#i lov you my trans babes
divinebunnii · 5 months
so what a transgirl wants on keep her dick? so what a trans man wants to keep his pussy? trans people do not owe you bottom surgery
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
ben’s very little bit of scruff in that zoom call screenshot? soft. his smile lives in my head rent free.
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spaceepigeon · 5 years
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lgbt+ hatsune miku icons !! feel free to use,  Do Not Steal as your own, you don’t have to credit me but reblog if you use them, please
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khlebkoshk88-blog · 5 years
Being in love is so weird.
Here I am listening to my lover sleep, on a phone call while he ( @estenzian ) is thousands of miles away across the country. And despite the fact that he occasionally mumbles in his sleep and that he’ll occasionally snore... I find it all cute and it only makes me fall in love more. Not only that but I genuinely wrote an entire essay about him and my love for him... this link is proof. Like... why tHE ActUAL FUCk would I go out of my way to write a full-blown (MLA structured) essay if I genuinely didn’t care or love this boy.
 Like... ya boy is done for....
This IS the boy I'm gonna fucking marry and like there’s no escaping it at this point (not that I even want to :/).
but I digress...
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notevenclosebaby · 4 years
you watch commentary? Do you have any recs for me ?:)
yesss omg im glad u asked i watch a shit ton of commentary. cuz i lov drama uwu
here r sum of my faves:
goofy silly commentary channels:
danny gonzalez
drew gooden
 kurtis connor
 cody ko
my british eboys:
james marriot
inabber (was supposed to be a member of th eboys but a lot of shit went down but les not get into tht)
sum trans commentary channels:
sam collins
samantha lux
i worship them:
d'angelo wallace
sum political commentary channels(leftists obviously):
jimmy snow
kristina maione
twink babe so fukin thirsty fr his voice hhhh:
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spare serotonin 😔🤲
as always, i would love to hear about the oc 😊 -👾
Alright buckle up losers.
My new boi is Oberon, a 17 year old boy who is a member of the LOV. He has grey skin and he glows blue from the inside, so you can kinda see his bones. He has fluffy dark hair that he hides beneath a newsboy cap. He's never seen without his favorite jeans jacket, which is covered in various pins and patches. Ripped jeans and combat boots are a must for this villainous young man.
Now, you must be wondering. "What's his quirk? If he's a member of the LOV, he must have a powerful quirk, right?" And you're right, he does have quite the quirk! See, he can form glowing blue strings from his fingertips at will. They can carry and bind just about anything, and can be as long as he wants them to be! However, he is only limited to ten threads at a time. Well, for now, anyway.
This creepy lad stands at 5'8" tall, and won't hesitate to use someone as a personal armrest. He's trans, FtM, and is a bisexual babe! He also has a crush on a certain blood-thirsty blonde, but you didn't hear that from me.
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selfshipstuff · 5 years
positivity time
I feel like spreading some positivity today, so even though I don’t talk to any of you much, COME GET YALL JUICE!!! Seriously tho, you deserve to know you’re appreciated, even if the appreciation is quiet. (Also, without exception, you are ALL Babey. Love you guys!!!)
