know.
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In this case...both are to blame. But yeah... for Aruto the bad one is humanity.
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And instead of apologize and use technology for broadcast to all homes an speech that can reach human hearts... what Aruto does is...
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... being pitiful. It’s not that Aruto speech is wrong or bad... in fact he have a point but feels like empty words. I feel Zero One want to pick the problem of machines stealing human work... in a very wrong way! XD And here we can clearly see that Izu is just a cute robot. She don’t have any dialogue, she is just there... being cute and being a victim the most dramatic way. And this don’t help, just makes feel Aruto more lonely than he already is.
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And Fuwa just observing in the back... is... worse!! XD I mean... why he is not helping them? It’s not his duty? come on... he had already say it, he do what he want. This was a golden opportuny for show friendship, cute interaction. But no. I mean even Geiz and Sougo had A LOT more interaction, more dialogue than these two in 29 eps. And you know Zio is really BAD WRITTEN was awful, but the characters speaked to each other, interacted to each other, it was... good, characters were good. Here in Zero One... they are superficial, their only treat are their good looks, and even i admit Horobi and Jin, i like them more for the looks than anything else, they are good looking characters. Sorry, if you not agree with me, but that is what i feel.
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Gai have a not healthy impulse to control tools! Wonder... why?! Probably we will never know.
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Aruto... the only human employees you have are those two... any others are humangears and you don’t pay them any cent. Either way i guess Aruto is more concerned about the destiny of the humangears... wish... he really had a counter plan for that.
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Is my head canon that every time Horobi want to say because he love or like, he says it’s the ark will. XD
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I feel that is a big shame to know Naki only in the special of the Bluray box.
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I know this was a dramatic scene... but... i laughted so hard... i mean... Horobi and Jin are in background watching Fuwa scream!! XD
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It’s the first time i heard Humangear have souls! That is the singulaty point? But how can you program that? How even Humangears are made? By the magic of a satelite? I mean even Roidmudes in Drive have a good reason for them to feel human. For much that i didn’t like Drive... i have to admit that is way better than Zero One.
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Starting to feel pity about Aruto.
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But why Yua... WHYYYY!!
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Izu for god sake... you are a Humangear... wish she could defend for herself instead of being the excuse for characters to showoff. There are other ways better to show off than use a damsel in distress, worst a ROBOT damsel in distress. But that could have been a lot of thought for our dear LAZY writer right?
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THIS, this was good... so good, finally!! Finally some character grow!! I want to cry!! Fuwa, by his own will controlled the chip and transform. That’s so main character! TTvTT
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And the transformation was really cool!!
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Aruto being a good background character!! X,D
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That was romantic?! X,D Ok no, but... ahhh the ship!! Guess i ship Fuwa and Yua too!! X//D This too was too main character. I mean Fuwa was trying to take back Yua. He was speaking to her. Something that Aruto never did. In fact... with who Aruto speaks? XD And the fight was... so good. Screencaps will not do justice... so i skip it.
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Again... Aruto didn’t say a thing... like some stranger. Excuse me... but i can’t... i can’t like Aruto and Izu like this... i can’t... i know everyone LOVES THEM... but... i can’t (goes to cry in a corner).
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Yua... girl... WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! How many siblings you have that depends on your salary?
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Oh yeah... the only dialogue of Aruto... and Izu... 0 dialogue... It must be easy to Noah to memorize all Izu dialogues. XD
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So... it was true that Aruto lived on Hiden office?! He will return to live on the streets?! Let’s find out in the next chapter. XD
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
Zi-O Ep 46: (silent shock)
Okay, so… last week was… oh, right!
Everything is painful and nothing is okay!
This week?
Liveblog under the cut, because there was no good early spot to break it off!
So yeah, Swartz summoned Hat Woz, because of course he did. Just, you know, the ultimate insult to injury. I always wonder if Watanabe likes playing this version of Woz, because Hat Woz is just such a smug little bastard in a completely different way from Scarf Woz.
And oh look, surprising none of us, Swartz is going to try and kill Tsukuyomi, because there’s no room for her in the future he’s going to write.
Hat Woz has his Future Note again – which is odd.
See, Tsukasa had theorized that the Dark Riders were being summoned from timelines where they won, but that didn’t sit right with me. Eternal was surprised to be alive again. He wouldn’t have said anything like that if he’d won, because he’d definitely have survived his fight. You know, for the certain value of surviving he can have. Not being any more dead than he already was.
And this Hat Woz knows Tsukuyomi, says that it’s been a long time… but Daiki stole the Future Note the first time we saw him, when he may or may not have been ‘helping’ Oma Zi-O, so he shouldn’t be able to have it now.
So when is this Woz from?
Anyway, Eternal gets some good hits in on Aqua while Swartz is being distracting by way of how much of a tool he is. Swartz advances on Tsukuyomi…
And is blocked by a shoulder check from Scarf Woz Ginga.
…Ah, man, the Woz V Woz fight is gonna be hard to write, isn’t it?
Scarf Woz summons a minature star to blind the opponents, because of COURSE his Sun form can do that, why NOT! Then… okay, hang on, this one has to be in script form.
Woz: (summons a mini sun)
Woz: (turns to the camera) According to this book-
Woz: (focuses back on the scene and increases the intensity of the light)
Then when the light fades, he, Tsukuyomi, and Aqua are all gone – and we head into the recap vault, where he’s got a model of Another Decade.
Woz. Woz what are you?! What is the purpose of the recaps?! Where is this vault?! Please explain!
Anyway, the recap is basically him saying that Swartz is Another Decade, that he’s trapped Geiz in one of his Another Worlds, a brief clip of Heure being stabbed and dying in Sougo’s arms, and apparently, we’re going to finally find out what Swartz’s plan is!
The current team at 9 to 5 consists of Sougo (still pretty beaten up), Woz (sulking against the wall, as usual), Tsukuyomi (depressed and blaming herself), and Miharu (less depressed but also kinda dumb). Sougo summarizes one of the current issues: Geiz is stuck in an Another World. Woz mentions that Decade or Diend might be able to get them there, not that they’d be much assistance.
Yeah, I still don’t think they’re actually de-powered the way you think they are, but sure, let’s run with it.
Sougo lets everyone know that one fo the other things Tsukasa had said was that the only way to get people out of an Another World is to destroy it… which is a problem, since that’s not a thing anyone here can do. I’m not entirely sure Tsukasa actually can, either, since I’m pretty sure they fixed that little ‘problem’ of his back in his portion of the W & Decade movie. …But only pretty sure, because the season never bothered to explain what was going on with that in the first place, or what was actually causing it, because literally the only person with answers was Narutaki. And Narutaki’s not exactly known for giving details. Though, if he shows up in the last episode of Zi-O to give exposition on this season, and still blames Tsukasa for everying… I don’t know if it’d be frustrating or hilarious.
…I kind of want that to happen, now.
Tsukuyomi blames herself for falling into Swartz’s trap – which. Uh. Sweetie. You didn’t. Technically, you set a trap for him. It didn’t work, but that’s because he’s incredibly overpowered.
Same goes for you, Miharu. Don’t you go blaming yourself, either! Especailly by saying it’s because you weren’t ‘brave enough’! You’re plenty brave, you did great, buddy! Again, Swartz and Eternal are both super-overpowered. None of this is either of your faults.
Enter Junichiro for the distraction! This time, he’s got salads with white truffle oil, to bring out the flavor.
Something about the ‘white truffles’ makes Woz realize something. I don’t know if he’s got an idea, if he’s fanboying over how good of a cook Junichiro is, or both – I kind of think it’s both.
(At this point, if either of them wanted to change career paths, I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if they became chefs.)
There’s also a nice little aside where Woz comments that Junichiro is such a hot hand with cooking, taking Junichiro’s hand sin his own – to which Uncle mentions that Woz has really hot hands. Meaning at least one of them is probably still hot from that little stunt he pulled with a miniature sun earlier.
Aw, this is actually kind of sad – Hat Woz went to the overlook where he was un-realitied during Another Blade.
Sougo & Co. show up – and they’re asking for his help. Which is a: really kind of depressing, because last time he was around they hated each other, and b: really kind of sweet, because Sougo and Woz, at least, are willing to work with him.
Of course, Hat Woz has zero reason to listen, and asks what they’re going to do if he says no.
Woz, Sougo, and a hesitant Miharu hold up their belts.
Hat Woz, probably scoffing internally, says that’s not a threat that’s going to work on him… and holds up his belt. Of course he has it back, Scarf Woz. Another Worlds are made of lost opportunities, aren’t they?
I love how he’s just… everyone else is holding their belts, ready to put them on at a moments notice, and he’s just dangling his by the watch holder. Not even with all fingers, just with one finger and a thumb. Let it never be said that Hat Woz will miss out on a chance to be incredibly Extra.
He doesn’t really want to help them, in particular, but… well, he does want to rescue His Savior.
Riiiight, Geiz Revive was, in his timeline, supposed to be the one who stopped Oma Zi-O on Oma’s Day – which I’ve doubted for some time, since Hat Woz is made of smugness and deceit, but I’ll allow it.
We cut to… oh, noooo, it’s the guy who was Victim of the Day #2 from the Den-O Arc, the one who made a contract – Takuya – reminiscing at Sayuri’s grave. Then here comes Swartz, saying that he’ll make him his own world.
Takuya is pulled into an Another World, one where ‘Sayuri’ never died.
Hat Woz starts to narrate.
Basically, Swartz is using his powers as Another Decade to place people in Another Worlds, where they relive one moment, over and over again, for eternity. We see the runner from the last episode, winning his race, before time resets, and he wins again. We see Owada winning the match, before time resets, and he wins again.
By sending people into the Another Worlds, Swartz is able to summon Dark Riders – in Takuya’s case, Kamen Rider Yuuki, from the Saraba Den-O film.
Looks like Hat Woz counts himself among the Dark Riders… which. Uh. Is a good point. Most Dark Riders are movie exclusives, usually being mirrors of the lead. Hat Woz doesn’t mirror Sougo, but he is a reflection of Scarf Woz. So… yeah, he would count.
He tells the group that in order to save his Savior from the Another World, they’re going ot have to ‘cross a dangerous bridge’ – and everyone is willing to do so.
So then. Shall they begin?
Cut to a beach, with Miharu watching the ocean. Hat Woz ‘narrates’ via his book, giving an ‘instruction’ for Kamen Riders Aqua and Eternal to fight.
And so, they do – Eternal shows up, Miharu transforms, and they start exchanging blows. Sougo runs up, and joins in the fight as Zi-O.
(Sougo, please don’t use your base form for this! At least use Zi-O II! I get that the appearance of the fight is way better this way, but still. Katsumi Daido is not a Movie Rider to be trifled with!)
Somehow, Swartz knows that Zi-O and Eternal are fighting. He doesn’t much seem to care about Aqua, though.
He also knows that Hora’s here, and that she’s alone.
He asks where Heure is.
She holds up his feather decoration, saying that he’s ‘right here.’ Now, give her her powers back.
Swartz smirks.
I don’t know if he believed she’d actually go so far as to kill Heure, but either way, I think he’s impressed.
Probably not in the way she wants him to be, but…
On the beach, Aqua and Zi-O are fighting Eternal, up until Yuuki draws Zi-O out into a fight of their own.
Hat Woz watches, flouncy and smug as always, when Scarf Woz comes up.
Hat Woz makes a comment about how he wishes that they’d take he and his fellow Dark Riders seriously – and Scarf Woz says that he’ll be his opponent in the long-awaited Woz-on-Woz fight.
This is a really cool transformation! I don’t think we’ve gotten a good veiw of Ginga’s transformation, so this is as good as any!
They exchange a few punches, and then go into their Rider Kicks…
And holy shit I can’t believe Hat Woz is fucking dead. He got demolished by the Ginga finisher, like, he didn’t stand a chance.
Ah. We briefly flash back to the canyon… and he told Scarf Woz to kill him. Mercilessly.
They can’t let on that it’s an act, after all.
They’ll get their real fight later.
Back on the beach, Swartz appears, clapping. That sure was a fancy display. Why not do it again? He opens a wall, and Hat Woz steps out, flouncy as ever, saying it’s time for round two.
Tsukuyomi steps out, trying to pause him, saying that won’t happen – but she’s only got some of her power back, not enough to actually stop Hat Woz.
In retaliation, he takes the wall that he’d come through, and. Uh. Whips it over to Scarf Woz and Tsukuyomi, spinning it around them until it – and they – disappear, and tells Swartz that he’s sent them off to an Another World for him.
Sougo shouts, breaking off from his engagement with Yuuki, and tries to attack Swartz, but is blocked by Eternal.
Swartz tells him to give up, he’s not going to see them again. They’re going to be there for the rest of eternity.
Kamen Rider Eternal says that he likes the sound of that word – ‘Eien’. Eternity.
He pulls out his Gaia Memory, and inserts it into his knife’s finisher slot.
Eternal! Maximum Drive!
To which I, a Double fan, have a general reaction of NOPE NO NUH-UH I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS!!
For those who didn’t watch Double, or didn’t watch it’s summer movie, “Kamen Rider W Forever: A to Z/The Gaia Memories of Fate”, That is a very bad thing to hear. In the movie, using just that one Memory for a finisher disabled all the Gaia Memories in the city, except for the type he was using.
I mean, it’s not like it would effect the watches, but it still brings up SOME BAD TIMES.
Case in point; here he uses it to ‘conjure’ what is basically a blade of blue fire, and proceeds to slash said blade towards Sougo – AND A WALL OF FIRE EXPLODES AROUND HIM.
Zi-O’s left on the ground, in pain, but still transformed, so good for him for absolutely tanking that hit.
Aqua rushes to his defense, and is intercepted by Yuuki, as Eternal re-engages Zi-O.
Hat Woz, sighing dramatically, starts up his transformation.
Tsukuyomi and Woz are in the Another World that Geiz is in.
So, before I continue actually watching the scene, I want to say what I’ve been thinking Geiz’s World might be. It’s supposed to be a moment of ‘lost possibilities’, a moment the captive regrets, and wants to take back.
So… what could Geiz’s be?
I figure… I’ve been figuring it might be related to his defeating or not defeating Sougo – or rather, Zi-O. Either way… I don’t think it could be some triumphant moment. Geiz is pretty much never in a good place emotionally, because he has seen some shit, and he doesn’t really know what his goal is anymore.
Starting back up, and…
It’s the confrontation by the river the other day.
Where he pointed out that Sougo became Oma Zi-O, and ruined the future.
In the original moment, he and Sougo fought, yelling at each other, and Geiz took off.
He stops himself after saying Oma Zi-O created the terrible timeline he’s from. He catches himself, backing off, getting quieter.
Saying that he… he fled from there, coming back to the current time. He looks so sad. He knows he has to go back, but he doesn’t want to. He wants to stay here, to keep living in 2019, to create a new future with Sougo.
Tsukuyomi and Woz watch, stunned, as time rewinds, and Geiz starts over.
This is the moment Geiz wanted to retry.
Not a battle, not the fight against Oma Zi-O in the first episode, not any of the times he could have finished Sougo off.
It’s his not saying that he trusts Sougo.
Oh, Geiz…
Zi-O and Eternal have managed to change locations, and Sougo thinks of something. It was Double who defeated Eternal before, right? So that’s who he’s going to use.
Armor Time! DOUBLE!
It’s not just the reused sound effects from Double’s transformation this time. It’s actual music during the fight. One of the more hard-boiled fight tracks, the one usually used during the final confrontation against an opponent. And I love it. We won’t get a proper Double arc, or a Kuuga one – I know that by now. There’s not enough time left in the season. And that’s killing me.
But using the fight music? That’s… that’ll have to do.
Of course, in keeping with his whole thing, Daido says that he didn’t lose, it was just that the wind changed! He activates his other Gaia Memory, Zone.
This is the one that was super destructive. The one that summons 26 Gaia Memories to him, to let him use a supercharged version of the Eternal Maximum Drive. The finisher we saw him starting to use in the preview.
A nice note: Of the memories we hear the system announce, there are Accel, Cyclone, Fang, Heat, Joker, Metal, Luna, Trigger, and Xtreme.