@robotarmjokes​: Hey, D. I know you often have trouble believing this but you’re genuinely so sweet and valuable; everything about you is super valid and I’m really glad I got the chance to meet you! Even with your struggles, you’re still here, and it shows through the positive impact your presence has on the community-- I’m proud of you, y’know? I’m so happy that you and Rhys found each other, and I’m also really happy for you because you’ve made a lovely little found family with all your platonic F/Os as well; you deserve to be loved. Try and remember, you’re wonderful, and your existence is appreciated, ok? You’re stronger, more capable, and more loved than you know. ♡
@astralshipper: Astra, you’re adorable. You’re super sweet and I know for a fact that you’re really, really compassionate-- to the point that I think one of the first things anyone would ever notice about you would have to be your empathy. You’re always reaching out to make sure everyone is okay, and you’re so wonderfully kind. Your sense of humor is also really good, and you’re notably observant-- there’s a lot of things to admire about you! I’m really happy we bumped into each other through the community, although it would be impossible not to-- you’re kind of a big light in it, you know? Like, a huge source of positivity. Anyway, all of your ships are so sweet and valid, and I want you to know I’ll always support you in them. You’re so loved, ok? Never forget that. ♡
@rain-selfships: Rain-- there’s a lot of cool things I want to address about you, but first, let me just say I’m so proud of you!!! I know you’ve been struggling, but you’re handling it-- regardless of how you feel you’re taking it, you’re getting through it and that’s what matters. Your tenacity is amazing, and don’t think I haven’t noticed you posting more often recently! I’m so happy for you! I’m really glad you and Dick have been doing well, and I want you to know that you’re really, truly appreciated. My experience in the selfship community wouldn’t be the same without you in it, and I want you to know that you’re so valuable, ok? You’re beyond priceless, and it’s more than ok to need comfort and support, especially during the tough times. Hang in there, ok? I know you’ll get through it. ♡
@alotta-lovin: Sunny, babe!!! You already know how much I adore and appreciate you (hopefully !!!!) but I know I’ve been quieter recently. Therefore: TIME TO SCREAM IT FROM THE ROOFTOPS!! Listen, ok… you’re so much lovelier than I can completely describe in a single paragraph, but I’m gonna try and cover the basics. I admire you. I don’t say it often, but it’s true; you’re tenacious and immovably kind. Your loyalty and compassion are boundless, and there’re hardly enough words in my vocabulary for your thoughtfulness. All in all, you’re one of my best friends, and I can’t even express how grateful I am to have you in my life! Things are hard sometimes, but just know that you’re tougher, and you have people there to support you! We’re rooting for you!!! I know at least there’s me and all your F/Os-- Cronus, Steve, Robin, Dean, Reggie, everyone!! You’re so valid and you know I’ll be appreciating and supporting you!!! Love you!! ♡
@tsundere-doods: Audrey, sis, you know I love you. It’s been like… what, 3 years now? 4? I don’t know, but it’s been a while, and I’m really blessed to know you-- I can’t imagine my life now without you in it. You’re super valid and sweet, hella cute, and you’re stronger and more loved than you know. I know you struggle with those ideas a lot, but they’re true. (No, I don’t take “constructive criticism”, so shh. No denying your loveable-ness on my watch!!!) Listen, okay? You’re my big sister and I’m always going to love you. I’m always going to support you. You’ve been such a huge presence in my life over the past few years, and I wouldn’t change that for anything. I’m sure you already know this, but your ships with your babes are all so fuckin’ valid, and that is 100% a hill that I’m willing to fight on-- not die on, because it’s a battle I will win. I know things are rough, but you’ll get through them just like you always have so far. I’m so proud of you, sis! Seriously!! Also, you’re lovely and cute and loved beyond measure. Got it? Ok!! Love you!!! ♡
@creative-robot: Robo pal. Robo buddy. My fellow enby afraid of using the trans flag even tho we shouldn’t be since we aren’t cis. My dude, I never talk to you but you’re always in my notifications and I promise I think about you,, honestly like 75% of the time I don’t know what your posts are about but I still read them anyway because im lov u. You’re probably the main reason I got into picrew and now it’s like a whole-ass addiction so honestly thank you skjfdkg,, Also you’re hella valid??? Like for real. (Honestly I’m not even sure you’re a selfshipper?? But bless you you’re wonderful and lovely and you deserve the validation regardless. However I am genuinely unsure so do please tell me if you are because I want to support you ok.) Anyway love u pal, you’re very valid. Continue on with your pokemon and picrew shenanigans!!! ♡
ERGH there’s way more people to validate but I’m out of energy for now so this will have to do!! But believe me !!!!!!!!! I will be back and that is a THREAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys kjsfdkgj ♡♡♡
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maplecatra · 6 years
@bi ppl ur flag is dope as hell it looks like fucking sunset y’all are perfect. Validity stamped
@trans ppl ur flag Is perfect I mean pastel colors? Yes please! Y’all are fucking valid don’t let anyone say otherwise. Validity stamped
@ace people? Fucking superb purple flag gray flag like grapes mmmm. Validity stamped
@demisexual, Demi romantic, demiboys, and demigirls are wonderful and their flags have absolutely adorable color schemes. Validity stamped
@pan ppl the flag we use reminds me of like,,, a sun setting on a beach. Rock on babes. Validity stamped
@aro people? FUCK YEAH!! U guys are perfect and can throw anyone who insults u in the ocean. Validity stamped
@poly people? Mint chip, strawberry, and blue raspberry aesthetic mmmmmm. Validity stamped
@agenders??? I lov the green and it’s a rlly nice aesthetic perfect for a late night of stargazing. Validity stamped
@nonbinaries? My my my love you look like a grape popsicle with a hint of sunny day. Ur valid and proper in every way. Also might be part of the fae. Validity stamped
@genderfluid don’t even get me started I’m always a slut for that color scheme omg
@gay people?? Mmmmm rainbows. The hets can’t taste that rainbow amiright heheheh. Validity stamped
@sapphics, wlw, lesbians?! I love u so much!!! I wanna give u hugs and kisses on the forehead! Validity stamped
@queer people in general? y’all are fucking valid and I’ll throw hands w/ someone behind the nearest dennys at 3am to prove a point. Validity stamped
Pedophiles, however, are not part of lgbtq
Trans age, however, are not part of lgbtq
Trans race, however, are not part of lgbtq
Kinks, however, are not part of lgbtq
Trans species are not, however, lgbtq
Otherkin are not, however, lgbtq
Rad fem, however, are not lgbtq
Transphobic, however, are not lgbtq
Cisgender heterosexuals heteromantic are not, however, lgbtq
And if you are a true straight ally then do not say anything about straight pride. Instead be an actual ally
What is cool: being kind to your friend no matter their sexuality, romantic preference, or gender/ pronoun preference, visiting pride to support your friend and not trying to fuck anything that moves, not saying or doing anything regarding straight pride because it is practically the same as a white pride and it’s fucking disgusting, being kind to all people who are lgbtq and encouraging them to have strength and always backing them up, helping questioning people who are struggling by surrounding them w/ positivity, protecting or trying to protect lgbtq+ people from homophobic people in real life who could cause them to become repulsed by themselves. If u behave properly you get a validity stamp
What is not cool: saying you are an ally then whining about how you feel excluded during pride, mocking people for their gender/pronouns/sexuality/romantic orientation then justifying it by saying “my friend is gay so I’m not homophobic”, fetishizing mlm or wlw relationships and making them centered around sex and giving them the base root or sin (this includes saying “yaoi” or “yuri” is hot and sinful), saying straight pride as if it’s okay to say that bc it’s not it’s some passive aggressive bullshit, saying the ‘A’ stands for ally. If u do this then u are not valid, even if ur part of the lgbtq community. U get ur gay/ally card REVOKED and u get stolen by the fae who don’t even kill ur nasty ass, they just drop u in the middle of the woods after saying “where we landin’”
And that’s the tea
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im just gonna make a masterpost of my dnd characters for the hell of it bc i have like 12 of them and it’ll be fun
max (she/he)
genderfluid bisexual 
chaotic neutral
game breaker. i tricked my dm at the time into giving her a triangle that basically does wild magic but slightly customized. its op as fuck and it scares me because the last time i used it i fell asleep in the middle of a fight
he’s half wood elf, and his mom is the elf. the dad is a human and also a dick but that’s Not Important (i said, you know, like a liar)
max is autistic and has a special interest in dragons, and really wants to find one, which is nice... except max is a level one bard who doesn’t wear armor, like, ever. max thinks “crop top and short shorts” is a viable dragon searching outfit
10/10 would die for
adrie (she/her)
neutral good
ranger, but i still wasn’t all too sure how to play at this point, and her dex is 8
adrie is my most normal character and the only odd thing about her comes from the hermit “i know a totally evil secret that would bring about the end of the world” backstory
oh and the fact that she’s a disaster of a ranger. she’s a clumsy lesbian and she’s valid
she’s a moon elf with little white star freckles and she’s so cute
10/10 would die for
mako (he/him)
trans gay guy
lawful good
cleric of bahamut
oh mako. see, he was supposed to be the responsible one, but i was playing around with him and he accidentally was super gay and got an evil boyfriend. 