There are a few others mixed in that seem mostly random, except perhaps Weather, who was one of the main enemies for a time, but these nine?
These are the ones that Shotaro, Philip, and Ryu used.
…Thank you.
Sougo stands firm against the Maximum Drive, and inserts a different Ridewatch into his belt.
Zi-O! Geiz!
A beam of yellow light shoots down onto the looping, trapped Geiz, transforming him into his armor, and then into a watch.
A beam of blue light shoots down onto Woz, transforming him into his armor, and then into a watch.
We flash to Hat Woz’s plan. The Eternal Maximum Drive can destroy a world, forever. But to use it to clear out the Another Worlds, they have to get him into one.
And we’ve already seen, during the Kabuto arc, that it doesn’t matter how far away they are – Trinity can pull Geiz and Woz from anywhere, even from Earth into space.
So, it may be a gamble, but it just might be able to cross between worlds.
It’s a solid idea, and it makes sense that Hat Woz is the one to think of it. They got the Trinity watch from him, after all.
In the present, a veil of red light surrounds Zi-O and Eternal, who is still powering through his kick. They disappear-
-and reappear in ‘Geiz’s World’.
Trinity probably either takes the path of least resistance, or follows Sougo’s will. The only other time we’ve seen it used at a great distance was the incident in Kabuto, where Sougo and Woz were both in orbit, and Geiz was drawn from Earth to them.
Here, Geiz and Woz are both in the Another World, so Sougo’s pulled to them… and so is the guy he’s in contact with.
As the Trinity transformation finishes, Zi-O steps aside, letting Eternal’s kick collide with… what might be a sort of barrier point in the world. Regardless of how, it starts cracking the fabric of reality, starting right at the illusory Sougo.
Owada’s world starts to crack, and then shatters.
The runner’s world cracks, and then shatters.
Takuya’s world cracks, and then shatters.
In reality, a dimensional wall appears, cracks, and shatters, to reveal Tsukuyomi and all of the people who had been trapped – or, well, six people. Hard to say how many more there could have been… except that we can count, can’t we?
Four Dark Riders were summoned in episode 44, so that’s four of the victims accounted for. There’s Owada, who was used for Eternal, and Takuya, who was used for Yuuki. Geiz was used for Hat Woz, so that’s technically seven people rescued.
The Trinity transformation ends, Geiz seeming surprised, like he’s just waking up. Sougo tells Tsukuyomi to get everyone out of there, and she herds the civilians away.
Katsumi ends his transformation, going back to his normal form, saying that an interesting wind sure blew through here.
Casual note from the Double Fan to those who may not have watched: He’s a native of Fuuto, just like Shotaro, so the wind metaphors and comments are incredibly appropriate. Fuuto is the ‘windy city,’ so it basically goes without saying that it’s important to them.
Sougo steps forward. He tells Katsumi he took advantage of his powers, and that he’s sorry about that.
(Sougo never wanted to erase anyone.)
But… it’s okay. Thanks to Sougo, a world where only Katsumi was revived was destroyed. Now, he can go to where his comrades are.
His team from the film. Hanehara Reika, the Heat Dopant. Izumi Kyosui, the Luna Dopant. Domoto Gozo, the Metal Dopant. Ashihara Ken, the Trigger Dopant. Maria S. Cranberry, the Cyclone Dopant, and his mother.
They all died in the movie, as did he. And he was callous then, because he had lost control, but before the events of his V-Cinema… he truly did care about them. He was slowly losing touch with his humanity, but before then… they were a team; a family, almost.
And in the Another World that Swartz created, he was the only one brought back. Now? He’ll get to be with them again.
He holds out his hand, his thumb to the side. One of his standard pre- and post-battle tics is a harsh thumbs down, signalling his opponents defeat.
This time? It’s a thumbs up.
Katsumi Daido fades back out of existence, going out with a smile.
Behind them, Hat Woz laughs. He thought they’d be able to do it, he was counting on it.
Scarf Woz… wants to know why hat Woz would make a plan that would cause himself to disappear.
It’s simple, really. He wanted to save his Savior. That was his lost possibility. His old timeline.
Sauntering up, glitching, he approaches Geiz, telling him to listen carefully. From the start, Swartz has been after-
A bolt of purple energy strikes him, cutting him off mid-sentence.
Hat Woz glitches out of existence, stuck in pain as he disappears.
As Swartz lowers his hand, Kamen Rider Yuuki shudders, fading back out of existence.
Swartz is impressed, really. They all had him fooled. But it’s foolish of them to think there weren’t any more of his Another Worlds.
To prove his point, the four Dark Riders from the end of episode 44 show back up; Fuuma, Dark Ghost, Rey, and G4.
…So… Who were the runner and the other three nameless victims for?
Woz and Geiz go to fight them. Now, Sougo and Swartz are alone. Shall they settle this?
Sougo doesn’t flinch. He’s not alone, after all.
Aqua appears behind Swartz, jumping to punch him – and time freezes for Aqua and Sougo.
Swartz isn’t alone, either. Hora is behind Sougo, lowering her hand from her customary flip of her feather.
Swartz circles the frozen Sougo, giving a very… ‘familiar’ speech. Sougo really was born to be a king. He will become a king, and have the duty to save the world from annihilation.
Sougo finally realizes what we’ve known for some time now – that Swartz was the one in his dream… his memory.
Swartz continues circling, until he stopps behind Sougo’s back. He’s always been watching Sougo, and now… Now Sougo’s completed the development fitting of a king. He’s collected the powers of so many Kamen Riders, and now Swartz will be taking them off his hands.
So that Swartz can become king.
The Time Jackers have always said that they were looking for a candidate for king, and it’s been clear that he’s had his candidate all along.
At first, it was implied to be Hiryuu. Then Sougo. But no.
He’s been his own choice the entire time.
He freezes.
Hora’s not impressed. That’s what he’s been trying to do, all this time? As her hand glows red, forming a blade around it, she says that she’s going to do what Heure couldn’t, and kill him.
She stabs forward, into his chest.
He starts to move again, and looks… smug. Did she really think he wouldn’t know what she was doing?
She didn’t stab him. Her hand-blade is caught in a tiny little dimensional wall – which spreads, holding her in place as Swartz becomes Another Decade, and round-house kicks her in the face, sending her flying.
He makes a quip about how he hopes she and Heure enjoy their ‘lives’ together, as she struggles to get up for a few moments…
And then stops moving.
Time resumes for the others.
Sougo turns, and sees Hora a distance away. Coldly, he tells Swartz that he’s not fit to be king.
Swartz’s reply? Why not? He’s certainly powerful enough.
Sougo’s mad. A king is supposed to make the world better. That is what power is supposed to be for!
An enraged Grand Zi-O begins to fight Another Decade.
In a dark warehouse, Geiz Revive Fury and Woz Ginga Sun fight the four Dark Riders, quickly finishing them off with a pair of final attacks.
Also, Woz’s burned through some of the columns. Maybe don’t use that one indoors again?! We’ve already seen that Sun Form can, given the right amount of time, destroy asteroids, so I’m just saying that it might be a little too powerful for inside use!
Ginga being incredibly dangerous aside, Tsukuyomi runs up.
Geiz goes to her first, with an admission. Turns out he wants to stay here, in this time period. It’s where they belong. Not just him, but the three of them. He’s saying this to Tsukuyomi, and using ‘ore-tachi.’ ‘We.’ The group. And he thanks Woz, because he really does owe him that.
Woz comments that the other him would have loved to hear that.
Of course, as Geiz says, there’s still the question of what Hat Woz was trying to say at the end. What is Swartz really after?
The orchestral version of Toki no Ouja starts playing.
The discussion they have points out that all of his timing is strange. Why wait until now to take Tsukuyomi’s power? Why not when she first found out about it, confirming that she was his sister? Why attack his Time Jackers now, of all times, when he could have dropped them at any point? Why create the Another Worlds?
Woz mentions that it all seems random, but Geiz realizes – what if it’s not? What if there’s something connecting all of this?
Woz picks up the train of thought. The targets… Heure was starting to bond with Sougo. Owada and the runner were his classmates. Tsukuyomi had long since gotten close to him.
Geiz continues. He was targeted, too.