also he’s pink. 
he’s a dragonborn and he’s bubblegum pink and the only explanation i gave for this was “curse” which made my dm/the person who got me into dnd just sigh and shake his head
10/10 would die for
literally just my self insert. literally just my self insert.
it’s me, but my hair is blue and i’m a paladin of loki
glory (they/them)
genderless lesbian
neutral evil
glory is a dick to everyone around them and then gets confused when people dont want to help them
glory: people cant reject you if you push them away and make yourself unlikable first :)
glory is a traumatized tiefling and just wants to commune with nature and find their sister
10/10 would die for
arabella (she/they)
nonbinary pan gal
chaotic neutral
game breaker. i smooth talked my dm into a homebrew system of alchemy and also a pseudodragon
ara is a drow alchemist and i love her a Lot, she’s british and wont hesitate to cut a bitch
but also their dex con and intelligence are all 16. this is the least squishy wizard of ever.
10/10 would die for
nameless (he/him)
gay nb guy
neutral good
this is nameless i love him so much he’s a blind tiefling warlock and he’s traumatized to hell and back 
he has a fancy sword and he doesn’t know who or what his patron is.
10/10 would die for
hally (she/her)
trans lesbian
chaotic neutral
my half drow snarky babe. a rogue hermit bc she’s valid.
she just wants to steal shit
10/10 would die for
credence (he/they/she)
genderfluid bi
lawful good
wild magic sorcerer
she’s a tiefling and she’s beautiful and she’s so sweet and good
their design is just me throwing a lot of colors at a tiefling and going “calico tieflings” bc thats hot
10000000/10 would kill and die for
dave (he/him)
token cishet
chaotic good
i made dave as a JOKE and then his stats were really good
he plays kazoo and is the overly involved ally whose heart is in the right place but its ok you just need to Chill 
he’s one of two humans and i actually like him a lot bc i wish i knew someone as honestly nice as dave
10/10 would die for
leaf (she/her)
trans bi girl
lawful good
cleric of eldath (or something)
if you’re trans and a tiefling you get double the reason to name yourself whatever the hell you want. so. leaf.
she’s my dmpc and she hasn’t shown up in the story yet but all my players want to romance her, as they should bc she’s great
10/10 would die for
lydie (any, pref they/them)
agender bisexual
i dont have a solid alignment yet they’re new
half elf half tiefling
lydie is the bastard child of elven nobility and a tiefling peasant and i love them very much
their patron is the archfey equivalent of an 8 year old (which is still scary old, mind you) and poor lyds got dragged into what is essentially babysitting
10/10 would die for
honorable mention: quip
quip is just an npc but i love him a lot he’s a calico tabaxi (yay for trans tabaxis) and he’s a drug dealer but the only drug he deals is literally catnip. just fucking catnip.
he’s so stupid i love him
10/10 would die for
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proudlylost · 7 years
Destiel as high school teachers -AU
“Good morning class! Today we’re going to…” Castiel’s, or here Professor Novak’s, speech was interrupted by Kevin Tran, a dark-haired boy, who was just explaining his date night plans to Charlie Bradbury a little too loudly. “Mr. Tran, please, may I ask you to tell your weekend plans to Ms. Bradbury’s later today? Thank you. Where was I? Ah, yes. Today we’re going to continue with the group projects about American independence. I’m sure that most of the groups are at the point, from where you can continue your work mostly on your own. Is that right?”
The classroom was filled with “Yes!“s and "Right, professor Novak!“s while the most eager students had already started to chat with their partners about the ongoing project and division of tasks. After a few moments, when no one didn’t seem to disagree, Castiel clapped his hands together: “Well, it seems that every group has got a good start with their projects! I expect that by the end of the today’s session every group will have their projects almost finished. We will finish them properly next week. Now, however, if any group needs any advice or requires my assistance, you can ask me for help. Any questions? No? You can start now.”
The students headed to work, and Castiel started to go around the classroom asking questions and making suggestions such as “Maybe you could add more information here? Otherwise, that’s perfect Ms. Harvelle” or “And where is Ms. Masters again? This is her third flu within two weeks if I remember correctly”. Students seemed to settle into their work pretty easily, which Castiel didn’t find strange at all. This was, after all, one of his favorite groups to teach, full of very intelligent young individuals.
Castiel sat behind his desk and opened his own laptop. Oh well, he had plenty of grading to do, even though it seemed a very dull task at the moment. Castiel opened his “waiting for grading” -folder, and almost groaned. It seemed unpleasantly full, and Castiel knew, he knew, that he should have graded most of them ages ago. But latest chances in his and Dean’s relationship had, ah, distracted him from work.
Speaking of which, Castiel’s phone vibrated in his pocket, and a quick look revealed that the message was from Dean, or, as Castiel’s phone still said, “That insufferable Professor Winchester”. (Castiel considered that he should probably change the contact name).  Castiel scanned the classroom, but everyone seemed to be busy with their projects, and absolutely no one seemed to need help at the moment. Surely, Castiel thought, it wouldn’t harm anyone, if he answered Dean, nevertheless that he was teaching. Besides, Dean should be teaching as well. 
How’s my favourite professor? you having a gr8 day?
 Shouldn’t you be teaching now as well? You know how I am, I left you barely an hour ago.
Left me? Already? Wow Cas tht was fast, we’ve been together for a what, 1 week?
 You know full well what I meant, but yes, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, Dean. You didn’t answer my question though?
Castiel shrugged at his phone when three dots appeared on the screen, and they seemed to linger for a while. Finally, Dean’s answer came.
Yeah, so should you, babe. JK, but um actually I was thinking if you would like to go on a date, like to real one? Heh, we kinda skipped that part, don’t you think?
Castiel smiled softly at his phone. Yes, now when he thought about that, they had never had “a real” date. Dean, of course, was thought about it. He could appear quite thoughtful, and that was one of the many reasons Castiel lov- liked about Dean Winchester. 
Yes, Dean, I would love to do that. You mean today, or..? 
Yep if that’s ok with u? Preferences for the place? The Roadhouse is amazin’, but there’s also a new diner a couple of blocks away. Heard that was good, too.
I don’t know, it’s  yours to decide. I assume that we going by Baby, so pick me up at 8.00PM? Also, do you want to stay at my place afterwards?  
Castiel hit send, feeling contented an very, very happy. But then he heard papers rustling behind his back. Castiel turned quickly, just to see three pairs of eyes staring dumbfounded at him, or worse yet, his phone. He blinked rapidly a couple of times, feeling a blush creeping up his neck. After a few very awkward seconds Castiel coughed and said: “Yes, Mr. Tran, Ms. Bradbury, and Ms. Harvelle? Is there something wrong?”
“No Professor Novak, we were just asking… But if you’re busy, nevermind.” Kevin started weakly, and Castiel ignored the urge to bury his face in his hands. Yes, Kevin, Charlie, and Jo were extremely nice students, but no, Castiel didn’t have such a fantasy that they would leave this gossip alone. This was, after all, just a high school and he and Dean were two male teachers. Besides, Dean was stupidly handsome, and therefore a daily daydream to quite many teenagers. And, Castiel reminded himself, students always tended to forget that teachers had a life outside the school, too.
“No, no, if you three have something in mind, please just ask. Sorry, that wasn’t important.” Castiel explained quickly, but he knew full well that damage was already done. “Well, we just wanted to say that we’re ready”, Jo said, and then smirked, “And if you don’t mind, professor, The Roadhouse is always better!”