Tsukuyomi brings up a point – that Swartz only started finally putting his plans in motion once Sougo obtained Grand Zi-O.
Geiz turns, realizing. Swartz has only had one actual target.
(deep inhale)
(sharp exhale)
Grand Zi-O and Another Decade are at that power plant location.
Swartz… oh.
He flat out tells Sougo that if he wants to stop his plans, then go ahead and defeat him. But there’s a catch to it. If Swartz is stopped, then his time axis will disappear. Swartz will disappear… and so will Tsukuyomi.
The two of them – Swartz and Kamen Rider Zi-O – can’t both continue to exist, and as such, neither can Tsukuyomi and Tokiwa Sougo.
There is one other path, though…
Aqua interuppts, running up, shouting for Sougo not to listen, Swartz is just trying to trick him! He tries to use a Rider Kick, dropping down towards Another Decade…
Who simply opens a wall that moves Aqua from in front of him to behind, before using another to move himself to face Aqua.
Swartz says that it’s a shame… as his ‘belt’ glows, jagged red rectangles of light circling the center. He swings a roundhouse kick right at Aqua, in a corrupted version of Decade’s Rider Kick, complete with scattered images of cards mixed in among the explosion, some of which hit Aqua, and some which go outward along the ground to strike Sougo, knocking the both of them out of their transformations.
A thunderstorm starts, as Aqua rolls along the ground, sparking painfully, before his transformation breaks, and he’s laying on the ground, gasping in pain, with a large burn mark on his shirt.
Sougo runs over to him, the storm already approaching full swing. Miharu struggles to breath, one hand holding tight to the pair of underwear that Eiji gave him years ago.
In accordance with the OOO rule of three.
He manages to say just a little.
“For Tsukuyomi… for Alpina… and tomorrow…”
Minato Miharu, Kamen Rider Aqua, the young man from the future who was so, so afraid of his own power, but managed to over come it and become a hero… lays on the ground, in a storm… and stops moving.
Sougo kneels beside him.
Swartz, in his normal appearance once again, starts talking as Sougo glares. He’s got three paths available to him…
One for Tsukuyomi, one for himself… and the one where he becomes Oma Zi-O.
Sougo looks down, soaked, disbeleiving. “The path of Oma Zi-O…?”
The sound of the rain trails off, leaving nothing but the sound of Sougo breathing heavily, before he yells Swartz’s name in rage.
The endscreen is silent.
The preview opens with Woz and Geiz fighting Dustards and a Smash. It cuts to the quartet in the lobby of 9 to 5, with Swartz saying that ‘the destruction of worlds has begun’ - transitioning into a shot of the Gaim and Double watches, in their place on the tower, lighting up and then going dark, their color gone, but the images still there.
There’s a shot of the Orion Zodiarts and the Shika Inves (Deer Inves), accompanied by a group of Masquerade Mooks, Yummies, Dustards, and Elementary Inves.
A shot of Another Zi-O II, with someone saying they will take the last treasure – but it sure doesn’t sound like Daiki, who was the last person seen with the Another Zi-O watch. That audio clip overlaps with a shot I definitely do not like, of Tsukuyomi bent over Tsukasa, who does not look to be getting up any time soon! (Please just be passed out, PLEASE just be passed out!)
Sougo says something about ‘other worlds meeting their end’, which is played over… that is Mondo! That’s Quiz, in his civilian form! There’s also a serious-expression Sougo.
Then, a shot of… Uh.
That. Is Another Zi-O II… being fought by. Uh. Grand Zi-O… and Zi-O. Regular, base-form Zi-O.
Sougo are you going to summon yourself, somehow?!
The voice clip playing over that is a deep voice. “I am the Grim Reaper – I will surpass the Kamen Riders!”
oh no.
The next fight has Geiz Revive fighting a figure in black, silver, and purple, with a distinct engine motif.
Oh no.
Then a shot of Chase.
Then Machin Chaser, with blank versions of the three basic types of Roidmude.
Zi-O. Toei. This is NOT what we meant when we said we wanted a Drive Arc. This is definitely not what we meant when we asked for Chase to return.
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piink-u · 5 years
okay so i just finished kr drive
yeah, I finished yesterday and if I don’t vent on someone/somewhere I will explode... I also have no friends, so here I am.
I know i’m really late but I didn’t watch it in the release year and after it I was like ‘freaking cars man, fuck it’ (~I was wrong, sorry drive) buuut, after finishing zi-o I was like ‘wow, I wonder what that really gay scene where I didn’t undestand shit with that hot robot and Geiz saying a name and whatevs was really about’ 
I kinda of googled it before anything and ended up in spinning wheel somehow, I freaking love when the actors sing the theme songs or whatever (EXCUSE ME, I MADE MYSELF SAD CAUSE I REMEMBERED TIME JUDGED ALL, SEND HELP)  so I was like ‘crap, now I HAVE to watch this shit’ ~yes, i loved that song, it went to my playlist in 0.13 seconds
and bum! I was watching drive.
first of all, Gou is my baby and I will fight anyone who talks shit about him ~lol, not really, he was really trashy sometimes but I still think he was such a good character and seeing his development and realization at THAT part made me love him so so so much (and his end sound so much like the end of OOO and it hit me in the fells okay). serious, that boy have suffered enough. like, his sister is literally the only thing he has in the freaking world but she almost always put Chase first? like? what? 
I was already trying my best to not hate Kiriko because of all this crap, but comes the Heart/Mach movie and that talk she gave Gou and I was done. I do understand her point but fuck, did she have to make it sound like that? HE ONLY HAD YOU SINCE YOU WHERE KIDS, HE BECAME MACH FOR YOU, KIRIKO YOU LOVELY MONSTER DON’T BREAK HIS AND MY HEART LIKE THAT THANK U
okay, enough of that, you probably don’t agree with me but understand my point. whatevs
hey, since I am venting about hating those dumb fucks, what was thar shit Shin said to Heart in the last episode? like, what? ‘most human of all the roidshits’? EXCUSE ME? DO YOU KNOW ONE LOVELY ROBOT THAT LOVED AND TRIED HIS BEST AND BECAME FAMILY AND DIED TO SAVE SOMEONE CALLED CHASE? SHIN, SWEET, WHERE WERE YOU IN THE LAST 48 EPISODES?
well, thats most of it. I have so much more to say but I can’t really remember after rage-writing this. sorry.
in conclusion: Chase was a pure baby and deserved better, Gou was a trashy baby sometimes but deserved better and Kiriko and Shin, please, just be better. And I am shipping Gou/Chase cause I like to suffer.
sorry for anything, thank you for reading my gibberish.
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screamin bout zi-o 36
i had fun doing this last week, so let’s make another screencap post! of course, i said that, and then it took several days to upload all the pictures because tumblr just stops fucking working sometimes. anyhoo! it’s yuko kitajima roast hour. image-heavy and spoiler-heavy, naturally.
so ginga blew everyone up and they ran away to a sewer it seems.
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honestly that theory makes as much sense as anything else on this booty ass fuckin’ kamen rider show
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i was just like...he isn’t
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but then he was
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swartz: she could step on me in those red pumps and i’d say Thank You
hora: i regret so much right now
uhr: *shonen anime character walking down the street pose*
then over quartzer plays and im starting to feel a little lost because i don’t get to hear about the episode according to woz’s book? hello??
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yuko’s still out gettin her spa treatments and shit, god only knows how she got the money for all that, and somehow she never crosses paths with the cops or anyone who recognizes her from the news?? uh
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honestly yeah?? a queen deserves to look GOOD. her theme music is eerily sexy, i need an mp3 of it right now
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don’t get me wrong, im well aware that swartz is being a suck-up to try and get yuko to help with his plan to seize ginga’s power, but damn im kinda shipping swartz with yuko now too...i mean, he WAS looking at her while doing the sexy ice cream thing last week. what flavor ice cream would yuko be? black cherry chip maybe?
(headcanon: woz tries apple pie ice cream and declares it a crime against both apple pie and ice cream alike--but he still eats the whole coneful)
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hora and uhr get ZA WARUDO’D down the stairs by swartz
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we were all uhr right here
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yeaaaaaah she just doesn’t want to fight ginga
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tsukuyomi’s a mood. someone put a band-aid on geiz’s forehead pls
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ok woz i get that if you’re looking for a despotic ruler to follow that yuko is likely a better bet than sougo, but you’re missing an important detail: if yuko actually had a shot at becoming queen of everything, she’d already have one of you in tow, and you would most likely hate each other.
...majou means “demon queen” in this case, not “witch”, right?
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aaaaaand this...is the moment when yuko started making me very uncomfortable. the way she responds: “yes...i do remember. it’s you.”
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and sougo’s face just lights up--my guy, she could so easily be lying. she didn’t say one thing about the band-aid or the playground or anything that’d indicate she’s actually sougo’s crush.
like...if not for the fact that sougo had such a crush on the seifuku girl, it wouldn’t be all that major a memory. it likely wasn’t for the girl in question--just a happy sunny day cheering up a lonely little boy. a beautiful memory, yes...but memories fade.
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can someone please explain to me why woz’s characterization is all over the place in kiva arc? are you pro-yuko or anti-yuko, woz? i don’t understand what’s going through his pretty head at all honestly. he gets pretty taciturn in the scenes he’s not inhaling pie, but then at times he seems to think yuko’s cool aaaaaagh i don’t know
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junichiro: meowing, just wanted an excuse to cook lots of food
sougo: “yay, uncle’s cooking!”
woz: [deadpan monotone] “yaaaaaaay uncle’s cooking...”
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ive had enough of this evil bitch honestly but when she points it’s still Good Shit
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ridiculous move name, but also an awesome move name
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and turning to stone to heal up while the sun’s clouded over? very cool
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i noped so hard at this part. like...i really do feel protective of sougo. yuko doesn’t give a damn about him, she just doesn’t want him to get in her way.
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nope. no. nuh uh. you two step away from each other right now.
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ok but in all seriousness, do you want time jackers? because, im calling it now, letting oma zi-o go in raw is how you get time jackers.
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yeah im pretty sure miho would’ve kept at it if she’d lived, and yuko...shes not gonna listen to sougo
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thank you for the much needed reality check furry man
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so she’s a...fu-joshi? 👀
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yuko wears such fabulous shoes
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was anyone surprised at this point that yuko was the real killer? i sure wasn’t. not after all the obvious lies.
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i love her leitmotif. i need it. where do i download
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hey kids! it’s time for *mashes play button* la-la-la lies! yeah, tell me that you love me! la-la-la-lies! look deep into my eyes! la-la-la-lies! say there’s no one else above me! i’m the king of fools, cuz baby, you’re the queen of actually very hurtful and manipulative lies!
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that’s such bullshit
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now im the last person to be like “don’t play the dead mommy card”--i practically keep that card in the hello kitty wallet my dead mommy gave me. but i bet you yuko’s mom is just fine (aside from living with the trauma of knowing her daughter’s a murderer and pathological liar).
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thank you tsukuyomi. god sougo really needs a chaperone with yuko around, he’s way too dumb and thirsty.
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GUESS WHO’S BACK. BACK AGAIN. fortunately, it seems swartz and woz have been just standing there watching him for the duration of the rain shower.
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lest we forget (because i didn’t screencap it), when zi-o took the brunt of ginga’s attack earlier, it sent him flying. now, that’s a human body, which has some ability to absorb force because it’s mostly pretty soft and fluid. yuko’s manhole cover almost completely absorbed this blast--she barely shifted her weight on impact. is it just that she’s THAT ripped? 
then The Boys rider kick ginga to oblivion. rip ginga, you didn’t have a personality or a character arc, we never even saw you un-transformed--you were just a cool looking plot device with pretty attacks. but for that much, we appreciate you!
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swartz looks so pleased with himself. he must not have watched the preview for this episode.
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YOINK! gotta love how swartz doesn’t look surprised so much as puzzled.
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sure am glad kurowoz took his other self’s advice and kept an eye on swartz
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i love it so much how woz just has these magic scarf powers and it needs no explanation? hell, he can fly and time travel and make people fall asleep and he’s super strong too, with no explanation? and he’s the comic relief? ALSO HE’S REALLY HOT? woz is a being to behold honestly
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speaking of super strong and really hot, yuko is KILLING IT in that gown. i mean...i guess that’s the intention. killing it. cuz she’s a homicidal maniac. haha.
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she’s so good at pointing. yuko could be a prosecutor in shuichi kitaoka: ace attorney. (FUND IT)
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yuko throws her manhole cover at the boys (rude!) and next we see geiz holding it. a shame we don’t get to see him snatch it out of midair. or did woz catch it and just hand it to him? we may never know.
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zi-o. listen to geiz, zi-o. use the fucking watch. just use the watch, zi-o. you seriously plan on just letting another kiva go on a killing spree? do you not get by now what she’s capable of?
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thank goodness zi-o has his retainers to make wise decisions so he doesn’t have to.
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please note the placement of mars on ginga woz’s suit. very important.
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I Love You
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my favorite character gets a beautiful rainbow final attack. i feel so blessed.
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i mean...protecting all mankind would probably include protecting them from people like yuko. just sayin.
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is it bad of me that my immediate thought right then was “at least woz’s attack wasn’t what did her in.”
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this shot, especially in the context of the church, definitely gave me pieta vibes--albeit reversed somewhat.
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weirdly enough, woz does an outro instead of an intro this episode.
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at this point while watching, i said to shylax “you know what this calls for? pie!” but before i could finish--
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--PIE! cmon sougo, it’s time to gobble up your feelings!
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fucking woz, i swear, you have pie in your mouth and pie in your right hand and pie on your FACE and when your overlord expresses how miserable he is you just go for his uneaten pie with your empty hand.
...is it normal to eat pie like this in japan? because the only times i’ve seen americans make this much of a mess eating pie is when they’re toddlers.
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oh hey, what do you know? looks like sougo’s first love wasn’t a violent crazy person after all. she also wasn’t yuko.
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sougo’s just an idiot who will mistake any older woman who rubs him on the chin and calls him cute for his sailor girl.
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i blame joshua kiryu
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how eloquently this one line sums up not only kamen rider zi-o but kamen rider decade as well. that’s it, that’s the show. that’s the clusterfuck we will inevitably get whenever toei decides to make a kamen rider crossover.
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LOOK AT THIS! TSUKUYOMI REMEMBERED SOMETHING! who is she smiling at? is it her dad? is that swartz behind her?! omg baby tsukuyomi is so CUTE!
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“a team”. uh huh. is that what the youth are calling it these days? cuz when i was a wee lass, i believe they called it “fucking”.
so what have we learned this week?
very little about ginga
sougo does not remember faces all that well
before sougo dates ANYONE that person should be fully vetted by junichiro, geiz, tsukuyomi, and woz because CLEARLY HE CANNOT SAFELY CHOOSE A PARTNER FOR HIMSELF
i still really like yuko as a character, if not as a person. same as i enjoy junji ito manga, but would be very upset if most of it happened in real life.
swartz loves a woman who can kick his ass
what the fuck are manhole covers in this world
i can’t wait for baby tsukuyomi flashbacks! that, and more tsukasa.
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asknarashikari · 1 year
Man, this seems to be one of the moments when a female characters' kind nature is acknowledged in-universe fir KR franchise (of which usually it's praising or even criticizing the male, typically lead Rider's kind nature):
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Though unfortunately Tsukuyomi's one of the most hated character in the whole franchise for being boring and wooden.
Otherwise, with it being not common occurence in the franchise.... Tsukuyomi's.... also another one with the case of "someone nice being made edgy" in middle part (join White Woz-kill Sougo mentality)
Hmm, I wouldn't know about Tsukuyomi being hated, because in the circles I run in Tsukuyomi's generally well liked, even if they acknowledge that she was severely underutilized throughout the show. I haven't seen any sort of direct negative perception on her character, and when Girls Remix happened and she made a very surprising return (due to her actress seemingly going off all social media which could indicate she's left showbiz), the general impression I got from everyone was excitement.
As for the "someone nice being made edgy"... I actually disagree with you on that part.