Next day, when Dean asked, Castiel had absolutely no idea, why students kept asking Dean whether he ate dinner in the Roadhouse or “in that new restaurant” previous night. And if however, he would have had an idea, the reason would be completely Dean’s own fault.
Based on this: http://sarahinara.tumblr.com/post/102121624270/high-school-teachers-aus-no-wonder-why-youre
(English is not my native language, and I don’t have a beta, so forgive me for my many, many typos, spelling errors and grammar errors)
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golddustdude · 7 years
1-30 lmfao
of course you'd do this lmao love you tho 1. describe your idea of a perfect date: breakfast at a local diner. watch buffy the vampire slayer w/ me.! thrift shopping. maybe get coffee or ice cream later2. whats your “type”: hot emo babes 3. do you want kids?: sometimes i do, i'm not really sure.4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth?: whatever my partner n i decide5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on: well even though my ex and i had a very bad end to our relationship, the beginning was cute. when we first met on tumblr she messages me sayin i was cute and wanted to take me on an aquarium date. fast forward a some months, we finally me irl (i flew to georgia to see her!) and we got to go on an aquarium date. was real cute. 6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?): i am a virgin so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay?: im both tbh. must be bc i'm bi8. opinion on nap dates?: it's a yes from me9. opinion on brown eyes?: on myself, eh. on anyone else,,, i lov!!!10. dog gay or cat gay?: dog 100%11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles?: yes of course!! 12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone: basically just look for any toxic or manipulative traits. their opinions on things like blm, capitalism, fascism, who they voted for, intersectional feminism, etc. 13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one?: nothing really. i wasn't ever aware of the gays™ being a bad thing until i was older 14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self: stop caring what people think. stop trying to force yourself to be somebody you're not. do things for yourself and your happiness and not for anyone else.15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders?: nah i like anyone and everyone lmao. 16. who is an ex you regret?: the last person i was in a relationship with tbh. 17. night club gay or cafe gay?: cafe. clubs are def not my ideal hangout place 18. who is one person you would “go straight” for: that's not a thing, bye19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay?: book gay!!20. favourite gay ship (canon or not): wayhaught. clexa. supercorp. brittana. holstein. bechloe. etc.21. favourite gay youtuber: i don't rlly watch youtube but kaitlyn alexander is cool 22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person?: no23. have you ever been in love?: yes 24. have you ever been heartbroken?: yes yes yes 25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone: heck if i know. i hardly can tell the difference between a crush and like a "i want to be your friend / i want to be you so bad" type admiration26. favourite lgb musician/band: against me!, GLOSS, soft cell, Mary Lambert, ptx/superfruit, etc27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays: p much the same advice i gave my younger self. dont do things for anyone else. don't be scared to be you, but don't do anything you're not ready for. if you don't want to/can't come out, don't. you're still valid!!! 28. are you out? if so how did you come out: ya. i came out in 8th to my friends over texts and to my mom and dad through letters 29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have: i guess just that it's still constant? and when people find out i'm trans they get weird™ 30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality: like i said before, you're not any less valid!!! you're still amazing and loved!!!!
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floralharms-blog · 6 years
It’s me, Keef! Yo- I am your mod! uvu
Haha hey guys! I’m Keef. My queerplatonic babe mod Lance & me decided to start a tumblr together !! We just recently moved into our flat n we’re so excited!!! Little jsyk: my pronouns are they/them, I WILL BLOCK ANYONE THAT DISRESPECTS!!!! Positive vibes only please! 
Some things I like: vld, dan & phil, pewds, fnaf, the last airbender (zutara for LIFE), undertale, that good weeb sh*t, BTS, TØP, P!atD, MCR, & currently vaporwave :^)
DO NOT FOLLOW ME IF: you ship KATAANG, you’re homo/trans/ace/nb phobic, you thought The Last Jedi was good, or if your memes aren’t ~DANK~ af. 
-mod keef lovs u <3
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