The way I read her situation, she very much wanted to believe in Sougo's potential to be a hero, but the events that were conspiring all pointed to Sougo becoming the dreaded Oma Zi-O, instead of not. Tsukuyomi had firsthand experience of the consequences of Sougo becoming Oma- it was the fate she was trying to avert. However it just seemed that Sougo was just treading the path that would lead hm toward it.
And then, here comes something that does lead to a better world. It would mean the apocalyptic future that she already lived through would never come to pass. But, it comes at the cost of Sougo himself. Sougo has to die for the world to be saved.
As fucked as it's going to sound, it's a pragmatic choice: the millions of lives he's going to fuck over if he ever became Oma and all the Heisei Riders' reputation being ruined isn't really worth giving Sougo a chance to prove himself, if it also gives him the chance to become the thing they're trying to prevent. This isn't even an exaggeration, because we saw how desperately dire the situation was in the future she and Geiz came from, and how Oma Zi-O usurped the Heisei Riders' power to create that world.
Honestly, I kinda understood why she would turn her back on Sougo. While it does paint her as an antagonist, it makes sense given what she's been through. Tsukuyomi can only have so much faith in the better nature of a person who, from her perspective, has already destroyed everything she's known and loved.
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tsunflowers · 6 years
OK so what is the difference between the Wozes (Wozii?) and which one is the cute weirdo? (He's cute, I will grant you.)
I think of them as wozes but I guess the canonical plural is woz-tachi. whatever
I’m making the assumption that you don’t know much about zi-o and treating this as a beginner’s guide so my apologies if I tell you something you already know
scarf woz:
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the first and main woz. canonically called “kuro woz” or “black woz.” supports the main character in the hopes that he’ll grow up to become an evil king. catchphrases are “iwae!” (rejoice!) and “waga maou” (my demon king). he wears a jacket with inexplicable arm holes and a scarf which he can use to teleport I guess. this is my preferred woz
hat woz:
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the secondary woz who comes from another timeline. canonically called “shiro woz” or “white woz.” is technically an antagonist bc he doesn’t want the main character to become an evil king. catchphrase is “waga kyuuseishu” (my savior) which he says to geiz, who he hopes will defeat sougo before he turns evil. he wears a fuzzy beret and an ugly scifi jacket. he’s currently the only woz who can transform into a kamen rider
cute weirdo:
I assume you mean sougo?
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he’s the main character. he’s very cute and a total dumbass and his dream is to become a king. he may or may not grow up into an evil king. scarf woz is exasperated by him but loves him anyway. hat woz wishes he would die. he wears clothes that are way too big for him and a belt hanging down from his waist for some reason
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
This is still ‘soon’…
… Right?
So! Let’s look at subbed Ryusoulger nigh immediately after raw Ryusoulger.
… Huh. I’m not sure about that sentence.
So, I got into one of my theory rambles at the end of this. In case anyone wants to just skip to the end and avoid the nonsensical bullet points. XD
In no order:
I love the angsty edgy bros w/ my whole heart and no one can stop me.
Touwa definitely sounds a little… I dunno, wistful? I really think he is lonely, and too read too much between the lines, this sort of seems to me like he may not know about the betrayal thing. I guess it just kind of seemed like there was an edge of questioning about it? Like he’s bringing up the topic of ‘friends’ in an effort to probe his brother’s reasons for being so against it? … Probably overthinking it.
Kou inconveniently makes a noise before I can learn anything about Banba’s opinion on the word ‘friends.’ Damnit, Kou. If you weren’t so cute…
He’s so happy, gods love him. Banba just stares incredulously at him, but Touwa rolls his eyes. Definitely the more expressive of the two. ^^
Banba does let Kou back up quite promptly, though. He may not trust people or want to work w/ them, but he’s not outright hostile, at least.
Important facts: Melto now gets to eat a banana w/out having to worry about being incriminated.
Kou just takes things, does he. XD There’s his mischievous side. ^^ Though I guess he did have a reason, and it was a clever tactic to get the other two’s attention.
Banba is somewhere offscreen like ‘damnit, Touwa, don’t make promises I don’t want to keep!’
Kou’s awkward ‘wait, this isn’t mine…’ moment when Touwa says he’d have to give them the map. XD
Okay. I love all these kids, and they’re all doing great. But what gets me in the opening shot of all of them screaming is that Tatsuya, Ichika, and Tsuna are all just going for it w/ the tragic drama, while Yuito and Hayate… Maybe it’s bc there’s no other context but they both kinda look like they’re almost smiling to me? Weird, I know. And probably just me.
And the problem children are officially at it. XD Drama babies.
I still don’t understand why the hell Touwa knows about that. Have you been hanging out w/ business men? Does Kou even know, for that matter?
I love Kou being super impressed until Touwa claims he won. It’s so adorable. ‘Wow, you’re actually really good––no, wait!’
Ah, Touwa acts all indifferent, but I think he’s definitely enjoying this. Kinda seemed like he suddenly realised he was having fun and immediately tried to backtrack. Like, really, when was the last time he got to behave like a kid? Like, we know Banba loves him, and I’m sure they played as children, but it’s a little different––probably esp after Banba started shutting himself off, depending on when that happened. Gah. It’s hard to explain. Like, why there’s the whole thing about how it’s good for children to play w/ kids their own age, and stuff like that.
They both keep doing the same thing. XD You boys are so similar. ^^ … Banba is going to kill you both.
The little green dancing knights and the little black dancing knights overlapped and it’s CUTE.
Poor Kou get’s interrupted on his announcement speech.
No, Kreuon, they don’t.
These two are gonna find ways to turn everything into competitions, aren’t they.
Aw, don’t worry, Touwa. He meant both of you.
Still a cool reveal shot. Also, damn, Banba got there fast. Does he have a ‘someone just pushed my brother in a fountain’ radar or something?
Actually, he probably does have a ‘brother in trouble’ radar.
Banba officially becomes the second person to actually formally trade blows w/ Tankjoh. And the last time, when Kou did it, he was riding adrenaline and rage from Master Red’s death. This is really cool.
Like, he was able to activate KataSoul in perfect timing to not get untransformed by the purple glowy slash. And it didn’t even really knock him back––he does a bloody flip and leaps clear. And while he’s a bit out of breath from it, he doesn’t seem that worse for wear. That was impressive! Even Tankjoh was kind of impressed!
XD These two dorks. Definitely already got the bickering down. ^^
‘Oops. Nii-san’s pissed.’ I love how even Kou is awkwardly looking down. XD
I love how it looks like this woman just carefully placed her purse down before falling unconscious.
Ah, yes. The universal Toku Hospital. Pretty sure this is where Geiz and Tsukuyomi took Sougo during the Ghost arc.
How… How would you tell if that was the Minusaur host. Like. Is it it just based on the toy gun? I’m beginning to wonder if Banba was just staring at Kou when he asked about killing the kid bc he could believe Kou was dumb enough to think he’d do that before being sure.
Or just for thinking that he’d do that already. It’s not like they want to kill people, they just think they’d have to.
Like, they’ve––well, definitely Banba, I think Touwa might have some left––lost all optimism. I don’t think Banba believes in the ‘power of hope and determination’ at this point. Boy needs to relearn his Sentai tropes. ^^ I mean, he’s definitely shut off most of his empathy. Like I know I’ve said before, and I’m so annoying I’ll say it again, I think he had the opposite reaction to trauma that the trio did. They choose to find hope and carry on in the memory of their Masters, and try to find happiness to help counteract the sorrow––whereas Banba seems to have reacted by deciding he’ll stop the pain by just feeling and connecting as little as possible. If that made any sense.
Banba says nothing, and he’s really stoic, but I think he’s also uncomfortable w/ that concept. Esp since it still seems like he raised his brother, I highly doubt he could actually harm a child w/out thinking of Touwa.
When did Kou stuff that down his shirt? And how did it stay there?
I love how Melto immediately chastises Kou for taking things. XD Definitely the mom friend.
Kou just looks confused.
Maybe I’m totally overreading Banba’s reaction to Melto suggesting they split up? But it’s the sort of thing that could very well be related to a betrayal, no? I dunno. Maybe he really was just looking for an opportunity to make someone else deal w/ Kou and Touwa’s competition.
Apparently, Asuna can’t read a map.
Oh, and don’t worry about him, dear. He’s just like that. I promise you, he’ll open up eventually.
Love how he’s very purposefully walking a certain amount of feet away from her.
Okay, but  the fact that TigerLance and MirNeedle really are stuck in their temple means so much to me. I can’t believe my goofy, über-tired joke theory came true.
I love how we’re all including each other in calls now. Like, before Asuna just called Kou. But apparently we all, I dunno, exchanged numbers? Is it possible to only call one person, or are they now just stuck on conference for life?
Banba will hate that if it’s true.
Touwa is vaguely concerned, aw. I really think he’s been a little lonely, what w/ Banba just having lost all faith in the rest of the world, so to speak, while he didn’t have the same experience; so the trio are growing on him faster, and he’s a little more open to the chance of connecting w/ others.
Also, the fact that Banba was the one to associate the Minusaur’s behaviour w/ an adult playing w/ a child. He seems like the last person that would be able to make that connection, but he’s also the one that we can confirm to actually have potentially interacted w/ a child in that way.
But even if I’m wondering if I’m overthinking Banba’s reaction to the splitting up suggestion, I really don’t think I’m overthinking Touwa’s reaction to the reveal about what created the Minusaur. It seems to have hit a nerve, and I think we can now be pretty certain that the boys have (presumably, though I guess it could have been their mother) dad issues of some kind. But… Well, I’ll get more into those ideas a little further down. See, there was this idea I had… I’ll get to it at the end.
I don’t think it’s that strange for Touwa to intercede. He has an idea to beat the Minusaur w/out killing anyone. The brothers don’t actually want to kill anyone. They just thought they’d have to if they couldn’t stop the monster in time.
Though I do definitely think there’s also something personal going on.
Banba’s comment, not only sets up his motivations for next episode, and make sit double clear how much Touwa means to him, but also reenforces my suspicion that the brothers have dad issues.
I love MirNeedle and his weird steamboat sound.
Also Banba almost smiling and kind of teasing his brother. ^^ Even more cuteness.
I love how the touching moment where Touwa admits that he’s kind of gotten fond of these fools is promptly followed by evidence of their utter incompetence and goofy melodrama. XD
Really excited for next week. XD I mean, it was already highly likely that they way they’d get Banba to start at least working w/ the team would be through Touwa, since Touwa is the only person he’s able to trust right now, but I’m excited for how they’re doing it. Usually stoic big siblings being distressed and frantic over injured little siblings is one of my jams. ^^
Seems like Tanjkoh is deliberately goading Kou, and it turns out to be a setup of some kind. Touwa ends up getting bitten by the Cerberus-based Minusaur, which seems to be some sort of rabid dog/werewolf type thing where the bite does something. And, naturally, Banba freaks out. Presumably after they get him calmed down enough to actually go after the Minusaur rather than just stabbing the nice animal lady (emotional Banba is not gonna be rational Banba), he eventually agrees to work w/ them in order to save his brother.
According to the website, his relationship w/ Kou also changes? So we’re starting the adoption process, I think. XD
Aaaah. While I do love the little Kishiryu running about on the book, I also would’ve loved if they’d done like LuPat where the preview kinda continued under the sponsor stuff, so we got to see a little more of the next ep. Mainly bc I am a big impatient baby. XD
That’s all folks! White chocolate rubber duck for anyone who read all that (go on, eat all of it, I dare you).
Anyway, onto that theory I promised to get to. So, when things were first getting revealed, and it turned out that Green and Black were brothers and we learned about Gaisorg/Gaisoulg, and how those three would be appearing in Strongest Battle, I had a thought that maybe Gaisorg was their father, who was either getting controlled by the Druidon (like Wolzard) or had gone evil for power, or something (like Ikkou and Isshu’s father). When it turned out that it was the armour, and esp when the brothers didn’t seem to recognise it, I pretty much ditched the idea. However. There have been developments. Someone picked up and took Gaisorg’s helmet away at the end of Strongets Battle. They’ve stated that Banba was betrayed in the past. This most recent ep indicated that Banba and Touwa have some kind of father issues––namely, that their father was likely rarely around, esp for Touwa. Banba’s line to the father about how there’s nothing more precious in the world than family. So now I’m wondering. Was their father the one who betrayed him/them? Maybe he wasn’t around bc he got obsessed w/ being stronger? Or maybe he betrayed them early, and Banba made the call to get away from him? Banba coming out of his usual stoicism to inform someone of the importance of family could just indicate he’s dealt w/ someone who failed in that regard, possibly in almost exactly the same way. A father who put duty (or maybe just plain power) before his children. Could also explain Banba’s desire to prove his own strength, prove he’s better than their father. And while he’s obsessively devoted to the mission (possibly after seeing his father lose sight of it?), it’s certain he would never put it above Touwa. His arc could partially be not just learning how to trust again and finding friends/a new family, but also getting away from their father in his own way.
Alternatively, I’m riding the high of the fact that my goofy ‘what if TigerLance and MirNeedle are trapped’ theory, and I’m running my mouth. But it does smack of a rather stock Sentai/Toku style, though in those the fathers usually turn out to be under the control of the bad guys, or it’s some sort of secret plan. But maybe we are pulling a KR here, and dad’s just plain a dickwad. Might be interesting.
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iristial · 6 years
SS/Kamen Rider Ramble #124: Two-in-One Package Deal. Complete. - Kamen Rider Zi-O Episode 6
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I hate trying to get good screenshots but Zi-O is getting good. That is all I can say at this point
I know Takumi is here to stop Kusaka but…it just looks like he’s hugging him…guess they have to be careful now because Takumi and Kusaka look like they could break if you shove them hard enough
I feel really bad for Ohsugi-sensei’s actor because the suspenders probably don’t hurt him but when I see how much he’s aged and how LOUD the suspenders snap…ouch…
Geiz and Tsukuyomi are so insistent on keeping their baby buckles and white shawl regardless of what they wear because Geiz is wearing what I thought was a Hawaiian shirt and Tsukuyomi is wearing a new lace white dress. New clothes from Sougo’s uncle?
Btw I know Uncle Tokiwa is probably timing his talk about new parts inside an old body without purpose BUT toku has taught me that your enemies are quite literally close by. I wonder if he has ulterior motives…
Another person has been added to the list of “Sougo is insane for wanting to be a king” – the girl who got thrown off the building the other week (I already forgot her name, drat) and even Takumi looks at Sougo like he has a problem XD Oh dear…
So you spied on her for four hours…and realized something’s wrong because she didn’t go to the bathroom once. Uh…that’s a really weird assumption – to me, at least, because I can manage over four hours of not going to the bathroom…
Takumi…is so old now…I mean obviously since it’s been like fifteen years since he was around twenty but whoa…I can’t believe he kept his very long hair, it even gives him a hair flip like a shampoo commercial. He’s so much…calmer, his voice is deeper, he even owns his own dry cleaning/laundry business (he adopted Keitaro’s dreams) and yet he’s still a nekojita (cat’s tongue) XD Even fifteen years later and he still can’t eat/drink hot food
Question: Does Takumi have his memories or no? It hasn’t been made clear if he recalls about being a Kamen Rider
FAIZ IN HD IT’S MARI/YURIA HAGA!!!! But seriously, I’ve been wondering…if the Kamen Riders are gone, who fights their respective monsters? DID MARI GET CRUSHED TO DEATH?
I still hate Kusaka tbh (a call back to his neck break from Faiz was probably the only continuity I could get) but his intentions were slightly nobler this time around. Turns out the Another Rider is actually a dude who’s been suffering guilt for the past fifteen years after failing to meet up with his friend who died in a car accident (they even did the death bed scene like they did with Mari…sheesh…). By obtaining the power of Faiz in 2003 via Aura, he’s been feeding off the energy of eighteen year old Libras to revive her. This…gives very heavy Wizard Koyomi vibes… Anyway, I can’t believe they’re sort-of alumni of the Ryusei Private School, hence why Kusaka was trying to kill the girl so that 1) the monster could finally give up and 2) pay some service to the classmates he couldn’t save. I mean, it is noble but at the same time it’s not very ethic friendly because imagine the ideas kids might get
Takumi calling Kusaka a friend was really weird because I was sure the former hated Kusaka’s guts and was the only one who knew his true nature out of Keitaro and Mari…I have nothing against the actor but the character is just AGH and has not aged well – okay, it sounds like I’m insulting his actor but I think his actor is a nice guy and looks don’t matter in his case, but in Kusaka’s case looks matter for me
Has Kusaka always called Takumi ‘Inui’? I can’t remember
When he walks away at the end, Kusaka looks like he’s doing some runway model thing…maybe it’s because he’s still so skinny
Aura is so pretty, I love that feather to her hair/ear
Guess the return of the Faiz guys doesn’t stop Inoue’s love for miscommunication, even if the man isn’t writing this episode because another misunderstanding occurs between Takumi and Kusaka -_-
I just realized but this episode confirmed that Geiz and Sougo won’t have access to secondary Rider powers barring Ryuuga’s -_- Like…what about Meteor, Ready? And what about all those other third, fourth, fifth, sixth, whatever Riders??? WILL I GET POPPY PIPOPAPO’S MAGICAL GIRL WATCH ON SCREEN
Neato, there’s a change in the “main Rider uses main Rider powers” because Geiz is the one who heads off to 2003 while Sougo annihilates Fourze again in 2018? 2011? I don’t what year they’re working with right now like – wait, aren’t Another Riders supposed to be defeated in the original timeline? But then again it’s possible the first attempt allowed that rule to be broken – AGH THIS ISN’T A PLOT HOLE RIGHT
Woz didn’t appear T.T But it looks he is next week and – is kind of being a jerk to Geiz, hm…what do you mean about reminding Geiz that he doesn’t need friends or something along those lines…I blame your actor for being so good looking
I think this confirms he only reserves ham announcements for his Oma Zi-O in training
Let me just appreciate how the main Rider powers are being shared between Sougo and Geiz? In the past, whenever a main Rider of the previous seasons had their power used, it was always the main Rider of the current season who got to use them. And also, while I love Build and that the secondary + third + fourth Rider did get to use the transformation trinkets Sento did, in the end Sento ended up hoarding most of the Bottles or the Bottles were in the Pandora Box in some form. Even when the other Riders used other Bottles, their base forms didn’t change and that could be because the Build System was designed for that purpose but still, I like that this season demonstrates a sort of “sharing is caring” message
The CGI is so incredible this season because I am really loving that revolving clock background that gets fixed in place when Geiz and Sougo spin their Ziku Drivers – and THE ROLLING LEONARDO WHATEVER CGI IS SO GOOD, PERFECT WATCH BARRIERS!!
I love the sound that emits when they first activate the Ziku Driver - the ticking of a digital clock
So the transformation trinkets of the main series form the shoulder pads, huh, that’s pretty creative
Geiz. Is. Badass. Old school Rider, whatever, you are awesome
Sougo is unique and that makes him a great main Rider *thumbs up* I’m actually getting fond of his messed up Kamen Rider finishers
The ending oh GOSH the ending – they couldn’t undo Karin’s death – NOW I REMEMBER HER NAME – and she disappears into the light as she asks her friend to now live for himself rather than waste his life away…This has to be one of those times where a Rider failed to save someone in the Neo-Heisei era, discounting those buildings collapsing and all that
I cried. Dude, I cried
I’m actually worried for her friend’s mental health, I hope he gets counselling (this is where I am super ticked off at how mental health is such a taboo topic in Korea and possibly Japan because IGNORING IT WON’T SOLVE THE PROBLEM)
Aw Sougo thinks of Geiz as a friend while the latter is still so tsundere
The minute they put sugar donuts on the table I knew it was going to be Wizard YES
Bummer that Haruto isn’t coming T.T But I suppose the stand-in actor for his hand and beautiful ring – how long has it been since I heard please – is close enough
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Natsumi and/or (Onodera) Yuusuke meet the Zi-O kids with E, if that isn’t too much to ask?
E is for equal
“Yes, my secretary brought my watch to be repaired a couple of days ago, he said you called to say it was ready?”
“You’re Ms. Hikari?” Junichiro nods, reaching under the counter for the watch box with her name on it, and then stops. “I’m sorry, did you say that Mr. Kadoya is your secretary?”
Natsumi grins at him. “Well, he mostly can’t cook, I have to make him do something around the house.”
Junichiro gives her a startled look and then, after a moment, starts to laugh. “That seems fair enough. It’s good to know who’s best at what in a household. Here, good as new.” He pulls out the box and passes it to her. “That’s a beautiful piece, by the way, it was a pleasure to work on.”
“Thank you, it was a gift from my grandfather. What do I owe you?”
“Nothing at all, my dear, Mr. Kadoya already paid for everything. Excuse me, sir, can I help you with something?“
“Oh, no, he’s with me, we walked here together.” Natsumi glances over her shoulder at Yuusuke, who waves cheerfully.
“Ah, I see.” Junichiro pauses. “Mr. Kadoya’s been a great friend to my nephew recently, I’m not sure how to thank him for persuading Sougo to actually take entrance exams. If you’re not in a hurry, would you like to sit down for some tea?”
Natsumi beams at him. “We’d love to, thank you.”
“Wonderful! Woz?”
Woz leans out of the workroom, sees Natsumi and Yuusuke, and blinks hard before saying, “Yes, Tokiwa-shishou?”
“Would you make some tea for our guests, please?”
Half an hour later, Sougo and Geiz return to the house with groceries and stop at the sight of Woz sitting on the kitchen floor with his book in his lap, passing tools to someone whose upper half is disappearing into the cabinets under the kitchen sink. He doesn’t look up until they’ve been staring for a moment, and then does look up, see them, and jump. “Good, good afternoon.”
Sougo nods slowly. “Hi, Woz. Uh...did Uncle finally remember to call a plumber?”
“Mr. Onodera is very kindly fixing the sink for us.”
“You can call me Yuusuke, that’s fine.” The voice from under the sink is understandably muffled, but after a moment the man in question pulls himself out and sits up, smiling cheerfully at them. “It’s all fixed. Thanks for helping!” He claps Woz on the shoulder in a friendly way, which Woz looks sort of puzzled by. “And you two must be Sougo and Geiz.”
Geiz says, “Um. Yes?”
“I’m Onodera Yuusuke, I’m a friend of Tsukasa and Daiki’s.”
“Oh. Oh, all right.” He pauses, and then shifts his bag of groceries to one arm and holds out a hand, pulling Yuusuke to his feet. “Is something going on?”
“Daiki said you’d ask that! No, we were just picking up Natsumi’s watch and Sougo’s uncle asked if we wanted to stay for tea, and then I noticed Woz was having trouble with the sink, so I offered to fix it. So I guess something was going on, but it was just that there was a leak in the pipes.”
“Are you also...?”
“A Rider? Only when there aren’t other options. Here, you want help with the groceries?”
Yuusuke takes Sougo’s bag of groceries, and they shake hands, and then Sougo wanders into the dining room, puzzled.
At the table, Tsukuyomi is deep in conversation with a small woman in a knit cap, who, as Sougo enters, reaches across the table, puts a hand over Tsukuyomi’s, and says, very firmly, “There aren’t a lot of us. We need to stick together. You can call me whenever you need to talk.”
Tsukuyomi nods. She’s got a sort of startled, delighted look on her face; it reminds Sougo of seeing her talk to her favorite science teacher when they were all in high school. “I will. Thank you so much, Ms...Natsumi. Daiki said...he said a lot of the others died.”
“Yeah. It happens too much. It sucks.” Natsumi looks up, sees Sougo, and nods. “You must be Sougo. I have some advice for you, since Tsukasa apparently keeps forgetting to tell you.”
Sougo blinks. “Yes, ma’am?”
Her eyes narrow. “Don’t call me ma’am, I’m only thirty. Anyway, advice. If you ever meet a guy named Narutaki, tell him to go fuck himself.”
Tsukuyomi chokes on her tea. Sougo just nods. “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.“
“Good, it’ll hopefully save you some trouble.” Natsumi peers at him for a moment, and then looks back to Tsukuyomi and says, “Before I leave I need to make sure I teach you a pressure point technique. Technically it’s a family secret, but it’ll be years before I can teach it to Yuzuki, and I feel like you might need it.”
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